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English-Romániço Dictionary

NOTE: Words with non-penultimate stress are not normally marked after being destressed by suffixes, e.g., abómino “abomination”, but abominanda “abominable”, abominer “to abominate”. For the benefit of the learner, these destressed syllables are indicated by a grave accent (`), e.g. abòminanda, abòminer.


  • A ltr a; (mus.) A (aut la); A-flat (A♭) A bemola; A major A majora; A minor A minora; A-sharp (A♯) A díesa || n A-shirt athleti-camisio
  • a art (a single but unspecified person or thing) on; an apple on pomo; he’s looking for a secretary il cercan on secretaro; is that a no? es ecuilo on no?; (an unspecified member or quantity of a unique, mass, or compound noun) on; a Mr. Ferario came to see you on Sro. Ferario venin por vider vi; you’re no better than a Hitler vi es nulo pluse cam on Hitler; (certain, known but not specified) a certain relative of yours stopped by cuida vua parento vísitin; (in apposition) Sun Tzu, a tactician, wrote that… Sun Tzu, on tàctichisto, scribin che…; (per) -e; po; beer for €10 a liter biro por 10 € litre/po litro; (with negatives) sine; without a doubt sine dúbito; (with units of measurement) half an hour una dúimo de horo
  • aardvark n (zool.: Orycteropus afer) orictéropo
  • aback adv détree; taken aback súbite surprisita (aut consternita)
  • abacus n ábaco
  • abaft adv ad détree; détree || prep detre
  • abandon vt abandoner || n abandonment abandono, -ezo || adj abandoned (morally) debauċanta, -ema; deshonoranda; despudorosa; nemoralitatosa
  • abase vt (humiliate) hùmilifer; (lower) abaser; (morally) abaser; corupter; desnòbilifer || n abasement (act) abaso; hùmilifo; (state) abasititio; hùmilifeditio
  • abash vt verecundifer || adj abashed verecundanta
  • abate vt dèbilifer; diminutioner; (fin.) rebaser || vi dèbilecer; diminutionezer || n abatement diminution(ez)o
  • abattoir n mactayo; macterío
  • abbatial adj (of persons) abatisca; (of place) abatayisca
  • abbess n abatiso
  • abbey n abatayo
  • abbot n abato; abbotship abatitio
  • abbreviate vt curtifer; (words, books, etc.) abrevier || n abbreviated abreviita; abbreviation abreviajo; curtifajo; (act) abrevio; curtifo
  • abdicate vt àbdicher || n abdication ábdico
  • abdomen n abdómino || adj abdominal abdòminisca
  • abduct vt rapter; (physiol.) abducter || n abduction abducto; rapto
  • abed adv en lecto
  • aberrant adj aberanta; anómala; to be aberrant aberer || n aberration (sci.) aber(aj)o
  • abet vt adjuter; coragizer; eser cómpliça ad; ìnciter; sustiner || n abettor cómpliço; ìncitanto
  • abeyance n ajurnezo; (temporaria) suspendezo; to fall into abeyance cesationer (aut facer, user) temporarie; obsoletecer; in abeyance neusata
  • abhor vt abòminer; desapreti(az)er; odiazer || n abhorrence (act) abómino; (state) abòminititio || adj abhorrent abòminanda; odianda
  • abide vi loger (apud); resider (en); rester (en); (archaic: continue; remain fixed in some state) the Dude abides la Cherlo perseverantian (aut durationan); to abide by [decision] rester fidela ad; tener ad; [law] conformifer si ad; obeder || vt (tolerate) tòlerer || adj abiding constanta; permananta
  • abject adj mísera; (devoid of dignity or hope) abjecta
  • abjure vt abjurer
  • ablate vt (surg.) ablationer || n ablative (gram.) ablativo || adj ablative (gram.) ablativa
  • ablaze adj ardoranta; flamosa; focosa
  • able adj capábila; able to hold capaça; as one is able secuno sua poto (aut meano); able-bodied robusta; sana | (skillful) hábila; to be able to poter; (know how) saper || adv ably hábile || n ability (power) capabilitio; poto; (skill) hàbilitio; talento || afx -able -ébila
  • ablegate n (eccl.) ablegato
  • abloom adj florosa
  • ablution n (relig., med.) ablutiono; (washing) lavo || vt ablutioner
  • abnegate vt abnegher
  • abnegation n abnego
  • abnormal adj anómala; nenormasca || n abnormality anòmalitio; anómalo; nenormajo; nenormitio
  • aboard adv (ad)en la navo; to go aboard, alongside aborder
  • abode n loġayo; residayo; (permanent) hàbitayo
  • abolish vt aboler || n abolition abolo; abolitionism abolismo; abolitionist abolismano
  • abominate vt abòminer || n abomination abòminando || adj abominable abòminanda || adv abominably abòminande
  • aborigine n (original inhabitant) aborígino; (native of country) indígeno || adj aboriginal aborígina; indígena
  • abort vt (cause to abort) abortifer; (have an abortion) obtiner abortifo || vi (have a miscarriage) aborter || n abortion aborto; (aborted child or thing) abortito || adj abortive abortema
  • abound vi abunder || adj abounding abundanta
  • about prep (concerning) sopre; a show about nothing on presentationajo sopre nulo; there’s something about Mary Mary haban on mi-no-sapan-cuo; (around) circum; ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of having my own things about me dex cuande mi esin on parva puero, mi revan sopre haber mea proprios circum mi | (close by) juxte; proxim; until I’ve got my dowry safe about me, I’m no married woman usche che mi habun mea doto secura proxim mi, mi es nula marititiso | (on one’s person) sur; about to -unta; I love you, and I’m about to boldly go where … many men … have gone before mi amoran vi, et mi es vadunta audaciose adube ... multa hóminos ... vadin ántee || n about-face retrotornío; semitornío || adv (almost) presche; I’m just about finished mi es presche fininta; (approximately) circum; he must be about 30 il deban etater circum 30 anuos; (around) círcume; (close by) júxtee; próxime; (here and there) divers-loche; to walk about promener divers-loche | (in all directions) dis-
  • above prep (over) super; above a hundred plu multa cam cento; (in preference to) above all abante omno; principale; superomne; (too good for) conduct above reproach comporto nereproċébila; she is above doing that el es necapábila acter asíc; (on top of) sur; above board aperta; franchesa; neabscondata; above ground sur la tero || adv (higher) súpere; to appeal to the court above apeler ad la plu súpera tribunalo; to be above supereser; to rise above supervader; above mentioned súpere mentionita; above named súpere nòminijita; above quoted antecitita; above said súpere dicita | (on top) supre
  • abracadabra inter abracadabra!
  • abrade vt abraser; (chafe) excorier
  • abreast adv látere; látero an látero; sur frontalisca líneo || adj to keep abreast of tener si uschenuna sopre
  • abridge vt abrevifer; curtifer
  • abroad adv (in another country) exterpaese; to live abroad viver álter-paese; viver exter-paese; (dated: out of doors) éxtere; to walk abroad ecvader; promener exter (la loġayo, etc.)
  • abrogate vt abrogher
  • abrupt adj abrupta
  • abscess n abceso
  • abscind vt desecher
  • abscise vt desecher
  • abscissa n (math) abciso
  • abscond vi absconder si; desaparer; fuger (súbite et secrete) || n absconder fuġanto; (thief) sustractinto (fuġanta); (jur.) contumaço
  • absent adj (not present) absenta; neasistanta; absent on leave absenta per comeato (aut permiso); (lacking) mancanta; absent-minded distractezema; neatentionema || n absence absentitio; to give leave of absence comeater | (lack) manco; (lack due to indigence) índiġo; (of mind) (mentisca) distracto; neatentiono; absentee absento; absent-mindedness distractezemitio || vt to absent oneself absentecer
  • absinthe n (liqueur) absinthii-licuoro; (wormwood) absinthio
  • absolute adj absoluta; (fig.) completa; perfecta; positiva; vera || adv absolutely absolute || n absoluto; absolutism absolutismo; absolutist absolutisto
  • absolution n absolvo
  • absolve vt absolver
  • absorb vt (physical sense) absorpter; (engross) absorpter || n absorption absorpto || adj absorbent absorptiva
  • abstain vi abstiner; (practice abstinence) abstinentier || n abstention abstino; abstinence abstinentio
  • abstemious adj abstinema
  • abstention n abstino
  • abstinence n abstinentio
  • abstract adj abstracta; abstractifita || n (summary) resumpto; abstraction abstracto || vt (epitomize) epìtomifer; (in thought) abstractifer; (steal) furter; [by fraud] sustracter
  • abstruse adj abstrusa
  • absurd adj absurda || n absurdity absurditio
  • abulia n (psych.) abulío
  • abundance n abundo
  • abundant adj abundanta
  • abuse vt (insult) insulter; (mistreat) mal-tracter; (misuse) misuser; (use to excess) nim-user || n (insult) insulto; (misuse) misuso || adj abusive insultanta; misusema
  • abut vi cumfinezer an; tocher
  • abutment n contraforto
  • abyss n abiso || adj abysmal abisesca; abyssal abisisca || adv abysmally abisesche
  • Abyssinia n (hist.) Abisinia; Abyssinian Abisino
  • acacia n (bot.: Acacia) acacio
  • academy n (society) academio || adj academic academiisca; (theoretical) theorìisca
  • Acadie n (hist.) Acadia; Acadian Acadiano
  • acanthus n (bot.: Acanthus) acantho
  • acarid n ácaro
  • accede vi to accede to consenter; (position) enoficiecer
  • accelerate vt accèlerer || n acceleration accélero; accelerator (auto.) accèleratro
  • accent n (manner of speaking) pronuntio; [dialectal] acento; (stress of voice) accento; (written) diacrítico || vt to accentuate (emphasize) èmfaser; (place accent marks over) diacrìtichizer; (stress a syllable) accentizer
  • accept vt (willingly receive; approve) accepter || n acceptation (accepting) accepto; (meaning) signífico
  • access n (means or right of approaching) acceso; admiso; to have access to haber acceso ad; yure acceser | (med.) morbisca ataco || vt acceser
  • accession n (to a position) enoficieço; enthroneço; (access) acceso; (addition) adjunto; augmento; (assent) asenso; consento
  • accessory adj (aiding) adjutanta; adjutiva; (subsidiary) accesoria; accessory to (jur.) cómpliça ad || n (subsidiary) accesorio; (jur.) cómpliço
  • accident n (mishap) accidento; to meet with (or have) an accident haber (aut sùferer) on accidento | (crash) crasho; tráfic-accidento; (bad luck) desfortunajo; mala sorto; (chance occurrence) fortúito; it’s no accident that… lo no es on fortúito che…; accident insurance asecuro contre accidentos || adj accidental (by chance) fortúita; (incidental) incidenta; (unintended) neintentita
  • acclaim vt aclamer || n acclamation aclamo
  • acclimate vt aclìmater; custumifer
  • accommodate vt (adapt) acòmoder; adapter si (ad); (aquiesce) ceder (ad); (give) doner; (help) adjuter; (host) hòspiter; (lodge) loġayizer; (oblige) complacer; (provide) proviser || n accommodation complaçajo; loġay(iz)o || adj accommodating (obliging) complacema, -anta; easily accommodated fácile complacébila
  • accompany vt acompanier || n accompaniment acompanio
  • accomplice n cómpliço; cumculposo
  • accomplish vt (achieve) completioner; efectifer; executer; facer; realifer; mission accomplished misiono completionita; (finish) concluser; (par)finer; (make complete) completifer; (reach) [goal] atinger || n accomplishment (achievement) atinġo; (attainment) atinġo; (excellence of manners, mind) societisca artos; talento; (execution) efecto; (exploit) prodajo; (fulfilment) executo; realifo || adj accomplished (expert) experta; hábila; (finished) (par)finita; tote finita; (having many accomplishments) mult-arta; talentosa
  • accord vt (give, award) cònferer; doner || vi to accord with (concepts, facts) concorder; còngruer; (sounds) acorder || n to be in accord (concepts, facts) intreconcorder; (opinion, feeling) intreconcorder; of one’s own accord spontánee; volitione; with one accord intreconsente; unánime || adv according to conforma ad; secuno; accordingly asíc; conforme; consecue; dunche
  • accordion n acordiono; accordion file acordionesca fìgicuyo
  • accost vt acoster
  • accouchement n (archaic: obstetrics) obstétrico; partur-adjuto; (archaic: parturition) parturo
  • account n (banking, bookkeeping, bill) conto; to close an account licuidationer on conto; to do/keep the accounts facer/tener la contos; to enter in one’s account dèbitifer (sumo) en sua conto; dèbitizer sua conto (ye sumo); enscriber (sumo) en conto di álicu; to make up an account càlculer conto; to open an account àperer on conto; to pay on account conte pagher; to settle accounts with (get revenge) salder sua conto cum; to settle one’s account salder sua conto; account book conti-libro; account-holder contoso; accounts payable paghenda contos; accounts receivable paghifenda contos; bank account banchi-conto; checking account ċechi-conto; current account curanta conto; joint account comuna conto; old account vétera conto; outstanding account nesaldita conto; overdrawn account necòpertata conto; savings account sparnii-conto | (invoice) facturo; (statement of receipts and expenditures) standajo; statement of account standajo di conto; (benefit) to turn to good account abantagizer si; profiter (per) | (computation) cálculo; (consideration) consídero; on account of pro (che); on no account tote no; on your account pro respectiono por vi; to take into account consìderer anche; encàlculer; respectioner | (counting) conto; enúmero; (explanation) éxplico; to call to account demander éxplico; èxiger éxplico | (importance) importo; of no account neconsideranda; sine valoro | (report) descripto; historio; raconto; by all accounts secuno omna racontos; accountability responsivitio; accountancy contismo; accountant contisto || vt (count) conter; (estimate, consider) consìderer; evaluter; jùdicher; (reckon) càlculer || vi to account for èxplicher; justìficher; (be responsible for) responser sopre || adj accountable (explicable) èxplichébila; (responsible) responsiva
  • accoutre vt (arm) armizer; (clothe) vestizer; (equip) ecuiper || n accoutrements accesorios
  • accredit vt acrèditer
  • accrete vt acrecer
  • accrue vt acùmuler || vi acùmulezer
  • accumulate vt acùmuler || n accumulation acùmulajo; accumulator acùmulatro
  • accurate adj (strictly correct in all details) exacta; (strictly defined or determined) precisa; [spelling] corecta; (capable of reaching intended target) [shot, aim, weapon] precisa
  • accursed adj damnationita; maledictita; (despicable) abòminanda; malaza; odianda
  • accuse vt acuser || n accusation acuso; accusative (gram.) acusativo; accused (jur.) acusato || adj accusative (gram.) acusativa
  • accustom vt custumifer || adj to be accustomed custumer
  • ace n aso; ace of diamonds diamant-aso
  • acephalous adj necàpitosa
  • acerbic adj acerba || n acerbity acerbitio
  • acetabulum n (anat.) acetábulo
  • acetic acid n acético
  • acetone n (chem.) acetono
  • acetylene n acetileno
  • Achaia n Achea; Achaian Acheano
  • ache n doloro || vi dolorer; my head aches mea cápito doloran
  • achieve vt (attain) atinger; (fulfill) completioner; plenejer; (gain) guadanier; obtiner || n achievement (attainment) atinġo; (deed) facedo; (feat) prodajo; (fulfillment) plenejo; (success) succeso; (victory) vinço
  • achromatic adj acromática
  • acid n ácido; acidimeter acidímetro || vt to acidify àcidifer || adj ácida
  • acknowledge vt (recognize) agnocer; (admit) [claim, truth] agnocer; [crime] confeser; (attest) atester; to acknowledge the receipt of atester la recepto je; (greet) saluter; [reply to] responder || n acknowledgment of debt certífico je debitiono; acknowledgments (in book) mentiono; [statement of indebtedness ] regratios
  • acme n (apogee) apogeo; (climax) clímaço; (culmination) cúlmino; (geom.) sumitato; (perfection) perfectitio
  • acne n acno
  • acolyte n acólitho
  • aconite n (bot.: Aconitum) acónito
  • acorn n glano
  • acoustic adj acùstichisca || adv acoustically acùstichische || n acoustics acústico
  • acquaint vt cognocifer; (advise) aviser; (inform) informer || n acquaintance (act) cognoço; (person) cognoçato || adj to be acquainted with cognocer
  • acquiesce vi (agree) consenter; (unwillingly) submiser si
  • acquire vt acuister
  • acquisition n acuistito
  • acquit vt (jur.) absolver; desculpizer; to acquit oneself (conduct oneself) comporter; to acquit oneself of (a commission) executer; (a debt) cuitifer; pagher; (a duty) satisfacer; (conscience) descàrichizer
  • acrid adj acra
  • acrimony n acritio || adj acrimonious acra
  • acrobat n acróbato || adj acrobatic acròbatisca
  • acromion n (anat.) acromio
  • acronym n acrónimo
  • acropolis n acrópolo
  • across prep (on or to the other side of) trans; across the board generala | (through) tra; to come across (encounter) incontrer || vt to go across (over) transvader; (through) travader || adv (on the other side of) transe; (through) trae; (crosswise) transverse; across from contre; frontale ad; to get across (an idea) comùnicher
  • acrostic n acróstico
  • acroterion n (archit.) acroterio
  • acrylic adj acrílica
  • act vi (take action) acter; (behave) comporter; (fulfill function) funtioner; (have effect) eficacecer || vt (play a part) actorìer; luder on rolo; [feign] finger; [simulate] sìmuler || n (gen., theat.) acto; to take action act(ec)er | (jur.: document) actuo; (jur.: statute) statuto; acting (pretending) finġo; símulo; (theat.) actorío; ludo je rolo; action (activity) actado; (battle) batalio; combato; (deed) acto; faço; (effect) efecto; (functioning) funtiono; (lawsuit) lítigo; to bring action against lìtigher | (repetitive, prolonged) -ad-; activity actado; actor (gen.) actanto; (theat.) actoro; actress (theat.) actor(is)o || adj acting (actual) facta; (temporary) supletanta; actionable lìtighébila; active actanta, -ema, -iva; (agile) ágila; (alert) alerta; (opposed to passive) activa; active voice activo
  • actinic adj actínica
  • actinium n (chem.: Ac) actinio
  • activate vt activifer
  • actual adj (current) actuala; (exact) what were her actual words? cua esin eluya exacta vocábulos?; (proper) the actual event starts at noon la evento ipsa cominitian ye meridio; (real) facta; reala; vera; actual size reala granditio; based on actual events basamentizita sur reala eventos; in actual fact reale; let’s take an actual case nos prendes on concreta caso | (in effect but not acknowledged) efectiva; (very) the actual weapon that was used la metípsima armo usita || adv actually facte; reale; vere; ya || n actuality (quality) actualitio; factitio; realitio; veritio; (thing) actualajo; factajo; realajo; vero || vt to actualize realifer
  • actuary n actuaro
  • actuate vt (a machine) funtionifer; (motivate) impulser; motivizer; mover
  • acumen n acutitio; dicernivitio; sagacitio; subtilitio
  • acupuncture n acupunturo
  • acute adj acuta; (severe) intensa; violentiosa; (shrewd) pènetranta; pènetrema; sagaça; acute accent (ling.) acuta accento
  • A.D. adv (anno domini) A.D.
  • adage n proverbio; sententio
  • adagio n (mus.) adaġo
  • adamant adj aciariesca; duraza; neflectébila; nepènetrébila
  • adapt vt adapter; (tech.) adjustifer || adj adapted adaptita; apta; convenanta
  • add vt (phys. sense) adjunter; (in speaking) dicer anche; (math) aditioner; to add up sumifer || n addition (thing added) adjuntito; in addition pluse; suplemente; ultre | (math) aditiono || adj additional adjuntita; extra; plu multa; plusa; suplementa
  • addendum n adjuntito
  • adder n (zool.: Vipera berus) (comuna Europana) vípero
  • addict vt adicter || n adictito; maníaco
  • addle vt confusifer || adj addled (confused) confusifita; (rotten) putranta
  • address n (on a letter) adirectio; addressee èxpedatario | (abode) residayo; (speaking to) adparaulo; form of address fórmulo di cortesitio | (speech) discurso; (dated: skill) hàbilitio || vt [a letter] adirectiizer; (deal with) [problem] aborder; tractecer; (direct) [remarks] dìriger; (discuss) discuser; (name in a specified way) nòminijer; tìtulijer; (speak to) parauler ad || vi (discourse) discurser
  • adduce vt aducer
  • adduct vt (physiol.) aducter || n adduction aducto || adj adducent aductiva
  • adept adj (skilled) hábila || n (expert) hábilo; (initiate) adepto
  • adequate adj (appropriate) adecuata; convenanta; (sufficient) sufiçanta
  • adhere vi adheser || n adherence adheso; adherent adhesanto || adj adherent adhesanta
  • adhesion n adheso || adj adhesive adhesiva
  • adiabatic adj adiabática
  • adieu inter adeo; adieu for the present usche la rivido; to bid adieu dicer adeo
  • ad infinitum adv sine fino; sine límito
  • adipose adj grasi(os)a
  • adjacent adj (contiguous) contigua; (contiguous or next to) adjacenta; (next to) júxtea
  • adjective n adjectivo || adj adjectival adjectivisca
  • adjoin vt adjunter || vi eser contigua; juxteeser
  • adjourn vt ajurner
  • adjudge vt adjùdicìer
  • adjudicate vi àrbitrìer
  • adjunct n accesorio; adjuntito; (assistant) adiunto
  • adjure vt adjurationer
  • adjust vt (fit) adjustifer || n adjustment of averages navisca asecur-contracto
  • adjutant n adjutanto
  • ad libitum adv àrbitrìasche; volitionasche
  • administer vt (by government or owner) aministrer; (for an owner) gerer; (give) doner; to administer justice facer jùdicío; jùdicìer || n administration (act) aministro; gero; (administrator of a public business) intendanto; (as institution) aministrerío; gubernerío; (cabinet) ministrado; (executive department) ministrerío; (managing staff) aministristado; (of a business) geranto; geristo; (office) aministrayo || adj administrative aministrisca
  • admiral n amiralo; admiralty (rank) amiralitio; (hist.) amiralerío
  • admire vt admirer || adj admirable admiranda; admirébila
  • admission n admiso || adj admissible admisébila
  • admit vt (acknowledge as wrong, right) agnocer; (confess) confeser; (into a society) àgregher; (let in) admiser; (permit) permiser; (receive as guest) accepter; hòspiter
  • admix vt enmixturer; intremixturer
  • admonish vt (advise) consilier; (caution) adverter; (exhort) exhorter; (reprove) reprimender
  • ad nauseam adv usche náuseo
  • ado n àgitezo; ècitezo; ruito
  • adolescence n adulteço; adolescent adulteçanto || adj adolescent adulteçanta; to be adolescent adultecer
  • adopt vt adopter
  • adore vt (have deep affection for) amazer; (have deep romantic love for) amorazer; (worship, idolize) adorer || adj adorable càrminanta
  • adorkable adj adorchébila
  • adorn vt guarner; orner; plu-belifer
  • adrenalin n adrenalino
  • Adriatic n Adriático
  • adrift adj derivanta; to be adrift deriver; to set adrift abandoner (sine provisajos)
  • adroit adj (skillful) experta; hábila; (crafty) astuta
  • adsorb vt adsorber
  • adulate vt aduler
  • adult adj adulta; púbera || n adulto; (man) adultaso; hómino; (woman) adultiso; muliero; adulthood adultitio
  • adultery n adúltero; (archaic: adulteration) adulterationo || vt to adulterate adulterationer || vi to adulterate (archaic: commit adultery) adùlterer
  • adumbrate vt schizer
  • ad valorem adv valorasche
  • advance vi (in space) abante-vader; (in space, time) abantier; (progress) progreser || vt abantiifer; (a theory) proposer; (in rank) promoter || n in advance antícipe; to pay in advance pagher antícipe | (space) adabante; (time) ántee; to take the advance antevader; advance payment antìcipisca pago
  • advantage n abantaġo; to take advantage of exploter; profiter de/per; (bad sense) explotuċer; maltracter; misuser || vt abantagizer; profitifer || adj advantageous abantaġosa; profitifiva, -osa; (opportune) oportuna
  • advent n arivo; (relig.) advento
  • adventicious adj (bot.) adventicia
  • adventure n adventuro; adventurer adventuristo || vt (dated: risk) rischer || vi adventurer || adj adventurous (life) adventurosa; riscosa; (person) adventurema; rischema
  • adverb n adverbio || adj adverbial adverbi(isc)a
  • adverse adj adversa; cóntrea; desfavorosa || n adversary adverso; adversity desfelicitio; desfortuno
  • advert vi to advert to (formal: refer to) aluser ad || vt to advertise publìciter; (announce) anuntier || n (Brit.: advertisement) anuntio; publícito
  • advice n consilio
  • advise vt (counsel) consilier; (caution) aviser; (inform) informer; notìficher; (recommend) recomender || n advisability conveno; sapiitio; ùtilitio || adj advisable (recommendable) consilianda; (sensible) prudenta
  • advocate vt recomender; (jur.) defenser; plàciter || n (jur.) avocato; advocacy defenso; interceso; recomendo; (jur.) avocatitio
  • advowee n (Brit. eccl.) patrocinanto
  • adze n acio
  • Aegean n Egeo
  • aegis n égido; protectiva poto
  • Aeolia n (also “Aeolis”) Eolia; Aeolian Eoliano || adj Aeolian harp Eolisca harpo
  • aeolipile n (hist.) eolípilo
  • aerate vt airizer; vèntiler
  • aerial adj airisca; aerial navigation air-návigo || n (antenna) anteno
  • aerie n (also “eyrie”) ácuil-nido
  • aerobe n aerobio || adj aerobic aerobia
  • aerodynamics n aerodinámico; aerodyne aerodino || adj aerodynamic [science] aerodinàmichisca; [shape] aerodinàmicasca
  • aerogel n aerogelo
  • aerolite n (min.) aerólitho
  • aerometer n aerómetro
  • aeronaut n aeronauto; aeronautics aeronáutico
  • aerophobe n aerófobo; aerophobia aeròfobío
  • aeroscope n aeroscopio
  • aerosol n aerosolo
  • aerostat n aeróstato; aerostatics aerostático
  • aesthetic adj esthètichisca || n aesthetics esthético
  • afar adv (de) fore
  • affable adj afábila
  • affair n afaro; concerno; affairs (business) afaros; foreign affairs éxtera afaros; love affair amor-afaro; amorisca afaro; (fig.) pasiono
  • affect vt (have effect on) afecter; influer; the experience of war really affected me la experientio je guero multe afectin (aut impresionin) mi; his drinking started to affect his work le trinco cominitiin afecter iluya laboro; the news of the honor killing deeply affected her la notitio sopre la honorisca occiso profunde afectin (aut emotionifin) el; uromysitisis poisoning affects the bladder uromisitisisca intóxico afectan (aut atacan) la vesico; the very presence of Frank’s brother affected his testimony la mera asisto da la fratro di Franco afectin (aut influin) iluya atesto; (concern) how does this affect me? cuome ecuilo afectan (aut concernan) mi?; (pretend, feign) afectationer; sìmuler || n affectation afectationo; affection (fondness) afectiono; amo; to have affection for afectioner | (romantic) amoro || adj affected afectationanta; affectionate afectionema; afectionosa
  • afferent adj (physiol.) aductanta; aductiva
  • affiance vt (lit.) fidantier || n (lit.) fidantio
  • affidavit n (lawjur.) jur-declarationo; (jur.) atesto
  • affiliate vt (adopt) adopter; (make a partner) asocier; (make a subsidiary) afilier
  • affinity n afinitio; to have an affinity for eser afina ad
  • affirm vt afirmer || adj affirmative afirmanta
  • affix vt adhesifer; adponer; surponer || n (gram.) afixo
  • afflatus vt deisca inspirezo
  • afflict vt aflicter || adj to be afflicted by sùferer pro
  • affluence n abundo; luxo; richitio; affluent (archaic: tributary) enfluento || adj affluent luxosa; rica
  • affluenza n afluenzo
  • afflux n adfluo
  • afford vt (have enough of something for) to be able to afford poter aforder; (provide or supply) doner; furniser; producter
  • afforest vt forestizer
  • affray n (jur., dated) rixo
  • affright vt (archaic) pavorifer; terorer
  • affront n (insult) insulto; ofenso; (archaic: hostile encounter) afronto || vt (insult) insulter; ofenser; (archaic: face) afronter
  • affuse vt (med., relig.) afusioner
  • Afghanistan n Afgania; Afghan Afgano
  • aficionado n adepto
  • afield adv fore
  • afire adj ardanta; en flamos
  • aflame adj en flamos; flamosa
  • afloat adj derivanta; flotationanta; (rumors, etc.) circulationanta; to get afloat (refloat) desincaliifer
  • afoot adj (happening or beginning to happen) eventanta; movezanta; prèparata || adv (on foot) pede
  • afore prep (archaic) ante || adj aforegoing ántea; aforesaid (ántee) dicita; (ántee) mentionita; aforethought (ántee) intentita; anteméditita; with malice aforethought anteméditite; cum antemédito || adv ántee; aforehand ántee; antícipe; aforetime olim
  • a fortiori adv pro plu forta motivo
  • afoul adv (in collision) en colisiono; (in conflict) en conflicto; to run afoul of a ship colisioner cum on navo; to run afoul of someone cader (aut poner si, vener) en conflicto cum álicu; conflictecer cum; Itchy runs afoul of an Irishman Itchy ponan si en conflicto cum on Irlandano
  • afraid adj (scared) pavoranta; (apprehensive) timanta; to be afraid pavorer; timer; I’m afraid you’re too late mi timan che vi es nim tarda
  • afresh adv (again) denove; denue; (anew) nove
  • Africa n África; African Àfricano; South Africa Sud-África
  • aft adv détree
  • after prep (in space) detre; (in time) post; (according to) secuno; (concerning) relatione je; sopre; she asked after your father el cuestionin sopre vua patro; (following) to go or come after secuer; (in allusion to) aluse je; (in honor of) honoreje je; (in imitation of) ímite je; secuno la stilo di; (in order) post; after you, Mr. Durden! post vi, Senioro Durden!; excuse after excuse excuso post excuso; (seeking) cercher; the cops are after him la politìanos cercan il; after all (nevertheless) malgrate ecuilo; malgrate omno; post omno; tamen || n afterbirth placento; postnaço; afterdeck (naut.) pop-copertono; aftermath (consequence) consecuentanto(s); (crop) postmesiono; (period) posta periodo; afternoon postmeridio; this afternoon hodie postmeridie; afterpains postpartura doloros; aftershave postrasa lotiono; aftershock posta trémulo; aftertaste posta saporo; afterthought posta penso; afterword epílogo || adj (archaic: later) after days dios venunta; aftermost maxim détrea || adv afterward plu tarde; poste; secue
  • again adv (another time) denove; denue; ri-; to come again rivener; again and again plur-vece; now and again de témporo ad témporo; once again incore un-vece | (in addition) pluse; as large again duple granda cam; as much again dupla
  • against prep (opposition) contre; evil against evil lo malvata contre lo malvata; (anticipation) against my return por mea riveno; (position) an; oposita ad
  • agama n (zool.: Agama) agamo
  • agamic adj (bio.) agámica
  • agape adj (mouth) àperazita || n (love feast) ágapo
  • agar-agar n agarágaro
  • agaric n (bot.: Agaricales) agárico
  • agate n (min.) ágato
  • agave n (bot.: Agave) agavo
  • -age afx -ajo
  • age n (length of time something has lived or existed) etato; to bear one’s age well porter bone sua etato; (particular stage of life) age of reason dicern-etato; ration-etato; to be of age to sufiçante etater por; [adulthood] to come of age atinger majorenitio; majorenecer; of age majorena; under age minorena | [old age] vèculitio; the aged (collect.) le véculos (aut vèculado) | (opp. of newness) vèteritio; (historical period) eono; époco; eralo; evo; periodo; supereono; Age of Reason Ration-evo; Middle Ages Media Evo | (informal: a very long time) on eterno; for ages dum on eterno || vt (plu-)vèculifer || vi (plu-)vèculecer; age slowly, but slowly age plu-vèculeces lente, mas lente plu-vèculeces || adj age-old vèteraza; aged (having a certain age) etatanta; aged 19 years etatanta 19 anuos | (old) etatosa; grand-etata; vécula
  • agenda n agendo
  • agent n agento; representanto; agency (establ.) agenterío; (office) agentayo; (operation) agentitio; efectifo; influo; mediationo
  • agglomerate vt aglòmerer
  • agglutinate vt aglùtiner || adj agglutinative aglùtiniva
  • aggrandize vt plu-grandifer
  • aggravate vt (irritate) exàsperer; iriter; vexer; (render more serious) exàcerber
  • aggregate n àgregajo; (pile) amaso; (sum) sumo; (totality, whole) insímulo; toto; in the aggregate en-tote; sume || vt (group together) àgregher
  • aggress vt (attack) atacher; (attack first) agreser || n aggression (act) ataco; (tendency) atachemitio; aggressor agresanto || adj aggressive atachema
  • aggrieve vt aflicter; ofenser; tristifer; vexer
  • aghast adj consternita; hororanta
  • agile adj ágila
  • agio n (fin.) agio
  • agiotage n (dated: stockjobbing) agioto
  • agitate vt (phys., mental, fig.) àgiter || n agitator (instrument) àgitatro; (person) àgitanto || adj agitated descuieta
  • aglow adj adoranta; adorosa; lùminanta
  • agnomen n (hist.) agnómino
  • agnostic adj agnóstica || n agnosticism agnòstichismo
  • ago adv (before the present) ante nun; ántee; four score and seven years ago cuatra dudeços et septa anuos ante nun; not long ago nelonghe ante nun; some time ago cualca témporo ante nun; as long ago as jam en (aut dum, ye); as long ago as 1991 jam en 1991
  • agony n (anguish) angustio; tormento; (death throes) agonío || vt to agonize angustiifer; tormenter || vi to agonize (be in anguish) angustier; (be in death throes) agonìer
  • agoraphobe n agoráfobo; agoraphobia agoràfobío
  • agouti n (zool.: Dasyprocta) agutío
  • agraffe n agrafo
  • agrarian adj agrisca || n (person) agristo; agrarianism agrischismo; rurischismo
  • agree vi (concur) concorder; agreed? concordan vi?; (assent) asenser; (be consistent with) [concepts, facts] concorder; còngruer; (be of one mind) concorder; (consent) consenter; (gram., mus.) acorder; to agree on accepter; conventioner sopre; to agree with (approve of) àprober; (get along with) eser símpatha ad; (suit) [food, climate, clothes, etc.] convener ad; to make agree (gram.) acordifer || vt (admit) agnocer; to agree to do consenter facer || n agreement (harmony of opinion) concordo; to nod in agreement asenser per sua cápito | (concord) concordo; (consensus) generala concordo; (consent) consento; (gram.) acordo; (mus.) acordo; (pact) conventiono; to be in agreement with [person, decision] concorder cum; (consistent with) concorder cum; còngruer ad || adj agreeable (pleasant) agratábila; plaçanta; (suitable) convenanta; (willing to agree) complacema; voluntaria
  • agriculture n agri-cultivo; agriculturist agri-cultivisto || adj agricultural agri-cultivisca
  • agrimony n agrimonio
  • agronomy n agrònomío; agronomist agrónomo
  • aground adj incaliinta; to run aground incalier
  • ague n (archaic: malaria, fever) intermitanta febro (malariisca)
  • ah inter ah!
  • aha inter ahá!
  • ahead adv (in motion) adabántee; to go ahead abantier; (space, order) adabántee; to be ahead of one’s time eser abante sua témporo; there were three people ahead of us ci es tria personos abante nos; (time; anticipation) antícipe; to plan ahead projecter antícipe; (time; before) ántee; they arrived ahead of us los arivin ante nos; (time; early) preite; three months ahead of schedule tria mensuos preite
  • ahegao n ahegao
  • ahem inter ehém!
  • ahoy inter ohe!; ship ahoy! ohe navo!
  • aid vt adjuter || n aide-de-camp adjutanto (di generalo)
  • AIDS n (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) SAID (síndromo di acuistita imun-défiço)
  • aigrette n penàceeto
  • aikido n aikidó
  • ail vt aflicter; what ails you? cuo aflictan vi? || vi eser malata; sùferer || n ailment (disease) morbo; (illness) malatitio; (pain) dolor(et)o
  • ailanthus n (bot.: Ailanthus) ailantho
  • aileron n alerono
  • aim vt [blow] dìriger; [weapon] apunter || vi to (take) aim at mirationer; (have the intention of achieving) ambitioner; aspirer || n (act) apunto; mirationo; (goal, target) obiectivo; to miss one’s aim faler la obiectivo; (intention) intento; (plan) projecto || adj aimless sine obiectivo
  • air n (invisible gaseous substance around the earth) airo; draft of air air-flueto; in the open air en líbera airo; to take the air (go out of doors) promener; up in the air (undecided) nedecisita | (breeze) briso; light air (Beaufort level 1) vèntuleto; (broadcasting) on the air transmisanta, -ata | (mien) aspecto; manario; vulto; downcast air depresita vulto; she had an air of mystery about her el habin cuida vulto di misterio; to put on airs afectationer superioritio | (tune) ario; melodio; air balloon aeróstato; airboat hidroglisatro; air break aerofreno; airbrush aerógrafo; air bubble air-bulbulo; air conditioner clìmatizatro; aircraft aviono; aircraft carrier avion-navo; airfield aviation-campo; airfoil al-profilo; air gun aerofocilo; air hole air-fenestr(et)o; air-forámin(et)o; airline air-companío; airliner pasager-aviono; airlock air-ecluso; (blockage) air-bulo; airmail aeropostalo; airman aviationisto; (mil.) aerosoldato; airplane aeroplano; aviono; airport aeroportuo; airscrew (propeller) héliço; airship aeronavo; (dirigible) dirigíbilo; airspace aerospatio; airspeed air-velocitato; airstream air-fluo; airstrip surtereçayo; surtereci-pisto; airwaves radii-undos; midair (part of the air above ground) in midair air-medie; airdrome aeroportuo || vt (one’s views) expositioner; (ventilate) airizer; vèntiler; to airdrop paracadigifer; to airlift aerotransporter || adj aired airizita; vèntilita; airy airosa; airborne air-portata; airsick aeronàuseanta; airtight hermética; air-to-air air-ad-aira; air-to-ground air-ad-tera; anti-aircraft anti-airisca || adv airily frívole; legere
  • aisle n pas-vialeto; (side wing) làterisca navo
  • ajar adj parte àperita
  • ajutage n (nozzle) naselo
  • akimbo adv cum la pugnos sur la hancos
  • akin adj (persons) parenta; (things) afina; símila
  • à la prep (in the manner of) -esche; ímite je; secuno la stilo di; à la Milan Milanesche; secuno la stilo di Milano; (with) à la mode (with ice cream) cum (crem-)gelajo; à la carte menutasche; à la mode (in fashion) modasche; secuno la modo
  • alabaster n alabastro
  • alack inter alás!
  • alacrity n (eagerness) àviditio; enthusiasmo; vivacitio; (promptness) puntualitio; ràpiditio
  • alarm n alarmo; to sound the alarm alarmer; sonifer la alarmo; alarm bell alarm-campanelo; alarm clock evìgilatro; false alarm misalarmo; shout of alarm alarm-clamo; alarmist alarmemo || vt (call to arms; alert to danger) alarmer; (frighten) pavorifer; (make apprehensive) timifer
  • alas inter alás!
  • alb n albo
  • Albania n Albania; Albanian Albano
  • albatross n (zool.: Diomedeidae) albatroso
  • albeit conj cuancam
  • albescence n blancheço; blanchitio || adj albescent blancheçanta
  • albino n albino || adj albinism albinitio
  • album n álbumo
  • albumen n albumeno
  • albumin n (biochem.) albúmino; albuminoid albùminoido; albuminuria (med.) albuminurio || adj albuminous (containing albumin) albùminosa; (containing egg white) albumenosa
  • alburnum n (bot.) alburno
  • alchemy n alchímicho; alchemist alchìmichisto
  • alcohol n alcoholo; (liquor) alcoholajo; alcoholic (person) alcohólaco; alcoholism alcoholismo
  • alcove n alcovo
  • aldehyde n (chem.) aldehido
  • alder n (bot.: Alnus) alno; alder buckthorn (bot.: Rhamnus frangula) frángulo
  • alderman n munìcipii-conselano
  • ale n elo; alehouse (dated: tavern) (el-)taberno
  • aleak adj lecanta
  • alembic n alambico
  • alert adj alerta; (attentive) atentionema; (vigilant) vìgilanta || vt (to danger) adverter; alarmer
  • aleurone n (bot.) aleurono
  • Aleut n Aleuto; Aleutian Islands Aleutias
  • alexandrine adj (verse) alexandrina || n alexandrino
  • alexin n alexino
  • alfalfa n (bot.: Medicago sativa) alfalfo
  • al fresco adv en líbera airo
  • alga n (bot.) algo
  • algebra n álgebro
  • Algeria n Algeria; Algerian Algeriano; Algiers Al Jazair
  • alginate n (chem.) alginato
  • alginic n alginic acid alginato
  • algorithm n algorithmo
  • alias n pseudónimo || adv álias; álter-nómine
  • alibi n álibo
  • alidade n alidado
  • alien n extraneario; (extraterrestrial) extertero; alienist psichiatro || vt to alienate (estrange) alienationer; desafectionifer; (jur.: transfer) aliener || adj extranearia
  • aliform adj ali-forma
  • alight vi decenser; pasuer de; perċer || adj (aflame) ardanta; (luminous) lùminosa; (lit.) accendita
  • align vt alìneer; enlìneifer
  • alike adj ecuala; símila; to be alike sìmileser || adv ecuale; metípsime; símile
  • aliment n alimentivo; nutrivo || adj alimentary canal alimentisca canalo
  • alimony n alimentisca pensiono
  • aliquot n cuantavo
  • alive adj (living) vivanta; alive and well incore actema; incore existanta; to be alive viver; to keep alive mantiner vivanta; sustiner; the sexiest man alive la maxim séxica hómino vivanta; (alert and active) actema; activa; animationosa; vivaça; to look alive àgiter si; mover si; movezer; (conscious) concianta; to be alive to concier; (sensitive) sentiva; alive with (swarming with) plena de
  • alizarin n (chem.) alizarino
  • alkali n (chem.) álcalo; alkaloid àlcaloido || adj alkaline àlcalesca; àlcalosa; alkaloid àlcaloida
  • all adj (collectively) omna; all people are mortal omna persono (aut personos) es mortiva; omnu (aut omnos) es mortiva; all those people omna ecuila personos; all three omna tria; “One day, lad, all this will be yours.” “What, the curtains?” “Ye álica dio, puero, ecuilo omna esun vua.” “Cuo, chi la cortinos?”; [+ possessive pronoun] all my children omna mea filios; [+ pronoun] all those who would oppose me ecuilos omna cua oponebun mi | (the whole) [of one thing] tota; all my strength mea tota fortitio; (each; every single one) cascuna; after all (despite) malgrate; all of (collective) omna; [+ pronoun] all of that ecuilo omna; all of us nos omna | (the whole) [of one thing] tota; all one indiferenta; tote la metípsima; all sorts di omna tipo; all the (collective) omna la; all the marbles omna la buletos | (the whole) [of one thing] la insímula; la tota; all the family la tota familio; all the world la tota mundo; all-around [improvement] generala; [success] completa; all out cum máxima fortitio; all-powerful omni-potanta; all-terrain omni-terena || adv (completely) tote; all alone tote sola; all along dum la tota témporo; all in all entote; generale; omno consèderata; tala cam lo es; all out plen-forte; all over (everywhere) (tote) omnube; (finished) tote finita; all right bone; to be all right (in health) eser sana; all the better asíc plu bone; all the better because asíc plu bone che; all the more so as tante plu ... che; all the same ecuala; it’s all the same to me lo es ecuala por mi | (conj.) malgrate che; at all alicuante cunche; alicuome cunche; not at all tote no || prn (everybody) omnos; omnu; (everything) omno; after all (in any case) en omna caso; omni-case; (nevertheless) malgrate ecuilo; malgrate omno; post omno; tamen; all at once (suddenly) instante; súbite; all but presche; all or nothing omno aut nulo; all told entote; sume; and all inclusite; she ate the sandwich, sardines and all el mangin la sanduiċo, la sardinos inclusite; in all entote
  • Allah n Alá
  • allantois n (bio.) alantoido
  • allay vt alevier; calmifer; mòderer; pacifer; temperationer
  • allege vt (affirm) afirmer; (assert) aserter; (offer as a justification) alegher; he absented himself alleging illness il absentecin alegante malatitio; (pretend) pretexter || n allegation acuso; afirmo; alego; aserto || adj alleged acusasca; asertasca; diçasca; his alleged involvement in the scandal iluya diçasca relationo cum la scándalo; alleging aleganta; pretextanta
  • allegiance n devotitio; fidelitio; loyalitio; obedemitio; (feudal) vasalitio; oath of allegiance juro je fidelitio (aut loyalitio)
  • allegory n alegorío || adj allegorical alegorìisca
  • allergy n alergío; allergen alérgeno
  • alleviate vt alevier; mòderer; palier
  • alley n (lane, as in a garden) aleo; (narrow passageway) angiporto; (small street) stradeto
  • alligator n (zool.: Alligator) aligatoro
  • alliterate vi aliterationer
  • allocate vt (allot) [task, funds] asigner; destiner; (share among group) distributer; reparter
  • allocution n (formala) discurso
  • allodium n (hist.) alodio
  • allonge n (rare) alonġo
  • allonym n alónimo
  • allopath n alópatho; allopathy alòpathío
  • allot vt (assign) asigner; destiner; doner; (apportion) distributer; reparter || n allotment (amount allocated) parcelo; parto; portiono
  • allotrope n (chem.) alótropo || adj allotropic alótropa
  • allow vt (permit) lacer; permiser; yurizer; allow me permises ad mi; to allow oneself to lacer si (facer) | (admit) agnocer; conceser; (allocate) doner; (give a discount to) rebaser; (tolerate) tòlerer || vi to allow for proviser; respectioner; tener conto je || n allowance (allowing) admiso; permiso; (grant) cònferedo; (pocket money) poc-pecunio; (ration) portion(et)o; to put on short allowance portionetizer | (reduction in price) reducto; (in phrases) to make allowance for (take into consideration) consìderer (anche); encàlculer; respectioner; (treat leniently) indulger || adj allowable admisébila; legítima; permisébila; yurizita
  • alloy n aligajo || vt aligher
  • allspice n (bot.: Pimenta dioica) [tree] pimentífero; [fruit, spice] pimento
  • allude vi aluser
  • allure n lurivitio || vt lurer
  • allusive adj alusiva
  • alluvion n (jur.) aluvionizo
  • alluvium n aluviono || adj alluvial aluvionisca
  • ally n (for a particular purpose) aliantiito; (general) adjutanto; amico; asociito; alliance alianti(aj)o; asoci(aj)o; lig(aj)o; union(aj)o; (by marriage) intremarit(iti)o; allliance to make an alliance aliantier || vt aliantier (álico cum áltero)
  • almanac n (calendar) calendario; (ephemeris) efemérido; (handbook) almanaco
  • almeh n (hist: Egyptian belly dancer) almeo
  • almighty n omni-potanta
  • almond n (bot.: Prunus dulcis) [tree] amàndulífero; [seed] amándulo; almond milk amándul-lacto; almond sweetcake mazapano || adj almond-eyed amándul-ócula
  • almoner n (hist.) elemòsinizisto
  • almost adv presche
  • alms n (hist.) elemósino; to give alms elemòsinizer; alms-giving elemòsinizo; almshouse hospitio por le páupero
  • aloe n (bot.: Aloe) [plant] áloo; [laxative] àloajo; aloeswood (aromatic resin) agàlocajo; (resinous heartwood) agáloco
  • aloft adv en la airo; supre; (naut.) sur la masto; to go aloft acenser la masto
  • alone adj (without company) sola; (living alone) solema; (undisturbed) leave me alone! laces mi en paço!; (unique) única || adv (without company) sole || conj let alone sine mentioner
  • along prep (following the length of) alonghe; alongside bordo an bordo; juxte; látere di; to go alongside aborder || adv (onward) adabántee; (together) cume; along with cum; all along juxte la vialo; (the whole time) dum la tota témporo; come along! venes cum mi!
  • aloof adj apartema; distanta; pauche abordébila
  • alopecia n (med.) alopecío
  • alosa n (zool.: Alosa) alauso
  • aloud adv audébile; clare; laute
  • alp n alpo; (alpine pasture) alpagio; The Alps Alpos || adj alpine alpana; alpisca
  • alpaca n (zool.: Vicugna pacos) alpaco
  • alpenstock n montáne-bastono
  • alpha n (Greek letter Α) alfa; alpha release (comput.) versiono alfa
  • alphabet n alfabeto || adj alphabetical alfabet-órdina
  • already adv jam
  • Alsace n Alsatia; Alsatian Alsatiano
  • also adv anche; also known as (aka) álias; álter-nómine; but also mas anche
  • altar n altaro; (chancel) corayo; altar cloth altar-tuco; high altar ċefa altaro; altarpiece (retable) retábulo; altar-screen (rood screen) jubeo
  • alter vt alterationer; cambiejer; I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further. Mi alterationin la intreconsento. Preches che mi no alterationun li pluse. | (modify) modìficher; (retouch) [painting, speech, garment] retocher; (transform) transformifer || n alteration alterationo; cambiejo; (partial) modífico
  • altercate vi (archaic) dísputer || n altercation dísputo
  • alternate vi alterner || vt alternifer || n (substitute) substitutionato; alternation alterno; alternative (choice, option) alternativo; alternator (mech.) alternatro || adj (alternating) alternanta; (alternative) alternativa; alternative [lifestyle, facts] alternativa
  • althaea n (bot.: Althaea) altheo
  • although conj cuancam
  • altitude n altitio; (geog.) altitúdino; at an altitude of ye altitúdino de
  • alto n (mus.) alto; alto violin alti-violino; alto-relievo alta relievo || adj altisca
  • altogether adv complete; entote; insímule; tote
  • altruism n altruismo; altruist altruisto
  • alum n (chem.) alumo
  • alumina n (chem.) alúmino || adj aluminous alùminosa
  • aluminum n (chem.: Al) aluminio || adj aluminous aluminiosa
  • alumnus n ex-studento; gradizito
  • alveolus n (anat.) alvéolo
  • always cor sempre
  • a.m. adv (ante meridiem) a.m. (ante meridio); matine
  • amadou n (hist.: tinder) fómito
  • amalgam n amálgamo; amalgamation amàlgamif(aj)o || vt to amalgamate amàlgamifer; cumfusioner; mixturer; unioner
  • amanuensis n copiisto; secretaro
  • amaranth n (bot.: Amaranthus) amarantho
  • amaryllis n (bot.: Amaryllis belladonna) amarilo
  • amass vt acùmuler; amasifer
  • amateur n amatoro; (archaic: dilettante) diletanto
  • amatory adj amorisca
  • amaurosis n (med.) amaurozo
  • amaze vt mirabilìer; stuporifer || adj amazing exterordinaria; mirabila; to be amazed mirabilìezer
  • Amazon n (person) Amázono; (river) Amázonas
  • ambage n (ambiguity) ambigu(iti)o; (circumlocution) perífraso
  • ambassador n ambaxo
  • amber n ambro
  • ambergris n ambro grisa
  • ambidextrous adj ambidextra
  • ambient adj ambienta
  • ambiguous adj ambigua || n ambiguity ambigu(iti)o
  • ambition n ambitiono; ambition is the willingness to kill the things you love and eat them to stay alive le ambitiono es la voluntariitio por occiser sua amatos et manger los por pluse viver || adj ambitious ambitionosa; to be ambitious of ambitioner
  • amble vi àmbuler
  • amblyopia n (med.) amblìopitio || adj amblyopic amblíopa
  • ambo n (hist.) ambono
  • ambrosia n ambrosio
  • ambulance n ambulantio
  • ambulant adj caminanta; caminiva; promenanta; viaġanta
  • ambuscade vt (archaic) imbosc-atacher || n (dated) imboscayo
  • ambush vt (attack) imbosc-atacher; to place in ambush imboscher || n imboscayo; to lie in ambush eser imboschita
  • ameba n (bio.) amebo
  • ameliorate vt plu-bonifer
  • amen inter amén
  • amenable adj (liable) jùdicìébila; responsanta; responsiva; (tractable) obedema; submisébila; (under jurisdiction of) sub la jurisdictiono di
  • amend vt (correct) corectifer; (make better) plu-bonifer; (rectify a defect, law) emender || n amendment to an amendment subemendo; to make amends compenser; indemnizer; amende honorable (lit.) pública penitentio
  • amenity n (desirable feature, facility) agratábilo; cómodo; servo; a hotel with excellent amenities on hotelo cum bonaza cómodos et servos; a house with all the amenities on domo cum omna cómodos; (pleasantness) afàbilitio; agratàbilitio
  • ament n (bot.) amento
  • America n América; (United States) Usona; American Amèricano; (U.S. citizen) Usonano || adj American Amèricana; Usonana; American English Usonenso
  • americium n (chem.: Am) americio
  • amethyst n (min.) amethisto
  • Amhara n (inhabitant) Amharano; (province) Amhara
  • amiable adj afábila; símpatha
  • amianthus n amiantho
  • amicable adj amichesca; (pacific) pacema
  • amid prep (people, things) inter; (space) medie di || adv amidships navmedie
  • amide n (chem.) ámido
  • amidol n (chem.) amidolo
  • amir n emiro
  • amiss adj desjusta || adv desjuste; male; mis-; to take amiss ofensezer pro
  • amity n amichitio; paço
  • ammonia n (chem.) amoníaco; ammoniacal gas amoníachi-gaso
  • ammonite n (paleo.) amonito
  • ammonium n (chem.) amonio
  • ammunition n munitiono; ammunition wagon munition-furgono
  • amnesia n amnesío; to have amnesia amnesìer
  • amnesty n amnestío; to grant amnesty to amnestìer
  • amnion n (anat.) amnio
  • among prep (persons, things) inter; (a community) apud; among the Spartans apud la Spartanos
  • amorous adj amoranta; amorema; amorosa
  • amorphous adj amorfa
  • amortize vt amortiser
  • amount n (quantity) cuanto; (sum) sumo || vi to amount to (be equivalent to) ecualeser ad; (be worth) facezer; import(ec)er; valor(ec)er
  • amour n amore(et)o; amorisca relationo; intrigo; amour propre propria amo
  • ampersand n (typ.: &) ampersando; eperseto; et-símbolo
  • amphetamine n (pharm.) amfetamino
  • amphibian n (zool.: Amphibia) amfibio || adj amfibia; amphibious amfibia
  • amphibole n (min.) amfíbolo
  • amphioxus n (zool.: Branchiostoma) amfioxo
  • amphitheater n amfitheatro
  • amphora n (hist.) ámforo
  • ample adj abundanta; ampla; granda; sufiçanta || n amplification (elec.) amplífico; amplifier (elec.) amplìficatro; amplitude amplitio; vastitio; (phys.) amplitúdino; (space) extensezo || vt to amplify (broaden) amplifer; (enlarge) plu-grandifer; [sound, electrical signal] amplìficher; (enlarge upon) [statement, etc.] detalizer; disveloper; exàgerer; plu multe clarifer
  • ampoule n ampulo
  • ampulla n (hist., anat., zool.) ampulo
  • amputate vt àmputer
  • amulet n amuleto
  • amuse vt amuser; (divert) distracter
  • amylaceous adj ámila
  • amylase n (biochem.) diastaso
  • -an afx -ano
  • anabaptize vt (relig.) anabapter || n anabaptism anabaptismo; anabaptist anabaptisto
  • anachronism n anácrono || adj anachronistic anácrona
  • anacoluthon n (gram.) anacolutho
  • anaconda n (zool.: Eunectes) anacondo
  • anaerobe n (bio.) anaerobio || adj anaerobic anaerobia
  • anagallis n (bot.: Anagallis) anagalo
  • anagram n anagramo
  • anal adj ànusisca; anal fin ànusisca aleto
  • analgesia n (med.) analgesitio; analgesic analgesifivo
  • analog n análogo; analogy anàloghitio || adj analogous análoga
  • analyze vt anàliser || adj analytic anàlisisca || n analysis análiso; analytics anàlisío
  • anamnesis n anamnesío; to experience anamnesis anamnesìer
  • anamorphosis n anamórfoso
  • anapest n (prosody) anapesto
  • anarch n anarco; anarchist anarchisto; anarchy anarchitio
  • anastigmatic adj (opt.) anastígmata
  • anastomosis n (tech., med.) anastomozo
  • anathema n anàthemito || vt to anathematize anàthemer
  • Anatolia n Anatolia
  • anatomy n anàtomío; anatomist anátomo || adv anatomically correct anàtomiische corecta
  • ancestor n antecésoro
  • anchor n áncoro
  • anchorite n (hist.) anacoreto
  • anchovy n anċovo
  • ancient adj (of the distant past and no longer existing) anticua; (former) ólima; (opp. of new) vétera; (opp. of young) vécula
  • and conj et; and so forth et asíc pluse; and so on et asíc pluse
  • Andalusia n Andalusia; Andalusian Andaluso
  • Andes n Andos
  • andiron n ardendi-reco
  • Andorra n Andora; Andorran Andorano
  • androecium n (bot.) androceo
  • androgyne n andrógino || adj androgynous andrógina
  • android n androido
  • anecdote n anécdoto
  • anemia n (med.) anemío
  • anemometer n anemómetro
  • anemone n (bot.: Anemone) anémono; sea anemone (zool.: Actiniaria) mar-anémono
  • anemophilous adj (bot.) anemófila
  • aneroid adj aneroida || n (barometer) aneroido
  • anesthesia n anesthesío; anesthetic anesthesìivo || vt to anesthetize anesthesìer
  • aneurysm n aneurismo
  • anew adv (afresh) nove; (again) denove; denue
  • angel n ángelo; Angelus Ángelus; angelica (bot.: Angelica) angélico || adj angelic àngelesca; àngelisca
  • anger n iraço || vt iracifer || vi iracecer || adj angry iraçanta; iracema; iraçosa; (furious) furiosa
  • angina n (path.) ángino
  • angioma n (med.) angiómato
  • angiopathy n angiopathío
  • angioplasty n angioplastio
  • angiosperm n (bot.: Angiospermae) angiospermo
  • angle n (geom.) ángulo; angle bracket (punct.: ⟨ ⟩) ángul-paréntheso; Angle (ethnic) Anglo || vt (direct) dìriger; (incline) incliner; (present with a certain viewpoint) vid-puntizer || vi (fish) pischer; (incline) incliner si; inclinezer; (turn) tornìezer
  • Anglican adj (relig.) Anglicana || n Anglicano; Anglicanism Anglicanismo
  • anglicism n Anglismo
  • anglicize vt Anglensifer
  • Anglo n (white, English-speaking person) Blanco; Anglophile Anglófilo; Anglophobe Anglófobo; Anglophone Anglófono; Anglo-Saxon Angli-Saxono
  • Angola n Angolia; Angolan Angoliano
  • Angora n Angora; Angora-cat Angor-cato; Angora-goat Angor-capro
  • angostura n (bot.: Angostura) angosturo
  • angst n angustio
  • anguish n angustio; dolorazo; tormento || vt angustiifer || vi angustier
  • anhelation n anhelo
  • anhydrous adj (chem.) ánhidra
  • aniline n (chem.) anilino
  • anima n (psych.) ànimiso
  • animadversion n (formal) crìtichío; culpizo
  • animal n (excluding man) bestio; (including man) animalo; animal husbandry bestii-alevamento; animal kingdom le animalado; animal worship animal-culto || adj animalisca
  • animalcule n (archaic) (microscopiisca) animaleto
  • animate vt (put life into) vivifer; (put soul into) ànimizer; (fig.) animationer; èciter; inspirer; stìmuler || n animation animation(ez)o; vivacitio; suspended animation suspendata animationo || adj vivanta; animated animationita; animationosa; vivaça; animated image animationita imágino
  • anime n animeo
  • animism n (relig.) ànimismo
  • animosity n inimichitio; odio; rancoro
  • animus n (animosity) inimichitio; odio; rancoro; (psych.) ànimaso
  • anion n (chem.) aniono
  • anise n (bot.: Illicium anisatum) [tree] badianífero; (bot.: Pimpinella anisum) aniso; aniseed anisi-sémino; badiano; anisette anis-licuoro
  • ankle n cavilio; anklet cavilii-bracialeto
  • ankylosis n (med.) anchílozo
  • annal n analo; cronículo
  • anneal vt recocer
  • annex vt anexer || n anexedo
  • annihilate vt extèrminer; nulifer
  • anniversary n aniversario
  • annotate vt notizer
  • announce vt anuntier; proclamationer; (give notice of) aviser || n announcement anuntio; aviso; proclamationo; Annunciation (relig.) Anuntii-festo
  • annoy vt (irritate) iriter; tormenteter; vexer; (pester) molester; (inconvenience) descòmodizer; (weary) tedier
  • annual adj (which takes place once a year) anuala; omni-anua; (lasting a year) un-anua; (pertaining to a year) anuisca || n (yearbook) anu-libro; anuario
  • annuity n réndito; (pension) (anuisca) pensiono; annuitant rènditisto
  • annul vt (declare invalid) anuler; (repeal) abrogher
  • annular adj anelesca
  • anobium n (zool.: Anobium) anobio
  • anode n (elec.) ánodo
  • anodyne adj (music, conversation) neofensiva || n (med.: painkilling drug) analgesifivo
  • anoint vt untioner
  • anomaly n anómalo || adj anomalous anómala; nerègulasca
  • anon adv (archaic: soon) prompte; (archaic: again) denove; denue; (archaic: later on) poste; ever and anon de témporo ad témporo
  • anonymous adj anónima || n anonymity anònimitio; (person) anónimo
  • anorak n anoraco
  • another adj (additional) plusa; another time ye plusa veço; (different) áltera; (at) another time álter-témpore; in another way álter-manarie || prn (person) álteru; (thing) áltero; one another una je la áltera
  • answer v (reply) responder; “42,” he answered “42,” il respondin; (retort) rèplicher || vt (fulfill) satisfacer; to answer several purposes eser útila por plura obiectivos; (reply to) responder ad; respondizer; I have answered your questions mi respondin ad vua cuestionos | [a door] àperer || vi (suffice) suficer; to answer for (be responsible for) responser sopre; (pay the penalty for) punezer pro; to answer to (correspond to) eser conforma ad || n (response) respondo; the answer of the defendant la responso di la acusato; awaiting an answer atendante vua respondo; in answer to your letter respondante ad vua létero; (solution) solvajo || adj answerable (accountable) responsanta; responsiva; (rare: able to be answered or refuted) refutébila; (archaic: correspondent to) conforma
  • ant n (zool.: Formicidae) formico; ant bear (zool.: Myrmecophaga tridactyla) giganta formicario; (zool.: Orycteropus afer) orictéropo; anteater (zool.: Manidae) pangolino; (zool.: Myrmecophaga tridactyla) giganta formicario; (zool.: Tachyglossidae) echidno; (zool.: Vermilingua) formicario; anthill formicayo; antlion (zool.: Myrmeleontidae) formic-leono
  • antagonize vt (cause to become hostile) antàgoner || n antagonism antágono; antagonist antàgonisto
  • antarctic adj antárctica; Antarctic Circle Antárctica Círculo
  • ante- afx (before in space) abántea; (before in time or order) ante- || n antechamber, anteroom abantecambro; vestíbulo || vt to antedate (document) antedatizer; (occur earlier) antìciper; eventer ántee || adj antediluvian antediluvia; antemeridian matinisca; antepenultimate triésime última
  • antecedent n (gram., log., math) antecedento; antecedents (history, social background) antecedentos || adj ántea; precesanta; (gram., log., math) antecedanta
  • antelope n (zool.) antílopo
  • antenna n anteno
  • anterior adj (space) abántea; (time) ántea; plu aprima || n anteriority abanteitio; anteitio
  • anthem n (song identified with a particular group or cause) himno; (liturgic) antífono
  • anther n (bot.) anthero
  • anthology n anthologío
  • anthracite n (min.) anthracito
  • anthrax n (med.) ánthraço
  • anthropoid adj anthropoida
  • anthropology n anthropòloghío; anthropologist anthropólogo
  • anthropometry n anthropòmetrijo
  • anthropomorphic adj anthropomorfa || n anthropomorphism anthropomorfismo
  • anthropophage n anthropófago; caníbalo; anthropophagy anthropòfaghío; canìbalismo
  • anti- afx contre-; (tech.) anti- || n anti-vaxxer (informal) contrevaccinizisto; antibiotic antibiótico; antibody anticórporo; antichrist anticristo; anticlimax anticlímaço; anticyclone anticiclono; antigen antígeno; antimatter antimaterio; antimilitarism contremìlitarismo; antiparticle antipartículo; antiphlogistic anti-inflamivo; antipope antipapo; antitoxin antitoxino || adj anti-Christian contrecristiana; anti-Semitic contreSémida; anticlerical contreclérica; antifebrile contrefebra; antimonarchic contremonarchia; antireligious contrereligiona; antiscorbutic antiscorbuta; antiseptic antisepsa; antisocial contresocia; antispasmodic antispasma
  • antic adj grotesca || n antics bufonajos; bufonío; drolajos; grotescajos
  • anticipate vt (act beforehand, forestall) antìciper; (expect) expecter; (foresee) antevider || n in anticipation antevidante; antícipe; expectante
  • antidote n antídoto
  • Antilles n Antilia
  • antilogy n (archaic) antilogío
  • antimony n (chem.: Sb) antimonio; stibio; (philos.) antinomio
  • antipathy n antìpathitio; to have antipathy to antìpatheser ad || adj antipathetic antípatha
  • antiphon n antífono
  • antiphrasis n (rhet.) antífraso
  • antipode n antípodo
  • antipyrine n (pharm.) fenazono
  • antiquarian adj anticuisca || n anticuisto
  • antique adj anticua; antiquated (out of fashion) ecmoda; (obsolete) desmoderna; obsoleta || n anticuo; antiquity anticuitio || vt to antiquate ecmodifer; obsoletifer
  • antithesis n antítheso || adj antithetical antíthesa
  • antler n ram-corno
  • antonomasia n (rhet.) antonómaso
  • antonym n antónimo
  • anura n (zool.: Anura) anuro
  • anus n (anat., bio.) ánuso
  • anvil n incudo
  • anxious adj (disquieted) anxiosa; destrancuila; (eagerly desirous) desìderazanta; (solicitous) preòcupata || n anxiety anxio
  • any adj (amount; not usually translated before plural or uncountable nouns) alicuanta; do you have any money? haban vi pecunio?; do you have any more? haban vi plu-multos?; I can’t stay here any longer mi no potan rester hic plu longhe; (one, some, every, or all without specification) álica; [at all, whatever] álica cunche; alicuanta cunche; any sort alicuala || adv anyhow, anyway (any way at all) alicuome cunche; (in any event) en omna caso; omni-case; ye álica cunche evento; anymore, any longer jam; pluse; Alice doesn’t live here anymore Alice no pluse hábitan hic; anytime alicuande cunche; anyway en omna caso; anywhere alícube cunche || prn anyone álicu cunche; anything álico cunche
  • aorist n (gram.) aoristo
  • aorta n aorto; aortitis aortito
  • apace adv rápide
  • apart adv (aloof) aparteme; (asunder) dis-; partifite; sèparite; to break apart disrumper; (separately, aside) aparte; apart from (except for) ecepte je; (in addition to) ultre
  • apartment n (suite of rooms) apartamento; apartment block apartament-edificio; apartamentado; apartment complex apartamentado
  • apathy n àpathitio || adj apathetic ápatha
  • ape n (zool.: Hominoidea) simiono || vt (imitate) ìmitaċer; sìmulaċer || adj apish simionesca
  • apeak adv (naut.) verticale
  • aperient adj laxifiva
  • apéritif n aperitivo
  • apetalous adj nepètalosa
  • apex n (climax) clímaço; (crest) cresto; (sharp point) puntalo; (summit) sumitato; (top) suprajo
  • aphasia n (med.) afasío; aphasic afasíaco || adj aphasic afasíaca
  • aphelion n (astron.) afelio
  • aphid n (zool.: Aphididae) áfido
  • aphis n afo
  • aphonia n (med.) àfonitio || adj aphonic áfona
  • aphorism n aforismo
  • aphtha n (med.) aftho
  • apiary n apayo; apiarist ap-alevamentisto; apiculture ap-alevamento
  • apiece adv cascune; these are three euros apiece ecuilos costan tria euros cascune
  • aplanat n (opt.) aplanato || adj aplanatic aplanata
  • aplomb n aplombo
  • apocalypse n apocalipso
  • apocrypha n apócrifo || adj apocryphal apócrifa
  • apodal adj nepedosa
  • apodictic adj apodíctica
  • apogee n apogeo
  • apologue n apólogo
  • apology n (expression of regret) pardon-demando; (vindication) apologío; apologetics apologí-arto; apologist apologìisto || vi to apologize demander pardono; (vindicate) apologìer || adj apologetic (excusatory) excusema; (regretful) pardon-demandanta; (defensive) apologìisca
  • aponeurosis n (anat.) aponeurozo
  • apophysis n (zool., anat.) apófiso
  • apoplexy n (dated, med.) apoplexío
  • aport adv sinistre
  • apostate n apóstato || adj apóstata
  • a posteriori adj aposteriora || adv aposteriore
  • apostille n apostilo
  • apostle n apóstolo || adj apostolic apòstolisca
  • apostrophe n (gram., rhet.) apóstrofo
  • apothecary n apothechisto; apothecary shop apotheco
  • apothem n apothémato
  • apotheosis n apotheoso; deifo || vt to apotheosize apotheoser; deifer
  • appall vt consterner; hororifer
  • appanage n apanajo; to endow with an appanage apaner
  • apparatus n aparato; -atro; apparatchik aparatisto
  • apparel n vestado || vt vestizer
  • apparent adj (clear) clara; manifestita; (seeming) pareçanta; (visible) aparanta; vidébila || adv apparently (clearly) evidente; (seemingly) pareçante
  • apparition n (act) aparo; (object) fantásmato; visiono
  • apparitor n (beadle) bidelo
  • appeal vi (call on for something) apeler; to appeal to someone’s generosity apeler ad la bonitato di álicu; (jur.) to appeal against (a conviction) apeler contre; to appeal to the Supreme Court apeler ad la Supra Corto; (attract) parecer atractiva; (beseech) implorer; sùplicher; (have recourse) recurser; (refer to) tornìer si ad || n court of appeals tribunalo di apelo; tribunalo di casationo
  • appear vi (come into sight) aparer; to cause to appear aparifer; (look like) aspecter; (seem) parecer || n appearance (act) aparo; arivo; to make an appearance aparer por la formo; first appearance debuto; to make a first appearance debuter | (aspect) aspecto; vulto; (ghost) fantásmat-aparo; (semblance) pareço; (what is seen) aparajo; formo
  • appease vt (content) contentifer; (pacify) calmifer; pacifer
  • appellant n apelanto
  • appellation n nómino; título; (act) nòminizo
  • append vt adjunter; adligher; adponer || n appendage accesorio; adjuntito; apéndiço; apertinanto
  • appendix n (anat., zool., bot.) apéndiço; (additional matter at the end of a book) apéndiço; appendectomy apèndicéctomo; appendicitis apèndicito
  • Appenines n Apenino
  • appertain vi (relate, concern) relationer; (belong) apertiner || adj appertaining to concernanta; relationanta ad
  • appetite n apetito; appetizer apetitifivo || adj appetizing apetitifanta
  • applaud vt aplauser
  • applause n (a round of clapping) aplauso; (acclaim) aclamer
  • apple n (bot.: Malus domestica) [fruit] pomo; [tree] pomíferoo; Adam’s apple pomo di Adamo; apple core pom-cordio; apple crate pomuyo; apple of discord pomo di discordo (aut desconcordo); apple orchard pomìferayo; apple pie pom-torto; apple tree pomífero; apple jelly pom-geleo; applesauce pom-compoto
  • apply vi (make a formal request) to apply for a job solìciter empleezo; (be relevant) relationer; (be valid) eser válida || vt (put something on a surface; put into operation or use) àplicher; apply directly to the forehead! ápliches directe ad la fronto!; to apply oneself àplicher si; to apply the brake frenijer || n application (printed form for employment, etc.) solìcitatro; (request) demando; petitiono; solícito; appliance -atro; (device) aparato; (means) meano; (tool) instrumento; utensilo; applicant candidato; petitionanto; solìcitanto; (jur.) plàcitanto; application (diligence) diligentitio; (program) àplichiva programo; àplichivo; (putting something into operation or use) áplico; uso; (putting something on a surface) adpono; áplico; surpono; (relevance) àplichèbilitio; (result) àplicajo || adj applicable àplichébila; apta; convenanta; applied science àplicata ciencio; pràctichisca ciencio
  • appoint vt (assign) asigner; (equip) [provide as equipment] furniser; [provide with equipment] ecuiper; (for a position) nominationer; selecter; (prescribe) fixer; (to a task) comisioner || n appointee nominationito; appointment (agreed time or place to meet someone) apuntamento; appointment calendar agendo; to make an appointment fixer on apuntamento | (job or position) pósteno
  • apportion vt dispartifer; disportionifer; (fairly, proportionally) reparter
  • appose vt (apply) surponer; (juxtapose) juxteponer; (place opposite) oposer || n apposition (gram.) apositiono
  • apposite adj àplichébila; apta; convenanta
  • appraise vt (as a specialist) expertìer; (tax) taxationer; (value) evaluter || n appraisal evaluto; appraiser evalutisto
  • appreciate vt (value) apretier; èstimer; (perceive, detect) percepter; (understand) comprenser || vi (increase in value) augmentezer (en valoro) || n appreciation apretio; (praise) laudo || adj appreciable consìderanda; evalutébila; perceptébila; remarchébila; sentébila
  • apprehend vt (arrest) arester; capter; (fear) timer; (suppose) imaginationer; suposer; (understand) comprenser || adj apprehensive netrancuila (sopre); timema
  • apprehensive adj destrancuila
  • apprentice n aprendisto
  • apprise vt aviser; informer; notìficher; (warn) adverter
  • approach vt (get closer to) proximecer ad; (go toward) advader; advener; (start to deal with in a certain way) aborder; tractecer || n approaches (mil.) aproċo(s) || adj approachable abordébila; accesébila
  • approbate vt àprober; santioner; (fig.) aplauser
  • appropriate adj (suitable) adecuata; apta; convenanta || vt (take for one’s own) propriifer; (purloin) sustracter; (allocate) [money] asigner; cònferer
  • approve vt àprober; santioner; to shout approval aclamer
  • approximate adj círcuma; próxima; (not completely accurate or exact) [facts, numbers] apròximita || adv approximately (more or less) apróxime || vt pròximecer ad; (guesstimate) apròximer
  • appurtenance n apertinanto; (adjunct) adjuntito; (thing to which another pertains) relationatario
  • apricot n (bot.: Prunus armeniaca, et al.) albercoco
  • April n Aprilo; April fool April-inganito
  • a priori adj apriora || adv apriore
  • apron n (protective garment) abantalo; (maneuvering area) manòperayo
  • apropos adj apta; convenanta; oportuna; apropos of concerne je; ocasione di; relatione ad
  • apse n (archit.) ábsido
  • apsis n (astron.) ápsido
  • apt adj (clever, skillful) hábila; (fit, good, suitable) apta; to be apt to eser -ema; incliner; tendentier || n aptitude (natural ability) talento; (natural tendency) naturasca inclino; temperamento
  • aqua n (pharm.) acuo; aqua fortis (archaic: nitric acid) fort-acuo; nítrica ácido; aqua regia regisca acuo; aquosity (rare) acuositio; aquamarine (min.) acuamarino; aquatint (art) acuatinto || adj acuea; aquatic acuisca; aqueous acua; acuesca; acuisca; acuosa
  • aquarelle n acuarelo
  • aquarium n acuario
  • Aquarius n Acuisto
  • aquate vt (chem.) acationer || n aquation acationo
  • aqueduct n acueducto
  • aquiline adj àcuilesca
  • Aquilon n (north wind) acuilono
  • Aquitaine n Acuitania; Aquitanian Acuitano
  • aquosity n acuositio
  • Arab n Árabo; arabesque Àrabesco; Arabia Àrabia; Arabian Àrabiano; Arabic (language) Àrabenso; Saudi Arabia Saúd-Àrabia; Saudi Arabian Saúd-Àrabiano || adj Arabic Àrabiana; (person) Áraba; (thing) Àrabisca
  • arable adj (crops) cultivébila; (land) aratébila
  • arachnoid n (anat.) aracnoido
  • Aragon n Aragonia
  • Aram n (hist.) Aramia; Aramean Aramiano
  • araneous adj aráne-retesca
  • arbalest n (hist.) arbalesto
  • arbiter n árbitro
  • arbitrage n (fin.) arbitraġo || vi arbitrager
  • arbitrary adj (based on random choice or personal whim) arbitraria; arbitrary act arbitrariajo; (despotic) despòtichisca; tiranisca
  • arbitrate vt àrbitrìer || n arbitration àrbitrío; arbitrator árbitro
  • arbor n (shaft) ax-árboro; [mandrel] mandrino; (tree) árboro; arbor vitae thuyo; arboriculture árbor-cultivo | [bower] pèrguleto; [grove] boscheto || adj arboreal àrborisca; arborescent àrboresca
  • arboretum n árbor-botànicayo
  • arbutus n (bot.: Ericaceae) [tree] àrbutífero; [berry] árbuto
  • arc n (geom., archit., elec.) arco; arc lamp archi-lámpado; arc-boutant apodii-arco
  • arcade n arcado; (cloister) claustro
  • Arcadia n Arcadia; Arcadian Arcadiano
  • arcane adj arcana || n arcanum arcano
  • arch n (geom., archit.) arco; (of foot) ped-arco; archer (arm-)archisto; archery archi-dísparo; triumphal arch triumf-arco; archway archizita entrayo; vòlvitizita entrayo; (portal) portalo || vt archifer || vi archecer || adj (roguish) malesca; pètulanta || afx (chief, principal; preeminent) archi-; archangel archiángelo; archbishop archiepíscopo; archchancellor archicancelario; archdeacon archidiácono; archduchy (estate) archiduchio; (office) archiduchitio; archduke archiduco; archpriest archisacerdoto
  • archaeology n archeòloghío; archaeologist archeólogo || adj archaeological archeòloghìisca
  • archaic adj arcaica || n archaism arcaicajo
  • archetype n prim-tipo
  • archil n (archaic: orchil) orcelo
  • archimandrite n archimandrito
  • archipelago n archipélago
  • architect n architecto; architecture (art, study) architectío; (structure) architectajo
  • architrave n (archit.) architrabo
  • archive n archivo; archivist archivisto || vt enarchivifer
  • archivolt n archivolto
  • archon n arconto
  • arctic adj árctica; Arctic Circle Árctica Círculo; arctic fox (zool.: Alopex lagopus) árctica vulpo
  • Ardennes n Arduena
  • ardent adj ardoranta, -osa; ardent spirits alcoholajos; to be ardent ardorer
  • ardor n ardoro
  • arduous adj ardua
  • are n (metric) aro
  • area n (surface extent) áreo; (field) campo; (region) regiono; (space allocated for special purpose) -ayo; dining area manġayo
  • areca n (bot.: Arecaceae) [nut] areco; [palm] arechífero
  • arena n areno || adj arenaceous sàbulisca; sàbulosa
  • areola n (anat.) aréolo
  • areometry n areòmetrijo; areometer areómetro
  • Areopagus n Areópago
  • Argand lamp n Argand-lámpado
  • argent adj argenta; argentea; (silver) argento; argentiferous argentífera
  • argentan n (also nickel silver, German silver, new silver, nickel brass, albata, alpacca, electrum) argentano
  • Argentina n Argentina; Argentinean Argentinano
  • argillaceous adj argil(ífer)a
  • Argo n (myth.) Arguo; Argonaut Argunauto
  • argol n (or “argal”) argolo; tartárico di potasio
  • argon n (chem.: Ar) argono
  • argot n slango
  • argue vi (give reasons, evidence in support of something) argumenter; [jur.] plàciter; (dispute) dìsputer || n arguement argumento; (dispute) dísputo || adj arguable argumentébila
  • aria n ario
  • arid adj árida
  • aright adv corecte; neerorose
  • aril n (bot.) arilo
  • arise vi (ascend) acenser; (emerge) aparer; emerser; (get up) lever si; statiecer; (happen) eventer; (originate) cominitier; nacer; resulter
  • arista n aristo
  • aristocrat n aristócrato; aristocracy (collect.) aristòcratado; (quality) aristòcratitio; (system) aristòcratismo || adj aristocratic aristócrat(isc)a
  • aristolochia n (bot.: Aristolochia) aristolochio
  • Aristotelian adj Aristòtelisca
  • arithmetic n arithmético; arithmetician arithmètichisto
  • arithmometer n arithmómetro
  • ark n (chest) arcono; Ark of the Covenant Arcono di la Aliantio; (ship) Noah’s ark la Arcono di Noe
  • arm n (anat.) brachio; arm in arm cum brachios intreplectita; at arm’s length ye brachii-disto; with arms folded cum brachios crucifita; with open arms cum brachios àperita; armband bracialo; armchair brachii-sedilo; armhole brachii-forámino; armpit axilo; armful plen-brachio || adj armless nebrachiosa
  • arm vt (provide with weapons) armizer || n (weapon) armo; ground arms! abases la armos!; to lay down arms deponer la armos; shoulder arms! armos adspáthule!; portes armos!; to take up arms prender armos; by force of arms per fortiijo di armos; in arms armos enmanue; under arms armizita; up in arms (fig.) iraçanta; protestanta; rebelionanta; arms dealer arm-traficanto; arms race armizisca curejo; (heraldry) (coat of) arms blasono || adj armed armizita; armed force armato; armizita trupo; armed from head to foot armizita de cápito ad pedos; the armed forces la militarado
  • armada n guer-floto; guer-navado
  • armadillo n (zool.: Dasypus) armadilo
  • armament n armiz(aj)o
  • armature n armaturo
  • Armenia n Armenia; Armenian Armeno
  • armistice n armistitio
  • armlet n bracialo
  • armoire n armario
  • armor n armoro; (breastplate) coriáceo; armor plating blindo; armor-bearer armorígero; armorer (armor) armor-vendisto; armorefisto; (weapons) arm-vendisto; armefisto; armory armayo; arsenalo || vt armorizer || adj armorial (heraldic) blasonisca; armorial bearings blasono
  • army n armato
  • arnica n (bot.: Arnica) árnico
  • aroma n arómato; (chem.) aromatic aromático; aromatic aròmatoso || adj aromatic aròmatosa
  • around adv (on every side) círcume; to turn around (on a point outside of its own body) [following an approximately circular route] girer; (on an axis) [so as to rotate and face a different direction] tornìer; (on its own axis) [so as to rotate and face a different direction] rotationer; tornìezer || prep (on every side of) circum; (in or to many places throughout) círcume en; to go around [an obstacle] pretervader arche; (surround) circumder; (wander) circulationer en; circumvader en; girer en; vagher en; a specter is going around Europe — the specter of communism on fantásmato giran en Europa — la fantásmato di comunismo
  • arouse vt (sexually) èciter; (stir up) [person] ìnciter; [reaction, reprisal] provocationer; [support, interest] sùciter; (wake) evìgiler
  • arpeggio n arpeġo; to play arpeggios arpeger
  • arquebus n archebuso
  • arrack n (also “arak”) áraco
  • arraign vt acuser; citationer (álicu) abante tribunalo; (prosecute) lìtigher
  • arrange vt aranger; disponer; (ri)òrdiner; to arrange to meet someone aranger (si) por incontrer álicu || n arrangement aranġ(aj)o
  • arrant adj (dated) absoluta; exterordinaria; infama; perfecta; vera
  • array n (display) colectionito; expositiono; a vast array of action figures on vasta colectionito de acti-figuretos; (order) aranġo; dispono; órdino; battle array formationo di batalio; órdino di batalio | [computing] arayo; tabelo; [mil.] formationo || vt (display) expositioner; paratifer; (dress) vestizer; (order) aranger; disponer; òrdiner; [mil.] formationer
  • arrears n nepaghita debitionedo; tarda debitionedo; in arrears tard(ecint)a; (bill) nepaghita; (person) nepaghinta
  • arrest vt (stop) haltifer; (jur.: seize) arester; capter; [the attention] fixer || n arestezo; aresto; to be under arrest arestezer; arrest warrant aresti-mandato || adj arrested person arestito
  • arris n (archit.) arístulo
  • arrive vi ariver; parvener; to arrive at (attain) atinger || n arrival arivo
  • arrogate vt arogher || n arrogance aroghemitio; arogo; superbitio || adj arrogant aroganta; superba
  • arrondissement n districto
  • arrow n fleċo; arrowhead fleċ-puntalo; (bot.: Sagittaria) sagitario; arrowroot (bot.: Maranta arundinacea) aroruto
  • arse n (vulg.) culo
  • arsenal n arsenalo
  • arsenic n (chem.: As) arsénico
  • arson n crìminasca incendio
  • art n arto; art of war guer-arto; artist artisto; artistry artismo; (skill) hàbilitio || adj artful (crafty) artificiosa; astuta; (skilled) art(os)a; artistic (artful) art(os)a; artistic person artemo | (highly) virtuosa; artistic perfection virtuositio | (relating to art) artisca; artistic character artischitio | (relating to the artist) artistisca; artless ingenua; inocenta; neartificiosa
  • artery n arterio; arteritis arteriito || adj arterial arteriisca
  • artesian adj (re artesian wells; from Artois) Artesiana; artesian well Artesiana púteo
  • arthritis n arthrito || adj arthritic (of disease) arthritisca; (of persons) arthrítaca
  • arthrodia n (anat.) arthrodío
  • arthropod n (zool.: Arthropoda) arthrópodo
  • artichoke n (bot.: Cynara scolymus) artiċoco
  • article n (particular item) coso; objecto; [of clothing] vesto; [of commerce] comerciedo; merço; [of faith] cred-artículo; credato; [of food] mangedo; nutrivo; [of legal document] artículo; clauso; Articles of Confederation Artículos di Confèdereço; Articles of War Régulos di Guero | [of newspaper] (jurnalisca) artículo; (grammar) artículo; [definite article] definita artículo; determinationiva artículo || vt contracter como je aprendisto
  • articulate adj (fluent and coherent) bone expresiva; clara; elocuenta; articular (relating to joints) articulaturisca; articulated (jointed) articulaturosa; (pronounced, expressed) articulationita || n articulation (formation of speech sounds) articulationo; pronuntio; (joint) articulaturo || vt (express) [feelings, thoughts] clare expreser; (pronounce) [speech sounds] articulationer; [word, sentence] clare pronuntier; (join together) articulaturizer
  • artifact n artefacto
  • artifice n (clever expedient) artificio; (ruse) astutajo; stratagemo; artificer (skilled craftsman) minsteriisto || adj artificial artificia
  • artillery n artilerío; canonado; artillerist artilerìisto || adj artillery shell obuso
  • artisan n artitiano; minsteriisto
  • arugula n erúculo
  • arum n (bot.: Arum) árumo
  • -ary afx (place) -ayo
  • Aryan adj (race) Arya || n Aryo; (language) Aryenso
  • as adv (comparison) tam; it’s like chocolate, but not as sweet li saporan cuom ċocolato, mas no tam dulce; as ... as tam ... cam; I am just as smart as you are mi es tam inteligenta cam vi; I want you to hit me as hard as you can mi desíderan che vi colpes mi tam forte cam vi potan; as big again as duple granda cam; as much/many as tam multa cam; tante cam; as soon as possible maxim prompte posíbile; tam prompte cam posíbile; as for relatione ad; sopre; as for example exemple; as for me sopre mi; as for the rest sopre la céteros; as much I thought as much anche mi pensin ecuilo | (the same) metípsime; as to, as regards relatione ad; sopre; as well (also) anche ...; as well as (besides) ultre || prep (in the capacity of) como; to act as king acter como reġo; (in the manner of) cuom; to act as (like) king acter cuom reġo; (while) dum; he was a monster as a child il esin on monstruo dum pueritio; as a whole generale; as yet usche nun || conj (because) pro che; as there was not enough pumpkin spice, the whole month of October was canceled pro che ci no esin sufiçanta pepon-spicio, homi anulin la tota mensuo Octobro; (even though) cuancam; cuante cunche; smart as she is… cuancam el es inteligenta…; cuante cunche inteligenta el es…; (in accordance with) secuno; as you will secuno vua placero; he did as you asked il facin secuno vua demando; (like) cuome; as everyone knows cuome homi bone sapan; as is well known cuome homi bone sapan; he is as he always was il es tala cam il esin olime; think as I think penses cuome mi pensan; (to the same degree that) I took such as pleased me mi prensin ecuilos cua placin ad mi; as if cuom se; as it were (as though) asíc dicer; cuase; as long as (during the time that) dum che; (provided that) condicione che; as though cuom se; as well as (besides) ultre che
  • asafetida n (bot.: extract from Ferula assa-fetida) asafétido
  • asbestos n asbesto
  • ascarid n (zool.: Ascaridae) ascárido
  • ascend vt (move upward upon) acenser || vi (move upward) acenser || n ascendancy auctoritato; dòminío; influo; ascension acenso; Ascension Day Acens-festo; ascent acenso; (slope, path) acensayo || adj ascendant acensanta; (rising in power) dòminìeçanta
  • ascertain vt certanifer si; (for oneself by observation or experiment) constater || adj ascertainable constatébila
  • ascetic n aceto; asceticism acetismo || adj acetisca
  • ascribe vt atribuer; ìmputer
  • asepsis n (act) asèptichifo; (state) asèptichitio || adj aseptic aséptica
  • asexual adj (bio.) agámica; (bot.) criptógama; (without gender) nesexosa; (without sexual feelings) neerotosa
  • ash n (powdery residue of a burnt substance) cínero; Ash Wednesday Cìnerisca Mercurii-dio; ashtray cìneruyo | (bot.: Fraxinus) fráxino || adj ashen cìnerea; (archaic: made from the ash tree) fráxina
  • ashamed adj verecundanta; verecundosa; (bashful) pudorosa; to be ashamed verecunder; to make ashamed verecundifer
  • ashlar n cuadratifita petro
  • ashore adv ad la tero; to put ashore desimbarcher; to run ashore incali(if)er
  • Asia n Asia; Asia Minor Anatolia; Parv-Asia; Asian Asiano || adj Asiatic Asiana
  • aside adv látere; (away) aparte; fore; to lay, put, set aside forponer; poner aparte; to step aside mover si adlátere; (dismissing or shifting topics) aside from that exter ecuilo || n (theat.) aparta paraulo
  • asinine adj àsinaċa; àsinesca
  • ask vt (inquire of) to ask someone something cuestioner álico ad álicu | (put forward) [question] poner (aut facer) on cuestiono; (request) demander de; [beg] precher; (invite) inviter || vi to ask for (request) demander; (demand) èxiger; (stipulate) stìpuler
  • askance adv desapretiante; desfavorose; schéptiche; (obliquely) oblicue
  • askew adv oblicue; (wrong, awry) desrecte; nerecte
  • aslant adv inclinite; oblicue
  • asleep adj dormanta || vi to be sleep dormer; to fall sleep dormecer
  • asp n (zool.: Naja haje) Egiptana cobro; (zool.: Vipera aspis) áspido
  • asparagine n (biochem.) asparagino
  • asparagus n (bot.: Asparagus officinalis) aspárago
  • aspartame n aspartamo
  • aspect n aspecto; (positioning) house with a southerly aspect domo cum on ad-suda orientationo; domo orientationita ad-sude
  • aspen n (bot.: Populus tremula) trémul-poplo
  • aspergillum n sparġatro
  • asperity n àsperitio; (rough edge) àsperajo
  • asperse vt (relig.) aroser; (rare: defame) calumnier; difamationer || n aspersion calumnio; difamationo
  • asperula n (bot.: Asperula) aspérulo
  • asphalt n asfalto || vt asfaltizer
  • asphault n bitúmino
  • asphodel n (bot. Asphodelus) asfódelo
  • asphyxiate vt asfixier || n asphyxia asfixio
  • aspic n (culin.) áspico
  • aspidistra n (bot.: Aspidistra) aspidistro
  • aspirate vt (phon.) aspirationer || n (med.) ecsuctiajo; (phon.) aspirationedo; aspiration (med.) ecsuctio; (phon.) aspirationo; aspirator ecsuctiatro
  • aspire vi aspirer; ambitioner; desìderer || n aspirant aspiranto; candidato; aspiration aspiro
  • aspirin n aspirino
  • asquint adv (obliquely) oblicue; (with narrowed eyes) strabe
  • ass n (zool.: Asinus) ásino; (vulg.) culo; micro-changes in air density, my ass microcambios en la densitio di la airo, cuala merdajo; asshole (vulg.: anat.) aneleto; cul-forámino; (vulg.: mean, petty person) strunço || vt to ass-fuck (vulg.) pedicher
  • assail vt asalter; atacher; to assail the honor of atempter la honoro di || n assailant asaltanto, -edoro; atacanto, -edoro || adj unassailable neatachébila
  • assassin n magnicido; [contract killer, hitman] sicaro; assassination magnicidío || vt to assassinate magnicidìer
  • assault vt (attack) asalter; atacher; (criminally) atempter; violentier || n assault and battery atempto et violentio; to carry by assault asalte capter; asalte concuister; criminal assault on a woman atempto contre la pudoro; (rape) violationo je muliero
  • assay n (of ore) exagio; (analysis) análiso; (test) éprobo || vt (determine ingredients) [of ore] exagier; (analyze) anàliser; (test) èprober
  • assegai n (African spear; also “assagai”) zagayo
  • assemble vt (gather together in one place for a common purpose) [people or things] asembler; (fit together the the separate component parts of) monter || vi (come together) [people or things] asemblezer; [people] cumvener || n assembly asembl(aj)o; colection(aj)o; (meeting) asembl(aj)o; cumveno; (of parts) mont(aj)o; assembly line monti-cateno; some assembly required monto recuistata | (pol.) asembleo; assembly(wo)man asembleano
  • assent n asenso || vi asenser
  • assert vt (declare forcefully) aserter; (establish) [authority] agnocifer ad; (insist on) [rights] èxiger || adj assertive certana; firma; forta personalitate
  • assess vt (value) evaluter; (tax) taxationer || n assessment evaluto; (tax) impostajo; taxation(aj)o; assessor taxationisto; (assistant judge) asesoro
  • asset n (valuable thing) valoroso; (advantage) abantaġo; (fin.) activo; (property) posesedo
  • asseverate vt afirmer (solemne aut èmfasose); aserter (solemne aut èmfasose)
  • assiduous adj asidua; diligenta
  • assign vt (allot, designate) asigner; [date] fixer; (appoint) [person] nominationer; (attribute) atribuer; (jur.: transfer) ceder; trànsferer || n assignation (tryst) (secreta) rendezvoso; assignee cedatario; (of an insolvent’s estate) síndico; assignment (task) tasco; (allotment, designation) asigno; [of date] fixo; (appointment) [of person] nominationo; (attribution) atribuo; (jur.) cedo; tránsfero
  • assimilate vt asìmiler; (make similar) sìmilifer
  • assist vt adjuter || n assistance adjuto; assistant adjutanto; (adjunct) adiunto || adj assisted living adjutata vivado
  • assize n (hist.: court) superiora crìminisca tribunalo
  • associate vt (connect mentally) I always associate that phrase with Arnold Schwarzenegger mi sempre asocian ecuila fraso cum Arnold Schwarzenegger; (join as a partner, ally, or friend) asocier || vi to associate with (keep company with) vìsitader; I do not associate with known geeks mi no vìsitadan agnoçata ghicos || n (member of an association) asociito; (colleague) colego; (comrade) camarato; association asociajo; asociitado; association of ideas asocio je ideos || adj associated asociita; Associated Artists Asociita Artistos
  • assonate vi asoner || n assonance asono || adj assonant asonanta
  • assort vt (archaic: classify) asorter || n assortment asort(aj)o || adj assorted asortita; (miscellaneous) diversa
  • assuage vt (mitigate) alevier; diminutioner; mòderer; [pacify] calmifer; trancuilifer; (satisfy, relieve) satier
  • assume vt (suppose, presume) suposer; [presuppose] antesuposer; (adopt) [air] doner ad si; [name, attitude, look] adopter; (take on) [power, debts, responsibility] asumpter; [unjustly] arogher; propriifer || n assumption (supposition) suposo; (adoption) adopto; (presupposition) antesuposo; (rel.) asumpto; (taking on) asumpto; (archaic: presumption) arogo; presumpto
  • assure vt (person) certanifer; (event) certifer; (quiet) calmifer; trancuilifer; (secure) securifer; (Brit.: insure) asecurer || n assurance [of person] certanifo; [of event] certifo; (self-confidence) aplombo; autofido; certanitio sopre si; (arrogance) aroghemitio; presumpto; (Brit.: insurance) asecuro || adv assuredly certe; sine dúbito
  • Assyria n (hist.) Asiria; Assyrian Asiriano; Assyrian plum (bot.: Cordia myxa) lasuro
  • astatic adj (phys.) astática
  • astatine n (chem.: At) astato
  • aster n (bot.: Aster) astero
  • asterid n (zool.: Asteridae) astérido
  • asterisk n asterisco
  • asterism n astrado
  • astern adv détree || adj (naut.) (ad)pope
  • asteroid n astroido
  • asthenia n (med.) asthenitio
  • asthenopia n (med.) asthènopitio
  • asthma n (med.) asmo || adj asthmatic (pertaining to asthma) asmisca; (suffering from asthma) ásmaca
  • astigmatic adj (med.) astígmata; astigmatism astìgmatitio
  • astir adj movezanta; (awake) evìgilita
  • astonish vt mirabilìer || adj astonished mirabilìita
  • astound vt mirabilìazer
  • astragal n (bot.: Astragalus) astrágalo
  • astrakhan n (pelt, cloth) astracanajo
  • astral adj astresca; astrisca
  • astray adv en eroro; for la vialo; perdita; to go astray devialecer; misvader; to lead astray erorifer; misconducter
  • astrict vt (astringe) astricter; (clasp) stringer; (compress) compresioner
  • astride prep cabàliche sur
  • astringe vt astricter || adj astringent astrictiva
  • astrolabe n (hist.) astrolabio
  • astrology n astròloghío; astrologer astrólogo || adj astrological astròloghìisca
  • astronaut n astronauto; astronautics astronáutico
  • astronomy n astrònomío; astronomer astrónomo || adj astronomical astrònomìisca
  • astrophysics n astrofísico; astrophysicist astrofìsichisto
  • Asturias n Asturia; Asturian Asturiano
  • astute adj (sagacious) sagaça; (crafty) astuta
  • asunder adv (archaic or lit.) dis-; partifite; sèparite; what God hath joined together let no man put asunder cuo dunche Deo juntin, homi no sépares
  • asylum n (place of refuge) asilo; (for the insane) manicomio; (for the poor, aged, infirm) hospitio; (fig.: part of church containing high altar) santuario
  • asymmetry n nesìmetritio || adj asymmetrical nesímetra
  • asymptomatic n nesìmptomosa
  • asymptote n (geom.) asímptoto || adj asymptotic asímptota
  • at prep (a particular place or position) [contiguous to] an; to sit at a desk seder an on scriptorio | [in] en; at home focare; at the office en la oficino | [in the domain of] apud; my email address is at noone@nowhere.com mea epostal-adirectio es noone apud nowhere punto com | [in the house of] apud; breakfast at Tiffany’s dejuno apud Tiffany | [on] sur; at sea sur la maro; (a particular rate) at €30 a kilo ye 30 € chilograme/po chilogramo; at 20% interest ye interesto de 20%; to go at 100 km per hour vader ye 100 km hore/po horo; two at a time duene; (a particular state) at a loss (fin.) perde; (puzzled) confusifita; en dúbito; perplexa; at a standstill haltifita; interrumpita; at ease confortosa; (mil. command) repauses!; at fault culposa; en eroro; at it valde ocupata; at war en guero; at work laboranta; òcupata | (a particular time) an; class starts at 9:00 la claso cominitian ye 9:00; at dawn ye la jurneço; at present actuale; nun; presente; at the moment en ecuista instanto; en ecuista témporo; at the time alore; (by means of) at a blow per una stroco; at will volitionasche; at your discretion secuno vua àrbitrío (aut júdico, volitiono); sine condiciono | (concerning) sopre; he’s good at math il es hábila sopre mathemático; she’s good at playing the accordion el bone ludan la acordiono; (in response to) an; pro; secuno; at her cries ye eluya critos; at my request secuno mea demando; I was shocked at the news la notitio scándalin mi; (toward) ad; contre; versum; angry at iraçanta contre; [in a hostile or uncaring manner] Anyone can read the news to you. I promise to feel the news at you. Álicu cunche potan lecturer la notitios ad vos. Mi promisan senter la notitios asú vos.; he hit at her face with the TV remote il colpin asú eluya facio per la telecomandatro; I’m fasting. Are you chewing gum? I’d really prefer it if you didn’t chew it at me. Mi jejunan. Mástican vi gumo? Mi multe prèfereban che vi no mástiches li asú mi.; throw the ball to him, not at him jactes la bulo ad il, no asú il || n at sign (@) at || vt (internet) don’t @ me no atiges mi
  • ataraxy n (philos.) ataraxío
  • atavism n àtavismo || adj atavistic àtavista
  • ataxia n (med.; also “ataxy”) ataxío; locomotor ataxia locomotionisca ataxío || adj ataxic (disease) ataxìisca; (person) ataxíaca
  • atelier n (of an artist) studio; (workshop) laborayo
  • atheism n atheismo; atheist atheo || adj atheistic (doctrine) atheismisca; (person) atheisca
  • Athenaeum n atheneo
  • atheroma n (med.) atherómato
  • athirst adj (archaic) sitanta
  • athlete n athleto; athletics athletismo || adj athletic (physically fit, active) athlet(esc)a; (relating to athletes) athletisca
  • athwart prep transverse sur || adv transverse
  • Atlantic adj Atlántica || n Atlántica Océano; Atlántico
  • Atlantis n Atlántea
  • atlas n (archit.) atlanto; (book of maps) atlaso
  • ATM n autómata cápseisto
  • atmosphere n atmósfero || adj atmospheric atmòsferisca; atmospheric pressure atmósfer-presiono
  • atoll n atolo
  • atom n átomo; atomism àtomismo || vt to atomize àtomifer || adj atomic weight àtomisca peso
  • atone vt to atone for (compensate for) compenser; (rel.) expier
  • atony n (ling., physiol.) atonío
  • atop prep sur
  • atrabilious adj (lit.) melancolíaca
  • atrium n atrio
  • atrocious adj (horrifyingly wicked) abòminanda; cruelaza; (very bad) [film, food, spelling] malaza || n atrocity cruelazajo; (quality) cruelazitio
  • atrophy vi (med.) atrofìezer || vt atrofìer || n atrofío
  • atropine n (chem.) atropino
  • attach vt (fasten) adjunter; fixer; ligher; unioner; (attribute) atribuer; (for duty) ficer server; (jur.) embargher; sacer || n attaché (diplo.) ataċeo; attachment (comput.: document) adjuntita fìgicajo; adjuntito || adj to be attached (married, spoken for) maritita; to be attached to (have an affection for) afectioner; amer
  • attack vt atacher || n ataco; (of fever, etc.) acceso; ataco
  • attain vt atinger; (come through to) ariver ad; parvener ad || n attainment (acquirements) cognocedos; experientio; (mentisca) atingedos; (reaching) atinġo
  • attainder n atinto
  • attaint vt (jur.) atinter; (archaic: infect, corrupt) corupter; infecter
  • attar n attar of roses ros-esentio
  • attempt vt (try) èprober; to attempt Everest èprober Everest; (strive for) efortier -er; to attempt a comeback efortier rinvener; (archaic: try to kill) atempter; to attempt suicide atempter si ipsa || vi (try) èprober; (strive) efortier; (take steps, measures) facer pasuos || n (effort to kill) to make an attempt on the life of someone atempter la vivo di álicu
  • attend vt (be present at) asister; [school, etc.] asistader; (accompany) acompanier; excortìer || vi to attend to (look after; deal with) atenter; (pay attention to) atentioner; (serve) server || n attendance (people present) asistantado; (presence at) asisto; [regular presence at] asistado; (service) servo; to be in attendance (on duty) eser en servo; attendant (companion) acompanianto; companiono; (escort) excorto; (servant) adjutanto; servisto || adj attendant acompanianta; secuanta; (consequent) consecuanta
  • attention n (heed) atentiono; attention! atentiones!; (mil.) atention-staties!; to call attention to ficer atentionata; to pay attention to atentioner | (assiduous) cultivo; (humoring) complaço; attentions (romantic) atentiono; cortejo || adj attentive (heeding) atentionema, -osa; (careful of) atentema; (courteous) cortesa; (gallant) galanta
  • attentive adj atentionema
  • attenuate vt atenuer; (diminish) diminutioner; (thin) tenuifer; (thin out) desdensifer; (weaken) dèbilifer
  • attest vt atester || n attestation (authentication) authèntichifo; (evidence) atesto || adj properly attested authéntica
  • attic n subtecto
  • Attica n Ática; Atticism Àtichenso || adj Attic Àticana
  • attire n costumo; vestado || vt vestizer
  • attitude n (way of behaving) atitúdino; (pose) posturo; (position, posture) positiono; posturo; to strike an attitude posturer; to have an attitude about something atitùdiner álico
  • attorney n (business or legal proxy) procuratisto; (lawyer) avocato; (jurist) legisto; yuristo; attorney general súpera stat-avocato; power of attorney procurato; prosecuting attorney stat-avocato
  • attract vt atracter; (entice, lure) lurer || n attraction (act) atracto; [enticement, lure] luro; (state) atractatitio; (something that draws) atractatro; atractivo; cármino || adj attractive atractiva; (charming) càrminanta, -iva; (enticing) luriva; to be attracted (gravitate) gràviter
  • attribute vt atribuer; (impute) ìmputer || n (gram., log.) atributo; (quality) cualitio || adj attributive (gram.) atribuisca; (jur.) atribuanta
  • attrit vt (wear away) atritioner; (wear down) atritioner || n attrition (wearing away) atritiono; war of attrition atrition-guero | (relig.) atrititio || adj attrite (relig.) atrita
  • attrite adj (relig.) atrita
  • attune vt acordifer
  • aubergine n (Brit.: eggplant) alberginio
  • auburn adj brun(et)-rufa
  • auction n auctiono; to knock down at auction adjùdicìer; auctioneer auctionisto || vt auctioner
  • audacious adj audacianta; audaciosa || n audacity audacio
  • audible adj audébila
  • audience n (people present) asistantado; audientado; (reception) audientio
  • audio n audio; audiobook audii-libro; audiometer audiómetro || adj audiovisual audii-vidisca
  • audit n (com.) auditorío; auditor (com.) auditoro; (hearer) audanto; (univ.) líber-asistanto || vt auditorìer; (a class) líber-asister
  • audition n (trial of an entertainer) auditiono || vt (trial an entertainer) auditioner || vi (perform an audition) auditionezer
  • auditorium n audientayo
  • auditory adj audisca
  • au fait adj informita
  • auger n torní-forationatr(az)o
  • aught prn álico cunche
  • augment vt augmenter
  • augur vt (bode) àugurìer; that doesn’t augur well ecuilo no bone àugurían; (archaic: foresee) àugurìer || n (archaic: soothsayer) áuguro; augury (omen) presaġo; (soothsaying) àugurío
  • august adj augusta || n August Augusto; Augustine (monk) Augustiniano
  • auk n (zool.: Alcidae) álcido; (zool.: Alca torda) alco
  • aunt n thiiso
  • au pair n alparo
  • aura n halono; an aura of mystery on halono di misterio
  • aural adj (of ear) aurìculisca; (of hearing) audisca
  • aureola n (anat.) aréolo
  • aureole n auréolo
  • aureomycin n (med.: chlortetracycline) clortetraciclino
  • au revoir inter usche rivido
  • auricle n (anat.) [of the ear] éxtera aurículo; [of the heart] cordiisca atrio || adj auricular (of ear) aurìculisca; (of hearing) audisca
  • auriferous adj aurífera
  • aurochs n (zool.: Bos primigenius) uro
  • aurora n auroro; aurora borealis Bòreisca auroro; polisca auroro
  • auscultate vt (med.) auscultationer || n auscultation auscultationo
  • auspice n auspicio; under favorable auspices cum favorosa auspicios; under the auspices of sub la auspicios di || adj auspicious bon-àuguría; bon-auspicia; feliça
  • austere adj austera; severa || n austeritio; rigoritio; (ascetic act) acetajo
  • austral adj austrisca || n austro
  • Australasia n Australasia
  • Australia n Australia; Australian Australiano
  • Austria n Austria; Austrian Austriano
  • autarky n autarchío
  • authentic adj authéntica; vera; (authorized) yurizita || n authenticity authèntichitio || vt to authenticate certìficher; constater
  • authetntic adj authéntica
  • author n auctoro
  • authority n (power or right to give orders) auctoritato; with full authority cum plena auctoritato aut poto aut yuro | [authorization] permiso; santiono; yurizo; [person] auctoritatoso; (expert; reliable source of information) auctoritatoso; experto; to have on good authority haber de bona fonto; authorization permiso; yurizo; (official) santiono; (written) certífico je permiso || vt to authorize àprober; permiser; yurizer || adj authoritative auctoritatosa
  • autism n autismo; autist autísmaco; autisto || adj autistic autísmaca; autista
  • auto- afx (for scientific and technical terms) auto-; (gen.) si
  • autobiography n autobiògrafío || adj autobiographical autobiògrafía
  • autochthon n aborígino
  • autoclave n autoclavo
  • autocrat n autócrato; autocracy (regime) autòcratio; (reign, ideology) autòcratío || adj autocratic autòcratisca; (person) autócrata
  • auto-da-fé n autodafeo
  • autodidact n autodidacto
  • autofocus n autofocalo
  • autograph n autógrafo || vt autògrafizer
  • autogyro n autogiro
  • automat n autómata restoranto
  • automatic adj (self-acting) autómata; (relating to an automation) autòmatisca || n automation autòmatifo; automaton autómato
  • automobile n automóbilo
  • automorphic adj (math, geol.) automorfa
  • autonomy n autònomitio || adj autonomous autónoma; autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) autónoma senti-meridiana respondo
  • autopsy n autopsío; to perform an autopsy on autopsìer
  • autosuggestion n autòsugesto
  • autumn n autumno; autumn crocus (bot.: Colchicum) cólchico
  • Auvergne n Arvernia
  • auxiliary adj (supplementary, reserve) auxiliaria; auxiliary verb auxiliaria verbo; (accessory) accesoria; (helping) adjutanta; adjutiva || n (supplement, reserve) auxiliario; (assistant) adjutanto; adjutivo
  • avail vt adjuter; profitifer; to avail oneself of profiter per; user; ùtilifer || vi ùtileser || n of no avail neútila; availability disposèbilitio || adj available disposébila; to have available disposer
  • aval n (guarantee) avalo
  • avalanche n avalanċo || vi avalanċer
  • avant-garde n abante-guardio || adj abante-guardia
  • avarice n avaritio || adj avaricious avara
  • avast inter haltes!
  • avaunt inter (archaic) forvades!
  • avenaceous adj avenesca; avenisca
  • avenge vt vindicter
  • avens n (bot.: Geum) geo
  • aventail n camalio
  • avenue n avenito; (garden path) aleo
  • aver vt afirmer; aserter; certifer
  • average n (math) medii-valoro; on the average medii-numbre; medii-valore; (damage to ship or cargo) avarío || vt medii-càlculer; medii-valorifer || vi medii-valorer || adj medii-grada; medii-valora; (mediocre) mediocra; (normal, typical) normasca; tipasca
  • averse adj desinclinita; nefavorosa; neinclinita; resistema || n aversion antìpathitio; desinclinititio; neinclinititio; repugnezo; to cause an aversion to antìpathifer ad; repugner; to have an aversion to antìpatheser ad; álico repugnan
  • avert vt (turn away) [eyes, thoughts] detornìer; (avoid) eviter; (parry) detornìer; (prevent) preventer
  • Avesta n (relig.) Avesta
  • aviary n aucelayo
  • aviation n aviationo; to practice aviation aviationer; aviator aviationisto
  • avid adj ávida || n avidity àviditio; with avidity ávide
  • avionics n aviónico
  • avocado n avocado; avocado tree avocadífero
  • avocation n (hobby) pasatempo; (minor occupation) accesoria minsterio aut òcupezo aut profesiono
  • avocet n (zool.: Recurvirostra) avoceto
  • avoid vt eviter; (escape) eluser; excaper de
  • avow vt agnocer; aserter; confeser; declarationer || adv avowedly aperte; declarationite; públiche; secuno luya propria confeso
  • avuncular adj thiasesca; thiasisca
  • await vt atender; (expect) expecter
  • awake vi (cease sleeping) evìgilezer; (fig.) riconciecer; riècitecer; rivivacecer || vt (cause to stop sleeping) evìgiler; (fig.) riconciifer; rièciter; rivivacifer || adj evìgilita; to stay awake tener si evìgilita; (watch, sit up) vìgiler
  • award vt (prize, medal) cònferer; premiizer; (jur.) [damages] adjùdicìer || n (prize) premio; (adjudgment) adjùdicìedo || adj award-winning premiizita
  • aware adj (cognizant) concianta; to be aware concier; to make aware conciifer; informer; (awake) evìgilita
  • awash adj (flooded) inundita; (at water level) acui-nivelasca
  • away adv absente; fore; neasistante; no en focaro; (continuously) to work away at something adlaborer álico sine cesationo; continuationer adlaborer álico; away with...! forjactes...!; to be away foreser
  • awe n (reverence) respectazo; venerationo; (wonder) mirabilìezo; (fear) timo (respectazosa, venerationosa); to fill with awe plenifer per timo, teroro, respectazo; to stand in awe of admirazer; to strike with awe colper per timo, teroro, respectazo || adj awestruck tim-colpita; awesome (inspiring fear) teroranta, -iva; timenda, -anda; (inspiring reverence, wonder) imponanta; (informal: excellent) (super-)geniala; awful (very bad) hororifanta; malaza; his Nahuatl is awful il paraulan malaza Nawatlo; I feel awful about what happened mi es aflictata pro cuo eventin; she learned the awful truth el sapecin la amara vero; you said some pretty awful things vi facin on valde hororifanta comentos | (archaic: inspiring fear) teroranta, -iva; timenda, -anda; (archaic: inspiring reverence, wonder) imponanta; solemnaza || adv awfully (extremely) ecese; extreme; valdaze
  • aweigh adj (naut.) pendanta
  • awhile adv dum cualca témporo; to wait awhile atender cualche
  • awkward adj (clumsy) deshábila; neexperta; negratiosa; (difficult) delicata; (embarrassing) imbarasanta; neoportuna
  • awl n alesno
  • awn n (bot: stiff bristle) aristo
  • awning n marchiso
  • awry adj (amiss) nejusta; (askew) nerecta; oblicua || adv (amiss) to go awry vader nejuste
  • ax n (also “axe”) haċo; stroke of an ax haċijo; axman haċisto || vt haċijer
  • axil n (bot.) axilo
  • axilla n (anat.) axilo
  • axiom n axiomo || adj axiomatic axiomesca; axiomisca
  • axis n axo; (anat.) epistrófeo; (zool.: Axis axis) ċitalo; axis of rotation rotation-axo; to turn on an axis rotationer || adj axial axisca
  • axle n axo; axlecase axi-capso; axlepin axi-clavilo; axletree ax-árboro
  • axolotl n (zool.: Ambystoma mexicanum) axolotlo
  • axon n (bio.) axono
  • axonometry n axonometrijo
  • ayatollah n ayatolá
  • aye inter (affirmation) sic; aye, aye, sir! sic, capitano! || n (affirmation) the ayes and the nays las sic et las no || adv (always) sempre
  • Aymara n (person) Aimaro; (language) Aimarenso
  • azalea n (bot.: Rhododendron) azaleo
  • Azerbaijan n Azerbaijania; Azerbaijani Azerbaijaniano
  • azimuth n azimutho
  • Azores n Açoria
  • azote n (chem.: N) nitrógeno
  • Aztec n Azteco || adj (person) Azteca; (thing) Aztechisca
  • azure adj azura || n azuro
  • azyme n (archaic: unleavened bread) ázimo


  • B ltr be; (mus.) B (aut si); B-flat (B♭) B bemola; B-sharp (B♯) B díesa
  • B.A. n bacaláureo sopre artos
  • baa vi (sheep) beer; bleter || n beo || inter be!
  • baba n (French bun) babca
  • babble vi (talk rapidly and incomprehensibly) gàrulaċer; (murmur) mùrmurer; (prattle, chatter) gàruler || n babbler gàrulaċemo
  • babe n (lit.: baby) bebo
  • Babel n Babele; the tower of Babel la turo di Babele
  • babirusa n (zool.: Babyrousa) babiruso
  • baboon n (zool.: Papio) babuino
  • babouche n babusho
  • baby n (animal or human) bebo; (toddler) infanto; (informal: boyfriend/girlfriend) amato; caro; baby boom bebi-bumo; baby diaper beb-tuco; baby stroller beb-cariteto; baby talk hipocorística paraulo; baby’s breath (bot.: Gypsophila paniculata) panícul-gipsófilo; babyhood bebitio; babysitter puer-guardisto || vt (treat like a baby) tracter cuom je on bebo; to babysit (puer-)guarder || adj babyish bebesca
  • Babylon n (hist.) Babilono
  • baccalaureate n bacalàureitio
  • baccarat n (card came) bacarato
  • Bacchus n (myth.) Bacco; bacchanal bacanalo; Bacchanalia bacanalos; festos di Bacco; bacchant(e) Bacchisto || adj bacchanalian bacanalesca; bacanalisca; Bacchic Bacchisca
  • bacciferous adj bachífera
  • bacciform adj bachesca; bachiforma
  • bachelor n (unmarried man) cèlibaso; (university grad) bacaláureo (sopre artos, etc.); bachelor aspirant bacaláure-candidato; bachelor’s degree bacalàureitio; bachelorette cèlibiso
  • bacillus n (bio.) bacilo || adj bacillary bacila; bacilesca; bacilforma; bacilisca
  • back n (anat.) dorso; back to back dorso an dorso; to break one’s back rumper sua spino; to lean one’s back adorser si; to turn one’s back tornìer sua dorso | (rear) detreajo; I got your back mi defensun (aut apodiun) vi; to turn the back of something against adorser álico ad | (reverse side) reverso; backcountry détrea paeso; hinterlandio; backswimmer (zool.: Notonectidae) dors-natedoro; backup (comput.) salvi-copiajo; backer (bettor) sponsionanto; (fin.) indorsanto; (motion, resolution, dueler) secondanto; (pol.) partitano; backing (protective layer) fódero; (support) adjuto; apodio || vt (accompany) [singer] acompanier; (attach backing to) [rug, quilt] fòderizer; (bet on) sponsioner por; (fin.) [bills] avalizer; indorser; [loan] guarantìer; [person, enterprise] finantier; (support) [motion, resolution, dueler] seconder; [plan, person] adjuter; apodier; suporter; sustiner; [warrant, etc.] vizizer; to back up [data, computer] salvi-copier; [vehicle] retroconducer; retrovadifer || vi to back down, off (withdraw) retirezer; to back up (go backward) retrocaminer; retrovader || adj (old) back issue ántea número; (overdue) back pay tarda pago; (rear) back door détrea portelo; back room détrea cambro; back shop détrea botheco; (reimbursed) full satisfaction or your money back contentifo aut reimburso; (returned) riveninta; guess who’s back divinationes cua rivenin; I’ll be back mi rivenun; -backed (supported by) sustinata da; (with back) cum dorso; (with backing) cum fódero; backward rétroa; (behind the times) neprogresema; neprogresinta; (reverse) inversa; (turned around; wrong) retrotornìita || adv (in space) détree; in back of me detre mi; stand back! addétree!; back and forth adabántee et retro | (in time) ántee; back in 1991 (ántee) en 1991; some months back cualca mensuos ántee; we spoke back in June nos conversin en la pasinta Junio; (returned) rivener; everything is back to normal omno rivenin ad normaschitio; there and back again adilác et retro; backward(s) addétree; retro; backward compatible retrocompatíbila; movement backward and forward movo alternanta; to walk backward and forward vadader et venader | (with back foremost) cum dorso adabante || afx detre-; retro-; ri-
  • backache n (path.) dors-doloro; lumbago
  • backbite vt maledicentier
  • backboard n dors-apodiatro
  • backbone n (anat.) spinalo; vèrtebrado; vèrtebrisca columno; (strength of character) to lack the backbone no haber fortitio di caráctero
  • backdate vt antedatizer
  • backfire vi (of engine) deflagrer; (of gun, plan) retrodisparer
  • backgammon n bacgamono
  • background n détrea áreo; détrea parto; (of a painting) fundo
  • backhand n (strike, blow) revers-colpo; (tennis, etc.) reversi-stroco || vt revers-colper || adj backhanded (made with the back of the hand facing the direction of movement) per la dorso di la manuo; (ambiguous) ambigua; (insincere) nesincera
  • backlash n (violentiosa) reacto
  • backpack n dorsi-saco
  • backpedal vi (on bicycle) retropedalijer; (fig.) retrovader
  • backside n (buttocks) [anat.] náticos; [fam.] pugo; [euph.] detreajo; [vulg.] culo; (reverse side) reverso
  • backslide vi ricader
  • backspace n (keyboard) retrovad-tasto || vt (delete) deleter || vi retrovader
  • backstage n (dressing rooms) vesti-cambros; (wings) colisos || adv detre la colisos
  • backstroke n (swimming) dors-nato
  • backup n (personnel, material) reinfortiajo
  • backwardation n (Brit.: stock ex.) bacwardationo
  • backwash n retrofluo
  • backwater n (stagnant place) stagnayo
  • backwoods n distanta foresto
  • bacon n bacono
  • bacterium n (bio.) bacterio; bactericide bacterii-occisivo; bacteriologist bacteriólogo; bacteriology bacteriòlogío
  • bad adj mala; bad thing, bad part malajo; that is too bad ecuilo es nim mala; ecuilo es regretanda; (malicious, evil) mal-volitionanta; malvata; (of health) malata; (of quality) mala; (putrid) putranta; (serious) grava; (spurious) falsa; badass durona || adv badly male || n (slang: mistake, fault) my bad! mea culpo!; badass durono; baddie (informal: villain) are we the baddies? es nos la malos?; badness malitio || vt to bad-mouth maledicentier
  • badge n insignio
  • badger n (zool.: Meles, Arctonyx, Taxidea and Mellivora) taxono || vt (pester) demandader; molester; torment(et)er; vexer
  • badian n (bot.: Illicium anisatum) [fruit] badiano
  • badinage n burlado; burlosa derisado
  • badminton n (sport) bádminton
  • baffle vt (perplex) perplexifer; perturber; (rare: frustrate) abortifer; falifer; frustrer; impeder; (archaic: cheat) inganer || n deflectatro
  • bag n saco; (handbag) manu-saco; bagpipes cornamuso; to play the bagpipes cornamusijer; baggage bagaġo; baggage car bagaġ-vagono; bagging sac-stofo; (putting in bags) ensachifo || vt (put in a bag) ensachifer; [steal] furter; (capture) capter || adj baggy (clothing) ampla
  • bagatelle n (trifle) bagatelo
  • bagnio n (hist.: bath house) bàlneayo; bàlneerío; (hist.: Turkish prison) banio; (archaic: brothel) prostituayo
  • bah inter ba!
  • Bahá’í n (adherent) Bahàisto; (religion) Bahàismo
  • Bahamas n Bahamia; Bahamanian Bahamiano
  • Bahrain n Bahreina; Bahraini Bahreinano
  • bail n (jur.) cautiono; to free on bail lìberifer per cautiono; to stand bail cautionizer; bailor cautionizanto || vt to bail out (person) cautionizer por; (boat) parhaurer de; (water) parhaurer || vi to bail on (abandon) abandoner; to bail out (jump out) ecsalter (paracade)
  • bailiff n (Brit.: deputy sheriff) subsherifo; (Brit.: king’s officer) bailivo; (Brit.: steward) ecónomo; (jur.) [officer of court, etc.] bidelo
  • bailiwick n bailivio
  • bait n luratro || vt (a trap) luratrizer; (harry) ficer combater; ìnciter; molester; tormenter; (rare: feed animals) nutrer
  • baize n badielo; biliardi-telo
  • bake vt (dry heat) cocer; (bread) panefer || n baker cocisto; bakery cocerío; paneferío
  • balalaika n balalaico
  • balance n (equilibrium) ecuilibrio; [mental] autodòminío; mentisca ecuilibrio; (counterpoise) contrepeso; (remainder) restajo; (scales) bilancio; balance due debition-restajo; saldendo; balance of power ecuilibrio di potentitio; balance sheet bilanciajo; balance wheel bilanciario || vt (put in equilibrium) ecuilibriifer; [account] facer la bilanciajo di; (settle) salder; (counterpoise) compenser; contrepeser; contreponer; (weigh) bilanciijer; pònderer (per bilancio) || vi (be in equilibrium) ecuilibrier || adj well balanced ecuilibrianta
  • balcony n balcono; (interior, theat.) galerío
  • bald adj calva; (tire) lisa; (unadorned) neornita; (fig.) cruda; lìterasca; meschina; nuda; bald eagle (zool.: Haliaeetus leucocephalus) calva (aut Usonana, blanchi-cápita) ácuilo; bald spot calvajo; to become bald calvecer; bald-faced efrontata; bald-headed person calvo || n baldness calvitio; (med.) alopecío
  • baldachin n baldachino
  • balderdash n (gobbledygook) galimatío; (nonsense) nesensoso
  • baldric n (hist.) báldrico
  • bale n (bundle) pac(az)o; [10 flakes, reams] balio; [of hay] fen-pacazo; (archaic: harmful evil) nocivo || adj baleful funesta; maligna; malvata; nociva
  • Balearic Islands n Balearos
  • balk vi (as a mule) càlcitrer; halter et refuser abantier; to balk at hèsiter sopre; refuser; resister || vt (frustrate) falifer; frustrer; vanifer; (impede) impeder || n (furrow ridge) intersulco; (sport) falsa movezo; mismovezo; (sudden halt) súbita halto; (failure) impaneço; (timber) cuadrata trabo || adj balky desvoluntaria; hèsitanta
  • Balkans n (mountain range) Balcano; (peninsula) Balcania
  • ball n (solid or hollow sphere or ovoid) bulo; (geom.) sfero; (of wound thread, yarn, etc.) glómero; (pellet, marble) buleto; (vulg: testicle) coleono; (bullet) cuglo; (clod, lump) glebo; (sci.) globo; to play ball jocher per bulo; (cooperate) cumlaborer; ball-and-socket joint bul-articulaturo; ball bearing bul-rotationuyo; ballpoint pen bul-penino; bulígrafo; snowball niv-bulo | (dance) balo; ballroom bal-cambro; balls (informal, vulgar: courage) coleonos; to be on the ball eser alerta; to keep the ball rolling no halter; no impanecer || vt (have sex with) coleonijer; to ball up bulifer; (wind into a ball) glòmerifer || vi to ball up bulecer; (wind into a ball) glòmerecer || adj ballsy (informal, vulgar) coleonuda
  • ballad n balato
  • ballast n balasto; ballast space balastayo; to discharge ballast desbalastizer || vt balastizer
  • ballerina n baletistiso
  • ballerino n baletistaso
  • ballet n baleto; ballet dancer baletisto; ballet master baleti-dìrigisto
  • ballista n (hist.) balisto
  • ballistics n balístico || adj ballistic balìstichisca
  • balloon n balono; (aerostat) aeróstato; (dirigible) aeronavo; dirigíbilo; (in comics) diálog-balono; ballooning balonaz-nàvigado; (of spiders) aráne-volo
  • ballot n (voting) votationo; (paper or other means of voting) baloto || vt balotijer
  • balm n (ointment) bálsamo; balm of Gilead bálsamo di Gilead; (bot: Melissa officinalis) meliso || vt (anoint with balm) bàlsamizer || adj balmy (soothing) bàlsamesca; (warm) calda; (crazy) fola
  • baloney n galimatio; neesensososa
  • balsa n (bot.: Ochroma pyramidale) balso
  • balsam n (ointment) bálsamo; (bot: Impatiens) bàlsamífero
  • Baltic n (sea) Baltiisca Maro
  • baluster n balaustro; balustrade balaustrado
  • bamboo n (bot.: Bambuseae) bambúo
  • bamboozle vt (trick) enretifer; inganer; (perplex) perplexifer
  • ban vt anàthemer; interdicter; proscripter; (exclude, exile) excluser; exilier; (archaic: curse) maledicter
  • banal adj banala
  • banana n (bot.: Musa × paradisiaca) banano; banana tree bananífero
  • band n (strip, loop) [bandage] bandaġo; [leather strap] corigio; [ribbon] ribando; [strap, belt] cinto; [stripe, strip, streak] bendo; [zone] zono; [archaic: bond] ligatro; bandsaw ribandi-serationatro | (group) bando; [brigade] brigato; [mil.] trupo; [informal: orchestra] orchestro || vt (put a band on) bendizer; (strap) cint-ligher; cintizer; cintlijer; [with leather strap] corigiizer; (tie) ligher || vi to band together (unite) bandecer; fèderecer; unionezer
  • bandage n bandaġo || vt bandagizer
  • bandana n bandano
  • bandbox n capeluyo
  • bandeau n (for hair) capil-bendo
  • banderole n banderolo
  • bandit n bandito
  • bandolier n bandolero
  • bandstand n (indoor) músic-podio; (outdoor) músic-chiosco
  • bandy vt (exchange) doner et recepter; excambier; [blows] intrebatuer; recíproche batuer; [word, figure, idea] discuser; intreparauler; rijactader || adj bandy-legged curvi-gamba
  • bane n nocivo; pesto; ruinifivo; the bane of his existence la nocivo je iluya vivo; (archaic: poison) veneno || adj baneful nociva
  • bang n (sudden loud noise) ruit(az)o; [clack] claco; [clang] clango; [knock] frapo; [of gun] pafo; [gunshot] dísparo; [sudden, sharp blow] colpazo || vt (open or close violently and noisily) to bang a door shut ruitose cluder on portelo; (strike noisily) to bang one’s head against a wall frapifer sua cápito contre on muro; (vulg.: have sex with) clovijer || inter bam!; clac!; paf!
  • banger n (firework) petardo
  • Bangladesh n Bangladesa; Bengali (language) Bangladesenso; (person) Bangladesano
  • bangle n maritez-bracialeto
  • banish vt (exile) exilier; (drive away) forpelentier; (send away) excluser; forinvìer
  • banister n balaustrado
  • banjo n banjo
  • bank n (fin.) banco; bank account banchi-conto; bankbook banchi-cuaderno; ċecado; ċechi-cuaderno; depósit-libreto; sparnii-cuaderno; bank clerk banchi-comiso; bank holiday bancasca festi-dio; leġasca (aut legala) festi-dio; banknote banc-bileto; bank of discount discont-banco; bank of issue emis-banco; bank stock banc-actiono; banker banchisto; banking banc-afaros; banchi-comercio | (slope, mass, mound of a particular substance) altajeto; amaso; colineto; [of oars] filaro; [of ocean, shallows] neprofundajo; [of river, etc.] ripo; (dam) dico; (sideways tilt of an aircraft) adlátera inclinezo; torní-inclinezo; (slope downward) declivo; (slope upward) rampo; (terrace, raised bank) teráceo; (tier, row of equipment) baterío; ecuipajado; filaro || vt (a fire) còperter; frìgidifer; (billiards) (ri)saltifer; (money) depòsiter; (surround with banks) dichizer; to bank up amasifer; teràceifer || vi (tilt in making a turn) torní-inclinezer; to bank on (base one’s hopes on) depender de; to bank with depòsiter en; haber on conto en
  • bankrupt adj (insolvent) nesolventa; (leg.) bancarotanta; to go bankrupt bancarotecer || n bancarotanto; bankruptcy bancaroto || vt bancarotifer; nesolventifer
  • banner n (for slogans, advertising, internet) banero; (horizontal) standardo; (vertical) vexilo; [heraldic] gonfalono; [labarum] lábaro
  • banns n marit-anuntios
  • banquet n banchedo; [feast] festino || vi (participate in) bancheder; festiner; (provide) banchedizer; festinizer
  • bantam n (zool.) bántamo
  • banter n (intre)deriseto || vi to banter with (intre)deriseter
  • Bantu n Bantúo
  • banyan n (bot.: Ficus benghalensis) baniano
  • baobab n (bot.: Adansonia) baobabo
  • baptize vt bapter || n baptism bapto; baptist baptisto; baptistery baptayo || adj baptismal font baptuyo
  • bar n (a long piece of something) [barrier] baratro; impedatro; obstáculo; [ingot] ingoto; [of window, cage] gratículo; [pole, rod] (bar-)stango; [sand] sábul-ripo; [soap, candy, etc.] brico; tàbuleto; [stripe] bendo; (drinking establishment) trincherío; [counter] contorio; barkeep trincherí-ċefo; barmaid trinchi-servistiso; barman trinchi-servistaso; barroom trinchi-salono | (mus.) mensuro; pulsado; (jur.) [lawyers collectively] avocatado; [legal profession] avocatitio; to be called to the bar avocatecer; deventioner on avocato; recepter avocatitio | [tribunal] jùdiçayo; tribunalo; prisoner at the bar acusato || vt (a door, a way) barer; obstructer; [bolt] verúcule cluder; verùculijer; (deprive) privationer; (exclude) excluser; (forbid) pròhiber; proscripter; (hinder) descòmodizer; impeder; (with stripes) bendizer || prep bar(ring) (excepting) ecepte (che, je)
  • barb n (of arrow, hook) retropuntalo; (anat.: beardlike filament) barbilo; (anat.: branch of feather) branco; (horse) Berberiana cabalo; (of harrow) dento; (point) puntalo; (thorn) spino; (fig.: hurtful remark) dardo || vt spinizer || adj barbed wire spinosa drato
  • Barbados n Barbatos; Barbadian Barbatano
  • barbarian n bárbaro; barbarism, barbarity (act) bàrbarajo; cruelajo; (quality) bàrbaritio; cruelitio || adj [person] bárbara; [thing, custom] bàrbarisca; barbaric, barbarous bàrbaresca
  • barbecue n (grill) bárbecuo; (meal) bárbecu-festino || vt bàrbecuijer
  • barbel n (anat.: beardlike filament) barbilo; (zool.: Barbus) barbelo
  • barbell n halterazo
  • barber n barbiaro; (beard-trimmer) barbisto; (hairdresser) capil-arangisto; barbershop barbiarayo
  • barberry n (bot.: Berberis) berbèridífero
  • barbette n (naut.) blindizita parapeto; (hist.) canon-platformo
  • barbican n (mil. hist.) barbacano
  • barbiturate n (pharm.) barbitúrico
  • barcarole n barcarolo
  • bard n (archaic, lit.) bardo
  • bare adj (naked) nuda; (without concealment) aperta; exposita; neabscondita; revelita; barefaced efrontata; neverecundosa | (without usual contents) nemoblizita; neornita; vacua; (without usual covering) calva; descòpertita; exposita; neschermizita; nevestizita; nuda; barefoot nud-peda; bareheaded nud-cápita | (mere) mera; (only just sufficient) apena; the bare bones lo esentiisca; lo neforifébila; the bare minimum la apena mínimo; bare-bones valde lìmitizita | (unsupported) [statement] neatestita; simpla || adv barely (hardly) apene; (just a moment before) jus; (simply) simple; bareback sine selo || vt descòperter; exposer; nudifer; reveler
  • barège n bareġo
  • barf vi vòmiter
  • bargain n (agreement) intreconsento; (vendi-)contracto; into the bargain pluse; super la pretio; (cheap thing) bona compr(ed)o; necostosazo || vi (negotiate) negotier; to bargain away vender; to bargain on/for (expect) expecter | [agree] consenter; [barter] trocher; [haggle] mercantejer; [trade] comercier
  • barge n (lighter) bargo; cáric-barco; (longboat) lanċo; bargeman, bargee barghisto || vi to barge in [a room] enpulsezer aden; to barge in on [a conversation] interponer si en
  • barite n (min.: BaSO₄) barito
  • baritone n (voice, singer, instrument) barítono
  • barium n (chem.: Ba) bario
  • bark n (of dog) latro; (of tree) [inner] líbreo; [outer] córtiço; (naut.) tri-masta brigantino || vt (remove the bark from) descòrticizer || vi (dog) latrer
  • barley n (bot.: Hordeum vulgare) [plant] hórdeo; [grain] hórde-grano; barley sugar hórde-súcaro
  • barm n (froth) levatur-spumo; (archaic: yeast) levaturo
  • barn n (for grain) granayo; (for hay) fenayo; (for straw) pàleayo; (stable) stábulo; barn owl (zool.: Tyto alba) titono; tur-striġo; barnyard stábul-yardino
  • barnacle n (zool.: Cirripedia) cirípedo; (zool.: Branta leucopsis) auco di blanca facio; blanc-facia auco
  • barograph n barógrafo
  • barometer n barómetro
  • baron n barono; (explicitly male) baronaso; baroness baroniso; baronet baroneto || adj baronial baronisca
  • baroque adj baroca
  • baroscope n baroscopio
  • barouche n (hist.) birotiazo
  • barque n tri-masta brigantino
  • barracks n caserno; to quarter troops in barracks encasernifer
  • barracuda n (zool.: Sphyraena) baracudo
  • barrage n (mil.) bar-dìsparado; (of words, etc.) pluvazo
  • barratry n (archaic: fraud by a ship’s master or crew) baraterío; to commit barratry baraterìer
  • barrel n (cask) barilo; barrel stave dogo; to sell by the barrel vender barilene; (keg) barileto; (of a gun, cannon) túbulo; (of machines) cilindro; barrel organ torní-organilo || vt (to put into a barrel) enbarilifer
  • barren adj (producing little) nefertila; neproductiva; (producing nothing) stérila; (reproducing little) nefecunda; (bleak, lifeless) desértica; (without result) nefructosa
  • barrette n capil-clipo
  • barricade n baricato || vt baricatizer
  • barrier n baratro; (city limit) civitat-límito; to remove a barrier desbarer
  • barrister n (Brit.: lawyer) avocato
  • barrow n (handcart) cariteto; (litter, stretcher) lectico; (wheelbarrow) cárulo; (burial mound) túmulo
  • barter vt trocher; (exchange) excambier || n troco
  • barycenter n baricentro
  • baryta n (chem.) hidróxido di bario; sulfato di bario
  • barytone n (gram.) barítono
  • basalt n (min.) basalto
  • bascule n (bridge) báscul-ponto
  • base n (lowest part) basamento; [bottom, background] fundo; [foundation] fundamento; [pedestal] pedestalo; basement (below ground) subter-staġo; (cellar) celario; (ground floor) ter-staġo; baseline basament-líneo | (basis; mil.; math; geom.; chem.) basamento; to touch base with consulter; contactecer; baseball beisbalo; baseness desnòbilitio; verecundanditio; basics basamentiscos; fundamentiscos; rudimentos || vt (on something) apodier (sur álico); basamentizer (sur álico); fundationer (sur álico) || adj (ignoble) desèstimanda; grosaria; nenóbila; verecundanda; [archaic: of low social class] di basa orígino; baseborn di basa orígino; nelegítima; (not made of precious metal) nepretiosa; [coin] falsa; baseless sine basamento; basic basament(isc)a; fundament(isc)a || afx -based (founded) fear-based response timasca responso; (situated) Moscow-based hackers hacheros basamentizita en Moskvá
  • bash vt colpazer || n (party) festazo
  • bashful adj modesta; tímida; (from sex motives) pudorosa
  • basil n (bot.: Ocimum basilicum) basilicalo
  • basilic adj basílica; basilic vein basílica vénulo
  • basilica n basílico
  • basilisk n (myth., heraldry) basilisco
  • basin n (dish, geog.) bacino
  • basis n basamento; fundamento
  • bask vi (relax exposed to warmth and light) caldifer si; repauser; solelizer si; (revel) fru(az)er (álico)
  • basket n corbo; (hamper) lavenduyo; basket willow (bot.: Salix viminalis) viminalo; basketball baschetbalo; corbi-bulo; basketful plen-corbo
  • Basque n Vasca; Vasco
  • bas-relief n basa relievo
  • bass n (mus.) bas(-part)o; bass viol gambi-viulo; bass voice bas-voço; double bass contrabaso; infra bas-voço | (zool.) [any bass-like fish] perchesco; [perch] perco; [sea bass] barcio; [sunfish] solel-perco; solel-piço
  • basset hound n (zool.) baset-hundo
  • bassinet n corb-lecteto
  • bassoon n (mus.) fagoto
  • basswood n (bot.: Tilia) Amèricana tilio
  • bast n (bot.) líbreo
  • bastard n (informal: unpleasant or despicable person) strunço; (archaic or derog.) bastardo
  • baste vt (culin.) [a roast] suche aroser; (tack with thread) suteter; (dated: cudgel) bastonijer
  • bastille n cárcero; castelo; (hist.) Bastille
  • bastinado n (hist.) ped-bastonijo
  • bastion n bastiono
  • bat n (baseball, cricket) bato; batter, batsman batijanto | (zool.: Chiroptera) vespertiliono || v (wield a bat; strike with a bat) batijer
  • batata n (sweet potato) batato
  • batch n (quantity of goods produced at once) cuanterno; [in an oven] plen-furno (de); (bundle, group) grupo
  • bate vt (aphetic form of “abate”) diminutioner; mòderer || adj with bated breath cum haltifita (aut retentata) respiro; sine respirer
  • bath n (act of immersing in water for cleaning, refreshment, or pleasure) bálneo; warm bath térmulo; bathrobe bálne-tùnicazo; bathroom (toilet) latrinayo; bath salts (min.; drug) bálne-salos; bathtowel bálne-tuco, toalo; bathtub bálne-ocupo; (spending time in water for refreshment or pleasure) bathing bálneo; bathing machine (hist.) bálne-caritazo; bathing suit bálne-costumo; (the city of Bath) bath chair (dated) roti-sedilo || vt to bathe bàlneer || vi to bathe bàlneer si; bàlneezer
  • bathos n pathèticaċitio
  • bathyscaph n bathiscafo
  • bathysphere n bathisfero
  • batik n batico
  • batiste n batisto
  • batman n (Brit. mil.) ordinantio; soldata servisto
  • baton n bastoneto; (of policeman) clavono
  • batrachian n (zool.: Anura) batraco
  • battalion n bataliono
  • batten n (wooden strip) latelo || vt to batten down fix-cluder; latelizer || vi (thrive or prosper at the expense of someone) pròsperuċer
  • batter vt (beat) batuer; colpader; to batter down abatuer; (bruise) contuser; damner; to batter in breċizer || n (culin.) pástulo; battering ram arieto; battery (jur.) violentio || adj battered (shabby) caduca
  • battery n (elec.) pilio; [multi-celled] baterío; [secondary] acùmulatro; (mil.) baterío
  • battle n batalio; battle array órdino di batalio; battle axe arm-haċo; battle cry batalii-clamo; battlement crenelado; battlefield bataliayo; batalii-campo; battleship batalii-navo || vi batalier
  • battue n batu-cacio
  • bauble n bagatelo; ornivaċo; (hist.: marotte) bufon-ceptro
  • baud n baudo
  • bauxite n (min.) bauxito
  • bawd n (archaic: woman in charge of a brothel) (bordel-)patroniso || adj bawdy debauċanta; obcena; bawdy house bordelo
  • bawl vi (shout) [inarticulate] critaċer; [with words] clamaċer; (weep noisily) ploraċer; plorazer || vt to bawl out reprimender
  • bay n (geog.) bayo
  • bay n (bot.: Laurus nobilis) lauro; bay leaf lauri-folio; (bot.: Myrica) bayberry [fruit] mirico
  • bay n (archit.: enclosed area) [alcove] alcovo; bay window alcov-fenestro | [area for special purpose] -ayo; bomb bay bombuyo; parking bay parcayo | [between columns, buttresses] trabato; [compartment] compartimento; -uyo
  • bay adj (of color) badia; light bay isabela
  • bay vi (as dog) [bark] latrer; [howl] ùruler || n latro; úrulo; at bay en defenso; shachita; to bring to bay enàngulifer; to keep at bay fortener
  • bayadère n devadasi
  • bayonet n bayoneto
  • bayou n bayuo
  • bazaar n bazaro
  • bazooka n bazuco
  • BBS n afiġayo
  • B.C. adv (before Christ) a.C.
  • be vi (exist) eser; exister; to be or not to be exister aut no exister; (auxiliary verb) eser; to be loved eser amata; to be loving eser amanta; [usually replaced by simple verb] the Master is coming la Patrono venan; Starbucks was found everywhere except Italy before 2016 Starbucks trovezin omnube ecepte je Ìtalia ante 2016; (copular verb: have the state, quality, role specified) eser; to be able poter; be so good as to… bon-volitione…; be yourself eses fidela ad vi ipsa; two and two are four duo plus duo es cuatro | [cost] coster; how much is it? cuante li costan? | [fare] stander; how are you? cuale vi standan? | [have a certain age] etater; I’ll be 47 in March mi etatun 47 anuos en Martio; (occur, take place) eventer; (stay in same place or condition) let it be laces li en paço; laces li ube li es || n being (creature) esento; [created] creito; [human] humana esento; humano; (existence) eso; existo; be-all and end-all la (maxim) supra obiectivo; la absoluta esentio; la única obiectivo || adj being (present participle) esanta; to-be futura; mother-to-be futura matro
  • beach n (pebbly or sandy shore) plagio; (shore) ripo || vt (haul up onto a beach) adripifer; (strand) incaliifer || vi (become stranded) incalier
  • beacon n (signal) [fire] signal-foco; [light] signal-lúmino; [lighthouse light] far-lúmino; [seamark] mar-fareto
  • bead n perlino; to say one’s beads precher per rosario | (on gunsight) miration-grano; to draw a bead on mirationer || vt (decorate) orner per perlinos || vi (bubble) bulbulefer; ebulier; gutefer
  • beadle n (Brit.) bidelo
  • beagle n (zool.) beglo
  • beak n (zool.) beco; (prow) proro; beaker (for laboratory use) becario; (archaic: goblet) copo || vt (strike with the beak) bec-colper; bec-picher; bechijer; the swan came out of nowhere and beaked me right in the eye la cigno aparin de nulube et bechijin mi directe en la óculo || adj beak-shaped bec-forma; bechesca
  • beam n (girder) trabo; (naut.: width) larghitio; (of plow, carriage) timono; (of scales) vecto; (ray) radio || vt (radiate) radier; to beam up, beam down teleporter || vi (shine) briler; lùminer || adj beaming radianta
  • bean n (bot.: Phaseolus, et al.) faséolo
  • bear vt (carry) porter; to bear away forporter; (comport) to bear oneself comporter; tener si; (endure) subitioner; tòlerer; (give birth to) nacifer; parturer; (give, bring) to bear a hand adjuter; to bear company acompanier; to bear witness to atester; (have, hold) to bear in mind mèmorer; noter; to bear sway dòminìer; guberner; (press) presioner; to bear down (forte) presioner; to bear down on vener minacie vers; (produce) -efer; producter; to bear apples pomefer; producter pomos; to bear interest interestefer; (sustain) suporter; sustiner; to bear out confirmer; justìficher; mantiner || vi (be or head in a specific direction) dìriger si; tornìer si; to bear away forcurer; forvader; velvader; to bear on (relate to) concerner; relationer ad; to bear with (have patience) patienteser || n bearer portanto, -isto; bearing (arch) suportatro; (deportment) autoteno; comporto; (direction, position) to get one’s bearings orientationer si; to lose one’s bearings desorientationer si | (geom.) directiono; (heraldic) blasono; (mech.) rotationuyo; (relation) relationo; signìfico; (surveying, naut.) orientationo; (sustaining) sustino || adj bearable (tolerable) tòlerébila
  • bear n (zool.: Ursidae) urso; (fin.) (pretii-)basifisto
  • beard n barbo; (wheat) aristo || vt (challenge) afronter; defìer; (fin.: depress the price of) plu-basifer la pretio di; [market] plu-basifer pretios en || adj bearded barbosa; beardless nebarbosa
  • beast n (animal) bestio; beast of burden cárichi-bestio | [savage] bruto || adj beastly (archaic, Brit.) [act] brutisca; [person, animal] brut(esc)a
  • beat vt (strike repeatedly) batuer; to beat black and blue batuazer; to beat to death batuer usche morto | [with a stick] baston-batuer; bastonijer; (arrive or do ahead of) ariver/facer ante; to beat the rush hour eviter la puntal-horos; we beat them there by an hour nos arivin ilác ante los ye una horo; (defeat) vincer; [a criminal charge] now you think about that when I beat the rap ben médites ecuilo cuande homi absolvun mi; [baffle, puzzle] beats me how he did it mi haban nula ideo cuome il facin lo | [be better than] eser plu bona cam; supereser; coffee beats tea any day of the week cafeo superesan alicuala cunche teo; he beat his own record il superecin (aut rumpin) sua propria recordo; it beats sitting here doing nothing lo es plu bona cam seder hic façante nulo; our prices can’t be beat nostra pretios es nesuperesébila; that beats all ecuilo es la maxim bona; ecuilo superesan omno; (flap) [wings] batuer (per sua alos); (stir vigorously) fruler; to beat back repulser; to beat down abatuer; (defense, resistance) dòmiter; represer; (door) batu-cadifer; (price) mercantejer; plu-basifer; to beat the woods batu-cacier || vi (pulsate) pulsader; (naut.) virationader; to beat about cercher omnube; vader sinistre et dextre; to beat about the bush circum-mercantejer; to beat against [as waves, rain] batuer; plauder contre || n (mus.) puls(ad)o; [of a drum] colp(ad)o; [rhythm] rithmo; (of a policeman) districto; pósteno; rondo; (stroke) stroco; beater batuanto; (instrument) batuatro; frulatro || adj (exhausted) exhaustita; fatigazita; (of the beat generation) beat
  • beatify vt (impart bliss) beatifer; (relig.: declare blissful) beatìficher || n beatification (relig.) beatífico; beatitude beatitio || adj beatific (blissful) beata; (relig.: imparting bliss) beatifanta
  • beatnik n beatnik
  • beau n (dated: sweetheart) amoranto; (dated: dandy) dandio; (dated: ladies’ man) amoristaso; (dated: suitor) cortejanto || adj beau monde la eleganta mondumo
  • beauty n (person, thing) belo; (quality) belitio; beautician cosmètichisto || vt to beautify belifer || adj beauteous (lit.) bela; beautiful bela
  • beaver n (zool.: Castor) castoro; beaver hat castor-capelo | (vulg.: vagina) cuno
  • becalm vt calmifer
  • because conj (for the reason that) pro che; because of pro
  • beccafico n (zool.: Curruca hortensis) Orfeisca canoro
  • bec de corbin n corvi-beco
  • bêche-de-mer n (zool.: Holothuroidea) mar-cucúmero
  • beck n (Brit.: brook) fluvieto; rucelo; (lit.) to be at the beck and call of eser sempre disposébila ad
  • beckon vt vocher gestícule
  • becloud vt nubizer; (darken) obscurifer
  • become vi (come to be) deventioner; -ecer; esecer; (be rendered) fier; to become of (happen to) eventer ad; (result from) deventioner de; esecer de; resulter de; vener de || vt (suit) convener ad; eser apta ad; fiter; to ill become male, pauche convener ad; sarcasm does not become you sarcasmo no convenan ad vi || adj becoming (coming to be) deventionanta; (decent) decenta; (flattering) [garment] bone sedanta (sur); (suitable) apta; convenanta
  • bed n (furniture) lecto; to be in bed eser en lecto; to get out of bed eclectecer; to go to bed enlectecer; to put to bed enlectifer; bed canopy lecti-baldachino; bed clothes lect-accesorios; lecti-còpertatros; lecti-cosos; bed frame lecti-cuadro; bed linens lecti-telos; bed ticking lecti-triliço; bedbug (zool.: Cimex lectularius) címiço; bedfellow cum-dormanto; bedmaker (Brit.) cambristo; bedpan lect-aulo; bedpost lecti-columno; bedquilt lecti-còpertatro; lecti-teġatro; bedroom dorm-cambro; bedsheet lecti-tuco; bedsit (Brit.) un-cambra apartamento; bedsore lect-úlcero; bedspread lecti-còpertatro; lecti-tapeto; bedstead lecti-cuadro; bedtime dorm-horo | (place to lie down) jaçayo; (place to sleep) dormayo; (flowers, etc.) agreto; (foundation, base) basamento; fundamento; bedplate basamenta placo; bedrock basamenta petro | (layer, deposit) depòsitayo; strato; (of river, lake, ocean) fundo; bedding (blankets, sheets) lecti-còpertatros; (bottom layer, base) basamento; (flowers, etc.) exposition-plantationajo; (for animals) lectario; (geol.) strateço || vt (flowers, etc.) plantationer || adj bedridden prostationanta en lecto
  • bedaub vt (lit.: smear) unger; (overdecorate) decorationaċer; (soil) spurchifer; (spot) màculizer
  • bedeck vt decorationer; orner
  • bedel n (Brit.) bidelo
  • bedevil vt tormenter
  • bedew vt (lit.) rorizer
  • bedim vt (lit.) obscurifer
  • bedizen vt (lit.: decorate gaudily) decorationaċer; ornaċer; (lit.: dress gaudily) vestizaċer
  • bedlam n tumulto; (archaic: insane asylum) manicomio
  • Bedouin n Beduino
  • bedraggle vt tráhine fanghizer (aut spurchifer, desnetifer) || adj bedraggled tráhine fangosa (aut spurca, desneta)
  • bee n (zool.: Anthophila) apo; bee-eater (zool.: Meropidae) apívoro; beehive api-nido; (artificial) apuyo; beekeeper ap-alevamentisto; apisto; beeline recta líneo; to make a beeline for vader directe ad; beesting api-pico; beestings (first milk) colostro; beeswax api-cero
  • beech n (bot.: Fagus) fagio; beech nut fagii-nuço; beech marten (zool.: Martes foina) fagino
  • beef n (cow flesh as food) bov-carno; beef tea (Brit.) bov-buliono; beefsteak bifsteco | (grievance) planġo || vt to beef up (strengthen) plu-fortifer; it’s never too early to start beefing up your obituary lo jamás es nim antetémpora por plu-fortifecer (aut plu-stofizecer) sua necròloghìajo || adj beefy bovesca; valde mùsculosa
  • beer n biro; beer glass bir-bicario; beer house (Brit. hist.) bir-venderío
  • beet n (bot.: Beta) beto; (bot.: Beta vulgaris) rúbe-beto
  • beetle n (zool.: Coleoptera) coleóptero; (common name) scarabajo; (wooden sledgehammer) ligna máleo || vi (overhang threateningly) salier minace; superpender minacie || adj beetle-browed cum salianta supercilios
  • befall vt (lit.) eventer ad
  • befit vt convener ad
  • beflag vt bandariizer
  • befog vt nèbulizer; (fig.) confusifer
  • before prep (place) abante; kneel before Zod! surgenùculeces abante Zod! | [in front of and required to answer to] coram; bring him before the king conductes il ad coram la reġo; (time) ante; before Christ ante Cristo (a.C.); before long prompte; before now ante nun; he arrived before me il arivin ante mi; not before yesterday no ante here; (order) ante; bros before hoes grupanos ante le putanos; (rather than) préfere cam; (time) before long post nelonghe || adj (prior) ántea || adv (place) abántee; (time) ántee; before mentioned ántee mentionita; (already) jam; beforehand ántee; (in advance) antícipe || conj he arrived before I could warn her il arivin ante che mi potin adverter el; (place) bring him before the king (does) conductes il ante che la reġo
  • befoul vt desnitifer; spurchifer; (corrupt) corupter
  • befriend vt (become friends with) amichecer cum; (favor) favorer; (dated: help) (amiche) adjuter
  • befuddle vt (perplex) perplexifer; (stupefy) stuporifer; [with alcohol] ebriifer
  • beg vt (implore) implorer; precher; sùplicher; he begged me to kill him il sùplichin mi occiser il; (ask for earnestly or humbly) implorer por; precher por; sùplicher por; to beg forgiveness sùplicher por pardono | [alms] mèndicher; (ask formally for) demander; to beg pardon demander pardono; I beg to inform you mi haban la honoro informer vi; to beg the question (evade the issue) eviter la punto, la problémato; (invite an obvious question) inviter la (evidenta) cuestiono; (presuppose the truth of an unproven point) antesuposer la probuto; to beggar exhauster; pàuperifer; ruinifer || n beggar (mendicant) mèndicanto; beggary mèndicado; pàuperazitio || adj beggarly (deplorably bad) mísera; (petty) meschina
  • beget vt (lit.: bring into existence through reproduction) gèniter; nacifer; parturer; [as father] ingenerater; (lit.: give rise to) efectifer; -efer; producter
  • begin vt (perform or undergo the first part of an action; constitute the first part of something) cominitier; -ecer; to begin running cominitier curer; cominitier curo; curecer; [action unspecified] she began by writing on the board el cominitiin scribante sur la nigri-tábulo; to begin upon laborecer | (initiate) initier || vi (come into being; have its starting point at a certain time or place) cominitiezer; barbarism begins at home le bàrbaritio cominitiezan focare || n beginner cominitianto; debutanto; novicio; beginning cominitio; from the beginning de cominitie; in the beginning cominiti(ant)e | (origin) fonto; orígino
  • begone inter (lit.) fore!; forvades!; parties!
  • begonia n (bot.: Begonia) begonio
  • begrime vt sùcidifer
  • begrudge vt (envy the possession of) invidier (álicu sopre álico, álico ad álicu); (give reluctantly or resentfully) doner rancore, contrevolitione
  • beguile vt (charm) càrminer; (deceive) inganer; (dated: while away) pasifer (la témporo)
  • Beguine n (nun) Beghino
  • behalf n intereso; on behalf of en la nómino di; por (la profito, abantaġo, etc.)
  • behave vi (well or badly) comporter; to behave toward tracter (álicu) || n behavior comporto; manarios
  • behead vt cápit-secher; descàpitizer
  • behest n (lit.) mandationo
  • behind prep (in space) detre; Behind the Green Door Detre la vírida portelo | [beyond] preter; (in time, order) post; those behind us in technology los post nos sopre tecnòlogío; (supporting) apodianta; subtenanta; suportanta; the lobbyists behind the bill la lobiistos apodianta la leġ-projecto || n (buttocks) pugo || adj behindhand tarda || adv (in space) détree; it came from behind li venin de détree; not to be left behind por no rester détree; (in time, order) poste; [late] tarde; behind with the rent tard(ecint)a sopre la locatar-pago; (remaining) restanta
  • behold vt (archaic, lit.) reguarder; vider; and behold a pale horse et ecce on pálida cabalo; behold! ecce!; reguardes!; vides! || adj beholden to debitioner; òbligata ad
  • behoove vt (be incumbent on) debifer; (befit) convener ad
  • beige adj beġa
  • bel n (acoustics) belio
  • belabor vt (excessively elaborate) nim adlaborer; (harp on) rèpetaċer; (attack) atacher; (beat) batuer
  • Belarus n Bielarusia; Belarusian Bielaruso
  • belated adj tarda
  • belay vt fixer; ligher; (naut.: stop) belay that! cesationes ecuilo!
  • belch vi (burp) ructer || vt to belch out ecructer || n (burp) ructo
  • beldam n (archaic: crone) vèculaċiso
  • beleaguer vt asedier
  • belemnite n (zool.: Belemnoidea) belemnito
  • belfry n campanel-turo
  • Belgium n Belghia; Belgian Belgo
  • belie vt (prove false) dismenter; (contradict) contredicer; (misrepresent) disguiser; false representer
  • belief n (acceptance that something is true or exists) cred(ed)o; past belief no credébila; (opinion) opino
  • believe vt (accept that something is true) creder; (opine) opiner || vi to believe in (approve of) àprober; eser partitana ad; (have confidence in) fider ad; (the existence of) creder ye; (the truth of) creder || n believer credanto || adj believable credanda; credébila; probábila
  • belittle vt men-valorifer
  • Belize n Belizia; Belizian Beliziano
  • bell n (inverted cup-like object that sounds a clear musical note when struck) campanelo; (small bell, as of a house) portel-campaneleto; (small, round, with ball inside, as a sleigh bell) cascabelo; bell-bottoms evasita pantalono; evasito; bellflower (bot.: Campanula) campánulo; bell jar cristal-campanelo; bell pull campanel-cordono; bell-ringer campanel-sonifisto; bell steeple campanel-turo; bellwort (bot.: Uvularia) uvulario || adj bell-shaped campanel-forma; campanelesca
  • belladonna n (bot.: Atropa belladonna) beladono
  • belle n (ċefa) beliso
  • belles-lettres n beletro
  • bellicose adj combatema; guerema
  • belligerent adj (aggressive) atachema; (quarrelsome) dìsputema; (warlike) guerema; (international law: at war) belìgeranta || n [nation, person] belìgeranto
  • bellow vi (make a deep, loud roar) muger; (make inarticulate noise) crit(az)er; (words) clamer || n bellows forġ-suflatro
  • belly n (anat.) ventro; [fit] ventrocio; [paunch] grosa ventro; ventraċo; ventrazo; [sci.] abdómino; (bio: rumen) panço; bellyache ventri-doloro; bellyband (of children) ventri-cinto; (of horses) subventra corigio; bellydance ventri-danço; bellyful plen-ventro || vi to belly out tumecer
  • belong vi apertiner || n belongings posesedos || adj belonging apertinanta
  • beloved adj afectionata; amata; cara; (romantically) amorata
  • below prep (underneath) sub; (in rank, etc.) inferiora ad; (unworthy of) no valoranta || n belowdecks subcopertono || adv (underneath) sube; (at the bottom) infre
  • belt n cinto; (leather strap) corigio || vt (beat with a belt) cint-batuer; (put a belt on) cintizer; (encircle, gird) cintìer
  • belvedere n belvedero
  • bemire vt (archaic: cover with mud) fanghizer; (archaic: stick in mud) enfanghifer
  • bemoan vt lamenter sopre; planger sopre
  • bemuse vt confusifer; perplexifer
  • bench n (long wooden seat) scamno; (workman’s table) labor-menso; (raised bank) bermo; (jur.) [judge’s seat] jùdicisca sedatro; [judges collectively] jùdiçado; [tribunal] corto; tribunalo
  • bend vt (curve or angle something straight) curvifer; [arch] archifer; [brows] contractioner; froncer; [head, body] incliner; [limb, joint] flecter; (direct, apply) [efforts, energy] dìriger; [oneself] àplicher si; (subdue) dòmiter || vi curvecer; (head, body) to bend down inclinezer | (limb, joint) flectezer || n (of road, river, etc.) curvo; vial-tornìezo; (of a pipe) cúbito; (sinuosity) sinuo; bent (bot.: Agrostis) agrosto; (natural talent or inclination) -emitio; inclino; talento; tendentio || adj bent (curve-shaped) curva; unchesca; (sharply curved or having an angle) flectita; (tilted) inclinita; (determined to do or have something) to be bent on doing something aspirer facer; cercher facer; obstiner sopre facer
  • beneath prep (next under) sub; (in rank, etc.) inferiora ad; (unworthy of) no valoranta || adv (next under something) sube; (at a lower level) infre
  • benedick n (or “benedict”; rare) nova sponsaso
  • Benedictine n (monk) Benedictano; (liqueur) Benedictan-licuoro
  • benediction n benedicto
  • benefaction n (donation) donationedo; (good deed) bon-faço; benefactor bon-façanto
  • benefic adj (archaic) bon-façanta, -ema
  • benefice n (benefit; Church office) beneficio; beneficiary beneficioso || adj beneficial (advantageous) abantaġosa; profitifosa; útila; (beneficent) bon-façanta; (healthful) salubra
  • beneficent adj bon-façanta, -ema; (remedy) bonefectema || n beneficence bon-facemitio; bon-faço, -ado
  • benefit n (advantage, assistance, profit) beneficio; being for the benefit of Mr. Kite! esante por la beneficio di Sro. Kite!; (advantage) abantaġo; profito; (assistance) adjuto; (profit) profito; benefit concert spectáculo di beneficio; benefit of the doubt beneficio di dúbito || vt abantagizer; adjuter; plu-bonifer || vi guadanier; profiter
  • Benelux n Beneluxo
  • benevolent adj (well meaning and kindly) bon-volitionanta, -ema; (beneficent) bon-façanta, -ema; (of institutions) caritatema, -osa || n benevolence bon-volitiono
  • Bengal n Bengala; Bengal finch (zool.: Lonchura striata domestica) Japoniana pásero; Bengal tiger (zool.: Panthera tigris tigris) Bengalana tigro; Bengali Bengalano
  • benighted adj (pitifully ignorant) malaze èduchita; (overtaken by darkness) partènebrizita
  • benign adj (kind; mild) benigna
  • Benin n Benino; Beninese Beninano
  • benison n (lit.) benedicto
  • benumb vt torporifer; (from cold) geletifer
  • Benzedrine n (trademark for amphetamine) Benzedrino
  • benzene n benzeno
  • benzine n benzino
  • benzoate n (chem.) benzoato
  • benzocaine n (pharm.) benzocaíno
  • benzoic acid n (chem.) benzóica ácido
  • benzoin n (bot.: gum benzoin) benzoo; (chem.) benzoíno || adj benzoic acid benzoisca ácido
  • benzol n benzolo
  • bequeath vt herèditedifer
  • bequest n herèditedifo
  • berate vt reprimendazer
  • Berber n Berbero
  • bereave vt privationer || n bereavement privationo; (loss) perdo; (mourning) luġo || adj bereaved luġanta; bereft privationita
  • beret n bereto
  • bergamot n (bot.: Citris bergamia) [tree] bergamotífero; [extract] bergamot-esentio; [fruit] bergamoto
  • beriberi n (path.) beriberio
  • berkelium n (chem.: Bk) berkelio
  • berlin n (carriage) berlino
  • berm n bermo
  • Bermuda n Bermudia; Bermuda Triangle Triángulo di Bermudia
  • berry n (bot.) baco || adj berry-producing bachefanta
  • berserk adj berserchesca; furiosa, -anta; to go berserk berserchìer || n berserker berserco
  • berth n (anchorage place) àncorijayo; [for ship at dock] doc-placio; warf-placio; (fixed bed on a ship, train, etc.) cabinet-lecto; nav-lecto; (position in an organization or event) oficio; placio; to give a wide berth eviter incontrer; preterpaser fore; tener ye disto || vt (anchor, moor) àncorijer
  • beryl n (min.) berilo
  • beryllium n (chem.: Be) berilio
  • beseech vt (lit.) implorer; sùplicher
  • beseem vt (archaic) convener ad
  • beset vt (attack) asalter (necesationanta); (besiege) asedier; (surround) circumder
  • beside prep (at the side of) juxte; beside oneself (with anger) fola (pro iraço); (in addition to) ultre; [apart from] aparte de; ecepte; exter; (in comparison to) cómpare ad; what is that beside victory? cuo es ecuilo cómpare ad vinço?; besides (in addition to) ultre; besides Hello Kitty: Island Adventure, he also plays World of Warcraft ultre Hello Kitty: Island Adventure, il jocan anche World of Warcraft || adv besides (moreover) cétere; plue; pluse; it’s a silly language, and besides, no one speaks it li es on linguaġo stulta, et pluse, nulu paraulan li
  • besiege vt asedier
  • besmear vt (bedaub) unger; (lit.: besmirch) fanghizer; spurchifer; striizaċer
  • besmirch vt deshonorizer; fanghizer; spurchifer; striizaċer
  • besmut vt carbonizer
  • besom n virghi-scopo
  • besotted adj brutifita; folifita; stùpidifita; stuporifita
  • bespatter vt aroser; fanghizer; màculizer; spargizer
  • bespeak vt (indicate) ìndicher; (order in advance) antedemander; (archaic: speak to) adparauler || adj bespoke (Brit.: made to order) facita secuno peto
  • besprinkle vt (lit.: with liquids) aroser; (lit.: with seeds) sèminizer
  • best adj maxim bona; óptima; to have the best of it haber la profito; to put the best construction on doner la maxim bona senso ad; to think it best jùdicher che lo es (plu) sapia; best man (at a wedding) ċefa honor-companiono || adv maxim bone; Daddy knows best Patrucio sapan cuo maxim bone convenan; I like it best of all mi máxime apretian ecuila; had best lo plu bona esun; I had best go lo plu bona esun che mi vadun || n la maxim bon(aj)o; lo maxim bona; to act for the best acter cum la maxim bona intento; acter por lo maxim bona; at best admáxime; en la maxim bona de casos; the best of the way la plu granda parto di la vialo; to do one’s best (to do something) facer omno posíbila (por facer álico); it’s all for the best omno es por lo maxim bona fine; to the best of my ability secuno lo plu bona cua mi potan; secuno posìbilitio; to the best of my knowledge secuno mea sapo (aut) cognoço; to the best of my recollection secuno cuante mi potan mèmorer; bestseller sorvendedo || vt (defeat) vincer
  • bestial adj bestiesca; bestiisca; (cruel) brutesca || n bestiality bestieschitio; bruteschitio; (sexual intercourse between man and animal) zoòfilío
  • bestiarius n (hist.) bestiario
  • bestir vt (oneself) efortier; movecer si
  • bestow vt (as a gift) dorer; (confer) cònferer; (give) doner; to bestow a favor facer favoro; facer servo
  • bestrew vt (lit.: of a surface) dissèminizer; (lit.: of objects) dissèminejer
  • bestride vt seder cabáliche sur; statier cum gambos furchesche, aparte sur; (fig.: dominate) dòminìer
  • bet vt sponsioner; he bet €1,000 that the world would end in 2012 il sponsionin 1 000 € che la mundo cesationun en 2012; to bet for/against something sponsioner por/contre álico || n sponsiono
  • beta n (Greek letter Β) beta; beta particle (phys.) partículo beta; beta release (comput.) versiono beta; betatron (phys.) betatrono || vt to beta-test (comput.) beta-èprober
  • betake vt (lit.) to betake oneself vader ad
  • betel n (bot.: Piper betle) betlo; [chewable stimulant] betlajo
  • bethink vt to bethink oneself (archaic: remind) mèmorifer si; (archaic: think on reflection) consìderinte lo, penser
  • betide vi (lit.) eventer || vt (lit.) eventer ad
  • betimes adv (lit.: early) antetémpore; preite
  • betoken vt (lit.) eser on signo/adverto di; ìndicher; signìficher
  • beton n (concrete) betono
  • betony n (bot.: Stachys officinalis) betonio
  • betray vt (play false) trader; (inform on) denuntier; (reveal) reveler || n betrayal pèrfidajo; trado
  • betroth vt fidantier
  • better adj meliora; plu bona; (of health) plu sana; better and better sempre plu bona; better late than never plu bona tarde cam jamás; the better part of (bigger part) la majoritato de; la maxim-multo de; la plu granda parto de; la plu-multo de; to get better (improve) plu-bonecer; (in health) convalecer; risanecer || adv plu bone; all the better that asíc plu bone che; better off en plu bona situationo; had better facer plu bone -er; lo esun plu bona che; préfere -es; I had better go lo esun plu bona che mi vadun; mi façun plu bone vader; mi préfere vades; (stronger admonishment) mi ya deban vader; so much the better tante plu bone || n la plu bono; lo plu bona; (in rank) superioro; betters superioros; to get the better of guadanier la abantaġo; (outwit) eser (aut monstrer si) plu astuta cam; (overcome) vincer; in lack of better en manco di (álico) plu bona; betterment (plu-)bonifo; betters (persons) súperos || vt plu-bonifer
  • between prep (time, space) inter; between times intertémpore; between two ferns inter dua filiços || n between decks intercopertono || adv to come between intereventer; intervener; in between íntere; to be in between interjacer
  • betwixt prep (archaic: between) inter; betwixt and between inter la duo; inter la una et la áltera
  • bevel n biselo || vt biselizer
  • beverage n bibedo
  • bevy n greġo; grupo
  • bewail vt lamenter sopre; plorer sopre
  • beware vi (be cautious and alert to the dangers of) eser cauta; guarder si; beware! cautitio!; beware of geeks bearing gifts times le gicos, etiam las portanta doredos; beware of pickpockets! guardes vi contre pochifurtistos!; beware of the dog! cautitio cum la canículo!; (distrust) desfider; beware of imitations desfides ìmitajos
  • bewilder vt confusifer; perplexifer
  • bewitch vt (cast a spell on) incanter; [fascinate, spellbind] fàciner; (charm, delight) càrminer || adj bewitching càrmin(az)anta; ècstasifanta; fàcinanta
  • beyond prep (in space) [further than] preter; he lives a little beyond the cinema il hábitan cualche preter la cínemo; ten km beyond Istanbul deça km preter İstanbul | [on the other side of] trans; beyond the sea trans la maro; (in time) post; beyond the hour post la horo; (apart from) ecepte je; ultre; beyond a personal staff, he needs a secretary ultre personalo, il besonian on secretaro; he has no personal staff beyond a secretary il no haban personalo ecepte je on secretaro; (surpassing, exceeding) super; (outdoing) [competitor, rival] sor; beyond all praise super omna laudo; beyond measure nemensurébila; beyond one’s means (beyond one’s income) they live beyond their means los expensan plu-multo cam sua rédito; beyond reach neatingébila || n preterayo || adv (across, on the other side) transe; (besides, in addition) pluse; últree; (further off) plu distante; plu fore; (past) prétere
  • bezel n castono
  • bezique n bezico
  • bezoar n (bio.) bezoaro
  • bhikkhu n bikshu
  • Bhutan n Butania; Bhutanian Butaniano
  • bi- afx (lasting for two; having two) bi-; du- x -a; (occurring once in every two) bi- x -ala; (occurring twice in every one) semi- x -ala
  • biannual adj (occurring twice a year) semi-anuala
  • bias n (inclination) inclino; predisposo; (prejudice) antejúdico || vt incliner; influer; predisposer || adj biased predisposita; (partisan) partitana, -ema
  • bib n (for child) bab-tuco; (for adult) abantaleto
  • Bible n Biblio; Bible-thumper Biblii-brandisto || adj biblical (in accordance with) Bibliasca; (pertaining to) Bibliisca; (resembling) Bibliesca
  • bibliography n bibliògrafío; bibliographer bibliógrafo || adj bibliographic bibliògrafìisca
  • bibliomania n bibliomanío; bibliomaniac bibliomaníaco
  • bibliophile n bibliófilo
  • bibulous adj (formal: person) trinchema; (formal: thing) absorptema; absorptiva
  • bicarbonate n (chem.) bicarbonato; hidrò(gen)carbonato
  • bicentennial n ducentésima aniversario
  • bicephalous adj bicápita
  • biceps n (anat.) bicípito
  • bichromate n (chem.) bicromato
  • bicker vi dìsputaċer; let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who nos no frívole dísputes et discusaċes sopre cua occisin cua
  • bicolored adj bicolora
  • biconcave adj bicóncava
  • biconvex adj biconvexa
  • bicornous adj bicorna
  • bicuspid adj bicúspida
  • bicycle n bicicleto; (tall, old-fashioned) bicicletazo; bicyclist bicicletisto || vi vader biciclete
  • bid vt (offer) [price for something] òferer; (cards) anuntier; (say) dicer; to bid farewell dicer adeo; (archaic: invite) inviter; (archaic: order) mandationer || vi to bid for facer on ófero por; (attempt to get) efortier obtiner || n (at auction, etc.) ófero; (attempt to get) efortio obtiner
  • bide vi (archaic: wait; remain, stay) rester; (archaic: dwell) loger || vt (archaic: await) to bide one’s time atender la justa instanto; atender sua oportunajo; patiente atendader; (archaic: endure) tòlerer
  • bidentate adj bidenta
  • bidet n bideto
  • biennial adj (happening every two years) bianuala; du-anuala; (lasting two years) bianua; du-anua
  • bier n féretro
  • biff vt colper || n colpo
  • bifocal adj bifocala
  • bifurcate vi (dis)furcheschecer || adj bifurcated furchesca
  • big adj (of considerable size, extent, or intensity) granda; big band big band; Big Bang Granda Exploso; to make bigger plu-grandifer | [bulky] masiva; [difficult] big words difícila vocábulos | [elder; grown up] granda; plu vécula; plu-etatanta; Big Brother is watching you Granda Fratro vígilan vi; [enthusiastic] big on on fanático sopre | [fat] grasa; [heavily built] corpulenta; [intense] big kiss forta basio | [pregnant] (archaic) grávida; [thick] grosa; [well known] he’s big in publishing il es valde cognoçata en la èditisca mundo; big-bellied ventruda; big-boned ostuda; big-breasted mamuda; (generous) generosa; big of you! cuala generositio vua!; (of considerable importance or seriousness) importanta; you’re making a big mistake vi es cominitianta on grava eroro; (informal: popular) they’re big in Japan los es populara en Japonia || n bigness granditio
  • bigamy n bìgamitio; bigamist bígamo || adj bigamous bígama
  • bight n (geog.) [of a river] fluvii-flecto; fluvii-sinuo; [small bay] bayeto
  • bigot n bigoto; (pious hypocrite) piaċo; bigotry bigotitio
  • bigwig n eminento
  • bike n bicicleto
  • bikini n bichinio
  • bilabial adj bilabia || n (phon.) bilabiisco
  • bilateral adj bilátera
  • bilberry n (bot.: Vaccinium myrtillus) [fruit] mirtilo; [shrub] mirtilífero
  • bile n bilo || adj biliary [med.] bilisca; bilious bilosa
  • bilge n (naut.) sentin(-curvaj)o; (nonsense) nesensoso; bilgewater sentin-acuo
  • bilingual adj bilinguaġa
  • bilk vt frauder
  • bill n (invoice) cálculo; facturo; bill payable on sight facturo paghenda ye vido; bills payable paghenda facturos; receipted bill cuitantiizita facturo | (account) conto; bills payable paghenda contos; bills receivable paghifenda contos | (banknote) (banchi-)bileto; a five dollar bill on bileto di cinca dólaros; bill payable on demand bileto paghenda ye presentationo; bill payable to bearer bileto paghenda ad la portanto; to make a bill payable to facer bileto (aut trato) paghenda ad; bill broker bilet-agento; discontisto; bill of credit crédit-bileto | (declaration) atesto; declarationo; bill of divorce edicto je divortio; bill of entry duvan-declarationo (sopre comerciedos); bill of health certífico je salubritio; bill of rights declarationo je yuros | (draft of a law) leġ-projecto; to pass a bill àprober on leġ-projecto; to throw out a bill forjacter (aut) refuser on leġ-projecto | (draft, bill of exchange) excambii-letro; trato; to draw a bill on trater | (list) listo; bill of costs (Brit.) expens-listo; legisca costos; bill of fare (dated) menuto; bill of lading (naut.) cognoçamento | (notice) afigedo; post no bills afiger pròhibata; billboard afiġ-tábulo; afiġayo; billposter afigisto; billposting afiger; handbill anuntii-folio; avis-folio | (theat.) programo; to fit the bill haber la profilo; satisfacer la besonio; top billing la maxim alta enprogramifo || vt (com.) [person] facturizer; [sum] enfacturifer; facturijer; (theat.) anuntier; enprogramifer; presentationer
  • bill n (zool.: beak) beco
  • bill n (hist.) guer-sarpo; billhook (tool) sarpo
  • billet n (mil.) acantonayo; (firewood) ardi-ligno (aut -busco); ligni-bloco; (heraldry) bilieto; billet-doux amor-létero || vt (mil.) acantoner; loġayizer; logifer || vi (mil.) acantonezer; loger
  • billiards n (game) biliardo; billiard ball biliard-bulo; billiard cloth biliard-telo; billiard cue biliard-bastono; billiard hall biliardayo; billiard table biliard-menso
  • billion card (10⁹) miliarda; A million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A billion dollars. Miliona dólaros no imponan. Sapan vos cuo imponan? Miliarda dólaros.
  • billow n undazo || vi undefer || adj billowy undazosa
  • billy n (club) clavono; billy goat capraso; billy witch (zool.: Melolontha) melolontho
  • bilobate adj (bot.) biloba
  • bimanous adj (bio.) bimanua
  • bimetallic adj bimetala || n bimetallism (hist.) bimetalismo
  • bimonthly adj (occurring every two months) bimensuala; du-mensuala; (occurring twice a month) semimensuala
  • bin n cofro; -uyo; trash bin versur-beno; versuruyo
  • binary adj (composed of two elements) binaria; (math) binaria; binary file binaria fìgicajo
  • binaural adj bi-aurícula; du-aurícula; (stereophonic) stereòfonisca
  • bind vt (tie) cord-ligher; cordizer; ligher; to bind fast ligher firme; to bind together cum-ligher | [bandage] bandagizer; [with a strap] corigii-ligher; corigiizer; [with chains] caten-ligher; catenizer; [with strips of paper, etc.] bend-ligher; bendizer; (fix together and enclose in a cover) [books] religher; [brochures, magazines] cuadernifer; (hold together) cohesifer; [unite] unioner; (impose an obligation on) [compel] coercer; òbligher; [cramp] constricter; [hinder] descòmodizer; impeder; [indenture an apprentice] aprendistifer; [jur.] to bind over òbligher aparer (aut presentationer si); òbligher pagher; (trim) [carpet, etc.] bordizer || n (dilemma) difìcilajo; dilemo; imbarasezo; bindweed (bot.: Calystegia) calistegio; (bot.: Convolvulus) convólvulo; binder (folder) anel-carpito; (of books) relighisto; bindery religherío; (leather) binding (books) (coria) religajo || adj binding (obligatory) òbligataria; bound up (in a subject) absorptita
  • binge n crápulo || vt to binge-watch crápule (aut marathone) spectatorìer || vi cràpuler
  • bingo n bingo
  • binnacle n habitáculo
  • binocular adj du-ócula || n binoculars binóculo
  • binomial n (math, gram.) binomio || adj binomi(isc)a
  • biochemist n biochìmichisto; biochemistry biochímico
  • biodegrade vi biodegenerater || adj biodegradable biodegenerativa
  • biodynamics n biodinámico
  • biogenesis n biogéneso
  • biography n biògrafío; biographer biógrafo || adj biographical biògrafía
  • biology n biòloghío; biologist biólogo
  • biomass n biomaso
  • bionic adj biònichisca || n bionics biónico
  • biophysics n biofísico
  • biopsy n biopsío
  • biorhythm n biorithmo
  • bioscope n (dated, S. African) cínemo
  • biosphere n biosfero
  • biotechnology n biotecnòloghío
  • bipartisan adj bipartitana
  • bipartite adj du-parta || n bipartition du-partifo
  • biped n bipedo || adj bipedal bipeda
  • biplane n biplano
  • biquadrate n (math) bicuadrato || adj (math) bicuadrata
  • birch n (bot.: Betula) betulo; birchwood betul-ligno; (rod) virgo || vt virg-batuer; virghijer
  • bird n (zool.: Aves) aucelo; as the bird flies aucel-vade; to kill two birds with one stone facer dua cosos per una stroco; bird cherry (bot.: Prunus padus) pado; bird fancier aucel-alevamentisto; bird nest (aucel-)nido; bird of paradise paradis-aucelo; bird of prey rapt-aucelo; birdie (sport) plum-bulo; vol-bulo; bird’s eye view aucel-vido; vido de supre; birdlime árbor-glútino
  • bireme n (hist.) biremo
  • biretta n bireto
  • biro n (Brit. trademark: ballpoint pen) bul-penino
  • birth n (emergence of a baby from its mother’s body) [act of being born] naço; blind from birth ceca dex naço; nace ceca | [begetting] génito; [parturition] parturo; birth certificate certífico je naço; birth control anticonceptiono; naci-lìmitizo; birth mother biòloghìasca matro; genitoriso; birth rate naç-índiço; to give birth to nacifer; parturer; (beget) gèniter; birthday naç-aniversario; birthmark naç-máculo; birthplace naç-loco; naç-paeso; birthright herédit-yuro; birthwort (bot.: Aristolochia) aristolochio | (origin) cominitio; orígino
  • biscione n (heraldry) biciono
  • biscotto n biscoto
  • biscuit n (small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking soda) bischito; (Brit.: crisp wafer) biscocto; [savory] crachero; gran-biscocto; [sweet] cuc-biscocto; cuchio
  • bisect vt secher; (geom.) bisecher || n bisector bisecanto
  • bisexual adj bisexema; (bio.) bisexa
  • bishop n (relig.) epíscopo; (chess: ♝) epíscopo; bishopric (diocese) dióceso; episcopio; (office) episcopitio; bishop’s chair cáthedro
  • bismuth n (chem.: Bi) bismutho
  • bison n (zool.: Bison) bisonto; American bison (zool.: Bison bison) Amèricana bisonto (aut búfalo)
  • bisque n (ceramics) biscuito; (soup) bisco
  • bissextile adj bisextosa
  • bister n (pigment) bistro
  • bistoury n (surg.) scalpelo
  • bistro n bistroto
  • bisulfate n (chem.) bisulfato
  • bisulfite n (chem.) bisulfito
  • bit n (small piece or part of something) pauco; peti(et)o; a bit (somewhat) cualche; bit by bit pauchene; peti(et)ene; every bit íntegro; omna partos; not a bit tote no (aut nula); not a bit of dignity tote nula dignitio; not a bit tired tote no fatighita | (binary digit) bito; bitcoin () bitcoino | (horse’s) morso; (mouthful) plen-buco; (tool) foration-puntalo
  • bitch n (female dog) canìculiso; (complaint) planġ(aċ)o; (derog: woman) cuno; fèminaċo; putano; I’m CEO, bitch! mi es Generala Dìrigisto, cuno!; ’sup, bitches? cuo nova, cunos?; you’re from the 70s, but I’m a 90s bitch vi es de la anuos 70, mas mi es on cuno de las 90 | [shrew] strunço; you bitch! strunço!; (unpleasant thing) caráculo; life’s a bitch le vivo es on caráculo (aut merdo); my bitch of a boss mea strunça ċefo || vi (grumble) planġaċer || adj bitchy struncisca; did that sound bitchy? parecin ecuilo struncisca?
  • bite vt (use teeth to cut into something) morder; to bite off more than one can chew asumpter nim multe; (chew) màsticher; (pinch) pincer; (sting) picher || vi (be duped) inganezer; (fish) morder || n (act) mordo; (result) [piece bitten] demordajo; [wound] mordajo; (mouthful) plen-buco; (of a tool) mordo || adj biting (literal, fig.) mordanta, -ema; (fig.) amara; cáustica; picanta
  • bitt n (naut.) bitono
  • bitter adj amara; to make bitter amarifer; bitter almonds (bot.: Prunus dulcis var. amara, et al.) amar-amándulos; bitter vetch (bot.: Vicia ervilia) ervo; bittersweet acri-dulça || adv to cry bitterly plorer amare || n (something bitter, esp. beer) amaro; bitterness amaritio; bittercress (bot.: Cardamine) cardamino; bittersweet (bot.: Solanum dulcamara) dulcamaro
  • bittern n (zool.: Botaurinae) butauro
  • bitumen n bitúmino || adj bituminous bitúmina, -isca, -osa; bituminous coal bitùminosa carbono
  • bivalent adj (bio, chem.) bivalenta
  • bivalve inter biválvulo
  • bivouac n bivaco || vi bivachejer
  • biweekly adj (every two weeks) biseptimanala; (twice a week) semiseptimanala
  • bizarre adj bizara; extránea
  • blab vt (divulge) divulgher || vi (gossip) comatrìer
  • black adj (of color) nigra; to dye black nigrizer; tinger nigra; black beetle (Brit.: cockroach) blato; black crow (zool.: Corvus corone) nigra corniço; black currant (Brit.: blackcurrant — bot.: Ribes nigrum) nigri-groselo; nigri-ribo; black grouse (zool.: Tetrao tetrix) lir-gruso; black hole nigra forámino; black letter góthic-lítero; black locust (bot.: Robinia pseudoacacia) robinio; black oak (bot.: Quercus velutina) nigra cuerco; black pudding (blood sausage) sánguin-salsicio; Black Sea Nigra Maro; black widow (zool.: several species within Latrodectus) nigra vìduviso; black-and-white nigri-blanca; (characterized by tragic events) the Black Death la nigra (aut granda) mortado (aut pesto); black humor nigra humoro; (livid) black and blue lívida; black eye lívida aut contusita óculo; (archaic: evil) black arts, magic necromantío; nigra (aut mal-faciva) magío; strighío; blackguardly (dated) canali(isc)a; grosaria; insultosa; black cherry (bot.: Prunus serotina) nigri-ceresio || adv to look black at reguarder desfavore || n (color) nigro; (person) Nigro; blackberry (bot.: Rubus) [fruit] rubo; [shrub] rubífero; blackbird (zool.: Turdus merula) mérulo; blackboard nigri-tábulo; blackcock (zool.: Tetrao tetrix) lir-grusaso; blackdamp explos-gaso; mefito; blackguard (dated) canalio; blackhead comedono; blackjack (club) clavoneto; (game) Dudeç-uno; blackjack; blacklead grafito; blackleg (Brit.: strikebreaker) exóper-rumpanto; blacklist nigri-listo; blackmail ċantaġo; extortiono; blackout (elec.) extinguazo; (med.) neconcioseço; blacksmith forgisto; blackthorn (bot.: Prunus spinosa) prunelífero; blacking polimentumo; blackness nigritio || vt (blacken) nigrifer; (damage or destroy) to black the character of denigrationer; (polish) polimenter; (put black on) nigrizer; to blacken nigrifer; to blackball refuser votatione; repulser; to blackguard invectiver; to blacklist ennigrilistifer; nigri-listijer; poner sur la nigri-listo; to blackmail ċantager; exortioner || vi to blacken nigrecer
  • bladder n (anat.) vesico; bladder senna (bot.: Colutea arborescens) coluteo; vesic-arbusto; bladdernut (bot.: Staphylea) [fruit] stafilo; [shrub] stafilífero
  • blade n (of a knife, sword) lamno; (flat portion) platajo; (of an oar, propellor) palito; (of grass) herbi-folio; (dated: gallant) galanto
  • blague n burli-mendacio
  • blah inter blah, blah, blah bla, bla, bla || n it was just a lot of blah, blah, blah lo esin mere multa bla, bla, bla; (boring talk) neinteresanto(s); (nonsense) nesensoso; the blahs (boredom) inodiezo; (mild depression) depreseto || adj (not interesting) neinteresanta
  • blame vt culpizer; to be to blame for something haber la culpo sopre álico || n (act) culpizo; (fault) culpo || adj blamable culpanda; culpizébila; blameless inocenta; neculpanda; neculposa; blameworthy culpanda
  • blanch vt blanchifer; pàlidifer; (culin.: boil for freezing or further cooking) excalder; (hort.) etioler || vi blanchecer; pàlidecer
  • blancmange n blanchi-manġo; crem-geleo
  • bland adj insípida
  • blandish vt blander || n blandishment adulo; blando
  • blank adj (bare, empty, or plain) [surface] vaciva; [cartridge] vacua; [signed but otherwise incomplete] blanċa; blank check blanċa ċeco; blanċo | [fig.] blanca; (complete, absolute, unmixed) [despair, refusal] absoluta; (showing incomprehension or no reaction) vaciva; blank verse blanca verso; nerimosa verso || n (cartridge) vacua cartoċo; (in forms) vaciva spatio; vacivo; (in lotteries) vaciva bileto; vacivo; (void) vacuo
  • blanket n (for bed) coperturo; lana còpertatro; (of snow) niva còpertatro || vt còperter; inveloper
  • blare vi sonazer; soner laute || n sonazo
  • blarney n blando || vt blander
  • blasé adj indiferenta; (jaded) blasita
  • blaspheme vi blasfemer || n blasphemy blasfemo || adj blasphemous blasfemosa
  • blast n (explosion) [of bomb] explos(az)o; [of energy weapon] blasto; [of gun] díspar(az)o; (gust of wind or air) ráfico; suflazo; venti-colpo; (blare) sonazo; (informal: good time) festazo; (informal: reprimand) reprimendazo; blast engine sufli-máchino; blast furnace alt-furnazo; blaster (sci-fi) blastatro || vt (blow up with explosives) explosifer; (create by explosion) the gun blasted a hole through the dashboard la focilo explosife facin on forámino en la instrument-panelo; (move by explosion) the phone booth was blasted some 9 meters into the air la telèfonisca cabino explose jactezin círcume 9 metros en la airo | (shoot with a gun) díspar-colper; focilijer; (shoot with an energy weapon) blaster; (informal: reprimand) reprimendazer; (lit.: destroy) destructer; ruinifer; [rend] finder; (lit.: strike with divine anger) fùlminer (contre); (lit.: wither or blight) marcifer || vi (explode) [bomb] explos(az)er; [gun] dìspar(az)er; (gust) ráficher; suflazer; vent-colper; (blare) sonazer || inter blast it! maledictita eses lo!
  • blastema n (bot.) blastemo
  • blatant adj evidenta; flagranta
  • blather vi parauladaċer
  • blaze n ardo; flagro; flamazo; (of buildings) incendio; (shine) brilo; blazer (jacket) blazero || vt (mark or cut a path) marchizer; to blaze a trail àperer on vialo; [pioneer] to blaze a trail pionerìer; (proclaim) proclamationer; publìciter || vi arder; flagrer; to blaze up flamefer; (be ardent) ardorer; (shine) briler; (shoot continuously) dìsparader; dìsparer continue
  • blazon vt proclamationer || n (armorial bearings) blasono
  • bleach vt blanchifer; (chem.) descolorizer || n (chem.) descolorizivo
  • bleachers n (grad-)scamnado
  • bleak adj (gloomy) sombra; trista; (harsh) frígida; severa; (inhospitable) austera; nehòspitema; nelogiva; (unpromising) mala; nepromisosa; things are looking bleak for him afaros pareçan mala por il; (weather) frígida; glaciesca || n (zool.: Alburnus, Chalcalburnus) alburelo
  • blear vt (archaic) nèbulizer || adj bleary nèbulosa; bleary-eyed nébul-ócula
  • bleat vi (re any animal) bleter; (cow) bov-bleter; muger; (goat) capri-bleter; (sheep) beer; ovícul-bleter
  • bleb n bulbulo; (bio.) vesicheto; (med.) vesículo
  • bleed vi (lose blood) sànguinefer; to bleed to death sànguinefer usche morto; his nose is bleeding iluya naso sànguinefan; (of fluid) [flow out] ecfluer; [leak out] lechezer; [seep out] exuder || vt (draw blood from) sánguin-tirer; tirer sánguino de; (draw out) ectirer; (exploit) to bleed dry parexploter; parsuctier la sánguino de; (leak) lecher; (make seep out) exudifer || adj bleeding-heart liberal nim sentimentala liberalo
  • blemish n defecto; deformifajo; lesionajo; neperfectajo; (moral) deshonor(aj)o; (stain) máculo || vt defectizer; deformifer; (stain) màculizer
  • blench vi flencher
  • blend vt mixturer; (melt together) cumfusioner || n blender blendero
  • blende n (sphalerite) blendo
  • blenny n (zool.: Blennius) blenio
  • bless vt benedicter; bless my soul! Deo benedictes mi!; to bless oneself facer la cruci-signo || n blessing benedicto || adj blessed benedictita; (beatific) beata; blessed are the cheesemakers beata es la càseefistos | (endowed) fortunose dotizita; to be blessed with eser fortunose dotizita per; fruer; haber la felicitio di; haber la fortuno di | (fortunate) feliça; (Virgin, etc.) santa
  • blether vi parauladaċer
  • bletonism n (dowsing) rabdomantío; bletonist rabdomanto
  • blight n (plant disease) robígino; [wilt] março; (plague) pesto; (urban) civitatisca (aut urbisca) decadentio; blighter (Brit., informal) cherlaċo || vt (afflict with plant disease) robìginizer; [wither] marcifer; (plague) pestizer; (ruin) ruinifer
  • blimp n blimpo
  • blind adj (unable to see) ceca; to become blind cechecer; blind in one eye lusca; blind person ceco; born blind nace ceca; an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind óculo pro óculo fiçan la tota mundo ceca; to turn a blind eye to coniventier ad; (lacking in perception, awareness, or discernment) blind loyalty ceca loyalitio; (concealed or closed) blind alley impaso; stradeto neèxitosa; blind curve curvo sine vidèbilitio; blind spot [in driving] mortinta ángulo; nevid-ángulo || n (for window) rótul-cortino; Venetian blind latel-cortino | (shutter) forículo; Persian blind latel-forículo; (hiding place) abscondayo; (screen) schermo; blindfold ócul-bandaġo; blindman’s bluff cec-joco; blinders (for horse) ócul-schermos; blindness cechitio || vt (render unable to see) cechifer; (dazzle) she blinded me with science! el cechejin mi per cientio!
  • blink vi (shut and open the eyes quickly) pàlpebrijer; (light) fùlgurader || n pàlpebrijo; in the blink of an eye en on pàlpebrijo; blinker (auto.) gir-lámpado
  • blip n (elec.) signalo; (aberration) (pasanta) anómalo (aut abero); this is just a blip ecuilo es on problémato pasanta
  • bliss n (great happiness) feliçazitio; (blessedness) beatitio || adj blissful feliçaza
  • blister n (on skin) bulio; (vesicle) vesicheto || vi buliefer
  • blithe adj (cheerfully indifferent) alecre (aut nepreòcupeze) indiferenta; (happy or joyous) alecra; joyosa
  • blitz n fúlmin-ataco || vt fúlmin-atacher || adj blitzed (intoxicated) ebri(az)a
  • blizzard n blizardo; niv-tempestat(az)o
  • bloat vt infler || vi inflezer; tum(ec)er || n bloater (cured herring) fumizita haringo; (zool.: cisco) corégono; bloatware inflezwaro; obeswaro || adj bloated inflita; tumanta
  • blob n (drop) (viscosa) guto; (indeterminate mass or shape) amorfo; (stain) máculo
  • bloc n (pol.) bloco
  • block n (solid piece of hard material) bloco; a block of wood on ligni-bloco | [cube] cubo; block letters majúsculos | [executioner’s] (haċij-)bloco; (haċij-)busco; [for hats, etc.] capel-moldo; blockhead imbécilo; ligna cápito | (group of things regarded as a single unit) -ado; grupo; paco; serio; [area bounded by streets in a town or suburb] (urbi-, dom-, edificii-)bloco; [comput.] bloco; blockbuster [area bounded by streets in a town or suburb] bloc-rumpedoro | (obstacle) obstáculo; [blockage] obturatro; blockade blocato; blockhouse blochauso | (pulley) poleo; (informal: head) I’ll knock your block off! mi rumpun vua cranio! || vt (obstruct) [block up, block off] barer; obstructer; [blockade] blocater; [burden or clutter] incombrer; [hinder] impeder; (shape or reshape a hat) moldijer
  • blog n blogo
  • bloke n (Brit. informal: man, fellow) cherl(as)o
  • blond(e) adj blonda; blonde bombshell blonda sexí-bombo || n blond(is)o
  • blood n (bio.) sánguino; to draw blood (med.) tirer sánguino; to spit blood sánguin-sputer; blood cell glóbulo; blood heat sánguin-temperaturo; temperaturo di sánguino; bloodhound cacii-canículo; hundo; bloodletting (med.) exánguino; blood poisoning (med.) septicemio; blood red sànguineo; sànguinesche rúbea; blood sausage sánguin-salsicio; bloodstone heliotropo; bloodstream sánguin-curento; sánguin-fluo; bloodsucker sanguisugo; blood vessel sánguin-vásculo | (family background; lineage) parentitio; raço; next of blood (maxim) próxima parento; to run in the blood eser en la raço; blood horse pur-racia cabalo | (temperament; state of the passions) temperamento; bad blood inimichitio; in cold blood cum frígida sánguino; frígid-sánguine; sine compasiono; in hot blood cald-sánguine; cum sánguino calda; ècitite; irace; to make one’s blood run cold geler la sánguino; terorer; to stir one’s blood emotionifer si | (violence involving bloodshed) sánguino; a blood and guts film on filmo sànguinosa; blood and thunder melodrámato; bloodbath masacro; sánguin-bálneo; blood diamond diamanto di sánguino (aut guero, conflicto); blood feud (intre)vindictado; bloodguilt occis-culpo; bloodlust sánguin-sito; bloodshed sánguin-ecfuso; bloodstain sánguin-máculo | (dated, Brit.: gallant) eleganto; galanto || adj bloodless (from blood loss) exànguinita; (pale) pálida; (without violence or killing) nesànguinosa; sine sánguino; bloody sànguinosa; (Brit.) maledictanda; maledictita; bloody hell! futuer!; merdo!; blood-curdling hororifiva; teroriva; blood-red sànguinea; bloodshot (sánguin-)injectizita; bloodthirsty sánguin-amanta; sánguin-ávida; sánguin-sitanta; (book, film, etc.) sànguinosa
  • bloom n (flower) floro; (epicuticular wax) epicutìculisca cero; (time of beauty, freshness, and vigor) in the full bloom of youth en la floro di jùvenitio; later bloomer tarda floro; bloomers (hist.: women’s pants) tum-pantalono; [underwear] tum-calceono || vi florefer
  • blossom n floro; (bud) buriono || vi florefer; (bud) burionefer
  • blot n (spot, stain; fig.) máculo; (ink spot) encausti-máculo; blotting paper absorptiva papero || vt (mark or stain; fig.) màculizer; (blacken) nigrifer; (dirty) fanghizer; spurchifer; (discredit) descrèditizer; (disgrace) deshonorizer; (dry with absorbent material) sichifer; to blot out (cross out) oblìterer; (darken) obscurifer; (efface) efacier; (exterminate) extèrminer; (obscure) absconder; to blot up (dry) sichifer
  • blotch n máculo; (on skin) erupt(aj)o; máculo || vt màculizer || adj blotchy màculosa; (with rosacea) rosàcéaca
  • blouse n (woman’s; workman’s, peasant’s) bluso; (soldier’s) tùnicheto; túnico
  • blow vi (create an air current) sufler; to blow hot and cold vaciler; the wind is blowing la vento suflan; lo ventan; (be moved by an air current) the door blew open la portelo vente àperezin; the leaves are blowing la folios vente volan; (be windy) venter; it’s blowing a gale lo fort-ventan; (expel air) sufler; to blow on one’s coffee sufler ad sua cafeo; You do know how to whistle, don’t you? Just put your lips together and blow. Vi ya sapan fìsculer, chi no? Mere cumifes vua labios et sufles. | (pant) anheler; (explode) exploser; (of electrical circuit: burn out) arder; (of flies: lay eggs) ovefer; (of wind instrument) soner; (informal: be unpleasant) this blows! ecuilo putan!; (archaic: bloom) florefer; to blow out [candle] arder; [tire] creper; to blow over [storm] paser; (dispute) oblitezer; to blow up (explode) exploser || vt (propel air through) [one’s nose] suflifer sua naso; [wind instrument] sonifer; (inflate) infler; (propel with air) sufler; to blow smoke in someone’s face sufler fumo ad la facio di álicu; (bungle) façaċer; (burn out electrical circuit) ardifer; (strongly affect) you’re blowing my mind! vi halùcinifan mi!; (informal: spend recklessly) expensaċer; (vulg.: fellate) suctier; they can blow me if they think I’m quitting los sucties mi se los credan che mi dismisionun; to blow away [wind + leaves, trash, etc.] forpulser; (impress) imponazer; (kill with firearm) forfocilijer; to blow down (vente, sufle) abatuer; (vente, sufle) destructer; (vente, sufle) renverser; to blow out ecsufler; [brains] ecfocilijer (sua cerebro); [candle] extinter; to blow up (explode) explosifer || n (act of blowing) suflo; (powerful stroke) colpo; stroco; (misfortune) desfortuno, -ajo; at one blow per una sola stroco; to come to blows combatecer; exchange of blows intrebatuo; knock-down blow nocaut-colpo; return blow retrocolpo | (strong wind) ventazo; (gale) tempestateto; ventazo; (zool.: fly eggs) musc-ovado; (informal: cocaine) cocaíno; (archaic: bloom) florefo; blowfly (zool.: Calliphoridae) califórido; carni-musco; blowgun zarabatano; blowpipe (tool) sufli-túbulo || adj blow-by-blow plen-detale
  • blowsy adj (coarse) ruda; (ruddy) rùbe-carnationa; (untidy) desneta
  • blubber n grasajo; (of seal) foç-grasajo; (of whale) balen-grasajo || vi (cry) ploraċer
  • bludgeon n clavono || vt clavonijer
  • blue adj (of color) blava; [clear blue] clar-blava; [dark blue] fuschi-blava; [light blue] hel-blava; [livid] lívida; [sky-blue, azure] azura; cel-blava; [ultramarine] ultramarea; bluish blavesca | (depressed) melancolíaca; trista; blue fox (zool.: Alopex lagopus) blava vulpo; Blue Peter (nav.) partii-bandario || n (color) blavo; [blueness] blavitio; bluing blavajo; blavizatro; blues (mood) melancolío; tristitio; (mus.) blues; bluebell (bot.: Hyacinthus) hiacintho; blueberry (bot.: Cyanococcus) cianococo; bluebottle (bot.: Centaurea cyanus) cianelo; (zool.: Calliphoridae) califórido; carni-musco; bluegrass (bot.: Poa pratensis) prati-poo; bluestocking pedantiso || vt blav-tinger; blavifer; (linens) blavetifer || vi blavecer
  • bluff n (deception) blufo; (escarpment) scarpo; (headland) promontorio || v blufer (ad) || adj (brusque) brusca
  • blunder n (stupid or careless mistake) eroraċo; (misstep) mispasuo || vi eroraċer; (grope along) tàxiter
  • blunderbuss n (hist.) donderbuso
  • blunt adj (not sharp) nepuntalosa; obtusa; blunt instrument contusiva instrumento; (outspoken) cándida; directa; neceremoniosa || n (marijuana cigar) blunto || vt (dull) ficer nepuntalosa; obtusifer; (weaken) alevier; amorter; dèbilifer; lìmitizer
  • blur vt confusifer; nèbulizer || n nèbulesco; nébulo || adj blurred confusifita; nèbulizita; blurry nèbulesca; nèbulosa; neclara; nedicernébila
  • Blu-ray disc n disco Blu-ray
  • blurb n blurbo || vt blurber
  • blurt vt dicer sine penso; lacer excaper
  • blush vi (genal-)rùbeecer; (feel embarrassed, ashamed) verecunder || n (cosmetic) fardo
  • bluster vi (talk) vane (aut laute) parauler, protester, minacier, fanfaronìer, furier, audacier; venter; (winds) tempestater; ventazer || n blusterer valentaċo; vana (aut lauta) paraulanto, protestanto, minacianto, fanfarono, furianto, audacianto; ventoso
  • boa n (zool.: Boidae) boo; (garment) plum-boo
  • boar n (zool.: Sus scrofa) apro; (zool.: male pig) porcaso
  • board n (long, thin, flat piece of wood or other hard material) tábulo; [cardboard] cartono; the boards (informal: the stage of a theater) cenayo | (executive body) aministristado; dìrigistado; (food) mangedo; nutrivado; room and board pensionalo; (cost) pensional-pretio; above board aperte; neabscondate; on board en-nave; boarder (in boarding house) pensionalano; (in school) internatano; (of an enemy’s ship) abordanto; asaltanto; boarding house pensionalo; boarding school internato || vt (go aboard) aborder; imbarchezer; vader sur; (provide food for) alimenter; (with planks) tàbulizer || vi (lodge and take meals) eser on pensionalano
  • boast vi fanfaronìer || vt (possess a feature that is a source of pride) orgolie poseser; ostenter; (sculpting: shape roughly) esbocier || n fanfaronío; boaster fanfarono || adj boastful fanfaronìema
  • boat n barco; (barge) bargo; (dinghy) batelo; (ship) navo; (skiff) schifo; boat captain barchi-ċefo; boat race regato; boatful plen-barco; boating barc-vado, -promeno; boathook unchi-stango; boathouse barchi-hangaro; boatman barchisto; boatswain subcapitano
  • bob vi (up and down) bilancii-acter; saltetader; [curtsy] reverentier || vt (hair) [horse’s tails, etc.] curtifer; recurter; [style] careizer || n (up and down) bilancii-acto; salteto; [bobber] corcajo; floatationatro; [curtsy] reverentio; (hair) [horse’s tails, etc.] curtifajo; [style] careo; (weight) [pendant] pendanto; [pendulum] péndulo; (Brit. informal: shilling) shilling; bobsled bobo || adj bobtailed cum caudo curtifita
  • bobbin n bobino
  • bobby n (Brit. informal: police officer) politìan(aċ)o
  • bode vi àugurìer
  • bodice n corsaġo
  • bodkin n (láce-)acazo; (láce-)tiratro; (typ.) puntionatro; (hist.) (capil-)spínulo
  • body n (physical frame) córporo; body linen còrporisca telado; bodyguard córpor-guardist(ad)o | [corpse] cadávero; bodysnatcher cadáver-furtisto | [hull] (nav-)córporo; [informal, dated: person] cherlo; persono; (chief part) fundo; principala parto; the body of the case la fundo di la afaro; la materio di delicto | (as distinct from appendages) [nave] navo; [stalk] caulelo; [torso] torso; [trunk] trunco; (coherent group) -ado; [of matter] maso; [of people] asociitado; corporationo; personado; in a body amase; entote; public body corporationo | [organization] òrganizajo; societo; (material entity) córporo; objecto; heavenly body astro; celisca córporo | [consistency] córporo; firmitio; sòliditio; to give one’s hair body doner volúmino (aut córporo) ad sua capilado | [geom.] sólido; [substance] substantio || adj -bodied di x córporo; x-córpora; bodiless necòrporosa; bodily (concerning the body) còrporisca; grievous bodily harm grava còrporisca damno | (material) materia || adv bodily (moving the body with force) he hurled himself bodily at the President il jactazin si per sua tota peso contre la Presidento; to lift someone bodily lever álicu íntegre (aut entote); (as one body) the audience moved bodily to the front la audientado movezin amase usche la abanteajo
  • Boer n (chiefly hist.) Boero
  • boffin n (Brit. informal) cerebroso
  • bog n (mire) [peat] turfayo; (wetland) [marsh] marsco; [swamp] paludo; bog myrtle (bot.: Myrica gale) turfay-mirto || vt to bog down enfanghifer; enpaludifer; intricher || adj boggy turfosa
  • bogey n (bogeyman) bugo; (golf) boghio; (mil. slang) inimico || vt (golf) boghier
  • boggart n (folk.) cóbalo
  • boggle vi (informal: be astonished or overwhelmed when trying to imagine something) mirabilìazezer; to boggle at (hesitate) consternezer pro, an; hèsiter sopre, an || vt (informal: cause to be astonished or overwhelmed) mirabilìazer
  • bogie n (Brit.: RR mech.) bogio
  • bogus adj (fake) contrafectita; falsa; (poor quality) mala; Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey La mala viaġo di Bill et Ted
  • Bohemia n Bohemia; Bohemian (literal and fig.) Bohemiano || adj Bohemian (literal and fig.) Bohemiana
  • bohrium n (chem.: Bh) borio
  • boil vi (reach a temperature that causes bubbling and vaporization) bulitioner; to boil over superbulitioner; to boil slowly bulitioneter; lente bulitioner; (bubble) bulbulefer || vt bulitionifer; (cook by boiling) bulition-cociner || n boiler (culin.) bulition-aulo; bulitionuyo; calderoneto; double boiler bulition-bálneo | (mech.) caldaro; boiler room caldarayo; boiler suit monóvesto; boilerhouse caldar-edificio; boiling point bulition-punto || adj boiling hot bulition-caldaza
  • boil n (med.) furúnculo
  • boisterous adj descuieta; pètulanta; tumultosa; (of wind, weather, water) tempestatema; violentiema; violentiosa
  • bold adj (courageous) audaciosa; coraġosa; nepavorosa; rischema; valenta; to be so bold as audacier; permiser ad si; prender la lìberitio; (striking) [color, design] frapanta; vochiva; [typ.] grasa; (dated: presumptuous) presumptema; presumptosa; (dated: shameless) efrontata; nepudorosa; neverecundosa; boldfaced efrontata; nepudorosa; neverecundosa; boldfaced (typ.) grasa || n boldface (typ.) grasa tipado
  • bole n trunco
  • bolero n (dance) bolero
  • boletus n (bot.: Boletus) boleto
  • bolide n (astron.) bólido
  • Bolivia n Bolivia; Bolivian Boliviano
  • boll n (bot.) cápsulo
  • bollard n (on ship, wharf, or for traffic) bolardo
  • bollock n (vulg.: testicle) coleono; bollocks (vulg.: nonsense) Never Mind the Bollocks — Here’s the Sex Pistols Oblites la merdajos — ecce Sex Pistols
  • bologna n bolonio
  • Bolshevik n Bolshevisto; Bolshevism Bolshevismo
  • bolster n (support) [pillow] apodii-coxino; [tech.] apodiatro; (pad) coxineto || vt (support) apodier; to bolster up subtener; (fig.) adjuter; sustiner
  • bolt n (metal pin or bar) [a threaded pin requiring a wrench] bulono; [any threaded pin] vit-clovo; [deadbolt] verúculo; [for rock climbing] áncor-bulono; [of firearms] (culat-)verúculo; (crossbow arrow) cuadrelo; (of cloth) ròtulajo; (of lightning) fùlminajo; fúlmino; (archaic: sieve) cribro || vt (join by bolts) bulonijer; (lock) [a door, etc.] verùculijer; to bolt in verúcule recluser | (swallow without chewing) glutaċer; glutazer; gluter rápide; gluter sine màsticher; (archaic: sift flour, powder, etc.) cribrijer || vi (flee) (for)fuger; forcurer; (rush) hastazer; to bolt in envader hastaze; envader ìmpetuose || adv bolt upright tote recte
  • bolus n (lump) maseto; (med.: combined dosage) dosazo; (med.: large pill) pìlulazo
  • bomb n bombo; (informal: a movie, play, or other event that fails badly) fiasco; (informal: surprise) surprisazo; [disappointment] bombo; the Bomb la Átom-bombo; bomb bay bombuyo; bomb maker bombefisto; bombshell (surprise) surprisazo; [disappointment] bombo; (very attractive woman) sexí-bombo; (dated: artillery shell) obuso; bomber (aero.) bomb-aviono || vt bombijer; the president can bomb anybody he likes la presidento potan bombijer cua cunche li volitionan || vi (informal: fail) fiascher || adj bombproof bomb-èprobita; bomb-imuna
  • bombard vt bombarder || n bombardier bombardisto; (Brit. officer) bombardiero; bombardment bombardo
  • bombast n grandiosa paraulo; magnilocuentitio || adj bombastic magnilocuenta; pompaċosa
  • bombín n (hat) bombino
  • bona fide adj authéntica; certa; reala; sincera; vera || n bona fides fidanditio
  • bonanza n bonanzo
  • bonbon n bonbono
  • bond n (tie) ligatro; a bond of friendship on ligatro di amichitio; bonds (fetters) catenos; the bonds of wedlock are so heavy that it takes two to carry them — sometimes three la catenos di maritititio es tante pesosa che los recuistan dua por porter los — ye cualca témporos tria | [handcuffs] manículos; bondage (captivity) captititio; (serfdom) serfitio; (sexual practice) bondaġo; (slavery) sclavitio; (com.) to put goods into bond depòsiter merços en on duvan-magacino; to take goods out of bond ectirer merços de on duvan-magacino; (fin.) obligationo; [surety] guaranto; bondholder obligationoso; bondsman guaranto; responsanto | (psych.) stabiliço je ligatros; (jur.) [bail] cautiono; [contract] contracto || vt (join) adhesifer; ligher; (com.) depòsiter en on duvan-magacino; (psych) stabilicer ligatros || vi (join) adheser; lighezer || adj (com.) bonded en on duvan-magacino; bonded warehouse depósit-magacino; duvan-magacino
  • bone n (anat.) osteo; bone black oste-carbono; bone of contention thémato di dísputo; to make no bones no haber scrúpulos; to the bone usche osteo; bone spur oste-sporono; boner (erection) erection(aj)o; (stupid mistake) eroraċo || vt desosteizer; (vulg.) clovijer || adj oste(isc)a; boned desosteizita; boneless neosteosa; bony osteosa; (lean) macraċa; macraza; bone-dry tote sica
  • bonfire n focatazo
  • bong n (water pipe) baungo
  • bonhomie n afàbilitio
  • bon mot n argutajo
  • bonnet n (hat) [rimless cap] bonito; [woman’s, child’s] cofio; (Brit.: engine cover) capoto
  • bonnie adj (Scot., Brit.: beautiful, attractive) bela; dulça; (Scot., Brit.: merry) alecra
  • bonny adj (attractive) bela
  • bon ton n eleganta mondumo
  • bonus n extro; (money) [on commission] comision-pocentajo; [on wages] extri-pago; (Brit.: fin., insur.) premio || adj extra; gratúita
  • bon vivant n bon-vivanto
  • bonze n bonzo
  • boo inter (cry of ghost) hu!; (expressing disapproval) bu!
  • booby n (fool) stulto; stúpido; booby prize burli-premio; booby trap (explosive) explos-trapo; (practical joke) burl-ingana trapo | (informal: breast) tito; boob slider (in video games) tet-slidero; boob (Brit.: mistake) eroraċo
  • book n libro; book of fiction romanço; book cover copertino; libri-còpertatro; book jacket (libri-)jacheto; bookbinder relighisto; bookbindery religherío; bookcase libri-plancado; booklover libr-amanto; librófilo; bookmark págin-marco; bookplate exlibro; bookseller libri-vendisto; bookshelf libri-planco; bookshop libri-venderío; bookstall libri-chiosco; bookworm bibliófilo; booklet libreto; (brochure) broċuro | (bound set of something) [checks] ċec-cuaderno; [matches] flamífer-cuaderno; (register) registro; bookkeeper contisto; registristo; bookkeeping contado; registrijo; bookmaker (bookie) bucmáchero; booking enregistrifo; (order of goods) peto; (reservation) reservo; booking clerk biletisto; booking office bilet-oficino || vt (make a record of) enscriber; registrijer; (order goods, an appointment) peter; (reserve) reserver || adj bookish (person) librema; studema; (style) libresca
  • boom n (loud, deep, resonant sound) [bells] sonazo; [cannon; roar, rumble] ruġo; tónitro; (flourishing) augmentazo; bumo; creçazo; expansazo; próspero; boomer bumoso; OK boomer OK bumoso; (movable or pivoting beam, pole) [barrier] boom gate barario | [for microphone] (micrófon-)pértico; boom operator micròfonisto | [naut.: floating barrier] flotation-baratro; [naut.: spar] bomo; vel-stango; [of a crane] brachio || vi (make a loud, deep, resonant sound) [bells] sonazer; [cannon; roar, rumble] ruger; tònitrer; (flourish) augmentezer; creçazer; pròsperer; business is booming afaros augmentezan || inter bum!
  • boomerang n bumerango
  • boon n abantaġo; benedicto; granda adjuto; (archaic: favor) favoro || adj (close, intimate, favorite) íntima; prèferata; boon companion nesèparébila companiono
  • boor n grosario; rùsticaċo || adj boorish desgentila; grosaria; negentila
  • boost vt (help increase or improve) [augment] augmenter; [elec.: amplify] amplìficher; [lift] lever; pulser (de sube); [stimulate] stìmuler; [support] patrociner; subtener; (informal: steal) furter || n booster augmentanto; augmentivo; (encouragement) stímulo; (promoter) propagandisto; publìcitisto; (supporter) patrocinanto; subtenanto; booster club patrocin-clubo; booster shot rivaccinizo | (informal: thief) furtisto
  • boot n (footwear) boto; [informal: kick] chico; ped-colpo; boot camp intrain-acampayo; bootblack politmentisto; bootblacking (calcéol-)polimentumo; bootjack desbotizatro; bootlegger (liquor) contrabandisto; (music, software, edition, etc.) pirato; bootstrap bot-surtiratro; to lift oneself up by one’s own bootstraps succeser per sua propria efortio | (Brit.: trunk) bagaġuyo; to boot pluse || vt (put boots on) botizer (si); vestejecer (sua) botos; (kick) chicher; ped-colper; (kick out) ec-pedcolper; ecchicher; (put boots on) surponer ad si botos; to boot up (cmptr.) initier; starter; to bootleg (liquor) contrabandejer; (music, software, edition, etc.) piratìer || adj bootless (useless) neprofitosa; neútila; vana; bootleg (liquor) contrabandejita; (music, software, edition, etc.) piratìita
  • booth n (small structure at a market, fair, exhibition for selling, informing, staging shows) [kiosk] chiosco; [stand, stall] baraco; bothecheto; expositionayeto; [tent] tento; (enclosure or compartment for a particular purpose) [at a restaurant] separeo; [for telephone, voting, recording, etc.] cabino; [on a ship, plane] cabino
  • booty n despoliajo; raubedo; (informal: buttocks) pugo
  • booze n trinchedo || vi trincher; (excessively) trincaċer; trincazer
  • borage n (bot.: Borago officinalis) borágino
  • borax n (min.) boraço
  • borborygmus n (med.) borborigmo
  • bordello n bordelo
  • border n (limit, boundary) límito; [of a country] frontario; border town frontariisca civitateto; (edge) bordo; (edging, trimming) bordumo; (margin) márgino || vt (be adjacent to) tocher; vicineser ad; (edge, hem) bordizer; the palm trees that border the pool la palmarios cua bordizan la picino; (fig.: graze) pas-tocheter; rader || vi to border on (resemble) sìmileser ad; vicineser ad; I can only express puzzlement that borders on alarm mi potan mere expreser perplexitio cua vicinesan ad timo || adj bordering contigua (ad); júxtea; lìmitizanta; vicina
  • bore vt (drill) [gen., surg.] trìpanijer; to bore a tunnel tunelefer; to bore one’s way through something àperer on vialo tra álico | [hollow out] cavifer; èxcaver; [ream] aleser; [with rotation] forationer; to bore through traforationer | [without rotation] foràminefer; pèrforer; (weary from dullness or inaction) inodier; (weary from tedium, repetition, overlong presence) tedier || n (annoyance) inodi(ant)o; tedi(ant)o; (hole) forámino; forationajo; [of a gun] calibro; interna diámetro; (tidal) maschereto; boredom inodiezo; tediezo || adj bored inodiata; tediata; to be bored inodiezer; tediezer; boring inodianta, -iva; tedianta, -iva
  • Boreas n (myth.) bóreo; boreas (obsolete, poetic) nord-vento || adj boreal bòreisca
  • born adj (existing as a result of birth) nacinta; to be born nacer; born after postnacinta; born again rinacinta; born dead nace mortinta; born in the purple nacinta en la púrpura; púrpur-gènitita; British-born nace Britaniana; (existing as a result of a particular situation or feeling) evil is born of idleness malvatitio naçan de otio; (having a natural ability for something) (de)nace (aut nature); born salesman vendisto (de)nace (aut nature) | (perfectly suited for) destinita por; born for greatness destinita por magnitio; born to rule destinita por guberner
  • Borneo n Borneo
  • boron n (chem.: B) boro || adj boracic, boric bora
  • borough n (district) (civitati-)districto; (Brit.: chartered town) munìcipio; (hist.: bourg) burgo
  • borrow vt mutuer || adj borrowed mutuita; borrowed name falsa nómino
  • borscht n borsho
  • borzoi n (zool.) borzó
  • bosh n (informal) absurdajo; nesensoso
  • bosk n bosc(het)o
  • Bosnia n Bosnia; Bosnian Bosniano
  • bosom n (woman’s breasts) mamado; mamos; (woman’s chest) seno; (anat.: chest) péctoro; (of clothing) (vesti-)péctoro; (fig., of the church, et al.) cordio; seno || adj (intimate) íntima; bosom buddy íntima amico; íntimo; bosomy mamuda
  • boss n (person in charge or control) ċefo; I like to be my own boss mi préferan eser mea propria ċefo; mi préferan guberner mea propria afaros; I’m the boss here hic mandationan mi; like a boss cuom on ċefo; OK, you’re the boss OK, vi mandationan | [director] dìrigisto; [foreman] excuadri-ċefo; subċefo; [manager] geranto; [owner, employer] patrono; [superior] superioro; (in video games) ċefo; (protuberance) bocio; convexajo; [archit.] bociajo; [hump, mound] gibo; bossage (archit.) boci(aj)o
  • boston n (hist.: game and dance) bostono
  • bosun n subcapitano
  • bot n (autonomous program) robotumo
  • botany n botánico; botanist botànichisto || vi to botanize botànichijer || adj botanical botànichisca
  • botch vt façaċer
  • botfly n (zool.: Oestridae) éstrido; larvi-musco
  • both adj amba; (nos, vos, los) dua; they both went los amba vadin; los dua vadin || adv both you and I saw it vi et anche mi vidin lo; vi tan multe cam mi vidin lo; he both plays and sings il ludan et pluse cantan; we were both hungry and thirsty nos simultánee fáminin et sitin || prn ambos; la dua; both were drunk ambos esin ebria
  • bother vi (take the trouble) pener; (worry oneself about) destrancuilecer sopre || vt (worry, disturb, or upset) destrancuilifer; [annoy] iriter; molester; tormenteter; [inconvenience] descòmodizer
  • Botswana n Botsuana; Botswanan Botsuanano
  • bottle n botelo; to sell by the bottle vender botelene; bottle blonde falsa blondo; bottleneck (fig.) obturezayo || vt enbotelifer
  • bottom n (the deepest point or part) [of the inside of a container, heart; of sea, river; of question, matter] fundo; to be at the bottom of eser la principala instiganto; bottoms up! parbibes!; sanitio!; to go to the bottom parafundezer; to touch bottom tocher la fundo; (the lowest level or part) [base] basamento; infrajo; at the bottom infre; from top to bottom de supre ad infre; to the bottom (with movement) adinfre | [foundation] basamento; fundamento; to probe the bottom cercher la causos, la factos; exàminer la basamento (di la cuestiono) | [of garment] infrajo; [of list, class] último; (underside) infr(aj)o; [of foot] plantaro; [of ship] carino; [of shoe] sóleo; (informal: the buttocks) detreajo || adj (in the lowest position) (maxim) infra; the bottom line (essential point) la fundamentisco; (final total, outcome) la neta resulto; (minimum) la mínimo acceptébila | [of competition or ranking] última; bottomless nefundosa
  • botulism n (med.) botulismo
  • boudoir n budorio
  • bougainvillea n (bot.: Bougainvillea) buganvíleo
  • bough n ramo; The Golden Bough La aurea ramo
  • bought adj (p.p. of “buy”) comprata; comprita; to be bought for (cost) coster
  • bougie n (med.) bugío
  • bouillon n buliono
  • boulder n saxazo
  • boulevard n bolevardo
  • bounce vi (ri)salter || vt (ri)saltifer
  • bound vi (leap) salter; to bound forward salte abantier; to bound out of bed salte levezer de la lecto; (dated: rebound) risalter || vt (limit) lìmitizer; [with markers] tèrminizer || n (leap) salto; (limit) límito; his power became his agony, his power knew no bounds iluya potentitio esecin iluya angustio, iluya potentitio no cognocin límitos | (boundary) término; (frontier) frontario; to keep within bounds (moderate) mòderer; to set bounds lìmitizer; [with markers] tèrminizer; boundary límito; (frontier) frontario; (marker) término || adj (heading toward somewhere) vadanta ad, versum; (limited to something or somewhere) restrictita ad; (morally) coerçata; òbligata; (physically) lighita; [books] relighita; [surrounded] circumdata; bounden duty sacra debo; boundless nelìmitizita; nelìmitosa; nemensurébila
  • bounty n (abundance) abundo; (generosity) generositio, -ajo; (gift) doredo; (reward) premio; recompenso; bounty hunter premii-caciisto || adj bounteous, bountiful (abundant) abundanta; (generous) generosa
  • bouquet n bocheto
  • bourbon n (whiskey) burbono
  • bourdon n (mus.) burdono
  • bourg n (fortified town) burgo
  • bourgeois adj (person) burghesa; (thing) burghesisca || n bourgeoisie burghesado
  • bourse n (fin.) borso
  • boustrophedon n (hist.) bustrófedo
  • bout n (short period of intense activity of a specified kind) periodo; [of drinking] crápulo; trincado; [of illness] ataco; [wrestling or boxing match] combato
  • boutique n mod-botheco
  • bovine adj (relating to cattle) bovisca; (slow-moving, dull-witted) bovesca
  • bow n (anything bent or curved) [arc] arco; bow window arca fenestro | [bend] curvo; flect(aj)o; inclin(ez)er; [knot tied with two loops and two loose ends] láce-nodo; [obeisance] reverentio; deep bow profunda reverentio | [of violin] archeto; [weapon] arm-arco; bowman arm-archisto; bowstring arm-archisca cordo; strángul-cordo; (debut) debuto; [film, theat.] premiero; to make one’s bow debuter; premierer | (of ship) abanteajo; proro; bowline bolino; bowsprit busprito || vt (bend) flecter; (lower) [head] abaser; incliner || vi (in obeisance) reverentier; bow down before the one you serve prostrationes abante li cua vi servan; (assent) asenser; (premiere) premierer; to bow out (cortese) ectirer si; (cortese) retirezer || adj bowed (curved) curva; (stooping) inclinita; with bowed head cum cápito inclinita; bow-legged (med.) curv-gamba; vara
  • bowdlerize vt expurgher
  • bowel n (anat.) [intestine] intestino; [viscus] vicero; bowel movement vacuifo je la ventro; bowel pain cólico; bowels intestinado; víceros; to void the bowels vacuifer la intestinado | (fig.) internajos; profundajo
  • bower n (covered passageway) pérgulo; (sitting area) pèrguleto
  • bowie knife n Bowie-cultelo
  • bowl n (dish) bolo; (sport) bowling (cricket) lanço (je la bulo); (pin bowling) bolingo; bowling alley bòlingayo; bowling pin cheglo | (target bowling) butii-joco; bowling green butii-jocayo || vt (roll) ròtuler; to bowl over (knock down) abatuer; (informal: astonish) consterner; mirabilìazer | (sport) [cricket] lancer (la bulo); [pin bowling] bolingher || vi (roll) ròtulezer
  • bowler n (hat) bombino
  • box n (container) capso; box cover capsi-còpertatro; cardboard box cartona capso | [chest] cofro; [for specific use] -uyo; jewel box joyeluyo | [trunk] viaġ-cofro; boxcar vagono | (small structure or building for a specific purpose) [theat.] logio; box office biletayo; box coat (hist.) curiclaro; (bot.: Buxus) box tree buxo; boxwood bux-ligno; (slap) a box on the ear on palm-colpo ye la aurículo; (sport) boxer boxisto; boxer shorts (underpants) calceono; boxing boxo; boxing gloves box-guantazos; boxing match box-combato; boxer (zool.: dog) boxero || vt (put in boxes) encapsifer; (slap) to box someone’s ears palm-colper álicu ye la aurículo || vi (sport) boxer
  • boy n (male child) pueraso; (son) filiaso; (informal: young man) jùvenaso; pueraso; (dated: gamin) gamin(aċ)aso; (male of any age) másculo; boyfriend [romantic] noviaso; boyhood jùvenasitio; puerasitio || adj boyish jùvenasesca; puerasesca || inter carái!
  • boyar n (hist.) boyaro
  • boycott vt boicoter || n boicoto
  • bra n mam-subtenatro
  • brace n (device for clamping together or supporting) [prop] apodiatro; suportatro; [naut.] bracio; brace and bit (breast drill) manibel-forationatro; braces (dental) denti-corectifatros; (masonry) armaturo; (Brit.: suspenders) bretelos | (pair) parículo; (punct.: { }) flectosa paréntheso; (obsolete: rerebrace) brachiaro || vt (fortify) fortifer; (prop) apodier; suporter; (naut.) braciijer || adj bracing fortifanta; fortifiva; sanifiva; vigorizanta
  • bracelet n bracialeto
  • brachial adj (anat.) brachiisca
  • brachiate vi brachiationer
  • brachiopod n (zool.: Brachiopoda) brachiópodo
  • brachistochrone n brachistócrono
  • brachycephalic adj (anat.) brachicéfala
  • brachycephaly n (pathol.) brachicèfalitio || adj brachycephyalic brachicéfala
  • bracken n (bot.: Pteridium) filicario
  • bracket n (punct.: [ ]) cuadrata paréntheso; (category) categorío; claso; (support) (orthógona) subtenatro; [archit.: corbel] corvelo
  • brackish adj sal-saporanta; saloseta
  • bract n (bot.) brácteo
  • brad n cloveto necàpitosa; bradawl alesno
  • brae n (Scot., Irish) declivo
  • brag vi fanfaronìer || n braggart fanfarono
  • braggadocio n fanfaronìazo
  • Brahman n (relig.: Hindu ultimate reality) Braman; (dated: Brahmin) Bramino; Brahmanism Braminismo
  • brahmin n (Hindu caste) Bramino
  • braid n (interlaced strands of any flexible material) plectajo; tricio; [hair] tricio; (galloon) galono; (passement) pasamento || vt (interlace multiple strands of) plecter; triciifer; (interlace together) cumplecter; intreplecter; (trim with braid) galonizer; pasamentizer
  • brail vt (naut.) bracaler; càrichifer
  • braille n brailo
  • brain n (anat.) cerebro; to blow one’s brains out ecfocilijer sua cerebro; brain fever cerebrisca febro; braincase, brainpan cerebruyo; did you eat a brain tumor for breakfast? dejunin vi on cerebrisca tumoro? | [head] cápito; [skull] cranio; [animal brains as food] cerebrajo; (mind) mento; [intellect, intelligence] intelecto; inteligentitio; brain drain fuġo da cerebros; brain trust cerebrado; he’s the brains, sweetheart la cerebro es il, amorato; to rack one’s brains cerebrijazer; parexplorer (aut tender) sua cerebro; rumper sua cápito; softening of the brain dèbileço di la mento; brain-teaser cápit-rumpivo; brainchild inventajo; parturajo di ingenio; personisca ideo; brainstorm ide-tempestato || vt rumper la cranio di álicu; come back here so that I may brain thee! rivenes adhic por che mi rumpes tua cranio!; to brainstorm [a problem] ide-tempestater ad || vi to brain fart cerebri-pèditer || adj brainless necerebrosa; neinteligenta; stulta; stúpida
  • braise vt bras-cociner; brasijer
  • brake n (for wheel, etc.) freno; to apply the brake to frenijer; brake drum fren-tamburo; brake shoe fren-calcéolo; to release the brake desfrenijer; brakeman frenisto | (hist: shooting-brake, wagonette) shutinbreco || vi frenijer
  • bramble n rubífero
  • bran n fúrfuro; bran bread fúrfur-pano
  • branch n (of tree, etc.) branco; [bough] ramo; (conceptual subdivision of something, esp. a family, group of languages, or subject) branco; (local or special function division or office of a large business or organization) filialo; branch bank filiala banco || vi (produce branches) branchefer; to branch off (roads) bifurcher; to branch out extensezer
  • branchia n (zool.) branchio
  • branchiopod n (zool.) branchiópodo
  • brand n (commercial) (fábric-)marco; brand loyalty fidelitio ad marco; brand name marchi-nómino | [kind, quality] cualitio; género; (mark burnt in) (ardifi)-marco; branding iron ardifi-marchizatro | (burning wood) titiono; [lit.: torch] torċo; (stigma) stígmato; (lit.: sword) spatho || vt (mark with a branding iron) (ardifi-)marchizer; (stigmatize) stìgmatizer || adv brand new tote nova
  • brandish vt brander
  • brandy n brandio || adj brandied brandiizita
  • brant n (zool.: Branta bernicla) negri-facia auco
  • brash adj (audacious) aplombaċosa; impertinenta; presumptosa; [tactless] netactosa; (impetuous) ìmpetuosa; (tacky) cruda; grosaria; [ostentatious] ostentosa
  • brass n (alloy) latono; the brass (mus.) la laton-instrumentos; the top brass (informal) la granda ċefos | (informal: effrontery) efrontatitio; impertinentitio; insolentitio || adj latona; brassy (color) latonea; (person) ostentosa; (sound) acra; latonescaċa
  • brassard n (armband) bracialo; (hist.: armor for the upper arm) brachiaro
  • brassiere n mam-subtenatro
  • brat n pueraċo
  • bravado n bravato; to act with bravado bravater
  • brave adj (courageous) coraġosa; be brave! coraġo! | [daring] audaciosa; [in battle] valenta; (lit.) eleganta; spléndida || n (person) valento; bravery [act] valentajo; [quality] valentitio || vt afronter; frontalejer; (challenge) defìer
  • bravo inter bravo! || n (assassin) sicaro; (desperado) bandito; (mercenary) mercenaro
  • bravura n (brilliance, skill) brio; hàbilitio; virtuositio; (daring) valentajo; (mus.) virtuosajo
  • brawl n (fight) rixo; (quarrel) dísputo || vi (fight) rixer; (quarrel) dìsput(aċ)er; (lit.: flow noisily) ruiter
  • brawn n músculos; vigoro; (Brit.: culin.) carni-gelatino || adj brawny mùsculosa; vigorosa
  • bray vi (of a donkey) ihaer || vt (crush) pinser; [with a pestle] pistilijer
  • braze vt brasurer || n brasurajo
  • brazen adj aperta; neverecundosa; (lit.: made of brass) latona; [harsh-sounding] latonescaċa || vt to brazen it out persister sine verecundo (aut neverecundose)
  • brazier n (for fire) brasuyo; caloruyo; focuyo; (for cooking) bárbecuo; brasijatro; (worker in brass) latonisto
  • Brazil n Brasilia; Brazil nut (bot.: Bertholletia excelsa) Brasiliana nuço; Brazilian Brasiliano; brazilwood (bot.: Caesalpinia echinata) brasilo || adj Brazilian Brasiliana
  • breach n (breaking, as of contract) rumpo; (gap in wall, defense) breċo || vt (break) rumper; (make a gap) breċizer
  • bread n (loaf) pano; two loaves of bread dua panos | [soft part] (pan-)molajo; [unleavened] ázima pano; ázimo; piece of bread pan-petio; slice of bread pan-secajo; stale bread nefresca pano; breadcrumb (pan-)mico; pan-petieto; breadstuff cerealo; farino; grano | (food in general) mangedo; nutrivo; (informal: money) pecunio; bread and butter (livelihood) sustino; breadwinner sustinanto je la familio; breadfruit (bot.: Artocarpus altilis) pan-fructo || vt michizer || adj bread-and-butter basamentisca; diala; pràctichisca; primaria
  • breadth n larghitio; (amplitude) amplitio
  • break vt (cause to separate into pieces as a result of shock or strain) rumper; [code] descifrationer; [paper money] excambier; [seal] dessigilizer; rumper; (breach) breċizer; to break the sound barrier travader la son-muro | (burst) crepifer; (destroy) destructer; (disassemble) to break camp desacampecer; desstatiifer la acampatrado | (force open) fortiijer; (fracture) fracturer; (scatter) disperser; (shatter) fracaser; (solve case) solver; (crush the strength, spirit, or resistance of) rumper; [animal: tame] mansuetifer; [animal: train] adextrer; [force, fall] amorter; [habit] descustumecer sopre; descustumifer álicu sopre; [person’s habit] descustumifer sopre; (bankrupt) bancarotifer; falifer; (mitigate) dèbilifer; lenifer; mòderer; (subdue) dòmiter; mansuetifer; (disclose) [news] reveler; (disprove) desprober; (fail to observe) [law, oath, Sabbath] violationer; [promise] faler; (interrupt) interrumper; (surpass) [records] soreceser; to break apart disrumper; to break away evulser; sèparer; to break down [door] abatuer; (analyze) anàliser; (categorize) categorìizer; to break in [animal] adextrer; [door] enrumper; fortiijer; [new recruit] custumifer; intrainer; [shoes] custumecer ad; dòmiter; (interrupt) interrumper; to break off [action, talks] rumper; [piece of something] derumper; to break out (open and start using) ectirer; [champagne] destapizer; to break up disrumper; dissolver; [crowds] disperser; (stop) [fight] intervener; break it up! cesationes!; dispersezes!; ecuilo sufiçan! || vi (separate into pieces as a result of shock or strain) [window, waves] rumpezer; (burst) creper; (scatter) dispersezer; (become public) [news] revelezer; (breakdance) brec-dancer; (change) [voice] mutantier; [weather] cambiezer; (give way, weaken) dèbilecer; (stop) halter; pauser; to break for coffee pauser por cafeo; to break bad (informal) malecer; to break down (machine) impanecer; rumpezer; to break even cuitecer; to break off (stop) cesationer; interrumpezer; to break out [fire, epidemic, rash] erupter; (escape) excaper; to break through breċizer; trarumper; travader; to break up disrumpezer; dissolvezer; [as a crowd] dispersezer; to break up with someone rumper relationo cum álicu; to break with rumper cum; to breakdance brec-dancer; to breakfast dejuner || n (separation into pieces as a result of shock or strain) fracturo; rump(aj)o; [gap or opening] apertajo; breċo; forámino; lacuno; (arrival) break of day jurneço; (change) [in print] indento; [of the voice] voç-mutantio; [of the weather] cambiezo; [opportunity, chance] oportunajo; posìbilitio; to get a break recepter bona sorto; lucky break stroco da bona sorto; (failure) falo; (interruption) interrumpo; [mus.] breco; breakbeat brec-bato | [pause] pauso; to take a break facer on pauso | [sudden decrease in force] amorto; (hist.: wagonette) shutinbreco; breakdown (machine) impaneço; rumpezo; (system, elec.) falo; nervous breakdown (med.) nerviisca criso | (talks) impaneço; rumpezo; breakfast dejuno; breakfast time dejun-horo; break-up disrumpezo; [of couple] sèparezo; [of partnership] dissolvezo; breakwater molono; undaz-rumpatro; breakage rumpo; breaker rumpanto; Breaker of Chains Rumpedoro je Catenos | (device) rumpatro; (tamer) [of animals] mansuetifanto, -isto; (wave) spumefanta undazo; breaking point rumpi-punto || adj breakable frágila; rumpébila; breakneck col-rumpiva; perìculosa
  • bream n (zool.: Abramis brama) bremo
  • breast n (anat.: of a woman) mamo; breast cancer mam-cáncero; breast milk matrisca lacto | (anat.: chest) péctoro; breast drill manibel-forationatro; breast pocket péctor-poco; breastbone sterno; breastplate coriáceo; pèctoraro | (anat.: lung) pulmono; (plastron) pèctorumo; (fig.) cordio; seno; to make a clean breast of it confeser lo tote; descàrichizer sua concientio; breaststroke péctor-natado; breastwork parapeto || vt (face) frontalejer; [bravely] afronter; to breastfeed mam-nutrer
  • breath n (respiration) respirado; to hold one’s breath retenter sua respiro; to take one’s breath away desrespirizer; under one’s breath en/per susuro (aut basa voço); semivoce; with bated breath cum haltifita (aut retentata) respiro; sine respiro | [air breathed] respiredo; [exhalation] ecrespiro; exhalo; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee! pro odio mi sputan mea última exhalo ad ti!; until one’s last breath usche sua última exhalo | [inhalation] enrespiro; inhalo; [panting] to be out of breath anheler; to catch one’s breath cesationer anheler; recùperer sua respirado; to lose one’s breath anhelecer; short breath curta respirado; (puff) suflo; breath of air air-suflo; breath mint mintha pastilo; breather (short rest) respir-pauso; to take a breather respir-pauser; breathing [of breath] respirado; (gram.) aspirationo; breathalyzer alcoholímetro || vt to breathe (respire) respirer; [exhale] ecrespirer; exhaler; [inhale] inhaler; enrespirer; (sigh) suspirer; (whisper) susurer || vi to breathe (of wind) sufler || adj breathless anhelanta; nerespirosa; breathtaking desrespiriziva, -anta
  • breccia n (geol.) breċio
  • breech n (back part) detreajo; [of gun] culato; breech-loader culat-càrichizedo; retrocàrichizedo; breechblock culat-bloco | [archaic: buttock] nático; breeches (short trousers) braco; (informal: trousers) pantalono; breechcloth pug-tuco
  • breed vt [animals] alevamenter; (beget) gèniter; (bring up, raise) èducher; (cause) creer; gèniter; producter || vi (reproduce) riproductezer; they breed like rabbits los multeçan cuom cunículos || n (stock) raço; of pure breed de pura raço; breeding (upbringing) cortesitio; èducado || adj bred gènitita; (brought up) èduchita; ill bred male èduchita
  • breeze n (gentle wind) briso; vent(et)o; (very light) véntulo; fresh breeze (Beaufort level 5) brisazo; gentle breeze (Beaufort level 3) briseto; light breeze (Beaufort level 2) véntulo; moderate breeze (Beaufort level 4) briso; strong breeze (Beaufort level 6) fort-venteto | (residue of burnt coal) [ash] cínero; [embers] braso; [Brit.: mixture of cinders, sand, and cement] betono; breeze block beton-bloco; (zool.: gadfly) tabano || vi to breeze through fácile facer || adj breezy brisosa; (casual) neformala; (cheerful) alecra; vivaça; (nonchalant) alecre indiferenta; nepreòcupata
  • brelan n (hist.: game) brelano
  • brethren n (archaic: brothers) fratros
  • Breton n Britono
  • breve n (diacritical mark: ˘) brevalo; (mus.: 𝅜) dupla noto; (hist.: papal letter) brevo
  • brevet n (hist., mil.) breveto
  • breviary n breviario
  • brevity n curtitio; (conciseness) concisitio; brevity is the soul of wit concisitio es la ánimo di argutitio | [laconism] lacònichitio
  • brew vt (beer) birefer; (coffee, tea) facer; prèparer; [coffee] cafeefer; [tea] teefer; (plot) comploter; machinationer || vi (beer) fermentìezer; (coffee, tea) facezer; (plot) complotezer; (storm, crisis) prèparezer || n (beer) a king’s thirst for the frosty brew on granda sito je le glaciesca biro; brewer birefisto; brewery bireferío
  • briar n (also “brier”) spinosa subbosco; (blackberry bush: Rubus) rubífero; (sweetbrier: Rosa rubiginosa) eglantino; (tree heath: Erica arborea) árbor-bruco; (smoking pipe) bruca pipo; (wild rose: Rosa acicularis, Rosa canina, Rosa woodsii, et. al.) silvaġ-rosífero
  • bribe vt subornationer; comprer; corupter || n (money) subornationajo; bribery subornationo || adj bribable subornationébila
  • bric-a-brac n bricabraco; [ornaments] ornajaċado; ornivaċado
  • brick n brico; brickbat bric-petio; bricklayer bric-masonisto; bricklaying bric-masonado; brickwork bricajo || vt brichizer || vi (vulg.) cacazer || adj brica; ec bricos
  • bride n (after wedding) nova sponsiso; (before wedding) fidantiitiso; bridegroom (after wedding) nova sponsaso; (before wedding) fidantiitaso; bridesmaid honor-companioniso || adj bridal (re bride) nov-sponsisisca; (re wedding) maritisca
  • bridewell n reformatorio
  • bridge n ponto; bridge of words ponto ec vocábulos; moveable bridge movébila ponto | (game) briġo; (of nose) nas-osteo; (of ship) comandayo; (of stringed instruments) cabalito || vt pontizer
  • bridle n brido; bridle bit morso; bridle path cabal-vialeto || vt (curb with) bridijer; (put on) bridizer || vi asumpter on digna vulto; rirectifer sua cápito
  • brief adj (of short duration) curta; [concise] concisa; [undetailed] nedetalosa; (scanty) excarpsa || n (instructions) instructo; (papal) brevo; (summary) epítomo; resumpto; (jur.) lítighi-documentado; briefness concisitio; curtitio; briefs (underwear) calceoneto; briefcase valisieto || vt (instruct or inform in preparation for a task) informer; instructer; prèparer; (summarize) resumpter
  • brig n (ship) brigo; (ship’s prison) (nav-)cárcero
  • brigade n brigato; brigadier general brigati-generalo || vt (associate something with) asocier; (form into a brigade) brigatifer
  • brigand n bandito; brigandage (act) banditajo; (quality) bandititio
  • brigantine n (ship) brigantino
  • bright adj (shining) brilanta; lùminanta; [full of light] lùminosa; [sunny] solelosa; (vibrant) [of color, sound] vívida; bright red vívida rúbeo; (cheerful, lively) alecra; vivaça; (intelligent and quick-witted) arguta; inteligenta; (promising) bon-àuguría; favorosa; to be bright briler; (intelligent) eser inteligenta || n brightness brilo; (cheerful liveliness) alecritio; vivacitio; (intelligence) inteligentitio; (luminosity) lùminositio; Bright’s disease morbo di Bright || vt to brighten plu-brilifer; plu-lùminifer; (cheer up) alecrifer; (colors) plu-vìvidifer; (polish) polimenter || vi to brighten plu-briler; plu-lùminer; (cheer up) alecrecer
  • brill n (zool.: Pleuronectiformes) rombi-piço
  • brilliant adj (of light or color; fig) brilanta; brilliant style brilanta stilo; (exceptionally clever) [person] ingeniema; valde inteligenta; valde talentosa; [thing] ingeniita; (outstanding, impressive) eminenta; gloriosa; imponanta; spléndida; (Brit.: excellent) bonaza; ecelanta; spléndida; brilliant! bonaza!; to be brilliant briler || n (diamond) brilianto; brilliance brilo; lùminositio
  • brim n (projecting edge of a hat) bord-alo; (upper edge of a container) bordo; full to the brim plena usche la bordo; plenaza; over the brim super la bordo || vi eser plenaza || adj brimful plenaza; tote plenifita; brimming plenaza; to be brimming with self-confidence eser plenaza de autofido
  • brimstone n (archaic: sulfur) súlfuro
  • brindle adj (also “brindled”) striizite bruna
  • brine n (saltwater) sal-acuo; (seawater) mar-acuo
  • bring vt (take to a particular place) [make come] venifer; [object] adporter; [person] adconducter; (take with one) [object] cumporter; (cause) adporter; atracter; efectifer; facer; the hot weather brings flies la calditio adportan muscos; you bring nothing but trouble vi façan nulo ultre creer problématos; (cause to be in a particular state) ficer; -ifer; to bring nearer (plu-)proximifer; to bring to action interprenser on lítigo; to bring to an end cesationifer; finer; to bring to bear àplicher; user; ùtilifer; to bring to perfection perfectifer; (induce) ficer; to bring someone to do something ficer álicu facer álico; to bring to pass (lit.) efectifer; eventifer; (yield) doner; producter; (jur.) [charge] facer; [suit] initier; to bring about (cause something to happen) efectifer; producter; (naut.: change a ship’s direction) semigirifer; to bring around (persuade) persuaser; (revive) [unconscious person] evìgiler; riconciifer; to bring back (cause something to return) [monarchy, bell-bottoms, etc.] restaurer; to bring sexy back restaurer sèxichitio | [object] retroporter; riporter; [person] retroconducter; riconducter; rivenifer; [song] hey DJ, bring that back! hei dischi-ludisto, bis! | (cause to remember) (ri)mèmorifer; to bring down (cause to descend) decensifer; (cause to fall) [knock down] abatuer; [overturn] renverser; [push down] vòlvicher; (diminish, lessen) diminutioner; (humble) hùmilifer; (lower) abaser; to bring forth (archaic, lit.: give birth to) gèniter; nacifer; parturer; [produce] producter; to bring forward (argument) exposer; monstrer; (date, meeting) preitifer; (evidence, idea) presentationer; (in bookkeeping) transporter; (offer) facer; (suggestion) proposer; to bring in (introduce) introducter; to bring into fashion initier la modo; introducter la modo; to bring into question poner como je on cuestiono; to bring into trouble ìmplicher en malajo (aut problémato); to bring off (achieve successfully) succesifer; to bring it off succeser; to bring on (cause) aparifer; atracter; ecvocher; efectifer; esifer; producter; he brought this on himself il ipsa cerchin ecuilo; (in answer to a challenge) bring it on! lo venes!; venes, dunche! | (theat., sport) [performer] presentationer; to bring out (introduce) ecvadifer; [product, model] lancer; producter; (reveal) aparifer; exposer; reveler; It’s not wise at all to make fun of me like that. It brings out the worst in me. Es nule cunche prudenta deriser mi asíc. Lo evígilan la maxim mala instintos en mi. | [in relief] relievifer; (take out) ecporter; ectirer; bring out your dead! ecportes vostra mortintos!; to bring over [object] transporter; [person] adconducter; (convert) converter; (persuade) persuaser; to bring round (persuade) convincer; persuaser; (revive) [unconscious person] evìgiler; riconciifer; (steer) [conversation] dìriger; to bring to (naut.) haltifer; (revive) [unconscious person] evìgiler; riconciifer; to bring together (assemble) [objects, people] asembler; [people] cumvocher; (join) [immaterial sense] unioner; [material sense] cumponer; junter; (reconcile) riconciliationer; to bring under (defeat) vincer; (subdue) represer; [animal] dòmiter; (subjugate) submiser; to bring up (raise) [child] èducher; [object] lever; [subject] mentioner; (vomit) vòmiter
  • brink n bord(az)o; you’ve alluded, you’ve insinuated, you have tiptoed to the brink of impropriety vi alusin, vi insinuin, vi vadin ped-puntale ad la bordo di desdecentitio; brinkmanship (also “brinksmanship”) usche-bordismo
  • brio n brio
  • brioche n brioċo
  • briquette n bricheto; carbon-brico
  • brisk adj (active, fast, energetic) energìosa; vivaça; (cold but fresh and enlivening) frisca; (brusque) brusca
  • brisket n pèctorajo
  • bristle n pilo; (on plant) aristo || vi hericieschecer; (become angry) iracecer; (become defensive) defensemecer || adj to be bristling with eser hericiesca sopre; bristly (hair) hericiesca; pilosa
  • Briton n Britaniano; (hist.) Britano; Britain Britania; Briticism Anglenso; Britanienso; Brittany Britonia || adj British Britaniana
  • brittle adj frágila; rumpezema
  • bro n (informal: brother) fratrucio; (informal: frat boy) bro; bro culture bro-culturo; broham fratriciano; fratrioto; fratrocinedoro; fratrolisto; fratronelo; fratronímico; fratrono; bromance (cine.) bromantio
  • broach vt (raise for discussion) [subject] aborder; introducter; lever; (pierce, open) [bottle] àperer; [cask] pérfor-àperer
  • broad adj (wide) larga; broad as it is long (fig.) la metípsima coso; tote metípsima; broad in the beam di larga detreajo; broad in the shoulders di larga spáthulos; broad spectrum of opinions larga, ampla spectro di opinos | [ample] ampla; [large] granda; [thick] grosa; [vast] vasta; broad-chested larghi-péctora | (wide-ranging; vast) ampla; vasta; broad appeal vasta intereso; broad implications vasta ímplicos; in the broadest sense en la maxim ampla (aut vasta) senso | [diffuse] disvastifita; (accent) forta; a broad Yorkshire accent on forta pronuntio de Yorkshire; (coarse) grosaria; nedecenta; (general) generala; in broad terms en generala términos; (liberal) liberala; tòlerema; broad church liberala eclesio; broad-minded liberala; tòlerema | (unsubtle) [hint] clara; broad bean (bot.: Vicia faba) fabo; broad daylight plena jurno || adv broadly ample; larghe; (generally) generale; (unsubtly) clare; broadside (on the side) flanche || n (informal: woman) cherliso; broadness amplitio; larghitio; (coarseness) grosariitio; broadax (battle axe) arm-haċo; broadcloth drapo; broadsheet (flyer) avis-folio; broadside (naut.: guns) flanchi-canonado; (naut.: shots) flanchi-canonadijo; (naut.: side of ship) navi-flanco; broadsword (corbi-hilcosa) larga spatho || vt to broaden (plu-)amplifer; (plu-)larghifer; to broadcast (scatter) disperser; dissèminejer; (spread news, rumor, etc.) discognocifer; disvastifer; (transmit) [radio] (radio)transmiser; [television] (tele)transmiser; televiser
  • brocade n brocato || vt brocatizer
  • brocatel n brocatelo
  • broccoli n (bot.: Brassica oleracea italica) brócolo; broccoli raab, broccoli rabe (bot.: Brassica rapa rapifera) rapino
  • brochure n broċuro
  • brogue n (accent) Irlandiensa, Scotensa pronuntio; (hist.: shoe) brogo
  • broil vt gratícul-roster || n broiler (chicken) rost-pulolo; (cooking) [apparatus] rostatro; [grill] rosti-gratículo; [oven compartment] rostuyo
  • broke adj (out of money) nepecuniosa; nesolventa; to go broke esecer nepecuniosa; ruinecer; to go for broke rischer omno | [bankrupt] bancarotanta; broken (damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order) [failed] broken home divisita familio; broken marriage rumpita maritititio | [not functioning] rumpita; broken (vinyl) record cracita disco | [promise] falita; [ruined] destructita; ruinifita; rumpita; broken-hearted di aflictata cordio; di trista cordio | [shattered] fracasita; rumpita; [weakened] caduca; dèbilifita; (emotionally, spiritually crushed) dòmitita; broken man destructita (aut dòmitita, finita) hómino | [humbled] hùmilifita; (having breaks in continuity) intermitanta; interrumpita; [language] to speak broken Dothraki parauler mala Dothrachenso | (having uneven and rough surface) neplana; broken country neplana tereno | [plowed] arita
  • broker n excambii-agento; brokerage (fee) (comision-)pocento; (service) excambii-agentío || vt (negotiate) negotier
  • bromide n (chem.) bromuro; (trite, placating saying) pacifiva banalo
  • bromine n (chem.: Br) bromo
  • bronchus n (anat.) bronco; bronchia (rare) broncos; bronchitis bronchito || adj bronchial bronchisca
  • bronco n neadextrita cabalo; silvaġa cabalo
  • brontosaurus n (zool., paleo.) brontosauro
  • bronze n (metal) bronzo; cast in bronze bronze moldijita | (color) bronzeo; the Bronze Age la Bronz-evo || vt bronzizer; (skin) bronzeifer || adj (bronze-colored) bronzea
  • brooch n broco
  • brood n (hatched) incubationitado; (informal: offspring) prolado || vt (sit on eggs) incubationer || vi (cheerlessly meditate) (mórbide, melancolíache) mèditer || adj broody (of a hen) incubationema; (thoughtful and unhappy) (mórbide, melancolíache) mèditema
  • brook n ruceleto; brooklet parva ruceleto || vt (tolerate) permiser (nula); tòlerer (nula)
  • broom n (for sweeping) scopo; broomstick scop-manubrio | (bot.: Genisteae) genisto
  • broth n buliono
  • brothel n bordelo; prostituayo
  • brother n (gen., relig.) fratro; germanaso; brothers and sisters germanos; brotherhood (brotherliness) german(as)itio; (organization) colegado; german(as)ado; brother-in-arms arm-germano; brother-in-law cognataso || adj brotherly fratresca; fratrisca; german(as)esca; german(as)isca
  • brougham n (hist.) brougham (anche “brumo”)
  • brow n (eyebrow) supercilio; (forehead) fronto; (of hill) cresto || vt to browbeat tìmidifer
  • brown adj (of color) bruna; brown bear (zool.: Ursus arctos) bruna urso; brown owl (zool.: Strix aluco) foresti-striġo; úluco; (containing dark-colored ingredients, esp. molasses) brown bread bruna pano; íntegra pano; brown coal lignito; brown sugar bruna súcaro; (gloomy) brown study profunda mèditado; brownish brunesca || n (color) bruno; brownie (culin.) brownie; (folk.) cóbalo; (junior Girl Scout) scautetiso; brown-nose culi-licanto, -emo || vt brunifer; (culin.) daurer; to brown-nose culi-licher || vi brunecer
  • browse vi to browse around (a store, the Web) curiosejer; to browse through (a book, a website) foliejer; to browse on (graze) pasturer || vt (internet) curiosejer; nàvigher; (graze) pasturer || n browser (internet) Web-nàvigatro
  • bruise vt contuser; (crush) pistilijer || n contusajo; bruiser fortigemo
  • bruit vt discomatrìer
  • Brunei n Bruneya; Bruneian Bruneyano
  • brunette adj brun-capila || n gentlemen prefer blondes, but they marry brunettes le hómino préferan le blondo, mas sponseçan cum le brun-capilo
  • brunt n (worst part or chief impact) (la principala) shoco, violentio, furio, expenso; lo maxim forta, granda, dura; to bear the brunt of something asumpter la expensos di álico; responser sopre la principala parto di; subitioner lo maxim dura di álico; suporter la peso di álico; the brunt of the attack lo maxim forta di la ataco; the brunt of the work lo maxim granda di la laboro
  • brush n (tool) [for hair] brucio; [for painting] penicelo; brushstroke bruciijo; penicelijo | (bot.) [shrub] arbusto; [shrubbery] arbustado; (thorny) brucialio; [shrubland] arbusti-bosco; brucialiayo; [undergrowth] subbosco; brushwood accendi-ligno | (elec.) carbon-puntalado; (slight and fleeting touch) [encounter] incontro; [graze] pas-tocheto; rado; [skirmish] combateto; dísputo || vt (hair) bruciijer; (graze) pas-tocheter; rader; (in painting) penicelijer; to brush away (tears) deterger; forterger; sichifer; to brush off desapretier; to brush up (clean) nitifer || vi to brush past pas-tocheter; rader; to brush up on (renew skill) rifreschifer si sopre; rilecturer; ristuder
  • brusque adj brusca
  • Brussels sprout n (bot.: Brassica oleracea, group Gemmifera) Bruselcaulo
  • brut adj [champagne] sicaza
  • brute n (dumb animal; crude person without reason) bruto; (animal as opposed to human) bestio; brutality brutajo; brutischitio; cruelajo; cruelitio || vt to brutalize (attack) brutesche atacher; (dehumanize) brutifer; deshumanifer || adj brutal brutisca; cruela; nehumanitatosaa; brutish brutesca
  • bryony n (bot.: Bryonia) brionio
  • bubal n (Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus) alcélafo
  • bubalus n (zool. Bubalus) búbalo
  • bubble n bulbulo; bubbling bulbulef(ad)o; ebuli(ad)o; bubbly (champagne) ċampanio; bubblejet printer jet-impresatro || vi (produce any sort of bubble) bulbulefer; (effervesce) [phys., fig.] efervecer; (produce bursting bubbles, as of boiling water) ebulier || adj bubbly bulbulosa; (personality) efervecema; eferveçosa
  • bubo n (med.) bubono || adj bubonic plague bubon-pesto; bubonisca pesto
  • buccaneer n (hist.) bucanero
  • buccina n (hist., mus.) bucino
  • buck n (male of some animals) -aso; (currency: dollar) dólaro; dollar; to make a quick buck facer fácila pecunio; (of horses) cálcitro; (archaic: dandy) dandio; elegantaso; (archaic: gallant) galanto; young buck jùvenaso; buckshot cugletajo; buckskin cerv(as)-corio; buckthorn (bot.: Rhamnus) ramno; buckwheat (bot.: Fagopyrum esculentum) Saracen-grano || vt (resist) resister; to buck off cálcitre dejacter || vi (as horse) càlcitrer; to buck for efortier obtiner; buck up! alecreces!; coraġo!
  • bucket n (container) sítulo; by the bucket sìtulene; bucketful plen-sítulo | (compartment in waterwheel) trogo; bucket seat bacheto
  • buckle n fibelo || vt (fasten) fibelijer || vi (bend under pressure) (pres-)flectezer; (sub)flectezer; [yield] ceder; to buckle down resolve (aut seriose) laborecer
  • buckler n (hist.) scuteto
  • buckling n (culin.) buclingo
  • buckram n bucarano
  • buckshee adj (informal, Brit.: free of charge) gratúita
  • bucolic adj (idyllically rustic) bucòlichesca; (lit.) bucòlichisca || n (lit.) bucólico
  • bud n buriono || vi burionefer
  • Buddha n Budha; Buddhism Budhismo
  • buddy n amico; camarato; buddy movie camarati-filmo; buddy system amichismo
  • budge vi movetezer; (yield) ceder || vt moveter
  • budgerigar n (zool.: Melopsittacus undulatus) (comuna, undosa) perichito
  • budget n (fin.) bugeto || vt bugetizer || vi to budget for bugetizer
  • buff n (color) camoceo; light buff isabelo; (informal: aficionado) adepto; film buff cinéfilo; in the buff (informal: naked) nuda; nude; buffer bufero; buffer state bufer-stato | (polisher) polimentatro || vt (polish) polimenter; to buffer (comput.) enbuferifer; (provide with a buffer) buferizer || vi to buffer (comput.) it’s like my life is buffering lo pareçan cuom se mea vivo enbufereçan || adj camocea
  • buffalo n (zool.: Bubalus, Syncerus caffer, or Bison) búfalo; American buffalo (zool.: Bison bison) Amèricana búfalo (aut bisono)
  • buffet vt (batter) batuer; (afflict repeatedly) aflictader; sucuser || n (shock or misfortune) desfortuno; shoco; (dated: blow of the hand or fist) (pugni-)colpo; (serve-yourself eatery) bufetayo; (serve-yourself table with food) bufeto
  • buffoon n bufono; to act the buffoon bufonìer; facer bufonajos; buffoonery bufonajo(s); bufonío
  • bug n (zool.: any small insect) insect(et)o; (zool.: true bug of order Hemiptera) hemíptero; [bedbug] címiço; (defect) defecto; [comp.] bogo; eroro; (germ) microbio; viro; [minor illness] malatetitio; [informal: obsessive interest] manío; (hidden microphone) abscondita micrófono; bugbane (bot.: Cimicifuga) cimicífugo; bugbear (folk.) bugo || vt (annoy) molester; vexer || adj buggy (comput.: faulty in operation) bogosa
  • bugger vt (vulg.) pedicher; sodomìer
  • buggy n (hist.: cabriolet) cabrioleto; (hist.: four-wheeled) caròceazo; (hist.: two-wheeled) caróceo
  • bugle n (hunting horn) cacii-corno; (mil.) clariono; (bot.: Ajuga) búgulo; (flugelhorn) flughelcorno
  • build vt (construct) constructer; [fashion, shape] factioner; [with brick, stone] masoner; (comput.: compile) compiler; to build up (amass) amasifer; (develop) disveloper; [area] civitatizer; constructijer; [town] civitatifer; (establish) [impression] creer; [organization] fundationer; (increase) augmenter; (propagandize) promotioner; propagander; publìciter || n constructo; (dimensions, proportions of a body) corporaturo; (make, cut) factionajo; (comput.) compil(aj)o; builder constructisto; building constructajo; (edifice) edificio; (house) domo; (structure) structuro
  • bulb n (bot., anat.) bulbo; (ampulla, ampoule) ampulo; (elec.) electri-ampulo; lúmin-ampulo || adj bulbous bulbesca
  • Bulgaria n Bulgaria; Bulgar (pre-Slavic) Búlgaro; Bulgarian Bulgariano
  • bulge n (protuberance) convexajo; (swelling) tumajo || vi convexecer; tum(ec)er
  • bulimia n (med.) bulimío
  • bulk n (size, mass) granditio; maso; volúmino; [of person] corpulentitio; (majority) plu-multo; [of countable things] majoritato; in bulk (aggregate) amase; bloche; multene; (not packaged) laxe; bulkhead clausiono || vi to bulk large importer; to bulk up grosecer || adj (aggregate) amasa; bulky grosa; masiva; volùminosa
  • bull n (uncastrated male bovine) bovaso; tauro; to take the bull by the horns sacer la tauro ye la cornos | (fin.) (pretii-)altifisto; (papal) bul-létero; bullbaiting tauri-beitado; bulldog bulldog; bulldozer buldozero; bulldyke (informal, offensive) lesbianaso; bullfight taur-combato; tauromachio; bullfinch (zool.: Pyrrhula) pirulo; bullfrog tauri-rano; bullhead (zool.: Cottus) capoceo; bullseye miration-centro; (lantern) eclipsi-lanterno; (naut.) bov-óculo; (window) rotunda fenestreto; bullshit (joking lie) blago; (lie) mendacio; (nonsense) merdajo; nesensoso || vt (fin.: raise the price of) (plu-)altifer la pretio di; [market] (plu-)altifer pretios en; to bulldoze buldozerijer || adj bullheaded obstinazema
  • bulla n (med.) bulio
  • bullet n cuglo || adj bulletproof anticugla; cugl-èprobita (aut -imuna)
  • bulletin n (periodical publication) buletino; (placard) afigedo; bulletin board afiġ-tábulo; anuntii-tábulo; (comput.) misaġ-tábulo
  • bullion n (crude ore) cruda minerajo; (ingot) ingoto
  • bullock n (castrated bull) bovuclaso
  • bully n tiraneto || vt tiranetìer || adj (informal: very good) bully for you! bonaza!; bravo!
  • bulrush n (bot.: Cyperus) cípero; [biblical: Cyperus papyrus] papiro; (bot.: Scirpus) cirpo
  • bulwark n (rampart) muralio; (bastion) bastiono; (breakwater) molono; (naut.) parapeto || vt muraliizer; bastionizer; plu-fortifer
  • bum n (vagrant) vagabundo; (beggar) mèndichistaċo; (idler) nul-facemo; otiemo; pigro; (mooch) mutuaċedoro; (Brit.: buttocks) pugo || vt (mooch) mutuaċer; to bum out depreser || vi to bum around otier || adj (false) bum rap falsa acuso; (worthless) nevalorosa
  • bumble vi vacile caminer || n bumblebee (zool.: Bombus) bómbulo
  • bump n (blow) colpeto; shoco; (collision) colisiono; intreshoco; (jolt of vehicle) sucuso; (jostle) shoc-pulso; (noise) things that go bump in the night cosos cua façan misteriosa ruitos en la nocto; (protuberance) convexajo; salianto; [hump, mound] gibo; [knot, knob, node] túbero; [swelling] tumajo; bumper (auto.) parashoco; (generous glassful) plena copo || vt colpeter; shocher; (jostle) shoc-pulser; to bump off (informal: murder) forifer; to bump up (informal: increase) augmenter; (informal: promote) promoter; he was bumped up to first class on the flight home homi pulsin il ad unésima claso dum la rivena volo || vi (collide) colisioner (cum); intreshocher; to bump into (meet) fortúite incontrer || adj bumper (crop, harvest) abundanta; bumpy (ride) sucusosa; (road) neplana; tùberosa
  • bumpkin n rùsticaċo
  • bumptious adj aroganta; presumptema
  • bun n (culin.) dulça paneto; (hair) capil-nodo; ċiniono; buns (informal: buttocks) náticos || vt bun up the dance! pughizes la danço!; tuerchizes la danço!
  • bunch n (collection of similar things growing or fastened together) [bouquet] bocheto; [bundle] facelo; paco; [of feathers] penáceo; [of fruit] racimo; bunch of bananas banan-racimo; bananado | [tuft] tufo; (informal: a large number or quantity) [assortment] asortajo; [crowd] túrbulo; [group] grupo; [heap] amaso; best of the bunch maxim bona de omno; bunch of multa; multo de; thanks a bunch! multa regratios! || vt to bunch together enfacelifer; grupifer
  • bund n confédero; ligajo; Bundesrat Fèderisca Conselo
  • bundle n (pack) paco; (sheath, stack) facelo || vt enfacelifer; enpachifer; (wrap) envolver; to bundle up (dress warmly) calde vestizer (si)
  • bung n tap(az)o; bunghole baril-boco; (vulg.: anus) cul-forámino
  • bungalow n bangalo
  • bungee n bungio
  • bungle vt façaċer || n bungler façaċedoro
  • bunion n (med.) valga háluço
  • bunk n (bed) bunk bed superponisca lectado | [cot] lecteto; [naut.] planchi-lecto; bunkhouse dormayo | (bunkum) blago; nesensoso
  • bunker n (mil.) bunchero
  • bunny n cunìculucio; Playboy Bunny Cunìculucio di Playboy
  • Bunsen burner n ardifatro di Bunsen
  • bunt vt (baseball) colpeti; (head-butt) cápiti-colper
  • bunting n (zool.: Emberiza) emberizo; (flags) bandari(et)ado; (material) stamíneo
  • buoy n boyo; (beacon) [seamark] mar-fareto; buoyancy (of floating object) flotationemitio; (of liquid) levemitio; (of mood) alecritio; òptimismo; (of step) legeritio || vt to buoy up (encourage) coragizer; (make float) flotationifer || adj buoyant (floating) flotationiva; (liquid) levema; (mood) alecra; òptimista; (step) legera
  • bur n (bot.: prickly seed case or flower head) lapo; burdock (bot.: Arctium) bardano
  • burble vi mùrmurader; (babble) gàrulaċer
  • burbot n (zool.: Lota lota) barboto
  • burden n (load) cárico; portedo; the burden of proof lies with him je il incombran la cárico di prober | (encumbrance) impedivo; incombrivo; (oppressive task, duty, payments) ónero; (weight) peso; (weight: tonnage) capacitio; tonelatado; (chief theme) principala thémato; [of a song or complaint] refreno || vt (load heavily) càrichizer; (oppress) ònerizer; opreser || adj burdensome pesazanta; (costly) costosaza; (oppressive) ònerosa; opresanta; opresiva
  • bureau n (chest of drawers) comodalo; (department) departimento; ministrerío; (office) oficino; (Brit.: writing desk) scrib-menso; scriptorio; bureaucracy (bureaucrats, collectively) buròcratado; (system) buròcratismo; bureaucrat burócrato
  • burette n bureto
  • burgeon vi burionefer
  • burgess n (hist.: representative) representisto; (hist.: town magistrate) (lochisca) júdiço; (archaic: inhabitant of a borough) districtano; munìcipiano
  • burgh n (Scot.: chartered town) munìcipio; (Scot.: district) (civitati-)districto; (hist.: borough) (civitati-)districto; munìcipio; (hist.: market town) burgo
  • burglar n efractisto; burglary efracto || vt to burglarize [building] efracter
  • burgomaster n munìcipii-ċefo
  • burgrave n (hist.) burgravio
  • Burgundy n Burgundia; burgundy (wine) Burgundiana vino
  • burke n (Brit. informal) stúpido
  • Burkina Faso n Burchinia; Burkinabe Burchino
  • burlesque n burlesco; (striptease) striptizo || vt (parody) parodìer
  • burly adj grand-córpora; robusta
  • Burma n Birma; Burmese Birmano
  • burn vi (be consumed by fire) arder; (be red-hot; ardent) ardorer; (blaze) flagrer; (flame) flamefer; (sunburn) solel-arder || vt (consume by fire) ardifer; [arson] incendier; (cauterize) [med.] cauteriijer; (scorch) superficie ardifer; (tech.) [a CD] registrationer sur (on CD-ROM); [combust] combuster || n (act) ardo; (result) ardajo; ardi-vùlnerajo; (Scot.: small stream) ruceleto; burner ardatro; burning ardo; burning lens ardif-lentilo; burning mirror ardifi-spéculo || adj burning ardanta; (ardent) ardoranta, osa; (chem.) cáustica; (feverish) febrosa; (inflamed) inflamata; burnt ardita; (burnt down) incendiita; (combusted) combustita; burnt offering ard-òferedo; holocausto; (victim) víctimo
  • burnet n (bot.: Sanguisorba) sanguísorbo; (zool.: Zygaenidae) zígeno
  • burnish vt (polish) polimenter; (enhance, perfect) plu-bonifer
  • burnous n (also “burnoose”) burnuso
  • burp vi ructer || n ructo
  • burr n (uvular trill) paraulo uvulara || vi parauler uvulare
  • burrow n tunelo || vi tunelefer; cavifer; foder tunelo
  • bursar n cápseisto; bursary (scholarship) stipendio; (treasury) cápseo
  • burst vi (split open) creper; (explode) exploser; to burst forth erupter; to burst into a room enrumper en on cambro; to burst into tears erupter en lácrimos; to burst out laughing exploser, erupter en ridado; rid(az)ecer; to burst with laughing creper pro rider || vt (break apart) disrumper; (shatter) fracaser; to burst open àperer violentie; fortiijer || n (split) crepo; (eruption) erupto; (explosion) exploso; [gunfire] ráfico; burst of activity exploso di actado; burst of applause erupto di aplauso
  • Burundi n Burundia; Burundian Burundiano
  • bury vt (cover in ground) enterifer; [a corpse] sepulter; [hold a funeral for] fùnerer; (a knife in the body) afunder; (cover) còperter; (hide) absconder; (overwhelm) aplaster; to bury oneself (engross oneself in) ficer si absorptata || n burial enterifo; [of a corpse] sepulto; (funeral) fúnero; (religious) eclesiisca sepulto; burial ground cemeterio; sepultayado; burial service fùnerisca ceremonio
  • bus n (large motor vehicle) autobuso; busstop haltayo; microbus microbuso; minibus minibuso | (comput.) buso; busser (in restaurant, etc.) portisto || vt (dishes) (for)porter
  • busby n cuċmo
  • bush n arbusto; (thicket) arbusti-foresteto; densajo; (with trunk) frútiço; (without trunk) arbúsculo; bushland arbusti-bosco; arbusti-foresto || adj bushy (of hair, etc.) densa
  • bushel n buselo
  • bushido n bushido
  • bushing n glis-anelo; (bearing) glis-túbulo
  • business n (commerce) comercio; to be in business comercier; business is slow afaros, comercio stagnan; to do business with comercier cum; to do good business facer bona comercio; pròsperer en sua comercio; extensive business granda afaros; granda comercio; to have business with haber afaros cum; in business en comercio; en la afaros; to mean business eser seriosa; on business por afaros; run of business fluo di afaros; fluo di comercio; granda vendado; that is bad business ecuilo es mala afaro; (company, firm) companío; firmaturo; established business vétera firmaturo; (profession) profesiono; [job, work] laboro; [trade, craft] minsterio; to understand one’s business comprenser sua departimento; what business are you in? cua es vua profesiono? | (task, duty, concern) afaro; concerno; debo; departimento; oficio; responso; let’s get to business nos pases ad la afaros; to make it one’s business asumpter ecuilo; (sole) atenter ecuilo; mind your own business! atentiones vua propria afaros!; that’s not your business ecuilo concernan mere mi; ecuilo no concernan vi; ecuilo no es vua departimento; (affair, matter) afaro; it’s a nasty business li es on feda afaro; (of pets: defecation, urination) the dog did its business in the neighbor’s yard la canículo facin sua necesos en la yardino di la vicino; business agent afar-agento; business card vísit-carto; businessman afaristo; comerciisto || adj business-like afarema; afarisca; pràctichema
  • busk n (hist.) [for corset] subtenatro
  • buskin n (hist.) cothurno
  • bust n (anat.: chest) péctoro; [bosom] mamos; seno; [in art] busto; [measurement] péctor-mensuro; (arrest) aresto; (bankruptcy) bancaroto; (econ.) criso; [depression] depresezo; [recession] recesiono; (police raid) incurso; (waste of time) neútilo; vano || vt (arrest) arester; (bankrupt) bancarotifer; (burst) see “burst”; (demote) degradationer; (hit) colp(az)er || vi (burst) see “burst”; New York or bust! New York aut nulo! || adj busty mamuda
  • bustard n (zool.: Otididae) autardo
  • bustier n bustiero
  • bustle vi circum-haster; ruitose vener et vader; (of place) eser actosa || vt hastifer || adj bustling actosa
  • busy adj òcupata; (active) actema; activa; (diligent) diligenta; (employed) empleata; (industrious) laborema; busy signal signalo di òcupato || adv busily active; diligente; òcupate || n busyness òcupatitio; busybody enmìsculemo; omni-tochemo; busywork ócupi-laboro; tascaċo || vt to busy oneself with òcuper si sopre
  • but conj (contrasting) mas; a fool, but an honest fool on stulto, mas on stulto honesta; grant me chastity and continence, but not right away dones ad mi castitio et continentio, mas no imediate; (unless) ecepte che; se…no; sine che || adv (only) mere || prep (except) ecepte je; ultre; what is truth but a survivor’s story? cuo es lo vera se no la raconto di on transvivanto?; but for... but for you I’d be dead sine vi mi eseban mortinta; it might have passed by with little notice but for one thing lo posíbile pasebin cum pauca remarco se ci no esebin una coso
  • butane n (chem.) butano
  • butcher n mactisto; butcher shop carnerío; (slaughterhouse) macterío; butcher’s broom (bot.: Ruscus aculeatus) rusco; butchery mactado; (carnage) masacro; butcherbird (zool.: Cracticus) cráctico; (zool.: Laniidae) lanio || vt macter; (massacre) masacrer
  • butler n ċef-servisto
  • butt vt (head-butt) cápit-colper; corn-colper || vi to butt in (interrupt) interrumper; (meddle) enmìsculer si || n (head-butt) cápit-colpo; corn-colpo
  • butt n (archery) [mound] ter-amaso; [target] mirationedo; obiectivo; butts (shooting range) dìsparayo
  • butt n (end) [bottom] infr(aj)o; [of a rifle] colbo; [stump, stub] muniono; [thicker] grosa extremajo; [informal: buttocks] pugo; (vulg.) culo; butt cheeks náticos || vi to butt up against (abut) cumfinezer an; eser juxte ad; (bump) pulser contre
  • butt n (cask) baril(az)o
  • butter n butiro; artificial butter margarino; butter-and-eggs (bot.: Linaria vulgaris) linario; butterball graso; buttercup (bot.: Ranunculus) ranúnculo; butterfat butir-grasio; butterfingers deshábilo; butterfly (zool.: Rhopalocera) papiliono; buttermilk butir-lacto; butterscotch butir-caramelo || adj butterfingered deshábila
  • buttocks n (anat.) náticos; [of a horse] cropo; (fam.) pugo; (vulg.) culo
  • button n botono; (push button) presionumo; buttonhole boton-forámino; buttonhook boton-tiratro || vt botonijer; (cover with) botonizer
  • buttress n (archit.) contraforto; (gen.) apodiatro; flying buttress apodii-arco || vt apodier; contrafortizer
  • buxom adj (busty) mamuda; (plump) di plena formo; graseta
  • buy vt comprer; (bribe) subornationer; (informal: believe) I don’t buy that explanation mi no credan ecuila éxplico; to buy back retrocomprer; ricomprer; (fig.: redeem) redempter; to buy for cash comprer comptante; to buy up (monopolize) acaparer || n compro; (bargain) bona compredo; necostoso
  • buzz n (as of insects) zizo; (murmuring) múrmur(ad)o; (whispering) susur(ad)o; (informal: euphoria) euforío; (informal: excitement) écito; (informal: gossip) comatrío; (informal: rumor) rumoro; (informal: telephone call) telèfonijo; buzzer advertatro; buzzword modasca vocábulo || vi zizer
  • buzzard n (zool.: Buteo) buteono; (zool.: Cathartes aura) urubúo di rúbea cápito; (zool.: Coragyps atratus) nigra urubúo
  • by prep (agent) da; commanded by God comandata da Deo; loved by no one amata da nulu; a translation of Pushkin by Nabokov on traducto je Pushkin da Nabókov; who is this book by? da cua es ecuista libro?; written by Gogol scribita da Gogol; (means) per; by all means (certainly) certe; by chance fortúite; incidente; (possibly) forse; posíbile; by hand per manuo; by mail per postalo; postale; by no means nule; tote no; by railway ferviale; by reason of insanity pro folitio; by sight per vido; secuno vido; by stealth abscondite; furtive; secrete; written by pencil scribita lápide; scribita per lápido; by stealth -eċ- | (according to) secuno; by my watch secuno mea horologio | (in oaths) -e; per; by God per Deo; by Grabthar’s hammer per la martelo di Grabthar; by the devil diábole; (measurement) [difference] by far per multo; by far greater multe plu granda; you are taller than me by a head vi es plu alta cam mi per una cápito | [in units of] -(en)e; by degrees gradene; by halves dúime; little by little pauchene; (space) [near] juxte; proxim; in a van down by the river en on furgoneto infre proxim la fluvio; [past] I passed by the stripbar mi pretervadin la striptizerío; (time) [deadline] ante post; by now jam; by then jam; by this time jam; come by three o’clock venes ante post tria clocos; [during] by night dum la nocto; nocte; by oneself aparta; sine adjuto; sola, -e; by the bye incidente; parénthese; by the way (in passing) pasante; (incidentally) incidente; látere; (on that subject) parénthese; (on the way) juxte la vialo || n bylaw régulo; statuto; byline auctor-índico; bypass pretervadayo; byproduct consecuanto; làterisca productito; subproductito; bystander asistanto; spectatoro; byway nedirecta vialo; byword populara dicedo; proverbio || vt to bypass eviter || adj bygone pasinta || adv (space) [near] próxime; [past] prétere; I passed her by mi pretervadin el; in time gone by dum pasinta témporo; by and by post curta témporo; prompte; by and large generale
  • byssus n (hist.) biso
  • byte n (comput.) baito; bit-octo
  • byzantine adj (fig.) Bizantiesca


