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The basic, “cardinal” numbers of Romániço are:

una — one octa — eight
dua — two nona — nine
tria — three deça — ten
cuatra — four centa — hundred
cinca — five mila — thousand
sesa — six miliona — million (106)
septa — seven miliarda — billion (109)

These words are all adjectives, and work like any other adjective in Romániço:

tria sapios three wisemen
septa duergos seven dwarves
octa parvaza rendiros eight tiny reindeer
nona musos nine muses

Used as nouns, they serve as the names of the numerals themselves:

Rocky V (read Rocky Cinca) Rocky V (read Rocky Five)
Una es la maxim solitatosa numbro One is the loneliest number

One can combine the roots by dropping their endings and inserting -i- (where necessary) to produce numbers greater than ten:

Ecuistos vadan usche deç-una. These go to eleven.
cuatrideça jurnos, cuatrideça noctos forty days, forty nights
La Fola Octideç-Octo The Crazy Eighty-Eight
Dumil-una: On odiseo en spatiazo Two Thousand One: A Space Odyssey
Vos debun pagher ad mi ... MILIONA DÓLAROS. Pardones ... CENTI MILIARDA DÓLAROS! You’re going to have to pay me ... ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Sorry ... ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS!
noncenti nondeç nonmil noncenti nondeci-nona botelos de biro an la muro nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall

As in English, one need not pronounce larger numbers in all their awkward fullness, but can break them down into smaller, more manageable chunks:

non-non-non mil non-non-nona botelos de biro an la muro nine ninety-nine thousand nine ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall

For numbers greater than a billion, one can add -(i)lion- (a million to the power of x) or -(i)liard- (a thousand times a million to the power of x) to the numbers one through ten:

duliona trillion (1012)
duliarda quadrillion (1015)
triliona quintillion (1018)
triliarda sextillion (1021)
deciliona novemdecillion (1060)
deciliarda vigintillion (1063)

Numbers can be made into nouns or adverbs by adding -o or -e, respectively:

on jazisca trio a jazz trio
los cantin trie they sang as a trio

Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers are those that express a thing’s position in a series, such as first, second, third. In Romániço, ordinals are formed by adding -ésim- to the equivalent cardinal number:

Unésime vos deban trover ... on plusa arbustado! Firstly you must find ... another shrubbery!
La triésima premio es desinguaġo. Third prize is you’re fired.
Ben, hodie esin on dio speciala por mi. Li esin la centi septideci-nonésima dio succesionanta en cua mi facin precise la metípsima coso! Well, today was a special one for me. It was the hundred and seventy-ninth day in a row where I did exactly the same thing!

The suffix -ésim- is written -m- when the ordinal is transcribed by a number, and not at all when transcribed by Roman regnal numbers, though it is still pronounced -ésim-:

1me Firstly
2ma 2nd
179ma 179th
Henrico V (read Henrico Cinchésima) Henry V (read Henry the Fifth)

When asking for something requiring an ordinal number, one uses cuantésima, which means “which one of the series?”:

“Cua dio lo es?” “Lo es Natalo, senioro!” “What day is it?” “It’s Christmas Day, sir!”
“Cuantésima dio lo es?” “Lo es la 25ma, senioro!” “What day is it?” “It’s the 25th, sir!”

Fractional Numbers

Fractional numbers are those that express a value that is not a whole number, eg. half, a fourth, etc. In English, as in many European languages, these are mostly indistinguishable from ordinal numbers (eg., the fifth Beatle vs. a fifth of the Beatles), but in Romániço are marked by the suffix ´-im-:

on deci-dúimo a twelfth part
deça et dúima ten and a half
deça dúimos ten halves
cuatrideci-tria céntimos forty-three hundredths
cuatrideça tricéntimos forty three-hundredths
On tríimo de la tero esecin devorita da pudelos. A third of the earth was devoured by poodles.
Mi no cognoçan dúima vos dúime cuante mi desidereban, et mi aman mene cam dúima vos dúime cuante vos méritan. I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

Multiplicative Numbers

Multiplicative numbers are those like English double, triple, and quadruple. In Romániço, they are formed from the cardinal numbers by adding -(u)pl-:

Duplifes vua placero, duplifes vua amuso! Double your pleasure, double your fun!
Vivisca asecuro saldan triple cuande homi mortan dum on afarisca viaġo. Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip.
Cuátruple cinca es dudeça. Four times five is 20.

Distributive Numbers

Distributive numbers are formed from cardinal numbers by adding -en-, which means “x at a time”:

La asalt-trupanos venin due. The stormtroopers came as a pair. (There were only two of them.)
La asalt-trupanos venin duene. The stormtroopers came two at a time. (There were more than two of them.)
Le sabulano marċan unene en filaro por absconder sua numbro. The sandpeople march single file to hide their numbers.
Cuantene vi vendan la biletos? How many tickets at a time can you sell?


Some common operations in arithmetic:

Deci-cinca plus tria es deç-octa. Fifteen plus three equals eighteen.
Deci-cinca minus tria es deci-dua. Fifteen minus three equals twelve.
Deci-cinca multiplichita per tria es cuatrideci-cinca. Fifteen times three equals forty-five.
Deci-cinca divisita per tria es cinca. Fifteen divided by three equals five.
Deça ye la duésima potentio es centa. Ten to the power of two is a hundred.


There are two words for hour in Romániço: horo, which indicates duration, and cloco, which indicates the hour of the day. Unlike in other languages, time in Romániço is expressed only in terms of the current hour, never the coming hour, as in a quarter to three:

Cua cloco lo es? What hour is it?
Cua témporo lo es? What time is it?
Lo es una cloco. It’s one o’clock.
Lo es deç-una clocos et una dúimo. It’s eleven-thirty.
Lo es cinca clocos cinchideci-cinca (minutos). It’s five minutes to six.