  • C ltr ce; (mus.) C (aut do); C-flat (C♭) C bemola; C-sharp (C♯) C díesa || n C-section cesáreo
  • cab n (taxi) taxì; taxìmetrígero; cabbie taxìisto | (of a truck, etc.) cabino; (hist.: four-wheeled) fiacro; (hist.: two-wheeled) cabrioleto
  • cabal n conspirantado; intrigantado; (illegal) complotantado
  • cabala n Cábala; cabalist Càbalaisto || adj cabalistic Càbalaisca
  • cabana n cabano
  • cabaret n cabareto
  • cabbage n (bot.: Brassica oleracea) caulo; (bot.: Brassica oleracea var. capitata) cápit-caulo; cabbage rose (bot.: Rosa × centifolia) centifolio; cabbage soup cauli-supo
  • cabin n (naut., aero., etc.) cabino; cabin boy moço | (hut) cabano
  • cabinet n (furniture) [cupboard] armario; [display case] vitrino; medicine cabinet medicament-armario; cabinetmaker lignajsto | (pol.) ministrado; cabinet member ministr(adan)o | (archaic: small private room) cabino
  • cable n (rope, wire) cablo; cordazo; [hawser; lashing] anmaro; cable television cabli-televiso; televiso per cablo; cablecast teletransmiso per cablo; cablegram (hist.) cablografajo; cableway (funicular) cabli-vialo; funicularo || vt (moor) anmarijer; to cablecast teletransmiser per cablo; to cablegram cablografìer; invìer per cablo
  • cabochon n caboċono
  • caboose n caud-vagono; (informal: woman’s buttocks) pugo; (archaic: ship’s kitchen) (nav-)cocinayo
  • cabriolet n (auto.; hist.: buggy) cabrioleto
  • cacao n (bot.: Theobroma cacao) [seed] cacao; [tree] cacaífero
  • cachalot n (zool.: Physeter macrocephalus) caċaloto
  • cache n (items stored) abscondedado; (place) abscondayo; cache memory caċo || vt absconder
  • cachet n (prestige) prestigio; (capsule) cápsulo; (mark, seal) sigilo
  • cachexia n (med.) cachexío
  • cackle vi (as a bird) cucurer || n cucuro
  • cacophony n cacofonío
  • cactus n (bot.: Cactaceae) cacto
  • cad n canalio
  • cadastre n catastro
  • cadaver n cadávero || adj cadaverous cadàveresca
  • caddisfly n (zool.: Trichoptera) frígano
  • caddy n (golf) clavonígero; (tea) teuyo
  • cadence n cadentio || vt cadentier
  • cadet n (mil.) capdeto
  • cadge vt (Brit. informal) mutuaċer
  • cadmium n (chem.: Cd) cadmio
  • cadre n cuadro
  • caduceus n cadúceo
  • caducous adj caduca
  • caecum n (anat.) cecajo
  • Caesar n Césare; Caesar salad salato Césare; Caesarism Cèsarismo; Caesar’s mushroom (bot.: amanita caesarea) naranje-campaniolo || adj caesarean section cesáreo; Cèsarisca operationo
  • caesium n (chem.: Cs) cesio
  • caesura n (poetry) cesuro
  • café n cafeerío; (restaurant) restoranto; (coffee) café au lait, café con leche, caffè latte lacti-cafeo; caffè latte macchiato machiata lacti-cafeo; caffè macchiato machiata cafe-lacto; caffè mocha mocacino; Mocha-cafeo
  • cafeteria n cafeterío; (canteen) cantino
  • caffeine n cafeíno
  • caftan n caftano
  • cage n cáveo || vt encàveifer
  • cahoots n conspiro
  • caiman n (also “cayman”; zool.: Caiman) caimano
  • caique n caíco
  • cairn n túmulo
  • caisson n (archit., engin.) casetono; (mil. hist.) munition-carito
  • cajole vt blander
  • cake n cuco; let them eat cake! los manges brioċo!; cake shop cucheferío | (bar) brico; urinal cake urinabi-brico || vt (cover with) còperter per || vi (agglomerate) aglòmerezer; (coagulate) coàgulezer; (harden) durecer
  • calabash n (bot.: Crescentia cujete) calabacio
  • calamine n calamino
  • calamite n (bot.: hist.) calamito
  • calamity n calamitato
  • calamus n (bot.: Acorus calamus) ácoro; (bot.: Calamus) cálamo; (hist.: pen) cálamo
  • calash n (hist.) caleso
  • calcaneus n (anat.) calcáneo
  • calcareous adj calçosa
  • calceolaria n (bot.: Calceolaria) calceolario; pantóful-floro
  • calcify vt calcifer; petrifer
  • calcine vt calciner
  • calcium n (chem.: Ca) calcio
  • calculate vt (determine) [amount, number, distance, etc., mathematically] càlculer; [effects, risk, etc.] càlculer; evaluter || vi to calculate on (factor in) encàlculer; respectioner; (rely on) expecter; fider ad; intenter; projecter || n calculation cálculo; error in calculation cálcul-eroro; miscálculo; calculator càlculatro || adj calculable càlculébila; (countable) contébila; calculated (determined) calculated risk càlculita risco | (intended) intentita, -ata
  • calculus n (math) infinitesimalisca cálculo; (med.) concremento
  • calèche n (hist.) birotio
  • calefaction n calefacto
  • calefy vt calefacter
  • calendar n (of dates) calendario; (of people and things) listo; tabelo; (almanac) almanaco
  • calender n calandro || vt calandrijer
  • calends n (hist.) calendo
  • calenture n (path.) calenturo
  • calf n (young of certain large animals) [cow] bovolo; [deer] cervolo; calfskin bovol-corio | (anat.) suralo
  • caliber n (quality) cualitio; (capability) capàbilitio; (level) nivelo; (measure) calibro; interna diámetro || vt to calibrate (give precise diameter to) calibrizer; (graduate) calibrizer; gradizer; (measure caliber of) calibri-mensurer
  • calico n (chintz) ċinço; (cretonne) cretono; (muslin) calicoto
  • californium n (chem.: Cf) californio
  • caliph n califo; caliphate califio
  • calisthenics n calisthenio
  • call vt (by name) nòminijer; they call me MISTER Tibbs! homi nòminijan mi SENIORO Tibbs!; what is that called? cuome homi nòminijan ecuilo?; [claim, pronounce] I call bullshit! mi declarationan merdajo!; [give name to] she shall call her son Emmanuel el nòminizun sua filiaso Emmanuel; [refer, consider, or describe as being] I call that being tricked by a business mi nòminijan ecuilo eser inganita da on companío; (announce) anuntier; [predict] antedicer; (attempt to contact) vocher; [by telephone] telèfonijer; vocher (teléfone); don’t call us, we’ll call you no molestes vi vocher, nos ad vi vocun; (summon) advocher; [a witness] citationer; [convoke] cumvocher; (suspend) [sport] suspender; to call attention to atentionatifer; ficer atentionata; to call back retrovocher; rivocher; (return call) ritornìer la voco di álicu; to call forth ecvocher; (incite) provocationer; to call into question contester; to call out ecvocher; (denounce) denuntier; to call to mind mèmoredifer; to call together asembler; cumvocher; to call up (conjure) conjurer || vi (shout) clamer; [bleat] bleter; [summon] vocher; (at a port) escaler; to call for (request) demander; [demand] èxiger; to call on (appeal) apeler ad; demander; (visit) vìsiter || n (cry) crito; [of animals] bleto; [to summon] voco; the call of Cthulhu la voco da Cthulhu; the call of the sea la voco da la maro; (decision) it’s your call lo es vua deciso; (invitation) invito; (reason, need) there’s no call for alarm ci no es motivo pavorer; (request) demando; [demand] éxiġo; (summons) citationo; (visit) (curta) vísito; on call voche en servo; call girl voc-pueriso; call-out culture culturo di denuntio; call sign, letters voc-signo; calling (inner urging) advochezo; (profession) minsterio; profesiono; calling card vísit-carto
  • calligraphy n (art) calìgrafío; (result) calìgrafajo; calligrapher calígrafo || vt to calligraph calìgrafìer
  • calliper n (or “callipers”) calibri-compaso
  • callipygous adj belpuga
  • callous adj (insensitive, cruel) cruela; necompasionosa; nesentiva; calloused calosa || n callosity (med.) calo
  • callow adj (immature) neexperientiosa; nematura; novicia; (unfledged) neplumosa; (archaic: bald) calva
  • callus n calo
  • calm adj (still) calma; (unruffled) trancuila || n calmitio; (Beaufort level 0) calmitio; calms calmajos || vt calmifer || vi calmecer; calm down! calma!; trancuila!
  • calomel n calomelo
  • caloric adj calorisca || n (hist.) calórico
  • calorie n calorío
  • calorimeter n calorímetro; calorimetry calorìmetrijo
  • calotte n caloto
  • calque n calcation(aj)o; “to lose face” is a calque of Chinese diūliǎn (丟臉) “perder facio” es on calcationo je Ċinensa diūliǎn (丟臉) || vt calcationer
  • calumniate vt calumnier || n calumny calumnio
  • calvarium n (anat.) calvario
  • Calvary n Gólgotha
  • calve vt parturer (on bovolo)
  • Calvinism n Calvinismo; Calvinist Calvinisto
  • calx n (archaic) calço
  • calypso n (mus.) calipso
  • calyx n (bot., zool.) cáliço
  • cam n (mech.) camo; camshaft cam-árboro | (short for “camera”) cámero; camgirl model(is)o di Web-cámero
  • camail n (hist.) camalio
  • camaraderie n camaratitio
  • camarilla n camarilo
  • camber n convexetitio || vt convexetifer
  • Cambodia n Cambodia; Cambodian Cambodiano
  • Cambrian adj (Welsh) Gualiana; (geol.) Cambriana || n (geol.) Cambriano
  • cambric n batisto
  • camel n (zool.: Camelus) camelo; (zool.: Camelus bactrianus) Bactriana camelo
  • camellia n (bot.: Camellia) camelio
  • camelopard n (archaic: giraffe) girafo
  • Camembert n (cheese) camemberto
  • cameo n (jewelry) cameo; (brief celebrity appearance) cameo
  • camera n (phot., cine.) cámero; camera obscura (hist.) obscur-cámero; cameraman càmeristo | (chamber) cambro; in camera private
  • camerlengo n (eccl.) camerlingo
  • Cameroon n Camerunia; Cameroonian Cameruniano
  • camisole n camisolo
  • camlet n cameloto
  • camouflage n camuflajo; camuflatro || vt camufler
  • camp n (temporary accommodations) acampayo; [barracks] casernado; [tents] tentado; to break camp desacampecer; campfire focato; camper (person) acampedoro; (vehicle) acamp-vecturo | (pol., etc.) bando; partiteto || vt (in multiplayer video games) (cadáver-)acamper apud || vi acamper || adj (affected, theatrical) afectationanta; afectationosa
  • campaign n campanio || vi campanier
  • campanile n campanel-turo
  • campanology n campanelío
  • campanula n (bot.: Campanula) campánulo
  • campeachy wood n (bot.: Haematoxylum campechianum) campeċo
  • camphor n (chem.) cámforo || vt to camphorate càmforizer
  • campion n (bot.: Lychnis) lícnido; (bot.: Silene) sileno
  • campus n scol-tereno; universitati-tereno
  • can v (be able) poter; do what you can faces cuo vi potan; (expressing possibility) you could have told me! vi potebin dicer lo ad mi!; (know how) saper; he can speak Romániço il sapan parauler Romániço; (may) poter; can I speak with you a moment? poteban mi parauler cum vi dum una instanto?; can I use your phone? potan mi user vua teléfono?; cannot (help) but ... no poter no …
  • can n (canister) lat-conservuyo; latato; can opener latat-àperatro; cannery enlatatiferío || vt (hermetically seal) hermètichifer; (preserve in a can) enlatatifer; (informal: fire) desinguager || adj canned enlatatifita; canned beans enlatatifita faséolos; canned goods enlatatifitos; canned laughter (recorded) enlatatifita (aut registrationita) ridos
  • Canada n Cánada; Canadian Cànadano
  • canaille n pòpulaċo
  • canal n canalo; canal boat canal-barco | (anat.) túbulo; vásculo || vt to canalize [a field] canalizer; [a river] canalifer
  • canapé n canapeo
  • canard n falsa informo (aut raconto, reporto); informaċo; racontaċo; reportaċo
  • canary n (zool.: Serinus) canario; canary creeper (bot.: Tropaeolum peregrinum) canari-vito; Canary Islands Canarios
  • canasta n canasto
  • cancan n (hist.) cancano
  • cancel vt (revoke) [planned event, program, reservation] canceler; (annul) anuler; (by marking) [postage, check, ticket] oblìterer; (cross out) tra-strichizer; (erase) efacier; (extinguish, pay) [debt] amortiser; extinter; (repeal) abrogher; (publicly boycott) canceler; to cancel out (math) anuler || n cancel culture culturo di cancelo
  • cancer n (med.) cáncero; (astron., astrol.) cancro
  • candela n candelo
  • candelabrum n candelabro
  • candid adj (frank) cándida; (informal, unrehearsed) neformala; neposturosa
  • candidate n candidato; candidacy candidatitio
  • candle n candelo; candleberry (bot.: Myrica) mirico; Candlemas Candel-festo; candlestick candeliero
  • candor n càndiditio
  • candy n (any sugary, sweet food) dulçajo; sùcarajo; rock candy (crystallized sugar) cando; candytuft (bot.: Iberis) ibero || vt (coat with crystallized sugar) candizer; (preserve with sugar syrup) confecter || adj candied candizita; (preserved) [fruits] confectita
  • cane n (bot.: reed) cano; (bot.: rush) junco; (for walking) bastono; (rod, wand) virgo; cane-sword spath-bastono || vt (beat) [with a stick] bastonijer; [with a switch] virghijer; (furnish with cane) [chair] canizer
  • canicular adj (astron.) canìculisca
  • canine adj canìculisca || n (dog) canículo; (tooth) canino
  • canister n (can) latato; -uyo; [not hermetically sealed] canistro; (of gas) bombo; canister shot latat-mitralio
  • canker n (bot.) cáncero; (med.: aphtha) aftho; buc-ùlcereto || vt (corrode) coroser; (ulcerate) ùlceretizer || adj cankerous (causing cankers) ùlceretiziva; (infected with cankers) ùlceretosa
  • cankle n caviliazo
  • cannabin n canabino
  • cannabis n (bot.: Cannabis sativa) cánabo
  • cannibal n caníbalo; cannibalism canìbalismo || vt to cannibalize canìbalìer; (disassemble) desmonter
  • cannon n canono; (howitzer) obus-canono; cannon shell obuso; cannon shot canon-dísparo; canonijo; cannonade canon-dìsparado; canonijado; cannoneer (hist.) canonisto; cannonball cuglazo || vi to cannonade canon-dìsparader; canonijader
  • cannula n (surg.) cánulo
  • canny adj sagaça
  • canoe n canoo; (cayuco) cayuco; (dugout) monóxilo; (pirogue) piraguo
  • canon n (jur., mus., relig.) canónico; (church dignitary) canonicalo; canonicals presbìterisca vestado; canonicity canònichischitio; canonist canònichisto || vt to canonize canònichischifer || adj canonical (thing) canònichisca
  • canopy n (of a bed, throne) baldachino; (awning) marchiso; (of heaven) vólvito; (of trees) canopeo || vt [a bed, throne] baldachinizer
  • cant n (hypocritical, sanctimonious talk) hipòcritajo; piaċajo; (jargon) jargono; [slang] slango; (slope) inclinajo; inclinitio || vt incliner || vi inclinezer
  • cantabile adj (mus.) cantábila || adv cantábile || n cantábilo
  • cantaloup n (bot.: Cucumis melo, var. cantalupo) cantalupo
  • cantankerous adj dìsputema
  • cantata n (mus.) cantato
  • canteen n (water bottle for soldiers or campers) acui-botelo; (restaurant for soldiers, etc.) cantino; (water bottle for soldiers or campers) bidoneto
  • canter n galopeto || vt galopetifer || vi galopeter
  • canthus n (anat.) cánthulo
  • canticle n (mus.) cántico
  • cantilena n (mus.) cantileno
  • cantilever n (archit.) cantilevro; cantilever bridge cantilevri-ponto
  • canto n (mus.) canto
  • canton n (district) cantono; Canton (Chinese province of Guǎngdōng) Guangdong; cantonment acantonayo || vt (billet) acantoner
  • cantor n cantoro
  • canvas n (for sails, tents) canabáceo; under canvas (mil.) en tentos; (nav.) cum velos hisita | (for painting) picti-telo; [the painting itself] pictajo; canvasback (zool.: Aythya valisineria) blanchi-dorsa ánato
  • canvass vt [votes, support] solìciter; [opinions] sonder; (discuss) debater; discuser || vi to canvass for [votes] solìciter || n (for votes, support) solícito; (for opinions) sondo
  • canyon n caniono
  • caoutchouc n cauċo
  • cap n (any brimless hat) bonito; [beret] bereto; [biretta] bireto; [calotte] caloto; [coif] cofio; [czapka] ċapco; [flat cap] plat-cascheto; [kepi] chepo; [toque] tochio; [visored] cascheto; (percussion cap) (explosifiva) cápsulo; (protective lid) copérculo; [stopper] obturatro; tapo; (fig.) cápito; clímaço; corono; sumitato || vt (put a lid on) copèrculizer; [stopper] tapizer; (complete) completifer; (limit) lìmitizer; (provide a fitting end or climax for) clìmacizer; and to cap it all, he… et por la clímaço, il…; (put a hat on) bonitizer; càpit-vestizer; (surpass, outdo) eceser; soreceser
  • capable adj capábila; (competent) competenta || n capability capàbilitio; (competence) competentitio
  • capacious adj ampla; capaça || n capacitance (phys.) capacitantio; capacitor (elec.) condensatro; capacity (ability) capàbilitio; competentitio; hàbilitio; poto; (authority) auctoritato; (role, function) oficio; rolo; in the capacity of como | (volume) capacitio || vt to capacitate capàbilifer
  • cap-a-pie adv de cápito ad pedos
  • caparison n caparaçono || vt caparaçonizer
  • cape n (short cloak) manteto; [hist.: pelerine] pelerino
  • cape n (geog.) capo; promontorio; Cape gooseberry (bot.: Physalis peruviana) físalo; Cape Verde Capo-Verda; Cape Verdean Capo-Verdano
  • caper vi caprioler; saltetader || n capriolo; (bot: Capparis spinosa) [bud] cáparo; [shrub] càparífero
  • capercaillie n (zool.: Tetrao urogallus) urogalo
  • capias n (jur.) aresti-mandationo
  • capillary n (anat.) capilaro || adj capilar(isc)a
  • capital n (city) ċef-civitato; (fin.) capitalo; to make capital out of exploter; capital gain plu-valoro | (letter) majúsculo; (archit.) capitelo; capitalism capitalismo; capitalist capitalisto; capitalization [of letters] majùsculifo; (fin.) capitalifo || vt to capitalize [letters] majùsculifer; (convert to capital) capitalifer || vi to capitalize on exploter || adj (chief) ċefa; principala; (liable to the death penalty) mort-punébila; capital punishment mort-puno | (pertaining to the head) càpitisca; (dated: British) bonaza; ecelanta; valde bona; capitalist capitalismisca, -istisca; capitalista
  • capitate adj (bot., zool.) càpitífera || n (anat.) capitato
  • capitation n (census) censo; (payment) cápit-pago; (poll tax) cápit-imposto
  • capitol n capitolio
  • capitulate vi capitulationer
  • capitulum n (anat., bot.) capitularo
  • capon n puluclaso
  • caponier n (mil., hist.) caponario
  • capote n capoto
  • cappuccino n Capucine(-cafe)o
  • capriccio n (mus.) capriċo
  • caprice n capricio || adj capricious capriciema; capriciosa
  • Capricorn n Capricorno
  • capriole n (caper) capriolo
  • caps n majúsculos; caps lock majúscul-verúculo
  • capsicum n (chili peppers generally) ċilio
  • capsize vt renverser || vi renversezer
  • capstan n capistano
  • capsule n cápsulo
  • captain n (mil., nav.) capitano; comandanto; (of ship) nav-ċefo; (of team) ċefo; captaincy capitanitio || vt capitanìer
  • caption n (of photo, cartoon) subscribajo; (subtitle) subtítulo; (title) título; [rubric] rubrico
  • captious adj crìtichìema; captiousness crìtichìemitio
  • captive n captito; captivity captititio; nelìberitio || vt to captivate (charm) càrminer; (delight) delectationer; (fascinate) fàciner || adj captita; captive balloon nelíbera balono
  • captor n captinto
  • capture vt capter; (arrest) arester; (seize) sacer || n (act) capto; (person or thing) captito
  • Capuchin n (friar) Capucino
  • car n (auto)vecturo; automóbilo; (RR) vagono; car bomb bombi-vecturo; vectur-bombo; carport parchi-tecto || vt to carjack vectur-rauber
  • carabineer n (hist.) carabinígero
  • carabus n (zool.: Carabus) cárabo
  • caracole n caracolo || vi caracoler
  • carafe n carafo
  • caramel n caramelo
  • carangid n (zool.: Carangidae) carángido
  • carapace n carapaço
  • carat n carato
  • caravan n (Brit.: travel trailer) acamp-remulchedo; (hist.: company of travelers) caravano; caravansary caravanayo
  • caravel n (hist., naut.) carabelo
  • caraway n (bot.: Carum carvi) caravío
  • carbide n (chem.) carburo
  • carbine n carabino
  • carbohydrate n (chem.) carbonii-hidrato; glúcido
  • carbolic acid n carbol-ácido; fenolo
  • carbon n (chem.: C) carbonio; (impure: coal, charcoal, etc.) carbono; carbon dioxide carbonii-dióxido; carbon paper carbon-papero; carbonate carbonato; carborundum carborundo; silicii-carburo || vt to carbonate carbonatizer; to carbonize (coat with carbon) carbonizer; (convert to carbon) carbonifer; (make react to carbon) carboniijer || adj carbonaceous carboni(os)a; carbonated (drink) carbonatizita; gasosa; carbonic acid carbonata ácido; carboniferous (containing carbon) carboniífera; (geol.) Carbonífera
  • Carbonaro n (hist.) Carbonaro
  • carboy n damijano
  • carbuncle n (med., min.) carbúnculo
  • carburet vt carburationer; (react with carbon) carboniijer || n (dated: carbide) carburo; carburator carburationatro
  • carburize vt (add carbon to) carboniizer; (react with carbon) carboniijer; (turn into carbon) carboniifer
  • carcass n (dead animal) bestii-cadávero; (derog.: person’s body, living or dead) còrporaċo
  • carcinogen n (med.) càncerífero; carcinógeno
  • carcinoma n (path.) carcinómato
  • card n carto; to be in the cards eser probábila; card shark, card sharp cart-astuto; to lay one’s cards on the table poner la cartos sur la menso; to play one’s cards right jocher bone sua cartos; cardboard cartono; (paperboard) paper-cartono | (device for combing and cleaning wool) cardatro || vt [wool] carder
  • cardamine n (bot.: Cardamine) cardamino
  • cardamom n (bot.: Elettaria cardamomum) cardamom(ífer)o
  • cardan joint n cardano; universala juntajo
  • cardiac adj cordiisca || n (med., informal: person with heart disease) córdiaco
  • cardigan n cardigano
  • cardinal n (church dignitary; number) cardinalo; (zool.: Cardinalis cardinalis) cardinaleo || adj (number) cardinala; (primary) cardinala; ċefa; esentiisca; fundamentisca
  • cardiogram n (electri)cardiografajo
  • cardioid n (math) cardioido
  • cardiology n cardiòloghío; cardiologist cardiólogo
  • cardoon n (bot.: Cynara cardunculus) cardono
  • care n (anxiety, worry) preòcupezo; [psych.] anxio; full of cares anxiosa; preòcupata; to not have a care in the world eser tote sine preòcupezo | (carefulness) atento; [attentiveness] atentiono; [caution] cautitio; [diligence] diligentitio; “handle with care” (on box) “frágila”; to have a care (be cautious) haber cautitio; to take care (be cautious) haber cautitio; take care! (habes) cautitio!; to take care not to atenter (aut guarder si) che homi no -es; atenter no -er; guarder si contre le -o; take care not to fall atentes no cader; to take care to atenter -er (aut che homi -es) | (charge) atento; [guardianship] guardo; (of minor) tutelo; [med.] flego; to be in the care of Dr. Kevorkian eser flegata da Dro. Kevorkian | [responsibility] càrichizo; responsivitio; care of (on letters) apud; Signore Mario, care of Nintendo Senioro Mario, apud Nintendo; to take care (look after) take care! (as good wishes) bone atentes vi!; to take care of (look after) atenter; [child] guarder; [med.] flegher; caregiver (of child) puer-atentisto; (of sick) fleghisto; caretaker (of building) edificii-atentisto; (of child) puer-atentisto; (of sick) fleghisto; caretaker government intervala gubernerío || vi (feel concern or interest) interesezer sopre; preòcuper si; all he cares about his money lo única cua interesan (aut importan ad) il es pecunio; I couldn’t care less ad mi lo tote (aut absolute) no importan; I don’t care lo no interesan (aut importan ad) mi; (not worried) mi no preòcupezan; (feel concern or interest in) what do I care (about that)? ad mi cuo importan (sopre ecuilo)?; to care to placeber ad homi -er; volitioner -er; to care for (like) amer; I don’t care for coffee ad mi no plaçan cafeo; I don’t much care for him mi no multe aman il; [love] I care very much for her mi multe amoran el | (look after) atenter; [the sick] flegher || adj careful (attentive) atentionema; (cautious) cauta; careful, man! there’s a beverage here! cautitio, cherlo! mi haban on bibedo enmanue! | (diligent) diligenta; (prudent) prudenta; (solicitous) preòcupata; careless (negligent) neatentionema; necauta; neglectema; carefree despreòcupata; netimosa; sine preòcupezo; careworn erosita da preòcupezo
  • careen vt [ship for repair] carin-rèparer || vi (of a ship: tilt) inclinezer; (speed unstably) vacile curer
  • career n (working life) carario; (history) historio || vi (careen) vacile curer
  • caress vt carecier || n carecio
  • caret n (typ.) insert-signo
  • carex n (bot.: Carex) cáriço
  • cargo n cárico
  • Carib n Caribo; Caribbean Sea Caribiisca Maro
  • caribou n (zool.: Rangifer tarandus) caribúo
  • caricature n caricaturo || vt caricaturer
  • caries n (med.) cario; to have caries (said of tooth) carier
  • carillon n (collection) campanelado; (tune) campanelad-ario; campanelad-músico
  • cariole n (carriage) cariolo; (dogsled) canícul-slito
  • carline thistle n (bot.: Carlina vulgaris) carlino
  • Carmel n (mountain or relig. order) Carmelo; Carmelite Carmelano
  • Carmelite n (friar or nun) Carmelano
  • carmine n (pigment) carminio || adj carminiea
  • carnage n mactado; masacro; (corpses, gore) mactajo; masacrajo
  • carnal adj carnisca; sensuala || n carnality sensualitio || vt to carnalize sensualifer
  • carnation n (bot: Dianthus caryophyllus) diantho; (color) carneo || adj carnea
  • carnelian n (min.) cornalino
  • carnify vt carnifer || vi carnecer
  • carnival n carnevalo
  • carnivore n carnívoro || adj carnivorous carnívora
  • carob n (bot.: Ceratonia siliqua) [tree] carubífero; [bean] carubo
  • carol n Natal-cantiono || vi Natal-canter
  • carom n (billiards) carambolo || vi caramboler
  • carotene n (chem.) caroteno
  • carotid adj (anat.) carótida || n carótido
  • carouse vi cràpuler; trinc-orgier || n carousal crápulo; trinc-orgio
  • carousel n (merry-go-round) caroselo; (hist.: tilting tournament) caroselo
  • carp n (zool.: Cyprinus carpio) carpo || vi to carp about crìticaċìader; discusaċader; to carp at crìticaċìader; reproċader
  • carpal adj carpalisca
  • carpel n (bot.) carpelo
  • carpenter n carpentaro; (joiner) lignajsto; carpentry (activity, art) carpentarío; (work made) carpentarìajo || vt carpentarìer
  • carpentum n (hist.) carpento
  • carpet n tapeto; carpet bombing tapet-bombijo || vt tapetizer
  • carpus n (anat.) carpalo
  • carrion n (bestii-)cadávero; carrion crow (zool.: Corvus corone) nigra corniço
  • carronade n (hist.) caronato
  • carrot n (bot.: Daucus carota subsp. sativus) caroto || adj carroty carotea; (of hair) rufa
  • carry vt (support and move from one place to another) porter; [bring] adporter; [disease] porter; [in a conveyance] veher; [in an MMORPG] porter; [transport] transporter; (support the weight of) subtener; suporter; [assume responsibility or blame] accepter; asumpter; [be pregnant with] eser grávida ye; [be responsible for the effectiveness or success of] eficacifer; succesifer; to carry the day triumfer | [financially] sustiner; (extend) [idea, activity] extenser; plu-longhifer; to carry something too far porter (aut prender) álico nim fore; (have, offer) haber; tener; to carry weight (have importance) importer | [in magazine, newspaper] èditer; impreser; presentationer; [meaning] expreser; haber; [on TV, radio] presentationer; [stock] haber; tener; we no longer carry the Today sponge nos no pluse haban la spongio Today; (math: transfer) trànsferer; transporter; (pol.) [approve by majority of votes] adopter; àprober; [gain state or district in election] guadanier; [persuade to adopt one’s policy] adoptifer; àprobifer; (transmit) [broadcast] haber; presentationer; [disease] porter; transmisioner; [publish] haber; impreser; presentationer; to carry away forporter; to carry forward (continue with) continuationer; durationifer; (fin.) trànsferer; transporter; to carry in enporter; to carry off forporter; forprender; (abduct) rapter; (kill) mortifer; (succeed in doing something difficult) succeser en/sopre; (win) guadanier; to carry on (engage in activity) òcuper si sopre; to carry oneself (behave) comporter; (stand or move in a particular way) autotener; to carry out [food, trash] ecporter; (effectuate) efectifer; executer; facer; to carry over (make remain) restifer; (postpone) postponer; to carry through (accomplish) completioner; finer; parfacer; (support through difficulty) adjuter álicu superecer; (sustain) sustiner || vi (of sound) portezer; to carry on (be debauched) debauċer; (behave badly) miscomporter; (continue) [doing] continuationer -er; durationifer -o; no cesationer -er; pluse -er; [existing] durationer; (make a fuss) parauler ècitite; (manage) aministrer; dìriger; to carry on with (have an affair with) haber on amor-afaro cum; to carry over (remain) rester || n carriage (means of conveyance) vecturo; [closed, horse-drawn vehicle] caróce(az)o; [horse-drawn vehicle for hire] fiacro; [of gun] afusto; [RR] vagono; (bearing, deportment) autoteno; camin-manario; comporto; vulto; (of typewriter) cariteto; (transportation) transporto; [cost] transport-costo; transport-pretio; carrier portanto; portisto; [means] portatro; (conduit) conductionatro; (conveyor of goods or people) transportisto; [aircraft carrier] avion-navo; [tele.] operatoro; [vehicle, device] transportatro; (device, substance) [pigment, catalyst, etc.] portatro; (elec.) portanta undo; (med., chem., genetics) portanto; portedoro; carrier pigeon curar-pipiono; carrying pole vecto || adj carried away (by enthusiasm) nim enthusiasmifata
  • cart n carito; (handcart) cariteto; cartage veho; carter caritisto; cartload plen-carito || vt caritijer; to cart off forcaritijer
  • carte n (menu) menuto; (dated: visiting card) vísit-carto; carte blanche blanċa carto; blanċo; plena lìberitio; plena potentitio; carte de visite (hist.) vísit-carto
  • cartel n (com.) cartelo
  • Cartesian adj Cartesiana; Cartesian diver, devil Cartesiana diábolo; Cartesiana plùmbicanto || n Cartesiano
  • Carthage n Carthago
  • carthamin n (chem.) carthamino
  • Carthusian n (monk, nun) Carthusiano || adj Carthusiana
  • cartilage n cartilágino
  • cartography n cartògrafío; cartographer cartógrafo
  • cartomancer n cartómanto; cartomancy cartomantío
  • carton n (container) carton-capso
  • cartoon n (art) cartuno; [animated film] animationita designiajo; designiaj-filmo; (anime) animeo; (humorous) animationita cartuno; cartun-filmo; [caricature] caricaturo; [comic strip] designiaj-bendo; (humorous) cartun-bendo; [preliminary sketch] carton-schizajo
  • cartouche n cartuċo
  • cartridge n cartoċo; cartridge pouch cartoċuyo
  • cartulary n càrtulado; (person) càrtulisto
  • caruncle n (med., bot., anat.) carúnculo
  • carus n (med.) comazo
  • carve vt (hard material) [chisel] ciselijer; [engrave, etch] graber; [gems] talier; [sculpt] sculpter; (meat, etc.) dispartifer; dispetiifer; dissecher; to carve to form talier
  • caryatid n (archit.) cariátido
  • cascade n cascato
  • cascara n (bot.: Rhamnus purshiana) cáscaro
  • case n (example, individual matter) caso; exemplo; get off my case! laces mi en paço!; such being the case en tala caso; case study cas-studo; in any case en omna caso; in case of case di; in case (that) case che; en la caso che; por la caso che; in no case en nula caso; in that case ecuil-case; en ecuila caso; casebook cas-libro; caseload cas-cárico | (instance, occurrence) caso; evento; eventualo; (ling., gram.) caso; (jur.) [arguments] argumentos; [basis, grounds] basamento; [lawsuit] lítigo; to make a case for argumenter por; facer argumentos por | (container) [box] capso; [cabinet] armario; [chest] cofro; [for something specific] stucio; -uyo; [glass showcase] vitrino; [protective covering] teġatro; [suitcase] valisio; (typ.) capso; lower case minúsculo; upper case majúsculo; casement (window) cárdin-fenestro; (lit.) fenestro; casing teġatro; (of window, door) cuadro || vt to case-harden superficie durifer
  • casein n caseíno
  • casemate n (hist.) casamato
  • caseous adj càseesca; caseous necrosis (med.) càseesca necrozo
  • casern n caserno
  • cash n (ready money) comptanto; cash book cápse-libro; cash discount comptanta rebas(aj)o; cash flow cápse-fluo; cash in hand cápseo-stando; encápsea sumo; cash register cápse-registrijatro; cash reserve pecunii-reservajo; for cash, in cash comptante; to be in cash haber pecunio; cashbox cápseo; cashier cápseisto || vt (convert to cash) comptantifer; to cash in (bonds, etc.) pecuniifer; to cashier (rare: dismiss in disgrace) destituter || vi to cash in on exploter; tirer profito ec; to cashier (work as cashier) eser cápseisto
  • cashew n (bot.: Anacardium occidentale) [nut] cajú-nuço; [fruit] cajú(-pom)o; [tree] cajùífero
  • cashmere n cashmiro
  • casino n casino
  • cask n baril(az)o; (tun) tonelo
  • casket n (jewel case) joyeluyo; (small box) cofreto; (coffin) cápulo
  • Caspian Sea adj Caspia Maro || n Caspio
  • cassation n (mus.) divertimento; serenato; (jur.) casationo
  • cassava n (bot.: Manihot esculenta) [root] manioco
  • casserole n (food) caserolajo; (saucepan) caserolo || vt caserolijer
  • cassette n caseto
  • cassia n (bot.: Cassia) [fruit] casio; [tree] casiífero
  • cassiterite n (min.) casiterito
  • cassock n (priest’s soutane) subtano; (hist.: musketeer coat) casaco
  • cassowary n (zool.: Casuarius) casuario
  • cast vt (throw) jacter; lancer; to cast headlong precìpiter; (direct) to cast a glance jacter on reguardo; to cast down (eyes) abaser | (discard) forjacter; [clothes] dejacter; deponer; [skin, antlers, hair] delacer; to cast aside forjacter; renuntier; to cast off abandoner; forjacter; [clothes] dejacter; [spouse] repudier; to cast out ecpelentier; ejecter; (let down) to cast anchor àncorijer; jacter la áncoro | (project) [shadow] projectioner; [spell] incanter; to cast doubt on dùbitandifer; poner en dúbito; (register a vote) to cast one’s ballot balotijer; to cast one’s vote votationer | (shape, arrange) [clay, wax, metal] moldijer; [horoscope] càlculer; [lots] loterìer; [print] stereotipifer; (theat.) [actor] asigner on rolo ad; castingher; rolizer; [play, movie, role] actorizer; castingher por; [role] asigner; (twist) [fabric] torcer; to cast something up to (reproach) reproċer álico ad; to cast up (math) sumifer; (reproach) jacter en la facio di álicu || vi to cast about for cercher; consìderer; to cast off (knitting) fin-tricoter; (naut.) delìtorecer; to cast on (knitting) tricotecer || n (throw) jacto; lanço; (appearance) aspecto; vulto; (mold) moldo; [molded object] moldijajo; (orthopedic) gips-bandaġo; (squint) strabitio; (theat.) actorado; casting couch cástinghi-sofao; cast iron ghiso; castaway nàufraghinto; caster (cruet) condimentuyo; (on furniture) roteto; casting jacto; lanço; (molded object) moldijajo; (of actors) castingo; casting vote decisiva votationo
  • castanet n castanieto
  • caste n castio
  • castellan n castel-dómino
  • castellate vt crenelizer
  • castigate vt (punish) puner; (reprimand) reprimendazer
  • castle n castelo; (chess: ♜) turo || vi (chess) adrocher
  • castor n (beaver hat) castor-capelo; (hist.: exudate from castor sacs of beaver) castóreo; Castor (astron.) Castore; castor bean (bot.: Ricinus communis) [plant] ricinífero; [seed] ricino; castor oil (from castor bean) ricin-óleo
  • castrate vt castrer
  • casual adj (informal) neformala; casual relationship neformala relationo | [occasional] nerègulasca; sporádica; casual acquaintance simpla cognoçato; casual observer ocasionisca observanto; casual sex líbera sexío | [offhand] neconsìderosa; nepensosa; (fortuitous) fortúita || n casuals (clothing) neformalajos; casualty (accident) accidento; (dead) mort(int)o; (loss) perdo; (victim) víctimo; (wounded) vùlnerito
  • casuist n casuisto; casuistry casuismo
  • cat n (zool.: Felis catus) cato; crazy cat lady fola catiriso (aut catosiso); to fight like cats and dogs harmonìer cuom catos et canículos; to let the cat out of the bag exposer la secreto; catcall (disapproving) físcul-buo; (lewd) fìsculuċo; catfish (internet) catfisho; (zool.: Siluriformes; internet) cat-piço; siluro; catfishing (internet) catfishío; catgut cátguto; catloaf cati-glómero; catnap dormeto; catnip, catmint (bot.: Nepeta cataria) cat-hérbulo; cat-mintho; cat-o’-nine-tails (hist.) nónupla flagelo || vt to catcall (disapprovingly) físcul-buer; (lewdly) fìsculuċer ad; to catfish (internet) catfishìer || vi to caterwaul cat-ùruler || adj catty despectosa; mal-volitionosa; catlike catesca
  • catachresis n catacreso
  • cataclysm n cataclismo
  • catacomb n catacumbo
  • catafalque n catafalco
  • catalepsy n (med.) catalepsío || adj cataleptic catalepsíaca
  • catalog n catálogo || vt encataloghifer
  • Catalonia n Catalunia; Catalan Cataluniano
  • catalpa n (bot.: Catalpa) catalpo
  • catalysis n (chem.) catáliso; catalyst catàlisedoro || vt to catalyze catàliser || adj catalytic catàlisisca; catàlisiva; catalytic converter catális-convertatro; catàlisatro
  • catamaran n catamarano
  • catamite n catamito
  • cataplasm n (med.) cataplasmo
  • catapult n (hist.) catapulto || vt lancer catapulte
  • cataract n (waterfall) cascatazo; (med.) cataracto
  • catarrh n (path.) cataro
  • catastrophe n catástrofo
  • catatonia n (psych.) catatonío || adj catatonic catatoníaca
  • catch vt (intercept and hold) capter; catch! captes!; to catch the eye capter la atentiono; incontrer la óculo | (seize) prender; sacer; (capture) arester; capter; haltifer; [fish] pischer; (contact, get a hold of) catch you later! usche rivido!; I can never catch him at home mi jamás succesan contactecer il focare; (contract) [disease] captezer (aut prendezer) da; (hear or understand) auder; comprenser; (hit) the bullet caught him in the arm il receptin la cuglo en sua brachio; la cuglo atingin il en iluya brachio; I caught my head on the beam la trabo shochin mea cápito; mi colpin mea cápito contre la trabo; (reach in time) [train, bus, flight] ariver en sufiçanta témporo por; capter (aut aborder, prender) (en sufiçanta témporo); (receive) her eyes caught the light eluya óculos reflexin la lúmino; this room catches the morning sun ecuista cambro receptan la solelo di la matino; (see, hear, visit) [concert, exhibition] vader ad; [radio show] auder; ausculter; [TV show, film] spectatorìer; vider; (take by surprise) surpriser; to catch someone doing something surpriser álicu façanta álico; you’ve caught me at a bad time vi trovin mi en on mala instanto; (trap) entrapifer; I caught my fingers in the door mea dígitos captezin en la portelo; I caught my hair in the thorns mea capilado enunchecin en la spinos; to catch one’s breath cesationer anheler || vi to catch on (become popular) modecer; popularecer; (understand) comprensecer; to catch up with (become up-to-date) riactualizer si; (overtake) rajunter || n (seizure) capto; prendo; saço; [fish] pischedo; (snare) captatro; (hidden disadvantage) trapo; [ruse] inganatro; catch-22 trapo 22 | (latch) clinco; (stopping mechanism) freno; haltifatro; (unevenness of voice) halteto; catchword (catchphrase) populara fraso; répet-fraso; catcher (baseball) receptedoro || adj catching (med.) contagionema; infectema; catchy fàciniva; unchigema; uncosa; caught up in (involved in, entangled in) ìmplichita (aut intrichita) en; catch-all generala; por omno; catchpenny ingenu-captiva
  • catechism n catechiz-libro; catechesis catechizado || vt to catechize catechizer
  • catechu n (also “cutch”, “cashoo”) cateċuo
  • catechumen n catecúmeno
  • category n categorío || vt to categorize categorìizer; clasìficher || adj categorical (absolute) absoluta; (unambiguously explicit and direct) clara; (log., gen.) categorìisca
  • catenary n caten-líneo
  • catenoid n catenoido
  • cater vt (provide food) (mangi-)proviser || vi to cater for (chiefly Brit.) (mangi-)proviser; to cater to (provide with what is needed) atenter; òferer servo ad; to cater to someone’s needs atenter la besonios di álicu; (try to satisfy need or demand) this magazine caters to tweens ecuista magazino es dìriġata ad anteadulteçantos || n caterer (mangi-)provisisto
  • caterpillar n (zool.; mech.) eruco
  • catharsis n (med., fig.) purgo || adj cathartic purghiva
  • cathedral n cathedralo
  • catheter n (med.) cathétero
  • cathetus n (geom.) catheto
  • cathode n cáthodo
  • catholic adj (universal) universala; (wide-ranging) diversa; Catholic Cathólica || n Cathólico; Catholicism Cathòlichismo; catholicity (diversity) diversitio; (universality) universalitio
  • cation n (chem.) cationo
  • catkin n (bot.) amento
  • catoptrics n catóptrico
  • catsup n chéċupo
  • cattle n bovos; cattle rustler bovi-furtisto; cattle shed bovayo; (bovi-)stábulo
  • catwalk n paserelo
  • Caucasus n (mountains) Cáucaso; Caucasia Càucasia || adj Caucasian (ling.) Càucasiensa; (re Caucasia) Càucasiana; (re Caucasus) Càucasana
  • caucus n (pol.) cauco
  • caudal adj caudesca; caudisca
  • caul n (anat.: greater omentum) omento; (bio.: membrane) cofio; (hist.: headdress) cofio
  • cauldron n calderono
  • cauliflower n (bot.: Brassica oleracea, group Botrytis) caulifloro
  • caulk n (or “calk”) calafatajo || vt calafater
  • cause n (that which gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition) causo; cause and effect causo et efecto; first cause unésima causo | (affair) afaro; cause célèbre famosa afaro | (motive) motivo; to show cause exposer la motivo; without cause nemotivosa | (origin) orígino; (purpose) obiectivo; for a good cause por on bona obiectivo; to make common cause with haber comuna obiectivo cum | (undertaking) interprenso; (jur.) afaro; lítigo; causality caus(isch)itio; efectifo; causation efectifo || vt (bring into existence) causìer; efectifer; producter; provocationer; (cause to be done) ficer (álico facita da álicu); ficer (facer álico); (cause to do) ficer (álicu facer álico); òbligher (álicu facer) || adj causal, causative caus(isc)a; causeless necausosa; nemotivosa
  • causeway n dic-vialo
  • caustic adj (chem.) cáustica; (fig.) mordanta; sarcasma || n (phys.) cáustico; (substance) cáustico; corosivo; lunar caustic (chem., archaic: silver nitrate) argenti-nitrato
  • cautery n cauterio || vt to cauterize cauteriijer
  • caution n (care to avoid danger) cautitio; [prudence] prudentitio; [warning] adverto; (bail) cautiono || vt (warn) adverter || adj cautionary advertema; exhortema; cautionary tale advert-raconto; cautious cauta; [prudent] prudenta
  • cavalcade n cabàlicantado
  • cavalier n (hist.: supporter of Charles I) monarchisto; (archaic: cavalryman) cabalarìano; (archaic: courtly gentleman) galanto; (archaic: escort) acompanianto || adj (arrogant) aroganta; superba; (offhand) desapretiosa; indiferenta; neconsìderosa; sine preòcupezo
  • cavalry n cabalarío; cavalryman cabalarìano
  • cavatina n (mus.) cavatino
  • cave n caverno; caveman cavernano || vi to cave in colapser; (fig.) ceder
  • caveat n adverto || vi caveat emptor guardes si la comprunto
  • cavern n caverno || adj cavernous cavernesca
  • caviar n caviaro
  • cavil vi discusaċer; frívole objectioner
  • cavity n cavo; forámino; (anat., bot.) alvéolo; (tooth decay) cario
  • cavort vi caprioler
  • cavy n (zool.: Cavia) cavio; (zool.: Cavia porcellus) cobayo
  • caw vi gracher
  • cay n coralia ìnsuleto
  • cayenne n (bot.: Capsicum annuum ‘Cayenne’) cayeno
  • cease vi cesationer; the work ceased la laboro cesationin || vt cesationer; to cease working cesationer laborer (aut laboro) | [action] cesationer || n ceasefire batalii-halto || adj ceaseless necesationanta; sine cesationo
  • cedar n (bot.: Cedrus) cedro
  • cede vt ceder
  • cedilla n (¸) cedilo
  • cedrate n (bot.) cedrato; (bot.: Citrus medica) citrono
  • cedula n cédulo
  • ceiling n tegmento; (aero.) tegmento
  • celandine n (bot.: Chelidonium majus) celidonio; (bot.: Ficaria verna) ficario
  • celebrate vt (with ceremony) cèlebrer; (with party) fester || n celebrant cèlebranto; celebrity (fame) famo; (famous person) famoso || adj celebrated (famous) famosa
  • celerity n ràpiditio
  • celery n (bot.: Apium graveolens, var. dulce) sélero
  • celestial adj (relating to heaven) celestiisca; (relating to the sky) celisca
  • celibate adj (chaste) casta; (unmarried) céliba || n celibacy castitio; cèlibitio
  • cell n (bio., gen.) célulo; cell phone célul-teléfono; celularo; telèfoneto | (elec. battery) pilio; cell block célul-edificio; cèlulado; celluloid celuloido; cellulose cèlulosio || adj cellular cèlulisca; cèlulosa; cellular network célul-reto
  • cellar n celario
  • cello n violoncelo; cellist violoncelisto
  • cellophane n celofano
  • Celsius adj Celsius; centígrada; 232.8 degrees Celsius 232,8 grados Celsius (aut centígrada)
  • Celt n Celto || adj Celtic (person) Celta; (thing) Celtisca
  • cement n cemento; (concrete) betono; cementation (geo., metall.) cementationo || vt (attach with cement) cementejer; (cover with cement) cementizer; (geol., metall.) cementationer
  • cemetery n cemeterio; tumbayo; (necropolis) necrópolo
  • cenobite n cenobito
  • cenotaph n cenotafio
  • cense vt incensizer || n censer incensizatro
  • censor n censuristo; censorship censuro | (hist.) censoro || vt (prohibit all or part of a book, movie, etc.) censurer || adj censorious condemnema; crìtichìema; reprimendema
  • censure vt condemner; reprimender || n condemno; reprimendo || adj censurable condemnanda; reprimendanda
  • census n censo; to take a census of censer
  • cent n (coin) “cent”; céntimo; (every 100) cento; two per cent duo po cento
  • centaur n (myth.) centauro; centaury (bot.: Centaurea) centáureo
  • centavo n céntimo
  • centenarian n cent-anuo
  • centenary n centésima aniversario
  • centennial adj di la centésima aniversario || n centésima aniversario
  • center n (middle) centro; medio; (focus of action or process) centro; center of attention centro di atentiono; center of gravity baricentro; centro di grávito; gráviti-centro | (place for specific activity) centralo; health center centralo di sanitio; (pol.) centro; centrism centrismo; centrist centristo | (sport) centro; centerfold (poster) centr-afigedo; centerpiece mens-ornajo; (fig.) principala atractivo || vt (concentrate) [on or around a concern or theme] concentrer; (put in center) [text] centrifer; to centralize centrischifer || vi concentrezer; converger; gràviter || adj central centr(isc)a; (principal) principala
  • centesimal adj cèntimisca
  • centiare n (square meter) centiaro
  • centigrade adj centígrada
  • centigram n centígramo
  • centiliter n centílitro
  • centime n céntimo
  • centimeter n centímetro
  • centipede n (zool.: Chilopoda) centi-pedo
  • cento n (rare) centono
  • centrifuge n centrìfugatro || vt centrìfugher || adj centrifugal centrìfughisca
  • centriliter n centrílitro
  • centripetal adj centrìpetisca
  • centuple adj céntupla || vt cèntuplifer
  • centurion n (hist.) centuriono
  • century n centenio; século; (hist.) centurio
  • cep n (bot.: Boletus edulis) nobiliar-boleto
  • cephalic adj càpitisca
  • cephalopod n (zool.) cefalópodo
  • Cepheus n (astron.) Céfeo; Cepheid variable Cèfeido
  • ceramic adj fíctila; teracocta; (glazed) faventia; fíctila || n ceramics (art) cerámico; (objects) ceràmicajos; faventios
  • cerate n (pharm.) cerato
  • cereal n (breakfast food) cerealajo; (grain) cerealo
  • cerebellum n (anat.) cerebelo
  • cerebrum n (anat.) telencéfalo; cerebration cerebrijo || vi to cerebrate cerebrijer || adj cerebral cerebrisca; intelectisca; telencèfalisca
  • cerecloth n (hist.) ceri-telo
  • cerement n (hist.) ceri-telo; (hist.: shroud) sudario
  • ceremony n ceremonio; to stand on ceremony facer la ceremonios || adj ceremonial ceremoniisca; ceremonious ceremoniosa
  • cerise n ceresio || adj ceresiea
  • cerium n (chem.: Ce) cerio
  • certain adj (confident) certana; to be certain of eser certana sopre; to become certain certanecer; (known for sure) certa; death is certain morter es certa; to make certain of certifer; (definite but unknown) alicuanta; to a certain extent alicuante; a certain amount of alicuanta; a certain Mr. Fabro called today on Senioro Fabro telèfonijin hodie; he commands a certain respect il inspiran alicuanta respecto; she has a certain something el haban on particulara álico; (definite but unspecified) cuida; a certain relative of yours stopped by cuida vua parento vísitin; certain things should not be discussed in public cuida afaros homi no discuses públiche || adv certainly (assuredly) certane; certe; nedùbitose; ya || n certainty (conviction) certanitio; (sure thing) certo
  • certify vt (attest or confirm in a formal statement) certìficher; [after investigation] constater; (officially recognize as meeting certain qualifications) certìficher; diplomizer; [authorize] yurizer; [declare insane] certìficher como fola || n certificate atest(aj)o; certífic(aj)o; certificate of birth certífico je naço; certificate of health certífico je salubritio; certificate of marriage certífico je marito | [univ., etc.] diplomo; certification atesto; certífico || adj certifiable (insane) (certìfichébile) fola; certified certìfichita; (authorized) àprobita; yurizita; [check] certìfichita; (declared insane) certìfichita como fola; (in profession) diplomizita
  • certitude n certanitio; complete metaphysical certitude absoluta metafìsichisca certanitio
  • cerulean adj azura; cel-blava
  • cerumen n (med.) cerúmino
  • ceruse n (archaic: white lead) ceruso
  • cervix n (anat.: cervix uteri) cerviço (aut colo) di la útero
  • cesarean n cesáreo
  • cessation n cesationo; halto
  • cession n cedo; cessionary cedatario
  • cesspool n (or cesspit) absorpti-púteo; latrin-foso; (fig.) to let politics become a cesspool, and then avoid it because it is a cesspool, is a double crime lacer político esecer on sentino, et eviter li pro che li es on sentino, es on crímino dupla
  • cestus n (hist.) cesto
  • cetacean n (zool.: Cetacea) cetáceo
  • Ceylon n (hist.) Ceilania
  • Chad n Ċadia; Chadian Ċadiano
  • chafe vt (irritate) (fric-)iriter; [cables, etc.] làcer(et)er; [fig.] despatientifer; (med.: excoriate) excorier; (warm by rubbing) fric-caldifer || vi (irritate) (fric-)iritecer; [cables, etc.] làcer(et)ezer; [fig.] despatientecer; (med.) excoriezer || n chafing dish platel-caldifatro
  • chafer n (zool.: Melolontha) melolontho
  • chaff n (husk) fúrfuro; sílicuo; [worthless bits, trash] versuro; (banter) deriseto; joca deriso; (straw used as fodder) fodro
  • chaffer vi (archaic: haggle) mercantejer || n (archaic: haggling) mercantejo
  • chaffinch n (zool.: Fringilla coelebs) pinciono
  • chagrin n ċagrino; much to my chagrin cum (aut ye) mea granda ċagrino || vt ċagrinifer; (vex) vexer
  • chain n (literal and fig.) cateno; (surveyor’s) mensur-cateno (20,12 metros); chain gang catenizita laborantado; chain letter caten-létero; chain lightning zigzag-fúlmino; chain link caten-anelo; chain mail (armor) malii-armoro; (mesh) malio; chain of command mandation-cateno; chain of events cateno (aut serio) di eventos; chain of stores cateno di bothecos; chain reaction caten-reacto; chain stitch caten-suto; chain store caten-botheco; chainsaw caten-serationatro; chain-smoker (habitual smoker) custumasca fumegedoro; (one who smokes continually) caten-fumegedoro || vt (fetter) catenizer; (link together) catenifer || vi to chain-smoke caten-fumejer
  • chair n (furniture) sedilo; [speaker’s] cáthedro; chairlift telesedilo; chairman, chairperson presidanto || vt (preside over) presider
  • chaise n (hist.) birotieto; chaise longue longa sedilo
  • chalaza n (bio.) khalazo
  • chalcedony n (min.) calcedonio
  • Chaldea n (hist.) Cáldea
  • chalet n ċaleto
  • chalice n cáliço
  • chalk n (calcium carbonate) creto; (hydrated calcium sulfate; gypsum) gipso; (for writing) creti-lápido; gipsi-lápido; chalkboard creti-tábulo || vt to chalk something up to (ascribe to) atribuer álico ad || adj chalky creta, -osa, -esca
  • challenge n (dare) [to competition, fight, etc.] defío; (dispute) contesto; [by sentry] haltejo; [jur.: objection] objectiono; [jur.: recusal] recuso; challenger defìanto; (jur.) recusanto || vt (dare) [to competition, fight, etc.] defìer; (dispute) contester; [as sentry] haltejer; [jur.: object to] objectioner; [jur.: recuse] recuser || adj challenged (impaired) difìcilizita; vertically challenged altitie difìcilizita; visually challenged vide difìcilizita; challenging defìanta; provocationiva; (difficult) difícila; (stimulating) stìmulanta
  • chalybeate adj ferosa
  • chamade n (mil.) ċamato
  • chamber n cambro; (of gun) focil-cambreto; chamber music músico di cambro; chamber of commerce cambro di comercio; Chamber of Deputies Cambro di Deputitos; chamber pot nocti-vaso; chambermaid cambrist(is)o
  • chamberlain n (hist.) ċambelano
  • chameleon n (zool.: Chamaeleonidae) cameleono
  • chamfer vt (archit.) ċanfrenizer || n ċanfreno
  • chamfron n (hist.: also chaffron, chamfrein, chanfron, shaffron, et. al.) càpitaro (aut frontaro) (di cabalo)
  • chamois n (zool.: Rupicapra rupicapra) camoço
  • chamomile n (bot.: Matricaria chamomilla, Chamaemelum nobile, et al.) camomilo
  • champagne n ċampanio
  • champion n campiono; champion boxer box-campiono; championship campionitio; (defense of cause) defenso || vt campionìer; combater por; defenser
  • chance n (fortuitous occurrence) fortúito; by chance fortúite; to leave nothing to chance lacer nulo ad fortúito | (opportunity) oportunajo; the chance of a lifetime la oportunajo di homuya vivo; to miss one’s chance perder sua oportunajo | (probability of success, good or bad) posìbilitio; probàbilitio; he never stood a chance il habin nula posìbilitio; il potin facer nulo; I can’t lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathies mi no potan mendacier ad vos sopre vostra posìbilitios, mas vos haban mea compasiono; chances are that lo es maxim probábila che; on the off chance that por la eventualo che | (risk) risco; to take a chance èprober la posìbilito; facer on risco; rischer si; I’m not taking any chances mi no desíderan rischer mi || vt (risk) rischer || vi to chance upon fortúite trover (aut vider, incontrer) || adj (fortuitous) fortúita; (random) aleatoria; chancy (risky) riscosa; (unpredictable) fortùitosa
  • chancel n corayo
  • chancellery n (place) cancelarayo; (rank) cancelaritio
  • chancellor n cancelaro; Chancellor of the Exchequer (Brit.) Ministro di Finantio; Lord High Chancellor (Brit.) Ċefa Cancelaro
  • chancery n (court of equity) corto di ecuitato; (Brit.: chancellor’s court) cancelar-corto
  • chancre n (med.) ċancro
  • chandelier n lustro
  • chandler n (hist.: dealer in household items) provisisto; (hist.: maker or seller of candles) candelisto
  • change vt (alter) cambiejer; [order] permuter; (modify) modìficher; (transform) transformifer; the prince was changed into a frog la príncipo esin transformifita ad on rano; (exchange) excambier; (take or use another instead of) cambier; to change clothes cambier sua vestado; to change color cambier sua coloro; to change hands cambier la patrono (aut proprietanto); transdonezer; to change one’s mind cambier sua opino; to change trains cambier traino; prender áltera traino; (in compounds) to change up (Brit.: upshift) cambier ad on súpera velocitatumo; (informal: make different, or do differently) alterationer; àlterifer; cambiejer; she had to change up her entire filming routine el debin cambiejer sua tota rutino di filmijer || vi (alter) cambiejezer; you haven’t changed a bit! vi tote no cambiejezin! | [seasons] alterner; (vary) varier || n (alteration) cambiejo; change of life menopauso; for a change por vario | (substitution) cambio; two changes of underwear dua reservajos je subvesto; subvestos por dua cambios | [coins] monetos; changeling substitutionita bebo; changer [of money] (moneti-, pecunii-)excambiisto; (tech.) cambiatro || adj changeable cambi(eg)ezema, -ébila; variema; (inconstant) neconstanta; changeless nevariiva; sine cambiejezo
  • channel n (watercourse, TV channel) canalo; The (English) Channel Mánica Canalo | [strait] mar-strictayo; [stream bed] flu-lecto; (groove) [archit.; rifling] caneluro; [furrow] sulco; [joinery] ranuro; (of communication) vialo; to go through the usual channels secuer la normasca vialos || vt [region; spirit] canalizer; (canalize) [river] canalifer; (direct) dìriger; (groove) [archit.; rifling] canelurizer; [furrow] sulchizer; [joinery] ranurizer
  • chanson n cantiono
  • chant vt (plan-)canter
  • chanterelle n (bot.: Cantharellus cibarius) cantharelo
  • chaos n caoso || adj chaotic caosesca
  • chap vi (of the lips) findetezer || vt (the lips) findeter || n findetajo; (Brit: man or boy) cherlaso; I say, old chap! auscultes, cherlucio!; chap stick bálsam-bastoneto; chaps (worn by cowboys) ċaparero
  • chaparral n ċaparalo
  • chapeau n capelo
  • chapel n capelio
  • chaperone n ċaperono || vt ċaperonìer
  • chapfallen adj (archaic: dejected) depresita; (archaic: exhausted) exhaustita
  • chaplain n capeliano; clérico di armato; clérico di guer-navo
  • chaplet n cápiti-ghirlando
  • chapter n (of book) capítulo; (of church) canonicalado; (of society) branchi-societo; filiala societo
  • char vt (blacken the surface of by burning) carbonifeter; [scorch] ardetifer || vi (Brit., dated: work as a cleaning woman) dom-nitifer || n (Brit., dated: cleaning woman) dom-nitifistiso
  • charabanc n (hist.) ċarabanco; scamni-vecturo
  • character n (distinctive nature) caráctero; personalitato; person of good character persono di bona caráctero (aut rèputezo); this sudden generosity is totally out of character for him ecuista neexpectata generositio es nulo tipasca di il | [bio.] caráctero; [moral fortitude] moralitatisca fortitio; [originality] originalitio; [reputation] rèputezo; (person) persono; larger-than-life character personazo; persono plu granda cam lo naturasca; shady characters suspectandos | [interesting or amusing individual] eccéntrico; extráneo; character actor carácter-actoro; caràcteristo; he’s quite a character il es on vera extráneo (aut eccéntrico) | [theat., cine.] personaġo; main character protagonisto; player character jochisti-persono | [theat., cine.: role] rolo; let’s get into character nos pones nos en la rolo; (typ.) caráctero; character set caràcterado; characteristic caràcterizivo; distintivo; (bio.) caráctero; (math) característico; characterization caràcterizo; distinto || vt to characterize caràcterizer; cualìficher; distinter || adj characteristic (distinguishing) caràcteriziva; distintiva; (typical) tipasca || adv characteristically caràcterizive; tipasche
  • charade n (absurd pretense) farço; charades (game) ċarado
  • charcoal n ligni-carbono; charcoal pencil (art) carbon-lápido; charcoal sketch carbon-designiajo
  • chard n (bot.: Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) folii-beto; (bot.: Cynara cardunculus) cardono
  • charge vt (fin.) [ask for sum] èxiger; facturizer; [buy on credit] crédite comprer; dèbitifer; [debit account, person] dèbitizer; [debit sum, item purchased] dèbitifer; [make pay] paghifer; (assault) asalter; (entrust) comisioner; confider ad; (load, fill) [battery, gun, etc.] càrichizer; (jur.) [accuse] acuser; [impute] ìmputer || n (fin.) [cost] costo; pretio; [debit] débito; cash or charge? comptante aut crédite?; free of charge gratúita; nepagonda | (assault) asalto; to sound the charge sonifer por asalto | (burden) cárico; ónero; (elec.) cárico; (entrustment) comisiono; (responsibility) responsivitio; [person entrusted to one’s care] guardato; tutelato; to be in charge comander; mandationer; responser; who’s in charge here? cua responsan (aut comandan, mandationan) hic?; to be in charge of dìriger; guarder; (mil.) comander; to take charge of asumpter; prender (aut càrichifer) sur si | (shot) cartoċo; dìsparedo; (jur.) [accusation] acuso; [imputation] ímputo; charger (device) [elec.] càrichizatro; (person) asaltanto; (hist.: fast warhorse) cursorio || adj chargeable (fin.) [person, account] dèbitizébila; [sum] dèbitifébila; (jur.) [offense] ìmputébila; [person] acusébila
  • chargé d’affaires n càrichizito per afaros
  • charily adv caute; prudente
  • chariot n guer-carito; (light carriage) caróceo; charioteer guer-caritisto
  • charisma n carismo || adj charismatic carismosa
  • charity n (alms) elemósino; (benevolence) bon-facemitio; bon-volitiono; caritato; (leniency) clementitio; indulgemitio; (organization) bon-facerío; caritatisca òrganizajo; elemòsinerío || adj charitable elemòsinizema; elemòsinosa; (benevolent) bon-facema; caritatosa; (lenient) clementa; indulgema
  • charlatan n ċarlatano
  • charlock n (bot.: Sinapis arvensis) silvagi-mustardo; sinapo
  • charlotte n (culin.) ċarloto
  • charm n (delightfulness) cármino; to turn on the charm càrminecer; (pleasantness) agratàbilitio; (attractiveness) atractivitio; (fascination) fácino; (magic) [amulet] amuleto; [bewitchment] incanto; [enchanted item] incantatro; [talisman] talismano; (ornament for necklace, bracelet, etc.) breloco; charms (feminine) seductatros; (pleasant side) agratàbilajos || vt (delight) càrminer; (be pleasant to) eser agratábila ad; (bewitch) incanter; (fascinate) fàciner || adj charming càrminanta, -iva; fàciniva; seductiva
  • charnel house n osteayo
  • chart n (sheet of information) [diagram] diagramo; [graph] infográfico; [schema] schémato; [table] tabelo; the charts (mus.) la (mùsichisca) succes-listo; (map) (mar-)mapo || vt (plot) [course] tractier || vi (enter the music charts at a particular position) eser en la succes-listo
  • charter n (authorization) cártulo || vt (grant a charter to) càrtulizer; (reserve, hire) [ship] cártul-locatarìer
  • chartreuse n (color) Carthusianeo; (liqueur) Carthusiana licuoro
  • chary adj (wary) cauta; (sparing) sparniema
  • chase vt persecuter; to chase away forpelentier; (hunt) cacier; (engrave metal) graber || n (hunt) cacio; (Brit.: place reserved for hunting) caciayo; (archaic: hunted animal) caciedo; (of gun) fusto; chaser (drink) posttrinchedo
  • chasm n abiso
  • chassis n ċasio
  • chaste adj casta || n chastity castitio
  • chasten vt (humble) hùmilifer; (archaic: punish) puner
  • chastise vt (rebuke) reprimender; (dated: punish) pun-batuer
  • chasuble n cásulo
  • chat vi convers(et)er || n (conversation) convers(et)o; (discussion) discuso; chat room conversayo || adj chatty convers(et)ema
  • château n (manor house) dòminayo; manorio; (fortified) casteleto; (mansion) mansiono; palatieto; (palace) palatio; (castle) castelo
  • châtelain n castel-dómino; châtelaine (dated) castel-dòminiso; patroniso; (hist.: belt chains) cinti-catenado
  • chattel n (movébila) posesedo
  • chatter vi (people, animals, or machines) gàruler; (teeth) clacader || n gárulo; (of teeth) clacado; chatterbox gàrulemo
  • chauffeur n ċauforo
  • chauvinism n Ċauvinismo; chauvinist Ċauvinisto || adj chauvinist Ċauvinista
  • chaw n (informal: chewing) mástico; (informal: something chewed) màstichedo
  • cheap adj (inexpensive) necostosaza; (contemptible) desèstimanda; (of little worth) bas-valoranta || n cheapskate (informal) avaro || vt to cheapen (make inexpensive) ficer necostosaza; (debase) desnòbilifer
  • cheat vi [in exam, test, game] frauder; to cheat on (be unfaithful) inganer || vt (deceive) inganer; (defraud) frauder || n (person) fraudemo, -edoro; [scoundrel] pícaro; (act) fraudo; ingano; cheat sheet abscondita adjutatro
  • check vt (control by examining) controler; [informal: look at] reguarder; (consign) [coat] depòsiter; [luggage] registrijer; (curb, restrain) bridijer; frenijer; haltifer; mòderer; (in chess) shacher; to checkmate shac-mater | (mark or click on) control-marchizer; to check in (at hotel, etc.) enregistrifer; to check off control-marchizer; to check out (look at) ecce!; reguarder; check out the big brain on Brett! ecce la granda cerebro en Brett! | [examine] exàminer; [investigate] invèstigher; (ring up purchases) [cashier] (cápse-)registrijer; [customer] pagher || vi to check in (at hotel, etc.) enregistrecer; to check on (examine, verify) controler; verìficher; (investigate) invèstigher; to check out (agree) [stories, alibis] concorder; (from hotel, etc.) ecregistrecer; pagher et partier; to check up on (investigate) invèstigher; [person, story] controler || n (examination, verification) controlo; checks and balances controlos et contrepesantos; checkpoint control-punto | (bank) ċeco; checkbook ċecado; ċechi-cuaderno | (curbing, restraint) brid(ij)o; fren(ij)o; haltifo; módero; in check bridijata | (in chess) shaco; checkmate shac-mato | (square) cuadrato; check mark control-marco; checker (cashier) càpseisto; (verifier) [device] controlatro; [person] controlisto; checkers (game) dòminisos; checking (examination, verification) controlo; checking account ċechi-conto; checklist control-listo; checkout (in supermarket) (cápse-)registrijatro; checkout girl càpseistiso; checkroom depòsitayo di bagaġo; enscribayo di bagaġo; checkup controlo; (by doctor) exámino || adj checkered cuadratizita; shac-tàbulesca
  • cheek n (anat.) genalo; to turn the other cheek òferer la áltera genalo | (informal: gluteus) nático; cheekbone zigomo | (informal: impertinence) impertinentitio || adj cheeky (impertinent) impertinenta
  • cheep n pipio || vi pipier
  • cheer vi (shout in joy or praise or encouragement) hurá-clamer; to cheer up (become less miserable) consolezer; cheer up! coraġo! || vt (acclaim) aclamer; viv-clamer; (encourage) coragizer; (as a cheerleader) ċerer; to cheer up (console) consoler; (gladden) alecrifer || n (mood) be of good cheer! coraġo!; (eses) alecra! | [cheerfulness] alecritio; (shout) hurá-clamo; viv-clamo; [acclaim] aclamo; cheers! (ad vua) sanitio! || adj cheerful, cheery alecra; cheerless sombra; trista
  • cheese n (culin.) cáseo; say cheese! (phot.) surises! | (informal: obvious sentimentality) sentimental(aċ)ismo; cheeseburger hamburghero cum cáseo; cheesecake (culin.) cáse-cuco; (phot.) glamor-fotògrafío; cheesemaker càseefisto || adj cheesy (in taste, smell, consistency) càseesca; (informal: blatantly inauthentic, contrived) [book, movie, song] afectationanta; cliċea; nim-dramosa; sentimental(aċ)a; [smile] exàgerita; hienisca; (informal: of poor quality) bas-valoranta
  • cheetah n (zool.: Acinonyx jubatus) ghepardo
  • chef n (head cook) ċef-cocinisto
  • chef d’œuvre n magistrajo; (chief work) ċef-opro
  • chemical adj chìmichisca || n chìmicajo
  • chemise n ċemiso; chemisette ċemiseto
  • chemist n chìmichisto; (Brit.: pharmacist) fàrmacisto; chemistry (science; consistency) chímico
  • cheque n Brit. spelling of “check”
  • cherish vt (protect and care for lovingly) atenter; flegher; protecter; (hold dear) amer; apreti(az)er; [hope] nutrer; sustiner; [memory] conserver; [person] afectioner
  • cheroot n ċeruto
  • cherry n (bot.: Prunus) ceresio; cherry laurel (bot.: Prunus laurocerasus) ceresii-lauro; cherry tree ceresiífero | (vulg.: hymen) floro; to pop someone’s cherry desflorizer (aut desvirginifer) álicu || vt to cherry-pick selecter
  • cherub n (myth.) chérubo || adj cherubic chèrubesca
  • chervil n (bot.: Anthriscus cerefolium) cerefolio
  • chess n shac-joco; shacos; to play chess shac-jocher; chessboard shac-tábulo; chessman shac-petio
  • chest n (anat.) péctoro; chest cold (path.) acuta bronchito | (box) cofro; [cabinet] medicine chest medicament-armario; chest of drawers comodalo
  • chesterfield n (sofa) sofao
  • chestnut n (bot.: Castanea) castáneo; chestnut tree castàniífero; sweet chestnut (bot.: Castanea sativa) comuna (aut dulci-) castáneo; marono || adj castáne-bruna; castàneea
  • cheval glass n Psiche-spéculo
  • chevalier n cabaliaro
  • chevron n (mil., heraldry: 𝝠) caprono
  • chew vt màsticher; to chew the cud rùminer || n (for dogs) mástichi-jocatro; chewing gum mástichi-gumo
  • chiaroscuro n (art) clar-obscuro
  • chiastolite n (min.) chiastolito
  • chic adj shica || n shichitio
  • chicane n (racing obstacle) obstáculo; (archaic: chicanery) ċicano; chicanery ċicano || vt (archaic: trick) ċicaner || vi (archaic: employ chicanery) ċicaner
  • Chicano n Méxican-Usonano
  • chichi adj shicaċa
  • chick n (baby bird) aucelolo; [baby chicken] pulolo; (informal: woman) cherliso; chickweed (bot.: Stellaria) stelario; (bot.: Stellaria media) pul-herbaċo
  • chickadee n (zool.: Poecile) mesengo
  • chicken n (zool.: Gallus gallus domesticus) pulo; [as food] pul-carno; [hen] puliso; [rooster] pulaso; chicken coop pulayo | (informal: coward) codardo; chickenpox (pathol.) varicelo || adj (informal: cowardly) codarda
  • chickpea n (bot.: Cicer arietinum) cícero
  • chicory n (bot. Cichorium intybus) cicorio
  • chide vt reprimender
  • chief n (leader) ċefo; chieftain (clan-)ċefo; (trib-)ċefo || adj (in rank) ċefa; chief justice ċefa júdiço | (principal) principala || adv chiefly (principally) principale || afx -in-chief ċef-; ċefa; commander-in-chief ċef-comandanto
  • chiffchaff n (zool.: Phylloscopus collybita) ċifċafo
  • chiffon n ċifono
  • chignon n ċiniono
  • chigoe n (zool.: Tunga penetrans) ċico
  • child n (minor) puero; [baby] bebo; [toddler] infanto; [little child] júvena (aut parva) puero; [preadolescent] anteadulteçanto; [teenager] adulteçanto; child abuse mal-tracto je puero; child care atento je pureo; child labor puer-laboro; children’s ball puer-balo; childhood pueritio; childishness (act) pueriscajo; (state) puerischitio | (offspring) filio; with child grávida; childbed (archaic) parturo; childbirth parturo; child-in-law afina filio; gendro; children (minors) pueros; (offspring) filios || adj childish puerisca, -esca; childless nefiliosa; childbearing fecunda; childlike pueresca; childproof puer-èprobita; puer-imuna
  • Chile n Ċile; Chilean Ċileano
  • chili n (chili pepper) ċilio; chili con carne ċilio cum carno
  • chill n (coldness) frìgiditio; (path.) frìgidumo; chilblains (med.) perniono || vt frìgidifer; (refrigerate) refrìgerer; to chill out (calm down and relax) trancuilifer || vi to chill (out) (calm down and relax) trancuilecer; (pass time without particular aim) paser la témporo; to watch Netflix and chill (euph.) spectatorìer Netflix et laxecer || adj chilly frígida
  • chime n (bell or set of bells) campanel(ad)o; (sound) son(if)o || vi soner; (Brit.: be in harmony) harmonìer; to chime in interponer
  • chimera n (myth.) chimero
  • chimney n caminato; ċemineo; chimney cowl caminat-caputio; chimney flue caminat-túbulo; chimney pot caminat-tùbuleto; chimney stack caminat-córporo; chimneysweep caminatisto
  • chimpanzee n (zool.: Pan) ċimpanzeo
  • chin n (anat.) mentono; chinstrap menton-corigio
  • China n Ċina; (porcelain) porcelano; Chinese Ċinano || adj Chinese aster (bot.: Callistephus chinensis) Ċinana astero; Chinese lantern ilumination-lámpado; lampiono
  • chinchilla n (zool: Chinchilla) ċinċilo
  • chine n spinalajo; (Brit.: ravine) ravino
  • chink n (crack, slit) findajo; (sound) clangheto || vt clanghetifer || vi clangheter
  • chintz n ċinço
  • chip n (fragment) fragmento; chipboard aglòmerita ligno | (hole or mark) breċeto; (comput.) ìntegrifita circúito (aut i.c.); (culin.: French fry) frictajo; frictita patato; (culin.: potato chip) ċipo || vt (break off) desecheter; fragmentifer; (make a break on the edge or surface of) breċetizer; rumpeter || vi (break off) fragmentecer; (break on the edge or surface) breċetefer; rumpetezer
  • chipmunk n (zool.: Tamias) tamio
  • chiragra n (med.) chiragro
  • chiromancy n chiromantío; chiromancer chiromanto
  • chiropter n (zool.: member of Chiroptera) chiróptero
  • chirp vi [bird] pipier; [cricket] strìduler || n pipio
  • chirurgery n (archaic: surgery) chirurghío
  • chisel n ciselo || vt ciselijer
  • chit n (note) noto; [ticket] bileto; [voucher] atestajo; cuitantio; cupono; debition-atesto; pag-atesto; (girl) pueraċiso; (sprout) súrculo
  • chital n (zool.: Axis axis) ċitalo
  • chitchat n gárulo
  • chitin n (biochem.) chitino
  • chitterlings n (or “chitlins”) intestinajo
  • chivalry n (code) cabaliarismo; (quality) cabaliaritio; [courage] coraġo; [gallantry] galantitio; (hist.: knights collectively) cabaliarado || adj chivalrous cabaliaresca, -isca; (courageous) coraġosa; (gallant) galanta
  • chives n (bot.: Allium schoenoprasum) cepuleto
  • chivvy vt (Brit.: coerce by persistent requests) molester; (Brit.: pursue) persecuter
  • chlamydia n (path.) clamidio
  • chlamys n (hist.) clámido
  • chloral n (chem.) cloralo
  • chlorate n (chem.) clorato
  • chloric adj (chem.) clórica; chloric acid clórica ácido
  • chloride n (chem.) cloruro
  • chlorine n (chem.: Cl) cloro || vt to chlorinate clorizer
  • chloroform n (chem.) cloroformo || vt cloroformijer, -izer
  • chlorophyll n (biochem.) clorofilo
  • chlorosis n (bot., med.) clorozo || adj chlorotic (affected by chlorosis) clorózaca; (pertaining to chlorosis) clorozisca
  • chlorpromazine n (med.) clorpromazino
  • choana n (anat.) coano
  • chock n (wedge) cúneo || vt cùneijer
  • chock-full adj tote plenifita
  • chocolate n ċocolato; hot chocolate calda ċocolato || adj ċocolata; (in color) ċocolatea
  • choice n (act) selecto; (option) optiono; selectébilo; [alternative] alternativo; (preference) prèferato; (thing chosen) selectito || adj (selected) selectita; [goods, food] bonaza; prèferanda; selectanda; [remark, example] apta; bone selectita; convenanta; pro-choice favoranta selecto
  • choir n coro; (place) corayo; choirmaster cor-ċefo
  • choke vt (suffocate) sùfocher; [obstruct the throat] afocher; in a voice choked with emotion per on voço afocata da emotiono | [strangle] strànguler; [tech.] asfixier; (obstruct) obstructer; a street choked with traffic on strado incombrita (aut obstructita) da tráfico | [stop up] obturer; to choke back [tears, feelings] represer; sùfocher; to choke down pen-gluter || vi (suffocate) sùfochezer; [tech.] asfixiezer || n (auto.) start-adjutatro; (mech.) obturatro; chokehold stràngul-saço
  • choler n (medieval sci., med.) flava bilo; (archaic: anger, irascibility) iracemitio; iraço || adj choleric (bad-tempered) iracema; (hist.) colérica
  • cholera n (path.) cólero
  • cholesterol n colesterolo
  • chomp vi màsticazer; [horse’s bit] morder || adj to be chomping at the bit (to do something) eser nepacienta (por facer álico)
  • choose vt selecter; (elect to office) electioner || adj choosy difícila contentifer; difícile contentifébila; èxigedora
  • chop vt hacher; [with axe] haċijer; to chop off dehacher || n (act) haco; judo chop! judó-haco! | [with axe] haċijo; (part cut off) dehacajo; dehachedo; [cutlet] costulito; chopper (person) hachisto; haċisto; (tool) [axe] haċo; [cleaver] hac-cultelo; (vehicle) [helicopter] helicóptero; [motorcycle] ċopero; chophouse costuliterio; chopstick manġ-bastoneto || adj choppy [sea, wind] àgitita; turbulenta; [wind] variema
  • chop suey n (culin.) çapsúi
  • chord n (mus.) acordo; [string] cordo; (anat.) cordo; (geom.) cordo
  • chore n tasco; (unpleasant task) corveo
  • chorea n (med.) coreo
  • choreography n coreògrafío; choreographer coreógrafo
  • chorister n (choir member) corano; (choir leader) cor-ċefo
  • choroid n (anat.) coroido
  • chortle vi rider alecre
  • chorus n (choir) coro; (refrain) refreno; chorale (choir) coro; (mus.) coralo || adj choral corisca
  • chough n (zool.: Pyrrhocorax) cravo
  • chow n (informal: food) mangedo; (dog) ċau; chow mein ċauméin
  • chowder n (pici-)supo
  • chrestomathy n (formal) crestomathío
  • chrism n crismo
  • Christ n Cristo; Christian Cristiano; Christianity Cristianismo || adj Christian Cristiana; Cristianisca; Christian name bapti-nómino; donita nómino; prenómino
  • christen vt bapter || n Christendom Cristia
  • Christmas n Natalo; Christmas eve la vigilio ante Natalo; Christmas gift Natal-doredo; Christmas tree Natal-árboro
  • chromate n (chem.) cromato
  • chromatic adj (mus., color) cromática
  • chromatography n cromatògrafío; chromatograph cromatógrafo
  • chrome n cromo; chrome steel crom-aciario; chrome yellow crom-flavo
  • chromium n (chem.: Cr) cromo || adj chromium-plated cromizita
  • chromolithography n (hist.) cromolithògrafío; chromolithograph (hist.) cromolithògrafajo
  • chromosome n (bio.) cromosomo
  • chronic adj (persisting for a long time) [disease, problem] crónica; [habit] custumisca; (habitual, inveterate) [liar, smoker] inveterata; usche-osta
  • chronicle n cronículo || vt cronìculifer; registrijer; reporter
  • chronology n cronòloghío; chronologist cronólogo || adj chronological cronòloghìasca
  • chronometer n cronómetro
  • chrysalis n (bio.) crisálido
  • chrysanthemum n (bot.: Chrysanthemum) crisanthemo
  • chrysolite n (min.) peridoto
  • chub n (zool.: Squalius cephalus) capitino || adj chubby (plump) graseta; [cheeks] genalosa
  • chuck vt (throw) jacter; [discard] forjacter; [give up, abandon] abandoner; renuntier || n (cut of beef) spáthula bifsteco; (tech.) [of drill] puntaliero; [of lathe] axiero; (wedge, chock) cúneo; (informal) [food] mangedo; chuck wagon provisi-caritazo
  • chuckle vi rider represe; rideter
  • chum n amico; camarato; cumo; (chopped fish as bait) lur-carnajo || adj chummy amica
  • chump n ingenuo; stulto
  • chunk n maseto; petio || adj chunky (person) grosa; (food) petiosa; sòlidosa
  • church n (building) eclesiayo; templo; (institution) eclesio; church-goer eclesiano; churchyard cemeterio; tumbayo
  • churl n (rude person) descorteso; grosario; (mean person) malitatoso; meschino; (unpleasant person) desafábilo || adj churlish (rude) descortesa; grosaria; (mean) malitatosa; meschina; (unpleasant) desafábila
  • churn n butirefatro || vt (make butter) butirifer; (stir) àgiter; fruler || vi (stir) àgitezer; frulezer
  • chute n (shaft) púteo; (slide) deglisayo
  • chutney n (culin.) ċatnio
  • chyle n (physiol.) chilo
  • chyme n (physiol.) chimo
  • ciborium n (eccl.: container for hosts) hostiuyo; (eccl.: vaulted canopy over altar) ciborio
  • cicada n (zool.: Cicadoidea) cicado
  • cicatrix n (or “cicatrice”) cicatriço || vt to cicatrize cicatricifer || vi to cicatrize cicatricecer
  • cicely n (bot.: Myrrhis odorata) odor-cerefolio
  • cicerone n cicerono
  • cicisbeo n (married woman’s lover) cicisbeo
  • cider n cidro
  • cigar n cigaro; cigar box cigaruyo; cigarette cigareto
  • cilice n (hair shirt) cilicio
  • cilium n (bio., anat.) cilio || adj ciliary ciliisca
  • cimmerian adj (poetic) tènebrosa
  • cinch n (informal) [easy thing] fácilo; [sure thing] certo; (for saddle) sel-cinto || vt (secure with a belt) cintizer; (informal) [make certain of] certifer
  • cinchona n (bot.: Cinchona) chino
  • cincture n (lit.: belt) cinto
  • cinder n (ash) cínero; to reduce to cinders cìnerifer; cinder block beton-bloco | (embers) braso
  • cinema n (movie theater) cínemo; (art, industry) cinémato
  • cinematic adj cinèmatesca
  • cinematography n cinematògrafío; cinematograph (hist., chiefly Brit.) cinematógrafo; cinematographer ċefa fotógrafo
  • cineraria n (bot.: Cineraria; Pericallis × hybrida) cinerario
  • cinerary adj cìnerisca, -osa
  • cinnabar n (min.) cinábaro
  • cinnamon n (bot.: Cinnamomum) [spice] canelo; [tree] canelo
  • cinquefoil n (bot.: Potentilla) potentilo
  • cipher n (written figure) cifro; (secret code) cifrationajo; (dated: zero) zera || vt (encode) cifrationer || vi (archaic: do arithmetic) arithmètichìer; càlculer
  • cippus vi (hist., archit.) cipo
  • circa prep circum
  • Circassia n Circasia; Circassian Circasiano
  • circinate adj (bot.) circinata
  • circle n (geom.) círculo; to come full circle vener ad la punto di partio; to stand in a circle formizer on círculo | [any round shape] rotundo; circlet cìrculeto; [worn on arm] bracialo; [worn on finger] anelo; [worn on head] diademo | (set of people) amicado; grupo; [milieu] ambiento; mundo; in business circles en la mundo di afaros; in certain circles en cuida ambientos; circular (flyer) avis-folio; folieto || vt (surround) circumder; to circularize (distribute flyers) folietizer; invìer folietos ad; (make circular) cìrculifer || vi (move in a circle) girer || adj circular círcula; (round) rotunda
  • circuit n (line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place) circúito; [itinerary] itinerario; circuit court circúit-tribunalo; circuit training circúit-intraino | (elec.) circúito; circuit breaker autodesjuntatro; autointerrumpatro | (group of venues) [of churches] eclesiayado; templado; [of nightclubs] nocti-clubado; [of theaters] cateno; cìnemado; theatrado; [Brit., jur: district] districto || adj circuitous circúita; nedirecta; (of speech) perìfrasosa
  • circulate vi circulationer || vt circulationifer || n circulation circulationo; out of circulation till the dogs get tired exter le circulationo usche che la canículos fatighezun | (number of copies sold) vendi-cuanto
  • circum- afx circum-
  • circumambient adj (lit., formal) ambienta; circumdanta
  • circumcise vt circumciser || n circumcision circumciso
  • circumference n circumferentio
  • circumflex n circumflexo
  • circumlocution n circumlocuo; circumparaulo; perífraso
  • circumnavigate vt circumnàvigher
  • circumpolar adj circumpola
  • circumscribe vt (limit) lìmitizer; restricter; (geom.) circumscripter
  • circumspect adj circumspecta; prudenta
  • circumstance n circumstantio; in easy/poor circumstances (economic situation) en bona/mala econòmichisca situationo; under any circumstances en omna caso; under no circumstances en nula caso || vt to circumstantiate confirmer || adj circumstantial (jur.) circumstantiisca; (detailed) detalosa
  • circumvallate vt (mil.) circumvalationizer || n circumvallation circumvalationo || adj circumvalationizita
  • circumvent vt (avoid) eviter; (go around) agirer
  • circumvolution n circumvolvezo
  • circus n circo
  • cirrhosis n (med.) cirozo
  • cirrocumulus n cirocúmulo
  • cirrus n (met.; zool.) ciro; (bot: tendril) pámpino
  • cis- afx cis-
  • cisalpine adj cis-Alpa
  • cisco n (zool.: Coregonus) corégono
  • cissoid n (geom.) cisoido
  • Cistercian n (monk) Cisterciano
  • cistern n cisterno
  • citadel n citadelo
  • cite vt (quote) citer; (mention) mentioner; (jur.: summon) citationer || n citation (quote) [act] cito; [author cited] citato; [text cited] citajo; (mention) mentiono; (jur.: summons) citationo
  • citizen n (legally recognized subject or national of a state) civo; (resident) hàbitanto; citizenry civado; citizenship civitio
  • citrate n (chem.) citrato
  • citric adj citrisca
  • citron n (bot.: Citrus medica) citrono
  • citrus n (bot.: Citrus) citro
  • cittern n (hist.) cistro
  • city n civitato; (urban area, in contrast to country or suburbs) urbo; city hall civitat-gubernerío; city state civitat-stato
  • civet n (zool.: Viverridae) civeto; [secretion, perfume] civetajo
  • civic adj [rights, duties] civisca; (municipal) [authorities] civitatisca || n civics civismo; (study) civisca éduco
  • civil adj (civilian, in contrast to mil. or relig.) civila; civil code civila códiço; civil engineer civila ingeniaro; civil marriage civila marito; civil servant stat-oficiisto; civil service pública aministrerío; civil war civila (aut interna) guero | (polite) cortesa || n civility (act) cortesajo; (quality) cortesitio
  • civilian n civilo || adj civila
  • civilize vt civiliser || n civilization (act) civiliso; (state) civilisititio; (organized culture, complex society) civilizationo; civilizing mission civilisisca misiono || adj civilized civilisita
  • clack vi clacher || n claco
  • clad adj vestizita || vt teger
  • claim vt (assert, affirm) aserter; declarationer; [right, ownership, authorship] pretenser; both sides claimed victory amba partitos pretensin le vinço; so far no one has claimed responsibility for the bomb usche nun nulu pretensin (la pono je) la bombo; (demand) èxiger; [what is owed] reclamationer; [what was taken] revìndicher; (take) prender; suicide claims more lives than war, murder, and natural disaster combined le suicidío prensan (aut costan) plu multa vivos cam le guero, asasinío, et natur-disastro insímule || n (assertion) [of right, ownership, authorship] pretenso; to stake a claim, lay claim to pretenser | [of truth] aserto; to make a claim aserter; (demand for one’s due) reclamationo; (patch of land, as for mining) pretensat(a parcel)o; claimant (to throne) pretensanto; (jur.) reclamationanto
  • clairvoyant n clarvidento; clairvoyance clarvidentitio
  • clam n (zool.: Bivalvia) pelórido; clam chowder pelórid-supo; giant clam (zool.: Tridacna gigas) giganta pelórido; clambake pelórid-festo | (informal: dollar) dólaro; dollar || vi to clam up tacecer
  • clamber vi pene scander
  • clammy adj (damp) frígida et hùmidaċa; (sticky) glùtinesca
  • clamor n clam(ad)o || vi to clamor for clamader por; clame vocher (aut èxiger) || adj clamorous clamosa
  • clamp n (tool) clampo; presion-fixatro; (Brit., agr.) silo; clamper (elec.) nivel-fixatro || vt clampizer (aut clampijer); presion-fixer; to clamp together cumclampijer || vi to clamp down on (suppress or prevent) frenijazer
  • clan n clano; (gens) gento; clansman clanano || adj clannish clanema
  • clandestine adj clandestina; secretuċa
  • clang vi clangher (aut clangader) || n clang(ad)o; clangor clangado
  • clank n clango || vi clangher
  • clap vi (applaud) aplauser; (make a noise by striking two surfaces together) clacher || vt (place) imediate poner; (slap) palm-colper || n (applause) aplauso; claptrap vacua frasos; ċarlatanajo | (noise from striking two surfaces together) claco; [of thunder] tónitri-stroco; tónitro; clapper (of bell) frapatro | (informal: gonorrhea) gonoreo
  • clapboard n bardelo
  • claque n (of a theatre) (paghita) aplausistado
  • Clarendon n (typeface) Clarendon
  • claret n clarato; vino di Bordeaux
  • clarify vt [statement, etc.] clarifer; [liquid, butter] clarifer; purifer
  • clarinet n clarineto
  • clarion n (chiefly hist.) clariono
  • clarity n claritio
  • clary n (bot.: Salvia sclarea) scláreo
  • clash n (conflict) [of armies, personalities] conflicto; shoco; (confrontation) afronto; Clash of the Titans Shoco intre la Titanos | [of colors] desacordo; [of dates] coíncido; [of interests, opinions] conflicto; (loud, jarring sound) cumfrap(ez)o || vt [cymbals, swords] cumfraper || vi [personalities, interests] conflicter; intreshocher; [colors] desacorder; [dates, events] coìncider; (disagree) desconcorder; discorder; [argue] dìsputer; [mil.] afronter si; incontrer si
  • clasp vt (grip tightly) stringer; (archaic: fasten) agrafijer || n (fastener) agrafo; (embrace) imbracio; [grasp or handshake] (manu-)strinġo; [grip] strinġo; clasp knife plichébila cultelo; poc-cultelo
  • class n (category) claso; categorío; [bio.: taxonomic grouping] claso; [sociol., econ.] class struggle clas-lucto; lower class infra claso; middle class media claso; ruling class gubernanta claso; upper class supra claso | [informal: impressive stylishness in appearance or behavior] bon-claso; classic clásico; a classic is something everybody wants to have read, but no one wants to read le clásico es álico cua omnu desíderan eser lecturinta, mas nulu desíderan lecturer; classicism clàsichismo; classicist clàsichisto; classifieds (want ads) demand-anuntios | (group of students taught together) claso; [course in school] curso; classmate clas-camarato; curs-camarato; classroom clas-cambro || vt clasìficher; (qualify, characterize) cualìficher; to classify clasìficher; (designate as secret) clasìficher (como secreta); (qualify, characterize) cualìficher || adj classic(al) (timeless; exemplary) clásica; Classical Latin clásica Latinenso; classless neclasosa; classy bon-clasisca
  • clatter n clacado; (noise of any sort) ruitado || vi clacader; ruitader
  • clause n (article, stipulation, proviso) cláusulo; (gram.) propositiono
  • claustrophobe n claustrófobo; claustrophobia claustròfobío || adj claustrophobic (person) claustrófoba; (place, situation) claustròfobifiva
  • clavichord n clavicordio
  • clavicle n (anat.) clavículo
  • claw n (anat., zool.) ùngulazo; [ergot] ùngulazeto; [of crab, lobster] pinçatro || vt cracer ùngulaze; ùngulazijer
  • clay n argilo; (ceramic) caolino; (oil-based) plastilino; claymation plastimationo
  • clean adj (free from dirt, marks, or stains) nita; clean hands nita manuos; (free from pollutants) “clean coal” nita carbono; clean water, air nita (aut pura) acuo, airo; (free from irregularities, corrections, etc.; tidy) neta; a clean copy on neta copiajo; a clean cut on neta seco; Drop the “The”. Just “Facebook”. It’s cleaner. Forifes la “The”. Mere “Facebook”. Lo es plu neta.; (fresh, unused) nita; [paper] vaciva; (morally) (fair) honesta; nita; (not indecent) clean living sana vivado; keep it clean! no eses nedecenta! | [film, life] decenta; [joke] inocenta || adv (informal: completely) tote; cleanly (neatly) nete; (without polluting) nite || n cleaner (device) nitifatro; (person) nitifisto; cleaners (drycleaners) sic-nitiferío; cleanliness nititio || vt (make free from dirt, etc.) nitifer; [hands, dishes] laver; [wound] absterser; (purify) purifer; (tidy up) netifer
  • cleanse vt nitifer || n cleanser nitifatro
  • clear adj (free of ambiguity, doubt) [understandable] clara; you’ll do as I say, is that clear? vi façun cuo mi diçan ad vi, chi clara?; [understood] do I make myself clear? éxplichin (aut ficin comprensata) mi bone? | [lucid] lúcida; [obvious] clara; evidenta; clear and present danger perículo clara et imediata | (certain) [convinced] certana; [definite] certa; clara; (free of anything that darkens) [distinct, sharp] clara; distintita; nítida; [free of cloud, mist, or rain] clara; serena; [light-colored] hela; [transparent] clara; transparenta; [unblemished] nemàculizita; [unclouded, shining] brilanta; [vivid] vívida; (free of impediment) [quits] cuita; (unobstructed) all clear! vialo líbera!; to be clear of something eser líbera de álico | [road, space] clara; líbera; (untroubled) [conscience] nita; trancuila; (without commitments) [day, schedule] líbera; (net) neta; clear-cut (unambiguous) clara; neambigua; clear-eyed (bright-eyed) hel-ócula; (sharp-eyed) clar-vidanta; clear-headed lúcida; (shrewd) sagaça || adv (away from) aparte de; stand clear of the doors! aparteces de la portelos!; (completely) tote; clear to (all the way to) la tota vialo ad; usche; clearly clare; (obviously) evidente || n in the clear (free of suspicion) exter suspecto; (out of danger) exter perículo; (out of debt) cuita; clearance (act of clearing) clarifo; [land] desvègetantizo; [road] desobstructo; (authorization) [to leave] partii-permiso; [to pass] pas-permiso; (sale) licuidationo; (space) líbera spatio; clearing (in forest, etc.) clarayo; neàrborosayo; nedensayo; clearinghouse (fin.) compenserío || vt (make free of impediments) clarifer; desobstructer; to clear one’s throat clarifer sua voço | [blood] purifer; [conscience] descàrichizer; trancuilifer; [debtor] cuitifer; [land] desàrborizer; desarbustizer; desvègetantizer; [liquid] clarifer; [table] disguarner; (empty) vacuifer; [room] desòcupatifer; (unclutter) desincumbrer; (acquit) absolver; (approve, authorize) àprober; permiser; yurizer; I’ll have to clear it (with the boss) mi deban àprobedifer li (da la ċefo); mi deban ficer li àprobita (da la ċefo) | [check] accepter; compenser; (earn as net profit) nete guadanier; (obstruction) forifer; (pass) preterpaser; [by jumping] trans-(aut super-)salter; [without touching] preterpaser sine contacto; (satisfy the requirements to pass through) [customs] trapaser; to clear away forifer; forprender; to clear out (empty) vacuifer; (room) desòcupatifer; to clear the air (ease tensions) ritrancuilifer la situationo; to clear up (cure) risanifer; (remove ambiguity, doubt) clarifer; [explain] èxplicher; [solve] solver; (tidy up) òrdiner || vi clarecer; (be approved) [check] eser compensita; (fog) dispersezer; to clear off (informal: go away) forvader; to clear out (informal: go away) forcurer; forvader; to clear up clarecer; (be explained, solved) èxplichezer; solvezer; (disappear) desaparer; [disease] risanecer; [fog, clouds] dispersezer
  • cleat n (naut.) staco; (of shoe) taconeto
  • cleave vt finder || vi (lit.) adheser || n cleavage (anat.) intermama sulco; intermamo; (split) find(aj)o; cleaver findatro; (butcher’s) haċ-cultelo
  • clef n (mus.) clavo
  • cleft adj findita || n findajo; apertajo
  • clematis n (bot.: Clematis) clemátido
  • clement adj (mild) [weather] lena; (compassionate) compasionanta, -osa, -ema; [God] misericordiosa, -ema; (lenient) indulgema; (merciful) clementa || n clemency (mildness) lenitio; (compassion) compasiono; [divine] misericordio; (leniency) indulġo; (mercy) clementitio
  • clench vt (close into a tight ball) [fist] cluder (sua pugno); pugnifer (sua manuo); (press tightly together) [teeth] cumpresioner; (grasp tightly) stringer
  • clepsydra n (hist.: water clock) clepsidro
  • clerestory n (or “clearstory”) claristorio
  • clergy n clèricado; clergyman clérico
  • cleric n clérico; clericalism clèrichismo || adj clerical (pertaining to office work) oficinisca; clerical error copii-eroro; scrib-eroro | (pertaining to the clergy) clèrichisca
  • clerihew n (poetry) clerihew
  • clerk n comiso; (in civil service) oficiisto; (office worker) oficinisto; (receptionist) acceptisto; (formal: clergyman) clérico; (jur.) scribisto
  • clever adj (intelligent) inteligenta; (ingenious) ingeniema; (witty) arguta; (skillful) hábila || n cleverness ingeniemitio
  • clew n (ball of thread) glómero; (naut.) scot-ángulo; (archaic: clue) índiço || vt (naut.) volver
  • cliché n cliċeo
  • click n clacheto; click beetle (zool.: Elateridae) elatérido; clickjacking (comput.) clachet-jachingo || vt clachetifer || vi clacheter; to click on (comput.) clacheter sur; to click with (become friendly or intimate with) sìmpathecer cum; (become popular with) popularecer cum (aut apud, inter)
  • client n (com., jur., comput., hist.) cliento
  • clientele n clientado
  • cliff n (geol.) scarpo; [along coast] falisio; [precipice] precipicio
  • climacteric n climactérico || adj climactérica
  • climate n clímato; climatology clìmatòlogío || adj climatic clìmatisca
  • climax n (high point) cúlmino; (most intense, exciting, or important point) clímaço; (orgasm) orgasmo || vi (reach exciting or impressive point) vener ad sua clímaço; (have an orgasm) orgasmer
  • climb vt scander; (ascend) acenser || n climber scandisto; (plant) scandedoro; scandi-planto; climbing (sport) le scando
  • clime n (chiefly lit.) [climate] clímato; [region] regiono
  • clinch vt (secure) fixer; [with nail] clovijer; [with rivet] rivetijer; (settle decisively) [argument, debate] deciser; [deal] concluser; [game, competition, victory] certifer || vi (embrace) intreimbracier; (grapple) [boxing] clinċer || n (scuffle at close quarters) [boxing] clinċo; (embrace) intreimbracio; clincher [of argument, debate] decisedor(a argument)o; [of deal] conclusedoro; [of game, competition] certifedoro
  • cline n (bio.) clino
  • cling vi (adhere) adheser; adunchijer si || adj clingy (dress, person) adhesema
  • clinic n clínico || adj clinical (of clinics) clìnichisca; (of disease, condition) clìnicasca; clinical depression clìnicasca depresezo
  • clink n clangheto; tíntino; (informal: prison) prisiono; clinker (slag) scorio; clinker brick clinchero || vi clangheter; tìntiner || adj clinker-built bardelosa
  • clinometer n (surveying) clinómetro
  • clip n (fastener) clipo; (pinç-)fixatro; [paper clip] paper-clipo; (cartridge clip) cartoċiero; (cut) seco; [shearing] tondo; [trim] recurto; (video, radio) secuentio; clipper (naut.) clipero; clippers [for hair, nails] recurtatro; clipping recurtajo; [newspaper] (jurnal-)desecajo; clipboard clip-tábulo; R-clip spínula clavilo || vt (cut) secher; [shear, cut close] tonder; [trim] recurter
  • clique n clico
  • clitoris n (anat.) clitórido; clit (vulg.) landico
  • cloaca n (zool., anat.) cloaco; (archaic: sewer) cloaco
  • cloak n manto; (mil.) [capote] capoto; cloakroom vestayo || vt mantizer; (hide, cover, disguise) absconder; maschizer; velamentizer || adj cloak-and-dagger (clandestine) clandestina; spionesca; (story) spionisca
  • cloche n cristal-campanelo
  • clock n horologio; clock radio evígil-radiófono; clock tower horologii-turo; clockface cifri-placo; horologii-facio; clockwork horologiisca mecanismo || vt (measure time taken by) cronòmetrijer; (attain) [time, speed] atinger; (informal: hit) colper || vi to clock in registrijer sua arivo; to clock out registrijer sua partio || adj clockwork horologiesca; A Clockwork Orange On Màchinesca naranjo || adv clockwise horologiasche
  • clod n glebo; (informal: stupid person) stúpido; clodhopper (yokel) rùsticaċo
  • clog n (wooden shoe) saboto; (wooden soled shoe) soco; (overshoe) surcalcéolo; (obstruction) [act] obstructo; [agent] obstructedoro || vt obstructer
  • cloisonné n clausionato
  • cloister n (covered walk in a monastery, cathedral, or college) claustro; (monastery or convent) mònacayo || vt enclaustrifer; (fig.) ìsoler; recluser
  • clone n clonajo || vt cloner
  • close adj (near) próxima; [next to] júxtea; [of haircuts] curta; (almost equal) presche ecuala; a close contest on presche ecuala concurso; (dense) [handwriting, weave] compacta; densa; (exact, detailed) [examination, study] detalosa; [surveillance, control] atentionema; stricta; [translation] exacta; fidela; (intimate) [friend] íntima; a close circle of friends on íntima amicado; on stricta grupo di amicos | [relative] próxima; [ties] forta; (ling.) [vowel] clusa; (miserly) avara; (reticent) tacema; (stuffy) [atmosphere, room] sùfocanta; [weather] opresiva; at close quarters júxtee; close call apena excapo; close combat próxima combato; (close quarter combat) combato en lìmitizita spatios; combato ye curta disto; (hand-to-hand combat) combato ye córporo ad córporo; close to (about to) eser imediate -unta; she came very close to slapping him el esecin imediate palm-colpunta il; el presche palm-colpin il; closed (enclosed) clusa; (shut) cludita; closed season (hunting) próhib-sationo; close-fitting stricta; stricte adjustifita; close-knit valde unionita || adv close by juxte; proxim || n close-up primaria plano; all right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up bone, Sro. DeMille, mi es presta por mea primaria plano; close-up lens teleobjectisco
  • close vt (shut) cluder; (block up) obstructer; obturer; (end) concluser; finer; [account] licuidationer; (bring to a satisfactory conclusion) [contract, case] clauser; to close down (stop) cesationifer; [shop] cluder definitive (aut complete); to close off [road, access] obstructer || vi (shut) [door, shop] cludezer; we close at nine nos cludezan ye nona clocos; (become nearer) proximecer; (end) finer; to close down (stop) cesationer; [shop] cludezer definitive (aut complete); to close in on proximecer ad || n closer (com., sport) clausisto; coffee’s for closers cafeo es por le clausisto | (finale) finalo; closure (act) cludo; (thing that closes) cludatro; [lid] copérculo
  • closet n (small room) [for storage] armario; [private] consiliayo; privata cambro; [Brit.: W.C.] latrinayo; (state of secrecy) the closet la armario; to come out of the closet vader ec la armario | (in compounds) enarmaria; nedeclarationita; secreta; closet fascist enarmaria fascisto || vt (shut in) recluser || vi (confer, have discussion) conferentier (cum álicu private)
  • clot n coàgulajo; grumo || vt coàguler; grumefifer || vi coàgulezer; grumefer
  • cloth n (any woven fabric) stofo; [linen, cotton, etc.] telo; [woolen, etc.] drapo; (for specific purpose) tuco; the cloth (the clergy) la clèricado; clothes vestado; vestos; clothes brush vesti-brucio; clothes hamper lavenduyo; clothes hanger vest-arco; clothespin vesti-clipo; clothier vestisto; clothing vestado; vestos; clothing haul vesti-compritado || vt to clothe vestizer
  • cloud n nubo; cloudburst súbita pluvazo || vt (make cloudy) nubizer; (make unclear) confusifer || adj cloudless nenubosa; cloudy nubosa; (unclear) confusifita
  • clout n (informal: influence or power) influo; potentitio; (informal: heavy blow) colpazo; (archaic: cloth) telo; (archaic: patch) sarçajo || vt (informal: hit hard) colpazer
  • clove n (bot.: Syzygium aromaticum) cariófilo; [tree] cariòfilífero; clove oil cariófil-óleo | (bot.: segment of a complex bulb) bulbavo; clove hitch capistan-nodo
  • cloven adj findita
  • clover n (bot.: Trifolium) trifolio; cloverleaf (auto.) trifoliesca crucif(ay)o
  • clown n clauno || vi claunìer || adj clownish claunesca
  • cloy vt eser repugnante dulça ad || adj cloying repugnante dulça
  • club n (association) clubo; [nightclub] discotheco; (heavy stick) clavono; [cards] trifolio; clubfoot (med.) ecuinovaritio; clubmoss (bot.: Lycopodiopsida) licopodiopsido (aut licopsido) || vt clavonijer || vi vader ad discotheco
  • cluck vi clucher || n cluco
  • clue n índiço || vt to clue in informer || adj clueless neideosa
  • clump n (compact mass) maso; [of earth, gum, dough, etc.] glebo; (compact group) grupo || vi (form into a clump) glebecer; masecer; [group up] grupecer; (walk with a heavy tread) caminer pesose
  • clumsy adj (awkward) [person, action] deshábila; negratiosa; [remark] nedelicata; [tool] difícile usébila; (crudely done, made) rude (aut neexperte) facita
  • cluster n [trees, houses, people, stars] grupo; [fruit] racimo; cluster bomb racim-bombo; cluster pine (bot.: Pinus pinaster) pinastro; clusterfuck carácul-racimo; caràculado || vi grupecer; (convene) asemblezer; cumvener
  • clutch vt (catch hold of) sacer; (grip tightly) tenazer; [squeeze] stringer || n (claw) ùngulazo; (grip) tenazo; [act of grasping] saço; [auto.] imbracatr(i-pedal)o; [critical situation] criso; [handleless handbag] cloċo; [rapacious, evil grasp] to fall into someone’s clutches cader aden la ùngulazos di álicu | [squeeze] strinġo; (of chickens) [brood] incubationitado; [eggs] incubationatado || adj (crisis) cris(isc)a
  • clutter vt (crowd untidily) incombrer; (disorder) desòrdiner || n incombrajo; desòrdinajo
  • clyster n (archaic: enema) clistero
  • co- afx co-; cum-
  • coach n (carriage) caròceazo; coachman caròceazisto | (RR) vagono; (trainer) intrainisto || vt (train) intrainer || adv (in economy class) en turistisca claso; [airline] en duésima claso; The Bundys don’t fly coach. We fly first class or we don’t fly. Las Bundy no volan en duésima claso. Nos volan en unésima claso aut nos no volan.
  • coactive adj (obsolete: coercive) coerçanta, -iva
  • coadjutor n coajutoro
  • coagent n coagento; cumactanto
  • coagulate vi coàgulezer || vt coàguler || n coagulant coàgulanto (aut -ivo); coagulum coàgulajo
  • coal n carbono; to haul (or rake) someone over the coals (severe) reprimender; (red-hot piece of coal) live coals braso; coal bunker carbonuyo; coaldust carbon-púlvero; coalfish (zool.: Pollachius virens) carbonario; coalheaver carbonígero; coalhod carbon-sítulo; coal mine carbon-minerayo; coal oil (kerosene) cheroseno; coal tar carbon-catrano
  • coalesce vi (merge, blend) cumfusionezer; (join together) unecer || vt (merge, blend) cumfusioner; (join together) unifer || n coalition coalition(aj)o; Coalition of the Willing Coalitionajo di Voluntarios; to form a coalition with coalitionezer cum
  • coaming n (naut.) bordi-mureto
  • coarse adj (rough) [construction] desdelicata; ruda; [sand, powder, weave, feathers] grosa; [texture] áspera; [manners] desdelicata; ruda; (vulgar) grosaria; vulgaraċa; [joke] laciva; malgusta || vt to coarsen desdelicatifer; [sand, powder, weave, feathers] grosifer; [texture] àsperifer; [manners] grosariifer; vulgaraċifer || vi to coarsen desdelicatecer; [sand, powder, weave, feathers] grosecer; [texture] àsperecer; [manners] grosariecer; vulgaraċecer
  • coast n (shore) ripo; coast guard rip-guardio; the coast is clear (the danger is over) pasin la perículo; (there is no one about) la ripo es líbera; coaster (naut.) rip-barco; coastline lítoro; coast-to-coast de ripo ad ripo | (movement without power) líber-rota vado; vado nepropulsionata; coaster subbicario; subbotelo || vi (move without power) vader nepropulsionate (aut líber-rote); [act or progress without effort] abantier (aut succeser) sine efortio; (sail along the coast) rip-nàvigher
  • coat n (long outdoor garment) mantelo; [hist.: woolen tunic] coto; coat hanger vest-arco; coat of arms blasono; coat of mail malia coto; coatrack manteliero; coatroom vestayo; coattail caudo di jaco | (animal’s) [fur] pilado; [fur and hide] pelicio; (layer) strato, -izajo; [covering] còpertajo; teġajo; [of oil, grease, paint] unġajo || vt còperter; (with grease, oil) unger; [anoint] untioner
  • coax vt persuaser gradene; (cajole) blander
  • coaxial adj coaxisca
  • cob n (of corn) (maísi-)spico; (hazelnut) abelano; (horse) (Gualiana) basi-grosa cabalo; (male swan) cignaso
  • cobalt n (chem.: Co) cobalto
  • cobbler n calcéol-rèparisto; (cocktail) coblero; (dessert) coblero; fructi-torto
  • cobblestone n pavimenti-petrajo
  • co-belligerent n cobelìgeranto
  • cobra n (zool.: Naja, Ophiophagus hannah, Hemachatus haemachatus) cobro
  • cobweb n aráne-telo
  • coca n (bot.: Erythroxylaceae) cocao
  • cocaine n cocaíno
  • coccus n (bio.) coco
  • coccyx n (anat.) cócciġo
  • cochineal n (dye) coccinilajo; (zool.: Dactylopius coccus) coccinilo
  • cochlea n (anat.) cócleo
  • cock n (male bird) másculo; [rooster] pulaso; cockfight pul-combato; cockpit (for cockfighting) pul-combatayo; (for pilot) pilot-cabino; pilotayo; cockscomb pul-cresto; cocktail (food or drink) cóctelo | (of gun) martelo; at full cock partendita; at half cock semitendita; to go off at half cock acter sine préparo | (tap) robineto; (vulg.) ménculo; [menacing] caráculo; [metaph.] virgo; cocksucker (fellator) felationedoro; (generally contemptible person) strunço || vt [gun] tender; [head] incliner || adj cocked hat tri-corno; (hist.) bi-corno; cocky aroganta; impertinenta; nim (aut arogante) certana en si ipsa; presumptosa; valentaċa; cock-and-bull story fantasìisca (aut necredébila) raconto; cockeyed (absurd) absurda; (askew) desrecta; oblicua; (cross-eyed) straba; (drunk) ebria; cocksure nim (aut arogante) certana en si ipsa || inter cock-a-doodle-doo chichirichí
  • cockade n cocardo
  • cockatoo n (zool.: Cacatuidae) cacatúo
  • cockatrice n (myth., heraldry) basilisco
  • cockchafer n (zool.: Melolontha) melolontho
  • cockerel n júvena pulaso; pulolaso
  • cockle n (bot.: Lolium temulentum) zizanio; (zool.: Cardiidae) cordii-muslo; to warm the cockles of one’s heart ricaldifer la cordio di álicu
  • cockney n (person) est-Londonano; (dialect) est-Londonenso
  • cockroach n (zool.: Blattodea) blato
  • cocoa n (bot.: Theobroma cacao) [powder] cacao; [hot chocolate] calda ċocolato; cocoa butter butiro di cacao
  • coconut n (bot.: Cocos nucifera) cocoo; [tree] cocoífero; coconut milk coco-lacto
  • cocoon n cocono || vt encoconifer
  • cod n (zool.: Gadus) gado; cod liver oil gad-fígat-óleo; óleo ec gad-fígato; dried and salted cod bacalao; sica sal-gado; Atlantic cod (zool.: Gadus morhua) Atlànticana gado
  • C.O.D. adv (cash on delivery, collect on delivery) contre reimburso
  • coda n (mus.) finajo
  • coddle vt indulcer
  • code n (any system of word substitution) códico; [cipher] cifration(aj)o; code name criptónimo | (comput., genetics) códico; (laws, conventions) códiço || vt to codify còdicifer
  • codeine n (med.) codeíno
  • codex n (ancient manuscript in book form) cáudiço; (pharm.) farmacopeo
  • codger n (informal, derog.) vèculaċo
  • codicil n codicilo
  • coeducation n coéduco; coed (dated) coèducatiso || adj coed coèduchisca
  • coefficient n (math, phys.) coeficiento
  • coelacanth n (zool.: Coelacanthiformes) celacantho
  • coequal adj ecuala
  • coerce vt coercer || n coercion coerço || adj coercive coerçanta; coerciva
  • coessential adj (relig.) coesentia
  • coeternal adj (relig.) coeterna
  • coeval adj coèpocana; cotèmporana
  • coexist vi cumexister || adj coexistent cumexistanta
  • coffee n (drink) cafeo; how slow the moments go when all I do is pour black coffee cuante lenta la témporo cuande omno cuo mi façan es fuser nigra cafeo; (bot.: Coffea) [fruit, seed, bean] cafeo; [tree, shrub] cafeífero; coffee bean cafe-grano; coffee break cafe-pauso; coffee grinder cafe-molineto; coffee grounds cafe-residuo; coffee maker cafe-máchino; coffee pot cafe-úrceo; coffee table cafe-menso; coffeehouse cafeerío || adj coffee-colored cafeéa
  • coffer n cofro; (funds) [cashbox] cápseo; [treasury] tresaurayo; (fisc) fisco; cofferdam (archit.) casetono
  • coffin n cápulo || vt encàpulifer
  • cog n rot-dento; (wheel) denti-roto; [pinion] piniono; cogset pinionado
  • cogent adj convinciva; forta; potenta
  • cogitate vi mèditer; pensader; reflecter
  • cognac n coniaco
  • cognate adj parenta
  • cognize vt (formal) [become aware of] conciecer; [by intellect] intelecter; [by learning] saper; [by senses] cognocer || n cognition (by intellect) intelecteço; (by learning) sapeço; (by senses) cognoceço; cognizance (awareness) concio; (competence) competentitio; (knowledge) sapo; (recognition) ricognoço; (jur.) jurisdictiono || adj cognizable (ri)cognocébila; (jur.) jùdicìébila; cognizant concianta; to be cognizant of concier; saper
  • cognomen n (hist.) familiisca nómino; (nickname) supernómino
  • cohabit vi cumhàbiter; cumviver
  • coheir n coherèditanto
  • cohere vi coheser || n coherer (hist., radio) cohesatro || adj coherent cohesanta, -iva, -ema; consecuanta
  • cohesion n coheso || adj cohesive cohesiva
  • cohort n (hist.) cohorto; (companion) camarato; companiono
  • coif n (cap) cofio; (coiffure) capil-aranġo || vt capil-aranger
  • coign n ángulo; coign of vantage (abantaġosa aut favorosa) (vid-)positiono
  • coil n (roll) volvajo; [of smoke] spiralo; [spool] bobino; (elec.) bobino; (single ring or loop) anelo; [of hair] búculo || vt volver
  • coin n moneto; (money generally) pecunio; coinage (coins collectively) monetado; (minting) monetifo; (system) moneti-sistémato; (invention) invento; coiner (hist.) (fals-)monetefisto || vt (make into coins) monetifer; (invent) inventer; I’m sorry for coining the phrase “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” mi regretan che mi inventin la fraso “Maníaca fata rev-pueriso”
  • coincide vi coìncider; (agree) concorder || n coincidence coíncido
  • coir n coco-fibro
  • coition n coito
  • coitus n (formal) coito
  • coke n (fuel) colco; (informal: cocaine) cocaíno; [Coca-Cola] coca-colao || vt (convert coal into coke) colchifer
  • col n intersumitato
  • cola n (bot.: Cola; also “kola”) colaífero; [drink] cola(-bibed)o; cola nut colao
  • colaborer n cumlaboranto, -edoro
  • colander n colatoro
  • colcothar n (chem., obsolete: Fe₂O₃) colcótharo
  • cold adj (lacking heat) frígida; from my cold, dead hands! ec mea manuos frígida et mortinta! | [of the scent or trail of something hunted] frígida; you’re getting colder! (in game) plu frígida!; cold cream coldcremo; cold cuts frígid-carnos; cold forging frígid-forġo; cold rolling frígid-làminifo; cold turkey abrupte; cold war frígida guero; cold-blooded di frígida sánguino | (lacking affection or emotion) frígida; cold comfort pauca consolo; cold reception frígida accepto; cold shoulder frígida indiferentitio; cold Vulcan logic frígida Vulcanana lógico; cold-blooded necompasionosa | (of color, light) frígida; (without preparation) frígida; to come to something cold vener ad álico frígida (aut sine préparo) || adv (completely, entirely) tote || n (lack of heat) frìgiditio; [tech.] frígoro; cold chisel frígid-ciselo | (path.) frìgidumo; gravédino; to catch a cold, take cold prendezer da on frìgidumo; cold sore labii-herpeto; to give a cold doner on frìgidumo (ad álicu); cold-calling frígid-voco (aut vendo)
  • coleslaw n cauli-salato
  • colic n (med.) cólico
  • collaborate vi cumlaborer || n collaborator cumlaboranto, -edoro
  • collage n colaġo
  • collagen n (biochem.) colágeno
  • collapse vi (fall down or in; med.) colapser; (fold) plichezer || adj collapsible plichébila
  • collar n (of a shirt) columo; (of a dog, cat) colaro; collarbone (anat.) clavículo || vt (put a collar on) colarizer; (seize) sacer
  • collate vt (order) [pages before binding] colater; this copier collates pages by default ecuista fotocopiatro colatan páginos defalte; (compare and analyze) [texts, data] colationer; “any suggestions from you or MOTHER?” “no, we’re still collating” “cualca consilio da vi aut da MATRO?” “no, nos incore colationan” || n collation [of pages] colato; [of data] colationo; (formal: light informal meal) repasteto
  • collateral n (fin.) accesoria guaranto; (geneol.) colateralo || adj (accessory) accesoria; [inadvertent] collateral damage colaterala damno; (geneol.) colaterala
  • colleague n colego
  • collect vt (gather together, accumulate) colectioner; [dust, water] acùmuler; (call for, pick up) [donations; money due] colectioner; to collect oneself òrdiner sua pensos; trancuilifer si || vi (gather together, accumulate) colectionezer; [dust, water] acùmulezer || n (short prayer) (liturgìisca) precheto; collection colectionedo; (accumulation) acùmuledo; (anthology) anthologío; collectivism colectivismo; collector colectionanto, -edoro, -isto || adj collected colectionita; (complete) completa; the collected works of Kata Kärkkäinen la completa oprajos da Kata Kärkkäinen | (not perturbed) calma; trancuila; collectible (worth collecting) colectionanda; collective colectiva; (aggregate) insímula || adv (tel.) ye paghifo ad la destinatario
  • college n (university) universitato; [any school for higher learning] superiora scolo; [independent school] colegio; [subdivision of university] facultato; (special professional body) colegio; College of Cardinals Cardinalisca Colegio || adj collegiate (composed of colleges) colegiada; (pertaining to college) colegiisca; universitatisca
  • collide vi colisioner || n collision colisiono
  • collie n (dog) collie; Scotiana ovícul-canículo
  • collier n (Brit.: coal miner) carbon-mineristo; (Brit.: coal ship) carbon-navo; colliery (Brit.: coal mine) carbon-minerayo
  • collimator n colimatoro
  • collodion n colodio
  • colloid n (anat., med.) coloido || adj coloida
  • colloquial adj conversesca; familiara || n colloquialism familiara expreso (aut vocábulo aut stilo)
  • colloquium n colocuio
  • colloquy n (formal: conversation) converso; (obsolete: formal conference) colocuio
  • collotype n colotipío
  • collude vi colusioner || n collusion colusiono
  • collyrium n (dated, med.) colirio
  • colocynth n (bot.: Citrullus colocynthis) colocintho
  • cologne n (short for “eau de cologne”) acuo di Köln
  • Colombia n Columbia; Colombian Columbiano
  • colon n (typ.) bipunto; (anat.) cólono
  • colonel n colonelo
  • colonnade n columnado
  • colony n colonio; colonial coloniano; colonialism coloniismo; colonist coloniano; colonization coloniizo, -ifo || vt to colonize coloniizer, -ifer || adj colonial coloniana, -isca; colonialist coloniismisca
  • colophony n (rosin) colofonio
  • color n coloro; (colored object) colorajo; coloroso; (colorfulness) coloro; in color (TV, cine.) en coloro; splash of color sparġo di coloro | (complexion) carnationo; coloro; (dye, paint, pigment) color(-material)o; (of country, team) coloro; to wear the national colors surhaber la coloros de la nationo; [flag] to salute the colors saluter la bandario; [fig.] to show one’s true colors demonstrationer cuala persono homi vere es; (race) coloro; raço; I try not to see color mi éproban no vider le raço; people of color personos di coloro | (vividness, interest, variety) coloro; full of local color plena de lochisca coloro; colorant colorizedoro; coloration, coloring colorado; (adding color) colorizo; [result] colorizajo; no artificial coloring sine artificia coloros || vt colorizer; (dye, tint) tinger; (illuminate) [book, map] iluminationer; (paint) picturizer; [face] fardizer; (variegate) multi-colorizer; (influence) influer || adj colorful colorosa; (picturesque) pictoresca; colorless necolorosa; color-blind color-ceca; Daltonísmaca; colorfast nedescolorizébila
  • Colorado n Colorado; Colorado potato beetle (zool.: Leptinotarsa decemlineata) dorífero; patati-scarabajo
  • coloratura n (mus.) [voice, style] coloraturo; [singer] coloraturisto
  • colossus n coloso || adj colossal colosa
  • colostomy n (med.) colostomío
  • colporteur n colportisto
  • colt n cabalolo; coltsfoot (bot.: Tussilago farfara) tusilágino
  • colter n (also “coulter”) cultro
  • coluber n (zool.: Coluber) cólubro
  • columbine n (bot.: Aquilegia) acuilegio; Columbine (theat.) Columbina
  • columbium n (dated: niobium) niobio
  • column n (pillar; print; anat.; any line of objects one behind or under another) columno; columnist columnisto || adj columnar columnesca, -isca
  • colure n (astron.) coluro
  • colza n (bot.: Brassica napus subsp. napus var. oleifera) colzo; óle-napo
  • coma n (med.) cómato; to be in a coma eser en cómato | (astrol.) capilado; cómulo || adj comatose còmatosa
  • comb n péctino; (bird crest) cresto; (honeycomb) favo || vt [hair] pèctinijer; [wool] carder; (search) police combed the city for him la politío cerchin il tra la tota civitato
  • combat n combato; combatant combatanto || vt combater; (fig.) lucter contre || adj combative combatema
  • combine vt (unite, merge) combiner; [immaterial sense] unioner; [material sense] junter || vi (unite, merge) combinezer; [immaterial sense] unionezer; [material sense] juntezer || n (com.) asociajo; [cartel] cartelo; (harvester) mesionatro; combination combino; (of events) conjunturo; combinatorics (math) combinatorio || adj combined effort insímula efortio
  • combust vt combuster || vi combustezer || n combustion combusto; internal combustion engine motoro per interna combusto || adj combustible combustébila
  • come vi vener; come and take them! venes et prendes los!; (Μολὼν λαβέ) veninte, prendes!; come with me if you want to live venes cum mi se vi desíderan viver; (become) -ecer; esecer; the button came loose again la botono denue deslighezin; his dreams finally came true iluya revos fine realecin; (eventually do) fine; come to think of it nun che mi pensan sopre lo; I came to believe that… mi fine credin che…; it came to pass that… lo (fine) eventin che…; (exist) exister; these don’t come cheap ecuilos no es necostosaza; they don’t come any better than that plu bona no existan; this only comes in black ecuilo existan (aut es disposébila) mere en nigro; you’re as ignorant as they come vi es tam nul-sapanta cam vi sola; (happen) eventer; come what may cuo cunche eventun; eventes cuo cunche; how come? pro cuo?; how comes it that…? cuome lo eventan che…?; (informal: orgasm) advener; gauder; (in phrases) come again? répetes, mi precan; come, come! nos vades!; oh, come now! nos vades!; to come about (happen) eventer; to come across (find by chance) fortúite (aut incidente) trover; incontrer; (make an impression) impresioner; to come after (follow) secuer; (hunt down) persecuter; (succeed) succesioner; to come at (attack) atacher; come at me, bro! ataches (aut venes asú) mi, fratrucio!; to come away (become detached) sèparezer; (leave) partier; to come back (reply) responder; [retort] rèplicher; (return) retrovener; rivener; to come between intervener; to come by (obtain or acquire) acuister; obtiner; (pass) preterpaser; pretervader; (visit) vìsiter; to come down (be transmitted) [heirloom] paser; [tradition] eser traditionita; (collapse) [building] colapser; (demolition) eser demolitionita; (descend) decenser; to come down in the world decenser la sociisca scalinado; vener ad men multo | [crash] cadazer; crasher; [drug high] can’t talk, coming down no potan parauler, cadazanta | [land] surterezer; [rain] cader; to come down against (oppose) declarationer si eser contre; to come down on (reproach) reproċer; to come down to (be dependent on) depender de; (be necessary) eser necesa; if it comes down to it, we can always move to Canada se lo esun necesa, nos potun transresidecer ad Cánada | (be summarized in short by) eser reductébila ad; to come down with (become sick with) malatecer pro; to come forward (advance) abantier; (volunteer) òferer (aut presentationer) si; to come in (arrive) [tide] fluxer; [train] ariver; (enter) entrer; come in! entres! | [become active, useful] actecer; eficacecer; (finish) [in race] ariver; finer; vener; to come into (be involved in) eser parto di; (inherit) herèditer; to come into being existecer; to come of (be descended from) decender de; (result from) ecvener; resulter de; to come off (acquit oneself) comporter; (become detached) desfixezer; deslighezer; sèparezer; [button] decader; [stain] efaciezer; (cease, give up) come off it! cesationes ecuilo! | (happen) eventer; [end up] finezer; [turn out] resulter; (succeed) succeser; to come on (find by chance) incontrer; (progress) progreser; (start) cominitier; come on! nos vades!; rápida!; venes! | [light] accensezer; [to arrive] vener; [to happen] eventecer; (theat.) envader (sur la cenayo); to come on to (sexually) facer abantiuċos ad; (start discussing) paser ad; to come out (be removed) [dye] destingezer; [hair] cader; [stain] efaciezer; (emerge) ecvener; emerser; [appear on market] aparer; ecvener; èditezer; [become known] esecer sapata; sapatecer; [declare oneself for or against something] declarationer si; [happen as a result] resulter; [in first appearance] debuter; [news] eser divulghita (aut revelita); [qualities] manifester si; monstrer si; [stars] aparer; [stop hiding a secret, esp. homosexuality] vader ec la armario; (open) [flower] àperezer; burionefer; florecer; (turn out) these photos came out well ecuista fotògrafìajos resultin bone; you always come out well in photos vi sempre aspectan bone en le fotògrafajo; [math] that comes out to 42 ecuilo es solvite 42; to come out with (bring out) aparifer; [produce] producter; [publish] èditer; (say) dicer; ecvener cum; to come over vener; (begin to affect) [feeling] prender; sacer; what’s come over you? cuo eventin ad vi?; to come round (change one’s mind) adopter la opino di álicu; convincezer; (recover consciousness) riconcier; riguadanier concio; (recur) rieventer; (return) riaparer; rivener; (visit) vìsiter; to come through (arrive) ariver; vener; (recover) recùperer si; (survive) postviver; transviver; to come to (amount to) eser sume; to come to the same thing ecual-valorer; what’s it come to? cuante li es sume? | (recover consciousness) riconcier; riguadanier concio; to come together [project, plan] formezer; (assemble) cumvener; to come under (be classified as) poter clasìfichezer como (aut sub); (become subject to) [influence] cader sub; (become subjected to) [attack] sùferer; to come up (ascend) acenser; (happen) eventer; (present itself) [in conversation] mentionezer; to come up against (be faced with) eser frontalejata da; to come up to (reach) atinger; extensezer usche; to come up with (find) [money] incontrer; trover; (produce) producter; [idea, plan] proposer; sugester; to come upon (find by chance) fortúite (aut incidente) trover; incontrer || n (informal: male ejaculate) gaudajo; coming veno; (approach) adveno; proximeço; (arrival) arivo; [of Christ] Advento; coming of age majoreneço; comeback (reaction) reacto; (return) riveno; (informal: response) réplico; [redress] apelo; come-on (enticement) lur(atr)o || adj coming venedora; (approaching) venanta; (due to come) venunta; (occurring next) secuanta
  • comedy n (genre) comedio; comedy of manners comedio sopre custumos | (humor of situation) còmichitio; comedian (comic) còmichisto; (comical person) cómico
  • comely adj atractiva; bela
  • comestible n mangedo
  • comet n cometo
  • comfit n drageo
  • comfort n (physical ease; freedom from pain or constraint) conforto; (solace) consolo; too close for comfort perìculose próxima; comfort woman (sex slave) conforti-muliero; comforter (blanket) ederduno; (consoler) consolanto; (pacifier) suctoriolo; (dated: woolen scarf) lana col-telo || vt (console) consoler; (give ease) confortizer || adj comfortable (easy) [job] repausosa; [lead, majority, margin] ampla; (enjoying comfort) confortosa; make yourself comfortable aranges vi cómode (aut confortose) | (giving comfort) confortiziva; to be in comfortable circumstances eser económiche confortosa; eser richeta | [temperature] agratábila
  • comfrey n (bot.: Symphytum) consólido
  • comic adj cómica; comic actor comediisto; comic book (re superheroes, etc.) cómixo; comical cómica || n còmichisto
  • comitia n (hist.) comitio
  • comity n (intre)amichitio
  • comma n (punct., mus.) vírgulo; (zool.: Polygonia c-album) blanchi-c
  • command vt (order) mandationer (ad); (be in control of) [soldiers, army] comander; (deserve and get) to command respect imponer; inspirer respecto | [attention] guadanier; (have a view of) adreguarder; [overlook] dòminìer; superreguarder; (have at one’s disposal) [resources, money, services] disposer || n (order) mandationo; at the command of secuno la mandationo di | (comprehensive knowledge or skill) fàcilitio; paraprenso; to have a good command of High Valyrian parcomprenser (aut haber granda fàcilitio sopre) Alt-Valirienso; (control) auctoritato; mandationivitio; [domination] dòminío; [mil.] comando; to be in command eser la ċefo; mandationer; (mil.) comander; (disposal) at your command ye vua disposo; to have command of one’s faculties haber plena poseso je sua facultatos; commandant (mil.) comandanto; commander (mil.) comandanto; commandeur (in knighthood) comandoro; commandment mandationo; The Ten Commandments la Deça Mandationos; la Decálogo; commander-in-chief ċef-comandanto || adj commanding [appearance] imponanta; [lead] dòminìanta; [tone] auctoritatistisca; mandationisca; [view] superregardanta
  • commandeer vt (requisition) recuisitioner; (expropriate) exproprier; (recruit) recruter; (seize) prenser; sacer
  • commando n (soldier) comandonano; (unit) comandono || adv (without underpants) necalceonosa
  • commeasurable adj comensurébila
  • commemorate vt (celebrate) cèlebrer; (serve as a memorial) mèmorifer || n commemoration célebro; mèmorifo; in commemoration of por mèmorifo sopre || adj commemorative mèmorifiva
  • commence vt cominitier || vi cominitiezer
  • commend vt (praise) lauder; (entrust) confider; (recommend) recomender; (archaic) commend me to the king mèmoredifes mi favore ad la reġo; presentationes mea hominaġo ad la reġo || adj commendable laudanda
  • commensurable adj cummensurébila
  • commensurate adj proportionasca; salary commensurate with experience salario secundo experientio
  • comment n comento; “no comment” “nula comento”; commentary comentado; commentator comentadisto || vi comenter; you might very well think that — I couldn’t possibly comment certe vi potan creder ecuilo — neposíbila lo es ad mi comenter; to comment on comenter; to commentate (Brit.: provide critical commentary) [of texts, events] comentader
  • commerce n comercio; (dated: sexual intercourse) (sexisca) relationos; (dated: social dealings) comúnico; intrerelationos; (sociisca) relationos; commercial (advertisement) publícito; commercialism comerciismo || vt to commercialize comerciischifer || adj commercial comerciisca
  • commingle vi (lit.) intremìsculzer
  • commiserate vi (with someone) condoler (álicu)
  • commissar n comisaro; commissariat comisarayo; commissary (person) comisaro; (place) [cafeteria] cafeterío; [store] provisayo
  • commission n (mandate; order for work) comisiono; (mil.: position) comisiono; (mil.: warrant) nominationo; commission of inquiry comisiono por incuister | (committee) comisionitado; comitato; (payment) [to salesman] (comision-)pocentajo; to sell on commission vender pocentaje; (perpetration) [of crime] pérpetro; (service) servo; out of commission for le servo; no funtionanta; to put into commission poner aden le servo; to take out of commission ritirer de le servo; commissioner (member of a committee) comisionito; comitatano; (official) comisaro; (temporary delegate) comisionito || vt comisioner; [a ship] poner aden le servo; [an officer] nominationer || adj commissioned officer oficiaro
  • commissure n (anat.) comisuro
  • commit vt (carry out) executer; [crime] pèrpetrer; (assign, send) [in trust] confider; [resources] asigner; destiner; [troops] invìer; to commit someone (to a mental hospital) entrifer álicu ad on manicomio; to commit someone to prison encàrcerifer álicu; to commit something to memory aprenser mémore; to commit something to paper poner álico aden papero | (pledge) òbligher; promiser; [dedicate] dèdicher || n commitment (pledge) promiso; [dedication] dédico; devotitio; (obligation) debo; óbligo; family commitments familiisca óbligos
  • committee n (board) comitato; (commission) comisionitado
  • commode n (toilet) [U.S.: flush toilet] cistern-latrino; [Brit.] forámin-sedilo; (hist.: chest of drawers) comodalo
  • commodious adj (formal: roomy) ampla; spatiosa; (archaic: convenient) cómoda
  • commodity n merço
  • commodore n comodoro
  • common adj (usual, prevalent) ordinaria; common soldier ordinaria soldato | (frequent) frecuenta; (shared) comuna; Common Prayer Anglicana liturgío; common property comunajo; common sense comuna sapiitio (aut rationivitio); greatest common denominator maxim comuna denominatoro; in common comune | (general) generala; (gram.: of either sex) common noun comuna nómino | (public) pública; (vulgar) vulgara; common people plebanos; common law (based on precedent) jurisprudentío; (established by custom) custumasca leġado; commonplace (ordinary) ordinaria; (trite) banala; comunaċa; triviala; common stock (stock ex.) ordinaria actionos || n (land for public use) comunayo; (Brit. pol.) the Commons la Cambro di la Nenobiliaros; commonweal pública próspero; commonwealth (of nations) comunitato; commonality comunitio; commonalty (chiefly hist.) plebo; commoner nenobiliaro; plebano
  • commotion n tumulto
  • commune n (community) comunio; communion (sharing) comunitio; (spiritual, mental, relig.) comuniono; to give Communion comunionifer; eucaristìifer; to receive Communion comunioner; eucaristìer; communism comunismo; communist comunisto || vt to communize (rare) comunistifer || vi (be in close spiritual contact with) comunioner; to commune with Nature comunioner cum le Naturo; (confer) conferentier || adj communal (pertaining to a commune) comuniisca; (shared) comuna; communist comunismisca, -istisca
  • communicate vt (convey, transmit) [thoughts, information] comùnicher; [disease] comùnicher; transmisioner || vi (have communication with) comùnicher (cum álicu, intre si); (grant passage to) [doors, passageways] comùnicher (ad álico); (have passage to) [rooms] comùnicher (cum álico, intre si) || n communicant [relig.] comunionanto; [archaic] comùnicanto; communication [of disease] transmisiono; [of thoughts, information] comúnico; to be in communication with contacter || adj communicable comùnichébila; [disease] contagioniva; transmisionébila; communicating rooms comùnicanta cambros; communicative (able to communicate) comùnichiva; (pertaining to communication) comùnichisca
  • communiqué n comùnichedo
  • community n (group of people with common traits, interests, profession, etc.) comunitato; (neighborhood) vicinayo; (society at large) socio; (being in common) comunitio
  • commute vi (regularly travel between home and work) navetìer; pèndulìer; (math) eser comutébila || vt (jur.: reduce a sentence) pun-comuter; reducter; to commutate (elec.) comuter || n navetío; pèndulío; commutator (elec.) comutatro
  • Comoros n Comoria; Comoran Comoriano
  • compact adj compacta; compact disc compacta disco || n (agreement, contract) conventiono; pacto; (cosmetic) pudruyo || vt compactifer
  • companion n (accompanying person) companiono; [comrade] camarato; [escort] acompanianto; (one of a pair of objects) companiono; duano; companionship camaratio; companionitio; companionway (naut.) scalonado || adj (complementary) [volume, guide] completifiva; companionable agratábila; sociema
  • company n (com., mil.) companío; [firm] firmaturo; (companionship) companionitio; to keep someone company acompanier álicu; companionìer álicu; eser companiono ad álicu; [friend] he’s good/poor company lo es/no es agratábila eser cum il; to keep company with vadader cum; a man is known by the company he keeps dices ad mi cum cua vi vadadan et mi diçun ad vi cua vi es | [guest] hòspitato; vìsitanto; are you expecting company? expectan vi vísito (aut vìsitantos, hòspitatos)?; to have company haber vísito (aut vìsitantos, hòspitatos); (group gathered for a particular purpose) asemblajo, -edo; companionado; [actors] actorado; [band, gang, troop, troup] trupo; to be in good company eser bone acompaniata; to part company (with) sèparer si (de); present company excepted excepte je la presentos
  • compare vt còmparer (álico ad áltero) || vi how do they compare? cua es lora cualitios rispectiva?; cuala es los cómpare?; how does this compare with that? cuala es ecuisto cómpare ad ecuilo?; nothing compares to you nulo potan eser còmparata ad vi || n beyond compare necòmparébile (aut necontestébile) plu bona; sine parìculano; comparative (gram.) comparativo; comparison (gen.; gram.) cómparo; in comparison with cómpare (aut contraste) ad || adj comparable còmparébila; (similar) análoga; símila; (worthy of comparison) còmparanda; comparative (gram.) comparativa; (involving comparison) còmparisca; (relative) relativa || adv comparatively (relatively) relative; (using comparison) còmparische
  • compartment n compartimento
  • compass n (naut.) búxulo; compass card búxul-carto | (for drawing circles) compaso; (range, scope) amplitio; atinġo; extens(aj)o || vt (archaic: contrive to accomplish) atinġ(uċ)er; (archaic: go around) circumvader; (archaic: surround) circumder
  • compassion n compasiono; to feel compassion for compasioner || adj compassionate compasionanta, -ema, -iva, -osa; (relig.: merciful) misericordiosa
  • compatible adj compatíbila || n (comput.) compatíbilo; compatibility compatìbilitio
  • compatriot n copaesano
  • compeer n (formal: equal) co-rangano; ecualo (secuno rango, hàbilitio); (archaic: companion, associate) asociito; camarato; companiono
  • compel vt (force or oblige) [by violence] fortiijer; [by violence or threats] coercer; [morally, legally] òbligher; (lit.: drive forcibly) presioner || adj compelling (convincing) [argument] convinçanta; convinciva; (riveting) [book, film] fàcinanta
  • compendium n compendio || adj compendious compendi(esc)a
  • compensate vt (recompense, indemnify) indemnizer; (remunerate) remùnerer || vi to compensate for something (make up for, offset) compenser álico || n compensation (counterbalance for something undesirable) compenso; (indemnity) indemno; (reward, wage) remùnerajo
  • compère n (Brit.) presentationisto
  • compete vi (in business) concurentier; (in games) concurser || n competition (in business) concurentio; (in games) concurso; competitor (in business) concurentianto; (in games) concursanto || adj competitive (in business) concurentiema, -isca, -iva; (in games) concursema, -isca, -iva
  • competent adj (capable) capábila; (qualified) competenta; (satisfactory) [work, performance] acceptébila || n competence, competency competentitio; (jurisdiction) jurisdictiono
  • compile vt compiler || n compilation (act) compilo; (result) compilajo; compiler compilatro
  • complacent adj autocontenta || n complacence autocontentitio
  • complain vi planger || n complaint planġo; (med.) malatitio
  • complaisant adj complaçanta || n complaisance complaço
  • complement n (completing part) complemento; full complement completa numbro (aut cuanto) || vt completifer || adj complementary complement(isc)a; completifiva
  • complete adj (having all necessary parts) completa; [entire, whole] íntegra; [finished] finita; [total] tota || adv completely complete || n completion (act) completifo; (state) completitio || vt completifer; [a form] plenifer
  • complex adj (composed of many different parts) complexa; [difficult] còmplichita || n [of buildings] complexo; (psych.) complexo; (system of different but linked things) military-industrial complex militarisch-industriisca complexo; complexity complexitio
  • complexion n (natural color, texture, appearance of one’s skin) carnationo; (general aspect) aspecto; (obsolete, med.: physiological temperament) complexiono
  • complicate vt còmplicher || n complication (act) cómplico; (result) còmplicajo || adj complicated (difficult) còmplichita; (complex) complexa; còmplichita
  • complicit adj cómpliça || n complicity còmplicitio
  • compliment n complimento; compliments complimento; (greetings) saluto || vt complimenter || adj complimentary complimentema, -osa; (free) gratúita
  • compline n (relig.) completorio
  • complot n (archaic: conspiracy) conspiro || vi (archaic: conspire) conspirer
  • comply vi (act in accordance) [with orders, rules] obeder; you have 30 seconds to comply vi haban 30 secundos por obeder; (meet standards) conformecer (ad); conformifer si (ad) || n compliance (conformity) conformeço; conformitio; in compliance with conforme ad | (obedience) obedo || adj compliant conforma; obedanta; (inclined to comply) conformema; obedema; [acquiescent] cedema; complacema; consentema
  • component n componento || adj componenta
  • comport vt (formal: behave) [oneself] comporter || vi to comport with (archaic: accord with) concorder cum; còngruer ad; convener ad
  • compose vt (create, put together) [literature, music, etc.] composer; (constitute) constituter; [chemical compounds] composer; (set up in type) tipòtheser; (settle, calm) [oneself, thoughts] calmifer; trancuilifer || n composer composisto; composite composito; composition compos(aj)o; [essay] esayo; (constitution) consisto; (typesetting) tipótheso; compositor tipòthesisto; composure calmitio; trancuilitio || adj composed composita; (calm) calma; trancuila; composite composita; compositional (composed of various elements) composita; (relating to production of creative work) composisca
  • compos mentis adj di sana mento
  • compost n composto || vt (make into compost) compostifer; (treat with compost) compostizer
  • compote n compoto
  • compound n composajo; [combination] combinajo; [mixture] mixturajo; (chem.) (chìmichisca) composajo; (group of interrelated buildings) (hábit-)complexo; (word) composita vocábulo || vt composer; [in a predetermined order] combiner; [without a predetermined order] mixturer; (worsen) plu-gravifer; plu-malifer || adj composita; compound interest composita interesto; (tech.) compound engine compunda motoro
  • comprehend vt (understand) comprenser; [by intellect alone] intelecter; (include) continer; incluser || n comprehension comprenso; [intellection] intelecto || adj comprehensible comprensébila; (philos.: intelligible) intelectébila; comprehensive (complete) completa; (vast) vasta; (archaic: relating to understanding) comprensisca
  • compress vt (reduce volume by pressing) compresioner; [text] condenser; (press together) cumpresioner || n (med.) compreso; warm compress fomento; compression compresiono; compressor compresionatro
  • comprise vt (consist of) consister ec; (include) continer; incluser
  • compromise n (agreement) tránsiġo; (concession) conceso; trànsiġaċo; (weakening, endangerment) compromiso || vt (weaken, endanger) compromiser || vi (reach an agreement) trànsiger; to compromise on (accept lower than desired standard) conceser sopre; trànsiġaċer sopre
  • comptometer n comptómetro
  • comptroller n auditoro; controlisto
  • compulsion n (psych.) compulsiono; (force) [by violence] fortiijo; [by violence or threats] coerço; [moral, legal] debo; óblig(ez)o || adj compulsive compulsionisca; compulsory (coercive) coerçanta; òbliganta; (required) deba; òbligataria
  • compunction n scrúpulo; without compunction sine scrúpulo
  • compute vt càlculer; (by algorithm) còmputer; to computerize informàtichizer || n computation cálculo; cómputo; computer còmputatro; to be in computers laborer en le informático; to be into computers òcuper si sopre le informático; computer game electrònichisca joco; computerese informàtichenso; computing informático
  • comrade n camarato
  • con vt (deceive) inganer; [swindle] frauder || n (fraud) fraudo; con man fraudisto
  • con n (disadvantage) the pros and cons las por et las contre
  • con n (informal: prisoner) prisionano
  • con vt (archaic: study attentively, learn by heart) parstuder
  • conation n (philos.) conationo
  • concatenate vt concatener || n concatenation concateno
  • concave adj cóncava
  • conceal vt [object, news] absconder; [thoughts, emotions] disimulationer; concealed lighting nedirecta lùminizo
  • concede vt [a point in an argument] conceser; [game, territory] ceder; [property for a specified purpose] concesioner; (jur.) [right, privilege] cònferer || n concession (act) conceso; [of franchising] concesiono; [of granting] cónfero; [of yielding] cedo; (preferential allowance or rate) rebaso; (thing conceded) [a point] concesedo; [game, territory] cededo; [right to use property for specified purpose] concesionedo; concession stand concesionita mangetayo; to grant a public concession to someone concesioner ad álicu | [right, privilege] cònferedo; concessionaire concesionatario
  • conceit n (vanity) vanitato; (lit.) conceto || adj conceited vanitatosa
  • conceive vt [child] conceptioner; [idea] concepter; imaginationer || vi (become pregnant) conceptioner; gràvidecer || adj conceivable conceptébila; imaginationébila
  • concentrate vt concentrer || vi (focus one’s attention) concentrer si (sur); concentrezer (sur) || n concentration concentro; concentration camp concentrayo
  • concentric adj concéntrica
  • concept n concepto; ideo; conception [of child] conceptiono; the Immaculate Conception (relig.) la Conceptiono Nemàculizita | [of idea] concepto; (idea itself) conceptajo; (imagination) imaginationo; imágino; (notion) notiono; (plan) projecto; (understanding) comprenso || vt to conceptualize concepter || adj conceptual conceptisca
  • concern vt (relate to) concerner; my question concerns money mea cuestiono concernan pecunio | [affect] afecter; [interest] intereser; [matter to] importer ad; (worry, make anxious) destrancuilifer; preòcuper; you’re obviously upset, and that concerns me vi es evidente perturbita, et ecuilo preócupan mi || n (anxiety, worry) destrancuilitio; preòcupezo; it’s a matter for concern that… lo es motivo por preòcupezo che…; concern troll (internet) preòcupez-trolo | (business, firm) firmaturo; interprenso; (matter of interest or importance) [affair] afaro; concerno; that’s no concern of yours ecuilo no concernan vi; ecuilo no es afaro vua | [importance] importo; it’s of no concern to me ad mi lo no importan | [interest] intereso; my main concern is… mea principala intereso es…; out of concern for the public’s safety pro la pública securitio || adj concerned (interested, affected) as far as I’m concerned concerne je mi; secuno cuante lo concernan mi; (opinion) secuno mi | (worried) destrancuila; preòcupata; concerning (worrying) destrancuilifanta; preòcupanta || prep concerning concerne je; relatione ad; sopre
  • concert n (musical performance) concerto; concert hall concertayo; to give a concert concerter | (agreement) concordo; in concert with comune (aut cume) cum || adj concerted (coordinated) coòrdinita; (strenuously carried out) forta; to make a concerted effort (to do something) coòrdiner sua efortios (por facer álico); efortiazer (facer álico)
  • concertina n (mus.) concertino
  • concerto n (mus.) conċerto; concertino (mus.) conċerteto
  • conch n (zool.: Strombus, et al.) conco; conchoid (math) concoido; conchology conchiliòloghío
  • concierge n concierġo
  • conciliate vt (placate) pacifer; (make compatible, harmonious) conciliationer || adj conciliatory pacifiva; conciliationiva
  • concise adj concisa
  • conclave n conclavo
  • conclude vt (bring to an end) finer; [formally settle] concluser; (infer) concluser; ìnferer; (dated: decide to do something) resolver || n conclusion (end) concluso; fino; in conclusion concluse | (inference) concluso; ínfero || adj concluded (finished) finita; to be concluded finuta en la próxima episodio | [formally settled] conclusita; conclusive (convincing) conclusanta; decisifanta; probanta
  • concoct vt [drink, plot] confectioner; [lie, story] inventer || n concoction confection(aj)o; invent(aj)o
  • concomitant adj acompanianta || n acompanianto
  • concord n (agreement, harmony) concordo; [fig.] harmonío; [treaty] pacto; (gram.) acordo; (mus.) [consonance] consonantio; [harmony] harmonío; concordance concordo; (index, book) índexo || adj concordant (in agreement) concordanta; (in harmony) harmonìanta
  • concordat n concordato
  • concourse n (open space) asemblayo; cumvenayo; [indoor] halo; (crowd or assembly) asembl(aj)o; cumveno; túrbulo
  • concrete adj (not abstract) [number, term] concreta; (made of cement) betona || n (cement) betono; concretion (med.) concretion(aj)o || vi (fig.) concretioner
  • concubine n concubino; concubinage (being a concubine) concubineso; (keeping a concubine) concubinismo
  • concupiscent adj concupiçanta; concupiscence concupiço
  • concur vi (agree) concorder; (happen at the same time) coìncider || n concurrence (agreement) concordo; (coincidence) coíncido; [of events] conjunturo || adj concurrent simultánea
  • concuss vt (med.) comotioner; (jur.: extort by intimidation) concusioner || n concussion comotiono; (jur.) concusiono
  • condemn vt (censure) condemner; reprimender; (sentence) condemner; [building] declarationer ruina; [food] declarationer dessalubra || n condemnation condemno; condemned (person) condemnito
  • condense vt [vapor] condenser; [text] abrevier; resumpter || vi condensezer || n condensation [text] abrevi(aj)o; resumpt(aj)o; [water] condens(aj)o; condenser condensatro || adj condensed milk condensita lacto
  • condescend vi (be patronizing) condecenser; to condescend to do something condecenser facer álico
  • condign adj (formal) [punishment] mèriteda
  • condiment n condimento
  • condition n (state) stando; to be in good condition stander bone | [circumstance] circumstantio; [disease] malatitio; [archaic: social class or rank] claso; rango; (stipulation) condiciono; stípulo; on condition that ... condicione che ...; conditional (gram.) condicionisco; conditioner conditionatro; conditioning (bringing to desired state) conditiono || vt (influence) influer; [train, accustom] conditioner; custumifer; (bring to desired state) conditioner; (set prior requirements on) condicionizer; lìmitizer; [make conditional upon something else] condicioner || adj conditional (gen., gram.) condicionisca; conditioned (brought to a desired state; trained) conditionita; conditioned response conditionita respondo (aut reflexso) | (subject to conditions) condicionita
  • condole vi (with) condoler (álicu) || n condolence condolo
  • condom n condomo
  • condominium n (building) condominiato; [apartment] condominiavo; (pol.) [joint control] condominio; [state controlled jointly by other countries] condominiato
  • condone vt (accept, allow) accepter; permiser; [approve] àprober
  • condor n (zool.: Vultur gryphus, Gymnogyps californianus) cóndoro
  • condottiere n (hist.) condotiero
  • conduce vi (formal) to conduce to conducter ad || adj conducive conductiva; contributiva
  • conduct n (behavior) comporto; [of business, etc.] díriġo; manuijo; (archaic: leadership) conducto; conductance (elec.) conductantio; conduction (elec.) conductiono; conductivity (elec.) conductionivitio; conductor [of a train] conductoro; train-ċefo; (elec.) [material] conductionivo; [wire] conductionatro; (mus.) dìrigisto || vt (lead, guide) conducter; guider; (organize and carry out) facer; [business] dìriger; facer; I don’t like the way they do business ad mi no plaçan la manario secuno cua los comercian (aut façan le comercio) | [campaign, musical performance] dìriger; [legal case] presentationer; (transmit) [heat, electricity, water, gas] conductioner; to conduct oneself (behave) comporter
  • conduit n (channel) canalo; [person] mediationanto; (duct) conductionatro; [elec.: tube] túbulo; vaíno
  • condyloma n (path.) condilómato; gènitatrisca veruco
  • cone n (geom.) cono; (bot.) cono; stróbilo; (culin.) cono; conoid (geom.) conoido || adj conic section (geom.) conisc(a section)o; conical cona, -esca
  • coney n (Brit.: rabbit) cunículo; [fur] cunícul-pelicio; (biblical: rock hyrax) [Procavia capensis] rócul-damano; rócul-hiraço; (pika) [Ochotona] ocotono
  • confect vt confectioner || n confection (concoction) confectionajo; (sweet) dulçajo; confectioner dulçajsto
  • confederate adj (joined by agreement or treaty) confèderifita; (pertaining to a confederation) confèderisca; confederal confèderisca || n (accomplice) cómpliço; (member of a confederacy) confèderano; (supporter of the Confederate States of America) Confèderisto; confederacy, confederation confédero; when a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him cuande en la mundo aparan on vera genioso, homi potan cognocer li per ecuista signo: la idiotos es omne coalitionita contre li || vt confèderifer
  • confer vt (give formally) cònferer || vi (have discussions) conferentier || n conference conferentio
  • conferva n (bot.: Cladophora) confervo
  • confess vt confeser; (declare) declarationer || n confession confeso; confessional confesayo; confessor (one who confesses) confesedoro; (priest) confesatario || adj confessed confesinta; declarationinta
  • confetti n confetos
  • confide vt (tell) [secret] confidentier (secreto); (dated: entrust) confider || vi to confide in (trust enough to tell a secret) confidentier ad || n confidant confidentiatario; confidence (secret) confidentiedo; (trust) fido; to have every confidence in someone haber plena fido sopre álicu | [in someone’s reliability] confido; [with secrets] confidentio; in confidence confidentie; to take someone into one’s confidence confidentier ad álicu; confidence man (con man) fraudisto || adj confident (self-assured) [performance, smile, reply, manner] autofidosa; certanitiosa; [person] autofidanta; certana (sopre si); fidanta si; to be confident of success eser certana sopre la succeso; confidential [information, remark] confidentiisca; [secretary] confidentiataria; [tone of voice] confidentianta
  • configure vt (set up or arrange for a particular purpose or taste) configurer || n configuration configurajo
  • confine vt (enclose, shut in) recluser; (limit) lìmitizer; restricter || n confinement (limit) límito; (shutting in) recluso; solitary confinement (célul-)ísolo | (dated, med.) parturo; confines límitos || adj to be confined (dated, med.) eser parturanta, -unta
  • confirm vt (verify, validate; relig.) confirmer || n confirmation confirmo || adj confirmed confirmita; (inveterate) inveterata; persistanta; usche-osta
  • confiscate vt confischer
  • confit vt (preserve) [food] confecter || n confiture confectajo
  • conflagrate vi incendiezer || vt incendier || n conflagration incendi(az)o || adj conflagrant flagranta
  • conflate vt combiner
  • conflict n conflicto; (armed struggle) [battle] batalio; [fight] combato; to come into conflict with conflictecer cum || vi (be in contradiction) [ideas, evidence, statements, etc.] contredicer (una je áltera); (clash) [interests] conflicter
  • confluent adj cumfluanta; to be confluent cumfluer || n confluence cumfluayo
  • conform vi conformeser || vt conformifer || n conformation formo; structuro; conformist conformisto; conformity conformitio; in conformity with conforma/e ad
  • confound vt (perplex) perplexifer; (stun, amaze) mirabilìazer; stuporifer; surpriser; (abash) verecundifer; (defeat) [plan, hope] frustrer; (disprove) refuter; (mix up) intremìsculer; [identify wrongly, mistake] confunder (álico ad áltero); (dated: damn) confound him! maledictita il eses!; confound it! demone!; diábole!
  • confraternity n fratrado
  • confrère n colego
  • confront vt (face against) afronter; Go, confront the problem. Fight! Win! Vades, afrontes la problémato. Combates! Guadanies!; (force someone to consider or deal with something) confronter (álico ad áltero); please don’t confront me with my failures no confrontes mi ad mea falos, mi precan || n confrontation afronto; confronto
  • Confucianism n Confuciismo
  • confuse vt (perplex) perplexifer; (identify wrongly, mistake) confunder (álico ad áltero); (intermix) intremìsculer; [jumble] confusifer; (make more complex) còmplicher || n confusion (perplexity) perplexitio; (jumble) confusajo; (mistake) confundo || adj confused (perplexed) perplexa; (jumbled) confusa; (wrongly identified) confundita
  • confute vt refuter || n confutation refuto
  • congeal vi (solidify or coagulate) coàgulezer; sòlidecer; (coalesce) unecer
  • congener n cogènerano || adj congeneric cogènerana
  • congenial adj [person] símpatha; [thing] agratábila
  • congenital adj denaça
  • conger n (zool.: Conger) congro
  • congeries n amaso
  • congest vt congestioner; incombrer; (med.) congestioner || n congestion incombro; (med.) congestiono || adj congested incombrita; (med.) congestionita
  • conglomerate n (gen., bus., geol.) conglòmerajo; [pudding stone] pudingo; conglomeration (act) conglómero; (result) conglòmerajo || vt conglòmerer || adj (bus.) conglòmerajsca
  • conglutinate vt cumglùtinijer
  • Congo n Congo; Congolese Congoano
  • congratulate vt congràtuler || n congratulation congrátulo; congratulations! congrátulo! || adj congratulatory congràtulanta
  • congregate vi asemblezer; cumvener || n congregation asemblitado; cumvenintado; (relig.) [of cardinals, monks, etc.] congregationo; [of worshippers] eclesio || adj (communal) comuna
  • congress n (meeting, convention) [of delegates] congreso; to hold a congress congreser; [of anyone] sexual congress sexìisca cumveno; congressperson congresano, -anto, -isto || adj congressional congres(isc)a
  • congruent adj còngruanta; to be congruent còngruer; (coincide) coìncider || n congruence cóngruo
  • congruous adj còngruanta
  • conifer n (bot.: Pinophyta, aka Coniferophyta, Coniferae) conífero || adj coniferous conífera
  • conjecture n conjecturo || vt conjecturer || adj conjectural conjectur(isc)a
  • conjoin vt (formal) [immaterial sense] unioner; [material sense] cumjunter || adj conjoint comuna; cumjuntita; unionita || adv conjointly cume
  • conjugal adj maritisca; sposisca
  • conjugate vt (gram., math) cònjugher || n conjugation cónjugo
  • conjunct adj asociita; combinita; comuna || n conjunction (gram.) conjuntiono; (immaterial sense) uniono; in conjunction with cum | (material sense) cumjunto; conjunctiva (anat.) conjuntivo; conjunctivitis (med.) conjuntivito; conjuncture [of events] conjunturo
  • conjure vt [spirits] conjurer; [memories, visions] ecvocher; (adjure) adjurationer; (lit.: beseech) sùplicher || vi (practice black magic) necromantìer; nigri-magìer; (prestidigitate) prestidigitationer || n conjuror, conjurer conjuristo; (Brit.: prestidigitator) prestidigitationisto
  • conker n (Brit: horse chestnut) cabal-castáneo
  • conlang n glosopeyajo; conlanger glosopeyisto
  • conn vt (naut.) dìriger || n conning tower comandi-turo
  • connate adj (congenital) denaça; (bot.) conationinta; (cognate) parenta; (geol.) conata
  • connect vt (join) junter; ligher; connect the dots junter la puntos | [caller] conecter; contactifer; poner en comúnico; [families] parentifer; [immaterially] unioner; [rooms, buildings, towns] comùnichifer; conecter; (elec.) conecter; (mech.) conecter; [pinions] imbracher; [RR car, piece of equipment] acòpuler; (associate) asocier; cumligher; relationifer; [with a crime] implicationer; (install) [cooker, telephone] conecter; instaler || vi (join) [rooms, buildings, towns] comùnicher; conectezer; (elec.) conectezer; (mech.) conectezer; [pinions] imbrachezer; [RR car, piece of equipment] acòpulezer; (be related) relationer; (hit) her fist connected with my jaw eluya pugno atingin mea mandíbulo; (relate well) bone comùnicher || n connection cumlig(aj)o; [joining piece] cumjuntatro; (elec., mech.) conect(aj)o; [joining piece] conectatro; (kinsman) parento; (relation) relationo; in connection with relatione ad; (telec.) we have a bad connection la líneo (aut comúnico, conecto) es mala | (train, etc.) conectatario; connectivity conectititio; connector cumligatro; (elec., mech.) conectatro || adj connected (related) relationanta; to be well connected eser bone relationanta; connecting [flight] conectataria; [rooms, etc.] comùnicanta; connecting rod bielo; connective [tissue] conectiva; cumjuntiva
  • connive vi (secretly condone) to connive at/in coniventier ad | (conspire) conspirer; eser cómpliça || adj conniving conspiranta, -ema
  • connoisseur n cognocitoro
  • connote vt conotationer; cosignìficher || n connotation conotationo; cosignífico
  • connubial adj maritisca; sposisca
  • conquer vt (overcome and take control of) [territory, nation, etc.] concuister; (overcome, defeat) [fear, enemy] vincer || n conqueror concuistedoro; conquest (act) [of fear, enemy] vinço; [of territory, nation, etc.] concuisto; (thing conquered) concuistito; conquistador (hist.) concuistedoro
  • consanguineous adj (also “consanguine”) parenta || n consanguinity parentitio
  • conscience n concientio; to have a clear conscience haber on trancuila (aut nita) concientio || adj conscientious concientiosa
  • conscious adj concianta; conciosa; to be conscious of concier || n consciousness concio
  • conscript vt conscripter || n conscriptito; conscription conscripto
  • consecrate vt (declare holy; dedicate to a religious purpose) [church, one’s life] sacrifer; (anoint, crown) [king] sacrifer; (ordain) [priest, minister] ordinationer; (transubstantiate) consacrationer || n consecration (dedication) sacrifo; (anointment) sacrifo; (ordainment) ordinationo; (transubstantiation) consacrationo
  • consecutive adj consecutiva || adv consecutively consecutive
  • consensus n consenso; generala concordo (aut opino) || adj consensual [involving consensus] consensita; [involving consent] consentita
  • consent vi consenter (ad álico) || n consento
  • consequent adj consecuanta; (archaic: logically consistent) lògicasca; consequential (following as a result) consecuanta; resultanta; (important) importanta || adv consequently consecue; (so) dunche || n consequence [act] consecuo; [result, effect] consecuanto; to be the consequence of consecuer (aut resulter) de; in consequence of consecue de; pro; to take the consequences accepter la consecuantos | (importance) gravitio; importo; it is of no consequence lo no haban importo; lo nule importan; of consequence importanta
  • conserve vt (keep, save) conserver; (preserve) [food] confecter; conserver || n conservation conservo; (environmentalism) ecòloghismo; conservationist (environmentalist) ecòloghisto; conservatism (pol., soc.) conservatorismo; conservator [of minor] curatoro; [of museum] conservisto; curatoro; conservatory (college for the arts) conservatorio; (greenhouse) planti-domo || adj conservative conservema; (cautious) [approach, estimate] cauta; prudenta; (conventional) custumasca; ordinaria; (pol., soc.) conservatora
  • consider vt (think carefully about) consìderer; exàminer; he should consider resigning il consíderes dismisioner; (regard as) consìderer; reguarder; to consider someone a friend consìderer álicu como on amico; (take into account) consìderer (anche); encàlculer; respectioner || n consideration (careful thought) consídero; respectiono; under consideration consìderata; exàminata; respectionata; [factor] her age was an important consideration eluya etato esin on importanta factoro | [thoughtfulness] respectiono; out of consideration for pro respectiono je | (remuneration) pagajo; remùnerajo; (archaic: importance) importo || adj considerable (meriting consideration) consìderanda; (notably large in size, amount, or extent) granda; multa; considerate atentema; bonitatosa; gentila; (archaic: showing careful thought) consìderanta || adv considerably grande; multe; considering consídere; [importance] respectionante
  • consign vt (transfer into someone’s custody) [dispatch] èxpeder; ìnvier; [entrust] confider; [for resale] consignationer; [hand over] transdoner; [to final destination] to consign to oblivion sepulter (aut relegher) en le oblito || n consignee consignationatario; consignment (act) consignationo; on consignment consignatione | (goods) consignationedos; consignor consignationedoro; èxpededoro
  • consist vi (be composed of) consister (ec); (have as an essential feature) consister (en) || n consistency (coherence) [of argument] coheso; consecuo; lógico; their statements lack consistency lora declarationos no concordan | (compatibility) compatìbilitio; concordo; conformitio; cóngruo; (constancy) constantitio; uniformito; (viscosity) viscositio; consistory consistorio || adj consistent (cohesive) cohesanta; consecuanta, -ema; lògicasca; (compatible) compatíbila; conciliationébila; concordanta; conforma; còngruanta; (constant) constanta; uniforma
  • console vt (comfort, soothe) consoler || n (instrument panel) consolatoro; game console jochi-consolatoro | [cabinet for radio, etc.] consolatoro; [desk-like part of an organ containing keyboard, pedals, and stops] consolatoro; (archit.: ornamental wall bracket) consolatoro; [corbel] corvelo; consolation consolo; consolation prize premio di consolo || adj consoling consolanta, -iva
  • consolidate vt (strengthen) plu-firmifer; plu-fortifer; plu-sòlidifer; [defenses] fortìficher; (combine) combiner; concentrer; cumfusioner; [bus.] amàlgamifer; [fin.] àgregher || n consols (Br.: consolidated annuity) consolidationitos
  • consommé n consomito
  • consonant n consonanto; consonance (harmony) [of opinion, action] concordo; [of sound] consonantio || adj (in harmony) concordanta; [sound] consonantianta; (phon.) consonanta; consonantal consonanta
  • consort n (companion) companiono; [partner] asociito; [ship] acompanianto; [spouse] sponso; Prince Consort reġ-spons(as)o || vi to consort with acompaniader; asocier si cum; eser companiono di
  • consortium n consortio
  • conspectus n resumpto
  • conspicuous adj (manifest) clare vidébila; evidentaza; salianta; (attracting notice) flagranta; ostentanta, -osa; conspicuous consumption ostentanta consumpto | (noteworthy) remarcanda
  • conspire vi (make secret plans) conspirer; [collude] colusioner; [with malicious intent] comploter || n conspiracy conspiro; (malicious) comploto; conspiracy theory complotismo; conspirismo; theorío di conspiro (aut comploto); conspirator conspiredoro; (malicious) complotedoro
  • constable n (Brit.: police officer) politìano; (jur.; hist.) comestábulo; constabulary (administration) politío; (collectively) comestàbulado
  • constant adj constanta; (continual) continua; (faithful) fidela; loyala || n constanto; constancy constantitio; (faithfulness) fidelitio; loyalitio
  • constellation n constelationo; stelado
  • consternate vt consterner || n consternation consterno, -ezo
  • constipate vt constiper || n constipation constipo, -ezo
  • constitute vt constituter || n constituency (district) (electionedor-)districto; (people) electionedorado; constituent (component) constitutanto; elemento; ingrediento; parto; constitution (physical makeup; pol.) constituto; (physiological state) constitutiono; constitutional (walk) promeno; constitutionality constitutaschitio || adj constituent constitutanta; constitutional constitutisca, -asca; (physiol.) constitutionisca
  • constrain vt (restrict) lìmitizer; restricter; [hamper] impeder; [lit.: confine] recluser; (compel) òbligher; [force] coercer || n constraint (restriction) límito; restricto; (compulsion) coerço; óbligo
  • constrict vt constricter; (inhibit) ìnhiber; (restrict) restricter || n constrictor (snake; anat.) constrictedoro
  • constringent adj constrictiva
  • construct vt constructer || n constructajo; construction (building) [act] constructo; construction site constructayo; under construction constructata | [result] constructajo; (interpretation) intérpreto; (ling.) constructo || adj constructive (useful) [criticism] constructiva; positiva; (jur.) [fraud, liability] implícita
  • construe vt intèrpreter; (dated: analyze syntax) constructer; (dated: translate) traducter
  • consubstantial adj cosubstantia
  • consul n cónsulo; consulate (function) cònsulitio; (place) cònsulayo || adj consular cònsulisca; if this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador? se ecuisto es on navo cònsulisca, ube es la ambaxo?
  • consult vt (seek information or advice from) consulter; if your erection lasts more than four hours, consult a physician se vua erectiono durationan plu longhe cam cuatra horos, consultes on médico || vi (have discussions) conferentier || n consulto; consultant consilianto, -isto; consultation consulto; (conference) conferentio || adj consultative consiliiva
  • consume vt consumpter || n consumer consumptedoro; consumerism consumptismo; consumption consumpto; not fit for human consumption no apta por humanisca consumpto | (dated: wasting disease) fthiso; galloping consumption tubèrculozo || adj consuming [curiosity] absorptanta; [passion] ardifanta; dòminìanta; consumptive (dated) fthísaca
  • consummate adj completa; ecelanta; perfecta || vt completifer; parfinifer; perfectifer
  • contact n contacto; to get into contact with contactecer; to put into contact with contactifer; (personal connection) relationo; business contacts afarisca relationos; contact breaker (elec.) interrumpatro; contact lens contacti-lentilo; contact person mediationanto || vt contactecer
  • contagion n contagiono || adj contagious contagioniva, -ema
  • contain vt (hold inside) continer; [include] incluser; (hold back, control) represer; restricter; retenter || n container continatro; -uyo; (freight) [intermodal] contenitoro; intermodala continatro; container ship contenitor-navo; content(s) continedo
  • contaminate vt contàminer || n contaminant contàminanto; contamination contámino
  • contango n (fin.) contango
  • contemn vt desapretier; desèstimer
  • contemplate vt contempler; (consider) consìderer || n contemplation contemplo; médito; penso || adj contemplative contemplema, -isca
  • contemporaneous adj cotèmporana
  • contemporary adj (contemporaneous) cotèmporana; (current) actuala; cotèmporana; [modern] moderna || n cotèmporano
  • contempt n desapretio; deséstimo || adj contemptible desapretianda; desèstimanda; contemptuous desapretianta, -osa; desèstimanta, -osa
  • contend vi (compete) concurentier; [in games] concurser; (struggle with/against) combater; lucter || v (affirm) afirmer; (assert) aserter || n contender concurentianto; [in games] concursanto; I coulda been a contender! mi potebin eser on concursanto!; contention (assertion) afirmo; aserto; (dispute) contesto; dísputo || adj contentious (controversial) contestata; dìsputata; (tending to dispute) dìsputema
  • content adj (satisfied) contenta || n (subject matter) continedo; contentment contentitio; contents continedo; [of book] tabelo di continedo || vt contentifer
  • conterminous adj contigua
  • contest n (competition) concurentio; [with rules, judges, etc.] concurso; (dispute) contesto; [quarrel] dísputo; contestant concursanto || vt concurentier por; (dispute) contester; [hotly] dìsputer
  • context n (circumstances; surrounding text) contexto
  • contiguous adj contigua; júxtea || n contiguity contiguitio
  • continent n (geog.) continento; continence continentio || adj (of bowels, bladder) continentianta; (sexually) casta; continentianta; continental continentisca
  • contingent adj (possible) [depending on uncertain circumstances] eventuala; contingent on/upon dependanta de | (philos.: true without logical necessity) contingentianta || n (mil.) contingento; contingency (state) eventualitio; [philos.] contingentio; (thing) eventualo; [philos.] contingentianto
  • continue vt (keep doing, not stop; resume; make remain) continuationer; no cesationer; continue! continuationes!; to continue doing something continuationer (aut pluse) facer álico; “so,” he continued “ben,” il continuationin; (extend) plu-longhifer; (make last) durationifer || vi (go on, not stop; resume; remain) continuationer; no cesationer; the beatings will continue until morale improves la batuos continuationun usche che la moralo melioreçun; to continue in office continuationer (aut rester) en sua oficio; to continue on one’s way continuationer sua vialo; (extend) the road continues for 10 km la vialo plu-longheçan ye dua km pluse; (last) durationer || n continuance (duration) durationo; (postponement) postpono; continuation continuationo; continuity continuitio; continuity supervisor continuisto || adj continual continua; (ceaseless) necesationanta; necesationosa; (frequently recurring) frecuentaza; rèpetadeda; continued continuationanta; to be continued continuationunta; pluso secuun; continuous continua
  • continuo n (mus.: basso continuo) continu(a bas)o
  • continuum n continuo
  • contort vt (deform by twisting) [features, limbs] torcer; [words] deformifer || vi (acrobatically) contortioner || n contortion torç(ez)o; (acrobatic) contortiono; contortionist contortionisto
  • contour n contorno; contour line isolíneo || vt contornizer
  • contra- afx contre-
  • contraband n contrabando || adj contrabanda
  • contrabass n (mus.) contrabaso
  • contrabassoon n (mus.) contrafagoto
  • contraception n anticonceptiono || adj contraceptive anticonceptiona
  • contract n (agreement) contracto; contraction (process of becoming smaller) contraction(ez)o; contractor interprensisto; contracture (med.) contracturo || vt (shrink or shorten) contractioner; [constrict] constricter; [muscle, word] contractioner; (acquire) [debt] asumpter; [disease] acuister; (make a contract with) contracter cum; [hire] inguager; [undertake] interprenser; to contract something out contracter facer álico exter la companío || vi (shrink or shorten) contractionezer; [constrict] constrictezer; (make a contract) contracter || adj contractual contractisca
  • contradance n (or “contredanse”) contradanço
  • contradict vt contredicer; (declare to be a lie) dismenter || n contradiction contrediç(aj)o; (flat denial) dismento; (oxymoron) antilogío; (paradox) antinomio || adj contradictory contrediçanta, -iva, -osa; (oxymoronic) antilogía; (paradoxical) antinomia
  • contradistinction n contrasto
  • contraindicate vt contreìndicher
  • contralto n (voice or singer) contralto; (part written for a contralto) contraltajo
  • contrapose vt (log.) contraposer
  • contraption n aparat(aċ)o
  • contrapuntal adj (mus., fig.) contrapunta
  • contrary adj cóntrea; (inclined to oppose or be opposite) còntreema; obstinanta, -ema || n cóntreo; on the contrary cóntree
  • contrast n contrasto || vt contrastifer || vi contraster
  • contravene vt contraventioner || n contravention contraventiono
  • contretemps n (minor dispute) contretémporo; (unexpected, unfortunate occurrence) contretémporo; desoportunajo
  • contribute vt (all senses) contributer || n contribution (act) contributo; (object) contributedo; contributor contributedoro; [donator] contributedoro; donationedoro; [to publication] contributedoro; cumlaboranto || adj contributory contributiva; [insurance, pension] contributata
  • contrite adj contrita; repènitanta || n contrition contrititio; (repentance) repénito
  • contrive vt (invent) [plan, scheme] ingenier; inventer; to contrive a means of doing something trover on meano por facer álico || vi (manage, arrange) succeser; to contrive to do something aranger (si) por facer álico | [with sinister intent] machinationer || n contrivance (arrangement) aranġ(aj)o; [artifice] artifici(aċ)o; astutajo; machinationo; [scheme] ingeni(aj)o; invent(aj)o; (device) aparato; máchino || adj contrived artificia; fortiijita; nenaturasca
  • control n (direction, rule) díriġo; dòminío; aministro; guberno; ímpero; control of the seas dòminío je la maros; to lose control of a vehicle/situation perder dòminío je on vehatro/situationo; to take control of dìrigecer; dòminìecer; prender dòminío je; prender la retináculo di | [of army] comander; control freak díriġ-maníaco; control room comandayo; comandi-cambro; control tower díriġ-turo | (influence or authority over) dòminío; (limit of the level, intensity, or numbers of) lìmitizo; represo; restricto; [crowd, fire] retento; [emotion] dòminío; guberno; retento; (operation) [of machine] comando; operatorío; Control-C díriġo C; control C; control key díriġ-tasto; tasto control; controls comandatro; remote control telecomandatro; (regulation) règulijo; controls [of volume, heat, etc.] règulijatro | (verification) controlo; [place where something is verified] passport control controlayo por pasaportos; control group atesti-grupo; control-grupo; controller (aer.) aerotràfichisca dìrigisto; (comptroller) auditoro; controlisto; (comput.) adaptatro || vt (direct, rule) dìriger; dòminìer; aministrer; guberner; ìmperer; [army] comander; (limit the level, intensity, or numbers of) lìmitizer; represer; restricter; [behavior] control yourself! gubernes vi! | [crowd, fire] retenter; [emotion] dòminìer; guberner; retenter; (maintain influence or authority over) dòminìer; (operate) [machine] comander; operatorìer; (regulate) règulijer; (verify) controler || adj controlled (regulated) controlled burn dìriġata ardo; controlled economy dìriġata ecònomío | (restrained) retentata; she was very controlled el habin granda guberno je si; to speak in a controlled voice parauler gubernante si; (restricted) controlled substance restrictita substantio; controlling factor factoro determinationanta; controlling interest majoritata parti-prendo
  • controversy n controverso; polémico || adj controversial controversata (aut -anda, -ébila); polèmichisca
  • controvert vt (deny the truth of) contredicer; negher; (argue about) controverser; debater; polèmicher
  • contumacy n (archaic) obstinazemitio; refractariitio; [law] contumacitio || adj contumacious (archaic) obstinazema; refractaria; [law] contumaça
  • contumely n (archaic) deséstimo; insulto
  • contuse vt (med.) contuser || n contusion contus(aj)o || adj contused contusita
  • conundrum n enígmato
  • conurbation n conurbation(aj)o; urbi-complexo
  • convalesce vi convalecer; recùperer si; risanecer || n convalescence convaleço; convalescent convaleçanto || adj convalescent convaleçanta
  • convect vt (phys.) convecter || n convection convecto
  • convene vi (assemble) cumvener; asemblezer || vt (convoke) cumvocher; asembler; cumvenifer
  • convenient adj (suited or favorable to one’s comfort, purpose, or needs) cómoda; this place is not convenient for us ecuista loco no es cómoda ad nos | (accessible) accesébila; bone situizita; cómoda; próxima; (opportune) oportuna; a convenient excuse on oportuna excuso || n convenience (amenity) cómodo; (comfort) còmoditio; give me convenience, or give me death! dones ad mi còmoditio, aut dones ad mi morto! | (opportunity, chance) oportunajo; at your convenience cuande lo convenun ad vi; secuno vua àrbitrío (aut conveno); at your earliest convenience tam prompte cam lo es posíbila ad vi; convenience store próximi-botheco
  • convent n mònachisayo || adj conventual mònachisayisca
  • conventicle n (hist.) conventículo
  • convention n (custom) custumo; (agreement) conventiono; (assembly) asembleo; congreso || adj conventional conventionasca; custumasca; traditionasca; conventional medicine conventionasca (aut traditionasca) medicino; conventional weapon conventionasca armo; conventional wisdom conventionasca (aut populara) opino | (unoriginal) conformista
  • converge vi converger || adj convergent converġanta; [thought] convergema; (relating to convergence) convergisca
  • conversazione n (literaturisca aut societisca) asemblo
  • converse vi converser; intreparauler || n (math, log.) recíproco; (reverse) inverso; conversation converso; intreparaulo || adj (log.) recíproca; (reverse) inversa; conversant cognoçanta; èrudita; exèrcitita; experta; familiara; instructita; conversational conversisca; [style, tone] familiara
  • conversion n (relig., fin., gen.) converto; (exchange) excambio; (log.) inversifo; (sport) transformifo; (transformation) converto; transformifo
  • convert vt (relig., fin., gen.) converter; (exchange) excambier; (log.) inversifer; (transform) converter; transformifer || n (relig.) convertito; converter (device) convertatro; (person) convertedoro; convertible (auto.) cabrioleto; descaputiizébilo
  • convex adj convexa || n convexity convexitio
  • convey vt (carry) [as pipe, tube, wire] conductioner; [goods, passengers] transporter; (escort) acompanier; conducter; (transmit) [knowledge, energy] transmisioner; [signal] transmiser; (communicate) [meaning] dicer; expreser; signìficher; [message, opinion, idea] comùnicher; expreser; words cannot convey my contempt le paraulo no potan traducter mea deséstimo; (jur.) [property] ceder; trànsferer || n conveyance [as pipe, tube, wire] conductiono; [escort] acompanio; conducto; [of goods, passengers] transporto; (transmission) [of knowledge, energy] transmisiono; [of signal] transmiso; (communication) [of meaning] diço; signífico; [of message] comúnico; (vehicle) vehatro; (jur.) [act] cedo; tránsfero; [document] tránsfer-atesto || adj conveyor belt transportedora bendo
  • convict vt convicter || n convictito; conviction (jur.) convicto; (belief) credo; it is my conviction that… mi credan firme che… | [being firmly convinced] convincezo; to say with conviction dicer cum convincezo
  • convince vt convincer || adj convincing convinçanta, -iva; probanta, -iva
  • convivial adj (atmosphere) agratábila; alecra; festinisca; (person) agratábila; alecra; sociema || n conviviality agratàbilitio; alecritio; festinischitio; sociemitio
  • convoke vt cumvocher || n convocation cumvoco; (assembly) asembledo; cumvochito; [eccl.] sínodo
  • convolute vt voluteschifer; volutosifer || n convolution envolvedo; voluto; (math) convolution(aj)o || adj (bio.) convoluta; convoluted volutesca, -osa
  • convolvulus n (bot.: Convolvulus) convólvulo
  • convoy n (procession) caravano; [organized, usually with military escort] convoyo || vt (accompany) [as armed escort] excortìer; [as fellow traveler] convoyer
  • convulse vi convulser || vt convulsifer; [country] àgiter || n convulsion convulso; (upheaval) tumulto || adj convulsive convulsa, -isca, -ifiva
  • coo vi rùculer
  • cook vt (culin.) cociner; to cook a meal cociner (aut prèparer) on mangedo; (informal: falsify) falsifer; to cook the books falsifer la contos; to cook up [dish] prèparer; [excuse, story] inventer; [plan] confectioner || vi (cullin.) cocinezer; (informal: happen) what’s cooking? cuo eventan? || n cocinisto; cooker cocinatro; cookery cocino; cookbook cocin-libro; rècipado; cook-off cocin-concurso; cookout bárbecu-festino
  • cookie n (flat and crisp cake made from sweetened dough) cuc-biscocto; cuchio
  • cool adj frígida; (coolish) frìgideta; (aloof) apartema; (indifferent) indiferenta; (calm) calma; trancuila; (coolheaded) aplombosa; (informal: acceptable) acceptébila; (informal: comfortable with ordinarily upsetting circumstances) trancuila; (at peace) are we cool? paçan nos? | (empathetic) émpatha; (trustable) fidébila; don’t worry, he’s cool trancuila, li es fidébila; (informal: fashionably attractive or impressive) geniala; secuno-moda; (informal: good, excellent) geniala; cool story, bro! geniala storio, germano! | (impressive) imponanta; impresioniva; (ingenious) ingeniita; (interesting) interesanta; cooling frìgidifanta; (refreshing) rifreschifanta; (refrigerating) refrìgeriva; (tech.) frìgoriziva || n coolant (tech.) [refrigerant] refrìgeranto; cooler frìgiduyo; coolness (of person) [calmness] calmitio; trancuilitio; [self-assurance] aplombo; (temperature) frìgid(et)itio || vt (plu-)frìgid(et)ifer; (tech.) frìgorizer; to cool down (fig.) calmifer; trancuilifer; [tone down] mòderer || vi (plu-)frìgid(et)ecer; to cool down (fig.) calmecer; trancuilecer
  • coolie n “culi”
  • coon n (zool.: Procyon lotor) racuno
  • coop n cáveo || vt to coop up (cage) encàveifer; (confine) recluser
  • cooper n barilisto || vt baril-rèparer || vi barilefer
  • cooperate vi cumlaborer; (work in a cooperative) coòperer || n cooperative (organization) cooperayo || adj cooperative cumlaboranta; (econ.) coòperisca, -anta
  • co-opt vt (elect fellow member) coopter; (absorb, assimilate) absorpter; (commandeer) propriifer
  • coordinate vt coòrdiner || n (geom.) coòrdinito; coordination coórdino || adj coòrdinita
  • coot n (zool.: Fulica) fúlico; (informal: fool) stulto
  • cop n poli(tìano); good cop / bad cop poli(tìano) bona / poli(tìano) mala; to play cops and robbers jocher poli(tìano)s et latronos; cop-out evito je responso || vt (catch) capter; (obtain) obtiner; (steal) furter; to cop a feel furter on palpo; to cop a plea declarationer si (aut plàciter) culposa || vi to cop out eviter responso
  • copaiba n (bot.: Copaifera) [resin] copaibo; [tree] copaibífero
  • copal n copalo
  • copartner n co-asociito; co-partiprendanto; copartnership asocio, -ajo; copartiprendo
  • cope vi (deal with something difficult) manuejer; succese tracter (aut lucter contre)
  • cope n (relig. dress) pluvialo; copestone (archit.) coron-petrajo
  • copernicium n (chem.: Cn) copernicio
  • copilot n copiloto
  • copious adj abundanta
  • copolymer n (chem.) copolímero
  • copper n (chem.: Cu) cupro; [color] cupreo; coppersmith cupristo | (informal: police officer) poli(tìano); you’ll never take me alive, coppers! vos jamás captun mi vivanta, polis!; (dated: coin) cupro; copperhead (zool.: Agkistrodon contortrix, Austrelaps, Deinagkistrodon acutus, Coelognathus radiata) cupri-cápito; copperplate (plate) concav-impresatro; (print) concav-impresajo || vt cuprizer || adj (made of copper) cupra; (color) cuprea
  • coppice n boschetolo
  • copra n copro
  • coprolite n coprolitho
  • co-proprietor n coproprietanto
  • copse n boscheto
  • copula n (log., gram.) cópulo || adj copulative cópula
  • copulate vi (engage in sexual intercourse) coiter; [reproductive] copulationer
  • copy n (duplicate) copiajo; (exact copy) facsímilo; (second copy) duplicato; (matter to be printed) (impres-)materialo; bad news makes good copy mala noticio façan bona materialo | [advertisement text] (publíciti-)texto; (imitation) ìmitajo; (single specimen of a book, paper, engraving, etc.) exemplaro; copier (foto)copiatro; copy machine fotocopiatro; copyist copiisto; (imitator) ìmitedoro; copybook (education) scribaj-cuaderno; (programming) copiandado; copycat ìmitedoro; copyeditor corectifisto; copyreader corectifisto; copyright auctori-yuro; copywriter publíciti-opristo || vt (make a duplicate of) copier; (imitate) ìmiter; (rad., telec.) recepter; (send a copy to) invìer on copiajo ad; to copyright protecter per auctori-yuro || adj copyright protectata per auctori-yuro
  • coquet vi (rare: behave flirtatiously) cocheteser; flirter || n (dated: a flirtatious man) cochet(as)o; flirtem(as)o; coquetry cochetitio, -ajo; coquette (a flirtatious woman) cochet(is)o; flirtem(is)o; (zool.: Lophornis) cocheto || adj coquettish cocheta
  • coracle n coraclo
  • coral n coralio
  • cor anglais n (mus.) alti-haltbosco; Angliana corno
  • corbel n (archit.) corvelo; [S-shaped] consolatoro
  • cord n (thick string) cordo; [cable] cablo; [for fastening or moving a specified object] cordono; umbilical cord umbìlichisca cordono (aut funículo); cordage anmarado; cordazado || adj cordless [phone] nedratosa
  • cordate adj (bot., zool.) cordiesca; cordii-forma
  • cordial adj (strongly felt) cordiisca || n (liqueur) licuoro; (Brit.: drink) cordialo; cordiality cordiischitio
  • cordite n cordito
  • cordon n (cord) cordono; cordon sanitaire antiepidemia baratro; epidemìisca (aut militarisca) cordono
  • corduroy n cóstul-viluto
  • cordwain n Còrdobana corio
  • cordyceps n (bot.: Cordyceps) cordicípito
  • core n núcleo; (fig.) centro; cordio; esentio; fundo || vt desnùcleizer
  • coreligionist n coreligionano
  • corespondent n (jur.) coadùlteredoro
  • corgi n (zool.) corghio
  • coriander n (bot.: Coriandrum sativum) coriandro
  • cork n (substance) corco; (stopper) obturatro; tapo; corkscrew corchi-tiratro; tap-tiratro || vt [bottle] corchizer; tapizer
  • corm n (bot.) cormo
  • cormorant n (zool.: Phalacrocorax) cormorano
  • corn n (bot.: Zea mays) maíso; [individual kernel] grano; corn on the cob (maísi-)spico; corn salad (bot.: Valerianella locusta) valerianelo; cornbread maís-pano; cornflakes maís-flocos; cornmeal maís-farino | (med.: callus) calo; (Brit.: chief cereal crop of a district) cerealo; corn crake (zool.: Crex crex) crexo; corncockle (bot.: Agrostemma) agrostemo; cornflower (bot.: Centaurea cyanus) cianelo | (informal: sentimentality) sentimentalismo || adj corned beef sal-acuizita bov-carno; corny sentimental(aċ)a
  • cornac n cornaco
  • cornea n (anat.) córneo
  • cornel n (bot.: Cornus) cornìculífero
  • corner n ángulo; nobody puts Baby in a corner! nulu pones Baby en on ángulo! | [of street] (strad-)ángulo; he lived in a neighborhood called “The Three Corners of Death” il residin en on vicinayo nòminijata “La Tria Ángulos di Morto”; to turn a corner tornìezer ye on ángulo; (pass the critical point) preterpaser la criso; (anat.) the corner of one’s eye la ángulo di sua óculo; la cantho | (difficult situation) aculayo; difícila situationo; (remote area) locheto; [nook] ànguleto; (com.: monopoly) acaparo; monopolio; cornerstone ángul-petrajo || vt (trap) aculer; [detain for conversation] retenter; (com.) [a market] acaparer || vi (go around a bend) prender on curvo
  • cornet n (mus.) [brass instrument] corneto; [organ stop] registro (di organilo); tùbulado (di organilo); (mil. hist.) corneto; (Brit.: ice cream cone) cono
  • cornice n (archit.) coroniço
  • cornucopia n cornucopio; abundi-corno
  • corolla n (bot.) corolo
  • corollary n (log., math) corolario || adj corolaria
  • corona n (astron.) corono; (anat.) [of tooth] corono; corona discharge (phys.) corona descàrichizo; coronavirus (path.) coronviro; coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (path.) coronvir-morbo 2019; COVID-19; morbo da coronviro 2019; do you remember the time before COVID, when all we had to worry about was “covfefe”? mémoran vi la témporo ante COVID, cuande omno sopre cuo nos debin preòcuper nos esin “covfefe”?; coronation coronizo || adj coronary (anat.) coronaria; (archaic: resembling a crown) coronesca
  • coroner n coronero
  • coronet n coroneto; (diadem) diademo
  • corporal n (mil.) caporalo || adj còrporisca; corporal punishment còrporisca puno
  • corporate adj corporationisca || n corporationo; corporation (com.) corporationo; (pol.) [of city] munìcipii-conselo; (dated: paunch) grosa ventro; panço; corporatism corporationismo
  • corporeal adj (concerning the body) còrporisca; (having a body) còrporosa; (material) materia
  • corps n (mil.) corpo; corps of engineers ingeniar-corpo; (body of people engaged in the same activity) -ado; diplomatic corps diplòmatado
  • corpse n cadávero
  • corpulent adj (fat) grasa; (stout) corpulenta
  • corpus n (ling.) opri-corpo; parauli-corpo; texti-corpo; (anat.) córporo; Corpus Christi (relig.) Festo di la Córporo di Cristo; Solemnajo di la Córporo et la Sánguino di Cristo
  • corpuscle n (bio.) corpúsculo; [of blood] glóbulo
  • corpus delicti n (jur.) córporo di la delicto
  • corral vt encuralifer || n curalo
  • correct adj (free from error) [answer, number, term, estimate, information] corecta; neerorosa; the correct answer is “the Moops” la corecta respondo es “la Maupos”; that’s correct! corecta!; exacta! | (exact) [time, change] exacta; (not mistaken in opinion or judgment) justa; you were correct to refuse him vi esin justa (aut facin bone) refuser li; (proper) convenanta; decenta; [behavior, belief] corecta; it’s the correct thing to do lo es lo corecta; politically correct polìtichische corecta | [style] bona; (most appropriate for situation or activity) justa; the correct weight for your height and build la justa peso por vua altitio et corporaturo; it’s the correct thing to do li es lo justa; corrected corectifita; to stand corrected agnocer sua eroro; correctional facility penitentierío; corrective corectifiva; punisca || n correction [act] corectifo; [result] corectifajo; (punishment) puno; correctness corectitio || vt [person, error, text] corectifer; (punish) puner
  • correlate vi corelater || vt corelatifer || n correlation corelat(if)o; correlative corelativo, -anto || adj correlative corelativa, -anta
  • correspond vi (have a close similarity) [agree] concorder (cum); that does not correspond with what you said ecuilo no concordan cum cuo vi dicin | [be equivalent to] ecuìvaler; her job corresponds roughly to mine eluya oficio ecuívalan próxime la mea | [relate, match] conformeser (ad); responder (ad); (by letters) coresponder (cum) || n correspondence (agreement) concordo; [match] conformitio; [relation] intrerelationo; (exchange of letters) corespond(ad)o; [letters themselves] corespondajo; lèterado; correspondent corespondanto, -isto || adj corresponding (equivalent) análoga; ecuìvalanta; (matching) conforma; respondanta
  • corridor n coridoro; the corridors of power la coridoros di potentitio
  • corrigible adj corectifébila
  • corroborate vt confirmer || adj corroborant confirmanta, -iva; (archaic) [of medicine] fortifiva; corroborative confirmanta, -iva
  • corrode vt coroser || vi corosezer || n corrosion (act) coroso; (result) corosajo || adj corrosive corosiva; (caustic) cáustica
  • corrugate vt (wrinkle) rughizer; [brow] froncer; (shape into alternate ridges and grooves) [iron, cardboard] undizer || adj corrugated cardboard undizita cartono
  • corrupt adj (phys., moral) coruptita; deshonesta; [text, file] coruptita; (archaic: rotten) putranta || n corruptibility coruptèbilitio; corruption (act) corupto; (state) coruptititio; deshonestitio; (archaic: decay) putro || vt (phys., moral) corupter; (bribe) subornationer; (archaic: putrify) putrifer
  • corsage n (bodice) corsaġo; (bouquet) corsaġ-bocheto
  • corsair n (archaic: privateer) cursar-navo; (archaic: privateersman) cursaro
  • corselet n (armor) coriáceo
  • corset n corseto
  • cortège n (procession) procesiono; [for funeral] fùnerantado; fùnerisca procesiono; (retinue) excorto; secuantado
  • cortex n (anat., bot.) córtiço || adj cortical còrticisca
  • cortisone n (biochem.) cortisono
  • corundum n (min.) corundo
  • coruscate vi (lit.) cintilef(ad)er
  • corvée n (hist.) corveo
  • corvette n (naut., hist.) corveto
  • Corvus n (astron.) Corvo
  • Corybant n (hist.) Coribanto
  • corymb n (bot.) corimbo
  • coryphaeus n (theat., hist.; fig.: leader of a party or interest) corifeo
  • coryphée n corifeo
  • cosecant n (math) cosecanto
  • cosh n (Brit. informal: bludgeon) clavono || vt clavonijer
  • cosine n (math) cosínuso
  • cosmetic adj cosmètichisca || n cosmetics cosmético
  • cosmopolitan adj cosmopolita || n cosmopolito
  • cosmos n cosmo; cosmicism cosmischismo; cosmogony cosmogonío; cosmographer cosmógrafo; cosmography cosmògrafío; cosmonaut cosmonauto || adj cosmic cosmisca
  • cosplay n cospleyo; cosplayer cospleyedoro
  • Cossack n Cozaco
  • cosset vt indulcer
  • cost vt coster; to cost someone their life coster ad álicu sua vivo || n costo; (expense) expenso; (price) pretio; at any cost li costes cuante li costun; ye cua cunche costo (aut pretio); at cost ye costi-pretio; at the cost of coste je; to my cost ye mea expenso; cost of living viv-costo; costing (com.) costi-cálculo; cost-of-living index viv-costisca índiço || adj costly costosaza; pretiosa
  • costal adj (anat., zool.) còstulisca
  • Costa Rica n Costarica; Costa Rican Costaricano
  • costermonger n (Brit. dated) stradisca (fructi-)vendisto
  • costive adj constipita
  • costume n [of country, class, period, occasion] costumo; costumer costumefisto
  • cot n lecteto; plic-lecto
  • cotangent n (math) cotangento
  • coterie n clico
  • cotillion n cotiliono
  • cotoneaster n (bot.: Cotoneaster) cotoneastro
  • cottage n (rurisca) dometo
  • cotter n clavilo; cotter pin findita clavilo
  • cotton n (bot.: Gossypium) (wool) cotono; [absorbent] hidrófila cotono (aut vato); [cloth] coton-telo; [goods] cotonajo; [thread] coton-filo; (plant) cotonífero; cotton gin (coton-)desgranizatro; cotton lavender (bot.: Santolina chamaecyparissus) cipreseto; cotton swab coton-bastoneto; vati-bastoneto; cotton wadding, padding vato
  • cotyledon n (bot.) cotiledono
  • cotyloid cavity n (anat.) acetábulo
  • couch n (sofa) sofao; (canapé) canapeo; (divan) divano || vt (express) expreser
  • couchette n (RR car with convertible sleeping berths) jaç-vagono; (sleeping berth) jaçayo
  • couch grass n (bot.: Cynodon dactylon) canícul-denta herbo; (bot.: Elymus repens) canícul-herbo
  • cougar n (zool.: Puma concolor) pumo
  • cough vi tuser || vt to cough up [blood, phlegm] sputer; (med.) [blood, phlegm] expèctorer; (fig.) [information] dicer; sputer; [money] ectirer || n tuso; cough drop tus-pastilo; coughing fit tus-ataco
  • could v (was able) potin; (will be able) potun; (would be able) poteban
  • coulisse n (theat.) coliso
  • coulomb n (phys.) culombio
  • council n (advisory, deliberative, or legislative body) conselo; [advisory body only] consiliantado; [eccl.] concilio; Council of Europe Conselo di Europa; town council munìcipii-conselo; councilor conselano
  • counsel n (advice) consilio; to keep one’s own counsel guarder silentio; to take counsel consulter (álicu) sopre álico; demander consilio (de álicu) sopre álico | (adviser) consilianto, -isto; (lawyer) avocato; counselor (adviser) consilianto, -isto; (lawyer) avocato || vt (advise) [gen., med., psych., etc.] consilier; (recommend) recomender
  • count vt (determine amount) [by counting] conter; [by mathematics] càlculer; (consider) consìderer; jùdicher; count yourself lucky consíderes vi como fortunosa; (include) conter; encàlculer; not counting the children necontante la pueros || vi (be significant) importer; every second counts cascuna secundo importan; (be valid) eser válida; that doesn’t count ecuilo no es válida; to count against desserver; it will count against us li desservun nos; to count on (expect) expecter; I hadn’t counted on this mi no expectin ecuilo | (rely on) fider ad || n conto; (total) count noun contébila substantivo | (calculation) cálcul(aj)o; counter (for counting things) [apparatus] contatro; [person] contisto; (in games) jetono; (in shop) contorio; (position in post office, bank) guicheto | (point for consideration) [aspect] punto; you’re wrong on both counts vi eroran sopre amba puntos | [reason] motivo; (jur.) acus(-punt)o || adj countless necontébila (aut sine conto); nenumbrosa (aut sine numbro)
  • count n (title) cómit(as)o; countess cómit(is)o; county (division of a country) provincio; (division of U.S. state or Canadian province) contio; (hist.: land ruled by a count) còmitio
  • countenance n (face) facio; [mien] vulto; (approval) áprobo; [support] apodio; suporto || vt (permit) permiser
  • counter vt (counteract) contreacter; (respond to) responder ad || adv counter to contre; to run counter to contreacter; eser contre || afx contre-
  • counteract vt contreacter; (neutralize) neutrifer
  • counterattack vt contreatacher
  • counterbalance n contrepesatro; (fig.: compensation) compenso || vt contrepeser; (fig.: compensate) compenser; (fig.: neutralize) neutrifer
  • counterblow n contrecolpo
  • countercharge n contreacuso
  • countercheck n ricontrolo; riverífico || vt contreacter
  • counterclockwise adv contrehorologiasche
  • counterculture n contreculturo
  • countercurrent n contrefluo || adv contreflue
  • counterfeit adj contrafectita; falsa || n contrafectajo || vt contrafecter
  • counterfoil n (Brit.: stub) control-folio
  • counterirritant n (med., hist.) revulsivo
  • countermand vt [order] rèvocher; [person] contremandationer ad; [machine] contrecomander; (declare invalid) anuler || n [of order] révoco; [of person] contremandationo; [of machine] contrecomando; (declaration of invalidity) anulo
  • countermarch vi contremarċer || n contremarċo
  • countermark n (hist.) control-marco
  • countermeasure n contremeano
  • countermine n (mil., fig.) contremino || vt contreminizer
  • counterpane n (dated: bedspread) lecti-còpertatro; lecti-tapeto
  • counterpart n (complement) complemento; (equivalent) contreparto; ecuìvalanto; [person] homólogo; (jur.) copiajo
  • counterplea n (jur.) contreplácito
  • counterplot n contrecomploto || vi contrecomploter
  • counterpoint n (mus., fig.) contrapunto || vt contrapuntizer
  • counterpoise n contrepes(aj)o; (equilibrium) ecuilibrio || vt contrepeser
  • counterpoison vt contreveneno
  • counterscarp n (mil.) contrescarpajo
  • countersign vt contresignaturizer
  • countersink vt [hole] biselizer; [screw] bisel-monter
  • countertenor n (mus.) contralto
  • country n (nation with its own government) paeso; [homeland] matrio; patrio; (region) regiono; (rural district) ruro; country dance (contradance) contradanço; country house (Brit.: manor) dòminayo; manorio; country music country; countryside ruro | (terrain, land) tereno; countryman (person from rural area) rurano; (person from same country) copaesano; copatriano || adj countrified rústica; countrywide tot-paesa
  • coup n (pol.) stat-renverso; [putsch] puċo; (successful stroke or move) succeso; coup de grâce colpo di gracio; morti-colpo; coup de théâtre dram-colpo
  • coupé n (auto.) cupeo; (hist.: brougham) cupeo
  • couple n (pair) duo; parículo; [of rafters] caprono; (informal: indefinite small number) cualca; just a couple of minutes mere cualca minutos; (partners) [in dance, game] parteneros; [married] sponsos; coupler (mech.) acòpulatro; coupling (mech.) acòpulatro; (pairing of two items) duenifo; parìculifo; (sexual intercourse) copulationo || vt (combine) combiner; [connect] junter; [mech.] acòpuler || vi to couple up parecer; (dated: to have sex) copulationer
  • couplet n (prosody) dístico
  • coupon n (voucher) cupono
  • courage n coraġo; to take one’s courage in both hands colectioner sua tota coraġo || adj courageous coraġosa
  • courgette n (Brit.: zucchini) cucùrbiteto
  • courier n curaro
  • course n (route) rupto; to go off course devier de sua rupto; set your course for Alderaan! pones la rupto (aut enruptifes nos) ad Alderaan!; to stay the course mantiner la rupto | [of planet] órbito; [of river] fluo; (action) metito; optiono; to take a certain course of action prender cuida metito; we have no other course but to… nos no haban áltera optiono cam…; we have to decide on the best course of action nos deban deciser cua es la maxim bona metito | [direction] directiono; to change the course of history cambier la directiono di le historio | [duration, process] durationo; evolutiono; progreso; succesiono; in the course of dum; to let events run their course lacer la eventos secuer sua rupto aut evolutioner naturasche | (area) [golf course] (golf-)campo; [racecourse] curejayo; hipódromo; (series) serio; [of lessons] curso; course work curs-tasc(ad)o | [of treatments] curationado; [row] filaro; (archit.) [layer of bricks, etc.] strato; (culin.) [dish forming part of a meal] platilo; main course principala platilo; of course (emphasizing agreement) certe; (obviously) clare; comprensébile, -ende; naturasche; courser (zool.: Cursorius cursor) curitoro; (hist.: fast warhorse) cursorio || vt (pursue with greyhounds) cacier (per hundos) || vi [water, air] curer
  • court n (jur.: tribunal) tribunalo; court-martial martiala (aut militarisca) tribunalo | (archit.) [courtyard] cortilo; patio; [for basketball, tennis] tereno; [small street with no outlet] sac-stradeto; (royal) [establishment, retinue, and residence] corto; courtier cortano; courtship cortejo || vt [woman] cortejer; [disaster] exposer si ad; inviter; to court-martial jùdicìer abante martiala (aut militarisca) tribunalo || adj courtly (obsequious) adulema; (polished) cortanda; cortesa; eleganta; galanta; gentila; courtly love cortanisca amo
  • courteous adj cortesa
  • courtesan n cortisaniso
  • courtesy n (politeness) cortesitio; courtesy of (per) cortesitio di; you might have had the courtesy to tell me vi potebin haber la cortesitio por dicer ad mi; (polite act) cortesajo; to exchange courtesies excambier cortesajos; will you do me the courtesy of…? complacebun vi mi per…?; faces ad mi la favoro di…; courtesy car vecturo di cortesitio
  • couscous n cuscuso
  • cousin n consobrino; first cousin primaria consobrino; second cousin secundaria consobrino
  • couture n modo; couturier modisto
  • covalent adj (chem.) covalenta
  • cove n bayeto; gulfeto
  • coven n (group) bando; (meeting) cumveno; (neopaganism: meeting or community) convento
  • covenant n (theo.) aliantio; (jur.: agreement) conventiono; pacto || vi conventioner; pacter
  • cover vt còperter; to cover in mud còperter per fango; to cover one’s eyes (against the sun) protecter sua óculos; (when crying) còperter sua óculos; to cover one’s face with one’s hands còperter sua facio per sua manuos; to cover oneself with glory còperter si per glorio | (envelop) inveloper; (hide) [feelings, facts, mistakes] absconder; còperter; disimulationer; velamentizer; to cover one’s tracks efacier sua tracios | [noise] necher; (protect) còperter; protecter; to cover one’s ass protecter si; the soldiers covered our retreat la soldatos còpertin nostra retirezo | [coat, line, wrap] teger; [with insurance] asecurer; còperter; her computer is not covered against water damage eluya còmputatro no es còpertita (aut asecurita) contre damno da acuo; (be sufficient for) [cost, expenses] còperter; €100 will cover everything 100 € cópertun omno; 100 € sufiçun; to cover a loss còperter on perdo; (deal with) aborder; discuser; tracter sopre; the book covers only his later life la libro tractan mere sopre luya vivo afinala | [press: report on] còperter; reporter; (include) continer; incluser; Dothraki speakers are not covered in this report Dothracófonos no es inclusita en ecuista reporto; (mus.) facer on versiono di; (point gun at) apunter; (travel) [distance] còperter; parvader; we covered 15 miles in an hour nos cópertin 15 milios en una horo || vi to cover for (protect) còperter; protecter; (temporarily replace) supleter || n còpertatro; [bell jar] cristal-campanelo; [cap, lid] copérculo; [coating, lining, wrapping, paneling] teġatro; [of book, magazine] copertino; to read a book from cover to cover lecturer on libro de la unésima usche la última págino | [of furniture] fódero; (blanket) coperturo; [bedspread] lecti-còpertatro; lecti-tapeto; (concealment) còpertatro (aut falsa identitato, pretexto); to blow someone’s cover poner álicu ad le descóperto; [intentionally] desmaschizer álicu; under cover sub còpertatro (aut falsa identitato); under cover of (while pretending to do) cum pretexto di; pretextante | (envelope) [of letter] invelopelo; [of package] invelopatro; under separate cover en aparta invelopelo | (mus.) versiono; (shelter) abrigayo; [covering fire] (dìsparado dil) cóperto (aut protecto); [hiding place] abscondezayo; [refuge] refuġayo; to break cover desabrigher si; to run for cover curer por abrigher si; to take cover abrigher si; (hide) absconder si; under cover (indoors) sub tecto; under cover of darkness protectata (aut abrigata) da ténebro; sub (aut per) la protecto (aut abrigo) di ténebro; cover charge pretio di le entro (aut cóperto); cover girl copertin-modelo; cover letter acompanianta létero; létero di candidatitio; cover price pretio di vendo ad la público; cover story (espionage) còpertatro; (press) principala artículo; cover version (mus.) versiono; coverage cóperto; (insurance) asecuro; cóperto; (reportage) reporto; tracto; covering còpertanto; còpertatro; coverlet lecti-còpertatro; lecti-tapeto; coveralls (boiler suit) monóvesto; cover-up abscondo || adj covered market còpertita mercato; covered wagon còpertita caritazo
  • covert adj [action, surveillance] clandestina; secreta; [attack] nedirecta; [glance] furtesca; [threat] abscondita || n (shelter) abrigayo; abscondayo; [thicket] boscheto; foresteto; (zool.: covert of a bird) téctriço
  • covet vt desìderazer; [something forbidden] concupicer; we begin by coveting what we see every day nos cominitian concupiçante cuo nos vidan diale || adj covetous ávida; concupiçosa; desìderazosa
  • covey n greġo
  • cow n (zool.: Bos taurus) [female] boviso; [male or female] bovo; cowbane (bot.: Cicuta virosa) acui-cicuto; cowberry (bot.: Vaccinium vitis-idaea) rúbe-mirtilo; cowboy bovisto; (North American) vacaro; cowcatcher (RR) para-obstáculo; cowhide bovi-pelicio; cow parsley (bot.: Anthriscus sylvestris) silvagi-cerfoglio; cowpat bovi-feco; cow pie bovi-feco; cowpox (path.) vaccino; cowslip (bot.: Primula veris) primaver-prímulo; cow wheat (bot.: Melampyrum) melampiro; cowyard bov(is)ayo
  • cow vt (intimidate) descoragizer; tìmidifer; (subdue) dòmiter
  • coward n codardo; cowardice codarditio || adj cowardly codarda
  • cower vi acoàcticher pavorante
  • cowl n caputio
  • cowling n capoto
  • coworker n colego
  • cowrie n (zool.: Cypraeidae) caurio
  • coxa n (anat.: ilium) ilíaco
  • coxalgia n (med.) coxalgio
  • coxcomb n (dated: dandy) dandio
  • coxswain n (barchi-)dìrigisto
  • coy adj (coquettishly shy) cochete modesta (aut tímida); (evasive) evitema; reservema; tacema
  • coyote n (zool.: Canis latrans) coyoto
  • coypu n (zool.: Myocastor coypus) coipo
  • cozen vt (lit.: deceive) inganer; (lit.: defraud) frauder
  • cozy adj confortosa; [relationship, conversation] íntima; [room, atmosphere] focaresca; (suspicious) [relationship, transaction] cómoda || n (for teapot, egg) còpertatro
  • crab n (zool.: Brachyura) cancro; (astron., astrol.) Cancro || adj crab apple (bot.: Malus) [not domestica] silvagi-pomo; crabbed [person] acri-humorala; mal-humorala; [writing] ne-descifrationébila; crabby acri-humorala; mal-humorala
  • crack n (split) findajo; [on surface only] findetajo; [slight opening] àperetajo; (noise) [of crunching] craco; [of thunder] tónitri-stroco; crack of doom finisca jùdicío | [of whip] claco; (informal: attempt) éprobo; let me take a crack at it laces mi èprober li; (informal: blow) colpo; a crack on the head is what you get for not asking una colpo sur la cápito es cuo vi receptan pro no demander; (informal: drug) crac(-cocaín)o; (informal: joke) arguta comento; argutajo; burlo; cracker (crisp wafer of unsweetened dough) crachero; gran-biscocto; crackdown dura (aut severa, represanta) metitos; crackhead crac-adictito; crackpot eccéntrico; folo; stulto || vt (split) finder; [break] rumper; [burst] crepifer; [open slightly] àpereter; [surface only] findeter; (cause to make a sudden sharp or explosive sound) to crack the whip clachifer la flagelo; (solve) [problem, case] solver; (tell joke) burler; raconter on argutajo; to crack someone up (make laugh) crepifer pro rido || vi (split) findezer; [break] rumpezer; [burst] creper; [on surface only] findetezer; [open slightly] àperetezer; (change vocal pitch) rumpezer; [boy’s] mutantier; (make a crunching, breaking noise) cracher; (make a sudden sharp or explosive sound) clacher; (yield, break down) ceder; colapser; to crack under the strain colapser (aut ceder) sub la presiono; to crack down on frenijazer; prender dura metitos contre; to crack up (crash) aplastezer; crasher; (laugh) creper pro rido; (mentally) [go mad] folecer; [suffer nervous breakdown] subitioner on nerviisca criso || adj (very good) magistra; crack shot magistra focilisto; cracked find(et)ita; (insane) deméntiaca; fola; cracked up to be (asserted to be) he’s not all he’s cracked up to be il no es tante mirabila cam homi diçan (aut suposan, pretensan, pictan); to get cracking actecer; poner si en la laboro; crack-brained fola || inter crac!
  • crackle vi crèpiter || n crackling crépito; (rad.) interferentio; (Brit.: pork rind) tergilo
  • cracknel n (culin.) crachelino
  • cradle n (bed) cunábulo; cradle song bertii-canto | (framework) [for phone, ship] suportatro || vt (hold gently and protectively) tener delicate; [with rocking] bertier
  • craft n (trade) minsterio; the Craft (brotherhood of Freemasons) la Minsterio; (witchcraft) strighío | (cunning) astutitio; (skill) hàbilitio; [handicraft] artitianío; arts and crafts artitianajos; (vehicle) [boat] barco; [plane] aviono; [ship] navo; craftsman minsteriisto; [independent] artitiano; craftsmanship art(ism)o; artitianío; cognoço je (aut hàbilitio en) minsterio; hàbilitio; craftwork (Brit.: action) artitianío; (Brit.: product) artitianajo; minsteriajo || adj crafty (clever) artificiosa; (cunning) astuta
  • crag n scarpo || adj craggy [cliff, rock face] ròculosa; [coastline] scarposa
  • crake n (zool.: Crex crex) crexo
  • cram vt (fill) [receptacle, space] parplenifer; to cram one’s mouth with food parplenifer sua buco per mangedo; (force into a space) enpresion(az)er; to cram food into one’s mouth presion(az)er mangedo aden sua buco || vi (study intensively) studazer
  • cramp n (med.) crampo; to have a cramp cramper; writer’s cramp scrib-crampo; cramps [menstrual] dismenoreo; to have cramps dismenoreer | (tool) [clamp] clampo; [cramp-iron] crapo; crampfish (zool.: Torpedo torpedo) torpédino || vt (inhibit) descòmodizer; ìnhiber; restricter; your broken leg is cramping my party style vua rumpita gambo descòmodizan mi (aut tondan mea alos); (fasten with a cramp) clampizer; crapizer || vi (have a sudden cramp) crampecer || adj cramped [conditions, space] deslarga; stricta; to live in cramped conditions viver en reductita spatio | [writing] parvaza
  • crampon n crampono
  • cranberry n (bot.: Vaccinium oxycoccos) paludi-mirtilo; (bot.: Vaccinium macrocarpon) granda paludi-mirtilo; (bot.: Vaccinium microcarpum) parva paludi-mirtilo
  • crane n (tech.) gruo; (zool.: Gruidae) gruo; cranefly (zool.: Tipulidae) típulo; cranesbill (bot.: Geranium) geranio || vt [heavy object] gruijer; [one’s neck] tender
  • cranium n (anat.) cranio
  • crank n (mech.) manibelo; crankcase cártero; crankshaft manibel-árboro | (eccentric person) eccéntrico; [obsessed with a particular subject] monomaníaco; (ill-tempered person) acri-humoralo; iracemo; mal-humoralo; (informal: methamphetamine) methamfetamino || vt [engine, music box] manibelijer; to crank out (produce regularly) productader; to crank up [sound, radio] plu-lautifer; [volume] plu-altifer; (intensify) [campaign, bombing] plu-intensifer || adj cranky (eccentric) eccéntrica; (ill-tempered) acri-humorala; iracema; mal-humorala
  • cranny n findetajo
  • crap n merdo; the film was crap la filmo esin merda (aut on merdo); I’m crap at Sudoku mi putan (aut es neútila) en Sudoku; crapware merdwaro || vi cacher; merdefer || adj crappy -aċ-; merda; putosa; a crappy car on vecturaċo
  • craps n crapaldo
  • crapulent adj (lit.) cràpulanta, -ema
  • crash vi (have accident) crasher; [collide] colisioner; [fall violently] cadazer; (comput.) crasher; (fin.) colapser; crasher; (informal: sleep) dormer; pasifer la nocto || vt (informal: enter uninvited) intruser si en || n (accident) accidento; crasho; [collision] colisiono; [fall] cadazo; (comput.) crasho; (fin.) colapso; crasho; (noise) cracazo; fracaso; crash course intensifita (aut accèlerita) curso; crash diet intensifita (aut accèlerita) regímino; crash test dummy manechino por crash-éprobo || inter crac!
  • crasis n (gram.) craso
  • crass adj grosaria
  • crate n cuadri-capso; pachi-cáveo || vt encuadri-capsifer; enpachi-càveifer
  • crater n (geol.) cratero || vt craterizer
  • cravat vt (neckcloth) col-fulardo; (necktie) cravato
  • crave vt (greatly desire) àvideser sopre; desìderazer; (dated: beg for) [pardon] sùplicher sopre; [permission] implorer sopre || n craving desìderazo
  • craven adj codarda || n codardo
  • craw n (dated: crop of a bird or insect) ingluvio
  • crawfish n (zool.: Astacoidea, Parastacoidea) cámbaro; cancro di fluvio; (zool.: Palinuridae) langusto
  • crawl vi (drag oneself) repter; to crawl in/out enrepter/ecrepter | (advance slowly) abantier lente; (swim using front crawl) crauler; to crawl to someone (suck up) repter ad álicu; to make one’s skin crawl horìpiler álicu || vt (comput.) [web page] enìndexifer || n repto; [news, ads] rótulo; (slow pace) pasuo di tortuco; (swim stroke) craulo; crawl space interstaġa vacuo; crawler tractor eruchi-tractoro || adj to be crawling with (covered or crowded with) the street is crawling with cops la strado es examìata da polis
  • crayfish n (zool.: Astacoidea, Parastacoidea) cámbaro; cancro di fluvio; marine crayfish (zool.: Palinuridae) langusto
  • crayon n cer-lápido
  • craze n (fad) furoro; (fashion) modo; craziness [act] folajo; [state, quality] folitio; crazy [person] folo || adj crazed [look, person] fola; [pottery, glaze] crazita; crazy (insane) fola; (delirious) dèliranta; (demented) deméntiaca; (frenzied) frenesíaca; frenesìanta; to drive crazy folifer; to go crazy folecer; like crazy cuom on folo | [angle] minacianta; perìculosa; [price, height, etc.] absurda; (keen) to be crazy about someone amorazer álicu; eser fola sopre álicu; I’m not crazy about it lo no enthusiasmifan mi; mi no amazan lo; mi no es fola sopre lo || adv crazy (extremely) I’ve been crazy busy mi fue es extreme òcupata
  • creak vi (crack) [shoes, joints] crach(et)er; (grate) [hinge, bedsprings] grinier || n (crack) crac(het)o; (grating sound) grinio || adj creaky grinianta
  • cream n (on milk) cremo; (color) cremeo; (lotion) lotiono; (fig.: the very best) the cream of the crop la cremo di la cremo; la óptima di la óptima; cream cheese crem-cáseo; cream soda vanila gas-bibedo; creamery butirerío; (dated: dairy) lacterío; creaminess (containing a lot of cream) cremositio; (resemblance to cream) cremeschitio || vt (culin.) [add cream] cremizer; [remove cream] descremizer; [work butter] fruler; (rub lotion on) lotionizer; (informal: defeat heavily) aplaster; vinçazer || adj (cream-colored) cremea; (made with cream) crema; creamed potatoes patata pureo; creamy (containing a lot of cream) cremosa; (resembling cream) cremesca
  • crease n (line or ridge produced by folding) plicajo; (wrinkle) rugo || vt (fold) plicajzer; (wrinkle) rughizer; (graze) rader
  • create vt creer; (invest with new title) he was created a baronet homi facin il baroneto || n creation (act) creo; (result) creajo; creito; [relig.: all creatures] creitado; creationism (relig.) creismo; creationist (relig.) creisto; creator creedoro, -into; creature (being) esento; [animal] animalo; bestio; creatures of the deep animalos di le profundajo; [fictional] legendary creatures legendisca esentos | [person] persono; creature of habit persono (aut sclavo) di le custumo; you poor creature! compasionando! | [relig.: divinely created] creito; (pej.: dependent) dependanto; pupo; creature comforts (materia) cómodos || adj creative creema; creiva
  • crèche n (nativity scene) presepayo; (zool.) jùvenado; (Brit.: day care center) puer-atenterío
  • credence n (belief) credo; to give credence to creder | (credibility) credanditio; credèbilitio; (table) credentio
  • credentials n (qualification) credentialos; what are her credentials for the position? cua méritos el alegan por la oficio? | [papers] credential(a létero)s; (identifying papers) identìficatros; [of diplomat] acrèditiscos; credential(a létero)s; léteros di acrédito; (references) recomendos
  • credible adj credanda; credébila || n credibility credanditio; credèbilitio
  • credit n (fin.: privilege of delayed payment) crédito; (fin.: prepaid entitlement to goods or services) antepago; crédito; my phone ran out of credit in the middle of the conversation mea teléfono exhaustin sua antepago (aut crédito) medie di la converso; credit account crédit-conto; credit agency agenterío di evaluto (je solventitio); credit card crédit-carto; credit limit crédit-límito; credit line crédit-líneo; credit rating evaluto je solventitio; credit risk crédit-risco; credit union crédit-coòperayo; credit worthiness crédit-capàbilitio; solventitio; letter of credit crédit-létero; to sell on credit crédite vender | (accounting: entry in right-hand column of account book) crédito; credit side crèditado; on the credit side crèditade; en la créditos; (accounting: positive balance) to be in credit [account] eser còpertata; [balance] eser activa; [person, entity] eser solventa | (acknowledgment) agnoço; crédito; credit where credit’s due agnoço (aut crédito) secuno mérito; if you don’t come to class, you won’t get credit for it se vi no asistadun la claso, vi no receptun la crédito por li; to give someone credit for something agnocer (aut doner) ad álicu la mérito di; crèditizer álicu pro álico; they deserve credit for not caving los méritan che homi agnoces ad los la mérito di (aut crèditizes los pro) no ceder; to take credit for something atribuer ad si la mérito di (aut crédito pro); Aleksandr Sakharovsky took credit for the invention of aircraft hijacking Alexandro Sakharovskiy atribuin ad si la mérito di la invento je le avion-jachingo | (attribution) atribuo; (credence) credo; I gave you credit for more sense mi credin che vi haban plu bona jùdichivitio; it’s a better movie than people give it credit for li es on plu bona filmo cam homi credan; (honor) honoro; to his credit, I must point out that… en iluya crédito (aut ad iluya honoro), mi deban remarcher che…; she has three books to her credit el haban tria libros en sua crédito; to be a credit to, do credit to honorizer (aut orgoliizer) | (reputation) bona rèputezo; (schol.: acknowledgment of merit in an examination) mérito; (schol.: unit of study counting toward a degree or diploma) crédito; (trust) fido; to give someone credit fider (aut crèditizer) álicu; creditor (person or company to whom money is owed) creditoro; credits (cine., TV) agnoços || vt (accounting: add to the right-hand column of account book) [person, account] to credit an account Ᵽ10,000,000 in ransom money crèditizer on conto per 10 000 000 Ᵽ rexcapte; [sum] to credit ₿10,000,000 to an account crèditifer 10 000 000 ₿ ad on conto; (acknowledge) agnocer (ad álicu la mérito di); crèditizer; (attribute) atribuer; Clyde Tombaugh is credited with the discovery of Pluto homi atribuan ad Clyde Tombaugh la descóperto je Plutone; (bring honor or repute upon) honorizer (aut orgoliizer); (Brit.: believe) creder; the president said the crowd looked like a million-and-a-half people, but it’s hard to credit that la presidento dicin che la audientado pareçan eser milion cinchi-cent mila personos, mas lo es difícila creder ecuilo || adj creditable laudanda; mèritosa; creditworthy crédit-capábila; crèditanda; solventa
  • credo n credo
  • credulous adj (nim) credema || n credulity (nima) credemitio
  • creed n credo
  • creek n fluvieto; (shallow) rucelo; (Brit.: inlet) gulfeto
  • creel n pici-corbo
  • creep vi (move slowly) vader lente; [plant] scander (aut abantier) lente; [traffic] abantier lente (aut pauchene); (sneak) vader furtive; to creep up scander (aut abantier, altecer) lente; to creep up on abantier pauchene (aut repte) ad || vt to creep out (informal: make uneasy) horìpiler || n (informal: detestable person) horìpilanto, -emo, -oso; [obsequious person] culi-licanto, -emo; (slow movement) lenta (aut pauchena) abantio; creeper (bot.) liano; scandi-planto || adj creepy horìpilanta
  • cremate vt cremationer || n cremation cremationo; crematory (apparatus) cremationatro; (facility) cremationayo, -erío
  • crème n cremajo; crème anglaise Angliana cremajo; crème brûlée pudingo cum caramelo ardinta; crème caramel pudingo cum caramelo; crème de menthe mintha licuoro
  • crenel n crenelo; crenellation (act) crenelizo; crenellations (battlements) crenelado || adj crenate (bot., zool.) crenelífera, -osa
  • crenulate adj (bot., zool., geog.) creneletosa
  • Creole n Criolo; (language) Criolenso || adj Criol(isc)a
  • creosote n (chem.) creosoto
  • crêpe n (culin.) crespo; (fabric) crispa stofo; crêpe paper crispa papero; crêpe rubber crispa cauċo
  • crepitate vi crèpiter
  • crépon n sirsacaro
  • crepuscule n (rare: twilight) crepúsculo || adj crepuscular (pertaining to twilight) crepùsculisca; (resembling twilight) crepùsculesca
  • crescendo n (mus.) crecendo || adj crecenda || adv crecende
  • crescent n crecento || adj crecenta; (lit.: growing) creçanta
  • cress n (bot.: Barbarea verna, Lepidium sativum, Nasturtium officinale, et al.) cresono
  • crest n [of bird, wave, hill, helmet] cresto; (heraldry) blasono || adj crested crestífera; (heraldry) blasonizita; crestfallen depresita
  • Cretaceous adj (geol.) Cretàceisca; Cretaceous period Cretáceo
  • Crete n Cretia; Cretan Cretiano
  • cretin n (med., pej.) cretino; cretinism (med.) cretinismo
  • cretonne n cretono
  • crevasse n findazajo
  • crevice n findajo
  • crew n (naut.) marinarado; crewman marinaro | (team, squad) [sport, work, etc.] excuadro; crew cut bruciesca tondajo | (informal: gang) bando
  • crib n (barred container or rack) [child’s bed] cribo; crib death (sudden infant death syndrome) síndromo di súbita morto di le bebo | [manger] presepo; (timber framework) cuadrado; trabado; (informal: residence) hàbitayo; (informal, schol.: illicit copy) plagiarío; (informal, schol.: translation) traduct(aj)o || vt (informal, schol.: illicitly copy) plagiarìer; (archaic: restrain) represer; (archaic: steal) furter
  • cribble n cribro || vt cribrijer
  • crick n crampo || vt crampifer; to crick one’s neck / back habecer tortícolo / lumbago
  • cricket n (zool.: Gryllidae) grilo; (sport) crícheto; that’s not cricket (Brit. informal) ecuilo es on grosaria stroco
  • crier n (town crier) anuntiisto
  • crime n (punishable offense) [infraction] contraventiono; [misdemeanor] crìmineto; delicto; [felony] crímino; to commit a crime delicter; facer on crímino; crime rate crímin-índiço; crime wave crímin-undo; delict-undo; criminal crìministo, -oso; criminalistics forénsico; criminality crìmin(os)itio; criminologist crìminólogo; criminology crìminòloghío || adj criminal (constituting a crime) crímina; delicta; criminal damage delicta damno | (crooked) crìminosa; (re law, court, etc.) penala; criminal code penala códiço; criminal court penala tribunalo; criminal law penala yuro; criminal lawyer penalisto; criminal record penala historialo; (shameful) it would be criminal to throw those away lo eseban on crímino forjacter ecuilos
  • crimp vt (compress into small folds or ridges) [hair] crispifer; [metal, pastry edges] crimper; (informal: restrict) impeder; lìmitizer; restricter || n [of hair] crispajo; [of metal, pastries] crimpajo; (informal: restriction) impedo; límito; restricto
  • crimson adj carmesina || n carmesino || vi carmesinecer
  • cringe vi [from embarrassment, disgust, fear] acoàcticher (aut contractioner si, reculer) pro verecundo (aut repugnezo, timo); [dated: servilely] acoàcticher sclavesche
  • cringle n (naut.) oculito
  • crinkle vi (wrinkle) rughefer; [leaves, etc.] crispecer; (crackle) crèpiter || vt (wrinkle) rughizer; [leaves, etc.] crispifer; (make crackle) crèpitifer
  • crinoline n (fabric) crinolino; (hist.: petticoat) crinolin-jupo
  • cripple vt (maim) exturpier; (paralyze) paràliser || n (maimed) exturpiito; (invalid) inválido; (lame) clàudicanto || adj crippling [blow] valde grava (aut severa); [disease, debts] paràlisanta
  • crisis n criso
  • crisp adj (fresh, crunchy) crachema; [fruit, vegetable] (crac-)fresca; [linen] àmilizita; [paper, banknote] tote nova; (brisk) [tone, reply] sica; (cold, clear) [air] frígida et clara; (having tight curls) [hair] crispa; (sharp) [image] nítida; (succinct) [statement, phrase] concisa || n (Brit., culin.: potato chip) ċipo; crisper frescuyo; crispbread crac-pano || vt crachemifer
  • crisscross n (pattern of intersecting straight lines or paths) intrecruçado || vt intrecruçadizer || adj intrecruçada || adv intrecruçade
  • criterion n criterio
  • critic n crítico; (fault-finder) dura (aut severa) crítico; criticism crìtichío; (philos.) crìtichismo || vt to criticize crìtichìer || adj critical (censorious) dure (aut severe) crìtichìanta; (analytical) anàlisisca, -ema; crìtichisca, -ema; (art, lit., cine., etc.) crìtichisca; critical acclaim aplauso da le crìtichío; crìtichisca aplauso; critical success crìtichisca succeso | (decisive) [moment, stage] crisisca; decisifanta, -ifiva; at a critical juncture en on decisiva (aut crisisca) conjunturo; of critical importance di decisiva (aut crisisca) importo | (perilous, serious) crisisca; (phys., math) critical mass criticala maso
  • critique n crìtichío || vt crìtichìer
  • croak n (deep, hoarse sound) [of crow] graco; [of frog] coaxo || vi [as a crow] gracher; [as a frog] coaxer; [as a person] “rise, my apprentice,” he croaked “leves vi, mea aprendisto,” li dicin per on rauca voço; (informal: die) creper; morter
  • Croatia n Croatia; Croat Croato
  • crochet n croċetijo; (product) croċetijajo || vt croċetijer
  • crock n (earthenware pot or jar) úrceo; crock of shit (informal: nonsense) merdajo; crockery ùrceado; (dishes generally) vacelo; crockpot lenti-cocinatro | (old, feeble, and useless person) caduco; vèculaċo || vt (Brit.: injure) lesioner
  • crocodile n (zool.: Crocodylinae) crocodilo; crocodile tears falsa lácrimos; lácrimos di crocodilo
  • crocus n (bot.: Crocus) croco
  • croft n (Brit.: small farm) agri-cultiverìeto; [plot of arable land] agro
  • cromlech n (megalithic altar-tomb) dólmeno; [within circle of standing stones] crómleco
  • crone n vèculaċiso
  • crony n (informal: close friend) íntima amico (aut camarato); íntimo; [pej.] amicuċo; crony capitalism amicuċisti-capitalismo; cronyism amicuċismo
  • crook n (hooked staff) unchi-bastono; (bend) ángulo; cúbito; curvo; [of one’s arm] cúbiti-plicajo; (mus.) [of brass instrument] ton-cambiatro; [of wind instrument] tudelo; (informal: dishonest or criminal person) crìministo; deshonesto; pícaro; well I’m not a crook ben mi ya no es on pícaro || vt (bend) flecter || adj crooked (bent or twisted) desrecta; torcita; (informal: dishonest or criminal) crìmina; deshonesta; pícara
  • croon vi croner
  • crop n (cultivated plant) [grown] cultivedo; [reaped] mesionajo; crop circles agriglifos; círculos di cultivedo; crop rotation cultiv-alterno (aut rotationo) | (anat.) [of birds] ingluvio; (hairstyle) curta tondajo; (of whip) manubrio; (riding crop) flageleto; (fig.: abundance) amaso; serio; crop top curta camisio || vt (cut) [grass, as animal] pasturer; [hair] tonder curta; [image] ricuadrizer; (harvest) mesioner; (sow with plants) plantationizer || vi to crop out (geol.) aflorer; to crop up (appear) aparer; emerser; presentationer si; (occur) eventer
  • croquet n (sport) crocheto
  • croquette n (culin.) crochito
  • crosier n unchi-bastono
  • cross n (mark, object, figure) cruço; we each have our cross to bear omnu haban sua propria cruço (por porter); (hybrid) crucif(aj)o; híbrido; mìsculajo; the Irish game of hurling, a cross between hockey and murder la Irlandiana joco hurlingo, on mìsculajo je hócheo cum asasinío; cross reference referentio; cross section transversa secajo; crossing (act of moving across) crucifo; transvado; (intersection) intresec(ay)o; (vial-)cruço; (passage way) cruifayo; pasayo; crossbar transvers(a stang)o; crossbill (zool.: Loxia) cruç-beco; crossbow balisteto; crossbreed híbrido; mixticio; crosscurrent transversa fluo; crosscut [film] alternita montaġo; paralela montaġo; [wood, stone] transversa seco; crossfire cruci(fita )dísparo; crosshairs retículo; crosshatching (cruç-)haċuro; crosshead (mech.) cruci-cápito; crossover [act] transvado; [place] transvadayo; (auto.) crosóvero; (of genres) cumfusiono; cross-purposes dìferanta obiectivos; crossroad tranversa vialo; crossroads vial-crucif(ay)o; cross-stitch (needlework) cruci-sutajo; (single stitch) cruci-sutavo; crosswalk ped-pasayo; crosswind transversa vento; crossword crucigramo || vt (go across) transvader (aut -curer, -voler, -vehezer); it crossed my mind that… lo venin ad mea mento che… | (go through) travader (aut -curer, -voler, -vehezer); (intersect) crucifer; intersecher; (put crosswise) [arms, legs, phone lines] crucifer; cross your fingers for me desíderes ad mi bona sorto; don’t cross the streams! no crucifes la fluos!; (draw a line across) [check, letter T] tra-strichizer; (interbreed, intermix) crucifer; mìsculer; (mark with a cross) crucizer; cross my heart! mi juran lo!; to cross oneself cruci-signizer si; facer (ad si) la cruci-signo | (oppose) contreacter; oponer; [contradict] contredicer; [obstruct] obstàculizer; to cross off, cross out (delete) efacier; forstrichizer; to cross-examine (question aggressively or in detail) intèrogher; parcuestionader ad; (jur.) contreintèrogher; to cross-fertilize crucife fecundifer; crucifer; to cross-question (question aggressively or in detail) intèrogher; (jur.) contreintèrogher; to cross-refer referentier; to cross-stitch cruci-suter; to crosscut [film] altern-montagifer; paralel-montagifer; [wood, stone] transverse secher; to crosshatch (cruç-)haċurer || vi (meet and pass) [letters, people] crucifer si; [roads, paths, lines] crucifer si; incontrer si; intresecher si; the two lines cross at 90° la dua líneos intresecan si ye 90°; to cross-dress transvestizer si; to cross-vote votationer contre sua partito || adj (vexed, angry) iraçanta; vexata; don’t get cross with me no iraceces ad mi; (contrary) cóntrea; (transverse) transversa; cross-country (across countryside) tracampa; (across nation) transpaesa; cross-eyed straba; cross-grained [person] desafábila; [wood] cruç-fibra; crosstown transcivitata || adv crosswise (in the form of a cross) crucesche; (transversely) transverse; cross-legged cum gambos crucifita; gambi-cruce
  • crotch n (anat.) ínguino; intergambo; [of garment] bifurcayo; intergambo; [of tree] bifurcayo
  • crotchet n (Brit., mus.: ♩) cuátrim-noto; semimínimo; (archaic: whim, fancy) capricio || adj crotchety iracema
  • croton n (bot.: Croton) crotono
  • crouch vi acoàcticher; (squat) excoacter
  • croup n (path.: laryngotracheobronchitis) crupo; laringotracheobronchito; (zool., anat.: rump) cropo
  • croupier n (in cards: dealer) croparo
  • crouton n crusteto
  • crow n (zool.: Corvus) corniço; as the crow flies directe; en (aut per) recta líneo | (noise) [of rooster] chichirichío; pulas-canto (aut -crito); [of victor: gloating] joyuċ-crito; [of victor: jubilation] joyazo; triumf-crito; (pej.: crone) vèculaċiso; crow’s feet ócul-rugado; to eat crow (informal) retracter cuo homi dicin; crowbar lev-stango || vi (as rooster) chichirichìer; (as victor) [gloat] joyuċ-criter; [jubilate] joyazer; triumf-criter
  • crowd n (mass of people) túrbulo; [audience] audientado; [spectators] spectatorado; [informal: social circle] bando; clico; the crowd (people in general) la amaso; crowd control guberno je amaso || vt (fill) [place] plenifer; (encumber) incombrer; (press against, move too close to) presioner; shoc-pulser; don’t crowd me no presiones mi; (squeeze, force) cumpresioner || vi (become a crowd) amasecer; tùrbulecer || adj crowded densa; incombrita; plena; tùrbulosa; (populous) pòpulosa
  • crown n (headdress) corono; crown cork coron-tapo; crown glass coron-vitro | (monarchy) corono; Crown land regisca (aut coronisca) dòminio; crown prince coron-príncipo; herèditedora príncipo | (sport: championship title) campionitio; título; (consummation) completifo; (fig.) coron(iz)o; (culmination) cúlmino; (currency) corono; (top) supr(aj)o; [of head] vértiço; [of road] centro; [of tooth] corono; [peak] sumitato; crowning (coronation) coronizo || vt coronizer || adj crowning [achievement] supra
  • crozier n unchi-bastono
  • crucial adj (decisive or critical) crisisca; decisifanta, -ifiva; (of great importance) importazanta
  • crucian n (zool.: Carassius carassius) carasio
  • crucible n crucíbulo
  • crucifer n (bot: Brassicaceae or Cruciferae) brasicáceo; crucífero; (cross-bearer) crucígero
  • cruciform adj cruci-forma
  • crucify vt cruci-fixer || n crucifix cruci-fixito; crucifixion cruci-fixo
  • crude adj (unprocessed) cruda; (rough) ruda; (rudimentary) rudimenta; (vulgar) grosaria; ruda
  • cruel adj cruela || n cruelty cruelitio; (act) cruelajo
  • cruet n (for condiments) condiment-vaso; pìperuyo; saluyo; vinagruyo; (for Eucharist) acuuyo; vinuyo
  • cruise vi (travel or move about without destination) [for pleasure] crucerer; [in search of enemy ships, criminals, sex, et al.] crucier; (travel at constant speed) cruser || n cruise missile crus-mísilo; cruise ship crucer-navo; cruiser crucii-navo; cruiserweight (chiefly Brit.) legera máxim-peso
  • crumb n (small fragment of bread, cake, cracker, et al.) mico; (soft part of bread) pan-molo
  • crumble vi [bread, cheese] dispetiecer; [building] ruinecer; [hopes, dreams] colapser || vt [bread, cheese] dispetiifer || adj crumbly dispetiecema; friábila
  • crummy adj (informal) putosa
  • crumpet n (Brit., culin.) crúmpeto
  • crumple vt crumpler
  • crunch vt (crush) [noisily] crac-aplaster; fracaser; [with the teeth] crac-màsticher; (process) [data, numbers] proceser || vi (make a crunching sound) [gravel, snow, glass, fresh fruit] cracher || n (noise) craco; (informal: crucial point) criso; decisiva punto; if it comes to the crunch se venun la instanto di veritio || adj crunchy crachema; cracosa
  • crupper n (strap) crop-corigio
  • crural adj (anat., zool.) (pertaining to the leg) gambisca; (leg-like) gambesca
  • crusade n cruçato; (fig.) campanio; cruçato; crusader cruçatisto; (fig.) cruçatisto; mìlitanto; crusader against gluten mìlitanto contre glúteno; crusader state cruçatisti-stato || vi cruçater; (fig.) campanier; cruçater; mìliter
  • crush vt (forcefully compress) aplaster; [crumple] crumpler; (greatly disappoint or embarrass) aplaster; (violently subdue) aplaster || vi to crush on (informal: have an infatuation for) eser infatuetata da; infatuetezer da || n (crowd) tùrbulazo; (informal: infatuation) infatuezo || adj crushing [blow, etc.] aplastanta
  • crust n crusto || adj crusty crustosa, -esca; (irritable) acri-humorala; desafábila; dìsputema
  • crustacean n (zool.: Crustacea) crustáceo
  • crutch n (med.) crúceo; (fig.: support) apodiatro; (archaic: crotch) [anat.] ínguino; intergambo; [of garment] furchescheço; intergambo
  • crux n (most important point at issue) the crux of the matter la cordio (aut núcleo, esentio) di la afaro
  • cry vi (weep) plorer; it’s no use crying over spilt milk cuo es facita es facita; (shout) [with sounds] criter; [with words] clamer; (wail) [as infant] vager; to cry out criter; to cry out against protester contre; to cry out for demander | (make characteristic call) criter; [of animal] bleter; [of bird] canter || vt (shout) cry “Havoc!”, and let slip the dogs of war clames “Devastationo!” et deslighes la canosícul di guero; to cry someone/something down (dated: disparage) men-valorifer álicu/álico; to cry someone/something up (dated: praise) plu-valorifer álicu/álico || n (shout) [of sound] crito; a cry of surprise on crito pro surpriso | [of word] clamo; a cry for help on clamo por sucurso; (characteristic call) crito; [of animal] bleto; [of bird] canto; (watchword, slogan) clamo; slogano; (weep) ploro; crybaby plor(aċ)emo || adj crying (very great) a crying shame on vera (aut granda verecundo | (weeping) ploranta
  • cryogen n (phys.) criógeno; cryogenics criogénico
  • cryolite n (min.) criolitho
  • cryometer n criómetro
  • cryophorus n (phys.) crióforo
  • cryoscope n crioscopio; cryoscopy crioscopiijo
  • crypt n cripto
  • cryptic adj enígmata
  • crypto- afx criptó-
  • cryptogam n (dated, bot.) criptógamo
  • cryptogram n criptògrafajo
  • cryptography n criptògrafío; cryptographer criptógrafo
  • crystal n cristalo; (informal: methamphetamine) cristalo; crystallographer cristalógrafo; crystallography cristalògrafío; crystalloid (bot., chem.) cristaloido || vt to crystallize cristalifer; [fruit, candy] confecter || vi to crystallize cristalecer || adj [glass, vase] cristala; (clear) [water, lake] claraza; cristalesca; límpida; crystalline cristala; crystalline lens (anat.) cristalino || adv crystal clear [water, lake] claraza; cristalesca; (obvious) clar(az)a; evident(az)a
  • csárdás n csárdás
  • cub n (young of carnivorous animal) cátulo; -olo; wolf cub lupolo; (archaic: ill-mannered boy) gaminaso; cub scout lupolo
  • Cuba n Cuba; Cuban Cubano
  • cubbyhole n (cupboard) armario; (small room) cambreto
  • cube n (geom.) cubo; (math) cubo; triésima potentio; the cube of 4 is 64 4 ye la cubo es 64; la cubo di 4 es 64; cubature (volume) volúmino; cubism cubismo; cubist cubisto; cuboid (anat.) cuboido || adj cubic (math) cuba; cubic meter cuba metro
  • cubeb n (bot.: Piper cubeba) cubebo
  • cubicle n cubículo
  • cubit n cubitalo
  • cuckold n (archaic) cornuto; cuck (alt-right pej.: short for “cuckservative”) cornut(a conservator)o || vt cornutifer
  • cuckoo n (zool.: Cuculidae) cuculo; cuckoo clock cuculi-horologio; cuckoopint (bot.: Arum maculatum) mácul-árumo
  • cucumber n (bot.: Cucumis sativus) cucúmero
  • cucurbit n (bot.: Cucurbitaceae) cucurbitaceo
  • cud n rùminedo; to chew the cud rùminer
  • cuddle vt imbraciader || vi (snuggle) seder (aut jacer) imbraciade || n imbraciado
  • cuddy n cabino; (Scot.: donkey) ásino
  • cudgel n bastono; clavono; matio || vt bastonijer; clavonijer; matiijer
  • cue n (signal) signalo; to take one’s cue from somebody prender (aut secuer) la exemplo de álicu; that was your cue to… ecuilo esin vua signalo por… | [mus.] entri-signalo; cue card suflor-carto; on cue en la justa instanto | (billiards) biliard-bastono; cue ball blanca (biliard-)bulo || vt (signal) signaler; [mus.] entri-signaler; [theat.] suflorìer; (ready) prestifer
  • cuff n carpalumo; cuffs (informal: handcuffs) manículos; off the cuff (informal: without preparation) improvise; cufflink carpalum-botono || vt (put in handcuffs) manìculizer; (strike with an open hand) manu-colper
  • cuirass n (hist.; zool. anat.) coriáceo; cuirassier (hist.) coriàceígero
  • cuisine n (style, method) cocino; (food) cocinaj(ad)o
  • cul-de-sac n sac-strado
  • culinary adj cocinisca
  • cull vt (select) selecter; [for slaughter] selecter por elìminer; selectische elìminer; [lit.: flowers, fruit] còliger || n (selective slaughter) selectisca elímino; culling selectisca elímino
  • culm n (bot.) culmo; (archaic: coal dust) anthracit-residuo; carbon-pulvo; carbon-residuo
  • culminate vi cùlminer || n culmination cúlmino
  • culpable adj culpanda; culpígera || n culpability culpìgeritio; cuplanditio
  • culprit n culposo; (jur.) acusato
  • cult n culto; cult film cult-filmo; cultosa filmo
  • cultivate vt (lit., fig.) cultiver || n cultivation cultivo || adj cultivable cultivébila; cultivated cultivita
  • culture n culturo; culture shock culturisca shoco || vt (bio.) cultiver || adj cultural culturisca; cultured culturosa; rafinita; (bio.) cultivita
  • culverin n (hist.) colubrino
  • culvert n culverto
  • cumber vt (dated: hamper, hinder) incombrer; (dated: obstruct) [place] incombrer || adj cumbersome (heavy) pesazanta; (unwieldy) descòmodizema, -anta; descòmodosa; incombrosa, -ema, -anta
  • cumin n (bot.: Cuminum cyminum) cumino
  • cummerbund n camarbando
  • cumulate vt acùmuler; amasifer || vi acùmulezer; amasecer || adj cumulative acùmulezedora; amasecedora
  • cumulus n (meterol.) cúmulo; cumulonimbus cúmuli-nimbo
  • cuneiform adj cúne-forma || n (writing) cúne-forma scribo
  • cunnilingus n cunilinto; to perform cunnilingus on cunilinter
  • cunning adj (sly) astuta; (obsolete: ingenious) ingeniosa; (obsolete: skillful, artful) artosa; hábila || n (slyness) astutitio; (ingenuity) ingenio
  • cunt n (vulg.: woman’s genitalia) cuno; (vulg.: unpleasant or despicable person) strunço
  • cup n (for drinking) taso; [in Eucharist] cáliço; not one’s cup of tea (informal) anime isn’t her cup of tea le animeo no es lo eluya; cupbearer (hist.) copígero; cupboard armario; cupful plen-taso; cupholder bicariiero; (measure) a cup(ful) of sugar una taso de súcaro; (cup-shaped thing) [for bra] copo; [for jockstrap] conchilio (di suspensorio); cupping (med., hist.) ventus-therapeutío; cupping glass (med., hist.) ventuso; cupcake cucheto | (ornamental, as for prizes) copo; cup-final (Brit.) cop-finalo; cup-tie (Brit.) cop-concurso || vt (form into the shape of a cup) to cup one’s hands cavifer sua manuos | (med., hist.) ventusijer
  • cupel n (tech., chem.) cupelo; cupellation cupelijo || vt cupelijer
  • Cupid n cupidity (greed) àviditio
  • cupola n (archit., mil., geol., geom., anat.) cúpolo
  • cupric adj cupra; (chem: of copper with a valence of 2) cúprica
  • cupriferous adj cuprífera
  • cuprous adj (chem: of copper with a valence of 1) cuprosa
  • cupule n (bot.) cúpulo
  • cur n canìculaċo
  • Curaçao n Curaçao; curaçao (drink) curaçao
  • curare n curario
  • curate n (parish priest) pároco; (assistant) coajutoro; [vicar] vicaro; curacy pàrochitio; (as assistant) coajutoritio; (as vicar) vicaritio; curative medicamento; remediatro; curator (custodian, as of museum; legal guardian) curatoro || vt [collection, festival] curatorìer || adj curative risanifiva
  • curb n (concrete edge of road) bordi-mureto; curb appeal éxtera atracto | (check or restraint) brido; freno; curb bit (for a horse) menton-cateno || vt (check, restrain) bridijer; frenijer; lìmitizer; represer; restricter; curb your enthusiasm freniges vua enthusiasmo
  • curculio n (zool.: Curculio) balanino
  • curcuma n (bot.: Curcuma) curcumo
  • curd(s) n lacti-coàgulajo || vt to curdle coàguler || vi to curdle coàgulezer
  • cure vt (med.) (relieve) [person] risanifer; to cure someone of a habit ficer álicu perder on custumo | (eliminate) [disease, problem] elìminer; remedier; (set right) [situation] remedier; (preserve) conserver; [by drying] sichifer; [leather] tanijer; [with salt] salizer; [with smoke] fumizer; (harden) [rubber, plastic, etc.] durifer || n (med.) (restoration to health) risanifo; (substance or treatment that cures) medicamento; [disease, problem] remedi(atr)o; [person] curation(atr)o; cure-all panaceo | (hardening) [rubber, plastic, etc.] durifo; (relig.: parish) pàrochio || adj curable [person] risanifébila; [sickness] remediébila
  • curette n (surg.) curito; curettage curitijo
  • curfew n coperifoco
  • curia n curialo
  • curie n (Ci) curiuno
  • curio n extráneo; notando; raro; remarcando
  • curious adj (inquisitive) curiosa; “why do you ask?” “just curious.” “pro cuo vi cuestionan?” “mere pro curiositio.”; (remarkable) notanda; remarcanda; (strange) extránea || adv curiosly (inquisitively) curiose; (oddly) extránee; remarcande || n curiosity (inquisitiveness) curiositio; (oddity) extráneo; raro; remarcando
  • curium n (chem.: Cm) cúriumo
  • curl vi (form a curved or spiral shape) volvezer; his fingers curled around the hilt iluya dígitos volvezin circum la hilço | (of hair) [become wavy] undosecer; [form ringlet] bùculecer; [kink] crispecer; (move in a spiral) [smoke] spiralìer; volutìer; (sport) curlingher; to curl up [paper, leaf] volvezer; (ball up) bulecer; [cat, dog] glòmerecer || vt (form into a curved or spiral shape) volver; [one’s lip] to curl one’s lip in scorn grimàceer pro deséstimo | (in hair) [form into ringlet] bùculifer; frizer; [kink] crispifer; [make wavy] undizer; (weight training) curler || n (ring, spiral) [of hair] búculo; [of smoke] anelo; spiralo; voluto; (weight training) curlo; curler (hair roller) bigotino; curling (sport) curlingo; curling iron (crimper) crispifatro; (curler) bùculefatro; (straightener) lèvigatro || adj curly bùculosa; (frizzy) frizosa; (kinky) crispa; (wavy) undosa
  • curlew n (zool.: Numenius) curlio
  • curmudgeon n curmugiono; (archaic: miser) avaro
  • currant n (bot.: Ribes) [fruit] groselo; ribo; [plant] groselífero; ribífero
  • current adj (existing or happening now) actuala; nuna; her current boyfriend eluya actuala novio; the OS in current use la operatora sistémato usata actuale; current affairs actuala thématos (aut cuestionos, problémato); current events actuala eventos; current issue última número; (now being considered) the current month la presenta (aut nuna) mensuo; (valid, in effect) válida; (widely accepted or used) acceptata; comuna; exorcism was still current then le exorcizo esin incore acceptata (aut válida) alore || adv currently actuale || n (flow) fluo; [elec.] curento; currency (fin.) moneto; [system] valuto; (general acceptance) accepto; circulationo; to gain currency acrèditezer; circulationecer; to give currency to acrèditer; circulationifer
  • curricle n (hist.) curatro
  • curriculum n cursado; programo
  • curry n (dish) carìajo; (sauce) carío; currier corii-prèparisto; curry comb strígilo || vt (add sauce to) carìizer; (groom a horse) strìgilijer; (hist.: treat tanned leather) (corii-)prèparer; to curry favor with cercher (aut insinuer si en) la favoro da
  • curse n maledicto; curse tablet defixiono | (offensive word or phrase) parauluċo; vocàbuluċo || vt maledicter || vi (use offensive words or phrases) parauluċer; (blaspheme) blasfemer
  • cursive adj cursiva
  • cursor n (comput.) cursoro
  • cursory adj hastosa; superficiisca
  • curt adj abrupta; brusca
  • curtail vt (cut short) curtifer; (reduce) reducter; (restrict) restricter || n curtailment curtifo; reducto; restricto
  • curtain n cortino; it’s curtains for you! (informal) lo es la fino por vi!; curtain wall cortin-muralio; curtain rod cortin-stango || vt cortinizer; to curtain off [bed, area] recluser (aut sèparer) per cortino
  • curtsy vi reverentier || n reverentio
  • curve n curvo; (bend) [road, stream] sinuo; curvature curvitio || vt curvifer; (arch) archifer || vi curvecer; (arch) archecer || adj curved curva; curvy curvosa
  • curvet vi (in dressage) curbeter
  • curvilinear adj cuvi-línea
  • curvimeter n curvímetro; opisómetro
  • cushion n coxino || vt [furniture] coxinizer; [shock] amorter; to cushion someone against something protecter álicu contre álico || adj cushy [furniture] confortiziva; [job] repausosa; trancuila
  • cusp n (anat., archit., astrol., math) cúspido; (of crescent) [moon] corno
  • cuspidor n sputuyo
  • cuss n (offensive word or phrase) parauluċo; (person) cherl(aċ)o; cussedness obstinemito || vi (use offensive words or phrases) parauluċer || adj cussed (stubborn) obstinanta; obstinema
  • custard n (pouring) Angliana cremajo; (set) pudingo
  • custody n (guardianship) guardo; [of child] guardo; tutelo; she was given custody of the children el obtinin le tutelo je la filios | [of prisoner] captititio; deteno; guardo; to be in custody eser detenata; eser en arestititio; eser sub le guardo; to take into custody arester; detener; poner sub le guardo; custodian guardisto; [of building] (edificii-)atentisto; [of museum] curatoro || adj custodial guardisca; custodial sentence condemno ad le prisiono; custodial staff atentistado
  • custom n custumo; customs duvano; to clear customs ecduvanecer; trapaser la duvano; customs house (hist.) duvanayo || vt to customize gustaschifer; mensuraschifer; petaschifer || adj customary custumasca; custom-made gustaschifita; mensuraschifita; petaschifita
  • customer n cliento; (informal: person of a specified kind one has to deal with) cherlo; customer base clientado; customer service clienti-servo
  • cut vt (open or wound with something sharp) secher; to cut one’s finger secher sua dígito; to cut something open àperer seche | (hack, chop) hacher; (incise) inciser; (remove from something larger) desecher; ecsecher; secher (de, ec); to cut (off) a piece of meat desecher on petio de carno; she cut her face out of all the family photos el sechin sua facio ec omna fotògrafìajos di la familio; to cut and paste ecsecher et adglùtinijer; to cut class (informal: absent oneself from) absentifer si de claso | (separate into pieces) dissecher; secher (dúime, en petios, trae); trasecher; and the king said, “cut the living baby in half!” et la reġo dicin, “seches la vivanta bebo dúime!”; to cut the deck (of cards) trasecher la cartado; to cut free lìberifer; to cut loose (fire) desinguager; (let do) desbridizer; desfrenijer; desincombrer; desobstructer; (let go) delacer; descatenizer; desintricher; lìberifer; to cut one’s own throat (literal) secher sua gurgo; (fig.) prèparer sua propria ruino; to cut the deck secher la cartado (dúime); to cut to pieces dissecher (en petios); to cut up dissecher | (shape) talier; to cut a dashing figure talier on spléndida figuro | [hole, tunnel] foder; [key] facer; [path] to cut one’s way through àperer on vialo tra | (engrave) graber; (shear) [hair, wool, grass] tonder; to have one’s hair cut ficer ad si tonder la capilado; ficer sua capilado tondezer; (trim, prune) putationer; recurter; (cross or intersect) crucifer; inter-, intresecher; (reduce) lìmitizer; reducter; secher; [passage, access] represer; secher; [power, supplies] interrumper; secher; [prices] rebaser; reducter; (abridge) curtifer; (adulterate) [drug, alcohol] secher; (turn off) [lights] extinguer; secher; to cut short (interrupt) interrumper; secher; to cut someone short secher la paraulo di álicu | (shorten) curtifer; secher curta; to cut a long story short, you owe me €100 curte, vi debitionan ad mi 100 €; to cut a caper caprioler; to cut a deal contracter; to cut a tooth dentefer; to cut away [unwanted part] elìminer; extirper; forsecher; to cut back (prune) [plant] putationer; to cut down [branch] desecher; [enemy] falcijer; occiser; [tree] desecher; (sec-)abatuer; (reduce) [cost, etc.] reducter; secher; [quantity, intensity] diminutioner; [text] curtifer; to cut down to size (informal) desinfler; secher ad la mensuro; to cut it (informal: be good enough) he couldn’t cut it as a comic il no esin apta como còmichisto; to cut no ice with n(ul)e impresioner; to cut off (amputate, slice off) àmputer; desecher; they cut off his head homi desechin iluya cápito | (block) obstructer; to cut off the enemy’s retreat secher la retiro je la inimico | (deprive) privationer; (disconnect) desconecter; secher; we’ve been cut off homi desconectin nos; homi sechin ad nos la comúnico | (disinherit) desherèditifer; (interrupt) to cut someone off in the middle of a sentence interrumper álicu en la medio di on fraso; (isolate) we feel very cut off out here in the sticks nos sentan nos valde ìsolata hic en la ruro | (stop, make cease) cesationifer; to cut out [article, picture] ecsecher; [diseased part] extirper; [dress] talier; to be cut out for eser facita (aut apta) por; to have one’s work cut out for them deber laborazer | (delete) efacier; supreser; (exclude, suppress) elìminer; supreser; to cut out the middleman elìminer (aut supreser) la mediationanto; to cut someone out of one’s will excluser álicu de sua testamento | (give up) [smoking, drinking] cesationer; (stop doing) cut it out! cesationes ecuilo!; ecuilo sufiçan!; to cut someone in on (informal) incluser álicu en || vi sechezer; this cheese cuts easily ecuista cáseo sechezan fácile (aut es fácile sechébila); (cine., TV) (change scene) the film cuts from a flying bone to an orbiting space station la filmo (secan et) pasan de on volanta osteo ad on òrbitanta spatiazi-stationo; cut! seches!; to cut across (intersect) crucifer; intersecher; (transcend) [barriers] trancender; (traverse) [field, street] transvader; to cut along (informal, dated) vadecer hastose; to cut and run forcurer; to cut back (economize) sparnier; to cut back on [costs] lìmitizer; reducter; secher; to cut both ways secher ambi-látere; to cut down on [food] manger (aut biber, fumejer) men multa; to cut in [conversation] interrumper; [line] poner si abántee; to cut into (interrupt) her stinging words kept cutting into his thoughts eluya picanta paraulo no cesationin interrumper iluya pensos; (use up part of) that will cut into our TV time ecuilo usun parto de nostra temporo por televido; to cut loose (act without restraint) desbridizer si; desfrenijer si; desincombrer si; desobstructer si; (separate oneself) desintricher si; desligher si; lìberifer si; to cut out (stop working) [lights, engine] extinguezer; impanecer; sechezer; (informal: leave abruptly) abrupte partier; to cut through [bone, cable, crowd] trapaser; [jungle] àperer on vialo tra; (circumvent) to cut through the red tape pretersalter la buròcrataċismo | (take short cut via) secuer on curt-vialo; to cut to the chase vener ad la esentio; to cut up (informal: misbehave) mal(et)e comporter; miscomporter || n sec(aj)o; to be a cut above the others eser cualche plu bona cam la álteros; the cut and thrust of politics la schirmo di le político | (engraving) grab(aj)o; (incision) incis(aj)o; (piece) a cut of meat on desecajo di carno; (removal) deseco; ecseco; [of hair, wool, grass] tondo; (shaping) factiono; modo; stilo; talio; [of hole, tunnel] fodo; [of path] ápero je on vialo; (engraving) grabo; (share, portion) parto; (slicing) disseco; traseco; (reduction) lìmitizo; reducto; seco; [of passage, access] represo; (abridgment) curtifo; cutter (naut.) cútero; (person) sechisto; [of hair] tondisto; [of self] autolesionisto; [of stone, glass, clothes] taliisto; (tool) secatro; [blade] lamno; [chisel] ciselo; [clippers] tondatro; cutting sec(aj)o; (incision) incis(aj)o; (self-harm) autolesionismo; (hort.) táleo; cutaway fraco; jaco; cutback lìmitizo; reducto; seco; cutoff (limit) límito; cutoffs curt-sechita genso; cutoff switch interrumpatro; cutthroat (dated) asasino || adj sechita; cut and dried clara; simpla; (deleted) desechita; efaciita; supresita; (reduced) [price] rebasita; reductita; (removed) desechita; elìminita; [surg.] extirpita; (shaped) taliita; cut diamond taliita diamanto | [hair] tondita; (shortened) curt-sechita; [hair] tondita; cutting sechiva; [remark] mordanta; cutting edge sechivo; (fig.) cutting edge technology abante-guardia tecnòlogío; cutoff [date] límita; cut-rate rebasita; ye reductita pretio; cutthroat asasinesca; feroça; necompasionosa
  • cutaneous adj pelisca
  • cutch n (also “catechu”, “cashoo”) cateċuo
  • cute adj (attractive in a delicate or endearing way) belucia; miniona; (attractive without being truly beautiful) beleta; (superficially witty) argut(aċ)a; don’t get cute with me no actes le arguto; no argutíes; cutesy beluciaċa; minionaċa
  • cuticle n (bot., zool.) cutículo
  • cutis n (anat.) cuto
  • cutlass n sableto
  • cutler n (knife-maker) cultelefisto; (knife-seller) cultel-vendisto; cutlery cultelado
  • cutlet n (culin.) costulito
  • cuttlefish n (zool.: Sepiida) sepio
  • cyan adj cíana; cyanic (chem.) cianógena; (rare) azura; blava || afx cyan- (tech.) cían-
  • cyanide n (chem.) cianuro
  • cyanogen n (chem.) cianógeno
  • cybernetics n cibernético
  • cyberpunk n (genre) ciberpunco
  • cyberspace n ciberspatio
  • cyborg n ciborgo
  • cyclamen n (bot.: Cyclamen) ciclamino
  • cycle n (recurring series) ciclo; (bicycle) bicicleto; cycling bicicletismo; cyclist bicicletisto || adj cyclical cicla
  • cycloid n (math) cicloido || adj cycloidal cicloid(isc)a
  • cyclometer n ciclómetro; cyclometry ciclòmetrijo
  • cyclone n ciclono
  • cyclopedia n (archaic) enciclopedío
  • cyclops n (myth.) ciclopo
  • cyclostyle n ciclostilijer; ciclostilo
  • cyclotron n (phys.) ciclotrono
  • cygnet n cignolo
  • cylinder n cilindro || adj cylindrical cilindra
  • cyma n (archit.) cimatio; (bot.) cimo
  • cymatium n (archit.) cimatio
  • cymbal n címbalo
  • cyme n (bot.) cimo
  • cynic n cínico; cynicism cìnichismo || adj cynical (action, thought) cìnichisca; (person) cínica
  • cynosure n atracti-centro
  • cyperus n (bot.: Cyperus) cípero
  • cypress n (bot.: Cupressus) cipreso
  • cyprinoid n (zool.: Cyprinoidea) ciprinoideo
  • Cyprus n Cipro; Cypriot Ciprano
  • Cyrillic adj cirílica; Cirilisca || n cirílico; Cirilisca alfabeto
  • cyst n (bio.) cisto; (med.) chisto; cystitis (med.) cistito
  • cytisus n (bot.: Cytisus) cítiso
  • cytokine n (physiol.) citochino
  • cytokinesis n (bio.) citocineso
  • cytoplasm n (bio.) citoplasmo
  • czapka n ċapco
  • czar n çar(as)o; czarevich çárido; czarina çar(is)o
  • Czech n Ċekho; Czech Republic Ċekhia; Czechoslovakia (hist.) Ċekhoslovachia


  • D ltr de; (mus.) D (aut re); D-flat (D♭) D bemola; D-sharp (D♯) D díesa
  • dab vt (clean or dry) to dab a cut with a cotton swab colpet(ad)er on sec-vùlnerajo per on coton-bastoneto; (apply) to dab disinfectant on a cut àplicher desinfectivo per colpetos ad on secajo; colpet(ad)er on secajo per desinfectivo; (dialect: lightly strike) colpeter || n (small amount) petieto; (brief application of paint, etc.) colpeto; tocheto; (zool.: Limanda limanda) limando
  • dabble vt [hand, foot, bill] plaud(ad)er per || vi to dabble in (take part in casually) dileter || n dabbler (dilettante) diletanto
  • dace n (zool.: Leuciscus leuciscus) leucisco
  • dachshund n (zool.) taxon-hundo; techelo
  • dacron n (polyethylene terephthalate) poliethilen-terefthalato
  • dactyl n (prosody) dáctilo
  • dad n (informal) pa; daddy patrucio; daddy longlegs (zool.: Opiliones) falcisto; opiliono; (zool.: Phalangium, esp. P. opilio) falangio; (Brit., zool: Tipula) típulo
  • Dadaism n (art) Dadaismo
  • dado n (archit.) [of lower wall] semipanelado
  • daemon n (myth., comput.) daimono
  • daffodil n (bot.: Narcissus) narciso
  • daft adj (Brit., informal) (insane) fola; (silly) stulta
  • dagger n dago; (typ.) cruço; dago; obelisco
  • daguerreotype n (hist.) daguerotipo
  • dahlia n (bot.: Dahlia) dalio
  • daily adj (every day) diala; omni-dia, di omna (aut cascuna) dio; daily bread diala pano | (during a 24-hour period) diisca; (during daylight hours) jurnisca || adv diale; omni-die, ye omna dio; fresh oracles shall be delivered to you daily nova oráculos consignezun ad vi diale || n (cine.) dialo; (newspaper) jurnalo; (video games) [quest] dialo
  • dainty adj (delicate) delicata; gratiosa; miniona; (tasty) dainty morsel excuísita mordedo; (fussy) [eater] delikata; difícila nutrer; èxigedora
  • dairy n lacterío; lacti-vendayo; (food) lactajo; dairy farm lacteferío; dairying (producing) lactefo; (selling) lacti-vendo; dairyman, -maid (dairy worker) lacterìisto; (milk deliverer) lactígero
  • dais n podio
  • daisy n (bot.: Bellis perennis) margariteto; (bot.: Leucanthemum vulgare) margarito
  • Dalai Lama n Dalái-Lamao
  • dale n valato
  • dally vi (act or move slowly) lentaċeser; tardecer; (amuse oneself) amuser si; to dally with (flirt with) [lover, idea] flirter cum; (have casual affair with) haber on amor-afareto cum || n dalliance (dawdling) lentaċeso; (flirtation) flirto; (casual affair) amor-afareto
  • Dalmatia n (hist.) Dàlmatia; Dalmatian (zool.) Dàlmatiana canículo; (hist.) Dálmato
  • dalmatic n dalmático
  • daltonism n Daltonismo
  • dam n (dike) dico; (zool.: animal mother) matro || vt (with dike) dichizer
  • damage n (physical harm that impairs value, usefulness, normal function) damn(aj)o; [to vehicle or cargo] avarío; damage per second (DPS) damno po secundo | (detrimental effects) [to chances, reputation, etc.] detrimento; damages (jur.) indemno || vt (physically harm) damner; [vehicle or cargo] avarìer; (have a detrimental effect on) [chances, reputation, etc.] detrimenter
  • damascene adj (of or from Damascus) Damascana; (hist.: inlaid with silver or gold) damacena || n (inhabitant of Damascus) Damascano || vt damacenifer
  • damask n (fabric) Damascana stofo; damask rose (bot.: Rosa × damascena) Damascana roso; damask steel (hist.) damaceno; Damascana aciario
  • dame n dòminiso; (archaic: woman) senioriso
  • damn vt (relig.: condemn to hell) damnationer; (condemn) condemner; (curse) maledicter || n damnation damnationo; to give a damn importer ad si ye una merdo; frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn cándide, cara, lo no importan ad mi una merdo || adj damnable abòminanda; damnationanda; maledictita; odianda; damned maledictita; I’ll be damned if I will! etiam no en joco!; etiam no penses lo! | [to hell] damnationita; damn(ed) (emphatic) demonesca; diàbolesca; maledictita; damn fine cup of coffee! maledictite (aut diàbolesche, demonesche) bona taso de cafeo!; damning (critical) severe crìtichìanta; (strongly suggesting guilt) [evidence] condemnanta, -ema; nerefutébila || inter damn (it)! ad la diábolo lo!; caráculo!; la diábolo prendes lo!; maledictita lo eses!; merdo!
  • damp adj hùmideta || n hùmidetajo; (mine gas) mefito; damper (mech.) amortatro; [of chimney] caminat-règulijatro; (mus.: mute) surdino; dampness hùmidetitio || vt (moisten) hùmidetifer; (suppress) [sound] amorter; [vibrations] mòderer; to damp down (extinguish) [feelings] sùfocher; [fire] còperter; sùfocher; to dampen hùmidetifer; (diminish) [hopes] diminutioner; frustrer; [spirits] descoragizer; (suppress) [sound] amorter
  • damsel n (archaic, lit.) dominiceliso; damsel in distress dominiceliso (aut pulceliso) en perículo; damselfish (zool.: Pomacentridae, except Amphiprioninae and Premnas) dominicelisa piço; damselfly (zool.: Zygoptera) dominiceliso
  • damson n (bot.: Prunus domestica subsp. insititia) [fruit] Damascana pruno; [tree] Damascana prunífero
  • dance vi dancer || n (act) danço; (art) danç-arto; (ball) balo; dance floor danci-pisto; dance hall danç-cambro; dançayo; dance music danç-músico; dance of death morti-danço; dancer dançanto; dancisto
  • dandelion n (bot.: Taraxacum) leon-dento
  • dandle vt (lightly bounce) saltetifer; (coddle) indulcer
  • dandruff vt cápiti-scuametos
  • dandy n dandio; (informal, dated: excellent thing of its kind) bonazo; ecelanto || adj (informal: excellent) bonaza; ecelanta
  • Dane n Dano; Danish (pastry) wienerbrodo || adj Danish Daniana; (ethnically) Dana
  • danger n perículo; “danger keep out” “perículo: acceso pròhibata”; there is a danger of ci es perículo (aut risco) di; in danger en perículo; in danger of en perículo di; out of danger for perículo; danger zone perìculosa zono || adj dangerous perìculosa; (risky) riscosa
  • dangle vi pender (ocilante) || vt pendifer (ocilante); to dangle something in front of someone (tempt) tempter álicu per álico
  • dank adj hùmidaċa
  • Danube n Danubio
  • Daodejing n Daodejing
  • daphne n (bot.: Daphne) dafno
  • daphnia n (zool.: Daphnia) acui-púliço; dafnio
  • dapper adj (neat) neta; (elegant) eleganta
  • dapple vt màculizer || n máculo || adj dappled màculosa
  • Dardanelles n Dardanelos
  • dare vt (be so bold) you don’t dare defy me vi no audacian desobeder mi; (challenge) Say “what” again! I dare you! I double-dare you! Dices “cuo” denue! Mi defían vi! Mi duple defían vi!; (lit.: brave) afronter; how dare you? cuome vi audacian?; I dare say en mea opino; lo es probábila || n (challenge) defío; daring (audacity) audacio; daredevil riscazemo || adj daring audaciosa, -anta; daring act audaci(aj)o
  • dark adj (having little or no light) the dark side of the moon la obscura facio di la luno | (pitch-black) tènebrosa; dark lantern eclipsi-lanterno | (of color) fusca; dark blue dress fuschi-blava vestito; dark chocolate amara (aut fusca) ċocolato | [complexion, hair] bruna; fusca; (obscure, mysterious) misteriosa; obscura; the dark recesses of the human mind la obscura cavos di la humanisca mento | (archaic: unenlightened) neinformita; nesapanta; nesaposa; Dark Ages Obscura Evo; (sinister) malvata; sinistrala; give yourself to the Dark Side dones vi ad la Obscura Látero; I got some dark looks from your ex vua exsponso jactin asú mi asasina (aut minacianta) reguardos; (somber) desfeliça; sombra; trista; these are dark days for fact-based truth lo es desfeliça dios por factasca veritio; darkish obscureta; [color] fuscheta || n (absence of light) obscuritio; to be afraid of the dark timer la obscuritio | (pitch-black) ténebro; (nightfall) after dark post le nocteço; (color) fusco; (ignorance) to keep someone in the dark about something tener álicu como neinformita (aut nesaposa) sopre álico; darkness obscuritio; [of color] fuschitio; (pitch-black) Army of Darkness Armato di Ténebro; I shoot magic into the darkness mi dísparan magío aden la ténebro | (wickedness) malvatitio; darkroom obscur-cámero || vt to darken obscurifer; [color] fuschifer || vi to darken obscurecer; [in color] fuschecer
  • darling n (affectionate form of address) yes, darling sic, cara (aut caro); (lovable person) she’s a little darling el es on caro (aut cármino); (person popular with a certain group) he’s the darling of the press right now il es la favorato da la jurnalistado nun || adj (beloved) cara; am(az)ata; amor(az)ata; (charming) a darling little place on parva domo càrminanta
  • darmstadtium n (chem.: Ds) darmstatio
  • darn vt (mend) [socks, cloth] sarcer || n darning needle sarç-acúculo
  • darnel n (bot.: Lolium temulentum) zizanio
  • dart n dardo; fleċeto || vt (cast suddenly or rapidly) [glance] jacter || vi (move suddenly or rapidly) precìpiter si; [pain] lànciner
  • Darwinism n Darwinismo; Darwinist Darwinisto || adj Darwinian Darwinismisca
  • dash vi (rush) curazer; hastazer; precìpiter si; to dash against shocher; [waves] rumpezer contre; [waves, rain] batuer; plauder contre || vt (hurl) jactazer; to dash something against jactazer álico contre; to dash something to pieces fracaser álico | (fig.: destroy or frustrate) [hopes] destructer; frustrer || n (rush) he made a mad dash for the exit il precípitin si usche la èxitayo; (sport) 100-meter dash sprinto de 100 metros; (flair, style) brio; to cut a dash salier; (punct.: —) strico; (in Morse code) strico; (small quantity) [of color] toco; [of liquid] guto; jeteto; [of salt, pepper] cuanteto; dashboard instrument-panelo; (hist.) parafango || adj dashing (adventurously attractive) a dashing pirate on the high seas on briosa pirato sur la alta maro
  • dastard n (dated) codarda malvato || adj dastardly malvata
  • data n dátumos; database databaso; dátum-banco
  • date n (day of the month) dato; under date of datizita; sub la dato di | (appointment) apuntamento; [romantic] rendezvoso; (person one is dating) rendezvosedo; date rape rendezvos-stupro; (bot.: Phoenix dactylifera) [fruit] dátilo; [tree] dàtilífero; to date usche nun; out of date (clothes) ecmoda; (ideas) anticuecinta; arcaica; (no longer valid) exválida; (software) obsoleta; up to date (fashionable) secuno la modo; (incorporating latest info, etc.) usche-nuna; (modern) moderna || vt (put a date on) datizer; to date a fossil datizer on fósilo; (show the age of) that tie really dates you ecuila cravato tradan vua etato; (go out with romantically) who wants to date a millionaire? cua desíderan rendezvosader on milionoso? || vi to date back to (exist since) exister dex; the controversy dates back to 1980 la controverso existan dex 1980
  • dative n (gram.) dativo
  • datum n dátumo
  • datura n (bot.: Datura) daturo
  • daub vt unger || n unġajo; (bad painting) pictaċajo
  • daughter n filiiso; (in patronymics) ´-ido; Björk Guðmundsdóttir Birca Gudmúndido; daughter-in-law afina filiiso; gendriso || adj daughterly filiis(isc)a
  • daunt vt descoragizer; tìmidifer; (discourage) desmoralizer || adj daunting descoragiziva; tìmidifiva; a daunting task on giganta (aut descoragiziva, tìmidifiva, desmoraliziva) tasco; dauntless nepavorosa; netimosa
  • davit n barc-hisatro
  • dawdle vi eser lentaċa; lentaċe vader, facer
  • dawn n jurneço; (twilight of the dawn) auroro; at dawn ye la jurneço || vi to dawn on (become evident to) it suddenly dawned on me that… mi súbite comprensecin che…
  • day n (24-hour period) dio; 20 years ago to the day exacte 20 anuos ante nun; to carry the day guadanier (aut obtener) la vinço; the day after la demana (aut secuanta) dio; day after tomorrow postdemane; day before yesterday antehere; day by day de una dio ad la áltera; day in, day out continue, dio post dio; Day of Judgment Dio di (la Finisca) Jùdicío; for days at a time dum tota dios; for days on end dum plura dios; from one day to the next de una dio ad la demana; to make one’s day alecrifer ad álicu la dio; felicifer álicu; ficer álicu feliça; one of these days álica dio (prompta); the other day cualca dios ante nun; la áltera dio; this day hodie; this day next week septa dios post hodie | (daylight hours) jurno; the day comes lo jurneçan; good day! bona jurno!; to work day and night laborer jurne et nocte | (working hours) labor-turno; day off líbera dio; day shift jurn-veço; let’s call it a day nos cesationifes; to work an 8-hour day laborer dum octa horos po dio; laborer dum on dio (aut veço) de octa horos; (period) témporo; during Hitler’s last days dum la última dios di Hitler; he was huge in his day il esin valde famosa en sua témporo; in her younger days dum eluya jùvenitio; in our day en nostra (aut la nuna) témporo; nun-témpore; until my dying days usche mea morto; to have had one’s day finer sua témporo; in days to come en venunta dios; in the good old days dum la bona vétera témporo; in this day and age en la nuna témporo; nun-témpore; in those days en ecuila témporo; day job principala laboro; don’t quit your day job! restes ye lo vua!; day scholar externo; day school externerío; day worker diopisto; daybook (daily account book) conti-diario; diala conti-libro; (diary) diario; daybreak jurneço; daycare puer-atentisto; daycare center puer-atenterío; daydream revo; dayfly (zool.: Ephemeroptera) efémer(-insect)o; efemeróptero; daylight jurno; daylight saving time estati-horario | (dawn) auroro; jurneço; daylily (bot.: Hemerocallis) hemerocalo; daytime jurno; day-tripper excursionisto || vi to daydream rever || adj daylong cua durationan la tota dio; tot-dia; day-to-day diala
  • daze vt [from blow, drug] exturder; [from news, etc.] stuporifer || n [after blow, drug] exturdititio; [after news, etc.] stuporo; to be in a daze [from blow, drug] eser exturdita; [from news, etc.] stuporer || adj dazed [from blow, drug] exturdita; [from news, etc.] stuporanta
  • dazzle vt (amaze, overwhelm) cechejer; (blind) cechifer || adj dazzling (blinding) cechifanta, -ifiva; (impressive) cechejanta, -ejiva
  • deacon n diácono; deaconship diàconitio
  • deactivate vt desactivifer
  • dead adj (lifeless) mortinta; nevivosa; dead and buried mortinta et sepultita; dead men tell no tales le mortinto no paraulan; dead on arrival entrinta como cadávero; dead or alive vivanta aut mortinta; to drop dead cader mortinta (aut mortinte); I wouldn’t be seen dead wearing that nec vivanta nec mortinta homi vidun mi surhaber ecuilo; in his house at R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming en sua domo en R’lyeh, mortinta Cthulhu atendan somniante; dead body cadávero; over my dead body! trans mea cadávero!; unésime vi debun occider mi!; dead matter materio nevivosa; Dead Sea Mortinta Maro; you’re dead meat! vi es on mortunto! | (devoid of emotion) [face, voice, eyes] neemotionosa; nevivosa; dead to all pity necapábila por compasioner; deadpan neexpresosa; sica | (devoid of sensation) [limb] dormanta; nesentiva; torporanta; (devoid of vigor) [hair] laxa; sine volúmino (aut córporo); (dull) [color] desvívida; [sound] nesonora; (no longer active) [battery] exhaustita; [language, love, town, party, custom] mortinta; dead season (tourism) mortinta sationo; stagni-sationo; this town is always dead after dark ecuista civitateto sempre es mortinta nocte | [phone line] desconectita; mortinta; sechita; the line has gone dead la líneo mortin (aut es sechita) | [volcano, fire, cigarette] extintita; [wire] necurentosa; (no longer current or relevant) [issue] jam no habanta intereso; mortinta; (no longer functioning) [machine, device] mortinta; rumpita; (no longer in play) [ball] for la joco; [win] dead heat (tie) cumvinço | (not circulating) [air] calma; [water] stagnanta; (resembling death) a dead faint mortesca síncopo; dead weight mortinta (aut inerta) pes(aj)o; (unable to move forward) dead end impaso; stradeto neèxitosa; dead letter neconsignébila létero; (complete, absolute) [silence, calm] completa; tota; dead cert certo; dead stop completa halto; (exact) exacta; dead ringer sosio; dead shot nefaliva dìsparedoro; on a dead level with exacte sur la metípsima nivelo cam; (straight, direct) dead reckoning cálcul-návigo; deadly (lethal) mortifanta, -ifiva; (pertaining to death) mortisca; deadly accuracy mortifiva precisitio; deadly disease mortifiva morbo; deadly enemies inimicos usche morto; deadly nightshade (bot.: Atropa belladonna) beladono; deadly shot nefaliva dìsparedoro; deadly silence mortisca silentio; deadly sin cardinala peco; Deadly Viper Assassination Squad asasina excuadro Mortifiva Vípero; deadly weapon mortifiva armo | [logic] aplastanta; [look] occisiva; [wit] mordanta; (complete, total) in deadly earnest valde seriosa; dead-end (offering no exit) [street] neèxitosa; (offering no prospects) [job] sine futuro || adv (completely, absolutely) complete; tote; dead asleep en profunda (aut mortesca) dormo; dead drunk ebriaza; mortesche ebria; parebria; dead set (firmly resolved) to be dead set against eser tote contre; tote oponer; to be dead set on doing something eser (firme) decisinta facer álico; volitioner facer álico omni-rische (aut -pretie); dead tired mortesche fatighita | (exactly) exacte; dead on target exacte sur la obiectivo; (straight, directly) directe; recte; dead ahead recte adabántee; deadly (extremely) deadly dull profunde tedianta (aut stagnanta); tediazanta (aut stagnazanta) || n (that which has died) the dead la mortintos; le mortinto; to rise from the dead rivener de morto; dead pool morti-sponsiono; dead of night plena (aut media) nocto; dead of winter plena (aut media) hiberno; deadliness mortifivitio; deadness mortintitio; (dullness) [color] desvìviditio; [sound] nesonoritio; (stagnation) stagno; (torpor) torporo; deadbeat (informal: defaulter) nepaghedoro; (informal: lazy person) pigro; deadbolt verúculo; deadline límit-dato (aut -horo, -témporo); deadlock (situation) impaso; dead-nettle (bot.: Lamium) lamio; deadwood mortinta (aut sica, nevivanta) ligno; (fig.) neútilo || vt to deaden [feeling] obtusifer; [nerve] dormifer; nesentivifer; [noise, shock] amorter; [pain] alevier
  • deaf adj (unable to hear) surda; deaf and dumb surdi-muta; deaf as a post absolute surda; surda cuom on postelo; deaf in one ear surda ye una aurículo | (unwilling to hear) surda; to be deaf to rester surda ad; to turn a deaf ear to ne respectioner; surdifer sua aurículos ad; deafening surdifanta || n deafness surditio; deaf-mute (dated, offensive) surdi-muto || vt to deafen surdifer || vi to deafen surdecer
  • deal vt (distribute) [cards, justice] reparter; to deal someone in (cards) deal me in on the next hand repartes ad mi (cartos) ye la secuanta veço; (inflict) [a blow] the ruling dealt a severe blow to women’s rights la deciso (aut jùdicío) esin on severa colpo ad la yuros di le muliero || vi to deal in (be concerned with) we deal in facts here, not theories hic nos interesezan sopre factos, no sopre theoríos; (trade) [goods] I deal in human fulfillment mi comercian sopre humanisca contentifo; to deal with (accept) I killed the teen dream. Deal with it. Mi occisin la adulteçanta idealo. Acceptes lo.; (endure) I can’t deal with her constant criticism mi no potan subitioner eluya continua crìtichío | (handle) [person, task] tracter; I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don’t have to! mi tractan la maledictita clientos por che la ingeniaros no debes tracter los!; I will deal with you as I deal with everyone who betrays me mi tractun vi cuome mi tractan omnu cua tradan mi | [problem] manuejer; solver; don’t worry, I’ve already dealt with it no preócupes vi, mi jam solvin lo | [stress, illness] manuejer; [subject] tracter sopre; the movie deals with honor killing la filmo tractan sopre le honorisca occiso | (have dealings with) tracter cum; we don’t deal with hostage-takers nos no tractan (aut negotian) cum hostagifistos; you’re not dealing with morons here hic vi no tractan cum imbécilos || n (agreement) intreconsento; The Art of the Deal La arto di negotier; deal? no deal! intreconsentan nos? mi no consentan!; done deal afaro facita (aut certa) | (bargain) [price] bona (aut rebasita) pretio; to get a good/bad deal on something pagher on bona/mala pretio por álico | (contract) contracto; (pact) pacto; deal with the Devil pacto cum la Diábolo | (transaction) intreconsento; tránsiġo; the company lost a lot of money on that deal la companío perdin multa pecunio en ecuila tránsiġo (aut intreconsento) | [commerce] comercio; [sale] vendo; arms deal vendo je armos; (informal: situation) a bad deal for working mothers on mala afaro por laboranta matros; big deal granda afaro; importanto; what’s the deal with him? cuo eventan ad il? | (jur.) tránsiġo; (distribution) disdono; reparto; New Deal Nova Reparto (aut Contracto); (quantity) cuanto; there was a good deal of blood ci esin multa sánguino; dealer (cards) repartisto; (com.) comerciisto; rivendisto; [of cars] concesionatario (di automóbilos); [of drugs] traficanto; dealership (com.) [for cars] concesionedo; dealing(s) (com.) afaro(s); comercio(s); (relationships) afaro(s); relationo(s); tracto(s)
  • dean n (univ.; relig.) decano
  • dear adj (beloved) cara; my dear fellow (cara) amico mea; (lovable) what a dear little girl! cuala càrminanta pueriso!; (in letter writing) [formal] Dear Mr. President Èstimata Senioro Presidento; [informal] Dear Dad Cara Patrucio; (chiefly Brit.: expensive) cara; costosaza; pretiosa || adv dearly (very much) multe; dearly beloved, we are gathered here today… cara germanos, nos es hic asemblita hodie…; the dearly departed cara forpasinta | (at great cost) care; to pay dearly for something pagher care álico || n caro; be a dear and bring me my meds eses bona et adportes ad mi mea medicamento; come along, dear venes, cara; you poor dear! compasionando!; dearness caritio || inter dear me! mea deo!; o Deo!; o ve!
  • dearth n (scarcity) excarpsitio; (lack) manco
  • death n (action of dying) morto; to bleed to death morter pro sànguinefo; sànguinefer usche morto; death to disco! morto ad le discothec-músico!; that kid will be the death of me ecuila puero mortifun mi; at death’s door an la portelos di morto; ye la morti-punto; at the point of death ye la morti-punto; to catch one’s death prendezer da morto (aut on mortifiva frìgidumo); to die a natural death morter naturasche; to do something to death (do to the point of tedious familiarity) mortifer álico per nim facer; (kill or die by doing something) to be bored to death morter pro inodio; to drink oneself to death mortifer si per trincazo; to fight to the death combater usche morto; to put to death executioner; to sentence to death condemner ad morto; till death do us part usche che le morto séparun nos; (personification of death) Inga won her life back after defeating Death in badminton Inga riguadaniin sua vivo vincinte Morto en bádminton; (state of being dead) her countenance expressed affection even in death eluya vulto expresin afectiono etiam en mortintitio; death blow morti-colpo; death camp extèrminerío; death knell morti-campanelijo; death knight (fantasy) morti-cabaliaro; death penalty morti-puno; death rate mort-índiço; death rattle stertoro; death squad mort-excuadro; death threat minacio per mortifo; death throes agonío; to be in one’s death throes agonìer; death toll numbro de víctimos; death warrant execution-mandato; mandato por executiono; death wish desídero je morto; death’s head cranio; morti-cápito; deathbed morti-lecto; deathtrap (place) perìculosa loco; (vehicle) perìculosa vehatro; deathwatch morti-vígilo; (zool.: Xestobium rufovillosum) morti-horologio || adj deathless eterna; nemortiva; neperisiva; deathly (resembling death) [pallor] cadàveresca; [silence] sepultayisca; (archaic: causing death) an eagle carrying a snake in its deathly grasp on ácuilo portanta on serpento en sua mortifiva ùngulazos; (archaic: pertaining to death) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry Potter et la mortisca relicuios; death-dealing mortifiva
  • debacle n fiasco
  • debar vt (exclude) to debar someone from something excluser álicu de álico; (prohibit) to debar someone from doing something pròhiber ad álicu facer álico
  • debase vt (in quality) degeneratifer; [metal] adulterationer; (morally) desnòbilifer; (hist.) [coin] men-valorifer; (archaic: in rank) degradationer || n debasement (in quality) degeneratifo; [metal] adulterationo; (moral) desnòbilifo; (hist.) [coin] men-valorifo; (archaic: in rank) degradationo
  • debate n discuso; after much debate post multa (aut longa) discuso; (formal) debato || vt discuser; we debated whether to go or not nos discusin chi vader aut no; (formally) debater || adj debatable contestébila; discusébila
  • debauch vt (entice to sensual excess) debauċifer || vi (indulge in excessive food and/or drink) cràpuler; (indulge in sensual excess) debauċer || n debauchery debauċo; to live in gross debauchery cràpuler
  • debenture n (fin.) obligationo
  • debilitate vt dèbilifer || adj debilitating dèbilifanta, -ifiva
  • debit n (accounting, fin.) débito; debit card débit-carto; pag-carto; debit side dèbitado; on the debit side dèbitade; en la débitos || vt to debit an account Ð100 dèbitifer 100 Ð en on conto; dèbitizer on conto per 100 Ð
  • debonair adj suava
  • debouch vi [soldiers] ecdisfiler; [stream] ecfluer
  • debrief vt postconsulter
  • debris n rúdero
  • debt n (something owed) debitionedo; debt collector recùperisto je debitionedos; debt of gratitude debitiono je gratitúdino; to pay a debt pagher on debitionedo | (accounting) pasivo; debts and assets pasivo et activo; (state of owing) debitiono; to be in debt to someone debitioner ad álicu; to be €30,0000 in debt debitioner 30 000 €; debt of honor honorisca debitiono; to get out of debt cuitecer; satisfacer sua debitionos; to get someone into debt debitionizer álicu; to get/run into debt debitionizer si; debtor debitionanto
  • debug vt (comput.) desboghizer
  • debunk vt decrèditizer
  • debut n debuto; debutant debutanto || vt debutifer || vi debuter
  • decade n anu-deço; decenio
  • decadent adj (characterized by moral, cultural decline) decadentiosa || n decadence decadentio
  • decaffeinate vt descafeìnizer
  • decagon n (geom.) decágono
  • decagram n decagramo
  • decahedron n (geom.) decahedro
  • decal n decalcomanìedo
  • decalcomania n decalcomanío
  • decaliter n decalitro
  • Decalogue n la Decálogo
  • decameter n decámetro
  • decamp vi (depart suddenly, secretly) partier súbite (aut secrete); (archaic: mil.) desacampecer
  • decant vt decanther || n decanter carafo; decanthatro
  • decapitate vt descàpitizer
  • decarbonize vt [engine] descarboniizer
  • decastere n decástero
  • decasyllable n (prosody) decasílabo
  • decay vi (decompose, rot) descomposezer; putrer; [tooth] carier; (deteriorate) [building] caduchecer; ruinecer; [civilization] decadentier; [faculties] degenerater; (phys.) [radioactive nucleus] desìntegrecer || vt (decompose, rot) descomposer; putrifer; [tooth] cariifer; (deteriorate) [faculties] degeneratifer
  • decease n (formal, jur.) morto; deceased (formal, jur.) mortinto || vi (archaic) morter || adj deceased mortinta
  • deceit n ingano || adj deceitful inganema, -osa, -anta
  • deceive vt inganer
  • December n Decembro; Decembrist (hist.) Decembristo
  • decenary adj (composed of ten elements) decenaria; (arranged in groups of ten) decena; (math) decenaria
  • decennial adj (occurring every ten years) deç-anuala; deceniala; (lasting ten years) deç-anua; decenia
  • decent adj (respectable, moral) decenta; (appropriate) [clothes, language] decenta; are you decent? es vi presentationébila?; (satisfactory, passable) pasábila; (Brit.: kind) afábila; bona; gentila || adv decently decente; (satisfactorily) pasábile || n decency (respectability, morality) decentitio; at long last, have you left no sense of decency? fine, no restan ad vi álica sentivitio je decentitio? | (kindness) afàbilitio; bonitio; gentilitio; (politeness) cortesitio; (propriety) decentitio
  • decentralize vt descentrischifer
  • deception n ingano
  • deceptive adj ingananta, -iva
  • decibel n decibelio
  • decide vt (make up one’s mind) deciser; to decide that someone is guilty deciser che álicu es culposa; he decided to take a course on lolspeak il decisin facer on curso sopre lolcatenso | (cause to make up one’s mind) convincer; decisifer; the bloody sock decided me la sànguinosa càlceeto decisifin (aut convincin) mi; (determine, settle) [case, contest, problem, question] deciser; to decide someone’s fate deciser la sorto di álicu || vi to decide against doing something deciser contre le facer álico; deciser no facer álico; to decide against something deciser contre álico; to decide for/in favor of someone deciser por (aut favore ad) álicu; to decide for/in favor of something deciser por álico; to decide in favor of doing something deciser (aut resolver) facer álico; to decide on doing something deciser (aut resolver) facer álico; to decide on something deciser por álico || n decision deciso; have you made your decision for Christ? facin vi vua deciso por Cristo? | (resoluteness) firmitio; resolvo || adj decided (resolute) [opinion] firma; [person] decisinta; firma; resolvinta; (settled) [case, contest, problem, question] decisita; decisive (able to make decisions) decisiva, -osa; (settling an issue) conclusanta, -iva; convinçanta, -iva; decisifanta, -ifiva; probanta, -iva; decisive moment criso || adv decidedly (undoubtedly) clare; sine dúbito; (Brit.: resolutely) decisose; firme; resolvose
  • deciduous adj (bot.) decidua
  • decigram n decigramo
  • decile n (statistics) decilo
  • deciliter n decilitro
  • decimal adj (math) decimala || n decimalo
  • decimate vt (hist.) decimationer
  • decime n (hist.) décimo
  • decimeter n decímetro
  • decipher vt descifrationer
  • deck n (floor, platform, level) [of boat, ship] copertono; below deck subcopertone; between decks intercopertono; to clear the deck desincombrer la campo; to go up on deck acenser la copertono; lower deck infra copertono; upper deck supra copertono | [of bus, plane] staġo; deck chair coperton-sedilo; deckhand marinaro; deckhouse coperton-cabino; (informal: ground, floor) to hit the deck cader ad la solio; (device) record deck gramófono; tape deck magnetófono | (pack of cards) cartado || vt (adorn; also “deck out”) orner; vestizer; [room, stage] decorationer; -iz-; to deck with flags bandariizer; (informal: knock to the ground with a punch) abatuer || afx -decker (having a specified number of decks) triple-decker (bus) tri-staġo; (ship) tri-copertono
  • declaim vt declamationer || n declamation declamationo || adj declamatory declamation(aċ)a
  • declare vt (announce) [intentions, love, war, income, cards] declarationer; anything to declare? yeah, don’t go to England. haban vi álico por declarationer? sic, no vades ad Anglia. | [result, candidacy, dividend] anuntier; (assert) to declare oneself for/against something declarationer si por/contre álico; to declare someone president declarationer álicu presidento || n declaration declarationo; the Declaration of Independence la Declarationo je Nedependo || adj declarative (gram.) declarationa; declared aperta; declarationi(n)ta; declared atheist aperta (aut declarationinta) atheo
  • declassify vt desclasìficher (como secreta)
  • declension n (ling.) declino; (archaic: decline, deterioration) decadentio
  • decline vi (decrease) [power, influence] descrecer; diminutionezer; (deteriorate) to decline in importance perder importo | [in health] dèbilecer; degenerater; (move downward) decenser || vt (refuse) refuser; to decline to do something refuser (aut selecter no) facer álico | (ling.) decliner || n (decrease) [numbers, sales] descreço; diminutionezo; (deterioration) [in health] dèbileço; degenerato; [in standards] baseço; decenso; [industry, town, civilization] decadentio; the decline of the Roman Empire la decadentio di Romia; (downward movement) decenso; (downward slope) declivo; declination (astron.) declinationo; (ling.) declino; (formal: refusal) refuso || adj declining [industry] decadentianta; in my declining years en mea última anuos
  • declivity n declivo || adj declivitous decliva
  • declutter vt desincombrer
  • decoct vt (pharm.) decocter
  • decode vt descifrationer
  • décolleté adj decoletita || n décolletage decoletajo
  • decolor vt descolorizer
  • decommission vt [a ship] retirer de le servo
  • decompose vi descomposezer; (rot) putrer || vt descomposer; (rot) putrifer
  • decompress vt descompresioner
  • deconsecrate vt secularifer
  • decontaminate vt descontàminer
  • decontrol vt [prices] desrestricter
  • decor n decorationajado
  • decorate vt (adorn) orner; [room, stage] decorationer; (confer award or medal on) decorationer || n decoration (act) orno; [of room, stage, honoree] decorationo; (object) ornivo, -edoro; [for room, stage, honoree] decorationivo, -edoro
  • decorticate vt (tech.) descòrticizer
  • decorum n decentitio; convenos || adj decorous decenta
  • decoy n luratro; decoy bird lur-aucelo || vt lurer
  • decrease vt (make smaller in size, amount, or degree) diminutioner; descrecifer || vi (become smaller in size, amount, or degree) diminutionezer; descrecer
  • decree n decreto || vt decreter
  • decrement n decremento || vt decrementer
  • decrepit adj caduca
  • decry vt condemner
  • dedicate vt (devote) dèdicher; (inaugurate) inàugurer
  • deduce vt deducter
  • deduct vt (log.) deducter; (subtract) [number] subtractioner; [tax, quantity] deductioner || n deductible (ins.) franchisio; deduction [of tax, quantity] deductiono; (log.) deducto
  • deed n (legal document) actuo; deed of transfer actuo di tránsfero; (chiefly lit.) (action) acto; faço; good deed bona acto (aut faço) | (result) facedo; heroic deed prodajo || vt (jur.) trànsferer per actuo
  • deejay vt dischi-ludisto
  • deem vt consìderer; jùdicher; opiner; to deem it right consìderer como justa; (repute) rèputer
  • deep adj (existing far down or back) profundana; deep gnome (fantasy) profundana gnomo; Deep South Profundana Sudo; deep space transluna spatiazo; deep state (pol.) profundana stato; stato en la stato | (extending far down or back) [hole, wound, shelf] profunda; to be in deep water eser usche sua colo (en problématos); the deep la océano; le granda profundajo; the deep end la profunda parto; la profundajo; in the deep of winter en plena (aut media) hiberno; deep fryer mergi-frictatro; deep-laid [plot] secreta et detalosa; deep-rooted, -seated [affection] profunda; [disease, problem] crónica; [habit] custumisca; persistanta; vétera; [prejudice] profunde radicosa; vétera; deep-sea [plant, animal] abisisca; deep-sea diving submara (aut profundi-mara) merġo (aut nato); deep-set [eyes] afundita; cava; profundecinta; (immersed) to be deep in debt eser ònerizita da (aut plena de) debitiono; to be deep in recession eser en plena recesiono; to be deep in thought eser absorptata da (aut mergita en) sua pensos; (intense or extreme) [color] profunda; deep black nigraza | [emotion, sleep, concern] profunda; [trouble] granda; deep freeze (domestic) gelatro | (low in pitch, full in tone) [note] grava; [voice, sigh] grava; profunda; deep-toned [color] en (aut di) profunda tono; [sound] en (aut di) grava tono; (profound) Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey Profunda pensos da Jack Handey || adv deeply profunde; (intensely) extreme; forte; grande; profunde || n deepfake hiperfalsifajo || vt to deepen profundifer; [sound] gravifer; [trouble] grandifer || vi to deepen profundecer; [sound] gravecer; [trouble] grandecer
  • deer n (zool.: Cervidae) cervo; deerskin dam-corio
  • deface vt disfacier
  • de facto adv facte || adj factasca
  • defalcate vt (formal) malverser
  • defame vt difamationer || adj defamatory difamationanta, -ema, -iva
  • default n (failure to fulfill obligation) nesatisfaço; (failure to pay) nepago; defaulter nepaghedoro; nesatifacedoro | (comput.: assumed value) valoro en defalto; by default it defaults to the C drive li vadan ad disco C defalte; default value valoro en defalto; (something usual or standard) rage is his default mode furio es iluya modo en defalto || vi to default on no pagher
  • defeat vt vincer; [bill, amendment] repulser; [hopes, expectations] decepter; frustrer; ruinifer; (jur.: annul) anuler || n [of another] vinço; [one’s own] vincezo; defeatism vincezismo; defeatist vincezisto
  • defecate vi fecefer || n defecation fecefo
  • defect n (imperfection) defecto; (mental) défiço; defection (pol.) defectiono; transfuġo; transvado; defector (pol.) defectionedoro; transfugedoro; transvadedoro || vi (pol.) defectioner; transfuger; transvader || adj defective (faulty) defectosa; (deficient) dèfiçanta; (gram.) defectiva
  • defend vt defenser || n defendant (jur.) [civil] lìtigato; [criminal] acusato; defense defenso; (jur.) defensanto; defensive defensivo; to be on the defensive eser defensema (aut defens-presta) || adj defendable defensébila; defenseless nedefensata; sine defenso; defensible defensébila; (justifiable) justìfichébila; defensive (able to defend) defensiva; (intended for defense) defensive war defensisca guero | (quick to challenge criticism) defensema
  • defer vt (postpone) postponer || vi (submit respectfully to the opinion of) ceder (respectose) ad; to defer to someone’s greater knowledge ceder ad la plu multa sapo di álicu; (submit respectfully to the will of) deferentier || n deference cedemitio; deferentio; respecto; in deference to someone’s age pro respecto je la etato di álicu || adj deferential cedema; deferentianta; respectosa
  • deficient adj (lacking something essential) dèfiçanta; (insufficient) nesufiçanta || n deficiency (not being enough) défiço; nesufiço
  • deficit n (com.) défiço
  • defile vt (sully) corupter; despurifer; màculizer; poluter; spurchifer; (desecrate, profane) profanationer; (archaic: violate) [woman] deshonorizer; violationer || vi (march in single file) disfiler || n (narrow passage) disfilayo
  • define vt (give definition for) [word] definitioner; (characterize) [feeling, attitude] caràcterizer; [role, function] definitioner; (delimit) lìmitizer; (determine) [responsibilities, conditions] determinationer; (outline) definitioner || n definition [of word, concept] definitiono; [of powers, boundaries, duties] determinationo; lìmitizo; (phot.) definitiono; nìtiditio || adj definable definitionébila; defined definitionita; definite (certain) [confident] are you definite about that? es vi certana sopre ecuilo?; [known for sure] is that definite? es ecuilo certa (aut definitiva)? | (clear, indubitable) clara; nedùbitébila; a definite improvement on nedùbitébila plu-bonifo | (emphatic) [manner, tone, view, opinion] firma; (fixed, final) [time, offer, plan] definitiva; I don’t have any definite plans mi no haban on projecto definitiva; (gram.) definite article definita artículo; definitive (authoritative) auctoritatosa; (fixed, final) definitiva || adv definitely (certainly) certe; definitively (fixedly, finally) definitive
  • deflagrate vi (chem., dated) flagrer
  • deflate vt [balloon, tire] desinfler; (discourage) desmoralizer; (humble) hùmilifer; (econ.) [currency, economy] desinflationer || vi [balloon, tire] desinflezer || n deflation desinflo; (econ.) desinflationo
  • deflect vt [ball, bullet] deviifer; [light] deflecter; [stream] detornìer || vi [ball, bullet] devier; [light] deflectezer; [stream] detornìezer || n deflection [of ball, bullet] deviifo; [of light] deflecto; [of stream] detornío
  • defloration n (dated, lit.: deprivation of woman’s virginity) desflorizo; desvìrginifo; (bot.: stripping of flowers) desflorizo
  • deflower vt (dated, lit.: deprive woman of virginity) desflorizer; desvìrginifer; (bot.: strip of flowers) desflorizer
  • defog vt despruiner || n defogger despruinatro
  • defoliate vt desfoliizer
  • deforest vt desforestizer
  • deform vt deformifer || n deformity deformifajo
  • defraud vt frauder
  • defray vt [expenses] pagher; reimburser; [cost] còperter
  • defrock vt desfrochizer; laichifer
  • defrost vt [windshield] despruinifer; (thaw) desgeler
  • deft adj hábila
  • defunct adj defunta; (rare: deceased) mortinta
  • defuse vt [bomb, situation] desmixizer
  • defy vt (refuse to obey) desobeder; what kind of man would defy a king? cuala hómino desobedeban on reġo?; (fly in the face of) to defy gravity desobeder la leġo di grávito | (stand up to) afronter; to defy death (face without fear) afronter le morto; (narrowly escape) excaper de on certa morto | (challenge, dare) defìer; I defy you to do it mi defían vi facer lo || n defiance (disobedience) desobedo; (challenge) defío || adj defiant (disobedient) desobedanta, -ema; (challenging) defìanta, -ema
  • degenerate adj degeneratinta; (morally) degeneratinta; desnòbilifita (aut desnòbilecinta); degenerative degeneratifema || n degeneratinto; degeneracy degeneratintitio; degeneration degenerato || vi degenerater; the debate degenerated into a brawl la debato degeneratin ad on rixo
  • deglutition n (tech.) gluto
  • degrade vt (treat contemptuously) degradationer; (reduce the moral character of) degeneratifer; desnòbilifer; (reduce the physical or mental character of) degeneratifer; (chem., geol., phys.: break down) degeneratifer; (archaic: reduce to a lower rank) degradationer || n degradation [in rank, reputation] degradationo; (breakdown) degenerato, -ifo || adj degrading degradationanta; deshonorizanta
  • degree n (gen., geog., math) grado; 30 degrees below freezing 30 grados sub zero; (extent) grado; punto; to have a degree of freedom haber cuida grado di lìberitio; with varying degrees of success cum plu aut men multa succeso; to some degree usche cuida punto; to such a degree that... usche tala punto che...; to the highest degree usche la maxim alta grado | (stage in scale) grado; by degrees gradene; pauchene; first-/second-/third-degree burn ardajo di la unésima/duésima/trésima grado; first-degree murder asasinío antemèditita; second-degree murder asasinío no antemèditita | (univ.: academic rank) grado; to have a degree in philosophy haber on grado sopre filòsofío | (diploma) diplomo; (archaic: social or official rank) grado; rango; sociisca stando
  • dehisce vi (bot.) dehicer || n dehiscence dehiço
  • dehorn vt descornizer
  • dehumanize vt brutifer; deshumanifer
  • dehydrate vt deshidratizer
  • de-ice vt desglaciizer
  • deicide n (god-killer) deicido; (god-killing) deicidío
  • deify vt apotheoser; deifer || n deification apotheoso; deifo
  • deign vi condecenser; to deign to do something condecenser facer álico
  • deinotherium n (zool., paleo.) dinotherio
  • deism n deismo; deist deisto
  • deity n deo; (divine status) deitio; (divine object) deajo; [statue, carving] ídolo
  • deject vt (archaic) abatuer; depreser; desalecrifer; tristifer || n dejecta (med., zool.) excretajos || adj dejected abatuita; depresita; trista
  • de jure adv secuno yuro; yurizite
  • delate vt (archaic) denuntier
  • delay vt (all senses) retarder; don’t delay no perdes témporo!; (make late) tardifer; (detain) haltifer; (make slow) [traffic] lentifer; (postpone) postponer; (adjourn) ajurner || vi (be late) tardecer; (be slow) lenteser; (temporize) tèmporizer || n retardo; (holdup) haltifo; tardifo; (slowdown) lentifo; (postponement) postpono; (adjournment) ajurno; (temporization) tèmporizo; without delay imediate; sine retardo || adj delayed-action di retardeda acto; delayed effect retardeda efecto; delaying tactics tácticos por retarder
  • delectable adj [food, drink] deliciosa; (humorous: extremely attractive) belega
  • delegate n delegationito; delegation (act) delegationo; (body of delegates) delegationitado; dèputitado || vt (authorize to be a representative) [person] delegationer; (entrust to a subordinate) [task] delegationijer (álico per álicu)
  • delete vt (remove or obliterate) [by striking through] tra-strichizer; [by erasing] efacier; (comput., genetics) [text, file, gene] deleter || n delete key delet-tasto; deletion deleto
  • deleterious adj nociva
  • delftware n Delftajo; faventio de Delft
  • deliberate adj (intentional) (ante)mèditita; consìderita; intentita; (prudent) prudenta; (unhurried) lenta; nehastosa || adv deliberately (intentionally) deliberationinte; intent(it)e; (prudently) prudente; (unhurriedly) lente; nehastose || vi to deliberate on, over consìderer; deliberationer sopre; mèditer; (with others) deliberationer sopre; intreconsulter sopre
  • delicate adj (fine, subtle) [object, movement, color, flavor, touch] delicata; (fragile) delicata; frágila; (sensitive) [instrument, sense] delicata; (touchy, tricky) [situation, problem] delicata || n delicacy delicatitio; (fragility) delicatitio; fràgilitio; (special food) delicata mangedo; delicaticio
  • delicatessen n (combined grocery store and restaurant) delio; (gourmet food store) delicaticierío
  • delicious adj deliciosa; (delightful) delectationanta, -osa; deliciosa
  • delict n (jur.) delicto
  • delight vt delectationer || vi delectationezer || adj delighted delectationita; delightful delectationanta, -osa
  • delimit vt lìmitizer; (demarcate) demarcationer || adj delmited (demarcated) tab-delimited file fìgicajo demarcationita per tabelifedora spatios
  • delineate vt (describe) descripter; (sketch, draw) [outline] designier; schizer; (define) [border] definitioner
  • delinquent adj (crime-prone) delictema; (in arrears) tard(ecint)a; [bill, account] nepaghita; [person] nepaghinta; (formal: failing in one’s duty) neglectedora || n delinquency (crime) delicto; (failure to pay debt) nepago; tarditio; (formal: neglect of one’s duty) neglecto
  • deliquesce vi (chem.) delicuecer
  • delirium n (med.) déliro; delirium tremens alcohol-déliro; trèmulosa déliro || adj delirious dèliranta; to be delirious dèlirer
  • deliver vt (hand over) [goods, supplies, mail, message] consigner; to deliver pizza to one’s door consigner pizza usche la domo di álicu; to deliver the goods (fig.) completioner (aut facer) ecuilo cuo homi promisin; (escort) to deliver someone home safely acompanier álicu usche focaro | (launch or aim) [blow] dìriger; (surrender) [town, person] consigner; Vercingetorix was delivered, arms were thrown down Vercingetórige consignezin, armos deponezin | (utter) [lecture, ultimatum] doner; facer; to deliver a speech orationer; (med.) (assist in parturition) [baby] adjuter nacer; [mother] adjuter parturer; (give birth to) parturer; (rescue) lìberifer; salver; deliver us from evil lìberifes nos de lo mala || n deliverance (rescue or liberation) lìberifo; salvo; (formal utterance) declarationo; delivery (handing over) [action] consigno; [item delivered] consignedo; (med.) parturo; (provision, supply) consigno; furniso; (speaking style) dictiono; oration-manario; (throwing) [ball] jacto; [blow] díriġo; deliveryperson consignisto
  • dell n valateto
  • delocalize vt deslochizer
  • delta n (geog.) delto; (letter: Δ) delta
  • deltoid adj (tech.) deltoida || n (muscle) deltoido
  • delude vt inganer; erorifer; ilusioner || n delusion (act) ingano; erorifo; ilusiono; (false impression) eroro; ilusionezo || adj delusive erorifanta, -ifiva; ilusionanta, -iva; ingananta, -iva
  • deluge n diluvio || vt diluvier
  • deluxe adj luxosa
  • delve vi (search for something as if by digging) [in pockets, past, book] (fode) cercher; [in subject, thoughts] profundecer; we must delve deeper nos deban profundecer pluse || vt (lit.: dig) èxcaver; foder
  • demagnetize vt desmagnetifer
  • demagogue n demagogo; demagogy, -ery demagoghío
  • demand n (insistent, forceful request) éxiġo; Crimson Jihad will rain fire on one major US city each week until our demands are met Carmesina Jihado pluvifun foco sur una principala Usonana civitato cascun-septimane usche che homi satisfaçun nostra éxiġos | (pressing requirement) éxiġo; recuisto; the demands of duty la éxiġos di le deber | (urgent claim) [for payment, rights] reclamationo; (request; com.) demando; demand for sexbots has risen by 300% in certain countries la demando je sexí-robotos crecin per 300% en cuida paesos; to be in demand eser (multe) demandata; by popular demand pro demando da la pópulo; pro generala demando; on demand ye (aut ye) demando || v (ask authoritatively or brusquely) “Who are you?” the guard demanded “Cua es vi?” brusche cuestionin la guardisto || vt (insistently, forcefully request) èxiger; to demand an explanation from someone èxiger on éxplico de álicu | (require, need) besonier; èxiger; recuister; this job demands moral flexibility ecuista laboro éxiġan moralitatisca flectèbilitio | (urgently claim) [payment, rights] reclamationer || adj demanding [job] acaparema; èxigema; [person] èxigema; (taxing) difícila; èprobazanta; penifanta
  • demarcate vt demarcationer || n demarcation demarcationo; demarcation line demarcation-líneo
  • demean vt abaser; degradationer; desnòbilifer; this leash demeans us both ecuista laso degradationan nos amba || vi (archaic: behave) comporter || n demeanor comporto; (bearing) autoteno
  • dement n (archaic: person suffering from dementia) deméntiaco; dementia (med.) dementio || adj demented deméntiaca
  • demerit n (quality) desmérito; (mark for offense) desmérit-punto
  • demigod n semideo
  • demijohn n damijano
  • demimonde n (hist.) mundaċo; demimondaine mundaċaniso
  • demise n forpaso; morto
  • demit vt (formal) dismisioner de || n demission dismisiono
  • demitasse n taseto
  • demiurge n (philos.) demiurgo
  • demobilize vt (mil.) desmobilizer
  • democrat n demócrato; democracy (governance, ideology) demòcratío; (state) demòcratio || vt to democratize demòcratismizer || adj democratic demòcratisca; [person] demócrata
  • demography n demògrafío; demographer demógrafo; demographics demògrafajo
  • demoiselle n (zool.: Grus virgo) dominicelisa gruo; (zool.: Pomacentridae, except Amphiprioninae and Premnas) dominicelisa piço; (zool.: Zygoptera) dominiceliso; (archaic, lit.) dominiceliso
  • demolish vt demolitioner || n demolition demolitiono
  • demon n demono; demon hunter demon-caciisto || adj demoniac demonisca, -esca
  • demonetize vt [coin] desmonetifer; [Internet content] desmonetizationer
  • demonstrate vt (prove) demonstrationer; prober; (display) [emotion] expreser; manifester; [talent, ability] monstrer || vi (pol.) manifestationer || n demonstration (exhibition) [of proof, of how something works] demonstrationo; [of talent, ability] monstro; (pol.) manifestationo; to hold a demonstration manifestationer; demonstrator (pol.) manifestationanto; (in shop) demonstrationisto; (univ.) adjutanto || adj demonstrable demonstrationébila; demonstrative (expressive) expresema; (gram.) demonstrativa
  • demonym n gentilicio
  • demoralize vt desmoralizer; (archaic: corrupt) corupter
  • demote vt degradationer
  • demotic adj demótica
  • demount vt desmonter || adj demountable desmontébila
  • demulce vt (pharm.) demulcter || n demulcent demulctivo
  • demur vi (hesitate) hèsiter; to demur to (raise objection) objectioner || n demurrer (person) ecepti-declarationanto; objectionanto; demurrage (naut.) demuraġo; demurrer (formal) objectiono; (jur., dated) ecepti-declarationo
  • demure adj (modest) modesta; [of body] pudorema; (reserved) cuieta; reservezema; tacema; (timid) tímida; (coy) cochete modesta (aut tímida)
  • den n (lair) antro; den of iniquity antro di vitio; den of thieves antro di latronos | (private room) cabino
  • denarius n (hist.) denario
  • denationalize vt [industry, etc.] desnationischifer; desstatischifer; (denaturalize) [person] descivifer; desnationanifer
  • denaturalize vt (make unnatural) desnaturaschifer; (deprive of citizenship) descivifer; desnationanifer
  • denature vt (remove the natural quality of) desnaturizer || adj denatured alcohol desnaturizita alcoholo
  • denigrate vt denigrationer
  • denim n denimo
  • denizen n (formal or humorous) hàbitanto
  • Denmark n Dania
  • denominate vt (call, name) (give name to) nòminizer; (say the name of) nòminijer || n denomination (relig.) confesiono; secto; (class) categorío; claso; (face value) [of coin] valoro; [of measure, weight] uno; (name) nómino; (act of naming) nòminijo; nòminizo; denominator (math) denominatoro || adj denominational (relig.) confesionisca
  • denote vt (indicate) ìndicher; (signify) signìficher
  • denouement n desnodeço
  • denounce vt (publicly accuse) (públiche) acuser; (inform against) denuntier || n denunciation (accusation) (pública) acuso; (informing against) denuntio
  • de novo adv (afresh) nove; (again) denove; denue
  • dense adj [forest, fog, crowd, population, liquid, substance] densa; (informal: stupid) stúpida || n denseness densitio; (informal: stupidity) stùpiditio; densimeter densímetro; density densitio
  • dent n macajo || vt macher; (fig.:) [enthusiasm, confidence] macher; vùlnerer; [savings] manger on granda parto de; mordazer
  • dental adj dentisca; (ling.) dentala
  • dentate adj dentosa
  • denticulate adj dentetosa
  • dentiform adj dentesca; denti-forma
  • dentifrice n denti-pasto
  • dentist n dentisto; dentistry dentistío
  • dentition n dentefo
  • denture n dentaturo; pròstheseda dentado
  • denude vt nudifer
  • deny vt (declare untrue, nonexistent) negher; (refute) dismenter; (refuse) refuser; to deny something to someone refuser álico ad álicu; to deny oneself something privationer si de (aut abnegher, renuntier) álico | (disavow connection with) desagnocer; (falsely) rènegher; before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice ante che le pulaso cantun du-vece, tri-vece vi rénegun mi || n denial (declaration that something is a lie) dismento; (declaration that something is untrue, nonexistent) nego; (refusal) refuso; denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) ataco per refuso je servo | (self-denial) abnego; autoprivationo; renuntio; (disavowal of connection) desagnoço; (false) rénego
  • deobstruct vt desobstructer
  • deodorize vt desodorizer || n deodorant desodorizatro
  • deoxidize vt desòxidifer; (remove oxide from) desòxidizer
  • depart vi (leave) partier; (deviate) devier; (die) forpaser || n departure partio || adj departed (bygone; dead) forpasinta
  • department n (subdivision of an organization) departimento; physics department departimento di físico | (governmental) ministrerío; Department of Agriculture Ministrerío sopre Agri-cultivo | (in department store) departimento; (in shop) sectiono; department head ċefo di departimento; department store bothecazo; departimentisca botheco | (territorial division, district) departimento; (informal: area of expertise or responsibility) campo; departimento; dòminio; that’s not my department ecuilo no es mea departimento (aut dòminio); (informal: specified aspect or quality) campo; she’s never had any problems in the looks department el jamás fue haban problématos en la campo di belitio || adj departmental departimentisca
  • depend vi (be controlled or determined) depender; it depends on what you mean lo dependan de cuo vi volitionan dicer; that depends ecuilo dependan; (rely) eser certana; fider; you can depend on it! eses certana sopre lo!; you can depend on me to do it fides ad mi por facer lo | [for support] depender; he still depends on his mother for everything il incore dependan de sua matro por omno || n dependence dependo; dependence on drugs drog-dependo; dependency (dependence) dependo; (pol.) dependanto; dependent dependanto || adj dependable findanda; dependent dependanta
  • depict vt descripter; picter
  • depilate vt despilizer
  • deplete vt (exhaust, use up) consumpter; exhauster; (diminish) diminutioner; reducter || adj depletive consumptiva; exhaustiva
  • deplore vt deplorationer || adj deplorable deplorationébila
  • deploy vt (mil.) desplicher; (utilize) user; ùtilifer || n deployment desplico
  • depolarize vt despolarifer
  • deponent adj (ling.) deponenta || n (ling.) deponento
  • deport vt [a foreigner] deportationer || n deportation deportationo
  • depose vt (remove from office) desoficiizer; [king] desthronizer; (jur.: question in deposition) deposifer || vi (jur.: testify in deposition) deposer || n deposition (act of removing from office) desoficiizo; [king] desthronizo; (act of depositing) depósito; (act of putting down) depono; Deposition of Christ Depono je Cristo | (jur.) deposo
  • deposit n (fin.) [act] depósito; [sum] depòsitedo; (com.: partial payment) aconto; (com.: returnable security) cautiono; (action of putting in a specified place) depono; (chem., geol.) deponajo; sedimento; depositary depòsitatario; depositor depòsitedoro; depository depòsitayo || vt (put down) deponer; [egg] deponer; (fin.) depòsiter; (com.: pay as first installment) acontifer; (com.: pay as returnable security) cautionifer
  • depot n (storehouse) depòsitayo; magacino; (for bus, RR) stationo
  • deprave vt (morally debase) depravifer || n depravity (act) depravajo; (quality) depravitio || adj depraved deprava
  • deprecate vt (disapprove) desàprober; (depreciate) denigrationer; men-valorifer; (comput.: declare obsolescent) deprecationer; the ⟨center⟩ tag has been deprecated in HTML4 homi deprecationin la esticheto ⟨center⟩ en HTML4 || adj deprecatory (disapproving) desàprobanta, -ema; (apologetic) excusosa
  • depreciate vi (fin.) depretiationezer; men-valorecer || vt (fin.) depretiationer; men-valorifer; (disparage) denigrationer; maledicentier; men-valorifer
  • depredate vt [goods] rauber; [person, place] despolier; rauber de; (sack) sachejer; (devastate) devastationer || n depredation despolio; raubo; (sacking) sachejo; (devastation) devastationo; depredator (archaic) despoliedoro; raubedoro
  • depress vt [person] depreser; (reduce level of strength or activity in) [economy] depreser; [immune system] diminutioner; [trade] reducter; (formal: press down) [button] presioner; [lever] abaser || n depression (psych.) depresezo; (econ.) depresezo; (pushing down) [of button] presiono; [of lever] abaso || adj depressive (psych.) depresiva; (causing reduction in strength, etc.) [of biological system] diminutioniva; [of economy] depresiva; [of trade] reductiva
  • deprive vt privationer || n deprivation privation(ez)o
  • depth n profunditio; (of color, thought) profunditio; (of sound) gravitio; the depths la profundajos; to be in the depths of despair eser afundita en desspero; in the depths of the sea en la profundajos (aut sur la fundo) di la maro; in the depths of winter en plena (aut media) hiberno; depth charge submara bombo
  • depurate vt purifer
  • depute vt (appoint to perform task for which one is responsible) dèputer; to deputize dèputer || n deputation (act) députo; (group) dèputitado; deputy (representative) dèputito; (sub-, vice-) adiunta; sub-; viç-; deputy chairperson viç-presidanto; deputy director adiunta dìrigisto; subdìrigisto; deputy minister viç-ministro; deputy sheriff subsherifo
  • derail vt dereilifer || vi dereilecer
  • derange vt (make insane) folifer; (cause disorder in; distort from ideal state) adjustifer; desaranger; desòrdiner
  • derby n (hat) bombino
  • deregulate vt desrègulizer
  • derelict adj (abandoned) abandonita; (neglected) neglectita; (ruined) ruina; (negligent) neglectinta, -ema || n dereliction abandono; neglecto
  • deride vt deriser || n derision deriso || adj derisive (expressing derision) derisanta, -ema; (deserving derision) derisanda
  • derive vt (obtain) [pleasure, profit] obtiner; recepter; trover; (obtain from through a series of stages, steps) [word, function, equation, substance] derivationer || n derivative derivationedo || adj derivative derivationeda; (unoriginal) pauche originala
  • dermis n (anat.) dermo
  • derogate vi (formal) (detract) deprender; forprender; (deviate) devier || vt (formal) (disparage) descrèditizer; maledicentier; men-valorifer; (jur., obsolete) (partially repeal) dèrogher || adj derogatory descrèditizanta; desrespectanta; maledicentianta; men-valorifanta
  • derp inter durp || n durpo || adj derpy durposa
  • derrick n (crane) [on ship] gruo; (framework over oil well) foration-turo
  • dervish n dervisho
  • Deryni n (fantasy) Derinio
  • descant n (discourse) discurso; (archaic, mus.) discanto || vi (discourse) discurs(aċ)er; (archaic, mus.) discanter
  • descend vi (go down) decenser; to descend into [chaos, madness] afundezer; to descend on/upon (attack) [person, army] asalter; plùmbicher adsur; [place] invaser; (develop suddenly) [fog, misery] cader adsur; to descend to [something shameful] I’d never descend to that level jamás mi abaseban mi usche ecuila nivelo | (originate) decender; humans descend from primates le humano decendan de primatos | (pass by inheritance) paser (herédite) || vt (go down) [stairs, ramp] decenser || n descendant decendanto; -ido; descendant of Atreus Àtréido; descent (downward motion) decenso; (downward slope) decensayo; declivo; descent on (attack) asalto; (invasion) invaso || adj to be descended from (by ancestry) decender de; she claims to be descended from King Cole el asertan decendo de Coilo la Vécula
  • describe vt descripter; (geom.) [circle] designier; schizer; tractier || n description descripto || adj descriptive descriptiva
  • descry vt (lit.) (catch sight of) videcer; (discover) descòperter
  • desecrate vt profanationer
  • desert vt (abandon) abandoner; [military service] desertioner || vi (mil.) desertioner || n (geog.) desértico; deserts (thing deserved) mèritedo; to get one’s just deserts recepter cuo homi méritan; recepter sua mèritedo; deserter (mil.) desertionedoro; desertion abandono; (mil.) desertiono || adj deserted abandonita; (empty of people) desértica; (uninhabited) nehàbitata
  • deserve vt mèriter || adj deserving mèritanta
  • desiccate vt sichifer || n desiccant sichifivo; desiccator sichifatro; sichifuyo
  • desideratum n desìderato
  • design n (plan, drawing) desiniajo; (art of design) desinii-arto; (model) modelo; (pattern) paterno; (preliminary sketch) schizajo; (style) stilo; designer desiniisto; designer drug mensuraschifita (aut gustaschifita) drogo; designer jeans marchi-genso | (intention) intento; (plan) projecto; by design intente; to have designs on haber mirationos je || vt [building, clothes, etc.] desinier; (intend) intenter; (plan) projecter || adj designing (scheming) intrighema; machinationema || adv designedly intente
  • designate vt (appoint) nominationer; to designate someone to do something nominationer álicu por facer álico; (officially assign a specified status, name, or quality to) declarationer; destiner; nòminizer; tìtulizer; the entire valley was designated a moose sanctuary homi declarationin la tota valato on reservajo por alços; syphilis was designated the “French disease” by the Neapolitans sifílido esin nòminizita la “Francianisca malatitio” da la Nàpolianos; we’re designating some rooms as offices nos destinun álica cambros eser oficinos; (indicate) ìndicher; (signify) signìficher; (specify) specìficher || n designation (appointment) nominationo; (assignment of special purpose, status) declarationo; destino; nòminizo; tìtulizo; (officially bestowed name, description, title) nómino; título || adj designated driver nominationita conducedoro
  • desinence n (ling.: inflectional suffix) desinentio
  • desire n (want, wish) desídero; a desire for peace on desídero je paço; his heart filled with desire at the sight of her iluya cordio plenecin da desídero ye vido je el; I have no desire to see him mi haban nula desídero vider il; (archaic: request) demando || vt (want, wish) desìderer; he never achieved the level of success he so desired il jamás atingin la nivelo di succeso cua li tante desíderin; their work leaves much to be desired luya laboro laçan multo por desìderer; if desired (in instructions, recipes, etc.) se vi desíderan lo | (archaic: request) demander || adj desirable [action, progress] convenanta; desìderanda; [house, job] actractanta; [offer] actractanta; temptanta; [person] atractiva; desìderanda; desirous desìderosa; to be desirous of desìderer
  • desist vi cesationer; to desist from doing something cesationer facer álico
  • desk n scrib-menso; scriptorio; desktop (comput.) scriptorio; desktop computer scriptoriisca còmputatro; desktop publishing autoédito per còmputatro
  • desolate adj (deserted) desértica; (grief-stricken) aflictita || n desolation (deserted state) desèrtichitio; (grief) aflictezo || vt [place] desèrtichifer; devastationer; [person] aflicter
  • despair n desspero; to drive to despair dessperifer || vi dessperer || adj despairing dessperanta
  • desperado n (dated) bandito
  • desperate adj (feeling, showing, involving little hope) [illness] dessperifiva; [measure] dessperisca; [person] dessperanta; (extremely bad, serious, or dangerous) [criminal] perìculosa; [situation] crisisca; perìculosa; (urgent) [need, want] urġanta; to be desperate (for/to) urġante besonier (aut desìderer); both countries were desperate to avoid war amba paesos desíderin eviter le guero ye cua cunche costo; he’s desperate to find a bathroom il urġante besonian trover on latrinayo; I’m desperate for a cigarette mi urġante desíderan (aut mi morteban por) on cigareto || n desperation desspero
  • despicable adj desapretianda; desèstimanda; odianda
  • despise vt desapreti(az)er; desèstimer; odier; to despise danger no timer (aut respectioner) perículo
  • despite prep malgrate
  • despoil vt despolier
  • despond vi (archaic: become dejected) abatuezer; depresezer; dessperer; tristecer; (archaic: become disheartened) esecer desmoralizita || n despondency abatuititio; depresezo; desmoralizititio; desspero; tristitio || adj despondent (dejected) abatuita; depresita; dessperanta; trista; (disheartened) desmoralizita
  • despot n despótico; despotism despòtichismo
  • dessert n deserto; what’s for dessert? cua deserto ci es?; dessert spoon deserti-coclearo
  • destine vt destiner || n destination (place to which one is going or something is being sent) destinationo; (archaic: act of destining) destino; destiny (fate) sorto || adj destined destinita; destined to fail destinita ad (aut por) faler; (traveling toward) a truck destined for Albuquerque on camiono cum destinationo Albuquerque
  • destitute adj (indigent) ìndiġanta; destitute of something (lacking) ìndiġanta álico || n destitution índiġo
  • destrier n (hist.: warhorse) dextrario
  • destroy vt destructer || n destroyer destructedoro; now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds nun mi es fiinta Morto, la destructedoro je mundos | (naut.) destructedoro; destruction (act) destructo; (result) destructajo
  • desuetude n neusatitio; neusezo
  • desultory adj (lacking enthusiasm) sine enthusiasmo; (lacking logical sequence or connection) capriciosa, -ema; neconsecuanta; nerelationanta; (lacking method or order) nemèthodosa; (lacking purpose) sine obiectivo; (intermittent) intermitanta; sporádica
  • detach vt (disengage and remove) apartifer; deprender; desconecter; desfixer; sèparer; (untie) desligher; (mil.: send on a separate mission) to detach troops to the border distacamentifer trupos por la frontario; invìer on distacamento ad la frontario || n detachment (separation) [act] apartifo; desligo; sèparezo; séparo; [state] apartitio; deslighitio; sèparititio; (impartiality) objectivitio; (indifference) indiferentitio; (mil.) distacamento || adj detached (separate) aparta; ìsolita; sèparita; detached house ìsolita domo | (impartial) objectiva; (indifferent) indiferenta; (unemotional) distanta
  • detail n detalo; attentive to details detalema; in detail detale | (minutia) minutio; (mil.: detachment given a special duty) security detail distacamento di securitio; (mil.: special duty assigned to a detachment) you’re the motherfucker who should be on brain detail! vi es la strunço cua eses taschifita (aut en la distacamento) sopre cerebri-petios! || vt (give details of) detalizer; (mil.) the soldiers were detailed to guard the prisoner homi distacamentifin la soldatos por guarder la captito; (thoroughly clean) detalejer; parnitifer || adj detailed detalosa; detail-oriented metìculosa
  • detain vt (hold back) retenter; (arrest) arester; (hold aside, not allow in) detener || n detainee detenato; detention deteno; retento
  • detect vt (discover by careful search, examination, or probing) [substance, gas, disease, evidence] detecter; to detect cancer in its early stages detecter cáncero dum luya aprima fasos; (perceive) percepter; remarcher; well he seemed pleased, but beneath the surface I detected a certain sadness ben il parecin contenta, mas sub la superficio mi perceptin alicuanta tristitio || n detection (discovery) detecto; (perception) percepto; detective detectivo; detector detectatro
  • détente n (pol.) destendo
  • deter vt (discourage) descoragizer; (dissuade) despersuaser; (prevent) detornìer; preventer || n deterrent despersuasivo
  • deterge vt (rare) parnitifer || n detergent detergento
  • deteriorate vi [building] caduchecer; ruinecer; [civilization] decadentianta; [faculties] degenerater; [health] (plu-)malecer
  • determine vt (be the deciding factor in) deciser; determinationer; demand determines supply la demando determinationer la ófero; which card you pick will determine your fate cua carto vi selectun decisun vua destino; (ascertain, establish) determinationer; to determine whether something is true determinationer chi álico es vera | [price, date] determinationer; fixer; [scope, limits, boundary] definitioner; determinationer || vi (resolve) deciser; resolver; to determine to do something deciser (aut resolver) facer álico || n determinant determinationanto, -ivo; determination (ascertaining) determinationo; (resoluteness) firmitio; resolvintitio; (resolution) deciso; resolvo; determinism determinationismo; determinist determinationisto || adj determinable determinationébila; determinant determinationanta, -iva; determinative determinationiva; determined (ascertained) determinationita; (decided, settled) decisita; (having made a firm decision) decisinta; resolvinta; to be determined to do something eser decisinta (aut resolvinta) facer álico | (resolute) decisosa; resolvosa; with a determined air cum resolvosa (aut decisosa) vulto
  • detest vt abòminer; odiazer || n detestation abómino; odiazo || adj detestable abòminanda; odiazanda
  • dethrone vt desthronizer
  • detonate vi detonationer || vt detonationifer || n detonator detonationifatro
  • detour n agiro; devio || vi agirer; devier
  • detract vt (take or divert away from) deprender de; (defame) calumnier; difamationer; maledicentier || vi to detract from (reduce value of) diminutioner || n detractor calumnianto; difamationanto; maledicentianto
  • detriment n detrimento; to the detriment of detrimentante || adj detrimental detrimentema
  • detritus n rúdero; versuro
  • detruncate vt munionifer
  • deuce n (cards, dice) duo; (number two) duem; (informal, euph.: devil) diábolo
  • deuterium n (chem.: D) deuterio
  • devastate vt devastationer
  • develop vt [skill, ability] disveloper; [photograph] reveler; (acquire) [disease] acuister; [interest, taste, habit] acuister; disveloper; (build on) [land] disveloper; urbifer; (elaborate) parlaborer; (exploit) [resources] exploter || vi disvelopezer; (change, mature) disvelopezer; maturecer; [baby] crecer; (evolve) evolutioner; (progress) disvelopezer; (come into being) aparer; eventer || n developer disvelopisto, -anto, -edoro; [of photograph] revelivo, -atro; [of property] construct-agento; imobli-disvelopisto; [of software, web, etc.] disvelopisto; (physiol.) I was a late developer mi maturecin tarde; development disvelop(ez)o; [of land] disvelopo; urbifo; [of photograph] revelo; [of resources] exploto; (change in situation) cambiejezo; disvelopezo; notitio || adj developing country disvelopezanta paeso; developmental disvelop(ez)isca; developmental psychology psicòloghío sopre disvelopezo
  • deviate vi devier || n (archaic: deviant) devianto; (pervert) perverso; deviant devianto; (pervert) perverso; deviation devio; deviationism (pol.) deviismo; deviationist (pol.) deviisto
  • device n (apparatus) aparato; (means) meano; strateghío; to leave someone to their own devices lacer álicu aranger sole; left to his own devices, he would have starved to death tote sole, il mortebin pro fámino | (drawing, design) designiajo; (emblem) emblémato; (motto) moto
  • devil n (evil spirit) diábolo; the Devil la Diábolo; the devil take it! la diábolo prendes li!; to give the devil his due por eser yusta ad la diábolo; go to the devil! (vades) ad la diábolo!; to play devil’s advocate luder (aut ficer si) la avocato di la diábolo; (person) you poor devil! compasionando!; (intensifier) how/what/why/who the devil…? cuome/cuo/cuare/cua diábole (aut per la diábolo)…?; devilfish (zool.: Inimicus didactylus) demon-piço; (zool.: Manta, Mobula mobular) mar-diábolo; (zool.: Octopoda) pólipo; devilry diàbolajo || adj devilish diàbolesca, -isca; devil-may-care despreòcupata || adv devilishly diàbolesche, -ische; (informal: extremely) extreme
  • devious adj (sly) astuta; (indirect) nedirecta; (twisting, winding) sinuosa; vaganta
  • devise vt (conceive) [strategy, plan] concepter; (invent) [gadget] elàborer; inventer; (jur.: bequeath) herèditedifer || n (jur.: bequeathing clause) testamentisca prescripto; devisee (jur.) herèditedoro
  • devitalize vt desvigorizer
  • devoid adj (completely empty) devoid of privationita de; (tote) sine; (tote) vacua de
  • devoir n (archaic: duty) debo
  • devolve vt (pol.: decentralize) [government] descentrischifer; (pol.: delegate) [duty, power] delegationijer || vi (formal: degenerate) degenerater; (jur.: be inherited) herèditezer; paser; transmisionezer; to devolve on/upon/in [duty, power] cader adsur; eser delegationijita ad || n devolution (pol.: decentralization) descentrischifo; (pol.: delegation) [of duty, power] delegationijo; (formal: degeneration) degenerato; (jur.) herèditedifo; transmisiono
  • devote vt (dedicate) dèdicher; he devoted most of his time to gaming il dédichin la maxim-multo de sua témporo ad le joco || n devotee devoto; conlang devotee devoto di le constructita linguaġo; devotion devotitio; (loyalty) fidelitio; loyalitio; devotions (relig.) devotajos; precos || adj devoted (dedicated) dèdichita; a chapter devoted to Gamergate on capítulo dèdichita ad Gamergate | (loving, loyal) [follower, fan] devota; fervoranta; fidela; [friend] devota; fidela; loyala; [spouse] devota; (devout) devota; pia; devotional [attitude] devota; pia; [book] devotisca; piisca
  • devour vt (eat hungrily or quickly) [food, book, money] devorer; (of fire, disease, spending: consume) consumpter || adj devouring [passion, need] devoranta, -ema
  • devout adj devota; pia; (fervent) ardorosa; fervorosa || n devoutness devotitio; piitio; (fervor) ardoro; fervoro
  • dew n roro; dewdrop ror-guto || adj dewy rorosa
  • dewlap n palearo
  • dexterous adj (manu-)hábila || n dexterity (manu-)hàbilitio
  • dextrin n (biochem.) dextrino
  • diabetes n diabeto; diabetic diabétaco || adj diabetic (having diabetes) diabétaca; (pertaining to diabetes) diabetisca
  • diabolical adj diàbolesca, -isca
  • diachylum n (archaic, med.) diachilono
  • diaconal adj diàconisca
  • diaconate n (office) diàconitio; (collect.) diàconado
  • diacritic n diacrítico; (subscript) subsigno; (superscript) supersigno || adj diacrítica
  • diadem n diademo
  • diagnose vt diagnoser || n diagnosis diagnoso || adj diagnostic diagnosisca
  • diagonal adj diagonala || n diagonalo
  • diagram n (schematic) schémato; (geom.) diagramo || vt schèmatizer
  • dial n (of clock) cifri-placo; (of instrument, radio) scal-placo; (of rotary telephone) cifri-disco; (tuner, knob) nopo; selectatro; torní-botono; dial tone pronti-tono || vt [phone number] composer; dischijer; tastijer; dial 1-800-Mix-A-Lot composes 1-800-Mix-A-Lot | (call) telèfonijer ad; vocher; somehow I dialed my cell alicuome mi vochin mea celularo; (control or select with a dial) nopijer; I dial it in from south of the border mi nopijan li de sude de la frontario
  • dialect n dialecto || adj dialectal dialectisca
  • dialectic n dialéctico || adj dialectical dialèctichisca
  • dialog n (also “dialogue”) diálogo || vt [movie, play] diàloghizer || vi diàlogher
  • dialysis n (chem., med.) diáliso || vt to dialyze diàliser
  • diamagnetism n diamagnetismo || adj diamagnetic diamagneta
  • diameter n diámetro || adj diametric diàmetrisca || adv diametrically opposed diàmetrische oposita
  • diamond n (min., jewel) diamanto; (faceted) brilianto; diamond cutter diamanti-taliisto | (cards) cuadrelo; (shape) lausingo; rombo
  • Dianetics n (pseudoscience) Dianético
  • diaper n beb-tuco
  • diaphanous adj diáfana
  • diaphragm n (anat.) diafragmo
  • diaphysis n (anat.) diáfiso
  • diarrhea n diareo
  • diary n diario
  • diastase n (biochem.) diastaso
  • diastole n (physiol.) diástolo
  • diathesis n (med.) diátheso; (gram.) voço
  • diatom n (bot.: Bacillariophyceae) diatomeo
  • diatonic adj (mus.) diatónica
  • diatribe n diatribo
  • diazepam n (pharm.) diazepamo
  • dibs n (informal: money) pecunio; to have first dibs on haber unésima pretenso je; dibs on the top bunk! unésima por la supra lecto!
  • dice n dado(s) || vt [vegetables] discubifer || adj dicey (risky) riscosa; (uncertain) necerta
  • dichotomous adj dicótoma || n dichotomy dicòtomitio
  • dick n (vulg.: penis) caráculo; ménculo; virgo; (vulg.: contemptible person) dick move strunçajo; (vulg.: stupid person) idioto
  • Dickensian adj Dickens-iana
  • diclinous adj (bot., dated) diclina; uni-sexa
  • dicotyledon n (bot.: Dicotyledoneae) dicotilédono
  • dictate vt (prescribe) mandationer; to act as circumstances dictate acter secuno la circumstantios; common sense dictates that… comuna sapiitio volitionan che…; I won’t be dictated to! ad mi nulu mandationes! | [terms, conditions] imposer; to dictate to (order about) doner mandationos ad; imposer sua volitiono ad | (to secretary) [letter] dictationer || n (order) mandationo; the dictates of conscience la voço di le concientio; dictation dictationo; (giving orders) mandationo; dictator (of text to be written) dictationedoro; (pol.) dictatoro; dictatorship (pol.) [government] dictatorío; [state] dictatorio || adj dictatorial (pol.) dictatorisca, -ema
  • diction n (wording) fraseòloghío; linguagijo; stilo; vocábul-selecto; (elocution, delivery) dictiono; paraul-manario
  • dictionary n dictionario
  • dictum n (formal pronouncement) declarationo; (maxim) aforismo; sententio
  • didactic adj didàctichisca || n didacticism didáctico
  • die vi (stop living) morter; that is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death my die li no es mortinta cua potan eterne jacer, et en eonos extránea potan etiam morto morter; your secret died with her vua secreto mortin cum el; to die for di revo; a body to die for on córporo di revo | (fig.) [friendship, interest] desaparer; morter; [light] extintezer; [motor] extinguezer; to be dying to do something mortecer pro invidio (aut desídero) facer álico; to die away [voice, sound] extintezer; to die back (bot.) sichecer; to die down [fire] extintezer; [noise] diminutionezer; [storm, wind, emotion, protest] calmecer; [violence, conflict] atenuer; to die off desaparer; formorter; mortecer; to die out [custom] desaparer; [family, race, species] extintioner; [fire] extintezer || n dying (death) morto; diehard netrànsigemo; usche-osto; (pol.) conservatoro; reactemo || adj dying mortanta; diehard usche-osta
  • die n (singular of “dice”) dado; the die is cast la dados es jactita; (archit.: cubical part of a pedestal) cubo; (tech.: stamp) stampatro; [mold] matriço; [punch] puntionatro || vt to die-cast presion-moldijer || adj die-cast presion-moldijita
  • dieldrin n dieldrino
  • dieresis n (also “diaeresis”) diéreso
  • diesel n (engine) diéselo; (fuel) gasóleo
  • diet n (customary food) alimentezo; (restricted food) (dietétic-)regímino; to be on a diet secuer (aut eser en) on (dietétic-)regímino; dieter dietétic-secuanto; regímin-secuanto; dietetics dietético; dietitian dietètichisto | (pol.) dieto || adj (containing lower than usual amounts of fat, salt, sugar, or calories) [soda] dietètichisca, -asca; dietary [needs, habits] alimentezisca; [supplement, advice] dietètichisca, -asca; dietetic [food, drink] dietètichisca, -asca; regìminisca, -asca; [research] dietètichisca
  • differ vi (be unlike) dìferer; (disagree) discorder; I beg to differ permises ad mi discorder; to differentiate (bio.) diferentiezer || vt to differentiate (make the difference between things) distinter; (see the difference between things) dicerner; (bio.) diferentier; (math) diferentialifer || n difference (dissimilarity) dífero; a car with a difference on vecturo dìferanta; it makes a lot of difference lo importan multe; it makes no difference to me lo es ecuala (aut lo metípsima) por mi; lo nule afectan mi; lo pauche importan ad mi; that makes all the difference ecuilo cambian omno; ecuilo tote cambian la coso; what difference does it make? cuala dífero lo façan?; cuome lo importan? | [between numbers, amounts] dífero; to pay the difference pagher la dífero (aut restanto) | (change) cambiejo; the difference in her since last summer is amazing! cuante el cambiejezin dexde la estato! | (disagreement) discordo; [quarrel] dísputo; differential (between amounts) dífero; (math; tech.) diferentialo || adj different (unlike in identity) áltera; I feel like a different person mi sentan mi como álteru | (unlike in kind) dessímila; dìferanta; and now for something completely different et nun álico tote dìferanta | (various) diversa; it comes in several different colors li es disposébila en diversa coloros | (informal: novel, unusual) distintiva; originala; differential (math; tech.) diferentiala || adv different (informal: differently) think different penses dìferante; differently áltere; dìferante
  • difficult adj (requiring much effort) [task, book, question] desfácila; difícila; (not easy) nefácila; it is difficult to describe the feeling lo es difícila descripter la sento; it is difficult to say lo es difícile dicébila; to make difficult difìciifer; (uncooperative, troublesome) [person, child, character] difícila; are you going to be difficult? creun vi problématos?; difficult to live with difícile cumvivébila; he is difficult to deal with il haban on difícila caráctero || n difficulty (quality) dificilitio; to speak with difficulty parauler difícile; without difficulty sine peno | (problem) difícilo; problémato; to be in difficulty eser en on imbarasita stando; haber problématos; to get into difficulties ponezer en problématos (aut on imbarasita stando); to have difficulties with someone haber problématos cum álicu
  • diffident adj hèsitema; necertana sopre si; tímida || n diffidence hèsitemitio; necertanitio sopre si; tìmiditio
  • diffract vt difracter || n diffraction difracto
  • diffuse vt [light, heat, information] disvastifer || n diffusion disvastifo, -eço || adj disvastifita; (long-winded) [style, writer] prolixa
  • dig vt (create by digging) [hole, well, trench, etc.] foder; to dig one’s own grave foder sua propria sepultayo; (break up, as with a hoe) [ground] descompactifer; sàrculijer; (extract) [coal, gold, etc.] extracter; (prod) colper; [with elbow] cúbite colper; to give someone a dig in the ribs cúbite colper álicu en luya cóstulos; (till) [garden] cultiver; (informal, dated: enjoy) fruer; I don’t dig beat poetry le beat-poetío ad mi diçan nulo; (informal, dated: take notice of) dig that guy! reguardes ecuila cherlo!; (informal, dated: understand) you dig? comprensan vi?; to dig in (thrust) [nails, claws, knife] afunder; enpulser; to dig out (extract) [buried object] ecterifer; [thorn in flesh] evulser; extracter; to dig up [grave] àperer; [treasure, body, information] ecterifer; [vegetables] evulser; [weeds] extirper || vi foder; to dig for gold foder cercante (aut por trover) auro; (archaeol.) èxcaver; (search) cercher (tra); foder (tra); to dig deeper into a subject plu profunde cercher tra (aut foder en) on thémato; profundecer en on thémato; to dig in (eat) dig in! ataches!; mangeces! | (entrench oneself) [soldier] entrencatifer si; to dig into (investigate) cercher (aut foder) tra; (use up) [reserves] consumpter; to dig through [pockets, drawers] cercher (aut foder) tra || n (archaeol., tech.) èxcavayo; (mocking or critical remark) pico; was that a dig at me? esin ecuila pico destinita ad mi?; digger (device, machine) fodatro; (person) fodanto, -isto, -edoro
  • digest vt [food] digestioner; (assimilate) [information, news] asìmiler; digestioner; (arrange or classify methodically) [laws] clasìficher; (summarize) resumpter || vi digestioner || n (summary) resumpto; (peridodical; jur.) digesto; digestion digestiono; digestive digestionifivo || adj digestive digestionisca; [food or medicine] digestionifiva
  • digit n (number) cifro; (finger, toe) dígito || vt to digitize (elec.) digitalifer || adj digital (elec.) [watch, display, recording] digitala; (relating to fingers) dìgitisca
  • digitalis n (bot.: Digitalis) dìgitaro
  • digitigrade adj (zool.) digitígrada
  • dignify vt dignifer; I’m not going to dignify that question with an answer mi no abasun mi per responder ad ecuila cuestiono || adj dignified digna; (solemn) solemna
  • dignitary n dignitario
  • dignity n dignitio; that would be beneath his dignity il abaseban si per facer ecuilo | (solemnity) solemnitio; (high rank or position) alta oficio
  • digoxin n (pharm.) digoxino
  • digraph n digramo
  • digress vi digreser; but I digress mas mi digresan de la thémato || n digression digreso
  • dihedral adj dihedra || n dihedro
  • dike n (barrier) dico; [causeway] dic-vialo; [embankment] taluto; (channel) canalo; (ditch) fosato || vt dichizer
  • dilapidate vt (archaic) caduchifer; ruinifer || n dilapidation caduchitio; decadentio; ruinitio || adj dilapidated caduca; decadentiinta; ruin(eçant)a
  • dilate vt (make wider) dilationer || vi to dilate on (formal: expatiate) parauler (aut scriber) detale (aut longhe, ample) sopre || n dilator dilationatro
  • dilatory adj (slow to act) lenta; tarda; (procrastinating) ajurnema; procràstinema; (intended to cause delay) retardiva
  • dilemma n dilemo
  • dilettante n diletanto
  • diligent adj diligenta || n diligence diligentitio; (hist.: stagecoach) caròceazo; diligenço
  • dill n (bot.: Anethum graveolens) anetho; dill pickle anethi-cucùmereto
  • dilly-dally vi (informal) lentaċeser
  • dilute vt dilutioner || n dilution (act) dilutiono; (liquid) dilutionajo; (state) dilutionititio || adj dilutionita
  • diluvium n (flood) diluvio; (geol.: deposit made by flooding) diluviajo || adj diluvial diluviisca
  • dim adj (not bright) [light] débila; nebrilanta; [room] obscura; (difficult to see because of darkness or distance) [figure, shape, outline, memory] desclara; neclara; (unable to see clearly) [eyes, vision] débila; mala; (gloomy) [prospects] nepromisosa; (informal: unintelligent) obtusa; stulta || n dimness neclaritio; obscuritio || vt (make less bright) [light] abaser; [room] obscur(et)ifer; [sound] desclarifer; (weaken) [eyesight] dèbilifer; [memory] desclarifer; (dampen) [hopes] ficer nepromisosa || vi (become less bright) [light] dèbilecer; [room] obscurecer; [sound] desclarecer; (weaken) [eyesight] dèbilecer; [memory] desclarecer; (dampen) [hopes] esecer nepromisosa
  • dimension n dimensiono
  • diminish vt diminutioner || vi diminutionezer; (gradually) descrecer || adj diminishing descreçanta; the law of diminishing returns la leġo di descreçanta rendimento
  • diminution n (act) diminution(ez)o; (result) diminutionajo
  • diminutive adj (very small) parva; (ling.) diminutiva || n (ling.) diminutivo
  • dimity n (fabric) dímito
  • dimple n foseto || vi fosetefer || adj dimpled fosetífera
  • din n (loud noise) ruitazo; tumulto || vt (inculcate) inculcher || vi ruitazer; tumulter
  • dine vi cenationo || n diner (person) cenationanto; (restaurant) (vagon-)restoranto; (RR) restorant-vagono; dining car (RR) restorant-vagono; dining room mangi-cambro; dinner (evening meal) cenationo; (midday meal) prandio; dinner service (dishes) vacelo; dinner time cenation-horo; prandii-horo
  • ding vi diner || vt (dent) macher; (penalize, criticize) crìtichìer; puner; [sports] penalitatizer || n (informal: dent) macajo; (informal: hit) colper || inter ding! din!; ding-dong! din-don!
  • dinghy n batelo
  • dingo n (zool.: Canis lupus dingo) dingo
  • dingy adj (dirty, squalid) sórdida; spurca; (drab) nebrilanta; nebrilosa; (gloomy) sombra
  • dinosaur n (zool., paleo.) dinosauro
  • dint n (dent) macajo; (force of attack) fortitio; by dint of per fortitio di | (impact) efecto; (archaic: a blow) colpo || vt (dent) macher
  • diocese n dióceso; episcopio
  • diode n (electron.) diodo
  • dioptra n (hist.) dioptro; diopter (unit) dioptrio; dioptrics dióptrico
  • diorama n dioramo
  • diorite n (geol.) diorito
  • dioxide n (chem.) dióxido
  • dioxin n (chem.) dioxino
  • dip vt (immerse) merg(et)er; to dip one’s foot in water merg(et)er sua pedo en acuo | (soak) [pen, bread] intinter; [sheep] merger (on ovículo) en desinfectivo; (lower) [flag] saluter per; (bend, tilt) [one’s head] incliner || vi (lower) [prices, temperature] plu-basecer; [sun] desaparer; (move down) [bird, plane] abasecer; (slope down) [ground] decenser; inclinezer infre; [road] decenser; to dip into [a bag] enponer sua mano en; [a book] foliejer; [one’s savings] haurer de (aut ec) || n (brief immersion) curta mergezo; [of food] intinto; (brief swim) curta nato; to go for a dip vader por on curta nato; (downward slope) [ground] declivo; (hollow) cavo; cóncavo; (drop) [in prices, temperature] baseço; (geol.) [of rock, strata, fault] inclino; (culin.) salso; (informal: fool) stulto; dipper (ladle) coclearazo; Big Dipper Granda Carito; Little Dipper Parva Carito | (zool.: Cinclus) cinclo; dipstick óle-stango; (informal: fool) stulto
  • diphtheria n (path.) diftherío || adj diphtheritic (relating to diphtheria) diftherìisca; (suffering from diphtheria) diftheríaca
  • diphthong n difthongo
  • diploid adj diploida
  • diploma n diplomo; to confer a diploma upon diplomizer; diplomate diplomoso
  • diplomat n diplómato; diplomacy diplòmatío || adj diplomatic diplòmatesca; diplòmatìisca, -ema; diplomatic immunity diplòmatisca imunitio
  • diplomatics n (science of ancient writings) diplomático
  • diptera n (zool.: Diptera) díptero
  • diptych n díptico
  • dire adj (extremely serious or urgent) [event, consequences, results] grava; urġanta; [poverty] extrema; [situation] crisisca; dessperifiva; to be in desperate need of something besonier álico urġante | (presaging disaster) [warning, prediction] alarmanta; mal-àuguría; mal-presaġa; sinistrala; (fearsome) [taxonomy] dira; (gigantic and savage) [fantasy] dira; direful (archaic or lit.) teroranta, -iva
  • direct adj (extending from one place to another by the shortest, straightest line without stops or detours) [route, train, flight] directa; (without intervening factors or intermediaries) [cause, result, contact, control, responsibility, descendant] directa; nemediata; (complete, exact) she’s the direct opposite el es exacte la cóntreo; (straightforward, not evasive) [answer, refusal] clara; [manner, character] aperta; cándida; direct deposit directa depósito; direct object directa complemento; direct tax directa imposto; directional (indicating direction) ìndicanta; (relating to direction) directionisca; directive dìrigisca; directorial dìrigedorisca; dìrigistisca || adv (straight) directe; go directly to jail vades directe ad la cárcero || n direction (course) directiono; I fart in your general direction! mi péditan en vua generala directiono!; in all directions en omna directiono; in the direction of en directiono di; versum | (fig.: control) mandationo; [of play, film] díriġo; under the direction of secuno la díriġo da; directions (instructions) [for use] instructionos; [to a place] índicos; directive directivo; director dìriġanto; dìrigisto, -edoro; directorate conselo (di aministro); directory (book of addresses) adirectiado; (comput.) directorio; (hist.) The Directory la Dìrigerío || vt (aim) [remark, gaze, attention] dìriger; (control) [traffic, play, film] dìriger; (give directions to) can you direct me to the embassy? potan vi ìndicher cuome ariver ye la ambaxerío?; (instruct, order) to direct someone to do something mandationer ad álicu facer álico
  • dirge n fùnerisca canto
  • dirigible adj dìrigébila || n (airship) dirigíbilo
  • dirk n dago
  • dirt n (unclean matter) spurcajo; to treat someone like dirt tracter álicu cuom je versuro; (earth) soliaro; tero; dirt road tera vialo; (informal: scandal) racontuċo; scándalo || vt to dirty spurchifer; màculizer || adj dirty (unclean) desnita; spurca; (dull) [color] desvívida; spurca; (furious) to give someone a dirty look jacter asu álicu on asasina (aut minacianta) reguardo | (indecent) grosaria; dirty old man spurca véculo; dirty word vocàbuluċo (aut grosaria vocábulo) | (sordid) sórdida; (underhanded, corrupt) coruptita; deshonesta; spurca; -uċ-; (unpleasant) it’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it li es on spurca minsterio, mas álicu deban facer li; you dirty rat! spurca cherlo (aut porco)!; dirt-cheap paucaze costosa; dirt-poor mísera || adv dirty (underhandedly) deshoneste; neyuste; spurche
  • disable vt [by illness, accident, injury] invàlidifer; [tank, gun, device] exturpier; (maim) exturpier; mùtiler; (elec., mech.: deactivate) [function] desactivifer || n disability (disadvantage) handicapo; (inability to work) invàliditio; the disabled (disadvantaged) le handicapizitos; (unable to work) le inválidos || adj disabled (disadvantaged) handicapizita; (unable to work) inválida; (maimed) exturpiita; mùtilita
  • disabuse vt desilusioner; desinganer
  • disadvantage n desabantaġo; to be at a disadvantage eser en desabantaġo; eser en on desabantaġosa situationo; you’ve got me at a disadvantage vi haban la abantaġo super mi || vt desabantagizer; desfavorer || adj disadvantageous desabantaġosa; desfavorosa
  • disaffect vt descontentifer || n disaffection descontentitio || adj disaffected descontenta
  • disaffirm vt negher; (jur.) casationer
  • disafforest vt desforestizer
  • disagree vi (have different opinions) discorder; (disapprove) desàprober; (quarrel) dìsputer; (not conform or correspond) [accounts, versions] dìferer; [gram., mus.] desacorder; (not suit) desconvener; wasabi doesn’t agree with me le wasabi desconvenan ad mi || n disagreement (of opinion) discordo; (quarrel) dísputo; (lack of conformity) [in accounts, versions] dífero; [in gram., mus.] desacordo; (lack of suitability) desconveno || adj disagreeable (unpleasant) [experience, task] desagratábila; [person] desafábila; desagratábila
  • disallow vt [claim, evidence] desaccepter; refuser; (sport) [goal] anuler; desaccepter; refuser
  • disappear vi desaparer || vt desaparifer || n disappearance desaparo
  • disappoint vt [person] decepter; [hopes, expectations] falifer || adj disappointed deceptita; I’m very disappointed in you vi multe deceptin mi; disappointing deceptanta; how disappointing! cuala decepto!
  • disapprobation n desáprobo
  • disapprove vt desàprober || n disapproval desáprobo
  • disarm vt (mil.) [troops, attacker] desarmizer; (deactivate) desactivifer || vi (mil.) deponer la armos; desarmizer si || n disarmament desarmizo; nuclear disarmament nucleara desarmizo || adj disarming desarmizanta, -iva; [smile] calmifanta, -ifiva; càrminanta, -iva; desarmizanta, -iziva
  • disarrange vt desaranger; desòrdiner
  • disarray n desòrdinezo; in disarray en desòrdinezo (aut confusitio) || vt desòrdiner
  • disarticulate vt desarticulaturizer
  • disassemble vt (take apart) desmonter
  • disaster n disastro; (from natural causes) catástrofo || adj disastrous disastr(os)a
  • disavow vt (refuse to acknowledge) desagnocer; (falsely) rènegher; (declare a lie) dismenter; (declare untrue) negher
  • disband vi dissolvezer || vt dissolver
  • disbar vt desavocatifer
  • disbelieve vt (not accept that something is true) necreder; (refuse to accept that something is true) descreder || n disbelief (non-acceptance as true) necredo; (refusal to accept as true) descredo
  • disburden vt descàrichizer
  • disburse vt expenser
  • disc n see “disk”
  • discard vt forjacter; [clothes] dejacter; deponer; (cards) eccartifer; forjacter || n eccartifedo; forjactedo
  • discern vt (perceive) percepter; vider; to discern a figure in the dark percepter on figuro en la obscuritio; (perceive as different from something else) dicerner; to discern truth from lies dicerner lo vera de mendacios || n discernment (act) percepto; [of perceiving difference] dicerno; (faculty) perceptivitio; [for perceiving difference] dicernivitio || adj discernible (perceptible) perceptébila; vidébila; (perceptible as different) dicernébila; discerning dicernema, -iva; sagaça
  • discharge vt (tell someone that they can or must leave) (dismiss) [employee, soldier] desinguager; (release) [juror] desinguager; [patient] delacer; [prisoner] lìberifer; (allow something confined to flow out) (elec.) [battery] descàrichizer; (emit) [gas, chemicals] emiser; [liquid, waste] ecfuser; [pus, blood] secretioner; (fire, shoot) [bullet, arrow] dìsparer; (unload) [cargo] descàrichifer; [passengers] desimbarcher; (fulfill) [task, duty] completioner; executer; satisfacer; (pay off) [debt] pagher; salder; (jur.) (relieve of liability) [bankrupt] rehabìliter || vi [battery] descàrichizer si; [river] ecfluer; [wound, sore] pusefer || n (dismissal) [of employee, soldier] desinguaġo; (release) [of juror] desinguaġo; [of patient] delaço; [of prisoner] lìberifo; (allowance of something confined to flow out) (elec.) [of battery] descàrichizo; (emission) [of gas, chemicals] emis(ed)o; [of liquid, waste] ecfus(ed)o; [of pus] pus(ef)o; secretion(ed)o; (firing, shooting) [of bullet, arrow] dísparo; (unloading) [of cargo] descàrichifo; [of passengers] desimbarco; (fulfillment) [of task, duty] completiono; executo; satisfaço; (settlement) [of debt] pago; saldo; (jur.) (relief of liability) [of bankrupt] rehabílito
  • disciple n dicípulo; discipleship dicìpulitio
  • discipline n diciplino; disciplinarian diciplinemo, -isto || vt diciplinizer || adj disciplinary diciplinisca
  • disclaim vt (deny) [paternity] desagnocer; [responsibility, authorship, statement] negher; to disclaim all knowledge of something negher omna cognoço je álico; (jur.: renounce legal claim to) renuntier || n disclaimer (denial) [of paternity] desagnoço; [of responsibility] nego; (exclusion clause) descàrichifo (je responsivitio); (jur.) [of a right] renuntio
  • disclose vt divulgher; reveler || n disclosure divulgo; revelo
  • disco n (club) discotheco; (music) discothec-músico
  • discolor vi (change color) álter-colorizezer; (lose color) descolorizezer; (stain) màculizezer
  • discomfit vt (disappoint) [person] decepter; [plans] falifer; frustrer; (disconcert) destrancuilifer
  • discomfort n (physical unease; pain or constraint) desconforto; (lack of physical comfort) desagratàbilitio; descòmoditio; [uncomfortable thing] the discomforts of camping off-season la desagratábilos (aut descómodos) di le acamper dum la stagni-sationo | (slight pain) molesto; I feel some discomfort from it but no real pain li molestan mi mas no vere dolorifan; (mental unease, worry, or embarrassment) destrancuilitio; imbarasezo; perturbezo; much to my discomfort, my ex announced she would tag along ye mea granda imbarasezo, mea exo anuntiin che el acompaniun nos || vt (cause mental unease, worry, or embarrassment) destrancuilifer; imbaraser; perturber; (cause slight pain) molester
  • discommode vt (formal) descòmodizer; molester
  • discompose vt (disturb or agitate) àgiter; descuietifer; perturber; (throw into disorder) confusifer; desaranger; desòrdiner
  • disconcert vt (disturb the composure of) destrancuilifer; perturber; (confound) surpriser; (frustrate) [plans] falifer; frustrer
  • disconnect vt desjunter; desligher; sèparer; (immaterially) desunioner; (unlink to power supply) [water, electricity, gas, telephone service] desconecter (aut secher) (pro nepago); (elec.) [device] desconecter; (mech.) desconecter; [pinions] desimbracher; [RR car, piece of equipment] desacòpuler; (telec.) [conversation] secher (la comúnico); [person] desconecter; secher la comúnico ad || vi desjuntezer; deslighezer; sèparezer; (immaterially) desunionezer; (elec.) [device] desconectezer; (mech.) desconectezer; [pinions] desimbrachezer; [RR car, piece of equipment] desacòpulezer || adj disconnected desechita; desjuntita; [from power, service] desconectita (aut sechita); (incoherent) neconsecuanta
  • disconsolate adj (cheerless, dreary) [person] aflictata; neconsolosa; sombra; trista; [place] sombra; (inconsolable) neconsolébila
  • discontent adj descontenta; (not content) necontenta || n descontento || vt descontentifer
  • discontinue vt cesation(if)er; [+ infinitive] no pluse -er; [subscription] desaboner; (com.) [product] cesationer producto je || n discontinuity necontinuitio; (interruption) interrumpo || adj “discontinued” (com.) “no pluse productata”; discontinuous (interrupted) interrumpita; (math) [curve] necontinua
  • discord n (disharmony) desconcordo; discordo; (mus.) disonantio || vi (archaic: be in disharmony) desconcorder; discorder; (archaic: disagree) discorder || adj discordant desconcordanta; discordanta; (mus.) disonantianta, -osa
  • discount n (deduction from bill or account for early payment) disconto; (reduction in price) rebaso; to sell at a discount rebase vender || vt (deduct from bill or account for early payment) disconter; (reduce) [price] rebaser; (fig.: disregard for lack of credibility) [report, rumor] discarter; no fider
  • discountenance vt (disapprove) desàprober; (disturb the composure of) descuietifer; destrancuilifer; perturber
  • discourage vt (dishearten) desmoralizer; (advise against) desconsilier; no recomender; (dissuade) (èprober) despersuaser; (hinder) impeder || n discouragement (disheartenment) desmoralizezo; (advice against something) desconsilio; (dissuasion) éprobo despersuaser; (hindrance) impedo || adj discouraging (disheartening) desmoraliziva
  • discourse n (formal discussion; ling.) discurso || vi discurser
  • discourteous adj descortesa || n discourtesy (impoliteness) descortesitio; (impolite act) descortesajo
  • discover vt descòperter; (after search) trover || n discoverer descòpertinto, -edoro; discovery descòpertedo; (act) descóperto || adj discoverable descòpertébila; vidébila
  • discredit vt (sully reputation of) descrèditizer; deshonorizer; (cast doubt upon) descrèditizer || adj discreditable descrèditanda; nehonesta; verecundanda
  • discreet adj discreta || n discretion (being discreet) discretitio
  • discrepant adj dìferanta; (between versions, opinions) des-, neconcordanta; diverġanta || n discrepancy dífero; (between versions, opinions) des-, neconcordo; diverġo
  • discretion n (being discreet) discretitio; (freedom to decide) àrbitritio; (prudence) júdico; prudentitio; sagacitio; sapiitio; I leave it to your discretion mi laçan lo ad vua júdico; use your own discretion uses vua propria júdico; age of discretion ration-etato; at the discretion of secuno la àrbitrío (aut júdico, volitiono) di || adj discretionary àrbitrìasca; jùdicasca; volitionasca
  • discriminate vi (distinguish) dicerner; (show prejudice) to discriminate against discriminationer || n discriminant (distinguishing characteristic) distintanto; (math) discriminanto || adj discriminating [person] bone jùdicanta; dicernanta, -iva, -ema; sagaça; [taste] rafinita; discriminatory discriminationanta, -iva, -ema
  • discursive adj (digressing) digresema; (philos., archaic) discursiva
  • discus n (sport) disco; discus throw dischi-jacto
  • discuss vt discuser || n discussion discuso
  • disdain n desapretio || vt desapretier; to disdain danger no timer (aut respectioner) perículo || adj disdainful desapretianta, -ema, -osa
  • disease n (state) malatitio; (path.) morbo || adj diseased malata; morbosa
  • disembark vi desimbarcher || vt desimbarchifer
  • disembarrass vt desimbaraser; lìberifer
  • disembody vt descòrporizer || adj disembodied descòrporizita; necòrporosa
  • disembowel vt desintestinizer
  • disempower vt despotizer
  • disenchant vt (disappoint) decepter; (disillusion) desilusioner; (remove spell from) desincanter
  • disencumber vt desincombrer
  • disenfranchise vt (also “disfranchise”) desvotationizer; privationer de la votation-yuro
  • disengage vt (release) [object, hand] lìberifer; (detach) desjunter; [cables] desconecter; (disentangle) desintricher; (unbind) desligher; (mech.) desacòpuler; [clutch] desimbracher; (mil.) [troops] retirer || vi (mil.) retirezer; (fencing) disguager || adj disengaged (emotionally detached) indiferenta; (dated: socially available) líbera; neòcupata
  • disentangle vt (extricate) to disentangle fact from fiction desintricher le facto de le fictiono; (untangle) [hair, rope, net, confusing matter] desintricher; disconfusifer
  • disentomb vt ectumbifer
  • disentwine vt (free) desenplecter; (unbraid) desplecter
  • disestablish vt destatifer; sèparer de la stato
  • disfavor n desfavoro; desáprobo; to fall into disfavor cader en desfavoro
  • disfigure vt (spoil the attractiveness of) fedifer; (deform) deformifer
  • disgorge vt (pour out) ecfuser; (discharge) [cargo, contents] descàrichifer; [passengers] desimbarcher; (eject) ejecter; [food] ecbuchifer; ecgurghifer; sputer; vòmiter; (yield) [funds] ceder; restaurer; retrodoner || vi (pour out) [river] ecfluer
  • disgrace n (state of dishonor) deshonoro; to bring disgrace on deshonorizer; (state of shame) verecundo; (state of disfavor) desfavorezo; to be in disgrace eser cadinta en desfavoro; eser desfavorizita; (shameful person or thing) deshonorando, -oso; verecundando, -oso; to be a disgrace to one’s family deshonorizer (aut verecundifer) sua familio || vt deshonorizer || adj disgraceful nehonorosa; scàndalosa; verecundanda; (causing disgrace) deshonoriziva; scàndalanta; verecundifanta
  • disgruntle vt descontentifer || adj disgruntled (discontented) [employee, customer] descontenta; (bad-tempered) iracema; mal-humorala
  • disguise vt [person] disguiser; Nazgûl disguised as riders in black Názgulos disguisita cuom cabàlicantos nigre vestizita | [bad points, error] absconder; maschizer; [thoughts, feelings] absconder; disimulationer; maschizer; velamentizer; [voice] cambiejer; maschizer || n disguisatro; (fig.: mask) masco
  • disgust n (revulsion) repugnezo; (anger) indigno; to leave in disgust forvader indigne || vt repugner; nàuseifer; the very thought disgusts me la ideo ipsa repugnan mi || adj disgusting nàuseifanta, -ifiva; repugnanta, -iva
  • dish n (plate) platelo; dishes (crockery) vacelo; dishcloth tergi-tuco; dish rack vacel-excolatro; dishwasher (machine) vacel-lavatro | (distinct article or variety of food) platilo; (TV: dish antenna) parábola anteno; (informal: sexually attractive person) hoto || vt to dish it out (informal) [criticism] doner; to dish out [money, advice, punishment] disdoner; to dish out/up [food] (dis)servejer; surplatelifer
  • dishabille n (extreme casual attire) negligato; (negligee) negliġato
  • dishearten vt descoragizer; desmoralizer || adj disheartening descoragiziva; desmoraliziva
  • dishevel vt [clothes] desòrdiner; [hair] despèctinijer; rufler || adj disheveled [clothes] desòrdininta; [hair] despèctinijita; ruflita
  • dishonest adj [person, action] des-, nehonesta; [means] frauda || n dishonesty des-, nehonestitio; (fraudulence) fraudo
  • dishonor n (state of shame or disgrace) deshonoro || vt (shame or disgrace) deshonorizer; (treat with disrespect) deshonorejer; (fail to observe or respect) [an agreement or principle] violationer; (refuse to accept or pay) neaccepter; refuser (pagher) || adj dishonorable deshonorosa, -anda; desnóbila; (causing dishonor) deshonoriziva
  • disillusion vt desilusioner
  • disincline vt desincliner || n disinclination desinclin(ez)o || adj disinclined desinclinita; to be disinclined to do something desinclinezer facer álico
  • disincorporate vt (dissolve a legal corporation) descorporationifer
  • disinfect vt desinfecter || n disinfectant desinfectivo || adj disinfectant desinfectiva
  • disinformation n desinformo
  • disingenuous adj nesincera; descándida; inganema
  • disinherit vt desherèditifer
  • disintegrate vt (phys.) desìntegrifer; [society, family] desàgregher || vi [society, family] desàgreghezer; (phys.) desìntegrecer
  • disinter vt ecterifer
  • disinterest n (impartiality) nepartitanitio, -emitio, -ischitio; (lack of interest) àpathitio; indiferentitio; neinteresezo || vt desintereser; no intereser || adj disinterested (impartial) nepartitana, -ema, -isca; (uninterested) indiferenta; neinteresata
  • disjoin vt desjunter; sèparer
  • disjoint vt desjunter; sèparer; (dated: anat.) desarticulaturizer || adj (math) desjuntita; disjointed (incoherent) neconsecuanta
  • disjunct adj desjuntita; disjunctive desjuntiva || n disjunction (log., math) desjuntititio
  • disk n (or “disc”) disco; disk drive (comput.) disc-unajo; disk jockey dischi-jócheo; dischi-ludisto; DJ; disk memory (comput.) disc-mèmoratro; disk operating system (comput.) disc-operatora sistémato; diskette (comput.) discheto
  • dislike vt antìpathìer; he intensely dislikes K-pop ad il forte desplaçan le K-pop; il forte antìpathían le K-pop || n to have a dislike for antìpathìer; to take a dislike to antìpathìecer; (thing disliked) antìpathìedo; desplacivo; likes and dislikes placivos et desplacivos
  • dislocate vt (put out of joint) [bone] delochifer; luxationer; (displace) delochifer; (disrupt) desaranger; desòrdiner; interrumper; (break up) desòrganizer; disrumper
  • dislodge vt desplaciizer; [dictator] ecpelentier
  • disloyal adj des-, neloyala || n disloyalty des-, neloyalitio
  • dismal adj (gloomy, depressing) [person] trista; [place, day, tone, thought] sombra; [prospects] nepromisosa; [weather] depresiva; (informal: pitifully or disgracefully bad) [performance, condition] lamentanda; malaza; mísera; a dismal failure mísera fiasco
  • dismantle vt [machine, ship, fort, system, organization] desmonter
  • dismast vt desmastizer
  • dismay n consterno; much to my dismay ye mea granda consterno || vt consterner
  • dismember vt desmembrizer
  • dismiss vt (send away) [taxi] forinvìer; (discharge from employment or office) [employee, soldier] desinguager; (give leave to) [troops, jury] comeater; (release) [assembly] congeder; class dismissed! la claso es congedita!; (reject, disregard) [problem, possibility, idea] discarter; ecmentifer; excluser; [request] desaccepter; refuser; (jur.) [appeal] desaccepter; refuser; [case] anuler || vi dismiss! (mil.) rumpes filaros! || adj dismissive (disdainful) desapretianta, -ema, -osa
  • dismount vi (from horse, bike, etc.) decenser; deselecer || vt [rider] deselifer; (tech., comput.) [apparatus, disk] desmonter
  • disobedient adj ne-, desobedanta, -ema; (jur.) contumaça || n disobedience desobed(ad)o; (jur.) contumacitio
  • disobey vt desobeder || vi (jur.) eser contumaça
  • disoblige vt refuser complacer || adj disobliging necomplaçanta, -ema
  • disorder n (untidiness) desórdino; (confusion) confusitio; (med.) malsanitio; perturbo; skin disorder dermatozo; pelisca malsanitio; stomach disorder perturbo je stómaco | (psych.) perturbo; mental disorder mentisca perturbo; (pol.: unrest) tumulto || vt (make untidy) desaranger; desòrdiner; (jumble) confusifer; (disrupt, disturb) perturber || adj disordered [room] desòrdinita; neòrdinosa; [thoughts] confusa; desòrdinita; neòrdinosa; (psych.) perturbita; disorderly [room] desòrdinita; (unruly) [behavior, crowd] tumultosa; disorderly conduct (jur.) perturbo je le pública órdino
  • disorganize vt desòrganizer; desaranger; desòrdiner || n disorganization desórdino; confusitio || adj disorganized [person, life, meeting] male òrganizita; neòrdinosa; [room] nearangita; nearanġosa; neòrdinosa; [thoughts, notes] confusa; neòrdinosa
  • disown vt (refuse to acknowledge) desagnocer; (falsely) rènegher
  • disparage vt (regard as being of little worth) desapretier; desèstimer; (represent as being of little worth) denigrationer; maledicentier; (lessen the rank or estimation of) desapretiedifer; desèstimedifer; men-valorifer
  • disparate adj dìferanta; neecuala || n disparity dífero; neecualitio
  • dispassionate adj (impartial) nepartitana, -ema, -isca; nepartitosa; objectiva; (unemotional) calma; cuieta; neemotionosa; nepasionosa
  • dispatch vt (send off) [message, goods] èxpeder; invìer; [messenger, troops] invìer; (carry out) [duty, job] completioner; efectifer; executer; parfacer; (euph.: kill) partracter || n (sending) [of message, goods] éxpedo; invío; [of messenger, troops] invío; (mil., press) dispaċo; (promptness) promptitio; ràpiditio; with dispatch cum promptitio; cum ràpiditio
  • dispel vt [fog, smell, doubts, fear, worry] dispelentier; disperser
  • dispense vt (distribute) [food, money] disdoner; distributer; [medicine] fàrmacìer; (implement) [justice] executer; (exempt) exempter || vi to dispense with (forgo) precinder de; you may dispense with the pleasantries, Commander vi potan precinder de la cortesajos, Comandanto | (grant exemption from) exempter de || n dispensation (distribution) disdono; distributo; [of medicine] fàrmacío; (implementation) executo; (exemption) exempto; (indult) indulto; dispensary dispensario; dispensatory (codex) farmacopeo; dispenser distributatro || adj dispensable (superfluous) nenecesa; precindanda; superflua
  • disperse vt (scatter) [crowd, clouds] disperser; [seeds] dissèminejer; (widely) disvastifer; (phys.) [light] descomposer; (propagate) [news] propagationer || vi (scatter) [crowd, clouds] dispersezer
  • dispirit vt depreser; desmoralizer || adj dispirited depresita; desmoralizita; dessperifita
  • displace vt (replace) remplacier; (supplant) suplanter; (force to leave home) deplaciifer; (remove from office) deplaciifer; destituter; (phys.) [liquid, mass] delochifer; (psych.: repress) represer || n displacement (removal) deplaciifer; (dismissal) deplaciifo; destituto; (replacement) remplacio; suplanto; (phys.) delochifo; (psych.: repression) represo || adj displaced person deplaciifito
  • display vt (put on view) [goods, painting, exhibit] expositioner; [notice, results] afiger; [times for departure/arrival] ìndicher; (make a show) ostenter; (show) [courage] demonstrationer; [emotion, ignorance, interest] manifester; monstrer; (comput.) vidèbilifer; [electronic device, watch] afiger || vi (zool.) [male bird] parater || n (exhibition) [of emotion, interest] manifesto; monstro; [of goods, painting] expositiono; [of unity, support] demonstrationo; manifesto; (ostentation) ostento; to be on display eser expositionata | (spectacle) spectáculo; (mil.) demonstrationo; expositiono; (zool.) parato; (electron.) [act] vidèbilifo; [device] monitoro; display case vitrino; display window exposition-fenestro
  • displease vt (be disagreeable to) desplacer ad; (provoke) vexer; (dissatisfy) des-, necontentifer; desplacer ad || n displeasure desplacero; (discontent) des-, necontentitio; (disfavor) desfavoro; (vexation) vexezo; to incur someone’s displeasure provocationer la descontentitio (aut desplacero) di; to vent one’s displeasure doner (aut lacer) líbera curo ad sua desplacero; lacer erupter sua desplacero || adj displeased des-, necontenta; displeasing desagratábila; desplaçanta
  • disport vt (archaic or humorous) to disport oneself amuser (aut distracter) si
  • dispose vt (incline) incliner; (arrange) [furniture, ornaments] aranger; disponer; [troops] desplicher; disponer || vi to dispose of (deal with) [bomb] desactivifer; [business] completioner; efectifer; executer; parfacer; [problem] solver; [question] deciser; (disprove) [argument] refuter; (get rid of) [evidence, body] desimbaraser si de; forifer; [trash] forjacter; [waste] elìminer; (have at one’s command) disposer; (sell, transfer) [goods] vender; [property, rights] aliener; (informal: destroy) destructer; (informal: eat) devorer; (informal: kill) partracter || n disposal [of trash] forjacto; [of waste] elímino; disposal unit tritatro | (power to use something) disposo; to have at one’s disposal disposer; I’m at your disposal mi es en vua disposo | (sale) [of goods] vendo; [of property, rights] alieno; (lit.: arrangement) [of furniture, ornaments] aranġo; dispono; disposition (inclination) inclino; (propensity) tendentio; (placing) [of furniture, ornaments] aranġo; dispono; [of troops] desplico; dispono; (power to control, use) disposo; (temperament) caráctero; temperamento; (jur.: transfer of property, rights) alieno || adj disposable (not reusable) [razor, camera] forjactébila; (replaceable) [person] (fácile) remplaciébila; (available) [time, money] disposébila; disposed (having a particular attitude) to be favorably/well disposed toward someone eser favorosa (aut bone intentanta) ad álicu | (inclined) inclinita; to be disposed to tantrums eser bizema; inclinezer ad bizer (aut ad bizos)
  • dispossess vt desposesifer; dispossession is nine-tenths of the law le desposesifo es nona décimos de le leġo; (jur.) exproprier
  • disproportion n mis-, neproportiono || adj disproportionate mis-, neproportionasca
  • disprove vt [theory, argument] refuter || n disproof refuto
  • dispute n (debate) discuso; (controversy) contesto; controverso; polémico; (quarrel) dísputo; (ind., pol.: conflict) conflicto; beyond dispute necontestébila; in/under dispute [matter] discusata; [territory] contestata; (jur.) lìtigata; disputation discuso; (formal debate) debato || vt contester; (debate) discuser; (gainsay) contredicer; (question) contester || vi (debate) discuser || adj disputable contestébila; discusébila; disputatious dìsputema
  • disqualify vt (make or declare ineligible) descualificationer
  • disquiet n (of mind) destrancuilitio; anxio; preòcupezo; (of mind and body, character) descuietitio; disquietude (of mind) destrancuilitio; anxio; preòcupezo; (of mind and body, character) descuietitio || vt (mentally) destrancuilifer; perturber; preòcuper; (mentally and physically) descuietifer || adj disquieting (of mind) destrancuilifanta; perturbanta; preòcupanta; (of mind and body, character) descuietifanta
  • disquisition n discuist(aj)o
  • disregard vt ignorer; neatentioner; neconsìderer; (for lack of merit) discarter || n neatentiono; neconsídero; (for lack of merit) discarto; (indifference) [for feelings, money, danger] indiferentitio; (nonobservance) [of rules, law] desobedo
  • disrelish vt antìpathìer || n antìpathitio; to have a disrelish for antìpathìer
  • disrepair n caduchitio; mala stando; to fall into disrepair caduchecer
  • disrepute n descrédito; deséstimo; deshonoro; mala rèputezo; to bring into disrepute descrèditizer; desèstimizer; deshonorizer; to fall into disrepute cader en descrédito (aut deséstimo, deshonoro); esecer descrèditita (aut desèstimata, deshonorizita, male rèputata) || adj disreputable descrèditizita; desèstimata; deshonorizita; infama; mal-famosa
  • disrespect n desrespecto || vt desrespecter || adj disrespectful desrespectosa, -ema; Mr. Sparkle is disrespectful to dirt Senioro Cintilo es desrespectosa ad spurcajo
  • disrobe vi desvestizer si || vt desvestizer
  • disrupt vt (interrupt) [meeting, communications] interrumper; [public transport] perturber; (drastically alter or destroy) cambier; desaranger; destructer || n disruption [of meeting, communications] interrumpo; [of public transport] perturbo; [of plans] cambio; desaranġo || adj disruptive [of meeting, communications] interrumpanta, -ema; [of public transport] perturbanta, -ema; [of plans] cambianta, -ema; desaranġanta, -ema
  • dissatisfy vt des-, necontentifer || n dissatisfaction (act) des-, necontentifo; (state) des-, necontentitio || adj dissatisfied des-, necontenta
  • dissect vt disecter; (analyze in minute detail) anàliser minutiose
  • dissemble vt disimulationer
  • disseminate vt dissèminejer; circulationer; disvastifer; divulgher; propagationer; [law, regulation] promulgher
  • dissent n des-, neasenso; des-, neconsento; (relig., pol.) disidentío; (jur.) dìferanta opino; dissension (discord) desconcordo; discordo; (dispute) dísputo; (dissent) desconsento; dissenter des-, neasensanto; des-, neconsentanto; (relig., pol.) disidento || vi des-, consenter; des-, neasenser; (relig., pol.) disidentìer || adj dissenting, dissentient des-, neasensanta; des-, neconsentanta; (minority) di la minoritato; (relig., pol.) disidenta
  • dissertate vi dìserter || n dissertation dísert(aj)o
  • disserve vt desserver; desajuter; detrimenter; nocer || n disservice desservo, -ajo; desajuto, -ajo; detrimento, -ajo; noço, -ajo
  • dissever vt dis-, trasecher
  • dissident n disidento; dissidence disidentitio, -ío || adj disidenta
  • dissimilar adj dìferanta; ne-, dessímila || n dissimilarity desìmilitio, -ajo; dífero, -ajo
  • dissimulate vt disimulationer
  • dissipate vt (disperse, scatter) [clouds, fog, fear, doubt] disperser; (squander) [efforts, energy, fortune] dìsiper; pròdigaċer || vi (disappear) desaparer; dispelentiezer || adj dissipated [life] debauċosa; dìsipita; [person, behavior] debauċema; dìsipema; pròdigaċema
  • dissociate vt desasocier; sèparer; (chem.) disociationer
  • dissoluble adj (chem.) solvébila; [marriage, assembly, business] dissolvébila
  • dissolute adj debauċanta, -ema; to be dissolute debauċer
  • dissolution n (chem.: liquefaction) solvo; (decomposition) descompos(ez)o; (termination) [of hopes, state, assembly, marriage] dissolvo; (debauched living) debauċado
  • dissolve vt (chem.: make a solution of) to dissolve sugar in water solver súcaro per acuo; (remove, make disappear with liquid) [blood, dirt, rust] dissolver; [hopes, fears] desaparifer; (disband) [official body, partnership, marriage] dissolver; (annul) anuler; dissolver; (fin.: liquidate) dissolver; licuidationer || vi (subside uncontrollably) to dissolve into tears fusionezer en lácrimos || n dissolvent (dis)solvivo || adj dissolvable (dis)solvébila
  • dissonant adj (mus.) disonantianta; (clashing) [colors] desacordanta; [statements] discordanta || n dissonance (mus.) disonantio; (tension, clash) [of colors] desacordo; [of statements] discordo
  • dissuade vt despersuaser
  • distaff n conúculo
  • distant adj (far away in space or time) fora; (lying at a specified distance) distanta; the gas station is 4 miles distant la gasolinerío distan per 4 milios | (not closely related) [relative] fora; (aloof) apartema; distanta; reservezema; (distracted) distractezema; neatentionema || n distance (in space) [amount of space between two things] disto; to be at a distance dister; to be within hearing distance eser en voç-atinġo; to go the distance ariver ye la fino; completioner; it is within walking distance li es camine atingébila; to keep one’s distance from something mantiner (aut conserver) sua disto de álico; tener su ye disto de álico; to keep someone at a distance tener álicu ye disto; (long-)distance running longhi-dista curo; [remote point or place] from a distance de fore; in the distance en foritio | [remoteness] foritio; (in time) [interval] intervalo; at a distance of 2 centuries post 2 séculos || vt to distance (make far off or remote) distifer; (fig.: declare unconnected) she sought to distance herself from him after the scandal el éprobin distifer si de il post la scándalo | (beat by a distance) sorvader
  • distaste n antìpathitio; repugnezo || adj distasteful desagratábila; repugnanta, -iva; (offensive) ofensanta, -iva
  • distemper n (paint) distémpero; (path.: Canine morbillivirus) morbo di Carré || vt (paint) [picture] picter distémpere; [wall] distèmperizer
  • distend vt (swell) dilationer; expanser; infler; tumifer; (archaic: spread out) distender; expanser; extenser
  • distich n (prosody) dístico
  • distill vt distilationer || n distillation distilationo, -ajo; distillery distilationerío
  • distinct adj (recognizably different) dìferanta; distintata; Mordor orcs are distinct from Isengard orcs le orco de Mordor díferan (aut distintezan) de le de Isengard | (physically separate) aparta; sèparita; a room divided into three distinct spaces on cambro divisita en tria aparta spatios; (unmistakable, definite) clara; I got the distinct impression that… mi habin la clara impresiono che…; distinctive caràcteriziva; distintiva || n distinction (act of setting apart) distinto; (difference) dífero; (discernment) dicerno; (distinctiveness) she smiled to excess, but she chewed with real distinction el ecese surisin, mas valde distinte mástichin | (distinguishing thing) distintivo; (separation) apartitio; (eminence) eminentitio; honoro; distinctiveness distintezo
  • distingué adj distintata; eleganta
  • distinguish vt (discern) dicerner; to distinguish reality from fantasy dicerner realitio de fantasío; (characterize) caràcterizer; (make distinct) distinter; to distinguish oneself distinter si; distintezer || adj distinguishable (distinct) dicernébila; (perceptible) [landmark, shape] perceptébila; distinguished [guest, appearance, career] distintita; eminenta; distinguishing [marks, characteristics, features] distintiva
  • distort vt [shape] deformifer; [sound, signal, image, facts] distorsioner || n distortion [of shape] deformeço; deformifo; [of sound, signal, image, facts] distorsiono, -ezo
  • distract vt distracter || n distraction distracto, -ezo; (entertainment) amuso, -ezo; (agitation) perturbo, -ezo; (interruption) interrumpo, -ezo; (madness) folitio; to drive someone to distraction folifer álicu; to love someone to distraction fole amorer || adj distracted distractata, -ita, -eda; (agitated) perturbita; (mad) fola; distracting distractanta; (agitating) perturbanta; (bothersome) molestanta
  • distrain vt (jur.) embargher
  • distrait adj distractata, -ita; neatentionema
  • distraught adj aflictata; destrancuila
  • distress n (mental) aflictezo; angustio; (physical) doloro; (danger) perículo; distress signal signalo por sucurso; in distress (naut.) en perículo (aut difìcilitio) | (poverty) besonio; mìseritio || vt (mentally) aflicter; angustiifer; (physically) dolorifer; [furniture, clothing] vètereschifer || adj distressed (upset) aflictata, -ita; angustiosa; (poverty-stricken) besoniosa; mísera; distressed gentleman / gentlewoman gentilo en difìcilitio (aut besonio); in distressed circumstances en econòmichisca difìcilitio; distressing aflictanta; angustiifanta; funesta
  • distribute vt (give shares of) distributer; (equitably, proportionally) reparter; (indiscriminately) disdoner || n distribution distributo; (equitable) reparto; (indiscriminate) disdono; distributor distributatro || adj distributive distributiva
  • district n (administrative) districto; district attorney district-avocato | (quarter) cuartario; (region) regiono; district manager region-dìrigisto
  • distrust vt ne-, desfider || adj distrustful ne-, desfidema, -anta
  • disturb vt (disarrange) [order, balance, functioning] perturber; [papers] desaranger; desòrdiner; [water, sediment] àgiter; (interrupt) [meeting, sleep] interrumper; [silence] rumper; (bother) molester; “do not disturb” “no molester”; sorry to disturb you pardones la molesto; (worry) preòcuper; (upset) descuietifer; destrancuilifer; the news disturbed her greatly la notitio destrancuilifin el multe || n disturbance perturbo; disturbance in the Force perturbo en la Fortio; disturbance of the peace perturbo je la pública órdino; (tumult) there’s a disturbance in Piccadilly Circus ci es on tumulto en Piccadilly Circus || adj disturbed (upset) descuieta; destrancuila; (worried) preòcupata; (psych.) perturbita; disturbing (bothersome) I find your lack of faith disturbing vua manco di fido molestan mi | (upsetting) descuietifanta, -ifiva; destrancuilifanta, -ifiva; (worrying) preòcupanta, -iva
  • disunite vt desunioner; (separate) desjunter; sèparer || vi desunionezer
  • disuse n ne-uso; to fall into disuse cader en ne-uso || adj disused abandonita; ne-usata
  • disyllable n (prosody) bisílabo || adj disyllabic bisílaba
  • ditch n fosato; (by roadside) vial-fosato || vt (provide with ditches) fosatizer; (bring down in water) [plane] coercite ad-, surmarifer; mar-crashifer; (informal: be truant from) truantìer; (informal: get rid of) abandoner; desimbaraser si de
  • dither vi (be indecisive) hèsiter; vaciler; (tremble) trèmuler || vt (tech.) dìtherer || n (indecision) hésito; vacilo; (tech.) díthero
  • dithyramb n dithirambo || adj dithyrambic dithirambisca, -esca
  • dittany n (bot.: Dictamnus) dictamno
  • ditto n (duplicate) copiajo; duplicato; (typ.) metípsim-signo; (informal: the same) “I’ll have the fish.” “ditto (for me)” “mi prendun la piç-carno.” “mi lo metípsima.” (aut “anche mi.”, “metípsime.”)
  • ditty n cantioneto
  • ditzy adj (also “ditsy”) venti-cápita || n ditz venti-cápito
  • diurnal adj (daytime) jurnisca; (daily) diale; (having a 24-hour cycle) diisca
  • diva n divo
  • divagate vi (lit.: digress) digreser; vagher; (lit.: wander) vagher
  • divan n divano; and this here’s the divan, for socializin’ and relaxin’ with the family unit et ecce la divano, por intremìsculezo et laxeço cum la familia unajo
  • dive vi (plunge downward head first) plùmbicher; (go deeper underwater) decenser; (submerge) mergezer; (swim underwater) subnater; (hurl oneself) [into crowd, under table, for cover, for exit] jacter si; precìpiter si; (drop suddenly) [prices, profits] cadazer || n (downward plunge) plúmbico; (descent underwater) decenso; (submersion) mergezo; (swimming underwater) subnato; (hurling oneself) jacto je si; precípito je si; (sudden drop) cadazo; (informal: shady bar) trincherìuċo; diver (sport) plùmbichisto; (subaquatic) scafandristo; (Brit.: loon) gavio; diving bell mergi-campanelo; diving suit scafandro; to take a dive (boxing) caduċer
  • diverge vi diverger || adj divergent diverġanta
  • divers adj (archaic, lit.: several) cualca; (archaic, lit.: varied) diversa
  • diverse adj (varied) diversa || n diversity diversitio || vt to diversify diversifer || vi to diversify diversecer
  • diversion n (causing to change course) detornío; (distraction) distracto; to create a diversion (mil.) facer (aut creer) on distracto; (entertainment) amuso
  • divert vt (cause to change course) detornìer; (distract) distracter; (entertain) amuser || adj diverting (entertaining) amusanta, -iva
  • divertimento n (mus.) divertimento
  • divest vt (deprive) privationer (álicu de álico); to divest oneself of one’s rights renuntier sua yuros; (rid oneself of) to divest (oneself) from fossil fuels desinvester en le fósila combustébilo; (dated or humorous: relieve of something worn) desimbaraser (de álico)
  • divide vt (split) [apple, orange, cake] diviser; partifer; to divide in half diviser dúime; dùimifer; to divide into different categories categorìizer; diviser en aparta categoríos | [money, work, kingdom] diviser; reparter; (cause disagreement among) [friends, political parties] divide and conquer diviser por concuister; (math) to divide 30 by 3 diviser 30 per 3; (separate, form a boundary between) the Pyrenees divide France from Spain la Pireneo séparan Francia de Hispania || vi (split) [cells, people] divisezer; [road, river] bifurcher || n (divergence, gap) divis(ez)o; [cultural, racial, etc.] fosato; (geog.) the Great Divide Granda acui-divisedora líneo; dividend (fin.) dividendo; (math) divisendo; divider divisedoro; (partition) [for room] clausiono; dividers (compass) compaso
  • divine adj (relig.) [being] dea; [powers, right, service] deisca; (informal: excellent, delightful) belaza; bonaza; mirabila; spléndida; sublima || n (relig., dated) clérico; theólogo; divination divinationo; diviner divinationisto; divining rod divination-virgheto; rabdo; divinity (divine being) deo; (divine state, quality) deitio; (theology) theòloghío || vt (foretell; guess) divinationer
  • divisible adj divisébila
  • division n (act of separating into parts) diviso; division of labor labor-diviso | (apportionment) distributo; reparto; (math) diviso; (conflict, discord) desconcordo; descordo; desuniono; (dividing line) divis-líneo; sépar-líneo; (partition) sèparatro; (between social classes, etc.) fosato; (in room) clausiono; (section) divisajo; sectiono; (mil.) divisiono; (of box, case) compartimento; (of organization) departimento; (of science, art) branco; (Brit. Parl.) votationo || adj divisional (pertaining to division) divisisca; (forming a partition) divisiva; sèpariva; (pertaining to a division) departimentisca; (mil.) divisionisca
  • divisive adj divisiva
  • divisor n (math) divisedoro
  • divorce n divortio; divorcee divortiinto || vt divortiifer || vi divortier
  • divulge vt divulgher
  • Dixie n Sud-Usona; Dixiecrat Sudana Demócrato
  • dizzy adj (giddy) vertìginanta, -osa; (causing dizziness) [heights, etc.] vertìginifanta, -ifiva; (informal: scatterbrained) dizzy blonde venti-cápita blond(is)o || n dizziness vertígino
  • DJ vt (disc jockey) dischi-jócheo; dischi-ludisto; DJ
  • Djibouti n Gibuto; Djizoutian Gibutano
  • djinn n (myth.) jino
  • do vt (perform) [action, task] facer; to do again rìfacer; to do good business facer bona comercio; to do no work on Saturday no laborer en Sábato; to do nothing of the sort certe no facer lo; to do one’s duty (par)facer sua debo; to do the cooking cociner; I’d do anything for love, but I won’t do that mi facebun álico cunche pro amoro, mas mi no façun ecuilo; let me do the talking mi eses la paraulanto; that blouse doesn’t do a lot for you ecuila bluso no convenan ad vi; there is much to do ci es multo facenda; what am I going to do for money this month? cuome mi guadaniun pecunio dum ecuista mensuo?; what can I do for you? sopre cuo mi potan server vi?; what did you do with my homework? ube vi ponin mea focar-tasco?; what’s my phone doing in your room? pro cuo es mea teléfono en vua cambro? | [plan, order, course of action] executer; (cook) cociner; facer; prèparer; (produce, make) facer; to do bad mal-facer; to do good bon-facer | (solve) solver; (spend) [specified period of time] to do 10 years in prison facer (aut pasifer) 10 anuos en prisiono; (work at for a living) what do you do? cuala laboro vi façan?; (informal: beat up) I’ll do you for that! mi batuazun vi pro ecuilo!; (informal: eat a certain genre of food) we were doing Chinese at the food fair when… nos esin manġanta Ċinana en la manged-bazaro cuande…; (informal: have sex with) he did her over the bathroom sink il frapadin el super la lavabo en la latrinayo; (informal: mimic) she does a wicked Sean Spicer el bonaze ímitan Sean Spicer; (informal: take) [drug] he’s doing cocaine il prendan cocaíno; (informal: theat.) [play] they did Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead los facin (aut presentationin) Rosencrantz et Guildenstern es mortinta; [role] he did Spock in the Abrams reboot il facin (aut ludin) Spock en la riinitio da Abrams; (informal: visit as a tourist) we did 5 countries in 5 weeks nos facin (aut vísitin) 5 paesos dum 5 septimanos; (work on) the barber said they’d do you next la barbiaro dicin che li atentun (aut prendun) vi poste | (bring to completion or to required state) (par)facer; (par)finer; to do one’s hair aranger (aut facer) sua capilado; to do one’s nails aranger (aut facer) sua úngulos; manicurer si; to do the accounts facer la contos; to do the dishes laver la vacelo; (study) he’s doing Chekhov again next semester il façun (aut studun) Ċechov denue dum la venunta semestro; (offer, make available) to do someone a favor facer on favoro (aut servo) ad álicu; (travel) [distance] vader (on disto); [speed] I’m doin’ 100 on the highway mi vadan ye 100 sur la vialazo; to do in (exhaust) exhauster; (kill) licuidationer; (ruin) ruinifer; to do over (rearrange) riaranger; (redecorate) ridecorationer; (redo) rifacer || v (auxiliary verb) and the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths… et la Dómino surisin, et la pópulo festinin per la agnelos et la brádipos…; did you speak? chi vi paraulin?; paraulin vi?; Did you steal my car? Yes, I did. Furtin vi mea vecturo? Sic, mi furtin li.; Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do you? Sentan vi fortunosa, huligano? Ben, chi sic?; I asked you to pick up my dry cleaning. Did you? Yes, I did. Mi demandin ad vi colectioner mea sic-nitifedos. Facin vi? Sic, mi facin.; I do not care to go mi no desíderan vader | (emphatic) ya; do shut up! taces ya!; I do listen mi auscultan ya || vi (act, progress, or result in a specified way) facer; do as I do faces cuom mi; do as you please faces secuno vua volitiono; you would do well to say nothing vi facebun bone tacer | (fare) stander; how do you do? cuale vi standan?; the Riverview Llamas did badly this season la Lamos di Riverview facin male dum ecuista sationo; (be suitable or acceptable) convener; suficer; that’ll do, pig ecuilo sufiçun, porco; that will never do ecuilo tote no sufiçun (aut convenun); will that do? chi nulo pluse?; to do away with (abolish) aboler; (get rid of) elìminer; supreser; (kill) elìminer; licuidationer; (terminate) cesationifer; to do by (dated: treat) tracter; to do with (find useful) I could do with some coffee mi poteban ùtilifer on cafeo; to do without (manage without) I can do without your sarcasm mi no besonian vua sarcasmo; I can’t do without my computer mi no potan precinder de mea còmputatro; you’ll have to do without then dunche vi debun facer (aut acter, viver, succeser) sine li; to have to do with concerner; relationer; what’s love got to do with it? cuome le amoro relationan ad lo? || n do-gooder bon-facemaċo; do-nothing nul-façanto; nul-facemo; ne’er-do-well nul-valoranto || adj done (performed) facita; well done! bone facita!; bravo!; what is to be done? cuo facer?; (accepted) done! clausita! | (cooked) cocinita; well done (thoroughly cooked) parcocinita | (finished) parfacita; parfinita; it is as good as done lo es próxime parfinita; what is done cannot be undone homi no potan desfacer cuo homi jam facin; (Brit. informal: socially accepted) such things are not done no convenan facer tala cosos | (informal: exhausted) fatigazita; (informal: mortally wounded) mortische vùlnerita; done for (finished) finita; (ruined) ruinifita; to have done with finer; do-it-yourself faces-vi-ipse
  • do n (mus.) do
  • docile adj dócila; obedema; submisezema || n docility dòcilitio; obedemitio; submisezo
  • dock n (naut.) (quay) cayo; (wharf) warfo; docker, dockworker portu-laboristo; stipisto; dockyard doco; nav-constructayo (aut -rèparayo) | (comput.: port replicator) doco; (comput.: taskbar) àplichiv-stango; (Mac OS) doco; (bot.: Rumex) rúmiço; (zool., anat.) caudi-cápito; (Brit., jur.) acusatayo; scamno por acusatos || vt [ship] endochifer; [spacecraft, device] acòpuler; (cut short) [tail] secher; (deduct) [amount] deductioner; (deduct from) [wages, person] deductioner de || vi [ship] endochecer; [spacecraft, device] acòpulezer
  • docket n (label) esticheto; (jur.: case list) decisendado; listo (di decisenda lítigos); (agenda) agendo || vt (label) estichetizer; (jur.) [case, suit] enlistifer; registrijer
  • doctor n (med.) médico; is there a doctor in the house? es ci on médico en la domo?; (title) Doctor Mengele will see you now Doctoro Mengele vidun vi nun; (univ.) Doctor of Laws doctoro sopre jurisprudentío; doctorate doctoritio || vt (falsify) [text, photo] falsifer; (informal: treat) curationer || adj doctoral doctorisca
  • doctrine n doctrino || adj doctrinaire doctrinema; doctrinal doctrinisca
  • document n documento; documentary (cine., TV) documentario || vt (record) documentifer; (support or accompany with documentation) documentizer || adj documentary documentisca
  • dodder vi caduche vaciler (aut trèmuler) || n (bot.: Cuscuta) cuscuto; dodderer caduco || adj doddering caduca
  • dodecagon n (geom.) dodecágono
  • dodecahedron n (geom.) dodecahedro
  • dodge vt [blow, ball] schiver; What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets? Cuo vi diçan ad mi? Che mi potun schiver le cuglo? | [acquaintance, problem] eviter; [tax, responsibility, duty, job, pursuer] eluser; to dodge the issue eluser la cuestiono (aut thémato) || vi to dodge out of the way schiver adlátere
  • dodo n (zool.: Raphus cucullatus) dodo
  • doe n (female animal) [deer] cerviso; [antelope] antìlopiso; [ferret] furitiso; [hare] lèporiso; [kangaroo] canguriso; [rabbit] cunìculiso; [rat] ratiso
  • doff vt deprender; to doff one’s hat deprender sua capelo; (as greeting, salute) saluter per capelo
  • dog n (zool.: Canis familiaris) canículo; (informal: term of abuse) you dog! canalio!; (in phrases) every dog has its day cascunu succesan (aut triumfan) admínime un-vece; to go to the dogs [nation, country] ruinecer; dogberry (bot.: Cornus) cornículo; dogcart cariolo; dog days canícul-dios; canicularos; dogfight canícul-combato; (aer.) avion-combato; dog grass (bot.: Elymus repens) canícul-herbo; doghouse canícul-dometo; to be in the doghouse (be in temporary disfavor) eser en desfavoro; dog rose (bot.: Rosa canina) canícul-roso; Dog Star Sirio; dog’s tooth grass (bot.: Cynodon dactylon) canícul-denta herbo; dogwood (bot.: Cornus) cornìculífero; doggy canìculucio || vt (follow closely) persecuter; to dog-ear [page] aurìculizer || adj dogged persistema; tenaça; doggish, doggy canìculisca, -esca; dog-eared [page] aurìculizita
  • doge n (hist.) doġo
  • dogger n (naut., hist.) dogro
  • doggerel n versaċos
  • dogma n dógmato; dogmatics dògmatismo; dogmatism dògmatemitio || vt to dogmatize dògmatifer || adj dogmatic dògmatema; (doctrinal) dògmatisca
  • doily n dentela tapeteto
  • dolce adv (mus.) dulce || adj (mus.) dulça
  • doldrums n (naut.) ecuatorisca calmajos; to be in the doldrums (fig.) eser en marasmo; eser stagnanta
  • dole n (Brit. informal) subsidio pro neempleatitio; to be on the dole recepter subsidio (aut eser subsidiata) pro neempleatitio | (archaic, lit.) (mourning) luġo; (sorrow) tristitio || vt to dole out disdoner; distributer || adj doleful luġosa; trista
  • dolichocephalic adj (anat.) dolicocéfala
  • doll n (toy) pupo; doll house pup-domo; dolly pupucio; to play dolls jocher per pupos; (informal: generous person) thanks, you’re a doll! regratio, vi es on ángelo (aut bono)!; (informal: pretty girl) pupo || vt to doll up (informal) bel-vestizer
  • dollar n ($) dólaro; dollar diplomacy diplòmatío di le dólaro
  • dolly n (doll) pupucio; (cine.) dolio; (hand truck, wheeled frame) carelo
  • dolman n dolmano
  • dolmen n dólmeno
  • dolomite n (min.) dolomito
  • dolor n (lit.: sorrow, distress) doloro; aflictezo; angustio; luġo; tristitio || adj dolorous (lit.) dolorosa, -anta; aflictata; angustiosa; luġosa; trista
  • dolphin n (zool.: Delphinidae, Iniidae, Lipotidae, Platanistidae, Pontoporiidae) delfino; (naut.: bollard) bolardo
  • dolt n imbécilo; stulto; stupido
  • domain n (area of territory owned or controlled) dòminio; (comput.) domain name nómino di dòminio; (specified sphere of activity or knowledge) departimento; dòminio; in the domain of science en la dòminio di cientio
  • dome n cúpolo
  • domestic adj (household) domisca; domestic appliance dom-aparato | (family) familiisca; domestic abuse familiisca (aut domisca) violentio; domestic bliss familiisca joyo (aut felicitio) | (home-loving) domischema; (tame and kept by humans) doméstica; (econ., pol.: not foreign) [policy, affairs, flight, politics, news, problems, market] enpaesa; domestic terrorism enpaesa terorismo; domesticated [animal] doméstica || n (worker) dom-servisto || vt to domesticate domèstichifer
  • domicile n (formal or jur.) domicilio || vt to be domiciled in haber domicilio en
  • dominate vt dòminìer; [view] dòminìer; superreguarder || n dominance dòminío; dominant (mus., genet., ecol.) dòminìanto; domination dòminío; dominatrix dòminìedoriso || adj dominant (gen., genet., ecol.) dòminìanta; dominating dòminìedora; dòminìema
  • domineer vt despòtichìer; tiranìer || adj domineering despótica, -esca, -isca; tirana, -esca, -isca
  • Dominica n Domínica; Dominican (citizen of Dominica) Domìnicano; (citizen of the Dominican Republic) Domìnichiano; (relig.: member of the Dominican Order) Domìnicano || adj Dominican Republic Domìnichia
  • dominie n clérico; pastoro; (Scot.) instructisto; pedagogo; profesoro
  • dominion n (control) dòminío; to have dominion over dòminìer | (territory) dòminio
  • domino n (game piece) petio di dominó; domino effect (pol.) efecto dominó; domino theory (pol.) theorío sopre dominó; dominoes dominó | (hist.: mask) bal-masco
  • domovoy n (folk.) domovo
  • don n (honorific) dómino; Don Corleone Dómino Corleone; Don Juan Dómino Johane; (Mafia boss) Mafii-ċefo; (Brit., Univ.) profesoro
  • don vt [clothing] surponer (ad si); vestejecer
  • donate vt donationer || n donation (act) donationo; (gift) donationedo; donee donationatario; donor donationedoro
  • donjon n (stronghold) donjono
  • donkey n (zool.: Equus africanus asinus) ásino
  • doom n (terrible fate) funesta destino; (death) morto; (relig.) finisca jùdicío; doomsayer profeto di desfortuno; doomsday dio di la finisca jùdicío || vt condemner; destiner || adj doomed to fail destinita por faler
  • door n (barrier at entrance) [of room, vehicle] portelo; to answer the door àperer la portelo; as one door shuts another opens cuande una portelo cludezan, áltera àperezan; to lay something at somebody’s door ìmputer álico ad álicu | (entrance) entrayo; to pay at the door (cine., theat.) pagher an la entrayo; to show someone the door (euph.) dicer ad álicu ube es la portelo; door handle manilio; door knocker portel-frapatro; doorbell portel-campaneleto; doorframe porti-cuadro; doorjamb portali-látero; doorknob porti-botono; doorman portisto; doorplate porti-placo; doorpost porti-postelo; doorsill porti-límino; doorstep (step) porti-scalono; (threshold) porti-límino; doorsteps porti-scalonado | (building) domo; two doors down the street ye tria domos plu fore; next door en la júxtea domo; the boy/girl next door la puero en la júxtea domo; out of doors (ad)éxtere; en líbera airo
  • dope n (informal: drug) drogo; narcozivo; to do dope droghijer (aut narcozifer) si | [in sports] dopivo; dope fiend drog-maníaco; dope pusher rivenduċisto; dope test droghisca (aut antidroga, antidopa) controlo | (informal: information) informo; to give someone the dope informer álicu; what’s the dope on…? cuo homi sapan sopre…?; (informal: stupid person) idioto; imbécilo; stulto; (varnish) veroniço || vt droghijer; narcozifer; (sports) doper; (varnish) veronicizer || adj dopey (drugged) droghijita; narcozita; (stupid) stulta; (stuporous) stuporanta
  • Doppler effect n (phys.) efecto Doppler
  • dorado n (zool.: Coryphaena hippurus) deaurato
  • Doris n (hist.) Doria || adj Dorian Doriana; Doric [dialect] Doriensa; (archit.) Doriisca
  • dork n (informal: slow-witted or socially inept person) dorco
  • dorm n (college residence hall) (universitatisca) residayo
  • dormant adj [animal, plant, passion] dormanta; [energy, virus] latenta; [volcano] neactanta; to lie dormant [animal, plant, passion] dormer; [energy, virus] eser latenta; [volcano] eser neactiva
  • dormer n (window) lucarno
  • dormitory n (large bedroom) dormayo; (college residence hall) (universitatisca) residayo
  • dormouse n (zool.: Glis glis) gliro
  • dorsal n (anat., zool., bot.) dorsisca
  • dose n (pharm.) doso; (fig.: amount) cuanto; doso; he’s all right in small doses il no es mala en parva dosos (aut cuantos); dosage (act) dosijo; (amount) doso; (posology) posòloghío
  • dossier n documentado; (folder and contents) dosiero; the Trump-Russia dossier la dosiero sopre Trump et Rusia
  • dot n punto; at six o’clock on the dot ye sesa clocos precise; to pay on the dot pagher puntuale; (Morse) punto; (typ.) dot, dot, dot puntado | (archaic: dowry) doto; dot matrix printer punti-matricisca (aut acadisca) impresatro; dotcom puntocom || vt [letter] to dot one’s i’s and cross one’s t’s puntizer las i; (fig.) puntizer; cannabis shops now dot the landscape cànaberíos nun puntizan la paesaġo || adj dotted line punti-líneo; to sign on the dotted line signaturizer (sur la punti-líneo)
  • dote vi (on/upon) [someone] adorer (fole); (archaic: be feebleminded, senile) eser senila || n dotage ribebeço; senilitio; dotard ribebecinto; senilo || adj doting (loving) adoranta; (senile) senila
  • double adj (dual) dupla; a box with a double bottom on capso cum on dupla fundo; double o seven o o septa; to lead a double life haber (aut viver) on dupla vivo; to play a double game jocher on dupla joco; to serve a double purpose server (aut haber) on dupla obiectivo (aut funtiono); spelled with a double “x” scribata per dua exes (aut dupla exe); (for two people) por dua personos; a double ticket on bileto por dua personos; (twice as much/many) dupla; a double helping of ice cream on dupla portiono de (crem-)gelajo; a double whiskey on dupla wischio; he’s double your age il etatan duple cam vi; (in compounds) double-acting cylinder cilindro di dupla acto; double agent dupla agento; double-barrelled [gun] du-túbula; double bass contrabaso; double bassoon contrafagoto; double bed du-placia lecto; double bind dilemo sine solvo; double bluff finġo blufer; double-breasted cum dupla botonado; double chin dupla mentono; double dealer dupli-jochedoro; pérfido; double dealing (act) dupla joco; pèrfiditio; double-digit du-cifra; double door du-clapa portelo; double-edged du-sechiva; double entendre du-senso; dupla senso; double-entry bookkeeping dèbitisca et crèditisca conto; double-faced [clock] du-facia; [material] inversifébila; [person] du-facia; inganema, -osa, -anta; nesincera; pérfida; double feature dupla presentationo; double jeopardy (jur.) (doctrino sopre) jam absolvito; non bis in idem; double-jointed hiperflectébila; double knot dupla nodo; double meaning du-senso; dupla senso; double sharp (mus.: 𝄪) dupla díeso; double-sided disk (comput.) du-faça disco; double-spaced ye dupla interlíneo; double standard dupla éthico (aut político); double take du-veça reguardo; to do a double take deber du-vece reguarder; double vision dupla vido; double whammy dupla colpazo; double whole note (mus.: 𝅜) dupla noto; double yellow lines dupla flava líneo || adv (twice as much/many) duple; to see double vider duple; she makes double what I do el guadanian duple cuante mi guadanian; double-quick (Brit. informal) imediate; ràpidaze | (in half) dúime; to fold a blanket double plicher on coperturo dúime || n (amount, number) duplo; (cine.: stand-in) dupluro; (doppelgänger) sosio; (drink) duplo; (in games) duplo; (ling.: doublet) the words carton and cartoon are doublets from Italian cartone la vocábulos cartono et cartuno es duanos de Italiensa cartone; (room) cambro por dua personos; doubles (tennis, badminton) duenisca joco; to play doubles jocher duene; double-decker [bus, sandwich] du-staġo; doubleheader (sport) dupla joco; doublespeak ambigua (aut inganiva) paraulo; biparaulo; doublethink bipenso || vt (increase twofold) duplifer; [efforts] duplifer; intensifer; [pace] accèlerer; (bridge) I’ll double you! mi duplifan vua sponsiono!; (fold in two) plicher dúime; (clench) [fist] cluder (sua pugno); pugnifer (sua manuo); (naut.: circumnavigate) [headland] circumnàvigher; to double-book (overbook) [hotel, airline] nim-reservizer; [room, seat] duple (aut nim-) reserver; reserver por dua nemetípsima personos; (reserve for two) [room, seat] reserver por dua; to double-check ricontroler; riverìficher; to double-check that... confirmer che...; to double-cross dupli-jocher cum; inganer; trader; to double-lock (fasten with two locks) duple seraturijer; to double-park (auto.) parcher en dupla filaro; to double-space scriber (aut dactilògrafìer, impreser) ye dupla interlíneo || vi (become twice as much) duplecer; (have two functions) funtioner (aut eser útila) anche come; the sofa doubles as a bed la sofao es útila anche como on lecto; (cine.) Peter Sellers plays Fu Manchu but doubles as Nayland Smith Peter Sellers ludan la rolo di Fu Manchu mas anche la di Nayland Smith; (cine.: be a body double) Marine Jahan doubled for Jennifer Beals’ dance scenes in Flashdance Marine Jahan dupluríin por la dancisca cenos di Jennifer Beals en Flashdance; to double back [person, animal] retrovener (metípsim-viale); vader riturne; [road] retrogirer; to double down (gambling) duplifer sua sponsiono; to double over (bend over sharply) plichezer; to double over with laughter plichezer dúime pro rido; to double up (bend over sharply) plichezer; (share room) partejer on cambro; to double-check with someone confirmer lo cum álicu; to double-click on (comput.) [an icon] duple clacheter sur; to double-date rendezvoser duplische
  • doublet n (garment) jubeto; (ling.) duano; (pair) parículo
  • doubt vt dùbiter; to doubt someone’s loyalty dùbiter la loyalitio di álicu; I doubt she ever said that mi dúbitan che el alicuande dicin ecuilo || n dúbito; to cast doubt on ficer dùbitanda; there is some doubt about it je lo existan dúbitos; beyond doubt exter dúbito; nedùbitébila; in doubt (being doubted) the matter is still in doubt la afaro incore es dùbitata; (having doubts) they are in doubt as to whether… los dúbitan (aut haban dúbito) chi…; when in doubt… case di dúbito…; no doubt certe; no doubt! sine dúbito!; no doubt they’ll charge us for it certe homi facturizun nos pro li; there is no doubt of that je ecuilo ci no es dúbito; without a doubt sine dúbito; doubter dùbitanto, -emo, -edoro; schéptico || adj doubtful (feeling doubt) dùbitanta, -ema, -edora, -osa; (warranting doubt) dùbitanda || adv doubtless nedùbitose; sine dúbito; certe
  • douche n (med.) vaginisca ìrigatro; (shower) ductiatro; (informal: asshole, jerk) strunço; (informal: dork) dorco || vi (med.) ìrigher si; (shower) ductier si
  • dough n (culin.) (pan-)pasto; doughnut dónuto || adj doughy pastesca, -osa
  • doughty adj proda; valenta
  • dour adj severa
  • douse vt (drench) hùmidazifer; (extinguish) [flames] extinter
  • dove n (zool.: Columbidae) columbo; (pol.) columbo; dovecote columbayo; dovetail (carpentry) hirúndin-caudo || vt to dovetail (carpentry) junter per hirúndin-caudo || vi to dovetail (harmonize) concorder
  • dowager n dotariìgeriso; nobiliara vìduviso; dowager duchess víduva (aut dotariosa) duchiso
  • dowdy adj desshica; ecmoda; (shabby) vestaċizita
  • dowel n clavilo
  • dower n dotario; (archaic: dowry) doto || vt (archaic: give dowry to) dotizer
  • down adv (in or to a lower place or position) (ad)infre; down! adinfre!; (said to a dog) jaceces!; (to the ground) ad tero!; down here (ad)hic infre; down there (ad)ilác infre; down with it! (swallow it) glutes li!; to fall down cader; put that coffee down! depones ecuila cafeo!; the sun is down la solelo ocasin; (geog.) I come from the land down under mi venan de Australia (aut Nov-Zelandia); there was traffic all the way down to San Diego ci esin multa tráfico tot-viale usche San-Diego; they live down South los vivan en la Sudo; (at or to a lower level of intensity, volume, activity, or rank) by evening the protest had died down ante la véspero, la protesto calmecin; I’m down to my last Vicodin ad mi restan una hidrocodono, nulo pluse; prices are down le pretio decensin (aut basecin, cadin); the tires are down la neumáticos besonian inflo; (in or into a weaker or worse position, mood, or condition) to be down with the flu haber (aut eser malata pro) influentio; the system went down yesterday la sistémato cesationin funtioner hiere; we’re two goals down nos es perdanta ye dua golos; down with...! abases...!; (in or into writing) I have you down for Monday nos notin vi por Lun-dio; secuno la horario nos vidun vi en Lun-dio; write this down notes ecuilo; (indicating a series or succession) from the czar down to the serf de la çaro usche le serfo; from the Renaissance down to the present day dex la Renacentio usche la presento; one down, three to go una en la saco et tria restan; una finita, tria façuta; (as deposit) to pay Ð100 down, the rest at the end of the month pagher 100 Ð aconte, la cétero ye la fino di la mensuo; down to (due to, up to) basically, it’s down to luck facte, lo es on cuestiono sopre le sorto; it’s down to her now nun lo incombran el; nun responsan el sopre lo; downward adinfre; decensante; (on slope) declive; downhill (toward the bottom of a slope) adinfre; to go downhill decenser | (fig.: worse) pejore; plu male; things went downhill after that cosos pejorecin post ecuilo; downright (thoroughly) absolute; complete; extreme; tote; downstairs sur la infra (aut suba) staġo; to go downstairs decenser la scalonado; vader adinfre sur la scalonado; downstream advalate; secuno-flue; downtown ad la centro; downwind secuno-vente || adj (directed or moving down) adinfra; the down escalator la adinfra escalatoro; (not functioning) the computer is down la còmputatro no funtionan; the power lines are down la cablos di alta tendezo sechezin; (sad; also “down in the mouth”) desalecra; trista; (depressed) depresita; don’t let that get you down no laces ecuilo depreser vi; (informal: agreeable to something) who’s down for an I, Claudius marathon? cua es voluntaria (aut presta) por on marathono di I, Claudius?; (informal: okay with) símpatha ad; down on (informal: antagonistic toward) antípatha ad; downward adinfra; decensanta; [slope] decliva; down-and-out ìndiġanta; sur la pavimento; downbeat (gloomy) depresita; (pessimistic) pèsimista; downcast (looking downward) [eyes] abasita; (sad) depresita; desalecra; trista; downhearted (demoralized) desmoralizita; (in low spirits) trista; downhill [road, slope] decensanta; decliva; (sport) decensisca; (fig.: easier) plu facila; (fig.: worsening) pejoreçanta; downright (straightforward) cándida; (unambiguous) [refusal] clara; (utter) absoluta; completa; extrema; pura; tota; downstairs infra; suba; down-to-earth (practical) [person] pràctichema; realista; [policy, view] pràcticasca; realasca; downtown la centro (di); downtown Chicago la centro di Chicago; downtrodden opresata; downwind secuno-venta || n down cycle (econ.) recesion-ciclo; down payment aconto; downer (drug) [sedative] sedationivo; downbeat (mus.) ċef-pulso; mensur-pulso; downfall (ruin) cado; decadentio; ruineço; [cause] it will be his downfall li esun luya ruinifo; downgrade (downward slope) declivo; downpour (súbita) pluvazo; downside (unfavorable aspect of something) desabantaġo; descómodo; lo mala; downstroke (with pen) decensanta strico (aut stroco); downswing (econ.) recesiono; downtempo (mus.) downtempo; downtime (of machine) témporo di nefunciono; (of person) témporo di neacto; downturn (econ.) recesiono; downer (depressing experience) depresivo; (drug) [depressant] depresivo || vt (knock or bring to the ground) abatuer; cadifer; (consume) [drink] gluter; parbiber; she downed a pint of beer before driving off el glutin una pinto de biro ante che el forvehezin | [food] devorer; to downgrade degradationer; to download (comput.) descàrichifer; detrànsferer; to downplay minimifer (la importo di); to downsize desgrasiizer; reducter || vi to downsize desgrasiizer si; reducter si || prep (from a higher point to a lower point) adinfre di; to throw someone down the stairs jacter álicu adinfre di la scalonado; down dale advalate; down stream adinfre an fluvio; advalate; (moving or at a point further along the course) to go down the road vader alonghe la vialo; he ran his finger down the list il pasifin sua dígito tra la listo; they live down the street from us los vivan an ecuista strado, plu fore de nos; two km down the Tiber dua km adinfre an Tíbere; (throughout a period of time) down the ages tra la séculos; (informal: at a place) en; sur; (informal: to a place) ad; to go down to the massage parlor vader ad la masagerío
  • down n (soft, fine feathers) lanúgino; plumetos; (soft, fine hair) [of body in childhood] vélero; [of fruit, body in infancy] lanúgino || adj downy lanùginosa, -esca; plumetosa, -esca
  • down n (hill) colino; (dune) duno
  • Down syndrome n (med.) síndromo di Down
  • dowry n doto
  • dowse vi rabdomantìer; to dowse for rabdomantìer || n dowser rabdomanto
  • doxology n doxòloghío
  • doyen n decano
  • doze vi dormeter; to doze off dormetecer || n dormeto
  • dozen n deci-duo; doceno; dozens (informal: a lot) dozens of people deços de personos
  • drab adj (lacking brightness) desvívida; (dull light brown) gris-bruna; (lacking interest) desvivaça; inodiosa; monótona || n (fabric) gris-bruna stofo; (archaic: slovenly woman) sòrdidiso; (archaic: slut, whore) debauċedoriso; putano
  • drachm n (measurement) dracmo
  • drachma n () dracmo
  • Draco n (astron.) la Dracono
  • draconian adj Dracone-esca
  • dracthyr n (fantasy) dracthiro
  • draenei n (fantasy) dreneyo
  • draft n (preliminary version of writing) esbocio, -edo; preliminara versiono; schizo, -edo; (com.: written order to pay a specified sum) trato; [check] ċeco; [money order] pag-mandationo; (current of cool air) air-flueto; (drink) bibo, -edo; gluto, -edo; at one draft per una gluto; a deep draft on granda gluto; (mil.: conscription) conscripto; (mil., rare: detachment) distacamento; (naut.) profunditio di mergetezo; (pulling) tiro; draft dodger conscript-evitedoro; draftee conscriptito; draftsperson (of plans, drawings) designiisto || vt (prepare preliminary version of) schizer; (mil.: conscript) conscripter; (mil.: select for specific purpose) distacamentifer; (pull or draw) tirer || adj (preliminary) draft version preliminara versiono; (served from a barrel) draft beer baril-biro; (used for pulling loads) draft animal tir-bestio; drafty air-fluetosa
  • drag vt (pull forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty) tràhiner; to drag one’s feet tràhiner sua pedos; to drag someone’s name through the mud tràhiner la bona nómino di álicu tra la fango; he dragged Hector’s corpse around the walls of Troy il tráhinin la cadávero di Héctore circum la muros di Troya | [something held or stuck] evulser; to drag someone from a wreckage evulser álicu de on crashajo | (fig.: involve) mìsculer; tràhiner; don’t drag me into your bickering no míscules mi en vua dìsputaċo; to drag a country into war tràhiner on paeso ad le guero; (dredge) [sea bed, river] dragher; to drag about circumtràhiner; to drag away fortràhiner; to drag down tràhiner adinfre (cum si); to drag someone down to one’s own level abaser álicu ad sua propria nivelo; to drag in entràhiner; to drag out ectràhiner; to drag someone out of bed ectràhiner álicu ec la lecto | [nail, tooth, plant, etc.] evulser; to drag the truth out of someone evulser la vero de álicu | [process] lentifer; nim/plu durationifer; nim/plu longhifer; tardifer; to drag up [scandal, story] ecterifer || vi (trail) [skirt, coat] tràhinezer; (pass slowly) [film, play] nim durationer; nim longhecer; tràhinezer; [time] paser lente; tràhinezer || n tráhino; (aero.) (aerodinàmichisca) resistivo; (clothing) transvesto; (impediment) freno; frustranto; impedanto; lentifanto; obstáculo; (naut.) dragatro; (informal: act of inhaling on a cigarette) tiro; (informal: boring or tiresome person or thing) inodioso; tedioso; what a drag it is getting old cuala tedio es vèculecer; (informal: street) the main drag la principala strado; drag and drop glisif-delacer; drag queen reginono; transvesti-regiso; drag race accéler-curejo; dragnet sageno; tráhin-reto
  • dragée n drageo
  • draggle vt tráhine fanghizer (aut spurchifer, desnetifer, hùmidifer)
  • dragoman n dragomano
  • dragon n (myth.) dracono; dragonfly (zool.: Anisoptera) libélulo; dragonhead (bot.: Dracocephalum) dracocéfalo; dragonrider (fantasy) draconaro; dragonslayer draconicido; dragon tree (bot.: Dracaena) draceno
  • dragoon n (mil.) dragono
  • drain vt [liquid] forfluifer; [dishes, vegetables] excoler; [land, marshes, lake, wound] drener; [mug, glass] exhauster; vacuifer; (deprive of) [strength, energy, resources] exhauster || n (outlet) defluatro; ecfluatro; (agr.) drenatro; (surg.) cánulo; down the drain (fig.) to go down the drain perdezer; to throw one’s money down the drain jacter sua pecunio tra la fenestro; (source of loss) to be a drain on [energy, resources] exhauster; drainage forfluo; (system) defluatrado; (agr.) dreno; (system) drenatrado
  • drake n (male duck) ànataso; (lit.: dragon) dracono
  • dram n (measurement) dracmo; (Scot.: small glass of whisky) bibeto; bicarieto; gluto
  • drama n (theat., cine.) dramo; (exciting, emotional, or unexpected events or circumstances) dramo; drama queen dramismemo; dramoso; dramatics dramismo; dramatist dramefisto || vt to dramatize dramifer || adj dramatic (relating to drama) dramisca; (exciting) [entrance] dramesca; (full of drama) dramosa; (striking) [change, improvement, effect] dramesca; spectácula
  • drape vt (with cloth or clothing) draperer || n draper drap-vendisto; drapery draper(aj)o; drapes (curtains) cortinos
  • drastic adj drástica
  • draught n (Brit.) see “draft”; draughts (Brit.: checkers) dòminisos
  • draugr n (myth.) draugo
  • draw vt (depict) [person, scene] designier; [plan, line, circle, map] tractier; (make rough sketch of) schizer; to draw the line at something statiifer la límito ye álico; I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty mi potan excuser le racismo, mas mi statiifan la límito ye cruelitio ad le animalo | (pull) tirer; he drew her close to him il adtirin el contre si; he drew her to one side il tirin el adlátere; she drew her hat over her eyes el tirin sua capelo super sua óculos | [bow] tender; [curtains] (open) descóperte tirer; distirer; (shut) cóperte tirer; cumtirer; (drag) tràhiner; to draw and quarter tràhiner et cuatri-petiifer; (move in a specified direction) she drew her finger along the hood of his car el pasifin sua dígito sur la capoto di iluya vecturo | (pull behind) [as horse] tirer; [as vehicle] remulcher; (pull out, extract, obtain) (ec)tirer; to draw a bath prèparer on bálneo; to draw a card prender (aut tirer) on carto; to draw a sigh suspirer; to draw a smile from someone evulser on suriso de álicu; to draw blood (med.) tirer sánguino; (wound) ficer sànguinefer; vùlnerer; to draw breath (breathe) respirer; (inhale) inhaler; to draw comfort from something trover consolo en álico; to draw inspiration from something haurer inspiro de álico; to draw lots loterìer; I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound mi tirun vi, Saruman, cuome homi tiran veneno de le mordajo | [bill of exchange] trater; [check] scriber; [liquid from well, tap] haurer; to draw water haurer acuo | [nail, tooth, plant, etc.] evulser; [prey from cover] deboschifer; [salary] recepter; [sword, pistol] ectirer; ecvaìnifer; therefore turn and draw dunche torníes ti et ecvaìnifes; (cause) [criticism, ire] motivizer; provocationer; [praise, laughter] motivizer; obtiner; (attract) [attention, crowd, customer] atracter; lurer; to feel drawn to someone senter si atractata da álicu; the poster of Laetitia Casta in lingerie still drew male customers as if by a tractor beam la afigedo sopre Latitia Casta en lingerío incore atractin clientasos cuom se per tractor-radio | (induce) persuaser; (formulate) [comparison] còmparer; facer cómparo; [conclusion] deducter; ìnferer; tirer; [distinction] dicerner; facer dicerno; (tech.) [metal] dratifer; (culin.: gut) [fowl] desintestinizer; (naut.) the boat draws three meters la barco mergetezan usche tria metros; (Brit., sport: tie) [score, game] parìculejer; to draw along tràhiner; to draw aside [covering, person] apartifer; tirer adlátere; [curtain] descóperte tirer; tirer adlátere; to draw away apartifer; fortirer; to draw back [curtains] descóperte tirer; distirer; [object, hand] retracter; retrotirer; to draw down (pull down) abaser; tirer adinfre; to draw forth [comment] motivizer; provocationer; to draw in envadifer; [breath] inhaler; (attract) [crowds] atracter; (retract) [claws] retracter; to draw off [pursuers] detirer; deviifer; (from bottom) [wine] subhaurer; to draw on [glove] surtirer; to draw out (entice or force out) to draw someone out of their shell èxitifer álicu de luya conchilio; paraulemifer àlicu | (prolong) [meeting, etc.] plu-longhifer; (take out) [handkerchief, money from account] ecprender; ectirer; to draw together cumtirer; (immaterial sense) unioner; (material sense) junter; to draw up (formulate) [idea, opinion] fòrmulifer; [list] compiler; [plan, scheme] tractier; [report] prèparer; rèdiger; [will, contract] rèdiger; (move) [chair] proximifer; [troops] disponer; òrdiner; (raise) lever; (from well) haurer; to draw oneself up (to one’s full height) erectifer si || vi (move) movezer; he drew ahead of the other runners il pasin adabante la áltera curegedoros; to draw near proximecer; to draw to an end vener ad sua finezo; to draw to one side apartecer; vader adlátere | (allow air to flow in) [chimney, flue] tirer; (culin.) [tea] infusionezer; (Brit., sport: tie) parìculejer; to draw ahead (of someone) paser adabante (álicu); to draw aside apartecer; vader adlátere; to draw away formovezer; to draw back retrotirezer; (retreat, retire) retirezer; to draw in [car] ariver; [train] ariver; entrer la stationo; to draw off (retreat, retire) [army, troops] retirezer; to draw on [account] ecprender (aut ectirer) de; [cigarette] tirer de; [night] proximecer; [resource] exploter; user; ùtilifer; [source] inspirer si per; inspirezer da; to draw out [days] longhecer; to draw together cumtirezer; (immaterial sense) unionezer; (material sense) juntezer; to draw up (come to a halt) [car, etc.] halter || n (random selection from a concealed group of things) [card, name, lot] tiro; (removal) [gun from holster] to be quick on the draw ecvaìnifer rápide; eser rápida sopre sua pistolo; (act of sucking smoke) [through chimney, cigarette] tiro; (attraction) Johnny Depp was still a big draw back then Johnny Depp incore esin on granda atractivo alore; the pay was hardly the big draw of the job la salario apene esin lo maxim interesanta en la laboro; (Brit., sport: tie) parìculejo; drawee tratato; drawer (of bill of exchange) tratanto; (of checks) scribanto; (of pictures) designianto, -edoro, -isto; (of water) hauranto, -edoro, -isto; (puller) tiranto; (sliding compartment) tir-cofro; drawers (dated or humorous: underpants) calceono; drawing (art) designii-arto; (picture) designiajo; (raffle) loterío; drawing board designii-menso; back to the drawing board! denue ad la cominitio ; drawing room salono; drawback cómodo; desabantaġo; drawbridge (over moat) lev-ponto; (over river) báscul-ponto; drawstring stringi-cordono || adj drawn (ending with an equal score) nedecisita; parìculejita; drawn battle nedecesita batalio/combato
  • drawl vi tráhin-parauler || n tráhin-paraulo; “y’all come back now, ya hear?”, he said with a drawl “vos rivenes prompte!”, dicin il tráhin-paraule (aut per tràhinata voço)
  • dray n (cart) caritazo; (truck) camiono
  • dread vt timer || n timo; to fill someone with dread timifer; in dread of timante; dreadlocks dredlocos || adj teroranta, -iva; Dread Pirate Roberts la Teroriva Pirato Roberts; dreadful timenda, -anda; (appalling) [crime, sight, suffering] hororifanta; hororifanta, -ifiva; malaza; how dreadful! cuala hororifo!; (extreme) he’s a dreadful flirt le es on valdaza flirtemo | (extremely disagreeable) [disease, person, noise] abòminanda; hororifanta; hororifanta, -ifiva; teroranta, -iva; (unwell or troubled) I feel dreadful about forgetting his funeral mi es aflictata pro che mi oblitin iluya fúnero; you look dreadful vi aspectan malata (aut fatighita)
  • dream n (while asleep) somnio; sweet dreams! bela somnios!; (aspiration, ambition, ideal) revo; the American Dream la Usonana (aut Amèricana) Revo; the house of my dreams la domo di mea revos; mea domo ideala; in your dreams! etiam no en vua revos!; vi potan sempre rever!; it was like a dream come true lo esin la revo; my dream is to become hopeless mea revo es esecer nesperosa; never in my wildest dreams jamás, etiam en mea maxim fola revos | (marvel) mirabilo; isn’t he a dream? es il no amoranda (aut ideala, belaza, revesca)?; it worked like a dream li funtionin mirabile | (self-deluding fantasy) revaċo; dream team ideala (aut revisca) excuadro; dream ticket (pol.) ideala (aut revisca) candidatos; dreamer revanto; somnianto; (impractical person) revanto, -emo; (pol.) Utopiisto; (visionary) visionemo; dreamtime (myth.) somnii-témporo; dreamland regnio (aut paeso) di revos || vt (while asleep) somnier; I dreamt I had a huge test in the morning mi somniin che mi habun on granda exámino matine; (as aspiration, ambition, ideal) rever; he dreams that he’ll return one day il revan che ye álica dio il rivenun; (imagine) imaginationer; rever; he never dreamt she’d say yes il jamás imaginationin che el diçun sic; to dream away [one’s day, life] forrever; pasifer (la témporo) revante; to dream up concepter; fantasìer; imaginationer; only you could dream up such a stupid idea sole vi poteban concepter on ideo tante stulta || vi (while asleep) somnier; (aspire) rever; sensual delights that most men dare not dream of voluptajos sopre cua maxim multa hóminos no audacian rever; (consider) I wouldn’t dream of it! mi etiam no penseban lo!; (imagine) imaginationer; rever; I dream of Jeannie mi revan sopre Jeannie || adj dreamless nesomniosa; dreamy revesca; [person] rev(aċ)ema; (delightful, gorgeous) belaza; revesca; (visionary) visionema
  • dreary adj [landscape, weather] frígida; grisa; nehòspitema; sombra; [life, work, book, speech] inodianta; monótona; tedianta; [person] sombra; trista
  • dredge vt [river, canal] dragher; to dredge up ecprender; (fig.) [unpleasant facts] ecterifer | (culin.) pùlverizer || n dragatro; dredger drag-barco
  • dregs n feço
  • drench vt hùmidazifer; (by immersion) hùmidazifer; (pharm.) [animal] dosijer || n (pharm.) doso
  • dress vi (put on clothes) vestizer si; he dressed quickly and left il vestizin si hastose et partiin; to dress down vestizer si neformale; to dress up (in formal clothes) vestizer si formale; (in smart clothes) vestizer si elegante (aut shiche); (wear clothes in a particular way or a particular type) to be dressed in black eser vestizita nigre (aut en/per nigro); vestejer (aut surhaber) nigro; to be dressed in jeans eser vestizita gense (aut en/per genso); vestejer (aut surhaber) genso; to be dressed to kill eser vestizita exturdive; she dresses very well el vestizan si valde bone (aut cum bona gusto); (wear formal clothes) to dress for dinner vestizer si elegante por cenationer; (mil.) alìneezer; right dress! addextre, alìneezo! || vt (put clothes on) vestizer; he’s old enough to dress himself il etatan sufiçante por vestizer si tote sole; (treat or prepare in a certain way) (agr.) [land] fèrtilifivizer; (culin.) [meat] prèparer; [salad] condimentizer; spiciizer; (decorate, arrange) [Christmas tree] orner; [hair] aranger; [shop window] decorationer; (finish the surface of) [leather] aprester; [skins] prèparer; [stone] talier; (med.) [wound] panser; (mil.) [troops] alìneer; to dress down (reprimand) reprimender; to dress up (improve the appearance of) [facts, events] disguiser; maschizer; (in formal clothes) vestizer formale; (in smart clothes) vestizer elegante (aut shiche) || n (one-piece garment for a woman or girl) vestito; [knee-length] vestiteto; [short] mini-, micro-vestito; (clothing of a specified kind) costumo; an American pop star in Japanese dress on Usonana pop-stelo en Japoniana costumo; formal dress will be required formala costumo es òbligataria; dress coat fraco; dress code vestisca códiço; dress rehearsal generala (aut costumisca) éprob-ludo; dress sense gusto por vestizo; dress uniform ceremoniisca (aut formala) uniformo; dresser (chest of drawers) comodalo; (person who dresses in a specified way) vestizanto, -edoro, -isto; he’s a snappy dresser il vestizan si elegante (aut shiche) | (person who prepares or finishes a material) aprestisto; prèparisto; dressing (act of putting on clothes) vestizo; (culin: salad dressing) condimento; spicio; (culin: stuffing) farso; (med.) panso, -ajo, -atro; dressing gown cambri-robo; (bathrobe) bálne-robo; dressing room toiletayo; (com.) èprobayo; (theat.) vestizayo; dressing table toilet-menso; dressmaker sutisto; vestit(ef)isto; vestiti-taliisto (aut -sartoro) || adj dressy eleganta; formala
  • dressage n dresaġo
  • dribble vi [baby] baber; [liquid] gutefer; (trickle) flueter || vt (sport) [ball] dribler || n [of saliva] babajo; [of water] gutefajo; (trickle) fluetajo; (sport) driblo; driblet guto; (trickle) flueto; (small amount) cuanteto; in dribs and drabs (informal) pauchene
  • drift vi (move slowly, passively) [boat, continent] deriver; (wander) [person, attention] deriver; vagher; to drift apart disderiver; sèparer si pauchene; to drift away forderiver; to drift off (doze off) dormecer | (amass) [snow, leaves] (deriv-)amasecer; (sport) drifter || n (slow, passive movement) [of boat, continent] derivo; [of person, attention] derivo; vago; (mass) [of snow, leaves] (deriv-)amaso; (mining) galerío; pasayo; (tendency, intention, aim) intento; obiectivo; tendentio; (meaning) senso; to catch someone’s drift vider cuo álicu volitionan dicer; drift ice deriv-glaciado; driftwood deriv-ligno
  • drill n (tool) forationatro; (pneumatic drill) neumática martelo; drill bit foration-puntalo; drill chuck puntaliero | (agr.: furrow) sulco; (agr.: machine) sèminizatro; (exercises) exército; the drill (informal) la proceduro; what’s the drill? cua es la proceduro?; you all know the drill omna vos sapan la proceduro; drill sergeant instructista sergento; drillmaster exércit-ċefo | (fabric) drílico; (zool.: Mandrillus leucophaeus) drilo || vt (produce hole in with a drill) forationer; to drill a hole into the wall forationer on forámino en la muro; (agr.) [field] sulchizer; [seed, crop] sèminejer en sulcos; (instruct through repeated exercises) [soldiers, students] exèrciter; (inculcate) [attitude, idea, habit] I had it drilled into me as a kid homi inculchin li en mi cuande mi esin puera
  • drink vt biber; is the water safe to drink? es ecuista acuo bibébila?; potan homi biber ecuista acuo sine perículo?; this coffee isn’t fit to drink ecuista cafeo no es bibanda; would you like something to drink? desíderan vi biber álico? | [alcohol] trincher; to drink oneself into a stupor stuporifer si per trincazo; trincher usche stuporo; to drink oneself to death morter pro nim trincher; mortifer si per trincazo; to drink someone under the table finifer álicu sub la menso; to drink down gluter; parbiber; to drink in [fresh air] inhaler; [sight, atmosphere] absorpter; imbuter si per; [story] ausculter ávide; to drink up parbiber || vi to drink from the bottle biber de la botelo; (imbibe alcohol) trincher; don’t drink and drive se vi trincan, no conduces; he drinks like a fish il trincan cuom on spongio; my father drank, so I don’t mea patro custumin trincher, dunche mi no; to drink to excess nim trincher; trincher ecese; to drink to someone/something brinder ad álicu/álico; drink up! fines vua bicario (aut bibedo)!; parbibes! || n (act) bibo; (alcoholic) trinco; to turn to drink doner si ad le trinco; (liquid to drink) bibedo; there’s food and drink on the table ci es mangedos et bibedos sur la menso | (alcohol) trinchedo; drinker trinchedoro; he’s a heavy drinker il trincan multe; drinking le bibo (aut biber); [of alcohol] le trinco (aut trincher); drinking buddy trinchi-companiono; drinking glass bicario; drinking song trinchi-cantiono || adj drinkable (palatable) bibanda; (safe to drink) bibébila
  • drip vi [liquid] (gut-)cader; gutefer; sweat was dripping from his brow sudoro cadin de iluya supercilio | [tap, faucet] gutefer; the faucet keeps dripping la robineto no cesationan gutefer || vt [liquid] gut-fuser (aut -cadifer); try not to drip blood on the carpet certifes che la sánguino no gutefun sur la tapeto || n (act) gutefo; (drop) guto; [fat] grasio; drip feed (med.) gutop(-aliment)atro; drip pan (culin.) gutuyo || adj dripping [liquid] gutefanta; [tap, faucet] gut-fusanta; gutefanta; dripping wet tote húmida; drip-dry [garment] nerughema
  • drive vi (operate vehicle) conducer; can you drive? sapan vi conducer? | (go by vehicle) vehezer; I drove 100 km to be here mi vehezin 100 km por vener adhic; next time we’ll drive there en la secuanta veço nos vehezun | (handle) conducezer; her old car drives better than her new one eluya vecturo vétera conducezan plu bone cam eluya nova; (beat) batuer; plauder contre; heavy rain drove against the windshield forta pluvo batuin la parabriso; to drive at (aim at) mirationer; (intend, mean) insinuer; volitioner dicer; what are you driving at? cuo vi insinuan?; to drive back retrovehezer; to drive by pretervehezer; to drive in [car] entrer; envader; [person] envehezer; to drive off forvehezer; to drive on (after accident) no halter; (after stopping) riprender sua rupto; drive on! abanties!; to drive up [car] ariver (aut proximecer); [person] ariver (aut proximecer) vecture; to drive up to [person] parvehezer ad || vt (operate) [vehicle] conducer; he drives a taxi il es on taxìisto; she drives a Beetle il haban on Beetle; she drove the Thunderbird to Indiana with no gear oil el conducin la Thunderbird ad Indiana sine ingraned-óleo | (carry) [passenger] veher; I’ll drive you home mi vehun vi adfocare | (power) [machine, device, vehicle] funtionifer; (cause to move) [animals, people] pelentier; the ranchers drove the cattle to new pastures la ranċistos pelentiin la bovado ad áltera pasturayos; the tanks drove the demonstrators from the square la tancos pelentiin la manifestationantos de la pláteo | (hunting) [game] batu-cacier; (propel) [boat] pulser; the wind drove the boat off course la vento pulsin la barco de lua rupto | [vehicle] propulsioner; (push, hammer) [nail, stake] figer; [point, argument, idea] bone ficer comprensata; (force) coercer; òbligher; pelentier; to drive someone to despair dessperifer álicu; pelentier álicu ad le desspero; I was driven to it mi esin pelentiita ad (facer) lo; [employee, self] to drive someone hard laborifer álicu multe; to drive someone too hard èxiger nime de álicu; (impel, motivate) impulser; pelentier; driven by greed impulsata (aut pelentiata) da àviditio; to drive away ecpelentier; forpelentier; fugifer; to drive back (force to retreat) repulser; retropelentier; (in vehicle) retroveher; to drive off ecpelentier; forpelentier; fugifer; to drive out ecpelentier; to drive up [price] altifer || n (trip or journey in a car) vehezo; to go for a drive promener vecture (aut vehate) | (short road) vialeto; (campaign, effort) campanio; the drive toward democracy la movo ad le demòcratío; recruitment drive campanio por recruter | (mil.) ataco; (psych.) impulso; sex drive libídino | (energy, motivation) pelentiezo; (tech.: power transmission system) propulsionatro; transmisionatro; (gear position) velocitatumo; (comput.: disk drive) disc(-unaj)o; driver conduçanto, -edoro, -isto; [of animal] pelentiisto; (comput.) funtionifatro; driver’s license conduci-licentio; licentio por conducer; driveshaft ax-árboro; driveway acces-vialeto; vialeto di acceso || adj drive-by shooting dísparo (aut focilijo) vehezante; drive-in theater envehezisca cínemo; -driven (motivated, determined) market-driven pelentieda da le mercato; (operated, powered) chauffeur-driven conduceda da ċauforo; electricity-driven funtionifeda da electro; steam-driven impulseda (aut propulsioneda) da vaporo; drive-through, drive-thru travehezisca
  • drivel n nesensoso || vi dicer nesensoso; (archaic: drool) baber
  • drizzle n pluveto || vi pluveter
  • droid n (sci-fi) droido
  • droll adj drola || n (archaic: buffoon) bufono
  • dromedary n (zool.: Camelus dromedarius) dromedario
  • drone vi [bee, bagpipe, sitar] zizer; [engine] vrumer; [person] parauler monótone || n (male bee) apaso; (sponger) nul-facedoro, -emo; parásito; (noise) [of bees, bagpipe, sitar] zizo; [of engine] vrumo; (pilotless plane, missile) aviono (aut mísilo) nepilotosa (aut teleguideda); drono
  • drool vi baber || n babajo
  • droop vi (hang limply) [head] inclinezer (languante); [shoulders, eyelids] cader (languante); (wilt) [flower] marcer; [person] languer || vt (hang limply) [head] incliner (languante); [shoulders, eyelids] cadifer (languante)
  • drop vt (let fall) lacer cader; (accidentally) to drop the ball (bungle) façaċer; he dropped his wine on his way to the table la vino cadin de il sur la vialo ad la menso | (release, let go of) delacer; drop it! (gun) delaces li! | [anchor] delacer; jacter; [bomb, parachutist] lancer; (set down or unload) [from boat] descàrichifer; [from car] lacer; (informal: take orally) [LSD] prender; (make fall, bring down, fell) cadifer; (as by a blow, gunshot) abatuer; (abandon or discontinue) abandoner; cesationer; lacer cader; to drop everything lacer omno cader; drop it! (subject) jam ecuilo sufiçan!; laces lo cader!; let’s drop the subject nos cambies la thémato; nos paraules sopre áltera coso; she always expects us to drop what we’re doing el sempre expectan che nos abandonun cuo nos es façanta | [charges] retracter; (exclude) they dropped him from the team homi exclusin il de la excuadro; (omit) [from speech] she drops her h’s el no pronuntian las ha | [from text] omiser; (informal: stop associating with) [friend, boyfriend, girlfriend] lacer cader; to drop someone like a ton of bricks desucuser álicu cuom je on púliço; (give birth to) parturer; (lose) [weight] perder; (lower) [eyes] abaser; [hands, arms] abaser; lacer cader; [pants, etc.] abaser; I’d like to drop my trousers to the queen mi ameban abaser mea pantalono abante la regiso | [voice, pressure, price, hem] plu-basifer; (utter casually) [remark, clue] delacer; lacer cader (aut excaper); to drop a hint facer (aut jacter) on insinuo (aut aluseto, índiço); to drop someone a line (send casually) [note, letter] scriber ad álicu on vocàbuleto; to drop off (from car) [person, thing] lacer; to drop-kick (martial arts) cad-chicher; cad-pedcolper || vi (fall) cader; to drop to one’s knees cader adsur sua genúculos | (jump down, off) [parachutist] desalter; (informal: collapse or die from exhaustion) cader (aut morter) pro fatigazo; drop dead! ad caráculo!; vades futuer vi!; (be abandoned or discontinued) so we let the matter drop dunche nos lacin la afaro cader; (be mentioned) he let it drop that… il lacin cader (aut lacin excaper) che…; (decrease) [numbers, crowd, demand] diminutionezer; [temperature, pressure, price, voice] plu-basecer; to drop back/behind restecer détree; (in work, etc.) tardecer; to drop by vìsiteter; to drop down (crouch) acoàcticher; to drop in vìsiteter; to drop off (decline) [sales, interest] diminutionezer; (fall) [part, piece] decader; (fall asleep) dormecer; to drop out (fall) [contents] decader; (fig.) [from circulation, someone’s life] desaparer; [from competition, college, society] abandoner; retirer si || n (tiny portion of liquid) guto; “coffee?” “just a drop” “cafeo?” “(mere) una guto”; a drop in the ocean una guto en la maro; we haven’t had a drop of rain for six months nos no haban etiam una guto de pluvo dex sesa mensuos; drop by drop gutene; drops (med.) gutos; droplet guteto; dropper gut-cadifatro | (fall) cado; at the drop of a hat cum álica cunche pretexto | (by parachute) [of supplies, arms, etc.] lanço; (decrease) [in demand] cado; diminutiono; [in price] baseço; cado; (steep incline) abruptajo; droppings (excrement) excretajo; drop-off (decrease) baseço; cado; diminutiono; (steep incline) abruptajo; dropout (from college) abandoninto je universitato; (from society) màrginano | (informal: delivery) consigno; dropbox consignenduyo | (informal: hiding place for stolen or secret things) abscondayo; to have/get the drop on someone haber/prender la abantaġo super álicu
  • dropsy n (med., archaic: edema) hidropesío || adj dropsical hidropesíaca
  • droshky n (hist.) drozhki; fiacro
  • dross n (slag) scorio; (refuse) forjactedo; nevaloroso; versuro
  • drought n sichitato; to be in a drought sichitater; (archaic: thirst) sito
  • drove n (herd, flock) greġo; (multitude) [of people] túrbulo; to come in droves ariver túrbule; drover pelentiisto
  • drow n (fantasy) drovo
  • drown vi nechezer || vt necher; (drench) [food] hùmidazifer; (flood) [land] inunder; (submerge) merger; to drown out [noise] còperter; superruiter
  • drowse vi somnoler || adj drowsy somnolanta; (soporific) dormifiva
  • drub vt (strike repeatedly) batu(az)er; (informal: defeat thoroughly) parvincer
  • drudge n serfo; drudgery serf-laboro || vi serf-laborer
  • drug n drogo; to do/take drugs droghijer si; (med.) medicamento; (narcotic) narcozivo; (sport) dopivo; drug abuse nim-uso je drogos; drug addict drog-adictito; drug addiction drog-adictezo; drug dealer (drog-)traficanto; drug dependency drog-dependo; drug fiend drog-maníaco; drug habit drog-adictezo; drug lord drog-barono (aut barono di le drogo); drog-dómino (aut dómino di le drogo); drug pusher (drog-)rivenduċisto; drug raid anti-droga incurso; drug ring reto di (drog-)traficantos; drug test droghisca (aut antidroga, antidopa) controlo; drug traffic (drog-)traficantío; drug trafficker (drog-)traficanto; drug user drog-adictito; drog-usedoro; druggist drog-vendisto; fármaço; drugstore drogherío; fàrmacerío || vt droghijer
  • druid n drúido; druidism drùidismo || adj druidical drùidisca
  • drum n (mus.) tamburo; drums tamburado; drum machine rithmi-capso; tambur-máchino; drummer tamburígero; tamburisto; drumbeat tambur-frap(ad)o; drumhead tambur-suprajo; drumkit tamburado; drumroll tambur-ròtulado; drumstick tambur-bastoneto; (fig.: culin.) coxo | (anat.) miringo; tímpano; (archit.) (of column) tamburo; (of dome) tamburo; tholóbato; (container) bidono; (tech.: cylinder, machine part) tamburo || vt (play on a drum) [fingers] tambur-luder per sua dígitos; [melody, alarm] tambur-luder; tamburijer; to drum into (inculcate) inculcher (álico) en; to drum out ecpelentier; to drum up solìciter; [business, customers] atracter clientos; [enthusiasm] evìgiler; [support] asembler; mobiliser || vi (play on a drum) batuer on tamburo; tambur-luder; tamburijer
  • drunk adj ebria; to get drunk ebriecer; to get someone drunk ebriifer || n ebri(em)o; drunkard ebriemo; drunkenness ebri(em)itio
  • drupe n (bot.) drupo
  • druse n (min., bot.) druso
  • Druze n Druzo
  • dry adj (not moist) [air, wind, weather, clothes, paint, leaves] sica; (not rainy) [climate, land] árida; sica; (thirsty) sitanta; (without alcohol) [county, state] sica; [person] exebriema; (without milk) [cow, goat, etc.] nelactosa; (unadorned) [facts] cruda; nuda; sica; (not softened) [humor] mordanta, -ema; picanta, -ema; sica; [sound] it broke with a dry snapping sound li rumpin cum on sica ruito | (not sonorous) [cough] sica; (unemotional, cold) [voice, manner] frígida; sica; (uninteresting) [lecture, subject, speech, book] neinteresanta, -iva; sica; (unsweetened) [wine, sherry, cider, champagne] nesùcarosa (aut sine súcaro); sica; (without condiments) [bread, toast] sica; sine butiro (aut geleo, etc.); dried sica; dried currant (bot.: raisin form of Vitis vinifera) corintho; dry cell sica pilio; dry cleaner sic-nitifisto; dry cleaning sic-nitifo; dry dock sica doco; dry goods texajos; dry ice sica glacio; dry rot lignívora fungo; sica putro; dry run (informal) éprob-ludo; dry-eyed cum sica óculos; nelàcrimosa; dry-shod sic-peda || adv dry-shod sic-pede || n dryer sichifatro; dryness sichitio || vt sichifer; to dry off sichifer; to dry out sichifer; [alcoholic] sobriifer; to dry-clean sic-nitifer; to dry-hump sexijer (sine pénetro) || vi sichecer; to dry off sichecer; to dry out sichecer; [alcoholic] sobriecer; to dry up [moisture] desaparer; vaporecer; [river, well] sichecer; [source of supply] exhaustezer
  • dryad n (myth.) dríado
  • dual adj (consisting of two parts, aspects) dupla; dual nationality dupla nationanitio; dual role dupla rolo | (philos.: consisting of two different or opposing elements) duala; (gram.) duisca; (math) duala || n (gram.) duisco; (math) dualo; (one of a pair) duano; dualism (philos.) dualismo; dualist (philos.) dualisto; duality duplitio; (math, philos.) dualitio; the duality of man la dualitio di le humano
  • dub vt (nickname) supernòminizer; the press dubbed them “Brangelina” la jurnalado supernòminizin los como “Brangelina”; (bestow title on) [knight] I dub thee Sir Mix-a-lot mi supernòminizan ti Dómino Mix-a-lot; (cine.) dubler
  • dubious adj (unsure) dùbitanta, -ema, -edora, -osa; (questionable) dùbitanda
  • dubnium n (chem.: Db) dubnio
  • ducal adj duchisca
  • ducat n ducato
  • duchess n duco (aut duchiso)
  • duchy n duchio
  • duck n (zool.: Anatidae) ánato; duck season ánat-sationo; wild duck (zool.: Anas platyrhynchos) silvaġa ánato; duckling ànatolo; duckpond ánat-lacheto; duckweed (bot.: Lemnoideae) lemno | (zool.: Anatina) anatino || adj duck-billed platypus (zool.:Ornithorhynchus anatinus) ornithorinco
  • duck vi (also “duck down”) (crouch) acoàcticher; duck! acoáctiches! | (dodge a blow) schiver la colpo; (lower one’s head) imediate incliner (aut abaser) sua cápito; (submerge) merger si; to duck under the water desaparer adsub la acuo; to duck into (hide) he ducked into his office il abscondin si en sua oficino; to duck out (depart quickly) partier rápide; to duck out of (dodge) he ducked out of going with them il schivin (aut elusin) acompanio je los || vt (dodge) [problem, question] eluser; schiver; (lower) [head] imediate incliner (aut abaser); (submerge) merger || n (quick lowering of the head) imediata inclino (aut basifo) je la cápito; ducking stool (hist.) mergi-sedilo
  • duck n (fabric) drílico
  • duct n conductionatro; (anat.) canal(et)o; conductionatro
  • ductile adj (tech.) [metal] dúctila
  • dud n (informal: something useless because of failure) falinto, -edoro, -ajo; duds (informal: clothes) vestos
  • dude n cherlo; I’m in your base, killing your dudes mi es en vua basamento, occisante vua cherlos; it is Wednesday, my dudes lo es Mercurii-dio, mea cherlos; dude ranch ranċo por toristos
  • dudgeon n ofensezo; rancoro
  • due adj (expected) expectata; I’m due back tomorrow homi expectan mi rivener demane; the train was due 15 minutes ago homi expectin la traino (aut la traino deberebin) ariver ye 15 minutos ántee; when is the baby due? cuande vi expectan la bebo?; (owed) she’s due 2 weeks’ back pay homi debitionan ad el 2 septimanos de tarda pago | [payment] debitionata; paghenda; balance due debition-restajo; due date pag-dato; rent is due on the 1st la locatar-pretio es paghenda ye la 1ma; (going to have) he’s due for a shock when he gets back il habun on shoco cuande il rivenun; (should have) he’s due for a vacation il debeban prender on vacationo; (appropriate) convenanta; justa; yusta; in due form conforme ad la régulos; in due time/course ye justa (aut convenanta, debitionata) témporo; with all due respect to cum (aut malgrate) la tota respecto debitionata ad; due to (because of) debitionezanta ad; pro; his death is due to natural causes iluya morto es pro (aut debitionezan ad) naturisca causos; it is due to his efforts lo es pro (aut debitionezan ad) iluya efortios; what’s it due to? ad cuo lo debitionezan? || adv (exactly, directly) recte; due south recte ad sudo; due south of recte (ad)sude (aut versum la sudo) de; duly (as expected) expectasche; secuno expecto; duly impressed expectasche imponita | (properly) debasche; decente; règulasche; duly elected debasche electionita || n debitionedo; (due credit) to give her her due, she did try hard por eser yusta, el efortiin multe; dues (club, union fees) cuotiso; (taxes) impostajos
  • duel n duelo; dueler, duelist duelanto, -edoro || vi dueler
  • duenna n duenio
  • duergar n (myth.) brun-duergo (aut -cóbalo); còbaluċo; duerguċo; (fantasy) gris-duergo
  • duet n (composition, performance) dueto
  • dug n (zool.: teat) mamilo; (zool.: udder) úbero; (archaic: breast) mamo
  • dugong n (zool.: Dugong dugon) dugongo
  • duke n duc(as)o; dukedom (rank) duchitio; (territory) duchio
  • dulcet adj dulça
  • dulcimer n (mus.) dulcímelo
  • dull adj (boring) [book, lecture, party, person] inodiosa; [life, job] inodiosa; monótona; tediosa; [style] insípida; (blunt) [blade, knife] desacuta; obtusa; (com.) [trade, business, market] stagnanta; dull season stagni-sationo; (lethargic) [person, mood] desvivaça; torporosa; (not bright) [color] desvívida; [color, eyes, hair, skin, metal] nebrilanta; nebrilosa; [light, glow] débila; [weather, sky, day] grisa; nubosa; (slow-witted) [person, mind] desarguta; obtusa; [student] lenta; (vague) [feeling] neprecisa; obtusa; [pain] desacuta; neprecisa; obtusa; [sound] desvívida; neclara; nesonora; obtusa; (archaic: insensitive) dull of hearing surdeta || n dullard desarguto; obtuso; stúpido || vt (blunt) obtusifer; (dim) [color, brightness] desbrilifer; desvìvidifer; [light, sound] amorter; [memory] atenuer; (diminish) [pain, grief] alevier; atenuer; to dull the taste blaser || vi (blunt) obtusecer; (dim) [color, brightness] desbrilecer; desvìvidecer; [light, sound] amortezer; [memory] atenuezer; (diminish) [pain, grief] aleviezer; atenuezer
  • dulse n (bot.: Palmaria palmata) dúlisco
  • dumb adj (temporarily unable to speak) consternata; sine paraulo; to be struck dumb eser consternata; rester sine paraulo | (temporarily unwilling to speak) taçanta; (unable to speak as a natural state) dumb animals neparauliva bestios; (dated: mute) muta; (informal: stupid) stulta; stúpida; dumb-ass imbécila; stulta; stúpida; dumbstruck consternita, -ata || n dumbbell (weight for exercise) haltero; (informal: stupid person) imbécilo; stulto; stúpido; dumbshow pantomimío; dumbwaiter èlevatreto; platel-èlevatro || vt to dumb down stùpidischifer; to dumbfound consterner; mirabilìazer
  • dumdum n dumdumo
  • dummy n (model of a human being) [mannequin] manechino; [ventriloquist’s puppet] pupo; (substitute for the real thing) falso; fingedo; dummy corporation falsa (aut fingeda, fantásmata) corporationo; dummy invoice falsa (aut fingeda) facturo | [bullet] vacua cartoċo; (informal: stupid person) imbécilo; stulto; stúpido
  • dump n (place for garbage) versurayo; (heap of garbage) versur-amaso; dump truck báscul-camiono; ben-camiono; the dumps (informal) to be down in the dumps eser depresita (aut melancolíaca); dumpster beno | (comput.) (mémor-)ecfuso; (mil.) munitionayo; (pej.: place) forámino; [house] domaċo; forámino; (vulg.: defecation) caco; to take a dump cacher || vt [garbage] descàrichifer; fuser; (get rid of) desimbaraser si de; [boyfriend, girlfriend] desucuser; lacer cader; (set down) [package] deponer; (com.) [goods abroad] dumper; [stocks] vender (rápide); (comput.) ecfuser || vi to dump on (criticize, abuse) crìtichìer; mal-tracter || adj dumpy [person] bas-graseta; [room, building] ruinifata
  • dumpling n pasti-bulo
  • dun adj gris-bruna; (light bay) isabela || n (color, horse) gris-bruno; isabelo; (archaic: demand for payment) pag-éxiġo; reclamationo || vt pag-èxiġader de; reclamationader de
  • dunce n idioto; (schol.) ásino; dunce cap ásin-bonito
  • dune n duno; (sci-fi) Dunia; dune buggy baghio
  • dung n (feces) feco; (manure) sterco; dung beetle (zool.: Geotrupidae, Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae) sterchi-scarabajo; dunghill sterc-amaso
  • dungeon n (underground prison) dungiono; subtera cárcero; (oubliette) oblitayo; (BDSM play setting) dungiono; (fantasy: labyrinthine subterranean setting) dungiono; Dungeons and Dragons Dungionos et draconos; dungeon crawl dungion-repto; dungeon master joc-dìrigisto | (archaic: castle keep) donjono
  • dunk vt merg(et)er; [food] intinter
  • duo n (pair of people or things) duo; (mus.: composition, performance) dueto
  • duodenum n (anat.) duodeno
  • dupe vt (trick) inganer; to dupe someone into doing something inganer álicu por che li faces álico | (swindle) frauder || n inganedo; to be the dupe of eser inganita da
  • duplex n (house) dupla domo || adj (house) dupla; (print) ambi-látera; (telec.) dúpliça
  • duplicate adj duplicata; duplicate key duplicata clavo; (having two identical parts) [form] duplicatizita || n (copy of an original) duplicato; (identical copy) put out the new price tags, but toss the duplicates dispones la nova pretii-estichetos, mas forjactes la duplicatos; in duplicate duplicatizita || vt (make an exact copy) duplicatifer; (double) duplifer; (repeat) [action] rèpeter || vi (make an exact copy) duplicatefer; (double) duplecer
  • duplicitous adj inganema, -osa, -anta || n duplicity ingan(emiti)o
  • durable adj durationiva, -ema || n durability durationivitio, -emitio
  • dura mater n (anat.) durimatro; pachimeninġo
  • duration n durationo; for the duration of this joyous ritual, you will give to your father your support por la durationo di ecuista joyosa rito, vos donun ad vostra patro vostra apodio
  • duress n coerço, -ezo; under duress coerçata, -e; sub coerço
  • during prep dum
  • dusk n (nightfall) crepúsculo; nocteço; From Dusk Till Dawn De nocteço usche auroro; (darkness) obscuritio; in the gathering dusk en la creçanta obscuritio || adj dusky obscura; [color] fusca; (dated: dark-skinned) fusca
  • dust n pulvo; to bite the dust (informal: die; fail) morder la pulvo; to raise dust pulvefer; dust bowl pulv-regiono; dust jacket copertino; dust storm pulv-tempestato; duster (clothing) pulv-mantelo; (dustcloth) tergi-tuco; (feather duster) plum-terġatro; dustbin (Brit.: trash can) versuruyo; dustcloth tergi-tuco; dustcloud pulv-nubo; dustpan pulv-palelo | (fine powder) púlvero; to grind something into dust pùlverifer || vt (remove dust from) despulvizer; (cover with powdered substance) pùlverizer; (sprinkle) to dust flour on something farinizer álico || adj dusty pulvosa; [color] grisesca; pulvea
  • Dutch adj Holandiana; Nederlandiana || n Dutchman Holandiano; Nederlandiano
  • duty n (obligation) debo; òblighezo; duty calls le debo vocan; to do one’s duty (to/by someone) facer sua debo (versum álicu); in the name of God, do your duty ye la nómino di Deo, faces vostra debo; to have the duty of deber; it is my duty to inform you that… lo es mea debo (aut òblighezo) informer vi che… | (function, work) funtiono; to do duty as eser útila (aut funtioner) como (aut cuom); to neglect one’s duties neglecter sua funtionos; to perform the duties of funtioner como (aut cuom); to take the duty of supleter; to be on/off duty eser en/ec servo; duty officer oficiaro en servo | (tax) duvanisca taxationo, -ajo; imposto, -ajo; duty on salt sal-imposto; to pay duty on something pagher on impostajo por álico || adj dutiable impostébila; dutiful debasca; [child] obedema; duty-free [goods] neimpostonda
  • duvet n plumet-coperturo
  • DVD n digitala versátila disco; DVD
  • dwarf n (med.) nano; dwarf bean nana faséolo; dwarf star nana stelo; dwarfism nanitio | (folk.) cóbalo; (myth.; fantasy) [dvergr, khuzd] duergo; seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone septa por la duerg-dóminos en lora petra salono; Dark Iron dwarf duergo di (clano) Fusca Fero; dwarvish duerghenso || vt (cause to seem small in comparison) [achievement] eclipser; [building, person] ficer parecer parva; (stunt the growth of) [plant] nanifer || adj dwarfish nana, -isca, -esca; dwarvish duerga, -isca, -esca
  • dweeb n (informal) tedioso
  • dwell vi resider; since my baby left me, I found a new place to dwell post che mea amato forlacin mi, mi trovin on nova loco por resider; (in permanent residence) hàbiter; to dwell on/upon (think about) longhe (aut obseseze) penser (aut parauler, scriber) sopre || n dweller hàbitanto; residanto; cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller caníbala humanoida subterano; thank you, market dweller! regratio, mercat-residanto!; dwelling hàbitayo; residayo
  • dwindle vi descrecer; diminutionezer pauchene
  • dyad n duo
  • dye n tingivo; dyer tingisto; dyer’s weed (bot.: Reseda luteola) flaveta resedo; gualdo; dyehouse tingerío; dyestuff tingivo || vt tinger || adj dyed-in-the-wool usche-osta
  • dyke n see “dike”; (informal, offensive: lesbian) lesbiano; [short for “bulldyke”] lesbianaso
  • dynamic adj (phys., fig.) dinàmichisca || n (force) dinámico; dynamicist dinàmichisto; dynamics dinámico
  • dynamism n (philos., hist.) dinamismo
  • dynamite n dinamito || vt dinamitijer
  • dynamo n dínamo
  • dynamometer vt dinamómetro
  • dynasty n dinastío || adj dynastic dinastìisca
  • dysentery n (path.) disenterío
  • dysfunction n misfuntiono || adj dysfunctional misfuntionanta
  • dyslexia n (med.) dislexío
  • dyspepsia n (med.) dispepsio || adj dyspeptic [condition] dispepsiisca; [person] dispépsiaca
  • dysprosium n (chem.: Dy) disprosio
  • dystrophy n (med.) distrofio


  • E ltr e; (mus.) E (aut mi); E-flat (E♭) E bemola; E-sharp (E♯) E díesa
  • each adj cascuna; each and every one of you cascunu cunche de vos; each day cascun-die; ye cascuna dio; each one of them cascunu de los || adv (apiece) we gave them one bullet each nos donin una cuglo ad cascunu (aut po persono) || prn cascunu; each more beautiful than the next cascunu plu bela una cam áltera; each of us cascunu de nos; everyone declined, each for their own reason omnu refusin, cascunu pro sua propria motivo; a little of each on pauco de cascunu; she gave each of them one ticket el donin una bileto ad cascunu (de los); each other recíproche; una je áltera; their cars were parked next to each other lora vecturos esin parchita júxtee (aut una juxte la áltera); they glared at each other los iraçose reguardin una je la áltera (aut reguardin si recíproche)
  • eager adj ardoranta, -osa; enthusiasmanta, -osa; fervoranta, -osa; sitanta, -osa; to be eager for desìderazer; eser ávida sopre; siter; they’re eager for vengeance los sitan vindicto; to be eager to do something desìderazer facer álico; she’s eager to please el desìderazan complacer
  • eagle n (zool.: Accipitridae) ácuilo; Friday the eagle flies, and so do I Véner-die le ácuilo volan, et anche mi; eagle eye atentionema (aut vìgilanta) óculo; eagle owl (zool.: Bubo) bubo; corni-striġo; eaglet acuilolo || adj eagle-eyed ácuil-ócula (aut linç-ócula); cum ácuil-óculos (aut linç-óculos)
  • eagre n (tidal bore) maschereto
  • ear n (anat.) aurículo; to be all ears eser tote aurículos (aut atentionanta); to be up to one’s ears in debt eser en debitiono usche sua colo; to bend someone’s ear auscultifer álicu; to fall on deaf ears cader adsur surda aurículos; it goes in one ear and out the other tra una aurículo li entran et por áltera li éxitan; to keep an ear to the ground rester atentionema; to lend an ear to atentioner; imprester sua aurículos ad; to prick up one’s ears tender (aut erectifer) sua aurículos; to turn a deaf ear to refuser ausculter (aut auder); surdifer sua aurículos ad | (sense of hearing) audivitio; to have a good ear (for music) haber justa aurículos (por músico); to play by ear ludar secuno audivitio; (improvise) improviser; ear drop aurícul-pendanto; ear drops (med.) gutos por le aurículo; ear trumpet (hist.) acùstichisca corno; ear, nose, and throat specialist otorinolaringólogo; earache aurícul-doloro; otalgío; earbuds (intra-)aurìculífonos; eardrum tímpano; earflap aurìculumo; earmark (brand) [on cattle] marco; (sign, indicator) ìndicanto; signo; (trait, feature) tractaturo; earmuffs aurícul-còpertatros; aurìculumo; (acoustic, protective) aurìcularos; (thermal) aurìculumos; earphones aurìculífonos; earplug aurícul-tapo; earring inauro; earshot aud-atinġo; earstone (zool.) otólitho; earwax (med.) cerúmino | (bot.) spico || vt to earmark [cattle] marchizer; [funds] asigner; destiner; reserver || adj eared owl (zool.: Asio) asiono; aurícul-striġo
  • earl n cómito; earldom (rank) còmititio; (territory) còmitio
  • early adj (before expected time) antetémpora; preita; to be early ariver antetémpore (aut preite); an early lunch on antetémpora (aut preita) prandio | [flowers, crop, season] precoça; (in advance) [payment, retirement] antìcipisca, -eda; (towards beginning) aprima; to be in one’s early 30s etater pauche plu cam 30 anuos; the early #MeToo period la aprima periodo #AncheMi; in the early 90s dum la aprima anuos 90 | [of day] matinisca; to make an early start partier matinische; (first) [settlers, pioneers] aprima; unésima; the early days of something la unésima (aut aprima) dios di álico | (primitive) primitiva; early church primitiva eclesio; (soon) prompta; 3:00 at the earliest maxim prompte ye 3 clocos; it’s too early to tell lo es nim prompta por saper || adv (before expected time) antetémpore; preite; let’s not get there too early nos no arives nim antetémpore (aut preite); (towards beginning) aprime; early in the book aprime en la libro; (soon) prompte; the earliest we can do this is tomorrow maxim prompte nos potun facer ecuilo demane; as early as possible maxim prompte posíbile; not earlier than no ante
  • earn vt [money, wages, praise, favor] guadanier; to earn one’s living guadanier sua sustino | [interest] interestefer; I’ll be sitting on a beach earning 20% mi esun sedanta sur on plagio interestefante ye 20% || n earnings (wages) guadanedo(s); (income) rédito(s); (profits) profitedo(s)
  • earnest adj (serious) seriosa; (sincere) sincera; (eager) fervorosa; zelosa || n (earnestness) seriositio; sinceritio; in earnest seriose | (guarantee) pígnoro; earnest money pígnor(-pecuni)o
  • earth n (the world) mundo; here on earth en ecuista mundo; nowhere on earth will you find… nulloche en la mundo vi trovun…; the richest man on earth la maxim rica hómino en la mundo; what/why/where/who/how on earth…? cuo/cuare/ube/cua/cuome diábole…? | (planet) Tero; (idiom) to come down to earth rivener ad realitio; (ground) tero; (soil) soliaro; earth mother (myth.) Matro Tero; earthquake sismo; ter-trémulo; earthwork (mil.) ter-fortìficajo; earthworm (zool.) lumbrico; ter-vermo; earthling terano; earthenware ceràmicajo; fíctilo || adj earthen [ceramic] fíctila; teracocta; [floor, structure] tera; earthly (terrestrial) terisca; earthly paradise terisca paradiso; [reason] there is no earthly reason to think… ci no existan álica cunche motivo por penser… | (worldly) mundisca; earthy [smell, taste] teresca; (uninhibited) cándida; neinhibata; [humor] grosaria; earthbound (moving towards earth) vadanta ad Tero; (stuck on earth) restrictita ad Tero; earthshaking, earth-shattering importazanta || adv earthward versum la tero
  • earwig n (zool.: Dermaptera) forfículo
  • ease n (effortlessness) fàcilitio; ease of [use, reference, access] fàcilitio di; for ease of [use, reference, access] por fàcilifer; with ease cum fàcilitio; fácile; with the greatest of ease cum la maxim granda fàcilitio | (skill, dexterity) expertitio; hàbilitio; (comfort) conforto; a life of ease on confortosa (aut còmodosa) vivo; to live a life of ease haber on confortosa (aut còmodosa) vivo; (relaxed state) trancuilitio; at ease trancuila; to put someone’s mind at ease trancuilifer álicu; at ease! (mil.) repauses!; easiness fàcilitio || vt (relieve) [burden] legerifer; [impact, effect] alevier; palier; [mind] calmifer; trancuilifer; [pain, suffering, anxiety] alevier; [pressure] diminutioner; reducter; [tension, sanctions, restrictions] destender; laxifer; (facilitate) fàcilifer; (move carefully) mover caute (aut delicate); he eased the car into the narrow garage il parchin caute la vecturo en la deslarga garayo || vi (diminish; also “ease off”) [pain, suffering, anxiety, pressure] diminutionezer; [prices, interest rates] plu-basecer; [tension] destendezer; laxecer; [wind, rain] calmecer; (improve) [situation] calmecer; destendezer; to ease up (calm down) destendezer; trancuilecer; (make less effort) laxecer; to ease up on (be less strict with someone) ease up on him, he’s only a kid no eses tante stricta (aut dura) ad il, il es mere on puero | (do in moderation) [restrictions, sanctions] destender; laxifer; [sweets, etc.] you’d better ease up on the chocolate vi façun meliore no manger tanta ċocolato | (slacken) [rope] destender; laxifer || adj easy (not difficult) fácila; to be easy on the eyes eser agratábila ad le vido; the easy life la fácila vivo; easy pickings fácila despoliajo; easy prey fácila prededo; in easy stages per fácila stápulos; it’s an easy mistake to make lo es on eroro fácile facébila; it’s easy to see that… lo es fácile vidébila che…; to take the easy option selecter lo maxim fácila; that’s the easy part ecuilo es lo fácila; “Volapük made easy” “Volapük sine efortio” | (comfortable) confortiziva; easy chair conforti-sedilo | [life] còmodosa; confortosa; trancuila; to be in easy circumstances eser económiche confortosa; eser richeta | (relaxed) [disposition, conversation, conscience] trancuila; to be on easy terms with someone haber on amichisca (aut bona) relationo cum álico; I’m easy (not particular) por mi lo es ecuala; you can rest easy vi potan eser trancuila | [manner, voice, tone] naturasca; [pace] lenta; [smile] fácila; (informal, pej.: promiscuous) [virtue] parva; [woman] fácila; easygoing acòmodezema; tòlerema || adv easily (without difficulty) fácile; easily amused fácile amusébila; that will cost you Ð1,000 easily ecuilo costun ad vi 1 000 Ð admínime | (by far) ye multo; she was easily the best candidate el esin ye multo la maxim bona candidato | (very possibly) fácile; it could easily happen again lo poteban fácile eventer denue; easy (moderately) go easy on her no eses tante stricta (aut dura) ad el | (without difficulty) fácile; easier said than done plu fácile dicébila cam facébila | (without worry) trancuile; take it easy! (don’t worry) calmifes vi!; no ágites vi!; trancuila!; (slow down) no hastes!; takin’ ’er easy for all us sinners prendanta lo calme pro omna nos pechedoros; we can all breathe easy now nun nos omna potan respirer trancuile
  • easel n cavaleto
  • east n (direction, compass point) esto; the wind is from the east la vento venan de la esto; (eastern part of the world or specified area) the East (Asia) Oriento; (pol.) la Esto; in the east of the country en la esto di la paeso; easterner estano; Easterner (Asian) Orientano || adj esta; east longitude estisca longitúdino; eastbound adesta; eastern estisca, -ana; Eastern bloc Estisca Bloco | (Asian) Orientana; Eastern philosophy Orientana filòsofío; eastward adesta || adv este; Switzerland lies east of France Suicia jaçan este de Francia; (eastward) go east, young man vades adeste, jùvenaso; eastward adeste
  • Easter n Pasco || adv Easter egg Pasc-ovo; Paschisca ovo; Easter Island Pasc-Ínsulo
  • eat vt manger; to eat a good meal manger bone; to eat breakfast / lunch / dinner dejuner / prandier / cenationer; to eat one’s fill manger usche satio; (vulg.: cunnilingue) licher; (vulg.: fellate) suctier; (idiom) to eat one’s words húmile retracter sua dicedos; to eat away (consume) consumpter; [acid] coroser; [mice] deroder; [sea] eroser; to eat up consumpter; [meal, food] parmanger || vi manger; we eat at six sharp nos manġan ye sesa clocos precise || n eatable mangedo; eater manġanto; mangedoro; eating manġo; eating place manġayo; [restaurant] restoranto; [room] mangi-cambro; eating utensils manġatros || adj eatable mangébila
  • eaves n sugrundo || vi to eavesdrop ausculteċer; ausculter secrete (aut abscondite); to eavesdrop on a conversation ausculteċer on converso
  • ebb n desfluxo; ebb and flow fluxo et desfluxo; ebb tide basa mareo || vi desfluxer
  • Ebola n (pathol.) [disease] Ebola-febro; [virus] Ebola-viro
  • ebon n (lit.: color) èbeneo; (lit., bot.: Diospyros, Euclea) [tree] ébeno; [wood] ében-ligno; ebonite ebonito; ebony (bot.: Diospyros, Euclea) [tree] ébeno; [wood] ében-ligno; (color) èbeneo || adj (lit.: dark in color) èbenea; (lit.: made of ebony) ébena
  • ebullient adj (exuberant) eferveçanta, -osa, -ema; (archaic: boiling, bubbling) bulitionanta; ebulianta || n ebullience (exuberance) eferveço; ebullition (tech. or archaic) ebulio
  • écarté n (cards) écarté
  • eccentric adj (unconventional, slightly strange) eccéntrica; (geom., mech.) eccéntrica || n eccéntrico
  • ecchymosis n (med.) echímozo
  • ecclesiastic n clérico; ecclesiasticism eclesiaschismo || adj ecclesiastical (pertaining to the church) eclesiisca; (pertaining to the clergy) clèrichisca
  • echelon n (level) nivelo; (mil.) scalon(ad)o || vt (mil.) scalone disponer; scalonifer
  • echidna n (zool.: Tachyglossidae) echidno
  • echinoderm n (zool.: Echinodermata) echinodermo
  • echinus n (zool.: Echinoidea) echino
  • echo n eco; (myth.) Eco || vt echifer; (reverberate) revèrberer || vi echefer; (resonate) rèsoner
  • eclampsia n (med.) eclampsío
  • éclat n brilo
  • eclectic adj ecléctica
  • eclipse n eclipso; partial eclipse partisca eclipso; total eclipse totisca eclipso || vt eclipser
  • ecliptic n (astron.) eclíptico
  • eclogue n éclogo
  • ecology n ecòloghío; ecologist ecólogo
  • economy n (management, administration) ecònomío; national economy nationisca ecònomío; planned economy dìriġata ecònomío; (thrift) sparniemo; economy car pòpulisca vecturo; economy class torista claso; [airline] duésima claso; economy pack familiisca paco; economy size familiisca granditio; economics (financial aspects) economìisca aspecto (aut látero); the economics of the project la economìisca aspecto di la projecto | (science) económico; she majors in economics el specialifan si en económico; economist econòmichisto || vi to economize sparnier || adj economic (pertaining to economics) econòmichisca; (pertaining to economy) econòmìisca; economical (frugal) sparniiva, -ema
  • ecosystem n ecosistémato
  • ecstasy n écstaso; (drug) écstaso; to be in ecstasy ècstaser; to go into ecstasy ècstasecer || adj ecstatic ècstasanta
  • ectopia n (med.) ectopío
  • Ecuador n Ecuatoria; Ecuadorian Ecuatoriano
  • ecumenical adj ecuménica; Ecumenical Liberation Army Ecuménica Lìberif-Armato
  • eczema n (med.) eczemo
  • eddy n acui-vórtico || vi vòrticer
  • edelweiss n (bot.: Leontopodium nivale) Alp-stelo; niv-floro
  • edema n (med.) edemo
  • Eden n (relig.) Eden || adj Edenic (idyllic) Edenesca; (pertaining to Eden) Edenisca
  • edentate adj nedentosa || n (zool.: Edentata) edentato
  • edge n (border) [of object, cliff, river, lake] bordo; at the water’s edge an la acui-bordo | (geom.) arístulo; (rim) bordumo; (third side) [of coin, book] cantho; a book placed on its edge on libro ponita sur cantho; (brink) bordo; on the edge of extinction an la bordo di extintiono; (sharp side) [of blade] acutajo; (sharpness) acutitio; to take the edge off of something alevier álico; lenifer álico; (advantage) abantaġo; to have the edge on someone haber on abantaġo super álicu; (idiom) to be on edge eser agaçata (aut stresata, nervosa); to set someone’s teeth on edge agacer; edgelord (informal) duraċo; duronaċo; edging bordumo; (informal: delayed orgasm) bordejo || vt (provide with a border) bordizer; (informal: delay the orgasm of) bordejer; (move gradually) mover gradene; (sharpen) acutifer; (informal: defeat by a small margin) vincer per valda pauco || vi (move gradually) abantier (aut movezer) gradene || adj edged (sharp) acuta; sechiva; edged instrument acuta instrumento; edgy (tense, nervous, irritable) agaçata; nervosa; stresata; (informal: avant-garde) abante-guardia; (informal: tough, dark, badass) dura; durona || adv edgewise canthe; I couldn’t get a word in edgewise mi no potin inserter etiam una vocábulo
  • edible adj (palatable) manġanda; (safe to eat) mangébila
  • edict n edicto
  • edifice n edificio
  • edify vt edìficher || n edification edífico; (instruction) instructo
  • edit vt (correct, condense, or change for publication) editioner; I have one word for Jack Kerouac: edit mi haban una vocábulo por Jácobo Kerouac: editiones | (cine.) monter; (manage) [newspaper, magazine] dìriger; (select material for and arrange) [newspaper, magazine] redacter; to edit out echeditioner; ecsecher; elìminer; supreser || n (correction, change) editiono; editing [of newspaper, magazine] redacto; [of text, document] editiono; (cine.) monto; (genetics) editiono; (photog.) editiono; retoco; (rad., TV) [of program] monto; edition èditajo; first, second edition unésima, duésima èditajo; editor [of newspaper, magazine] redactisto; [of text, file, photo, gene] editionisto; (cine.) montisto; (comput.) editionatro; editor-in-chief ċef-redactisto; editorial editorialo || adj editorial department redacterío
  • educate vt instructer; (form the manners of) èducher; (intellectually and morally) [child] èducher || n education instructo, -ezo; (formative) éduco, -ezo; The Education of Hopey Glass La éduco je Speri Glass | (learned state) instructititio; educator instructanto, -edoro, -isto; [of child] èducanto, -edoro, -isto || adj educated instructita; [guess] informita; (erudite) èrudita; (intellectually and morally) èduchita; educational instructiva, -isca; (intellectually and morally) èduchiva, -isca; educational institution èduchierío; educative instructiva; (intellectually and morally) èduchiva
  • edutainment n èduchiva amuso
  • eel n (zool.: Anguilliformes) anguilo; eel fishing anguil-pisco; eelpout (zool.: Lota lota) barboto; (zool.: Zoarcidae) zoarço
  • eerie adj apócosma; ignótica
  • efface vt (erase) efacier; to efface oneself eser modesta; eser neremarcanda
  • effect n (change resulting from an action or other cause) efecto; consecuanto; resulto; to feel the effect of senter la efectos di; to no effect neútile; sine resulto; vane | [impression] impresiono; he said it for effect il dicin lo por impresioner; a pleasing effect on agratábila impresiono; [physical phenomenon] the Doppler effect la efecto Doppler | [sense] senso; or words to that effect aut álico en ecuila senso; to the same effect di símila senso (aut signífico); effects (cine., theat.) speciala efectos; (property) posesedos; personal effects personisca posesedos; in effect (in fact) facte; reale; (in practice) efective; práctiche; (operative) [law] viġanta; (valid) [license] válida; to put into effect [law] vigifer; [plan] efectifer; executer; to take effect [drug] eficacecer; [law] vigecer || vt (cause, bring about) causìer; efectifer; to effectuate (cause, bring about) causìer; efectifer; (execute) [plan] executer; (put into force) [law] vigifer || adj effective (actual) efectiva; effective income efectiva rédito; under effective British control sub efectiva Britaniisca dòminío; [pharm.] effective life útila vivo (aut durationo); [tech.] effective capacity útila capacitio | (efficacious) [treatment, method, deterrent, system] eficaça; crude but effective ruda mas eficaça; Tide pods are not effective against COVID le cápsulo di Tide no es eficaça contre COVID | (operative) [law, policy] viġanta; to become effective from November first vigecer dex 1 Novembro | (striking) [decoration, pattern, outfit] frapanta; imponanta; effectual (efficacious) eficaça
  • effeminate adj (derrog.) fèminesca
  • efferent adj (physiol.) ecfluanta; ecportanta
  • effervesce vi (phys., fig.) efervecer || adj effervescent eferveçanta, -ema, -iva
  • effete adj [person] moluċa; [empire, civilization] decadentianta; [government] fébila; [method] neeficaça; stérila
  • efficacious adj eficaça || n efficacy eficacitio
  • efficient adj eficienta; to be efficient at something eficiente facer álico; eser eficienta sopre álico || n efficiency eficientitio
  • effigy n efigio; to hang someone in effigy pendejer on efigie sopre álicu
  • effloresce vi (chem., med.) eflorecer; (blossom) florefer
  • effluvium n efluvio
  • effort n efortio; please make an effort to come on time bon-volitione eforties vener puntuale; put some effort into it! cualche eforties!; (attempt) not bad for a first effort no mala por on unésima éprobo; to make an effort efortier; to (not) be worth the effort (no) valorer la peno; without effort sine efortio || adj effortless neefortiosa; [charm, superiority, grace, skill] naturisca; [movement, style] flúida; [success, victory] fácila
  • effrontery n efrontatitio; impertinentitio; insolentitio; to have the effrontery to do something haber la efrontatitio facer álico
  • effulgent adj (lit.) bril(az)anta; spléndida || n effulgence bril(az)o
  • effuse vt (emit) [liquid, light, gas] emiser || vi (flow out) ecfluer; (fig.: to gush, talk excitedly) ecfuser || n effusion (emission) emiso; (med.) adfluo; (fig.: gushing) ecfuso || adj effusive (geol.) ecfluinta; (fig.: gushing) ecfusanta, -osa
  • e.g. adv (exempli gratia) ex.; exemple
  • egad inter (archaic) celestie!; vere!
  • egg n (bio.) ovo; [cell] óvulo; [of fish, frogs] piç-, ran-ovado; fried eggs ovos frictita; hard-boiled eggs ovos dure bulition-cocinita; poached egg ovo bulition-cocinita sine scalio; scrambled eggs ovos mìsculta; soft-boiled eggs ovos mole bulition-cocinita; (informal: person) a good egg on bona cherlo; eggbeater (drill) manibel-forationatro; (mixer) frulatro; eggnog ov-lactajo; eggplant (bot.: Solanum melongena) alberginio; eggshell ov-scalio; egg white albumeno; egg yolk vitelo || vt to egg on ìnciter || adj egg-shaped ovi-forma
  • eglantine n (bot: Rosa rubiginosa) eglantino
  • ego n (psych.) ego; egoism, -ist egoismo, -isto; egotism, -ist egotismo, -isto || adj egoistic egoista; egotistic egotista
  • egregious adj enorma; exterordinaria; egregious mistake erorazo, -aċo
  • egregore n (occult: collective mind) egrégoro
  • egress n [act] ecvado; éxito; [way out] ecvadayo; èxitayo
  • Egypt n Egipto; Egyptian Egiptano || adj Egyptian cobra (zool.: Naja haje) Egiptana cobro; Egyptian mongoose (zool.: Herpestes ichneumon) Egiptana mangusto
  • eh inter (inviting assent) chi no?; (please repeat) cuo?; eh?; (uh) eu
  • eider n (zool.: Somateria) edero; eiderdown eder-lanúgino; (comforter) ederduno
  • eight card octa; by eights octene; eighteen deç-octa; eighty octideça || adj eightfold óctupla || ord eighth (8th) octésima; eighteenth (18th) deç-octésima; eightieth (80th) octidecésima || fract eighth () óctimo; I feel like I lost an eighth of something mi sentan che mi perdin on óctimo de álico
  • eikonogen n (chem., phot.) iconógeno
  • einsteinium n (chem.: Es) einsteinio
  • either adj álica cunche de la dua; la una aut la áltera; either day would suit me álica cunche de la dua dios convenun ad mi; I don’t like either movie ad mi plaçan nula de la dua filmos (aut nec la una nec la áltera filmo); (each) amba; cascuna; in either hand en cascuna manuo; on either side of the road sur amba láteros di la vialo || adv anche no; he can’t dance either il anche no sapan dancer; me either anche no mi; (moreover) pluse; he got a settlement, and not a little one either il receptin on indemno, vere groseta pluse || prn álica cunche de la dua; la una aut la áltera; either of us álica cunche de nos; he’ll take either one il prendun álica cunche de la dua; I don’t believe either one of them mi credan nec la una nec la áltera (aut nula de la dua); mi no credan la una aut la áltera || conj either … or aut ... aut; either come in or stay out aut entres aut restes éxtere; either it’ll happen or it won’t aut li eventun aut li no eventun
  • ejaculate vt (physiol.) ejàculer; (dated: exclaim) clamer || n ejaculation (physiol.) ejáculo; (dated: exclamation) clamo
  • eject vt (drive out) ecpelentier; (throw out) ecjacter; (mechanically) ejecter || n ejector ejectatro
  • eke vt (obtain with difficulty) to eke out a living pene guadanier sua sustino; (barely obtain) to eke out a victory apene vincer | (make last) [food, supplies] sparnie user
  • elaborate adj complexa; còmplichita || vt (explain in detail) èxplicher detale || vi (develop) [plan, theory] disveloper; elàborer; to elaborate (on) (add more detail to) èxplicher plu detale
  • élan n brio
  • elapse vi paser; elapsed time pasinta témporo
  • elastic adj elástica || n elástico; elasticity elàstichitio
  • elate vt exultifer; ficer euforìosa || n elation euforío; exulto || adj elated euforìosa; exultanta
  • elbow n (anat., fig.) cúbito; to make an elbow (tech.) cùbitifer, -izer; elbow grease (còrporisca) efortio; elbow room spatio por movezer || vt (push roughly with one’s elbow) cúbite pulser; (strike with one’s elbow) cúbite colper || adv elbow-to-elbow intretocante sua cúbitos
  • elder adj plu etatanta; (in names) Pliny the Elder Plinio la Vécula; elderly vécula; eldest maxim etatanta || n (older person) plu-etatanto; (old person) véculo; (senior figure) [of tribe] anteano; (bot.: Sambucus) sambuco; elderberry sambuc-baco; your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! vua matro esin on hamstro et vua patro odorin cuom sambuc-bacos!
  • Eldorado n Eldorado
  • eldritch adj apócosma; eldritch blast apócosma blasto
  • elecampane n (bot.: Inula helenium) helenio
  • elect vt (pol.) electioner; [fellow member] coopter; [in runoff] desparìculejer; (choose) selecter || vi to electioneer (election-)campanier || n the elect la selectitos; election (pol.) electiono; electioneer (election-)campaniisto; elector electionivo; electorate electionivado || adj selectita; [after noun] futura; the president elect la futura presidento; elective (not mandatory) facultativa; (pol.) [body] electioniva; [government, office] electionisca; electoral (pertaining to elections) electionisca; (pertaining to electors) electionivisca
  • electric adj electrisca; (charged with electricity) electrosa; (fig.) electrizanta; electrosa; the atmosphere was electric la ambiento esin electrosa; electric battery electri-pilio; electric bell electri-campaneleto; electric boogaloo electri-bugalú; electric car electri-vecturo; electric eel (zool.: Electrophorus) electr-anguilo; electric light electri-lámpado; electric motor electri-motoro; electrical electrisca; electrical engineering electri-técnico; electrical tape insulation-ribando || n electrician electristo; electricity (power) electro; (state) electrositio || vt to electrify (charge with electricity; fig.) electrizer
  • electrocardiogram n (EKG) electricardiografajo
  • electrochemistry n electrichímico
  • electrocute vt electrocutioner
  • electrode n electrodo
  • electrodynamics n electridinámico
  • electrology n (dated) electròloghío
  • electrolyte n (chem., physiol.) electrólito
  • electrolyze vt (chem.) electròliser || n electrolysis electróliso
  • electromagnet n (phys.) electrimagnético
  • electrometer n (phys.) electrómetro
  • electron n (phys.) electrono; electronics electrónico || adj electronic electrònichisca
  • electropathy n (med.) electròpathío
  • electrophorus n (dated, phys.) electróforo
  • electroplate vt electri-plachizer; (electrotype) galvanoplaster
  • electroscope n (phys.) electroscopio
  • electrostatics n (phys.) electrostático
  • electrotype vt galvanoplaster
  • electrum n (obsolete) eléctrumo
  • eleemosynary adj (formal) [charitable] elemòsinizisca, -ema, -anta; [supported by charity] elemòsinizata
  • elegant adj eleganta || n elegance elegantitio
  • elegy n elegío || adj elegiac elegìisca
  • element n (chem., gram., med., phys.) elemento; the classical elements of earth, air, fire, and water la clásica elementos tero, airo, foco, et acuo; the elements of style la elementos (aut rudimentos) di stilo; the periodic table of elements la periodisca tabelo di la elementos; the elements (met.) la elementos | (elec.) [of heater, kettle, etc.] caldif-elemento; (one’s preferred environment) ambiento; elemento; to be in one’s element eser en sua elemento (aut ambiento); (aspect) aspecto; dimensiono; the political element in The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover was largely lost on Americans la polìtichisca dimensiono en La Cocinisto, la latrono, iluya sposo, et eluya amoranto esin grand-parte necomprensata da le Usonanos; (factor) factoro; the element of surprise la factoro di surpriso; elemental (supernatural entity) elementisco || adj elemental (chem., phys.) elementa, -isca; (primal) [emotion] primisca; (primary, basic) elementa, -isca; primaria; rudimenta; elementary (basic) elementisca; elementary, my dear Watson! elementisca, cara Watson! | (earliest in order) primaria; elementary school primaria scolo | (irreducible) elementa
  • elephant n (zool.: Elephantidae) elefanto; elephant driver elefanti-conducisto; mahauto; elephantiasis (med.) elefantiaso || adj elephantine elefantesca
  • elevate vt (raise to a higher position) èlever; [in dimension, price] (plu-)altifer; [in rank] èlever; promoter; [spirits] èciter; exalter || n elevation (act) élevo; [in dimension, price] (plu-)altifo; [in rank] élevo; promoto; [of spirits] écito; exalto; (height above a given level) altitúdino; (high place) altajo; (view, archit.) elevationo; elevator (compartment, platform) acensatro; (machine, agr.) [for grain] èlevatro || adj elevated èlevita; (fig.) èlevita; sublima; [in dimension, price] (plu-)altifita
  • eleven card deç-una || ord eleventh (11th) deç-unésima || fract eleventh (⅟₁₁) deç-únimo
  • elf n (myth.) alfo; dark elf (dökkálf) obscur-alfo; (dverg) duergo; (svartálf) nigr-alfo; light elf (hvítálf) blanc-alfo; (ljósálf) lúmin-alfo | (folk.) [Christmas elf, domestic elf, Keebler elf] cóbalo; elfo; (fantasy) alfo; blood elf sánguin-alfo; high elf nobiliar-alfo; night elf noct-alfo; void elf vacui-alfo || adj elfin alfisca, -esca; elfisca, -esca
  • elicit vt [admission, promise] evulser; [interest, support] sùciter; [reaction] provocationer; [reply, explanation, information] obtiner
  • elide vt [vowel, syllable] elisioner
  • eligible adj selectébila; [for public office] electionébila; (suitable) acceptébila; apta; convenanta; satisfaçanta la recuistos; (desirable) atractiva; desìderanda; [bachelor] selectanda; (entitled) yurizita sopre || n eligibility selectèbilitio; [for public office] electèbilitio; (suitability) acceptèbilitio; conveno
  • eliminate vt elìminer; if your movement is detected afterwards, you will be eliminated se vua movezo esun remarchita poste, vi esun elìminita || n elimination elímino
  • elision n elisiono
  • elite n elito; infantivorous liberal elites of right-wing mythology elitos bebívora et liberala di dextrana mitho
  • elixir n elixiro
  • elk n (zool.: Alces alces) alço
  • ell n (meas.) álino
  • ellipse n (geom.) elíptico; ellipsoid (geom.) elìpticoido
  • ellipsis n (omission) elipso; [mark] puntado
  • elliptic adj (geom.) elíptica, -isca; elliptical (involving ellipsis) elipsisca
  • elm n (bot.: Ulmus) ulmo
  • elocution n dictiono; paraul-manario, -arto; elocutionist dictionisto
  • elogy n (archaic) panegírico
  • elongate vt plu-longhifer || vi plu-longhecer || adj longa
  • elope vi eloper
  • eloquent adj elocuenta
  • El Salvador n Salvatoria; Salvadorian Salvatoriano
  • else adv (in addition, besides; different, instead) áltere; everywhere else omnube áltere; how else? cuome áltere?; nowhere else nulube áltere; somewhere else àlterube; where else? ube áltere?; or else (otherwise) áltere; or else! aut ve!; elsewhere àlterube || adj áltera; everybody else omnos áltera; everything else omno áltera (aut cétera); nobody else nulu áltera; nothing else nulo áltera; something else álico áltera; what else? cuo áltera?
  • elucidate vt clarifer; èxplicher
  • elude vt eluser
  • elusive adj elusema, -iva; difícile atingébila (aut captébila); (difficult to remember) difícile mèmorébila
  • Elysium n (myth.) Elisio || adj Elysian fields Elisiana agros
  • elytron n (zool.) élitro
  • em n (print) cuadratino; eme-spatio
  • emaciate vt macrazifer || n emaciation macrazitio || adj emaciated macraza, -aċa
  • email n epostalo (aut electrònichisca postalo); email address epostal-adirectio || vt epostalijer; èxpeder (aut invìer) epostale
  • emanate vi emaner || n emanation (act) emano; (thing) emananto
  • emancipate vt emànciper
  • emasculate vt desmàsculifer; (archaic: castrate) castrer; (weaken) dèbilifer
  • embalm vt [corpse] enbàlsamifer || n embalmer enbàlsamifisto
  • embank vt talutizer; [canal, river] dichizer || n embankment taluto; [of canal, river] dico
  • embargo n embargo || vt embargher
  • embark vi aborder; to embark on/upon (begin) cominitier || vt imbarcher
  • embarrass vt (shame) verecundifer; (archaic: hamper) imbaraser; embarrassment verecundo || adj embarrassed verecundanta; embarrassing verecundifanta
  • embassy n (administrative unit) ambaxerío; (function) ambaxío; (residence) ambaxayo
  • embattle vt (set in battle array) [army] òrdiner por batalio; (fortify) [building] fortìficher || adj embattled (beleaguered) [city, country, people, army] asediata; (troubled) [person, government] imbarasata; (heraldry) crenelizita
  • embed vt enfixer; [jewel] incastrer; [weapon, teeth] afunder; figer
  • embellish vt orner; plubelifer || n embellishment (act) orno; plubelifo; (detail, feature) ornivo; (result) plubelifajo
  • embers n braso
  • embezzle vt malverser
  • embitter vt amarifer; rancorifer
  • emblazon vt blasonizer; (archaic: extol) gloriizer; laudazer
  • emblem n emblémato || adj emblematic emblémata; (symbolic) símbola; to be emblematic of something eser on símbolo di álico; símbolizer álico
  • embody vt encòrporifer || n embodiment (act) encòrporifo; (result) encòrporifajo
  • embolden vt audaciifer; coragizer
  • embolism n (med.) embolío
  • embonpoint n grasetitio; grosetitio; (buxomness) mamuditio
  • emboss vt (carve, mold, or stamp in relief) [design] relievifer; (carve, mold, or stamp on the surface of) relievizer; stamper; (damask) damacenifer
  • embower vt enpèrguletifer
  • embrace vt (hug) imbracier; (accept, support willingly) voluntarie accepter; [doctrine, party] adheser ad; [opportunity] capter; prender; [profession] envader; selecter; (include) continer; incluser || n (hug) imbracio; (willing acceptance) voluntaria accepto; [of doctrine, party] adheso; [of opportunity] capto; prendo; [of profession] envado; selecto
  • embrasure n imbrasuro
  • embrocate vt (med.) embrochizer || n embrocation (act) embrochizo; (liquid) embroco
  • embrocation n (med.) embroco
  • embroider vt broder; (embellish) orner; plubelifer || n embroidery brodajo; (embellishment) orno; plubelifo
  • embroil vt intricher; (archaic: throw into disorder) perturber
  • embryo n embriono; (fig.) embriono; gérmino; embryologist embriólogo; embryology embriòlogío || adj embryonic embrionisca, -esca; nedisvelopita; rudimenta
  • emend vt [error, text] emender
  • emerald n smeraldo || adj smeraldea
  • emerge vi emerser; [idea, theory] aparer; nacer; [nation] disvelopezer; nacer || adj emergent emersanta; [idea, theory] aparanta; naçanta; [nation] disvelopezanta; naçanta
  • emergency n emergentio; Emergency! Everybody to get from street! Emergentio! Omnos forvader de strado!; emergency fund reservisca fundalo
  • emeritus adj emérita
  • emersion n emerso
  • emery n smerilio; emery cloth smerilii-telo; emery paper smerilii- papero || vt (sand or polish with emery) smeriliijer
  • emetic adj emética; vòmitifiva || n emético; vòmitifivo
  • emic adj (anthro.) émica
  • emigrate vi ecmigrer || n emigrant ecmigranto, -into, -edoro; emigration ecmigro; émigré ecmigrinto
  • eminent adj (distinguished) [doctor, scientist] eminenta; distintita; famosa; (superior) [charm, fairness, good sense] ecelanta; eminenta; exterordinaria; remarcanda || adv eminently alti-grade; eminente; to be eminently suitable convener eminente; eser eminente apta || n eminence eminentitio; (formal, lit.: high ground) altajo; (title) his Eminence dómino cardinalo
  • emir n emiro
  • emissary n delegationito
  • emit vt emiser; [currency] emiser; [fumes, odor] exhaler
  • emmetropia n emètropitio; emmetrope emétropo || adj emmetropic emétropa
  • emoji n emoji
  • emollient adj molifiva || n molifivo
  • emolument n (fee) honorario; (salary) salario; (profit) abantaġo; profito
  • emote vt (give emotional quality to) emotionijer || vi (make emotional display) emotionijer || adj emotive (pertaining to emotion) emotionisca; (arousing emotion) emotionifanta, -ifema, -ifiva; (expressing emotion) emotionijiva
  • emoticon n emoticono
  • emotion n (passion) emotiono; to feel an emotion emotioner; to stir the emotions of emotionifer | (sensation) [happiness, love, fear, anger] sentimento || adj emotional (arousing emotion) emotionifanta, -ifema, -ifiva; (feeling emotion) emotionanta, -ema, -osa
  • emotive adj emotionifanta, -ifema, -ifiva
  • empath n émpatho; empathy èmpathitio || adj empathetic émpatha
  • emperor n ìmperedoro; empress ìmperedoriso
  • emphasize vt èmfaser || n emphasis émfaso || adj emphatic èmfasosa, -ema, -isca; (decisive) [result] necontestébila; [victory, defeat] aplastanta || adv emphatically èmfasose; (definitely) clare; ya
  • emphysema n (med.) emfisemo
  • empire n ìmperayo; to have empire over ìmperer
  • empirical adj empirasca || n empiric empiroso; (archaic: quack) empiraċoso; empiricism empirismo; empiricist empiristo
  • emplace vt fixer || n emplacement (mil.) canon-platformo; canonayo
  • employ vt (give work to) empleer; (make use of) àplicher; user; ùtilifer; (occupy) òcuper || n (being employed) empleezo; to be in the employ of somebody eser empleata da álicu; employee empleato; employer empleanto, -edoro, -isto; employment (act) empleo; (condition) empleezo; (hiring) inguaġo; (job) laboro; òcupezo; profesiono; to be out of employment eser neempleata; eser sine laboro (aut empleezo); to look for employment cercher empleezo (aut laboro); to throw out of employment privationer de empleezo (aut laboro) | (position, post) oficio; (utilization) uso; ùtilifo; employment office emple-oficino
  • emporium n magacino
  • empower vt (authorize) yurizer; (commission) comisioner; (make stronger) plu-fortifer; [women, workers, minorities] potizer
  • empty adj (containing nothing) vacua; on an empty stomach cum vacua stómaco | (vacant) vacanta; (vain) [threat, promise, dream] vana; empty-handed cum vacua manuos || n emptiness vacuitio || vt [container, tank, glass, plate] vacuifer; [liquid] ecfuser; (evacuate) [troops, pus] evacuer; (unload) [goods] descàrichifer; [vehicle, vessel] descàrichizer
  • empurple vt pùrpurifer
  • empyrean adj empíreisca || n empíreo
  • emu n (zool.: Dromaius novaehollandiae) emúo
  • emulate vt (rival, match) èmuler; (imitate) ìmiter || n emulation émulo || adj emulative, emulous èmulema; ìmitema
  • emulsion n emulsionajo || vt to emulsify emulsioner
  • en n (print) cuadratineto; ene-spatio
  • enable vt (make able) capàbilifer; (permit) permiser ad; [jur.] habìliter; (make possible) posìbilifer
  • enact vt (theat.: perform) [play] luder; [role] luder; rolejer; (jur.) [law] legifer; promulgher || n enactment (theat.) ludo; (jur.) promulgo
  • enamel n smalto || vt smaltizer
  • enamor vt (captivate) càrminer; (cause to be in love) amorifer; (cause to love) amifer; to be enamored of eser amorosa ad; eser amosa ad; eser càrminita da; they’re not enamored of the idea la ideo no cárminan los
  • enarthrosis n (anat.) enarthroso
  • enbalm vt bàlsamizer
  • encage vt encàveifer
  • encamp vi acamper; (mil.) bivachejer || n encampment (place) acampayo; (act) acampo
  • encapsulate vt (summarize) resumpter; (enclose in a capsule) encàpsulifer
  • encase vt (enclose) encapsifer; encofrifer; enstuciifer; (cover) inveloper
  • encaustic adj encàustichisca || n (paint) encàustichivo; (process) encáustico; (result) encàusticajo
  • enceinte adj (archaic: pregnant) grávida
  • encephalitis n (med.) encèfalito
  • encephalon n (anat.) encéfalo
  • enchain vt catenizer
  • enchant vt (delight) càrminer; delectationer; (cast spell on) incanter || n enchanter incantisto || adj enchanting càrminanta, -iva; delectationanta, -iva
  • enchase vt (decorate with engraving) [jewel, art] orne ciselijer; (place) [jewel] incastrer
  • encircle vt circumder; encìrculifer; (mil.) incìrculer
  • enclave n inclavo
  • enclitic n enclítico || adj enclítica
  • enclose vt (close off) [land] circumcluder; (include) [in envelope, package] incluser; herewith enclosed inclusita (aut continata) cum ecuilo || n enclosure (act) [of closing off] circumcludo; [of inclusion] incluso; (area) circumcludayo; (thing) inclusito
  • encomium n (formal) panegírico
  • encompass vt (surround) circumder; (include) incluser
  • encore n (repeated or additional performance) bis-ludo || vt clamer bis por || inter bis!
  • encounter vt [difficulty, danger, enemy] afronter; incontrer; [person] incontrer || n [with difficulty, danger, enemy] afronto; incontro; [with person] incontro
  • encourage vt (hearten) coragizer; (incite) ìnciter; (stimulate) stìmuler || n encouragement (heartening) coragizo; (incitement) íncito; (stimulation) stímulo || adj encouraging (heartening) coragizanta, -iziva; (inciting) ìncitanta, -iva; (stimulating) stìmulanta, -iva
  • encroach vi (intrude) intruser si; (advance gradually) abantier (gradene); to encroach on [land] invaser; [rights] usurper || n encroachment intruso; [of land] invaso; [of rights] usurpo
  • encrust vt (form crust on) crustizer; (inlay) incruster || vi (form crust) crustefer || n encrustation (act) crustizo, -efo; [inlaying] incrusto; (result) crusto; [inlay] incrustajo
  • encumber vt [person, object] càrichizer; encumbered estate proprietato càrichizita per hipotheco | [person, object, movement] descòmodizer; imbaraser; impeder; (by crowding, piling on) [person, object, movement, place] incombrer || n encumbrance (burden) cárico; impedivo; (jur.) hipotheco
  • encyclical n encíclico
  • encyclopedia n enciclopedío
  • encyst vt enchistecer; enchistifer
  • end n (final part) fino; the approaching end la venunta fino | (finale) finalo; at an end [activity] conclusita; (par)finita; to come to an end expirecer; finezecer; to come to a bad end finezer male; (become depleted) their fun had come to an end ad los exhaustezin la amuso; lora amuso expirin; los no pluse habin amuso; in the end fine; ye la fino; (in conclusion) concluse | (termination, cessation) cesationo; fino; to make an end of cesationifer; concluser; to no end enorme; that irritated him to no end ecuilo iritin il enorme; no end of on maro de; they had no end of complaints after that los receptin on maro de planġos post ecuilo; to put an end to cesationifer | (death) morto; to meet one’s end incontrer (aut trover) morto | (extremity) extremajo; to be at the end of one’s rope no poter pluse; to be at wit’s end no poter pluse; to hold one’s end up (in argument) defenser si bone; (in undertaking) facer sua parto; to make ends meet atinger la pecunio; at the end of ye la extremajo di; end to end extremajo an extremajo; on end (continuously) five days on end cinca dios consecutiva; for days on end dio post dio | (upright) statiante; verticale; to make one’s hair stand on end hericieschifer | (fragment, remnant) [of loaf, candle, meat] restanto; (goal) obiectivo; to attain one’s end por atinger sua obiectivo; the end justifies the means la fino justífican la meano; to no end sine resulto; vane; to the end that… por che… -es; (in compounds) end game finisca faso; end product finisca producto; end table extremaj-menso; end user finisca usedoro; ending [act] concluso; fino; [final part] finajo; (extremity) extremajo; (gram.) desinentio || vt (finish) finer; concluser; (stop) cesationifer; to end one’s life cesationifer sua vivo || vi (finish) finezer; to end by saying finezer diçante; to end in failure finezer per on falo; the story ends with everyone dying la storio finezan per la morto di omnos; (cease) cesationer; to end up fine eser (aut trovezer) || adj endless necesationanta; constanta; continua; eterna; necesationosa; nefinosa; perpetua; (countless) necontébila (aut sine conto); nenumbrosa; endmost maxim extrema; maxim fora || adv endlong (archaic: lengthwise) secuno longhitio; endwise perpendiculare
  • endanger vt enperìculifer; poner en perículo
  • endear vt carifer || n carifo
  • endeavor v (make effort) efortier; to endeavor to do something efortier facer álico | (take pains) pener; (take steps) facer pasuos || n (attempt) éprobo; (effort) efortio; peno; (undertaking) interprenso
  • endemic adj (med.) [area] endemìisca; [disease] endemía || n endemío
  • endive n (bot.: Cichorium endivia) endivio
  • endocarditis n (med.) endocardito
  • endocardium n (anat.) endocardio
  • endocarp n (bot.) endocarpo
  • endocrine adj (physiol.) endócrina || n endocrinology endòcrinòloghío
  • endogamy n (anthro.) endògamío || adj endogamous endógama
  • endoplasm n (bio., dated) endoplasmo
  • endorphin n (biochem.) endorfino
  • endorse vt (approve) àprober; (advertise) [product, company] recomender (publícite); (support) apodier; suporter; (sign) [check] indorser; (guarantee) [bill] avalizer || n endorsee indorsatario; endorsement (signature) indors(aj)o; (support) apodio; suporto; endorser indorsanto
  • endoscope n (med.) endoscopio; endoscopy endoscopiijo
  • endosmosis n (bio., chem.) endosmozo
  • endothermic adj endotherma
  • endow vt dotizer || n endowment (act) dotizo; (thing bequeathed) doto
  • endure vt (bear, undergo) subitioner; (suffer from) sùferer; (tolerate) tòlerer || vi (remain, last) durationer || n endurance (lastingness) durationivitio; (tolerance) suportivitio; tólero; beyond endurance netòlerébila || adj endurable tòlerébila; enduring [appeal, legacy, quality, peace, friendship, fame, love] durationanta; [illness, hardship] persistanta; [image, grudge] tenaça
  • enema n (med.) [act] clisterizo; to give an enema to clisterizer | [device] clisterizatro; [fluid] clistero
  • enemy n inimico
  • energy n energío; energetics energético || vt to energize energìizer || adj energetic [government, action, measure, denial, refusal, performance, campaign] energìosa; vigorosa; [person] actema; energìosa; forta; vigorosa; (pertaining to energy) energìisca
  • enervate vt dèbilifer; desfortitiizer
  • enfeeble vt dèbilifer
  • enfeoff vt feudizer
  • enfilade n (mil.: end-to-end volley) infilo || vt infiler
  • enfold vt (envelop) envolver; (embrace) imbracier
  • enforce vt (compel compliance with) [law, rule] ficer obeder (aut executer); John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it! Johane Marshall facin sua deciso; nun il fices obeder ol!; (impose) [cooperation, peace] imposer || n enforcement fiço obeder (aut executer) || adj enforceable ficiva obeder (aut executer)
  • enfranchise vt (pol.) conceser la yuro votationer; (hist.: free) emànciper
  • enfrock vt frochizer
  • engage vt (occupy) [attention, interest] òcuper; (attract) [attention] atracter; capter; (involve) [in activity] cominitier … cum …; to engage somebody in conversation cominitier converso cum álicu; to engage the enemy in battle cominitier batalio (aut combato) cum la inimico; (hire) inguager; (dated: reserve) reserver; (initiate battle with) atacher; (mech.) [clutch] imbracher; [cog] ingraner || vi (participate) [in activity] parti-prender (de álico); (promise) [+ infinitive] promiser || n engagement (agreement to marry) fidantiezo; (appointment) apuntamento; (arrangement to do something) aranġo; (mil.) batalio; (occupation) òcupezo; (participation) parti-prendo || adj engaged (busy) òcupata; (to marry) fidantiita; engaging (charming) afábila; atractiva; càrminanta, -iva; (enthralling) fàcinanta, -iva; pasionifanta, -ifiva
  • engender vt causìer; efectifer; producter; (archaic: beget) gèniter; [as father] ingenerater
  • engine n (motor) motoro; (locomotive) locomotivo; (hist.: any machine) máchino; engine of war guer-máchino; engine driver (Brit., dated) locomotivisto; engineer ingeniaro; (machinist) màchinisto; (mechanic) máchin-rèparisto; (RR) locomotivisto; engineering ingeniarío; genetic engineering gen-ingeniarío; gen-tecnòloghío | (contriving) ingenio || vt to engineer (contrive, devise) ingenier; (modify) [genetic material] manìpuler
  • engirdle vt (lit.) circumder
  • England n Anglia; just close your eyes and think of England mere cludes vua óculos et penses sopre Anglia
  • English adj Angliana; (ethnically) Angla; (pertaining to the ethnic English) Anglisca; English daisy (bot.: Bellis perennis) margariteto; English muffin Angliana múfino; English oak (bot.: Quercus robur) róboro; English-speaking Angli-paraulanta; Anglófona || n (language) Anglenso; English as a Second Language Anglenso como duésima linguaġo; in plain English en paraulo simpla; the King’s/Queen’s English Anglenso corecta; Old English anticua Anglenso; English-speaker Angli-paraulanto; Anglófono; Englishman, Englishwoman Angliano; (ethnic) Anglo
  • engorge vt infler; to engorge oneself (archaic) repletazifer si
  • engrave vt [design, text] graber; [precious stone, medal] grabizer; [wood for printing] xilògrafìer || n engraving [of design, text] grabo, -ajo; [of precious stone, medal] grabizo, -ajo; [of wood for printing] xilògrafío, -ajo
  • engross vt [attention, person] absorpter; (jur.) nete scriber (aut copier) || adj engrossing absorptanta, -iva; interesazanta, -aziva
  • engulf vt (sweep over) merger; necher; (swallow up) gluter
  • enhance vt (augment) [value, powers] augmenter; (improve) [position, reputation, chances] meliorifer; plu-bonifer; (intensify) plu-altifer; plu-intensifer
  • enigma n enígmato
  • enjoin vt (order) mandationer; (law: prohibit) pròhiber
  • enjoy vt (take pleasure in) [meal, wine, occasion] fruer; (have benefit of) [good health, income, respect, advantage] fruer; to enjoy oneself amuser si; amusezer || n enjoyment contentifo; fruo; placero; (possession) fruo || adj enjoyable (pleasant) agratábila
  • enkindle vt (lit.) [wood, fire] accender; [emotion, interest] accender; evìgiler
  • enlarge vt augmenter; plu-grandifer; (extend) extenser; (make more spacious) amplifer; (med.) dilationer; hipertrofìer || vi to enlarge on detalizer
  • enlighten vt (inform) informer; (educate) instructer; (relig., formal) ilùminer || n enlightenment (explanation) clarifo; éxplico; (knowledge) instructo; (relig., formal) ilúmino; the Enlightenment (hist.) la ilùminismo
  • enlist vt (mil.) recruter; (engage) [help, support] obtiner || vi (mil.) recruter si
  • enliven vt (make lively) alecrifer; animationer; (stimulate) stìmuler
  • en masse adv amase
  • enmesh vt enretifer; intricher
  • enmity n inimichitio
  • enneagon n eneágono; nonágono
  • ennoble vt (give noble qualities to) nòbilifer; (give noble rank to) nobiliarifer
  • ennui n inodiezo
  • enormous adj enorma; grandaza || n enormity enormitio; grandazitio; [of crime] gravitio
  • enough adj sufiçanta; (ample) ampla || adv sufiçante; (tolerably) pasábile; it’s good enough li es pasábila || prn sufiçanta; to be enough suficer; enough! ecuilo sufiçan!; more than enough plu cam sufiçanta
  • en passant adv pasante
  • enquire v cuestioner
  • enrage vt furiifer
  • enrapture vt ècstasifer
  • enrich vt richifer
  • enroll vi [in institution] enmatrìculecer || vt [in institution] enmatrìculifer; (law, hist.) [deed, document] registrijer; (archaic: put on list) enlistifer; enregistrifer
  • en route adv surviale
  • ensconce vt confortose instaler; to ensconce oneself confortose instaler si
  • ensemble n insímulo
  • enshrine vt (place into receptacle for revered objects) enrelicuiuyifer; (fig.) [right, tradition, idea] guarantìer; protecter
  • enshroud vt (lit.) inveloper
  • ensign n (flag) standardo; (US naut.) subtenento
  • ensile vt ensilifedo
  • enslave vt sclavifer
  • ensnare vt entrapifer
  • ensue vi (follow after) secuer; (logically) consecuer (de); resulter (de) || adj ensuing consecuanta; resultanta; secuanta
  • ent n (fantasy) anto
  • entablature n (archit.) intabulamento
  • entail vt (necessitate) necesifer; it entailed learning Hovitos lo necesifin aprenser Hovitenso; (involve) what does the job entail? en cuo conistan la laboro?; (jur.) [estate] majoràtichischifer
  • entangle vt intricher || n entanglement intrico, -ajo; let’s just say we’d like to avoid any Imperial entanglements nos dices che nos desìdereban eviter intricos Ìmperayisca
  • entente n (pol.) entento; the Entente Cordial la Cordiisca Entento; the Triple Entente la Tripla Entento
  • enter vt (go into) entrer; envader; (come into) envener; (join) [church] clèrichecer; sacerdotecer; [military] recruter si; [profession] entrer; (write so as to record) enregistrifer; enscriber; [in book] noter; [in database] enponer; [in ledger] crèditifer; dèbitifer; (jur.: submit) [statement] presentationer; to enter a plea of guilty/not guilty declarationer si culposa/inocenta; to enter an appeal presentationer (aut facer) apelo || vi two men enter, one man leaves entran dua hóminos, éxitan una; (theat.) enter Birdboot entran Birdboot; to enter into (engage in) parti-prender; [contract] contracter; to enter upon (formal: begin) [activity] cominitier; initier; interprenser; [career] debuter en
  • enteric adj intestinisca || n enteritis ènterito
  • enteritis n (med.) enterito
  • enterprise n (undertaking) interprenso; (initiative) initiativo; interprensemitio; (business, company) interprensedo; (entrepreneurial activity) interprenso || adj enterprising interprensema
  • entertain vt (amuse) amuser; (distract) distracter; (offer hospitality to) hòspiter; (regale) regaler; (consider) consìderer || n entertainer amusisto; entertainment amuso, -ivo; [of guest] hóspito; (regalement) regalo
  • enthrall vt càrminazer; fàciner; (archaic: enslave) sclavifer
  • enthrone vt surthronifer
  • enthuse vi enthusiasmer || vt enthusiasmifer || n enthusiasm enthusiasmo; enthusiast enthusiasmanto || adj enthusiastic enthusiasmanta, -ema, -osa
  • entice vt lurer
  • entire adj (whole) tota; (complete) completa; (intact, undivided) íntegra || adv entirely complete; plene; tote
  • entitle vt (give right to) yurizer; to be entitled to do something haber la yuro facer álico | (give title to) tìtulizer
  • entity n (that which has a distinct existence as an individual unit) ento; (being, existence) entitio; eso; existo
  • entomb vt entumbifer
  • entomology n entomòloghío; entomologist entomólogo
  • entourage n secuantado
  • entr’acte n interacto
  • entrails n intestinado
  • entrance n (opening, way in) entrayo; [of cave, container, gun, harbor, bay] buco; (act of entering) entro; envado; enveno; (right to enter) acces-yuro; entri-yuro; (beginning) cominitio; debuto; initio; entrance fee entri-pretio; pretio di entro
  • entrance vt (captivate) càrminazer; fàciner; incanter; (bewitch) incanter
  • entrant n (candidate) candidato; (competitor) [in race, contest] concursanto; (novice) novicio
  • entrap vt entrapifer; (fig.) instigher || n entrapment [act] entrapifo; [state] entrapeso; (jur.) politìisca instigo
  • entreat vt precher; sùplicher
  • entrechat n (ballet) intriciato
  • entrée n (culin.) [main course] ċef-platilo; principala platilo; [starter] entreo; (right to enter) entri-yuro
  • entremets n (culin.) interplatilo
  • entrench vt (firmly establish) radicizer; to become entrenched radicefer | (mil.) fortìficher; trencatizer
  • entrepôt n depòsitayo; magacino
  • entrepreneur n interprensisto
  • entresol n interstaġo
  • entropy n èntropitio || adj entropic éntropa
  • entrust vt (assign responsibility to) comisioner; (put into someone’s care) confider; [secret] confidentier
  • entry n (entrance) [act] entro; envado; enveno; [right] acces-yuro; entri-yuro; port of entry duvan-portuo | (written item) enponajo; enregistrifajo; enscribajo; [in reference book] artículo; double entry dèbitisca et crèditisca conto | (participant) [in race, competition] parti-prendanto || adj entry-level (basic) [computer] basamentisca; (starting) [salary, position] initiisca
  • entwine vt (interweave) intreplecter; (twist around) torce volver
  • enucleate vt (bio., med.) desnùcleizer
  • enumerate vt (mention one by one) enùmerer; (formal: count) conter
  • enunciate vt [sound, word] bone articulationer (aut pronuntier); [theory, idea] fòrmulizer
  • enuresis n (med.) enureso
  • envelop vt (cover completely) inveloper; [by wrapping up] envolver; (mil.: surround) incìrculer
  • envelope n [for letter] invelopelo; (covering) invelopatro; (math) invelopanto
  • envenom vt venenizer
  • environ vt (formal: surround) circumder; recluser || n environment ambiento; environmentalism ecòloghismo; environs circumajos
  • envisage vt imaginationer
  • envoy n (diplómata) invìito; delegationito
  • envy n invidio; enviousness invidiemitio || vt invidier || adj enviable invidianda; envious invidiema, -osa; to be envious of invidier
  • enwrap vt inveloper; (by rolling) envolver; (engross) absorpter
  • enzyme n (biochem.) enzimo
  • Eocene adj (geol.) Eocenisca || n the Eocene Eoceno
  • eon n eono
  • eosin n eosino
  • epact n epacto
  • eparch n eparco; eparchy eparchio
  • epaulette n epaleto
  • épée n spatho
  • ephebus n (hist.) efebo
  • ephedrine n (med.) efedrino
  • ephemera n efémeros || adj ephemeral efémera
  • ephemeris n (astron., astrol.) efemérido
  • epic n épico || adj épica, -esca
  • epicene adj epicena || n epiceno
  • epicenter n epicentro
  • epicure n gastrónomo; Epicurean Epicuristo; Epicureanism Epicurismo || adj epicurean Epicurismisca
  • epicycle n (geom.) epiciclo; epicycloid (geom.) epicicloido
  • epidemic n epidemío; epidemiology epidemìòloghío || adj epidemía, -isca, -esca
  • epidermis n (anat., zool., bot.) epidérmido
  • epidiascope n epidiascopio
  • epidural adj epidurala
  • epigastrium n (anat.) epigastrio
  • epiglottis n (anat.) epiglótido
  • epigone n epígono
  • epigram n epigramo
  • epigraph n epìgrafajo; epigrapher, epigraphist epígrafo; epigraphy epìgrafío
  • epilepsy n epilepsío || adj epileptic (having epilepsy) epilepsíaca; (pertaining to epilepsy) epilepsìisca
  • epilogue n (also “epilog”) epílogo
  • Epiphany n (relig., fig.) epifanío
  • epiphysis n (anat.) epífiso
  • epiphyte n (bot.) epífito
  • episcopate n (rank, office) epìscopitio; (collective) epìscopado; (rare: bishopric) dióceso; epìscopio; episcopacy (collective) epìscopado; (government) epìscopío; (rank, office) epìscopitio || adj episcopal epìscopisca
  • episode n episodio
  • epistemology n epistemòloghío; epistemologist epistemólogo
  • epistle n (formal, hum.: letter) epístolo; (lit., biblical) Epístolo
  • epitaph n epitafio
  • epithalamium n epithalamio
  • epithelium n (anat.) epithelio
  • epithet n epítheto
  • epitome n (paragon) modelo; (summary) [of book] epítomo; [of science, doctrine] compendio || vt to epitomize (exemplify) eser on modelo di; modelìer; (archaic: summarize) [book] epìtomifer; [science, doctrine] compendiifer
  • epizootic adj (med.) [disease] epizootía || n epizootío
  • epoch n époco || adj epoch-making èpochefanta; epochal èpochisca
  • epode n epodo
  • epoxy n (resin) epóxida resino
  • Epsom salts n epsomito
  • equable adj [person] ecuánima; trancuila; [climate] constanta; stábila
  • equal adj ecuala || n ecualo; equality ecualitio || vt ecualeser ad; to equalize ecualifer
  • equanimous adj ecuánima; trancuila || n equanimity ecuànimitio
  • equate vt ecualifer || n equation (act of equating) ecualifo; (math, chem.) ecuationo; equator ecuatoro || adj equatorial ecuatorisca; equatorial telescope ecuatorialo; ecuatorisca telescopio
  • equerry n scutaro
  • equestrian adj cabàlichisca || n cabàlichedoro, -isto
  • equiangular adj ecuiángula
  • equidistant adj ecuidistanta
  • equilateral adj ecuilátera
  • equilibrium n ecuilibrio; to be in equilibrium ecuilibrier
  • equimultiple adj (math) ecuimúltupla || n ecuimúltuplo
  • equine adj cabalisca, -esca || n cabalo
  • equinox n ecuinoctio
  • equip vt ecuiper || n equipage (hist.) [carriage] vecturo; [retinue] excorto; secuantado; (archaic) ecuipajo; equipment ecuipajo; (machinery) aparatado
  • equipoise n ecuilibrio
  • equipollent adj (math, logic) ecuipolenta || n equipollence ecuipolentitio
  • equisetum n (bot.: Equisetum) ecuiseto
  • equity n (fairness) ecuitato; yustitio; (stock ex.) action-valoro; equities ordinaria actionos | (fin.: value of property above amount owed) licuidation-valoro || adj equitable ecuitatosa; yusta
  • equivalent adj ecuìvalanta; to be equivalent to ecuìvaler || n ecuìvalanto; equivalence ecuívalo
  • equivocate vi parauler (aut scriber) ambigue (aut eluse) || adj equivocal ambigua; elusema
  • era n eralo; the Christian era la Cristiana eralo; (epoch) époco
  • eradicate vt extirper
  • erase vt [marks, writing] efacier; [paper, hard drive] efaciijer || n eraser efaciiva gumo
  • erbium n (chem.: Er) erbio
  • ere conj (lit., archaic) ante che || prep ante; ere long post nelonghe; prompte
  • erect adj (upright, straight) erecta; verticala; (physiol.) [penis, clitoris, nipples] erectionanta || n erection [of building, wall] constructo; [of statue, monument, tent] erectifo; statiifer; (physiol.) erectiono || vt [building, wall] constructer; [statue, monument, tent] erectifer
  • eremite n eremito
  • erg n (phys.) ergo
  • ergative adj (gram.) [case, language, verb] ergativa
  • ergo adv consecue; dunche
  • ergot n (bot.: Claviceps purpurea) ergoto; ergotine (chem.) ergotino; ergotism ergotismo | (zool.) ùngulazeto
  • Eritrea n Eritrea; Eritrean Eritreano
  • ermine n (zool.: Mustela erminea) ermino; (fur) ermin-pelicio
  • erode vt (geol., med., fig.) eroser || vi erosezer || n erosion eroso, -ajo
  • erogenous adj (also “erotogenic”, “erotogenous”) erógena
  • erotic adj erotasca; erótica || n erotica eròticajos; eroticism eròtichitio || vt to eroticize eròtichifer
  • err vi erorer || n errancy (formal or hum.) eroremitio; error eroro; to be in error eser en eroro; haber on nejusta notiono; to lead into error enconducter en eroro; willful error volitionita eroro || adj errant (formal or hum.: erring) eroranta; (archaic or lit.: roving) vaganta
  • errand n tasco, -eto; (for someone else) comisiono, -eto; to run an errand facer on tasco (aut comisiono); errand boy (dated) comision-puero
  • erratic adj [driving, performance, progress, movements, sales, pulse] nerègulasca; [person, behavior, moods] neconstanta; variema; (geol.) erática
  • erratum n erato; impres-eroro; errata (list) eratos
  • erroneous adj erora, -osa; erroneous judgment misjúdico
  • ersatz adj surogata
  • erstwhile adj ántea
  • eruct, eructate vi (formal: burp) ructer
  • erudite adj èrudita; to make erudite èruder || n erudition èrudititio
  • erupt vi erupter || n eruption erupto
  • eryngo n (bot.: Eryngium) eringio
  • erysipelas n (med.) erisípelato
  • erythrosin n (chem.) erithrosino
  • escalade n (hist.) scalinad-asalto
  • escalate vi (increase rapidly) [costs, prices] augmentezer; (intensify) [conflict, violence] (plu-)intensecer; well that escalated quickly ben ecuilo intensecin rápide || n escalator escalatoro; máchin-scalonado; moviva scalonado
  • escapade n excapato
  • escape vi excaper; (leak) lechezer || vt excaper de; to escape prison excaper de prisiono; (fail to be remembered) fuger ec mémoro; oblitezer || n excapo; to make one’s escape excaper; narrow escape apena excapo; escape artist excapólogo; escape clause ecepti-cláusulo; escape key excapi-tasto; escape pipe excapi-túbulo; escape velocity excapi-velocitato; escapement (tech.) excapamento; escapism excapismo || adj escapist excapismisca
  • escarpment n (geol.) scarpo
  • eschar n (med.) éscaro
  • eschatology n escatòloghío; eschatologist escatólogo
  • escheat n (jur., hist.) [act] éxcado; reversiono; [property] èxcadajo; reversionajo || vt èxcadifer || vi èxcader
  • eschew vt (avoid) eviter || vi (avoid) (abstain from) abstiner de
  • escort n acompanianto; (professional) acompaniisto; (for security, a mark of rank, etc.) excorto || vt acompanier; (for security, a mark of rank, etc.) excortizer; to escort out ecacompanier
  • escritoire n scrib-menso; scriptorio
  • esculent adj mangébila
  • escutcheon n blason-scuto; scútulo
  • -ese afx (lang.) -enso; Japanese Japonienso; journalese jurnalenso
  • Eskimo n Éschimo
  • esophagus n (anat.) esófago
  • esoteric adj esotérica
  • espalier n spatulario
  • esparcet n (obsolete, bot.: Onobrychis) san-feno
  • esparto n (bot.: Stipa tenacissima, Lygeum spartum) sparto
  • especial adj (special) speciala; (particular) particulara || adv especially (expressly) I came especially to see you mi venin speciale por vìsiter vi; (more than usual, more than average) “Is he smart?” “Not especially.” “Es il inteligenta?” “No particulare.”; (over all others) she despised them all, especially Jack el desapretiazin los omna, particulare (aut super omnu) Jácobo
  • Esperanto n Esperanto; Esperantist Esperantisto
  • espionage n spionío
  • esplanade n (gen., mil.) explanato
  • espouse vt [cause, plan, idea] adheser ad; adopter; (archaic: marry) sponsecer cum
  • espresso n espreso; espresso machine espres-máchino
  • esprit n (liveliness) enthusiasmo; vivacitio; (wit) argutitio; esprit de corps grup-spírito
  • espy vt (lit.) videcer
  • -esque afx -esca; carnivalesque carnevalesca; Tolkienesque Tolkien-esca
  • esquire n scutaro; Devin James Stone, Esquire Scutaro Devin Jácobo Stone; (hist.) scutaro
  • -ess afx -iso; murderess asasiniso; tigress tigriso
  • essay n (literat.) exayo; essayist exayisto | (formal: attempt) éprobo || vt (try) èprober
  • essence n esentio; essential (absolutely necessary thing) necesazo; neprecindébilo; (fundamental thing) fundamentisco; rudimento || adj essential (absolutely necessary) necesaza; neprecindébila; (fundamental) esentia, -isca; essentially esentie
  • -est afx (archaic) -ant, -int, -unt; whither thou goest I will go adube ti vadunt, vadunt mi
  • establish vt (set up) [organization, system] fundationer; stabilicer; (ascertain) [fact] constater; (prove) demonstrationer; (determine) [date] determinationer || n establishment (act of setting up) stabilicer; (ascertainment) [of fact] constato; demonstrationo; (organization) -erío; education establishment èducherío; the Establishment la dìriġanta claso | [business] firmaturo; [household] focaro; [personnel] personalo
  • estafette n (obsolete: dispatch rider) stafeto
  • estate n (land, grounds) teren-proprietato; (possessions) proprietatos; personal estate personisca proprietatos | [of deceased] herèditedo; (pol.) claso; the Third Estate la Triésima Claso; (archaic, lit.: condition) stando; man’s estate hòminisca etato; hòminitio; maturitio; (archaic, lit.: rank) rango; estate car (Brit.) familialo
  • esteem n éstimo || vt èstimer; (formal: deem) consìderer; jùdicher
  • ester n (chem.) éstero
  • estimable adj èstimanda
  • estimate vt evaluter; (calculate) càlculer; (roughly) apròximer || n evaluto; (calculation) cálculo; (rough) apróximo; (for work, etc.) preliminara evaluto; (judgment) júdico; opino; estimation apróximo; (judgment) júdico; opino
  • estivate vi estivationer || n estivation estivationo
  • estoc n estoco
  • Estonia n Estonia; Estonian Estoniano
  • estrade n podio
  • estrange vt alienationer; desafectionifer || adj estranged [spouse] sèparita
  • estriol n estriolo
  • estrogen n (physiol.) estrógeno
  • estrone n (biochem.) estrono
  • estuary n estuario
  • etagere n staġario
  • etc. adv (et cetera) [and so forth] et asíc pluse; [and the like] et símilos; [and the remainder] et céteros (etc.)
  • etch vt (engrave) [metal, glass, stone] graber (per fort-acuo); [text, design] graber (per fort-acuo); (corrode) coroser || n etching (result) grabajo (per fort-acuo)
  • eternal adj eterna || n eternity eternitio || vt to eternalize eternifer
  • eternity n (duration) eterno; (quality) eternitio
  • -eth afx (archaic) -ant, -int, -unt; The Iceman Cometh La Glaciígero venant; my cup runneth over mea copo exterfluant
  • ethane n (chem.) ethano
  • ether n éthero || vt to etherealize ètherifer; to etherize (chiefly hist.) ètherizer || adj ethereal ètheresca, -isca; (chem.) ètherosa
  • ethic n éthico; ethics éthico || adj ethical èthichisca, -asca, -osa
  • Ethiopia n Ethiopia; Ethiopian Ethíopo
  • ethmoid n (anat.) ethmoido || adj [bone] ethmoida
  • ethnic adj (belonging to an ethnic group) ethnana; (pertaining to an ethnic group) ethnisca; ethnic cleansing ethni-nitifo; ethnic group ethno
  • ethnography n ethnògrafío; ethnographer ethnógrafo
  • ethnology n ethnòloghío; ethnologist ethnólogo
  • ethology n ethòloghío; ethologist ethólogo
  • ethos n etho; say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos dices cuo vi desíderan sopre la principios di nationischi-socialismo, Cherlo, admínime li es on etho
  • ethyl n (chem.) ethilo
  • ethylene n (chem.) ethileno
  • etic adj (anthro.) ética
  • etiolate vt pàlidifer || vi pàlidecer
  • etiology vi etiòloghío
  • etiquette n eticheto
  • Etruscan adj Etruriana || n Etruriano
  • ettin n (fantasy: Norse giant) yótuno; (fantasy: two-headed giant) étino
  • étude n (mus.) studajo
  • etui n etuio
  • etymology n etimòloghío; etymologist etimólogo
  • eucalyptus n (bot.: Eucalyptus) eucalipto
  • eucharist n eucaristío
  • Euclidean adj Euclidisca
  • eudiometer n (chem.) eudiómetro; eudiometry eudiòmetrío
  • eugenics n eugénico
  • eulogy n elogio || vt to eulogize elogier
  • eunuch n eunuco
  • euphemism n eufemizo || vt to euphemize eufemizer || adj euphemistic eufemizanta, -osa
  • euphonium n (mus.) eufóniumo
  • euphony n eufonío || adj euphonious eufonìosa
  • euphorbia n (bot.: Euphorbia) euforbio
  • euphoria n euforío || adj euphoric euforìosa
  • Eurasia n Eurasia; Eurasian Eurasiano || adj Eurasian Eurasiana
  • eurhythmics n rithmasca gimnastío
  • euro n () euro
  • Europe n Europa; European Europano || adj European Europana
  • europium n (chem.: Eu) europio
  • Eustachian tube n (anat.) túbulo di Eustachio
  • euthanasia n euthanasío || vt to euthanize euthanasìer
  • evacuate vt (remove) [contents, people] evacuer; (empty) [container, area, bowels] vacuifer
  • evade vt eluser; eviter || n evasion eluso; evito || adj evasive elusema
  • evaluate vt evaluter
  • evanesce vi (lit.) forpaser || adj evanescent forpasanta
  • evangel n evangelio; evangelist (author) evangeliisto; (preacher) evangeliizisto || vt to evangelize [someone] evangeliizer || vi to evangelize prèdicher la evangelio || adj evangelical (in accordance with the Gospels) evangeliasca; (zealous) zelosa
  • evaporate vi vaporecer || vt vaporifer || n evaporator vaporifatro
  • eve n (period before) dio ante; [evening] véspero ante; (relig.) vigilio; on the eve of… jus ante…; ye la dio ante… | (chiefly lit.: evening) véspero
  • even adj (smooth, flat) plana; (equally balanced) ecuala; to get even with rivincer; (on the same level) to be even with eser conivela ad | (quits) cuita; (uniform) uniforma; (arith.: not odd) [number] para; even-handed ecuitatosa; nepartitosa; even-tempered ecuánima || adv (emphatic) etiam; do you even lift? etiam halterijan vi?; even as metípsime cam; even if etiam se; even now etiam nun; incore; even so malgrate ecuilo; tamen; even though cuancam; malgrate che; not even etiam no; he can’t even read il no sapan etiam lecturer; I’m not even supposed to be here today! mi etiam no deban asister hodie!; not even God can sink this ship etiam Deo no potan afunder ecuista navo; not even one etiam no una || vt (make equal) ecualifer; (make balanced) ecuilibriifer; (make level) nivelifer; (make smooth) planifer
  • even n (archaic, lit.: evening) véspero; evensong vésper-servitio (aut -himno)
  • evening n véspero; good evening! bona véspero!; in the evening véspere; this evening hodie véspere; tomorrow evening demane véspere; evening dress vésper-kostumo; [man’s] fraco; [woman’s] vésper-vestito; evening primrose (bot.: Oenothera) enothero
  • event n (happening) evento; (case) at all events, in any event admínime; en omna caso; ye álica cunche evento; in that event ecuil-case; en ecuila caso || adj eventful eventi-plena
  • eventual adj (final) fin(isc)a; (pertaining to events) eventisca || adv eventually (in the end) fine || n eventuality (possible outcome) eventualo
  • eventuate vi (chiefly formal: result) resulter; (chiefly formal: happen as a result) eventer (pro, de)
  • ever adv (at any time) alicuande; hardly ever presche jamás; if ever he comes se il alicuande venun | (always) sempre; for ever and ever por sempre; ever since dex (ecuila témporo); dexe; ever so -aze; extreme; ever so pretty extreme linda; we’re ever so grateful nos multaze gratitúdinan; evermore por eterne; por sempre || adj everlasting necesationanta; evergreen sempre vírida; everlasting constanta; eterna; necesationosa; nemortiva; nepericiva; permananta; everlasting flower imortalo || n everglade herbosa marscado; evergreen sempra vírido
  • every adj (each) cascuna; every single one of them cascunu de los | (all) omna; every kind of di omna tipo; in every case en omna caso; omni-case; (in phrases) every little helps omno es adjuto; every man for himself cascunu por si; salves si cua potan; everyday (daily) diala; omni-dia; (ordinary, commonplace) diala; ordinaria || adv every day diale; omni-die; ye omna dio; every now and then de témporo ad témporo; every other, every two ye omna duésima; every other day ye omna duésima dio; every time sempre; this recipe gives perfect couscous every time ecuista récipo sempre donun perfecta cuscuso | (each) cascun-vece; every time that… cuande cunche…; (each) cascun-vece cuande…; everywhere omnube || n everything omno || prn everybody, everyone omnu, omnos; (each) cascunu, -os || pos everyone’s omnuya
  • evict vt evicter
  • evidence n (proof) probo; false evidence falsa probo | (testimony) atesto; to give evidence of atester; to turn state’s evidence atester contre sua cómpliços; (sign) índiço; índico, -anto; to show evidence of monstrer; in evidence evidenta; vidébila || vt (make evident) evidentifer; monstrer; (prove) demonstrationer; prober
  • evident adj evidenta; to make evident evidentifer; monstrer
  • evil adj (profoundly immoral and malevolent) malvata; evil empire malvata ìmperayo | (demonic, diabolical) demonesca, -isca; diàbolesca, -isca; (practicing black magic) evil sorcerer strig(uci)o; (harmful) mala; nociva; (causing sorrow) funesta; (unpleasant) [reputation] malvatisca; [sight, smell] mala; evil-minded mal-volitionanta, -osa || n (wickedness) lo malvata; the conflict between good and evil la conflicto intre lo bena et lo malvata; the forces of evil la fortios di lo malvata; to speak evil of maledicentier | [manifestation] malvatajo; [quality] malvatitio; (harmful thing) funesto; malo; nocivo; the evils of drink la consecuantos (aut funestos) di le trinco; to invoke evil on ìmprecher; the lesser of two evils la men granda de dua malos; a necessary evil on necesaria malo; evildoer mal-façanto; malvato
  • evince vt (formal) evidentifer; manifester; monstrer
  • eviscerate vt desintestinizer
  • evoke vt (bring to mind) [memories] ecvocher; (elicit) [response] provocationer; (invoke) [demons] goetìer; [spirits] conjurer || adj evocative ecvochìva
  • evolve vi (bio.) evolutioner; (develop) [system, theory, plan] disvelopezer; evolutioner || n evolution evolutiono || adj evolved (developed) disvelopita
  • ew inter puáh!
  • ewe n ovìculiso
  • ewer n acui-úrceo
  • ex- afx (former) ex-; (out of) ec-
  • exacerbate vt [pain, disease, problem, situation] exàcerber
  • exact adj (strictly conforming to fact or rule) exacta; (strictly defined or determined) precisa; (meticulous) [person] metìculosa; exacting [conditions] severa; [person] èxigema; [task] difícila; penosa || adv exactly exacte; precise || n exactitude exactitio; precisitio; (meticulousness) metículo || vt (demand) èxiger; (obtain) obtiner; to exact revenge vindicter si
  • exaggerate vt exàgerer
  • exalt vt (glorify) laudazer; (elate) exalter; (elevate) lever; (ennoble) nòbilifer
  • exam n see “examination”
  • examine vt exàminer; (inspect) [passport] controler; [premises, machine] inspecter; [witness, suspect, accused] intèrogher; (investigate) invèstigher; studer || n examination exámino; postmortem examination autopsìisca incuisto; autopsío; to take an examination exàminezer; subitioner on exámino
  • example n exemplo; (copy) exemplaro; (model) modelo; following the example of secuno la exemplo di; for example exemple; to make an example of someone puner álicu como on exemplo
  • exanthem n (med.) exanthemo
  • exarch n exarco; exarchate (hist.) exarchio
  • exasperate vt exàsperer || adj exasperating exàsperanta, -iva
  • ex cathedra adv ec cáthedro
  • excavate vt (make by digging) [trench, well] foder; (dig out material from) [ground] èxcaver; (archaeol.) [buried remains] éxcave extracter; [site] èxcaver en || n excavation (act) éxcavo; (result) èxcavajo; excavator (machine) èxcavatro; (person) èxcavanto, -edoro, -isto
  • exceed vt (surpass) supereser; supervader; [one’s strength] exhauster; transpaser; (go beyond) pretervader; transpaser; [limit, authority] eceser || adj exceeding ecesanta, -iva; extrema || adv exceedingly ecese; extreme
  • excel vi eceler; to excel at something eceler en (aut sopre) álico || n excellence ecelo; Excellency (title) dómino (ambaxo, epíscopo, etc.) || adj excellent bonaza; ecelanta
  • except prep ecepte je; ultre; everyone is horrid except me, and possibly you omnos es abòmininda ultre mi, et posíbile vi || n exception (act) ecepto; by way of exception eceptische; to take exception to objectioner; (be offended by) ofensezer pro; (jur.) recuser; with the exception of ecepte je; without exception sine ecepto | (thing excepted) eceptedo; exceptionalism eceptedismo || vt ecepter; excluser; omiser || vi (object) objectioner || adj exceptional ecept(ed)a; neordinaria || conj ecept(int)e che; ecepte se
  • excerpt n extract(aj)o || vt extracter
  • excess n (overabundance) eceso, -ajo; to excess ecese; nim; to use to excess nim-user; an excess of [precaution, enthusiasm, details] on eceso de; in excess of plu multa cam; profits in excess of €5 billion profitos plu multa cam 5 miliarda € | (overindulgence) eceso; the excesses of the old regime la ecesos di la ántea regímino; to go to excess eceser (sopre manġo, etc.) || adj ecesajo de; excess fat ecesajo de grasajo; excessive ecesanta; nima
  • exchange n (act) excambio; [of blows] intrebatuo; in exchange for excambie por; exchange broker bors-agento; exchange premium agio; exchange rate taxationo je cambio; (building, institution) stock exchange borso; telephone exchange telèfonisca centralo || vt excambier || adj exchangeable excambiébila
  • exchequer n fisco
  • excipient n (med.) ecipiento
  • excise n (tax) impostajo || vt (charge an excise on) [goods] imposter
  • excise vt (med.: surgically remove) [tumor] eciser; (remove) [from text, music] ecsecher; elìminer; supreser
  • excite vt èciter || n excitability ècitezemitio; excitant (bio.) ècitivo; excitement écito, -ezo; (fig.) ágito, -ezo; descuietitio; enthusiasmo; tumulto || adj excitable (nim) ècitezema; excited ècitita; exciting ècitanta, -iva
  • exclaim vi clamer || n exclamation clamo; (inarticulate) crito; exclamation point clam-signo (aut -punto) || adj exclamatory clamisca
  • exclude vt (keep out) excluser; (rule out) ecepter || n exclusion excluso; to the exclusion of exclusite; to the exclusion of everything else omno áltera exclusite; exclusiveness exclusemitio || adj exclusive exclusiva, -ema || adv exclusively exclusive
  • excogitate vt (formal) ingenier
  • excommunicate vt excomùnicher
  • excoriate vt (formal: censure) reprimendazer; (med.) excorier
  • excrescence n surcreçanto
  • excrete vt excreter || n excrement excretajo
  • excruciate vt (rare) tormenter || adj excruciating [pain, suffering, noise] netòlerébila; (very bad) [film, speech, party] abòminanda; hororifanta; [joke] lamentanda
  • exculpate vt desculpizer
  • excursion n (journey) excursiono; (digression) digreso; to make an excursion excursioner; excursion train excursion-traino; excursionist excursionanto, -edoro
  • excuse vt (justify) excuser; (forgive) pardoner; excuse me! pardones ad mi!; (exempt) exempter; (allow to leave) congeder || n (justification) excuso; to offer excuses presentationer excusos | (pretext) pretexto || adj excusable pardonébila
  • execrate vt abòminer || adj execrable abòminanda
  • execute vt (carry out, perform) executer; (put to death) executioner || n execution (carrying out) executo; to put into execution executer | (putting to death) executiono; (style) stilo; executioner executionisto; executive aministranto, -isto; executivo, -isto; the executive [branch] gubernantado, -istado; [person] gubernanto, -isto; executor (jur.) testamentisca executanto || adj executive executiva; (exclusive) executive bathroom executivisca latrinayo; executory (jur.) executisca, -enda
  • exegesis n exégeso
  • exemplar n (copy) exemplaro; (model) modelo || adj exemplary exempla, -esca; modela, -esca; exemplary punishment exempla puno
  • exemplify vt (be example of) demonstrationer per exemplo; exemplìer; (give example of) exemplizer
  • exempt adj exemptita || vt exempter
  • exequatur n execuáturo
  • exercise n (practice) [to improve health, skill] exército; (use, application) [of profession, art, science] práctico; [of right, patience, restraint, tact] uso || vt (apply, use) [profession, art, science] pràcticher; [right, patience, restraint, tact] user; (practice) [to improve health, skill] exèrciter (si)
  • exergue n exergo
  • exert vt (apply, bring to bear) user; to exert oneself (make an effort) efortier
  • exfoliate vi exfoliezer || vt exfolier
  • exhale vi (breathe out) ecrespirer || vt (give off) [vapor, fumes] exhaler || n exhalation (act) [of breathing out] ecrespiro; [of giving off] exhalo; (air) [from lungs] ecrespiredo; (vapor, fumes) exhaledo
  • exhaust vt (fatigue) exhauster; fatighazer; (use up) exhauster; (expel) [gas, steam] eclacer || n (fumes) eclacita gaso; (pipe) eclaç-túbulo; exhaustion exhausto, -ezo || adj exhaustive completa; minutiosa
  • exhibit vt (publicly display) [art, wares] expositioner; [film] presentationer; (manifest) [courage, skill, ingenuity] demonstrationer; [signs of emotion] manifester; monstrer || n exhibition [of art, wares] expositiono; [of skill] demonstrationo; (insincere) [of emotion, quality] finġo; símulo; exhibitionism (psych.) exhibitiono; exhibitor exhibitionanto, -edoro
  • exhilarate vt alecrifer; exalter; stìmuler; vigorizer
  • exhort vt exhorter
  • exhume vt dessepulter; ecterifer
  • exigent adj èxiġanta; (urgent) urġanta || n exigency èxiġo; urġo
  • exiguous adj (formal) desabundanta; excarpsa
  • exile n (state) government in exile gubernerío exiliita; to send someone into exile exilier álicu | (person) exiliito || vt exilier
  • exist vi exister; does God exist? existan Deo?; (live, survive) subsister; viver; to exist on very little money viver (aut subsister) per valde pauca pecunio || n existence existo || adj existent existanta; (current) actuala; nuna
  • exit n (place) èxitayo; (act) éxito; to make one’s exit èxiter; exit poll éxit-sondo; sondo ye la balot-èxitayo || v èxiter; exit through the gift shop éxites tra la botheco di suveniros
  • ex libris adv exlibre di || n exlibro
  • exodus n éxodo
  • ex officio adv pro oficio
  • exonerate vt desculpizer; absolver
  • exorbitant adj eces(az)iva
  • exorcize vt exorcizer || n exorcism exorcizo; exorcist exorcizisto
  • exordium n (formal) exordio; to make an exordium exordier
  • exosmosis n (bio., chem.) ecosmozo
  • exostosis n (med.) exóstozo; oste-sporono
  • exoteric adj exotérica
  • exotic adj exótica
  • expand vi expansezer; the universe is expanding la universo expansezan; (dilate) dilationezer; to expand on something [notes, story] disveloper álico || vt expanser; (dilate) dilationer || n expanse (area) vastajo; (extent) extensezo; expansion expanso; expansionism expansismo || adj expansive (affable) cándida; paraulema; (broad) vasta; (comprehensive) ampla; (expanding) expansezema; (phys.: capable of expanding) expanseziva; (phys.: causing expansion) expansiva
  • ex parte adj partitasca
  • expatiate vi parauler (aut scriber) detale (aut longhe, ample) sopre álico; tracter detale (aut longhe, ample) álico
  • expatriate n ecpatrio; (archaic) exiliito || vi ecpatriecer || adj ecpatria; (archaic) exiliita
  • expect vt (anticipate) expecter; a long-expected party on accepto delonghe expectita; (informal: suppose) suposer; I expect so mi suposan che sic || n expectancy expecto; (hope) spero; expectation expecto; (hope) spero || adj expectant expectanta; (future) an expectant mother futura matro; grávido | (hopeful) speranta, -osa; expecting (informal: pregnant) grávida
  • expectorate vt expèctorer
  • expedient adj convenanta; oportuna || n mean(uċ)o
  • expedite vt (speed up) accèlerer; ràpidifer || n expedition (journey, voyage) expeditiono; (formal: speed) ràpiditio || adj expeditious rápida
  • expel vt ecpelentier; ecpulser; [from container] evacuer; to get expelled [from school] eser ecpulsita
  • expend vt (spend) expenser; (use up) consumpter; exhauster; paruser || n expenditure [of money] expenso, -edo
  • expense n (cost) costo; (expenditure) expenso; at the expense of detrimentante; to go to the expense asumpter la expensos || adj expensive costosaza; pretiosa
  • experience n experientio || vt experientier; (feel) [emotion, sensation] experientier; senter || adj experienced experientiosa; experta; hábila
  • experiment n experimento; to prove by experiment èprober; experimentation experiment(ad)o || vi experimenter || adj experimental experimentisca
  • expert n experto; (specialist) specialisto || adj experta
  • expiate vt expier || adj expiatory expianta, -isca
  • expire vi (end) [ticket, passport, time, period] expirer; (die) expirer; (exhale) ecrespirer; exhaler || n expiration (end) expiro; expiration date expir-dato; (for perishables) consumpti-dato | (exhalation) ecrespiro; exhalo
  • explain vt (make clear) [meaning, problem, plan, mystery] èxplicher; (account for) [conduct] èxplicher; justìficher || n explanation éxplico; (excuse) excuso || adj explainable èxplichébila; explanatory èxplicanta, -iva
  • expletive n parauluċo; “expletive deleted” “parauluċo supresita”
  • explicit adj explícita; clara; in explicit detail cum explícita detalos; to make explicit explìcitifer; sexually explicit sexìische explícita
  • explode vi exploser || vt explosifer || n explosion exploso; explosive explosivo; explosiveness explosivitio || adj explosive explosiva, -ema
  • exploit vt [resource] exploter; (pej.) [person, situation] explotuċer || n (comput.) explotuċatro; (heroic feat) heroajo; prodajo; exploitation explot(uċ)o
  • explore vt explorer || n exploration exploro; explorer exploranto, -edoro, -isto
  • exponent n (expounder) expositionanto; publìcitanto; (adept) adepto; (math, ling.) exponento; exponential exponentisco; exponentiation exponentizo || vt to exponentiate exponentizer || adj exponential exponentisca
  • export vt exportationer || n (act) exportationo; (commodity) exportationedo; export trade exportation-comercio; exporter exportationanto, -edoro, -isto
  • expose vt (uncover) exposer; descòperter; [plot, crime] reveler; (make vulnerable) exposer; to expose to danger exposer ad perículo; to expose to ridicule exposer ad deriso; ficer derisanda | (phot.) exposer; to expose oneself (sexually) exhibitioner || n exposition (display) expositiono; exposition of merchandise expositiono je comerciedo | (explanation) éxplico; exposure descóperto; exposo; [of plot, crime] revelo; (making vulnerable) exposo; (phot.) expose; exposure meter exposómetro
  • expostulate vi protester
  • expound vt (present) (detale) presentationer; (explicate) èxplicher
  • express vt (convey) expreser; (math: represent) expreser; (squeeze out) [liquid, air] ecpresioner || n expression (conveying) expreso; (facial look) vulto; (phrase) fraso; set expression diç-modo | (squeezing out) ecpresiono; expressionism expresionismo; expressionist expresionisto || adj expressible expresébila; expressive expresosa, -iva, -ema; to be expressive of expreser
  • express adj (fast) [delivery, train] rápida || adv (by express train or delivery) per rápido || n (delivery service, train) rápido; expressway rápid-vialazo; expressage pretio por rápid-postalo || vt (send) invìer rápid-postale
  • express adj (explicit) clara; explícita; (specific) particulara; speciala || adv expressly (explicitly) clare; explícite; (specifically) particulare; speciale
  • ex professo adv como profesionano
  • expropriate vt (take away) deprender; (dispossess) exproprier (álicu de álico)
  • expulsion n ecpelentio; ecpulso
  • expunge vt efacier
  • expurgate vt expurgher
  • exquisite adj (beautiful) belaza; (delicate) delicata; (excellent) bonaza; ecelanta; (exceptional) eceptisca; ecesanta; (intensely felt) [pain] intensa; (refined) [taste] rafinita || n (dated: dandy) dandio
  • exsanguinate vt exànguiner
  • extant adj existanta
  • extempore adj (also “extemporaneous”) improvizita || adv improvize || vt to extemporize improvizer
  • extend vt (make longer or wider) extenser; plu-longhifer; plu-vastifer; (postpone) [deadline] postponer; (prolong) plu-longhifer; (stretch out) [arm, hand] extenser; (offer) [hand] òferer; presentationer || vi [land, wall] extensezer; to extend over extensezer usche || n extensibility extensèbilitio; extension (act) extenso, -ezo; (result) extensajo; [hair] (capil-)extensajo; extensor (anat.) extensivo || adj extensive ampla; vasta
  • extent n (area covered) extensezo; (fullness) amplitio; (length) longhitio; (vastness) vastitio; (degree) grado; to that extent en ecuila senso; to the extent that... secuno cuante...; to the extent that… tal-grade che…; usche che…; usche tala punto (aut grado) che…; to the extent that... we must respect the other fellow’s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart nos deban respecter la religiono di le álteru, mas mere en la senso et tal-grade che nos respectan luya theorío che luya sposo es bela et luya filios es inteligenta
  • extenuate vt [guilt, offense] extenuer; (lit.: make thin) [person] tenuifer; extenuating circumstances extenuanta circumstantios
  • exterior adj éxtera || adv exteriorly éxtere || n exterajo
  • exterminate vt extèrminer
  • external adj éxtera
  • extinct adj [species] extintioninta; formortinta; [volcano] extintita
  • extinguish vt extintuer || n extinguisher extintatro
  • extirpate vt extirper
  • extol vt laudazer; gloriizer
  • extort vt extortioner; (less formal) evulser || n extortion extortiono || adj extortionate extortionosa, -iva; (exorbitant) eces(az)iva
  • extra adj (additional) extra; plusa; suplementa; bring an extra pair of socks cumportes on extra parículo de càlceetos; (not included in the cost) wine is extra le vino es aparta (aut suplementa, neinclusita); (especial) extra; extra effort extra efortio; (informal: excessive, extravagant) extràvaganta || adv (especially) extre; to work extra hard laborer extre penose; (in addition) extre; pluse; suplemente; to pay extra pagher extre (aut pluse, suplemente) || n (additional item) extro; pluso; suplemento; (cine., theat.) figuranto || afx (outside, beyond) exter-; extrajudicial exterjùdicía
  • extract vt extracter || n (short passage) [from book, film] extractedo; (pharm., culin.) extractajo; extraction (act) extracto; (origin) orígino; of low extraction di basa orígino
  • extradite vt extrader || n extradition extrado
  • extrados n (archit.) extradorso
  • extrajudicial adj exterjùdicía
  • extramarital adj extersponsisca
  • extramundane adj (rare) exter la materia mundo
  • extramural adj extermura
  • extraneous adj (irrelevant) nerelationanta; (nonessential) neesentia, -isca; (external) éxtera
  • extraordinary adj exterordinaria
  • extraterrestrial adj extertera; extraterrestrial intelligence extertera inteligento
  • extravagant adj (lavish) expensema; pròdighema; (eccentric) [behavior, person, design] extràvaganta; (eccessive) [praise] ecesanta, -iva; to be extravagant [to be extravagant] dìsiper; expensazer, -aċer; (eccentric) extràvagher || n extravagance (lavish thing) pròdigajo; (lavishness) expensemitio; pròdighemitio; (eccentricity) extrávago, -ajo; (excess) eceso
  • extravaganza n (show) spectàculazo
  • extreme adj extrema || adv extremely extreme; grandaze; valdaze || n extremo, -ajo; to carry something to extremes porter álico ad la extremo; extremism extremismo; extremist extremisto; extremity extremajo; (quality) extremitio; extremities extremajos
  • extricate vt desintricher
  • extrinsic adj extrínseca
  • extrovert n extroverso || vt extroversifer || adj extroverted extroversa
  • extrude vt ecpresioner; ecpulser || n extrusion ecpresiono; ecpulso
  • exuberant adj (lively) [person, personality, mood, style, film, music] eferveçanta, -osa, -ema; (lit.) [growth, vegetation] abundanta
  • exude vt exudifer || vi exuder || n exudation exud(if)o
  • exult vi exulter; jùbiler
  • eye n (anat.) óculo; black eye lívida aut contusita óculo; glass eye artificia óculo | (thing resembling an eye) [in needle] foràmineto; òculeto; [of storm] óculo; [on potato] buriono; óculo; (in phrases) as far as the eye can see usche la fino di vido; to close one’s eyes to coniventier ad; to cry one’s eyes out exhauster si per lácrimos; plorazer; an eye for an eye óculo pro óculo; to hit someone in the eye salter aden la vido; in the eyes of ad la óculos di; secuno; in the eyes of the law secuno (aut ad la óculos di) la leġo; in the twinkling of an eye en on pàlpebrijo; to keep an eye on vìgiler; to make eyes at manger ócule; to take one’s eyes off detornìer sua óculos de; with an eye to (having as a goal) cum la ideo …-er; they came with an eye to buying the house los vísitin cum la ideo comprer la domo | (looking ahead to) antìcipante; with an eye to the future antìcipante la futuro; with one’s own eyes per sua propria óculos; with tears in one’s eyes cum lácrimos en sua óculos; (in compounds) eyeball ócul-globo; eyebolt ócul-bulono; eyebrow supercilio; eye drops gutos por le óculo; eyeglass monóculo; eyeglasses binóculo; ócul-vitros; eyehole vid-foràmineto; (eyepiece) oculario; (socket) orbitalo; eyelash cilio; eyelid pálpebro; eyeliner fardo di ócul-capilo; eyepiece oculario; eyeshade (for human) visaro; eyeshadow pálpebri-fardo; eyeshot ócul-atinġo; eyesight vid-poto; vidivitio; eyesore ócul-ofensanto; eye strain ócul-fatighezo; eyetooth (anat.) súpera canino; eyewash colirio; eyewitness asistanto, -into; ócul-atestivo; vidanto, -into || vt (watch closely) reguarder; (look at) òculijer; (ogle) reguarduċer || adj eye-catching ócul-atractiva || afx -eyed -ócula; blue-eyed blav-ócula; sad-eyed mermen trist-ócula tritonos
  • eyelet n foràmineto; òculeto; (ring, grommet) oculito
  • eyrie n (also “aerie”) ácuil-nido


  • F ltr efe; (mus.) F (aut fa); F-flat (F♭) F bemola; F-sharp (F♯) F díesa
  • fa n (mus.) fa
  • fable n fábulo || adj fabled fàbulisca, -esca; legendisca, -esca
  • fabric n (any woven material) texajo; (woven material used to produce other goods) stofo; (archit.) structuro; the fabric of society la sociisca structuro; la structuro di la socio
  • fabricate vt (invent) [story, account, evidence] inventer; (manufacture) [goods] fàbricher
  • fabulous adj (wonderful) fàbulisca, -esca; mirabila; (mythical) [beast, monster] fàbulisca, -esca
  • façade n (archit.; fig.) faciato
  • face n (anat.) facio; get out of my face! laces mi en paço!; I could never look her in the face again mi no poteban pluse reguarder el en la facio; I told him to his face mi dicin lo ad iluya facio; you’re lying, it’s written all over your face! vi mendacian, lo es lecturébila sur vua facio!; face cream facii-cremo; face mask cosmètichisca masco; face powder pudro; to set one’s face against firme resister (aut oponer); to show one’s face lacer si videzer; monstrer sua facio; facelift (faciisca) lisifo; liftingo; ritidectomío | (expression, mien) facio; vulto; to make a face facer on faciaċo; (grimace) grimàceer; to put a brave face on it facer bona facio contre malajo | (person) facio; I look around, I see a lot of new faces reguardante círcume, mi vidan multa nova facios; (operative side; front) frontalo; [of building] faciato; frontalo; [of coin, playing card] obverso; face up/down obverso supre/infre | [of mountain, cliff] látero; [of the earth] superficio; he vanished off the face of the earth il complete desaparin (de la superficio di la tero) | [of watch, sundial, dial] cuadranto; to fly in the face of aperte desobeder (aut oponer); contreacter; contredicer; in the face of (confronted with) in the face of the enemy abante la inimico; (in spite of) in the face of considerable opposition malgrate granda opono | (outward manifestation, aspect) aspecto; facio; pareço; the changing face of modern gaming la cambiezanta facio di le moderna joco; the unacceptable face of capitalism la neacceptébila aspecto di capitalismo; face value nominala valoro; on the face of it secuno la pareço; superficiische; ye la unésima vido; to put one’s face on fardizer si; (prestige, respect) to save/lose face salver/perder facio | (typeface) tipadisca familio; facial (beauty treatment; sex act) facii-tract(aj)o; facing (archit.) superficiizajo; (retail) frontalifo; (sewing) bordi-teġajo; face-off afronto; face-saver facii-salvatro; manópero por salver facio; it was clearly a face-saver on their part los evidente facin lo por salver facio || vt (be facing) frontalejer; face the wall! facio contre la muro!; turn it to face the TV torníes li por che li frontalejes la televidatro; (have a view of) her room faces the sea eluya cambro adreguardan la maro; (confront) [enemy, danger, problem, situation] afronter; to face the music afronter la consecuantos | [facts] accepter; agnocer; let’s face it! nos agnoces lo! | (risk incurring) [fine, prison, defeat, death] rischer; [unemployment] eser minaciata da; (cover the surface of) superficiizer; (sewing) teger; to face down vincer reguarde; to face up to [difficulty] afronter; to face-fuck ìrumer || vi (be facing) frontalejer; about face! (mil.) semitornío!; my house faces south mea domo frontalejan adsude; right face! (mil.) addextre! || adj faceless nefaciosa; (anonymous) anónima; facial faciisca; face-saving por salver facio; face-to-face facio contre facio; a face-to-face encounter on incontro (facita) facio contre facio || adv face to face facio contre facio; to come face to face with death trover si facio contre facio cum le morto || afx -faced di facio; -facia; sad-faced waifs abandonitolos di trista facio; trist-facia abandonitolos
  • facet n [of gem] facieto; látero; (feature) aspecto; facieto || adj faceted facetosa
  • facetious adj facetiosa
  • facile adj [remark, intellect] simplaċa; [victory] fácila || n facility (equipment) instalajo; (place) -ayo; centralo; medical facility medicinerío; medicinisca centralo | (service, function) funtiono; servo; (aptitude) talento; (easiness) fàcilitio || vt to facilitate fàcilifer
  • facsimile n facsímilo
  • fact n (something indisputably true) facto; is that a fact? chi vere?; a fact of life on facto sopre le vivo; the fact that ... (la facto) che ...; he still had friends despite the fact that he was a conlanger il incore habin amicos malgrate che il esin on glosopeyisto; hard facts neneghébila factos; to know for a fact saper como je certo; to stick to the facts tener si ad la factos | (piece of information) dátumo; facts and figures dátumos (et cifros); the facts of life la detalos sopre le génito; to get one’s facts right informer si (plu) bone | (reality) factos; lo reala; a story based on fact on raconto basamentizita sur factos; as a matter of fact facte; fact and fiction facto et fictiono; realo et fantasío; the fact of the matter is ... la facto (aut vero) es che ...; in (point of) fact facte || adj factual [error] factisca; [report] factasca; (actually occurring) facta
  • faction n (small party) partiteto; (dissension) desconcordo; desconsento; discordo; dísputo || adj factious (pertaining to factions) partitisca, -ana; (inclined to discordance) desconcordema; desconsentema; discordema; dìsputema
  • factitious adj (artificial) artificia; (counterfeit) contrafectita; fingita
  • factor n (consideration) factoro; safety factor factoro di securitio; (contributing element) a factor of success on factoro di succeso; (math) factoro; increased by a factor of 10 multìplichita per 10; (com.) comisionita agento; factorial (math) factorialo || vt (com.) vender debitionedos ad on comisionita agento; to factor in consìderer anche; encàlculer; respectioner
  • factory n fàbricherío; (hist.: trading post in foreign country) factorio; factory farming intensa alevamento
  • factotum n factoto; omni-facedoro
  • facultative adj facultativa
  • faculty n (power of body, mind) facultato; to have all one’s faculties haber omna sua facultatos | (talent, aptitude) talento; to have a faculty for music haber on talento por músico; (division of school) facultato; (teaching staff) instructistado; profesorado
  • fad n furoro; faddism furoremitio; faddist furoremo
  • fade vi (disappear) (gradene) desaparer; (lose color) [fabric] descolorizezer; pàlidecer; (weaken) [sound, signal, strength] dèbilecer; (wilt) [flower, beauty] marcer; (cine.) [image] fusionezer; to fade in àperezer per fusiono; to fade out cludezer per fusiono | (sport) [ball] devier || vt (discolor) [fabric] descolorizer; pàlidifer; (cine.) [image] fusioner; to fade in àperer per fusiono; to fade out cluder per fusiono || n (loss of color) descoloriz(ez)o; pàlidifo, -eço; (cine.) fusiono, -ezo; fade to black fusiono ad nigro; fade-in ápero per fusiono; fade-out cludo per fusiono
  • fag n (Brit., informal: chore) corveo; fatiganta tasco; (Brit., informal: student errand boy) corve-puero || vt (Brit., informal: exhaust) fatig(haz)er; to be fagged out eser fatigazita (aut tote fatighita) || vi (Brit., informal: work hard) laborazer; (Brit., informal: run errands for senior pupil) corveer
  • fag n (informal, offensive: homosexual) cinedo
  • fag n (Brit., informal: cigarette) cigareto; fag end muniono
  • faggot n (informal, offensive: homosexual) cinedo
  • fagot n (bundle of sticks) facelo
  • Fahrenheit adj Fahrenheit; 451 degrees Fahrenheit 451 grados Fahrenheit
  • faience n faentio
  • fail vi (not succeed) faler; to fail in something faler en álico | (break down) [engine, mechanism] impanecer; [health, sight, voice] dèbilecer; (be insufficient) no suficer; (be lacking) mancher; [crops] perdezer; (become bankrupt) faler; (cease) cesationer; (malfunction) faler; misfuntioner; to fail to do (be unable) I fail to see why mi no vidan cuare | (not succeed) faler facer; (omit, neglect) no facer; he failed to show up again il denue no aparin || vt (not succeed in) [exam, subject] faler; (judge to have not passed) [student] no promoter; (let down) decepter; faler ad; don’t fail me! no deceptes (aut fales ad) mi!; his strength failed him ad il manchin iluya fortitio; iluya fortitio falin (aut abandonin il) || n epic fail èpichisca falo; without fail sine falo; failing (weakness, shortcoming) dèbilajo; defecto; manco; failure falo; nepoto; failure to come neveno | [of crops] perdezo; [of engine, computer program] impaneço; [of health] dèbileço; [of supplies] manco; (cessation) cesationo; (fiasco) fiasco; fail-safe parafalo || adj fail-safe parafala || prep failing en (aut pro) manco di; failing that… en (aut pro) manco di ecuilo…; se ecuilo no es posíbila…
  • faille n (fabric) falio
  • fain adj (archaic: glad) joyosa; (archaic: satisfied, content) contenta; (archaic: willing) voluntaria; (archaic: obliged) òbligata || adv (archaic: gladly) joyose; (archaic: willingly) voluntarie
  • faint adj (slight) apene perceptébila; débila; nebrilanta; neclara; nedistintita; I haven’t the faintest idea mi no haban etiam la maxim débila (aut minim clara, míinima) ideo; (weak and dizzy) to feel faint senter si sìncopanta; faint-hearted tímida; it’s not for the faint-hearted lo éxiġan cualca coraġo; lo no es por tímidos || n (med.) síncopo; fainting spell síncopo || vi (med.) perder concio; sìncoper; (archaic: weaken) dèbilecer
  • fair adj (just) yusta; (considerably large) sufiçante granda (aut multa); (fine) fair copy neta copiajo; (archaic: beautiful) pulcra || adv fairly (to a considerable degree) I’m fairly sure mi es presche certana; mi es sufiçante certana || n fairway (naut., golf) ċef-vialo
  • fair n ferio; fairground feriayo
  • fairy n fato; [insect-winged] fatario; The Faerie Queene La Regiso di le fatos; fairyland fat-paeso; fairy tale fat-storio || adj fairytale ending feliça fino
  • fait accompli n completionito
  • faith n (trust) fido; (religious belief) credo; fido; (religion) religiono; in bad faith nesincere; in good faith sincere; the faithful la credantado; la fidelos || adj faithful (loyal) [friend, servant, spouse] fidela; loyala; (trustworthy) fidela; faithful translation fidela traducto
  • fake adj falsa; fake news falsa notitio || n falso
  • fakir n fachiro
  • falcata n (forward-curving sword) falcato
  • falchion n (cleaver-like sword) faltiono
  • falcon n (zool.: Falco) falcono; falconer falconisto; falconry cacio per falcono; falconistío
  • fall vi (literal) cader; how come flat-earthers never fall off the edge of the world? pro cuo plat-teristos jamás cadan de la bordo di la mundo?; (fig.) cader; Easter always falls on Sunday Pasco sempre cadan sur on Domínico; it falls to you, champion, to do this sur vi, campiono, cadan la tasco facer ecuilo | [price] basecer; to fall afoul of cader (aut poner si, vener) en conflicto cum; conflictecer cum; to fall back (withdraw) retirezer; retrovader; to fall back on (have recourse to) recurser ad; to fall for (be fooled by) inganezer (aut eser ingantita) da; (fall in love with) amorecer; to fall in (collapse) colapser; (mil.) filaradecer; fall in! en filaros!; to fall off (decrease) diminutionezer; (quarrel) dìsputer; to fall short (not be enough) no suficer; to fall through (fail) faler; nulecer; to fall upon (attack) atacher || n (literal) cado; (fig.) the fall of Saigon la cado di Saigón | (decrease) [of price] baseço; Fall (autumn) autumno; falls (waterfall) cascato; fallout [of radioactivity] retrocadajo
  • fallacy n (false belief) falacio; (false reasoning) sofismo || adj fallacious falaciosa, -asca
  • fallible adj eroriva
  • Fallopian tube n (anat.) oviducto; salpinġo
  • fallow adj (unsown) [farmland] nearatita; necultivita; (fig.: inactive) neactanta; neproductanta
  • fallow adj (of color) falva; fallow deer (zool.: Dama dama) damo
  • false adj (untrue) [statement, accusation, testimony] falsa; nevera; (wrong) [answer, spelling] necorecta; [opinion, judgment] nejusta; (wrongful) [arrest, imprisonment] arbitraria; contreleġa; nelegala; neleġasca; (counterfeit) [passport, banknote] falsa; (artificial) [teeth, eyelashes] artificia; falsa; (feigned) [smile] coercita; falsa; nesincera; (illusory) [sense of security] ilusiona; (treacherous) pérfida; (unfaithful) [lover] nefidela; false acacia (bot.: Robinia pseudoacacia) robinio || n falsehood (falsity) falsitio; (lie) mendacio || vt to falsify falsifer
  • falsetto n (mus.) falseto
  • falter vi hèsiter; vaciler
  • fame n famo; Elijah Wood, of The Lord of the Rings fame Elía Wood, famosa pro la filmo La Dómino di la Anelos || adj famous famosa
  • familiar adj (well-known) [face, person, place] cognoçata; (common) [experience, complaint, event] comuna; (well-acquainted) cognoçanta; to be familiar with cognocer; (intimate) [tone of voice, language, manners] familiara; íntima; neceremoniosa; to familiarize (give knowledge to) cognocifer (álicu ad álico); (make better known) cognocedifer (álico ad álicu) || n (servant spirit) fámulo
  • family n familio; family member familiano; family name familiisca nómino || adj familial familiisca
  • famine n fàminazo
  • famished adj (informal) fàminazanta; to be famished fàminazer
  • fan n (hand fan) ventáculo; (machine) vèntilatro || vt ventizer; (ventilate) vèntiler
  • fan n (admirer) fano; devoto
  • fanatic n fanático || adj fanatic(al) fanática
  • fancier n amatoro; (connoisseur) cognocitoro; (breeder) alevamentisto
  • fancy adj (elaborate) complexa; (decorated) ornita; fancy goods ornajos | (elegant) eleganta; shica; (high-quality) luxosa; (skillful) hábila; fanciful fantasìisca || n (liking) she seems to have taken a fancy to you lo pareçan che vi plaçan ad el; (caprice, whim) capricio; (imagination) fantasío; imaginationo; (mus.) capricio || vt (imagine) fancy that! imaginationes ecuilo!; he fancies himself a model il consíderan si como je on modelo; (like, want) fancy some tea? chi desíderan vi teo?; she fancied him immediately il imediate placin ad el; (regard as likely winner) I fancy the Llamas to win mi opinan (aut credan) che la Lamos guadaniun
  • fandango n fandango
  • fanfare n (mus.) fanfaro
  • fang n dentazo
  • fanon n fanono
  • fantasia n (mus., gen.) fantasío
  • fantasy n fantasío; (lit. genre) fantástica literaturo || vt fantasìer || adj fantastic (extraordinarily good) exterordinaria; (imaginative, fanciful) fantasìisca; (incredible) necredébila; (lit.) fantástica; Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Fantástica bestios et ube trover los
  • far adv (a long way) fore; he lives far away il hábitan fore; how far is it to Damascus? cuante fora es Damasco?; (very much) multe; far better multe meliora (aut plu bona); as far as (comparative) tam fore cam; (time, space) usche; (to the extent that) secuno cuante; as far as I know secuno cuante mi sapan; as far as possible secuno posìbilitio; by far multe; far from for; far from it tote no; far gone (in a bad state) valde malata (aut ebria, etc.); he’s too far gone il es preter adjuto; far off fore; so far as to (to the extreme that) I would even go so far as to say that… mi etiam vadeban usche dicer che…; so far, so good usche nun, bone || adj (distant) distanta; fora; to be a far cry from eser valde longa (aut distanta) de; far-fetched necredanda; neprobábila; far-sighted (foresighted) antevidanta; (med.) hipermétropa
  • farad n farado
  • farce n farço
  • fare n (cost) (vehi-)pretio; (passenger) pasagero; (food) mangedo; farewell adeo || vi (get on) [well, badly] stander || inter farewell! adeo!
  • farinaceous adj farina, -osa
  • farm n (land and buildings) farmo; farmhouse farm-domo; farmyard farm-yardino; farmer farmisto || vt (breed, raise) [livestock] alevamenter; (cultivate) [field, crops] cultiver; to farm out forinvìer por facer
  • faro n (game) faraono
  • Faroe Islands n Faroya
  • farouche adj (shy) tímida; (sullen) desafábila
  • farrago n mìsculaċajo
  • farrier n ungui-ferizisto
  • farrow n porcolado
  • fart vi pèditer || n pédito
  • farther adv plu distante; plu fore; farthest maxim distante; maxim fore || adj plu distanta; plu fora; (on the other side) transa; farthest maxim distanta; maxim fora
  • farthing n cuátrim-penico
  • fasces n (hist.) facelo; fascism fascismo; fascist fascisto || adj fascist fascismisca
  • fascia n (anat.) facialo; (chiefly Brit.: dashboard) instrument-panelo
  • fascicle n cuaderno; (anat., bio.) facículo
  • fascinate vt (draw irresistibly) fàciner; (archaic: stun by one’s gaze) fàciner
  • fashion n (vogue) modo; (manner) manario; fashion designer modisto || vt (shape) factioner; formizer; to fashion a pot out of potter’s earth factioner on aulo ec argilo || adj fashionable secuno la modo
  • fast adj (speedy) rápida; [clock] nim preita; nim rápida; fast food rápid-mangedo | (firm) firma; fixita; [color] firma; resistanta; [friend] fidela; to make fast (fasten) fixer || adv (speedily) rápide; (firmly) firme; fixite; fast asleep profunde dormanta || n fastener cludatro; fixatro; ligatro; fastness (stronghold) fortìficajo || vt to fasten fixer; (tie) ligher
  • fast vi (not eat) jejuner
  • fat n (fatty tissue) grasajo; (grease) grasio; to take on fat grasecer || vt to fatten grasifer || adj (corpulent) grasa; (thick) grosa; fatty [food] grasiosa
  • fate n (force) destino; sorto; fate decided otherwise le destino (aut sorto) no volitionin lo; what fate has in store for us ecuilo cuo le destino (aut le sorto) reservan por nos; (destiny) destino; (one’s lot, luck) sorto; to abandon someone to their fate abandoner álicu ad luya sorto; a fate worse than death on sorto pejora cam morto; his fate is sealed luya sorto es decisita; to suffer the same fate subitioner la metípsima sorto | (inescapable death) morto; to meet one’s fate incontrer (aut trover) morto; the Fates (myth.) la Parços; fatalism fatalismo; fatalist fatalisto || vt destiner; fated to die destinita morter || adj fatal (deadly) mortifanta; (ruinous) ruinanta, -iva; fated (ante)destinita; fated to die destinita morter; fateful (momentous) fatala; (prophetic) antediçanta
  • father n patro; gènitintaso; father-in-law afina patro; sòceraso; fatherhood patritio || vt (beget) gèniter; ingenerater; (be a father to) [lit. or fig.] patrìer; to father something on atribuer álico ad || adj fatherly patrisca, -esca
  • fathom n (unit) braço || vt (naut.) sonder
  • fatigue n fatigo; fatigues (mil..) combat-vestos || vt fatigher || adj fatigued fatighita
  • fatuous adj fatua
  • fatwa n fatwa
  • faucet n robineto
  • fauld n (armor) faldo
  • fault n (defect) defecto; generous to a fault ecese generosa; with all her faults cum omna eluya defectos; (responsibility, blame) culpo; it’s all your fault vi haban la tota culpo; (geol.) dijecturo; rócul-findo; strat-findo || adj faultless perfecta; faulty neperfecta
  • faun n (myth.) fauno
  • fauna n bestiado
  • favor n (kindness beyond what is due) favoro; (approval, support) favoro; favorite (person or thing enjoying special favor) favorato; (preferred person or thing) prèferato; favoritism favorismo || vt (support) eser por; (be advantageous to) favorer; (prefer) prèferer; (honor) honorizer || adj favorable favorosa; favorite (preferred) prèferata
  • fawn n (young deer) cervolo; (yellowish-brown color) falvo
  • fawn vi (make a servile display) to fawn on/over [animal] careciaċer; [person] adulaċer
  • fax n faxajo; (machine) faxatro || vt faxer
  • fear n (fright) pavoro; fear is the mind-killer le pavoro es la menticido; (apprehension) timo || vt (be frightened of) pavorer; (be apprehensive of) timer || vi (be apprehensive) timer; never fear! eses trancuila! || adj fearful (apprehensive) timanta, -osa, -ema; (frightened) pavoranta, -osa, -ema; (frightening) pavorifanta, -ifiva; (horrifying) hororifanta; fearless nepavorosa; netimosa; valenta; fearsome pavorifanta, -ifiva; teroranta, -iva
  • feasible adj (practical) facébila; posíbila; (likely) probábila
  • feast n festino || vi festiner
  • feat n prodajo; a feat of architecture on triumfo (aut prodajo) di architectío; feats of strength prodajos di fortitio; that was quite a feat ecuilo esin on prodajo no parva
  • feather n plumo; featherbed plum-matratio; featherweight (boxing) plum-peso, -anto || vt (furnish with feathers) plumizer; (turn) [propeller, blade of oar] plumejer || adj feathery plumosa
  • feature n (distinctive attribute) elemento; [of face] tractaturo; (important or main item) [article in newspaper or magazine] ċef-artículo; [film] ċef-filmo || vt (have as important element) [actor, show, news] presentationer; a film featuring “The Barbarian Brothers” on filmo cua presentationan “La Bárbara fratros”; (be equipped with) eser provisita per; òferer; a cruise ship featuring a sauna, tennis court, and COVID morgue on crucer-navo cua óferan on sauno, on tenisayo, et on COVID-cadàverayo || vi (appear prominently) aparer
  • febrifuge n contrefebro
  • febrile adj fébraca
  • February n Februario
  • fecal adj fechisca
  • feces n feco; excretajo
  • feckless adj (ineffective, weak) débila; necapábila; neeficaça; neútila; (irresponsible) neresponsiva
  • fecund adj (agr.) [land, soil] fértila; (bio.) [person, animal, egg] fecunda
  • federal adj fèderisca || n federalism, -ist fèderismo, -isto
  • federate vt fèderifer || vi fèderecer || n federation (alliance) fédero; (process) fèderifo, -eço
  • fee n (payment) honorario; (law, hist.: fief) feudo; admission fee pretio di entro || adj fee-simple estate alodio
  • feeble adj débila
  • feed vt (give food to; also fig.) alimenter; don’t feed the trolls no alimentes le trolo; to feed one’s fears alimenter sua timos; to feed the fire alimenter la foco; to feed the meter alimenter la parchímetro | (nourish) nutrer; [baby] mam-nutrer; (put, insert) to feed data to a computer poner dátumos aden on còmputatro || vi (take food) alimenter si; manger || n (act) alimento; (fodder) fodro; feedback (elec. or fig.) retroalimento; (from person) reacto; feeder (elec.) conductionatro; (mech.) alimentatro
  • feel vt (experience) [emotion, sensation] senter; (touch, palpate) palper || vi (give a sensation) parecer; the house feels damp la domo pareçan hùmideta; [by touch] it feels soft lo es mola toche; (have a sensation) senter como; senter si; to feel cold senter si frígida; how do you feel? cuale vi sentan vi?; I feel unhappy mi sentan mi desfeliça; (think, believe) how do you feel about it? cuo vi pensan sopre lo?; to feel like (resemble) I felt like an idiot mi sentin cuom idiota (aut on idioto); mi sentin mi idiota (aut on idioto) | (want to do) desìderer; I don’t feel like going out now mi no desíderan vader adéxtere nun; (want to have) I feel like a coffee ad mi placeban on cafeo || n feeler (zool.) anteno; (fig.) sondo; feeling (emotional side of one’s character) sentimento; to hurt someone’s feelings ofenser la sentimento di álicu | (physical, mental sensation) sento
  • feign vt [feeling, state, injury] afectationer
  • feint n (boxing, fencing) finto || vi finter
  • fel n (fantasy) felo
  • feldspar n feldspatho
  • felicitate vt congràtuler || n felicitations congrátulos
  • felicity n felicitio || adj felicitous (apt) apta; (pleasing and fortunate) feliça
  • feline adj cata, -esca, -isca
  • fell vi (past tense of “fall”) cadin
  • fell vt (knock or cut down) [tree, enemy] abatuer
  • fell n (geog.: high moorland) fielo
  • fell adj (lit.: ferocious) feroça; (lit.: terribly evil) malvataza
  • fell n (pelt) pelicio
  • fellate vt felationer
  • felloes n circulono
  • fellow n (informal: man or boy) cherl(as)o; (comrade) asociito; camarato; co-; colego; companiono; (member) membro; [in learned society] societano; (one of a pair) duano; parìculano; símulo; fellowship (group) asociitado; companionado; societo; the Fellowship of the Ring la Companionado di la Anelo | (quality, state) camaratitio; companionitio || adj fellow citizen cocivo; fellow traveler coviaġanto; viaġ-companiono; (pol.) símpatho
  • felon n crìministo, -oso; felony crímino
  • felt n (fabric) feltro || vt (make into felt) feltrifer; (cover with felt) feltrizer || vi (become matted) feltr(iti)ecer
  • felt v (past tense of “feel”) sentin
  • felucca n feluco
  • female adj fémina; female goat capriso; female stripper striptizist(is)o || n fémino
  • feminine adj fémina, -isca; (mus., gram.) fèminisca || n feminism fèminismo; feminist fèministo; feminazi (derog.) feminacio
  • femur n (anat.) fémoro
  • fen n turfayo
  • fence n (barrier) fenço; chain-link fence metal-reta fenço; lattice fence gratícula fenço | (informal: receiver of stolen goods) receptatoro; fencing (series of fences) fençado; (sport) schirmo || vt (provide with a fence) fencizer; (informal: buy or sell) [stolen goods] receptatorìer || vi (sport) schirmer
  • fend vi to fend for oneself defenser (aut protecter, atenter, adjuter) si sole || vt to fend off [attack] detornìer; [attacker] repulser; [question] eluser || n fender (mudguard) parafango; (naut., RR) bufero; (fire screen) parafoco
  • fennel n (bot.: Foeniculum vulgare) fenúculo
  • fentanyl n (med.) fentanilo
  • fenugreek n (bot.: Trigonella foenum-graecum) fenogreco
  • ferment vi fermentìezer || vt fermentìer || n (archaic: leaven) fermento; fermentation fermentío
  • fermium n (chem.: Fm) fermio
  • fern n (bot.: Pteridopsida) fíliço
  • ferocious adj feroça || n ferocity ferocitio
  • ferret n (zool.: Mustela furo) furito || vt to ferret out batu-cacier; descòperter; (hunt with ferrets) furite cacier || vi to ferret around in cercher tra
  • ferric adj fera, -isca; (chem.) férica
  • ferrite n (chem.) ferito
  • ferroconcrete n armaturizita cemento
  • ferrous adj fera; (chem.) ferosa
  • ferrule n viriolo
  • ferry n feriboto; ferryman feribotisto || vt (feribote) transporter
  • fertile adj (agr.) [land, soil] fértila; (bio.) [person, animal, egg] fecunda || n fertility (agr.) fèrtilitio; (bio.) fecunditio; fertilizer (manure) sterco || vt to fertilize (agr.) fèrtilifer
  • ferule n virgo
  • fervor n fervoro || adj fervent, fervid fervoranta
  • fescue n (bot.: Festuca) festuco
  • fester vi (suppurate) [wound, pus] pusefer; (rot) [food] putrer; (fig.) [anger, resentment] incubationer
  • festival n (relig.) festo; (film, music, etc.) festivalo
  • festive adj festisca; (cheerful) alecra; festivity festo
  • fetch vt retroporter; to fetch water retroporter acuo | [to a dog] retroportes!
  • fête n festo || vt fester
  • fetid adj fétida
  • fetish n (cult object) fetiċo
  • fetlock n (zool., anat.) superunguo
  • fetter n cateno || vt catenizer
  • fetus n feto
  • feud n (prolonged quarrel) dìsputado; blood feud vindictado || vi dìsputader
  • feud n (fief) feudo; feudalism feudismo || adj feudal feudisca
  • fever n febro || adj feverish [person] fébraca; [thing] febrisca
  • few adj (not many) pauca; few and far between rara || prn a few (several) cualca
  • fez n fezo
  • fiance(e) n fidantiito
  • fiasco n fiasco; (wine bottle in a straw jacket) flasco
  • fiat n decreto; fiat money decreti-pecunio
  • fib n mendacieto || vi mendacieter
  • fiber n fibro; fiberglass vitri-plástico; fibril (tech.) fibreto; fibrin (biochem.) fibrino; fibrinogen (biochem.) fibrinógeno; fibroma (med.) fibrómato; fibromyalgia (med.) fibromialgío || vi fibrillate (med.) fibriler || adj fibrous fibrosa
  • fibula n (anat., hist.) fíbulo
  • fichu n ficuto
  • fickle adj neconstanta; [weather, fate] cambiejezosa, -ema; capriciosa, -ema
  • fiction n (lit.) fictiono; a work of fiction on fictionajo; on romanço; (untruth) fictiono; a polite fiction cortesa fictiono || adj fictional, fictitious, fictive fictionita
  • fiddle n (informal: violin) violino; to play second fiddle luder la duésima rolo; to play second fiddle to someone eser en la umbro di álicu || vi (informal: play the fiddle) violinijer; to fiddle with (fidget) jocheter per; (tinker) adjustifeter; rèpareter
  • fideicommissum n fideicomiso; fideicommissary fideicomisatario
  • fidelity n (faithfulness) fidelitio; (closeness to original) exactitio; fidelitio
  • fidget vi àgiter si; eser necuieta; to fidget with jocheter per
  • fiduciary adj (jur.) fidisca; (fin.) fideicomisisca
  • fie inter fi!
  • fief n (law, hist.) feudo
  • field n campo; [cultivated] agro; (mil.) field of battle campo di batalio | (sphere of activity) campo; departimento; dòminio; my particular field mea departimento; (comput.) campo; each field must be filled out before moving on homi deban plenifer cascuna campo por abantier; (heraldry, vexillology) campo; a white sword on a black field on blanca spatho sur on nigra campo; (phys., math) campo; magnetic field magnètichisca campo; (sport: participants) concursantado; fieldfare (zool.: Turdus pilaris) grisa turdo; field marshal (Brit., mil.) marescalco || vt (deal with) [phone call, question] responder ad; (sport) [ball] ricapter; [team] jochifer
  • fiend n (devil) demono; diábolo; (person) cruelazo; malvato || adj fiendish demonisca, -esca; díabolisca, -esca; [person] cruelaza; malvata
  • fierce adj (ferocious) feroça; (intense) intensa; [weather] violentiema, -osa; (ardent) ardoranta, -osa
  • fiery adj foca, -esca, -osa; [color] fochea; (fig.) ardoranta, -osa
  • fife n (mus.) fifo || vi (archaic) fifijer
  • fifteen card deci-cinca
  • fifth ord (5th) cinchésima || fract () cínchimo
  • fifty card cinchideça || ord fiftieth cinchidecésima
  • fig n (bot.: Ficus carica) fico; fig tree fichífero
  • fight vt combater || n combato; fight choreography combat-coreògrafío; fighter combatanto, -isto, -edoro; (aircraft) cacii-aviono; combat-aviono; [jet] jet-caciedoro; jet-combatedoro
  • figment n [of the imagination] fictiono
  • figure n (numeral) cifro; (sum) sumo; figures (statistics) statísticos | (shape) figuro; (bodily proportions) figuro; she has a nice figure el haban on bona figuro; (person) public figure pública figuro; these days he cuts a lonely figure nuntémpore il aparan como on solitatanta figuro | (rhet., geom., art) figuro; figure of speech paraul-figuro; figurehead (nominal leader) nominala ċefo; figurant figuranto; figurine figureto || vt (work out) [sum] càlculer; (represent) [in diagram, picture] figurizer; to figure out comprenser; (decipher) descifrationer; (solve) solver || vi (appear) figurizezer || adj figurative (art) figurizanta, -iziva; (metaphorical) [language] figurosa; [meaning] figurisca
  • Fiji n Fijia; Fijian Fijiano
  • filament n filamento
  • filaria n (zool.: Filarioidea) filario; filariasis (med.) filariíaso; filariozo
  • filbert n (bot.: Corylus avellana) [tree] abelanífero; [nut] abelano
  • filch vt (informal) furteter
  • file n (any container for holding arranged papers) fìgicuyo; [box] fígichi-capso; [folder] fígichi-carpito; [ring binder] anel-carpito; (contents) documentado; fìgicajo; [dossier] dosiero; police files politìisca fìgicajos (aut dosieros); (comput.) fìgicajo; to be on file eser fìgichita; to have something on file haber álico fìgichita; file clerk fìgichisto; file folder fígichi-carpito; file manager fìgicaj-aministratro; file organizer fìgicaj-clasìficatro; filing fígico || vt (store for easy reference) [notes, information, papers] fìgicher; [under heading] clasìficher; (submit) [claim, application, complaint] depòsiter; [lawsuit] initier
  • file n (row) filaro || vi (walk in line) caminer filare; (march in line) disfiler
  • file n (tool) limationatro || vt limationer
  • filial adj filiisca
  • filibuster n (pol.) filibusto || vi filibuster
  • filigree n filigrano
  • Filipino n Filipiniano
  • fill vt (make full) [container] plenifer; (plug) [tooth] obturer; (fulfill) [need] satisfacer; to fill in [hole, gap, outline] plenifer; (complete) [form] plenifer || n filler plenifajo; (for cracks in wood, plaster) mástiço; filling plenifajo; [of tooth] obturajo
  • fillet n (boneless cut of meat) filito; (headband) cápiti-bendo; (archit.) listelo || vt (debone) [fish] desosteizer; (cut into boneless strips) filitifer
  • fillip n stímulo
  • filly n cabaloliso
  • film n (cine., phot.) filmo; (pellicule) películo; (thin layer) strateto; (movie) filmo; film buff cinéfilo; film festival cinefestivalo; filmmaking filmefo; film star cinestelo; filmstrip filmino || vt (cine., phot.) [event, scene] filmijer
  • filter n filtro; filtrate filtrijito || vt filtrijer || vi filtrijezer || adj filter-tipped [cigarette] filtrosa
  • filth n (dirt) spurcajo; (indecent language, behavior) grosariajo; obcenajo; (person) versuro || adj filthy spurca; (ignoble) [affair, episode, detail, motive, action, behavior] sórdida; (indecent) [language, behavior] grosaria; obcena; (squalid) [conditions, surroundings] sórdida
  • fin n [of fish, rocket, aircraft, automobile, radiator] aleto
  • final adj (last) [in series] última; [stage] fina, -isca; última; (conclusive) conclusiva; decisiva; definitiva; fina, -isca; is that your final answer? chi ecuilo es vua respondo definitiva? | (ultimate) última || n (sport) finalo; finalist finalisto
  • finale n (mus.) finalo
  • finance n (money management) finantio; finances (monetary resources) finantiajo; financier finantiisto || vt finantier || adj financial finantiisca
  • finch n (zool.: Fringilla) pinciono
  • find vt (locate) trover; (perceive to be the case) I don’t find him all that bright mi no júdican il (como) tante arguta; it will be found that… homi trovun che…; (jur.) to find someone guilty/innocent declarationer che álicu es culposa/inocenta; to find someone out descòperter || n (something found) trovito
  • fine adj (of high quality) bon(az)a; -oci-; he’s a very fine musician il es on bonaza mùsichisto; very fine people on both sides valde bona personos sur amba láteros | (attractive) linda; (pure) [metal] pura; (acceptable) bona; (perceived only with difficulty and care) subtila; (delicate, thin) delicata; tenua; [point, nib] acuta; (made of small particles) [powder] subtila; (small) [particle] parvaza; (refined) [taste, manners] rafinita; fine arts bel-artos || n finery bel-vestado
  • fine n (penalty) multation(aj)o || vt multationer
  • finesse n (delicacy) delicatitio; (subtlety) subtilitio; (cunning) astutitio || vt (manage skillfully) facer delicate (aut subtile, astute); [problem, questions] schiver
  • finger n (anat.) dígito; fingerprint dígit-impresajo || vt (touch) tocher; (feel) palper; (penetrate) [vagina, anus] dígit-coiter cum; dìgitejer; (informal: inform on) denuntier
  • finial n (archit.) finialo
  • finicky adj minutiemaċa; selectemaċa
  • finish vt (complete) finer; to finish doing something finer facer álico; Fructidor finishes the year in the French Republican calendar Fructidoro finan la anuo en la Francisca repùblicisca calendario; what time do you finish work? ye cua cloco vi finan laboro? | (consume, use up) finer; finish your drink fines la bibedo; (defeat, destroy) finish him! paroccises il! | (round off, give finishing touch to) finiser; [ceramics] glaçurizer; [fabric] sàtinecifer; [food, paper] glaser; [leather] aprester; glaser; to finish off (conclude) parfiner; (consume, use up) parfiner; [bottle] parbiber; (kill) licuidationer; parocciser || vi (come to an end) finezer || n fino; (appearance) finiso; matte finish desbrilanta finiso; finishing school jùvenis-internato
  • finite adj (limited) lìmitizita; (ling.) [mood, verb] cònjughébila; (math) neinfinita
  • Finn n Finlandiano; Finland Finlandia
  • fir n (bot.: Abies) abieto
  • fire n (flames) foco; to catch (or take) fire ardecer; on fire ardanta; en flamos | (controlled flames) [bonfire] focatazo; [campfire] focato; [hearth] focularo; (destructive burning) incendio; to set on fire incendier | (mil.: shooting) dìsparado; under fire en dìsparado | (passion) ardoro; to have a fire in one’s belly ardorer; eser ardorosa; fire alarm incendiisca alarmatro; firearm focarmo; fireball foc-bulo; (meteor) bólido; firebrand (burning wood) titiono; (person) àgitanto; rebelionoso; fire brigade (Brit.) (foc-)extintistado; fire engine pump-camiono; fire escape incendiisca scalonado; fire exit incendiisca èxitayo; fire extinguisher (foc-)extintatro; firefly (zool.: Luciola) luciolo; fireguard parafoco; fireman (foc-)extintisto; fireplace focayo; focularo; fire screen fochi-scermo; paracintilo; fireside focayo; focularayo; fire station (foc-)extinterío; fire truck pump-camiono; firewall (comput.) baratro; fireweed (bot.: Chamaenerion angustifolium) camenerio; firewood ardi-ligno (aut -busco); firework artificia focajo; firing pin percusi-spínulo || vt (mil.: discharge) [gun] dìsparifer; [missile] dìsparer; (informal: dismiss) [employee] desinguager; (with cause) ejecter; you’re fired! vi es desinguagita!; (bake in kiln) [pottery] cocer; (stimulate) [imagination] stìmuler || vi (mil.: discharge) [at someone] dìsparer (asú álicu) || adj fireproof [clothing, suit] foc-èprobita; foc-imuna; fochífuga; [material] fochífuga; necombustébila; [safe] foc-èprobita; foc-imuna
  • firkin n (container) barileto
  • firm adj firma
  • firm n (business) firmaturo
  • firmament n firmamento
  • first ord unésima; I only read the first chapter mi lecturin mere la unésima capítulo; Jerry Falwell talks about his first time Jerry Falwell racontan sua unésima veço; to win first prize guadanier la unésima premio; at first cominitie; at first sight ye unésima vido; first come, first served unésime arivinta, unésime servuta; first of all ante omno; unésime; first aid sucurso; first-aid kit [container] sucursatruyo; [equipment] sucursatrado; firstborn unésime nacinta (aut gènitita); first class unésim-clasa; first fruits primicios; first name donita nómino; prenómino; first-rate unésim-ranga || adv firstly unésime || prn the first of January la unésima di Januario; Napoleon the First Napoleone la Unésima
  • firth n estuario
  • fisc n fisco || adj fiscal fischisca
  • fish n (zool.: Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes, Myxinidae, and Petromyzontiformes) piço; fish bone piç-osteo; fishcake piç-cuco; fish hook hamo; fishmonger piç-vendisto; fisher pischisto; fishery (fishing ground) piscayo; (fishing occupation) pisco; fisherman, -woman pischisto; fishing boat pischi-barco; fishing line pischi-filo; fishing pole, fishing rod pischi-pértico || vi pischer || adj fishy [smell, taste] picesca, -isca; (informal: suspicious) suspectanda
  • fissile adj (phys.) [atom, element] fisioniva; (easily split) [rock] findébila
  • fission n find(ez)o; (bio., biochem., chem.) cindezo; (phys.) fisiono
  • fissiparous adj find(ez)ema; (bio.) cisípara
  • fissure n findajo
  • fist n pugno; fist-fucking (vulg.) pugni-futuo; fisticuffs pugni-colpos; fisting pugnejo; pugni-coito || vt (penetrate) [vagina, anus] pugnejer; pugni-coiter cum
  • fistula n (med.) fístulo
  • fit adj (suitable) apta; fit for military service apta ad guero; fit to eat apta ad mangezo; mangébila; he is not fit for the job il no es apta ad la laboro; survival of the fittest la transvivo da la maxim apta | (right and proper) convenanta; decenta; you must do as you see fit vi deban facer cuo vi trovan convenanta; (healthy) [med.] en bona stando; sana; (in shape) bon-forma; en formo; hícana; fitting decenta || n [of garments, components] these shoes are a perfect fit la calcéolos fitan perfecte; fitter [of device, machine] montisto; [of garment] adjustifisto; fitting [of garment] (vest-)éprobo; fittings accesorios; instalajos || vt (be right size for) fiter ad; it fits me like a glove li fitan ad mi cuom on guanto; this key doesn’t fit in the lock la clavo no fitan ad la seraturo | (measure) [garment] adjustifer; to fit a dress on somebody adjustifer on vestito ad álicu | [person] mensurer; (fix or put into place) fixer; poner; to fit a shelf to the wall fixer on planco an la parieto | (equip) ecuiper; a car fitted with an ejector seat on vecturo ecuipita per on ejecti-sedatro | (install) instaler; we’re having a new bathroom fitted nos fiçan instaler on nova bálne-cambro; (match) eser conforma ad; [facts] concorder cum || vi (be right size) fiter; a bra’s gotta fit right up a person’s skin, like a glove! le mam-subtenatro deban fiter ad la pelo, cuom on guanto!; (match) that doesn’t fit with what you said yesterday ecuilo no concordan cum ecuilo cuo vi dicin here; to fit in (be in harmony with) does that not fit in with your plans? no concordan ecuilo cum vua projectos?; (integrate) he’s having problems fitting in at school li no bone integrationan si en la scolo
  • fit n (med.: attack) ataco; paroxismo; to have a fit haber on ataco; paroxismer; I had a fit of epilepsy / the giggles mi habin on ataco di epilepsío / ridetaċo || adj fitful [breeze, showers, gunfire] intermitanta; [sleep] àgitita; destrancuila
  • five card cinca
  • fix vt (make fast, firm) fixer; to fix a stake in the ground fixer on palo en la tero | (direct, aim) [eyes, gaze] dìriger; fixer; [gun, camera, radar] dìriger; (decide, settle on) [price, date, language form] fixer; (establish) [location] determinationer; (make arrangements for) aranger; (informal: prepare) [meal, drink] prèparer; (make permanent) [film, color, dye] fixer; (mend, repair) rèparer; (solve) [problem] solver; (informal: tidy up) aranger; to fix one’s hair (ri)aranger; (informal: castrate or spay) [animal] neutrifer; (informal: rig) [match, fight, election, trial] manìpuler; (informal: get revenge on) I’ll soon fix him mi prompte saldun la conto cum il; to be fixing to do something (intend) intenter facer álico || n (predicament) dilemo; imbarasezo; mala stando; (solution) solvo; (aero., naut., astron.) to get a fix on determinationer la positiono di | (informal: dose) [of narcotic drug] doso; fixer (phot.) fixivo; fixings garnisivo; fixture fixajo
  • fixate vt [one’s attention] fixer || vi to fixate on obsesezer da
  • fizz vi (bubble) efervecer; (hiss) siser || n (bubbling) eferveço; (hissing) siso || adj fizzy eferveçanta, -ema, -osa; gasosa
  • fizzle vi (feebly hiss) siseter; (end or fail in a disappointing way) nulecer
  • fjord n fiordo
  • flab n flacajo || adj flabby flaca
  • flabbergast vt (informal) consterner
  • flabellum n flabelo
  • flaccid adj flácida
  • flacon n flacono
  • flag n bandario; (comput.) flago; (standard, banner) standardo; flagpole bandarii-masto; bandarii-stango; flagship amiral-navo || vt (draw attention to) signaler (per bandario); [computer record] flaghizer; to flag down [taxi] haltifer || vi (weaken, tire) dèbilecer; fatighezer; [enthusiasm, conversation] decadentier; morter
  • flag n (also “flagstone”) lauso
  • flag n (bot.: Iris pseudacorus, Iris versicolor, Iris prismatica) írino
  • flagellate vt flagelijer
  • flagellum n (bio.) flagelo || adj flagellate flagelífera
  • flageolet n (mus.) flaġoleto
  • flagon n botelazo
  • flagrant adj flagranta
  • flail n trìbulatro; (mil.) guer-trìbulatro || vt (agitate) [arms, legs] àgiter || vi to flail about batuer la airo
  • flair n (talent) talento; (style) brio; elegantitio; stilo
  • flak n (criticism) crìtichío; (antiaircraft fire) anti-airisca dísparo
  • flake n [of skin] scuamo; [of snow, cereal] floco || vi flochecer
  • flamboyant adj flamefanta
  • flame n flamo; to burst into flame flagrer; flamethrower flam-jetatro || vi flamefer; to flame up flagrer || adj flaming flamefanta; flamosa; flammulated owl (zool.: Psiloscops flammeolus) flamea striġo
  • flamen n flámino
  • flamingo n (zool.: Phoenicopteridae) flamingo
  • flammable adj ardema
  • flan n (culin.) fladono; (pie) torto; (quiche) chisho; (tart) tarto
  • Flanders n Flandria
  • flange n (tech.) flanġo
  • flank n (anat., geog., mil.) flanco || vt (guard or be on each or one side of) flanchejer
  • flannel n (fabric) flanelo; flannelette coton-flanelo
  • flap vt [wings] batuer per (sua alos); (shake) [arms] àgiter || n (hinged or hanging cover) clapo
  • flapjack n pancheco
  • flare n (burst of flame or light) (ec)flamefo; flagro; lùmineço; (signal device) bengalo; [for road emergencies] vial-bengalo; [of distress] sucurs-bengalo; (astron.) solar flare solelisca erupto | (sew) [of pants, sleeves] evasajo || vt (widen) [nostrils] dilationer; infler; [pants, sleeves] evaser || vi (ec)flamefer; flagrer
  • flash vi (shine briefly) fùlgurer; the blade flashed in the light la lamno fúlgurin en la lúmino | (shine intermittently) fùlgurader; a flashing light fùlguradanto; (move quickly) vader cuom fúlmino; to flash in / out / past entrer / èxiter / paser cuom fúlmino | (informal: expose oneself) exhibitioner || vt (shine briefly) fùlgurifer; to flash a light in someone’s face fùlgurifer on lúmino ad álicu en luya óculos | (shine intermittently) fùlguradifer; (display briefly) jacter; monstrer rápide; to flash one’s passport monstrer rápide sua pasaporto; to flash someone a look of contempt jacter ad álicu on reguardo di desestimo | (flaunt) ostenter; stop flashing your money around cesationes ostenter vua pecunio || n (brief burst of light) brileço; a flash of white light on brileço da blanca lúmino; (instant) instanto; in a flash instante; flashback (cine.) retroceno; flash drive mémori-clavo; flashlight fanaleto; poc-lámpado; flashpoint (chem.) accendi-punto; (fig.) cris-punto; flasher exhibitionisto || adj flashy ostentanda; (gaudy) vochemaċa
  • flask n (laboratory flask) flascono; (hip flask) flascheto; (wine bottle in a straw jacket) flasco; (thermos) therm(òbotel)o
  • flat adj (even, level, smooth) [surface] plana; flat roof plana tecto; the marble rolls where the floor isn’t completely flat la buleto ròtulezan ube la solio no es tote plana; (having even surface and usually little height or depth) plata; a flat stomach on plata ventro | (having low arch) [foot] plata; (without heels) [shoe] plata; (dull, lifeless) [taste, style, voice, color] monótona; plata; (lacking contrast) [photo, negative] plata; (matte) [color] desbrilanta; (sluggish) [trade, business] languanta; stagnanta; (having lost its effervescence) [soda, champagne] desfresca; (deflated) [tire, ball] desinflita; (mus.) bemola; (off-key) desakordanta; (unvarying) [rate, fee] fixita; (outright) [refusal, denial] absoluta; flat-bottomed [boat] plat-funda; flat-chested plat-péctora; flat-footed plat-peda; flat-nosed plat-nasa || adv plate; (informal: completely) tote; flat broke tote sine pecunio; (informal: exactly) in two minutes flat en dua minutos precise; flatly (without emotion) [read, recite] monótone || n (flat part of something) platajo; (RR: flatcar) plat-vagono; flats (geol.) planajo | (mus.) bemolo; (informal: flat tire) desinflito; flatbread ázimo; flat-earther plat-teristo; flatfish (zool.: Pleuronectiformes) plat-piço || vt to flatten (compress, squash) platifer; to flatten the (epidemic) curve platifer la (epidemìisca) curvo | [hair, paper, map] lisifer; (knock down) [person, tree] abatuer; (level out) [surface] planifer; (make less bumpy) [path, road] planifer; (raze) [building, city] razer || vi to flatten (become compressed) platecer; (become less bumpy) [path, road] planecer; (level out) [surface] planecer
  • flat n (apartment) apartamento
  • flatter vt (praise) aduler; (show to advantage) aduler; favorer; to flatter oneself (delude) ilusioner si || n flattery adulo || adj flattering (enhancing one’s appearance) that dress isn’t flattering at all on you ecuila vestito tote no favoran (aut adulan) vi
  • flatulate vi pèditer || adj flatulent pèditema
  • flaunt vt ostenter
  • flautist n flautisto
  • flavor n saporo; flavoring (substance) saporajo || vt saporifer || adj flavored (having a particular flavor) banana-flavored cum saporo di banano; flavorful saporosaza
  • flaw n defecto; (in reasoning) eroro || vt defectizer || adj flawless nedefectosa; pefecta
  • flax n (bot.: Linum usitatissimum) lino; (fabric) linajo
  • flay vt (skin) despelizer
  • flea n (zool.: Siphonaptera) púliço; flea market púliç-bazaro
  • fleck n mácul(et)o; [of dust] partículo || vt màculizer
  • fledge vi plumosecer; volivecer || n fledgling aucelolo; (fig.: novice) novicio; (in compounds) [industry, democracy] júvena || adj fledged plumosa; voliva
  • flee vi fuger || vt fuger de (aut ec); to flee the country fuger ec la paeso
  • fleece n lano; [with skin attached] lan-pelicio || vt [sheep] deslanizer; (informal: swindle) frauder
  • fleet n (naut.) navado; (large group of ships under same command or ownership) floto; (naval forces of a country) the British fleet la Britaniana mar-armato; (aer.) aerofloto; (auto.) autofloto
  • fleet adj (chiefly lit.) rápida; fleeting efémera; nedurationiva; pasanta
  • Fleming n Flandriano
  • Flemish adj Flandriana
  • flense vt (slice skin or fat from) [whale] desgrasajizer; despelizer
  • flerovium n (chem.: Fl) flerovio
  • flesh n carno
  • fleur-de-lis n (art, heraldry: ⚜) (blasonisca) lilii-floro; (bot.: Iris × germanica) Alemaniana (aut barbosa) írino
  • flex vt flecter || vi flectezer || adj flexible flectébila
  • flex n (Brit.: cord) cablo
  • flick n forcolpeto; (informal: movie) filmo || vt forcolpeter; he flicked the lint off his sleeve il forcolpetin la linamento de sua mánico; to flick off [light, TV] extinguer; to flick on [light, TV] accenser
  • flicker vi fluctuer; [flame, light] trèmuler; vacileter
  • flight n (act of flying) volo; to take flight volecer | (group) [of birds] aucelado; [of planes] excuadroneto; [of stairs] scalonado; (act of fleeing) fuġo; (far-fetched idea) fola ideo; flight deck (of aircraft carrier) vol-copertono; (of airplane) pilot-cabino; pilotayo; flight lieutenant (mil.) tenento di excuadroneto; flight path (of airplane) aerovialo; (of rocket, projectile) trajectorio || adj flighty capriciosa, -ema; frívola
  • flimsy adj (thin) [dress] legera; [material, paper] delicata; tenua; (weak, insubstantial) [excuse, pretext] débila; mala; nebona; [structure, argument] pauche sólida
  • flinch vi flencher
  • fling vt (throw) jact(az)er; (swing, push, move) brusche (aut abrupte, súbite) -er; to fling open a door brusche àperer on portelo || n (short affair) amor-adventuro
  • flint n (geol.) síliço; flint glass flinto
  • flip vt (overturn) renverser; (move, push, or throw suddenly) brusche (aut abrupte, súbite) mover (aut pulser, jacter) || vi (informal: become very angry) furiecer; (informal: become very enthusiastic) folecer; to flip through [book] foliejer || n flip-flop (sandal) flipflopo; flipper [of seal, whale, turtle, diver] aleto
  • flippant adj facetiosa; frívola; impertinenta
  • flirt vi flirter || n flirtemo
  • flit vi voleter (rápide)
  • float vi (rest or move on surface) [of liquid] flotationer; (move or hover) [in liquid, air] sueber; to float around [rumor] circulationer || vt [boat] flotationifer; [idea, project, plan] lancer; (fin.) [currency] lacer fluctuer || n (floating support) [of seaplane, fishing net, etc.] flotationatro; (raft) ratilo; (in parade) pomp-vagono
  • flocculent adj flocosa, -esca
  • flock n -ado; greġo; [of geese] aucado; [of sheep] ovícul-greġo; ovìculado || vi gregecer
  • flock n (stuffing, padding) buro; (tuft) [of wool, cotton] floco
  • floe n banchísimo
  • flog vt [with whip] flagelijer; [with stick] virghijer
  • flood n inundo; the Flood (relig.) la Diluvio; floodgate eclus-portelo; floodlight larghi-lùminizatro; flood tide fluxo || vt inunder
  • floor n solio; the floor (right to speak) la paraul-yuro; to have the floor haber la paraul-yuro | (story) staġo; floor lamp alti-lámpado; statianta lámpado; flooring solii-tàbulado || vt (provide with a floor) [room] soliizer; (informal: knock down) abatuer; (baffle, silence) consterner
  • flop vi (fall in a heavy way) cad(az)er; (sit or lie down heavily) lacer si cad(az)er; (informal: fail totally) [performer, show] fiascher || adj floppy disk (comput.) flectébila disco; floppy drive (comput.) flectébil-unajo; flectébila disc-unajo
  • flora n plantado
  • floral adj florisca
  • florescent adj florefanta || n florescence florefo
  • floret n floreto
  • florid adj (ruddy) rúbe-facia; (ornate) [style] nim-ornita
  • florin n florino
  • florist n floristo
  • flotation n flotationo; (fin.) [of shares, loan, company] lanço
  • flotilla n floteto
  • flotsam n náufrag-residuo
  • flounce vi (en-, ec-)vader nepatiente (aut indigne, irace)
  • flounce n (frill) falbalo
  • flounder vi (struggle, stagger) [in water or mud; also fig.] tìtuber
  • flounder n (several species within Pleuronectoidei) flundro
  • flour n farino
  • flourish vi [person, business, civilization] florefer; pròsperer; [plant] bone crecer || vt (wave) [weapon, stick, etc.] brander || n (showy gesture) granda gestículo; (decoration) [under signature] parafo; (mus.) [fanfare] fanfaro; [fioritura] florituro; [grace note] floritureto
  • flout vt (openly ignore) ignorer; (archaic: mock) deriser
  • flow vi fluer; to flow back retrofluer || n fluo; (rise) [of tide, river] fluxo; flowchart flu-diagramo
  • flower n floro; flower bed flor-agreto || vi florefer || adj flowery [field, meadow] florosa; [fragrance, perfume] florisca; [wallpaper, fabric, dress] florosa; (fig.) [style] ornita
  • flu n influentio
  • fluctuate vi fluctuer; varier
  • flue n fum-túbulo
  • fluent adj fluanta; I am fluent in over six million forms of communication mi fluante paraulan super sesmiliona formos di comúnico
  • fluff n (soft fibers or down) lanúgino; (informal: blunder) eroro || vt (make fuller, softer) [pillow] molifer || adj fluffy lanùginosa, -esca
  • fluid n flúido || adj flúida
  • fluke n (chance occurrence) fortúito
  • fluke n (zool.: Monogenea) monogéneo; (zool.: Trematoda) tremátodo
  • fluke n (anchor point) pato
  • flummox vt consterner
  • flunk vt (informal) faler
  • flunky n lacayo
  • fluoresce vi fluoriceer || adj fluorescent bulb fluoricivo
  • fluoride n fluoruro; fluoride toothpaste fluorosa dentifricio (aut denti-pasto); fluoridation fluorizo || vt to fluoridate fluorizer
  • fluorine n (chem.: F) fluoro
  • fluorite n (min.) fluorito
  • fluoroscope n fluoroscopio; fluoroscopy fluoroscopiijo
  • fluorspar n (min.) fluorito
  • flurry n (gust) ráfico; (commotion) frenesío
  • flush vi (blush) (genal-)rùbeecer || vt (cleanse) [toilet] exacuer; (remove by flushing) [waste, pills] exacui-forifer; (drive out) [game] ecpelentier; fugifer
  • flush adj (level) plana; flush with conivela ad; (having plenty) to be flush with money haber on abundo de pecunio || adv conivele
  • flush n (cards) fluso
  • fluster vt flustrer; àgiter; nerviosifer
  • flute n (mus.) flauto; (archit.: groove) caneluro || vt (make grooves in) canelurizer
  • flutter vi (fly or hover unsteadily) [bird, butterfly] voleter; (flap quickly) [wings] rápide batuer; (move or fall irregularly) [flag] undefer; [leaf] cader girante; (move restlessly) [person] voleter; (beat fast or irregularly) [heart] pàlpiter || n (act of fluttering) [of bird, butterfly] voleto; [of wings] batuo; (med.) [of heart] pálpito; (rad.) trémulo; (tremor) trémulo
  • flux n fluo; (continuous change) continua cambiejezo; (metallurgy) fundento; (phys.) fluo; the flux (archaic: diarrhea or dysentery) diareo; disenterío
  • fly vi (be airborne) [plane, bird, insect] voler; a bird flew over the ship on aucelo supervolin la navo | [something thrown] jactezer; voler; (travel in aircraft) vader (avione); “how did you get here?” “I flew” “cuome vi venin hic?” “avione”; (flutter) [flag, hair] undefer; (move quickly) curazer; hastazer; (archaic: flee) fuger; fly, you fools! fuges, stultos!; to fly away forvoler; to fly in envoler; to fly off forvoler; to fly out ecvoler || vt [aircraft] pilotìer; by the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane? látere, es ci álicu hic cua sapan pilotìer on aviono? | [passenger, cargo] transporter (avione); (accomplish in an aircraft) [mission] pilots trained to fly combat missions pilotos intrainita por facer airisca operationos; (display on flagpole) exhibitioner; hiser; (traverse) to fly the Atlantic transvader Atlántico; (archaic: flee from) fuger de/ec || n (on trousers) brachito; flyleaf guard-págino; flyover country paeso transvadata; flywheel (tech.) bilanciario; flyer volanto, -edoro; (aviator) aviationisto; (pamphlet) folieto || adj flying volanta; with flying colors ecele; flying buttress (archit.) apodii-arco; flying saucer volanta disco; volanta subtaso; flying squad (Brit.) volanta brigado
  • fly n (zool.: Diptera) musco; flyblow musc-ovado; flycatcher (zool.: Muscicapa) muschi-captedoro
  • foal n [horse] cabalolo; [donkey] àsinolo
  • foam n spumo; foam rubber spongii-cauċo; spum-cauċo || vi spumefer
  • fob n (chain) horologiet-cateno; (pocket) horologiet-poco
  • focal adj focalisca; focal plane focal-plano
  • focus n focalo || vt [camera, instrument] enfocalifer (ad álico); [eyes, attention] fixer (sur álico) || vi to focus on enfocalifer (álico)
  • fodder n fodro
  • foe n (lit. or formal) inimico
  • foehn n favonio
  • fog n (met.) nébulo; foghorn nébul-corno (aut -sireno) || vt nèbulizer || adj foggy nèbulosa
  • fogey n (also “fogy”) fósilo
  • foible n (quirk) eccèntricajo; (weakness) dèbilajeto
  • foil vt (thwart) [person] falifer; [plan] falifer; vanifer
  • foil n (metal sheet) metal-folio (aut -papero); aluminum foil aluminii-folio; tinfoil stan-folio | (fig.: contrast) contrasto; Fortinbras serves as Hamlet’s foil Fortinbracio servan como la contrasto ad Hamleto
  • foil n (fencing) florito
  • foist vt imposer
  • fold vt plicher || vi plichezer || n plicajo; (bend) sinuo; folder carpito; (comput.) carpito; directorio; fìgicuyo || adj folding bed plichébila lecto; folding door plic-portelo
  • fold n (pen) greġayo; (herd) greġo
  • -fold afx -(u)pl-; threefold tripla
  • foliage n foliado
  • folio n (sheet) folio; (book) enfolio
  • folk n (informal: people) [generally] personos; lots of folks believe… multos credan che… | [of a country, region] pópulo; city / country folk civitatanos / ruranos; the common folk la pópulo | (folk music) pòpulisca músico; folks (informal: parents) genitoros; my folks las mea; mea véculos; folklore folcloro
  • follicle n (anat.) folículo
  • follow vt secuer; who’s the more foolish … the fool or the fool who follows him? cua es la plu stulta … la stulto aut la stulto cua secuan li? || vi as follows asíc; la secuanta; he tweeted back as follows il respondin tuite asíc (aut la secuanta) || n follower secuanto; (disciple) adhesanto; dicípulo; secuanto
  • folly n stultitio, -ajo
  • foment vt (provoke) provocationer; [fig.] fomentizer; (archaic: med.) fomentizer
  • fond adj (having a like for) afectionosa; to be fond of someone / something afectioner álicu / álico | (affectionate, loving) amoranta, -osa
  • fondant n fondanto
  • fondle vt carecier
  • fondue n fonduto
  • font n (baptismal basin) bapti-cupeto; (fount) fonto
  • font n (typ.) tipado
  • fontanel n (anat.; also “fontanelle”) fontanelo
  • food n alimentivo; mangedo; (nourishment) nutrivo; food chain alimentisca cateno; food processor cocin-máchino; foodstuff alimentivo
  • fool n stulto; (hist.: jester) bufono || vt inganer || adj foolhardy temeraria; foolish stulta; foolproof nefaliva
  • foot n (anat., meas.) pedo; on foot pede; to go on foot ped-vader; vader pede; to put one’s foot in it eroraċer; parauler nediscrete | (base) [of mountain, column] basamento; pedo; [of page, stairs] pedo; foot-and-mouth disease (med.) afthosa febro; football (American) [game] Usonana futbalo; (soccer) [game] futbalo; footbridge ped-vadisca ponto; ponteto; foothill pedmontio; foothold apodii-punto; footlights solii-lámpados; footman lacayo; footnote ped-noto; footpath sentario; footplate (Brit., RR) platformo; footprint ped-marco; footrail pedi-stango; footstep pasuo; footstool ped-tabureto; footwarmer ped-caldifatro; footwear ped-vestado; footage metrajo
  • footle vi (chiefly Brit.) amusaċer si
  • fop n dandio || adj foppish dandiesca
  • for prep (aim) por; to do something for money facer álico por pecunio; (cause) pro; to not do something for lack of money no facer álico pro manco di pecunio; (as being) como; he left her for dead il abandonin el como je mortinta; to know something for a fact saper álico como certa; (comparison) he is tall for his age il es alta relatione ad sua etato; (continuing state) dex; I had been studying French for two years mi studin Francenso dex dua anuos ántee; I haven’t seen her for six months mi no vidan el dex sesa anuos; (duration) dum; I studied French for two years mi studin Francenso dum dua anuos | [with negatives] usche post; no sex for a month nula sexío usche post una mensuo; (exchange) por; cocaine for $10,000 a kg cocaíno por 10 000 $ chilograme/po chilogramo; I bought/sold my car for a dollar mi comprin/vendin mea vecturo por una dólaro; I’ll give you this book for that one mi donun ad vi ecuista libro por ecuila; (in spite of) for all his wealth malgrate sua richitio; (instead of) vice di; (to be) do you take me for a fool? consíderan vi mi como je stulto?; [mistakenly] I took you for someone else mi confundin vi ad álteru || conj (because, since) pro che
  • forage vi (search for food) cercher alimentivo; [for livestock] cercher fodro; (archaic: supply with food) [livestock] fodrizer || n (grass, hay) fodro
  • foray n incurso; [to pillage] razio || vt to foray into incurser; razier
  • forbear vi abstiner; retenter si; to forbear to do something abstiner (aut retenter si) de facer álico
  • forbid vt [something to someone] pròhiber (álico ad álicu)
  • force n (strength) fortitio; (phys.) fortio; force five wind vento di fortio cinchem; (power or influence) force for good fortio por le bona; force of nature fortio di naturo; (sci-fi) dark/light side of the Force obscura/lùminosa látero di la Fortio; may the Force be with you! la Fortio eses cum vi!; (coercion) coerço; [by physical force] fortiijo; by force fortiije; (legitimacy, validity) vàliditio; to have the force of law eser válida como leġo; (mil., police) armato; trupo; armed forces armato(s); armizita trupos (aut fortios); the force la politío; in force (in large numbers) en granda numbro; (operative, in effect) viġanta; (valid) válida || vt (break into) fortiijer; (cause to do) ficer -er; (coerce) coercer; [by physical force] fortiijer; (rape) fortiijer; violationer; to force back represer; repulser; retropelentier; to force down (airplane) decensifer; (prices) basifer; diminutioner; (swallow) fortiije gluter; to force in fortiijer; to force oneself on imposer si ad; to force oneself to do coercer si facer; to force open fortiijer; to force out ecfortiijer; ecpelentier; to force-feed fortiij-alimenter || adj forced (compelled) coercita; (door, lock) fortiijita; (style) afectationanta; forced labor coercita laboro; forced laugh artificia (aut coercita) rido; forced march accèlerita marċo; forceful [argument] convinçanta; [person] energìosa; forta; forcible (done by force) fortiijita; (forceful) energìosa; forta
  • forcemeat n farso
  • forceps n (surg.) pinçatro; (dentist’s) denti-tenalio; (tweezers) pinçatreto; (midwifery) fórcipo
  • ford n guadayo || vi guader
  • fore adj abántea || n abánteo, -ajo; fore-and-aft rig àuricado
  • forearm n (anat.) abante-brachio
  • forebode vt (archaic: be omen of) presagìer; (archaic: have presentiment of) antesenter || n foreboding antesento; to have a foreboding that… antesenter che…
  • forecast vt antedicer; [weather] prognoser
  • forecastle n prori-castelo
  • foreclose vi [on mortgaged property] embargher (proprietato)
  • forefather n átavo
  • forefinger n índichi-dígito
  • forefoot n (anat.) abántea pedo
  • forefront n abante-guardio
  • forego vt see “forgo”; (precede) antevader || adj foregoing (preceding, just mentioned) ántea; foregone (bygone) anticua; pasinta; (previous, former) ántea; ólima; (informal: inevitable, predictable) neevitébila; foregone conclusion neevitébila resulto
  • foreground n primaria plano
  • forehand n (tennis) abante-manua colpo
  • forehead n (anat.) fronto
  • foreign adj exterpaesa; extranearia; forana; foreign exchange valuti-cambio; foreign minister ministro di extranearia afaros || n foreigner extraneario
  • foreland n promontorio
  • foreleg n (anat.) abántea gambo
  • forelock n abántea tufo
  • foreman n excuadri-ċefo; subċefo; (jur.) presidento (di la jurio)
  • foremost adj ċefa; principala || adv ċefe; principale
  • forensic adj (relating to forensic science) forènsichisca; (dated: relating to courts of law) yurisca || n forensics (forensic science) forénsico
  • forequarters n abanteajo
  • forerunner n precursoro; (omen) presaġo
  • foresee vt antevider
  • foreshadow vt presagìer
  • foreshore n plagio
  • foreshorten vt perspectivifer
  • foresight n antevido
  • foreskin n (anat.) preputio
  • forest n foresto; forester forestisto; forestry forest-cultivo
  • forestall vt (prevent) preventer; (anticipate) antìciper; (hist.: monopolize) acaparer
  • foretell vt antedicer
  • forethought n antepenso; antemédito
  • forever adv (for always) por sempre; (continuously) sempre || adj perpetua; forever war perpetua guero
  • foreword n prefationo
  • forfeit vt forfecter || n (penalty) [in game] forfecto; [jur.] multation(aj)o
  • forgather vi (formal; also “foregather”) cumvener
  • forge vt [metal] forger; (falsify) contrafecter || n forgerío; forgery (act) contrafecto; (result) contrafectajo
  • forge vi (move) to forge ahead abantier; to forge ahead of someone preterpaser álicu
  • forget vt obliter || n forget-me-not (bot.: Myosotis) miosótido; no-oblites-mi || adj forgetful oblitema
  • forgive vt pardoner
  • forgo vt (also “forego”) [give up, do without] abandoner; precinder de; renuntier; [refrain from] abstiner de; retenter si de
  • fork n (cutlery) furcheto; (split in road) bifurcayo; forklift lev-carito
  • forlorn adj (abandoned) abandonita; (sad) trista; (hopeless) [attempt, endeavor] nesperosa
  • form n (shape) formo; the human form la humanisca formo; in the form of en formo di; to take form recepter formo (aut factiono) | (manifestation; variety) claso; formo; tipo; to change one’s form of government cambier la formo (aut sistémato) di guberno; form of payment formo di pago; [gram.] the plural form la plurala formo | (mold, frame, block) formizuyo; (document) formulario; (etiquette) as a matter of form pro formo; (fitness, condition) in good form bon-forma; hícana | (Brit.: bench) scamno; formation formizo, -ajo; (mil.) formationo, -ajo; former formizanto, -atro || vt (shape, make) formizer; to form a government formizer on gubernerío; the lines form a square la líneos formizan on cuadrato || vi (take shape) formizezer; an idea formed in her mind on ideo formizezin en eluya mento || adj formative formizanta, -iziva; formative years pueritio || afx -forma; cruciform cruciforma
  • formal adj (in accordance with convention) formala; (solemn, prim) solemna; (officially recognized) formala; a formal visit on formala vísito; (concerned with outward appearance) formisca || n formalism formalismo; formality formalitio, -ajo
  • formaldehyde n (chem.) formaldehido
  • formalin n formalino; formolo
  • format n (arrangement) formato; the format of the funeral service la formato di la fúnero; (dimensions of book, page) A2, A4 format formato A2, A4; (division of a folio) octavo format óctim-folia formato | (medium) formato; available in CD format disposébila en CD; (comput.: data structure) formato || vt [book, file, disk] formatizer
  • former adj (earlier, previous) ántea; in a former life en on ántea vivo; no enemy is worse than a former friend, no troll is more vicious than a former fan nula inimico es pejora cam on ántea amico, nula trolo es plu feroça cam on ántea fano | [chairman, wife, etc.] ex-; the former president la expresidento | (of long ago) ólima; in former times olim || adv formerly ántee; (long ago) olim || prn (first of two) the former … the latter ecuila … ecuista; la unésima … la duésima; C-3PO and R2-D2, the former tall and kvetchy, the latter short and plucky C-3P0 et R2-D2, la unésima alta et plangema, la duésima basa et coraġosa
  • formic adj (pertaining to ants) formichisca; formic acid formic-ácido
  • formidable adj timenda, -anda
  • formol n formalino; formolo
  • formula n fórmulo; to formulate fòrmulizer
  • fornicate vi (formal or humorous) fòrnicher
  • forsake vt (abandon) abandoner; forlacer; (give up) [ambition, demand] renuntier; (disavow) [belief, country, friend] rènegher
  • forswear vt (formal: agree to give up) abjurer; renuntier; to forswear oneself (commit perjury) false jurer
  • forsythia n (bot.: Forsythia) forsithio
  • fort n (mil.) fortalo
  • forte n fortajo
  • forte adv (mus.) forte
  • forth adv (chiefly archaic: onward) adabántee; and so forth et cétera, -e
  • forthcoming adj (future) aparunta; eventunta; venunta; (communicative) paraulema
  • forthright adj cándida
  • forthwith adv imediate
  • fortify vt (mil.) [place] fortìficher; (fig.) [person] fortifer || n fortification (mil.) [act] fortífico; [result] fortìficajo; (fig.) fortifo
  • fortissimo adv (mus.) fortaze
  • fortitude n coraġo; moralitatisca fortitio; valentitio
  • fortnight n (Brit.) biseptimano || adv fortnightly biseptimane
  • fortress n fortalazo
  • fortuitous adj fortúita
  • fortune n (luck) fortúito; the fortunes of war la fortuítos di guero | [good luck] fortuno; (destiny, fate) sorto; (riches) ricajo; fortune teller divinationisto || adj fortunate feliça; fortunosa
  • forty card cuatrideça || ord fortieth cuatridecésima
  • forum n foralo; (platform) tribunaro
  • forward adv (toward the front) adabántee || adj (directed toward the front) adabántea; (positioned near the front) abántea; (presumptuous) presumptosa || n (sport) abànteisco || vt (send on) [letter] adultreifer; please forward bon-volitione adultreifes | (dispatch) [goods] èxpeder
  • fossick vi (Australian informal: rummage) cercher (tra)
  • fossil n fósilo || vt to fossilize fòsilifer || vi to fossilize fòsilecer
  • foster vt (encourage) alimenter; disveloper; favorer; fomentizer; ìnciter; initier; nutrer; stìmuler; (bring up) [another’s child] nutricher || adj foster brother/sister nutrichi-germano; foster child nutricato; foster parent nutricanto
  • foul adj (offensive to the senses) [place] repugnanta; sórdida; [smell] fétida; mal-odoranta, -osa; repugnanta; [taste] repugnanta; (polluted) [air] nepura; [breath] fétida; repugnanta; [meat] contàminita; putranta; [water] contàminita; polutita; spurca; (wet and stormy) [weather] mala; (opposite one’s course) [wind, tide] còntrea; (wicked, immoral) abòminanda; mal(az)a; odianda; (obscene) [language] grosaria || n (sport) faulo; (collision) colisiono || vt (pollute) poluter; (dirty) sòrdidifer; (obstruct) obstructer; (collide with) colisioner cum; intreshocher; (entangle) intricher; (sport) fauler contre; to foul up (botch) façaċer || vi (sport) fauler
  • foulard n fulardo
  • found vt (past of “find”) trovin; (past participle of “find”) trovita || n foundling trovito
  • found vt (establish) fundationer || n foundation (base, basis) fundamento; (establishment) fundationo, -ajo; founder (establisher) fundationinto
  • found vt (melt and mold) [metal] fusioner || n founder fusionisto; foundry fusionerío
  • founder vi (sink) afundezer
  • fount n (source; spring) fonto; (lit.: fountain) fontano; fountain pen fontan-penino
  • fountain n fontano
  • four card cuatra; fourteen deci-cuatra || n foursome deci-cuatro; fourth (mus.) cuarto || adj four-wheel drive (system) cuatri-rota tractiono; tota (aut íntegra) tractiono; fourfold cuátrupla || ord fourth (4th) cuatrésima; fourteenth (14th) deci-cuatrésima || fract fourth (¼) cuátrimo; fourteenth (¹⁄₁₄) deci-cuátrimo
  • fowl n (poultry) cortil-aucelo; (any bird) aucelo; (game bird) cacied-aucelo; fowl pest aucel-pesto; fowler aucel-captisto
  • fox n (zool.: Vulpes, Cerdocyon, Lycalopex, Otocyon, Urocyon) vulpo; foxglove (bot.: Digitalis) dìgitaro; foxtrot foxtroto || vt (deceive) inganer; (puzzle) perplexifer
  • foyer n vestíbulo
  • fracas n dísput(az)o; ruitazo
  • fracking n hidràulichisca fracturo
  • fractal n fractalo
  • fraction n fractiono || vt to fractionate (divide into fractions) fractionifer; (separate by fractional distillation) fractione distilationer || adj fractional fractiona, -isca
  • fractious adj dìsputema; mal-humorala; tumultema
  • fracture n (break) rumpajo; (crack) findeto; (med., geol.) [of bone, rock] fracturo || vt (break) rumper; (crack) findeter; (med., geol.) fracturer || vi (break) rumpezer; (crack) findetezer; (med., geol.) fracturezer
  • fragile adj frágila
  • fragment n fragmento || vt fragmentifer || vi fragmentecer || adj fragmentary fragmenta, -isca
  • fragrant adj bon-odoranta; fragranta || n fragrance fragrantitio; (perfume) parfumo
  • frail adj frágila
  • frame n (border) cuadro; (supporting structure) cuadr(ad)o; [armature] armaturo; [of bicycle] cuadro; [of building, ship] structuro; trabado; [of car] ċasio; [of glasses] montiero; [of human, animal] córporo; schéleto; [scaffolding] scafaldo; frame of mind ánim-stando; humoralo; frame of reference cuadro di referentio; sistémato di referentio; frames per second imáginos po secundo; framework cuadrado; structuro; [of system, concept, text] within the framework of… en la cuadro di… || vt (enclose in a frame) [picture] encuadrifer; (erect the framework of a building) trabizer; (falsely incriminate) fals-culpizer; (formulate) fòrmulifer; fòrmulizer; [idea] formizer; [sentence] constructer
  • franc n (F or Fr) franco
  • France n Francia
  • franchise n (com.) [authorization] concesiono; [business, service] concesionedo; (pol.) votation-yuro
  • francisca n franchisca haċo
  • francium n (chem.: Fr) francio
  • frangipani n (bot.: Plumeria) frangipano; (perfume) frangipanajo; frangipane (cream) frangipan-cremo; (paste) frangipan-pasto; (pastry) frangipan-pasticio
  • frank adj cándida; neartificiosa
  • frank vt afrancher || n afrancajo
  • Frank n (hist.) Franco || adj Frankish Franchisca
  • frankincense n olíbano
  • frantic adj frenesíaca, -anta
  • frappuccino n frapucino
  • fraternal adj fratrisca || n fraternity (group, society) cumfratrado; societo; (state, feeling) fratritio || vi to fraternize fratrecer
  • fratricide n fratricidío
  • fraud n (act) fraudo; (person) fraudanto, -edoro || adj fraudulent frauda, -osa
  • fraught adj (loaded, full) càrichizita; (tense) destrancuila; tenseda
  • fray vi [cloth, garment, cuff] consumptezer
  • fray n combato; lucto
  • freak n (event) anómalo; (monstrosity) deformifito; monstruo; (archaic: whim) capricio || vi to freak out fliper
  • freckle n (derm.) efélido
  • free adj (independent, not under control of another) líbera; free elections líbera electionos; the free world la líbera mundo | (not captive) líbera; to break free excaper; to set free lìberifer | (not hindered, not restricted) líbera; free to pursue a life of religious fulfillment líbera secuer on vivo di religionisca satisfaço; he opened the door with his free hand il áperin la portelo per sua líbera manuo; (not occupied) [seat, room, person, moment] líbera; are you free tonight? es vi líbera hodie véspere?; is this seat free? es líbera ecuista sedatro?; (clear, devoid) líbera; free of anxiety líbera de anxio; free of debt cuita; (costing nothing) gratúita; nepagonda; admission free entro gratúita (aut líbera); free delivery consigno gratúita; free on board afranchita ye bordo | (generous) generosa; pròdighema; to be free with one’s promises pròdigher sua promisos; (in compounds) free enterprise líbera mercato; freelance nedependanta; free love líbera amoro; free trade líbera excambio || n freeboard (naut.) superacua extenso; freebooter flibustaro; freehold absoluta proprietato; plena dòminio; freeman civo; (hist.) líbero; Freemason Maçono; freestyle (swimming) líbera nato; freethinker líber-pensedoro; freeway autovial(az)o; freewheel líber-roto; freebie (informal) gratùitajo; freedom lìberitio || vt (release) delacer; lìberifer; free Winona! lìberifes Winona! | (rid, relieve) desimbaraser; lìberifer; (make available) that will free you to do other things ecuilo laçun vi líbera por áltera cosos | [funds, resources] disposifer || vi to freewheel líbere ròtulezer
  • freeze vi (become solid from cold) gelezer; [water] glaciecer; (become freezing cold) esecer frìgidaza; to freeze to death morter pro frìgiditio; (fig.: be motionless) fixer si; no movezer; freeze! no movezes!; he froze in his tracks il restin fixita en placio; to freeze up gelezer; (jam) [machine] gripezer || vt (make solid from cold) geler; frozen fingers gelita dígitos | [water] glaciifer; (cover in frost) pruinifer; (make freezing cold) ficer frìgidaza; (fig.: stop, block) [assets, credit, prices wages] geler; (cine.: hold image) haltifer || n freezer gelatro || adj freezing [person, fingers] gelita; my feet are freezing mea pedos es gelita | [temperatures, weather, wind, rain, night, water, room] frìgidaza; glaciesca; it’s freezing in here! homi gelezan hic; lo es frìgidaza hic
  • freight n (goods transported) merços; (charge for transport) transporti-pretio; (transport) [of goods] transporto; (load, burden) cárico; freight car (RR) merci-vagono || vt (transport) transporter; (load) to be freighted with eser càrichizita per
  • French adj Franciana; (ethnically) França; (pertaining to the ethnic French) Francisca; French chalk talco; French fry frictita patato; French polish laco; French window fenestri-portelo || n (language) Francenso; Frenchman, Frenchwoman Franciano; (ethnic) Franço
  • frenzy n frenesío || adj frenzied frenesíaca; frenesìanta
  • frequent adj frecuenta || adv frequently frecuente || n frequency frecuentitio; (elec.) frecuentio || vt vìsitader
  • fresco n (art) afresco
  • fresh adj (not stale, not preserved) fresca; (recently made; not faded) fresca; (cool) [breeze] frisca; (strong) [wind] forta; (not salty) [water] dulça; fresh water dulç-acuo; (informal: presumptuous) audaciema; impertinenta; freshwater dulç-acua || adv (recently) jus; we’re fresh out of mocha nos jus exhaustin la mocacino || n freshman unésim-anuo; freshness freschitio || vt to freshen freschifer
  • fret vi (worry) destrancuilecer || vt (worry, distress) destrancuilifer; (wear away) roder || adj fretful destrancuila
  • fret n (archit., mus.) meandro; fretwork freto || vt fretizer
  • friable adj dispetiecema; friábila
  • friar n mónaco; friary mònacayo
  • fricassee n fricasajo
  • fricative adj (phon.) fricativa || n (phon.) fricativo
  • friction n (tech.) frictiono; (act of rubbing) frico; (fig.: discord) desconcordo
  • Friday n Véner-dio
  • fridge n frìgiduyo
  • friend n amico; friends with benefits amicos cum beneficios; friendship amichitio || adj friendless neamicosa; friendly [act] amichisca; [person] amica
  • frieze n (art, archit.) friso
  • frigate n (naut.) fregato
  • fright n pavoro || vt to frighten pavorifer || adj frightful pavorifanta, -ifiva
  • frigid adj (very cold) frìgidaza; (unfriendly) frígida; (unable to be sexually aroused) frígida
  • frill n (trim, flounce) falbalo; frills (unnecessary extras) extros; with no frills simpla; sine extros
  • fringe n (decorative border) franġo; (border, edge) [of area] bordo; (marginal part) [of group, activity] márgino || adj (marginal) [group, activity] màrginisca
  • frippery n vochemaċo
  • frisk vt (search) percuister || vi (frolic) caprioler; gambater; pètuler || adj frisky capriolema, -anta; gambatema, -anta; pètulema, -anta
  • fritillary n (bot.: Fritillaria) fritilario
  • fritter vt (waste) to fritter something away [time, money, energy] dìsiper álico; to fritter away one’s time amusaċer si
  • fritter n (culin.) frituro; apple fritter pom-frituro
  • frivolous adj frívola; frivolity frìvolitio
  • frizz vt [hair] frizifer || n (result) frizo || adj frizzy frizosa
  • fro adv (archaic) to and fro adabántee et retro
  • frock n (woman’s dress) vestito; (gown) [of priest, monk, clergy] froco; (frock coat) surtuto
  • frog n (zool.: Anura) rano; frogman ran-persono || vt to frogmarch culp-marċifer
  • frolic vi caprioler; gambater; pètuler
  • from prep (indicating starting place) de; from A to Z de A usche Z; the train from Brussels la traino de Bruxele; from behind de detre (álico)/détree; from on high de alte; from under de sub(e) | (indicating starting time) dex; sickly from birth malatema dex naço | [starting after] post; a week from today ye una septimano post hodie; from now on dex nun; from that time dex alore; dex poste; from when de cuande | (indicating cause) pro; to die from laughing morter pro rider; (indicating distinction) de; to be different from somebody dìferer de álicu; to know right from wrong saper dicerner lo bona de lo mala; (indicating source) de; to drink from a stream biber de on rucelo; the man from Atlantis la hómino de Atlántida | [of knowledge] secuno; from what you say secuno cuo vi diçan | [of material] ec; made from the skins of dead chimpanzees fàbrichita ec la pelicios di mortinta ċimpanzeos; (out of) he pulled a gun from his pocket il tirin on focilo ec sua poco
  • frond n frondo
  • front n (forepart) abanteajo; frontalo; in front abántee; frontale; in front of abante | (mil., pol.) frontalo; (in compounds) front door principala portelo; frontage [of building] faciato || adj frontala; frontal [attack, nudity] frontalisca; (anat.) [sinus, bone] frontisca
  • frontier n frontario
  • frontispiece n [of book, building] frontispicio
  • frost n (substance) pruin(aj)o; (cold) frìgidazitio; gelo; frostbite (med.) congelo; frostnip (med.) congeleto; frosting (icing) [on cake] glasajo || vt (cover in frost) pruinifer; (decorate) [cake] glaser || vi (become covered in frost) pruiner || adj frosty (cold) frìgidaza; gelanta, -iva; (covered with frost) pruinosa; (unfriendly) frígida
  • froth n spumo || vi spumefer || adj frothy spumosa
  • frown vi frogner; froncer sua supercilios || n frogno
  • frowsty adj (Brit.) nefresca; stagnanta; sùfocanta
  • fructify vt (formal) fructefifer || vi fructefer
  • fructose n (chem.) fructosio
  • frugal adj (moderate regarding food or money) frugala; sparniiva, -ema; (simple, plain) [meal] frugala
  • fruit n fructo; the fruits of the earth la fructos di la tero; if war is what you want, war is what you shall get, fruit vendor! se le guero es cuo vi desíderan, le guero es cuo vi receptun, fructi-vendisto!; to bear fruit fructefer; fruit basket fructi-corbo; fruiterer (Brit.) fructisto || adj fruitful fructífera; [land] fértila; (fig.) productiva; profitifiva; fruitless nefructífera; [land] nefértila; stérila; (fig.) vana; fruity (containing fruit) fructosa; (like fruit) [flavor, taste, smell] fructesca; (informal: crazy) fol(et)a; (informal, derrog.: gay) cineda, -isca
  • fruition n realifo; (lit.: act of bearing fruit) fructefo
  • frump n desmodos(is)o; modaċos(is)o
  • frustrate vt (prevent from succeeding) [plan, effort, hope] falifer; obstructer; vanifer; (prevent from doing something) [person] frustrer; (upset, annoy through frustration) frustrationer
  • fry vt fricter || vi frictezer || n frying pan patilo || adj fried frictita
  • fry n (young fish) piçolo
  • fuchsia n (bot.: Fuchsia) fucsio
  • fuchsin n fucsino
  • fuck vt (vulg.: have sex with) futuer; she fucked him with a strap-on over the toilet el futuin il per on surhabébila dildo super la latrino; (vulg.: ruin; treat badly) fuck this car! ecuista vecturo futuita (aut carácula)!; Russian warship, go fuck yourself! Rusiana guer-navo, vades cul-futuezer (aut enculejezer aut pedichezer aut prender li tra la culo aut ad caráculo)!; to fuck up caràculijer; fuck you! fices futuer vi!; futues vi! || vi fuck off! ad caráculo!; forfutuezes!; vades futuer vi!; vades futuezer! || n I don’t know fuck about it mi no haban etiam carácula ideo; fuck-up caràculijemo || adj fucking carácula; futuita; maledictita; so pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the fuckin’ car dunche mi precan vi, súplican vi, nitifes la carácula vecturo; work was fucking brutal today laboro esin carácule punanta hodie; fucking hell! caráculo!; futuer! || inter futuer!; what the fuck do you want? cuo carácule vi desíderan?
  • fucus n (bot.: Fucus) fuco
  • fuddle vt stuporifer; [with drink] ebriifer || n stuporo; (inebriation) ebriitio
  • fudge n (culin.) faġo || vt (dodge) [issue, problem] eluser; schiver; (falsify) [facts, figures] falsifer
  • fuel n combustébilo; fuel gauge gasolinómetro; fuel oil combustébila óleo
  • fug n (Brit., informal) sùfochitio
  • fugitive n fugedoro
  • fugue n (mus.) fugo
  • -ful afx (full of) -osaza; -plena; (quantity needed to fill the specified container) plen-; armful plen-brachio; mouthful plen-buco
  • fulcrum n fulcro
  • fulfill vt (bring to completion; achieve) [hope, ambition] realifer; to fulfill oneself realifizer si | (carry out as expected) completioner; [duty, function, order] executer; [promise] satisfacer; (satisfy, meet) [requirement] satisfacer
  • full adj (filled) plena; (satiated) repleta; satiita; full of plena de; the night is dark and full of terrors le nocto es obscura et plena de teroros | (complete) completa; íntegra; plena; tota; for two full years he waited dum dua plena anuos il atendin; to pay the full price pagher la plena pretio; (plump) graseta; repleta; [face] rotunda; (ample) [garment] ampla; full dress ceremoniisca (aut formala) costumo; (in compounds) full-breasted [man] gros-péctora; [woman] mamuda; full moon plena luno; full-sized natur-granda; norm-granda; full stop (Brit.) punto; you’re not going, full stop! vi no vadun, et punto!; full-time plen-témpora || n fullback (football) détrea ofensedoro; (soccer) détrea defensedoro
  • full vt [cloth] fuler || n fuller fulisto
  • fulmar n (zool.: Fulmarus) fulmaro
  • fulminate vi fùlminer || n (chem.) fulminato
  • fulsome adj (excessively flattering) [praise] adulazanta; (abundant) abundanta
  • fumble vi (clumsily handle) manìpulaċer; to fumble with the remote manìpulaċer la telecomandatro; to fumble around/about tàxiter; to fumble about in the dark tàxiter en la obscuritio; to fumble for (grope for) táxite cercher; to fumble for one’s keys táxite cercher sua clavos; to fumble for words hèsiter cercante sua vocábulos || vt (sport) [ball] miscapter; misporter
  • fume n (usually “fumes”) [noxious gas] exhalo; [smoke] fumo; [vapor] vaporo || vi (be angry) iracer
  • fumigate vt fùmigher
  • fumitory n (bot.: Fumaria) fumario
  • fun n (amusement) amuso; full of fun valde amusanta; to make fun of deriser; ridandifer; funfair (chiefly Brit.) amusayo || adj amusanta
  • function n (purpose) [of machine, person] funtiono; (formal social event or ceremony) [meeting] asemblo; [official ceremony] pública ceremonio; [reception] accepto; functionary funtionisto; oficiisto || vi (operate) funtioner; to function as funtioner como || adj functional funtionisca
  • fund n (fin.) fundalo; (stock, supply) reservajo; funds (financial resources) finantiajo || vt (fin.) [debt] consolidationer; [project] finantier
  • fundamental adj fundamentisca
  • funeral n fúnero || adj funereal luġosa; sombra
  • fungus n fungo
  • funicle n (anat.) funículo
  • funicular adj funiculara || n funicularo; cabli-vialo
  • funk n (mus.) funk; (mustiness) odoro di mucoro (aut di cludititio, hùmiditio) || adj funky (mus.) funk-isca; (musty) odoranta cuom mucoro (aut cuom cludititio, hùmiditio)
  • funk n (depression) depresezo; (chiefly Brit.: great fear) pavorazo
  • funnel n infundíbulo || vt infundìbulijer
  • funny adj (humorously amusing) drola; I’m funny how? Funny like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh? Cuome mi es drola? Chi cuom on clauno? Amusan mi vi? Fiçan mi vi rider?; (strange) extránea
  • fur n (short hair of certain animals) pilos; (animal skin and hair) [dressed] pelicio; [undressed] cruda pelicio; (garment) peliciajo; (coating on tongue) lingui-vilado; fur seal (zool.: Arctocephalus, Callorhinus ursinus) mar-urso; urs-otario; furrier peliciisto; furry (informal: animal character enthusiast) furo || adj furry [animal] pilosa; [moss] piluciesca; [teddy bear] pilucia
  • furbelow n falbalo
  • furbish vt rinovifer
  • furl vt [sail] envolver
  • furlong n furlong; 201 metros; óctimo de milio
  • furlough n (leave of absence) comeato || vt comeater
  • furnace n (for heating) fornaço; (for smelting) fusion-furn(az)o
  • furnish vt (provide with furniture) moblizer; furnished room moblizita cambro; (supply) [someone with something] proviser (álicu per álico); [something to someone] furniser (álico ad álicu)
  • furniture n moblado; piece of furniture moblo
  • furor n scándalo
  • furrow n sulco || vt sulchizer
  • further adj (moreover, yet, more) plusa; the further adventures of Pippi Longstocking la plusa adventuros di Pippi Longstocking || adv (moreover, yet, more) pluse; he could read no further il no potin lecturer pluse; furthermore pluse
  • furuncle n (med.) furúnculo
  • fury n (rage) furio; Fury (myth.) Furio || adj furious furiosa, -anta
  • furze n (bot.: Ulex) spin-genisto
  • fuscous adj fusca
  • fuse vt (join together) [metal] cumfusioner || vi (join together) [metal] cumfusionezer || n (elec.) fusíbilo || adj fusible fusionezema
  • fuse n (of bomb) [cord] mixo; [detonating device] spoleto
  • fuselage n fuselaġo
  • fusilier n fusilisto
  • fusillade n dìsparado
  • fusion n [of metals, fig.] (cum)fusiono; (nuclear fusion) núcle-fusiono
  • fuss n (excitement) àgitezo; (commotion) ruitazo; (complaints, arguments) protesto; (trouble, difficulty) pen(az)o || adj fussy (scrupulous) detalem(aċ)a; minutiem(aċ)a; pedanta; (selective) selectem(aċ)a
  • fustian n (cloth) fustáneo; (bombast) grandiosa paraulo
  • fusty adj odoranta cuom mucoro (aut cuom cludititio, hùmiditio)
  • futile adj vana
  • future n futuro; in (the) future future || adj futura; futuristic futurismisca
  • fuze n spoleto
  • fuzz n (fine hair) lanúgino; vélero; (frizzy hair) crispa capilado; frizo || adj fuzzy (downy) lanùginosa; vèlerosa; (frizzy) [hair] crispa; frizosa; (furry, plush) [material, sweater] pilucia; (confused) [sound, voice, idea] confusa; (indistinct, vague) nèbulesca; neclara; nedistintita; neprecisa
  • fuzz n (informal) the fuzz (the police) la polis


  • G ltr ge; (mus.) G (aut sol); G-flat (G♭) G bemola; G-sharp (G♯) G díesa
  • gab vi gàruler || n gárulo
  • gabardine n gabardino
  • gabble vi (talk rapidly and incomprehensibly) gàrulaċer || n gàrulaċo
  • gabion n gabiono
  • gable n (archit.) gablo
  • Gabon n Gabonia; Gabonian Gaboniano
  • gad vi (informal) to gad about placer-vagher en
  • gade n (zool.: Gadus) gado
  • gadfly n (zool.: Tabanidae) tabano
  • gadget n gadgeto
  • gadolinium n (chem.: Gd) gadolinio
  • Gael n Goidelo || adj Gaelic Goidelensa
  • gaff n (fishing) unchi-stango; (naut.: sail spar) gafelo || vt unchi-stanghijer
  • gaffe n gafo
  • gag n (over mouth) buc-obturatro; (theat., cine.: joke) burlajo; [unscripted] improvisajo; (any comedic effect) gago || vt (put a gag on; fig.: silence) buc-obturer || vi (choke or retch) afochezer; vòmitetecer
  • gaga adj (informal: senile) senila; (informal: crazy) fola; (informal: infatuated) foleta; infatuetata
  • gage n (archaic: pledge, pawn) pígnoro
  • gaiety n [of person, occasion] alecritio; [of dress, costume] alecritio; vìviditio; (merrymaking) festo
  • gain vt (obtain, win) [approval, respect, freedom] guadanier; obtiner; what do you hope to gain by it? cuo vi speran guadanier per lo? | [experience] acuister; obtiner; [friends] amichecer cum; [territory, ground] guadanier; (reach, arrive at) atinger; (archaic: win over) guadanier; (become fast by) my watch gains a minute every week mea horologio abantian per una minuto ye omna septimano; (increase) augmenter; plu -ecer; to gain speed augmenter sua velocitato; plu ràpidecer; to gain strength plu fortecer; to gain weight augmentar sua peso; plu grasecer; I gained 3 kg since the holiday mi plu grasecin per 3 kg dex la festi-dio || vi (profit) guadanier; profiter; (advance) [watch] abantier; to gain on plu-proximecer ad; rajunter | (increase) [reputation] augmentezer; crecer; [shares] augmentezer; to gain in [popularity, prestige] guadanier || n (increase) [in value, weight] augmento; (advantage) guadaniedo; their loss is our gain lora perdo, nostra guadanio | (profit) profito; to do something for personal/financial gain facer álico por profito || adj gainful [employment] remùnerata
  • gainsay vt contredicer
  • gait n camin-modo, -manario; caminajo
  • gaiter n guetro
  • gal n cherl(is)o
  • gala n (pompi-)festo
  • galantine n galantino
  • galaxy n (astron.) galaxio; (fig.) [of talent] brilanta asemblajo; constelationo; stelado || adj galactic galaxiisca
  • galbanum n gálbano
  • gale n (Beaufort level 8) fort-ventazo; (Beaufort level 9) tempestateto
  • galena n (min.) galeno
  • galette n galeto
  • galimatias n galimatío
  • gall n (impudence) audacio; efrontatitio; impertinentitio; insolentitio; to have the gall to say that... haber la efrontatitio dicer che... | (anat.: bile) bilo; (bitterness) amarajo; amaritio; gallbladder bilayo; gallstone bil-concremento
  • gall n (irritation) irito, -ajo; (path.: sore) [on horse] excoriajo || vt (irritate) [mind] iriter; it galled him to have to ask for permission lo iritin il che il debin demander permiso | [skin] abraser; excorier; iriter
  • gall n (bot.: tumor; also “gallnut”) cecidio; gall wasp, gallfly (zool.: Cynipidae) cecidii-vespo; cinípido
  • gallant adj (brave, heroic) coraġosa; proda; valenta; (chivalrous) cabaliaresca; [to women] galanta; (elegant) [appearance, dress] eleganta; (noble) [effort] nóbila; (archaic: grand, fine) grandiosa || n (toward ladies) galanto; (dashing man of fashion) elegant(as)o; gallantry (bravery) prodajo; valentajo; (chivalry) cabaliaritio; [to women] galantajo
  • galleon n galeono
  • gallery n (gen., theat., min.) galerío
  • galley n (naut., hist.) galeo; (ship’s kitchen) (nav-)cocinayo; (typ.) galeo; galley proof gale-èprobajo
  • Gallic adj (French) Francisca; (Gaulish) Galisca || n Gallicism Francenso
  • Gallican adj (relig.) Galicana || n Galicano; Gallicanism Galicanismo
  • gallinule n (zool.: Gallinula) acui-pulo; galínulo
  • galliot n (naut., hist.) galioto
  • gallium n (chem.: Ga) galio
  • gallivant vi (informal) placer-vagher en
  • gallon n gallon
  • galloon n galono
  • gallop n galopo || vt galopifer || vi galoper
  • gallows n patíbulo; pendeġatro; gallows humor macabra humoro
  • galore adj en abundo
  • galosh n (waterproof overshoe) (cauċa) surcalcéolo; galoċo
  • galvanic adj galvanisca
  • galvanism n (hist.) galvanismo
  • galvanize vt galvanizer; (coat with zinc) zinchizer
  • galvanometer n galvanómetro
  • Gambia n Gambia; Gambian Gambiano
  • gambit n (chess) gambito || vt gambiter
  • gamble vi (play game of chance) aleationer; (take a chance) next time you gamble, bet your own life! en la secuanta veço cuande vi aleationun (aut façun on risco), sponsiones vua propria vivo!; to gamble on aleationer por; to gamble on someone’s support aleationer por la apodio di álicu; to gamble with aleationer per; you’re gambling with your career vi aleationan per vua carario || vt (bet) [money] sponsioner; to gamble Ð500 in roulette sponsioner 500 Ð en ruleto; (risk) aleationer per; he gambled his reputation on the outcome il aleationin per sua rèputezo sopre la resulto || n (risk) aleationo; risco; gambler aleationedoro; gambling le aleationo
  • gamboge n gumiguto
  • gambol vi gambater || n gambato
  • game n (entertainment, play) joco; game of chance/skill joco di fortúito/hàbilitio | (equipment) jocatro; (match) matċo; game, set, match joco, jocado, matċo; to play a game of soccer jocher on matċo di futbalo; (style of play) to be off one’s game no eser en formo | (type of sport) sporto; curling isn’t my game le curlingo no es lo mea | (informal: activity) joco; to be ahead of the game abanteeser; the only game in town la sola consìderando | (informal: business) profesiono; how long have you been in this game? dum cuanta témporo vi laboran en ecuisto?; I’m new to this game ecuisto es nova por mi | (informal: joke) joco; don’t play games with me! no joches cum mi!; this isn’t a game ecuisto no es on joco | (informal: scheme) joco; to beat someone at their own game vincer álicu per luya propria armos; the game is up lo (aut la joco) es finita; lo es la fino; I’ll play her game for a while mi façun eluya joco dum cualca témporo; what’s your little game? cua joco vi façan?; gamer jocanto; jochedoro; games (sporting contests) let the games begin! la jocos cominities!; gaming le joco; gamecock combat-pulo; gamemaster (of RPG) joc-dìrigisto; gamesman astuta jochedoro; gamesmanship jochisca astutitio | (hunting) [animal] caciedo; [flesh] cacied-carno; game warden, gamekeeper cacii-guardisto || vt (exploit) to game the system explotuċer (aut manìpuler) la sistémato || vi (play games) jocher; (gamble) aleationer || adj (willing) presta; voluntaria; I’m game if you are se vi es presta, anche mi || adv gamely coraġose
  • gamete n gameto
  • gamin n (dated) gamino
  • gamma n (Greek letter Γ) gamma
  • gammer n (archaic: old woman) vèculiso
  • gammon n (Brit.: smoked ham) fumizita gambono; (informal, dated: nonsense) nesensoso || vt (informal, dated: deceive) inganer
  • gamut n (mus., fig.) gamo; she runs the gamut of human emotion from A to B el pasan tra la gamo di humanisca emotiono de A usche B
  • gander n (zool.: male goose) aucaso; (informal: glance) reguardeto; to have (or take) a gander at jacter on reguardo ad || vi (informal: glance) reguardeter
  • gang n [of children, friends, etc.] bando; The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby La Bando trovan on ben-bebo; you’re one of the gang now vi jam es una de las nostra | [of criminals] bando, -aċo, -uċo; gànsterado; the Gang of Four (pol., hist.) la bando di la Cuatra | [of workers] excuadro; gangbang colectiva (aut grupena) stupro; gangland (as modifier) [boss, killing] banduċisca; gànsterisca; gang rape colectiva (aut grupena) stupro; gangway (gangplank) (pas-)ponteto; gangsta (informal: badass) durono; gangster (also “gangsta”) banduċano; gánstero; gangsterism banduċismo; gànsterismo || vi to gang together bandecer; unionezer; to gang up on/against (attack) atacher colective (aut grupene); (unite against) unionezer contre || adj gangsta banduċanesca; gànsteresca; (badass) durona || inter gangway! cedes (aut áperes) pasayo!
  • ganglion n (anat.) ganglio
  • gangrene n (path.) gangreno || vi gangrener
  • gangue n (min.) gango
  • gannet n (zool.: Morus) alcatraso
  • gantry n [for crane, RR signal, etc.] cantario
  • gaol n (Brit.) see “jail”
  • gap n (breach) àperajo; breċo; (mountain pass) pasayo; (lacuna) lacuno
  • gape vi [mouth, hole] eser àperazita; [person] rester buc-àperite; to gape at reguarder buc-àperite
  • garage n (for parking) garayo; (for repairs) máchin-rèparerío
  • garb n costumo
  • garbage n forjactedo; versuro
  • garble vt confusifer; (distort by mutilation or addition) alterationer; falsifer; mùtiler
  • garden n ġardino; garden balsam (bot.: Impatiens balsamina) balsamino; garden cress (bot.: Lepidium sativum) ġardin-cresono; garden party festo (aut accepto) en líbera airo; gardener ġardinisto
  • gardenia n (bot.: Gardenia) gardenio
  • gargle vi gàrgarer || n (mouthwash) colutorio; gàrgarivo
  • gargoyle n (archit., fantasy) gárgulo
  • garish adj pompaċosa; vìvidaċa; vochemaċa
  • garland n ghirlando
  • garlic n (bot.: Allium sativum) alio
  • garment n vesto
  • garner vt (gather, collect) [approval, support] obtiner; [information] colectioner; (archaic: store, deposit) [grain] engranayifer || n (archaic: granary) granayo
  • garnet n (gem) granato
  • garnish vt guarner; (jur.) [wages] embargher
  • garret n subtecto; (mansard) mansardo
  • garrison n (troops) guarnitiono; (building) guarnitionayo || vt guarnitionizer
  • garron n (small sturdy horse or pony) garano
  • garrote vt garotijer || n garoto
  • garrulous adj gàrulema
  • garter n (band) [for stocking, sock] garetaro; (suspender) [for stocking, sock] garetelo; garter belt garetel-cinto
  • gas n gaso; (short for “gasoline”) gasolino; gas cap (auto.) gasolin-tapo; gas chamber gas-cambro; gaslight gas-lámpado; gas mantle incandeç-manichito; gas station gasolinerío; gasworks gaseferío || vt to gaslight (psych.) gas-làmpadejer || adj gaseous gasosa
  • Gascon n Gascono; Gascony Gasconia
  • gash n secazajo || vt secazer
  • gasket n (tech.) obtur-anelo
  • gasp vi (inhale suddenly) [from pain, surprise] spasme respirer; (pant) anheler; (say while panting) “hurry!” she gasped “hastes!” el anhelin || n respir-spasmo; respirazo; the last gasp of the eastern establishment la última respiro di la dìriġanta claso di la esto
  • gastric adj stòmachisca
  • gastritis n (med.) gastrito
  • gastronome n gastrónomo; gastronomy gastrònomío
  • gastropod n (zool.: Gastropoda) gastrópodo
  • gate n (hinged barrier) portelo; [of town] portalo; gatecrasher intrusedo; gatekeeper portel-guardisto; gate money (Brit.) entri-pretio; gatepost portel-postelo; gateway (frame, arch) portalayo; (means of access) portalo; Fukuoka, the gateway to Asia Fukuoka, la portalo ad Asia | (telec.) pas-ponteto; (web: landing page) adtereç-págino || vt to gatecrash intruser si en
  • gateau n (chiefly Brit.) cuco
  • gather vi (come together) colectionezer; cumvener; [clouds] amasecer; [crowd] tùrbulecer; (temporarily) asembler; (increase) [speed, strength] crecer || vt (bring together) asembler; colectioner; venifer; to gather one’s thoughts colectioner sua pensos | [crowd] tùrbulifer; [flowers, etc.] còliger; [help, favor, support] acuister; (draw toward oneself) tirer ad si; (temporarily) asembler; (gain) [speed, strength] crecifer; (infer) concluser; deducter; ìnferer; (sew: draw and hold together) froncer || n gathering (act) asemblo; cumveno; (people present) asemblajo; cumvenintado
  • gauche adj desgratiosa; deshábila; destactosa
  • gaudy adj pompaċosa; vìvidaċa; vochemaċa
  • gauge n (instrument) ìndicatro; -metro; fuel gauge gasolinómetro; speed gauge velocímetro | (measure) calibro; [RR] larghitio || vt (estimate) evaluter; (measure with a gauge) mensurer
  • Gaul n (hist.: region) Galia; (hist.: person) Galo
  • gaunt adj macraċa; macraza
  • gauntlet n (glove) guanteleto; to run the gauntlet trapaser la bastonado
  • gauss n (meas.) gauso
  • gauze n gazo
  • gavel n màleeto
  • gavotte n gavoto
  • gawk vi reguarder buc-àperite || adj gawky desgratiosa; deshábila
  • gay adj (homosexual) gheya; (dated: cheerful and carefree) alecra; despreòcupata; (dated: brightly colored) alecra; vívida || n (homosexual) gheyo
  • gaze vi fixite reguarder || n fixita reguardo
  • gazelle n (zool.: Gazella) gazelo
  • gazette n jurnalo; (Brit.: official bulletin) oficiala buletino; gazetteer geògrafìisca dictionario
  • gear n (mechanism) ingranedo; rot-dentado; (speed) velocitatumo; second gear la duésima velocitatumo; (equipment) ecuipajo; to put into gear [gearwheel] ingraner; [transmission] imbracher; to shift gears cambier la velocitatumo; gear shift (auto.) cambii-stango; velocitatum-stango; gear tooth rot-dento; gearwheel dent-roto; gearing dent-rotado
  • gecko n (zool.: Gekkota) gheco
  • geek n ghico
  • Geiger counter n Geiger-contatro
  • geisha n geisha
  • gel n gelationajo || vi (become more solid) gelationer
  • gelatin n gelatino; gelatin desert (jello) gelatin-deserto
  • geld vt castrer || n gelding cabaluclaso; castrita cabalo
  • gelignite n gelignito
  • gem n gemo
  • geminate adj (phon.) dupla || vt duplifer
  • Gemini n (astrol., astron.) la Gemelos
  • gendarme n gendarmo
  • gender n (sex) sexo; (psych., soc.) genro; gender studies studos di genro; (ling.) genro
  • gene n (bio.) geno
  • genealogy n geneàloghío; genealogist geneálogo
  • general adj generala; in general generale || adv generally generale || n (mil.) generalo || vt to generalize generalifer
  • generalissimo n generalísimo
  • generate vt producter; (beget) gèniter || n generation (people, period) generationo; generator (tech.) generatoro
  • generic adj gènerisca; (bio.) genrisca || n (med.: drug) gènerisco
  • generous adj generosa || n generosity generositio
  • genesis n géneso
  • genet n (zool.: Genetta) gineto
  • genet n (clonal colony) clonaj-colonio
  • genetic adj genètichisca || n genetics genético
  • genever n genevro
  • genial adj afábila; alecra
  • genie n (myth.) jino
  • genital adj gènitatrisca || n genitals gènitatro
  • genitive adj (gram.) gènitiva || n gènitivo
  • genius n (cleverness) genio; (person) genioso || adj geniosa
  • genocide n genocidío
  • genome n (bio.) genomo
  • genotype n (bio.) genotipo
  • genre n genro
  • genteel adj (afectatione) gentila (aut eleganta, rafinita)
  • gentian n (bot.: Gentiana) gentiano
  • gentile adj (not Jewish) no Judáido; (hist.: not Mormon) no Mormonista
  • gentle adj (mild) [person, voice, smile] dulça; lena; [shampoo, soap, detergent, heat, slope] lena; [touch, pressure, sound, breeze] legera; lena; (archaic: noble) [of birth] gentiliara; [of character] gentila; gentlemanly gentila || n gentleman (man) Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room! Senioros, vos no potan combater hic! Ecuisto es la Guer-Cambro!; there’s a gentleman waiting to see you ci es on senioro atendanta por vider vi | (man of good social position) gentiliaro; (well-bred, well-mannered man) gentil(as)o; a perfect gentleman on perfecta gentilo; gentility gentiliaritio; gentilitio
  • gentry n gentiliarado; gentrification gentrífico || vt to gentrify gentrìficher
  • genuflect vi genúcul-flecter
  • genuine adj (authentic) authéntica; genuina; vera; (sincere) sincera
  • genus n genro
  • geodesy n geodetío || adj geodetic geodetìisca
  • geography n geògrafío; geographer geógrafo || adj geographic geògrafìisca
  • geoid n geoido
  • geology n geòlogío; geologist geólogo || adj geologic geòlogìisca
  • geometry n geòmetrío; geometer geómetro || adj geometric geòmetrìisca
  • geophysics n geofísico
  • Georgia n (country) Georgia; Georgian Georgiano
  • geranium n (bot.: Geranium) geranio; (bot.: Pelargonium) pelargonio
  • gerbil n (zool.: Gerbillus, Meriones) gerbilo
  • germ n (med.: microorganism) germo; (pathógena) microbio; pathógeno; (bio.: plant embryo) gérmino; (fig.) gérmino || vi to germinate gèrminefer || adj germicidal germicida; microbiicida
  • German n Alemaniano; (ethnic) Alemano; Germania Germànichia; Germany Alemania || adj Alemaniana; (ethnically) Alemana; (pertaining to the ethnic Germans) Alemanisca; German measles rubéolo; German shepherd (dog) Alemaniana ovícul-canículo; German silver argentano; Germanic Germánica
  • germane adj relationanta
  • germanium n (chem.: Ge) germanio
  • germophobe n misófobo; germophobia misòfobío
  • gerontology n gerontòloghío; gerontologist gerontólogo
  • gerrymander vt gerimandrifer; (divide) [voting district] divisuċer; (manipulate) [boundary] manìpuluċer || n [act] gerimandrifo; [result] gerimandro
  • gerund n (gram.) gerundio
  • gestate vi eser grávida; gestationer || vt gestationer || n gestation gestationo
  • gesticulate vi gestìculer
  • gesture n gestículo || vi gestìculer
  • get vt (receive) recepter; he keeps getting DMs from Russian bots complimenting his “structure” il sempre receptan DMs de Rusiana robotumos complimentanta iluya “structuro”; this TV only gets VHF ecuista televisoro receptan mere frecuentio valde alta; [premium channel] we don’t get HBO anymore nos no pluse prendan HBO; [punishment] boy, am I going to get it! carái, cuo atendan mi! | (contract) [disease] captezer (aut prendezer) da; recepter; she got chlamydia from her last boyfriend el receptin clamidio de sua ántea novio | (experience) [something bad] recepter; sùferer pro (aut de); I get acid reflux every time I drink coffee now mi nun receptan ácida retrofluo omni-vece che mi biban cafeo; (acquire) acuister; obtiner; he’ll get the money one way or another il obtinun la pecunio per una manario aut áltera | (answer) [phone, door] responder; I’ll get it! mi respondun! | (buy) acuister; comprer; obtiner; Where did you get that dress? It’s awful! And those shoes and that coat! Jeez! Ube vi comprin ecuila vestito? Hororifanta! Anche la calcéolos et la jaco. Bona Deo! | (fetch) [object] adporter; can you get me my glasses? poteban vi adporter ad mi mea binóculo? | [person] (ad)vocher; venifer; get the doctor advoches la médico | (find) [job, apartment] trover; she got him a job at the dock el trovin empleezo por il en la doco; you don’t get many orangutans in Helsinki en Helsinki ci no es multa orangutanos | (gain, win) [prize] acuister; guadanier; recepter; (prepare) facer; prèparer; to get breakfast prèparer (aut facer) la dejunedo; (reach) [on phone] get me the President! pones mi en comúnico cum la Presidento!; you can get me at this number vi potan contactecer mi ye ecuista número | (travel by) prender; I’ll get a cab mi prendun on taxì; (catch, apprehend) capter; get him! captes il!; got you! captita! | (hit) [target] atinger; colper; while it should have been a better shot, he got him in the head cuancam li debebin eser on meliora dísparo, il colpin il en la cápito | (informal: baffle) perplexifer; (informal: punish, take revenge on) retropagher ad; I’ll get you for that! mi retropagun ecuilo!; why is everyone out to get me? pro cuo la tota mundo vadan contre mi?; (informal: trick) you got me good! vi mistífichin mi bone!; (cause to be) [object + adjective] ficer; -ifer; to get a document signed ficer signaturizer on documento; to get somebody drunk ebriifer álicu; (cause to do) [object + infinitive] ficer; we finally got him to admit it nos fine ficin il confeser lo; (take, bring) (ad)porter; how do we get it home? cuome nos portes li adfocare?; I couldn’t get the blood off my pants mi no potin forifer la sánguino de mea pantalono; where does that get us? cuome ecuilo servan nos?; flattery will get you nowhere / everywhere per adulo vi obtinun nulo / omno | (informal: amuse) amuser; (informal: annoy) iriter; vexer; what gets me is her sense of entitlement lo cua iritan mi es eluya sento je yuro; (informal: stir emotionally) tocher; this song really gets me ecuista cantiono tocan mi; (informal: understand) comprenser; don’t get me wrong comprenses mi bone; no miscomprenses mi; get it? comprensan vi?; let me get this right, you’re saying that… dunche, se mi no miscomprensan, vi diçan che… | (informal: hear) auder; sorry, I didn’t get your name pardones, mi no audin vua nómino; to have got (have) haber; have you got a light? haban vi on accendatro? || vi (become) -ecer; esecer; it’s getting late lo afinaleçan; [+ past participle] you’re going to get killed out there homi occisun vi ilác; vi occisezun ilác | (be able to) poter; (be allowed to) haber la yuro … -er; yure … -er; he gets to do whatever he wants il yure façan (aut homi laçan il facer) cuo cunche il desíderan | (come to) -ecer; to get to know somebody cognocecer álicu; when do we get to meet this girlfriend of yours? cuande vi presentationun ad nos ecuista novio vua?; (have opportunity to do) I never get to wear that dress anymore mi no pluse haban oportunajo por surhaber ecuila vestito; (go) vader; get! forvades!; how do you get there? cuome vader adilác? | (arrive) ariver; (par)vener; when did she get here? cuande el venin hic?; to get to (reach) ariver ye; atinger; to get along (be on good terms) bone interacter; harmonìer; (leave) forvader; partier; (manage) succeser; (progress) progreser; to get around (walk) caminer; she gets around on crutches now el caminan per crúceos nun; to get around to (deal with in due course) we never seem to get around to it lo pareçan che nos jamás haban témporo por ecuilo; to get by (manage) succeser
  • gewgaw n ornivaċo
  • geyser n gheisero
  • Ghana n Gana; Ghanaian Ganano
  • ghastly adj (frightful) hororifanta; teroranta, -iva; (very unwell) malataza; (pallid) cadàveresca; pàlidaza; (informal: very bad) malaza
  • ghee n (culin.) ghio
  • gherkin n (baby pickle) cucùmereto; West Indian gherkin (bot.: Cucumis anguria) Antiliana cucúmero
  • ghetto n gheto
  • ghost n fantásmato; (relig.) the Holy Ghost la Santa Spírito; ghostly fantàsmatesca
  • ghoul n (malevolent spirit) gulo; (person) mórbido
  • giant n giganto || adj giganta; giant anteater (zool.: Myrmecophaga tridactyla) giganta formicario
  • gibber vi galimatìer || n gibberish galimatío
  • gibbet n patíbulo; pendeġatro
  • gibbon n (zool.: Hylobatidae) gibono
  • gibe n deriso; pico || vi deriser; picher
  • giblets n gigerio
  • giddy adj (dizzy) vertìginanta, -osa; (dizzying) vertìginifiva, -ifanta; (frivolous) cápiti-legera; frívola
  • gift n doredo; (talent) doto; talento || vt dorer || adj gifted (talented) dotizita; talentosa
  • gig n (mus.) concerto; (job) ghígulo; temporaria laboro; gig economy ghígul-ecònomío
  • gig n (comput., informal) gigabaito
  • gig n (chiefly hist.: carriage) cabrioleto; (naut.) ghigo
  • giga- afx (thousand million) giga-
  • gigantic adj giganta
  • giggle vi ridetaċer; stulte rideter || n ridetaċo; stulta rideto
  • gigolo n gígolo
  • gild vt aurizer || n gilt aurizajo || adj gilt aurizita
  • gill n branchio
  • gimbal n (often “gimbals”) bilanciario
  • gimcrack adj bel-putosa || n bel-putoso; ornivaċo
  • gimlet n forationatreto
  • gimmick n publìcitisca truco
  • gin n (drink) gino
  • gin n (tech.) dessèminizatro; (trap) trapo
  • ginger n (bot.: Zingiber officinale) gingibro; gingerbread (cake) gingibri-cuco; (cookie) gingibri-cuchio || adj [hair] gingibrea; rufa
  • gingerly adv caute; delicate
  • gingham n ghingano
  • giraffe n (zool.: Giraffa camelopardalis) girafo
  • gird vt (lit.) cintizer; to gird oneself prèparer si por combater
  • girder n trabo
  • girdle n (belt) cinto; (corset) corseto
  • girl n (female child) pueriso; (daughter) filiiso; (informal: young woman) jùveniso; pueriso; (female of any age) fémino; girlfriend amichiso; (romantic) noviiso; girlhood jùvenisitio; puerisitio || adj girlish jùvenisesca; puerisesca; girly girl fèminazo
  • giro n (fin.) [endorsement] indors(aj)o; [transfer] tránsfero
  • girth n (meas.) circumferentio; circummensuro; (band) [for saddle] sel-cinto
  • gist n [of speech, conversation] lo esentiisca; to get the gist of something comprenser lo esentiisca di álico
  • give vt doner; [gift, donation] dorer; (make) [speech] facer; (present) presentationer; to give back retrocesioner; to give in (yield) ceder; to give up (abandon) abandoner; (cease) cesationer -er; (hand over) consigner; (no longer expect) no plu expecter; (renounce) renuntier; (yield) ceder; to give way (yield) ceder || vi to give in/up (capitulate) capitulationer || n given cognoçata facto (aut dátumo) || adj given donita; (fixed) [time, amount] determinationita; donita; given name donita nómino; prenómino
  • gizmo n cosatro
  • gizzard n (zool., anat.) gicerio
  • glacé adj glacita
  • glacial adj (geol.) glaciariisca; (icy) glaciisca; (very slow) lentaza; [speed, pace] glaciariisca
  • glacier n glaciario
  • glad adj joyosa; to be glad joyer || adv gladly cum placero; I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today cum placero mi pagun vi en Marti-dio por on hamburghero hodie || n gladness joyo || vt to gladden joyifer
  • glade n clarayo; nedensayo
  • gladiator n gladiatoro
  • gladiolus n (bot.: Gladiolus) gladiolo
  • glamour n (or “glamor”) glamoro
  • glance vi (look) reguardeter; to glance off (hit and bounce off) ricoċeter || n reguardeto
  • gland n glándulo
  • glanders n (path.) morvo
  • glans n glando
  • glare vi (look) reguarder iraçose (aut furiose, odiose); (shine) brilazer || n (look) iraçosa (aut furiosa, odiosa) reguardo; (shine) brilazo || adj glaring (bright) brilazanta; (conspicuous) salianta; (obvious) evidentaza; manifestita
  • glass n (material) vitro; (drinking vessel, tumbler) bicario; glass of milk bicario de lacto | [wineglass] copo; glassful plen-bicario | (lens) lentilo; glasses binóculo | (chiefly Brit.: mirror) spéculo
  • glaucoma n (med.) glaucómato
  • glaucous adj (tech. or lit.) glauca
  • glaze vt (fit with glass) vitrizer; (apply smooth, shiny finish) [ceramics] glaçurizer; [fabric] sàtinecifer; [food, paper] glaser; [leather] aprester; glaser || vi to glaze over [eyes] vitrecer || n glazier vitristo
  • gleam vi briler || n brilo
  • glean vt (hist. and fig.) spicilegier
  • glebe n (hist.) beneficii-tero
  • glee n joyo; (mus.) glio
  • glen n valateto
  • glib adj [explanation, excuse] fácila; [person, speech] elocuenta (aut paraul-ágila) mas nesincera
  • glide vi (move smoothly) gliser; (aero.) glis-voler || n glider glis-volatro
  • glimmer vi (trémule) brileter (aut lùmineter)
  • glimpse n semivido; videto || vt semivider; videter
  • glint vi brileter || n brileto
  • glissade n (decliv-)gliso || vi (decliv-)gliser
  • glissando n (mus.) gliso
  • glisten vi briler; cintilefer
  • glitter vi cintilefer; trémul-briler || n cintilefo; trémul-brilo; (sparkling decoration) glitro
  • gloaming n (lit.) crepúsculo
  • gloat vi joyuċer
  • globe n (the world) mundo; tero; (spherical map) globo; (sphere) globo; globalization globalifo || vt to globalize globalifer || adj global (comput.) [search, replace, variable] totisca; (universal) universala; (worldwide) globala; planetisca; global village globala (aut planetisca) vilaġo; global warming globala (aut planetisca) caldeço
  • globule n globeto
  • glockenspiel n glochenspilo
  • gloom n (darkness) obscuritio; ténebro; (despondency) depresezo; melancolío; sombritio; tristitio || adj gloomy (dark) obscura; tènebrosa; (despondent) depresita; melancolíaca; sombra; trista
  • glory n (honor, fame) glorio; (splendor) belazitio; splèndiditio; (halo) auréolo || vt to glorify gloriizer || adj glorified (falsely elevated) cum pretensos; pretensizita; I was just a glorified secretary mi esin mere on secretaro pretensizita; it’s just a glorified boarding house li es mere on pensionalo cum pretensos | (relig.) gloriizita; glorious gloriosa; (beautiful) belaza; spléndida
  • gloss n (shine, luster) brilo; (paint) glasivo || vt (apply gloss paint or cosmetics to) glaser || vi to gloss over (cover up) disimulationer; (downplay) minimifer; palier || adj glossy [cloth] sàtineça; [paper] brilanta; glasita; [surface, hair] brilanta
  • gloss n (translation, clarification) gloso || vt gloser
  • glossary n glosario
  • glottis n (anat.) gloto || adj glottal glotisca
  • glove n guanto; (fingerless glove) dúima guanto
  • glow vi briler; lùminer || n [of light] brilo; lúmino; [of heat] ardoro; glowworm (zool.: Lampyris noctiluca) lampírido; lúmin-vermo || adj glowing brilanta; lùminanta, -osa; (laudatory) laudanta
  • glower vi [at someone] reguarder iraçose (aut desafábile)
  • gloxinia n (bot.: Gloxinia) gloxinio
  • glucose n glucosio
  • glue n glútino || vt (fasten or join with glue) glùtinijer; (put glue on) glùtinizer
  • glum adj desalecra; trista
  • glume n (bot.) glumo
  • glut n superabundo || vt [market, economy] inunder; sàturer
  • glutamate n (biochem.) glutamato
  • gluten n glúteno || adj gluten-free neglùtenosa
  • glutinous adj glùtinesca
  • glutton n glutono; glutton for punishment masochisto; glutton for work ergomaníaco; laborohólaco; gluttony glutonitio || adj gluttonous glutona
  • glycerin n (chem.) glicerolo
  • glycerol n (chem.) glicerolo
  • glyph n glifo
  • gnarl n túbero || adj gnarled (knobbly) tùberosa; (twisted) torcita
  • gnash vt griniifer || vi grinier
  • gnat n (zool.: Mycetophilidae, Anisopodidae, Sciaridae, et al.) cúliço
  • gnaw vi [at something] roder (álico) || vt roder
  • gneiss n gneiso
  • gnoll n (folk.) gnolo
  • gnome n (alchem.) gnomo
  • gnomon n gnomono
  • gnosis n (relig., philos.) gnoso
  • gnostic adj gnos(ism)isca || n gnosisto
  • gnu n (zool.: Connochaetes) gnuo
  • go vi (move, travel) vader; to go on foot ped-vader; vader pede; to go to the doctor vader ad la médico; who goes there? cua vadan?; you go first unésime vi | [by vehicle] vehezer; to go by car vader (aut vehezer) vecture; (move, travel to do something) vader -er; to go and see someone vader vìsiter álicu; to go shopping vader bothechejer; to go to someone for something vader ad álicu demander álico | (extend) extensezer; vader; her hair goes down to her butt eluya capilos extensezan usche la pugo; these go to eleven ecuistos vadan usche deç-una | (get underway) cominitier; vader; here goes! mi vades!; there he goes again! ecce il ricominitian!; whose turn is it to go? cua vadan nun?; (depart) forvader; partier; I’m going now mi partian nun | (disappear) [money] expensezer; [object] desaparer; four down, three to go cuatra facita, tria facenda; going, going, gone! (at auction) una, dua, tria, adjùdicìita! | [time] paser; gone are the days when… es pasinta la dios cuande… | (fail) [elastic] ceder; [light, bulb] fusionezer; [material] parusezer; jeans tend to go at the knees homi tendentian paruser le genso ye la genúculos | [mind, hearing] degenerater; my mind is going mi perdan mea mento | (take away) por forporter; a burger and fries to go on burghero et frictita patatos por forporter | (euph.: die) forpaser; partier; (function) funtioner; his car won’t go iluya vecturo no funtionan; it takes a soup bowl of coffee to keep her going lo recuistan on sup-bolo de cafeo por pluse funtionifer el | (endure) durationer; a cockroach can go for up to seven days without its head le blato potan durationer usche septa dios sine sua cápito; (pass into a specified state, become) deventioner; ececer; -ecer; to go communist comunistecer; to go mad folecer; to go to sleep dormecer | (sound) [doorbell, phone] soner; (progress) vader; how did the interview go? cuale vadin la intervisto?; we’ll see how things go nos vidun cuale vadun la cosos | [time] paser; the day went quickly la dio pasin rápide | (do) facer; go like that (with your hand) faces asíc (per vua manuo); (run, be sung, played) as the story goes secuno cuo homi diçan; how does that song go? cuome vadan ecuila cantiono?; (say) dicer; and he goes, “that’s not my finger!” et il diçan, “ecuilo no es mea dígito!”; (serve) usezer; the money will go to compensate the families of the victims la pecunio usezun por indemnizer la familios di la víctimos; (be accepted) anything goes omno liçan; that goes without saying ecuilo vadan sine dicer lo; what I say goes around here li es mi cua comandan hic | (be available) ci eser; there just aren’t any jobs going ci no es laboro (disposébila); [remaining] is there any coffee going? restan cafeo? | (be destined) [fund] eser destinita; the proceeds go to charity la guadaniedo es destinita por bon-faceríos | [inheritance] paser; the house went to his granddaughter la domo pasin ad iluya neptiso | (be kept) apertiner; vader; where does this book go? ube apertinan ecuista libro? | (be sold) vendezer; these go for €100 a pop ecuilos vendezan por 100 € cascune | (fit) fiter; vader; the key won’t go in the lock la clavo no fitan en la seraturo | (match, combine with) [colors, clothes] cumvader bone; black goes with everything nigro vadan bone cum omno; (informal: use a toilet) vader ad la latrinayo; (in phrases) as — go (in comparison with) it’s not bad, as conlangs go li no es mala, cómpare ad áltera glosopeyajos; to get going (be on one’s way) vadecer; let’s get going! nos vades! | (start) cominitier; to keep going (endure) durationer; to keep something going (continue) continuationer álico; to let go (allow to leave) lacer partier; (lay off from employment) desinguager; (release) delacer; to let oneself go (have fun) desbridizer si; laxifer sua capilos; (physically) neglecter si; to make a go of (be successful in) succeser en, sopre (aut -er); (phrasal verb) to go about vader; to go about barefoot vader nud-pede | [news, rumor] circulationer; [ship] virationer; (busy oneself with) òcuper si sopre; to go about one’s business òcuper si sopre sua afaros | (undertake) [problem] aborder; [task] -ecer; interprenser; how do you go about getting an exorcism? cuome homi obtineçan on exorcizo?; to go across [river, road] transvader; to go after (follow) secuer; (pursue) persecuter; (target) to go after civilian targets atacher civila obiectivos; to go against (be contrary to) [principles, conscience] eser cóntrea ad; vader/eser contre; (be unfavorable to) [result, events, evidence] desfavorer; vader/eser contre; (oppose, resist) [somebody’s wishes] acter contre; oponer; to go ahead abantier; (begin) cominitier; (proceed) proceder; go right ahead! adabántee!; to go ahead of (precede) ante-vader; to go along (follow) [road] secuer; vader secuno; (proceed) proceder; I’ll tell you as we go along mi informun vi surviale (aut vadante, caminante); things are going along nicely la cosos vadan bone; why don’t you go along and see a shrink? pro cuo vi no vadan ad on psichiatro?; to go along with (accompany) acompanier; (agree with) [idea, plan] accepter; apodier; [person] concorder cum; to go around vader; to go around topless vader nud-sene | (bypass, circumvent) [obstacle] agirer; (circulate) [rumor] circulationer; (revolve) circumvader; girer circum; the earth goes around the sun la Tero circumvadan (aut giran circum) la solelo | (suffice) suficer; there isn’t enough food to go around ci no es sufiçanta mangedo por omnos | (visit) vader vider; vìsiter; [someone’s house] vader ad apud; to go at (attack) atacher; (tackle, undertake) [job, etc.] jact(az)er si ad; to go away forvader; go away! for mi!; foreces!; forvades! | (disappear) [pain, problem] desaparer; to go back retrovader; rivener; to go back home rivener adfocare; to go back to bed vader rijacecer; these pants will have to go back nos debun retroinvìer ecuista pantalono | (regress) regreser; (fig.: change) [clock] retardezer; the clocks go back on Sunday le horologio retardezun en Domínico | (fig.: extend) extensezer; the cave goes back 180 m la caverno extensezan usche 180 m; the garden goes back to the lake la ġardino extensezan usche la laco | [in time] extensezer; his family goes back to Agamemnon iluya familio extensezan usche Agamémnone; to go back on [decision] cambier; ritornìezer sur; [word, promise] faler; retracter; violationer; to go back to (revert to) rivader ad; rivener ad; to go back to one’s old habits rivener ad sua ántea custumos; go back to sleep! rivades dormer!; to go before (appear in front of) presentationer si ad; the matter went before a judge homi presentationin la afaro ad on júdiço | (precede) antevader; [in time] all that has gone before omno cuo eventin ántee; to go below (naut.) [deck] vader adsube (aut ad subcopertone); to go beyond (preter)paser; pretervader; her interests went beyond national politics eluya interesos vadin preter nationisca político | (outdo) sorecer; to go by preterpaser; we went by the bookstore on the way home nos preterpasin la libri-venderío vadante adfocare | [time] forfluer; paser; as time goes by cum la paso di témporo; in days gone by en témporos pasinta | (be guided by) fider; you can’t go by what they say homi no potan fider cuo los diçan | [appearances] jùdicher secuno; [watch, compass] secuer; to go by the name of nòminijezer; his name is Alexander, but he goes by Sasha iluya nómino es Alexandro, mas il nòminijezan Sasha; to go down decenser; to go down a slope decenser on declivo; to go down to the coast vader (aut decenser) ad la lítoro | [sun, moon] ocaser; (be accepted, approved) to go down well/badly eser bone/male receptita | (be swallowed) glutezer; it went down the wrong way li afochin mi; mi misglutin li | (crash) [airplane] cadazer; [comput.] crasher; [fin.] colapser; crasher; (decrease, decline) [tide, prices] cader; plu-basecer; (deflate) [balloon, air mattress] desinfler; (fall) [person, horse] cader; (lose) [in game] perder; (sink) [ship, person] afundezer; (theat.) [curtain] abasezer; [lights] extinguezer; to go down as (be regarded as) eser consìderata como; (be remembered as) eser rimèmorata como; paser ad le historio como; he went down in history as the worst president ever il pasin ad le historio como la pésima presidento usche alore; to go down on (cunnilingue) licher; (fellate) suctier; to go down with (Brit.) [illness, virus] captezer (aut prendezer) da; she went down with monkeypox el prendezin da simiisca variolo; to go for (accept) accepter; àprober; (apply to) eser válida por; the same goes for you, too la metípsimo es válida anche por vi | (attack) atacher; she went for him with a knife el atachin il per on cultelo | (choose) selecter; he always goes for the sugar-free creamer il sempre selectan la nelactosa cremo nesùcarosa; (like, fancy) she goes for quiet, brainy types plaçan ad el la tipos taçosa et cerebrosa | (strive for) èprober obtiner (aut facer); go for it! adabántee!; they decided to go for it los decisin èprober obtiner (aut facer) li; (idiom) to have a lot going for one haber multa abantaġos; to go forth (move forward) abantier; (set out, depart) partier; (spread out, emanate) [news] emaner; to go forward [person, vehicle, clock] abantier; when do the clocks go forward? cuande abantiun le horologio? | (be put forward) [suggestion] presentationezer; (proceed) [with something] proceder (secuno); to go in entrer; envader; we went in through the back way nos entrin tra la détrea portelo | (attack) atacher; the troops are going in tonight la soldatos atacun hodie nocte | (fit) fiter; this key doesn’t go in ecuista clavo no fitan; to go in for (be interested in) [hobby, sport] interesezer sopre; (enter for) [examination] presentationer si ad; [position, job] candidatifer si por; [race, competition] parti-prender de; (take as a career) dèdicher si ad; to go in with entrer (aut envader) cum; he went in with an AR-15 on the pretext that it was his comfort animal il entrin cum on AR-15 pretexte che ol es iluya confort-animalo | (partner with) asocier si cum; we’re going in with a Nigerian company nos asocian nos cum on Nigeriana companío; to go into entrer; envader; he went into the kitchen il entrin la cocinayo; I have to go into work Saturday mi deban vader laborer en Sábato | (be spent on) [money, resources] eser dèdichita ad; eser investita en; a lot of money went into your education multa pecunio esin investita en vua instructo | (embark on) [explanation, details] entrer; envader; lancer si aden; he went into a long explanation il lancin si aden on longa éxplico | (examine, investigate) explorer; invèstigher; parexàminer; let’s not go into that for now nos dume laces ecuilo | (fall into) [fit] captezer (aut prendezer) da; entrer; envader; she went into fits of laughter el entrin on ataco di rido | [trance, coma] entrer; envader; (take up) [profession] dèdicher si ad; laborecer en; he decided not to go into acting il decisin no dèdicher si ad le actorío; to go off (be activated) [alarm] son(ec)er; [bomb] exploser; [gun] dìsparer; (leave) forvader; partier; they went off together los partiin cume | [stage] departier la cenayo; (stop) [TV, light, heating] extinguezer; to go on [stage] entrer la cenayo; (approach) [age] he’s going on 63 il etatan presche 63 anuos; I feel like I’m 18 going on 40 mi etatan 18 anuos, mas mi sentan che mi etatan presche 40 anuos | (be guided by) basamentizer si sur; the cops have nothing to go on la polis haban nulo sur cuo basamentizer si | (be spent) expensezer por; she’s 50 years old, but most of her money still goes on dolls el etatan 50 anuos, mas incore expensan maxim multa sua pecunio por pupos | (behave) comporter; what a way to go on! (pej.) cuala manario di comporter! | (come on) [lights, machine] accensezer; (continue) to go on doing something continuationer (aut pluse, no cesationer) facer álico; he went on down the road to the gas station il secuin la vialo usche la gasolinerío; “so,” he went on “ben,” il continuationin | (fit) fiter; these gloves won’t go on ecuista guantos no fitan | (happen) eventer; what’s going on here? cuo eventan hic? | (last) durationer; how long did this go on? dum cuanta témporo ecuilo durationin? | (pass, go by) [time, years] forfluer; paser; (proceed) paser; after teaching himself Simlish, he went on to learn Dovahzul aprensifinte si Simenso, il cominitiin aprenser Dovahenso; to go on to another matter paser ad áltera afaro; to go on to do something else paser facer áltero; she went on to say that… el dicin anche che… | (start taking) [drug] cominitier prender; tomorrow I go on Vaxadrin demane mi cominitiun prender Vaxadrino; (talk) to go on about something no cesationer parauler sopre álico; he does tend to go on il ya tendentian no cesationer parauler; stop going on about it! delaces lo!; go on! (continue) continuationes!; (expressing incredulity) no blaghes!; venes nun!; (giving encouragement) advades!; vades vider!; venes!; go on, tell us what happened venes, dices ad nos cuo eventin; to go on at (reproach) reproċer; to go out ecvader; èxiter; to go out of a room ecvader on cambro; to go out of fashion ecmodecer; paser ec modo; [“out” not translated] go out and get a job! vades trover laboro!; to go out shopping vader bothechejer | (be extinguished, switch off) [fire] extintezer; [light] extinguezer; to go out like a light dormer instante | (be issued) [invitation] invìezer; [pamphlet, circular] èditezer; [TV or radio program] transmisezer; (date) to go out with someone rendezvosader álicu; how long have those two been going out? dum cuanta témporo los rendezvosadan si? | (ebb) [tide] desfluxer; (sympathize) our hearts go out to the victims nos compasionan la víctimos; nos pensan sopre la víctimos dum ecuista dolorosa témporo | (travel) viager; we went out to Tokyo for the anime convention nos viagin ad Tokyo por la festivalo di animeo; to go out of (desert) all the joy has gone out of him il no pluse haban joyo; il restan sine joyo; to go over transvader; to go over a wall transvader on muro | (be received) eser receptita; how did it go over? cuale li esin receptita? | (cross) vader; to go over to Spain vader ad Hispania; they went over to Ian’s los vadin ad apud Johane; [changing habit, sides] to go over to the enemy transvader (aut paser) ad la inimico; to go over to Windows transvader (aut paser) ad Windows | (examine, check) [report, figures] controler; exàminer; (rehearse, review) [speech, lesson] rilecturer; to go over something in one’s mind ripenser sopre álico | (touch up) retocher; to go round see “go around”; to go through trapaser; travader; the bullet went straight through la cuglo recte trapasin; they went through Portland to get to Seattle los pasin tra Portland por ariver ye Seattle | (be approved) [bill, proposal, motion] àprobezer; [deal] clausezer; facezer; (examine, check) controler; exàminer; (perform) (par)facer; let’s go through that scene again nos rifaces ecuila ceno | [formalities] completioner; plenejer; [routine, course of study] secuer; (search through) tra cercher en; (undergo) subitioner; trapaser; My Parents Went Through the Holocaust and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt Mea genitoros subitionin la Holocausto et omno cuo mi receptin esin ecuista putosa T-camisio; they’re going through a tough time los trapasan on difícila periodo; this book already went through 23 editions ecuista libro jam habin 23 éditos | (use up) [clothing] paruser; [drink] parbiber; [food] parmanger; [money] expenser; [supply] exhauster; to go through with (persist with) [plan, threat] executer; parfacer; I can’t go through with this mi no potan continuationer ecuilo; to go to (take) asumpter; to go to the expense asumpter la expensos; to go to the trouble of doing something pener facer álico; to go together vader cume; (combine, correspond) [colors, clothes, foods] completifer si; cumvader bone; [ideas] completifer si; to go toward vader versum; (contribute to) this money will go toward your studies ecuista pecunio es por vua studos; to go under subvader; (be known by) [specified name] cognocezer; Jorge Pedos now goes under the name Christopher Silkwood Georgio Pedos nun cognocezan como Cristóforo Silkwood | (fail) [business] bancarotecer; faler; (sink) [ship] afundezer; to go up accenser; to go up the stairs accenser la scalonado | [tide, prices] plu-altecer; (approach) advader; to go up to someone advader álicu | (be built) [building] levezer; (be heard) [cheer] donezer; èlevezer; (explode) exploser; to go up in flames flamefecer | (theat.) [curtain] levezer; (travel) to go up to Cairo vader (aut viager) ad Cairo; to go with (accompany) acompanier; vader cum; (agree with) concorder cum; I’ll go with you there sopre ecuilo mi concordan cum vi; she went with the crowd el secuin la túrbulo | (choose) selecter; we decided to go with eggshell white nos decisin selecter ov-scaliisca blanco | (date) rendezvosader; (match) see “go together”; to go without (endure lack) precinder de; (manage without) you’ll have to go without it vi debun facer (aut acter, viver, succeser) sine li || v (modal verb) to be going to be/do something -un; I was just going to do it mi jus esin façunta lo || vt [direction] vader; which way did he go? en cua directiono il vadin? | [distance] parvader; we only went 30 m when… nos parvadin mere 30 m cuande… | [route] prender; to go the long way round prender la vialo plu longa; to go the wrong way prender on mala vialo; (bet) sponsioner; he went €50 on black il sponsionin 50 € por nigro; (make sound) facer; she went “psst” “pst”, facin el; (idiom) to go it alone facer lo sole; to go one better facer on meliora || n (attempt) éprobo; to have a go at something èprober álico; in one go un-stroche | (bout) periodo; they had a rough go of it los subitionin on mala periodo; (busyness, activity) on the go valde actema | (energy) dinamismo; energío; impulsezo; go-ahead (permission) áprobo; permiso; yurizo; go-between (intermediary) mediationanto; go-cart (also “go-kart”) gocarto; go-carting gocart-curejo; go-getter ambitionoso || adj all systems (are) go omno es presta; you are go for landing vi es líbera (aut presta) surlunecer
  • goad vt (provoke to action) inciter; provocationer; to goad someone into doing something inciter (aut provocationer) álicu facer álico | (drive with a goad) [animal] picher || n (spiked stick) pic-bastono; (fig.) incitatro
  • goal n (sport) (posts and net) golayo; (score) golo; obiectivo; (aim in life) obiectivo; goalkeeper, goalie golayisto
  • goat n (zool.: Capra) capro; goatskin capri-corio; goatee capri-barbo; goatherd capristo
  • gob n grumo
  • gobbet n maseto; petio
  • gobble vt glut(aċ)er
  • gobbledygook n galimatío; jargono
  • goblet n copo
  • goblin n (folk.) gobelino
  • goby n (zool.: var. from Gobiiformes) gobio
  • god n de(as)o; godchild bapti-filio; godfather bapti-patro; patrino; godmother bapti-matro; matrino; godparent bapti-genitoro; godsend celisca doredo; goddess deiso || adj godly (pious) pia
  • godwit (zool.: Limosa) bárdeo
  • goety n goetío; goetist goeto
  • goffer vt galfrer
  • goggle vt reguardazer; goggles òcularo
  • goiter n (Brit.: “goitre”) strumo
  • gold n (chem.: Au) auro; goldbeater’s skin bodrusco; gold farmer aur-cultivisto; goldfinch (zool.: Carduelis carduelis) cardelo; goldfish (zool.: Carassius auratus) aure-piço; goldsmith aur-forgisto; aur-laboristo; aurajisto; goldenrod (bot.: many from Asteraceae, esp. Solidago) aure-virgo || adj golden aurea; golden-brown (culin.) bone daurita
  • golf n golfo; golf club golf-matio; golf course golfayo || vi jocher golfo
  • gonad n (physiol., zool.) gónado
  • gondola n góndolo; gondolier gòndolisto
  • gong n gongo
  • gonorrhea n (path.) gonoreo
  • good adj bona; [quality] -ocio; this is good sword ecuilo es spathocio; (moral, well-behaved) bena; (kind) bon-volitionanta; to be so good as to permit bon-volitione permises; good-for-nothing neútila; Good Friday Véner-dio Santa; good-looking bela; bon-aspecta; good-natured afábila; goodly (considerable) [size, quantity] granda; multa; (archaic) [admirable] admiranda; [attractive] bela; [good] bon(az)a || adv (fairly large) pretty good sized lexicon for what amounts to little more than a jokelang pasábile granda léxico por cuo ecualesan ad pauco pluse cam on burli-linguaġo || n goods (merchandise) merços; (objects) -ajos; leather goods coriajos | (possessions) posesedos; good-bye adeo; good-for-nothing neútilo; goodwill bon-volitiono; (com.) plus-valoro; goodies (informal) bonajos; are these the goodies? is this how the military pays off? es ecuilos la bonajos? chi ecce cuom la militarado recompensan? | [treats] dulçajos || inter good-bye adeo!
  • goof n (mistake) eroro; (fool) stulto || vi (make a mistake) erorer
  • google vt (search for something on the Internet) Google-ijer; guglijer
  • goose n (zool.: Anser, Branta, et al.) auco; gooseberry (bot.: Ribes uva-crispa / Ribes grossularia) spin-groselo; gooseflesh auchi-pelo; goosestep auchi-pasuo
  • gopher n (zool.: Geomyidae) geómiso
  • Gordian adj (idiom) to cut the Gordian knot secher la Gordiisca nodo
  • gore n (blood) sánguino (ecfluifita) || adj gory sànguinosa; the gory details la sórdida detalos
  • gore vt (injure) [with horn] cornijer; [with tusk] dentazijer
  • gorge n (geog.) gurgo; (archaic: throat) gurgo || vt to gorge oneself on manġazer; plenazifer
  • gorgeous adj belaza
  • gorget n (mil. hist.) gurgaro
  • gorilla n (zool.: Gorilla) gorilo
  • gormandize vi manġaz(aċ)er
  • gorse n (bot.: Ulex) spin-genisto
  • goshawk n (zool.: Accipiter) asturo
  • gosling n aucolo
  • gospel n evangelio
  • gossamer n (spider’s air thread) filandro; (cobweb) aráne-telo; (fabric) gazo
  • gossip n (talk) comatrío; (person) comatro || vi comatrìer; to gossip about someone comatrìer álicu
  • gotcha! inter captita! || n (instance) entrapifo, -eço; gotcha journalism entrapifedora jurnalismo
  • Goth n (hist.) Gotho; (mus.) góthica rock; (member of Goth subculture) góthico || adj gothic (hist.) Gotha; (style) góthica
  • gouache n (art) acuatio
  • gouge vt [hole, groove] foder; (use a gouge on) gulbiijer; to gouge out [eyes] evulser; [hole, groove] foder || n (tool) gulbio; (indentation, groove) gulbiijajo
  • goulash n (culin.) guliasho
  • gourd n cucùrbitumo
  • gourmet n gastrónomo || adj [food, dinner] gastrònomìisca
  • gout n (med.) goto
  • govern vt guberner || n governess puerisca gubernisto; government gubernerío; governor gubernanto, -edoro, -isto; (mech.) gubernatro; governorate gubernio
  • gown n (dress) vestito; (jur., univ.) robo
  • grab vt (seize) sacer || n saço; (Brit., tech.) palel-fauço
  • grace n (elegance) [of form, movement] gratio; (graciousness) cortesitio; favoro; (respite) three days’ grace tria favor-dios; (myth.) the Graces la Gratios; (relig.) gracio; (prayer) [before meals] mensi-benedicto; to say grace dicer la benedicto; grace note (mus.) floritureto; grace period favor-periodo || vt (honor) favorer; honorizer; (adorn) orner || adj graceful gratiosa; gracious (courteous) cortesa; (merciful) clementa
  • gracile adj grácila
  • grade n (level) nivelo; [of intensity] grado; [of quality] cualitio; high/low grade steel aciario di alta/basa cualitio | (gradation) [on scale] grado; (rank) grado; [in military] rango; (school: mark, note) cualífico; (school class) claso; he’s still in the 3rd grade il incore es en la triésima claso; (slope, gradient) costario; (idiom) to make the grade atinger la nivelo; grade crossing nivel-pasayo; grade school primaria scolo; gradation (scale) gradado; (stage, gradual change) gradationo || vt (arrange into grades) gradizer; (class, sort) clasìficher; (scol.: mark) [student, work] cualìficher; to gradate (arrange into grades) gradizer || vi (change by degrees) gradationer; to gradate (change by degrees) gradationer
  • gradian n gradiano
  • gradient n (slope) costario; (math, sci., tech.) inclino
  • gradual adj (slow) [change] gradationanta, -ema; gradena; (not steep) [slope, incline] nescarpa || adv gradually gradene
  • graduate n gradizito; graduation gradizo || vt (confer degree on) gradizer; (mark out in degrees) [instrument, container] gradizer
  • gradus n Grados (ad Parnasso)
  • graffiti n grafiaturo
  • graft n (bot., med.) [act] grafio; [twig, shoot] grafiedo, -ajo || vt (bot., med.) grafier
  • graft n (corruption) concusiono || vi (corruptly profit) concusioner
  • grain n (wheat) trítico; (single fruit or seed of a cereal) grano; (single hard particle) grano; (weight: 64.79891 mg) grano; (Brit.) [cereal] cerealo; (longitudinal arrangement or pattern) [in cloth] filo; [in leather, photograph] grano; [in stone, marble] vénulo; [in wood, meat] fibro; (idiom) it goes against the grain lo vadan contre luya naturo
  • gram n gramo
  • graminaceous adj poàceisca
  • grammalogue n gramálogo
  • grammar n gramático; grammar school primaria scolo; (Brit.) gimnasio; grammarian gramàtichisto || adj grammatical [rule, structure, error] gramàtichisca; (correct) gramàticasca
  • gramophone n gramófono
  • gramps n (informal) avioluci(as)o
  • grampus n (orca) orcilo
  • granary n granayo
  • grand adj (impressive) [building, architecture] grandiosa; imponanta; [person] eminenta; (ambitious) [scheme, strategy, design] ambitionosa; (largest, most important) [entrance, duke] ċef-; magna; (informal: excellent) bonaza; grand tourer (auto.) magna torivo || n granddaughter neptiso; grandfather aviolaso; grandmother avioliso; grandparent aviolo; grandson neptaso
  • grandee n magno
  • grandeur n grandiositio; magnitio; majestato; splèndiditio; (eminence) eminentitio
  • grandiloquent adj magnilocuenta; pomposaċa
  • grandiose adj grandiosa
  • grandstand n archiscamnado; tribunalio || vi luder por la galerío
  • grange n (Brit.) manorio
  • granite n granito
  • granny n (informal) avioluci(is)o; granny knot plata nodaċo
  • grant vt (give or allow) [request, favor, point] conceser; the frog granted him a wish la rano concesin ad il on desídero | (confer) [right, power, property] ceder; cònferer; Finnish women were granted the right to vote in 1906 homi cónferin la votation-yuro ad le Finlandianiso en 1906; (admit) conceser; it’s not his best film, I’ll grant you that ol no es iluya óptima filmo, mi concesan ad vi ecuilo; granted/granting that… concesante che…; granted that this is true concesante che ecuilo es vera; (in phrases) to take it for granted that… suposer che…; we took it for granted that she would always come back nos suposin che el sempre rivenun; to take someone for granted no apretier álicu; I feel like they’re taking me for granted at work mi sentan che homi no apretian mi en la laborayo; to take something for granted (regard as normal) consìderer álico como je normasca; people tend to take democracy for granted homi tendentian consìderer demòcratío como je normasca || n (subsidy) subventiono; (financial aid) subsidio; (formal: act of conferring) cónfero; [of property] cedo; tránsfero
  • granule n graneto; (bio., med., astrophys., geol.) gránulo || vt to granulate gran(et)ifer; (med.) grànulifer || vi to granulate gran(et)ecer; (med.) grànulecer || adj granular grana, -esca
  • grape n (bot.: Vitis) uvo; grapefruit (bot.: Citrus × paradisi) pompelmo; grape juice (drink) uv-suco; (for making wine) musto; grapeshot mitralio; grapevine vito
  • graph n infográfico; [chart] tabelo; [diagram] diagramo
  • graphic adj (visual) gráfica; graphic artist gràfichisto; graphic arts gráfic-artos; graphic novel gráfica romanço | (explicit) [sex, violence] explícita; (vivid) [account, description] vívida || n gráfico; graphics gráficos; (art) gráfic-artos
  • graphite n grafito
  • graphology n grafòloghío; graphologist grafólogo
  • grapnel n grapino
  • grapple vi (wrestle) lucter || vt (seize) sacer; (archaic: seize with a grapnel) grapinijer
  • grasp vt (seize) sacer; to grasp at sacecer | (understand) comprenser; intelecter || n (grip) teno; (reach) atinġo; (understanding) comprenso; intelecto || adj grasping (greedy) ávida
  • grass n (bot.: Poaceae) herbo; (collective) herbado; [lawn] céspito; keep off the grass calcher la céspito es pròhibata | [pasture] pasturayo; (informal: marijuana) herbo; grasshopper (zool.: Acridomorpha) ácrido; grass owl (zool.: var. from Tyto) pratad-striġo; grass snake (zool.: Natrix natrix) colar-cólubro; natriço || vt (cover with grass) herbizer; (feed with grass) pasturifer || vi to grass on (Brit. informal: inform on) denuntier || adj grassy herbosa
  • grate vt (shred with a grater) [cheese, etc.] rasper || vi (make unpleasant scraping noise) [chalk, hinge, etc.] grinier; (fig.: irritate) agacer; it really grates (on me) li agaçan (mi) || n grater raspatro
  • grate n (fireplace) focayo; focularo; (grid) gratículo; grating gratículo
  • grateful adj gratitùdinosa
  • graticule n (tech.) gratículo
  • gratify vt [person] complacer; [desire, whim, etc.] satisfacer
  • grating n gratículo
  • gratis adv gratúite
  • gratitude n gratitúdino
  • gratuitous adj (unwarranted) [violence, sex] sine motivo (aut causo); (free of charge) gratúita
  • gratuity n (formal: tip) gratìficajo
  • gravamen n (jur.) fundamento
  • grave n (place of burial) sepultayo; [with monument] tumbo; graveyard cemeterio; tumbayo
  • grave adj (not trifling) [danger, problem, mistake] grava; (solemn) [person, face, expression] seriosa; grave accent (ling.) grava accento
  • grave vt (archaic: engrave) graber || n graver grabatro
  • grave vt (hist., naut.) rèparer || n graving dock répar-doco; sica doco
  • gravel n gravelo
  • gravity n (phys.) grávito; the law of gravity la leġo di grávito | (seriousness) gravitio; a situation of the utmost gravity on situationo di la máxima gravitio || vi to gravitate gràviter
  • gravy n (culin.) gravato
  • gray adj (in color) grisa; (having gray hair) canuta; (bleak) grisa; (unaccounted for) [financial activity] grisa; (uncertain, ambiguous) grisa; morally gray moralitatische grisa; (uninteresting) grisa || n (color) griso; gray gurnard (zool.: Eutrigla gurnardus) grisa triglo; grayhound Angliana leporaro; grayling (zool.: Thymallus thymallus) thímalo
  • graze vi (agr.) pasturer || vt [cattle, sheep] pasturifer; [grass, field] pasturer
  • graze vt (scrape) abras(et)er; (lightly touch in passing) pas-tocheter; rader
  • grease n grasio; grease gun grasii-pistolo; greasepaint fardo || adj greaseproof grasii-imuna; nepèrmeébila da grasio; greasy grasiosa
  • great adj (above average) [in amount, extent, intensity] granda; he showed great potential il monstrin granda potentialitio | [in dimensions] enorma; grand(az)a; [in eminence, importance, ability, quality] magna; Catherine the Great Caterina la Magna; the great Italian composers la magna Italiana composistos | [in enthusiasm] vald(az)a; I’m a great admirer of your work mi es on valda admiranto je vua opro; they’re great friends los es valda amicos; (informal: excellent) bonaza || adv greatly multe; valde || n greatcoat capoto || afx (in family relationships) [one degree downward] post-; great-grandchild postnepto | [one degree upward] ante-; great-aunt antethiiso
  • greave n (hist.) cruraro
  • grebe n (zool.: Podicipediformes) grebo
  • Grecian adj Grechiana; Grechisca
  • Greco-Roman adj Grec-Romana
  • Greece n Grechia
  • greed n (avarice) àviditio || adj greedy ávida
  • Greek adj Grechiana; (ethnically) Greca || n Grechiano; (ethnic) Greco; (language) Grechenso; (idiom) it’s all Greek to me li es por mi Martenso
  • green adj (in color) vírida; (nauseous) pálida; (covered with grass, trees) àrborosa; herbosa; (ecological) ecòloghismisca; vírida; [person] ecòloghista; vírida; (inexperienced) novicia; (naive) ingenua; (unripe) [banana, tomato, wood] vírida; greenish vìridesca || n (color) vírido; (culin.) greens (vegetables) legúminos | (grassy area) herbayo; [lawn] céspito; [meadow] prato; [putting green] colpetayo; (pol.) Vírido; (in compounds) green bean (bot.: Phaseolus vulgaris) vírid-faséolo; greenfinch (zool.: Chloris) vírid-pinciono; viridono; greenfly (zool.: Myzus persicae) vírid-áfido; greengage reginclaudio; greengrocer fructi-vendisto; legúmin-vendisto; greenhorn novicio; greenhouse planti-domo; Greenland Grenlandia; Greenlander Grenlandiano; greensand vírida arenario; greenstick fracture vírid-ligna fracturo || vt vìridifer || vi vìridecer
  • greet vt saluter || n greeting saluto
  • gregarious adj [person] sociema; [animal] gregema
  • Gregorian adj Gregoriisca
  • gremlin n (folk.) gremlino
  • Grenada n Granata
  • grenade n grenato; grenadier (hist.) grenatisto
  • grey adj see “gray”
  • grid n (grating) [in wall, pavement] gratículo; (network) reto; (on map) gratículo; gridiron (culin.) (rosti-)gratículo; (sport) Usonana futbalayo
  • grief n (sorrow) tristitio; (informal: trouble, annoyance) problématos; vexo; to give somebody grief doner problématos ad álicu; vexer; (idiom) to come to grief falazer; fiascher; ruinecer
  • grievance n (cause for complaint) neyustajo; plangi-motivo; rancor-motivo; (complaint) planġo
  • grieve vi aflictezer; lamenter || vt (feel grief for) deplorationer; lamenter sopre; (cause distress to) aflicter; tristifer || adj grievous (formal) [blow] severa; [crime, offense, error] grava; grievous bodily harm grava personisca lesionos | [loss, etc.] cruela; dolorosa; [pain] forta; intensa
  • griffin n (myth; also gryphon, griffon) grifo
  • griffon n (dog) grifono
  • grill n (culin.) [cooker] rostatro; [gridiron] rosti-gratículo; [grilled food] rostajo; [restaurant] rosterío || vt gratícul-roster; (informal: interrogate) intèrogher
  • grille n (also “grill”) gratículo
  • grim adj (gloomy) [news, situation, prospect, warning] desmoraliziva; [reminder, reality, necessity] cruda; dura; [town, building, place] sombra; (gruesome) [discovery] (macabre) hororifiva; (macabre) [humor, joke, story] macabra; (ghastly) [experience, effect] hororifanta; [unwell] malata; (stern) severa
  • grimace n grimáceo || vi grimàceer
  • grime n sùcidajo || adj grimy súcida
  • grimoire n grimorio
  • grin vi larghe suriser; surisazer || n larga suriso; surisazo
  • grind vt pinser; pùlverifer; [coffee, corn, flour] molinijer; [meat] triter; (rub gratingly) [teeth] griniifer; (sharpen) [knife] acutifer; (smooth) [gem, lens] smeriliijer || vi (dry hump) sexijer (sine pénetro); [of men] méncul-fricher; [of women] cun-fricher; (with the buttocks) cul-fricher; culijer; pereer; (with the buttocks during sex) cever; culijer; (with the genitals during sex) crisationer; cunijer || n (grating sound) grinio; (hard, dull work) serfío; the daily grind la diala serfío; (in compounds) grindstone (for grinding) molin-petro; (for sharpening) acutifatro; grinder (molar tooth) molaro
  • grip vt (seize) prender (firme); sacer; (hold tightly) tenazer; (deeply affect) multe afecter; (enthrall) fàciner; (paralyze) gripped by fear paràlisita (aut dòminìata) da pavoro || n (handclasp) tenazo; (control) dòminío; guberno; get a grip (on yourself)! calma!; gubernes (aut dòminíes) vi!; in the grip of winter paràlisita (aut dòminìata) da hiberno; to have a good grip of a subject parcomprenser álico; to lose one’s grip on reality perder sua sentivitio sopre le realitio | (handle) manubrio; [of pistol, rifle] colbo; (travel bag) valisio; (theat.) màchinisto; (in phrases) to come to grips with (confront) [enemy] afronter; [problem] confronter
  • gripe vi (informal: complain) planġaċer || vt (archaic: clutch) tenazer || n (informal: petty complaint) plangeto; (archaic: clutching) tenazo; gripes (med.) cólico
  • grippe n (path.) influentio
  • grisly adj hororifiva
  • grist n molinijuto, -edo
  • gristle n cartilágino
  • grit n (gravel, sand) gravelo; sábulo; (dust) pulvo; (courage) coraġo; (strength of character) fortitio di caráctero; grits (culin.) grito || vt (in phrases) to grit one’s teeth cumpresioner sua dentos
  • grizzle adj [hair, fur] canastra; grizzled [hair, fur] canastra || n canastrajo
  • grizzle vi (Brit., informal: grumble) grùmeler; [child] planġ-plorer
  • grizzly n (zool.: Ursus arctos horribilis) gríslico || adj (gray) grisa; (gray-haired) canuta
  • groan vi (moan) [from pain, despair] gèmiter; (say in despairing tone) gèmiter; “not again!” she groaned “no denue!” el gémitin; (complain, grumble) grùmeler; (creak) [tree, gate, etc.] grinier
  • groats n aveno
  • grocer n alimenti-bothechisto; groceries (items) alimenti-compredos; grocery (store) alimenti-botheco; (supermarket) supermercato
  • grog n grogo || adj groggy (dazed) exturdita; (drunk) ebria; (unsteady) tìtubanta
  • groin n (anat.) ínguino
  • groin n (also “groyne”) spicono
  • grok vt grocher; I grok your mouth-music, Mandingo! mi grocan vua buc-músico, Mandingo!
  • grommet n oculito
  • groom vt (brush, clean) [horse] palafrenarìer; strìgilijer; [person] toileter; (prepare) intrainer; prèparer; (prepare for sexual encounter) [child] gromer || n (bridegroom) [after wedding] nova sponsaso; [before wedding] fidantiitaso; (for horses) cabal-atentisto; palafrenaro
  • groove n (cut, depression) [in column, record] caneluro; [in wood, plank, head of screw, for sliding door] ranuro; (routine) rutino; (informal: rhythm) rithmo; (in phrases) to be in the groove eser en formo || vt (put groove in) canelurizer || vi (informal: dance) dancer; (informal: listen) [to music] ausculter
  • grope vi (feel one’s way) tàxiter; to grope for something táxite cercher álico || vt (informal: fondle sexually) tocuċer || n tocuċo
  • gross adj (flagrant) [wrongdoing] flagranta; (total) [income, profit] desneta; [weight] cumtara; desneta; (vulgar) [person, remark, joke] grosaria; (obese) enorma; obesa; (repulsive) [person, behavior, food] repugnanta; gross! cuala repugno!; (general) generala; macroscopiisca || adv (in total) [earn, pay] desnete; [weigh] cumtare; desnete || n (12 dozen) deci-dua docenos; grosses [total income] desneta rédito || vt (earn) [as gross profit, income] guadanier desnete; to gross out repugner
  • grotesque adj grotesca
  • grotto n grupto
  • ground n (surface of the earth) solio; tero; (land of a specified quality) tereno; to be on dangerous ground eser sur perìculosa tereno; stony ground saxosa tereno | (piece of land) tereno; common ground comuna tereno; to gain/lose ground guadanier/perder tereno | (soil) soliaro; fertile ground fértila soliaro; (area for specified purpose) tereno; (area of knowledge) tereno; to be on firm ground eser sur sólida tereno; the lecture today covered a lot of ground la lectiono hodie parvadin multa tereno (aut tractin sopre multo); (art) fundo; (elec.) tero; grounds locado; tereno; (basis) basamento; fundamento; (reason) motivo; on the grounds that… pro che…; ground floor ter-staġo; ground ivy (bot.: Glechoma hederacea) ter-hédero; groundnut (bot.: Arachis hypogaea) aráchido; ter-nuço; ground rules basamentisca régulos; groundwork fundamento; preliminara laboro || vt (prohibit from flying) [pilot, aircraft] impeder (álicu, álico) voler; pròhiber (ad álicu, ad álico) voler; (prohibit from going out) [child] recluser; (give basis to) [assertion, reason] apodier; basamentizer; fundamentizer; motivizer; [system, establishment] fundationer; (instruct in first principles) instructer; to be well grounded in eser èrudita (aut experta) sopre; haber bona cognoço je; (put on the ground) deponer; to ground arms (lay down) deponer armos; (lower) abaser armos | (elec.) adterifer || vi (naut.: run aground) incalier || adj groundless sine fundamento (aut basaemento, motivo)
  • ground adj (p.p. of “grind”) [coffee] molinijita; [meat] molinijita; tritita; ground glass (crushed) pinsita vitro; (unpolished) despolimentita vitro || n grounds [of coffee] sedimento
  • groundsel n (bot.: Senecio) seneciono
  • group n grupo || vt grupifer || vi grupecer
  • grouse n (zool.: Tetraonini) gruso
  • grouse vi (complain pettily) grùmeler; planġaċer || n grúmelo; planġaċo
  • grout n gruto
  • grove n boscheto
  • grovel vi prostrationer; reptaċer
  • grow vi [plant, hair, person, animal] crecer; (develop, mature) disvelopezer; maturecer; (increase) [number, amount] augmentezer; (increasingly become) [with adjective] deventioner; -ecer; esecer; to grow old vèculecer | [with infinitive] gradene; in time I grew to accept it cum le témporo mi gradene acceptin lo; to grow up (become adult) adultecer; grow up! no eses le puero! | (legally) majorenecer; (mature) maturecer || vt [hair, beard, mustache, nails] crecifer; (produce by cultivation) [plant, crop] cultiver; she grows weed on her balcony el cultivan herbos sur sua balcono; (increase) [number, amount] augmenter || n growth (process of growing) creço; (something grown or growing) [beard] three day’s growth barbo de tria dios | [bot.: shoot] súrculo; [bot.: vegetation] végeto; [med.: tumor] tumoro
  • growl vi grunder || n grundo
  • groyne n (also “groin”) spicono
  • grub n (larva) larvo; (informal: food) mangedo || vt to grub up (dig up) ecterifer || vi (dig) foder; to grub for something foder cercante (aut por trover) álico || adj grubby (dirty) desnita; spurca; (grimy) súcida; (sordid) sórdida
  • grudge n (resentment) rancoro; to have a grudge against someone rancorer contre (aut sopre, pro) álicu || vt rancore refuser; (resent someone about something) I don’t grudge him his good fortune mi no rancoran sopre luya fortuno || adv grudgingly contrevolitione; rancore
  • gruel n grutelo
  • grueling adj exhaustanta; penazifanta
  • gruesome adj (macabre) hororifiva
  • gruff adj [voice] rauca; [manner] brusca
  • grumble vi (complain) grùmeler; planġaċer; (rumble) [stomach] grùmeler; [thunder] ròtulezer || n (complaint) grúmelo; planġaċo; (rumble) [of stomach] grúmelo; [of thunder] ròtulezo
  • grume n (med., archaic) grumo
  • grump n (informal) acri-humoraloso; grùmelemo; mal-humoraloso || adj grumpy acri-humorala; mal-humorala
  • grungy adj (grimy) súcida || n grunge (grime) sùcidajo; (mus.) grunge
  • grunt vi gruner || n gruno; (informal: soldier) infantarìano
  • guaiacum n (bot.: Guaiacum) guayaco
  • guano n guano
  • guarantee n (formal assurance) guarantío; (something that guarantees) guaranto; there’s no guarantee that… nulo guarantían che…; guarantor guaranto || vt guarantìer
  • guard vt guarder; (jur.) [child] tuteler; to guard against guarder si contre; [suspicion, accidents] eviter || n guardisto; (corps) guardio; (prison guard) cárcer-guardisto; to be on guard guarder si; guardrail varandilo; guardsman guardiano; guardian (jur.) [of child] tutelanto; [of estate, museum] curatoro; guardian angel guard-ángelo
  • Guatemala n Guatemala; Guatemalan Guatemalano
  • guava n (bot.: Psidium guajava, et al.) [fruit] guayabo; [tree] guayabífero
  • gudgeon n (zool.: var. from Butidae, Cyprinidae, Eleotridae or Ptereleotridae) gobiono
  • gudgeon n (tech.) clavilo
  • guelder rose n (bot.: Viburnum opulus) ópulo
  • guerrilla n guerilisto; guerrilla warfare guerilo
  • guess vt (discover by guesswork or intuition) divinationer; guess! divinationes!; éprobes divinationer!; guess what? sapan vi cuo?; she guessed your password el divinationin vua contresigno; (infer without sufficient information) conjecturer; many guessed that the abdication was in fact the result of a palace coup multos conjecturin che la ábdico facte esin la resulto di on palatii-revolutiono; (roughly calculate, estimate) evaluter; to guess the height of a building evaluter la altitio di on constructajo; (informal: suppose) suposer; I guess you’re right mi suposan che vi es justa; to guesstimate apròximer || vi to guess at conjecturer || n divination-éprobo; (conjecture) conjecturo; (estimate) evaluto; guesswork conjecturado; conjecturos
  • guest n hòspitato
  • guffaw n ridaz(aċ)o || vi ridaz(aċ)er
  • Guianas n la Guyanas; Guianan Guyanano
  • guide n (person) guidanto, -isto; (book) guid-libro; (mech.) guidatro; guidance guido || vt guider || adj guided missile guideda mísilo
  • guild n ghildo; guildhall ghildayo; (Brit.: town hall) civitat-gubernerío
  • guile n astutitio
  • guillemet n (punct.: « ») ángul-citatro
  • guillemot n (zool.: Cepphus) cepfo
  • guillotine n ghilotino || vt ghilotinijer
  • guilt n (culpability) culpo; (feeling) sentimento di culpo || adj guilty (culpable) culposa; (shameful) [pleasure] culposa; neconfesébila; [secret] verecundifanta
  • Guinea n Guinea; Guinea-Bissau Guine-Bisavia; guinea fowl (zool.: Numididae) pintato; guinea pig (zool.: Cavia porcellus) cobayo; guinea worm (zool.: Dracunculus medinensis) Guine-vermo; Guinean Guineano
  • guise n (external form or manner) aspecto; formo; manario || vt in/under the guise of (disguised as) disguisita cuom
  • guitar n ghitaro
  • gulch n ravino
  • gulden n gúldeno
  • gulf n (bay) gulfo; (chasm) abiso
  • gull n (zool.: Laridae) gaviano
  • gull vt (dupe) inganer || n (dupe) inganedo || adj gullible credem(aċ)a
  • gullet n (anat.) guturo; esófago
  • gully n ravineto
  • gulp vt glutazer; to gulp down englutazer || vi gluter salivo || n (act) glutazo; (large mouthful swallowed) glutazedo
  • gum n (viscous secretion) [of tree, shrub] gumo; (bubble gum) bulbul-gumo; (chewing gum) mástichi-gumo; gum lac gum-lacro; gum arabic Àrabisca gumo; gumboots (dated, Brit.) cauċa botos; gum tree gumífero || vt gumizer; (stick together) glùtinijer; to gum up [mechanism] exturpier; paràliser; to gum up the works poner on stango en la roto
  • gum n (anat.) gingivo; gumboil gingiv-abceso
  • gumption n (informal) initiativo
  • gun n (firearm) focilo; (pistol) pistolo; (rifle) fusilo; (shotgun) sclopeto; (cannon) canono; (gunman) (armizita) bandito; hired gun sicaro; (tech.) pistolo; grease gun grasii-pistolo; gunboat canon-barco; gun carriage afusto; guncotton fúlmin-cotono; púlver-cotono; gunfire dìsparado; focilijado; gunman (armizita) bandito; (hired assassin) sicaro; (pol.) teroristo; (smith) focilefisto; gunmetal canon-bronzo; gunpowder nigri-púlvero; gunshot dísparo; within gunshot en focil-atinġo; gunsmith focilefisto; gunwale barchi-bordo; gunner canonisto; gunnery (firing) canonijo; dísparo; (manufacture) canonefo; (science, art) díspar-cientio (aut -arto)
  • guppy n (zool.: Poecilia reticulata) gupio
  • gurgle vi (make hollow, bubbling sound) [water in bottle] gluglùer; (flow with bubbling sound) [brook, stomach] gurgulier || n [of water in bottle] gluglúo; [of brook, stomach] gurgulio
  • gurnard n (zool.: Triglidae) triglo
  • gush vi [water, blood] jetezer; (enthuse) ecfuser; enthusiasmer || vt [water, blood] jeter || n [of water, blood] jetezo; (enthusiasm) enthusiasmo; [of feeling] ecfuso; [of words] torento
  • gusle n (mus.) guslo
  • gusset n girono
  • gust n (of wind) ráfico; venti-colpo || vi ráficher
  • gusto n enthusiasmo
  • gut n (anat: belly, stomach) ventro; stómaco; (med., bio.: intestine) intestino; (fiber) [for violin, racket, stitching] cátguto; (informal: instinct) instinto; gut feeling instintisca sento; my gut feeling is that… instinte, mi sentan che…; gut reaction instintisca (aut unésima) reacto; guts (bio.: entrails) intestinado; (informal: courage) coraġo; (in phrases) to hate someone’s guts odiazer álicu || vt [poultry, fish] desintestinizer; (fig.) [building] lacer mere la muros di || adj gutsy audaciosa; coraġosa
  • gutta-percha n (substance) gutaperco; (bot.: Palaquium gutta) gutaperchífero
  • gutter n (pluv-)canaleto; [in street] (strad-)canaleto; [on roof] tecti-canaleto
  • guttural adj [accent, sound] guturala || n guturalo
  • guy n (informal: man) cherl(as)o; (Brit.: effigy) efigio || vt (ridicule) deriser
  • guy vt (rope) [for tent] tenti-cordo
  • Guyana n Guyana; Guyanan Guyanano
  • guzzle vt [drink] bibazer; [food] manġazer
  • gymkhana n gimcano
  • gymnasium n gimnastayo; (prep school) gimnasio
  • gymnast n gimnasto; gymnastics gimnastío || adj gymnastic gimnastìisca
  • gynecology n ginecòloghío; gynecologist ginecólogo
  • gypsum n gipso
  • Gypsy n Romo; (pej.) Giptiano
  • gyrate vi girer; (dance while gyrating hips) girejer
  • gyrocompass n girobúxulo
  • gyrocopter n autogiro
  • gyromagnetic adj giromagnètichisca
  • gyroscope n giroscopio


  • H ltr ha
  • ha inter ha!
  • haberdasher n (dealer in men’s clothing) vest(ivend)isto (por hóminos); (Brit.: notions dealer) merciaristo; haberdashery (article) vesto; (Brit.) merciaro; (shop) vest(ivend)erío; (Brit.) merciarerío
  • habiliments n (archaic) vestado
  • habilitate vt habìliter
  • habit n (customary behavior) custumo; to be in the habit of custumer; to break someone of a habit descustumifer álicu (sopre); to break the habit of descustumecer; to do something out of sheer habit facer álico pure custume (aut pro pura custumo); to get into the habit of custumecer | (addiction) adictezo; dependo; (dress for specific activity) costumo; [of monk] froco; (archaic: attire) vestado || vt (archaic: dress) vestizer || adj habitual custumasca; habit-forming custumifiva
  • habitable adj hàbitébila
  • habitat n [of animal] hàbitayo; [of plant] creçayo
  • habitation n (act) hábito; unfit for human habitation nehàbitébila; (formal: dwelling) domicilio; hàbitayo
  • habituate vt custumifer || vi custumecer
  • habitué n vìsitadanto
  • hack vt (chop) hacher; to hack one’s way through something hache àperer pasayo tra álico | [with ax] haċijer; [with machete] maċetijer; (comput.) (alter code quickly or inelegantly) hachejer; she hacked out the bug, but we’ll still need to do a real fix later el forhachejin la bogo, mas nos incore besoniun facer on vera réparo poste | (gain access to) hacherìer; he made a living hacking celebrities’ phones il guadaniin sua vivado per hacherìer la teléfonos di famosos; (informal: use a novel strategy to improve) [use of time, activities] hachejer; to hack it (informal: manage, cope) (succese) tracter (aut facer) lo; I couldn’t hack it mi no potin facer lo; you wouldn’t hack it as supervisor vi no eseban apta como supervisisto || vi (cough) sic-tuser || n (chop) haco; [with ax] haċijo; [with machete] maċetijo; hacksaw metal-serationatro | (comput.) (code providing quick or inelegant solution) hachejajo; (unauthorized activity) hacherío; (informal: strategy for managing one’s life or activites) hachejo; hacker hachero | (sport: kick) chico || adj hacking cough sica tuso
  • hack n (dull, unoriginal writer) scribistaċo; [journalist] jurnalistaċo; literary hack auctoraċo; scribistaċo | (horse) [hired] locatarí-cabalo; [inferior, worn out] cabalaċo; (taxi) taxì
  • hackberry n (bot.: Celtis) [berry] célteo; [tree] cèlteífero
  • hackle n (feather) col-plumo; (hair) col-pilo; to make someone’s hackles rise iracifer
  • hackney n (chiefly hist.: breed of horse or poney) hacheneyo; hackney carriage (Brit.: taxi) taxì || adj hackneyed (trite) cliċea; comunaċa; (unoriginal) banala
  • haddock n (zool: Melanogrammus aeglefinus) eglefino
  • hafnium n (chem.: Hf) hafnio
  • haft n manubrio || vt manubriizer
  • hag n (witch) (vécula) strigo; (pej.: ugly old woman) feda vèculiso; vèculaċiso
  • haggard adj macra et parfatighita
  • haggis n (culin.) haggis
  • haggle vi mercantejer; don’t you want to haggle? no desíderan vi mercantejer?; to haggle over something mercantejer álico
  • hagiography n hagiografío; hagiographer hagiografo
  • haiku n haiku
  • hail n (met.) (act) grándino; (pellet) grandinajo; hailstone grandinajo; hailstorm grándino | (fig.) [of bullets, blows] grándino; pluvo; [of insults, abuse] torento || vi (met., fig.) gràndiner; it’s hailing lo grándinan
  • hail vt (call out to) advocher; (signal to stop) [taxi] advocher; (acclaim) aclamer; to hail someone as king aclamer álicu como je reġo || vi (come from) devener; she hails from Kyiv el devenan de Kiovia || n (call) advoco; within hail (dated) en aud-atinġo | (greeting) saluto || inter hail Caesar! saluto, Césare!
  • hair n (of the scalp) [collective] capilado; [single] capilo; to split hairs finder capilos; (of elsewhere) pilo; [lanugo] lanúgino; [terminal] fin-pilo; [vellus] vélero; (animal’s mane or tail) crin(ad)o; (stuffing, wad) buro; hairball pil-globo; hairband (hair tie) (capil-)elástico; hairbrush (capil-)brucio; hair clip (capil-)clipo; haircloth cilicio; hair conditioner (capil-)conditionatro; hair curler bigotino; haircut tondo; hairdo capil-aranġajo; hairdresser capil-arangisto; hairdryer capil-sichifatro; hair extensions (capil-)extensajos; hair gel (capil-)gelationajo; hairline capil-cominitiayo; hair loss calveço; capil-perdo (aut -cado); (med.) alopecío; hairnet capil-reto; hairpiece perucheto; topeto; hairpin capil-spínulo; hair remover despilizatro; hair’s breadth (very small amount or distance) a hair’s breadth escape on apena excapo; they won by a hair’s breadth los guadaniin apene; hair shirt cilicio; hairspray capil-lacro; hairspring spiral-resorto; hairstyle (arrangement) capil-aranġo; (cut) tondajo || adj hairline [fracture] tenuaza; hair-raising horìpilanta; hairsplitting capil-findema; minutiema; pedanta; hair-trigger [temper] explosiva; -haired -capila; -pila; long-haired longhi-capila; longhi-pila; red-haired rufa; short-haired curt-capila; curt-pila; hairless [body] nepilosa; [head] calva; necapilosa; hairy [body] pilosa; [head] capilosa
  • Haiti n Haítia; Haitian Haìtiano
  • hajj n (or hadj) hajj
  • hake n (zool.: Merlucciidae) merlucio
  • halal adj halala
  • halation n halono
  • halberd n halebardo
  • halcyon n (myth.: kingfisher) alciono; (zool.: Halcyon) árbor-alciono || adj (idyllically happy) halcyon days alcionisca (aut feliça) dios
  • hale adj robusta; sana; hale and hearty robusta, sana et forta
  • hale vt (archaic: drag) tràhiner
  • half n dúimo; half a cup on dúima taso; half of my friends dúimo de mea amicos; he’s asleep half the time il pasifan una dúimo de la témporo dormante; three and a half hours tria et dúima horos; tria horos et dúimo; by half (Brit.) better by half multe plu bona; to go halves with someone diviser dúime cum álicu; in half dúime; the Sith lord was cut in half homi sechin la Sith-dómino dúime; one’s better half (hum.) sua dulça dúimo; half-and-half (milk and cream mixture) dúim-dúimo; halfback (sport) mediano; half-breed (offensive) mixticio; half-brother semigermanaso; half-dozen semideciduo; semidoceno; half-life (phys.) semivivo; half-light semilúmino; half-mast (position of flag) at half-mast semihisita; ye semimasto; halfpenny (hist.) semipenico; half-sister semigermaniso; halftime (sport) intervalo; halftone (mus., art) semitono; half-track semieruca camiono; half-truth semivero; halfwit (informal) idioto; stulto || adj dúima; semi-; (time) it’s half past seven lo es septa clocos et dúimo; half boot boteto; half hour dúima horo; dúimo de horo; semihoro; they came on the half hour los arivin ye la dúimo de cloco; half note (mus.: 𝅗𝅥) blanco; dúima noto; mínima noto; half price dúimo de pretio; at half price dúim-pretie; half wheel semi-tornío; half-asleep semidormanta; half-assed putosa; half-baked semicocita; semimatura; half-blind lusca; half-caf semicaf(eìnos)a; half-closed semicludita; half-cocked [gun] semi-tendita; [person] male prèparita; [plan] male conceptita; half-dead semimortinta; half-dressed semivestizita; half-hearted sine enthusiasmo; half-price dúim-pretia; half-serious semiseriosa; half-timbered cum ligna trabado; halfway house centralo di riinserto; (compromise) media vialo; (midpoint) media punto || adv dúime; semi-; half man, half beast dúime hómino, dúime bestio; more than half plu cam dúime; half as... dúime men...; she’s half as big as her sister el es dúime men alta (aut duple plu basa) cam sua sororo; half as...again dúime plu...; halfway medie; semiviale; I dressed my maids as Amazons and rode bare-breasted halfway to Damascus mi vestizin mea servistisos cuom je Amázonos et cabálichin nud-mame usche semivialo ad Damasco; to meet someone halfway incontrer álicu semiviale; (compromise) trànsiger cum álicu
  • halfling n (fantasy) semialto
  • halibut n (zool.: Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) halibuto
  • halide n (chem.) halogenuro
  • halitosis n halitozo
  • hall n (corridor) coridoro; (foyer) abantecambro; vestíbulo; (large public room) halo; concert hall concertayo; dance hall dançayo; lecture hall amfitheatro; lectionayo; residence hall (universitatisca) residayo | (Brit.: large country house) manorio; hallmark (on gold, silver) (control-)puntionajo; (fig.) marco; puntionajo; hallstand vestiero; hallway coridoro
  • hallelujah inter haleluya!
  • hallow vt santifer || n (archaic) santo || adj hallowed santa; santifita
  • hallucinate vi halùciner || n hallucination halúcino || adj hallucinatory halùcinisca, -esca; hallucinatory, hallucinogenic (inducing hallucinations) halùcinifiva
  • hallux n (anat.) háluço
  • halo n [of saint] auréolo; (astron., phot.) halono; halo effect auréol-efecto
  • halogen n (chem.) halógeno
  • halophyte n (bot.) halófito
  • halt vi halter; halt! (mil.) haltes! || vt haltifer || n halto || adj halting (hesitant) [speech, movement] hèsitanta
  • halt adj (archaic: lame) clàudicanta || vi (limp) clàudicher
  • halter n (for horse) capistro; halter top col-breteloso
  • halve vt (divide in two) diviser (aut secher) dúime; (reduce by half) dùimifer; reducter dúime
  • halyard n (naut.) hisatro
  • ham n (culin.) gambono; (anat.: back of the knee) gareto; hamstring garet-téndino | (zool., anat.: thigh) coxo || vt to hamstring garet-secher || vi (informal: overact) histrionìer || adj ham-fisted, ham-handed deshábila
  • ham n (theat.) histriono; (informal, rad.) radii-amatoro
  • hamadryad n (myth.) hamadríado
  • hamburger n (ham)burghero
  • Hamite n (hist.) Cámido || adj Hamitic Càmidensa
  • hamlet n vilageto
  • hammer n martelo; (of gun) percusatro || vt martelijer
  • hammock n hamaco
  • hamper n lavenduyo
  • hamper vt impeder; descòmodizer; obstàculizer
  • hamster n (zool.: Cricetinae) hamstro
  • hand n (anat.) manuo; (round of applause) aplauso; (pointer on clock) monstratro; the big/little hand la longa/curta (aut hor-/minut-) monstratro | (agency, influence) influo; manuo; to have a hand in parti-prender de | (help) adjuter; (worker) laboristo; [on ship] marinaro; all hands on deck! omnos ad copertono!; the big boss is coming tomorrow, so it’s all hands on deck la patrono vísitun demane, dunche homi besoniun omnos; to be an old hand eser on desnovicio | (workmanship) [skill] hàbilitio; [work] laboro; [writing] scribo, -ajo; (cards) [round] rundo; [set] cartado; (meas.) [of horse] palmo; (bunch of bananas) banan-racimo; at hand júxtea; próxima; in hand (under control) dòminìata; on the one hand por una parto; un-látere; on the other hand álter-látere; mas se la caso es che; por áltera parto; to take a high hand acter despòtichesche; to take in hand (discipline) diciplinizer; (take charge of) asumpter; interprenser; handbag manu-sacheto; handbell (manu-)campaneleto; handbill avis-folio; handbook manualo; hand cannon (hist.) manu-canono; handcart cariteto; handcuffs manículos; handgun curta focilo; handjob handjobo; masturbo; handkerchief nas-tuco; poc-tuco; handmaid servantiso, -istiso; handout (pamphlet) folieto; (subsidy) subventionajo; [alms] elemósino; handrail pasamano; varandilo; handshake manu-strinġo; (comput.) manu-strinġo; stabiliço je comúnico; hand truck carelo; handwriting scribo, -ajo; handful plen-manuo; handyman factoto; omni-facedoro || vt to hand over consigner || adj handy (at hand) presta; (convenient) cómoda; [circumstance] oportuna; (skillful) hábila; (useful) útila; to come in handy eser útila; handheld manu-tenonda || adv handily (skillfully) hábile; (conveniently) cómode
  • handicap n (disadvantage) handicapo; desabantaġo; (dated, offensive: disability) handicapo
  • handicraft n (work) artitianío; (product) artitianajo; (skill) manuisca hàbilitio
  • handiwork n (manu-)laboro, -ajo; this looks like your handiwork ecuisto pareçan eser la laborajo da vi
  • handle vt (manipulate by hand) manìpuler; manuijer; do not make an enemy of the people who handle your food no inimichifes los cua manípulan vua mangedos; their hands were glowing from handling radioactive materials lora manuos lúminin pro manìpuler radii-activa substantios; “handle with care” “frágila”; manuijes (aut tractes) per cautitio | (touch) [fruit, food] tocher; “please do not handle the kumquats” “bon-volitione no toches la cumcuatos”; (deal with, manage) [person] tracter; [problem, situation] manuejer; many whelps! handle it! multa cátulos! manuejes lo! | (be responsible for) [case, investigation] atenter; I’ll handle this mi atentun ecuisto; (conduct) [with adverbial] she handled herself with aplomb el manuijin si aplombose | (deal in) [goods] comercier sopre; to handle stolen goods comercier sopre furtitos | (process) proceser; this computer’s RAM can’t handle that much information la RAM di ecuista còmputatro no potan proceser tanta informos | (informal: cope with) tòlerer; you can’t handle the truth! vi no potan tòlerer la vero!; (drive, steer) manuijer; [car] conducer; [horse] manuijer; [ship] guberner; manòperer; (use) [weapon, machine] manuijer || vi [car, plane, horse] comporter; manuijezer; this car handles like a dream ecuista vecturo comportan (aut manuijezan) cuom on mirabilo || n tenatro; (curved, as of a cup) anso; (straight, as of a shovel) manubrio; (informal, comput.) usanti-nómino; handlebar stir-stango
  • handsome adj bel(as)a
  • hang vi (be suspended) pender; to hang out (loiter) otier || vt (suspend) [coat, curtains, picture] pendifer; to hang something on the wall pendifer álico an la muro | (adorn) orner; (execute) pendejer || n hang glider deltaplano; hangman pendejanto, -edoro; hangout vìsitadayo; hangover postebriitio; hanger (for clothes) vest-arco
  • hangar n hangaro
  • hanker vi to hanker after (or for) something desìderazer álico
  • Hanse n (hist.) hanso || adj Hanseatic hansisca
  • hansom n (hist.) cabrioleto
  • hap n (archaic: luck) sorto; (archaic: fortuitous event) fortúito || vi (happen by chance) fortúite eventer; (have the luck to do something) fortúite -er; to hap on (find by chance) fortúite trover (aut incontrer) || adj hapless desfortunosa
  • haphazard adj (lacking organizing principle) [manner, method] nemèthodasca; neòrdinasca; nesistèmatasca; (random) aleatoria
  • happen vi eventer; this is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes ecce cuo eventan cuande homi no reciclan sua pizzuyos; (by chance) fortúite eventer; (chance to do) fortúite -er; to happen on fortúite trover (aut incontrer)
  • happy adj (contented) feliça; (cheerful) [person, place, atmosphere] alecra; he was always such a happy child sempre il esin on puero valde alecra | (glad) joyosa; can’t you just be happy for me? no potan vi joyer pro mi?; (good) [celebration] happy birthday! bona naç-aniversario! | (pleasant) [childhood, life, marriage, home, situation] feliça; happy ending feliça fino | (satisfied, pleased) contenta; happy now, asshole? es vi contenta nun, strunço?; we like keeping our customers happy nos desíderan che nostra clientos eses contenta | (unworried) trancuila; (willing, glad) voluntaria; to be happy to do something valde voluntarie facer álico; (felicitous) [phrase, coincidence] feliça; happy medium media vialo; (fortunate) we happy few nos feliça pauca; happy-go-lucky despreòcupata || adv happily (contentedly) felice; they lived happily ever after los vivin feliça por sempre | (cheerfully) alecre || n happiness (contentment) felicitio; (cheerfulness) alecritio
  • hara-kiri n harakiri
  • harangue n aringo || vt aringher
  • harass vt molester; persecutioner; tormenter; (mil.) atachetader || n sexual harassment sexìisca molesto
  • harbinger n (announcer) anuntianto; presaġo; harbinger of doom funesta presaġo; the swallow is a harbinger of spring le hirúndino anuntian la veno di le primavero; (forerunner) precursoro
  • harbor n portuo || vt (retain) [fear, hope, grudge] incubationer; nutrer; (shelter) [criminal, spy] abrigher; (hide) absconder
  • hard adj (not soft) dura; (firm) firma; (tough) [person] dura; (difficult) [exam, decision, choice] desfácila; difícila; hard of hearing surdeta; (energetic, committed) hard worker laborazanto; laboremo | (strenuous, tough) [work, day] ardua; penifiva; (forceful) [push, tug, kick] forta; (harsh, severe) [climate, winter, person] severa; (phon., ling.) [sound] dura; hard coal anthracito; hardcore (committed, doctrinaire) pura et dura; usche-osta; (explicit) [porn] explícita; (loud, aggressive) [music] hardcora; hard disk dura disco; hard labor fortiijita laboro; hard-working diligenta; laborazanta; laborema || adv to be hard put to difícile poter; hard up páupera, -aza; hardly apene; hardly any (almost none) presche nula || n hardboard dur-tábulo; dura fibri-tábulo; hardtop (auto) hardtopo; hardware aparatado; hardness duritio; hardship privationo; súfero || vt to harden durifer
  • hardy adj robusta || n hardiness robustitio
  • hare n (zool.: Lepus) léporo; harebell (bot.: Campanula rotundifolia) campánulo rotundi-folia
  • harem n haremo
  • haricot n (Brit., bot.: Phaseolus vulgaris) faséolo
  • hark vi (lit.) ausculter; to hark back (recall) mèmoredifer; the style of the novel harks back to Jules Verne and H.G. Wells la stilo di la romanço mèmoredifan Jules Verne et H.G. Wells | (return) rivener
  • harken vi (archaic) ausculter
  • harlequin n harlechino
  • harlot n (archaic) prostituato
  • harm n noço || adj harmful nociva; harmless nenociva; neperìculosa; (inoffensive) neofensiva
  • harmonica n harmónico
  • harmonium n (mus.) harmóniumo
  • harmony n (mus.) harmonío; (agreement, concord) concordo; to be in harmony concorder; harmonìer; harmonic harmonìisco || vt to harmonize harmonìifer || vi to harmonize harmonìer || adj harmonic harmonìisca; harmonious harmonìosa
  • harness n harneso || vt harnesizer
  • harp n harpo; harpist harpisto || vt [tune] harpijer; to harp on rèpetaċer
  • harpoon n harpono
  • harpsichord n clavicímbalo
  • harpy n (myth.) harpío
  • harridan n megero
  • harrier n see “harry”
  • harrier n (zool.: harehound) hariero; lépor-hundo
  • harrier n (zool.: Circus) círcino
  • harrow n hírpiço; harrowing (destruction) dispetiifo; disrumpo; lácero; the Harrowing of Hell la Decenso da Cristo ad la inferno || vt hìrpicijer; (distress) aflicter; angustiifer; tormenter; (rip, break up) dispetiifer; disrumper; làcerer || adj harrowing (distressing) aflictanta; angustiifanta; cordii-làceranta; tràumatosa
  • harry vt (attack) atacader; (harass) molester || n harrier atacadedoro; incursadedoro
  • harsh adj (rough) [fabric, material] áspera; [sound, voice] acra; rauca; (acerbic) [taste] acerba; (bright) [color] vìvidaza; [light] forta; (strong) [contrast] forta; [detergent] corosiva; forta; (severe) [conditions, punishment, person, weather, words] dura; severa || adv harshly severe; to treat harshly tracter severe (aut rude)
  • hart n cervaso
  • hartebeest n (zool.: Alcelaphus buselaphus) alcélafo
  • haruspex n (hist.) harúspiço
  • harvest n mesiono; harvestman (zool.: Phalangium (opilio)) falangio; falcisto || vt mesioner
  • has-been n decadentiinto; esinto; ólima glorio
  • hash n (culin.) hasho; (mess) desòrdinajo; (predicament) imbarasezo; intricajo; to make a hash of something façaċer || vt (culin.) hashifer; to hash something out discuser álico
  • hash n (informal: hashish) hashisho
  • hash n (chiefly Brit.: #) gratìculeto; hashtag (comput.) hashtago
  • hashish n hashisho
  • hasp n agrafiero
  • hassium n (chem.: Hs) hasio
  • hassock n (ottoman) Otoman-tabureto; (chiefly Brit.: kneeler) (genúcul-)coxino
  • haste n (hurry) hasto || vt to hasten hastifer; accèlerer; plu-ràpidifer || vi to hasten haster; accèlerezer; plu-ràpidecer || adj hasty (hurried) hastosa; (rash) nim hastosa; precìpitita || adv hastily (hurriedly) hastose; (rashly) nim hastose; precìpitite
  • hat n capelo; hatstand capeliero; hatter capelisto
  • hatch n (naut.) escotilo; hatchback (auto.) haċbaco
  • hatch vi (emerge) exclausioner || vt (incubate) incubationer; (make emerge) exclausionifer || n hatchery exclausionerío
  • hatch vt (art) haċurer
  • hatchet n haċeto
  • hatchment n fúner-scútulo
  • hate vt odier || n odio; hatred odio || adj hateful odianda
  • haughty adj superba
  • haul vt (pull something heavy) tirazer; (drag) tràhiner; to haul someone over the coals (severe) reprimender | (tow) remulcher; [boat from the land] haler; (transport) transporter camione; veher; (in phrases) to haul ass hastazer || n (amount taken) prenditado; [financial] guadaniito; [from robbery] despoliajo; [of fish] captitado; [of purchases] compritado; (distance) rupto; it’s a long haul la rupto es longa; over the long haul por on longa témporo; haulage (road transport) veho; (cost) vehi-pretio; hauler camionisto; (truck) camiono
  • haunch n (anat.) [of human] hanco; [of quadruped] cropo; to sit on one’s haunches excoacter
  • haunt vt (frequent) vìsitader; (frequent and disturb, as a ghost) hanter
  • have vt (possess) haber; I have a dream mi haban on revo; she has COVID again el denue haban COVID; (experience) have a nice day! habes on bona dio! | (undergo, endure) subitioner; she had a cesarean el subitionin on cesáreo; (perform) [action implied by noun] to have a baby nacifer on bebo; to have a cigar fumejer on cigaro; to have a look at something reguarder álico; (place or keep) [in particular position] ficer; tener; have it nice and clean by tomorrow fices li bone nita ante post demane; (catch) you have me there! ecuisto mi ya no sapan! | (hold) haber; tener; she had him by the balls el tenin il ye la coleonos; we’ve got them where we want them nos haban los en manuo; (receive) haber; recepter; we had a lot of guests nos habin (aut receptin) multa hòspitatos | (obtain) obtiner; trover; there was no justice to be had homi no trovin yustitio alícube cunche | (take) prender; I’ll have what she’s having mi prendun cuo el prendin (aut manġan); (tolerate) [with negative] tòlerer; I won’t have pornography in my house! mi no tóleran pornògrafajos en mea domo!; (in phrases) to be had (informal: trick) I’ve been had! álicu inganin mi!; to have someone do something ficer álicu facer álico; have him send me a text fices il invìer ad mi on textaġo; to have something done (by someone) ficer (álicu) facer álico; ficer álico facita (da álicu); to have someone killed for lousy ratings ficer occider álicu pro on basa índiço di audientado; to have to do with (concern) concerner; (phrasal verb) to have at (in swordfight, etc.) have at thee! defendes ti!; to have on (be wearing) surhaber; vestejer; to have someone up (Brit.: prosecute) citationer álicu abante tribunalo || v (auxiliary verb) [often translated by simple tense] es(eç)er + participio; the tribe has spoken la tribo paraulin (aut es paraulinta); I’ve been living in Düsseldorf mi fue residan en Düsseldorf; I’ve been living in Düsseldorf for six months mi (fue) residan en Düsseldorf dex sesa mensuos ántee; I’ve been studying French mi fue studan Francenso; it has been snowing lo fue nivan; it has been snowing all week (and still is) lo (fue) nivan dum la tota septimano; it has been snowing all week (but isn’t now) lo nivin dum la tota septimano; it has been snowing for five days lo (fue) nivan dex cinca dios ántee; (in question tags) he hasn’t done it yet, has he? il incore no facin li, chi vera?; you’ve seen it, haven’t you? vi vidin li, chi no (aut chi vera)?; (verb substitute) have you tried it? if you haven’t … éprobin vi li? se no …; looks like you screwed up there — no I haven’t/so I have lo pareçan che vi erorin ilác — mas no/sic, certe; she’s done more than you have el facin plu-multo cam vi; (modal verb) to have to do something deber facer álico; do you have to make such a racket? deban vi tante ruitan? || n the haves and the have-nots (informal) la ricos et la páuperos
  • haven n (refuge) refuġayo; (port) portuo
  • haversack n dorsi-saco
  • havoc n (widespread destruction) devastationo; (great disorder) perturbo
  • hawfinch n (zool.: Coccothraustes coccothraustes) gros-beco
  • hawk n (zool.: Accipiter) asturo; (zool.: Buteo) buteono; hawk moth (zool.: Sphingidae) sfíngido; hawkweed (bot.: Hieracium) hieracio
  • hawk vt (peddle) colporter; [by outcry] clam-vender
  • hawk vi (clear one’s throat) clarifazer sua voço
  • hawse n (naut.) scopingayo; hawsehole scopingo
  • hawser n anmaro
  • hawthorn n (bot.: Crataegus) blanchi-spino; crátego
  • hay n feno; hay fever fen-cataro; haymaking fenefo; haystack fen-amaso || adj haywire (informal) [machine] extercomanda; [person] fola; [plans] caosesca
  • hazard n perículo; risco; (lit.: chance) fortúito; hazard lights lámpados di criso || adj hazardous perìculosa; riscosa
  • haze n nébul(et)o || adj hazy nèbul(et)osa; (confused, uncertain) confusa; neclara
  • haze vt [recruit, freshman] noviciejer
  • hazel n (bot.: Corylus avellana) abelanífero; hazelnut abelano | (color) abelaneo
  • he prn il; he who (li) cua; he who laughs last laughs best li ridan óptime cua ridan últime; (li) cua ridan últime ridan óptime || n it’s a he li es máscula || afx -aso; he-goat capraso; he-man màsculazo; he-surgeon chirurgaso
  • head n (anat.) cápito; (idiom) I can’t make head or tail of it mi intelectan nulo sopre li; mi tote no comprensan li; from head to toe de cápito ad pedos | (cephaloid thing, in form or relation) cápito; head of lettuce cápito di lactuco | (abscess) abceso; to come to a head maturecer; (fig.) vener ad on criso; (front part) abanteajo; [of arrow] puntalo; [of ship] proro; (source) [of river] fonto; (top part) suprajo; [of table, bed] cápito; (foam) [on glass of beer] spumo; (headline) título; (chief) ċefo; head of the family familii-ċefo; (geog.) capo; promontorio; (tech.) cápito; reading/writing head lectur-/scrib-cápito; heads (obverse) [of coin] facio; obverso; heads I win, tails you lose facio mi guadaniun, reverso vi perdun; headache cápit-doloro; headcheese carni-gelatino; headdress cápit-vesto; headland capo; promontorio; headlight fanalo; headman ċefo; headmaster (chiefly Brit.) dìrigisto; scol-ċefo; headphones càpitífonos; stereófono; (earbuds) aurìculífonos; headquarters aministrayo; (mil.) comandayo; headstone tumbi-petrajo; headway progreso; to make headway abantier; progreser; headword (in dictionary, encyclopedia) títul-vocábulo; heading (direction) directiono; (section) sectiono; (title) título; [of subject] rubrico || vt (be at front of) vader abante; (be in charge of) ċefeser ad; eser la ċefo di; (give title to) [chapter] tìtulizer; (steer) [ship, car, plane] dìriger; stirer || vi to head for dìriger si ad || adj (chief) ċefa; head waiter ċef-camararo; head-on frontalisca; headstrong obstinanta; to be headstrong obstiner; headless necàpitosa; heady ebriifanta, -ifiva || adv head first, headlong cápit-abántee; (impetuously) ìmpetuose; precìpiteze; head-on frontalische
  • heal vt [disease] remedier; [wound] cicatricifer; [person] risanifer; (treat) [patient] curationer || vi risanecer || n healer curationisto; (doctor) médico; (using faith or magic) benéfico; guaritoro
  • health n (freedom from illness) sanitio; to be in health saneser; to drink to someone’s health brinder ad álicu; your health! ad vua sanitio! | (condition, good or bad) stando; bad health dessanitio || adj healthy sana
  • heap n amaso; in a heap amase || vt amasifer; to heap praise on somebody còperter álicu per elogios
  • hear vt (perceive) [voice, sound] auder; can you hear me now? audan vi mi nun?; I can’t hear myself think la ruito no laçan mi penser (aut concentrer mi); mi no audan mi penser; (be told, informed of) auder; from what I heard, he doesn’t have long left with the company secuno cuo mi audin, restan ad il pauca témporo cum la companío; we hear good things about her nos audan bonajos sopre el || vi auder; hear! hear! (bravo) bravo!; to hear of informezer sopre || n hearsay rumoros; (jur.) atesto per audito; hearing (sense) audi-poto; (chance to speak) oportunajo por parauler; (jur.) audientio; hearing aid audífono
  • hearken vi (archaic) ausculter
  • hearse n fúner-vecturo
  • heart n (anat.) cordio; (center of thoughts, emotions) cordio; at heart en sua cordio; funde (aut en fundo); reale; by heart (by memory) mémore; to take to heart (be upset by) ċagriner (aut destrancuilecer) pro; (take seriously) consìderer como seriosa; fervorer sopre | (courage) coraġo; to take heart coragizer si | (innermost part) centro; cordio; the heart of the matter la cordio (aut núcleo, esentio) di la afaro; in the heart of the city en la centro di la civitato; in the heart of winter en plena (aut media) hiberno; hearts (cards) cordios; heart attack (med.) miocardiisca (aut cordiisca) infarcto (aut ataco); heartburn (med.) pirozo; heart failure (med.) cordiisca nesufiço; heart’s ease (bot.: Viola tricolor) silvaġa pens-violo; heartwood durámino || vt to hearten coragizer || adj heart-rending cordii-làceranta; heartless cruela; necordiosa; hearty (heartfelt) cordiisca; enthusiasmosa; (robust) robusta; vigorosa; (substantial) [appetite] bona; [eater] vigorosa; [meal] abundanta; nutriva
  • hearth n focayo; focularo; [interior] focuyo
  • heat n (warmth) calditio; (phys.) caloro; (excitement) ardoro; fervoro; pasiono; in the heat of battle en la furio di le batalio | (zool.) caldoro; to be in heat caldorer; (pressure) presiono; the heat is on homi es sub presiono; heater caldifatro || vt caldifer
  • heath n (moor) brucayo; (bot.: Erica) bruco
  • heathen n pagano
  • heather n (bot.: Calluna vulgaris) caluno; (informal: heath) bruco; heather cock (zool.: Tetrao urogallus) urogalo
  • heave vt (lift with great effort) levazer; (haul with great effort) tirazer; tràhiner; (naut.: haul) haler; (throw) jactazer; (produce) to heave a sigh eclacer (aut doner) on suspiro || vi (naut.: move) virationer; to heave in sight aparer | (naut.: pitch) nutader; (naut.: roll) ociler; (rise) [water, chest] levezer; (retch) efortier vòmiter
  • heaven n celestio; in heaven, all the interesting people are missing en la celestio mancan omna interesantos || adj heavenly celestiana, -esca
  • heavy adj pesazanta; grava; (fig.) grava; heavy metal (chem.) pesazanta metalo; (mus.) (heavy) metal || n heavyweight (boxing) [person] grav-pesanto; [weight] grav-peso
  • Hebrew n (person) Hebreo; (language) Hebreenso || adj (of the Hebrews) Hebrea; (in Hebrew) Hebreensa
  • hecatomb n hecatombo
  • heckle vt interrumpaċer
  • hectare n (10,000 m²) hectaro
  • hectic adj frenesíaca, -anta
  • hectograph n (hist.) hectógrafo
  • hector vt tiranetìer
  • hedge n (hort., agr.) sepo; hedge fund (fin.) speculation-fundalo; hedgehog (zool.: Erinaceinae) hericio; hedgerow sepo; hedge sparrow (zool.: Prunella modularis) comuna accentoro || vt (hort., agr.) sepizer; to hedge in recluser; (fig.) to hedge one’s bets contresponsioner; còperter (aut abrigher) si || vi (fig.) to hedge against inflation còperter (aut abrigher) si contre le inflationo
  • hedonism n hedonismo; hedonist hedonisto
  • heed vt atentioner; (consider as a factor) respectioner || n atentiono; to take heed atentioner; haber cautitio
  • heel n (anat.) talono; (of shoe) tacono; (of sock) talono || inter heel! secues!
  • heel vi (naut.) (flanc-)inclinezer
  • heft vt lever || n (weight) peso; (influence) influo || adj hefty (heavy) pesazanta; (large) [dose] granda; [meal] abundanta; [number] alta; enorma; imponanta; (powerful) [kick, punch] forta
  • hegemon n hegémono; hegemony hegèmonío
  • hegira n hégiro
  • heifer n juvenchiso
  • height n (dimension) altitio; (position) superitio; [from sea level] altitúdino; (high place) altajo; (peak, zenith) apogeo; auġo; cúlmino; sumitato || vt to heighten (intensify) plu-intensifer; (make higher) plu-altifer || vi to heighten (intensify) plu-intensecer
  • heinous adj abòminanda; heinous crime crìminazo
  • heir n herèditedoro; heir apparent herèditedoro legítima; heir presumptive herèditedoro suposata; heiress herèditedoriso; heirloom (familiisca) herèditedo
  • helical adj hèlicesca
  • helicoid n hèliçoido || adj hèliçoida
  • helicopter n helicóptero
  • heliograph n heliógrafo
  • heliotrope n (bot.: Heliotropium) heliotropo
  • heliport n heliportuo
  • helium n (chem.: He) helio
  • helix n (geom., biochem., archit., anat.) héliço
  • hell n (underworld) inferno; go to hell! ad caráculo!; vades ad la Diábolo (aut la inferno); vades futuer vi!; maybe this world is another planet’s hell forse ecuista mundo es la inferno di áltera planeto; the path to paradise begins in hell la vialo ad paradiso cominitian en la inferno; (informal) as ... as hell (emphatic) I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore! mi es infernesche furiosa, et mi no suportun lo pluse!; it’s hot as hell lo es infernesche calda; for the hell of it (just for fun) I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it mi rumpin omna de la maledictita fenestros per mea pugno pro pura capricio; the hell (emphatic) Diábole; to hell (emphatic) I hope to hell you’re right Deo (aut la Diábolo) volitiones che vi es justa; the hell (emphatic) what the hell is that? cuo Diábole es ecuilo?; why the hell did you even come? pro cuo Diábole vi etiam venin?; (expressing scorn) what the hell, dude? Diábole, cherlo!; a hell of a (emphatic) -aza ya; these cost a hell of a lot of money ecuistos costan mutaze ya; to hell with (expressing scorn) ad la diábolo; la diábolo prendes; to hell with your cancer! ad la diábolo vua cáncero!; like hell (disagreement) like hell I will! etiam no reves lo!; (emphatic) to run like hell curer cuom on demono || adj hellish infernana, -esca || inter merdo!
  • hellebore n (bot.: Helleborus) heléboro
  • Hellene n Heleno || adj Hellenic Helenisca
  • hello inter saluto!; say “hello” to my little friend! salutes mea parva amico!; (telec.) haló!; (to attract attention) hei!
  • helm n (naut.) gubernatro; helmsman (nav-)gubernisto || vt guberner
  • helm n (archaic: helmet) helmo
  • helmet n (gen.) casco; (hist.) helmo
  • helminth n (zool.: parasitic worm) helmintho; helminthology helminthòloghío
  • helot n (hist., fig.) hiloto
  • help vt (aid, assist) adjuter; help me get him into the woodchipper adjutes mi poner il en la tritatro je vègetantos | (serve) [at table] servejer; help yourself! servejes ad vi ipse!; (avoid) eviter; no poter no; preventer; retenter si; I couldn’t help but laugh mi no potin no rider; it can’t be helped lo es nevitébila || vi (be of use) ùtileser; money won’t help you now le pecunio no ùtilesun ad vi nun || n adjuto; helping (portion) portiono || adj helpful [person] adjutiva, -ema; (useful) útila; helping adjutanta, -iva, -ema; to give someone a helping hand doner on manuo ad álicu; helpless nepotosa; (defenseless) nedefensosa; (infirm) infirma
  • helter-skelter adj caosesca || adv caosesche
  • hem n órulo || vt òrulizer
  • hematite n (min.) hematito
  • hematology n hematòloghío; hematologist hematólogo
  • hemiplegia n (med.) hemiplegío
  • hemipter n (zool.) hemíptero
  • hemisphere n (geog., geom.) hemisfero
  • hemlock n (bot.: Cicuta; Conium maculatum) (grandi-)cicuto
  • hemoglobin n hemoglobino
  • hemophilia n hemofilío; hemophiliac hemofilíaco
  • hemoptysis n (med.) hemoptiso
  • hemp n (cannabis plant, fiber) cánabo; (fabric) cánab-telo; (hashish) hashisho; (marijuana) marihuano
  • hen n (zool.: female domestic fowl) puliso; (zool.: any female bird) auceliso; henbane (bot.: Hyoscyamus niger) juschíamo; hen harrier (zool.: Circus cyaneus) blavesca círcino; hen house pulayo || adj henpecked (informal) sponsis-gubernata
  • hence adv (therefore) consecue; dunche; pro ecuilo; (formal: in the future) dex nun; three days hence tria dios dex nun; (archaic: from here) de hic; henceforth dex nun
  • henchman n schero
  • henna n (bot.: Lawsonia inermis) [dye] henajo; [shrub] heno || vt henajizer
  • hepatitis n (med.) hèpatito
  • her prn (oblique object) el; herself (oblique object) si; (emphatic) el ipsa; she did it herself el ipsa facin ol || pos eluya; (reflexive) sua; hers (la) eluya; (reflexive) (la) sua
  • herald n (messenger) heraldo; (sign, omen) presaġo; (hist.) heraldo; heraldry blason-arto || vt (be a sign of) presagìer; (announce) anuntier; (acclaim) aclamer || adj heraldic blasonisca
  • herb n (med., culin.) hérbulo; (bot.: any plant without woody stem) herbo; herbage herbado; herbalism hèrbulismo; herbicide herbicido || adj herbaceous herba, -isca; herbal hèrbula, -isca; herbivorous herbívora
  • herd n greġo; herdsman greġ-guardisto; [of cows] bovisto; [of sheep] ovìculisto; pastoro || vt (move in a particular direction) pelentier (álicu) cuom greġo; (tend) [livestock] atenter; guarder; pasturifer || vi (move in a particular direction) vader cuom greġo
  • here adv (in this place) (ad)hic; I didn’t come here to make friends mi no venin adhic amichecer; here and there hic et ilác | (calling attention to something) ecce; here’s what we have to do ecce cuo nos deban facer; hereabouts hic próxime; hereafter (from now on) dex nun; (in the future) poste; [after death] en la álter-mundo (aut vivo venunta); hereby per ecuisto; herein (in this matter) en ecuisto; (in this writing) hic inclusita; heretofore usche nun; herewith hic inclusita || n hereafter la álter-mundo (aut vivo venunta)
  • heredity n (bio.) [act] herédito; [ancestry] herèditedo; [capability] herèditivitio; (inheritance) [of title, office, right] herédito || adj hereditary herèditisca, -eda, -ébila
  • heresy n heresío
  • heretic n heresìanto || adj heretical heresìanta
  • heritage n herèditedo
  • hermaphrodite n hermafrodito
  • hermetic adj (airtight) hermética; (relating to hermeticism; esoteric) Hermismisca || n hermeticism Hermismo
  • hermit n eremito; hermit crab (zool.: Paguroidea) eremit-cancro; paguro; hermitage eremitayo
  • hernia n (med.) hernio
  • hero n heroo; heroine heroiso; heroism heroismo || adj heroic heroisca, -esca
  • heroin n heroíno
  • heron n (zool.: Ardeidae) herono
  • herpes n (path.) herpeto
  • herring n (zool.: mostly from Clupeidae) haringo
  • hertz n herço
  • Herzegovina n Hercegovina; Herzegovinan Hercegovinano
  • hesitate vi hèsiter || adj hesitant hèsitanta, -ema
  • hessian n (chiefly Brit.) jut-stofo
  • hetaera n (also “hetaira”) hetero
  • heterodox adj hèterodoxa
  • heterodyne adj (electron.) hèterodinisca || n hèterodino || vt hèterodinifer
  • heterogeneous adj hèterogénea
  • heterogenous adj (med.) hèterogena
  • heterosexual adj hèterosexema || n hèterosexemo
  • het up adj (informal: agitated) àgitita; descuieta; (informal: angry) iraçanta
  • heuristic adj heurìsticasca || n heuristics heurístico
  • hew vt hacher
  • hex vt incanter || n (spell) incanto; (witch) incantisto; strigo
  • hexagon n hexágono
  • hexahedron n (geom.) hexahedro
  • hexameter n (prosody) hexámetro
  • hexamethilenetetramino n (chem.) hexamethilenetetramino
  • hexamine n (chem., contraction of “hexamethylenetetramine”) hexamino
  • hey inter (calling attention) hei!; (disapproval or protest) ei!
  • heyday n apogeo; auġo
  • Hezbollah n Hizbulá
  • hi! inter saluto!
  • hiatus n (pause) pauso; (gap) lacuno; vacuajo; (prosody, gram.) hiato
  • hibernate vi hibernationer
  • hibiscus n (bot.: Hibiscus) hibisco
  • hiccup n singulto || vi singulter
  • hickory n (bot.: Carya) hicorio
  • hide vt absconder || vi abscondezer || n hide-and-seek abscondi-trovo; hideout abscondayo
  • hide n (skin) pelo; [tanned] corio; [untanned] cruda corio (aut pelo); (skin with fur) [dressed] pelicio; [undressed] cruda pelicio || adj hidebound rígida pro traditiono (aut conventiono)
  • hideous adj (ugly) fedaza; (unpleasant) abòminanda; hororifanta
  • hierarch n hierarco; hierarchy hierarchio
  • hieratic adj hierática
  • hieroglyph n hieróglifo; hieroglyphics hieróglifos || adj hieroglyphic hieróglifa
  • hi-fi adj alt-fidela || n (equipment) alt-fidelatro
  • higgle vi mercantejer
  • higgledy-piggledy adv neòrdinose
  • high adj (above average in height, amount, extent, or intensity) alta; (far above ground, sea level, etc.) superaza; (intoxicated) ebria; high-born di nobiliara familio; highbrow intelectisca; high-class alt-clasa; highfalutin (informal) magnilocuenta; pompaċosa; high-flown grandiosa; magnilocuenta; high-heeled alti-tacona; high-pitched [instrument] acutosa; [sound, voice] acuta; high-powered [engine] valde potenta; [person] valde capábila (aut potanta); high-sounding grandiosa; magnilocuenta; high-speed alt-velocitata; (ultre)rápida; high up èlevita; superaza; higher (in dimension) plu alta; (in position) súpera; (in rank) superiora; higher education superiora éduco || n highball haibalo; high chair alt-sedileto; high definition (tech.) alta definitiono; high fidelity (tech.) alta fidelitio; high heel alta tacono; highland altajo; montáneo; high life súpera socio; highlight (art) lùminajo; [in hair] misco; (fig.) cùlminajo; interesajo; highlighter (marker, pen) fluoricizatro; saliifatro; high-pressure engine alt-presiona motoro; high treason alta (aut statisca) trado; high-water mark máxima altitio (di acuo); highway (expressway) rápid-vialazo; (main road between cities) vialazo; highwayman vial-raubisto; high wind (Beaufort level 7) fort-vento; highness altitúdino; (title) his highness dómino reġo; your highness mea dómino reġo || vt to highlight accentizer; èmfaser; [with highlighter] saliifer
  • hijack vt avion-jachingher
  • hijra n hégiro
  • hike n (long walk) ped-excursiono; (increase) [in price, rate] augmento || vt (increase) [price, rate] (brusche) augmenter; (lift up) [socks, skirt] lever || vi (walk for long distance) ped-excursioner
  • hikikomori n (extreme recluse) hikikomori; solemazo
  • hilarious adj drolaza
  • hill n colino; montàneeto; (slope) costario; hillbilly (mainly pej.) montáne-rústico, -aċo; hillside colin-costario || adj hilly colinosa
  • hillock n colineto
  • hilt n (handle) manubrio; (guard, grip, and pommel) hilço
  • hilum n (bot.) hilo
  • him prn (oblique object) il; [unspecified sex] li; himself (oblique object) si; (emphatic) il ipsa; he did it himself il ipsa facin ol | [unspecified sex] li ipsa
  • Himalayas n Himalaya
  • hind adj (posterior) détrea; hindmost maxim détrea
  • hind n (female deer) cerviso
  • hinder vt (impede) impeder; (delay) retarder || n hindrance impedatro; obstáculo
  • hinder adj (posterior) détrea
  • Hindi n Hindí || adj Hindì-isca
  • Hindu n Hindúo; Hinduism Hindùismo
  • hinge n cárdino
  • hint n (suggestion) insinuo; sugesteto; [clue] give me a hint dones ad mi on ideo | (advice) consilio; (trace) índiço || vt insinuer; sugesteter; she hinted that I was going to be fired eli insinuin che homi desinguaġun mi || vi to hint at aluser ad; insinuer; sugesteter
  • hinterland n détrea paeso; hinterlandio
  • hip n (anat.) hanco
  • hip n (bot.) cinórodo
  • hip adj (informal: trendy) modasca; (informal: well-informed) informita
  • hip-hop n hip-hop
  • hippie n hipio
  • Hippocratic adj Hipòcratisca
  • hippodrome n hipódromo
  • hippopotamus n (zool.: Hippopotamus amphibius) hipopótamo
  • hipster n hípstero
  • hire vt (employ) inguager; (chiefly Brit.: rent) [car, house] locatarìer || n hire purchase (installment plan) compro per aconto (aut per crédito); hireling mercenaro
  • hirsute adj (lit. or humorous) [body] pilosa; [head] capilosa
  • his pos (la) iluya; [unspecified sex] (la) luya; (reflexive) (la) sua
  • Hispanic adj Hispanisca; (mestizo) mixticia
  • hiss vi siser
  • histamine n (biochem.) histamino
  • histogram n (stat.) histogramo
  • history n historio; (summary of past activity) [in web browser] historialo; historian historiisto || adj historic(al) historiisca
  • histrionic adj histrionesca || n histrionics histrionío
  • hit vt (strike) colp(et)er; [target] atinger; colper; (affect adversely) damner; [person] afecter; (find, reach) atinger; incontrer; trover || n (strike) colpo; [on target] atinġo; (sport: shot) stroco; (success) succeso
  • hitch vt (shift) mover per on súbita tiro; [pants, skirt, socks] leveter; (obtain by hitchhiking) to hitch a ride autostoper; (fasten) ligher; to hitch a horse to a wagon adunchijer on cabalo ad on vecturo; to get hitched (married) sponsecer || vi to hitchhike (travel by hitchhiking) vader (aut vehezer, viager) autostope || n (impediment) impedo, -ivo; obstáculo; problémato; (knot) nodo; (fastener) adunchijatro; ligatro; [harness] harneso
  • hither adv (archaic or lit.) adhic; hitherto usche nun
  • Hittite n (hist.) Héthido
  • HIV n (human immunodeficiency virus) VHI (viro di humanisca imun-défiço)
  • hive n (beehive) nido; [artificial] apuyo; (fig.) a hive of activity or industry on vera apuyo || vt enapuyifer
  • hives n (med.) urticario
  • hmm inter hm
  • ho n (informal, derrog.) putano
  • hoar adj (archaic, lit.) canuta; hoary (grayish white) canuta; (old and trite) vèculaċa || n hoarfrost pruinajo
  • hoard n (stockpile) acùmulajo; amaso; (treasure) tresauro; hoarder acùmulemo; (compulsive) acùmulaċemo || vt (amass) acùmuleċer; amasifeċer; [compulsively] acùmulaċer; amasifaċer
  • hoarding n (Brit.: billboard) afiġ-panelo; (Brit.: fence) palisado
  • hoarse adj rauca
  • hoax n mistífico; ingano || vt mistìficher; inganer
  • hob n focuyisca planco
  • hobbit n (fantasy) hóbito; [calque] cavícolo
  • hobble vi clàudicher || vt (fetter) intraber; (cause to limp) clàudichifer; (hinder) impeder
  • hobby n pasatempo; (hist.: type of Irish horse) haubino
  • hobby n (zool.: Falco subbuteo, cuvierii, severus, longipennis) hopeto
  • hobbyhorse n baston-cabalo; (rocking horse) bàscul-cabalo
  • hobgoblin n (folk.) cóbalo; hobgobelino
  • hobnail n bot-clovo
  • hobnob vi mìsculer si || vt familiarecer
  • hobo n vagabundo
  • hock n (anat.) [of animal] gareto
  • hock vt (pawn) pìgnorifer
  • hockey n hockey (or hócheo); hockey stick hockey-bastono
  • hocus-pocus n (maġ-)galimatío; (trickery) ċarlatanajo
  • hod n [for bricks] bric-portatro; [for mortar] mortar-portatro
  • hodgepodge n mìsculaċajo
  • hoe n sárculo || vt sàrculijer
  • hog n (pig) porco
  • hogshead n (cask) barilazo; (meas.) oxhofto
  • hoist vt (raise with ropes, pulleys) [flag, sail] hiser; (raise or haul up) lever
  • hokum n (nonsense) nesensoso; (sentimentality) sentimentalaċitio
  • hold vt (carry, support in one’s hands, arms) tener; hold my beer tenes mea biro | (grasp) prender; sacer; (check, restrain) [enemy] detener; (contain) continer; (keep back) retenter; (maintain, keep) [attention, interest] mantiner; [belief, opinion] aserter; opiner; (possess) haber; poseser; (arrange) eventifer; (conduct) [meeting] tener; (support, bear weight of) suporter; to hold back retenter; to hold out (extend) extenser; (offer) òferer; to hold up (delay) retarder; (halt) haltifer; (raise) lever; (rob) despolier; rauber de; (support) suporter || vi (be valid) eser válida; (continue without changing) [luck, weather] continuationer; to hold back (refrain) detener si; to hold on (grasp) tener; (persevere) resister; (wait) atender; to hold onto (grasp) tener; (keep) conserver; (retain) retenter; to hold out (last) durationer; (resist) resister; to hold up (wait, stop) atender || n (grip) teno; to let go one’s hold of desprender; to take hold of prender | (power, control) dòminío; influo; to have a hold on someone dòminìer álicu; haber dòminío (aut poto) je álicu | (archaic: fortress) fortalazo; holdall (Brit.) viaġ-saco; holdup (delay) retardo; (robbery) raubo; holder (handle) manubrio; (receptacle) -iero
  • hold n (naut., aer.) nav-caverno
  • hole n forámino; (breach, gap) breċo; [in text, anat.] lacuno; (cavity) cavo; (perforation) forámino; (pit) foso; hole punch pèrforatro
  • holiday n (public) festi-dio; (Brit.: day off) líbera dio; (Brit.: vacation) vacationo
  • Holland n Holandia; Hollander Holandiano
  • hollow adj cava || n cavo
  • holly n (bot.: Ilex) acrifolio; íliço
  • hollyhock n (bot.: Alcea) alceo; common hollyhock (bot.: Alcea rosea) ros-alceo
  • holm n (Brit.) ìnsuleto
  • holmium n (chem.: Ho) holmio
  • holm oak n (bot.: Quercus ilex) íliç-cuerco
  • holocaust n holocausto
  • holograph n (manuscript) holográfico
  • holography n hològrafío; hologram hològrafajo
  • holster n pistoliero
  • holy adj santa; holy water santa acuo; Holy Writ la biblio; santa scribajo(s)
  • homage n hominaġo; to pay homage to facer hominaġo ad; hominager
  • home n focaro; at home focare; homeland paeso di naço; patrio; home page ċef-págino; homestead (farm-)domo; homeward ad focare; homework focar-tasco || adj homemade facita focare; homesick (focar-)desiderianta; homespun texita focare; homely (unattractive) pauche atractiva; (Brit.: homey) see “homey”; [advice] pràctichisca; [food, dish] simpla; homey confortiziva; familiara; focaresca; íntima || adv adfocare; homeward(s) adfocare
  • homeopath n homeópatho; homeopathy homeòpathío
  • homeostasis n homeostaso || adj homeostatic homeostasosa
  • homicide n (crime) homicidío; (person) homicido || adj homicidal [person] homicida; [tendency] homicidisca
  • homily n homilío
  • hominid n (zool.) hòmínido
  • hominy n nixtamalo
  • homogeneous adj homogénea || vt to homogenize homogèneifer
  • homonym n homónimo
  • homophone n homófono || adj homophonous homófona
  • homosexual adj homòsexema || n homòsexemo
  • homunculus n (alchem.) homúnculo
  • Honduras n Honduria; Honduran Honduriano
  • hone vt acutifer || n acutifatro
  • honest adj honesta || n honesty honestitio; (bot.: Lunaria annua) lunario anuala
  • honey n melo; honey badger (zool.: Mellivora capensis) ratelo; honeycomb favo; honeymoon mel-témporo; honeysuckle (bot.: Lonicera) capri-folio
  • honor n (great esteem, respect) honoro; to be an honor to one’s profession honorizer (aut orgoliizer) sua profesiono; (title) your honor mea dómino || vt (treat with honor) honorejer; (bring honor to) honorizer; (fulfill) [promise, debt] satisfacer || adj honorable honorosa, -anda; (honorary) see “honorary”; honorary honorizanta, -iziva
  • honorarium n honorario
  • hooch n (informal) trincheduċo
  • hood n (head covering) caputio; (auto.) capoto || adj hooded crow (zool.: Corvus cornix) grisa corniço
  • hoodlum n huligano
  • hoodwink vt inganer
  • hoof n unguo
  • hook n unco; (clasp) agrafo; (idiom) by hook or by crook per una meano aut áltera; to get someone off the hook desimbaraser álicu; to let someone off the hook lacer álicu excaper; (in compounds) fish hook hamo; hookworm (zool.: Ancylostoma, Uncinaria, Necator, et al.) unchi-vermo || vt (fasten) adunchijer; [clothing] agrafijer; (catch) unchi-capter; unchijer; (hang) surunchifer
  • hookah n narghilo
  • hooky vi (informal) to play hooky truantìer
  • hooligan n huligano; hooliganism huliganismo
  • hoop n anelazo; (toy) rótul-anelazo
  • hoopoe n (zool.: Upupa) úpupo
  • hoot n [of owl] úlulo; [of horn] claxonijo; [of person] buo; deris-clamo, -crito; hooters (vulg.) titos || vi [owl] ùluler; [horn] claxonijer; [person] buer; deris-clamer, -criter
  • hop vi salteter || n salteto; hopscotch marelo; hopper (container) infundìbulazo
  • hop n (bot.: Humulus lupulus) lúpulo
  • hope n spero; hopeful aspiranto; presidential hopefuls aspirantos ad la presidentitio || vi sperer || adj hopeful (feeling hope) sperosa, -ema; (inspiring hope) sperifanta, -ifiva; hopeless nesperosa || adv hopefully (in a hopeful manner) sperose; “tomorrow?” she asked hopefully “demane?” eli cuestionin sperose | (one hopes) cum fortuno; mi speran; hopefully! mi speran!; hopefully not! mi speran che no!
  • horde n hordo
  • horizon n horizonto || adj horizontal horizontala
  • hormone n (med.) hormono
  • horn n corno; (auto., etc.) claxono; hornbeam (bot.: Carpinus) cárpino; hornbill (zool.: Bucerotidae) búcero; hornpipe (mus.) [dance] hornpipe; [instrument] corn-túbulo || adj horn-rimmed [glasses] conchilia; horned owl (zool.: Bubo) bubo; corni-striġo; horny (hornlike) cornesca; (tough) [hands] calosa; [material] dura; (informal: randy) calenta
  • hornet n (zool.: Vespa) crabrono
  • horoscope n horóscopo
  • horrible adj (horrifying) hororifanta, -ifiva; (informal: unpleasant) abòminanda; odianda
  • horrid adj (disagreeable, unpleasant) abòminanda; odianda; (horrifying) hororifanta, -ifiva
  • horrify vt hororifer
  • horror n hororo
  • hors d’oeuvre n antemangedo
  • horse n (zool.: Equus ferus caballus) cabalo; horseback cabal-dorso; on horseback surcabale; horsebox cabal-remulchedo; (RR) cabal-vagono; horse chestnut (bot.: Aesculus hippocastanum) cabal-castáneo; horsefly (zool.: Tabanidae) tabano; horseman cabàlichisto; horsepower cabal-poto; ten horsepower engine motoro de deç-cabal-poto; horse race cabal-curejo; horseradish (bot.: Armoracia rusticana) forta ráfano; horseshoe cabal-fero; horsetail (bot.: Equisetum) ecuiseto; horsewhip flagelo || adj horseback surcabala || adv horseback surcabale
  • horticulture n horticulturo
  • hosanna inter hosana!
  • hose n (flexible tube) manicario; hose clamp manicarii-clampo (aut -fixatro) | (stockings) cálceos; (tights) càlceazo; (hist.: breeches) braco
  • hospice n hospitio
  • hospitable adj hòspitema
  • hospital n hospitalo || vt to hospitalize enhospitalifer
  • hospitality n hóspit(emiti)o
  • host n hòspitanto; hostess hòspitant(is)o; (aer.) (aero)camararo || vt hòspiter
  • host n (crowd) túrbulo; (archaic: army) armato
  • host n (relig.) hostio
  • hostage n hostaġo
  • hostel n hostelo
  • hostile adj (act) inimichisca; (person) inimica || n hostility inimichitio
  • hot adj caldaza; (sexually arousing) [person, photo, talk] hota; hot-blooded pasionosa; hot-headed ècitezema; ìmpetuosa; impulsezema; iracema || n hotbed (hort.) cald-agreto; (of vice, etc.) centro; incubationayo; hot dog hotdogo; hothouse planti-domo; hotline directa líneo; hot pants shorteto; hot room extufo
  • hotchpotch n (Brit.) see “hodgepodge”
  • hotel n hotelo; hotelier hotelisto; [manager] hotel-geranto; [owner] hotel-patrono
  • hound n (zool.: Canis familiaris) hundo; houndberry (bot.: Cornus) cornículo || vt (harass) persecutioner; (pursue) persecuter
  • hour n horo || adj hourly horala || adv hourly horale
  • houri n (relig.) hurí
  • house n domo; at my house apud mi; to my house ad apud mi; house agent (Brit.: real estate agent) imobli-agento; houseboat dombarco; housebreaker (burglar) efractedoro, -isto; household (occupants) domanado; householder (head of house) familii-ċefo; (owner) dom-proprietanto; housekeeper domejedoro; housekeeping domejo; houseleek (bot.: Sempervivum) sempervivo; housemaid (dom-)servistiso; housewife domejedoriso; housing (houses) residayos; [provision] residayizo || vt loġayizer; logifer; to housebreak (burglarize) efracter; (house-train) [animal] domische adextrer || adj housebroken domische adextrita
  • hovel n domaċo
  • hover vi (remain stationary in the air) [bird of prey, hummingbird, dragonfly, helicopter] sueber; (flutter) voleter || n hovercraft aeroglisatro
  • how adv (by what means) cuome; how did you get that through customs? cuome vi pasifin ecuilo tra la duvano?; to know/learn how to do something saper/aprender facer álico | (with what qualities) cuale; how do you do? cuale vi standan?; how do you like your steak? cuale ad vi plaçan le bifsteco?; (to what degree) cuante; how beautiful it is! cuante bela li es!; how many people came? cuanta personos venin?; how many will die? cuanto mortun?; how much do you want for this? cuanto vi demandan por ecuisto?; how old are you? cuante (aut cuanto) vi etatan?; however (by whatever means) cuome cunche; (to whatever degree) cuante cunche; (with whatever qualities) cuale cunche; (nevertheless) tamen
  • howitzer n obus-canono
  • howl n [of dogs, wolves, wind] úrulo; [of person] crito; úrulo; [of wind, waves] ruġo; (dull) muġo || vi [as dog, wolf, wind] ùruler; [as wind, wave] ruger; (dully) muger
  • hoyden n (dated) pueraċiso
  • hub n (of wheel) modiolo; (fig.: center of activity) centro; hubcap roti-tapo
  • hubbub n ruitazo; tumulto; to raise a hubbub tumulter
  • hubris n (nima) orgolio
  • huckleberry n (bot.: several species in Gaylussacia and Vaccinium) [fruit] hochelberio; [shrub] hochelberiífero
  • huckster n (hawker) colportisto; [fraudulent] colportaċisto; comerciaċisto
  • huddle vi (crowd together) cumpresionezer; [for private conversation] grupetecer; [in football] cápit-anelecer || n (confused mass) [of people] túrbulo; [of things] amaso; (small group) [for private conversation] grupeto; [in football] cápit-anelo
  • hue n (color) coloro; [shade] nuantio
  • hue and cry n clama protesto; (hist.) clamo persecuter
  • huff vi (blow) sufler; I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in! mi suflun, et risuflun, et vua domo mi forsuflun!; (show annoyance) grùmeler || n (fit of annoyance or offense) in a huff grùmelante; ofensite
  • hug vt imbracier || n imbracio
  • huge adj enorma; grandaza
  • Huguenot n (hist.) Hughenoto
  • huh inter eh?
  • hulder n (folk.) huldro
  • hulk n (naut.: permanently moored ship) holco; (any abandoned structure) edificii-cadávero; (large, ungainly object) colosajo; (large, ungainly person) coloso; giganto; mastodonto || adj hulking grosaċa; mastodonta, -esca
  • hull n (naut.) nav-córporo; scafo || vt (pierce the hull of) pèrforer la scafo di
  • hull n (shell, husk) [of nuts] scalio; [of peas, beans] sílicuo || vt dessìlicuizer; ecsìlicuifer
  • hullabaloo n (informal) ruitazo; tumulto
  • hullo inter (chiefly Brit.) see “hello”
  • hum vi [insect, wire] zizer || vt [tune] cantejer || n humming bird (zool.: Trochilidae) colibrío
  • human adj human(isc)a || n (zool.: Homo sapiens) humano; human being humano; humankind la humanisca género (aut specio); le humano; humanism humanismo; humanist humanisto; humanity (human quality) humanitio; (humaneness) humanitato; (humankind) le humano
  • humane adj humanitatosa
  • humanitarian adj humanitaria
  • humble adj húmila
  • humbug n (fraudulent talk or behavior) ċarlatanismo; fraudo; (fraudster) ċarlatano; fraudisto; (hypocrisy) hipòcrititio; (hypocrite) hipócrito; (nonsense) nesensoso
  • humdrum adj monótona
  • humerus n (anat.) húmero
  • humid adj húmida; oy, it’s so humid! oi, cuante húmida es la airo! || n humidity hùmiditio di la airo
  • humiliate vt hùmilifer
  • humility n hùmilitio
  • hummock n colineto
  • humor n (amusingness) humoro; (mood) humoralo; (hist., med.) humoralo
  • hump n (mound) colineto; (anat.) gibo; humpback giboso || vt (arch) gibifer; (informal, chiefly Brit.: carry) porter; (vulg.: have sex with) futuer || adj humpbacked gibosa
  • humus n humo
  • Hun n (hist.) Huno
  • hunch vt encurvifer || vi encurvecer || n (intuition) antesento; intúito; suspecto; (hump) gibo; (nudge) cúbit-pulso; hunchback giboso
  • hundred card centa || n hundredweight 45,4 kg; (metric) 50 kg; (Brit.) 50,8 kg || ord hundredth centésima || fract hundredth céntimo
  • Hungary n Hungaria; Hungarian Hungariano || adj Hungarian Hungariana
  • hunger n fámino; hunger strike fámin-exópero || vi fàminer || adj hungry fàminanta
  • hunk n petiazo; (informal) bela robusto
  • hunt vt (pursue and kill or capture) cacier; (search for) cecher; to hunt down parcacier || vi (tech.: oscillate) [of device, system] ociler; to hunt for (search) cercher || n cacio; The Hunt for Red October La cacio je Rúbea Octobro; (search) cerco; (tech.: oscillation) [of device, system] ocilo; hunter caciisto; hunter-gatherer caciist-colectionisto
  • hurdle n (sport) hurdo; (fig.: obstacle, difficulty) obstáculo
  • hurdy-gurdy n (mus.) vielo
  • hurl vt jactazer || vi (informal: vomit) vòmiter || n (sport) hurley (sport) húrlinghi-bastono; hurling (sport) hurlingo
  • hurrah inter (also “hurray”) hurá
  • hurricane n (Beaufort level 12) huracano
  • hurry vi haster || n hasto; (urgency) urģo
  • hurt vt (cause pain to) dolorifer; (cause injury to) [living body] vùlnerer; [organ, tissue] lesioner; (damage) damner; nocer; (have bad effect on) detrimenter; (offend) you hurt my feelings vi ofensin mi || vi (ache) dolorer || adj hurtful damniva; nociva; [act, behavior] ofensanta, -iva; [experience] dolorosa
  • hurtle vi precìpiter si || vt precìpiter
  • husband n sponsaso; husbandman (farmer) (agri-)cultivisto; husbandry cultivo; animal husbandry alevamento || vt [resources] aministrer; conserver; ecònomìer; sparnier
  • husbando n hazubando
  • hush vt tacifer; to hush up [fact] absconder; [news] represer; supreser; [person] tacifer || vi tacer; hush! taces! || n hush money taç-pecunio || adj hush-hush (informal) valde secreta
  • husk n (vacua) scalio; (pod) sílicuo || vt desscaliizer
  • husky adj (hoarse) [voice, person] rauca; (strong) forta
  • hussar n (hist.) húsaro
  • hussy n (informal, derog.) canaliiso
  • hustings n (pol.) [assembly] electionisca asemblajo; [campaign] electionisca campanio
  • hustle vt (hurry up) hastifer; (jostle) shoc-pulser; (informal: obtain) ectirer; (informal: obtain illicitly) ectiruċer; obtinuċer; (informal: sell aggressively) presioneme vender; to hustle someone into something (coerce) presioner álicu facer álico; (con) persuasuċer (aut ingane ficer) álicu facer álico || vi (hurry) haster; (informal: engage in prostitution) prostituer si; (informal: work hard) efortier; laborazer || n (activity) vad-veno; (informal: fraud) fraudo; hustler (informal: go-getter) ambitionoso; (informal: prostitute) putano; (informal: swindler) fraudedoro
  • hut n cabaneto; (shed) baraco; hutment (mil.) casernado
  • hutch n (cage) cáveo; [for rabbits] cunìculayo; (chest) cofro; (cupboard) armario; (dresser) comodalo
  • hyacinth n (bot.: Hyacinthus) hiacintho
  • hybrid n híbrido || vt to hybridize hìbridifer || adj híbrida
  • hydra n (zool.: Hydra) hidro; Hydra (myth.) Hidro
  • hydrangea n (bot.: Hydrangea (macrophylla)) hortensio
  • hydrant n hidranto
  • hydrate n (chem.) hidrato || vt hidratizer; (chem.) hidratifer
  • hydraulic adj [brakes, press, suspension] hidráulicasca; (relating to science of hydraulics) hidráulichisca || n hydraulics hidráulico
  • hydride n (chem.) hidruro
  • hydrocarbon n (chem.) hidrocarburo
  • hydrocephalus n (med.) hidrocèfalitio
  • hydrochloric adj (chem.) clorhídrica
  • hydrocyanic acid n (chem.: hydrogen cyanide) hidrógena cianuro
  • hydrodynamics n hidrodinámico
  • hydroelectric adj hidroelectrisca
  • hydrofoil n [boat] hidróptero; [foil] hidroalo
  • hydrogen n (chem.: H) hidrógeno; hydrogen bomb H-bombo; hidrógen-bombo; hydrogen cyanide hidrógena cianuro
  • hydrolyze vt (chem.) hidròliser || n hydrolysis hidróliso
  • hydrometer n hidrómetro
  • hydrophobia n hidrofobio
  • hydroplane n [boat] hidroplano; [seaplane] hidroaviono
  • hydroponics n hidropónico
  • hydroscope n hidroscopio
  • hydrostatic adj hidrostàtichisca || n hydrostatics hidrostático
  • hydroxide n (chem.) hidróxido
  • hyena n (zool.: Hyaenidae) hieno
  • hygiene n higieno || adj hygienic higienasca
  • hygrometer n higrómetro
  • hygroscope n higroscopio || adj hygroscopic higroscopiisca; (absorbing atmospheric moisture) higroscópica
  • hymen n (anat.) hímeno
  • hymenopteran n (zool.: Hymenoptera) himenóptero
  • hymn n himno; hymnal himnado; himni-libro || adj hymnal himnisca
  • hyoscine n (chem.) hiocino
  • hyoscyamine n (chem.) hiociamino
  • hyper- afx hiper-
  • hyperbola n (geom.) hiperbólico
  • hyperbole n hipérbolo
  • hypertrophy n (physiol.) hipertrofío
  • hyphen n junti-strico; stricheto
  • hypnosis n hipnoso || vt to hypnotize hipnoser
  • hypo- afx hipo- || n hypo(sulfite) (phot.) thiosulfato
  • hypochondria n hipocondrío
  • hypocrite n hipócrito; hypocrisy hipòcrititio || adj hypocritical hipócrita
  • hypodermic adj (med.) hipodérmica; subpelisca
  • hypoglycemia n (med.) hipoglicemío
  • hyposulfite n (chem., phot.) thiosulfato
  • hypotenuse n (geom.) hipotenuso
  • hypothesis n hipótheso || vt to hypothesize hipòtheser || adj hypothetical hipòthesisca
  • hyrax n (zool.: Hyracoidea) damano; hiraço
  • hyssop n (bot.: Hyssopus officinalis) hisopo
  • hysteresis n (phys.) histéreso
  • hysteria n histerio || adj hysterical histeríaca


  • I ltr i || prn mi; I, robot mi, roboto; if I were you se mi eseban vi
  • iamb n (prosody) jambo || adj iambic jambisca; iambic pentameter jambisca pentámetro
  • ibex n (zool.: several species within Capra) íbiço; silvagi-capro
  • ibis n (zool.: Threskiornithinae) ibo
  • -ic- afx (chem.) -ic-; sulfuric sùlfúrica
  • ice n glacio; (informal: diamond) diamanto; (idiom) to break the ice rumper la glacio; to cut no ice n(ul)e impresioner; Ice Age Glacii-evo; ice beer glacii-biro; ice cap glacii-caloto; ice cream (crem-)gelajo; ice cream truck gelaj-furgono (aut camiono); ice cube glacii-cubo (aut -blocheto); ice field glacii-campo; ice floe banchísimo; ice fog glacii-nébulo; ice hockey glacii-hócheo; hócheo sur glacio; ice pack glacii-compreso; ice sheet glacii-manto; ice skate glacii-patinatro; ice skater glacii-patinedoro, -anto, -isto; ice water (chilled) frígid(az)a (aut geletita) acuo; (with ice cubes) glaciizita acuo; iceberg isbergo; (idiom) that’s just the tip of the iceberg ecuilo es mere la puntalo di la isbergo; icebox (dated: refrigerator) refrìgeratro; (hist.) glacii-armario; icebreaker (naut.) glacii-rumpatro; (fig.) as an icebreaker por rumper la glacio; Iceland Islandia; Icelander Islandiano; iceman glaciígero; iciness [of manner, tone, stare] frìgid(az)itio; [of road] glacio; icing (culin.) glasajo || vt [drink, muscle] glaciizer; [cake] glaser || vi to ice over, ice up [river] gelezer; [windshield, aircraft wings] glaciizezer || adj iced [drink] geletita; glaciizita; [surface] glaciizita; icy gelita; glacia, -osa, -esca; (very cold) frìgidaza; [hands, feet] frìgidaza; gelita; [stare, silence, tone, reception] frìgidaza; glaciisca, -esca; ice-bound barata (aut obstructata) da glacio; ice-cold [drink] frìgidaza; glaciizita; [hands] frìgidaza; gelita
  • ichneumon n (zool.: Ichneumon) icnéumono; (zool.: Herpestes ichneumon) Egiptana mangusto
  • ichthyocolla n icthiocolo
  • ichthyophage n icthiófago; ichthyophagy icthiòfaghío || adj ichthyophagous icthiófaga
  • ichthyosaur n (zool., paleo.: Ichthyosauria) icthiosauriano; ichthyosaurus (zool., paleo.: Ichthyosaurus) icthiosauro
  • icicle n stirio
  • icon n (relig., comput., ling.) ícono; (emblem) emblémato; (idol) ídolo; iconoclast iconoclasto; iconodule iconódulo; iconography iconògrafío; iconolater iconólatro; iconology iconòloghío; iconophile iconófilo; iconostasis iconostasiono || adj iconic ìconisca, -esca; (emblematic) emblémata; (idolic) [status] ìdolisca; to achieve iconic status esecer on ídolo | (ling.) ícona
  • icosahedron n (geom.) icosahedro
  • -ics afx ´-ico not a separate suffix; robotics robótico
  • icterus n (med.) íctero
  • ictus n (prosody) icto; (med.) ataco
  • id n (psych.) id
  • -ide afx (chem.) -uro
  • idea n (thought, plan) ideo; don’t get any ideas no ilusiones vi; to get an idea for a screenplay incontrer on ideo por on cenario; to get used to the idea of something custumecer ad la ideo di álico; to give someone ideas, put ideas into somebody’s head poner ideos en la cápito di álicu; good idea! bona ideo!; he hit on the idea of setting it in space venin ad il en la cápito la ideo di eventifer li en spatiazo; the idea is to sell it la ideo (aut projecto) es vender li; it wasn’t my idea lo no esin mea ideo; she got the idea into her head that her boyfriend was a vampire ponezin en eluya cápito (la ideo) che eluya novio es on vampiro; that’s the idea! ecce lo!; the very idea! what an idea! cuala ideo!; whose bright idea was this, anyhow? omni-case, cua habin la geniisca ideo di facer ecuisto?; (understanding) ideo; don’t get the wrong idea no misintérpretes la situationo; have you any idea how irresponsible that is? haban vi ideo di cuante neresponsiva ecuilo es?; I haven’t the foggiest idea mi no haban etiam la mínima (aut maxim pálida) ideo; I’ve got the general idea mi comprensin la generala ideo; (I’ve) no idea! nula ideo!; it was awful, you’ve no idea lo esin hororifanta, vi haban nula ideo (aut vi no potan imaginationer); whatever gave you that idea? de ube cunche vi prendin ecuila ideo?; you’re getting the idea vi cominitian comprenser; (conception, notion) ideo; the Etoro have some peculiar ideas about health drinks for little boys le Etoros haban on extránea ideos sopre sanifiva bibedos por puerasos; this isn’t my idea of fun ecuisto no es cuo mi nòminijan amuso; (estimate) ideo; can you give me a rough idea of how much this will cost? potan vi doner ad mi on próxima ideo sopre cuante ecuisto costun?; (purpose) ideo; intento; “Over my dead body.” “That’s the idea.” “Trans mea cadávero.” “Ecce la ideo.”; (vague impression) impresiono; I have an idea that… mi haban la impresiono che…; ideal idealo; idealism idealismo || vt to idealize idealifer || adj ideal ideala; idealistic [person] idealista; [plan, notion] idealismisca
  • identical adj identa; identical twins identa gemelos
  • identify vt (establish or indicate the identity of) identìficher; he identified himself only as “McLovin” il identífichin si mere como je “McLovin”; to identify a body identìficher on cadávero | (recognize) ricognocer; (equate with) identìficher; people always identify her with romcoms homi sempre identífican el cum le romanta comedio || vi (equate oneself with) Pat doesn’t identify with any particular gender Pat no identífican si cum on particulara sexo || n identification (act) identífico; (means) identìficatra carto, documento; identìficatro; identifier identìficatro
  • identity n identitato; a case of mistaken identity on caso di confundita identitato; on eroro sopre identitato; to establish the identity of constater la identitato di; to prove one’s identity prober sua identitato; (identicalness) identitio; identity card identìficatra carto; identìficatro; identitati-carto
  • ideogram n ideògrafajo
  • ideograph n ideògrafajo; ideography ideògrafío
  • ideologue n ideólogo; ideology ideòloghío || adj ideological ideòloghìisca
  • ides n ido; the ides of March la ido di Martio
  • idiom n (fixed expression without deducible sense) idiomático; (characteristic speech of a people, region, or individual) idiomo; (expression unique to a people, region, or individual) idiomajo || adj idiomatic (fixed by usage) idiomática; (natural to a native speaker) idioma, -asca
  • idiosyncrasy n idiosincrasío; particularajo || adj idiosyncratic idiosincrasía; particulara
  • idiot n idioto; idiocy (act) idiotajo; (quality) idiotitio || adj idiotic [behavior, idea] idiotisca; [person] idiota; idiot-proof idiot-imuna; nemisfacébila
  • idle adj (lazy) pigra; (inactive) [machine, factory] neactanta; neusata; (without work) neòcupata; otianta; idle hands are the devil’s workshop le otio es la matro di omna vitio; the idle rich le otiosa ricos; (vain) [boast, threat] vana; (without foundation) [rumor, fear] sine basamento; (without purpose) [chatter] frívola; neútila; vana; idle curiosity pura curiositio || adv idly (without purpose) [talk] por pasifer la témporo; [wonder, stare] distractate, -ite, -ede; (inactively) to stand (or sit) idly by while… rester nul-façante (aut sine faço) dum che… || n idleness (laziness) pigritio; (inactivity) neacto; (state of not working) otio; (emptiness) [of fears] manco di basamento; [of promise, threat] vanitio; [of talk, gossip] frìvolitio; idler (lazy person) otiemo; pigro; (mech.) ìdelatro || vt (take out of employment) [employee] otiadifer; [factory] desactizer; to idle away [time] dìsiper || vi (do nothing) otier; (mech.) ìdeler
  • Ido n (conlang) Ido
  • idol n ídolo; idolater idólatro; idolatry idòlatrío || vt to idolize idòlatrìer
  • idyll n idilio || adj idyllic idiliesca
  • i.e. conj (id est) c.e.d.; cuod es dicer
  • if conj (conditional) se; how can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat? cuome potun vi recepter pudino se vi no manġun la carno?; if it hadn’t been for these meddling kids… se ci no esebin ecuista enmìsculezema pueros…; if you build it, they will come se vi constructun li, los venun; if I were you se mi eseban vi; if not se no; if only se mere; útinam; if only I could! se mi poteban!; útinam mi poteban!; if so se sic; if you ask me... secuno mi... | (although) cuancam; etiam se; malgrate che; I couldn’t leave her if I tried mi no poteban forlacer el (etiam) se mi èprobeban; it’s a good movie, if a little long li es on bona filmo, cuancam cualche longa; (conditional) if I were you se mi eseban en vua situationo; (expressing surprise) well, if it isn’t the wiccan bitch of the west a! ecce la striga strunço di la westo; (whether) chi; the boy keeps wondering if your promises are any good la pueraso no cesationan cuestioner ad si chi vua promisos es bona || n that’s a big if ecuilo es on granda “se”; there are a lot of ifs and buts ci es multas “mas” et “se” || adj iffy necerta
  • igloo n iglú
  • igneous adj (geol.) ígnea
  • ignis fatuus n vag-lúmino
  • ignite vt (cause to catch fire) accender || vi (catch fire) accendezer || n ignition accendo; (auto.) combusteço; ignition switch (auto.) accensi-suiċo; starti-suiċo
  • ignoble adj (of character) deshonorosa, -anda; desnóbila; (of class) nenobiliara
  • ignominy n ignominio; deshonoro; infamitio; verecundo || adj ignominious ignominiosa; deshonorizanta; infamifanta; verecundanda
  • ignoramus n nul-sapanto
  • ignorant adj (lacking knowledge or awareness) [in general] nul-sapanta; [of a particular thing] necognoçanta; nesapanta; nesaposa; to be ignorant of necognocer; nesaper || n ignorance [in general] nul-sapo; [of a particular thing] necognoço; nesapo
  • ignore vt ignorer; I will not be ignored! mi no esun ignorata!; just ignore him, he’s not a PhD mere ignores li, li no es doctoro
  • iguana n (zool.: Iguana) iguano
  • iguanodon n (zool., paleo.) iguanodonto
  • ileum n (anat.) íleo
  • ilex n (bot.: Quercus ilex) íliç-cuerco; (bot.: Ilex) íliço
  • Iliad n Ilíado
  • ilium n (anat.) ilíaco || adj iliac ilìachisca
  • ill adj malata; to fall ill malatecer; to make ill ficer malata; malatifer; ill-advised (person) desprudenta; (thing) neconsilianda || n illness malatitio
  • illegal adj nelegala; neleġasca
  • illegible adj nelecturébila
  • illegitimate adj [claim, excuse, child] nelegítima
  • illicit adj neliçanta
  • illiterate adj neliterata || n illiteracy neliteratitio
  • illogic n nelógico || adj illogical nelògicasca
  • illuminate vt (light up) lùminizer; (decorate with lights or designs in gold, silver, etc.) [building, book, map] iluminationer; (clarify) [problem, question] clarifer; (enlighten) [person] ilùminer || n illumination lamp ilumination-lámpado
  • illusion n ilusiono
  • illustrate vt ilustrer || n illustration [act] ilustro; [result] ilustrajo; illustrator ilustristo
  • illustrious adj eminenta
  • image n imágino; image map imágin-mapo
  • imagine vt imaginationer; (suppose) suposer || n imagination imaginationo; (imaginativeness) imaginationemitio, -ivitio || adj imaginary fictionita; imaginationisca; imaginationita; (math) imaginaria; imaginative imaginationema, -iva
  • imam n imamo
  • imbalance n desecuilibrio
  • imbecile n (informal: fool) imbécilo; stulto; (obsolete, med.) imbécilo
  • imbibe vt (formal) biber; [alcohol] trincher
  • imbrex n (archit.) ímbriço
  • imbroglio n intricajo; confusajo
  • imbue vt imbuter
  • imitate vt ìmiter || n imitation (act) ímito; (result) ìmitajo
  • immaculate adj (spotless) nemàculizita; (perfect) perfecta
  • immanent adj (philos.) imananta
  • immaterial adj (irrelevant) nerelationanta; (philos.: incorporeal) nemateria
  • immature adj (half-grown) [animal, tree] júvena; [fruit] nematura; vírida; (childish) nematura
  • immediate adj (instant) imediata; (nearest) nemediata || adv immediately imediate
  • immemorial adj nemèmorébila; from time immemorial dex antehistorio; dex témporo nemèmorébila
  • immense adj imensa
  • immerse vt merg(et)er; to immerse oneself in something (fig.) ficer si absorptata da álico; merger si en álico
  • immigrate vi enmigrer || n immigrant enmigranto, -into, -edoro; immigration enmigro
  • imminent adj (impending) próxima, -aza
  • immobile adj (motionless) nemovezanta; nemovosa; (incapable of moving or being moved) nemóbila || vt to immobilize nemòbilifer
  • immoderate adj nemòderata
  • immodest adj (bold or presumptuous) nemodesta; (not shy, reserved, esp. of body, sex, etc.) nepudorosa, -ema; (indecent) nedecenta
  • immoral adj [act] desèthicasca; [person] neèthicosa
  • immortal adj nemortiva || n nemortivo
  • immovable adj nemovébila
  • immune adj (resistant to) [disease] imuna; (exempt) exemptita || n immunity imunitio; immunology imunóloghío || vt to immunize imunifer
  • immure vt enmurifer
  • immutable adj (unchangeable) nealterationébila; necambiejébila; (unchanging) nevariiva
  • imp n (myth.) diàboleto || adj impish pètulema, -anta
  • impact n (collision) shoco; (effect) efecto; (influence) influo || vt (collide with) colisioner cum; shocher; (affect) afecter; influer || vi (collide) colisioner || adj impacted [tooth] reclusata
  • impair vt damner
  • impale vt impaler
  • impanel vt [jury] selecter; [person] enregistrifer (por jurio)
  • imparity n (disparity) neecualitio; (math) neparìculitio
  • impart vt (communicate) comùnicher; transmiser; (bestow) cònferer; doner
  • impartial adj nepartitana, -ema, -isca; nepartitosa
  • impassable adj netrànsitébila
  • impasse n impaso
  • impassion vt pasionifer
  • impassive adj neemotionosa; neemotionosa, -anta; nepasionosa; nepasionosa, -anta
  • impatient adj (irascible) nepatienta; impatient of (intolerant of) netòlerema je; (eager) to be impatient to do something eser nepatienta por facer álico
  • impeach vt (accuse) [public official] impèdicher; (cast doubt on) poner en dúbito
  • impeccable adj (flawless) nedefectosa; (theo.) nepechiva; nepecosa
  • impecunious adj nepecuniosa
  • impede vt impeder || n impedance (elec.) impedantio; impediment [act] impedo; [obstacle] difícilo; impedivo; obstáculo
  • impel vt impulser
  • impend vi eser próxima, -aza
  • impenetrable adj nepènetrébila
  • impenitent adj nerepènitanta; nerepènitosa
  • imperative adj (essential) necesaza; neprecindébila; (peremptory; gram.) imperativa || n (gram.) imperativo
  • imperceptible adj neperceptébila
  • imperfect adj neperfecta; (gram.) imperfecta || n (gram.) imperfecto; imperfection (fault) defecto; (state) neperfectitio
  • imperial adj ìmperayisca || n imperialism ìmperismo; imperialist ìmperisto
  • imperil vt enperìculifer; poner en perículo
  • imperious adj aroganta; mandationema
  • imperishable adj nepericiva
  • impermeable adj nepèrmeébila
  • impersonal adj nepersonisca; (not existing as a person) an impersonal god on nepersona deo
  • impersonate vt ìmiter; (to deceive) ìmituċer
  • impertinent adj impertinenta || n impertinence impertinentitio
  • imperturbable adj neperturbébila
  • impervious adj (impermeable) nepèrmeébila; impervious to (unaffected by) imuna ad
  • impetigo n (path.) impetígino
  • impetus n ímpetuo || adj impetuous ìmpetuosa
  • impinge vi (have an effect; phys.) to impinge on something ìncider álico
  • impious adj despia || n impiety despiitio
  • implacable adj nepacifébila
  • implant vt (med.) [organ, tissue] enplantationer; (establish) [idea, principle] inculcher || n enplantationedo
  • implement n instrumento; utensilo || vt efectifer; executer
  • implicate vt (show involvement in a crime) implicationer; to be implicated in (bear some responsibility for) eser ìmplichita en | (entail) ìmplicher; (imply, suggest) insinuer; sugester || n implication (involvement) ímplico; (logical consequence) ímplico; (suggestion, hint) insinuo; sugesto
  • implicit adj implícita
  • implode vi imploser
  • implore vt implorer
  • imply vt (insinuate) insinuer; sugester; what are you implying? cuo vi insinuan?; (involve) ìmplicher; more traffic implies more air pollution plu multa tráfico ímplican plu multa atmòsferisca poluto || n implication (consequence) consecuo; ímplico; (inference) insinuo; sugesto
  • impolite adj descortesa
  • imponderable n nepònderébilo || adj nepònderébila
  • import vt importationer; (archaic: mean) signìficher || n (com.) importationedo; (meaning) signífico; (importance) importo
  • important adj importanta || n importance importo
  • importune vt importuner || adj importunate importunanta, -ema
  • impose vt (force) [conditions, fine, tax] imposer; to impose something on somebody imposer álico ad álicu | (typ.) impositioner || vi imposer si; I don’t want to impose mi no desíderan imposer mi; to impose on somebody usuċer la gentilitio di álicu || n imposition [act] imposo; [thing imposed] imposedo; (tax) impostajo; (typ.) [act] impositiono; [result] impositionajo; (Brit.: punitive task) pun-tasco || adj imposing (impressive) grandiosa; imponanta, -iva
  • impossible adj neposíbila
  • impostor n impostoro; impostor syndrome síndromo di le impostoro
  • impotent adj (powerless) nepotanta; nepotenta; (physiol.) impotenta
  • impound vt (confiscate) confischer; (hold back) [water] retenter; (put into a pound) [domestic animal] poner en on depòsitayo por bestios
  • impoverish vt pàuperifer
  • impracticable adj neexecutébila; nefacébila; nepràctichébila; nerealifébila
  • impractical adj [clothing, shoes] nepràctichisca; [person] nepràctichema; (unfeasible) neexecutébila; nefacébila; nepràctichébila; nerealifébila
  • imprecate vt (archaic: curse) maledicter || n imprecation (formal) maledicto
  • impregnate vt (make pregnant) impregner; (bio.: fertilize) fecundifer; (saturate) sàturer || adj impregnable (mil.) [fortress, defenses] necaptébila; (fig.) [argument, position] neatachébila; nerefutébila
  • impresario n impresario
  • impress vt (make admire) imponer; (make impression on) impresioner; to impress something on (fix an idea in) [someone’s mind] graber || n impression (effect) efecto; impresiono; (idea, illusion) impresiono; to be under the impression that… haber la impresiono che… | (phot.) impresiono, -ajo; (print) impreso, -ajo; impressionism (art) impresionismo; impressionist (art) impresionisto || adj impressionable impresionébila; impressive imponanta
  • imprimatur n (publishing, fig.) imprimaturo
  • imprint vt (with engraved block, die, etc.) [on metal, leather] stamper; (with inked block, die, etc.) [on hand, paper] impreser; stampiler; (fig.) [on mind] graber; (zool.) imprinter; the duckling imprinted on a shoe la ànatolo imprintin on calcéolo; an imprinted chick on imprintinta pulolo; users tend to be imprinted by the first software system learned le usedoro tendentian imprinter la unésima sistémato di softwaro aprensita || n (with engraved block, die, etc.) [on metal, leather] stampajo; (with inked block, die, etc.) [on hand, paper] impresajo; stampilajo; (lasting impression) impresiono; (publishing) comercii-nómino; under the HarperCollins imprint èditita da HarperCollins
  • imprison vt enprisionifer; [in jail] encàrcerifer
  • improbable adj (unlikely) neprobábila; (implausible) neversímila
  • impromptu adj (improvised) improvisita; (unexpected) spontánea || adv (ad lib) improvisite; (unexpectedly) spontánee
  • improper adj (unsuitable) des-, neadecuata; des-, neconvenanta; neapta; (illicit) deshonesta; (incorrect) necorecta; nejusta; (indecent) nedecenta
  • improve vt plu-bonifer || vi plu-bonecer
  • improvident adj neantevidanta, -ema
  • improvise vt improviser
  • imprudent adj neprudenta
  • impudent adj impertinenta
  • impugn vt contester; poner en dúbito; [honor, reputation] atacher
  • impulse n impulso; impulse buy impulsisca compro || adj impulsive impulsezema
  • impunity n impunitato; with impunity impunitate
  • impure adj (adulterated) [substance, drug] des-, nepura; [water] contàminita; (morally wrong) des-, nepura; necasta; obcena
  • impute vt ìmputer
  • in prep (place) en; in the city en la civitato; (time) dum; en; post; in June en Junio; she’ll be here in three days el venun post tria dios; (with motion) aden; he went in the house il vadin aden la domo; in addition pluse; últree; in case (as provision against something being true) por se; (if something is true) case che; en caso che; evente che; se; in exchange for por; in favor of por; in his infancy dum sua infantitio (aut bebitio); in order that por che; in reference to sopre; in regard to sopre; in spite of malgrate; in such a way that asíc che; in that secuno che; in the former time en la ólima témporo; in the meantime dume; in this hypothesis secuno ecuista hipótheso; versed in the dark arts èrudita sopre la obscura artos || n ins and outs detalos || adj (at home) en focaro; is your father in? chi vua patro es focare?; inmost (lit.) see “innermost”
  • -in afx (chem.) -ino; globulin glòbulino
  • in- afx (not) ne-; (opposite of) des-; (without) ne- … -osa; sine
  • inability n necapàbilitio; nepoto
  • inaccessible adj neaccesébila
  • inaccurate adj (not strictly correct in all details) neexacta; (not strictly defined or determined) neprecisa; (not reliably capable of reaching intended target) [shot, aim, weapon] neprecisa
  • inaction n neacto
  • inactive adj neactanta, -ema, -iva; (inert) inerta
  • inadequate adj (inappropriate) neadecuata; neconvenanta; (insufficient) nesufiçanta
  • inadmissible adj neadmisébila
  • inadvertent adj (unintentional) neintentita || adv inadvertently neintente; nesapante
  • inalienable adj nealienébila
  • inamorato n amorataso; inamorata amoratiso
  • inane adj fatua; stulta; stúpida
  • inanimate adj nevivanta
  • inapplicable adj neàplichébila; nerelationanta; neusébila
  • inappropriate adj neadecuata; neapta; neconvenanta
  • inapt adj (unsuitable) neapta
  • inarticulate adj (incoherent) [person] male expresiva; [speech] male pronuntiita; nearticulationita; [thoughts, feelings] male expresita; (without joints) nearticulaturosa
  • inasmuch adv (considering) inasmuch as pro che; (to such an extent) inasmuch as secuno cuante
  • inattentive adj (distracted) distractata, -ita; neatentionema, -osa; (neglectful) neglectanta, -ema; pauche atentionanta, -ema
  • inaudible adj neaudébila
  • inaugurate vt inàugurer || adj inaugural inàugurisca
  • inauspicious adj desfeliça; mal-àuguría; mal-auspicia; nefavorosa; neoportuna
  • inborn adj inata; naturisca
  • inbreed vi endògamìer || n inbreeding endògamío || adj inbred (born of inbreeding) endògámida; (congenital) inata
  • incalculable adj necàlculébila
  • incandesce vi incandecer || adj incandescent incandeçanta; incandescent bulb incandeç-ampulo
  • incant vt (chant) plan-canter || n incantation (spell) incanto
  • incapable adj necapábila
  • incapacitate vt necapàbilifer || n incapacity necapàbilitio; nepoto
  • incarcerate vt encàrcerifer
  • incarnate adj encarnifita, -ecinta; encòrporifita, -ecinta; the citizens believe their leader is God incarnate la civos credan che lora ċefo es Deo encarnecinta || vt encarnifer; encòrporifer
  • incendiary adj [attack] incendianta, -edora; [device] incendiiva; [speech] incendianta, -ema, -iva; inflamanta, -ema, -iva || n (bomb) incendiivo; (person who starts fires) incendianto, -edoro; (person who stirs up conflict) incendianto, -emo; inflamanto, -emo
  • incense n (for odor) incenso; incense burner incensizatro || vt incensizer
  • incense vt (anger) furiifer || adj incensed furiosa
  • incent vt (or “incentivize”) ìnciter; motivzier; stìmuler || n incentive (encouragement) íncito; stìmulivo; (motive) motivo
  • inception n cominitio
  • incessant adj necesationanta
  • incest n incesto; to commit incest incester || adj incestuous [person] incestanta, -ema; [relationship] incestosa
  • inch n (2.54 cm) policato; every inch (entirely) every inch a psycho on psicópatho de cápito usche pedo; tote on psicópatho; one-inch punch un-policata pugni-colpo || vi movezer pauchene
  • inchoate adj cominitiisca; rudimenta; inchoative (gram.) incoativa
  • incidence n (extent, rate) incidentio; (phys.) íncido
  • incident n incidento || adj incidental incidenta || adv incidentally incidente; látere; parénthese; pasante
  • incinerate vt cìnerifer
  • incipient adj incipienta; naçanta
  • incise vt inciser || n incision inciso, -ajo; incisor (tooth) incisivo
  • incite vt ìnciter; instigher; provocationer; to incite a riot ìnciter (aut instigher, provocationer) ad tumulto
  • inclement adj [weather] severa
  • incline vt (dispose; lean away) incliner || n inclination (disposition) inclino; (slope) costario; inclinezajo; (sloping) inclinezo || adj inclined inclinita, -ata; to be inclined to do something inclinezer ad facer álico
  • include vt (contain) continer; (put in) adjunter; incluser; batteries not included pilios no inclusita; does that remark include me? es dìrigita ecuila comento anche ad mi?; this applies to everyone, including you ecuilo es válida por omnos, vi inclusite; up to and including chapter 6 usche capítulo 6 || adj inclusive (comprehensive) completa; cum omno inclusita; totisca; inclusive of continanta; all prices are inclusive of VAT omna pretios continan la IVA
  • incognito adj incógnita || adv incógnite || n (person) incógnito; (state) incògnititio
  • incoherent adj [argument] necohesanta; neconsecuanta
  • income n rédito; (unearned) réndito; income tax rédit-imposto
  • incommensurable adj (having no common standard of measure) necummensurébila; (math: irrational) nerationala
  • incommensurate adj neproportionasca
  • incommode vt descòmodizer
  • incomparable adj necòmparébila; sine cómparo; sine parìculano
  • incompatible adj necompatíbila
  • incompetent adj (incapable) necapábila; (unqualified) necompetenta
  • incomplete adj necompleta
  • incomprehensible adj necomprensébila; (philos.: unintelligible) neintelectébila
  • inconceivable adj neconceptébila; neimaginationébila
  • inconclusive adj neconclusanta; nedecisanta; neprobanta
  • incongruous adj necòngruanta
  • inconsequential adj (not following as a result) neconsecuanta; neresultanta; (unimportant) neimportanta
  • inconsiderate adj neconsìderanta, -ema, -osa; negentila; (archaic: not showing careful thought) neconsìderanta, -ema, -osa
  • inconsistent adj (illogical) necohesanta; neconsecuanta, -ema; nelògicasca; (incompatible) necompatíbila; neconciliationébila; neconcordanta; neconforma; necòngruanta; (contradictory) contrediçanta, -iva, -osa; (inconstant) neconstanta; neuniforma
  • inconspicuous adj (not manifest) neevidentaza; nesalianta; (not attracting notice) neflagranta; neostentanta, -osa; (not noteworthy) neremarcanda
  • inconstant adj neconstanta; variema; (not continual) necontinua; (unfaithful) nefidela; neloyala
  • incontestable adj necontestébila
  • incontinent adj (of bowels, bladder) necontinentianta; (sexually) necasta; necontinentianta
  • incontrovertible adj necontestébila; neneghébila; refutébila
  • inconvenient adj (ill suited or unfavorable to one’s comfort, purpose, or needs) ne-, descómoda; (inaccessible) distanta; male situizita; ne-, descómoda; neaccesébila; (inopportune) neoportuna || vt to inconvenience descòmodizer
  • incorporate vt (integrate) encòrporifer; (form into a legal corporation) corporationifer
  • incorporeal adj (immaterial, spiritual) nemateria
  • incorrect adj (wrong) [answer, spelling] necorecta; [information, statement, assumption] erora; (inexact) [time, change] neexacta; (mistaken in opinion or judgment) nejusta; (improper) neconvenanta; nedecenta; [behavior, belief] necorecta; politically incorrect polìtichische necorecta | [style, posture, diet] mala; (not appropriate for situation or activity) nejusta
  • incorrigible adj necorectifébila
  • incorruptible adj necoruptébila || vt (not open to bribery) nesubornationébila
  • increase vi augmentezer || vt augmenter || n augmento, -ezo
  • incredible adj necredébila
  • incredulous adj necredema
  • increment n adcremento; (math) cremento || vt adcrementer || adj incremental crementena
  • incriminate vt culpizer
  • incrust vt see “encrust”
  • incubate vt incubationer || vi incubationezer
  • incubus n (myth.) íncubo
  • inculcate vt [attitude, idea, habit] inculcher
  • incumbent adj (necessary as a duty) to be incumbent on debifer | (currently in office) incumbenta || n incumbency incumbentitio
  • incur vt (become subject to) incurer
  • incurable adj [person] nerisanifébila; [sickness] neremediébila
  • incursion n incurso
  • indebted adj debitionizita; to be indebted to somebody debitioner ad álicu; (grateful) debitioner ad álicu; gratitùdiner álicu; we are greatly indebted to her for her generosity nos debitionan multo ad el pro eluya generositio
  • indecent adj nedecenta
  • indecisive adj (inconclusive) neconclusiva; nedecisifiva; nedecisita; (hesitant) hèsitanta, -ema; nedecisiva, -ema
  • indeclinable adj nedeclinébila
  • indecorous adj nedecenta
  • indeed adv (as intensifier) ya; no indeed! certe no!; ya no!; yes indeed! certe!; ya sic!; (in fact) facte; (expressing interest) is it indeed? chi vere?; (expressing surprise, scorn, disbelief) “we did the best we could” — “indeed!” “nos facin tam óptime cam nos potin” — “clare!”
  • indefatigable adj nefatighébila
  • indefensible adj (unjustifiable) nejustìfichébila; (vulnerable) nedefensébila
  • indefinable adj nedefinitionébila
  • indefinite adj (undetermined) nedefinitionita; nedeterminationita; for an indefinite period dum nedefinitionita témporo | (vague) neclara; (gram.) nedefinita
  • indelible adj neefaciébila
  • indelicate adj (tactless) nedelicata; netactosa; sine tacto; (crude) grosaria; nedelicata
  • indemnify vt (compensate) indemnizer; (insure) asecurer || n indemnity (security) asecuro; (sum) indemno
  • indent vt (typ.) [word, line] indenter; (notch) insecher || n (typ.) indentajo; (notch) insecajo; indentation (typ.) [act] indento; [result] indentajo; (notch) insecajo; indenture (hist.: contract) indenturo; indentured servant indentur-servisto
  • independent adj nedependanta; autónoma || n independence nedependo
  • indescribable adj nedescriptébila
  • indestructible adj nedestructébila
  • indeterminate adj nedeterminationita
  • index n (list) índexo; (indicator; math) índiço; index card fiċo; index finger índichi-dígito
  • India n India; Indian Indiano; (Native American) aborígina Amèricano
  • indicate vt ìndicher || n indication índico; indicative (gram.) indicativo; indicator ìndicanto; (mech.) ìndicatro || adj indicative ìndicanta, -iva; (gram.) indicativa
  • indict vt acuser
  • indie adj [music, band] nedependanta; (characteristic of independent bands) nedependantesca
  • indifferent adj (uninterested) indiferenta (ad); (neither good nor bad) medii-valora || n indifference indiferentitio
  • indigene n indígeno; (aborigine) aborígino || adj indigenous indígena; (aboriginal) aborígina
  • indigent adj ìndiġanta
  • indigestible adj nedigestionébila
  • indigestion n dispepsío; misdigestiono
  • indignation n indigno || adj indignant indignanta
  • indignity n hùmilifo, -ivo; indignifo, -ivo
  • indigo n (bot.: Indigofera) ìndighífero; (dye, color) índigo
  • indirect adj nedirecta
  • indiscipline n nediciplinositio
  • indiscreet adj nediscreta
  • indiscriminate adj (random) [bombing, killing, violence] aleatoria; sine dicerno; (undiscerning) [person] nedicernanta, -ema; sine dicerno
  • indispensable adj necesaza; neprecindanda
  • indisposed adj (ill) malateta; (unwilling) pauche (aut ne-) inclinita
  • indisputable adj necontestébila; nediscusébila; [evidence] nerefutébila
  • indissoluble adj ne(dis)solvébila
  • indistinct adj confusa; nedistintita
  • indistinguishable adj nedicernébila
  • indium n (chem.: In) indio
  • individual adj (separate) individua; (for one) particulara; propria; (personal) [tastes] individuisca; particulara; personisca || n individuo; individualist individuisto
  • indivisible adj nedivisébila
  • indoctrinate vt indoctriner
  • indolent adj indolenta
  • indomitable adj nedòmitébila; nerepresébila; nevincébila
  • Indonesia n Indonesia; Indonesian Indonesiano
  • indoor adj endoma || adv indoors endome
  • indorse vt (dated) see “endorse
  • indubitable adj nedùbitébila
  • induce vt (persuade) persuaser; (entice) lurer; (incite) ìnciter; (bring about) efectifer; producter; (phys., med.) inducter; (log.) inducter || n inducement (incentive) atractatro; coragizo; íncito; stìmulivo; temptivo
  • induct vt instaler; (mil.: enlist) recruter; to induct somebody into the mysteries of… initier álicu ad la misterios di… || n inductance inductantio; induction instalo; (log., phys.) inducto; inductor (elec.) inductoro || adj inductive [reasoning] inductiva
  • indulge vi (yield to a temptation) to indulge in [activity] doner si ad; [sweets, alcohol] conceser ad si; permiser ad si || vt (allow to enjoy something) [person] complacer; (coddle) indulcer; (give in to) [desire, appetite] ceder ad; satisfacer || n indulgence (gratification) [of desire, appetite] satisfaço; (lenience) indulġo; (spoiling) indulço; (thing indulged in) [luxury] luxo; [vice] vitio; (hist., relig.) indulġo || adj indulgent (lenient) indulġanta, -ema; (permissive) complaçanta, -ema
  • indult n (relig.) indulto
  • industry n (econ.) industrio; (industriousness) diligentitio; laboremitio || adj industrial industriisca; industrious diligenta; laborema
  • -ine afx (belonging to or resembling) -esca; -isca; bovine bovisca, -esca; (chem.) -ino (not used with atomic elements); cocaine cocaíno; fluorine fluoro; (female) -iso; heroine heroiso
  • inebriate vt ebriifer || n ebrio || adj ebria
  • ineffable adj nedicébila; neexpresébila
  • ineffective adj neeficaça
  • ineffectual adj neeficaça; (useless) neútila
  • inefficient adj neeficienta
  • ineligible adj neselectébila; [for public office] neelectionébila; (unsuitable) neacceptébila; neapta; neconvenanta; (not entitled) neyurizita sopre; (undesirable) neatractiva; nedesìderanda; [bachelor] neselectanda
  • ineluctable adj neevitébila
  • inept adj (incompetent) necompetenta; nehábila; (unsuitable) neapta
  • inequality n neecualitio
  • inequitable adj neecuitatosa; neyusta
  • ineradicable adj neextirpébila; tenaça
  • inert adj inerta || n inertia (gen., phys.) inertitio
  • inescapable adj [duty] neelusébila; [fact, reality] neignorébila; [result] neevitébila
  • inestimable adj necàlculébila; neevalutébila; nemensurébila
  • inevitable adj neevitébila
  • inexact adj neexacta
  • inexhaustible adj [supply] neexhaustébila
  • inexorable adj (unstoppable) nehaltifébila; nepreventébila; (undeterrable) nedetornìébila; neexaudema
  • inexpedient adj neconvenanta; neoportuna
  • inexpensive adj necostosaza
  • inexperience n neexperientio
  • inexplicable adj neèxplicèbila
  • inextricable adj nedesintrichébila
  • infallible adj (never wrong) neeroriva; (never failing) nefaliva
  • infamous adj infama
  • infant n bebo; infanteto; infancy bebitio; infantetitio; infanticide bebicidío || adj infantile bebisca; infantisca; infantile paralysis infantisca paráliso; poliomielito | (childish) infantesca
  • infantry n infantarío; infantryman infantarìano
  • infarct n (med.) infarcto
  • infatuate vt infatuer
  • infect vt infecter || n infection infecto, -ajo || adj infectious infectanta, -iva
  • infer vt ìnferer || n inference ínfero
  • inferior adj (lower in quality) inferiora; (lower in rank) inferiora; suba; (lower in space) suba || n inferiority inferioritio; subitio; (in space) subitio; inferiority complex complexo di inferioritio
  • inferno n (fire) focazo; (hell) inferno || adj infernal infernisca
  • infest vt infester
  • infidel n necredanto; infidelity (sexual unfaithfulness) nefidelitio; (unbelief) necredo
  • infiltrate vt (enter surreptitiously and gradually) [organization] infilter si aden; the GRU had infiltrated the NRA la GRU infiltrin si aden la NRA; (permeate by filtration) infilter si aden; (introduce into something by filtration) infilter; lidocaine was infiltrated into the wound homi infiltrin lidocaíno aden la vùlnerajo
  • infinite adj infinita; infinitesimal infinitesimala || n infinito; infinity infinito
  • infinitive n (ling.) infinitivo || adj infinitiva
  • infirm adj infirma; (weak) débila; (sick) malata || n infirmary flegayo; malatayo; (hospital) hospitalo; infirmity dèbilitio
  • infix vt (implant) enplantationer; (gram.) infixizer || n (gram.) infixo
  • in flagrante delicto adv en flagranta delicto
  • inflame vt [person, feelings] inflamer; [situation, conflict] exàcerber; (med.) inflamer; (lit.: light up) accender || n inflammation (med.) inflamo, -ajo || adj inflammatory [speech, writing] incendianta, -ema, -iva; inflamanta, -ema, -iva; (med.) inflamanta, -isca, -iva
  • inflate vt infler; (econ.) inflationer || n inflation inflo; (econ.) inflationo
  • inflect vt (gram.) flexer; [internal vowel] inflexer; (modulate) [voice] modulationer; (tech: deflect) deflecter || n inflection (gram.) flexo; [of internal vowel] inflexo; (modulation) [of voice] modulationo; (tech.: deflection) deflecto || adj inflexible neflectébila; rígida
  • inflict vt [pain, suffering, damage] inflicter (álico ad álicu); (impose) [penalty, tax, punishment] imposer (álico ad álicu)
  • inflorescence n (bot.) inflorecentio
  • inflow n enfluo
  • influence n influo; (influencer) influanto, -edoro, -ivo; to be a good/bad influence on haber bona/mala influo je; influencer (marketing) influanto, -edoro, -isto, -ivo || vt influer || adj influential influanta, -iva
  • influenza n (path.) influentio
  • influx n enfluo
  • inform vt (give information) informer; (warn) adverter; (influence) influer || vi (give incriminating information) to inform on/against denuntier || n informant denuntianto, -edoro, -isto; information informo; information bureau informisca oficino; information science informático; informer denuntianto, -edoro, -isto
  • informal adj neformala; neceremoniosa
  • infra- afx infra-
  • infract vt (jur: break) [law, agreement] violationer; contraventioner; desobeder || n infraction violationo; contraventiono; desobedo
  • infrared n infrarúbea
  • infrastructure n infrastructuro
  • infringe vt [law, agreement] violationer || vi to infringe on (encroach on) [rights, privacy] usurper
  • infuriate vt furiifer
  • infuse vt (fill) plenifer; (instill) [courage, enthusiasm] infusioner; inspirer; (culin.: steep) [herb] infusioner
  • infusorium n (zool., dated) infusorio
  • ingenious adj [person] ingeniosa, -ema; [thing] ingeniosa, -ita
  • ingénue n ingenu(is)o
  • ingenuous adj ingenua
  • ingest vt ingester
  • inglorious adj (ignominious) [action, situation] deshonorizanta; verecundifanta; [person] ignominiosa; (not famous) negloriosa
  • ingot n ingoto
  • ingrain vt enfixer; enradicifer
  • ingrate n negratitùdinoso
  • ingratiate vt enfavorifer si; insinuer si en la favoro di
  • ingratitude n negratitúdino
  • ingredient n ingrediento
  • ingrown n [toenail] encarnecinta
  • inhabit vt hàbiter || n inhabitant hàbitanto
  • inhale vt enrespirer; (suck in) inhaler
  • inhere vi inherer || adj inherent inheranta; (immanent) imananta; (inborn) inata
  • inherit vt herèditer; he that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind li cua perturbant sua domo heréditunt la vento; inheritance herédito, -edo
  • inhibit vt ìnhiber || n inhibition ìnhibezo
  • in-house adj interna || adv interne
  • inhuman adj (cruel) cruela; nehumanitatosa; (not human) nehumana
  • inimical adj (act) inimichisca; (person) inimica
  • inimitable adj neìmitébila
  • iniquity n (unjust behavior) neyustitio; (immoral behavior) vitio || adj iniquitous (unjust) neyusta; (immoral) vitiosa
  • initial adj cominitiisca; initiisca || n (letter) initialo || vt to initialize [disk] initier
  • initiate vt (cause to begin) [process, action] initier; (admit into group) [novice] initier || n initiito, -ato; initiation (beginning) initio; (admission) initio; initiative initiativo; to take the initiative prender la initiativo
  • inject vt injecter || n injection injecto; injector (auto.) injectatro
  • injudicious adj male jùdicanta; nediscreta; neprudenta; nesagaça; nesapia
  • injunction n mandationo; (jur.) cesation-mandationo
  • injure vt (harm in any way) nocer; (physically) damner; [organ, tissue] lesioner; (by violence) [living body] vùlnerer; (archaic: wrong) nocer; [feelings, pride] vùlnerer; [rights, property] lesioner || n injury (any harm) noço, -ajo; (physical) damno, -ajo; [to organ, tissue] lesiono, -ajo; (wound) vúlnero, -ajo; (wrong) noco, -ajo; [to feelings, pride] vúlnero, -ajo; [to rights, property] lesiono, -ajo || adj injured (offended) ofensita, -ata; injurious damnanta, -iva; noçanta, -iva; (offensive) ofensanta, -iva
  • injustice n (lack of justice) neyustitio; (unjust act) neyustajo
  • ink n encausto; inkjet printer jet-impresatro; inkwell encaustuyo
  • inkling n (vague idea) ideeto
  • inland adj (away from the coast) interiora || adv (ad) interiore || n la interioro
  • inlay vt (ornament by embedding) incruster; (damascene) [metalwork] damacenifer; (embed flush with an object) incrustifer (álico ad áltero)
  • inlet n (geog.) gulfeto; (tech.) admisayo
  • inmate n [of asylum] manicomiano; [of jail] càrcerano; [of prison] prisionano
  • inmix vt enmìsculer; (tech., chem., pharm., culin.) enmixturer
  • inn n albergo; innkeeper alberg-ċefo
  • innate adj inata; naturisca
  • inner adj (internal) [room, wall, door, part] interna; (mental, spiritual) [strength, child] interna; (private) [thoughts, emotions] íntima; secreta; innermost [place] maxim interna; [thoughts, feelings] maxim íntima (aut secreta)
  • inning n (sport) rundo; [turn at bat] (batij-)veço
  • innocent adj (not guilty, not involved) inocenta; desculposa; to be innocent of something eser inocenta sopre álico | (free from moral wrong) despecosa; inocenta; (guileless) ingenua; (harmless) [question, remark, mistake] inocenta; nenociva; neofensiva || n Massacre of the Innocents Masacro je la inocentos
  • innocuous adj [person, remark] nenociva; neofensiva; [substance] nenociva
  • innovate vi inover || vt inover || n innovation inovo, -ajo
  • innuendo n insinuo, -edo
  • innumerable adj necontébila; sine conto; sine numbro
  • inoculate vt (immunize) imunifer; vaccinizer; (introduce) [microbe, organism, harmful idea] inòculer (álico ad áltero)
  • inoffensive adj (not objectionable) neofensiva; (not harmful) nenociva
  • inoperable adj (med.) [disease] neoperationébila; (unable to be operated) neoperatorìébila; (unworkable) neexecutébila; nefacébila; nepràctichébila; nerealifébila
  • inoperative adj nefuntionanta, -iva
  • inopportune adj des-, neoportuna
  • inordinate adj (excessive) [amount, price, sum] eces(az)anta; [size, number, quantity] sine mensuro; (unrestrained) [demands] extràvaganta; nemòderata
  • inpatient n interna paciento
  • input n enpono; (contribution) contributo; (comput.) [act] entrifo; [data] dátumos; (electron.) [device] entrifatro; [place] entrifayo || vt enponer; (comput.) entrifer
  • inquest n (mort-)incuisto
  • inquire v cuestioner; to inquire about something cuestioner sopre álico; to inquire into something invèstigher álico || n inquiry cuestiono; (investigation) invéstigo
  • inquisition n incuisto; the Inquisition (eccl.) la Incuisitiono
  • inquisitive adj (curious) curiosa; cuestionema; (prying) curiosaċa
  • inquisitor n incuistanto, -edoro, -isto; (hist.) incuisitionisto; Grand Inquisitor generala (aut granda) incuisitionisto
  • inroad n (raid) incurso; inroads (encroachment) enrumpo; invaso; pénetro; (progress) abantios
  • inrush n avalanċo; enfluazo; enrumpazo
  • insane adj fola
  • insanitary adj deshigienasca
  • insatiable adj nesatiébila
  • inscribe vt (write or carve) [words, symbols] en-, surscriber; graber; (mark) [surface] scriber (aut graber) sur; (dedicate) [book] dèdicher || n inscription (act) en-, surscribo; grabo; (result) en-, surscribajo; grabajo; (dedication) [in book] dèdicajo
  • inscrutable adj necomprensébila; neintelectébila
  • insect n insecto; insecticide insecticido
  • insecure adj (not firm) nefirma; (not protected) nesecura; (not confident) anxiosa; neautofidanta; necertana
  • inseminate vt sèminizer
  • insensate adj (lacking sensation) nesentiva; (lacking compassion) necompasioniva; (senseless, pointless) dessensosa; sine senso
  • insensible adj (unconscious) neconciosa; sine concio; (insensitive, numb) nesentiva; (imperceptible) neperceptébila; insensible of/to (unaware of or indifferent to) indiferenta ad; neconcianta je
  • insensitive adj (callous) nesentema; (not aware) neconciema; (numb) nesentiva
  • inseparable adj nesèparébila
  • insert vt inserter || n inclusedo; insertedo
  • inset n insertedo; (typ.) recuadro || vt (typ.) [diagram, map] recuadrifer; (decorate with insets) recuadrizer
  • inshore adj juxte-ripa; ripisca
  • inside n internajo || adj interna || adv interne || prep interne di
  • insidious adj insidiosa, -ema
  • insight n (intuition) intúito; (new perception) meliora comprenso; to gain an insight into something comprenser álico meliore || adj insightful pènetranta, -ema, -iva; sagaça
  • insignia n insignio
  • insignificant adj (unimportant) neimportanta; (meaningless) nesignìficanta, -iva
  • insincere adj nesincera
  • insinuate vt (imply) insinuer; sugesteter; (slowly slide) insinuer
  • insipid adj (lacking flavor) insípida; (lacking zest or interest) insípida
  • insist vi insister || adj insistent insistanta, -ema || adv insistently insiste
  • insofar adv (to such an extent) insofar as secuno cuante
  • insole n interna sóleo
  • insolent adj insolenta || n insolence insolentitio
  • insoluble adj (unsolvable) [problem] nesolvébila; (undissolvable) [substance] nedissolvébila
  • insolvent adj nesolventa
  • insomnia n insomnio; des-, nedormivitio
  • insouciant adj indiferenta; nepreòcupata
  • inspan vt junger
  • inspect vt [machine, premises] inspecter; [passport] controler || n inspection [of machine, premises] inspecto; [of passport] controlo; inspector [of machine, premises] inspectisto; [of passport] controlisto; (police rank) inspectoro; inspector general generala inspectisto
  • inspire vt inspirer || n inspiration inspiro
  • instability n nestàbilitio
  • install vt instaler || n installation instalo, -ajo; installment (part) parto; (partial payment) aconto; partisca pago
  • instance n (example or single occurrence) exemplo; ocasiono; for instance exemple | (particular case) caso; in many instances en multa casos; mult-case; in that instance ecuil-case; en ecuila caso
  • instant adj (immediate) imediata; instantánea; (occurring during a particular instant) instantisca; (dated: urgent) urġanta; (archaic: present, current) nuna; instant coffee solvébila cafeo; instant messenger instantánea misaġatro || adv instantly (immediately) imediate; (occurring during a particular instant) instantische || n (moment) instanto; this instant ecuist-instante; imediate
  • instantaneous adj (occurring instantly) instantánea
  • instead adv vice; instead of vice di
  • instep n ped-suprajo
  • instigate vt [crime, rebellion, strike] instigher ad; provocationer; [person] instigher; to instigate someone to do something instigher álicu facer álico
  • instill vt [courage, optimism] infusioner; inspirer; [knowledge, principles] inculcher
  • instinct n instinto || adj instinctive instintisca
  • institute n (organization, society) [scientific, educational, social] instituto; institution (established law, custom, organization) institutionedo; the institution of marriage la institutionedo di marito | (establishment) -erío; institutionajo; educational institution instructerío | [for the old, disabled, or insane] institutionalo || vt (establish, found) stabilicer; (begin) cominitier; initier; (relig.: appoint) invester; to institutionalize (establish as convention) [law, custom, organization] institutioner; (place in an institution) [patient] eninstitutionalifer
  • instruct vt (order) mandationer ad; (teach) instructer; (jur.: give practical information to) instructioner ad || n instruction (teaching) instructo; instructions (order) mandationos; (practical directions) instructionos; instruction manual instruction-manualo; instructor instructisto; (university, college) profesoro
  • instrument n instrumento; instrumentalist instrumentisto || adj instrumental (having a key role) instrumenta; (mus.) instrumentisca; (relating to instruments) instrumentisca; (gram.) instrumentisca
  • insubordinate adj neobedema
  • insubstantial adj (weak) débila; [argument, evidence] nemateriosa; nesubstantiosa; [help] neeficaça; (not solid) [structure] pauche sólida; (poor) paúpera; (small) [meal] excarpsa; pauche nutriva; [sum, amount, help] pauche (aut ne-) consìderanda; [work] excarpsa; (unreal) [vision, illusion] nemateriosa; nereala; nesubstantiosa
  • insufferable adj netòlerébila
  • insufficient adj nesufiçanta
  • insular adj (parochial) mente clusa (aut stricta); (isolated) clusa; ìsolita; (geog.) ìnsulisca
  • insulate vt insulationer || n insulating tape insulation-ribando; insulation insulationo; insulator (apparatus) insulationatro; (substance) insulationivo
  • insulin n (biochem.) insulino
  • insult vt insulter || n insulto || adj insulting insultanta, -iva, -ema
  • insuperable adj nevincébila
  • insure vt (fin.) [person, property] asecurer || n insurance asecur-contrato; (act) asecuro; insurance agent asecuristo || adj insured asecurita
  • insurgent n insurectanto; insurgency insurecto
  • insurmountable adj nevincébila
  • insurrection n insurecto || vi to insurrect insurecter
  • intact adj (undamaged) intacta; (whole) íntegra
  • intaglio n intalio
  • intake n (location) admisayo; enlaçayo; [for water, air, gas] enfluayo; enlaçayo; enprendayo; (act) [of food] consumpto; [of students, recruits] admiso; enlaço; [of water, air, gas] enfluo; enlaço; enprendo; (quantity) cuanto; food intake cuanto de consumpto; what is the student intake here? cuanta alumnos enmatrìculeçan hic (anuale)?
  • intangible adj nemateria; (abstract) abstracta
  • integer n íntegro; íntegra numbro
  • integral adj (basic) basamentisca; esentia, -isca; (whole) íntegra; (math) íntegra, -isca || n (math function) integralo; integrity (honesty) honestitio; (wholeness) ìntegritio
  • integrate vt (combine) [plans, students, schools] integrationer; (math) integralizer
  • integument n (bio.) tegumento
  • intellect n (faculty) intelecto, -ivitio; (intelligence) inteligentitio; (person) intelectoso; inteligento; intellection intelecto; intellectual intelectoso || adj intellectual (person) intelectosa; (thing) intelectisca
  • intelligent adj inteligenta || n intelligence (cleverness) inteligentitio; (information) inteligentiajo; (information-gathering) inteligentio; intelligence quotient (IQ) intelecti-cuotiento (IC)
  • intelligentsia n intelectosado
  • intelligible adj comprensébila; (philos.) intelectébila
  • intemperate adj (immoderate) nemòderata; [in eating, drinking] cràpulema; nesobria
  • intend vt intenter || n intention intento
  • intense adj intensa; intensive [course, agriculture] intensiva; (gram.) intensifiva || n intensity intensitio || vt to intensify (plu-)intensecer; (plu-)intensifer
  • intent n (aim) obiectivo; intention (act) intento; projecto; (aim, plan) obiectivo || adj (determined) to be intent on doing something eser decisinta (aut resolvinta) facer álico; intentional (intended) intenteda, -ata, -ita
  • inter vt enterifer
  • inter- afx (between) inter-; (reciprocal) intre-
  • interact vi intreacter
  • interbreed vt intremixturer
  • intercalary adj (inserted) [period of time] intercalationita; (extended) [year, month] intercalationosa
  • intercalate vt intercalationer
  • intercede vi interceser (por álicu)
  • intercept vt [message, person] intercepter; (cut off) [light, line, surface] intersecher
  • interchange vt (exchange) [views, ideas] excambier; (alternate) alternifer; (switch) intrecambier || vi (be switchable) intrecambiezer; (alternate) alterner || n (multilevel road junction) externivela crucezo
  • intercommunicate vi intrecomùnicher || n intercom interfono; intercommunication intrecomúnico
  • intercommunion n intercomuniono
  • interconnect vi intreligher
  • intercontinental adj intercontinenta; intercontinental ballistic missile intercontinenta balìstichisca mísilo; ICBM
  • intercourse n (communication) comúnico; corespondo; (dealings) intrerelationos; (commerce) comerciisca relationos; comercio; (short for “sexual intercourse”) coito; sexìisca relationo
  • interdenominational adj interconfesiona
  • interdependent adj intredependanta
  • interdict n interdicto || vt interdicter
  • interest n (curiosity) curiositio; interesezo; to have an interest in something intereser si (aut interesezer, eser interesata) sopre álico | (excitement of curiosity) intereso; full of interest interesanta, -osa; (hobby) my main interest is flumph mating rituals cuo principale interesan mi es la copulation-ritos di le flumfo; what are your interests? cuo interesan vi?; (fin.) interesto; (profit, advantage) abantaġo; profito; to be in somebody’s own interest convener ad álicu; it is in your own interest to quit lo convenan ad vi dismisioner; in the interest of por (la profito di) | (stake, share, involvement) interesezo; parti-prendo; conflict of interest conflicto di interesezos | (interested parties) interesatado || vt intereser || adj to be interested in something intereser si (aut interesezer, eser interesata) sopre álico; interesting interesanta
  • interfere vi (intrude) intruser si; (meddle) enmìsculer si; to interfere with (hinder) interferentier; male afecter; (phys., rad., TV) interferentier
  • interim n interimo || adj interimisca
  • interior adj interna || n internajo
  • interject vt (say as an interruption) interjecter; (interpose) interponer || n interjection (gram.) interjecto
  • interlace vt intreplecter || vi intreplectezer
  • interlard vt interlardizer
  • interleave vt interfoliizer
  • interline adj ínterlíneo
  • Interlingua n (conlang) Interlingua
  • interlock vt intreunchijer
  • interlocutor n cumdiàloganto; cumparaulanto
  • interlope vi intruser si || n interloper intrusezanto
  • interlude n intervalo; (mus.) interludio; (theat.) intermezo
  • intermarry vi intermariter si; (within family) interparente mariter si
  • intermediary n mediationanto || adj mediationanta; (existing between) íntera; media, -isca; (not direct) mediata
  • intermediate adj (existing between) íntera; media, -isca; intermediate-range missile medii-atinġa mísilo; mísilo di media atinġo | (between basic and advanced) medii-grada
  • intermezzo n intermezo
  • interminable adj nefinosa
  • intermingle vi intermìsculer si
  • intermission n (pause) pauso; (between events) intervalo; (theat.) intermezo
  • intermit vt pausifer; (periodically) intermitifer || adj intermittent intermitanta
  • intermix vt inter-, intremìsculer
  • intern n staġaro || vt (confine) recluser || vi (serve as intern) staġarìer
  • internal adj interna
  • international adj internationa
  • interne n (archaic) see “intern”
  • internecine adj (mutually destructive) intredestructanta; (internal) [conflict] interna
  • internet n Internet; interreto
  • interpellate vt interpelationer
  • interplanetary adj interplaneta
  • interpolate vt (insert) [spurious or foreign text] intèrpoler; (math) intèrpoler
  • interpose vt (insert) interponer || vi (intervene) intervener
  • interpret vt intèrpreter || n interpreter intèrpretisto; [comput.] intèrpretatro
  • interracial adj interraça
  • interregnum n interregno
  • interrelate vi intrerelationer || adj interrelated intrerelationanta
  • interrogate vt (aggressively, formally) [person] intèrogher; (critically examine) [subject, concept] exàminer || n interrogative (gram.) interogativo || adj interrogative [look, tone] cuestionanta, -isca, -osa; (gram.) [pronoun] interogativa
  • interrupt vt interrumper || n interruption interrumpo
  • intersect vt (divide) intersecher || vi (cross) [roads] crucifer si; intresecher si || n intersection vial-cruço; (set theory) intresectajo
  • interspace n íntera spatio; intervalo; lacuno
  • intersperse vt (scatter among other things) dissèminejer; intermìsculer; (diversify with something else) intermìsculer; sèminizer
  • interstellar adj interstela
  • interstice n interstitio || adj interstitial interstitia, -isca
  • intertwine vt intreplecter
  • interval n (intervening time) intervalo; at intervals intervale | (intervening space) intervalo; (pause) pauso; (mus., math) intervalo
  • intervene vi (become involved, step in) intervener; (occur as an obstacle) intereventer; (verbally interrupt) interjecter || n intervention interveno
  • interview n intervisto || vt intervister || vi intervistezer
  • intervocalic adj (phon.) intervocala
  • interweave vt intreplecter
  • intestate adj netestamentinta
  • intestine n intestino || adj small/large intestine tenua/grosa intestino
  • intifada n intifada
  • intimate adj íntima || n íntimo
  • intimate vt insinuer; sugesteter
  • intimidate vt tìmidifer
  • into prep aden; Into the Spider-Verse Aden la aràneisca multiverso; (informal: interested in) interesata da; interesezer sopre; he’s just not that into you vi simple no interesan il tante; (informal: involved in) he’s into drugs now iluya pasiono nun es le drogo; she’s into publishing el ócupan si sopre le édito
  • intolerable adj netòlerébila
  • intolerant adj netòleranta, -ema
  • intone vt intoner || n intonation (ling.) voç-tono
  • intoxicate vt (inebriate) ebriifer; (archaic: poison) intòxicher
  • intra- afx en- || adj intravenous envénula
  • intractable adj [disease] difícile remediébila; [problem] nesolvébila; [person, mood] netractébila
  • intrados n (archit.) intradorso
  • intransigent adj netrànsiġanta
  • intransitive adj (ling.) netrànsitiva
  • intrepid adj nepavorosa; netimosa
  • intricate adj complexa
  • intrigue vt (fascinate) fàciner || vi (plot) intrigher || n (plotting) intrigo; (fascination) fácino
  • intrinsic adj intrínseca
  • introduce vt (adopt, bring in for first time) [new product, measure, concept] introducter; the iPhone was introduced in 2007 homi introductin la iPhone en 2007 | (establish) [new plant, animal, disease] introducter; the First Fleet introduced rabbits to Australia in 1788 la Unésima Floto introductin le cunículo ad Australia en 1788 | (present for debate) [new legislation] presentationer; [subject, question] aborder; they soon introduced the subject of race los prompte abordin la thémato di raço | (present, make acquainted) [someone to someone else] presentationer; I want to introduce you to… mi volitionan presentationer ad vi… | [someone to something] initier; introducter; her boyfriend introduced me to fentanyl eluya noviaso introductin mi ad fentanilo; (insert, bring into something) enconducter; [something new] introducter; to introduce chlorine into a molecule introducter cloro aden on moléculo || n introduction introducto; anxiety from the introduction of new technology anxio pro la introducto je nova tecnòloghío; the introduction of killer bees into California in 1985 la introducto je asasin-apos ad California en 1985 | (formal presentation) presentationo; letter of introduction recomendi-létero; to make the introductions facer la presentationos | (preliminary thing) [book, course] introducto; an introduction to thaumaturgy on introducto ad thaumaturghío | [in book, film, play] introducto; prólogo; [mus.] introducto || adj introductory introductanta; (preliminary) preliminara
  • introit n introito
  • introject vt (psych.) introjecter
  • introspect vi introspecter
  • introvert n introverso || vt introversifer || adj introverted introversa
  • intrude vi intruser si; to intrude on [someone] intruser si ad; [something] intruser si en
  • intuit vt intùiter || n intuition intúito
  • intumesce vi (rare) tumecer || adj intumescent tumeçanta; [coating, sealant] intumecenta
  • Inuit n [person] Inuco
  • inula n (bot.: Inula) ínulo
  • inundate vt inunder
  • inure vt (accustom) custumifer; (harden) durifer || vi (law: take effect) vigecer
  • invade vt invaser || n invasion invaso || adj invasive invasema
  • invalid n (disabled person) inválido || vt (remove from active service) [wounded soldier] congeder pro invàliditio; (disable) invàlidifer
  • invalid adj (void) [document, procedure, argument, theory, data] neválida || vt to invalidate nevàlidifer
  • invaluable adj neevalutébila
  • invariable adj nevarianta, -ema, -iva, -ifébila || adv invariably sempre
  • invective n invectivo
  • inveigh vi (speak ill) to inveigh against invectiver
  • inveigle vt (persuade) persuasuċer; to inveigle one’s way into persuasuċe entrer
  • invent vt inventer || n invention (act) invento; (result) inventajo || adj inventive inventema
  • inventory n (list) inventario; (stock) stoco || vt inventariijer
  • inverse adj inversa || n inverso
  • invert vt inversifer; to invert the normal word order in a sentence inversifer la normasca órdino di vocábulos en on fraso | (put upside down) renverser; (chem., mus.) inverter || n (dated, psych.: homosexual) inversifito; inversion inversifo || adj inverted inversa; inverted commas (chiefly Brit.: quotation marks) citatros; inverted sugar invertita súcaro
  • invertebrate n (zool.) nevèrtebroso || adj nevèrtebrosa
  • invest vt (fin.) [money, capital, funds] invester; they invested Ɖ80 million in another startup los investin 90 miliona Ɖ en on plusa incipienta companío; (endow) investiturer; casting Alec Guinness invested the character with the required gravitas la castingo je Alex Guinness investiturin la personaġo per la recuistata gravitio; (endow rank to) he was invested as Archdruid after the old one died homi investiturin il como je Archidrúido post che la ánteo mortin; (archaic: clothe) vestizer; (archaic, mil.: surround) incìrculer || vi to invest in [company, project] invester en || n investment (act) investo; (money spent) investedo; (thing invested in) investatario; investor investedoro
  • investigate vt [crime, motive] invèstigher; [possibility, claim] exàminer; explorer; studer
  • inveterate adj [person, habit] inveterata
  • invidious adj (causing resentment) desagratábila; odianda; ofensema, -iva; rancorifema, -iva; (unjust) ne-, desyusta
  • invigilate vi (Brit.) vìgiler || vt (Brit.) vìgiler
  • invigorate vt fortifer; stìmuler; vigorizer
  • invincible adj nevincébila
  • inviolable adj neviolationébila
  • inviolate adj neviolationita
  • invisible adj nevidébila
  • invite vt inviter
  • invoice n facturo || vt [goods] enfacturifer; facturijer; [person] enfacturifer ad; facturijer ad; facturizer
  • invoke vt advocher; (conjure) [spirit] conjurer || n invocation advoco; (conjuration) conjuro
  • involucre n (bot.) involucro
  • involuntary adj (done without conscious control) nevolitioneda, -ata, -ita; (compulsory) nevolitionasca; nevoluntariisca
  • involve vt (entail, imply) èxiger; ìmplicher; necesifer; there’s a good deal of work involved lo ímplican multa laboro; (consist of) what does your job involve? en cuo vua laboro consistan?; (implicate, associate) ìmplicher; parti-prendifer; a dispute involving my neighbor on dísputo cua ímplican mea vicino | (in a crime) implicationer || adj involved (complicated) complexa; còmplichita
  • invulnerable adj nevùlnerébila
  • inward adj (ingoing) adinterna; (internal) interna || adv adinterne
  • iodide n (chem.) ioduro
  • iodine n (chem.: I) iodo
  • iodoform n (chem.: CHI₃) iodiformo
  • ion n ionto || vt to ionize iontifer
  • Ionia n Jonia; Joniano || adj Ionian Joniisca; Ionian Sea Joniisca Maro; Ionic Joniisca; (archit.) jónica
  • ionosphere n iontisfero
  • iota n (Greek letter Ι) iota; (very small amount) not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law nec una iota nec una stricheto pasun de la leġo
  • IOU n debition-atesto
  • ipecacuanha n (bot.: Carapichea ipecacuanha) ipecacuanio
  • IQ n IC (intelecti-cuotiento)
  • Iran n Irania; Iranian Iraniano
  • Iraq n Irachia; Iraqi Irachiano
  • irascible adj iracema
  • irate adj furiosa; iraçazosa
  • ire n iraço
  • Ireland n Irlandia
  • iridesce vi iridicer || adj iridescent iridiçanta
  • iridium n (chem.: Ir) iridio
  • iris n (anat.) írido; (bot.: Iris) írino
  • Irish adj Irlandiana || n Irishman, -woman Irlandiano
  • irk vt vexer; iracetifer; iriter || adj irksome vexanta; iracetifanta; iritanta
  • iron n (chem.: Fe) fero; (implement) utensilo; [for laundry] lèvigatro; [golf club] fer-matio; irons (fetters) catenos; (handcuffs) manículos; the Iron Age la Fer-evo; the Iron Curtain la Fera Cortino; ironclad (hist.) [warship] blindizita navo; iron foundry fer-fusionerío; iron lung (med.) aciaria pulmono; ironmonger (Brit.) feraj-vendisto; ironwork ferajado; ironworks (fer-)forgerío || vt [clothes] lèvigher || adj fera; ironclad armorizita; [with armor plating] blindizita; (fig.) [alibi] necontroversébila; nedùbitébila; [proof] necontroversébila; nerefutébila
  • irony n ironío || adj ironic [person, humor, remark] ironìema, -isca, -osa; [situation] ironía
  • irradiate vt (expose to radiation) iradier; (illuminate) lùminizer
  • irrational adj (not reasonable) [behavior, belief] nerationasca, -osa; [person] nerationosa, -iva; (math) nerationala
  • irreconcilable adj [enemies] neconciliationébila; [ideas] necompatíbila
  • irredentist n iredemptisto || adj iredemptismisca
  • irreducible adj nereductébila
  • irrefutable adj nerefutébila
  • irregular adj (uneven) neplana; [heartbeat] nerègulosa; (unorthodox) neorthodoxa; nerègulasca; (gram.) nerègulasca
  • irrelevant adj nerelationanta; that is irrelevant ecuilo ne relationan ad la cuestiono
  • irremediable adj neremediébila; nerèparébila
  • irreparable adj nerèparébila
  • irrepressible adj nerepresébila
  • irreproachable adj nereproċébila
  • irresistible adj neresistébila
  • irresolute adj hèsitanta, -ema; nedecisiva, -ema
  • irrespective adj (regardless) irrespective of nerespectione je; precinde de
  • irresponsible adj neresponsiva
  • irretrievable adj [loss, damage, error] neremediébila; nerèparébila; [object] recùperébila
  • irreverent adj nevenerationema
  • irreversible adj [decision] nerèvochébila; [process] neinversifébila
  • irrevocable adj [decision] nerèvochébila
  • irrigate vt (agr., med.) [land, crops, organ, wound] ìrigher
  • irritate vt (annoy, anger) iracifer; vexer; (fig.) agacer; iriter; (med.: inflame) iriter || n irritant iritanto; (substance) iritivo || adj irritable (irascible) iracema; iritezema; (med.) iritezema; irritant iritanta, -iva
  • ischemia n (med.) ischemío
  • isinglass n icthiocolo
  • Islam n Islamo; Islamist (polìtichisca) Islamisto || adj Islamic Islamisca, -asca
  • island n ínsulo; islander ìnsulano
  • isle n (lit.) ínsulo
  • -ism afx -ismo
  • isobar n (met.) isobaro
  • isochron n (geol.) isòcronisco || adj isochronous isócrona
  • isolate vt ìsoler || n ìsolito; isolation ísol(ez)o; isolation tank ísoli-tanco; isolationism ìsolismo
  • isomer n (chem., phys.) isómero
  • isomorph n (bio., chem.) isomorfo || adj isomorphic isomorfa
  • isosceles adj isócela
  • isotherm n isothermisco || adj isothermal isotherma, -isca
  • isotope n (chem.) isótopo
  • Israel n Israelia; Israeli Israeliano
  • issue n (matter, question) cuestiono; at issue decisenda; discusata | (supplying, distribution) [of banknotes, shares, stamps] emiso; [of book, paper] édito; [of goods, rations, equipment] disdono; distributo; [of passport, document] consigno; [of tickets for performance] vendondifo; (number) [of a periodical] número; (formal: outcome) resulto; (flowing or coming out) ecfluo; ecvado; (jur.: offspring) decendanto; filio; gènitajo; without issue sine decendanto || vt (supply, distribute) [banknotes, shares, stamps] emiser; [book, paper] èditer; [goods, rations, equipment] disdoner; distributer; to issue somebody with something proviser álicu per álico | [passport, document] consigner; [tickets for performance] vendondifer; (formally send out or make known) [decree] promulghxer; [order] doner; [statement, proclamation] facer || vi (come or flow out) ecfluer; ecvader; (result) resulter
  • -ist afx -isto
  • isthmus n isthmo
  • it prn (single entity) li; [object, animal, plant] ol; it rubs the lotion on its skin ol frican la lotiono adsur sua pelo | [person] ul; (circumstances, matter, thing said) lo; he’ll never agree to it il jamás acceptun lo; the worst of it is that… lo pésima di la caso es che…; [not translated] my parents are away, so I’ve been totally Howard Hughes-ing it mea genitoros foresan, dunche mi fue tote façan cuom Howard Hughes; itself (emphatic) ipsa; (reflexive) si || pos its luya; oluya; uluya; (reflexive) sua
  • IT n (information technology) informisca tecnòloghío
  • Italy n Ìtalia; Italian [language] Ìtalienso; [person] Ìtaliano || vt to italicize itàlichifer || adj Italian Ìtaliana; italic (ling.) Ìtalensa; (typ.) itálica
  • itch n prurito || vi pruriter
  • item n (individual article or unit) [in list, bill, catalog] artículo; [in newspaper] artículo; [in program] número; [on agenda] afaro; cuestiono; (entry in account) coso; detalo; (piece of news) notitio || vt to itemize detalizer
  • itinerant adj vaganta
  • itinerary n itinerario
  • -ity afx -itio
  • -ive afx -iva
  • ivory n ebóreo; Ivory Coast Ebórea Ripo
  • ivy n (bot.: Hedera) hédero
  • -ize afx -izer


  • J ltr jota
  • jab vt (poke) [instrument] pulser; he jabbed a gun in my guts il pulsin on pistolo en mea ventro | [target] pic(az)er; she jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow el cúbite colpin il en la cóstulos; (hit) colper; (boxing) jaber || n (poke) pic(az)o; [with elbow] cúbite colpo; (blow) colpo; (boxing) jabo
  • jabber vi gàrulaċer
  • jabot n jaboto
  • jacamar n (zool.: Galbulidae) jacamaro
  • jacaranda n (bot.: Jacaranda) jacarando
  • jacinth n (min.) jacintho
  • jack n (device) [auto., tech.] crico; [bootjack] bot-tiratro; [elec.] contactatriso; [for turning spit] spit-turnatro; (bowls) obiectiv-bulo; (cards) vaselito; (flag) bandario; (zool.: Carangidae) carángido; (zool.: Esox) luciolo; (informal: short for jack shit, jack squat) you’re not going to amount to jack squat! vi no valorun etiam una merdo!; jack of all trades factoto; omni-façanto; jackass (stupid person) àsinaċo; (zool.: male donkey) àsinaso; jackboot cabálichi-boto; jackdaw (zool.: Corvus monedula) gráculo; jackfruit (bot.: Artocarpus heterophyllus) [fruit] ċaco; [tree] ċachífero; jackhammer neumática martelo; jack-in-the-box salt-pupo; jackknife (dive) carpi-plúmbico; plic-plúmbico; (knife) poc-cultelo; jack-o’-lantern pepon-lanterno; jackpot gras-premio; to hit the jackpot guadanier la gras-premio; jackstraws baston-joco || vt (informal: rob) [person] despolier; (informal: steal) furter; to jack off (vulg.: masturbate) fricuċer; to jack up (informal: raise) [price, production] altifer; augmenter || vi to jackknife (bend into a V-shape) [articulated vehicle] V-efer; (dive) carpi-plùmbicher; plic-plùmbicher
  • jackal n (zool.: Canis aureus, Canis adustus, Canis mesomelas, et al.) shacalo
  • jackanapes n (dated: impertinent person) impertinento; (dated: upstart) parvenúo; (archaic: monkey) simio (di manibel-organilo)
  • jacket n (clothing) jaco; [blazer] blazero; [blouson, bomber, anorak, etc.] blusono; [coat] mantelo; [Eton jacket] jacheto; [gilet] gileto; [life jacket] salv-gileto; [reefer] gabano; [sport jacket] sporti-jaco; (covering) còpertatro; teġatro; [of book] copertino; [of potato] pelo
  • Jacobin n Jacobino; (relig.) Domìnicano; (zool.: Florisuga fusca) fusca colibrío; (zool.: Florisuga mellivora) blanchi-nuca colibrío; Jacobin Club clubo di la Jacobinos || adj Jacobina
  • Jacob’s ladder n (bot.: Polemonium) polemonio
  • jaconet n jaconeto
  • jade n (min.) jado; [color] jadeo; [ornament] jadajo; (archaic: horse) cabalaċo; (archaic: woman) mulieraċo || vt (weary) blaser; fatigher || adj jaded blasita; fatighita
  • jag n dento; (informal: bout, binge) [of crying, laughing] ataco; [of drinking] crápulo || adj jagged dentosa; làcerita; zigzagosa
  • jaguar n (zool.: Panthera onca) jaguaro
  • jail n cárcero; jailer cárcer-guardisto; jailbait majorenesco; jailbird recidivista càrcerano; jailbreak cárcer-excapo || vt encàrcerifer
  • jalap n (pharm.) jalapo
  • jalousie n (archit.) latel-fenestro
  • jam vt (force into a space) enpresion(az)er; he jammed all his belongings into a suitcase and left il enpresionin omna sua posesedos aden on valisio et partiin; to jam on the brakes brusche frenijer | (make fixed, stuck) fixer; her foot got jammed in the hole eluya pedo fixezin en la forámino; (block) obstructer; [broadcast] interferentier; [hole, pipe] obturer; [passage] congestioner; incombrer; obturer; [phone line] incombrer || vi (become blocked) obstructezer; (become clogged) obturezer; (become stuck) fixezer; [door, gun, mechanism] gripezer; to jam in (stricte) tùrbulecer en | (mus.) improviser || n (mech.) gripajo; (traffic jam) (tráfic-)obturo; (informal: predicament) difìcilajo; imbarasajo; (mus.: jam session) improvis-sesiono; (mus.: song, track) canciono; pisto; jam session improvis-sesiono || adj jam-packed (informal) parplena
  • jam n (preserve) confectajo; marmelato
  • Jamaica n Jamaica; Jamaican Jamaicano
  • jamb n portali-látero (aut fenestri-, foculari-)
  • jangle vi (make a rattling, discordant metallic sound) tìntiner neacordante; (quarrel) dìsputer || vt tìntinifer neacordante; (set on edge) [nerves] agacer
  • janissary n (hist.) jenícero
  • janitor n (custodian) edificii-atentisto; (archaic: doorkeeper) portisto
  • Jansenism n Jansenismo; Jansenist Jansenisto
  • January n Januario
  • Japan n Japonia; (varnish) Japoniana lacro; nigri-lacro; Japanese Japoniano
  • japonica n (bot.: Chaenomeles) flor-cotòneífero
  • jar n (container) [ceramic, with handles] jaro; [glass] baucalo
  • jar vt (shock) shocher; [nerves, teeth] agacer; (shake) sucuser; vibrifer || vi (clash) [colors, sounds] desacorder; [opinions] desconcorder; discorder || n (shock) shoco; [on nerves, teeth] agaço
  • jardinière n (flower box) ġardinario
  • jargon n jargono; to speak jargon jargoner
  • jasmine n (bot.: Jasminum) jasmino; jasmine perfume frangipanajo
  • jasper n (min.) jáspido
  • jaundice n (med.) íctero || adj jaundiced (med.) ìctéraca; (fig.: bitter) amara; rancoranta, -osa; (fig.: envious) invidiosa
  • jaunt n excursioneto; jaunting car Irlandiana birotio || adj jaunty alecra
  • javelin n javeloto
  • jaw n (anat.: mandible) mandíbulo; (anat.: mandible and maxilla together) màsticatro; jaws (maw) fauço; the jaws of death la fauço (aut ùngulazos) di morto; jawbone (lower) mandíbulo; (upper) maxilo || vi (informal: chatter) gàruler
  • jay n (zool.: Corvidae) ġayo
  • jazz n jazz; and all that jazz et cèteraċo; jazz hands jazz-manuos
  • jealous adj (envious) invidiosa; (fiercely possessive) jelosa || n jealousy (envy) invidio; (fierce possessiveness) jelositio
  • jeans n genso
  • Jedi n Jedi; Jedi Knight Jedi-Cabaliaro; Jedi Master Jedi-Magistro; Jedi mind trick Fortii-persuaso
  • jeep n jeep
  • jeer vi deriser || n deriso
  • Jehovah’s Witness n Atestanto je Jehova
  • jejune adj (naive) ingenua; (simplistic) simplaċa; (superficial) superficiisca; (uninteresting) insípida; neinteresanta
  • jelly n (spread) geleo; (any gelatinous substance) gelatinajo; jellyfish (zool.: several species within Medusozoa) meduso
  • jeopardy n perículo; risco || vt to jeopardize enperìculifer; poner en perículo; rischer; (compromise) compromiser
  • jeremiad n lament(aċ)ado
  • jerk n (movement) salteto; [pull] brusca tiro; [shake] sucuso; [spasm] spasmo; (informal: contemptible person) strunço; by jerks saltetene; sucusene || vt sucuser; tirer brusche; he jerked his head up il brusche levin sua cápito || vi the car jerked along la vecturo movezin saltetene; to jerk off (vulg. slang) fricuċer si
  • jerkin n gileco
  • jerky n (culin.) jerchio
  • jerry-built adj constructaċita
  • jersey n (garment) [sweater] pulóvero; (sport) excuadri-camisio; (material) jérseo
  • Jerusalem n Jerúsalem; Jerusalem artichoke (bot.: Helianthus tuberosus) tupinamburo
  • jessamine n (archaic: jasmine) jasmino
  • jest n burlo; (kidding) blago; in jest burle; (kidding) blaghe; jester bufono || vi burler; (kid) blagher
  • Jesuit n Jesuito
  • Jesus freak n Jesus freak mìlitanta Cristiano
  • jet n (rapid stream of liquid or gas) jeto; (nozzle) naselo; (plane) jet-aviono; react-aviono; (mineral) gagato; jet engine reactatro; jet fighter jet-caciedoro; jet-combatedoro; jet lag jetlago; jet propulsion jet-propulsiono; reacti-propulsiono; jet set jetseto; jet-setter jetsetano || vi (travel by jet) vehezer jet-avione; (spurt out in jets) jetezer || adj jet lagged habanta jetlago; jet-lagged jetlágaca
  • jetsam n forjactedos (ad la maro)
  • jettison vt forjacter (ad la maro, et ál.)
  • jetty n (mole) molono; (wharf) warfo
  • Jew n Judeo; (adherent of Judaism) Judaisto; (descendent of the Jewish people) Judáido; Jewry Judeado; le Judeos; (hist.: Jewish quarter) Judeayo; Jew’s harp buc-harpo || adj Jewish Judea, -isca; (ethnic) Judaida, -isca; (relig.) [person] Judaista; [thing] Judaismisca; Judaistisca
  • jewel n joyelo; jewel box joyeluyo; jewel case (for CDs) CDuyo; jewelry joyelado; joyelos; jeweler joyelisto, -vendisto || adj jeweled joyelizita
  • jibe vi (agree) concorder
  • jig n (dance, tune) gigo; the jig’s up (informal) la joco es finita | (fishing) gighedoro; (mech.) patronelo; (min.) cribro; jigsaw (puzzle) puzlo; (tool) saltadi-serationatro || vi (dance) gigher; (move up and down) saltader
  • jigger n (mech.) vibratro; (min.) cribro; (jig dancer) gighedoro; (thingamajig) cos(um)o; (whiskey measure) bicarieto; (zool.: Tunga penetrans) ċico || vt (tamper with) desaranger; manìpuler
  • jiggle vt sucuseter || vi sucusetezer
  • jihad n jihado
  • jilt vt [lover] abandoner; forjacter; lacer cader
  • jimson weed n (bot.: Datura stramonium) stramonio
  • jingle n (sound) tíntino; (slogan, song) jinglo || vt tìntinifer || vi tìntiner
  • jingo n (dated) jingo; jingoism jingoismo
  • jinn n (myth.) jino
  • jitney n (informal: taxi) colectiva taxì; [illegal] taxìuċo; (archaic: nickel) cinc-penico || adj (archaic: cheap) necostosaza
  • job n (employment) empleezo; laboro; to be out of a job eser neempleata (aut sine laboro); to look for a job cercher laboro (aut empleezo); to put someone out of a job privationer álicu de empleezo (aut laboro); (position, post) oficio; she got a job as a clerk el acuistin on oficio di comiso; what would the job involve? en cuo consisteban la oficio?; (task) tasco; on the job (while having sex) façante lo; (while working) laborante; that’s not my job ecuilo no es on tasco mea; (duty) he’s only doing his job il es mere façanta sua debo | (informal: robbery) colpo; it just doesn’t give me a lot of time to pull a bank job lo mere no donan ad mi multa témporo por colper on banco; jobber (stock jobber) agiotisto; (subcontractor) subinterprensisto; (worker by job) taschi-laboristo; jobbery (cheating) fraudo || vt (buy and sell) [stocks] agioter sopre; (informal: cheat) frauder || vi (do casual or occasional work) taschi-laborer
  • jock n (informal: enthusiastic athlete or sports fan) sportisto; (informal: jockstrap) suspensorio
  • jockey n jócheo || vt (manipulate) to jockey someone into doing something manòperer álicu por che li faces álico || vi (maneuver) to jockey for position manòperer si por on positiono
  • jockstrap n suspensorio
  • jocular adj [person] burlema; [remark] burla
  • jocund adj alecra
  • jog vi (run slowly) troter; [as exercise] jogher; (trot slowly) troter lente; (walk unsteadily) tìtuber; to jog along caminer (lente) || vt (push) pulseter; (shake) sucuseter; to jog someone’s memory mèmorifer álicu; rifreschifer la mémoro di álicu || n (run) jogo; jog trot lenta troto; jogger joghedoro | (push) pulseto; (shake) sucuseto
  • joie de vivre n viv-joyo
  • join vt (put together, link) [ends, pieces, parts, tables] junter; to join hands junter manuos | (unite) unioner; to join forces unioner sua fortitios; to join forces to do something unioner si por facer álico; (come into the company of) will you join me in a drink? desíderan vi prender on bicario cum mi?; will you join us? (come with us) desíderan vi vener cum nos?; (in a restaurant) desíderan vi seder cum nos? | (catch up to) rajunter; riincontrer; I’ll join you in 10 minutes mi rajuntun vi post 10 minutos; (enter, become part of) unionezer ad; will you join us? (become one of our number) desíderan vi unionezer ad nos? | [battle] bataliecer; [club, political party] membrecer ad; join the club! bon-venes ad la clubo! | [line, queue] poner si en; [university, military] entrer; (merge with) [river] cumfluer aden; juntezer ad; [road] juntezer ad; [sea] ecfluer aden; juntezer ad || vi to join in [game, discussion, protest] parti-prender (de); to join up (mil.) recruter si; to join with somebody in doing something unioner si por facer álico || n joiner (chiefly Brit.) lignajsto
  • joint n (junction) juntajo, -ayo; [articulated] articulaturo; [hinge] cárdino; to put out of joint delochifer; luxationer | (Brit.: large piece of meat) carni-petio; (informal: creative work) a Spike Lee joint on opro da Spike Lee; (informal: marijuana cigarette) jointo; (informal: place) -ayo; -erío; loco; burger joint burghererío | [shady place] locuċo; the joint prisiono; jointure (jur.) dotario || vt articulaturizer || adj (co-) co-; joint author coauthoro; joint tenant colocataro; coocupanto; (collective) colectiva; (shared) comuna; partejata; joint stock comuna actionos; joint-stock company action-corporationo; jointed articulaturosa || adv jointly cume; insímule; solidarie; unionite
  • joist n trab(et)o
  • joke n (witticism, story) burlo; his jokes about the president got him arrested homi arestin li pro luya burlos sopre la presidento; (lie told in jest) blago; (trick played on someone for fun) burl-ingano; the joke is on you la inganedo es vi; (informal: person or thing ridiculously inadequate) ridando; to be no joke (be a serious or difficult matter) no eser on burlo (aut ridando); (be true) no eser on blago; to make a joke of [something not funny in itself] prender como je ridando; to (not) take a joke prender le burlo bone/male; joker (cards) jocaro; (wit) burlemo || vi (make jokes) burler; (lie in jest) I was only joking mi mere blaghin
  • jolly adj (happy and cheerful) alecra, -ema; joyosa, -ema; (entertaining) amusanta; jolly boat jolo; Jolly Roger Jolly Roger; pirat-bandario || n jollification festo; jollity alecritio; joyo
  • jolt vt (shake) sucus(az)er; (shock) shocher || n (shake) sucus(az)o; (shock) shoco
  • jonquil n (bot.: Narcissus jonquilla) junchilo
  • Jordan n Jordania; Jordanian Jordaniano
  • josh vt burl-inganer || vi burler
  • jostle vt (push roughly) shoc-pulser; [one another] intrepulser; [with elbow] cúbite pulser; to jostle through a crowd cúbite àperer pasayo tra on túrbulo; trapulser si tra on túrbulo | (shake, jerk) sucuser
  • jot vt (write quickly) to jot down noter || n (very small amount) iota; petieto; I don’t care a jot lo tote no importan ad mi; there’s not a jot of truth in it ci no es etiam petieto (aut iota) de veritio en lo
  • jötunn n (fantasy: Norse giant) yótuno
  • journal n (periodical) periodalo; [magazine] magazino; revisto; [newspaper] jurnalo; journalese jurnalenso; journalism jurnalismo; journalist jurnalisto | (diary, log) diario; (com.: daybook) conti-diario; diala conti-libro; (naut.: logbook) diario di návigo; (mech.) fulcro; journal box rotationuyo || adj journalistic jurnalistisca
  • journey n viaġo; to begin a journey viagecer; life’s journey viv-viaġo; journeyman diopisto; (hist.) minsteriisto || vi viager
  • joust vi joster || n josto
  • jovial adj alecra, -ema; bon-humorala; joyema, -osa || n joviality alecritio; bon-humoralo; joyemo
  • jowl n genal(az)o
  • joy n (feeling of happiness) joyo; to fill with joy joyifer; to jump for joy salter pro joyo | (source of happiness) placero; the joys of gaming la placeros di jocher; joyride (crime) promeno per on furtita vecturo; joystick (aero., comput.) comandi-stango || adj joyful, joyous joyosa
  • jubbah n jubo
  • jube n (archit.) jubeo
  • jubilate vi (archaic) joyazer; jùbiler || adj jubilant joyazanta; jùbilanta; (triumphant) triumfanta
  • jubilee n jubileo
  • Judaism n Judaismo || adj Judaic Judeisca; (relating to Judaism) Judaismisca
  • Judea n Judaia; Judean Judaiano
  • judge n (jur.) júdiço; judge, jury and executioner júdiço, jurio et executionisto | (sport: arbitrator) árbitro; (gen.) jùdichedoro; I’ll be the judge of that ecuilo mi ipsa júdicun; judge advocate (jur.) militarisca avocato; judgment (conclusion, opinion) júdico; rash judgment temeraria júdico | (faculty) jùdichivitio; good judgment bona rationo; (relig.) Judgment Day dio di la Finisca Júdicío; judgment of God Deisca Jùdicío; last judgment Última (aut Finisca) Jùdicío | (jur.) jùdicío; to bring judgment against lìtigher | [verdict] verdicto || vt (consider) consìderer; jùdicher; to judge it necessary to do something consìderer (aut jùdicher) como necesa facer álico; you can’t judge a book by its cover homi no fides ad le pareço; le pareço inganan; (estimate, assess) [weight, size, distance] càlculer; evaluter; (jur.) jùdicìer; (arbitrate) àrbitrìer || vi (use judgment) jùdicher; (jur.) jùdicìer
  • judicature n jùdicío; (judiciary) jùdiçado
  • judicial adj jùdicisca
  • judiciary n jùdiçado
  • judicious adj bone jùdicanta; dicernema; discreta; prudenta; sagaça; sapia
  • judo n judó; judoist judòisto
  • jug n úrceo; jugs (vulg. slang) titos
  • juggle vt [balls, plates] jòculer per; (cope with by adroitly balancing) to juggle a career and a family jòculer por conciliationer sua carario et sua familiisca vivo; to juggle one’s time jòculer por partejer sua témporo; (manipulate) [facts, figures] jòculer per; manìpuler || n juggler jòculisto
  • jugular adj (anat.) jugulara || n (jugular vein) jugulara vénulo; jugularo
  • juice n suco; (informal: electricity, gasoline) suco || adj juicy sucosa; [story, details] saporosa; spiciosa
  • jujube n (bot.: Ziziphus jujuba) [fruit] jújubo; [shrub] jùjubífero
  • jujutsu n jujutsu
  • jukebox n disc-máchino
  • julep n julapio
  • July n Julio
  • jumble n confusajo; desòrdinajo || vt confusifer
  • jump vi (leap) salter; [prices, shares, profits, costs] augmentezer súbite; salter; (leave, escape) to jump ship desertioner la navo; (fig.: join the competition) partier (ad la concurentianto) | (move suddenly and quickly) [from nervousness] trànsiler; to jump at [chance, suggestion, offer] salter adsur; to jump down someone’s throat rèplicher (aut repulser) acre álicu; to jump from one subject to another salter de una thémato ad áltera; to jump to conclusions prender precìpitita (aut hastosa) conclusos; jump to it! (informal) rápide!; vades! || vt (leap across) [ditch, fence] transsalter; to jump rope cordi-salter; to jump the shark (informal) transsalter la scualo; to jump the track (become derailed) dereilecer | (make jump) [horse] saltifer; (informal: attack) asalter; to jump someone’s bones (vulg. slang: have sex with) adsalter álicu; to jump the gun (informal) acter nim preite; to jump-start (auto.) [by pushing] pulsi-starter; to jump-start the economy pulsi-starter la ecònomío | [using jumper cables] cabli-starter || n (leap) salto; (start) tránsilo; to give an involuntary jump trànsiler; (informal: advantage) to have/get the jump on haber/prender la abantaġo super; jumper saltanto, -edoro, -isto; [suicide] saltunto, -edoro; (clothing) [dress] jumpero; [pinafore] abantalo; [Brit.: sweater] jérseo; pulóvero; jumper cable (auto.) starti-cablo; jumpsuit combinationo || adj jumpy (anxious) anxiosa; (easily startled) trànsilema
  • junction n (point where things are joined) juntajo, -ayo; [of railway lines] bifurchi-stationo; fervialisca bifurcayo; junction box conecti-capso; junti-capso | (act of joining) junto, -ezo
  • juncture n (point) punto; (conjuncture) conjunturo
  • June n Junio
  • jungle n junglo; the law of the jungle la leġo di la junglo
  • junior adj (in age) plu júvena; [after name] filio; George Bush, Jr. Georgio Bush, filio; (in rank) suba; subalterna; (schol.) junior college du-anua universitato; junior high school submedia scolo; junior year anteúltima (aut triésima) anuo || n (younger person) she is 2 years my junior el es plu júvena cam mi per 2 anuos | [nickname] filio; puero; (schol.) [student] triésim-anuo; (subordinate) subalterno; subo
  • juniper n (bot.: Juniperus) [tree] junípero; [berry] juníper-baco
  • junk n (informal: rubbish) versuro; (informal: worthless thing) cosaċo; junk food mangedaċo; versura mangedo; junk mail nedìsiderata léteros; postalajaċo; spamo; versura postalajo | (informal: heroin) heroíno; junkie (addict) adictito
  • junk n (boat) jonco
  • junket n (dessert) juncato; (informal: extravagant trip at public expense) pagata (placer-)viageto
  • Jupiter n (planet) Jove
  • Jurassic adj (geol.) Jurasisca; Jurassic period Juraso
  • juridical adj (judicial) jùdicìisca; (legal) legisca; yurisca
  • jurisconsult n (jur., chiefly hist.) yuristo
  • jurisdiction n (jur.) jurisdictiono; (admin.) competentitio; to be within/outside one’s jurisdiction (no) eser di homuya jurisdictiono (aut competentio)
  • jurisprudent adj jurisprudenta || n jurisprudento; jurisprudence jurisprudentío
  • jurist n yuristo
  • juror n juriano
  • jury n (jur.) jurio; (gen.) [of competition] jùdiçado
  • just adj (fair) [person, system] yusta; (deserved) [praise, reward] mèritita; [punishment] convenanta; yusta; (valid) [complaint, criticism] justìfichita; válida; [opinion] lògicasca; válida; (accurate, correct) [account] corecta || adv (exactly) exacte; precise; it’s just my size li es exacte mea mensuro; that’s just what I thought ecuilo es exacte cuo mi pensin; they are just alike los es tote símila; they have just the same opinion los haban exacte la metípsima opino; [at this/that moment] it’s OK, I was just leaving lo no importan, mi esin jam partianta; just when it was going well exacte cuande lo esin vadanta bone; just as metípsime cam; just as much ecuale; just at present actuale; presente; just at the same time ecuil-instante; en la metípsima instanto; metípsim-instante; just in time justi-témpore; ye la justa témporo; just right perfecta; tote justa; just so precisa; just then metípsim-instante | (very recently, a moment prior) jus; just married jus maritita; just this morning jus hodie matine; they just left los jus partiin; we were just talking about that nos jus esin paraulanta sopre ecuilo; (barely, by a little) apene; pauche; it’s just over/under two kilos li pesan apene plu/men cam dua chilogramos; just after Festivus pauche (aut imediate) post Festivus; just beyond the tree nemediate preter la árboro; she defused the bomb just in time el desmixizin la bombo apene justi-témpore; you just missed it vi perdin li per paucazo; (simply, only, no more than) mere; excepting just one ecepte je mere una; I was just asking! mi mere cuestionin, nulo pluse!; just a gigolo mere on gígolo; just a moment ago ante mere una instanto; just the tip mere la puntalo; sometimes a cigar is just a cigar cualchi-témpore on cigaro es mere on cigaro; they were just 9 when they got married los etatin mere 9 anuos cuande los maritezin; (specially) mere; I did it just for you mi facin lo mere por vi; (conceivably) it’s a stupid idea, but it just might work li es on ideo stúpida, mas ci es on pauca posìbilitio che li potan succeser; (in imagination) I can just hear the roars of laughter mi jam audan (aut audan valde bone) la ridazos; I can just imagine his face mi jam imaginationan (aut imaginationan valde bone) iluya facio; (in imperatives or granting permission) just help yourselves serves vi; just you wait! atendes! | (really, absolutely) absolute; tote; vere; these are just perfect! ecuistos es absolute perfecta!; (in phrases) just about presche; it’s just about finished li es presche finita; just as soon (rather) I’d just as soon kiss a Wookiee mi prèfereban basier on Wuchio; just as well fortunose; it’s just as well that I didn’t go fortunose mi no vadin; just in case case di besonio; I’m taking the gat just in case mi prendan la revolvero, case di besonio; just the same (nevertheless) en omna caso; tamen; justly (fairly) yuste; (rightly) it has been justly said that… juste homi diçan che…
  • justacorps n (hist.) justaucorpo
  • justice n (fairness) yustitio; to do justice to yuste tracter; that photo doesn’t do you justice ecuila fotògrafajo no yuste representan vi | (jur.: administration of the law) jùdicío; to bring someone to justice venifer álicu abante tribunalo (aut ad jùdicío) | (jur.: judge) júdiço || adj justiceable (law) jùdicìébila
  • justiciar n (hist.) justiciaro
  • justify vt (vindicate) justìficher; (typ.) [text] justifer || n justification (vindication) justífico || adj justifiable [anger, pride, concern] justìfichébila; yusta
  • jut vi salier || n salianto
  • jute n (bot.) [fiber] juto; [plant] jutífero; Jute (hist.) Juto; Jutland Jutia; Jutlandia
  • juvenile adj (pertaining to young people) jùvenisca; (childish) puerisca, -esca || n (young person) júveno; (jur.: minor) minoreno
  • juxtapose vt juxteponer || n juxtaposition juxtepono, -ezo, -ititio


  • K ltr ka
  • Kabbalah n Cábala
  • kaftan n caftano
  • kaiju n (sci-fi) kaiju
  • kaiser n ìmperedoro
  • kakemono n cachemono
  • kala-azar n (path.) vicerisca leishmaniozo
  • kale n (bot.: Brassica oleracea var. sabellica, group Acephala) crispi-caulo
  • kaleidoscope n caleidoscopio
  • kalends n calendo
  • kalpak n calpaco
  • Kama Sutra n Kamasutra
  • kangaroo n (zool.: Macropus) canguro
  • kaolin n caolino
  • kapok n (bot.: Ceiba pentandra) capoco; [tree] capochífero
  • karakul n (sheep; also “caracul”) coracolo; (cloth, fur) caraculajo
  • karate n karaté
  • karma n carmo
  • karst n (geog.) carsto
  • Kartvelia n Cartvelia; Kartvelian Cartvelo
  • Kashmir n Cashmiria
  • katachresis n catacreso
  • kauri n (bot.: Kauri) caurii-pino
  • kawaii adj cawaii; miniona
  • kayak n cayaco
  • kazoo n cazúo
  • kedge vt tover || n hal-àncoreto
  • keel n (naut.) chilio; on an even keel ecuilibrianta; stábila; keelson superchilio || vt to keelhaul chilii-tràhiner || vi to keel over (capsize) vòlvichezer; (informal: fall over, collapse, die) cader (suone, mortinte)
  • keen adj (highly developed or perceptive) [intelligence, eyesight, observation] acuta; pènetranta; keen-eyed ácuil-ócula (aut linç-ócula); keen-sighted clar-vidanta; (fig.) dicernema, -iva; sagaça; (sharp, penetrating) [blade, pain, etc.] acuta; [wind, cold] mordanta; pènetranta; secanta, -iva; (enthusiastic) enthusiasmana; fervoranta; to be keen on [music, cinema] eser pasionifata da; she’s keen on Ethiopian jazz ad el plaçan multe le Ethìopiana jazz; [person] he’s been keen on her since high school el plaçan ad il (aut interesan il) dex secundaria scolo | [plan, idea] enthusiasmer sopre; to be keen to do something multe desìderer facer álico | (intense) ardoranta; forta; intensa; (dated: excellent) bonaza; ecelanta || n (Irish funeral song) plor-canto || vi (wail) lamenter; (sing a keen) plor-canter
  • keep vt (have) haber; to keep a servant haber on servisto; to keep boarders loġayizer; to keep company with acompanier; (court) cortejer | (retain or reserve for use in the future) reserver; [business, customer, color] conserver; [change, copy, receipt] retenter; (store) conserver; tener; I always keep a bat in my car mi sempre haban on bato en mea vecturo; keep in a cool place conserves en on frìgideta loco; where do you keep the booze? ube vi tenan la trinchedos? | (stock) haber; tener; we don’t keep that model any more nos no pluse haban ecuila modelo; (cause to continue in a specified condition, position, course) ficer álicu pluse -er; restifer; tener; he keeps them in poverty il tenan los en pàuperitio; keep Austin weird! restifes Austin como extránea!; keep him talking no laces il cesationer parauler; pluse paraulifes il; to keep away fortener; to keep back retenter; to keep down (limit) mòderer; restricter; [prices] mantiner basa pretios; (not raise) [eyes, head] no lever; (oppress, hold back) opreser; (retain) [food] retenter; to keep up (continue) [tradition] continuationer; mantiner; keep it up! asíc continuationes! | (hold up) [shelf] subtener; (keep awake) tener como evìgilita; (maintain) [property] atenter; curatorìer; mantiner | (detain) retenter; what kept you? cuo retentin (aut tardifin) vi? | (prevent from doing) detener; detornìer; impeder; (restrain) restricter; (honor or fulfill) [commitment, undertaking] executer; satisfacer; to keep one’s word executer (aut satisfacer) sua promiso | [law, custom] obeder; (observe, celebrate) [religious occasion] cèlebrer; fester; (provide for sustenance of) sustiner; to keep a family sustiner (aut mantiner) on familio | (maintain) mantiner; to keep order mantiner órdino | [account] conter; mantiner; [diary] mantiner; scriber; [notes] mantiner; noter; (manage) [house] guberner; (own) proprieter; (own and look after) [animal] alevamenter; [shop] tener; (protect, guard) conserver; guarder; protecter; to keep a secret conserver (aut guarder) on secreto; to keep from danger protecter contre perículo; to keep one’s place conserver sua placio; (provide with a regular supply of) he keeps me in new software il furnisan ad mi nova softwaro; il provisan mi per nova softwaro | (support in exchange for sexual favors) mantiner || vi (continue action) continuationer … -er; no cesationer … -er; pluse ... -er; he kept walking il continuationin caminer; il no cesationin caminer; il pluse caminin | (persist in) persister -er; (repeat action) sempre; I keep forgetting to pay the gas bill mi sempre oblitan pagher la facturo di la gaso; (remain in good condition) conservezer; (remain, stay) rester; keep calm and carry on restes calma et continuationes; to keep left rester sinistre; to keep serious rester seriosa; to keep silent tacer; to keep to a room rester en cambro; to keep to the road secuer la vialo; to keep at persister en; to keep hard at it laborader; laborer sine cesationo; to keep away forrester; to keep in touch with (stay informed about) rester informita sopre; to keep up with (maintain the same social and material standards as) to keep up with the Joneses no facer men bone cam la vicino; (stay informed about) keeping up with the Kardashians rester informita sopre las Kardashian || n (livelihood, food) sustino; to earn one’s keep guadanier sua sustino; sustiner si; (stronghold) donjono; turazo; for keeps por sempre; keepsake mèmorifatro; in keeping with conforme ad; keeper (guardian) am I my brother’s keeper? es mi la guardisto je mea fratro? | (person or thing worth keeping) retentando
  • keg n barileto
  • kelp n (bot.: Laminariales) chelpo
  • kelpie n (folk.) chelpio
  • kendo n kendo
  • kennel n (doghouse) canícul-dometo; (for boarding) canícul-pensionalo
  • Kenya n Chenia; Kenyan Cheniano
  • kepi n chepo
  • keratin n cheratino
  • kerchief n (for head) cápit-tuco; (for neck) col-tuco; (for shoulder) spáthul-tuco; (handkerchief) nas-tuco; poc-tuco
  • kermes n (dye) chèrmesajo; (zool.: Kermes) chérmeso
  • kermis n chermiso
  • kernel n (edible part of nut, seed, or fruit stone) núcleo; (fruit or seed of a cereal) grano; kernel of truth grano de veritio; kernel panic (comput.) nùcleisca pánico
  • kerosene n cheroseno
  • kerseymere n cashmiro
  • kestrel n (zool.: Falco tinnunculus, et al.) tur-falcono
  • ketch n (naut.) cheċo
  • ketchup n chéċupo
  • ketone n (chem.) cetono
  • kettle n bulition-aulo; (cauldron) calderono; kettledrum tímpano
  • key n (for a lock; also fig.) clavo; (of a piano, computer, typewriter) tasto; (mus.) tono; key ring clav-anelo; key signature (mus.) gam-signo; keyboard tastado; keyhole seratur-buco; keynote (central theme) fundamentisca ideo; (mus.) tonisca noto; (speech) áper-discurso; keystone clud-petro || vt to key in (comput., typ.) clavijer || adj keyless sine clavo
  • khaki adj cachia
  • khan n khan
  • Khazakhstan n Cazachia; Khazakh Cazaco
  • khedgeree n (culin.) chegerio
  • kibble n cupilo
  • kibbutz n kibúç; chibuço
  • kibitzer n specationantaċo
  • kick vt (strike with the foot) chicher; ped-colper; (informal: succeed in giving up) [habit, addiction] lìberifer si de; to kick someone’s ass parvincer; suploser la culo di; I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum. Mi es hic por màsticher bulbul-gumo et suploser culos. Et mi jam exhaustin la bulbul-gumo.; to kick-start ped-starter || vi (strike out with foot or feet) [animal] càlcitrer; [person] chicher; ped-colper; (recoil) [firearm] reculer; retrosalter || n (blow with the foot) chico; ped-colpo; (recoil) reculo; retrosalto; (informal: excitement, thrills) ècito; (informal: sharp stimulant effect) [of drink] fortitio; kick start ped-startatro; kickback (recoil) reculo; retrosalto; (informal: payment) reimbursuċo; kickboxing chic-boxo; kickoff (sport) initii-cico; (fig.) cominitio; kickstand statiifatro
  • kickshaw n bagatelo; frìvolajo
  • kid n (informal: child) puero; [offspring] filio; kid brother/sister plu júvena germano; kidnapper raptanto, -edoro | (young goat) caprolo; kid gloves caprola guantos || vt to kidnap rapter
  • kid vt (jokingly deceive) blagher ad; I kid you not mi juran ad vi; mi no blagan ad vi; (delude) don’t kid yourself no ilusiones vi || vi (jokingly deceive) blagher; no kidding seriose; vere
  • kidney n (anat., culin.) reno; kidney bean (bot.: Phaseolus vulgaris) rúbe-faséolo; kidney vetch (bot.: Anthyllis vulneraria) vulnerario
  • kill vt (cause the death of) mortifer; you’re killing your father, Larry vi mortifan vua patro, Lauri | (violently) occiser; Colonel Mustard killed him in the billiard room with the candlestick Colonelo Mustardo occisin il en la biliardayo per la candeliero; to kill off (destroy completely) extèrminer; what killed off the dinosaurs? cuo extérminin le dinosauro? | (fig.) [disease, bacteria, infection] elìminer; to everyone’s surprise, his character was killed off in the first season multe surprisante omnu, homi elíminin (aut occisin) luya personaġo en la unésima sationo | (put an end to) [project, computer process] cesationifer; [proposal, bill] repulser; (neutralize, subdue) [smell, taste] sùfocher; [sound] amorter; (informal: delete) [line, paragraph, file] deleter; supreser; (informal: switch off) [light, engine] extinguer; (spend, pass) [time] occiser; (informal: overwhelm with an emotion) to be dressed to kill eser vestizita exturdive; the suspense is killing me la suspenso mortifan mi; mi mortan pro la suspenso | (cause pain to) [feet, head] occiser || n killjoy joyicido; killer mortifedoro; AIDS used to be a killer la SAID olim esin mortifedora | (murderer) asasino; (slayer) occisedoro; killing occiso; to make a killing (have great financial success) profitazer; killing spree masacro || adj killer [bee, rabbit, tomato] asasin-; occisedor-; killer whale (zool.: Orcinus orca) orcilo | (fatal) mortifedora, -ifiva; killer disease mortifedora morbo; (fig.) killer app occisedora àplichivo
  • kiln n furnazo
  • kilogram n chilogramo (kg)
  • kiloliter n chilolitro (kl)
  • kilometer n chilómetro (km)
  • kilowatt n chilowato
  • kilt n chilto
  • kimono n kimono
  • kin n (family) familio; (relatives) parentado; next of kin la plu próxima parento; kinsfolk parentado; kinsman parento; kinship parentitio
  • kind n (group based on shared characteristics) género; I know his kind! mi cognoçan iluya género!; people of all kinds personos di omna género; one of a kind única; it’s the only one of its kind li es única en sua género | (type, exemplar) género; tipo; a kind of fish on tipo (aut género) di piço; this is my kind of movie ecce mea tipo (aut género) di filmo; this kind of thing ecuista tipo (aut género) di coso; that kind of... tala...; I just don’t think I could take that kind of a rejection mi simple no pensan che mi poteban suporter tala refuso; that’s the kind of person he is ecce cuala il es; what kind of...? cuala...?; what kind of man gives cigarettes to trees? cuala hómino donan cigaretos ad árboros?; [breed] what kind of dog is she? cua raço di canículo es el? | (character, nature) naturo; in kind (in the same way) metípsim-manarie || adv kind of (somewhat) alicuante; cualche; I’m kind of busy right now mi es alicuante òcupata ecuist-instante; she’s kind of cute el es alicuante atractiva
  • kind adj afábila; benigna; bona; bonitatosa; complaçanta, -ema; indulġanta; would you be so kind as to…? bon-volitione … -es; complaceban vi et…?; habeban vi la gentilitio di…?; kind-hearted bon-cordia; kindly afábila; benigna; bon-cordia; bon-volitionanta, -ema, -osa; bonitatosa || adv kindly the locals don’t take kindly to city folk ad la vicinos no plaçan multe le urbanos || n kindliness benignitio; bon-facemitio; bon-volitiono; bonitato; bonitio; kindness bon-faço; bonitat(aj)o; complaço; to do someone a kindness complacer álicu
  • kindergarten n antescolo
  • kindle vt [wood, fire] accender; [emotion, interest] accender; evìgiler || n kindling accendi-ligno
  • kindred n parentado || adj parenta; kindred spirit germana ánimo
  • kinesis n (bio.) cineso; kinetics (biochem., chem., phys.) cinético || adj kinetic cinesisca
  • kinesthesia n cinesthesío
  • king n reġ(as)o; it’s good to be the king lo es bona eser la reġo; the king and queen la reġos; (chess: ♚) reġaso; kingcup (bot.: Caltha palustris) palud-caltho; kingfisher (zool.: Alcedinidae) alciono; kingpin (mech.) pivoto; king’s evil (archaic: scrofula) scrófulo; kingslayer regicido; kingdom regio; (bio.) dòminio; regnayo; kinglet (zool.: Regulidae) regelo; kingship regitio || adj king-size(d) extre granda; kingly regisca, -esca
  • kink n (sharp twist or curve) torç(aj)o; [in hair] búculo; crispajo; crispitio; (flaw or obstacle in a plan) defecto; obstáculo; (quirk) eccèntricajo; idiosincrasío; (informal: perversion) perversitio; (crick) crampo || vt torcer; [hair] bùculifer || vi [hair] bùculefer || adj kinky (informal: perverse) eccèntricuċa; perversa; (having kinks) [hair] crispa
  • kiosk n chiosco
  • kippa n kipá
  • kipper n (kippered fish) fumizita haringo; (male salmon) salmonaso || vt fumizer
  • Kiribati n Chiribatia; Kiribatian Chiribatiano
  • kirk n eclesi(ay)o
  • kirsch n (also “kirschwasser”) chirsho
  • kismet n (force predetermining events) sorto; (premeditated destiny) destino
  • kiss vt basier; to kiss someone good night doner ad álicu on basio di bona nocto; to kiss someone’s ass licher la culo di álicu || n basio
  • kit n (set of items or equipment) ecuipajo; utensilado; (container for such items) stucio; -uyo; kit bag (also “kitbag”) soldat-saco; viaġ-saco | (parts for assembly) chito; a computer in kit form còmputatro vendeda como chito
  • kitchen n cocinayo; kitchen garden legúmin-ġardino; kitchen sink lavabo (di cocinayo); kitchenette cocinayeto
  • kite n (toy) draco; (zool.: Milvus) milvo || vt (in video games) drachejer
  • kith n amicos; kith and kin amicos et parentos
  • kitsch n chiċo
  • kitten n catolo || adj kittenish catolesca; (flirtatious) cocheta; flirtema; (playful) jochema; vivaça
  • kittiwake n (zool.: Rissa) tri-dígita laro
  • kitty n (fund) comuna fundalo (aut cápseo); (cat) catucio; (vulg.) cuno
  • kiwi n (zool.: Apteryx) chíwio; (bot.: Actinidia) chíwii-fructo
  • klaxon n (auto., etc.) claxono
  • kleptomania n cleptomanío; kleptomaniac cleptomaníaco
  • klick n (kilometer) chilómetro
  • klutz n deshábilo; klutzy deshábila
  • knack n (skill, talent) doto; hàbilitio; talento; (tendency) tendentio
  • knacker n (Brit.: horse butcher) cabal-mactisto
  • knapsack n dorsi-saco
  • knapweed n (bot.: Centaurea) centáureo
  • knave n (archaic: dishonest person) canalio; (trickster) pícaro; (in cards) vaselito; knavery (act) canaliajo; pìcarajo; (state) canaliitio; pìcaritio || adj knavish canalia; pícara
  • knead vt [dough, clay] impaster; [muscles] impaster; masager || n kneading trough impastuyo
  • knee n (anat.) genúculo; to bend the knee genúcul-flecter; on bended knee genúcul-flectinte; on one’s knees sur-genúcule; kneecap patelo || vt (strike with one’s knee) genúcule colper; genùculijer; to kneecap dìsparer en la patelo (aut genúculo) || adj knee-deep usche-genúcula; knee-jerk autómata; instintasca
  • kneel vi (stand on knees) surgenùculeser; (get onto knees) surgenùculecer; (genuflect) genúcul-flecter || n kneeler (furniture) (genúcul-)coxino
  • knell n morti-campanelijo; sonifo je la morti-campanelo || vi solemne soner
  • knickers n (also “knickerbockers”: trousers) braco; (Brit.: women’s or girls’ underpants) calceono
  • knick-knack n bagatelo; ornivaċo
  • knife n cultelo; that’s not a knife … that’s a knife! ecuilo no es on cultelo … ecce on cultelo!; (dagger) dago; paper knife paper-cultelo || vt cultelijer; [with dagger] dagijer; (fatally) parcultelijer; pardagijer
  • knight n (hist.) [medieval] cabaliaro; [Roman] écuito; (chess: ♞) cabalo; knight-errant vaganta cabaliaro; knighthood cabaliaritio; (collective) cabaliarado || vt cabaliarifer || adj knightly cabaliaresca, -isca
  • knit vt tricoter; (unite) cumjunter; unioner; (tighten) [brows] contractioner (aut froncer) sua supercilios || vi (unite) cumjuntezer; unionezer || n knitting (act) tricoto; (result) tricotajo; knitting machine tricotatro; knitting needle tricot-acúculo; tricotatro
  • knob n (protuberance) convexajo; saliajo; [on tree trunk] túbero; (control) [radio, etc.] nopo; torní-botono; (handle) [of door] porti-botono; [of drawer] tir-botono; (piece) petio; (vulg. slang: penis) bitono
  • knock vt (strike noisily, rap) [door] fraper; I am the one who knocks! li es mi cua frapan!; (strike hard by colliding against) colper; shocher; he knocked his head on the lintel il colpin sua cápito contre la lintelo; la lintelo shochin iluya cápito; (informal: criticize) crìtichìer; denigrationer; to knock back (informal) [drink] gluter; parbiber; to knock down abatuer; to knock off (informal: kill) elìminer; (informal: stop) knock it off! cesationes ecuilo!; laces lo!; to knock out (destroy) [enemy target] destructer; [supplies, electricity] secher; (in boxing) nocauter; (in competition) elìminer; (strike out) eccolper; to knock someone’s teeth out eccolper la dentos di álicu | (stun) exturder; (make unconscious) desconciizer; (informal: exhaust, tire out) exhauster; fatigazer; (informal: produce) (hastose, rápide) producter (aut fàbricher, facer, scriber); to knock together colper unu contre la álteru; cumcolper; to knock up (vulg. slang: impregnate) gràvidifer || vi to knock up against shocher || n knockout (boxing) nocauto; knocker (on a door) frapatro; knockers (vulg.: breasts) titos || adj knock-kneed (med.) curv-gamba; valga
  • knoll n colineto; a second shooter on the grassy knoll on duésima dìsparedoro sur la herbosa colineto || vt (archaic: proclaim by knelling) solemne proclamationer || vi (archaic: knell) solemne soner
  • knot n (string, etc.) nodo; Gordian knot Gordiisca nodo | (tangled mass) intricajo; (difficulty) imbarasanta stando; (knob or node in wood) túbero; (tightly packed group) grupo; (naut.) nodo; knotgrass (bot.: Polygonum) articulatur-herbo || vt nodifer || vi nodefer || adj knotty nodosa; [problem] difícila; spinosa; [wood] tùberosa
  • knout n (hist.) cnuto
  • know vt (be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information) [+ clause] saper; do you know how she did it? sapan vi cuome el facin lo?; I don’t know if you’ve heard, but… mi no sapan chi vi audin, mas…; I don’t know what to do anymore mi no pluse sapan cuo facer; I know what you did last summer mi sapan cuo vi facin dum la pasinta estato; I’ll have you know that… sapes che…; we know him to be a thief nos sapan che il es on latrono; you don’t know how glad I am to see you vi no sapan cuante alecra mi es vider vi; you know as well as I do that… vi sapan tam bone cam mi che…; you know how it is vi sapan cuala es la cosos; to know how to do something saper facer álico; to know to do something (that one should do something) does she know to leave the TV on for the dog? sapan el che el laces la televisoro accensita por la canículo?; (be certain of) I don’t know if that’s such a good idea mi no sapan chi ecuilo es on bona ideo; (have knowledge of) [facts, dates, etc.] saper; he knows a lot about Ukraine il sapan multo sopre Ucraína; I know nothing about it mi sapan nulo sopre ecuilo; I know that song (I can sing it) mi sapan ecuila cantiono; to know something by heart saper álico mémore; she knows all the answers el sapan omno; you know what, I don’t think she’s really 18 vi sapan cuo, mi no pensan che el facte etatan 18 anuos; to know the difference between saper la dífero inter | (understand) comprenser; saper; I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things mi no comprensan cuome vos promenan cum ecuista cosos; (be acquainted with) [person, place, book, author] cognocer; I know that guy mi cognoçan ecuila cherlo; I know that song (I’ve heard it) mi conoçan ecuila cantiono; to know someone by name cognocer álicu per luya nómino; cognocer la nómino; to know someone by sight cognocer álicu per vido; we know him only as The Comedian nos cognoçan il mere como je (aut per la nómino) La Còmichisto | [subject] saper; I know kung fu mi sapan kung fu | (recognize) ricognocer; I knew her by her voice mi ricognocin el per eluya voço; I know a good thing when I see it mi ricognoçan álico bona cuande mi vidan lo; to know right from wrong saper dicerner lo bona de lo mala; to get to know cognocecer; he’s not so bad once you get to know him cognoçante il plu bone, homi vidan che il no es tante mala; I’d like to get to know you better lo placeban ad mi cognocer vi plu bone | (archaic: have sexual relations with) cognocer || vi as far as I know secuno cuante mi sapan; God knows Deo sapan; I don’t know mi no sapan; I know, let’s… mi jam sapan, nos…-es; it’s not easy, you know lo no es fácila, vi sapan; let me know advertes (aut informes, dices ad) mi; you know, that’s not a bad idea vi sapan, ecuilo no es on mala ideo; to know better saper bone cuo facer; a wizard should know better! on maġo debeban saper bone cuo facer!; to know better than to saper che homi no -es; you know better than to provoke me vi sapan bone che vi no provocationes mi; you ought to have known better than to… vi debebin saper che vi no…-es; to know of (be acquainted with) cognocer; I know of no one who… mi cognoçan nulu cua… | (be aware of) saper (aut auder) sopre; I don’t know her, but I know of her mi no cognoçan el, mas mi audin sopre el; I know of a nice little restaurant mi sapan sopre on parva restoranto agratábila || n knowledge [of facts, dates, etc.] sapo; knowledge is power le sapo es potentitio; to my knowledge secuno mea sapo; without the knowledge of his father sine la sapo da sua patro | [of person, place, book, author] cognoço; know-how expertitio; sapo facer; know-it-all omnisapantaċo || adj knowing (aware, conscious) concianta; (complicit) [look, smile] cómpliça; (cunning) astuta; sagaça; knowledgeable informita; known (by study, information) sapata; (familiar) cognoçata; (recognized) agnoçata; it is known that… homi sapan che…; lo es sapata che…; to make known (divulge) divulgher; (publicize) publìciter; to make something known to someone (acquaint with) ficer álico cognoçata ad álicu; ficer álicu cognocer álico; (give information about) informer álicu sopre álico || adv knowingly concie; cum sapo; (complicitly) cómplice
  • knuckle n (anat.) dígit-articulaturo; [of meat] gareto; (tech.) juntajo || vi to knuckle down resolve (aut seriose) laborecer; to knuckle under ceder; submiser si
  • knurl n molitajo || vt moliter
  • koala n (zool.: Phascolarctos cinereus) coalo
  • kobold n (folk.) cóbalo; [German] coboldo
  • kohlrabi n (bot:. Brassica oleracea, group Gongylodes) caul-rapo
  • kokum n (bot.: Garcinia indica) garcinio; kokum butter (Goa butter) garcinii-óleo
  • kolkhoz n colchoz
  • kookaburra n (zool.: Dacelo) cucaburo
  • kopek n copeco
  • kopje n colineto
  • Koran n Corano
  • Korea n Corea; Korean Coreano || adj Korean Coreana
  • kosher adj cashera
  • kowtow vi cautauer
  • kraal n (African homestead) vilageto; (corral) curalo
  • krav maga n krav magá
  • Kremlin n Cremlino
  • kris n cheriso
  • krypton n (chem.: Kr) críptono
  • kudos n famo; glorio; laudo; prestigio
  • kulak n culaco
  • kümmel n cúmelo; caraví-brandio
  • kumquat n (bot.) cumcuato
  • kung fu n kung fu
  • Kurd n Curdo; Kurdistan Curdia
  • Kuwait n Cuwaito
  • kwashiorkor n (path.) cuashiorcoro
  • Kyrgyzstan n Chirghizia; Kyrgyzstani Chirghiziano


  • L ltr ele; (something L-shaped) L-formo
  • la n (mus.) la
  • labarum n (mil.) lábaro
  • labdanum n (also “ladanum”) ládano
  • label n (on merchandise, luggage, clothing) esticheto; sticky label adhesiva esticheto; warning label advert-esticheto | (brand) marco; an album on the Alternative Tentacles label on álbumo sub la marco Alternative Tentacles || vt estichetizer
  • labia n (anat., plural of “labium”) (vulvi-)labios
  • labial adj (anat., phon.) labiisca || n (phon.) labiisco
  • labiate n (bot.: Lamiaceae, Labiatae) lamiáceo; labiato || adj (bot.) labiat(isc)a; lamiáce(isc)a; (bot., zool.) labiesca, -osa
  • labium n (anat.) (vulvi-)labio
  • labor n (work) laboro; the labors of Hercules la laboros di Hércule | (workers collectively) laboristado; labor of love placer-laboro (aut -tasco); labor camp labor-acampayo; pun-laborayo; laborer laboranto, -edoro, -isto | (process of childbirth) partureço || vi (work) laborer; (struggle, strive) efortier; pener; to labor under [a mistaken belief] eser víctimo di on ilusiono | (be in the process of childbirth) parturer || adj labored (clumsy) [joke, pun, rhyme, style] pesazanta; (difficult) [breathing] penifiva; laborious [style] pesazanta; [task, work, process] laborosa; penifiva
  • laboratory n laboratorio; laboratory assistant adjutanto di laboratorio
  • labr n laboro
  • labrador n labradoro
  • labyrinth n labirintho || adj labyrinthine labirinthesca
  • labyrinthodon n (zool., paleo.) labirinthodonto
  • lac n lacro
  • lace n (open fabric) dentelo; (trimming) pasamento; [of gold, silver] galono; (cord) [of shoe, corset] láceo || vt (fasten with laces) [shoe, corset] làceijer; (entwine together) [fingers] intreplecter; (adorn) pasamentizer; (fortify) [drink] aroser (per); coffee laced with whiskey cafeo arosita per wischio || adj lacy dentela, -esca, -osa
  • lacerate vt làcerer || n laceration (act) lácero; (result) làcerajo
  • lachrymal adj làcrimisca; lachrymal vase làcrimuyo
  • lachrymatory adj làcrimefifiva; plorifiva || n (archaeol.) làcrimuyo
  • lachrymose adj (tearful) làcrimosa, -ema; plorema; (tear-inducing) làcrimefifiva; plorifiva
  • lack n manco; for lack of pro manco di; charges were dropped for lack of evidence homi retractin la acuso pro manco di probo; greed, for lack of a better word, is good àviditio, pro manco di on meliora vocábulo, es bona || vt mancher ad si; no haber; it lacks élan ad li mancan brio; li no haban brio || vi (be missing, deficient) his knowledge of pop culture is sadly lacking iluya conoço je pòpulisca culturo multe défiçan; morale has been sorely lacking in this office le moralo fue severe mancan en ecuista oficino; (want) he lacks for nothing ad il mancan nulo || adj lackluster (dull) [surface] nebrilanta; sine brilo; (fig.) [performance, style] mediocra
  • lackadaisical adj (lazy) indolenta; (listless) ápatha; languosa
  • lackey n lacayo
  • laconic adj lacónica
  • lacquer n lacro || vt lacrizer
  • lacrosse n lacrocio
  • lactate vi lactefer || n (chem.) lactato; lactation lactefo; (suckling) alacto
  • lacteal adj (relating to milk) lactisca; (anat.: conveying chyle) chilífera; (anat.: relating to milk production) lactefisca || n (anat.) chilífero
  • lactiferous adj (anat.: producing milk) lactefiva; (anat.: conveying milk) lactífera
  • lactometer n lactómetro
  • lactose n lactosio; lactose intolerance netòlerivitio je lactosio
  • lacuna n lacuno
  • lacustrine adj (tech., lit.) lachistra
  • lad n jùvenaso; pueraso; lad’s love (bot.: Artemisia abrotanum) abrótano
  • ladanum n (also “labdanum”) ládano
  • ladder n scalinado
  • lade vt (archaic: load) [ship] càrichizer; [goods] càrichifer || vi (archaic: take on cargo) [ship] càrichizezer || n lading (archaic: act) càrichizo; (archaic: cargo) cárico; bill of lading cognoçamento || adj laden plena; plene càrichizita
  • la-di-da adj afectationanta, -osa || inter well la-di-da! cuala afectationo!
  • ladle n coclearazo || vt to ladle out [soup] coclearazijer; servejer colearaze; (fig.) [money, advice] pròdigher
  • lady n (woman) cleaning lady nitifistiso; lady friend amichiso; lady love amoratiso; a little old lady on parva vèculiso | (polite or old-fashioned form of reference) senior(is)o; First Lady Primaria Senioriso; ladies and gentlemen! senioros!; ladies first seniorisos unésime; ladies only mere por seniorisos; the lady of the house la senioriso di la domo; move it, lady! moves vi, senioro!; young lady senioroliso; (unmarried) dominicel(is)o; pulcel(is)o | (courteous, genteel woman) gentil(is)o; she’s a real lady el es tote on gentilo; she’s no lady el es nula gentilo | (noblewoman) dómin(is)o; Lady Jane Grey Dómino Johana Grey; Our Lady of Guadalupe Nostra Dòminiso di Guadalupe | (dated: wife) senioriso; sponsiso; (dated: woman with whom one is romantically involved) senioriso; [of knight] dòminiso; the ladies (bathroom) latrinayo (por seniorisos); “Ladies” “Seniorisos”; ladies’ man amoristaso; favorato di le seniorisos; lady’s maid (chiefly hist.) dòminis-servistiso; senioris-servistiso; ladybug (zool.: Coccinellidae) coccinelo; lady-in-waiting companion-dòminiso; cortaniso; honor-dòminiso; ladykiller cordii-latrono; ladyship dómin(is)o; senior(is)o; your chariot awaits, Your Ladyship vua caróceo atendan, mea dómino || adj ladylike gentila, -isesca; senior(is)esca
  • lag vi rester détree; retardezer; our students are lagging behind their Nigeran counterparts nostra alumnos incore restan detre (aut retardezan relatione ad) sua Nigerana homólogos || n (delay) retard(ez)o; [in online games] there’s so much lag now, I can’t play the game ci nun es tanta latentitio (aut retardo) che mi no potan jocher; (interval) intertémporo; intervalo; laggard lento; retardezemo
  • lager n lághero
  • lagoon n laguno
  • laic adj (formal: nonclerical, lay) laica || n (layperson) laico || vt to laicize laichifer
  • lair n antro
  • laity n laicado
  • lake n laco; the Great Lakes la Granda Lacos; Lake Geneva Laco di Geneva; Lemano
  • lama n (relig.) lamao; lamaism lamaismo
  • lamantin n (manatee) manatío
  • lamb n (young sheep) ovìculolo; to go like a lamb to the slaughter vader cuom on ovìculolo ad la macto | (meat) ovìculol-carno; (relig., lit.) agnelo; Lamb of God Agnelo di Deo; (term of affection or pity) poor lamb! compasionando!; lambskin ovìculol-corio; lambkin agneleto; ovìculeto || vi (give birth to lambs) parturer || adj lamblike agnelesca
  • lambent adj (lit.: flickering over a surface) tochetanta; (lit.: luminous) lùminosa, -anta
  • lame adj (physically disabled) claudicanta; to be lame claudicher | (fig.: weak) [explanation, excuse, joke, performance] débila; mala || vt claudichifer
  • lamé n lamato
  • lamella n lamelo
  • lament n (passionate expression of grief or sorrow) lamento; (poem) elegío; (song) elegía cantiono; lamentation lamento; to hear the lamentation of their women auder la lamento da lora mulieros || vt to lament the death of someone lamenter sopre la morto di álicu || vi lamenter; (reporting verb) “Where’s my Roy Cohn?” he lamented “Ube es mea Roy Cohn?” il lamentin || adj lamentable (deplorably bad) compasionanda; lamentanda; mísera; (regretable) lamentanda
  • lamina n lámino; laminate (sheet of laminate) lámino; (something made from layers fixed together) làminajo || vt to laminate (make into thin plates) làminifer; (overlay with protective layer) làminizer || adj laminate lámina
  • lamp n (light-giving device, including holder and cover) lámpado; lùminizatro; [in transparent, protective case] lanterno; [RR, auto., etc.] fanalo; (light fixture) lùminiero; lampblack fum-nigro
  • lampoon vt satìrichijer || n satírico
  • lamprey n (zool.: Petromyzontiformes) lampredo
  • lance n lánceo; lance-bearer, lancer lànceígero; lancet lànceeto || vt (med.) àperer (aut pèrforer) per lànceeto; lànceetijer; (pierce with a lance) lànceijer; pèrforer (cuom se) per lánceo; (archaic: fling) jact(az)er || vi (move suddenly and quickly) precìpiter; [pain] lànciner
  • land n (not sea or air) tero; on dry land sur firma tero; to sight land videcer (aut percepter) tero | (ground with regard to ownership, use, or features) -ayo; tereno; to get the lay of the land sonder la tereno; grazing land pasturayo | [agricultural] agro; soliaro; to live off the land viver per la soliaro; [property] get off my land! for mea tereno!; to own land proprieter tereno; [region] desert lands desértica regionos; (nation, country) paeso; (conceptual realm) fantasy land paeso di fantasío; land of opportunity paeso di oportunajos; land cress (bot.: Barbarea verna) ter-cresono; land mine terisca mino; land surveyor agri-mensuristo; landfall ad-, surtereço; landfill enterifayo por versuros; landholder teren-proprietanto; landlady, landlord locatoro; proprietanto; landlubber (informal) mar-novicio; landmark (naut.) guid-marco; punto di referentio; (notable location) vidando; [monument] monumento; (fig.: momentous event, achievement) miliario; (hist.: boundary mark) término; landmass continento; landowner teren-proprietanto; terenoso; landscape paesaġo; landshark ter-scualo; landslide ter-gliso; (pol.) aplastanta vinço; landing (act) [from boat] desimbarco; [of airplane] ad-, surtereço; (place) ad-, surtereçayo; desimbarcayo; [between flights of stairs] nivelayo; landing party desimbarchi-distacamento || vt [airplane] ad-, surterifer || vi (alight) ad-, surterecer; to land on one’s feet cader sur sua pedos | (disembark) desimbarcher || adj landlocked circumdita da tero; sine acceso ad maro; ter-circumdita (aut reclusita); landed [person] terenosa; landed property imoblo; ter-habato; (teren-)proprietato
  • landau n landau
  • landgrave n (hist.) landgravo
  • lane n (narrow road) stradeto; [between rows of trees, etc.] aleo; (division of road) carilo; (naut.) rupto
  • language n (method of communication) [faculty] linguagijo; language acquisition linguaġ-acuisto | [national, animal, computer] -enso; linguaġo; the binary language of moisture vaporators la binaria linguaġo di le vaporifatro; the Finnish language Finlandienso; la Finlandiana linguaġo; for centuries the language of law in Europe was Latin dum séculos la yurisca linguaġo en Europa esin Latinenso | (style of expression) [of individual, profession] -enso; linguagijo; bad language mala linguagijo; (offensive) grosaria linguagijo; grosariajos; parauluċos; harsh language dura linguagijo; the language of thieves latron-linguagijo; latronenso; to put something in legal language expreser álico en yurisca linguagijo; yurische linguagijer; strong language valde directa linguagijo; (offensive) grosaria linguagijo; grosariajos; parauluċos
  • languid adj languanta, -ema, -osa; (slow) lenta; (weak) débila
  • languish vi (lose vitality) languer; (suffer from neglect or unpleasant conditions) [in prison] languer; putrer
  • languor n languo
  • lank adj [hair] flácida; [person] macr-alta; lanky macr-alta
  • lanolin n lanolino
  • lantana n (bot.: Lantana) lantano
  • lantern n lanterno; [of lighthouse] fanalo
  • lanthanum n (chem.: La) lanthano
  • lanugo n lanúgino || adj lanuginous lanùginosa
  • lanyard n (naut.) lig-cordo; (for neck, shoulder, wrist) laniardo; ten-cordeto
  • Laos n Laotia; Laotian Laotiano
  • Laozi n Laocí; Laocio
  • lap n (flat area between the waist and knees) [of seated person or clothing] gremio; they dump everything in my lap and expect me to deal with it homi jactan omno adsur mea dorso et asertan che mi asumptes ol; lap dance gremii-danço; to live in the lap of luxury viver en luxo; lapdog canìculeto di gremio; laptop portébila còmputatro; portébilo
  • lap n (sport) giro sur pisto; to run a lap facer on giro sur pisto || vt (overlap, clinker-build) ìmbricher; (lit.: wrap) envolver; inveloper
  • lap vt (drink by licking) lamber; (touch) [waves, water, tide] licher; plaudeter
  • laparoscope n laparoscopio; laparoscopy laparoscopiijo
  • lapel n reverselo
  • lapidary adj (pertaining to gems or gem-cutting) gemisca; (worthy of inscription on stone) grabanda || n gemisto
  • lapis lazuli n lapislázulo
  • Lapp n Lapono; Sapmiano; Lapland Laponia; Sapmia
  • lar n (myth.) larariano
  • lararium n (hist., rellig.) larario
  • larch n láriço
  • lard n lardo || vt (inter)lardizer
  • large adj granda; larger-than-life plu granda cam lo naturasca || adv at large líbera; largely en granda parto; grand-parte; multe
  • lark n alaudo
  • larva n larvo
  • larynx n (anat.) larinġo
  • lascivious adj laciva || adv libìdinosa
  • laser n lásero
  • lasso n lazo
  • last adj (time and space) última; at last fine; post on longa témporo; during the last few months dum la última mensuos; last but one anteúltima; last-minute di la última horo; (past) pasinta; last night here nocte; last week pasinta septimano; last name familiisca nómino || vi (continue; endure) durationer
  • latch vt clinco
  • late adj (advanced, as of disease) valde abantiinta; (behindhand) posttémpora; tarda; (toward the end) afinala; circumfina; at the latest maxim tarde; to be late tardeser || adv lately recente
  • later adj (belated) plu tarda; (in space) détrea; (in time) posta; (subsequent) secuanta; succesionanta || adv later on poste || inter later! usche rivido!
  • latex n látiço
  • Latin n (language) Latinenso; (person) [Roman] Latino; [Spaniard] Hispaniano; [Spanish-speaking] Hispaniófono
  • latitude n latitúdino
  • latte n láte-cafeo
  • latter adj (occurring nearer to the end than the beginning) afinala; (recent) recenta; the latter (the second of two mentioned things) ecuista; la duésima
  • Latvia n Latvia; Latvian Latviano
  • laugh vi rider || n laughter rido
  • launch vt lancer || n (naut., hist.) lanċo
  • laundry n (clothes) (vesta) laved(ad)o; (room) vesti-lavayo
  • laurel n lauro
  • lava n lávico
  • lavatory n latrinayo
  • lavender n (bot) lavándulo
  • law n leġo; lawsuit lítigo; lawyer avocato || vi to lawyer up (informal) avocatizer si || adj law-abiding obedanta la leġo; lawful legala; leġasca || afx -in-law afina
  • lawn n céspito
  • lawrencium n (chem.: Lr) laurencio
  • lax adj sine diciplino
  • lay vt (place, put) poner; (make lie down) jacifer; (set in order, arrange) aranger; [cloth] poner; [tax] imposter; [trap] poner; prèparer; (deposit) depòsiter; [stake, bet] sponsioner; (install) instaler; (produce) [egg] depòsiter (ovos); ovefer; (archaic: calm) calmifer; to lay about circum-colper; colper ye omna látero; to lay apart poner aparte; to lay away forponer; to lay bare descòperter; exposer; nudifer; to lay down (define, state) èxplicher; poner como principio; precisifer; (give up) ceder; consigner; forlacer; renuntier; (make lie down) jacifer; (one’s life) doner (sua vivo por); (put down) [arms] deponer; to lay hands on (acquire) acuister; (attack) atempter; violentier; to lay hold of prender; sacer; to lay in (store) amasifer; proviser; to lay on (apply) surponer; (daub) unger; (impute blame, etc.) ìmputer; (strike) colpazer; to lay out (arrange) aranger; (money) expenser; (outline) tractier; to lay over (cover) còperter; incruster; (spread) extenser; to lay siege to asedier; to lay up (a ship) desarmizer; desecuiper; (amass) amasifer; (confine to bed) prostrationifer en lecto; to lay waste despolier; devastationer || n layperson laico; laity laicado || adj (not ordained) laica
  • layer n strato; (in painting) unġajo; (lamina) lámino; (row) filaro; líneo; serio
  • lazy adj pigra || n laziness pigritio
  • lead vt (conduct, bring along) conducter; (direct) dìriger; (go before) abante-vader; (guide) guider; (lead off, begin) cominitier; (transmit by tubes, wires, etc.) conductioner; to lead a blindman guider ceco; to lead a dissolute life debauċer; to lead an army dìriger on armato; to lead astray erorifer; misconducer; to lead back retroconducer; to lead by the hand conducter ye la manuo; to lead gas conductioner gaso (per túbulo); to lead in enconducer; to lead one’s troops marċer abante sua trupos; to lead the life of a hermit viver cuom eremito; to lead through traconducer; to lead to believe ficer creder; to lead to reflect ficer reflexer; to lead to sin ìnciter ad peco; instigher álicu pecher; sex leads to dancing coiter tendentier ad dancer || n (chem.: Pb) plumbo; leader (at beginning of tape, etc.) abante-ribando; (one who leads by persuasion) lidero; (one who leads by position) ċefo
  • leaf n folio; (page) págino || vi to leaf through foliejer
  • league n confédero; ligajo
  • leak vt (container) lecher || vi (fluid) lechezer
  • lean vt incliner; (for support) apodier || vi to lean on apodier si an || adj macra
  • leap vi salter || n leap day bisexto; intercalationita dio; leap year bisextosa (aut intercalationosa) anuo
  • learn vt (by study) aprenser; (become informed) sapecer; to learn by heart paraprenser || n learner studanto
  • leash n laso
  • least adj mínima || adv minim(e); at least admínime
  • leather n corio
  • leave vt (go away from) partier de; (exit) èxiter de; (allow to remain) lacer; leave me alone! laces mi sola!; leave the gun, take the cannoli laces la focilo, prendes la canolos | (abandon) abandoner || n by your leave cum vua permiso; to give leave permiser ad; to take (one’s) leave (of) (leave) congeder si (de); for-, ecvader; partier; (say farewell) dicer adeo (ad)
  • Lebanon n Lìbania; Lebanese Lìbaniano
  • lecher n (informal, pej.) libìdinoso; lech (lecher) lacivo; libìdinoso; (lecherous desire) libídino || vi to lech after lacive desìderer
  • lectern n lectro
  • lecture vt discurser (sopre); lectioner; (reprimand) reprimender
  • leech n sanguisugo
  • lees n feço
  • left adj (opposite of right) sinistra; at/on the left sinistre; left-handed [compliment] ambigua
  • leg n (entire limb) gambo; [of furniture] pedo; (shank) cruro; to take to one’s legs fuger (rápide); legwrap volv-guetro; leggings calceonazo || adj long-legged gambuda
  • legal adj legala; leġasca; legal entity jùdicìisca ento
  • legate n legato
  • legatee n herèditedoro
  • legend n legendo || adj legendary legendisca; your suffering will be legendary, even in hell! vua sùferado esun legendisca, etiam en la inferno!
  • legible adj lecturébila
  • legitimate adj [claim, excuse, heir] legítima
  • legume n legúmino
  • lemon n (bot.: Citrus limon) limono
  • lemur n (zool.: Lemuroidea) lémuro; (myth.) lémuro
  • lend vt imprester
  • length n longhitio
  • lens n (eye) cristalino; (opt) lentilo; (phot.) objectisco
  • lentigo n (derm.) lentígino
  • lentil n lentículo
  • leopard n (zool.: Panthera pardus) leopardo
  • leper n lépraco; leproso; leper colony leprosayo
  • leprosy n (path.) lepro
  • lèse-majesté n lesiono je majestato
  • leshy n (folk.) leshio
  • Lesotho n Lesotho; Lesothan Lesothano
  • less adv men; less and less sempre men
  • lesson n lectiono
  • let vt (imperative) -es; let’s dance! nos dances!; let there be light! eses lúmino!; (leave, permit) lacer; let it be laces li ube li es; to let down (disappoint) decepter; faler; (lengthen) [dress, hem] desplichejer; longhifer
  • lethargy n (med.) lethargío
  • letter n (correspondence) létero; (of alphabet) lítero; letter carrier lèterígero; postalisto; letter of condolence condol-létero; letter scale léter-bilancio; letterbox léteruyo
  • lettuce n lactuco
  • level adj nivela; plana || n nivelo; on a level with the water sur la metípsima nivelo cam la acuo; (tool) nivelizatro
  • lever n (crowbar) levstango
  • lewd adj [person] laciva
  • lexicon n léxico
  • liable adj (for debts, etc.) responsanta
  • liaison n intrerelationo; (person acting as link) intrerelationatro; (romantic relationship) amor-relationo (aut -intrigo)
  • liana n liano
  • libel n libelo
  • liberal adj (ample) ampla; (arts, education, principles) liberala; liberal arts liberala artos
  • Liberia n Liberia; Liberian Liberiano
  • liberty n lìberitio; to take liberties (with) eser nim líbera (ad); prender (aut permiser) ad si lìberitios (sopre); to take the liberty of doing something prender (aut permiser) ad si la lìberitio facer álico
  • libido n libídino || adj libidinal libìdinisca; libidinous libìdinosa
  • library n bibliotheco
  • Libya n Libia; Libyan Libiano
  • license n licentio; license plate placo di licentio (aut enmatrìculezo) || vt licentiizer
  • licentious adj laciva
  • lich n (fantasy) liċo; the Lich King la Liċ-Reġo
  • lick vt licher; a fox licks her young on vulpiso lican sua cátulos; a frivolous fox licked his ears clean on frívola vulpo lingue nitifin iluya aurículos; (vulg.: cunnilingue) licher; (vulg.: fellate) suctier
  • lid n copérculo; copertatro
  • lie vi (be in a horizontal or resting position) jacer; to lie down jacecer; to take it lying down accepter lo sine resisto; to lie in wait guater || adj lying (in a horizontal or resting position) jaçanta
  • lie vi (tell a falsehood) mendacier || n (falsehood) mendacio; the cake is a lie la cuco es on mendacio; to give the lie to (refute) dismenter; lying (falsehood) mendacio(s) || adj lying (not telling the truth) [person] mendacianta, -ema, -osa; you lying son-of-a-bitch! mendaciosa strunço! | [statement, story] falsa
  • Liechtenstein n Lictensteino; Liechtensteiner Lictensteinano
  • lieutenant n tenento
  • life n vivo; to take one’s own life occider si; suicidìer; lifebelt salv-cinto; lifeboat salvi-barco; lifebuoy salvi-boyo; life jacket salv-gileto; lifeline salv-cordo; lifestyle vivi-stilo; lifetime vivo; lifetime annuity dum-viva réndito; lifework dumviva laboro || adj life-size natur-granda
  • lift vt lever || n (auto.) liftback (auto.) liftbaco
  • light n lúmino; lighter accendatro; lighthouse faro || vt accender; to lighten [color] (plu-)helifer || adj [color] hela; light blue eyes hel-blava óculos
  • light adj (gentle) lena; (not heavy) legera; light air (Beaufort level 1) vèntuleto || vt to lighten [mood] alecrifer; destender; laxifer; [weight] legerifer || vi to lighten up (become more cheerful or less serious) alecrecer; destendecer; laxecer; lighten up, Francis destendeces, Francis
  • lightning n fúlmino
  • lignivorous adj lignívora
  • like prep (as) cuom; he acts like an ass il actan cuom on ásino; like father, like son cuala la patro, tala la filiaso; (similar to) cuom; símila ad; tala cam; he’s like a machine il es símila ad on máchino; A Man Like Putin Tala cam Putin || n the like(s) símilo(s) || vt (find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory) amer; I like to watch mi aman (aut ad mi plaçan) spectatorìer; (want) I would like you to do us a favor though tamen mi desíderan che vi faces ad nos on favoro; take as much as you like prendes omno cuo vi desíderan; would you like a drink? desíderan vi biber álico? || adj (equal) ecuala; ecuìvalanta; metípsima; (similar) símila; children of like ability pueros di símila capàbilitio; like-minded opinanta metípsime
  • lily n (bot.: Lilium) lilio
  • limb n membro
  • lime n calço; (bot.: Citrus × aurantiifolia) [fruit] limo; [tree] limífero; (bot.: Tilia) (Brit.) tilio
  • limit n límito || vt lìmitizer || adj limited restrictata
  • limnology n limnòloghío; limnologist limnólogo
  • limousine n limusino
  • limp vi clàudicher || adj [hair] flácida
  • limpid adj límpida
  • lindworm n lindormo
  • line n líneo; (field, area) line of business branco di afaros; (fishing) pischi-filo; (queue) codo; lining (of garment) fódero
  • linen n linajo
  • lingerie n (alluring or fashionable undergarments for women) lingerío
  • linguist n (person skilled in foreign languages) linguagisto; (person who studies linguistics) linguìstichisto; linguistics linguístico
  • link n (connection) cumligatro; relationo; [telec., TV, radio, travel] conecto; [tie, association] asocio; cumligatro; (ring or loop in a chain) caten-anelo || vt (relate) relationer; [to crime] implicationer; (join) conecter
  • linoleum n linóleo
  • lint n linamento
  • lion n (zool.: Panthera leo) leono
  • lip n labio; lip balm bálsam-bastoneto; labii-bálsamo; lipstick labii-fard(izatr)o; labii-lápido
  • lipid n (chem.) lípido
  • liqueur n licuoro
  • liquid n lícuido || vt to liquidate (fin.) licuidationer; to liquify lìcuidifer || adj (phys.) lícuida; (fin.) licuidationisca
  • lisp vi bleser; zezeyer
  • list n listo || vt enlistifer; listijer
  • list vt (archaic: desire) desìderer || n desídero || adj listless ápatha
  • listel n (archit.) listelo
  • listen vt ausculter; listen here! auscultes!
  • litchi n (bot.: Litchi chinensis) [fruit] liċio; [tree] liċiífero
  • liter n litro
  • literal adj literala
  • literate adj literata
  • literature n literaturo
  • lithium n (chem.: Li) lithio
  • Lithuania n Lithuania; Lithuanian Lithuaniano
  • litter n (young of animal, collectively) filiado; gènititado; [born at one time] gènitadajo
  • little adj (few) pauca; (small) parva; little owl (zool.: Athene noctua) noctuo || adv pauche || n a little pauco
  • liturgy n liturgío
  • live vi resider; viver; (in permanent residence) hàbiter || adj lively vivaça
  • liver n fígato; hépato
  • livermorium n (chem.: Lv) livermorio
  • lixiviate vt (chem., archaic) lixivationer
  • lizard n lacerto
  • llama n (zool.: Lama glama) lamo
  • load n càrico || vt (cargo, bullets, film, et al.) càrichifer; (put a load on something/someone) càrichizer
  • lobby n vestíbulo; (pressure group) lobiistado; lobbyist lobiisto || vt lobier
  • lobe n lobo
  • lobster n (zool.: Nephropidae) hómaro; (zool.: Palinuridae) langusto
  • local adj lochisca; regionisca || n locale loco; locality districto; loco; regiono; to localize (assign to a particular place) lochizer; (make local in character) lochischifer
  • locate vt situizer
  • lock n seraturo; (canal) ecluso; lockjaw (tetanus) tétano; (trismus) trismo || vt seraturijer
  • locl adj lochisca
  • locomotive n locomotivo || adj locomotionisca
  • locust n locusto
  • lodge n (small house) dometo; [house porter’s] logio; (fraternity chapter) logio; lodger loġanto; lodging loġayo || vt loġayizer; [complaint] depòsiter || vi loger
  • lo-fi adj bas-fidela || n (mus. genre) lo-fi
  • log n busco; (naut.: instrument) nodómetro; (naut.: logbook) diario di návigo; logwood (bot.: Haematoxylum campechianum) campeċo || vi to log on logoner; to log out deslogoner
  • logic n lógico || adj logical (in accordance with logic) lògicasca; (pertaining to logic) lògicisca
  • logo n logo
  • loins n (anat.: lumbar region) lumbo; (euph.: genitals) lumbumo; loincloth perizomo; lumbum-telo
  • LOL n LOL; lolcat lolcato; lolspeak lolcatenso
  • Lombard n Longobardo
  • lone adj (single, only) sola; lone gunman sola focilisto; (living, existing alone) lone ranger solema rangero; lone wolf solema lupo; lonely (sad and alone) solitatanta, -osa; to be/feel lonely solitater | (remote) [village, house] solitaria; (solitary) [life, activity] solisca
  • long adj longa; for a long time dum longa témporo; longhe; long johns longa subvesto; long-eared owl (zool.: Asio otus) long-aurícula striġo || n longboat lanċo
  • long vi (have a strong desire) to long for desìderazer
  • longitude n longitúdino
  • longshore adj ripisca || n longshoreman portu-laboristo; stipisto
  • look vi reguarder; Billy, look, you just tell them and they believe it Vili, auscultes, mere dices lo, et homi credun; to look after (supervise) superviser; to look around for cercher; a cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin on cínico es li cua, olfactante floros, cercan on cápulo; to look at reguarder; to look out (be careful) look out, there are llamas! cautitio, ci es lamos!; to look up to respecter || n reguardo
  • loon n (zool.: Gavia) gavio
  • loose adj (not firmly fixed) laxa; (not dense) laxa; (not packaged) laxa; (not precise) [meaning] neprecisa; [style, interpretation] líbera; [translation] apròximita; (not taught) laxa; (not tight) [of clothes] ampla || n loosestrife (bot.: Lysimachia) lisimachio; (bot.: Lythrum salicaria) [purple, spiked] salicario
  • loot vt sachejer
  • lopsided adj desecuilibrianta; nesímetra
  • lord n dómino; lord and master dómino et patrono || vi to lord it over despòtichìer
  • lose vt perder
  • loss n perd(it)o
  • lost adj perdita; to be lost (perish) pericer
  • lot n (plot) teren-petio; (share) portiono; cast lots loterìer; the lot la toto; a lot multo; a lot of multa || adv a lot multe
  • lotion n lotiono
  • lottery n loterío
  • lotus n loto
  • loud adj lauta || adv loudly laute
  • lounge vi (stand about, loll, sit idle) otier || n (cocktail lounge) coctelayo; cóctelsalono; (room) salono
  • louse n pedículo || adj lousy (full of lice) pedìculosa; (informal: very poor or bad) putosa
  • lovage n (bot.: Levisticum officinale) levístico
  • love vt (feel deep affection for) amer; she loved her father, but did not like him el amin sua patro, mas il no placin ad el; (feel deep enthusiasm for, take great pleasure from) she loves to drive ad el multe plaçan conducer; (feel deep romantic or sexual attachment for) amorer; I love you, but I’m not "in love" with you mi aman vi, mas mi no amoran vi || n amo; amoro; to be in love with amorer; fall in love amorecer; for the love of God pro amo je Deo; to make love (have sex with) facer amoro; (dated: woo) cortejer; lover amanto || adj lovable amanda
  • low adj (below average in height) basa; (below average in amount, extent, or intensity) [pressure, sound, price] basa; (humble) [rank] húmila; (just above a surface) supereta; lowermost infra; low-pressure engine bas-presiona motoro || n lowland basa regiono || vt to lower abaser; [prices] diminutioner; plu-basifer
  • loyal adj loyala
  • lubricate vt lùbricher || n lubricant lùbrichivo
  • luck n sorto; as luck would have it le sorto volitionan che; good luck! bona sorto!; fortuno! || adj lucky fortunosa
  • luggage n bagaġo
  • lukewarm adj caldeta, tépida
  • luminaire n lámpado; lùminiero
  • lump n (bump) túbero; (clot) grumo; (compact mass) maseto; (swelling) tumajo
  • lunch n prandio
  • lung n pulmono
  • lupus n (path.) it’s never lupus li jamás es lúpuso
  • lure vt lurer; seducter
  • lush adj luxurianta
  • lust n libídino || adj lustful libìdinosa; salaça; (offensively) laciva
  • lute n léuto; (clayish cement) luto
  • lutetium n (chem.: Lu) lutetio
  • Luxembourg n (city) Luxemburgo; (duchy) Luxemburghia; Luxembourger Luxemburghiano
  • luxury n luxo; luxury item luxajo
  • lycanthrope n licánthropo
  • lye n lixivio; to wash with lye lixiviijer
  • lymph n (physiol.) limfo || adj lymphatic (physiol.) limfisca; (archaic) [temperament] limfática
  • lynch vt linċer
  • lynx n (zool.: Lynx) linço
  • Lyra n (astron.) Lira
  • lyre n liro; lyre gurnard (zool.: Trigla lyra) lir-triglo
  • lyric adj lírica || n lyrics (lyric poem or verse) lírico; (words of a song) (cantion-)paraulos; lyricist (poet) lìrichisto; (songwriter) cantion-paraulefisto


  • M ltr eme
  • ma’am n senioriso
  • macabre adj macabra
  • macadam n macádamo || vt to macadamize macàdamizer
  • macaque n (zool.: Macaca) macaco
  • macaroni n (culin.) macheronos
  • macaronic adj macherónica
  • macaroon n (culin.) macarono
  • macaw n (zool.: Ara, Anodorhynchus, Cyanopsitta, Primolius, Orthopsittaca, Diopsittaca) araro
  • mace n matio; (spray) píper-sparġatro
  • macédoine n macedonio
  • Macedonia n Macedonia; Macedonian Macedoniano
  • macerate vt màcerer
  • Machiavellian adj Machiavelli-asca, -esca, -isca || n Machiavellianism Machiavelli-ismo
  • machinate vi machinationer; intrigher || n machination machinationo; intrigo
  • machine n máchino; flying machine vol-máchino; sewing machine sut-máchino; (organization) aparato; publicity machine publícit-aparato; machine age eralo di le máchino; machine gun máchin-focilo; (rifle-caliber rounds) máchin-fusilo; machine language màchinenso; machine pistol máchin-pistolo; machine shop (for making) màchineferío; (for repair) máchin-rèparerío; machine tool utensila máchino; machine translation autómata traducto; machinery màchinado; (mechanism) mecanismo; machinima machínimo; machinist (maker) màchinefisto; (operator) màchinisto || vt màchinijer || adj machine-made máchine fàbrichita; machine-readable máchine lecturébila; machine-washable máchine lavébila
  • macho adj màsculaza; macho man màsculazo || n machismo màsculazismo
  • mackerel n (zool.: Scombridae, et al.) scombro
  • mackintosh n (Brit.) mackintosh; pluv-mantelo
  • macle n (min.) chiastolito
  • macramé n macrameo
  • macrospore n (bot.) macrósporo; macrosporangium (bot.) macròsporangio
  • macula n (anat.) máculo; maculature (print) maculaturo || vt to maculate màculizer || adj maculate màculizita; màculosa
  • mad adj (very angry) furiosa; iraçosa; you mad, bro? iraçan vi, fratrucio?; to be mad with someone furier contre álicu | (chiefly Brit.: insane) fola; to drive mad folifer; to go mad folecer; like mad cuom on folo | (rabid) rábiaca; (informal: much, many, great) [props, skills] granda; multa; (informal: very enthusiastic) to be mad about something amazer álico; eser fola sopre álico; madcap amusante eccéntrica; foleta; pètulema, -anta; (reckless) [scheme, adventure] neprudenta; nesapienta; maddening exàsperanta; madding (lit.: frenzied) frenesìanta; (lit.: maddening) exàsperanta || adv (informal: very, extremely) extreme; mad tight extreme stricta || n madhouse folerío; manicomio; madman, -woman folo; madness (act) folajo; Madness? This is SPARTA! Folajo? Ecce SPARTA! | (state) folitio || vt to madden (anger) furiifer; (drive insane) folifer
  • Madagascar n Madagascaria; Malagasy Madagascariano
  • madam n senioriso; (woman who runs a brothel) (bordel-)patroniso
  • madapolam n (fabric) madapolamo
  • madder n (bot.: Rubia) rubio
  • madeleine n (cake) magdaleno
  • madona n (picture, statue) madono
  • madrepore n (zool.: Madrepora) madreporo
  • madrigal n matricalo
  • Maecenas n (fig.: patron of the arts) Mecenate
  • maestro n magistro
  • Mafia n Mafio; mafioso Mafiano
  • magazine n (journal) magazino; [with critical articles on current events, the arts, etc.] revisto; (chamber in gun for holding automatically fed cartridges) càrichizatro; (cartoċ-)càrichifatro; (mil., naut.: depot) magacino
  • mage n (archaic, lit.) maġo
  • magenta n fucsieo || adj fucsiea
  • maggot n (muschi-)larvo
  • magic n magío; (theat.) ilusionismo; magician maġo; (theat.) ilusionisto || vt magìer || adj (enchanted) incantita; the Magic Flute la Incantita flauto; (pertaining to the art) magìisca; magic bullet (med.) mirácula medicamento; (solution) mirácula solv(aj)o; magic carpet volanta tapeto; magic lantern (hist.) magí-lanterno; magic mushrooms halùcinifiva campaniolos; magic trick magìisca truco; magic wand magìisca virgo; magic(al) realism magìisca realismo
  • magister n (archaic) magistro; magistracy (magistrates collectively) (lochisca, regionisca) jùdiçado; (office) jùdicitio; magistrate (judicial official) (lochisca) júdiço || adj magisterial (pertaining to a magistrate) jùdicisca; (authoritative) auctoritatosa; magistrisca; (domineering) despótica, -esca, -isca; tirana, -esca, -isca
  • magma n magmo
  • magnanimous adj magnánima || n magnanimity magnànimitio
  • magnate n magnato
  • magnesia n magnesio
  • magnesium n (chem.: Mg) magnésiumo
  • magnet n magnético; magnetism (phys.) magnètichitio; (fig.) atracto; magnètichismo || vt to magnetize (make magnetic) magnètichifer; (fig.: attract, captivate) magnètichijer || adj magnetic magnética, -isca; magnetic card reader lecturatro je magnètichisca carto; magnetic disk magnètichisca disco; magnetic field magnètichisca campo; magnetic needle magnética acúculo; magnetic north magnètichisca nordo; magnetic pole magnètichisca polo; magnetic strip magnètichisca bendo; magnetic tape magnètichisca ribando
  • magnificent adj (impressive in appearance) belaza; grandiosa; spléndida; (very good, excellent) bonaza || n magnificence [in appearance] belazitio; grandiositio; splèndiditio; (excellence) bonazitio
  • magnify vt [image] (plu-)grandifer; [sound] amplìficher; (exaggerate) exàgerer; (archaic: extol) gloriizer; laudazer; magnifying glass grandif-lentilo
  • magniloquent adj magnilocuenta; pomposa
  • magnitude n (size) granditio; (extent) amplitio; vastitio; (importance) gravitio; importo; magnitio; (astron.) magnitúdino
  • magnolia n (bot.: Magnolia) magnolio
  • magpie n (zool.: several species within Corvidae) picelo
  • magus n (plural: magi) mago; the Three Magi la Tria Magos
  • Magyar n Magiaro
  • mahi-mahi n (zool.: Coryphaena hippurus) deaurato
  • mahogony n (bot.: Swietenia) mahogonio
  • maid n (female domestic servant) servistiso; maid-of-all-work generala servistiso | (archaic or lit.: maiden) pulceliso; the Maid of Orléans la pulceliso di Orléans; maid of honor ċefa honor-companioniso; maiden (archaic: girl, young woman) pulceliso; (archaic: virgin) vírgino; maidenhead (hymen) hímeno; (virginity) vìrginitio || adj maiden (inaugural) [flight, voyage, speech] inàugurisca; unésima; (unmarried) céliba; maiden name cèlibisca (aut pulcelisca) nómino | (unmated) vírgina; maidenly pulcelisisca
  • mail n (system, service) postalo; incoming mail envenanta léteros; junk mail nedesìderata léteros; spamo; versura postalajo; mail man lèterígero; postalisto; outgoing mail èxpedata léteros; sent mail èxpedita léteros; chain mail malio; mailbox leteruyo || vt èxpeder postale; postalijer
  • maim vt exturpier
  • main adj (principal) ċefa; principala
  • maintain vt mantiner
  • majesty n majestato || adj majestic majestatosa
  • major adj (mus., log.) majora || n (mil.) mayoro; majority majoritato; plu-multo || vi (specialize in) specialifer si
  • Majorca n Majórica
  • make vt (produce) -efer; facer; made in China facita (aut fàbrichita) en Ċina; (calculate) càlculer; (cause to do or be) ficer; -ifer; (compel) coercer; òbligher; (destine) a face made for radio on facio destinita por radiòfonío; (equal) ecualeser ad; eser; (gain or earn) acuister; amasifer; guadanier; (perform an act) facer; (prepare) òrdiner; prèparer; (provide) proviser; (reach) atinger; (render) ficer; to make away with (kill) mortifer; occiser; to make choice of selecter; to make do (manage) succeser; to make do with(out) (be satisfied) contentifer si per (sine); they didn’t have ET, so we’ll have to make do with Mac and Me los no haban ET, dunche nos deban contentifer nos per Mac and Me; to make good (accusation) prober; (claim) justìficher; (damage) pagher; rèparer; (loss) compenser; (promise) completioner; to make haste haster; to make into (render) -(aj)ifer; to make it (succeed) succeser; (survive) transviver; to make it to (reach) atinger; to make of (deduce from) deducter de; to make or break deciser la sorto di; succesifer aut falifer; to make out (assert) aserter; (decipher) descifrationer; (draw up) facer; scriber; (figure out) divinationer; (fill out) completifer; plenifer; (perceive) percepter; (pretend) finger; (understand) comprenser; to make over (apply cosmetics) fardizer; (transfer) ceder; trànsferer; to make up (accounts) facer bilanciajo di; (arrange) aranger; (clothes) factioner; (complete) completifer; (compose) composer; (comprise) consistifer; constituter; (cosmetics) fardizer; (costume) costumizer; (fabricate) fàbricher; fictioner; inventer; (invent) creer; inventer; (one’s mind) deciser; (prepare) prèparer; (printing) pàginifer; (put in order) òrdiner; (put together) cumponer; (redo) completifer; rifacer; (shape) formizer; (win back) riguadanier; to make-believe (that) imagination-jocher (che); imaginationer (che) || vi (act) to make free with acter, user sine ceremonio; make like a tree and scram! faces cuom le árboro et forcures!; (act as if) acter cuom se; (pretend) jocher che; to make away with (carry off) forporter; (pilfer) forfurter; to make for (aim at) mirationer; (attack) atachecer; (direct one’s steps) dìriger si ad; vader ad; (tend to) favorer; tendentier ad; to make good (be successful) succeser; to make merry amuzezer; fester; to make off (flee) forcurer; fuger; to make off with (carry off) forporter; (pilfer) forfurter; to make out (fare) stander; (grope one another amorously) basiazader; (progress) progreser; (succeed) successer; to make up (be reconciled) riamichecer; riconciliationer si; ripacecer; to make up for (compensate) compenser || n (kind) género; (style) stilo; (trademark) fábric-marco; maker creanto; creedoro; creinto; fàbricanto; fàbrichedoro; façanto; facedoro; make-believe imagination-jocado; imaginationo; to play make-believe imagination-jocher; makeup (completion) completifo; (consistency) consisto; (cosmetics) fardo; (costume) constumo; (reconciliation) riamicheço; riconciliationezo; ripaceço || adj make-believe (imagination-)jochisca; imaginationata; imaginationisca; makeshift improvisita
  • malaria n malario
  • Malawi n Malavia; Malawian Malaviano
  • Malaysia n Malaysia; Malay Malayano; Malaya (Malaysia’s former name) Malaya; Malaysian Malaysiano
  • Maldives n Maldivia; Maldivian Maldiviano
  • male adj máscula; male goat capraso; male stripper striptizistaso || n másculo
  • malefactor adj (formal) mal-facedoro || n malefaction mal-faço
  • maleficent adj (lit.; also “malefic”) maléfica; maleficence (act) malèfichío; (state) malèfichitio
  • Mali n Malía; Malian Malìano
  • malice n mal-volitiono || adj malicious mal-volitionanta; mal-volitionema
  • malign adj funesta
  • malignant adj (esp. med.) maligna
  • mall n comerciisca centro
  • mallard n (zool.: Anas platyrhynchos) silvaġa ánato
  • mallet n màleeto
  • mallow n (bot.: Malva) malvo
  • Malta n Malta; Maltese Maltano
  • mammal n mamífero
  • man n (adult human male) hómino; humanaso; man cave hómin-antro | (male associated with a particular place, activity, or occupation) -ano; -emo; -isto; Harvard man Harvardano; how ’bout you Jimmie, you an oak man? et vi, Jacucio, es vi on cuerchemo?; (human being of either sex; person) humano; All men must die. All men must serve. Omnos deban morter. Omnos deban server.; (humans in general) Man is an endangered species le humano es en perículo di extintiono; mankind le humanado; one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind una parva pasuo por on humano, (mas) una grandaza salto por le humanado || afx -man -isto
  • Man n (island) Monapia
  • mana n (relig.) mana; [loosely] númino
  • manage vt (direct, control) dìriger; (for an owner) gerer; (look after the affairs of person, business, organization) aministrer; to manage to do something succeser facer álico; I managed to leave early mi succesin partier antetémpore || vi (cope) can you manage? potan vi manuejer?; how do you manage? cuome vi manuejan?; I have to manage on Ð20 a day mi deban manuejer (aut subsister) per 20 Ð po dio; she can’t manage without her meds el no potan precinder de sua medicamentos; (succeed) manuejer; can you manage it? potan vi manuejer li? || n manager aministristo; (director) dìrigisto; (for an owner) geranto
  • manatee n (zool.: Trichechus) manatío
  • Mandarin n (language) mandarinenso; (person) mandarino
  • mandate vt mandato
  • mandible n mandíbulo
  • mane n crinado
  • manes n (myth.) manos
  • maneuver vt manòperer
  • manganese n (chem.: Mn) manganeso
  • mange n scabio
  • manger n (trough) [feed-trough] mangi-trogo; presepo; [watering trough] bibi-trogo; (place) [for cage-like trough; relig.] presepayo
  • mania n manío || adj manic (affected by mania) maníaca; (pertaining to mania) manìisca
  • manicure n manicuro || vt manicurer
  • manifest vt manifester || n manifesto pública declarationo
  • manioc n (bot.: Manihot esculenta) manioco
  • manipulate vt manìpuler; (unscrupulously) manìpuluċer
  • mannequin n manechino
  • manner n manario; all manner of omna tipos di || cor in that manner asíc
  • manor n dòminio; manor house dòminayo; manorio; (fortified) casteleto
  • mansard n (roof) mansardo; (story) mansardo
  • mansion n mansiono
  • mantel n focular-mantelo; mantelshelf focular-planco
  • manticore n (myth.) manticoro
  • mantis n (zool.) mántido
  • mantle n manto
  • manual adj (by hand) manisca || n (handbook) manualo
  • manufacture vt fàbricher; -ef-; to manufacture arms armefer
  • manuscript n manuscripto
  • Manx adj Monapiana || n Manxman Monapiano
  • many adj multa; how many times? cuanta veços?; many colored colorosa; many more multa álteros; many people multa personos; so many people tante multa personos; too many nim multa || prn multos; how many died? cuantos mortin?; many a time frecuente; mult-vece; many among them multos inter (aut de, ec) los; many of us multos de nos
  • Maori n Maorio
  • map n mapo
  • maple n ácero
  • mar vt (corrupt) corupter; (disfigure) fedifer; (disorder) desòrdiner; (spoil, ruin) damner; (throw into disharmony) desconcordifer
  • marabou n (zool.: Leptoptilos) marabuto
  • marasmus n (med.) marasmo
  • Marathi n (language) Marathenso
  • marathon n marathono
  • maraud vi sachejer || vt sachejer
  • marble n mármoro
  • march n marċo; March (month) Martio || vi marċer
  • margarine n margarino
  • margin n márgino; with a wide margin màrginose; per on ampla márgino
  • marigold n (calendula) caléndulo; (caltha) caltho; (tagetes) tageto
  • marijuana n marihuano
  • marinade n marinato || vt marinatijer
  • marinate vt marinatijer
  • marine adj (pertaining to ships) navisca; (pertaining to the sea) marisca || n (soldier) navinfantrìano
  • marjoram n majórano
  • mark n marco; signo; (level, standard) not up to the mark no standanta tote bone; no tote bona (aut fitanta, perfecta)
  • market n mercato; marketing mercatío
  • marl vt marghizer
  • marmoset n (zool.: Callithrix, Cebuella, Callibella, and Mico) wistitío
  • marmot n (zool.: Marmota) marmoto
  • maroon adj maronea
  • marquis n marcheso
  • marry vt mariter; the priest married him to her when they were seven years old la sacertodo maritin il ad el cuande los etatin septa anuos || vi to get married (to) mariter si (cum); sponsecer (cum) || n marriage (act) marito; sponseço; to give someone in marriage doner álicu como je sponso | (state) maritititio; sponsitio || adj married maritita
  • Mars n (planet) Marte; Martian Martano; Mars’ hill Areópago
  • marsh n marsco; marsh hen (zool.: Gallinula) galínulo; marsh owl (zool.: Asio capensis) marschi-striġo
  • marshal n marescalco
  • marshmallow n (bot.: Althaea officinalis) malvabisco; (candy) malvabiscajo
  • marten n martro
  • martial adj martiala; martial arts martiala artos
  • marvel n mirabilo || vi mirabilìezer
  • marzipan n mazapano
  • mascara n máscaro
  • masculine adj màsculisca || n masculism, masculinism màsculismo
  • mask n masco || adj masked ball maschi-balo; masked owl (zool.: var. from Tyto) maschi-striġo
  • masochism n masochismo
  • mason n masonisto; (Freemason) Maçono; masonry masonajo
  • mass n amaso; (body of matter) maso; (relig.) miso; mass communication amas-comúnico; mass media amas-comùnicatros; mediumos di amas-comúnico
  • massacre vt masacrer
  • massage n masaġo || vt masager
  • massive adj masiva
  • mast n masto
  • mastectomy n (med.) mastectomío; to perform a mastectomy mastectomìer
  • master n (expert; title of respect) magistro; always two there are, no more, no less — a master and an apprentice sempre dua ci es, no plu multa, no men multa — on magistro et on aprendisto; master of arts magistro sopre artos; (master copy) patronelo; (of a house, slave, pet) patrono; (title of a boy not old enough to be called “Mr.”) seniorolo; masterpiece magistr-opro; magistrajo; (chief work) ċef-opro || vt (learn thoroughly) paraprenser || adj (main, primary) ċefa
  • mastic n (resin) mástiço; mastic tree màsticífero | (waterproof filler and sealant) mástiço
  • mastiff n mastino
  • mastodon n (zool.: Mammut) mastodonto
  • masturbate vt masturber
  • mat n tapeteto
  • match n (for fire) flamífero; (sport: contest) matċo || vt match me, Sidney! flamefes ad mi, Sidney!
  • mate n (companion) companiono; checkmate! shac-mato! || vt parìculifer
  • maté n (bot.: Ilex paraguariensis) mateo
  • material n materialo; materialism materiischismo || adj (consisting of matter) materia; (concerned with physical needs) materiisca
  • mathematics n mathemático
  • mathom n gázulo
  • matricide n (crime) matricidío; (person) matricido
  • matrix n matriço
  • matte adj desbrilanta
  • matter n (substance) materio; (written or printed material) materio; the Matter of Britain la Materio di Britania; (affair, question) afaro; cuestiono; for that matter en ecuila relationo; matter of honor cuestiono sopre honoro; no matter when cuande cunche; no importan cuande | (difficulty, problem) problémato; what’s the matter? cua es la problémato?; (literat.: content) continedo; (med.: pus) puso
  • mattress n matratio
  • mature adj matura
  • maul n (sledgehammer) máleo
  • Mauretania n Mauretania; Mauretanian Mauretaniano
  • Mauritius n Mauritia
  • mauve adj malvea
  • maw n fauço
  • mawkish adj sentimentalaċa
  • maxim n sententio
  • maximum n máximo
  • may v (can) potan; (expressing wish, hope) -es; may she rest in peace el repauses en paço; may your first child be a masculine child! vua unésima filio eses on máscula filio!; (have right to, be permitted) esan yurizita; licer ad; gods may do what cattle may not cuo liçan ad Jove, no liçan ad bovo; (perhaps, maybe) forse
  • may n (hawthorn) blanchi-spino; crátego
  • May n (month) Mayo; May bug (zool.: Melolontha) melolontho; mayfly (zool.: Ephemeroptera) efémer-insecto; efemeróptero
  • mayonnaise n mayoneso
  • mayor n civitat-ċefo
  • me prn mi
  • meadow n prato; meadow saffron (bot.: Colchicum) cólchico
  • meager adj macra
  • meal n farino; repast(ed)o
  • mean vt (be determined about) you can’t mean it! vi no diçan lo seriose!; (imply) volitioner dicer; (intend) intenter; blue, I mean yellow! blavo, mi dices flavo!; (refer) aluser ad; do you mean me? alusan vi ad mi?; (signify) signìficher
  • mean adj (stingy) malitatosa; (unkind) desagratábila; despectosa
  • mean n (average) medii-valoro; (middle) medio || adv meanwhile dume
  • means n (method) manario; meano; by means of per | (resources) meanos; means of existence viv-meanos
  • measles n (path.) morbilo
  • measure vt mensurer || n mensuro; (step) to take measures facer aranġos (aut préparos)
  • meat n carno; meat grinder carn-molino (aut -tritatro)
  • mechanic n (autos, etc.) máchin-rèparisto; The Adventures of Maggie the Mechanic La adventuros di Marghi la máchin-rèparisto; (machinist) màchinisto; (manufacturer) fàbrichisto; (archaic: artisan) artitiano; minsteriisto; mechanician mecànichisto; mechanics (science of motion) mecánico; mechanism mecanismo || adj mechanical (machinelike) màchinesca; (relative to machines) màchinisca; (relative to mechanics) mecànichisca
  • medal n medalio
  • medalion n medaliono
  • meddle vi mìsculer si (en); to meddle with mìsculer si en
  • media n (of communication) comùnicatros
  • median adj (anat., geom.) mediana || n (anat., geom.) mediano
  • mediate vt mediationer || n mediator mediationisto
  • medical adj medicinisca
  • medicine n medicamento; (sci.) medicino
  • medieval adj Medii-Evisca
  • mediocre adj (only fair) mediocra; pasábila; (average) medii-valora
  • meditate vt (think over, ponder) mèditer
  • Mediterranean adj (sea) Mediterania Maro || n (sea) Mediteráneo
  • medium adj media || n (intervening substance) mediumo; substantio; (means of expression) expres-mediumo; (spiritualism) (spírit-)mediumo; through the medium of the press per la jurnalistado
  • medulla n medulo
  • Medusa n Medusa
  • meet vt incontrer; nice to meet you on placero cognocecer vi || vi asemblezer; cumvener || n meeting asembl(aj)o; cumsedo; cumveno; (encounter) incontro; public meeting pública asemblo
  • mega- afx (million) mega-
  • megachirella n (zool.: Megachirella wachtleri) megachirelo
  • megalomania n megalomanío
  • megaphone n megáfono
  • meitnerium n (chem.: Mt) meitnerio
  • melancholy n melancolío
  • melanin n melanino
  • melanoma n melanómato
  • melilot n (bot.: Melilotus) meliloto
  • melodrama n melodrámato
  • melody n melodío
  • melon n (bot.: Cucumis, Benincasa, Citrullus) melono
  • melt vt fusioner || vi fusionezer
  • member n membro
  • meme n memo
  • memoir n memorialo
  • memorandum n memorandario; memorandum book memorandarii-cuaderno
  • memorize vt mèmorijer
  • memory n mémoro; (comput.) mèmoratro
  • mendelevium n (chem.: Md) mendelevio
  • Ménière’s disease n morbo (aut síndromo di Ménière
  • meninx n (anat.) meninġo
  • menopause n menopauso
  • mensch n (informal) personocio
  • menstruate vi mènstruer
  • menthol n (chem.) mentholo
  • mention vt mentioner
  • menu n menuto
  • meow n miau
  • mephitis n mefito
  • merchant n comerciisto
  • mercury n (chem.: Hg) hidrárgiro; mercurialo; Mercury (planet) Mercurio
  • mercy n (clemency) clementitio; to beg for mercy demander clementitio; (compassion) compasiono; (divine) misericordio
  • mere adj mera || adv merely mere
  • merganser n (zool.: Mergus) mergo
  • merge vt cumfusioner
  • meridian n meridiano
  • merit n mérito || adj meriting mèritanta
  • merlon n merlono
  • mermaid n (myth.) mar-nimfo
  • merry adj alecra; joyosa; to make merry amuzezer; fester || n merry-go-round caroselo
  • mescaline n (chem.) mescalino
  • Mesopotamia n Mesopotamia; Mesopotamian Mesopotamiano
  • mesozoan n mesozoo || adj Mesozoic Mesozo-eralisca; Mesozoic era Mesozo-eralo
  • mess n (muddle) desòrdinajo; (dirt) spurcajo
  • message n misaġo || vt (someone) misagizer
  • messenger n misagígero
  • messiah n mesío
  • metal n metalo || adj metala; (informal: bold, badass, etc.) durona; I’m switching to Dark Iron dwarves because they’re metal as fuck mi cambiun ad la duergos di Fusca Fero pro che los es carácule durona
  • metallurgy n metalurghío; metallurgist metalurgo
  • metamorphose vt metamòrfoser || n metamorphosis metamórfoso
  • metaphor n metáforo
  • meteor n meteoro; meteorite meteorite
  • meteorology n meteoròloghío; meteorologist meteorólogo
  • meter n metro; 10 meters long longa de 10 metros; 10 meters longer plu longa per 10 metros
  • methadone n (pharm.) methadono
  • methamphetamine n (pharm.) methamfetamino
  • methenamine n (chem., contraction of “hexamethylenetetramine”) methenamino
  • method n méthodo
  • meticulous adj metìculosa
  • metropolis n civitatazo; metrópolo
  • metropolitan adj metròpolana || n (bishop) metròpolano
  • Mexico n México; Mexican Mèxicano
  • mezzanine n interstaġo
  • mi n (mus.) mi
  • mica n (geol.) micanto
  • micro- afx micro- || n microcar microvecturo; microfilm microfilmo; microwave micro-undo || vt to microwave micro-undijer
  • microbe n microbio
  • microfiche n microfiċo
  • Micronesia n Micronesia
  • microphone n microfono
  • microscope n microscopio
  • middle n medio || adj media; middle-aged medii-etatanta
  • midnight n nocti-medio
  • midway adv vial-medie; midway through the show medie di la spectáculo
  • midwife n obstètrichist(is)o
  • mien n vulto
  • mignonette n (bot.: Reseda odorata) (fragranta) resedo
  • migrate vi migrer || n migrant migranto, -into, -edoro; migration migro || adj migratory migranta; migratory bird migranta aucelo
  • mild adj lena; (medicines, diseases) benigna
  • mildew n milduo
  • mile n milio
  • militant adj mìlitanta
  • militarism n militarismo
  • military n militarado || adj militarisca
  • militia n militio; militiaman militiano
  • milk n lacto; milk chocolate lactosa ċocolato; milkman lactígero; milkshake frapeo || vt (a cow) mulger; (exploit) exploter || adj milky lactea; Milky Way Lactea Vialo
  • mill n molino; miller molinisto
  • millennium n anu-milo; milenio; millennial mileniisco
  • millet n (bot.) milieto
  • million card (10⁶) miliona || ord millionth milionésima
  • millipede n (zool.: Diplopoda) mili-pedo
  • mime vt mimer
  • minaret n minareto
  • mind n mento; out of one’s mind fola; mind-blowing halùcinifanta
  • mine prn la mea || pos (archaic) mea
  • mine n (for minerals) minerayo; minererío; coal mine carbon-minerayo; this book is a mine of information ecuista libro es on minerayo de informos; to work down the mine laborer en la minerayo; miner mineristo | (type of bomb) mino; to lay mines minizer; poner minos; to sweep mines desminizer; dragher minos; scopijer minos; mine detector min-detectatro; minefield min-tereno; minelayer minizedoro | (hist., mil.) mino || vt [minerals] extracter; minerejer; [region] minerer || vi to mine for something minerer por álico
  • mineral n mineralo
  • miniature n miniaturo
  • minimum n mínimo
  • minion n sérvulo
  • minister n ministro; ministry (cabinet) ministrado; (function) ministritio; (government department) ministrerío
  • minor adj (mus., log.) minora; (of age) minorena
  • Minorca n Minórica
  • minority n (lesser number) minoritato; (of age) minorenitio
  • mint n mintho
  • minute n (time) minuto
  • miracle n miráculo
  • mirage n miraġo
  • mire n marsco; (ecol.) turfayo
  • mirror n spéculo; rear-view mirror retrospéculo; side-view mirror éxtera retrospéculo
  • misapprehend vt miscomprenser; misjùdicher || n misapprehension miscomprenso; misjúdico; to be under a misapprehension erorer
  • miscellany n mìsculajo
  • mischief n (naughtiness) malajo; (roguishness) pìcarajo; [of kitten] pètulo; (harm) noço || adj mischievous (naughty) mala; (roguish) pícara; [kitten] pètulanta, -ema; (harmful) nociva
  • misconceive vt miscomprenser
  • miserly adj avara
  • misfortune n desfortuno; mala sorto
  • mishap n desfortunajo
  • miss vt [bus, appointment] faler; [target] faler; (feel lack due to absence) desiderier; senter la manco (di) || n falo; Miss (short for Mistress) seniorolo, -oliso || adj missing [person] desaparinta
  • missile n mísilo
  • mission n (building) misionayo; (diplomatic, task, calling, etc.) misiono
  • misstep vi mispasuer
  • mist n nèbuleto
  • mistake n eroro; to make a mistake erorer || adj to be mistaken erorer
  • mistletoe n vísculo
  • mite vt (zool.: Acari) ácaro
  • mitraille n (hist.) mitralio; mitrailleuse (hist.) mitralioso
  • mitten n (with separate fingers) guanto; (without separate fingers) múfulo
  • mix vt mìsculer; (tech., chem., pharm., culin.) mixturer || n mixer batu-mixturatro; mixture mìsculajo; (tech., chem., pharm., culin.) mixturajo
  • MMORPG n (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) masive multi-jochedora interreta rol-joco
  • moan vi gèmiter
  • moat n fosato
  • mobile adj (able to move or be moved easily) móbila; (able to be moved easily) movébila; (able to move easily) moveziva; mobile network operator operatoro je celular-reto (aut -telèfonijo); operatoro je móbil-reto (aut -telèfonijo) || vt to mobilize (mil.) mobiliser
  • mocha n mocacino; mocha-cafeo
  • mock vt deriser || adj mock-heroic (lit.) hero-cómica
  • mod n (end-user modification to a video game) modinghivo || vt modingher
  • mode n modalo
  • model n modelo; (art, fashion) modelo
  • modem n modemo
  • moderate adj mòderata || n (pol.) mòderato || vt mòderer
  • modern adj moderna
  • modest adj (not bold or presumptuous) modesta; (shy, reserved, esp. of body, sex, etc.) pudorosa, -ema || n modesty pudoro
  • modify vt modìficher
  • modillion n (archit.) modiliono
  • modulate vt modulationer
  • moist adj hùmideta; [cake] mola; spongiesca || n moisturizer molifivo
  • mold n (art, culin., tech., etc.) moldo
  • mold n (fungus) mucoro || adj moldy mucorosa
  • Moldova n Moldovia; Moldovian Moldoviano
  • mole n (zool.: Talpidae) talpo; mole cricket (zool.: Gryllotalpidae) talpi-grilo | (internal spy) talpo; (archit.) molono; (derm.) nevo
  • molest vt (abuse) sexìische mal-tracter; violationer; (dated: harass) molester
  • mollusk n molusco
  • Molotov cocktail n Mólotov-coctelo
  • molt vi mutantier
  • molybdenum n (chem.: Mo) molibdeno
  • mom n (informal) ma; mommy matrucio
  • moment n instanto; at this moment en ecuista instanto; for a moment dum instanto
  • momentum n momento
  • Monaco n Móneco; Monegasque, Monacan Mònecano
  • monastery n mònacayo
  • Monday n Lun-dio
  • monetize vt [coin] monetifer; [Internet content] monetizationer
  • money n pecunio; money order pag-mandationo
  • Mongolia n Mongolia; Mongol Móngolo
  • mongoose n (zool.: most of Herpestidae) mangusto
  • monitor n (comput.) monitoro
  • monk n mónaco
  • monkey n simio
  • monkshood n acónito
  • monolith n monólitho
  • monopoly n monopolio
  • monotone n monòtonitio; monotony monòtonitio || adj monotonous monótona
  • monster n monstruo
  • montage n (cine.) montaġo
  • Mont Blanc n Blanca Montáneo
  • Montenegro n Montenegro; Montenegrin Montenegrano
  • month n mensuo || adj monthly omn-
  • monument n monumento
  • mooch vt mutuaċer || n mutuaċedoro
  • mood n humoralo
  • moon n luno; full moon plena luno; half moon semiluno; waning gibbous moon descreçanta gibosa luno; waning moon descreçanta luno; waxing gibbous moon creçanta gibosa luno; waxing moon creçanta luno
  • moonkin n (fantasy) lunígeno
  • moor n (heath) brucayo; moorhen (zool.: Gallinula) galínulo
  • moor vt (fasten) [boat] anmarijer || n mooring cable anmaro
  • Moor n Mauro
  • moose n (zool.: Alces alces) alço
  • mop n mopo; (of hair) capiladaċo; capiladazo
  • moped n mopedo
  • moral adj [person] moralitatosa; [values, principles, issue, dilemma] moralitatisca || n (lesson) moralitatajo; moralist moralitatisto; morality moralitato || vt to moralize (interpret in moral terms) moralitatijer; (morally reform) moralitatizer || vi to moralize (give moral criticism) moralitatijer
  • morale n moralo
  • morbid adj (psych.) mórbida
  • more adv plu; all the more tante plu; I loved her all the more because she hated me mi amorin el tante plu multe pro che el odiin mi; the more ... the more cuante plu ... tante plu; the more he talks, the more I want to punch him cuante plu il paraulan, tante plu mi desíderan pugni-colper il; the more things change, the more they stay the same cuante plu lo cambiejezan, tante plu lo es la metípsima coso; more and more sempre plu; more beautiful plu bela; more or less plu aut men; no more (no longer) no pluse; moreover cétere; pluse || adj (further, additional) plusa; give me just one more cookie dones ad mi mere una plusa cuchio; (quantity) plu multa; my computer has more memory than yours mea còmputatro haban plu granda mèmorivitio cam la vua
  • mores n custumos; moralio
  • Mormon n Mormonisto; Mormonism Mormonismo
  • morning n matino; good morning! bona matino!; in the morning matine; morning coat jaco; this morning hodie matine; tomorrow morning demane matine
  • Morocco n Maroco; Moroccan Marocano
  • morose adj desalecra
  • morpheme n morfemo
  • morphine n morfino
  • morphology n morfòloghio
  • Morse code n códico Morse
  • mortal adj (subject to death) mortiva
  • mortar n (receptacle) mortario; (cement) mortaro
  • mortgage n hipotheco || vt hipothechizer
  • moscovium n (chem.: Mc) moscovio
  • mosque n moscheo
  • mosquito n (zool.: Culicidae) moschito
  • moss n moso || adj mossy mososa
  • most adj maxim multa; máxima; for the most part en la maxim granda parto; most men maxim multa hóminos; with the most care cum la máxima atento || adv maxim; the most interesting man in the world la maxim interesanta hómino en la mundo; mostly (most often) maxim frecuente; (ordinarily) ordinarie; (mainly) principale || prn maxim multo; maxim multos; máximo; at the most admáxime; to make the most of facer secuno posìbilitio; most of them la maxim multos ec los; la plu-multos ec los; the most one can do la máximo cuo homi potan facer; most possible maxim (multe) posíbile
  • motel n motelo
  • moth n faleno; clothes moth vest-faleno
  • mother n matro; gènitintiso; mother-in-law afina matro; sòceriso; motherland matrio; motherhood matritio || vt (be a mother to) [lit. or fig.] matrìer; (dated: give birth to) nacifer; parturer || adj motherly matrisca, -esca
  • motif n motifo
  • motivation n motivizo
  • motive n (reason) motivo || adj (causing motion) moviva
  • motocross n (sport) motocroso
  • motor n motoro; motorboat motorbarco; motorcycle motocicleto; motorhome motor-domo
  • motto n moto
  • mount vt (climb) [stairs] acenser; (fix, place) [jewel, guard, guns on a ship] monter; (get up on) [animal for copulation] survader; [horse, bicycle] surselecer sur; [platform] survader; (raise on high) èlever || vi [prices] augmentezer || n (mountain) montáneo; (riding animal) cabàlichedo; (support, setting, as for jewel) montajo || adj mounted (as jewel, etc.) montita; (on horseback) cabàlicanta; sursela
  • mountain n montáneo; mountain range montàneado || adj mountainous montàneosa
  • mourn vt luger || adj mournful luġosa; desjoyosa; trista
  • mouse n (comput.; zool.: Mus) sóriço
  • mouth n buco; (river) ecfluayo; mouthpiece imbucaturo; mouthwash colutorio
  • move vt mover || vi movezer; transresidecer; to move in with someone vivecer cum álicu
  • movie n filmo; b-movie filmo di serio B; movie buff cinéfilo; movie star cinestelo
  • mow vt (crops) falcijer; (grass) tonder || n lawn mower céspiti-tondatro
  • Mozambique n Mozambico; Mozambican Mozambicano
  • Mr. n (short for Mister) senioro, -aso
  • Mrs. n (short for Mistress) senioro, -iso
  • MSG n (monosodium glutamate) MSG (monosodii-glutamato)
  • much adv much to my surprise multe surprisante mi; not much pauche; so much the better tante plu bone; too much nime || adj multa || cor that much tanta
  • mucus n muco
  • mud n fango; mudflap fanghi-clapo; mudguard parafango
  • muff n manichito
  • muffin n (small, cup-shaped quick bread) múfino; English muffin Angliana múfino
  • mugwort n (bot.: several species within Artemisia) artemisio
  • Muhammadan n Muhàmadisto
  • mulberry n moro; mulberry tree morífero
  • mule n mulo
  • multiple adj múltupla
  • multiply vt multifer; (math) multìplicher || vi multecer
  • mumble vt mùrmuraċer
  • municipal adj (re city) civitatisca; (re municipality) munìcipiisca || n municipality munìcipio; (governing body) munìcipii-gubernerío
  • munition n munitiono
  • murder vt asasinìer || n asasinío; murder hornet (zool.: Vespa mandarinia) asasin-crabrono
  • murmur vt mùrmurer
  • murre n (zool.: Uria) urio
  • muscat n (bot.: var. from Vitis vinifera) muscato
  • muscle n músculo; muscle shirt camisio sine mánicos
  • Muscovy n (hist.) Moscovia
  • Muse n Muso
  • museum n museo
  • mushroom n (bot.) campaniolo; mushroom cloud àtomisca (aut nùcleisca) campaniolo; campaniolesca nubo
  • music n músico; music-hall spectáculo di diversos; musician musichisto
  • musicology n mùsicòloghío; musicologist mùsicólogo
  • musk n mosco
  • musket n moscheto
  • muslim n Islamisto
  • muslin n calicoto
  • mussel n muslo
  • must v deber; the spice must flow! la spicio deban fluer!; that must be -ed -end- || adj must-see spectatorìenda
  • must n (grape juice for wine) musto
  • must n (mustiness) odoro di mucoro (aut di cludititio, hùmiditio) || adj musty odoranta cuom mucoro (aut cuom cludititio, hùmiditio)
  • mustache n mustáceo
  • mustard n mustardo
  • mutable adj (changeable) alterationébila; cambiejébila; (changing) variema
  • mutate vi mutationer || n mutant mutationinto; mutation mutation(aj)o
  • mute adj muta
  • mutilate vt mùtiler
  • mutter vt mùrmuraċer
  • mutton n ovícul-carno
  • mutual adj recíproca || adv mutually recíproche
  • Mx n (gender-neutral title) Senioro
  • my pos mea || prn myself mi; I hate myself mi odian mi; (alone) I live by myself mi vivan sole | (emphatic) mi ipsa; I made them myself mi ipsa facin los
  • Myanmar n Birma
  • myocardium n (anat.) miocardio
  • myopia n miopitio; myope miopo || adj myopic miopa
  • myosotis n (bot.: Myosotis) miosótido
  • myria- afx (obsolete: 10⁴) miria- || n myriameter (obsolete: 10 km) miriametro
  • myriad n miríado
  • myriapod n (zool.: Myriapoda) miriápodo
  • myrica n (bot.: Myrica) mirico
  • myrmecophilous adj (bio., bot.) mirmecófila
  • myrrh n miro
  • myrtle n (bot.: Myrtus) mirto
  • mystery n misterio || adj mysterious misteriosa
  • mystic n mìstichisto; mysticism mìstichismo || adj (also “mystical”) mística
  • mystify vt (bewilder) perplexifer; (make bewildering) ficer perplexifiva
  • myth n mitho; mythologist mithólogo; mythology mithòloghío || adj mythic, mythical mithisca, -esca; fàbulisca, -esca; legendisca, -esca; mythological mithòloghìisca


  • N ltr ene
  • nab vt (informal: grab) sacer; (informal: arrest) capter
  • nabob n (hist.) nababo; nattering nabobs of negativism nul-facema nababos di neghismo
  • nacarat n nacarato
  • nadir n maxim basa punto; nadiro; (astron.) nadiro
  • nag vt ròsicher; stop nagging me! cesationes ròsicher mi!; to nag someone to do something ròsicher álicu por che li faces álico || n ròsichemo; (informal: old or sickly horse) cabalaċo || adj nagging [pain, doubt, fear] persistanta; ròsicanta, -ema; [person] ròsicanta, -ema
  • naga n (myth.) nago
  • Nahuatl n (language) Nawatlo; (person) Nawatlófono
  • naiad n (myth.) náyado
  • nail n (metal) clovo; (anat.) úngulo; to bite one’s nails roder (aut mordeter) sua úngulos; to cut one’s nails tonder sua úngulos; nail clippers úngul-tondatro; nail file úngul-limationatro; nail polish úngul-lacro || vt (fix with a nail) clovijer; (put nails into) [shoe] clovizer; (informal: catch) capter; clovijer; (informal: expose) desmaschizer; (informal: fell, down) [target] abatuer; (informal: perform perfectly) executer (aut facer) perfecte; (vulg. slang: have sex with) clovijer; to nail someone down to something [date, promise, price] coercer álicu ad álico || adj nail-biting [film, tension] angustiifanta; suspensosa
  • naive adj ingenua || n naïveté ingenuitio
  • naked adj nuda; the naked truth la nuda vero; la vero nuda et cruda; stark naked tote nuda; to strip naked nudifer, -ecer; naked lady (bot.: Colchicum) cólchico
  • namby-pamby adj (insipid and sentimental) insípida; sentimentalaċa; (lacking vigor or decisiveness) molaċa; (effete) moluċa || n (insipid and sentimental person) insípido; sentimentalaċo; (feeble or indecisive person) molaċo; (effete person) moluċo
  • name n nómino; (reputation) famo; rèputezo; to have a good/bad name haber on bona/mala rèputezo; to make a name for oneself famifer si | (famous person) eminento; famoso; magno; to call names insulter; nòminaċizer; in the name of ye la nómino di; go in my name vades ye mea nómino; what is your name? cua es vua nómino?; cuome homi vocan vi?; cuome vi nòminijezan?; namecheck (pública) mentiono; namesake homónimo || vt (give a name to) nòminizer; after the series finale, they regretted that they named their daughter Daenerys post la finalo di la serio, los regretin che los nòminizin sua filiiso Daenerys; (appoint) nominationer; the barkeep named him “beverage dissemination officer” la trincherí-ċefo nominationin il “funtionisto sopre bibedisca dissèminejo”; (identify) identìficher; the victim has been named as Nicole Brown Simpson homi identìfichin la víctimo como je Nicole Brown Simpson; (say or mention the name of) mentioner; nòminijer; she wasn’t named in the speech el no esin nòminijita (aut mentionita) en la discurso; they wanted me to name names los desíderin che mi dones (aut mentiones) nóminos; to name after nòminizer aluse je; we have named him Richard after the former president Richard Nixon nos nòminizin il Richard aluse je la ántea presidento Richard Nixon; to name-drop mentioner la famosos cua homi cognoçan || adj nameless sine nómino || adv namely (by name) nómine; (in other words) cuod es dicer
  • Namibia n Namibia; Namibian Namibiano
  • nankeen n (fabric) nanchino
  • nanny n nutriço; puer-atentisto; nanny state nutrici-stato
  • nano- n (thousand millionth part) nano-
  • nap vi (sleep lightly or briefly) dormeter; (take a siesta) siester || n (light or brief sleep) dormeto; (siesta) siesto; (on fabric, suede) pilado || adj nappy (informal) crispa
  • nape n nuco
  • naphtha n (chem.) naftho; naphthalene nafthalino
  • napkin n buc-tuco; servieto
  • Narcissus n narcissus (bot.: Narcissus) narciso; narcissism Narcisismo
  • narcosis n (med.) narcozo
  • narcotic n (med.) narcozivo || vt to narcotize narcozifer || adj narcoziva
  • nard n (bot.: Nardostachys jatamansi) nardo; (essential oil) nard-unguento
  • narrate vt raconter; [film, documentary] narationer || n narrative raconto || adj narrative raconta, -isca
  • narrow adj (of small width) stricta; (tight) stricta; (limited) [range] lìmitizita; restrictata; stricta; narrow-minded [ideas] stricta; [person] di stricta (aut clusa) mento | (precise, strict) [definition] stricta; (small, slight) [margin, majority] excarpsa; per pauco || adv narrowly (barely) [defeat, win] excarpse; per pauco; [escape, avoid, miss] apene; (closely) [watch] atentionose; (restrictively) [define] stricte || n narrows strictayo; narrowness deslarghitio || vt [road, eyes] strictifer; to narrow down (restrict) [search, possibilities] lìmitizer; restricter || vi [road, eyes] strictecer; to narrow down (be restricted) [search, possibilities] lìmitizezer; restrictezer
  • narthex n (archit.) narthiço
  • narwhal n (zool.: Monodon monoceros) narvalo
  • nasal adj (anat., phon.) nasisca || adv to speak nasally nas-parauler || n nasisco; nasality nasischitio
  • nascent adj [industry, democracy] naçanta; (chem.) naçanta
  • nasty adj (unpleasant) [person, remark] cruela; desagratábila; he’s a nasty piece of work il es on canalio | [situation, experience, surprise] desagratábila; [taste, smell] desagratábila; repugnanta; [weather, habit] desagratábila; feda; mala; (vulgar) grosaria; you so nasty! cuante grosaria vi es!; (difficult) [bend, junction] perìculosa; [problem] còmplichita; spinosa; [question] difícila; (serious) [accident, cut, wound, injury] feda; grava; mala; seriosa; a nasty fall on mala cado | [disease] grava; perìculosa; a nasty case of on grava caso di | [infection] forta
  • natal adj nacisca || n Natal (hist.) Natalia
  • natation n nato
  • nation n nationo; nation-state nation-stato; national (citizen) civo; nationalism nationanismo; nationality [of a people] nationitio; [of an individual] nationanitio, -ischitio || vt to nationalize [industry, etc.] nationischifer; statischifer; (naturalize) [person] civifer; nationanifer || adj nationwide tot-paesa; national nationisca; National Socialism (Naziism) nationischi-socialismo || adv nationally tot-paese
  • native n (indigene) [person, plant, animal] ennacinto; indígeno; a native of Bakersfield on indígeno di Bakersfield | (aborigine) aborígino; (local inhabitant) hàbitanto; nativity naço; Nativity scene presepayo || adj (indigenous) [person, plant, animal] ennacinta; indígena; a native Muscovite on indígeno di Moscvá | [thing, custom] propria; a drink native to Madagascar on bibedo propria ad Madagascaria | (aboriginal) aborígina; a native American on aborígina Amèricano; (innate) [quality, talent] inata; naturisca; (pertaining to one’s place of birth) naçaya; nacisca; he went back to his native Japan il rivenin ad sua nacisca Japonia
  • nature n (collective phenomena of the physical world) naturo; to get back to nature rivener ad naturo; the laws of nature la leġos di naturo | (essential qualities, character) caráctero; naturo; it’s not in her nature to lie lo no es en eluya naturo mendacier; mendacier no es propria ad el; the nature and extent of the damage remain unknown la naturo et extenso di la damnajo restan nesapata; by nature nature; per naturo; by its very nature per sua propria naturo; naughty by nature nature desobedema; nature vs. nurture la debato sopre inato aut acuistito | (kind, type) género; tipo; something in the nature of an apology on specio di excuso; things of that nature cosos di ecuila género; naturalist (philos., art) naturischisto; (scientist) natur-cientiisto; naturalness naturischitio || vt to naturalize [foreigner] civifer; nationanifer; (acclimate) aclìmater || adj natural naturisca; natural history natur-cientio; naturalistic naturesca; naturischismisca || adv naturally (as is normal) [happen, develop] naturische, -asche; (by nature) nature; per naturo; her hair is naturally curly eluya capilado es nature bùculosa | (unaffectedly) naturische, -asche; (of course) comprensébile; sine dúbito
  • naught prn (archaic: nothing) nulo; to come to naught faler; nulecer; to set at naught desapretier; nule respectioner || card (zero) zera
  • Nauru n Naurua; Nauruan Nauruano
  • nausea n náuseo || vt to nauseate nàuseifer || adj nauseous nàuseanta
  • Navarre n Navara
  • navel n (anat.) umbílico
  • navigate vt nàvigher
  • navy n mar-armato || adj naval mar-armatisca; navisca; naval war marisca (aut navisca) guero
  • Nazi n nacio; Naziism naciismo || adj naciisca
  • near adj (in time or space) próxima || prep proxim
  • neat adj neta
  • necessary adj necesa
  • necessitate vt necesifer
  • necessity n necesitio; neceso
  • neck n colo; necklace colaro; necktie cravato
  • necromancy n necromantío; necromancer necromanto
  • Necronomicon n Necronómico
  • necropolis n necrópolo
  • necrosis n (med) necrozo
  • nectarine n (bot.: Prunus persica, var. nectarina) nectarino
  • need vt besonier || adj needless to say... no es necesa dicer che…
  • needle n acúculo
  • negate vt negher
  • negative adj (math, phot., elec.) negativa; (negating) neganta; (pertaining to negation) neghisca
  • neglect vt neglecter
  • negligee n negliġato
  • negotiate vt (procure or arrange for through discussion) negotier; (find a way over or through a difficult path) transvader
  • neigh vi hiner
  • neighbor n vicino; neighborhood vicinayo || adj neighboring vicina
  • neither adv me neither anche mi no; neither...nor nec...nec
  • nematode n (zool.: Nematoda) nemátodo
  • neo- afx neo- || n neo-Nazi neonacio
  • neodymium n (chem.: Nd) neodimio
  • neon n (chem.: Ne) neono
  • neonate n neonato; nov-nacinto
  • neoprene n neopreno
  • Nepal n Nepalia; Nepali Nepaliano
  • nephew n nepòtulaso
  • Neptune n (planet) Neptuno
  • neptunium n (chem.: Np) neptunio
  • nerd n nerdo
  • Nereid n (myth.) Nèréido
  • nerve n nervo; nerves (anxiety) nervio || adj nervous nerviosa; nervous breakdown nerviisca criso
  • nest n nido
  • net n reto; the Net (Internet) la Interreto; network reto || adj (after deductions) neta
  • Netherlands n Nederlandia; Netherlander Nederlandiano
  • nett adj neta
  • neurosis n (med.) neurozo || adj neurotic neurózaca
  • neutral adj neutra
  • neutrer adj neutra
  • neutron n neutrono
  • never cor jamás; nulcuande || adv nevertheless tamen
  • nevus n nevo
  • new adj nova; a new thing novajo; what’s new? cuo nova?; newborn nove nacinta; new-fashioned moderna; secuno-moda; New Year Nov-Anuisca || n newborn nov-nacinto; newspeak nov-paraulo; New Year’s Day Nov-Anua dio; New Year’s Eve Nov-Anua antevéspero; New Zealand Nov-Zelandia; New Zealander Nov-Zelandiano; newness novitio; (inexperience) manco di experientio; neexpertitio
  • news n notitio; to ask the news about… demander notitio sopre…; newsagent (Brit.) jurnal-vendisto; newsboy jurnal-portisto; newspaper jurnalo
  • newt vt (zool.: Pleurodelinae) tritono
  • next adj secuanta; the next Monday la Lun-dio secuanta; la posta Lun-dio; next year la venunta anuo || adv next to juxte
  • nib n penin-beco
  • Nicaragua n Nicaragua; Nicaraguan Nicaraguano
  • nice adj agratábila
  • nickel n (chem.: Ni) níchelo
  • nickname n supernómino || vt supernòminizer
  • niece n nepòtuliso
  • Niger n Nígero; Nigeran Nigerano
  • Nigeria n Nigeria; Nigerian Nigeriano
  • night n nocto; my log saw something that night mea busco vidin álico dum ecuila nocto; good night! bona nocto!; nightborne (fantasy) noctido; nightcap dorm-bonito; nocti-bonito; (drink) última copo di la nocto; nightjar (zool.: Caprimulgidae) caprimúlgido; (zool.: Caprimulgus) caprímulgo; nightlife nocti-vivo; nightmare incubalo; nightshade (bot.: Atropa belladonna) beladono
  • nightingale n ruciniolo
  • nihonium n (chem.: Nh) nihonio
  • nimbus n auréolo; (meterol.) nimbo
  • nine card nona; ninety nondeça || ord ninetieth nondecésima; ninth (9th) nonésima || fract ninth () nónimo
  • ninja n ninja
  • niobium n (chem.: Nb) niobio
  • nip vt pinċer
  • nipple n mamilo; (vulg.) tetilo
  • nisse n (folk.) cóbalo
  • nitrate n (chem.) nitrato
  • nitric adj nitrata; nitric acid nítrica ácido
  • nitride n (chem.) nitruro
  • nitrite n (chem.) nitrito
  • nitrogen n (chem.: N) nitrógeno
  • nitroglycerin n (chem.) nitroglicerino
  • nixie n (myth.) nixo
  • no adj (none) nula; no one nulu; no one’s nuluya; no way nule || adv nowhere nulube || prn nobody nulu || inter no
  • nobelium n (chem.: No) nobelio
  • noble adj (of class) nobiliara; (of character) nóbila || n nobility nobiliarado; nobiliaritio; nobleman nobiliaro
  • nod vi [in assent] nuter afirme; [in greeting] nuter salute
  • node n túbero
  • noise n ruito; to make a noise ruiter
  • noisy adj ruitosa
  • Noldo n (fantasy) Noldo; Noldor (plural) Noldos; Noldorin Noldenso
  • nomen n genti-nómino
  • nomenclature n nomenclaturo
  • nominal adj nominala
  • nominate vt candidatifer || n nominative (gram.) nominativo || adj nominative (gram.) nominativa
  • nonsense n nesensoso
  • noon n meridio
  • noose n glisnodo
  • nopal n (bot.: Opuntia) nopalo
  • norm n normo; normal (math, chem.) normalo || adj normal normasca
  • Norman n Normando
  • Norn n (language) Norono; (myth.) Norno
  • Norse adj (Scandinavian) Scandinava || n Norseman Scandinavo
  • north n (direction, compass point) nordo; the wind is from the north la vento venan de la nordo | (northern part of the world or specified area) la nordo; in the north of the country en la nordo di la paeso; King in the North Reġo en la Nordo; northerner nordano || adj nordisca; north latitude nordisca latitúdino; northern nordisca || adv norde; Switzerland lies north of Italy Suicia jaçan norde de Italia; (northward) north, Miss Teschmacher! adnorde, Senioro Teschmacher!
  • Norway n Norvegia; Norwegian Norvegiano
  • nose n naso
  • nostalgia n nostalgío; to feel nostalgia for nostalgìer; the Nostalgia Chick la Nostalgí-cherliso
  • nostril n naro
  • not adv no; is it not? chi no?; not that I care lo no es che lo importan ad mi; nothwithstanding malgrate ecuilo
  • notary n notaro
  • notch n insecajo || vt insecher
  • note n not(aj)o; to make notes in the margin notizer la márgino; sick note certífico je malatitio; notebook cuaderno || vt (note down) noter
  • nothing prn nulo; to come to nothing nulecer
  • notice n aviso; to give notice to aviser; to take notice remarcher || vt detecter; remarcher
  • notify vt notìficher
  • notion n notiono
  • noun n nómino; substantivo; common noun comuna nómino; proper noun propria nómino
  • nourish vt nutrer
  • novel n romanço
  • novel adj novocia || n novelty novociitio
  • November n Novembro
  • novenary adj (composed of nine elements) nonenaria; (arranged in groups of nine) nonena; (math) nonenaria
  • novice n novicio
  • now adv (at the present time) nun; and now for something completely different et nun álico tote dìferanta; he used to be the doorman, but now he’s the CEO olim il esin la portisto, mas nun il es la generala dìrigisto; not now, dear nun no, cara; right now ecuist-instante; en ecuista instanto; the time is now five o’clock lo es cinca clocos; (at last, already) jam; I must be off now mi jam deban vader; (immediately) imediate; jam; nun; I’ll do it right now mi façun lo imediate; if we leave now, we’ll be there by lunch se nos partiun nun (aut jam, imediate), nos arivun ante post prandio; it’s now or never lo es nun aut jamás; (in these circumstances) jam; it’s too late now lo jam es nim tarda; now what? et nun, cuo?; (nowadays) actuale; nun-témpore; no one would think of doing that nowadays nun-témpore ad nulu veneban en mento facer ecuilo; (of duration up to present) jam; he’s been fiddling with that stupid language for 23 years now jam dex 23 anuos il amusaċan si per ecuila stúpida linguajo; (showing alternatives) now…, now… alore…, alore…; as of now dex nun; before now ante nun; ántee; jam; by now ante post nun; by now it was clear that… ecuil-instante jam esin clara che…; for now dum la nuna témporo; dume; por nun; provisorie; that will do for now por nun ecuilo sufiçan; from now post nun; 100 years from now 100 anuos post nun; from now on dex nun; just now ecuist-instante; en ecuista instanto; I’m busy just now mi es òcupata ecuist-instante | (a moment ago) jus; now and then de témporo ad témporo; tèmporene; now that nun cuande; until now, up to now usche nun; (past) usche alore || adj actuala; nuna; presenta; (of the past) alora || inter ben; come now, you must want something venes jam, no dices ad mi che vi desíderan nulo; now then! ben!; now then, what’s the trouble? ben, cua es la problémato?; now, as you all know... ben, cuome omna vos sapan…; now, there’s a thought ben, ecce on no mala ideo; now, what’s everyone drinking? ben, cuo vos volitionan trincher?; well now, what have we here? nos vides! cuo nos haban hic?
  • nozzle n naselo
  • nuance n nuantio
  • nuclear adj [energy, bomb, submarine] nucleara
  • nude adj nuda
  • numb adj sine sento
  • number n (math, gram.) numbro; (order, succession) número; (written figure) cifro
  • numen n númino
  • numeral n cifro
  • numerator n numeratoro
  • numerous adj numbrosa
  • nun n mònachiso; nunnery mònachisayo
  • nuptial adj nuptiisca || n nuptials nuptio
  • nuraghe n (archaeol.) nurago
  • nurse n (in hospital, clinic) fleghisto; (dated: nanny) nutriço; (archaic: wet nurse) alactisto; nursemaid nutriciso; nursery (for children) [daycare] puer-atenterío; [preschool] infantisca scolo; [room] puer-cambro; (zool., bot.) (plant-)alevamentayo; nursery rhyme puerisca cantiono; nurseryman plant-alevamentisto; nursing home vèculerío; nursling alactato || vt (give medical attention to) [patient] flegher; (look after) atenter; (try to cure, treat) [injury] curationer; (fig.: harbor) [feeling] alimenter; incubationer; nutrer; (suckle) [baby] alacter
  • nurture vt (bring up) alevamenter; èducher; (nourish) alimenter; nutrer
  • nut n (bot.) nuço; he’s a tough nut (idiom) il es on durono; it’s a hard nut to crack (idiom) lo no es on parva problémato; nutcracker nuci-rumpatro; nutshell nuci-scalio; in a nutshell (idiom) en pauca paraulos; maxim concise | (tech.) buloniso; nuts and bolts (informal) pràctichisca detalos (aut aspectos) | (informal: crazy or eccentric person) folo; nutcase, nutjob folo; nuthouse folerío; manicomio | (over-enthusiast) fanático; gun nut fanático sopre focilos; (vulg.: testicle) coleono || vi (vulg.: orgasm) coleonejer || adj nuts (informal: crazy or eccentric) fol(et)a; to be nuts about something eser fola sopre álico; to go nuts folecer; nutty (containing lots of nuts) nuçosa; (nut-like) nucesca; (informal: crazy or eccentric) eccéntrica; fol(et)a; the nutty professor la foleta profesoro || inter nuts! (annoyance, anger, or disappointment) pa!; nuts to you! (rejection of a proposal or idea) vades figer lo!
  • nutate vi (tech., astron.) nutationer || n nutation nutationo
  • nutmeg n (bot.: Myristica) [nut] moscato; moschi-nuço; [spice] moscat(aj)o; [tree] moscatífero
  • nutrient n nutrivo || adj nutranta, -iva
  • nutriment n nutrivo
  • nutrition n (act) nutr(ez)o; (food, nourishment) nutrivo; (science) nutrío; clinical nutrition nutròloghío; nutritionist nutrìisto
  • nutritious adj nutranta, -iva
  • nux-vomica n (bot.: Strychnos nux-vomica) [nut] vòmitif-nuço; [tree] stricnin-árboro; vòmitif-nucífero
  • nyctalopia n (med.) nictàlopitio || adj nyctalopic nictálopa
  • nylon n nilono
  • nymph n (myth.) nimfo
  • nymphomania n nimfomanío; nymphomaniac nimfomaníaco


  • O ltr o || inter (vocative) O
  • oaf n aufo
  • oak n (bot.: Quercus) cuerco; oak apple cuerchi-cecidio || adj oaken (lit.) cuerca
  • oakum n (chiefly hist.) stupo
  • oar n remo; oarsman, -woman remanto, -edoro, -isto || v remijer
  • oasis n óaso
  • oat n (bot.: Avena sativa) aveno; oats aven-granos; aveno; oatmeal (porridge) poraġo || adj oaten (archaic) avena
  • oath n (solemn promise) juro; to break one’s oath rumper sua juro; to put someone on oath jurifer álicu; to take an oath facer on juro; jurer; under oath sub juro | (swear word) grosariajo; parauluċo; vocàbuluċo
  • obdurate adj (stubborn, especially in wrongdoing) obstinanta; sine repénito; (hardhearted) durifita; sine compasiono; (unyielding) neflectébila; rígida; sine cedo; (obsolete: physically hardened) durifita || n obduracy nerepénito; obstino; durifititio; necedo; necompasiono; neflectèbilitio; rìgiditio
  • obedient adj obedanta, -ema || n obedience obedo
  • obeisance n reverentio
  • obelisk n obelisco
  • obelus n (typ.) óbelo
  • obese adj obesa
  • obey vt obeder
  • obfuscate vt desclarifer
  • obituary vt necròloghìajo
  • object n (any material thing perceived by the senses) objecto; objects in the mirror are closer than they appear objectos en la spéculo es plu próxima cam los pareçan; (focus) -ato; objecto; an object of ridicule derisato; objecto di deriso | (aim) intento; obiectivo; our main object is to make money nostra principala obiectivo es guadanier pecunio; with this object in mind cum ecuista obiectivo (aut intento) | (gram.) complemento; direct/indirect object (no)directa complemento; (in phrases) no object (not an obstacle) money is no object la costo no importan; le pecunio no es on problémato (aut obstáculo); objection (aversion) desáprobo; do you have any objections to my smoking? molestun lo vi se mi fumejun? | (opposing view) objectiono; are there any objections? es ci objectionos?; if you have no objection se vi no haban on objectiono; (jur.) objection! objectiono!; objection overruled/sustained objectiono refusita/acceptita; objective (aim) obiectivo; (opt.) objectisco; objectivism (philos.) objectivismo; objectivity objectivitio || vt (archaic: offer as a refuting argument) objectioner; he objects this very circumstance to the authenticity of the Iliad il objectionan ecuista metípsima circumstantio ad la authèntichitio di la Ilíado || vi to object to (disapprove) desàprober; do you object to my shooting up? molestun lo vi se mi punturun mi?; she objects to their behavior el desáproban lora comporto | (protest) protester; I object! mi protestan!; (jur.) mi objectionan! || adj objectionable [behavior, attitude, remark] neacceptébila; ofensanta; reprimendanda; [language] grosaria; ofensanta, -iva; [person] desagratábila; grosaria; [smell] desagratábila; nàuseifanta; repugnanta, -iva; objective (gram.) complementisca; (impartial) [person, view, assessment, opinion] objectiva; (opposite of subjective) [evidence, facts] objectiva; (pertaining to objects) objective lens objectisco
  • objet d’art n artajo
  • objurgate vt (rare) reprimender; reproċer ad || n objurgation reprimendo; reproċo
  • oblate vt (relig.) òferer; sacrìficher || n oblation òferedo; sacrìfichedo
  • obligate vt òbligher || n obligation debo; òblighezo; to be under obligation to someone òblighezer ad álicu | (debt) debitiono, -edo; (fin.) obligationo || adj obligatory òbliganta; to make it obligatory that someone do something òbligher che álicu faces álico
  • oblige vt (compel) òbligher; coercer; to be obliged to do something deber (aut eser òbligata) facer álico; I am not obliged to help you mi no deban adjuter vi; to oblige somebody to do something òbligher álicu facer álico | (gratify) complacer; facer on complaço ad; can you oblige me with a pen? complaceban et doneban vi mi on penino?; I am much obliged to you mi debitionan multo ad vi; mi multe gratitúdinan vi; much obliged! multa regratio!; oblige me with… complaces et dones ad mi… || adj obliging complaçanta, -ema
  • oblique adj oblicua
  • obliterate vt (destroy) nulifer; pardestructer; (erase) efacier; (obscure) desaparifer; nevidèbilifer
  • oblivion n (unconsciousness) neconcio; (extinction) extintiono; (state of being forgotten) oblitezo || adj oblivious neconcianta; sine concio
  • oblong n oblongo || adj oblonga
  • obloquy n (public criticism, abuse) deshonorizo; ignominiizo; reprimendoo; verecundifo; (disgrace) deshonoro; ignominio
  • obnoxious adj abòminanda; desagratábila; odianda
  • oboe n (mus.) hautbosco
  • obolus n (hist., fig.) óbolo
  • obscene adj obcena || n obscenity (quality) obcenitio; (thing) obceno; [word] obceno; parauluċo
  • obscure adj (not well-known) [book, artist, poet] obscura; pauche (aut ne-) cognoçata; (not obvious) [origins, reason] neclara; obscura; [reference] enígmata; obscura; [word, jargon, terminology] difícile comprensébila; obscura; (indistinct) [shape, figure] neclara || n obscurant obscurifanto; obscurantism obscurantismo; obscurity (state of being not known) necognoçatitio; (state of being not obvious) difícila compensèbilitio; neclaritio || vt (conceal) absconder; [partly] velamentizer; (make unclear) confusifer; ficer neclara; obscurifer
  • obsequies n fùnerisca ceremonio
  • obsequious adj adulema; complacemaċa; lacayesca; respectemaċa; servemaċa
  • observe vt (see) vider; (take note of) remarcher; (watch carefully, study) observer; (make a remark) remarcher; (obey) [rule, custom] obeder; [Sabbath, silence] guarder; (celebrate) [anniversary] cèlebrer; fester || n observance (fulfillment) [of rule, law] obedo; plenejo; (practice) [of religion] práctico; (ceremony) ceremonio; (watching, noticing) observo; remarco; observation observo; (remark) comento; remarco; (celebration) [of anniversary, holiday] célebro; festo; (fulfillment) [of rule, law] obedo; plenejo; observation deck observayo; observatory observayo; (sci.) observatorio || adj observable [benefit, consequence, effect, fact] vidébila; [phenomenon] observébila; perceptébila; [rise, fall, improvement, increase, difference] evalutébila; perceptébila; remarchébila; observant (attentive) atentionema; remarchema; (watchful) observema; (strict in obeying rules) [of religion] pràcticanta
  • obsess vt obseser
  • obstacle n obstáculo
  • obstetrics n obstétrico || adj osbstetrical obstètrichisca
  • obstinate adj obstinanta
  • obstruct vt obstructer
  • obtain vt obtiner
  • obtuse adj obtusa
  • obverse adj obversa
  • obvious adj evidenta
  • occasion n (cause) causo; (favorable time) oportunajo; (happening) evento; (instance, circumstance, time) veço; (particular time or instance of an event) ocasiono || adj occasional (for one occasion) ocasionisca; (now and then) álic-veça || adv occasionally de témporo ad témporo; ye álica veços
  • Occitan n (language) Occitanenso; (person) Occitano; Occitania Occitania || adj Occitana, -ensa
  • occult adj oculta
  • occupy vt òcuper || adj occupied òcupata
  • occur vi (happen) eventer; (to the mind) vener en mento; vener en penso
  • ocean n océano; Oceania Ocèania; oceanography ocèanògrafío
  • ocher n ocro
  • o’clock n cloco; it is one o’clock in the morning lo es una cloco matine; the six o’clock news la notitio di cinca clocos; (aer., mil.) aircraft approaching at three o’clock aviono (proximeçan) ye tria clocos
  • octahedron n (geom.) octahedro
  • octave n octavo
  • October n Octobro
  • octonary adj (composed of eight elements) octenaria; (arranged in groups of eight) octena; (math) octenaria
  • octopus n (zool.: Octopoda) pólipo
  • odd adj extránea
  • odometer n odómetro
  • odontology n odontòloghío
  • odyssey n odiseo
  • of prep (possession, relationship) di; the enemy of my enemy is my friend la inimico di mea inimico es mea amico; Godfrey of Amiens Godafrido di Amiens; the sultan of Brunei la sultano di Bruneia; [before possessive pronouns] that kid of yours ecuila filio vua; (a kind of) a turd of a show on merda spectáculo; (agent, authorship) da; the gospel of Judas la evangelio da (aut secuno) Juda; (concerning) sopre; Of Mice and Men Sopre sóriços et hóminos; (consisting of) ec; a house of straw on domo ec páleo; [quantity] the sum of €30 la sumo de 30 €; (aged) a man of 50 (years) on hómino di 50 anuos; (contents; thing measured) de; a barrel of monkeys on barilo de simios; a pound of flesh on librilo de carno; a spoonful of sugar on plen-coclearo de súcaro; (origin, derivation, starting point) de; men of the West hóminos de Occidento; (specific name after general category) the month of May la mensuo Mayo; it is very good of you vi es valde afábila; of course comprensébile, -ende; of late recente; the people of old la anticua pópulo; la ólima pópulo
  • off adv (away) distanta; a place three kilometers off on loco distanta per tria km; three centimeters off of her ye tria centímetros de el | [far] fore; far off from here for hic; off in the distance fore; some way off cualche fora | [broken off] derumpita; [com.] ten percent off deço po cento rebase; [departing] be off! fore!; I’m off mi vadan; let’s be off! nos vad(ec)es!; off with her! forconduces el!; fore cum el!; off with you! fore!; foreces!; forvades!; they ran off los forcurin; [from work] he gets three days off a week il haban tria dios líbera po septimano; he’s off sick li es absenta pro malatitio; I’m off at five o’clock mi es líbera ye cinca clocos; I’m off (on) Fridays mi no laboran Véner-die; to take a day off prenser (ad si) on repaus-dio | [removed] desfixita; deslighita; sèparita; the clasp is off la agrafo es deslighita; hands off! fore vua manuos!; hats off! fore vostra capelos!; with his shoes off cum iluya calcéolos deponita | [switched off] (elec. apparatus) extinguita; (tap, water, gas) cludita; [time] future; post (témporo); the convention is four days off la cumveno es cuatra dios future; la cumveno esun post cuatra dios; off and on cum interrumpos; de témporo ad témporo; intermitante; right off, straight off imediate || adj (canceled) anulita; the marriage is off la marito es rumpita; (elec., mech.) in the off position en la positiono di extinguo/cludo; (not right) nejusta; [inopportune] desoportuna; [subpar] subnorma; an off day on subnorma (aut mala) dio; offbeat eccéntrica; offhand (without concern) sine destrancuilitio; off-color di nejusta coloro; offhand (abrupt) brusca; (disdainful) desapretiosa; (immediate) imediata; (indifferent) indiferenta; (ungraciously nonchalant) sine respecto; (without hesitation) sine hésito; (without previous thought or consideration) improvisita; sine consídero; sine penso; offline (cmptr.) [not connected to the Internet or Web] neinlínea; (elec.) desconectita; off-peak exter puntal-horos; off-putting (unpleasant) desagratábila; off-road omni-terena; offside exter la límito; off-white presche blanca || n offbeat (mus.) débil-pulso; off-season exter-sationo; offset (print) ofseto; offshoot súrculo; offspring prolo || prep (away from) de (sur); for; to fall off a table cader de (sur) on menso; keep off the moors restes for la brucayos; off campus for la universitati-tereno; [com.] to take 10 percent off the price rebaser la pretio ye deço po cento | [outside] exter; [removed] the lid is off the jar la copérculo es desfixita de la jaro; off the hinges sèparita de la cárdinos; there are three buttons off my shirt ad mea camisio mancan tria botonos; (abstaining from) to be off one’s food no haber apetito; I’m off meat mi no pluse manġan carno; (near) a house just off Maple Street on domo proxim strado Maple; off the coast juxte la ripo; off the coast of Lisbon mare abante/proxim Lisboa; a road off Maple Street on vialo perpendiculara ad strado Maple; the ship is off the harbor la navo es abante/proxim la portuo; a street off the square on strado partianta de la pláteo
  • offend vt ofenser || n to commit an offense delicter; offense (criminal) delicto
  • offer vt òferer || n to make an offer facer on ófero; I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse mi façun ad li on ófero cua li no potun refuser
  • office n (job, position) oficio; (place) oficino; officer (mil.) oficiaro; official (gov, etc.) oficiisto || adj official (pertaining to office) oficiisca; (recognized by an official body) oficiala
  • often adv frecuente
  • oganesson n (chem.: Og) oganesono
  • ogre n ogro
  • oh! inter oh!
  • oil n óleo; oil cake (fodder) tortelo; oil lamp óle-lámpado; oilcan òleizatro
  • OK inter (assent, agreement, acceptance, understanding) OK
  • okapi n (zool.: Okapia johnstoni) ocapio
  • old adj (not new) vétera; an old friend vétera amico; old guard vétera guardio; old salt (informal: experienced sailor) mar-lupo; Old Testament Vétera Testamento; Old World Vétera Mundo | (not young) vécula; to be 20 years old etater dudeça anuos; to be old enough to sufiçante etater por; how old are you? cuante vi etatan?; an old person on véculo; old age vèculitio | (ancient, bygone) anticua; an old dance on anticua danço; Old High German anticua alt-Alemanenso | (former) ántea; the old regime la ántea regímino; (experienced) experientiosa || n 20-year-old dudeç-anuo; etatanto de dudeça anuos
  • olive n olivo; olive tree olivífero
  • Olympus n Olimpo || adj Olympic Games olímpico
  • Oman n Omania; Omani Omaniano
  • omelette n omeleto
  • omen n presaġo
  • ominous adj maláugura
  • omit vt omiser
  • on prep (in physical contact with and supported by) sur; the fool on the hill la stulto sur la colino | [contiguous to] an; a house on the river on domo an la fluvio; a ladder on the wall on scalinado an la muro; [one’s person] I don’t have any cash on me mi no haban comptanto cum mi; (about) sopre; On the Origin of Species Sopre la orígino di specios; (added to) a few cents on the bill won’t kill us cualca céntims aditione ad la cálculo no mortifun nos; (against) contre; to fire on a crowd dìsparer contre on túrbulo; to march on Rome marċer contre Roma; (engaged in) I’m on a new project mi laboran sopre on nova projecto; on business por afaros; with Louis Armstrong on trumpet cum Lous Armstrong an trompeto; (indicating medium) en; per; because you’re on television, dummy! pro che vi es en televiso, stulto!; made on a Mac facita per on Macintosh; my résumé’s (stored) on my computer mea curículo es en mea còmputatro; they announced it on the radio homi anuntiin lo radiófone/per radiófono; (indicating membership) eser on membro di; I’m on the committee mi es on comitatano; mi es on membro di la comitato; (indicating time) [after] post; on examination post exámino; on further inquiry post plusa cuestiono | [at the time of] an; on entering entrante; on her arrival ye eluya arivo | [day or part of day] en; on a pale afternoon en on pálida postmeridio; on May 1 en 1 Mayo; on Saturday en Sábato; on that day en ecuila dio | [days or part of days] -e; on Saturdays Sábate; (paid for by) drinks are on me mi pagun la bibedos; it’s on the house la domo pagan; (regularly taking, consuming) he’s back on drugs il denue droghijan si; he’s on a soy diet il secuan on regímino di soyo; I’m on bug powder mi prendan insecticido; on account of pro; on credit crédite; ye crédito; on fire ardanta; en flamos; on hand disposébila; (in store) en botheco; on high supre; ye la supro; on purpose intente; volitione; on sight ye vido; on the other side of trans; on the right dextre; on the way dum la vialo; dum-viale; on the whole sume; on this side of cis || n onbeat (mus.) forta pulso; onlooker spectatoro; onrush undazo; onset (attack) ataco; (beginning) aparo; cominitio; onslaught asalto || adj oncoming advenanta; ongoing (continuing) durationanta; (in progress) progresanta; I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation mi no potan comenter on incuesto progresanta; online (cmptr.) [connected to the Internet or Web] inlínea; online shopping inlínea bothechejo; online store inlínea botheco | [pertaining to a network] retisca; (elec.) conectita; on-message misaġasca; on-screen en-scherma || adv (in physical contact with and supported by something) fixita; lighita; make sure the lid’s on certifes che la copérculo es fixita | [of clothing] surponita; (further) pluse; and so on et asíc pluse; far on in the night valde tarde; to play on continuationer luder; pluse luder; to read on lecturer pluse | [forward] adabántee; on! adabántee! | [still] incore; to live on incore viver; (taking place, being presented) anything good on tonight? es álico bona presentationuta hodie véspere?; what’s on? cuo presentationata?; [due to take place as planned] is the meeting still on tonight? es la asemblo incore eventunta hodie véspere?; (working) are you on tomorrow? (on duty) laborun vi demane? | [of actors] en cenayo; [of broadcasters] transmisanta; [of machines] funtionanta; [turned on] (elec., mec.) accensita; (tap, water, gas) àperita; on and off cum interrumpos; de témporo ad témporo; intermitante; on and on sine fino
  • once adv alicuande; olim; un-vece; at once (immediately) imediate; (simultaneously) simultánee; once and for all un-vece por sempre; once upon a time olim
  • oncilla n (zool.: Leopardus tigrinus) oncilo
  • one card una; one way única directiono; one-eyed un-ócula || prn (people in general) homi
  • onion n cepulo
  • only adv (exclusively) mere; he loves only money il aman mere pecunio; (no longer ago than) mere; (no more than) mere; I’m only a messenger mi es mere on misagígero; (not until) mere || adj (alone of its kind) única; an only child única filio; the only thing I don’t like about it is… la único cua no plaçan ad mi sopre ecuisto es…; you’re not the only one vi no es la única || conj (but) mas; I’d come, but I’m too busy mi venebun, mas mi es nim òcupata
  • onomasticon n nominario
  • onomatopoeia n onomatopeyo
  • onto prep adsur
  • oof inter uf!
  • oops inter ups!
  • opal n ópalo || vi to opalesce opalicer
  • open vt àperer || n opening (act) ápero; (aperture) àperajo || adj (not enclosed) aperta; (opened) àperita; open-heart surgery chirurghío je aperta cordio || adv openly aperte; (frankly) cándide
  • opera n ópero; operetta òpereto
  • operate vt (control the functioning of) operatorìer || vi (med., mil.) operationer || n operating system operatora sistémato; operation (surgical, math) operationo
  • opine vt opiner
  • opinion vi to have an opinion opiner; to have same opinions concorder
  • opium n opio
  • opossum n opósumo
  • opportune adj oportuna || n opportunity (favorable circumstance or time) oportunajo; to seize the opportunity prender (aut capter) la oportunajo | (opportuneness) oportunitio
  • oppose vt (be resistant to) oponer; (to place opposite) oposer || adj opposite oposita
  • oppress vt opreser
  • optics n óptico; optician òptichisto
  • option n (alternative) alternativo; (bus, jur., et al.) optiono || adj optional optiona; permisata; (not mandatory) facultativa
  • optometer n optómetro; optometrist optòmetristo; optometry optòmetrijo
  • or conj aut
  • orange n naranjo; orange tree naranjífero
  • orangutan n (zool.: Pongo pygmaeus, et al.) orangutano
  • orate vi orationer
  • oratory n (art of public speaking) orationío; (mus.) oratorii-cantiono; (small chapel) oratorio
  • orbit n (astron.) órbito; (anat.) orbitalo || vi òrbiter
  • orc n (fantasy; also “ork”) orco
  • orca n (zool.: Orcinus orca) orcilo
  • orcein n (chem.) orceíno
  • orchard n fruct-àrborayo
  • orchestra n orchestro
  • orchid n (bot.: Orchidaceae) orchídeo
  • orchil n (bot.: Roccella tinctoria, et al.) orcelo
  • orcinol n (chem.) orcinolo
  • orcula n (zool.: Orcula) órculo
  • ordain vt ordinationer
  • ordeal n èprobazo; (hist) ordalío
  • order n (arrangement) órdino; (command) mandationo; (in a restaurant) portiono; (relig., mil.: organization) ordo || vt (command) mandationer; to order someone to rest mandationer ad álicu repauser; mandationer repauso ad álicu; (goods, dinner, etc.) peter || adj ordinal òrdinisca || prep in order to por che
  • ordinary adj ordinaria
  • ore n minerajo
  • organ n (instr., anat.) órgano; my brain? it’s my second favorite organ! mea cerebro? li es mea duésime prèferata órgano!; organism organismo | (mus.) organilo; organ stop registro (di organilo); tùbulado (di organilo); organization òrganiz(aj)o || vt to organize aranger; òrganizer; prèparer || vi to organize arangezer; òrganizezer; prèparezer || adj organic (chem.) orgánica; (natural) [farming] eco-agricultivisca; [food] eco-nutriva; [growth, development] naturisca; (physiol.) òrganisca; (relative to parts of whole) òrganisca
  • orgasm n orgasmo || vi orgasmer
  • orgy n orgio
  • Orient n Oriento
  • orientate vt orientationer
  • origin n orígino; original (first copy) originalo || vi to originate cominitier; devener; haber orígino en; nacer || adj original (pertaining to origin) orìginisca; (first; not copied; not dependent on other people’s ideas) originala
  • ornament n ornivo
  • orthodontics n orthodóntico; orthodontist orthodòntichisto
  • orthodox adj orthodoxa
  • orthogonal adj orthógona
  • oscillate vi ociler
  • -ose afx (characterized by) -osa; comatose còmatosa
  • -ose afx (chem.) -osio; fructose fructosio
  • osier n (bot.: Salix viminalis) viminalo
  • -osis afx (process or condition) -oso not a separate suffix; metamorphosis metamórfoso | (pathological state) -ozo; psychosis psicozo
  • osmium n (chem.: Os) osmio
  • osmosis n (bio., chem.) osmozo || vi to osmose osmozer
  • ostensible adj asertita; pareçanta
  • osteopathy n osteòpathío
  • osteoplasty n osteoplastío
  • otalgia n (med.) otalgío
  • otary n (zool.: Otariidae) otario
  • other adj áltera || adv otherwise áltere || n otherkin alígeno
  • otolith n (zool.) otólitho
  • otology n otòloghío
  • otorhinolaryngology n otorinolaringòlogío; otorhinolaryngologist otorinolaringólogo
  • Ottoman n Otomano; ottoman (furniture) Otoman-divano, -tabureto || adj Otomana, -isca
  • ounce n uncio
  • our pos nostra
  • -ous afx (characterized by) -osa; dangerous perìculosa; (chem.) -osa; sulfurous sùlfurosa
  • out adv (away, not in) éxtere; fore; to be out and about again eser denue sana; to have a day out pasifer on dio exterdome; he’s out for the afternoon il esun fore dum la postmeridio; it’s dark out there lo es obscura ilác éxtere; the journey out la viaġo éxita; out to lunch fore por prandier; out with him! ecpulses il!; out you go! adéxtere!; fore!; the tide is out la mareo es basa; (in all directions) dis-; to give out flyers disdoner avis-folios; (in view) the roses are coming out la rosos floreçan; the sun is out la solelo brilan; (indicating distance) the boat was 10 km out la barco esin 10 km de la ripo; he’s out in Mongolia il es en Mòngolia; we live 40 km out from Geneva nos residan 40 km de Geneva; (indicating purpose) cercher; obiectivifer; to be out for money obiectivifer pecunio; (loudly, clearly) clare; laute; speak out! paraules forte!; (outside from within) ec-; come out, come out, wherever you are! ecvenes, ecvenes, ube cunche vi es!; out for (have as goal) cercanta; obiectivifanta; she’s out for blood el cercan sánguino; out of (cause, motive) pro; out of charity pro caritato; out of hatred pro odio | (from among) ec; four out of five doctors cuatra ec cinca médicos | (origin) ec; drink out of a glass biber ec bicario; read out of a book lecturer ec libro; a witch made out of wood on strigo ligna (aut ec ligno) | (outside) exter; out of countenance consternita; out of danger ecvadinta la perículo; out of favor desfavorata; out of hand negubernébila; out of order (against rules) nerègulasca; (disordered) desòrdinita; (not functioning) for servo; impananta; nefuntionanta, -iva; (not in sequence) exterórdina; out of place (inappropriate) neconvenanta; (inconvenient) neoportuna; (misplaced) misponita; out of print la èditajo exhaustezin; nevidébila; out of sight, out of mind for la vido, for la mento; out of tune des, neacordanta; out of use neusata; out of work sine empleo | (outside from within) ec; (without) I’m out of money ad mi exhaustezin le pecunio; mancan ad mi pecunio; mi no pluse haban pecunio; out of it (stuporous) stuporanta; outwards adéxtere || adj (empty) the cask is out la barilo es vacua; (extinguished) extintita; the fire is out la foco es extintita; (going, leading out) ecvada; éxita; in through the out door entrinta tra la portelo éxita; (having lost) I’m out $40 mi perdin 40 $; (hired out, rented) locatorìita; (in error) neexacta; [information, statement, assumption] erora, -osa; [person] eroranta; (in existence) the book is out la libro es èditita; la libro es vendata; the movie is now out on video la filmo jam es en vídeo; (in the open) cognoçata; out with it! dices lo!; informes nos!; your secret’s out vua secreto es descòpertita | [not concealing one’s homosexuality] exter la armario; exter-armaria; (not an option) neconsìderanda; neposíbila; (on strike) exòperanta; (passé) exmoda; (sport) the ball is out la bulo es éxtera; la bulo es exterterena | [loser] elìminita; (switched off) extinguita; (to or at an end) consumptita; exhaustita; before the week was out ante che la septimano finin; (unconscious) out cold neconcianta; sine concio; out-and-out absoluta; completa; perfecta; usche-osta; outer éxtera; outer harbor abante-portuo; outward éxtera; (for appearance only) neprofunda; neseriosa; superficiisca; outermost maxim éxtera; maxim extrema || n outing (excursion) excursiono; (revelation of someone else’s secret) exter-armariifo || vt (expose as homosexual) exter-armariifer || afx out- (better, to greater degree) sor; to outsmart sorastuteser; to outspend sorexpenser | (external) exter-; (going outward) ec-
  • outback n (hinterland) détrea paeso
  • outbid vt soròferer; òferer on plu alta pretio cam
  • outbound adj éxita
  • outbreak n (insurrection) exploso; insurecto; seditiono; (of epidemic) erupto
  • outbuilding n baraco; dependantajo; éxtera constructajo; éxtera dometo; tectizajo
  • outcast adj ecpelentiita; exiliita; proscriptita
  • outcome n consecuanto; result(aj)o
  • outcrop n (geol.) aflorajo || vi (geol.) aflorer
  • outcry n clamo; (nonverbal) crito
  • outdo vt eceser; sorsucceser; superecer; vincer
  • outdoor adj en líbera airo; exterdoma || adv outdoors exterdome; éxtere; sub aperta celo
  • outfit vt ecuiper; proviser; (arm) armizer; (clothe) vestizer || n ecuipajo; outfitter ecuipaj-vendisto; vesti-vendisto
  • outflank vt circumder la flanco; preterflanchejer; (outwit) sorastuteser
  • outflow n ecfluo; ecmigro
  • outgeneral vt sortàctichijer; sùperecer (aut vincer) sopre táctico
  • outgrow vt sorcrecer; pretercrecer; sùperecer || n outgrowth surcreçajo
  • outhouse n éxtera latrinayo
  • outlandish adj bizara; extránea
  • outlast vt sordurationer; preterdurationer
  • outlaw vt proscripter || n bandito; proscriptito || adj proscriptita
  • outlay n expensedo
  • outlet n acuotúbulo; ecfluayo; ecvadayo; pasayo; pluvtúbulo; (elec.) prendayo (je curento)
  • outline n contorno; schizajo || vt contornizer; schizer
  • outlive vt sorviver; viver plu longhe cam
  • outlook n (forecast) antevido; (point of view) perspectivo; vidpunto; (view) videdo; (viewing place) vidayo || vt (forecast) antevider
  • outlying adj fora; frontariisca; plu-éxtera
  • outmarch vt sormarċer; marċer plu rápide (aut fore) cam
  • outpatient n éxtera paciento
  • outpost n abántea pósteno
  • outpouring n ecfluo; ecfuso
  • output n (amount produced) productado; (act of producing) producto; (energy, etc.) rendimento; (electron.) [place] èxitayo || vt èxitifer; (comput.) impreser
  • outrage vt insult(az)er; (ill-use) violentier; (violate) violationer || n insult(az)o; violationo; violentio || adj outrageous abòminanda; insultanta; scàndalosa; verecundanda
  • outrider n láter-cabàlicanto
  • outright adv (completely) complete; (immediately) imediate
  • outrun vt curer plu rápide cam; sorcurer; (escape) excaper; (exceed) eceser
  • outset n cominitio
  • outshine vt sorbriler; briler plu forte cam; eclipser
  • outside n èxterajo; outsider éxtero; (foreigner) extraneario || adj éxtera || adv éxtere || prep exter
  • outskirts n extremajo; (of a field, wood) bordo; límito; (of a town) abante-urbo
  • outspoken adj cándida; to be outspoken parauler cándide
  • outstanding adj (excellent) eminenta; (prominent) salianta; (undecided) nedecisita; (unpaid) [account] nesaldita; [bill] incore debitionata; nepaghita
  • outstretched adj extensita; (lying) jaçanta
  • outstrip vt sorcurer; curer plu rápide cam; (exceed) eceser
  • outvote vt [person, party] sorvotationer; vincer en la votationo; [proposal] refuser (aut repulser) per majoritato de votationos
  • outweigh vt sorpeser; peser plu cam; plu multe peser cam
  • outwit vt sorastuteser; eser (aut monstrer si) plu astuta cam; vincer sopre astutitio
  • outwork n éxtera fortìficajos
  • outworn adj parusita
  • oval adj ovala || n ovalo
  • ovary n ovario
  • ovation n ovationo; give an ovation to ovationer
  • oven n furno
  • over prep (above) super; [in preference to] préfere cam; [more than] plu multe cam; over and above ultre | [upon] sur; (across) trans; [beyond] preter; get over it! supereces lo! | [by means of] per; over the PA laut-paraulatre/per laut-paraulatro | [throughout] tra (aut en la tota; (space) en omna parto di; (time) dum; (concerning) sopre; a disagreement over what to do on discordo sopre cuo facer || n (cricket) serio (de ses jactos) || adj (finished) finita; pasinta; the danger is over la perículo pasin; this isn’t over yet ecuisto incore no es finita; (higher) [excessive] nima; (remaining) there are two over duo restan || adv (above) súpere; (across) transe; [in the place mentioned; not usually translated] over here hic | [throughout] tote; (space) en omna parto; all the world over tra la tota mundo; red all over tote rúbea; (again) over and over necesationante; plur-vece; sine cesationo || afx over- (above) super-; (beyond) preter-; (too much) nim
  • overall adj tota || n overalls salopeto
  • overarch vt vòlvitizer
  • overawe vt tìmidifer
  • overbalance vt desecuilibriifer; plupeser; superpeser
  • overbearing adj aroganta; mandationema; superba
  • overbid vt superòferer; (outbid) òferer on plu alta pretio cam
  • overboard adv aden la maro; adtrans la bordo
  • overburden vt nim càrichizer
  • overcast adj nubizita; nubosa; obscura || vt obscurifer
  • overcautious adj nim cauta; nim prudenta
  • overcharge vt nim paghifer
  • overcloud vt obscurifer
  • overcoat n mantelo; The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol La Capoto da Nicolao Gogol
  • overcome vt vincer
  • overdo vt (exaggerate) (nim) exàgerer; (exceed) eceser; (exhaust oneself) fatigazer si; (overcook) nim cociner; (overuse) nim user
  • overdose n superdoso
  • overdraft n supertrato
  • overdraw vt (exaggerate) exàgerer; (fin.) eceser sua crédito; nim ecprender
  • overdress vt nim vestizer
  • overdue adj tarda
  • overeager adj nim hastanta
  • overeat vt manger eccese
  • overestimate vt superevaluer
  • overexcite vt superèciter
  • overflow vt exterfluer; (flood) inunder || vi (abound) abundazer || n exterfluajo; (superabundance) abundazo
  • overgrown adj nim crecinta; nim disvelopita
  • overhang vt pender super; superpender; (threaten) minacier
  • overhaul vt exàminer; inspecter; (overtake) preterpaser
  • overhead adv en la celo; súpere || adj súpera || n (com.) generala expensos; overhead projector spécul-projectionatro
  • overhear vt fortúite auder
  • overlade vt nim càrichizer
  • overlap vt ìmbricher
  • overlay vt (cover) còperter; (lie on) jacer sur
  • overload vt nim càrichizer
  • overlook vt (dominate) dòminìer; (forget) ignorer; no remarcher; obliter; preteratentioner; (have a view from above) superreguarder; (have a view of) adreguarder; haber vido je; this garden is not overlooked ecuista ġardino no es adreguardata; homi no haban vido je ecuista ġardino; (look over a letter, etc.) exàminer; inspecter; parlecturer; (pardon) cluder sua óculos sopre; indulger; pardoner
  • overmaster vt vincer || adj overmastering dòminìanta; negubernébila
  • overmatch vt dòmiter; vincer
  • overmeasure n eceso; plusajo
  • overmuch adj nim granda; superflua
  • overnight adv tra la nocto; tranocte; to stay overnight pasifer la nocto || adj tranocta
  • overpay vt nim pagher; pluspagher
  • overpeopled adj nim pòpulizita
  • overplus n plusajo
  • overpower vt dòminìer; dòmiter; vincer || adj overpowering dòminìanta; negubernébila
  • overpraise vt ecese lauder
  • overprize vt nim apretier
  • overrate vt nim evaluter
  • overreach vt (dupe) inganer; (reach too far) nim extenser; (try to do more than is possible) nim interprenser
  • override vt (annul) anuler; (overlap) ìmbricher
  • overripe adj nim matura
  • overrule vt anuler; renverser
  • overrun vt incurser; invaser; (swarm) examizer; tùrbulizer
  • overseas adv transmare || adj transmara
  • oversee vt superviser || n overseer dìrigisto; inspectisto; subdómino; supervisisto
  • overshadow vt umbrizer; (fig.) eclipser
  • overshoe n surcalcéolo
  • overshoot vt transpaser; vader nim abantie de
  • overshot adj (jaw) salianta; overshot wheel supre colpata acui-roto
  • oversight n misjúdico; neatentiono; oblito; (superintendence) superviso
  • oversleep vi dormer nim longhe; evìgilezer nim tarde
  • overspread vt tote còperter
  • overstate vt exàgerer
  • overstep vt ultrepaser
  • overt adj aperta; neabscondita; pública; vidébila
  • overtake vt preterpaser
  • overtax vt nim taxationer
  • overthrow vt renverser || n destructo; renverso; ruinifo
  • overtime n pago por extra témporo; work overtime laborer extra-témpore
  • overture n (mus.) overturo; (proposal) (unésima) proposo; (sexual) insinuo
  • overturn vt renverser; (ruin) subverser
  • overvalue vt nim evaluter
  • overweening adj presumptosa; superba; vanitatosa
  • overweight adj ecese pesanta
  • overwhelm vt (defeat) aplaster; (inundate) càricazizer; necher || adj overwhelming aplastanta; càricazizanta; neresistébila; presionazanta
  • overwork vt fatigher; nim laborifer; nim user
  • oviparous adj ovípara
  • ovoid adj ovesca
  • ovule n óvulo; ovulation òvulefo || vi to ovulate òvulefer
  • ovum n (bio.) ovo
  • owe vt debitioner; you owe me your life vi debitionan ad mi vua vivo || adj owing (chiefly Brit.: yet unpaid) debitionata; owing to (because of) pro (che); (by the aid of) per la adjuto di
  • owl n (zool.: Strigiformes) striġo; (barn owl) titono; tur-striġo; [grass owl] pratad-striġo; [masked owl] maschi-striġo; (true owl) strígido; [eared owl] asiono; aurícul-striġo; [earless] striġo; [horned owl, eagle owl] bubo; corni-striġo; [little owl] noctuo; [scops] asioneto; oto; parva aurícul-striġo; [tawny owl, brown owl] foresti-striġo; úluco; owlkin (fantasy) strígino || adj owlish strigesca
  • own adj propria; to kill someone with one’s own hands occiser álicu per sua propria manuos || n owner proprietanto; ownership proprieto || vt (possess) haber; poseser; (have legitimate possession of) proprieter; he owns his own house il proprietan sua (propria) domo; (formal: admit or acknowledge) agnocer; confeser; (informal: utterly defeat) parvincer || prn God bless the child that’s got his own Deo benedictes la puero cua haban lo sua; to hold one’s own defenser si; on one’s own tote sola, -e
  • ox n (cow or bull) bovo; (castrated bull) bovuclaso; oxeye (bot.: Leucanthemum vulgare) margarito
  • oxalate n (chem.) oxalato
  • oxalic adj (oxalic) oxálica; oxalic acid oxálica ácido
  • oxide n óxido || vt to oxidize òxidifer; [coat with oxide] òxidizer
  • oxygen n (chem.: O) oxígeno || vt to oxygenate oxìgenizer
  • oyster n (zool.) óstreo
  • ozone n ozono; ozone layer ozona strato; ozonisfero


  • P ltr pe
  • pablum n insípido
  • pace n (step) pasuo; (gait) camin-modo, -manario; to put through one’s paces [horse] plene exèrciter; [person] èprober la capàbilitio di | (speed) [of movement] pasuo; rithmo; (fig.) [of action] rithmo; at a steady/rapid pace per on constanta/rápida pasuo (aut rithmo); change of pace cambio je pasuo (aut rithmo); to keep pace with secuer la rithmo di; to set the pace pasuizer; rithmizer; pacemaker (med.) cordiisca rithmizatro; pacesetter pasuizanto; rithmizanto || vt (walk around in) to pace the room pasuer (aut caminer) adabante et addétree en la cambro; (set the pace of) [action] rithmizer; [runner] pasuizer; règulizer la pasuo di; to pace oneself sparnier sua fortitio; to pace out (measure in paces) mensurer per pasuos || vi pasuer; to pace up and down pasuer (aut caminer) adabante et addétree
  • pacha n (hist.) pasha
  • pachyderm n (zool.) pachidermo
  • pacific adj (peaceful) pacema; Pacific (relating to the Pacific Ocean) Pacífica; the Pacific War la Pacífica Guero (aut Frontalo) || n the Pacific Pacífica Océano; Pacífico; pacification pacifo; pacifier (for babies) suctoriolo; pacifism pacismo; pacifist pacisto || vt to pacify pacifer
  • pack n (bundle, parcel) paco; a pack of cards, cigarettes on pacheto de cartos, cigaretos; a six-pack of beer on paco de sesa biros | (backpack, knapsack) dorsi-saco; pack animal cárichi-bestio; packhorse cárichi-cabalo; packing pachif-materialo | (group, set) [of things] amaso; a pack of lies on amaso de mendacios | [of wild animals, people] -ado; bando; a pack of fools on bando de stultos; a pack of wolves on lupado; pack ice banchiso; pack leader bandi-lidero | (med.) compreso; cold/wet pack frígida/húmida compreso || vt (bundle up) pachifer; they left him packed in ice after taking his one of his kidneys los lacin il pachifita en glacio prendinte una iluya renos | [into a specific receptacle] enbarilifer; encapsifer; encofrifer; envalisiifer; [into suitcase] to pack one’s things prèparer (aut aranger) sua valisios | (press tightly together) [earth] compactifer; compresioner; presioner; [people, objects] cumpresioner; we were packed like sardines nos esin cumpresioninita cuom sardinos | (squeeze tightly into something) enpresioner; we packed the kids into the car nos presionin la filios aden la vecturo; (fill) [box, crate] plenifer; to pack one’s bags prèparer (aut aranger) sua valisios | [room, stadium] (par)plenifer; (pej.) to pack a jury composer on jurio favorosa; poner suos en on jurio; (informal: carry) to pack a gun porter on pistolo; (informal: have) to pack a wallop colper forte; to pack away [food] enpresioner; [tools] riponer; to pack in (cram) [food] enpresioner; (informal: cease) [job, activity] cesationer; lacer cader; to pack off (send away) invìer abrupte; to pack up (do one’s luggage) prèparer (aut aranger) sua valisios || vi (do one’s packing) prèparer (aut aranger) sua valisios; to send someone packing forinvìer álicu abrupte (aut sine ceremonio) | (fit) eser pachifébila; fiter; these should pack easily into one box ecuistos debeban fiter (aut eser pachifébila) en una capso; (compact) [snow] compactecer; (cram) somehow 20 clowns packed into her Beetle alicuome 20 claunos presionin si aden eluya Scarabajo || adj packed (bundled up) pachifita; (crowded) complete plena; parplenifita; tùrbulosa; the club was packed (with people) la discotheco esin parplenifita | (filled) complete plena; parplenifita; the book is packed with scandalous details la libro es plena de scàndalanta detalos; packed full of something complete plena de álico | (with luggage ready) prèparinta (aut aranginta) sua valisios; (compressed) [snow] compactifita; compresionita; presionita; packed lunch pachi-prandiedo
  • package n (parcel) paco; (packet) pacheto; (informal: man’s genitals) pacheto; (set, group) [of proposals, terms] -ado; paco; an economic aid package on paco de econòmichisca adjuto; a generous severance package on generosa (paco de) indemno pro desinguaġo; package deal ófero cum omno inclusita; paca ófero; package tour òrganizita toro | (comput.) [of programs, subroutines] paco; (sub)programado; packaging (act of packing) pachifo; (material) pachif-materialo; (presentation) presentationo || vt (pack) pachifer; (present) pachifer; presentationer
  • packet n pacheto
  • pact n pacto; to make a pact, enter into a pact pacter; to make a pact with the Devil pacter cum la Diábolo
  • pad n (thick piece of soft material) [for reducing friction, etc.] coxineto; [ink pad] encaustizatro; (encaustiziva) coxineto; [lily pad] folio di acui-lilio (aut di nenufaro); [med. compress] compreso; [of animal’s foot] coxineto; [sanitary napkin] higienasca (aut mènstruisca) compreso; [sports: protective gear] chest pad pèctoraro; knee pad genùcularo; shoulder pad hùmeraro; (block of paper fastened together at one end) (paper-)bloco; (platform for takeoff and landing) platformo; (informal: apartment, small house) apartamento; parva domo; padding (material) buro; [of absorbent cotton] vato; (fig.) [in expenses] inflo; [in speech, etc.] buro || vt (stuff) [cushion] burizer; [with absorbent cotton] vatizer; (add false items to) [expenses] infler; (lengthen with unnecessary material) [speech, book, etc.] burizer || vi (walk softly) caminer deslaute || adj padded (covered with a pad or pads) coxinetizita; padded cell célulo coxinizita (aut cum coxin-muros); coxin-célulo | (stuffed) [cushion, bra, shoulders] burizita
  • paddle n (oar used without an oarlock) pagayo; (blade of an oar or paddle wheel) palito; paddle wheel palit-roto | (instrument for corporal punishment) padelo || vt [canoe, kayak, etc.] palitijer; (spank with a paddle) padelijer || vi (move in canoe, kayak, etc.) palitijer
  • paddock n (horse enclosure) cabal-reclusayo, -campo; (racing: area attached to racetrack for mounting horses or working on race cars) padoco
  • paddy n (rice field) oriz-agro; orizayo
  • padishah n (hist.) padishá
  • padlock n catenato || vt catenatizer
  • paean n peano
  • pagan n pagano; paganism paganismo || vt to paganize paganifer || adj pagana
  • page n [of book, newspaper, etc.] págino; Page 3 girl pueriso di Págino 3; (attendant) pagio; pager paġaro || vt (call) vocher; (text via pager) paġarijer
  • pageant n spectáculo; pageantry pompo
  • pagoda n pagodo
  • pah inter pa!
  • paid adj (prepaid) [letter] afranchita; [vacation] paghita; (remunerated) [employee, work] remùnerata; (salaried) [official] salariata
  • pail n sítulo
  • pain n (physical or mental suffering) doloro; no pain, no gain lo costan álico ad li cua desíderan álico; to be in pain, have a pain dolorer; sùferer doloros; I have a pain in my foot mea pedo doloran ad mi; mi doloran en mea pedo; painkiller analgesifivo | (informal: nuisance) [person] molestoso; [thing] ónero; (punishment, penalty) on pain of sub puno per; pains (careful effort) peno(s); to take pains to pener (facer álico) || vt dolorifer; it pains me to tell you lo dolorifan mi dicer ad vi || adj painful (causing pain) dolorifanta; a painful blow on dolorifanta colpo | (feeling pain) doloranta, -osa; her neck was still painful el incore dolorin en la colo; painless sine doloro; (easy) fácila; sine peno; painstaking [accuracy] detalosa; [person] metìculosa; [work] penosa || adv painfully (while causing pain) dolorifante; (while feeling pain) dolorante, -ose; (exceedingly, acutely) to be painfully aware that dolorose (aut plene) concier che; it was painfully clear that lo esin dolorifante evidenta che
  • paint vt (apply paint to) picturizer; (as an artist) picter || n picturo; paint brush (artist’s) penicelo; painter pictisto; painting pictajo
  • pair n parículo
  • pajamas n pijamo
  • Pakistan n Pachistano; Pakistani Pachistanano
  • palace n palatio
  • paladin n paladino
  • palatine adj (pol., hist.) palatine
  • pale adj (light in color) hela; a pale blue dress on hel-blava túnico; (pallid) pálida; a summer-camp for pale, young boys on estati-colonio por pálida, júvena puerasos
  • paleontology n paleontòloghío; paleontologist paleontólogo
  • Palestine n Palestina; Palestinian Palestinano
  • paletot n (hist.) paletoto
  • palette n (painter’s) picti-tàbuleto
  • palfrey n (hist.: riding horse) palafreno
  • palisade n palisado
  • pall n fúner-tuco; trista atmósfero
  • palladium n (chem.: Pd) paladio
  • palliate vt palier
  • palm n (bot.: Arecaceae) [tree] palmario; [frond] palmarii-folio; (of the hand) palmo; palmistry chiromantío
  • palpable adj palpébila
  • pamphlet n folieto; [stitched] broċuro; (pol.) pamfleto
  • pan n (frying pan) patilo; (saucepan) caserolo; pancake pancheco
  • panacea n panacea
  • panache n (on a helmet) penáceo
  • Panama n Panamá; Panamanian Panamano
  • panda n (zool.: Ailuropoda melanoleuca) pando; red panda (zool.: Ailurus fulgens) rúbea (aut parva) pando; Pandaren (fantasy) Pandareno
  • panel n panelo
  • pang n (sudden pain) [anguish, throes] angustio; ataco; paroxismo; pangs of hunger fámin-doloro | [sting, attack] ataco; pico; a pang of conscience on pico da concientio (aut da remorso)
  • pangolin n (zool.: Manidae) pangolino
  • panic n pánico || vi pànicher
  • panicle n (bot.) panículo
  • pansy n (bot.: Viola × wittrockiana) pens-violo
  • pant vi anheler || n pant leg pantalon-gambo
  • panther n (zool.: Panthera) panthero; [jaguar] jaguaro; [leopard] leopardo; [lion] leono; [snow leopard] niv-leopardo; [tiger] tigro
  • panties n calceoneto
  • pantomime n pantomimajo; pantomimist pantomimo
  • pantry n manged-armario
  • pants n pantalono; to wear the pants (informal: be the dominant partner in a relationship) mandationer; who wears the pants here, you or her? cua comandan hic, vi aut el?; cua hic vestejan (aut surhaban) la pantalono, vi aut el?
  • pantyhose n nilona càlceazo
  • paper n papero; paper clip paper-clipo; paperboard paper-cartono
  • paprika n (spice) páprico
  • Papua New Guinea n Papu-Nov-Guinea; New Guinean Papu-Nov-Guineano
  • papyrus n (bot.: Cyperus papyrus) papiro
  • par n (fin.) paritato; at par paritate | (golf) normo
  • parable n parábolo
  • parabola n (geom.) parabólico
  • parachute n paracado
  • parade vi (march in file) disfiler; (march in formal procession) parater
  • paradigm n paradigmo
  • paradise n paradiso
  • paraffin n parafino
  • paraglider n parapento
  • paragraph n parágrafo
  • Paraguay n Paraguaya; Paraguayan Paraguayano
  • parakeet n (zool.) papagayeto; perichito
  • parallel adj paralela
  • paralysis n paráliso || vt to paralyze paràliser
  • paranoia n paranoyo || adj paranoid paranóyaca
  • parapet n parapeto
  • parasite n parásito; parasitology paràsitòloghío
  • paratrooper n paracadista soldato
  • parcel n pacheto; (of land) parcelo
  • pardon vt pardoner || n I beg your pardon (vua) pardono
  • parent n gènitinto; genitoro
  • parenthesis n paréntheso
  • pareo n pareo
  • parish n pàrochio; parish priest pároco
  • park n párico; parking brake manu-freno; parking meter parchímetro; parking space parchi-placio || vt [car] parcher
  • parliament n parlamento
  • parody n parodío || vt parodìer
  • parrot n (zool.: Psittacoidea, Strigopoidea) papagayo
  • parry vt detornìer
  • parsec n párseco
  • parsley n petrosélino
  • parsnip n pastinaco
  • parson n pároco
  • part n parto; (in play, etc.) rolo; greater part majoritato; plu-multo; to take part in (participate) parti-prender || vt diviser; sèparer si || adv partly parte || afx part of a whole ´-imo
  • parterre n (theat.) partero
  • partial adj partisca
  • participle n participio
  • particle n partículo; particleboard aglòmerita ligno
  • particular adj (specific, peculiar) particulara; (fastidious) èxigema; (precise) exacta; precisa; (scrupulous) scrùpulosa; (singular) extránea; única || adv particularly (more than usual, more than average) particulare; (specifically) particulare; (specially) speciale; (chiefly) principale || n particularity (quality) particularitio; (thing, detail) particularajo || vt to particularize detalizer; particularifer
  • partisan n partitano
  • partition n (wall) [in office] clausiono
  • partner n (gen.) partenero; (com., pol.) asociito; (in activity) [crime] cómpliço; [dance, sport, sex] partenero; (in relationship) companiono; [marriage] sponso; partnership (business) asociajo; (state) asociitio || vt (be the partner of) partenerìer; (pair) parìculifer || vi (associate as partners) asocier si
  • partridge n perdiço
  • party n festo; (pol.) partito || vi fester
  • parvenu n parvenúo
  • pasha n (hist.) pashá
  • pass vi paser; to pass for/as (be accepted or taken for) eser pasábila como; she can still pass for 20 el incore es pasábila como on dudeç-anuo || vt to pass the night pasifer la nocto | [student] promoter; [test] succeser en; (cause to pass) pasifer; to pass the salt pasifer la salo || n to make a pass at facer abantios ad; password contresigno || adj passed due tardecinta
  • passenger n pasagero; (traveller) viaġanto
  • passion n pasiono
  • passport n pasaporto
  • past adj pasinta || n pasinto || prep preter; (beyond due limit of) ultre; I wouldn’t put it past him ecuilo no surprisebun mi de il; (time) half past five cinca clocos et dúimo; quarter past five cinca clocos et cuátrimo; twenty past five cinca clocos dudeço
  • pasta n pastajo
  • paste n pasto
  • pastel n (crayon) pastelo; (artwork) pastelajo; (color) pasteleo
  • pasteurize vt pasteurizer
  • pastille n pastilo
  • pastor n pastoro
  • pastry n pasticio
  • pasture vt (graze) pasturer; (lead to pasture) pasturifer
  • Patagonia n Patagonia
  • patch n (for mending) sarçajo; (mend; comput.) repetiajo; (piece of ground) agreto; patchwork centono || vt repetier
  • patent n patento || adv patently evidente
  • path n sentario; (in a garden, park) aleo
  • pathetic adj pathética
  • pathic n páthico
  • pathogen n (med.) pathógeno
  • pathology n pathòloghío; pathologist pathólogo
  • pathos n pathètichitio
  • patient adj patienta || n curationato; paciento; patience patientitio || vt patience to try one’s patience molester
  • patina n patinationo || vi to patinate patinationer
  • patio n patio
  • patriarch n patriarco
  • patrician n patriciano
  • patricide n (crime) patricidío; (person) patricido
  • patriot n patrioto || adj patriotic patriota
  • patrix n (tech.) patriço
  • patrol vt patroler
  • patron n (sponsor, donor) patrocinanto || vt to patronize patrociner
  • pattern n (any discernible regularity) paterno; (motif) motifo; (model) modelo; (template) patronelo
  • pauldron n spàthularazo
  • paunch n panço
  • pauper n páupero
  • pause vi pauser || n pauso
  • pave vt pavimentizer || n pavement pavimentio
  • pavilion n paviliono
  • paw n (anat.) pato
  • pawl vt rot-clinco
  • pawn n (chess: ♟) pedono; (pledge, security) pígnoro || vt pìgnorifer
  • pay vt [a bill, debt, etc.] pagher; [someone] pagher; (make a payment of) pagher per; to pay off (a bill, etc.) pagher || n payee pagato; payment (act) pago; (thing paid) pagajo; down payment (act) pagheço || adj payable paghébila; (due) paghenda
  • pea n piselo; peacoat gabano
  • peace n (freedom from disturbance) paço; cuietitio; trancuilitio; leave him in peace laces il trancuila (aut en paço); she gave them no peace until they agreed el no lacin los trancuila (aut en paço) usche los consentin; to be at peace with oneself pacer cum si; peace of mind trancuilitio | (period without war) paço; to breach / keep the peace rumper / mantiner la paço; to live in peace with viver pace cum; to make peace with pacecer cum; Oceania is at peace with Eurasia Oceania paçan cum Eurasia | (freedom from dissension) paço; to make peace with someone riconciliationer si et álicu; speak now or forever hold your peace paraules nun aut por sempre taces | (jur.) paço; pública órdino; to disturb / keep the peace perturber / mantiner la pública órdino; peacekeeper paci-soldato; peacekeeping mantino je la paco; paç-mantino; peacemaker pacifedoro; peacetime témporo di paço; peacefulness (nonviolent nature) pacemitio; (tranquility) cuietitio; trancuilitio; peacenik (informal, derog.) pacistaċo || adj peaceable pacema; peaceful (nonviolent) [demonstration, protest] pacema; sine violentio; [person, tribe, nation] pacema, -anta; (tranquil) cuieta; trancuila; the streets are peaceful after dark la strados es cuieta nocte; they say it’s a peaceful way to go homi diçan che lo es on formo di morter sine súfero
  • peach n pérsico
  • peacock n pavono
  • peak n (culmination) cúlmino; (summit) sumitato
  • peanut n (bot.: Arachis hypogaea) aráchido; ter-nuço; peanut butter aráchid-pasto (aut -butiro); ternuci-pasto (aut -butiro)
  • pear n piro; pear tree pirífero
  • pearl n perlo
  • peasant n campadano; rurano
  • peat n turfo; peat bog turfayo
  • peculiar adj (strange, odd) extránea; peculiar to (exclusive to) propria ad
  • pedal n pedalo || vt pedalijer
  • pedant n pedanto || adj pedantic pedanta
  • peddle vt colporter || n peddler colportisto
  • pedestal n pedestalo
  • pedestrian n ped-vadanto
  • pediatrics n pediatrío; pediatrician pediatro
  • pedicure n pedicurío || vt pedicurìer
  • peel n [of apple, potato] pelo; [of citrus fruit] scórteo; apple peel pom-pelo || vt [apples, potatoes] despelizer; [citrus fruits] desscòrteizer
  • peer vi reguarder atentionose (aut explorante) || n (noble) nobiliaro; (equal) ecualo
  • peeve vt iriter || n iritanto
  • peevish adj acri-humorala
  • pegasus n (myth.) pégaso
  • pejorative adj pejorativa
  • pelerine n (hist.) pelerino
  • pellet n (compressed mass) pilito; (light shot) cugleto
  • pellicle n películo
  • pelt n (animal skin with hair still on it) [dressed] pelicio; [undressed] cruda pelicio
  • pelvis n pelvo
  • pen n penino; plumo; ballpoint pen bul-penino; fountain pen fontan-penino; penknife poc-culteleto
  • penal adj (jur.) penala; penal colony penala colonio || n penalty (sport) penalitato || vt to penalize puner; (sport) penalitatizer
  • pencil n lápido
  • pendulum n péndulo
  • penetrate vt pènetrer
  • penicillin n penicilino
  • penicillium n penicilio
  • peninsula n penínsulo
  • penis n penilo
  • penny n penico; penny bun (bot.: Boletus edulis) nobiliar-boleto
  • pension n pensiono; pensioner pensionato || vt pensioner
  • pentameter n (prosody) pentámetro
  • penultimate adj penúltima
  • peon n (serf) peono
  • peony n (bot.: Paeonia) peonio
  • people n (plural of “person”) personos; (of a particular nation, community, or ethnic group) pópulo || prn homi
  • pepper n (bot.: Piper nigrum) [vine] pìperífero; [fruit, spice] pípero
  • peptide n (biochem.) péptido
  • per prep (for each) -e; po; $15 per person per night 15 $ po persono et po nocto; to go 90 km per hour vader ye 90 km hore; per day cascun-die; po dio; they cost three euros per dozen los costan tria euros po deci-duo; (in accordance with) per your request secuno vua demando; (archaic: by means of) per
  • percale n percalo
  • perceive vt percepter; [through senses] senter
  • percent n po cento; two percent milk du-pocenta lacto; we are the 99 percent nos es la 99 po cento; percentage pocentajo || adv po cento
  • perch n perċayo; (zool.: Perca) perco || vi perċer
  • perfect adj (ideal) ideala; perfecta; the perfect person for the job la perfecta (aut ideala) persono por la oficio | (exact) exacta; perfecta; a perfect circle on perfecta círculo | (faultless) perfecta; a perfect phone call with Ukraine on telèfonijo perfecta cum Ucraína; (emphatic: absolute, complete) absoluta; completa; perfecta; vera; a perfect stranger on perfecta necognocedo; (gram.) perfecta || adv perfectly (very well) perfecte; (absolutely, entirely) absolute; complete; tote; “embiggen” is a perfectly cromulent word “agrander” es on tote cromulenta vocábulo || n (gram.: tense) perfecto; perfection perfectitio || vt perfectifer
  • perforate vt pèrforer
  • perform vt efectifer; (execute) executer; (play) luder
  • perfume n parfumo
  • pergola n pérgulo
  • perhaps adv forse
  • peridot n (min.) peridoto
  • perigee n perigeo
  • perihelion n perihelio
  • peril n perículo
  • perimeter n perímetro
  • period n (of time) periodo
  • periodical n periodalo; [magazine] magazino; revisto; [newspaper] jurnalo
  • periphery n periferío || adj peripheral device periferìisco
  • periphrasis n perífraso
  • perish vi pericer || n perishable pericivo || adj perishable periciva
  • permalloy n permaloyo
  • permanent adj permananta
  • permeate vt pèrmeer || adj permeable pèrmeébila
  • Permian adj (geol.) Permiana
  • permission n permiso
  • permit vt permiser
  • pernicious adj funesta
  • peroxide n (chem.) peróxido
  • perp n (informal) culposo; perp walk culp-marċo
  • perpendicular adj perpendiculara
  • perpetrate vt executer; facer || n perpetrator culposo
  • perpetual adj perpetua
  • perplex vt perplexifer
  • perron n petrono
  • persecute vt persecutioner
  • persevere vi perseverantier
  • Persia n Persia; Persian Persiano; (ancient) Perso
  • person n (individual) persono; (human being) humano; personage (character in a play or other work) personaġo; (notable) eminento; notando; personazo; personality caráctero; personalitato; (famous person) famoso || adj personal personisca; (own) propria; (private) privata
  • persona n (character; psych.) personaġo; pubic persona pública personaġo
  • personnel n personalo
  • perspective n perspectivo
  • perspire vt sudorefer
  • persuade vt persuaser
  • pertain vi (belong) apertiner; (relate) relationer || adj pertaining to concernanta; relationanta ad
  • perturb vt perturber
  • Peru n Peruvia; Peruvian Peruviano
  • perverse adj (obstinately wrong or depraved) perversa
  • pessimism n pèsimismo
  • pester vt molester
  • pestle n pistilo
  • pet n companion-bestio; pet name hipocorística nómino || adj [theory, project] personisca; prèferata; pet peeve (informal) my pet peeve is smoking cuo agaçan mi máxime es le tabaco
  • petard n (firework) petardo
  • petasus n pétaso
  • petiole n petiolo
  • petrol n gasolino
  • petroleum n petróleo
  • petty adj (of behavior) meschina; petty cash poc-pecunio
  • phalange n (anat.) falanġo
  • phalanx n falanġo
  • phalarope n (zool.: Phalaropus) falaropo
  • pharmacy n (sci.) fàrmacío; (shop) fàrmacerío; pharmacist fármaço
  • phat adj (slang: sexy, hot) grasotia
  • PhD n (philosophiae doctor) doctoro sopre filòsofío; doctoro sopre recerco
  • phenakistoscope n fenachistoscopio
  • phenazone n fenazono
  • phenobarbital n (or phenobarbitone) fenobarbitalo
  • phenomenon n fenómeno
  • phenotype n (bio.) fenotipo
  • pheromone n (zool.) feromono
  • -phile afx -ófilo; Anglophile Anglófilo
  • Philippines n Filipinia; Filipino Filipiniano
  • philology n filòloghío; philologist filólogo
  • philosophy n filòsofío; philosopher filósofo || vt to philosophize filòsofìer
  • -phobe afx -ófobo; Anglophobe Anglófobo
  • Phoenicia n Fenicia; Phoenician Feniciano
  • phoenix n feniço
  • phoneme n fonemo
  • phonetics n fonético
  • phonologist n fonólogo; phonology fonòloghio
  • phosphide n fosfuro
  • phosphorus n (chem.: P) fósforo
  • photocopy vt fotocopier || n fotocopiajo
  • photography n fotògrafío; photograph fotògrafajo; photographer fotógrafo || vt to photograph fotògrafìer
  • photon n (phys.) fotono
  • phrase n fras(et)o
  • physical adj (bodily) còrporisca; physical therapy fisiothérapo; (material) materia; materiala; (relating to physics) fìsichisca
  • physician n médico
  • physics n físico
  • physiology n fisiòloghío; physiologist fisiólogo
  • physique n formo
  • piano n piano
  • pick vt (flowers, etc.) còliger; to pick up (arrest) arester; (collect) [pieces on ground, passenger] colectioner; (find) trover; (lift) lever || adj pick-up sticks baston-joco
  • pickle n (condiment) relisho; (pickled cucumber) (pèchelita) cucùmereto; (pickling agent) pèchelivo || vt conserver en sal-acuo, en spicio, en vinagro; pècheler
  • pickpocket n pochifurtisto || vt (a person) pochi-furter de; (a wallet, etc.) pochifurter
  • pictogram n pictogramo
  • picture n imágino; pictajo || adj picturesque pictoresca
  • pidgin n pígino
  • pie n torto; (fruit filling, no top crust) tarto; pie chart círcula diagramo
  • piece n petio; to take to pieces dispetiifer
  • pier n pero; warfo
  • pierce vt pèrforer
  • pig n (zool.: Sus) porco; piggy porcucio; piggy bank sparnii-cápseo
  • pigeon n columbo; pipiono
  • pigment n pigmento
  • pika n (zool.: Ochotona) ocotono
  • pike n pic-stango; (zool.: Esox) lucio
  • pilaster n pilastro
  • pile n amaso; (elec, atomic) pilio; (support pillar) pilaro
  • pileus n píleo
  • pilgrim n pelegrino; pilgrimage to go on a pilgrimage pelegrinìer
  • piliferous adj pilífera
  • pill n pílulo; the Pill la Pílulo; don’t worry, I’m on the Pill trancuila, me prendan la Pílulo
  • pillage vt rauber; sachejer
  • pillar n columno
  • pillow n cápiti-coxino; pillowcase coxin-teġatro
  • pilot n piloto; pilot boat pilot-barco || vt pilotìer
  • pimiento n (bot.: Pimenta dioica) [fruit, spice] pimento; [tree] pimentífero
  • pimpernel n (bot.: Anagallis) anagalo; (rare: bot.: Pimpinella) pimpinelo
  • pimple n pústulo
  • pin n (sharp) spínulo
  • pincers n (pliers) tenalio; (tongs) pinçatrazo; (tweezers) pinçatreto
  • pinch vt pincer || n in a pinch en caso di neceso
  • pine n (bot.: Pinus) pino; pineapple (bot.: Ananas comosus) [fruit] ananaso; [plant] ananasífero
  • pinion n pinion
  • pink adj rosea
  • pinnacle n pináculo
  • pinnate adj pinata
  • pint n pinto
  • pioneer n pionero
  • pious adj pia
  • pipe n (tube) túbulo; (for tobacco) pipo; this is not a pipe ecuisto no es on pipo; (mus.) [flute] flauto; [shawm] calamelo; pipes [bagpipes] cornamuso; piper calamelisto; cornamusisto; falutisto; piper gurnard (zool.: Trigla lyra) lir-triglo
  • pipit n (zool.: Anthus) pipito
  • pippin n (reinette) regineto; (fruit seed) pepino
  • pirate n pirato
  • piss vi pisier
  • pistol n pistolo
  • piston n pistono
  • pit n (arena) areno; (cavity) cavo; (ground floor of theater) partero; (hole) forámino
  • pitch vt (a tent) erectifer; stabilicer; statiifer; (an idea) propagander || vi (aer., naut.) nas-incliner
  • pittance n portioneto
  • pity n compasiono; to have (or take) pity on compasion(ec)er; what a pity! cuala regretando! || vt compasioner
  • pivot n pivoto; pivotal centrisca || vt (change direction, facing) tornìer; (on a connected axis) rotationer || vi (change direction, facing) tornìer si; (on a connected axis) rotationer si
  • pixie n (folk.) cóbalo
  • pizza n pizza; pizzeria pizzerío
  • placate vt pacifer
  • place n (spot, locality) loco; (occupiable space, seat) placio; (open public square) pláteo; (space) spacio; place of business afarayo; to take place (happen) eventer; to take the place of remplacier; place name locnómino || vt (give employment) obtiner empleezo ad; (put in a place, locate) lochizer; (put in a seat, vehicle, theater, etc.) placiizer; (set down) poner; to misplace misponer; to replace (be in place of) remplacier; (put back) riponer; (put in place of) remplaciifer; substitutioner
  • placebo n placebo
  • placenta n placento
  • plagiarize vt plagiarìer || n plagiarism plagiarìo; plagiarist plagiaro
  • plague n (pestilence) pesto; (torment) tormento; a plague on him! pesto prendes il! || vt tormenter
  • plaice n (zool.: several species of flatfish) plateso
  • plain adj (evident) clara; evidenta; (frank) cándida; (in looks) nebela; (level) plana; (simple) simpla; plain weave telo || n (level land) planajo; planuro; plainsong plan-canto
  • plait vt plecter
  • plan n (map) mapo || vt (intend) projecter; (map out) facer mapo sopre; (outline) esbocier
  • plane n plano; (tool) plánulo || adj (flat) plana
  • planet n planeto
  • plank n tábulo; planking tàbulado; (fad) tàbulío
  • plant n planto || vt plantationer; plantejer
  • plantar adj plantarisca
  • plaque n (plate) placo
  • plaster n gipso; (med.: salve) emplastro
  • plastic n plástico
  • plate n (for food) platelo; plate-warmer platel-caldifatro
  • plateau n alta planuro
  • platform n (any raised level surface or structure) platformo; (for public speaking) tribunaro; (pol.) polìtichisca programo; (railroad) imbarcayo; (stage) podio
  • platinum n (chem.: Pt) platino
  • platoon n pelotono
  • platter n platelazo
  • platypus n (zool.:Ornithorhynchus anatinus) ornithorinco
  • play vt (engage in a game or sport) [card, chess piece] jocher; poner; [game, sport — specified] to play poker jocher póchero; [game, sport — unspecified] to play cards jocher per cartos | [match, round] jocher; (perform) [role] actorìer; luder; (make perform) [machine] funtionifer; [music, film] luder; [radio, etc.] sonifer; (perform on) [musical instrument] luder; sonifer || vi (amuse oneself) jocher; to play with [other person] jocher cum; [toys, dolls, matches] jocher per || n (game) joco; to come into play eficacecer; entrer la joco | (theat.) theatrajo; player (any performer) ludanto; (device, such as a VCR, iPod, etc.) ludatro; (film, play) actoro; (in a game) jocanto; (music) musichisto; playing card joc-carto || adj playful jocosa
  • plead vt (beseech) sùplicher; (allege as a pretext) pretexter; (jur.) [a case] plàciter; to plead guilty confeser sua culpo; declarationer si culposa; to plead ignorance alegher (aut pretexter) nesapo; to plead not guilty declarationer si inocenta
  • pleasant adj agratábila
  • please vt placer ad; if you please bon-volitione; mi precan; se lo plaçan ad vi
  • pleasure n placero; pleasure barge placer-bargo; pleasure boat placer-barco; sensual pleasure volupto; to take pleasure in recepter placero de; with pleasure cum placero
  • plebeian n plebano
  • pledge n (pawn, security) pígnoro
  • plenipotentiary adj plen-potentitiosa
  • pliers n pinçatro; locking pliers adjustifébila pinçatro
  • plot n comploto; (conspiracy) conspiro; (intrigue) intrigo
  • plough n aratatro || vt arater
  • pluck vt (flower, fruit, etc.) còliger; (musical instrument) pìcicher; (poultry) desplumizer
  • plug n obturatro; tapono; (elec.) contactatraso || vt obturer
  • plum n (bot.: var. from Prunus subg. Prunus) pruno
  • plume n plum(ad)o || adj plumed hat plumizita capelo
  • plummet vi plùmbicher
  • plunder vt sachejer
  • plunge vi (dive) plùmbicher || n plunger suctii-bastono
  • plural adj (gram.) plurala || n (gram.) pluralo
  • plush n (fabric) pilucio
  • Pluto n (dwarf planet) Plutone
  • plutonium n (chem.: Pu) plutonio
  • p.m. adv (post meridiem) p.m. (post meridio)
  • pneumatic adj pneumática
  • pocket n poco; pocket book pochi-cuaderno; pocket money poc-pecunio
  • podcast vt podcaster
  • podiatry n podòloghío; podiatrist podólogo
  • podium n (lectern) lectro; (small platform) podio
  • poem n poetajo
  • poet n poeto
  • pogrom n pogromo
  • poikilotherm n (bio.) poichilothermo
  • poinsettia n (bot.: Euphorbia pulcherrima) poinsetio
  • point n (sharp end) puntalo; at the point of a sword an puntalo di spatho; sub la minacio di spatho; knife with a sharp point cultelo puntal-acuta; not to put too fine a point on it por parauler cándide | (geog.) capo; promontorio; ter-puntalo; points (extremities) [of animal] extremajos | (dot) punto; decimal point decimala vírgulo (aut sèparatro); exclamation point clam-signo (aut -punto); the value of π is approximately three point one four la valoro di π es próxime tria vírgulo una cuatra; (particular circumstance) at this point of the affair ye ecuista punto (aut stando) di la afaro; up to a point usche cuida punto | (particular spot) loco; punto; point of contact contacti-punto; point of departure partii-punto; point of interest interes-punto; point of intersection intresec-punto; point of view vid-punto | [on scale] grado; punto; boiling/freezing point bulition-/gelez-punto; from all points (of the compass) de omna partos (di la mundo); strict to the point of cruelty severa usche la punto di eser cruela; the thermometer went up six points la temperaturo acensin per sesa grados; (particular time) at this point hic; ye ecuista punto (aut instanto); to be on the point of death eser an la morti-punto; to be on the point of doing something eser an la punto di facer álico; eser imediate façunta álico; from that point on de ilác adabántee; to reach the point of no return ariver ye la punto sine riveno; this was the high/low point of her career ecuisto esin la supra/infra instanto di eluya carario | (unit of measure) [in score] punto; to score ten points guadanier deça puntos; (item or detail in discussion, list, or text) punto; five-point plan projecto en cinca puntos; point by point detalene; mèthodasche; the points to remember are… la puntos mèmorenda es… | (trait, characteristic) caràcterizivo; cualitio; bad/good points mala/bona cualitios (aut láteros); even Jeffrey Dahmer had his good points etiam Gaufrido Dahmer habin sua bona láteros; hygiene is not one of her strong points le higieno no es una ec eluya fortos; (matter, question) caso; cuestiono; problémato; I take your point mi acceptan cuo vi diçan; mi vidan cuo vi volitionan dicer; on that point we agree sopre ecuilo nos concordan; point taken! mi concesan ecuilo!; mi concordan!; what’s your point? cua es la cuestiono (aut problémato)?; you have a point there vi ya es justa; to get off the point forvagher la thémato; in point of fact facte; to make one’s point [convince] convincer; [have one’s say] dicer cuo homi volitionin dicer; to make the point that… ficer vider (aut comprenser) che…; the point at issue la afaro (aut caso, thémato, argumento) en cuestiono; point of detail detalo; point of honor honor-cuestiono; point of order procedur-cuestiono; point of principle principii-cuestiono; to press the point that… insister che…; to stretch a point facer on ecepto | (meaning, purpose) obiectivo; signífico; to make a point of doing something certifer facer álico; the point of the story is that… la moralitatajo di la raconto es che…; what was the point of your visit? cua esin la obiectivo di vua vísito?; when I hear you talk this way, it makes me wonder, “is there a point?” cuande mi audan vi parauler asíc, lo fiçan mi cuestionan ad mi, “es ci on obiectivo?” | [most important thing] núcleo; get to the point! venes ad la dunche (aut cuestiono, núcleo)!; to miss the point no comprenser; the point is that… la cuestiono (aut problémato) es che…; that’s not the point ecisto no es la cuestiono (aut problémato); that’s the point! exacte!; the whole point was to do it before she arrives la tota obiectivo esin facer lo ante che el arivun; [relevance] to give point to an argument relationifer on argumento; to the point relationanta; [use] I don’t see the point of doing that mi no vidan la obiectivo (aut motivo, abantaġo) facer ecuilo; there’s no point in staying lo es neútila rester; what’s the point in trying? ad cuo es útila èbrober?; pointer ìndicatro; monstratro; (dog breed) monstri-canículo; (finger) ìndichi-dígito; (piece of advice) consilio || vt (aim, direct) [weapon] apunter; to point out atentionatifer; ficer atentionata; ìndicher (per dígito) || vi to point at, to point to ìndicher (per dígito) || adj point-blank [question] directa; [shot] dejúxtea; point-by-point detalena; mèthodasca; pointed (having a tip) puntalosa; [window, arch, missile] ogiva; (sharp) puntal-acuta; (critical) [remark] mordanta; picanta; (direct) [question] directa; (significant) signìficanta; pointless (meaningless) sine signífico (aut obiectivo); a pointless existence on vivo sine signífico | (motiveless) sine motivo; (useless) neútila; it is pointless to resist, my son lo es neútila resister, mea filio
  • poison n veneno || vt (put poison on) venenizer; (someone) venenijer || adj poisonous venena; venenosa
  • poke vt picher || n poker foc-picatro
  • poker n (cards) póchero
  • Poland n Polonia; Pole Polono || adj Polish Poloniana; (ethnically) Polona
  • pole n (bar, rod, shaft, etc.) stango; [for fishing] pischi-pértico; [for vaulting] salti-stango; [in fire station] glis-postelo; [in stripbar] danç-postelo; [of a wagon, etc.] timono; (mast) masto; (post) postelo; (stake) palo; (geom., astron., geog., magnet.) polo; polarity (elec., phys.) polaritio || vt to polarize polarifer || vi to pole-vault pértichi-salter || adj polar (elec., phys.) polara; (geom., astron., geog., magnet.) polisca; polar bear (zool.: Ursus maritimus) blanca urso; polisca urso; polar star pol-stelo; polisca stelo
  • polecat n putoro
  • polevoy n (folk.) polevo
  • police n politío; police station politìayo; policeman politìano
  • policy n (insurance) póliso; (pol.) político; (way of doing) político; sistémato (di actado); táctico; policy statement declarationo je principio; policy-maker decisisto
  • polish n polimentumo || vt polimenter
  • politburo n politburó
  • polite adj cortesa
  • political adj polìtichisca
  • politics n político
  • pollaxe n aço
  • pollute vt poluter
  • Pollux n (astron.) Poluce
  • polo n poloo
  • polonium n (chem.: Po) polonio
  • polyester n poliéstero
  • polygamy n polìgamío; polygamist polígamo || adj polygamous polígama
  • polymer n (chem.) polímero
  • polypropylene n polipropileno
  • polystyrene n poliestireno
  • polyurethane n poliurethano
  • pomegranate n (bot.: Punica granatum) melogranato
  • pommel n pomelo
  • pomp n (ostentation) pompaċo; (stately display) pompo || adj pompous pomposaċa
  • pond n lacheto
  • ponder vt pònderer
  • poniard n pugnalo
  • pontoon n pontono; (bridge) barchi-ponto; ponton-ponto
  • pony n (zool.: Equus ferus caballus) póneo
  • poodle n pudelo
  • poof inter puf! || n (effeminate or homosexual man) cinedo
  • pool n (swimming pool) picino
  • poor adj (needy) páupera; (bad) mala; nebona; (pitiable) compasionanda
  • pop vi exploseter; to pop in entrer súbite || n (music) popo
  • pope n papo
  • poplar n poplo
  • popular adj populara
  • porcelain n porcelano
  • porcino n (bot.: Boletus edulis) nobiliar-boleto
  • porcupine n (zool.: Hystricidae, Erethizontidae) histriço
  • pore n poro
  • pork n porchi-carno
  • pornography n pornògrafío; porno (informal) porno; pornògrafajo; pornographer pornógrafo || adj porno (informal) porna; pornògrafaja
  • porridge n potaġo
  • port n portuo; port of call escalayo; port of entry duvan-portuo; airport aeroportuo
  • portable adj portébila
  • portal n portalo; (Internet) portalo
  • porter n portisto; (doorman) portisto
  • portfolio n (for papers) portafolio; (of investments) actionado
  • portico n pórtico
  • portrait n portratajo
  • portray vt portrater; (in film) presentationer
  • Portugal n Portugalia; Portuguese Portugaliano
  • pose vi posturer
  • position n (strategic) positiono
  • positive adj positiva
  • possess vt (have as belonging to one, own) poseser; [ability, quality, characteristic] haber; poseser; to be possessed of poseser; [quality, characteristic] eser dotita per; he’s possessed of a first-class criminal brain il es dotita per on crìminisca cerebro unésim-clasa | (take complete power over) posesecer; Regan was possessed by Pazuzu Regan esin posesecita da Pazuzu
  • possible adj posíbila || n possibility posíbilo
  • post n (mil.) pósteno; (office) oficio; post office postal-oficino; postage postal-costo; postage stamp postal-marco; poster afigedo; doorpost portel-postelo; guidepost ìndic-postelo; picture postcard ilustrita carto; postbox postal-cofro; postcard postal-carto; post-chaise postal-caróce(az)o; post-it adhes-noto; postman lèterígero; postalisto; signpost ìndic-postelo || vt afiger
  • postern n postérulo
  • postmortem n autopsío
  • post-nasal adj detre-nasa; post-nasal drip detre-nasa gutefo
  • postpone vt postponer; I say this run should be postponed until this platoon is better rested mi diçan che homi postpones ecuista curo usche che ecuista pelotono esun plu bone repausinta; (break off) ajurner
  • pot n (cooking container) aulo; [marmite] marmito; [metal cooking pot with 2 handles and lid] calderoneto; [with spout, as cooking pot] úrceo; pots and pans cocinatrado | (informal: cannabis) herbo
  • potable adj bibébila
  • potassium n (chem.: K) calio; potasio
  • potato n (bot.: Solanum tuberosum) patato; sweet potato (bot.: Ipomoea batatas) batato
  • potential adj potentiala
  • poultice n cataplasmo
  • pound n (lb.: 0.4536 kg) librilo; (£) pound
  • pound vt (beat) batuer; (with a pestle) pistiliger
  • pound n (for animals) depòsitayo por bestios
  • pour vt fuser
  • poverty n to fall into poverty pauperecer
  • powder n púlvero; (for face) pudro
  • power n potentitio; (math) potentio; power cord cablo di alimento || adj powerful potenta; powerless (unable) nipotanta
  • practice n (application) [of idea, belief, method] práctico; (custom) custumo || vt (put into practice) pràcticher; (to improve skill) exèrciter || adj practicable (feasible) executébila; facébila; pràctichébila; realifébila; (useful) útila; practical [clothing, shoes, matter] pràctichisca; [person] pràctichema; (feasible) executébila; facébila; pràctichébila; realifébila
  • praenomen n nómino
  • praise vt lauder
  • pram n beb-cariteto
  • praseodymium n (chem.: Pr) praseodimio
  • prate vi parauladaċer
  • prattle vi gàruler
  • pray vi precher || n prayer preco; prayer book prechi-libro
  • preach vt prèdicher
  • preamble n preámbulo; to make a preamble preàmbuler
  • precaution n anteatento; preventivo; to take precautions anteatenter || adj precautionary preventiva
  • precede vt antevader; (take precedence over) preceser || n precedent precedento
  • preceptor n preceptoro
  • precious adj pretiosa
  • precipitate vt (chem., weather) precipitationer; (throw headlong, rush) precìpiter
  • precise adj precisa; precise hour precisa horo; precise order precisa órdino
  • precondition n anteconditiono
  • precursor n precursoro
  • predator n prededoro
  • predicament n desfàcilajo; imbarasezo
  • predict vt antedicer; it is predicted that civilization will end by 2050 homi antediçan che le civilizationo cesationun ante post 2050
  • preface n prefationo
  • prefer vt prèferer || adj preferable prèferanda || adv preferably prèferande
  • prefix n prefixo
  • pregnant adj grávida
  • preliminary adj preliminara
  • premature adj ante sua témporo; antematura
  • premeditate vt antemèditer
  • premier adj ċefa || n (head of state) ċef-ministro
  • premiere n premiero
  • premise n (land property) domo; (teren-)proprietato; tereno; (logical) premiso; (place) locado; loco
  • premium n (bonus) premio; (exchange premium) agio; at a premium super la normisca (pretio); exchange premium agio
  • prenuptial adj antemarita
  • prepare vt prèparer || adj preparatory school (also “prep school”) gimnasio; prepared presta
  • preponderate vi prepònderer
  • preposition n prepositiono
  • prescribe vt prescripter
  • present adj (at hand) presenta; (in attendance) presenta; to be present asister | (current) actuala; existanta || n (time; gram. case) presento
  • present vt (give formally) presentationer
  • present n (gift) doredo
  • preserve vt conserver || n preservative conservatro
  • preside vt presider
  • president n presidento
  • press vt presioner || n (journalists) jurnal(ist)ado; pressure presiono || adj pressed (under strain) to be pressed for money eser imbarasata sopre pecunio; to be pressed for time haber nim curta témporo
  • prestige n prestigio
  • presume vt (suppose) conjecturer; suposer; (take liberties) presumpter (sopre); to presume on one’s friendship presumpter sopre sua amichitio; (venture) presumpter; I wouldn’t presume to question your judgement mi no presumpteban dùbiter vua júdico || adj presumable conjectébila; expectébila; presumptuous presumptosa || adv presumably probábile; suposébile
  • pretence n (pretext) pretexto
  • pretend vt (feign) finger; (use as pretext) pretexter; (lay claim to) pretenser || adj (feigned) fingita; (imaginary) [money, fighting] jochisca
  • pretense n (pretext) pretexto
  • pretension n (claim) pretenso
  • pretentious adj aroganta; audaciosa; pretensema; (ambitious) ambitionosa; (ostentatious) afectationanta; afectationema
  • pretty adj (attractive, but not beautiful) beleta; (delicately attractive) linda || adv (fairly) pasábile; sufiçante; I’m pretty well mi es pasábile sana; (nearly) presche; I am pretty sure mi es presche certana
  • pretzel n brecelo
  • prevaricate vi mendacier
  • prevent vt preventer
  • previous adj ántea || adv previously ántee
  • prey n prededo; bird of prey rapt-aucelo || vt to prey on (carry off) rapter; (despoil) despolier; (hunt and eat) preder; (victimize) vìctimifer
  • price n pretio; under price vendonda rebase (aut perde, por men cam costo); price-list taxationado || adj priceless nevalorizébila
  • prick vt picher || adj prickly pichema; prickly pear (bot.: Opuntia) nopal-fructo
  • pride n orgolio
  • priest n sacerdoto; (Christian) presbítero; (cleric, religious professional) clérico; (of a specific deity) flámino
  • prime adj (original, archetypal) prima; prime minister ċef-ministro; prime number prima numbro || vt (ready) prestifer
  • primer n (elementary textbook) alfabet-libro
  • primeval adj primevisca
  • primitive adj primitiva
  • prince n príncipo; Prince of Darkness Príncipo di Ténebro
  • principal adj principala || n (of a school) scol-ċefo
  • principle n principio
  • print vt impreser || n printer’s devil impres-aprendisto || adj printed matter impresajo
  • prior adj ántea
  • priority n prioritato
  • prison n prisiono; prison cell célulo; prisoner (civil) prisionano; (of war) guerisca captito
  • private adj privata
  • privilege n privilegio
  • prize n premio || vt apretier
  • pro n (advantage) abantaġo; the pros and cons las por et las contre; (profesional) profesionano
  • proactinium n proactinio
  • probable adj probábila || adv probably probábile
  • probe vt sonder
  • problem n problémato
  • procedure n (method) méthodo; proceso; [established, official] proceduro; (comp.: subroutine) subprogramo; (med.) operationo
  • proceed vi (with course of action) [begin] cominitier; [continue] continuationer; (act a certain way) acter; (go forward) abantier; (of an action) [begin] cominitiezer; [continue] continuationer; to proceed against (sue) lìtigher; to proceed from haber orígino en; vener de; to proceed to do cominitier -er; -ecer; to proceed with continuationer || n proceedings [actions] actos; [events] eventos; [reports] reportos; (jur.) proceduros; proceeds guadaniedo
  • process n (series of operations) proceso; (anat.) apófiso; [tubercle] tubérculo; (jur.) lítigo; processor procesatro || vt [applicant] atenter; [application, data, raw materials] proceser; [film] reveler
  • proclaim vt proclamationer
  • procrastinate vi procràstiner
  • procure vt habifer || n procuration (proxy) procurato
  • prod vt picher
  • produce vt -efer; producter; (by effort or labor) elàborer
  • profane adj (not sacred) profana || vt profanationer
  • profession n profesiono; Spartans, what is your profession? Spartanos, cua es vostra profesiono?; professional profesionano
  • professor n (university, college) profesoro
  • profile n (outline as seen from the side) profilo
  • profit vt profiter || n profito; profiteer profitistaċo || adj profitable profit(if)osa
  • profound adj profunda
  • progesterone n (biochem.) progesterono
  • prognosis n prognoso
  • program n (comput.) programo
  • progress vi progreser || n progreso
  • prohibit vt pròhiber
  • project vt (geom., opt.) projectioner || vi (jut out) salier || n projector projectionatro
  • prolific adj prolefema
  • prolong vt plu-longhifer
  • promethium n (chem.: Pm) promethio
  • promise vt promiser || n promiso || adj promising famoseçanta; promisosa
  • promontory n promontorio
  • promote vt (make flourish) pròsperifer; (publicize) promotioner; publìciter; (recommend) recomender; (to a higher rank) promoter
  • prompt vt (instigate) instigher; provocationer; (help with speech) suflorìer || n prompter suflor(ìatr)o || adj (without delay) imediata
  • pronoun n pronominalo; demonstrative pronoun demonstrativa pronominalo; indefinite pronoun nedefinita pronominalo; interrogative pronoun cuestionisca pronominalo; personal pronoun personisca pronominalo; possessive pronoun posesisca pronominalo; reflexive pronoun reflexiva pronominalo; relative pronoun relativa pronominalo
  • pronounce vt (words, sounds) pronuntier
  • proof n probo || adj (resistant) -èprobita; èprobita contre; -imuna; imuna ad
  • proofread vt corectifer
  • prop vt apodier || n (theat) cen-accesorio
  • propaganda n propagando || vi to propagandize propagander
  • propagate vt propagationer
  • propel vt propulsioner
  • propeller n (propulsion-)héliço
  • proper adj (actual, real) vera; he’s never had a proper job il jamás es habinta on vera (aut seriosa) laboro; in the proper sense of the word en la stricta senso di la vocábulo | (informal: complete, downright) vera; I felt a proper idiot mi sentin mi como on vera idioto; (appropriate, suitable) adecuata; apta; convenanta; (correct) corecta; justa; (seemly) decenta; (peculiar, characteristic) propria; proper to propria ad; (unique) proper noun propria nómino
  • property n proprietato
  • prophesy vt antedicer || n antediço
  • prophet n profeto
  • proportion n proportiono
  • propose vt proposer
  • proposition n (log., gram., math) propositiono
  • proprietor n proprietanto
  • proscribe vt proscripter
  • prosecute vt (sue) lìtigher; (jur.) lìtigher || n prosecution (side) acuso; planġo; prosecutor plangisca avocato
  • prospect n expectedo; posíbilo
  • prosper adj prosperous prosperanta || vt pròsperer
  • prosperity n próspero
  • prosthesis n (artificial body part) pròsthesedo; (ling.: addition of a syllable at the beginning of a word) prótheso
  • prostitute n prostituato || vt prostituer
  • prostrate adj prostrationanta || vt to prostrate oneself prostrationer
  • protactinium n (chem.: Pa) protactinio
  • protagonist n protagonisto
  • protect vt protecter || n protection (means) protectatro
  • protein n proteíno
  • protest n protesto; under protest cum protesto; Protestant Protestanto || vi protester
  • proton n (phys.) protono
  • prototype n protótipo
  • proud adj orgoliosa
  • prove vt prober; he proved himself worthy il demonstrationin sua dignitio; il monstrin si digna
  • proverb n proverbio
  • provide vt (provision) proviser; (offer) òferer || vi to provide for (prepare for) [eventuality] prèparer si por (aut contre); (support) [person, family] sustiner; (take care of) atenter; (bone) proviser; (jur.: make possible) posìbilifer; (jur.: stipulate) stìpuler || conj provided (that) condicione che
  • province n provincio
  • provoke vt ìnciter; provocationer
  • prow n proro
  • prowess n hàbilitio; proditio
  • proxy n (comput.) procuratatro
  • prudent adj prudenta
  • psionic adj psíonichisca || n psionics psiónico
  • psoriasis n (med.) psoríaso
  • psst inter pst
  • psychiatry n psichiatrío; psychiatrist psichiatro
  • psychic n psichisto
  • psychology n psicòloghío; psychologist psicólogo
  • psychopath n psicópatho
  • psychosis n (psych.) psicozo
  • psychotic adj psicózaca
  • pterodactyl n (zool.: Pterodactylus) pterodáctilo
  • puberty adj pùberitio
  • pubescent adj pùbereçanta
  • pubis n pubo
  • public adj pública; public business polìtichisca afaros; statisca afaros; public domain [creative work] pública dòminio || n lo pública; publicity publícito; publicity stunt publìcitisca truco || vt to publicize promotioner; publìciter
  • publish vt èditer
  • puddening n (naut.) baderno
  • pudding n pudingo
  • puddle n puteáculo
  • Puerto Rico n Portorico; Puerto Rican Portoricano
  • puffin n (zool.: Fratercula) mar-papagayo
  • puke vi vòmiter
  • pull vt tirer; to pull out (nail, tooth, plant, etc.) evulser
  • pulley n poleo
  • pulp n (for papermaking) ligni-pasto; (of fruits) pulpo
  • pulpit n púlpito
  • pulsar n (astron.) pulsaro
  • pulsate vi pulsader
  • pulse n pulsado; pulse beat (cordii-)pulso
  • pumice n púmiço
  • pummel vt colpader
  • pump n pumpatro; (court shoe) bal-calcéolo; air pump (at gas station) air-pumpatro; gas pump gasolinpumpatro || vt pumper
  • pumpkin n pepono
  • punch vt (hit) [with fist] pugni-colper; [button, key] presioner; [stamp] puntioner; (pierce a hole in) foràminizer; pèrforer || n (drink) punċo; punch card pérfor-carto; punch line fin-fraso
  • punctual adj puntuala
  • punctuate vt puntuationer || n punctuation puntuation(aj)o
  • puncture vt pèrforer; tra-picher
  • pundit n opinisto
  • punish vt puner || n punishment puno || adj punishing severa
  • punk n (mus.) punk rock; punker punk | (worthless person) putanto; (hoodlum) canalio; huligano; (novice) noviciaċo
  • punt n (naut.) pontono
  • pupa n (zool.) pupalo
  • pupil n (anat) pupilo; (student) alumno; aprensanto; instructato
  • puppet n pupo
  • puppy n canìculolo
  • pure adj pura
  • purée n pureo
  • purge vt purgher
  • purple n púrpura
  • purpose n (intention) intento; (object) obiectivo; on purpose intente; volitione
  • purse n (coin purse) burso; (handbag) manu-saco; purser nav-cápseisto
  • pursue vt (chase) persecuter; (continue) continuationer; (follow) secuer
  • purulent adj pusosa, -efanta || n purulence (act) pusefo; (state) pusositio
  • purvey vt (provide, supply) [food, goods] furniser || n purveyor furnisanto, -edoro, -isto; pusillanimous purveyors of pessimism pavorosa propagandantos je pèsimismo
  • pus n puso
  • push vt (exert force on, esp. to shove away) pulser; to push a door open pulse àperer on portelo; to push someone against a wall pulser álicu contre on muro | (press) [button] presioner; (put pressure on, urge) presioner; don’t push your luck! no defìes le sorto!; to push oneself efortier; to push oneself too hard èxiger nime de si; to push someone to do something presioner álicu facer álico; that’s pushing it a bit ecuilo es pauche nim multa; “push” [on door] “pulses”; [on doorbell] “presiones”; “sonifes” | (informal: promote) [product] promotioner; (sell illegally) [drugs] colportuċer; to be pushing (informal: be nearly a particular age) he must be pushing 60 il deban etater presche 60 anuos; to push around (bully) tìmidifer; tiranetìer; to push aside forpulser; to push away forpulser; to push back repulser; retropulser; to push down (knock over) abatuer; cadifer; (press down) presioner; to push forward abantiifer || vi (move forward by using force) to push one’s way through a crowd pulse àperer on vialo tra on túrbulo; [of an army] to push into enemy territory abantier aden inimichisca teritorio | (exert oneself) efortier; to push ahead (move forward) abantier; to push for (make demands) campanier; presioner; they’re pushing for better conditions los presionan (aut campanian) por plu bona circumstantios; to push forward (mil.) abantier; to push on (carry on) continuationer || n (shove) pulso; when push comes to shove ye la crisisca instanto; ye la instanto di veritio | (encouragement) pulseto; can someone give me a push? potan álicu pulseter mi?; (press) [of button] at the push of a button per mere presioner on botono; (effort) efortio; (dynamism) energío; initiemitio; interprensemitio; (mil.: offensive) atacado; push button presion-botono; presionumo; push pin presion-spínulo; pushcart cariteto; pushup puls-levezo; pusher [of drugs] colportuċisto || adj push-up bra leviva mam-subtenatro; pushy (pej.) insistema
  • pusillanimous adj desmoralizita; tímida
  • puss n (informal, Irish and Scot.: face) facio; (informal, Irish and Scot.: mouth) buco; (informal, chiefly Brit.: cat) catucio; pussy (informal: cat) catucio; (informal: coward) codardo; (informal: weakling) débilo; (vulg.: vagina) cuno || vi to pussyfoot around (be noncommittal) vaciler
  • pustule n pústulo
  • put vt (place in a particular position) poner; he put the remote on the TV il ponin la telecomandatro sur la televidatro; to put an ad in the paper poner on anuntio en la jurnalo; put yourself in my place pones vi en mea situationo; she put her mother in a home el ponin sua matro en on vèculerío; what did you put in my drink? cuo vi ponin en mea bibedo? | (contribute) contributer; to put something towards something contributer álico ad álico | (invest) invester; to put all one’s savings into tech stocks invester omna sua sparniedos en tecnòloghìisca actionos; she put a lot of time and effort into that relationship el investin multa témporo et efortio en ecuila relationo; (bring to a particular state or condition) poner; to put someone in a bad mood poner álicu en on mala humoralo; that puts me in a very awkward position ecuilo ponan mi en on valde difícila situationo | (express in a particular way) dicer; expreser; how shall I put it? cuome dicer?; let me put it this way mi dices lo en ecuista manario; to put it bluntly por dicer lo (aut parauler) cándide; to put something into Romániço traducter álico ad Romániço | (present, submit) [case, problem, opinion, proposal] presentationer; [question] poner; (suggest) I put it to you that… mi sugestan ad vi che… | (write in a particular place) poner; scriber; to put one’s signature to something signaturizer álico; what do you want me to put? cuo vi desíderan che mi pones (aut scribes)?; (cause to carry or be subject to) I don’t want to put you to any trouble mi no desíderan penifer vi; to put to death mortifer; to put to the sword spathijer | (assign a value to) evaluter; her fortune is put at 4 billion homi evalutan eluya richitio ad cuatri-miliarda; I would put her (age) at 35 mi diceban che el etatan 35 anuos; (sport: throw) [shot, weight] jacter; to put about [rumor] circulationifer; poner en circulationo; [ship] girifer; to put across (communicate) [idea] comùnicher; (present) [oneself] presentationer; to put aside (lay down) [book, game, differences] deponer; forponer; poner aparte; (reserve) [money, time, food, goods in a shop] reserver; (sacrifice) [career, personal interest] sacrìficher; to put away [clothes, toys, books] forponer; riponer; [vehicle] garer; (confine) [in prison, asylum] recluser; (consume) [food, drink] bibazer; forifer; manġazer; (reject) [spouse] repudier; [thought] discarter; ecmentifer; (save) [money] reserver; sparnier; to put back riponer; put it back when you’ve finished ripones li cuande vi finun | (change) [clock] retarder; remember to put your clocks back on Sunday no oblites retarder vua horologios en Domínico | (delay) retarder; the president’s reforms will put us back 50 years la reformos di la presidento retardun nos per 50 anuos | (drink) biber; she put back 9 tequilas before she left el bibin 9 techilos ante che el partiin | (postpone) postponer; the meeting has been put back till 4 o’clock la asemblo es postponita usche 4 clocos | (reinvest) [money, profits] riinvester; to put down (de)poner; he put his beer down and stood up il deponin sua biro et statiecin | (close) [umbrella] cluder; (criticize) crìtichìer; denigrationer; hùmilifer; men-valorifer; (euthanize) [animal] abatuer; (lower) [blinds, hand] abaser; (pay) [deposit] acontifer; lacer on aconto; (put to bed) [baby] jacifer; (suppress) [revolt] supreser; (write down) [ideas] noter; [name on list] (en)scriber; enregistrifer; to put down as (consider) consìderer como; I had him put down as a complete asshole mi consíderin il como je on perfecta strunço; to put down to (attribute) atribuer; she put it down to his inexperience el atribuin lo ad iluya manco di experientio; to put forth (emit) [light, odor] emiser; (extend) [hand] extenser; (produce) [leaves, roots, buds] burionefer; foliefer; producter; radicefer; (submit) [plan, proposal] presentationer; proposer; to put forward (change) [clock] abantiifer; (recommend) [candidate] candidatifer; proposer; (submit) [plan, proposal] presentationer; proposer; to put in enponer; (devote, expend, work) [time] dèdicher; laborer; can you put in a few extra hours? potan vi laborer dum cualca plusa horos? | (include, add) [in book, speech] adjunter; incluser; (insert, graft) inserter; (install) [appliance, heating, person into post] instaler; [party, government, candidate] electioner; (interject) interponer; (interpose) enponer; interponer; (plant) [plants] plantationer; plantejer; [seeds] (dis)sèminejer; (submit) [name] she put in his name for “most likely to be dead by 30” el enscribin iluya nómino por “li cua maxim probábile mortun ante post la etato di 30 anuos” | [request, claim] facer; presentationer; to put in a claim for damages facer (aut presentationer) on demando je indemno; to put in a plea of not guilty declarationer si inocenta; to put in order òrdiner; to put off (cause not to want) mortifer ad álicu la volitiono; that documentary put me off meat ecuila documentario mortifin mea volitiono manger le carno | (delay, postpone) ajurner; postponer; retarder; don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today no laces por demano cuo vi potan facer hodie | (disgust) repugner; (dissuade) despersuaser; (fob off) eluser; lìberifer si de; to put someone off with vague promises lìberifer si de álicu per nedefinitionita promisos | (switch off) extinguer; to put on [clothes] surponer (ad si); vestejecer; [ointment, cream, makeup] surponer (ad si); (add, increase) augmenter; he’s put on a lot of weight il grasecin (aut pese augmentezin) multe | (apply) àplicher; I put a spell on you mi incantin vi | (assume) [accent, air, manner] afectationer; finger; (bet) [specified amount of money] I put $100 on Santa’s Little Helper mi sponsionin 100 $ por Parva Adjutanto je Patro Natalo; I wouldn’t put money on it mi no sponsioneban pecunio por lo | (organize) [concert, play, show] òrganizer; presentationer; (switch on, start) [brakes] frenijer; [CD, record, tape, music] luder; poner; [light, radio] accenser; [water, kettle] caldifecer; poner por caldifer; (telec.) put me on to Mr. Zelensky pasifes mi ad Sro. Zelenski | (informal: deceive) blagher; inganer; mistìficher; to put on to (inform against) denuntier; (put in touch with) doner la nómino di; informer sopre; recomender; to put out poner éxtere; (expel) [squatter, tenant, troublemaker] ecpelentier; ecpulser; (extend) [hand, arm, claws] extenser; [leaves, shoots] foliefer; sùrculefer; (extinguish) [fire, cigarette] extinter; [light] extinguer; (give anesthetic to) anesthesìer; (inconvenience, trouble) descòmodizer; penifer; (offend, annoy) indignifer; ofenser; vexer; she was very put out that no one came to her party el esin valde vexita che nulu venin ad eluya festo | (perturb, disconcert) destrancuilifer; perturber; (release, issue, publish) [announcement, statement, report] facer; [book, record] èditer; [news] anuntier; (set out, lay out) [cards, clothes, game pieces, chairs] disponer; (sport: eliminate) elìminer; (unjoint, dislocate) [shoulder, knee] delochifer; to put over poner sur (aut super); to put one over on (informal: deceive) inganer | (communicate) [idea] comùnicher; to put through [thread] traponer; (make, complete) [deal] clauser; [proposal, bill] ficer àprober; pasifer; (provide finance for) she put six kids through school el pachin la studos di sesa filios | (subject to) [ordeal] ficer subitioner; (telec.) [call] pasifer; [person] conecter; pasifer; poner en comúnico; to put together cumponer; (assemble) [book, story, account] composer; [meal] prèparer; [model kit, piece of furniture] monter; [team] asembler; (formulate) [plan, scheme] fòrmulizer; tractier; [publication] prèparer; to put up [blinds, window, hand] lever; put ’em up! (fists) defenses vi!; (hands) manuos adsúpere! | [flag] hiser; [hair] aranger adsupre; (erect) [building, wall] constructer; [ladder] poner; statiifer; [statue, monument] erectifer; [tent] erectifer; monter; statiifer; [umbrella] àperer; (hang up) [notice, sign] afiger; [picture, decoration] pendifer; (increase) [price, tax, temperature, blood pressure] altifer; augmenter; that puts the total up to over 5,000 ecuilo altifan la sumo ad plu cam 5 000 | (lodge) hòspiter; loġayizer; logifer; can you put me up for the night? potan mi loger apud vi hodie nocte? | (offer) [resistance] oposer; they didn’t put up much of a fight los no resistin multe (aut no oposin multa resisto) | [reward, prize, prayer] òferer; to put someone up for adoption ficer adoptonda; òferer (aut poner) álicu adopte; to put something up for sale ficer vendonda; òferer (aut poner) álico vende | (present, put forward) [candidate] candidatifer; proposer; [plan, petition, argument, case, defense] presentationer; (provide) [money] doner; furniser; poner; (send up) [satellite] lancer; òrbitifer; to put up to (instigate) instigher; to put up with (tolerate) tòlerer || vi to put about (naut.) semigirer; to put back (naut.) [to port] rientrer; rivener; to put down (land) [aircraft] surterecer; to put forth (naut.) partier; to put in (naut.) enportuecer; to put in for [job] candidatifer si por; [promotion, transfer, pay raise, divorce] demander; solìciter; to put into (naut.) [port] entrer; to put out (vulg.: agree to sex) disposifer; put out or get out! disposifes aut disperses!; to put (out) to sea (naut.) partier; surmarecer; viagecer; to put up (stay) hòspitezer; loger; to put up for the night at a hotel pasifer la nocto en on hotelo || n put-on (informal: hoax) mistífico; put-down (informal: criticism) crìtichío; denigrationo; hùmilifo; put-on (informal: hoax) blago; ingano; (informal: pretense) pretexto || adj put upon explotuċata; imposataria
  • putative adj suposata; [relation] putativa
  • putrefy vi putrer || n putrefaction putro || adj putrefied putranta
  • putrid adj putranta || n putridity putro
  • putt vt (Golf) colpeter || n putting green colpetayo
  • puttee n volv-guetro
  • putty n mástiço || vt màsticizer
  • puzzle vt perplexifer; to puzzle out [answer, solution] descòperter; trover; [mystery] comprenser; [problem] solver; [someone’s actions] comprenser; [writing] descifrationer || vi to puzzle over pener comprenser || n (game, toy, problem) enígmato; [crossword] crucigramo; [jigsaw] puzlo; puzzle box secreti-capso || adj puzzled perplexa; puzzling enígmata; perplexifanta
  • pygmy n pigmeo
  • pylon n pilono
  • pylorus n (anat.) píloro
  • pyramid n pirámido; pyramid scheme piràmidisca vento
  • pyre n rogo
  • Pyrenees n Pireneo
  • pyrethrum n (bot.: Pyrethrum) pirethro; (bot.: Chrysanthemum) crisanthemo; (bot.: Tanacetum) tanaceto; (insecticide) pirethri-púlvero; pyrethrin pirethrino
  • pyrite n (min.) pirito
  • pyrometer n pirómetro
  • pyrosis n (med.) pirozo
  • pyrotechnic adj pirotècnichisca || n pyrotechnics pirotécnico
  • pyroxylin n (chem.) piroxilino
  • Pyrrhic adj [victory] di Pyrrhus || n pyrrhic (prosody) pírico
  • Pyrrhonism n Pironismo
  • Pythia n pithio
  • python n (zool.: Pythonidae) pithono; pythoness (archaic) oràculiso; strighiso || adj Pythonesque (in the style of Monty Python) Python-esca
  • pyx n (eccl.) píxido


  • Q ltr cu
  • Qatar n Cataria; Qatari Catariano
  • qua adv como
  • quack n cuaco; (charlatan) ċarlatano; [doctor] mèdicaċo; (archaic) empiraċoso || vi cuacher || inter cuac!
  • quadrangle n (geom.) cuatrángulo; (courtyard) cortilo || adj quadrangular cuatrángula
  • quadrant n (geom.; instrument) cuadranto
  • quadrate n (anat., zool.) cuadrata osteo; (geom.) cuadrato; quadratic (math) [equation] cuadratisco; quadrature (astron.) cuadraturo; (math) cuadratifo || vt (archaic: make square) cuadratifer || adj (geom.) cuadrata; quadratic (math) [equation] cuadratisca
  • quadrature n (math) cuadratifo; (astron.) cuadraturo
  • quadrennium n anu-cuatro; cuatrenio || adj quadrennial (happening four times a year) cuatreniala; cuatri-anuala; (lasting four years) cuatrenia; cuatri-anua
  • quadric adj (geom.) cuádrica; (math: quadratic) cuadratisca
  • quadriga n (hist.) cuadrigo
  • quadrilateral n cuatri-látero || adj cuatri-látera
  • quadrille n (dance; music) cuadrilo; (hist.: trick-taking card came) cuadrilo; (hist.: troop of horsemen in a tournament) cuadrilo; (dressage ride) cuadrilo
  • quadrillion card (10¹⁵) duliarda
  • quadrireme n (hist., naut.) cuatri-remo
  • quadroon n (dated, offensive) cuarterono
  • quadrumanous adj (dated, zool.) cuatri-manua
  • quadruped n cuatripedo
  • quadruple adj cuátrupla; quadruplicate cuátrupla || n cuátruplo; quadruplet cuatri-gemelo; quadruplicate (fourth copy) cuadruplicato; in quadruplicate cuadruplicatizita || vt cuàtruplifer; to quadruplicate cuàtruplifer || vi cuàtruplecer
  • quaestor n (hist.) cuestoro
  • quaff vt parbiber
  • quagmire n fangayo; marsci-cavo; marsco
  • quail n (zool.: Odontophoridae, several genera in Phasianidae) cualio || vi esecer descoragizita; perder coraġo; trèmuler
  • quaint adj (charmingly unusual or old-fashioned) [building, street, village] pictoresca; [custom, notion, person] (càrminive) extránea
  • quake vi trèmuler || n (earthquake) sismo; ter-trémulo; Quaker Cuáchero
  • qualify vt (make competent or eligible) competentifer; cualificationer; yurizer; (declare competent or eligible) cualificationer; (make fit, suitable) aptifer; (characterize, describe) cualìficher; (gram.) cualìficher; modìficher; (modify) [statement] nuantiizer; (limit) [support, conclusion] condicionizer; restricter || vi (be competent or eligible) cualificationezer; eser competenta || n qualification (competence) competentitio; (making competent, eligible) competentifo; cualificationo; (suitability) aptitio; (diploma, certificate) diplomo; (description) cualífico; (gram.) cualífico; modífico; (reservation) condiciono; reservo; restricto; qualificative cualìficanto; qualificator (eccl.) cualificatoro || adj qualified (competent, eligible) competenta; cualificationita; (fit, suitable) apta; (skilled) hábila; (gram.) cualìficata; modìficata; (limited) condicionizita; cum reservos; restrictita; qualifying [exam, round, game] elìminedora; [team, contestant] cualificationita; (gram.) cualìficanta; modìficanta
  • quality n (distinctive attribute, characteristic) cualitio; quality of life viv-cualitio; quality meats carnocios; quality time tèmporocio || adj qualitative cualitiisca; (gram.) cualìfichiva
  • qualm n (scruple) scrúpulo; (misgiving) dúbito; (archaic: nausea) náuseo
  • quandary n dilemo; imbarasezo
  • quantify vt cuantifer
  • quantity n (amount) cuanto; I’m not used to buying such a quantity of toilet paper mi no custuman comprer tanta higienasca papero; in small quantities en parva cuantos; pauchene; a large quantity of meth multa methamfetamino || adj quantitative cuantisca
  • quantum n cuantumo; quantum leap enorma salto; quantum mechanics cuantum-mecánico; quantum theory cuantum-theorío
  • quarantine n cuarantino; to be in quarantine eser en cuarantino || vt imposer cuarantino ad; poner en cuarantino
  • quark n (phys.) cuarco
  • quarrel n dísputo; I have no quarrel with you mi haban nulo contre vi; to pick a quarrel with someone cercher dísputo cum álicu; to take up somebody’s quarrel poner si en la partito di | (crossbow bolt) cuadrelo || vi dìsputer; they’re quarreling about the heat again (with each other) los denue dísputan intre si (aut intredísputan) sopre la calditio; (with someone else) los denue dísputan sopre la calditio || adj quarrelsome dìsputema
  • quarry n (mine) petri-minerayo; quarryman petri-mineristo | (object of pursuit) [of animal] prededo; [of hunter] caciedo || vt (mine) minerer
  • quart n (measure; mus.; fencing; cards) cuarto
  • quartan adj (path.) cuartana; quartan fever cuartana febro
  • quarter n (fraction) cuátrimo; for a quarter of the price por una cuátrimo de pretio; a quarter of a circle on cuadranto; a quarter of a mile una cuátrimo de milio; she’s a quarter Basque el es cuátrime Vasca; the tank is only a quarter full la tanco es mere cuátrime plena; [of time] it’s a quarter of six lo es cinca clocos et tria cuátrimos; quarter of a year cuàtrimenio; cuátrimo de anuo; trimestro; quarter of an hour cuátrimo de horo; hor-cuátrimo | (coin) 25 céntimos; cuátrimo (de dólaro); (dólar-)cuátrimo; (district) cuartario; the French Quarter la Franciana Cuartario; (direction) [of compass] directiono; (unspecified person, group, or area) círculo; directiono; látero; loco; parto; at close quarters júxtee; valde próxime; from all quarters de omna directionos (aut láteros, partos); (mercy) indulġo; to give no quarter combater sine compasiono; doner nula indulġo; to give quarter indulger; quarter nettings (hist.) bastingo; quarter note (mus.: ♩) cuátrima noto; nigro; semimínimo; quarters loġayo; (billet) acantonayo; (room) cambro; quarterdeck (naut.) pop-copertono; quartermaster (mil.) fodraro; (nav.) cuartermastro || vt (divide into four parts) cuatri-petiifer; diviser (aut secher) cuátrime; (to reduce to a quarter) cuàtrimifer; (station, lodge) loġayizer; (billet) acantoner || adj (fraction) cuátrima; cuátrimo de; a quarter pound una cuátrima librilo; una cuátrimo de librilo; a quarter share of something una cuátrimo (aut cuátrima parto) de álico; quarterly trimestrisca
  • quartet n (mus.: composition, performance) cuarteto; (set of four people or things) cuatro
  • quartic adj (math) cuártica || n cuártico
  • quartz n (geol.) cuarço; quartzite (geol.) cuarcito
  • quash vt (reject or void) [proposal] refuser; [verdict] casationer; (suppress) [emotion] represer; [rebellion, rumor] supreser
  • quasi- afx cuase || adj quasireligious cuase religionisca
  • quassia n (bot.: Quassia) cuasio; quassin (pharm.) cuasiino
  • quaternary adj (fourth in order) cuatrésima; (geol.) cuatrèsimisca; (math, chem.) cuatrenaria
  • quaternion n (math) cuaterniono; (rare: set of four people or things) cuatro
  • quatrain n cuatri-verso
  • quaver vi trèmuler || n trémulo; (mus.: trill) trilo; (Brit., mus.: eighth note) óctima noto
  • quay n cayo
  • queasy adj (nauseated) nàuseanta; (inducing nausea) nàuseifanta; (uneasy) destrancuila
  • Quechua n (person) Chiċuo; (language) Chiċuenso
  • queef n (vulg. slang) pèditiso || vi pèditiser
  • queen n reġ(is)o; (chess: ♛) regiso; (informal: ostentatiously effeminate homosexual man) cinedazo; queen consort reġ-spons(is)o; queen dowager reġ-víduv(is)o; queen mother reġ-matro; queen regent matra regento; queen regnant reġ(is)o regnanta || adj queenly reg(is)isca, -esca
  • queer adj (strange) extránea; (often offensive: homosexual) homòsexema || n (offensive: homosexual man) homòsexemo
  • quell vt [rebellion, rumor] supreser; [rage, anxiety] represer
  • quench vt (satisfy) [desire] satisfacer; [thirst] extinter; satier; (extinguish) [fire] extinter; (stifle) [emotion] represer; [enthusiasm, passion] frìgidifer; [hope, desire] occiser; sùfocher; (rapidly cool) [hot metal] intinter
  • Quenya n (fantasy) Cuendenso
  • quercitron n (yellow dye from black oak bark) cuercitrono
  • querulous adj planġaċanta, -ema
  • query n (question) cuestiono; (comput.) cuero; (print) cuestion-signo || vt (question) cuestioner; (comput.) cuerer; to query a database cuerer de on databaso
  • quest n cuesto; quest-giver cuestizedoro; quester cuestanto || vi to quest for something cuester álico
  • question n (query) cuestiono; any questions? es ci álica cuestiono?; to ask a question of someone facer on cuestiono ad álicu; good question! bona cuestiono!; to put/direct a question to poner/dìriger on cuestiono ad; question mark cuestion-signo | (doubt) dúbito; there is no question about it sopre ecuisto ci no es dúbito; beyond question exter (omna) dúbito; nedùbitébila; to call into question contester; poner en dúbito; in question dùbitébila; without question sine dúbito | (matter, issue) cuestiono; problémato; the German Question la cuestiono (aut problémato) sopre Alemania; it’s only a question of time lo es mere on cuestiono sopre témporo; that is the question ecce la cuestiono (aut problémato); in question (being considered) concernata; at the time in question en la témporo concernata | (possibility) posìbilitio; that is out of the question ecuilo es no pràctichébila (aut neposíbila); (subject of debate) tractata coso || vt (interrogate) [exam candidate, interviewee] cuestionader ad; [minister, secretary] interpelationer; [suspect] intèrogher; (doubt) dùbiter || adj questionable (uncertain, debatable) contestébila; dùbitanda; necerta
  • questionnaire n cuestionario
  • queue n (chiefly Brit.: line of people, cars, etc., awaiting their turn) codo; to form a queue facer (aut formizer, poner si en) codo; to stand in a queue eser (aut statier) en codo | (comput.) codo; (archaic: braid of hair) tricio || vt (chiefly Brit.: take one’s place in a queue) (comput.) encodifer || vi (chiefly Brit.: take one’s place in a queue) encodecer; facer (aut formizer, poner si en) codo
  • quibble n frívola objectiono || vi frívole objectioner
  • quiche n (culin.) chisho
  • quick adj (fast) rápida; be quick about it! hastes!; rápide!; in quick succession en rápida succesiono; quick time! (mil.) rápida (aut accèlerita) marċo! | (not lengthy) [meal] rápida; to have a quick one (drink) prender on gluto | (prompt, with minimal delay) [answer, decision] prompta; to be quick to act prompte acter; to be quick to take offense eser ofensezema (aut fácile ofensita); ofensezer súbite (aut fácile, pro nulo); quick fix fácila (aut provisoria) solvo; quick sale prompta vendo | [reflexes] ágila; rápida; (mentally sharp) arguta; mentische rápida (aut alerta); she’s quick at math el es rápida sopre mathemático; el rápide cálculan; quick-witted arguta || adv rápide; quickly rápide || n the quick (anat.) la vivanta (aut sentiva) carno; to cut someone to the quick vùlnerer (aut picher) álicu en la carno; (archaic: the living) the quick and the dead la vivantos et la mortintos; quicklime cáustica calço; quicksand moveziva sábulo; quicksilver hidrárgiro; mercurialo; quickie (drink) gluto; (question) rápida (aut curta) cuestiono; (sex) rápida clovijo; quickness ràpiditio; (lack of delay) promptitio; (mental sharpness) alertitio; argutitio; quickness of mind mentisca ràpiditio (aut àgilitio) || vt to quicken (speed up) accèlerer; hastifer; plu-ràpidifer; (restore life to) (ri)animationer; (ri)vivifer; (stimulate) èciter; stìmuler || vi to quicken (speed up) accèlerezer; haster; plu-ràpidecer; (become stimulated) ècitezer; stìmulezer
  • quid pro quo n (favor in return for something) compenso; (reciprocal exchange) contredono
  • quiescent adj calma; cuieta; neactanta; nemovezanta; repausanta; (dormant) [animal, plant] dormanta; [volcano] neactanta; (latent) [symptom, disease, problem] latenta; (orthog.: silent) [letter] muta || n quiescence calmitio; cuietitio; neacto; nemovezo; repauso; (dormancy) [of animal, plant] dormo; [of volcano] neacto; (latency) [of symptom, disease, problem] latentitio; (orthog.) [of letter] mutitio
  • quiet adj (not loud) nelauta; sumisa; she said in a quiet voice dicin el sumise | (not noisy, not busy) [street, room, village, neighbor] calma; cuieta; business/the market was quiet afaros/la borso esin calma; the shops are quieter in the evening la bothecos es plu cuieta véspere; this town is too quiet for her ecuista civitato es nim cuieta por el; (silent) [soundless] silentianta, -osa; [wordless] taçanta; be quiet! silenties!; taces!; he paid $130,000 to keep her quiet il paghin 130 000 $ por tacifer el; you’re very quiet today vi multe taçan hodie | (calm, placid) calma; cuieta; the killer was a quiet man la asasino esin on cuieta hómino | (untroubled, undisturbed) [person, mind, life, night, water, weather] trancuila; to lead a quiet life haber on trancuila vivo; (discreet) [decor, manner, style] discreta; [dinner, ceremony] íntima; privata; [garment, color] discreta; [misery, despair] netaçata; silentiosa; [optimism, confidence] discreta || adv quietly (discreetly) discrete; his plan to save the world was quietly shelved homi discrete forponin iluya projecto salver la mundo | (not loudly) nelaute; sumise; (silently) silentiante, -ose; tacante; (without fuss) [read, sit] cuiete; she found him quietly masturbating in a corner el trovin il masturbanta cuiete en on ángulo; [surrender] come quietly or there will be trouble! venes cuiete (aut paceme) aut ci esun problématos! || n cuietitio; silentio; quietism (philos.) cuietismo; quietude (stillness) cuietitio; (tranquility) trancuilitio || vt silentiifer; tacifer; to quiet down (calm, make still) calmifer; cuietifer; (silence) silentiifer; tacifer || vi to quiet down (calm down, become still) calmecer; cuietecer; (fall silent) silentiecer; tacecer
  • quietus n (jur.) cuitifo; (lit.: death) morto; (lit.: release from life) colpo di gracio
  • quill n (feather) plumo; [shaft] plum-túbulo; ráchido; [shaft base] plum-cálamo; quill pen plumo | (spine) [of porcupine, hedgehog] spino
  • quilt n cuiltita coperturo || vt cuilter
  • quinary adj (fifth in order) cinchésima; (consisting of five things) cinchenaria; (arranged in groups of five) cínchena; (math) cinchenaria
  • quince n (bot.: Cydonia oblonga) [fruit] cotóneo; [shrub] cotòneífero
  • quincunx n cuincunço
  • quinine n (chem.) chinino
  • Quinquagesima n (relig.) Cuincuagésimo
  • quinquennium n anu-cinco; cinchenio || adj quinquennial (happening every five years) cinc-anuala; cincheniala; (lasting five years) cinc-anua; cinchenia
  • quinquina n (archaic, bot.: Cinchona) chino
  • quinsy n (path.) ángino; (informal: tonsillitis) tonsilito
  • quint n (mus.; fencing; cards) cuinto; (short for quintuplet) cinchi-gemelo
  • quintal n cuintalo
  • quintan adj (path.) cuintana; quintan fever cuintana febro; cuintano; trencati-febro
  • quintessence n cuintesentio || adj quintessential cuintesentiisca
  • quintet n (mus.: composition, performance) cuinteto; (set of five people or things) cinco
  • quintic adj (math) cuíntica || n cuíntico
  • quintillion card (10¹⁸) triliona
  • quintuple adj cíncupla || n quintuplet cinchi-gemelo || vt cìncuplifer || vi cìncuplecer
  • quip n cuipo || vi cuiper; “Remember, there’s cute jealous, and there’s Othello,” she quipped “Mémores, ci es jelozitio càrminanta, et ci es Othelo,” el cuipin
  • quirk n (peculiar habit or trait) eccèntricajo; idiosincrasío; (twist) torç(aj)o; by some quirk of fate pro on capricio di Destino || adj quirky eccéntrica
  • quit vt (leave) [place] abandoner; èxiter; partier de; (comput.) [application] èxiter; (resign from) [job] dismisioner de; (stop) cesationer; quit bugging your sister cesationes molester vua sororo || vi (give up) [in game, task] renuntier; (resign) dimisioner; (accept defeat) renuntier; (stop work) cesationer laborer || n quitter renuntiemo || adj quit of (rid of) cuita (aut lìberifita, desimbarasita) de; quits cuita; to be quits with someone eser cuita ad álicu; to call it quits (give up) renuntier
  • quite adv (completely) complete; tote; I quite understand mi comprensan perfecte; it’s not quite what I wanted lo no es exacte cuo mi desiderin; quite new complete nova; there’s something not quite right ci es álico nejusta; you’re quite right vi es tote justa | (very, very much) multe; valde; I’m quite sorry mi regretan multe; that’s quite a beak on him! cuala nasazo il haban!; you’re quite the hero today cuala heroo vi es hodie; vi es on vera heroo hodie; (rather) cualche; sufiçante
  • quiver vi trèmuler || vt trèmulifer || n trémulo; (for arrows) fleċuyo
  • quixotic adj chihotesca
  • quiz n (test) testeto; exàmineto; (in magazine) cuestionado; (TV, rad.) cuizo || vt (ask questions) cuestionader ad; intèrogher; (test) exàmineter; testeter || adj quizzical cuestionanta, -isca, -iva, -osa; perplexa
  • quoin n (angle) ángulo; (wedge) cúneo
  • quoit n jact-anelo
  • quondam adj (formal) ántea; ólima
  • quorum n cuoro
  • quota n cuoto
  • quote vt [words, author] citer; (com.) [sum, figure, price] evaluter ye; he quoted me Ð130 for the job il evalutin la tasco ad mi ye 130 Ð; (fin.) [shares] cuotationer || n cito, -edo; (com.) evaluto; (fin.) cuotationo; quotation cito, -edo; (com.) evaluto; (fin.) cuotationo; quotation mark citatro || adj quotable citanda
  • quoth vi (archaic, lit.) quoth the raven dicint la corvo
  • quotidian adj diala; cascun-dia; omni-dia
  • quotient n cuotiento


  • R ltr ere
  • rabbet n (carp.) rabeto
  • rabbi n rabino
  • rabbit n (zool.: several species within Leporidae) cunículo; rabbit warren cunìculayo; cunículi-guareno
  • rabble n tùrbulaċo; (derog.: ordinary people) pòpulaċo; rabble-rouser àgitanto, -edoro, -emo; demagogo
  • Rabelaisian adj Rabelais-esca
  • rabid adj (fanatical) fanática; (affected with rabies) rábiaca
  • rabies n rabio
  • raccoon n (zool.: Procyon lotor) racuno
  • race n (contest) curejo; a race against time on curejo cum le témporo; racecourse curejayo; hipódromo; racehorse cur-cabalo; racing book listo di curej-cabalos | (fast current) forta fluo || vt (compete against) curejer cum; I’ll race you home! mi curejes cum vi usche focaro!; (make move fast) [car, horse] curegifer; [engine] curifer || vi (compete) curejer; (move fast) cur(az)er
  • race n (major grouping of living creatures) raço; the human race la humanisca raço; le humano; the Great Race of Yith la Magna Raço di Yith; race hatred (intre)racisca odio; racism racismo; racist racisto || adj racial racisca; racist racismisca
  • race n (dated: ginger root) gingibrisca rizomo || adj racy (lively) [style, speech, humor] briosa; (risqué) desdecenteta; spiciosa
  • raceme n (bot.) racemo
  • rachitis n (dated, path.) rachito || adj rachitic rachítaca
  • rack n (holding frame) -iero; reco; [in pool, snooker] triángulo; (hist.: torture device) ecúleo; (mech.) cremalario; rack and pinion cremalario et piniono | (set of antlers) ram-cornado; (vulg. slang: breasts) balcono; tetado; to go to rack and ruin cader en ruino; ruinecer; rack rent ecesanta locatar-pretio || vt (torture, torment) tormenter; torturer; to be racked by remorse eser tormentata per remorso | [on a rack] ecùleijer; (strain) tender; to rack one’s brains cerebrijazer; parexplorer (aut tender) sua cerebro; (put on a rack) enrechifer; to rack up (accumulate) acùmuler || adj rack-and-pinion [steering] per cremalario
  • racket n (sport) racheto
  • racket n (din) ruitazo; tumulto; (informal: organized extortion or coercion) recapto; racketeer recaptisto
  • racquet n racheto
  • radar n radaro
  • radial adj radiisca
  • radian n radiano
  • radiate vt (emit) radier || vi (emit rays) radier; (shine) briler || n radiance (emission of rays) radiado; (shine) brilo; radiado; radiation radiado; radiator radiatoro || adj radiant (emitting rays) radianta; (shining) brilanta; radianta
  • radical adj (far-reaching or thorough) [change, measures, surgery, reduction] radicisca; (pol.) [idea, organization] radicala; (ling.) [denoting the root] radiça; [relating to the root] radicisca; (math, bot., mus.) radicisca || n (pol.) [person] radicalo; (chem., ling.) radiço; (math.: √) radici-signo; radicalism radicalismo
  • radicand n (math) radicando
  • radicle n (bot..) radiceto; (anat.) radículo
  • radiesthesia n radiesthesío; to practice radiesthesia radiesthesìer
  • radio n (system, technology) radiòfonío; (receiver) radiófono; radio show radiòfonìisca programo || afx radio- radii-
  • radioactive adj radii-activa || n radioactivity radii-activitio
  • radiograph n radiògrafajo || vt radiògrafìer
  • radiology n radiòloghío; radiologist radiólogo
  • radiometer n radiómetro
  • radiophone n radii-teléfono || vt [message] radii-telèfonijer (álico ad álicu)
  • radioscope n radiiscopio; radioscopy radiiscopiijo
  • radiotelegraph n radii-telégrafo
  • radiotelephone n radii-teléfono
  • radish n (bot.: Raphanus sativus) ráfano
  • radium n (chem.: Ra) rádiumo
  • radius n (geom.) radio; (anat.) radialo
  • radix n (bio., ling.) radiço; (math) basamento
  • radon n (chem.: Rn) radono
  • raffle n rifo || vt rifer
  • raft n ratilo || vt ratilijer; veher per ratilo || vi vehezer per ratilo
  • rafter n capronimo
  • rag n (piece of cloth) centio; to be on the rag surhaban la compreso; rags (worn or torn clothing) centios; ragman centiisto; ragweed (bot.: Ambrosia) ambrosio; ragwort (bot.: Jacobaea vulgaris) Jácob-herbaċo; ragamuffin centiígero | (mus.) ragtime-ajo; ragtime ragtime | (informal: newspaper) jurnalaċo || vi to rag on (informal: complain about or criticize continually) crìtichìader; planġader sopre; (informal: make fun of) deriser || adj ragged (in tatters) [clothes] centia; [person] centiígera; to run someone ragged exhauster; parfatigher | (uneven) [edge] centiesca; nerègulasca; [performance] neegala; nerègulasca; [queue] confusa; nerègulasca; sine órdino; [type] ragged right dextra márgino nejustifita | (unkempt) desneta; desòrdinita
  • rage n (uncontrollable anger) furio; iraçazo; rage against the machine furio contre la máchino; to fly into a rage furiecer; iraçazecer; to put in a rage furiifer; iraçazifer | (fashion) furoro; to be all the rage facer furoro; furorofer || vt to rage-quit furii-renuntier || vi (be uncontrollably angry) furier; iraçazer; (continue uncontrollably or with great intensity) [sea, fire, plague, storm, argument] furier
  • raid n (sudden attack) [into territory, across border] incurso; (by air) (air-)ataco; (by police, bandits) razio || vt [territory] incurser; (as police, bandits) razier
  • rail n (fixed horizontal bar) [grab bar] adjut-anso; [guardrail] varandilo; [handrail] pasamano; [footrail] pedi-stango; railing varandilo; (balustrade) balaustrado; (handrail) pasamano | (RR) [bar forming the track] reilo; [track] fervialo; to go off the rails [train] ecreil-vader; ecreilecer; to travel by rail viager per fervialo (aut traino); railroad (track) fervialo; reil-vialo; railway carriage vagono | (zool.: Rallus) ralo; raillery deriseto || vt (provide with a guardrail) varandilizer; to rail off sèparer per varandilo || vi to rail against planġazader sopre (aut contre)
  • raiment n (archaic, lit.) vesto, -ado
  • rain n (fall of water in drops from the sky) pluvo; (water falling in drops from the sky) pluvajo; rain boot pluv-boto; rainbow cel-arco; rain check pluv-bileto; raincoat pluv-mantelo; raindrop pluv-guto; rainfall (act) pluvo; (quantity) pluv-cuanto; rain forest pluv-foresto; rain gauge pluvómetro; rainwater pluv-acuo || vt pluvifer; to rain blows on someone pluvifer colpos sur álicu || vi pluver; it’s raining lo pluvan; it’s raining cats and dogs lo pluvan sítule; lo pluvazan; it’s raining men, squid pluvan hóminos, calamaros || adj rainy pluvema; pluvosa
  • raise vt (lift, cause to rise) [arm, leg, eyes, object, weight, dust, blinds] lever; to raise one’s glass to someone brinder ad álicu; lever sua bicario ad; raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by Regina George leves sua manuo si vi alicuande sentin vi personische vìctimifita da Regina George | [eyebrow] archifer; [shoulders] lever; plu-altifer; (erect) [building, statue] erecter; statiifer; (hoist) [flag] hiser; (make higher in level, rank, power) èlever; the rain raised the water level in the pool la pluvo élevin la acui-nivelo en la picino; to raise to the peerage lever ad nobiliaritio; nobiliarifer; to raise to the third power èlever ad la triésima potentio | (increase in amount, intensity, extent) [age limit] extenser; [awareness, consciousness] augmenter; plu-altifer; [prices, salaries, taxes, temperature] augmenter; plu-altifer; [standard, level] èlever; [voice] altifer; augmenter; lautifer; don’t you raise your voice to me! no altifes vua voço ad mi!; (make a higher bid) I’ll raise you Ᵽ30 mi plus-sponsionun ad vi 30 Ᵽ; (bring up) [child, family] èducher; ze Austrian dream — find a job, get a dungeon und raise a family in it la Austriana revo — trover empleezo, acuister ein dungiono et èducher ein familio en li | (breed) [livestock] alevamenter; (grow) [crop] cultiver; (conjure) [spirit] conjurer; [the dead] rivivifer; (present, put forward) [question, point, possibility, subject, objection] lever; mentioner; presentationer; (produce, give rise to) èciter; evìgiler; lever; nacifer; producter; provocationer; he raised a cry at the sight of the enemy il donin on crito ye vido je la inimico; his blatant xenophobia raised a cheer from the crowd luya flagranta xenòfobío provocationin on ovationo de la túrbulo; to raise hell lever on tumulto da diábolos; to raise suspicions in someone’s mind evìgiler suspectos en álicu | (collect, get together) [capital] mobiliser; [funds, money] colectioner; obtiner; to raise money for charity colectioner pecunio por on caritatisca òrganizajo | [loan] obtiner; [troops] recruter; (put an end to) [blockade, embargo, siege] cesation(if)er; des-; after 14 months, the siege of La Rochelle was raised by The Edict of Nantes post 14 mensuos, la Edicto di Nantes desasediin (aut cesationifin la asedio je) La Rochelle || n (increase) [in salary] pag-augmento
  • raisin n sic-uvo
  • rake n rastelo || vt rastelijer; to rake someone over the coals (severe) reprimender
  • rally vt ralier
  • ralph vt (informal: vomit) vòmiter
  • ram n (sheep) ovìculaso; battering ram arieto
  • ramp n rampo
  • rampart n muralio
  • ranch n ranċo
  • rancid adj ráncida
  • random adj aleatoria
  • randy adj (informal) calenta
  • range n (extent) amplitio; extenso; vastitio; range of experience campo di experientio; your blood pressure is within the normal range vua sánguin-presiono es en lo normasca | (mus.) [of instrument, voice] extenso; (tech.: spectrum) spectro; (reach) atinġo; within range atingébila | (distance from target) disto; at close range ye parva disto; (series of mountains or hills) cateno; colinado; montàneado; (variety) diversitio; gamo; they come in a range of colors los venan en diversa coloros | [product line] asortajo; gamo; líneo; we stock a full range of fidget spinners nos haban on completa gamo de spineros; (wide area) [for grazing] pasturayo; [for shooting] dìsparayo; (bot., zool.) [of species] distribut-zono; kitchen range furnelo; ranger (keeper of a park, forest, etc.) forest-guardisto; forestisto; (soldier who ranges over a region) rangero; Rangers of Ithilien Rangeros di Ithilien; Texas Rangers Rangeros di Texas; rangefinder telémetro || vt (place in order) òrdiner; (place in rows) alìneer; filarifer, -izer; (rove) travagher || vi (extend) extensezer; the debate ranged over many topics la debato abordin multa thématos; (vary within limits) prices range from €100 to €10,000 la pretios varian de 100 € usche 10 000 €; (wander) animals ranging through the savanna bestios vaganta tra la savano || afx -range atinġo; intermediate-range missile medii-atinġa mísilo; mísilo di media atinġo
  • rank n rango || adj (lush) luxurianta
  • ransom vt rexcapter
  • rape n stupro; rapist stupredoro | (bot.: Brassica napus subsp. napus) napo; rapeseed (bot.: Brassica napus subsp. napus var. oleifera) colzo; óle-napo || vt stuprer
  • rapier n rapiero
  • rapini n (bot.: Brassica rapa rapifera) rapino
  • rare adj rara
  • rascal n canalio
  • rash n rasho
  • raspberry n frambeso
  • Rastafarian n Rastafariisto
  • rat n (zool.: Rattus) rato
  • rate n (degree) claso; grado; rango; first rate di unésima cualitio; di unésima rango; (percentage) pocentajo; proportiono; (price) pretio; valoro; (speed) ràpiditio; velocitato; at any rate admínime; en omna caso || vt (calculate a tax) taxationer; (classify) clasìficher; ranghizer; (evaluate) evaluter; (archaic: chide) reprimender
  • rather adv (more accurately) a house, or rather, a hovel on domo, aut plu exacte, on domaċo; (preference) préfere; vice (di); I’d rather have a beer mi prèfereban biro; I’d rather have this one than that one mi prèfereban ecuista cam ecuila; I’d rather he didn’t come mi prèfereban che il no venes; I’ll stay rather than go alone mi préferan rester cam vader sola; I would rather be dragged naked across a field of broken glass mi prèfereban che homi tráhines mi nuda tra on campo de rumpita vitro; (quite) sufiçante; valde; it’s a rather difficult book lo es sufiçante difícila libro; (somewhat) cualche; she looks rather like Marilyn Monroe el aspectan cualche cuom Marilyn Monroe
  • ration vt portionetifer || n to put on rations portionetizer || adj rational (math) rationala; (reasonable) rationasca; rationiva
  • rattle vi (clack, click) clachetader; (from shaking) sonàculìer; (hailstones, bullets) cracader; (jingle) clanghetader; tìntinader; (vehicle) clangader || vt (by shaking) sonàculifer; (dice) àgiter; sucuser; (jingle) clanghetadifer; tìntinifer || n (instrument) sonáculo; death rattle stertoro; rattlesnake sonácul-serpento
  • raucous adj rauca
  • raunch n grosariitio || adj raunchy grosaria
  • raven n (zool.: Corvus, esp. Corvus corax) corvo
  • ravine n (geog.) ravino
  • raw adj cruda
  • ray n radio; (zool.: Batoidea) rayo
  • rayon n rayono
  • raze vt razer
  • razor n (blade) ras-lamno; (device) (electri-)rasatro; razorbill (zool.: Alca torda) alco
  • re n (mus.) re
  • reach vt atinger
  • react vi reacter || adj reactionary reactema; reactive reactiva
  • read vt (look at and understand the meaning of) [book, poem, story, music, sign] lecturer; he claims he can read Linear A il asertan che il sapan lecturer líne-scribo A; (interpret) [information, remarks, expression, situation] intèrpreter; lecturer; to read too much into something doner ad álico nima importo; nim importifer álico | [map, meter, thermometer] lecturer; [person] lecturer; (say, indicate) [notice] dicer; it should read “megabytes”, not “kilobytes” li debeban dicer “megabaitos”, no “kilobaitos” | [thermometer, instrument] ìndicher; the thermometer reads 451 °F la thermómetro índican 451 °F; (telec.) auder; do you read me? audes vi mi?; I read you loud and clear mi audan vi perfecte | (comput.) lecturer || vi [person] lecturer; she read about it in the papers el lecturin lo en la jurnalos; (give impression) the novel reads like a Wikipedia article la romanço es scribita cuom on artículo en Wikipedia; (say, indicate) the text reads as follows la texto diçan la secuanta || n lecturo; it’s a good read li es on bona lecturondo; li es valde lecturanda; reading lecturo
  • ready adj presta; to make ready prèparer; prestifer || vt prèparer; prestifer
  • real adj facta; reala; (math) neimaginaria; reala; real estate imoblo; real estate agent imobli-agento || adv really ya || n reality realitio
  • realize vt (become aware of) [fact, situation] conciecer
  • realm n (kingdom) reġio; regnayo; (field of activity or interest) dòminio
  • realty n imoblo(s)
  • ream vt aleser || n (quantity) rismo
  • reap vt mesioner
  • rear n detreajo || vi to rear up adrecter
  • reason n rationo; (faculty) ration-poto; rationivitio; (motive) motivo; (cause of an effect) causo || vi rationer
  • rebate vt reimburser
  • rebel n (armed revolter) [against government, ruler] rebelionanto; (resister) [of authority, control, convention] rebelo; rebellion [against government, ruler] rebeliono; [to overturn government, ruler] revolto; (guerrilla war) insurecto; (resistance) [against authority, control, convention] rebeleso || vi (revolt) rebelioner; [to overturn government] revolter; (refuse to conform) rebeleser || adj rebellious rebela
  • rebirth n rinaço; (renaissance) renacentio
  • reboot vt riinitier
  • recant vt desconfeser
  • receive vt recepter || n receipt certífico je recepto; cuitantio; to give a receipt for cuitantiizer
  • recent adj recenta; most recent última || adv recently recente
  • reception n recepto; (social occasion) accepto
  • recidivist n recidivinto; recidivism recidivo || adj recidivistic recidivanta; recidivinta
  • recipe n récipo
  • reciprocal adj recíproca || adv reciprocally recíproche
  • recite vt rèciter
  • reckless adj (careless) necauta; (excessively risky) nim rischema; (rash) temeraria; (thoughtless) desprudenta; neprudenta; (undisciplined) sine diciplino
  • reckon vt (the amount of) evaluter
  • reclaim vt (land) ricultivèbilifer; (win back) riguadanier
  • recline vi jacer || n recliner inclin-sedilo
  • recluse n solemo
  • recognize vt ricognocer
  • recoil vi (as a gun, spring) reculer; retrosalter || n (of gun, spring) reculo; retrosalto
  • recommend vt recomender
  • recompense vt recompenser
  • reconcile vt riconciliationer
  • reconnaissance vt recognocentio
  • reconnoiter vt recognocentier
  • record n registro; [in database] enregistrifajo; registrijajo; (best performance) recordo; (disc) (gramòfon)disco; (summary of past achievements or actions) [criminal, work, medical] historialo; for the record por evidentifer la vero; records archivo; record-player gramófono || vt (enroll) enregistrifer; (set down facts) registrijer; (for reproduction) registrationer
  • recover vt recùperer || vi recùperer si; resanecer
  • recruit vt recruter || n recrutito
  • rectangle n rectángulo
  • rector n pároco
  • recuperate vi recùperer si; risanecer
  • recycle vt recicler
  • red adj rúbea; (of hair) rufa; red lead minio; Red Sea Rúbea Maro; red tape buròcrataċismo
  • redeem vt (compensate for) compenser; (emend) emender; (justify) justìficher; (relig.) redempter; (regain) riguadanier; (buy back) retrocomprer; ricomprer; (convert to cash) pecuniifer; (pay off) cuitifer; (archaic: ransom) eccomprer; (fulfill) [promise, pledge] satisfacer || n Redeemer Redemptedoro
  • redouble vt [activity, effort] duplifer; intensifer; (bridge) riduplifer || vi duplecer
  • reduce vt diminutioner; reducter
  • reed n cano
  • reef n scolio
  • reefer n (informal: marijuana cigarette) jointo; reefer jacket gabano
  • re-enact vt (crime, battle) riconstructer
  • refer vt (send, direct) [person] dìriger; invìer; the doctor referred him to a specialist la médico dírigin il ad on specialisto | [thing] presentationer; I have to refer it to my boss mi deban presentationer lo ad mea ċefo; (archaic: ascribe) he referred his mistake to fatigue il atribuin sua eroro ad fatigo || vi to refer to (allude) parauler sopre; I’m not referring to you mi no paraulan sopre vi; let’s never refer to this again nos paraules sopre ecuilo jamás pluse; referring to your letter relatione ad (aut concerne je) vua létero | [directly] mentioner; [indirectly] aluser ad; (consult) consulter; tornìer si ad; I have to refer to my notes mi deban consulter mea notos; refer to section 10 vides sectiono 10 | (describe, denote) nòminijer; signìficher; “Alex” here refers to my sister “Alex” hic signífican mea sororo; Paris, referred to as “The City of Light” Paris, nòminijata “Civitato di Lúmino”; she referred to him as her minion el nòminijin il eluya sérvulo | (relate to, apply) concerner; relationer ad; the rules do not refer to special cases la régulos no relationan ad speciala casos; this refers to you all ecuisto concernan vos omna || n reference (act of consulting) consulto; (allusion) [direct] mentiono; [indirect] aluso; [quote] cito; (basis for comparison) point of reference punto di referentio | (identifying source) [in letter, catalog] número di referentio; [in text] referentio; [on map] coòrdinito; (programming) [variable containing the address of another variable] referentianto; (testimonial) recomendo; referentio; to have good references haber bona referentios (aut recomendos)
  • refine vt rafiner
  • reflect vt reflexer
  • reform vt reformer
  • reformatory n reformatorio
  • refract vt refracter
  • refractary adj (gen., med., tech.) refractaria
  • refrain vi abstiner; retenter si || n (mus.) refreno
  • refresh vt rifreschifer
  • refrigerate vt refrìgerer || n refrigeration refrìgerado; refrigerator refrìgeratro
  • refuge n refuġayo; refugee refuginto || vi to take refuge refuger
  • refuse vt refuser
  • refute vt (prove wrong) [theory, argument] refuter; (deny, contradict) [claim, allegation] dismenter
  • regale vt regaler
  • regard vt reguarder || n respecto
  • regenerate vt regènerer
  • regicide n (crime) regicidío; (person) regicido
  • regime n regímino
  • region n regiono
  • register n registro || vt enregistifer; registrijer
  • regret vt regreter
  • regular adj (conforming to rule) règulasca; (of movement) constanta; uniforma; (professional) profesionisca; (usual) custumasca; ordinaria; (veritable) tota; vera || n (soldier) militarano; regularity règulaschitio; (mech.) constantito; uniformitio || vt to regularize règulaschifer; to regulate règulijer; règulizer
  • rehabilitate vt rehabìliter
  • rehearse vt éprob-luder || n rehearsal éprob-ludo
  • reign vi regner; to reign over regner
  • reimburse vt (something to someone) reimburser
  • rein n retináculo
  • reindeer n rendiro
  • reinforce vt (mil.) reinfortier; (strengthen) fortìficher; plu-fortifer; [concrete] armaturizer || adj reinforced concrete armaturizita betono
  • rejoice vi joyer
  • relate vt (establish connection between) relationifer; the study examines the rise of “step fantasy” and relates it to broader changes in the culture la studajo exáminan la acenso di “fantasío sopre familianastros” et relationifan li ad plu generala cambiejos en la culturo | [by marriage] parentifer; (give an account of) raconter; she related what happened to the police el racontin cuo eventin ad la politío || vi (communicate) comùnicher; relationer; how you relate depends on personality and experience cuome vi relationan dependan de personalitato et experientio; to relate to (form a relationship) he doesn’t relate to other people well il no bone relationeçan ad álteros | (have reference to; concern) concerner; relationer (ad); how does that relate to the question? cuome ecuilo concernan (aut relationan ad) la cuestiono? | (identify with, understand) comprenser; identìficher si cum; I can relate to that mi comprensan (aut identífican mi cum) ecuilo || n relation relationo; in relation to relatione ad; relationship (between people) relationo; the mother-child relationship la relationo intre matro et filio; their relationship lasted two years lora relationo durationin dua anuos; (between things) the relationship of A to B la relationo di A ad B; (between countries) Britain’s special relationship with the United States la speciala relationo di Britania cum Usona | (kinship) parentitio; what is your relationship to the accused? cua parentitio es ci intre vi et la acusato?; relative parento; relativism relativismo; relativity relativitio || adj related (connected) (intre)relationanta; this murder is not related to the one from Friday ecuista asasinío no relationan ad la de Véner-dio | [family member] parenta; relative (germane) relationanta; (gram.; comparative) relativa || adv relatively relative; relatively speaking relative
  • relax vi (ri)laxecer || vt (physically, morally) (ri)laxifer
  • release vt (let go) delacer; release the hounds! delaces la hundos!; (set free) lìberifer || n delaço; lìberifo; release candidate (comput.) candidata versiono
  • relegate vt relegher
  • relic n relicuio
  • relief n (art, geog.) relievo; high relief alta relievo; to stand in bold relief salier grande; (assistance) adjuto; (liberation) lìberifo; (of sentries) remplacio; (succor) sucurso; (tension, strain, etc.) alevio
  • relieve vt (help) adjuter; (liberate) lìberifer; (moderate) mòderer; (succor) sucuer; (take over from) remplacier; (tension, strain, etc.) alevier; (unload) descàrichizer; to relieve someone of their wallet descàrichizer álicu sopre luya portafolieto
  • religion n religiono
  • reliquary n relicuiuyo
  • rely vi to rely on (depend on) depender de; (trust) fider ad
  • remain vi durationer; rester || n remainder restajo || adj remaining cétera
  • remake vt rifacer || n (cine.) nova versiono
  • remark vt remarcher || adj remarkable remarcanda
  • remedy n remediatro || vt remedier
  • remember vt (have a memory of) mèmorer; (make remembered) mèmoredifer; (reminisce about) rimèmorer
  • remind vt mèmorifer
  • remit vt (cancel) [debt, punishment, sin] remiser
  • remorse n remorso
  • remote adj fora
  • remove vt (clothing) deponer (de si); (from job) desinguager; (move away) formover; (take away, do away with) forconducter; forifer; forporter; forprender || vi (change residence) transresidecer || n (change residence) transresideço; removal desinguaġo; desvestegeço; forconducto; foreço; forifo; formov(eç)o; forporto; forprendo; transresideço
  • Renaissance n Renacentio
  • render vt (give) [assistance, service] doner; [homage] hominager; (deliver) [verdict, judgment] facer; (present for consideration) presentationer; (lit.: hand over) (trans)doner; render unto Caesar ad Césare cuo es di Césare; (cause to be, make) ficer; -ifer; to render something useless neùtilifer; (interpret) [musical piece, role, play] intèrpreter; (comput.) [image] render; (translate) [text] traducter; (melt down) [fat] fusioner; (process) [animal carcass] desgrasajizer || vi (comput.) [image] rendezer
  • rendezvous vi to rendezvous with rendezvoser cum || n rendezvoso
  • renew vt rinovifer
  • rennet n coàgulivo
  • renounce vt (abandon a claim to) renuntier
  • rent vt (something from someone) locatarìer; (something to someone) locatorìer || n (cost) locatar-pretio; (income) réndito; for rent locatarìonda; room for rent locatarìonda cambro
  • repair vt rèparer
  • repeal vt abrogher
  • repeat vt rèpeter || adv repeatedly plurvece; rèpetite
  • repel vt repulser; retropelentier || n insect repellent anti-insecto || adj repellent repulsiva
  • repent vi repèniter
  • repercussion n consecuanto
  • replace vt (put back) rilochizer; riponer; (put in place of) remplaciifer (álico je áltero); substitutioner (álico ad áltero); I must replace the punctured tire with that one mi substitutiones ecuila ad la neumático pèrforita; (swap out) remplaciedifer (álico da/per áltero); I must replace the punctured tire with that one mi remplaciedifes la neumático pèrforita per ecuila; (take the place of) remplacier; this tire will replace the punctured one ecuista neumático remplacies la pèrforita
  • replete adj repleta
  • reply vt responder
  • repo n (informal) recùperito; repo man recùperisto; the life of a repo man is always intense sempre la vivo di le recùperisto es intensa || vt recùperer
  • report vt reporter || n reporto || adv reportedly afirmite
  • repose vi repauser
  • repossess vt recùperer
  • represent vt representer
  • repress vt represer
  • reprimand vt reprimender
  • reprisal n reprisalio
  • reproach vt reprimender || n reprimendo
  • reptile n reptilo
  • republic n repúblico
  • repudiate vt repudier
  • repugnant adj repugnanta
  • repulse vt repulser || adj repulsive repulsiva
  • repurpose vt riùtilifer
  • reputation n (good or bad) rèput(ez)o
  • request vt demander
  • require vt (need) besonier; (specify as compulsory) recuister || n requirement recuistato
  • requisition vt recuisitioner
  • rerebrace n (hist.) brachiaro
  • rescue vt salver
  • research vt recercher
  • reseda n (bot.: Reseda) resedo
  • resemble vt sìmileser ad
  • resent vt rancorer sopre (aut pro, contre) || n resentment rancoro
  • reserve vt reserver || n (stock, store) reservajo; army reserve reserv-armato || adj reserved cuieta
  • reservoir n cisterno
  • reside vi resider; (in permanent residence) hàbiter
  • residue n residuo
  • resign vt to resign oneself (accept without protest) resigner si || vi (from office, job) dismisioner || n resignation (acceptance of the inevitable) resigno; (from office, job) dismisiono; to send in one’s resignation dismisioner de || adv resignedly resign(ant)e
  • resin n resino
  • resist vt resister || n resistance resisto
  • resolution n resolvo; to make a resolution facer on resolvo
  • resolve vt (settle) deciser || vi (solemnly decide to do) resolver
  • resort n (for recreation) vacationayo; (recourse) recurso || vi to resort to recurser ad
  • resound vi rèsoner
  • resource n meano
  • respect n (admiration, esteem) respecto; with all due respect cum la debitionata respecto; respects (polite greetings) bon-desíderos; saluto; to pay one’s respects presentationer sua respecto | (consideration) respecto; out of respect for something/someone pro respecto je álico/álicu | (point, detail, aspect) aspecto; detalo; relationo; in all respects en omna relationos (aut aspectos, detalos); omni-relatione; with respect to relatione ad; sopre; respectability respectanditio; (decency) decentitio || vt (esteem) respecter; (have consideration for) [wishes, privacy, opinions] respecter; (observe) [law, treaty] obeder; respecter; secuer || adj respectable (deserving respect) èstimanda; honoranda; respectanda; (adequate, acceptable) pasábila; (considerable) respectébila; (decent) decenta; respectful respectosa, -ema; respective rispectiva || adv respectively rispective || prep respecting (dated or formal) relatione ad; sopre
  • responsible adj (accountable; can be charged as cause, doer) responsanta, -iva; to be responsible for responser sopre
  • rest vi repauser || adj resting bitch face repaus-facio di strunço; resting place (final, last) última hàbitayo; restless necuieta
  • restaurant n restoranto
  • restock vt ristochizer
  • restore vt restaurer
  • restrain vt represer || n restraint (restriction) represo; restricto; under restraint nelíbera; restrictita
  • restrict vt restricter || adj restricted restrictata
  • result n efecto || vi resulter
  • resume vt ricominitier || vi ricominitiezer || n resumption ricominiti(ez)o
  • résumé n curículo
  • retable n (altarpiece) retábulo
  • retail vt endetale vender || n retail trade endetala comercio; retailer endetalisto
  • retain vt retenter || n retainer servisto
  • retaliate vi reprisalier || n retaliation reprisalio
  • reticle n (crosshairs) retículo
  • retina n rétino
  • retinue n excorto; secuantado
  • retire vi [from work] to retire from businessf retiramenter ec comercio || vt retiramentifer || vi to retire for the night vader por dormer; vader por jacecer || n retirement retiramento
  • retort vt rèplicher
  • retouch vt (painting, speech, garment) retocher
  • retract vt retracter
  • retreat vi (mil., gen.) retirezer || n (mil., gen.) retirezo; (place) retirayo
  • retrospective n retrospecto
  • return vi (come back) rivener; (go back) retrovader || vt (give back) retrodoner; to return good for evil pagher malajo per bonajo; to return thanks regratier; (put back) riponer; (reward) recompenser; (send back) retroinvìer || n (coming back) riveno; (giving back) retrodono; (going back) retrovado; (putting back) ripono; (sending back) retroinvío; returns (profit from an investment) rendimento
  • reveal vt reveler
  • revenge n vindicto; to take one’s revenge on vindicter si contre
  • revenue n rédito; (unearned) réndito
  • reverberate vi [place] revèrberer; [sound] revèrberezer || vt (archaic) [sound] revèrberer || n reverberation (resonance) [of sound] revérbero; (consequence) consecuanto
  • revere vt venerationer
  • reverse vt (turn back) inversifer; retrotornìer; (upset) renverser; to reverse-engineer retro-ingeniarìer || vi (turn back) retrovader || n retror-velocitatumo; the reverse inverso
  • revert vi (jur.) reversioner || n reversion (jur.) reversiono
  • review vt revister || n revisto; (periodical) revisto
  • revise vt reviser
  • revive vt revivifer
  • revoke vt rèvocher
  • revolt vi rebelioner || n (to overturn government) revolter
  • revolve vi girer || n revolution giro; (pol) revolutiono; revolver (pistol) revolvero
  • revue n (theat.) revuto
  • rhabdomancy n rabdomantío; rhabdomancer rabdomanto
  • rhachis n (bot., zool.) ráchido
  • rhenium n (chem.: Re) renio
  • rhetoric n retórico
  • rheumatism n (med.) reumatimso
  • Rhine n Rino
  • rhinoceros n rinoceronto
  • rhizome n (bot.) rizomo
  • rhodium n (chem.: Rh) rodio
  • rhombus n rombo
  • rhyme vi rimer || vt rimifer || n rimo; to make rhymes rimefer
  • rhythm n rithmo
  • rib n cóstulo; rib cage thoraç-cáveo
  • ribbon n ribando
  • riboflavin n (biochem.) riboflavino
  • rice n orizo
  • rich adj rica
  • rickets n (path.) rachito
  • rid vt desimbaraser; lìberifer; will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? chi nulu lìberifun mi de ecuista turbulenta sacerdoto? || adj to get rid of desimbaraser si de; lìberifer si de
  • riddle n enígmato; the riddle of the Sphinx la enígmato di la Sfinġo; a riddle wrapped up in an enigma on enígmato invelopita per on misterio
  • ride vt (horse, bike, etc.) cabàlicher || n rider cabàlichedoro, -isto
  • ridicule vt deriser || adj ridiculous (derisible) derisanda; (preposterous) absurda; (risible) ridanda
  • riffraff n pòpulaċo
  • rifle n fusilo; rifling (groove) caneluro
  • right adj (correct) [answer, number, term, estimate, information] corecta; [judgment, opinion] justa; tell your sister you were right dices ad vua sororo che vi esin justa | (exact) [time, change] exacta; (morally good, justified) (just) yusta; (wise) you were right to come to me vi facin bone vener por vider mi; (most suitable) justa; the right tool for the job la justa utensilo por la tasco; (opposite of left) dextra; at/on the right dextre; right angle orthógono; right ascension (astron.) recta acenso; right-wing (pol.) dextrana || adv (direct) directa; right here hic metípsime || n (pol., jur.) yuro; right of way pas-yuro; the Right (pol.) la dextro; alt-right alternativa dextro
  • rigid adj rígida
  • rim n bordo; (of a wheel) circulono
  • rind n scórteo; (hard shell) scalio
  • ring n anelo; ringworm (path.) tíneo || vt [bell, etc.] sonifer || vi (resound) rèsoner
  • rinse vt exacuer
  • rip vt (lacerate) làcerer
  • ripe adj matura
  • rise vi levezer || adj a rising politician famoseçanta polìtichisto
  • risk vt rischer || n risco || adj risky riscosa
  • risqué adj desdecenteta
  • rite n rito
  • ritual n rito
  • rival n rivalo
  • river n fluvio; riverbed fluayo
  • rivet n riveto
  • road n vialo; road rage vialisca furio; roadster (auto.) rodstro
  • roar vt ruger
  • roast vt roster || n rostajo; rosti-carno || adj roast beef rostita bov-carno
  • rob vt (by theft or violence) despolier; (by theft) furter de; (by violence) rauber de; (defraud) frauder
  • robe n tùnicazo; (of office, ceremony) robo
  • robot n roboto; robotics robótico
  • robust adj robusta
  • roc n (myth.) ruco
  • rock n (substance) petro; (boulder) róculo; saxazo; (small stone) saxo
  • rock vt [baby] bertier || vi ociler; (mus.) rockìer || n (mus.) rock; rocking chair báscul-sedilo
  • rocket n rocheto; rocket launcher rochet-lançatro
  • rod n (bar, shaft, etc.) stango; (for beating) virgo
  • roe n (zool.: Capreolus capreolus) capréolo; roebuck caprèolaso
  • roentgenium n (chem.: Rg) rentghenio
  • rogue n canalio; pícaro
  • role n (in play, etc.) rolo
  • roll vi ròtulezer || vt ròtuler; to roll one’s eyes ròtuler sua óculos || n ròtulajo; (bread) paneto; roller rotelo; rolling pin pasti-rotelo
  • romance n (sentimental, idealized love) romantitio; (love affair) amorisca afaro; (story of sentimental, idealized love) amorisca romanço; romanto; (feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life) romàntichitio; (mus.) romanzo; (lit.: medieval tale) cabaliarisca romanço; (lit.: work of fiction from the Romantic movement) romànticajo; romantic romantemo || adj (languages) Latìnidensa; Romancia; romantic (characterized by an idealized view of reality) romántica; (characterized by an idealized, sentimental view of love) romanta, -esca, -isca, -ema
  • Romania n Rumania; Romanian Rumano
  • Romániço n Romániço; Romanicist Romànicisto || adj (written or spoken in the language) Romànicensa
  • Romansch n Romanċo
  • Rome n Roma || adj Roman Romana
  • roof n tecto
  • rook n (chess: ♜) turo
  • room n cambro; (space, general) spatio; is there enough room on your hard drive for all that porn? es ci spatio sufiçanta sur vua dur-disco por omna ecuila pornògrafajos?; lack of room manco di spatio; make room for facer spatio por (álicu, álico); to take up too much room òcuper nim granda spatio; there is room for improvement ecuisto potan incore plu-bonecer; dining room mangi-cambro; living room salono; room and board pensionalo; waiting room atendayo; bathroom bálne-cambro; (toilet) latrinayo; bedroom dormi-cambro; restroom latrinayo; roommate cambri-companiono || vt (provide lodging) loġayizer || adj roomy spatiosa
  • root n radiço
  • rope n cordo
  • rosacea n (med.) rosáceo
  • rosary n rosario
  • rose n (bot.: Rosa) roso; rose hip cinórodo; rose oil ros-esentio
  • rostrum n (beak) beco
  • rot vi putrer; (teeth, bones) carier || adj rotten putranta; (informal: very bad) putosa
  • rotate vi rotationer || vt (crops) alternifer
  • rouge n rúbea fardo
  • rough adj (not smooth) áspera; (raw) cruda
  • roulette n ruleto
  • rouncy n (hist.: all-purpose horse) runcino
  • round adj rotunda || n veço; (boxing, cards) rundo; to make one’s rounds ronder
  • route n rupto; router (comput.) enruptifatro; ruptaro
  • routine n rutino
  • row n filaro; rowboat rem-barco || vt (with oars) remijer
  • rowan n (bot.: Sorbus aucuparia) caciisca sorbo; sorbo di le aucel-captisto
  • royal adj [person] reġa; [thing] regisca
  • rub vt fricher
  • rubber n cauċo; rubber band elástic-anelo
  • rubbish n versuro
  • rubble n rúdero
  • rubella n (med.) rubéolo
  • rubidium n (chem.: Rb) rubidio
  • ruble n () rublo
  • rubric n rubrico
  • ruby n rubino; balas ruby rúbea spinelo
  • rudder n gubern-plato
  • ruddy adj rùbe-carnationa
  • rude adj (boorish) desgentila; grosaria; negentila; (unformed) ruda
  • rudimentary adj rudimenta
  • rue n (bot.: Ruta) ruto
  • ruffle vt (bristle) hericieschifer; (turn back) rufler
  • rug n tapeto
  • rugby n rugby
  • ruin vt ruinifer || n ruino
  • rule vt guberner; regner || n (regulation) régulo; (dominion) guberno; regno; rule of law principio di legalitio; ruler (for measuring) mensuratro; (person) gubernanto; regnanto
  • rumen n (bio.) panço
  • ruminate vi (think deeply about something) rùminer; (chew the cud) rùminer || n ruminant rùminanto; (contemplative person) rùminemo
  • rumor n rumoro || adj it is rumored that… ci es on rumoro che…; homi rumoran che…; rumore…
  • run vi curer; to run away eccurer; forcurer || n runway pisto || adj run-down ruinifata; running water fluanta acuo
  • rung n scalono
  • runt n gènititeto; the runt of the litter la maxim parva ec la filiado (aut gènitadajo)
  • rupee n (₨, ₹) rupío
  • rupture vi (break) rumpezer; (med.) [organ, membrane] haber on hernio || vt (break) rumper; (med.) to rupture oneself doner ad si on hernio | (fig.: breach or disturb) destructer; rumper || n rumpo, -ajo; (med.) hernio
  • rural adj rurisca
  • rusalka n (folk.) rusalco
  • ruse n stratagemo
  • rush vi (hurry) haster; to rush downstairs decenser la scalonado hastose | (act or move impetuously) precìpiter si; to rush to conclusions prender precìpitita (aut hastosa) conclusos | (flow strongly) curazer; fluazer; forte fluer (aut curer); (run) curazer; to rush about, rush around curer divers-loche; to rush at (hurry) you don’t have to always rush at things vi no deban sempre precìpiter si ad la afaros | (run towards) [door] precìpiter si ad; [person] precìpiter si asú; to rush away forcurer; forvader precìpitose (aut ìmpetuose); to rush headlong precìpiter si; to rush in encurer; envader precìpitose (aut ìmpetuose); to rush off forcurer; forvader precìpitose (aut ìmpetuose); to rush out eccurer; ecvader precìpitose (aut ìmpetuose); to rush over curer; vader/vener precìpitose (aut ìmpetuose, curante); to rush through [meal] manger hastose; [work, job] facer hastose || vt (hurry) hastifer; (carry, take quickly) paramedics were rushed to the scene homi invíin rápide (aut hastose, cum urġantitio) paramédicos ad la cenayo; please rush me a free copy bon-volitione éxpedes ad mi rápide (aut cum urġantitio) la gratúita exemplaro; she was rushed to the hospital homi vehin el cum urġantitio ad la hospitalo; (do hurriedly) I had to rush my lunch mi debin prandier hastose; try not to rush things éprobes no precìpiter vi | (to cause to act or move impetuously) precìpiter; to rush through [legislation] àprober hastose; [order, supplies] èxpeder rápide (aut cum urġantitio) | (attack) asalter; (charge) precìpiter si asú; (univ.) éprob-membrifer || n (act of rushing) curazo; precìpitezo; gold rush aur-curazo; there was a rush for the door omnos precípitin si versum la portelo | (hurry) hasto; I did it in a rush mi facin li hastose; is there any rush for this? urġan ecuisto?; what’s all the rush about? pro cuo tanta hasto? | (sudden flow or flood) fluazo; ráfico; torento; a rush of warm air on ráfico di calda airo; a rush of words on paraul-torento | (sudden intense feeling) [of anger, excitement, euphoria] sentazo; crank doesn’t give me the rush that it used to le cristalo no donan ad mi la sentazo cua li custumin doner; (sudden strong demand) we had a rush of orders nos esin mergita en petos; nos habin on avalanċo de petos | (univ.) éprob-membrifado; (cine) dialo; rush hour puntal-horos; rush job (too hurried) precìpitita (aut nim-hastifita) tasco; (urgent) urġanta tasco; rush order urġanta peto | (bot.: Juncus) junco || adj rushed (done too hastily) precìpitita
  • rusk n (chiefly Brit.) pan-biscocto
  • russet adj (in color) rùbeet-bruna; (archaic: rustic) rústica || n (color) rùbeet-bruno
  • Russia n Rusia; Russia leather yufto; Russian Rusiano; (ethnic) Ruso || adj Russian Rusiana; (ethnically) Rusa; Russian doll matrioshka; Rusiana pupo; Russian roulette Rusiana ruleto
  • rust n (of metals) ferúgino; (bot., path.: Pucciniales) robígino || vt [metal] ferùginifer || vi (of metals) ferùginecer; (of plants) hab(ec)er robígino || adj rustless neferùginifébila; rusty ferùginifita; ferùginosa; (fig.) my Klingon is pretty rusty mea Klingonenso es multe ferùginifita (aut oblitita)
  • rustic adj (rural) rurisca; (simple, rough-hewn) rústica || n rusticity rùstichitio || vt to rusticate (Brit.) [student] suspender (aut excluser, ecpulser) temporarie || vi to rusticate hàbiter (aut loger en, rester en) la ruro
  • rustle vi (make a soft, dry noise) [leaves, paper, clothes] frustier || vt (round up and steal) [livestock] abacter; to rustle up rápide trover (aut obtiner, prèparer); can you rustle up some coffee? potan vi facer ad nos on cafeo rápide? || n [of leaves, paper, clothes] a rustle of skirts on frustio di jupos; rustling [of leaves, paper, clothes] frustio; [of livestock] abacto
  • rut n (deep wheel track) rot-sulco; (dull, unproductive routine) rutinaċo; to be stuck in a rut eser fòsilecinta; eser on sclavo di le rutino; stagner | (zool.) ardoro || vi (zool.) ardorer
  • rutabaga n (bot.: Brassica napus subsp. rapifera) rutabago
  • ruthenium n (chem.: Ru) ruthenio
  • rutherfordium n (chem.: Rf) rutherfordio
  • ruthless adj sine compasiono
  • Rwanda n Ruanda; Rwandan Ruandano
  • rye n (bot.: Secale cereale) sécalo


  • S ltr ese
  • -’s afx (possession) di; Smilla’s sense of snow la sentivitio di Smila sopre nivo | [residence] apud; weekend at Bernie’s septiman-fino apud Berni
  • sabbath n (relig.) [Christian] Domínico; [Jewish] Sábato; witches’ sabbath conventío; strig-sábato
  • saber n (Brit.: “sabre”) sablo; sabretache (hist.) sabli-saco
  • sable n (zool.: Martes zibellina) zibelino; (pelt) zibelin-pelicio || adj (black) nigra
  • sabot n saboto; sabotage sabotejo || vt to sabotage sabotejer
  • saccharimeter n (polarimeter) sacarímetro; saccharimetry sacarìmetrijo
  • saccharin n (chem.) sácarino || adj saccharine (excessively sweet or sentimental) dulçaċa; sentimentalaċa
  • sacerdotal adj sacerdotisca || n sacerdotalism sacerdotismo
  • sachet n parfum-sacheto
  • sack n (bag) saco; sack dress sac-vestito; sackcloth sac-stofo; sackcloth and ashes la saco et cíneros; to be in sackcloth and ashes eser contrita; the sack (informal: bed) la lecto; to be good in the sack eser on bona clovijo; to hit the sack enlectecer || vt (informal: dismiss from employment) desinguager; (rare: put into a sack) ensachifer; sachijer; (lit.: plunder and lay waste) sachejer
  • sackbut n (mus.) sacabuto
  • sacrament n (relig.) sacramento; to receive the sacrament comunioner; eucaristìer || adj sacramental sacramentisca
  • sacrarium n sacrario
  • sacred adj (holy) sacra; is nothing sacred? respectan homi nulo nun?; sacred cow sacra boviso; to be sacred to eser sacra por; (dedicated) sacred to the memory of… dèdichita ad la mémoro je…; (fig.) a sacred promise on solemna promiso
  • sacrifice n (literal and fig.) [act] sacrífico; no sacrifice was too great nula sacrífico esin nim granda; omna sacrífico méritin la peno | [victim] sacrìfichedo || vt sacrìficher; accuracy should never be sacrificed for speed homi jamás sacrífiches exactitio por ràpiditio || adj sacrificial sacrìfichisca; (expiatory) expiisca, -anta
  • sacrilege n sacrìleghío; to commit sacrilege sacrìleghìer || adj sacrilegious sacrílega
  • sacrist n (chiefly hist.) sacristìano; sacristan sacristìano; sacristy sacristío
  • sacrosanct adj sacraza
  • sacrum n (anat.) sacr-osteo
  • sad adj (unhappy) [person or thing] trista; desjoyosa; we were sad to see her go nos esin trista vider el partier | (deplorable) [situation, state of affairs] lamentanda; it’s a sad business lo es on lamentanda afaro | (distressing) [story, news, occasion, loss, duty] trista; the sad fact (or truth) is that la trista vero es che...; (informal: pathetic) [performance, attempt, joke] compasionanda; mísera; that sad little man ecuila páupera cherlaso; sad bastard páupera strunço; sad sack (informal) neútilo || adv sadly [say, smile] triste; (regrettably) lamentande; regretande; (severely) multe; valde; he is sadly lacking in savoir faire ad il le sapo facer multe défiçan || n sadiron lèvigatro; sadness desjoyo; tristitio || vt to sadden tristifer
  • saddle n selo; saddlebag sel-saco; saddle-bow (chiefly archaic) pomelo; sel-arco; saddlecloth sel-drapo; [ornamental] caparaçono; saddle horse sel-cabalo; saddle tree sel-cuadro; saddler selisto || vt (put saddle on) [horse] selizer; (burden) càrichizer; ònerizer || adj saddlesore sel-excoriita
  • sadomasochism n sadimasochismo
  • safari n safario; to go on safari safarier
  • safe adj (free of danger; secure) secura; safe and sound sana et secura; safe journey! bona viaġo!; safe conduct pas-permiso; safe haven secura refuġayo; safe house secura loco; safe passage secura paso; safe sex secura sexío | (not dangerous, not risky) sine perículo; sine risco; is it safe to eat? potan homi manger li sine perículo?; it’s not safe to go out after dark lo es perìculosa ecvader nocte; it’s a safe bet that... lo es on secura suposo che...; lo es pràctichische certa che...; just to be on the safe side por ante-atenter; por plu multa securitio | (prudent) [choice] prudenta; better safe than sorry meliora preventer cam lamenter; (trustworthy) fidanda || adv to play it safe no rischer si; safely en securitio; secure; sine perículo; sine risco; drive safely! conduces prudente!; I think I can safely say that… mi pensan che mi potan dicer secure che…; this can be safely frozen for months homi potan geler ecuisto sine perículo (aut problémato) dum plura mensuos | (securely) secure; to put something away safely riponer álico secure | (unharmed, intact) íntegra; sine damno; (without mishap) sine accidento || n (for valuables) forti-cápseo; safecracker efractisto je forti-cápseos; safe deposit [bank vault] forti-cambro; [box] forti-cápseo; secur-cápseo; safeguard protecto, -anto, -atro; safekeeping guardo; safeword secur-vocábulo; safety securitio; safety belt cinto di securitio; safety catch securifatro; safety lamp miner-lámpado; safety pin spínulo di securitio; safety valve válvulo di securitio || vt to safeguard protecter
  • saffron n (bot.: Crocus sativus) safrano; (color) safraneo || adj safranea
  • sag vi [awning, ceiling, bed] subcurvecer; subflectezer; [breasts] cader; flachecer; [prices] plu-basecer; [rope] laxecer; [spirits] depresezer
  • saga n sago
  • sagacious adj sagaça || n sagacity sagacitio
  • sage n (bot.: Salvia) salvio; sagebrush (bot.: several species within Artemisia) nordamericana artemisio | (lit.: wise person) sapio || adj (lit.: wise) [person, advice] sapia
  • Sagittarius n (astrol., astron.) Sagitario; Sagittaria (bot.: Sagittaria) sagitario
  • sago n (bot.: starch) sagúo; sago palm sagú-palmario; sagùífero
  • sagoin n (zool.: Saguinus) tamarino
  • sail n (naut.) [cloth] velo; sails (collectively) velado; to set sail hiser la velos; to shorten sail diminutioner la velos; to take in sail deshiser la velos; under full sail per tota velos; under sail per velo | [trip] vel-vado (aut -vehezo); it’s two days’ sail from here li distan de hic per dua dios en barco | (archaic) [sailboat] vel-barco; veloso; sail loft veleferío; sailboat vel-barco; veloso; sailcloth vel-telo; sailing návigo; sailor marinaro; sailor cap marinar-bonito | (wind-catching part of windmill arm) velo || vt [ship] guberner; [stretch of water, space] nàvigher || vi nàvigher; vel-vader (aut -vehezer); (fig.) the glass sailed over my head la bicario volin super mea cápito; he sailed into the room il entrin la cambro majestatose; to sail through (informal: succeed easily) facer fácile (aut sine difícilo)
  • sainfoin n (bot.: Onobrychis) san-feno
  • saint n santo; let’s just say she’s no saint el no es on santo, nos dices; my mother was a saint mea matro esin on santo; All Saints’ Day festo di omna santos; Saint Bernard (dog) (canículo di) Santo Bernardo; Saint John Santo Johane; Saint Vitus’ dance (med.) coreo; sainthood, saintliness santitio || adj sainted [dead] cua en glorio eses; [martyr] canònichischifita; [wife, mother] benedictita; santa; saintly sant(esc)a
  • sake n (purpose, interest) for the sake of por; for the sake of form por le formo; for the sake of vengeance por vindicto; for your sake por vi | (because of) pro; for God’s sake pro Deo; for old times’ sake pro la vétera témporos; for pity’s sake pro compasiono; for the sake of it, for its own sake por; art for art’s sake arto por le arto; to do something for the sake of it facer álico por (la placero) facer lo | (rice wine) saké
  • salacious adj (having, conveying undue interest in sexual matters) [person, story, details] salaça
  • salad n salato; salad bowl salatuyo
  • salamander n (zool.: Urodela; folk., alchem.) salamandro
  • sal ammoniac n (archaic, chem.) amoníac-salo; amonii-cloruro
  • salary n salario; to pay someone a salary salarier || adj salaried salariata
  • sale n (act of selling) vendo; (event) vendo ye rebaso; there’s a sale at Penny’s! ci es on vendo ye rebaso en Penny’s!; (public auction) auctiono; for sale vendonda; to put something up for sale ficer álico vendonda; òferer álico vende; on sale (for purchase) vendata; on sale at fine drug stores everywhere vendata en omna bona fàrmaceríos | (for purchase at reduced price) rebasita; do you have anything on sale? haban vi rebasitos?; sales agent comerciisca agento; salesclerk comiso; sales force vendistado; salesperson vendisto; (in shop) comiso; (traveling) (comerciisca) representanto; viagedora comiso; sales pitch vendejo; sales representative comerciisca representanto || adj salable (also “saleable”) vendébila
  • salep n salepo
  • Salian adj (also “Salic”) Saliisca
  • salicin n (chem.) salicino
  • salient adj salianta || n salianto; (salient part) saliajo
  • saliferous adj (dated, geol.) salífera
  • salify vt (dated, chem.) salifer || vi (dated, chem.) salecer
  • salina n saleferío
  • saline adj (containing salt) [soil, solution] salosa; (resembling salt) [taste] salesca || n (med.) solvajo di sodii-cloruro
  • saliva n salivo || vi to salivate salivefer
  • sallow adj pálid-flava || n (chiefly Brit.: pussy willow) sàliceto
  • sally n (mil.) ecasalto; sally port postérulo | (brief excursion) excursioneto; (formal or humorous: setting out to do something) ecasalto; (retort) réplico || vi (mil.) ecasalter; to sally forth (formal or humorous: set out to do something) ecasalter
  • salmon n (zool.: Salmoninae) salmono; salmon trout (lake trout) lac-tructo; (rainbow trout) celarchi-tructo; salmon-tructo; (sea trout) mar-tructo
  • salmonella n (bacterium) salmonelo; (food poisoning) salmonelozo
  • salon n (beauty establishment) beliferío; salono di belifo; [for hairdresser] capil-arangerío; salono di capil-aranġo; (drawing room) salono; (annual art exhibition) art-expositiono; (meeting of artists, intellectuals) salonejo
  • saloon n (public room for a specified purpose) salono; billiard saloon biliard-salono | (hist.: bar) trincherío; trinchi-salono; (Brit.: RR) salon-vagono; (Brit.: sedan) sedano
  • salsify n (bot.: Tragopogon porrifolius) salsífico; (bot.: Scorzonera hispanica) Hispaniana excurtionaro
  • salt n salo; salt flat sal-planuro; saltpeter (potassium nitrate) sal-petro; salt shaker salizuyo; salt water sal-acuo; saltworks saleferío; (mine) sal-minerayo || vt salizer || adj salt-free sine salo; salted salizita; salty salosa; [taste] sal-sapora; (informal: coarse) ruda; vulgaraċa; (informal: hardened, experienced) durifita; salty dog (experienced sailor) mar-lupo | (informal: indignant from over-sensitivity) indignaċanta
  • saltarello n saltarelo
  • saltern n saleferío
  • salubrious adj salubra || n salubrity salubritio
  • salutary adj (remedial) risanifiva; salutara; (archaic: wholesome) salubra; sanifiva
  • salute n saluto; [with guns] salveo; [with hand] manu-saluto; saluto per manuo; to exchange salutes intresaluter; to fire a 21-gun salute saluter per on salveo de 21 fusilos; salveer per 21 fusilos; salutation saluto || vt saluter; [with guns] salveer || vi saluter; [with guns] salveer
  • salvage vt (rescue) salver; (recover for reuse) recùperer || n (act) salvo; recúpero; (thing saved) salvito; [for reuse] recùperito
  • salvation n (saving) salvo; (being saved) salvezo; Salvation Army Salv-Armato
  • salve n (ointment) unguento || vt (soothe, relieve) [conscience] confortizer; trancuilifer; (archaic: apply salve to) unguentizer; (archaic: salvage) salver
  • salver n (tray) férculo
  • salvo n (mil.) salveo; (fig.: sudden series of acts) [applause, accusations] salveo
  • sal volatile n amonii-carbonato; volátila salo
  • samarium n (chem.: Sm) samario
  • same adj metípsima; I never wear the same shirt twice me jamás vestejan la metípsima camisio du-vece; the same day la metípsima dio; the same thing happened to me la metípsimo eventin ad mi; we’re the same age nos haban la metípsima etato; nos metípsime etatan; at the same time en la metípsima instanto (aut témporo); metípsim-instante (aut -témpore); same as usual, same as ever cuom sempre; same difference (informal) lo es ecuala; the very same [day, person] exacte la metípsima; same-day [delivery, service] en la metípsima dio; metípsim-dia; same-sex [marriage, relationship] homòsexisca; metípsim-sexa || n sameness identitio; metìpsimitio; sìmilitio; (uniformity) monòtonitio; uniformitio || prn la metípsima, -o; everybody won’t be treated all the same omnos no esun metípsime tractata; it’s always the same sempre eventan la metípsimo; “Not the Knights Who Say ‘Ni’!” “The same!” “No la Cabaliaros Cua Diçan ‘Ni’!” “La metípsima!”; all the same, just the same (anyway) en omna caso; no, but thanks all the same no, mas regratio en omna caso | (nevertheless) malgrate ecuilo; tamen; I went ahead and did it just the same mi tamen abantiin et facin lo; (unimportant) you decide; it’s all the same to me vi decises; lo es ecuala por mi; much the same presche (aut próxime) metípsima; one and the same la metípsima; same here (informal) anche mi; same to you! (returning good wishes) ad anche vi!; metípsime ad vi!; (returning insult) (ad, je) vi ipsa!
  • Samoa n Samoa; Samoan Samoano
  • samovar n samovaro
  • sample n specímino; sampler (collection of samples) specìminado; (mus.) samplatro; (sewing) specìminada brodajo || vt (take samples) prender specíminos ec; specìminejer; [of opinions] sonder; (try out) [food, drink] èprober; (mus.: record or extract) [piece of music] sampler
  • samurai n samurái
  • sanatorium n sanatorio
  • sanctify vt (consecrate) sacrifer; (make or declare holy) santifer || n sanctification santifo || adj sanctified (consecrated) sacrifita; (declared holy) santifita; (sanctimonious) piaċa
  • sanctimonious adj piaċa
  • sanction n (approval, authorization) santiono; permiso; yurizo; (penalty) dessantiono || vt (approve, authorize) santioner; permiser; yurizer; (penalize) dessantioner
  • sanctity n (holiness) santitio; (sacredness, inviolability) sacritio
  • sanctuary n (refuge) asilo; refuġayo; [for wildlife] reservajo; to seek sanctuary in refuger en | (relig.: holy place) santayo; (area around tabernacle or altar) santuario
  • sanctum n sacrayo; santayo; inner sanctum, sanctum sanctorum santuario
  • sand n sábulo || vt to sand down pùmicher
  • sandal n sandalio; sandalwood sántalo
  • sandstone n arenario
  • sandwich n sanduiċo
  • San Marino n Santo Marino; Sammarinese Santi-Marinano
  • santolina n (bot.: Santolina) santolino
  • santorum n (neol., vulg.) santoro
  • sap n limfo; sapwood alburno || adj sappy (mawkish) sentimentalaċa
  • Saracen n Saraceno
  • sarcasm n sarcasmo
  • sarcophagus n sarcófago
  • sardine n (zool.: Dussumieria, Escualosa, Sardina, Sardinella, Sardinops) sardino
  • sari n sari
  • SARS n (severe acute respiratory syndrome) SARS (severa acuta respirisca síndromo)
  • sash n (over the shoulder) sharpo; sash window ghilotinesca fenestro
  • sassafras n (bot.: Sassafras) sasafraso
  • satellite n satélito
  • satiate vt satier || adj satiated satiita
  • satin n sátino
  • satire n satírico; satirist satìrichisto || vt to satirize satìrichijer || adj satirical satírica
  • satisfy vt [expectation, promise] satisfacer || adj satisfied satisfacita; (content) contenta
  • saturate vt sàturer
  • Saturday n Sábato
  • Saturn n (planet) Saturno
  • satyr n (myth.) sátiro
  • sauce n salso
  • saucer n subtaso; tas-platelo
  • Saudi Arabia n Saúd-Àrabia; Saudi Arabian Saúd-Àrabiano
  • sausage n salsitio
  • savage adj (fierce) feroça; (wild) silvaġa
  • savanna n savano
  • save vt salver; (fin.) sparnier || n savings sparniedos; savings bank sparnii-banco
  • saw n serationatro; sawhorse cabalito || vt serationer
  • say vt dicer; what does the fox say? cuo le vulpo diçan?; to say nothing of dicer nulo sopre; sine parauler sopre; that is to say cuod es dicer || adj he was said to be homi dicin che; il rèputezin como
  • scale n scalo; (of fish, etc.) scuamo; (weighing apparatus) pònderatro; scalar scalaro; scale of fees taxationado || vt (climb) scander || adj scaly scuamosa; scaly anteater (zool.: Manidae) pangolino
  • scallop n pectúnculo
  • scalp n cranii-pelo
  • scalpel n scalpelo
  • scam vt inganer
  • scan vt scanser || n scanner (comput.) scansatro
  • scandal n scándalo || vt to scandalize (shock, offend) scàndaler || adj scandalous scàndalanta; scàndalosa
  • scandium n (chem.: Sc) scandio
  • scar n cicatriço
  • scarab n (zool.: Scarabaeus) scarabeo
  • scarce adj excarpsa
  • scare vt pavorifer || adj scared pavoranta
  • scarf n col-telo
  • scarlet adj scarlata
  • scarp n (mil.) scarpajo
  • scatter vt disperser; dissèminejer; (diffuse) disvastifer
  • scenario n (script) cenario; (sequence of events) cenado; (setting) ambiento
  • scene n ceno; scenery (natural) paesaġo
  • scepter n ceptro
  • schedule n cloc-tabelo; horario
  • scheme n schémato || vt projecter || adj schematic (symbolic and simplified) schèmatasca
  • schistosoma n (zool.: Schistosoma) schistosómato; schistosomiasis (med.) schistosomiaso
  • scholarship n èrudititio; (stipend) stipendio
  • school n scolo; elementary school primaria scolo; high school media scolo; secundaria scolo; junior high school submedia scolo
  • science n cientio; science fiction cientii-fictiono; cientiisca fictiono; scientist cientiisto; Scientology (pseudo-religion) Cientòloghío || adj scientific cientiisca
  • scimitar n cimitaro
  • scissors n cisorio
  • scone n scono
  • scooter n (auto.) scutero
  • scops n (zool.: Otus) asioneto; oto; parva aurícul-striġo
  • score n punti-numbro; scorecard punti-carto
  • scoria n scorio
  • Scotland n Scotia; Scot Scoto
  • scoundrel n canalio; pícaro
  • scourge n (whip) flagelo; (pestilence) pesto
  • scout n exploristo; recognocentiisto; (Boy Scout or Girl Scout) scauto; scouting explorado; recognocentiado; scautismo
  • scramble vt (eggs) fruler
  • scrape vt (with a tool) ràsculer
  • scratch vt (abrade) abraser; (an itch) grater; (leave a mark with the nails, etc.) cracer || n craçajo
  • scream vi critazer
  • screech vi critaċer; [bird of prey, brakes] strider || n screech owl (zool.: Megascops) strid-oto, -asioneto
  • screen n (shield; TV, comput., movie, etc.) schermo; screenname usanti-nómino; screenplay cenario || vt (be a screen against) schermìer; (hide, conceal) absconder; (protect) protecter; (provide screen; protect) schermizer
  • screw n (any threaded pin) vit-clovo; (threaded pin requiring a screwdriver) scruvo; screwdriver scruv-tornìatro || vt (fasten with a screw) scruvijer; (screw in) entornìader; to screw up façaċer
  • scribe n scribisto
  • script n (screenplay) cenario
  • scrofula n (chiefly hist.) scrófulo
  • scroll n ròtulajo; (comput.) ròtuler
  • scruff n (nape) nuco || adj scruffy (unkempt) desneta; ne-toiletita
  • scruple n scrúpulo || adj scrupulous scrùpulosa
  • sculpt vt sculpter
  • scurvy n scorbuto
  • scythe n falço
  • sea n maro; sea bass (zool.: Dicentrarchus labrax) barcio; seaboard lítoro; sea cucumber mar-cucúmero; sea devil (zool.: Ceratiidae) mar-demono; sea gull (zool.: Larus) laro; sea ice mar-glacio; sea lion (zool.: Otariinae) leon-otario; mar-leono; seaman marinaro; seamark mar-fareto; sea sickness marisca náuseo; sea urchin (zool.: Echinoidea) echino; seawater mar-acuo; seaweed algo || adj sea blue maresche blava
  • seaborgium n (chem.: Sg) seborghio
  • seal n (official stamp) sigilo; [device] sigilizatro; sealing wax sigil-cero | (zool.: Phocidae) foço
  • search vt [location] cercher tra; (jur.) percuister; to search for cercher || n cerco; (jur.) percuisto; search warrant mandato por percuisto
  • season n (period of the year) sationo; the four seasons la cuatra sationos; the rainy/dry season la pluv-sationo/sica sationo | (for specific activity) sationo; wabbit season cunícul-sationo || vt (cooking) spiciizer
  • seat n sedatro || vt situizer
  • seclude vt ìsoler
  • second ord duésima || n secondanto; (time) secundo || adj secondary secundaria; secondhand (indirect) [information, experience] nedirecta; secondhand smoke pasiva fumejo | (old) [goods] usita; vétera
  • secret n secreto || adj secreta
  • secretariat n secretariato
  • secretary n secretaro
  • secrete vt secretioner
  • sect n secto
  • section n (admin., gen.: a more or less distinct part of something) sectiono; (geom.) sectiono; (med: piece excised) secajo || vt (divide into sections) sectionizer; to section off sectionifer
  • sector n sectoro
  • secular adj seculara
  • secure adj (firm, solid) firma; (safe) secura || n security securitio
  • sedan n (auto.) sedano; sedan chair porti-sedilo
  • sedate vt (drug) sedationivizer || n sedative (drug) sedationivo
  • sedge n (bot.: Carex) cáriço
  • sedition n seditiono || adj seditious seditionosa
  • seduce vt seducter
  • sedum n (bot.: Sedum) sédumo
  • see vt vider; to see that ... certifer che ...; the way I see it ad mi lo pareçan che
  • seed n sémino
  • seem vi parecer; the owls are not what they seem la striġos no es tala cuala los pareçan; as it would seem pareçasche; secuno pareço; it seems to me that lo pareçan ad mi che || adj seeming (ver-)pareçanta; (sham) cuasa; seemly convenanta; decenta
  • seesaw vi bàsculer
  • segment n segmento
  • seize vt sacer || vi to seize up (mech.) gripezer
  • seldom adv rare
  • select vt selecter || n selection asortajo; selecto; selections from... selectedos de...
  • selenium n (chem.: Se) selenio
  • self n (person’s essential being as distinct from others) mio; his true self iluya vera mio || afx auto-
  • self-appointed adj autoproclamationita
  • self-assertion adj certanitio; firmitio
  • self-assured adj autofidanta; certana
  • self-aware adj autoconcianta; concianta si
  • self-esteem n autoéstimo
  • self-evident adj ipse evidenta
  • self-respect n autoéstimo
  • selfsame adj ipsa
  • selkie n (folk.) selchio
  • sell vt vender; to sell for cash vender comptante || n seller vendanto, -isto, -edoro
  • semantics n semántico
  • semen n spermo
  • semester n semestro
  • semibreve n (mus.) plena noto
  • seminar n seminario
  • semiotics n semiótico
  • Semite n Sémido
  • semolina n (culin.) símolo
  • senary adj (composed of six elements) sesenaria; (arranged in groups of six) sesena; (math) sesenaria
  • senate n senato
  • senator n senatano
  • send vt invìer; to send away èxpeder; forifer; forinvìer || n sender èxpedinto
  • Senegal n Senegalia; Senegalese Senegaliano
  • senile adj senila
  • senior adj (after name) patro; George Bush, Sr. Georgio Bush, patro; (higher rank) superiora; (older) plu etatanta || n (older) plu-etatanto; seniority plu-etato; superioritio
  • sense n (faculty) sentivitio; [awareness, sensitivity] a sense of beauty sentivitio je belitio | [one of the five senses] sentatro; (meaning) senso; (sensation) [emotional] sentimento; sense of failure sentimento di falo | [through senses] sento; sensation (feeling) sento; (widespread, excited interest) sensationo || vt (perceive) percepter; [through senses] senter; [intuit] intùiter; [suspect] suspecter; [tech.] detecter || adj sensational sensationisca, -osa; senseless (foolish) stulta; sensible [person] inteligenta; prudenta; rationiva; sapia; [thing] rationisca; (capable of sensing) sentiva; (perceptible by the senses) sentébila; sensitive (capable of sensing) sentiva; (easily affected) sentema; (easily offended) fácile ofensébila; (impressionable) impresionébila
  • sensual adj sensuala
  • sentence n fraso
  • sentiment n sento || adj sentimental sentimentala
  • sentry n sentinelo; sentry box guarito
  • sepal n (bot.) sepalo
  • separate vt sèparer || adj (distinct, isolated) aparta; separated sèparita
  • sepsis n sepso || adj septic sepsosa; septic tank sepsuyo
  • September n Septembro
  • septenary adj (composed of seven elements) septenaria; (arranged in groups of seven) septena; (math) septenaria
  • septicemia n septicemio
  • septum n (anat.) septalo
  • sequel n (film, book) secuelo
  • sequence n (order) órdino; (cine.) secuentio
  • sequester vt (jur.) secuestrer
  • Serb n Serbo; Serbia Serbia
  • serenade n serenato
  • serenata n serenato
  • serene adj serena
  • serf n serfo
  • sergeant n sergento
  • series n serio
  • serious adj (earnest, sincere, not joking) seriosa; (weighty, not trifling) grava || adv to take seriously consìderer seriose
  • serum n sero
  • serval n (zool.: Leptailurus serval) servalo
  • serve vt server; (present) [a writ, warrant] notìficher; presentationer on jùdicisca mandationo; [food, drink] servejer || n servant servisto; server camararo; servegisto; (comput.) servatro; service servo; service tree (bot.: Sorbus domestica) sorbífero; serviceberry (bot.) sorbo; serviceman militarano
  • session n sesiono
  • set vt (place) poner; (fix) fixer; (prepare) [table] guarner; to set back [clock] retarder; to set forward [clock] abantiifer || vi [sun] ocaser; to set off (head out) dìriger si ad || n setting ambiento
  • set n (of matching, related things) completo; [math] insímulo; (radio, TV) aparato; (sport) jocado
  • settle vt deciser || n settlement colonieto
  • seven card septa; seventy septideça || ord seventh (7th) septésima; seventieth septidecésima || fract seventh () séptimo
  • sever vt (divide by forcibly cutting) [artery, cable] trasecher; [limb, head] desecher; (break off) [relations, communications] rumper
  • several adj (different) dìferanta; (diverse) diversa; (indef. amount) alicuanta; (more than one) plura; (more than two, but not many) alicuanteta; cualca
  • severe adj severa
  • sew vt suter
  • sewer n cloaco
  • sex n (act) coito; sexío; [for reproduction] copulationo; (gender) sexo; to have sex with (intercourse) coiter cum; sexìer (cum); the opposite sex la áltera sexo; sex appeal sex-atracto; sèxichitio; sexism sexismo; sexist sexisto; sexpot sexí-bombo; séxico; sexuality sexischitio; (orientation) sexemitio || adj sexual (pertaining to gender) sexisca; (pertaining to sexual activity) sexìisca; sexual impulse eroto; sexual pleasure volupto; sexy (erotic) erótica; (sexually attractive) séxica; it’s not sexy, it’s animal! ol no es séxica, ol es bestiesca!
  • sext vt (informal) sextijer (álico ad álicu)
  • Seychelles n Seyċelia; Seychellois Seyċeliano
  • shad n (zool.: Alosa) alauso
  • shade n (shadow) umbro; (gradation) Fifty Shades of Grey Cinchideça nuantios di Griso; (lit.: ghost) fantásmato || vt umbrizer
  • shadow n umbro
  • shaft n (arrow) fleċo; (bar, rod, pole) stango; (driveshaft) ax-árboro; (handle) manubrio; (of a cart) timono; (of a column) fusto; (of an arrow, spear) fusto; (of light) radio; (of machinery) árboro; (of mines, elevators, vents, wells) shacto
  • shag n vilo || adj shaggy vilosa
  • shah n sha
  • shake vt sucuser; to shake hands with manu-stringer || vi trèmuler
  • Shakespearean adj (characteristic of Shakespeare) Shakespeare-esca; (from the works of Shakespeare) Shakespeare-iana
  • shallow adj desprofunda
  • shaman n shamano
  • shame n verecundo; what a shame! cuala regretando! || adj shameful verecundifanta; shameless efrontata; sine verecundo
  • shampoo n shampúo || vt shampùijer
  • shape n (outline) formo; (undefined object) formo; (condition) formo; stando; to get into shape bon-formecer; hìcanecer; poner si en formo; (specific, definite, or distinctive form or nature of something) to take shape recepter formo (aut factiono)
  • share vt parti-doner; (distribute) distributer; (divide among) diviser; (give out indiscriminately) disdoner; (have jointly) cumhaber; (participate) parti-prender (de); (use, do, experience jointly) partejer || n parto; (fin) actiono; (portion) portiono; the lion’s share la maxim granda parto; shareholder (fin) actionisto
  • shark n (zool.: Selachimorpha) scualo
  • sharp adj (clear-cut) nítida; (keen-edged) acuta; sechiva; (of mind) alerta; hábila; inteligenta; (of sound, disease) acuta; (pointed) puntalosa; sharp-eyed clar-vidanta || n (mus.: ♯) díeso
  • shatter vt fracaser
  • shave vt raser || vi raser si || n shaving cream rascremo
  • shawl n shalo
  • shawm n (mus.) calamelo
  • she prn el || afx -iso; she-goat capriso; she-surgeon chirurghiso
  • shear vt tonder
  • sheath n spathiero; vaíno || afx -ier
  • shed n baraco; (without walls) tectizajo || vt [skin, antlers, hair] delacer
  • sheep n ovículo
  • sheet n folio; lecti-tuco; (naut.) scoto; (thin layer) lámino; sheet metal metal-lámino
  • shelf n planco
  • shell n (hard protective outer case) [of crustaceans, turtles, armadillos, etc.] carapaço; [of eggs, nuts, etc.] scalio; [of snail, shellfish] conchilio; (armor) armoro; (outer part) exterajo; (pod, as of peas, beans, etc.) sílicuo; (mil.) (explosive artillery projectile or bomb) obuso; (small-arms cartridge) cartoċo; shellac gum-lacro; shellfish conchiliefo; crustáceo; molusco || vt (bombard) bombarder; (remove the shell from) desconchiliizer; ecsìlicuifer
  • shelter n abrigayo || vt abrigher
  • shepherd n ovìculisto
  • sheriff n (U.S.) sherifo
  • shield n scuto
  • shift vt cambier || n (time worked) labor-turno
  • shill n shilisto
  • shimmer vi (trémule) brileter (aut lùmineter)
  • shine vi (emit light) lùminer; (emit or reflect bright light) briler
  • ship n navo; sailing ship vel-navo; shipowner armatoro; shipwreck nàufragajo || adj shipwrecked nàufraghinta
  • shire n (Brit.) provincio; (hist.: land ruled by a count) còmitio
  • shirt n camisio
  • shit n (vulg.) merdo; (vulg.: nonsense) merdajo; no shit? no futues mi!; nula merdajo?; (vulg.: person) merdo; strunço; (vulg.: stuff, belongings) merdo; to beat the shit out of someone batuazer álicu; to give a shit (care) honey badger don’t give a shit ad la ratelo lo no importan una merdo; in deep shit en la merdo; parfutuita; to take a shit cacher; that’s a crock of shit ecuilo es on merdajo; shithead stultazo; shithole (unpleasant place) merdayo; this shithole of a country ecuista merda paeso; shitlist nigra listo; shitshow (chaotic or controversial event) no, it was a shitshow, obviously no, lo esin on discaco (aut merdi-tempestato), clare; shit-stirrer merd-futuemo || vt [feces, blood] cacher; (talk nonsense to) I shit you not mi no futuan vi; you’re shitting me vi futuan mi || vi cacher; to shit (on) oneself cacher sur si || adj shitty merdosa || inter shit! cuno!; futuer!; merdo!; tough shit! mala sorto!
  • shiver vi fremer
  • shock vt (jar) shocher || n shoco; (of hair) capiladaċo; capiladazo; shock absorber amortatro
  • shoe n calcéolo; shoelace láceo; shoemaker calcèolefisto
  • shofar n shofaro
  • shoot vt [arrow] lancer; [bullet] dìsparer; [movie] cinematògrafìer; (spout) jeter; (wound by shooting) díspar-colper; díspare vùlnerer; focilijer; the ball shot off his leg la cuglazo forportin iluya gambo; the bullet shot him through the heart la cuglo travadin iluya cordio; he was shot homi focilijin il; il focilijezin || vi [at someone, something] dìsparer (asú álicu, álico) || n (bot.) súrculo
  • shop n botheco; (large) magacino; shopping cart mercat-cariteto; shopkeeper bothechisto; shoplifter bothechi-furtisto || vi bothechejer; bothechi-vìsiter; comprader
  • shore n ripo; shorebird (zool.: Charadriiformes) limícolo
  • short adj basa; (brief) curta; (length) curta; to be short of something (lack) mancher álico ad álicu; short circuit curt-circúito; short-eared owl (zool.: Asio flammeus) curt-aurícula striġo; short story novelo || adv to come/fall short (be inferior to) eser inferiora ad; (fail) faler; no atinger || n shorts pantaloneto; shorto; short shorts shorteto; shortcoming (imperfection) defecto; shortcut curt-vialo; shorthand stenògrafío; shortwave (rad.) curt-undo || vt to shorten curtifer
  • shot n (of espresso) doso; (shotgun pellets) cugletajo; shot glass bicarieto; shotgun sclopeto
  • should v debeber
  • shoulder n (anat.) spáthulo; shoulder blade scápulo; (auto.) vial-látero; hard shoulder stábila vial-látero; soft shoulder nestábila vial-látero
  • shout vt clamer; (inarticulately) criter
  • shovel n palelo
  • show vt monstrer; it just goes to show that… lo monstran bone che… || n radio show radiòfonìisca programo; showcase vitrino
  • shower n ductiabo || vt ductier
  • shrapnel n mitralio
  • shrew n (zool.: Soricidae) musaráneo; (bad-tempered woman) megero
  • shrewd adj sagaça
  • shrike n (zool.: Laniidae) lanio
  • shrimp n crangono
  • shroud n sudario
  • shrub n arbusto; (with trunk) frútiço; (without trunk) arbúsculo; shrubland silvo; arbusti-bosco; arbusti-foresto
  • shrug vt altifer sua spáthulos
  • shudder vi fremer
  • shuffle vi tràhiner sua pedos || vt [cards] (intre)mìsculer
  • shuffleboard n shovelbordo
  • shun vt eviter; ignorer
  • shut vt cluder
  • shutter n (for windows) forículo
  • shuttle n naveto; space shuttle spatiaz-naveto; shuttlecock (sport) plum-bulo; vol-bulo
  • shy adj tímida
  • si n (mus.) si
  • sibling n germano
  • sibyl n sibilo
  • Sicily n Sicilia
  • sick adj malata || n sick pay indemno pro malatitio; sickness malatitio || vi to fall sick malatecer
  • sickle n falceto
  • side n látero; to see the bright side vider la positiva látero; to take sides with apodier; partitecer cum; this side of cis; side arm cint-armo; sideboard platel-moblo; sidecar láter-birotieto; sidesaddle mulier-selo; sidewalk trotorio || vi to side with partitecer cum || adv sideways adlátere
  • siege n asedio
  • sierra n siero; Sierra Leone Siero-Leono; Sierra Leonean Siero-Leonano
  • sieve n cribro
  • sift vt (liquids) colatorijer; (solids) cribrijer
  • sigh vi suspirer
  • sign n signo; (in a shop, etc.) insignio || vt subscriber || vi signaturizer
  • signal vt signaler || n signalo
  • signature n signaturo
  • signify vt signìficher || adj significant (important) importanta; (serious) grava; (meaningful) signìficanta, -iva
  • silence n silentio; code of silence leġo di taço || vt silentiifer
  • silent adj (not making a sound) silentiosa; (orthog.) [letter] muta; (not saying a word) taçanta; silent partner comanditaro
  • silhouette n silueto
  • silicon n (chem.: Si) silicio; silicon carbide silicii-carburo
  • silicone n silicono
  • silk n seto
  • sill n límino
  • silly adj stulta
  • silo n silo; silage ensilifedo
  • silver n (chem.: Ag) argento || adj silverware argenta vacelo
  • similar adj símila || n similarity sìmilitio, -ajo
  • simmer vt bulitionetifer
  • simp n (internet slang) simpo; give me money, simps! dones ad mi pecunio, simpos! || vi to simp for someone simpìer álicu
  • simple adj simpla; simplistic simplaċa || vt to simplify simplifer
  • simplex adj unenaria
  • simulate vt sìmuler
  • simultaneous adj simultánea; simultaneously simultánee
  • sin vi pecher
  • since prep (starting from) dex; I’ve been studying French since two years ago mi studan Francenso dex dua anuos ántee; I’ve been studying French since yesterday mi studan Francenso dex here; (starting from after) dex post; since the operation dex post la operationo || adv dexe; (ago) ante nun; ántee || conj dex che/cuande; (because) pro che
  • sincere adj sincera
  • Sinda n (fantasy) Sindo; Sindar (plural) Sindos; Sindarin Sindenso
  • sine n (math) sínuso
  • sing vt canter
  • Singapore n (city) Singapura; (island) Singapuria
  • singer n cantisto
  • single adj (only one, not one of several) una; únupla; he gave her a single rose il donin ad el una roso; (regarded separately) every single word cascuna vocábulo; not a single person came no venin etiam una persono; (suitable for one person) por uno; (archaic: not accompanied by others) sola; (consisting of one part) unenaria; (not married, not in a romantic relationship) céliba; (in compounds) single-acting cylinder cilindro di simpla acto || adv singly (one at a time) unene || n singletree (tir-)vecto
  • singular adj (gram.) singulara || n (gram.) singularo
  • Sinhalese n [language] Sinhalenso; [person] Sinhalo
  • sinister adj (foreboding) mal-àuguría; mal-auspicia; minacianta; sinistrala; (evil) mal-volitionosa; malvata; (archaic, heraldry: left) sinistra
  • sinistral adj sinistrisca
  • sink n (fixed basin) lavabo || vt afunder || vi afundezer
  • sinus n (anat., zool.) sínuso
  • sir n (honorific) senioro; [non-adult] seniorolo; (knightly honorific) cabaliaro; dómino; Sir Elton John Dómino (aut Cabaliaro) Elton John; Sir Lancelot Dómino (aut Cabaliaro) Lanceloto
  • sire n (zool.) patro; (archaic) dómino || vt gèniter; ingenerater
  • siren n (all senses) sireno
  • Sirius n (astron.) Sirio
  • sister n germaniso; sororo; (relig.) german(is)o; sisterhood (organization) coleghisado; germanisado; (sisterliness) germanisitio; sister-in-law cognatiso || adj sisterly germanisesca; germanisisca; sororesca; sororisca
  • sit vi seder; to sit down sedecer || adj seated (sitting) sedanta
  • site n situo
  • Sith n Sith; Sith Lord dómino di las Sith; Sith-dómino
  • situate n situation (set of circumstances) situationo || adj to be situated situizezer; situated situizita
  • six card sesa; sixty sesdeça || ord sixth (6th) sesésima; sixtieth sesdecésima || fract sixth () sésimo
  • size n granditio
  • skate vi (on ice) patiner; (on wheels) scater || n skateboard scatbordo
  • skeleton n schéleto
  • skeptic n schéptico || adj schéptica
  • sketch vt (make rough drawing of) schizer || n (theat.) comediosa ceneto
  • ski n schio; jet ski acui-scutero; ski pole schii-bastono || vi schiijer
  • skid vi patinaċer
  • skiff n schifo
  • skill n hàbilitio; (talent) talento || adj skillful hábila
  • skin n pelo; [dressed] corio; [undressed] cruda pelo (aut corio); (with fur) [dressed] pelicio; [undressed] cruda pelicio
  • skip vi salteter || vt (omit) omiser; pretersalter
  • skipper n nav-ċefo
  • skirt n jupo; [knee-length] jupeto; [short] mini-, micro-jupo || vt (avoid) eviter; (move along edge) vader alonghe
  • skull n (anat.) cranio; skullcap (zucchetto) piléolo
  • skunk n (zool.: Mephitidae) scunco
  • sky n celo; skyscraper cel-gratanto || adv sky blue azura; celesche blava
  • slab n autopsìisca menso; placo
  • slag n scorio
  • slander n (calumny) calumnio || vt (calumniate) calumnier
  • slang n slango
  • slap vt palm-colper
  • slash vt secazer || n secazajo
  • slate n ardesio
  • Slav n Slavo
  • slave n sclavo || vi laborazer sclavesche; sclavìer (álico)
  • slay vt (lit.: kill) occiser; (murder) asasinìer; (informal: greatly amuse) mortifer pro rido; you slay me! cuante amusanta! || n slayer occisedoro, -isto; [of a specific class of things] -icido; Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy la vampiricido | (murderer) asasino; (archaic) I am the Slayer! mi es la Occisoro!
  • sled n slito
  • sledgehammer n máleo
  • sleep vi dormer || n to go to sleep dormecer; sleeping car (RR) lecti-vagono || adj sleepy dormema
  • sleet n niv-grándino
  • sleeve n mánico
  • sleigh n tir-slito
  • slender adj svelta; Slender Man Svelt(as)o
  • slide n (phot.) diapositivo; slider (comput.) slidero || vi gliser
  • slight adj (thin) grácila
  • slim adj svelta
  • slime n viscoso; [from snail] babajo; [mud] fango
  • sling n fúndulo; jactatro; armsling sharpo
  • slip vi (slide) gliser; (stumble) mispasuer; to slip away excaper; partier sine remarco
  • slipper n pantófulo
  • sloe n prunelo
  • slogan n slogano
  • slope n (a sloping surface) costario; (geom.) inclino; (shelf, embankment) taluto; (steep) scarpo
  • slot n (joinery) ranuro
  • sloth n pigritio; (zool.) pigritioso; (zool.: Bradypus) brádipo; tri-dígita pigritioso; (zool.: Choloepus) du-dígita pigritioso
  • Slovakia n Slovachia; Slovak Slovaco
  • sloven adj desnita
  • Slovenia n Slovenia; Slovene Sloveno
  • slow adj lenta; slow cooker lenti-cocinatro
  • slug n limaço
  • slur vt pronuntier neclare
  • slut n slampo; Jane, you ignorant slut! Johana, nul-sapanta slampo!
  • smack vt colp(et)er
  • small adj parva; small arm legera armo; small letter minúsculo || n smallsword spatheto
  • smart adj inteligenta; smartphone inteligenta teléfono; smartfono
  • smash vt aplaster; (to pieces) fracaser
  • smear vt (blot, streak) màculizer; (spread, daub) unger
  • smell n odoro || vt (perceive odor) olfacter; I can smell your brain! mi olfactan vua cerebro! || vi (emit odor) odorer; does this bar napkin smell like chloroform? odoran ecuista bicarii-servieto cuom cloroformo?
  • smile vi suriser || n suriso
  • smith n forgisto
  • smoke n fumo; smokestack fum-túbulo || vt (cigar, etc.) fumejer; (expose to smoke) fumizer || vi (produce smoke) fumefer
  • smolder vi subarder
  • smooth adj lisa; plana || n smoothie (drink) fructi-pureo
  • smuggle vt contrabandejer
  • snaffle n articulatur-morso
  • snail n cocléolo
  • snake n (zool.: Serpentes) serpento
  • snare n (of a drum) tambur-cordo; (trap) trapo; snare drum cordi-tamburo
  • snarl vi grunder; ringher
  • snatch vt sacer || n (vulg.) cuno
  • sneak vi (move stealthily) vadeċer; to sneak out of (avoid) eviteċer; to sneak up on veneċer ad || vt (put) poneċer; (take) prendeċer || n (tricky person) astuto; sneaker (athletic shoe) sportisca calcéolo || adj (without warning) sine adverto; sneak attack atacheċo; ataco sine adverto; sneaky acteċema; astuta
  • sneeze vi sternuter
  • sniff vt (as a dog) olfactader; (inhale through the nose) snifer
  • snigger vi riduċeċer
  • snob n snobo || adj snobbish snoba
  • snore vi roncher
  • snorkel n respir-túbulo; snórchelo
  • snout n muselo
  • snow n nivajo; snow leopard (zool.: Panthera uncia) niv-leopardo; snowball niv-bulo; snowfall nivo; snowflake nivi-floco; Generation Snowflake Generationo Nivi-Floco; you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake vi no es on bela et única nivi-floco.; snowmobile motor-slito || vi niver
  • snuggle vi seder (aut jacer) imbraciade
  • so adv (in such a way) asíc; (to such an extent) tante; and so on et asíc pluse; so be it tale lo eses; so much for his promises! ecuilo valoran iluya promisos!; so much the tante; so much the better tante plu bone || adj so-so medii-bona; pasábila || conj (in order) so as to por -er; so that por che | (therefore) dunche; so what? et cuo?
  • soak vt hùmidazifer
  • soap n sapono
  • sob vi singulter
  • sober adj (not drunk) desebria; (sedate) sobria
  • soccer n football (or futbalo)
  • social adj sociisca; (econ.) sociala; social circle societo; social distancing sociisca disto; sociable amichecema; sociema || n socialism (pol.) socialismo
  • society n (general community) socio; (organization, club) societo; charitable society caritatisca societo; to go into society entrer la socio; high society alta socio; society finch (zool.: Lonchura striata domestica) Japoniana pásero
  • sociopath n sociópatho
  • sock n càlceeto
  • socket n (gen., elec.) contactatriso; eye socket órbito; tooth socket alvéolo
  • socle n (archit.) sóculo
  • soda n (soda pop) gas-bibedo; gasosa bibedo; (soda water) Seltz-acuo; sod-acuo; (sodium bicarbonate) sodo
  • sodium n (chem.: Na) natrio; sodio; sodium chloride sodii-cloruro
  • sodomy n sodomío || vt to sodomize sodomìer
  • sofa n sofao
  • soft adj (delicate) delicata; (easy) fácila; (foolish) stulta; (gentle) dulça; (ling.) dulça; (not hard) mola; (not loud) nelauta; sumisa; (pleasant to the senses) dulça; (smooth) dulça; lisa; (tender) ténera; (weak) débila; (weak-minded) imbécila; (yielding) mola; software programado; softwaro || vt to soften molifer; (tone down) amorter
  • soil n soliaro; (territory) teritorio; on Japanese soil sur Japoniana teritorio || vt spurchifer
  • sojourn vi sujurner || n sujurno
  • sol n (mus.) sol
  • solder n solidaturo || vt solidationer
  • soldier n soldato; (serviceman) militarano
  • sole n (anat.) plantaro; (of shoe) sóleo; (zool.: Solea) soléolo
  • solemn adj solemna
  • solicit vt solìciter
  • solid adj sólida || n sólido
  • solipsism n solipsismo
  • solitary adj (lone, alone) solema; tigers are solitary creatures le tigro es on solema esento; (done alone) I kind of view studying as a solitary activity mi cualche vidan le studo como je on solisca actado; solitary life solisca vivo; (isolated, with few or no inhabitants or visitors) solitary confinement (célul-)ísolo; solitaria célulo; solitary farmsteads solitaria agri-cultiveríos; (sole) sola; not a solitary one etiam no una; a solitary example sola exemplo
  • Solomon Islands n Salomonia; Solomon Islander Salomoniano
  • soluble adj [problem] solvébila; [substance] (dis)solvébila
  • solve vt solver || n solvent solvivo || adj solvent (fin.) solventa
  • Somali n Somalo; Somalia Somalia; Somalian Somaliano
  • somber adj sombra
  • some adj (approximately) círcume; (indeterminate but not large quantity) alicuanteta; cualca; (indeterminate compound noun) on; (indeterminate person or thing) (unknown) álica; she left all her money to some guy el herèditedifin tota sua pecunio ad álica cherlaso; (indeterminate quantity) alicuanta || adv somehow áliche; alicuome; sometime alicuande; sometimes ye cualca veços; (certain times) ye cuida veços; somewhat alicuantete; cualche; somewhere alícube || prn some believe that... cuidos credan che...; someone álicu; something álico || pos someone’s álicuya
  • son n filiaso; (in patronymics) ´-ido; Gimli, son of Glóin Ghimli Glòínido; son-in-law afina filiaso; gendraso
  • sonar n sonaro
  • song n cantiono
  • sonobuoy n sonar-boyo
  • sonorous adj sonora
  • soon adv post pauca témporo; prompte; soon after prompte poste; sooner or later aprime aut afinale
  • soot n fulígino
  • soothsayer n divinationisto
  • sophism n sofismo; sophist sofisto
  • sophisticate vt desingenuifer || adj sophisticated desingenua
  • sorb n (bot.: fruit of Sorbus domestica) sorbo; sorb tree sorbífero; Sorb (Wend) Sorabo
  • sorcerer n maġo; (D&D) sortiaro
  • sordid adj [conditions, surroundings, affair, episode, detail] sórdida; [motive, action, behavior] sórdida; verecundanda
  • sore n plago
  • sorghum n sorgo
  • sorrel n (bot.: Rumex) rúmiço
  • sorrow n (sadness) tristitio; (mourning) luġo; (distress) aflictezo; angustio; doloro || adj sorrowful (sad) trista; (mournful) luġosa; (distressed) aflictata; angustiosa; dolorosa, -anta
  • sorry adj (feeling regret) regretanta; (miserable) mísera; (poor, inferior) inferiora; (regrettable, unfortunate) regretanda; to be sorry (regret) regreter; (repent) repèniter; to feel sorry for (have sympathy) compasioner; I was sorry to hear that... ad mi desplacin sapecer che...; I’m sorry (apology) mi regretan; (vua) pardono; (regret) mi regretan; sad trista
  • sort n género; tipo
  • soul n ánimo
  • sound n sono || vi soner; (probe) sonder
  • soup n supo
  • sour adj acerba; acra
  • source n fonto
  • south n (direction, compass point) sudo; the wind is from the south la vento venan de la sudo | (southern part of the world or specified area) la sudo; in the south of the country en la sudo di la paeso; southerner sudano; southernwood (bot.: Artemisia abrotanum) abrótano || adj sudisca; south latitude sudisca latitúdino; southern sudisca; southern wormwood (bot.: Artemisia abrotanum) abrótano || adv sude; Switzerland lies south of Germany Suicia jaçan sude de Alemania; (southward) south, Miss Teschmacher! adsude, Senioro Teschmacher!
  • sovereign adj superana
  • Soviet n sovieto; Soviet Union Soviet-Union(aj)o; Sovietia
  • sow vt [seed, crop] sèminejer; to sow the corn sèminejer la maíso; (a field) sèminizer || n (animal) porchiso
  • soy n soyo; soybean (bot.: Glycine max) soy-sémino
  • space n spatio; (outer space) spatiazo; space age spatiaz-eralo; space bar spatii-stango; stango di spatio; space capsule spatiaz-cápsulo; space flight spatiaz-volo; space probe sondi-rocheto; space station spatiaz-stationo; space suit spatiaz-scafandro; space walk spatiaz-promeno; spacecraft astri-navo; space-time spacii-témporo; space-time continuum spacii-tèmporisca continuo || vt to space out interspatiizer || adj spacious ampla; capaça; vasta
  • spade n fodatro; (cards) pic-stango
  • spadix n (bot.) spádiço
  • Spain n Hispania; Spaniard Hispaniano; (ancient) Hispano || adj Spanish Hispaniana; (ancient) Hispana; Spanish fly (pharm.) canthàridajo; (zool.: Lytta vesicatoria) canthárido; Hispaniana musco
  • spam n spamo || vt spamizer
  • spang adv directe || n spang beetle (zool.: Melolontha) melolontho
  • spar n (naut.) vel-stango
  • spare adj (extra) extra || vt (show mercy to) indulger
  • spark n cintilo; spark plug cintilefatro || vi cintilefer
  • sparrow n (zool.: Passeridae) pásero; sparrow hawk (zool.: several species in Accipiter) sparvario
  • sparse adj (not abundant) excarpsa; (not frequent) rara; (scattered) dispersita; dissèminejita
  • spasm n spasmo
  • spatter vt sparger
  • spatula n spátulo
  • spaulder n spàthularo
  • speak vi parauler; so to speak asíc dicer; to speak up parauler plu laute (aut plu clare) || vt [specified language] Klingon spoken here hic homi paraulan Klingonense || n speaker (tech.) laut-paraulatro || adv speaking of concerne je; speaking of vacations concerne je vacationos
  • spear n lánceo
  • special adj speciala
  • species n specio
  • specific adj (concrete) [example] concreta; (peculiar, special) particulara; specific to propria ad; customs specific to the Etoro moralio propria ad le Etoro | (precise) exacta; explícita; precisa; specìfichita; (singular) única; specific gravity (phys.) relativa densitio || adv specifically explícita; precise || n specifics concretajos; detalos; particularajos
  • specify vt specìficher
  • specimen n specímino
  • spectacle n spectáculo || adj spectacular spectàculesca; they’re real, and they’re spectacular los es reala, et los es spectàculesca
  • spectate vt spectatorìer
  • spectator n spectatoro
  • spectrum n spectro
  • speculate vi (all senses) speculationer
  • speech n paraulo; (power of) parauli-poto; part of speech gramàtichisca categorío; vocábul-claso
  • speed n (gear ratio) velocitatumo; (in one direction) velocitato; (quickness) ràpiditio; speed limit velocitat-límito; velocitat-máximo
  • speleology n speleòloghío; speleologist speleólogo
  • spell vt (write or name the letters of in sequence) speler; can you spell that, please? potan vi speler ecuilo, bon-volitione?; how do you spell your name? cuome homi spelan vua nómino?; There’s no greater Anglophile than I. I spell “colour” with “u”! ci no es on plu granda Anglófilo cam mi. Mi spelan “colour” per on “u”!; [conventionally, correctly] he can’t spell il no sapan orthògrafìer; (make up or form a word) apparently g-h-o-t-i can spell “fish” pareçante g-h-o-t-i potan formizer “fish” | (mean) signìficher; that spells disaster for all of us ecuilo signífican diastro por nos omna; to spell out (decipher) descifrationer; (explain) èxplicher; (name the letters of in correct sequence) speler; to spellcheck spel-controler || n spellchecker spel-controlatro; spelling (act) spelo; (conventional orthography) orthògrafío
  • spell n (enchantment) incanto
  • spelt n spelto
  • spend vt (be lavish of) pròdigher; (exhaust, consume) consumpter; exhauster; (money, strength) expenser; (time) pasifer; (waste) dìsiper
  • sperm n spermo
  • sphalerite n sfalerito
  • sphere n sfero
  • sphinx n (myth.) sfinġo
  • spice n spicio
  • spider n aráneo
  • spin vt (cause to whirl around) tornì(ad)er (aut rotation(ad)ifer) rápide; (reinterpret) riintèrpreter
  • spinach n spinacio
  • spindle n fuselo
  • spine n (anat.) spinalo || adj spinal (anat.) spinalisca; spinal cord spinal-medulo; spinal tap (med.) spinal-punturo; spiny (covered with prickles) spinosa; spiny anteater (zool.: Tachyglossidae) echidno
  • spinel n spinelo
  • spiral adj spirala
  • spirit n spírito
  • spit vt sputer || n (culin.) spito
  • spite n despecto; in spite of malgrate || vt despecter || adj spiteful despectosa
  • splash vt sparger; (bespatter) spargizer
  • splatter vt sparger
  • splendid adj spléndida
  • splice vt spliser
  • split vt finder || n findajo
  • spoil vt damner || n spoils despoliajo
  • spoke n rot-radio
  • sponge n spongio
  • spontaneous adj spontánea; spontaneous human combustion spontánea humanisca combustezo
  • spool n bobino
  • spoon n coclearo
  • sporadic adj sporádica
  • spore n sporo
  • sport n sporto; sport jacket sporti-jaco; sports car sportiva vecturo
  • spot n máculo || vt (notice) remarcher; (recognize) ricognocer
  • spouse n sponso
  • spout n (of a vessel) beco; fusatro || vt (declaim) declamation(aċ)er; (gush forth) jeter || vi (gush forth) jetezer
  • spray vt (disperse in a jet of droplets) sparger
  • spread vt disperser; dissèminejer; (diffuse) disvastifer
  • spreadsheet vt tabel-càlculatro
  • spring vi salter || n (season) primavero; (mechanical) resorto; springtail (zool.: Collembola) colémbolo | (source) fonto; warm spring térmulo; spring water font-acuo
  • sprinkle vt (with powder) pùlverizer; (with salt) salizer || vi (rain a little) pluveter || n sprinkler acuizatro; sparġatro
  • sprint vi (sport) sprinter
  • sprite n coboldo; elfo; fato
  • sprout n súrculo
  • spur n sporono
  • spurge n (bot.: Euphorbia) euforbio
  • spurious adj falsa; falsifita
  • spurt vi (gush forth) jetezer || vt (gush forth) jeter
  • spy n spiono || vt (secretly collect and report information) spionìer; (observe furtively) reguardeċer
  • squad n (mil.) excuadro
  • squadron n (cavalry, naut.) excuadrono
  • square n cuadrato; (in town) pláteo; square knot plata nodo
  • squash vt aplaster || n (bot.: Cucurbita) cucúrbito
  • squat vi excoacter; (unlawfully occupy) scuater || vt (in weightlifting) excoacti-lever
  • squeeze vt (press) presioner; (tightly enfold) stringer; to squeeze out ecpresioner
  • squid n (zool.: Myopsida, Oegopsida) calamaro; squid game calamar-joco
  • squint vi cludeter sua óculos; (med.) strabeser; to squint at reguarder oblicue
  • squire n scutaro
  • squirrel n scuriolo
  • squirt vt (spurt) jeter || vi (spurt) jetiezer
  • Sri Lanka n Srilanka; Sri Lankan Srilankano
  • -st afx (archaic) -ant, -int, -unt; wouldst thou like to live deliciously? desíderant vi viver deliciose?
  • stab vt picazer
  • stable adj stábila; a very stable genius on valde stábila genioso || n (for animals) stábulo
  • stadium n stadio
  • staff n personalo; (stick) bastono
  • stag n cervaso; stag beetle (zool.: Lucanidae) lucano
  • stage n (of a journey) stápulo; (of a theater) cenayo; (of development) faso; stagehand màchinisto
  • stagflation n (econ.) stagflationo
  • stagger vi tìtuber
  • stagnate vi stagner || adj stagnant stagnanta; stagnant water stagnanta acuo
  • stain vt màculizer || n máculo || adj stained-glass vitráculo
  • stair n scalono; staircase scalonado; stairwell scalonad-shacto
  • stale adj nefresca
  • stalk n (fruit, flower, or leaf-bearing stem) caulelo; (peduncle) cauleleto; (petiole) cauleleto || vt (game) cacier abscondite; (harass with unwanted attention) stalcher
  • stamen n stámino
  • stammer vt balbutier
  • stamp vt (engrave) graber; (impress) impresioner; (imprint on) [with engraved block, die, etc.] stamper; [with inked block, die, etc.] stampiler; (indicate) ìndicher; (mark) marchizer; (print) impreser; (punch) puntioner; (put a postage stamp on) postal-marchizer; (with feet) suploser || n (act) stampilo; stampo; (device) stampatro; stampilatro; (for a die) puntionatro; (mark) stampajo; stampilajo; (of foot) suploso; (post mark) postal-stampilajo; (postage stamp) postal-marco; (revenue stamp) impost-marco
  • stand vi statier; to stand to do something probábile facer álico; investors stand to make millions if the company is sold investedoros probábile guadaniun milionos se homi vendun la companío; to stand up statiecer || n stand of trees àrborado
  • standard n (level) [of quality, attainment] nivelo; (measure, norm) normo; it’s not you, it’s me — I have standards lo no es vi, lo es mi — mi haban normos; by any standard secuno omna vid-punto | (military flag) standardo || adj normisca; standard deviation (statistics) tipisca (aut normisca) devio
  • stanza n stancio
  • staple n (fastener) crapo; stapler crapizatro
  • star n stelo; starfish marstelo
  • starch n ámilo || vt àmilizer
  • stare vt reguardader; reguarder fixite
  • starling n sturno
  • start vt (set going for first time) initier || vi (be startled) trànsiler || n startup (com.) incipienta (aut emersanta) companío; starter (auto) startatro || adj starting from partianta de
  • startle vt trànsilifer
  • starve vt fàmin(az)ifer
  • stasis n staso
  • state n stando; (pol.) stato; state of emergency stando di emergentio; stateroom (private compartment) cabino
  • static adj (lacking movement) stasosa || n (telec.) atmòsferisca perturbo
  • station n pósteno; stationo; station master station-ċefo; station wagon familialo
  • stationary adj stationaria
  • stationery n scribatrado
  • statue n statuo
  • stature n staturo
  • status n rango; stando
  • stave n (of a barrel) dogo; (stick) bastono || vt to stave off ajurner; forpelentier; fortener; postponer; repulser
  • stay vi rester || n stay of execution suspendo je executiono
  • stead n viço
  • steadfast adj firma
  • steak n (a cut) secajo; (beefsteak) bifsteco
  • steal vt furter; (by violence) rauber; (kidnap) rapter
  • stealth n furtivitio; by stealth abscondite; -eċ-; furtive; secrete; to enter by stealth entreċer; furtive (aut secrete) entrer; stealth bomber bomb-avioneċo
  • steam n vaporo; steam fog vapor-nébulo; steamboat piróscafo; vapor-barco; vapor-navo; steam engine vapor-máchino || vt vaporizer
  • steel n aciario; steelyard (Roman balance) Romana bilancio || adj aciaria; steel wool aciaria lano
  • steep adj (nearly perpendicular) [hill, cliff] scarpa, -esca; (informal: excessive) [price, demands] ecesanta; nima || adv steeply scarpe
  • steep vt (infuse, soak) infusioner; to steep tea in water infusioner teo per acuo; “You’re gay?!” “Extraordinarily gay. Steeped in gayness.” “Gheya vi es?!” “Exterordinarie gheya. Infusionita per gheyitio.”
  • steeple n (church tower) templi-turo; (bell tower) campanel-turo; (spire) tur-puntalo; steeplechase obstácul-curejo; steeplejack tur-rèparisto
  • steer vt dìriger; stirer; [ship, boat] guberner || n steering wheel stir-roto; stiratro
  • stencil n (cut-out letters, design, etc.) patronelo; (for mimeograph, etc.) stencilo
  • step n pasuo; (rung) scalono || vt to take steps to facer pasuos versum || vi pasuer
  • step- afx -astro
  • stereophone n stereófono; stereophony stereòfonío || adj stereophonic stereòfonisca
  • stereotype n stereotipo
  • sterile adj (free of germs) stèrilifita; (infertile) stérila
  • stern n (naut.) púpulo
  • sternum n sterno
  • steroid n (biochem.) steroido
  • sterol n (biochem.) sterolo
  • stevedore n stipisto
  • stew vt extufationer || n extufationajo
  • steward n ecónomo; (on ship, plane) camararo
  • stick n bastono || vt adhesifer; glùtinizer || adj sticky glùtinesca
  • stiff adj (rigid) rígida; (strong) forta; I need a stiff drink! mi besonian on forta trinchedo!; mi besonian trincher álico forta!
  • stigma n stígmato
  • still adj calma || adv incore; tamen
  • stilt n gralo
  • stimulate vt stìmuler
  • sting vt picher
  • stingray n (zool.: Myliobatoidei) pic-rayo
  • stingy adj avara
  • stipe n stípito
  • stipend n stipendio
  • stipulation n condiciono
  • stirrup n stapio
  • stitch n sutavo || vt (join with stitches) suter
  • stoat n (zool.: Mustela erminea) ermino
  • stock n (com.) bothec-asortajo; stoco; to take stock of one’s life evaluter sua vivo | (financial shares) actionos; joint stock bank action-banco; stock exchange borso; stock market crash bors-colapso; stockbroker borsisto; stockholder actionisto | (of a rifle) fusto
  • stocking n cálceo
  • stoic adj stoica
  • stomach n stómaco
  • stomatitis n (med.) stomatito
  • stomatology n stomatòloghío; stomatologist stomatólogo
  • stomp vt suploser
  • stone n (large rock, boulder) saxazo; (material substance) petro; (pebble) saxeto; (piece of rock) saxo; stone marten (zool.: Martes foina) fagino
  • stool n scabelo
  • stoop vi incliner si
  • stop vt (cease) cesationer -er; to stop up obturer || vi halter; stop! haltes! || n (bus, train, etc.) haltayo; full stop punto; stopper obturatro; tapo
  • store n (provision) provisajo; (shop) botheco; (warehouse) magacino; grocery store alimenti-botheco; (supermarket) supermercato; storekeeper bothechisto || vt (keep) conserver; (provide) proviser; (put into computer memory) enmèmoruyifer
  • stork n (zool.: Ciconiidae) ciconio
  • storm n (Beaufort level 10) tempestato; (Beaufort level 11) tempestatazo || vt asalter
  • story n (sequence of real or fictional events) storio; you play games; I told them a story vi jocan; mi racontin ad los on storio | (account of such a sequence) raconto; (euph.: lie) a likely story pura fictiono!; children’s story storio por pueros; storybook libro di storios | (history) historio
  • story n (floor) staġo
  • stout adj (thick) grosa; [person] corpulenta; (robust) robusta
  • stove n (for heating or cooking) furnelo
  • stow vt stiper
  • straight adj recta; [hair] lisa
  • strain vt efortiifer; tender || n (bio., biochem.) varianto; strainer cribro; (colander) colatoro; (tammy) tamis-cribro || adj strained (politeness, laugh, etc.) fortiijata
  • strait n marstricto; straitjacket fortiij-camisio
  • strange adj extránea
  • stranger n necognoçato
  • strangle vt strànguler
  • strap n (belt, etc.) cinto di securitio; (thong) corigio; to put a strap on poner cinto di securitio
  • stratagem n stratagemo
  • strategist n stratego; strategy strateghio
  • stratosphere n stratosfero
  • stratum n strato
  • straw n páleo
  • strawberry n (Fragaria × ananassa) [fruit] frago; [plant] fraghífero
  • stray vi vagher
  • streak n strio
  • stream n rucelo; (flow) fluo; streamer banderolo || vt fluifer; (broadcast) flu-transmiser; to streamline simplifer || vi fluer
  • street n strado; Main Street strado Principala; street barrier strad-baratro; street-sweeper (person) strad-scopigisto; (vehicle) scopij-vecturo; street Arab, street urchin (archaic) gamino; streetcar tramo; streetlight strad-lámpado; strad-lùminizatro; (old style) strad-lanterno
  • stress n streso
  • stretch vt (extend, reach out) extenser; (lengthen as from strain) tender || n stretcher lectico
  • strew vt dissèminejer
  • stria n strio || vt to striate striizer
  • strict adj stricta || adv strictly speaking en (la) stricta senso; por stricte parauler
  • strigiform adj strigiforma
  • strike vt (hit) colper; (to produce a sound) fraper || vi (go on strike) exòperecer || n (refusal to do something required) exópero || adj striking (remarkable, arresting) frapanta; remarcanda; [beauty] imponanta; impresionanta; [picture, clothes, color] vochiva; [similarity, difference] surprisanta
  • string n cordeto; string bean (bot.: Phaseolus vulgaris) vírid-faséolo; string instrument cord-instrumento
  • stringent adj stricta
  • strip n bendo; stripper strip(tiz)isto; striptease strip(tiz)o || vt (remove the bark from) descòrticizer || vi (perform a striptease) strip(tiz)er || adj stripper-hot strip(tiz)isti-hota
  • stripe n bendo; [of animal] strio
  • strive vi efortier
  • stroboscope n stroboscopio
  • stroke n strico; (med.) ataco da apoplexío; (one movement or pass, as of a tool) stroco; stroke oar ċefa remo
  • strong adj forta; (mighty) potenta; the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must le potentos façan cuo los potan et le débilos súferan cuo los deban || n strongbox forta cofro; forti-cápseo
  • strontium n (chem.: Sr) strontio
  • strophe n strofo
  • structure n structuro
  • struggle vi lucter
  • strychnine n stricnino
  • stub n (stump) muniono; [of check, receipt, ticket] control-folio
  • stubble n stúpulo
  • stubborn adj obstinanta
  • stucco n stuco
  • stuck adj fixita; stuck-up egoista
  • student n alumno; (university) studento
  • studio n studio
  • study vt studer || n (act) studo; (room) studayo
  • stuff n materialo || vt (fill) [receptacle, space] parplenifer; (force into a space) enpresion(az)er
  • stumble vi mispasuer || n stumbling block obstáculo
  • stun vt exturder
  • stunt n (dangerous trick) stunto || vt (impede the growth of) creç-impeder || vi (perform stunt) stunter
  • stupefy vt stuporifer
  • stupid adj stúpida
  • stupor n stuporo; to be in a stupor stuporer
  • stutter vt balbutier
  • style n stilo; Gangnam style stilo di Gangnam
  • styrax n (bot.: Styrax) stiraço
  • suave adj suava
  • subcontract vt subinguager || vi subinterprenser
  • subdue vt submiser; (animals, passions) dòmiter; (tone down) amorter || adj subdued (color, light) amortita
  • subject n (gram.) subjecto; (person governed) gubernato; (thing discussed) thémato || adj subjective (gram.) subjectisca; (influenced by personal feelings) subjectiva
  • subjugate vt submiser; (animals, passions) dòmiter
  • submachine gun n máchin-pistolo
  • submarine n submarino
  • submerge vt merger
  • submissive adj submisezema
  • submit vi submiser si
  • subscribe vt (to magazine) aboner
  • subside vi (abate) cuietecer; lenecer; mòderezer; (lower) plu-basecer
  • subsist vi subsister
  • substance n substantio
  • subtend vt (geom.) subtenser
  • subterfuge n subterfugio
  • subtle adj subtila
  • subtract vt subtractioner
  • suburb n suburbo
  • subvert vt subverser || adj subversive subversanta; subversema; subversiva
  • subway n metropolitano
  • succeed vi (accomplish goal) succeser || vt (come after) succesioner
  • success n succeso || adj successive succesionanta
  • succumb vi sucumber
  • such adj tala; as such (as being such a thing) cuom tala; And As It Is Such, So Also As Such Is It Unto You Et cuome lo es tala, asíc anche cuom tala lo es ad vi; they are like rabid dogs, and should be treated as such los es cuom rábiaca canículos, et homi tractes los cuom je tala | (in itself, per se) per si ipsa; such as (for example) exemple; (of the same character as) tala cam; a man such as me on hómino tala cam mi; such as it is tala cam li es; such-and-such álica aut áltera
  • suck vt suctier || vi (informal: be of inferior quality or incompetent) this film sucks! ecuista filmo putan!; (informal: be very bad, disagreeable, unfortunate, unjust) I forgot my password. This sucks! Mi obllitin mea contresigno. Ecuisto putan! || n sucker (bot.) extrasúrculo; sucker punch basa colpo
  • suckle vt alacter
  • Sudan n Sudania; Sudanese Sudaniano
  • Sudanese n Sudanano
  • sudden adj súbita
  • sue vt lìtigher
  • suffer vi (be afflicted by) sùferer
  • suffix n sufixo
  • suffocate vt sùfocher; (by constriction) strànguler; (by obstruction) afocher
  • sugar n súcaro; sugar cane súcar-cano
  • suggest vt sugester || n suggestion sugesto
  • suicide n (act) suicidío; (person) suicido; Suicide Girl Suicidiso
  • suit vi convener || n (set of clothes designed to be worn together) completa vestado; suitcase valisio || adj suitable convenanta
  • sulfate n (chem.) sulfato
  • sulfur n (chem.: S) súlfuro || adj sulfuric acid sùlfúrica ácido
  • sullen adj desafábila
  • sultan n sultano
  • sultana n sultanino
  • sum n sumo
  • summary adj (brief) resumpta; (without formalities) sumaria || n resumpto
  • summer n estato
  • summit n (of a mountain) sumitato
  • summon vt advocher; (convoke) cumvocher; to summons (jur.) citationer
  • sun n solelo; sunbonnet solel-cofio; suncup (bot.: Oenothera) enothero; sundrop (bot.: Oenothera) enothero; sunfish (zool.: Centrarchidae) solel-piço; (zool.: Lepomis gibbosus) solel-perco; sunrise solel-levezo; solel-orto; sunroof solel-tecto; sunset solel-ocaso || vi to sunbathe solelijezer; solel-bàlneezer; to suntan solel-brunecer
  • Sunday n Domínico
  • sup vi supeer || n supper (evening) cenationo; (late) supeo
  • super- afx super
  • supereon n supereono
  • superficial adj superficiisca
  • superfluous adj superflua
  • superintendent n superintendanto
  • superior adj súpera
  • supermarket n supermercato
  • supernova n supernovo
  • superpower n (pol.) superpotento; (in fiction) superpoto; “What are your superpowers again?” “I’m rich.” “Cua es vua superpotos, denue?” “Mi es rica.”
  • superstition n superstitiono || adj superstitious superstitionosa
  • supervise vt superviser
  • supplant vt suplanter
  • supplicate vi sùplicher
  • supply vt (temporarily make up for what is lacking) supleter || n supply and demand ófero et demando
  • support vt (bear the weight of) suporter; (endure) tòlerer; (help) adjuter; (keep in the needs of life) sustiner; (prevent from falling) apodier; subtener; (prop, stay) apodier; to support oneself (from falling) apodier si; (in necessities) sustiner si || n (act of supporting) suporto; (livelihood) sustino; (prop) apodiatro; subtenatro; suportatro; supporter (person) apodianto; suportanto; (prop) apodiatro || adj supportable tòlerébila
  • suppose vt suposer || adv supposedly suposébile
  • suppress vt (check) represer; (do away with) supreser
  • supreme adj supra
  • surcharge n superpretio
  • sure adj certana; (certain) sure thing guarantìata succeso; to make sure certifer
  • surf n undi-spumo || vt surfer
  • surface n superficio || adj surface-to-air ter-ad-aira
  • surgeon n chirurgo
  • surgery n chirurghío
  • Suriname n Surinamia; Surinamese Surinamiano
  • surname n familiisca nómino
  • surpass vt soreceser; sorvader
  • surprise n surpriso; to take by surprise surpriser || vt surpriser
  • surreal adj sureala
  • surrender vt ceder || vi capitulationer
  • surreptitious adj surepticia
  • surrogate n surogato || adj surogata
  • surround vt circumder; (mil.) incìrculer
  • surtout n surtuto
  • survive vt postviver; transviver
  • suspect vt suspecter
  • suspend vt (temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force) [functions, judgment, privileges] suspender; (hang) pendifer; [particles in liquid] suspensioner || n suspenders (for pants) bretelo; suspension bridge pendanta ponto
  • suspense n (anxious uncertainty) suspenso
  • suspicion n suspecto || adj suspicious (having suspicions) suspectosa; (inclined to suspect) suspectema; (open to suspicion) suspectanda
  • sustain vt (keep going) [interest, relationship, marriage] mantiner; [life] sustiner; (endure) tòlerer; (suffer) sùferer
  • svelte adj svelta
  • swag n (informal: promotional merchandise) promotion-merços (aut -doredos)
  • Swahili n Suahilio
  • swallow vt gluter || n gluto; (zool.: Hirundinidae) hirúndino; swallow-tail coat fraco
  • swamp n paludo
  • swan n cigno
  • swarm n examo; (of bees) ap-examo || vt (overrun) examejer; [place] examefer en; examejer || vi (form a swarm) examefer; (move as a swarm) examejer
  • sway n hold sway dòminìer || vt (arms, hips, pendulums) ocilifer
  • Swaziland n Suazilandia; Swazi Suazilandiano
  • swear vi (make a solemn statement or promise) jurer; to swear on his honor jurer per sua honoro; (use offensive language) parauluċer
  • sweat vt sudorefer || n sweatshop explotuċerío
  • sweater n (cardigan) cardigano; (pullover) pulóvero
  • Swede n Suedo; Sweden Suedia
  • sweep vt scopijer || n sweepings scopigedos
  • sweet adj dulça; sweet cherry (bot.: Prunus avium) dulci-ceresio; silvagi-ceresio; sweet flag (bot.: Acorus calamus) ácoro; sweet gale (bot.: Myrica) mirichífero; sweet lemon, lime (bot.: Citrus × limetta) dulci-limono || n (candy) dulçajo; sùcarajo
  • swell vi (become convex) convexecer; (rise in billow form) undefer; (with fluid, air, etc.) tumecer || vt (fill) plenifer; (increase) augmenter; plu-grandifer; (with air) infler; (with fluid, air, etc.) tumifer || n swelling tumajo
  • swift adj rápida || n (zool.: Apodidae) ápodo
  • swim vi nater
  • swing vt (arms, hips, pendulums) ocilifer || n swing bridge torní-ponto
  • swirl vi vòrticer
  • switch vt to switch off extinguer; to switch on accenser || n suiċo
  • Switzerland n Helvetia; Suicia; Swiss Helveto; Suiciano
  • swoon vi suoner
  • swoop vi plùmbicher
  • sword n spatho; (saber) sablo; to wield a sword spathijer; bastard sword (long blade, hand-and-a-half grip) bastarda spatho; broadsword larga spatho; great-sword (large long-sword) granda spatho; spathazo; long-sword (long blade, long grip) longa spatho; short-sword (short blade, one-handed grip) gladio; sword-bearer spathígero; sword blade spath-lamno; swordsman spathigisto; swordstick spath-bastono; two-handed sword spatho por dua manuos
  • syllable n sílabo
  • syllabus n (of course of instruction) programo di studo; (jur.; any summary) resumpto
  • sylph n (alchem.) sílfido
  • symbol n símbolo
  • symmetry n sìmetritio || adj symmetrical símetra
  • sympathy n (compassion) compasiono; (mutual liking, affinity of feelings, harmony) sìmpathitio || vi to sympathize with compasioner; sìmpatheser || adj sympathetic (likeable) símpatha; (sympathetic nervous system) simpáthica
  • symphony n simfonío
  • symptom n símptomo
  • synagogue n sinagogo
  • synapse n sinapso
  • synchronous adj síncrona || vt to synchronize sincronifer
  • syndic n síndico
  • syndicate n sindicato
  • syndrome n síndromo
  • synecdoche n sinécdoco
  • synonym n sinónimo || adj synomynous sinónima
  • syntax n sintaxo
  • synthesis n síntheso || vt to synthesize sìntheser || adj synthetic sìnthesisca
  • syntony adj sìntonitio
  • syphilis n sifílido
  • Syria n Siria; Syrian Siriano
  • syrup n siropo
  • system n sistémato


  • T ltr te || n T-shirt T-camisio
  • tab n (small flap or strip) lingueto; [of folder, soda can, etc.] tabo; (label) esticheto; to keep tabs on tener ócule; vìgiler; (short for “tabular”) tab key tabelif-tasto | (informal: restaurant or bar bill) conto; to pick up the tab pagher la conto
  • tabby n (cat) striosa cato; tabio
  • tabernacle n (relig.) tabernáculo
  • table n (furniture) menso; at table an la menso; on the table (offered for discussion) sur la menso; to set the table guarner la menso; to turn the tables (on someone) renverser la rolos (aut ritornìer la situationo) (detrimentante álicu); under the table (covertly) clandestine; (informal: very drunk) ebriaza | (people at table) anmenso; the whole table laughed la tota anmenso ridin; (tabular list) tabelo; table of contents tabelo di continedo | (geol.) [tableland] alta planuro; [water table] freática strato (aut nivelo); tablecloth mens-tuco; table dance mensi-danço; table d’hôte repastedo ye fixita pretio; a table d’hôte lunch on prandio ye fixita pretio; table football mens-futbalo; table lamp mensi-lámpado; tableland alta planuro; table leg mensi-pedo; table manners anmensa comporto; comporto an menso; table salt mensi-salo; tablespoon sup-coclearo; (meas.) 15 mL; [in U.S.] 14,8 mL; table talk anmensa converso; table tennis mens-teniso; tabletop mensi-suprajo; tabletop games surmensa jocos; tableware vacelo || vt (postpone consideration of) postponer; (Brit.: present) presentationer
  • tableau n (art, theat.) vivanta imágino
  • tablet n (writing tablet) (scrib-)tàbuleto; [of clay] argila tàbuleto; [of wax] cera tàbuleto; (comput.) (toc-)tàbuleto; (bar) [of soap, chocolate] tàbuleto; (med.) compresionajo; pílulo
  • tabloid n (newspaper) tabloido; (dated, med.) compresionajo; pílulo
  • taboo n (person or thing prohibited) tabú; (prohibition) tabú-ifo || adj tabú
  • tabor n cordi-tambureto
  • taboret n (also “tabouret”) tabureto
  • tabular adj (presented in columns) [data] tabela; (broad and flat) mensesca; plata
  • tabula rasa n vacua tabelo
  • tabulate vt tabelifer; (make into a list) listifer
  • tachometer n tacómetro
  • tachygraphy n (ancient stenography) tachìgrafío
  • tachymeter n (for measuring distance) tachímetro; (for measuring speed) tacómetro
  • tachyon n (phys.) tachiono
  • tacit adj tacita
  • taciturn adj tacema
  • tack n (nail) cloveto; (stitch) suteto; (tactic) táctico; to be on the right/wrong tack eser sur la bona/mala vialo; to try another tack èprober áltera táctico; (equipment for horse) ecuipajo; (naut.) [change of course] virationo; [course, direction] directiono; rupto; tacking virationo || vt (fasten, fix) [with nail] clovetijer; to tack down a carpet clovetijer on tapeto (sur la solio) | [with stitch] suteter; (naut.) [turn] virationifer || vi (naut.) [beat] virationader; [turn] virationer || adj tacky (sticky) glùtinesca; (informal: tasteless) [behavior, remark, person, place, clothes] mal-gusta; vulgaraċa
  • tackle n (gear) ecuipajo; [for fishing] piscatrado; [for lifting] poleado; (cordage) cord(az)ado || vt (attempt to deal with) aborder; afronter; tractecer; (undertake) interprenser; (confront) afronter; (sport) tacler
  • taco n taco
  • tact n tacto || adj tactful diplòmatesca; discreta; tactosa; tactless nediplòmatesca; nediscreta; sine tacto
  • tactic n táctico; tactics táctico; tactician tàctichisto || adj tactical tàctichisca
  • tactile adj (relating to touch) tactisca; (tangible) palpébila; (unselfconsciously given to touching) [person] tactema
  • tadpole n ran-larvo; ranolo
  • taffeta n tafto
  • taffy n tafio
  • tag n (label) esticheto; (comput.: instruction) [in markup language] esticheto; (comput.: keyword) [in blog, social media] esticheto; (license plate) placo di licentio (aut enmatrìculezo); (nickname) supernómino; (surveillance device) antifurta esticheto; (informal: graffiti signature) tago; name tag esticheto di nómino; price tag esticheto di pretio | (small piece attached to a larger body) lingueto; (hard tip of shoelace) acleto; (stock phrase, refrain) refreno; (gram.) cauda fragmento; tag question cauda cuestiono; (game) tanġo; tag, you’re it! tangita!; to play tag jocher tanġo || vt (label) estichetizer; (comput.) [in markup language, blog, social media] estichetizer; (informal: mark with graffiti signature) taghizer; (touch) [someone being chased, runner in baseball] tanger || vi to tag along adunioner si
  • Tahiti n Tahitia
  • tail n (anat., zool.) caudo; to wag one’s tail caud-àgiter; caudijer | (informal: buttocks) pugo; (informal: woman) piece of tail futuébiliso; (idiom) tail wagging the dog on minoritato cua fiçan obeder; to turn tail (and flee) fugecer; with one’s tail between one’s legs cum sua caudo inter sua gambos; (something resembling a tail) caudo; [of hair] tufo; [of shirt, coat] basco; (loose end) muniono; (informal: person following) umbro; tails (coat) fraco; (reverse) [of coin] reverso; tails I win reverso mi guadaniun; tailcoat fraco; tail end [of event] caudo; fino; at the tail end of winter ye la última dios di hiberno | [of object] extremajo; finajo; [of procession, line] caudo; tailgate (auto.) détrea portelo; taillight (auto.) détrea lámpado; tailpipe (auto.) excapi-túbulo; exhausti-túbulo; tailspin spiral-plúmbico (aut -cado); tailwind détrea vento || vt (informal: follow) guat-secuer; umbrìer; to tailgate juxte-secuer || vi to tail off (or away) diminutionezer (aut extintezer, dèbilecer) pauchene || adj -tailed -cauda; a long-tailed cat on cato cum longa caudo; on longhi-cauda cato; tailless sine caudo
  • tailor n sartoro || vt (produce) [garment] factioner; (fit) fitifer; (fig.: adapt) [speech, book, product, service] adapter || adj tailor-made (made for a particular person) facita (aut prèparita) speciale; the role was tailor-made for her la rolo esin scribita speciale por el | [garment] facita mensurasche; tailored (fitted) a tailored skirt on fitifita jupo; (tailor-made) a well-tailored suit on completo facita mensurasche; (fig.: adapted) the software can be tailored to meet your requirements la programado potan eser adaptita ad vua besonios
  • taint n máculo; (bad smell) mal-odoro || vt (contaminate, spoil) contàminer; infecter; poluter; (tarnish) màculizer
  • Taiwan n Taiwania; Taiwanese Taiwaniano
  • Tajikistan n Tagichia; Tajik Tagico
  • take vt (lay hold of) prender; he took the knife and started carving il prendin la cultelo et dissechecin; to take by the arm prender ye la brachio; take five! (informal) (faces on) pauso (de cinca minutos)! | (abduct) rapter; (arrest) arester; (capture) [person] capter; prender; sacer; knight takes pawn cabalo prendan pedono | [place] capter; concuister; prender; sacer; the Martians take Belfast le Martanos prendan Belfast; (gain, acquire) [ownership] to take possession of posesecer | [person in specified role] prender; sorry, I’m taken pardones, mi es prendita; to take a wife/husband mariter si; prender ad si on spondo; to take someone hostage prender álicu como je hostaġo | (occupy) [place, position] prender; to take a seat prender placio; sedecer; this seat is taken ecuista placio es prendita (aut òcupata) | (rent or buy) comprer; locatarìer; prender; they took a house for the summer los locataríin on domo por la estato | (steal) (de-, for-)prender (aut -porter); who took my beer? cua prendin mea biro? | (suddenly afflict) [illness] prender; he was only 21 when the covid took him il etatin mere 21 anuos cuande la COVID prendin il | (trick, cheat) inganer; he got taken by the “Nigerian Prince” il esin inganita da la “Nigeriana Príncipo” | (use as an instance, consider) consìderer; exemple; now take Japan, for example consíderes Japonia, exemple; take James, he plays video games and has never killed anyone exemple Jácobo, il vídeo-jocan et jamás occisin álicu cunche | (write down, record) [name, address] noter; [note] facer on noto; [temperature, blood pressure] controler; (lit.: have sex with) prender; (accept, receive) accepter; I won’t take no for an answer mi no acceptun on refuso; we are not taking new patients nos no es acceptanta nova pacientos | [advice] secuer; take my advice and put her in a home secues mea consilio et pones el en on vèculerío | [bet] accepter; facer; [form, qualities] recepter; [money in till] encàpseifer; [money, deal] accepter; take it or leave it! acceptes lo aut no!; ecuilo aut nulo!; prendenda aut lacenda! | [responsibility, office] asumpter; [testimony] take it from me! auscultes cuo mi diçan!; credes (aut fides) mi!; you can take it from me that… credes (aut fides) mi che…; eses certana che…; (accept as valid, understand) I take your point mi comprensan (aut intelectan) cuo vi diçan | (achieve, attain) [prize, 1st place] guadanier; obtiner; (act on) [opportunity] capter; prender; (assume, suppose) suposer; he took her to be about 25 il suposin che el etatan círcume 25 anuos; I gave your keys to what I took to be the valet mi donin vua clavos ad cua mi suposin eser la parchisto; I take it that… mi suposan che… | (experience, be affected by) [something painful or unpleasant] recepter; he took the ball full in the face il receptin la bulo plene en la facio; the new kid took a savage beating la nova puero receptin on feroça batuo; take it all, bitch! receptes la toto, cuno!; take that! receptes! | (negotiate) [curve] travader; [fence] transvader; (tolerate, stand) [behavior, remark] accepter; tòlerer; [treatment, climate, alcohol, gluten] suporter; I can’t take it anymore! mi no potan suporter lo pluse! | (view in a specified way) consìderer; to take someone to be serious consìderer álicu como seriosa; we didn’t take you seriously nos no consíderin vi seriose | [news, matter] prender; recepter; she took the news badly el esin multe afectita da la notitio; el prendin la notitio desfavore; to take things the wrong way prender cosos inverse; (bring, carry, lead) [person] conducter; guider; now take me to jail nun conductes mi ad cárcero; to take for a walk conducter en on promeno; promener cum; this road takes you to the airport ecuista vialo conductan ad la aeroportuo | [thing] porter; to take a ring to Mount Doom porter on anelo ad Montáneo Destino | (use as a means of transportation) [bus, train] prender; take the “A” train prendes líneo “A” | (use as a route) [road] envader; prender; secuer; take the first street on the left prendes la unésima strado adsinistre; (consume as food, drink, or medicine) biber; gluter; manger; prender; to be taken three times a day prendenda tri-vece po dio; (perform, make) [action, task] facer; to take a bath bàlneezer; to take a picture fotògrafìer; to take a stroll facer on promeno; promener; to take an oath facer on juro; jurer | (undertake) [exam] facer; [subject] facer; prender; studer; (remove) (de-, for-)prender (aut -conducter, -porter); give them nothing, but take from them everything! dones ad los nulo, mas prendes de los omno!; he took a book from the shelf il prendin (aut ectirin) on libro de la planco; they take the trash Thursdays homi forportan la versuro Jov-die | (math: subtract) prender; subtractioner; take 42 from 485 subtractiones 42 de 485; (require) èxiger; necesifer; recuister; it takes a special kind of asshole to do that lo recuistan on speciala tipo di strunço por facer ecuilo; it takes three hours to get there lo éxiġan tria horos por ariver; that will take some explaining ecuilo no esun fácile èxplichébila; ecuilo recuistun on efortio èxplicher | (gram.) prender; recepter; nouns take the ending -o le substantivo receptan la desinentio -o | [case] guberner; active verbs take the accusative le activa verbo gubernan la acusativo; (hold, accommodate) the bus takes 60 la autobuso es portiva usche 60 (aut haban 60 placios); the hall will take 200 la salonazo es continiva usche 200 (aut haban 200 placios) | (occupy, use up) consumpter; òcuper; my appointment took two hours mea apuntamento consumptin dua horos; take your time! lente!; no hastes!; (spend) he takes an hour in the bathroom every morning il pasifan una horo en la latrinayo omni-matine; (wear) I take a size 12 mi vestejan la (número) 12; to take about conducter divers-loche; to take along prender cum si; to take apart (destroy) destructer; (dismantle) desmonter; (search) cercher de supre ad infre; parcercher en; percuister; to take aside prender (aut conducter, porter, tirer) aparte; to take away forprender (aut -conducter, -porter); (subtract) prender; subtractioner; to take back (reclaim) [territory] ricapter; riconcuister; riprender; (retract) [statement] retracter; (return) [person] retroacompanier; retroconducter; [thing] retroporter; (strongly remind) mèmorifer; that song always takes me back to my childhood ecuila cantiono sempre mèmorifan mi sopre mea pueritio; to take down (bring down) [off shelf, etc.] porter adinfre; (demolish) demolitioner; (dismantle) desmonter; (humble) hùmilifer; (lower) [trousers] abaser; (unhang) [picture, curtains] despendifer; [poster] desafiger; (write down) [letter] scriber; [note] noter; [record] registrijer; to take for (confuse with) confunder ad; sorry, I took you for someone else pardones, mi confundin vi ad álteru | (regard as) consìderer como je; do you take me for a fool? consíderan vi mi como je stulto?; what do you take me for? como je cuo vi consíderan mi?; to take in (accept, receive) accepter; recepter; [air, smell] enprender; inhaler; [guest] accepter apud si; hòspiter; loġayizer; [orphan, stray dog] accepter apud si; nutrichecer; [through absorption] absorpter; (bring in) [chairs, toys] riponer; [person] enconducter; entrifer; [sail] desmonter; (deceive) inganer; (earn) encàpseifer; guadanier; (furl) [sail] volv(ad)er; (include, encompass) incluser; (tighten, make smaller) [waistband, skirt] plu-curtifer; (understand) [situation] comprenser; (visit) [city] vìsiter; [movie] vader ad; to take off (deduct) [from bill, price] deductioner; deprender; (not work) to take a day off work prender ad si on líbera dio | (remove) [clothing] deponer; deprender; desvestejecer; to take off one’s hat deprender sua capelo | [lid, wrapping, label, stain] de-, forprender; [limb] àmputer; [person] de-, forconducter; to take on [bet, challenge] accepter; [cargo] càrichifer sur si; [challenger] afronter; [form, qualities] prender sur si; recepter; [responsibility, risk] asumpter; [work] accepter; càrichifer sur si; interprenser; prender sur si; [worker] inguager; to take out (eliminate) [target] elìminer; (escort on date) rendezvoser; (procure) [patent, license] obtiner; (remove) (de-, for-, ec-)prender (aut -conducter, -porter); watching that movie took me out of myself ecuista filmo ficin mi obliter mea propria problématos; [energy] moving to a new house really takes a lot out of you le transresidecer es exhaustedora | [tooth] extracter; (unleash) [anger, frustration] misvindicter si; don’t take it out on me! no misvindictes vi contre mi!; to take over (invade) tourists have taken over the beaches toristos invasin la plagios | (take control of) [building, country] prender; [company] absorpter; acuister; (take responsibility for) asumpter; càrichifer sur si; to take over a job from someone (permanently) succesioner (aut remplacier) álicu; (temporarily) supleter álicu; to take to (apply, use on) àplicher; -ijer; to take a mop to the floor àplicher on mopo ad la solio; to take up (accept) [offer, challenge] accepter; I’ll take you up on your offer mi acceptan vua ófero | (become interested or engaged in) [career] interprenser; [hobby, sport] dèdicher si ad; interesecer si sopre; [task] asumpter; (continue) [story] continuationer; (lead, carry upstairs) conducter (aut porter) adsupre; (lift, raise) lever; [garment length] plu-curtifer; [liquid] absorpter; (occupy) [space] òcuper; plenifer; [time, attention] absorpter; consumpter; òcuper; she’s very taken up with work now el es absorptata da le laboro nun; this is going to take up all my free time ecuisto consumptun tota mea líbera témporo | (pursue later or further) parauler sopre; I think I’ll take this up with the Emperor mi pensan che mi paraules sopre ecuisto cum la Ìmperedoro; to take upon oneself asumpter; prender sur si; to take it upon oneself to do something asumpter la tasco (aut debo) facer álico || vi (succeed, work) [plant, seed] radicefer; [vaccination] eser eficaça; to take after (resemble) [parent, ancestor] sìmileser ad; to take away from (diminish) diminutioner; to take off (become airborne) deterecer; volecer; to take over (aero.) [pilot] prender la comandatros; (auto.) [driver] prender la stir-roto; (become ascendant) after that, panic took over post ecuilo, pánico disvastecin; mp3 gradually took over from CDs gradene le mp3 remplaciin le CD; (in job) [momentarily] take over, we’ve got a bad transmitter cópertes mi, nos haban on mala transmisatro | [permanently] remplacier; [temporarily] supleter; (seize power) [dictator, political party] prender auctoritato; (take charge) [new president, official] gubernecer; to take to (escape to) fuger ad; to take to the hills fuger ad la colinos | (form habit of) acuister on custumo; custumecer; doner si ad; to take to drink doner si ad le trinco; to take to one’s bed rester en lecto; (form liking for) [games, surroundings, activity] she didn’t much take to the idea ad el no placin multe la ideo; [person] they took to one another on the spot los sìmpathecin una ad la áltera imediate; we don’t take kindly to strangers around here ad homi no plaçan multe le necognocedos hic || n (cine., phot.) prendo; (opinion) opino; hot take imediata opino | (revenue, proceeds) encàpseifo; rédito; ventos di la dio; (idiom) to be on the take eser subornationata; takeoff (aero., econ.) detereço; voleço; (informal: imitation) ímito; takeout (food) mangedo por forporter; takeover (com.) absorpto; acuisto; (pol.) [coup] prendo je auctoritato; puċo; stat-renverso; [of new government] poseseço; [of new president] guberneço; taker [of offer, challenge] acceptanto; taking prendo; the game was theirs for the taking los esin guadaniunta la matċo; the job’s yours for the taking la oficio es vua se vi desíderan li || adj to be taken with eser càrminita (aut fàcinita, impresionita) da; take-home pay neta salario
  • talc n (min.) talco; talcum (cosmetic) talca pudro; talcum powder (baby powder) talca púlvero
  • tale n (story) raconto; storio; (euph.: lie) fictiono; mendacio; to tell tales (spread another person’s secrets) [false] mendacier; [true or false] denuntier; raconter storios; talebearer denuntianto, -edoro
  • talent n (natural aptitude) talento; she has a real talent for languages el haban on vera talento por le linguaġo | (talented people) talentosado; (talented person) talentoso; (hist.: coin, weight) tálanto || adj talented talentosa
  • talisman n talismano
  • talk vi (speak) parauler; a doll that can talk on pupo parauliva; he can’t talk yet il incore no paraulan; “he’s such a cheapskate” “look who’s talking!” “cuala avaro il es!” “reguardes cua paraulan!”; I’m not talking to him any more mi no pluse paraulan cum il; I wasn’t talking about you mi no esin paraulanta sopre vi; the most talked-about film of the year la filmo maxim comenteda (aut discuseda) di la anuo; talk about a stroke of luck! cuala fortuno!; we’re talking about a potential felony here nos es paraulanta sopre on potentiala crímino; were you talking to me? paraulan vi ad mi?; you don’t know what you’re talking about vi no sapan sopre cuo vi paraulan; (fig.) to talk big farfaronìer; importizer si; parauler ostente (aut superbe); (idiom) to talk out of one’s ass dicer merdajos; (converse) converser; parauler; she’s easy to talk to lo es fácila parauler cum el; they talked about old times los paraulin sopre la vétera témporos; we talked all night nos paraulin dum la tota nocto; nos pasifin la tota nocto paraulante; (gossip) comatrìer; people will talk homi comatríun; (have discussion) discuser; parauler seriose; the two companies are talking about a possible merger la dua companíos es discusanta (aut negotianta) on posíbila cumfusiono; we really need to talk nos deban parauler (seriose); (reveal information) parauler; we have ways of making you talk nos sapan cuome ficer vi parauler; to talk at parauler asú; to talk back rèplicher; responder insolente (aut impertinente); how dare you talk back to me? cuome vi audacian rèplicher mi (aut responder impertinente ad mi)?; to talk down (speak patronizingly) parauler condecende; to talk on continuationer parauler; no cesationer parauler; pluse parauler; to talk up (speak candidly) parauler cándide || vt (speak) talk English! paraules Anglense!; (speak about) discuser; parauler sopre; I’m talking big money here mi es paraulanta sopre multa pecunio; to talk politics/business/shop parauler sopre político/afaros/la laboro; to talk nonsense dicer nesensosos; to talk sense parauler ratione (aut inteligente); to talk down (aero.) [pilot, plane] guider díriġ-ture la surtereço di; (denigrate) denigrationer; men-valorifer; (dissuade from jumping) [suicidal person] despersuaser; (silence) superclame tacifer; to talk into persuaser (álicu) facer (álico); OK, you’ve talked me into it OK, vi persuasin mi; to talk out (resolve through discussion) discuse solver; to talk out of despersuaser (álicu) facer (állico); persuaser (álicu) no facer (állico); you just talked yourself out of a job vi jus persuasin mi no inguager vi; to talk over (discuss) discuser; parauler sopre; let’s talk it over first unésime nos discuses lo; to talk through (explain) dìriger (álicu) tra (álico); èxplicher (álico) ad (álicu); to talk up (discuss favorably) parauler favore sopre || n (conversation, discussion) converso; discuso; small talk cortesa converso; talk radio discus-radiòfonío | (casual lecture) paraulo; to give a talk on parauler sopre; (manner of speech) children’s talk puer-linguagijo; (remarks) comentos; that kind of talk will keep you single forever tala comentos tenun vi céliba por sempre; (rumor, gossip) comatrío; rumoro; to be the talk of the town eser en la buco di omnos; there is talk of ci es cuestiono sopre; homi paraulan sopre; talks (formal discussions) discusos; negotios; talkativeness paraulemitio; talkie sonanta (aut paraulanta) filmo; the talkies sonanta (aut paraulanta) cinémato; talking paraulo; I’ll do the talking mi esun la paraulanto; no talking, please! silentio, bon-volitione!; talking point thémato di converso; talking-to reprimendo || adj talkative paraulema; talking [doll, bird] parauliva; talking book audii-libro; talking head paraulanta busto
  • tall adj alta; how tall are you? cuante alta es vi?; I am taller than you by two inches mi es plu alta cam vi per dua policatos; I am two meters tall mi es alta de dua metros; a man of tall stature on alti-statura hómino; on hómino di alta staturo; tall tale fantasìisca storio
  • tallow n sebo; tallow candle seba candelo
  • tally n (running total) conto || vt (count) conter || vi (agree) [accounts, stories] concorder
  • talon n (anat., zool.) ùngulazo
  • talus n (anat.) astragalaro; (slope) taluto
  • tamarin n (zool.: Saguinus) tamarino
  • tamarind n (bot.: Tamarindus indica) [fruit] tamarindo; [tree] tamarindífero
  • tamarisk n (bot.: Tamarix) tamariço
  • tambour n (mus., hist.: small drum) tamburo
  • tambourine n (mus.) tamburino
  • tame vt (domesticate) mansuetifer
  • tammy n (cloth) tamiso; (sieve) tamis-cribro
  • tampon n tampono
  • tan n (color) taneo; (from the sun) brunifo; (tanbark) tano; tanning bed brunif-lecto || vt [leather] tanijer || adj tanea
  • tangent n (math) tangento || adj tangenta
  • tangible adj (perceptible by touch) palpébila; (real) [results] reala
  • tank n (container) tanco; gas tank gasolinuyo; tank top athleti-camisio; tanker cisterni-camiono | (mil.) (guer-)tanco
  • tansy n (bot.: Tanacetum vulgare) tanaceto
  • tantalum n (chem.: Ta) tantalio
  • tantrum n bizo; to throw a tantrum bizer
  • Tanzania n Tanzania; Tanzanian Tanzaniano
  • Tao n Dao; Tao Te Ching Daodejing
  • tap n (for draining liquids) robineto; (med.) punturo
  • tape n ribando; adhesive tape adhesiva ribando; tape measure mensur-ribando; tape recorder magnetófono
  • tapestry n tapetio
  • tar n catrano
  • tare n (com.) taro
  • target n mirationedo
  • tariff n tarifo; taxationado
  • tarot n (card) taroco; (game) tarocos
  • tartan n (plaid cloth) tartarino
  • tartane n (ship) tartano
  • tartar n tartárico || adj tartaric acid tartáric-ácido
  • Tartarus n Tártaro
  • tarte tatin n pom-tarto
  • task n tasco; to take to task reprimender
  • taste n (flavor) saporo; (sense) gusto; (discernment) I am the avenging sword of taste and decency mi es la vindictedora spatho di bona gusto et decentitio; to acquire (or take) a taste for acuister on inclinezo ad; people of taste personos cum bona gusto || vt (perceive) guster || vi (have a certain flavor) saporer; tastes like chicken li saporan como pul-carno || adj tasteful bon-gusta
  • Tatar n Tataro
  • tattoo vt tatùer || n tatùajo
  • tauren n (fantasy) taurino
  • tauten vt tender
  • tavern n taberno
  • tawny adj fulva; tawny owl (zool.: Strix aluco) foresti-striġo; úluco
  • tax vt (assess tax owed) taxationer; (impose tax on) imposter; (make heavy demands on) [patience] exàsperer || n (amount owed) impostajo; taxationajo; taxer taxationisto
  • taxi n taxì; taxìmetrígero; taxi driver taxìisto
  • taxidermy n taxidermío
  • taxonomy n taxònomío; taxonomist taxónomo
  • tea n teo; Tea Party te-cumveno; (pol.) Te-Partito; tea time te-horo; teakettle, teapot bolition-úrceo; te-úrceo
  • teach vt (give lessons on) [art, science] instructer sopre; (give instructions to) [person] instructer || n teacher instructanto, -edoro, -isto; Some people call me a terrorist. I consider myself a teacher. Álicos nòminijan mi teroristo. Mi consíderan mi como instructedoro. | (instructor) instructisto; (university) profesoro
  • teal n (zool.: Anas crecca) cercédulo || adj cercèdulea
  • team n excuadro
  • tear vt (lacerate) làcerer; to tear off evulser; to tear out [hair, eyes, page] evulser
  • tear n (from eye) lácrimo; tear gas làcrimógena gaso
  • tease vt vexeter
  • technetium n (chem.: Tc) tecnetio
  • technical adj tècnichisca
  • technique n técnico
  • technology n tecnòlogío; technologist tecnólogo
  • teen n adulteçanto || adj adulteçanta
  • tegument n (bio.) tegumento
  • telecommunication n telecomúnico
  • telecommute vi telelaborer
  • telegraphy n telègrafío; telegraph telégrafo || vt to telegraph telègrafijer
  • telephone n teléfono; telephone booth telèfonisca cabino; telephone number teléfon-número; telephony telèfonijo || vt telèfonijer
  • telescope n telescopio
  • televiewer n telespectatoro
  • television n (industry, medium) televiso; television set televidatro; televisoro || vt to televise teletransmiser
  • tell vt raconter
  • tellurium n (chem.: Te) telurio
  • Telugu n (person) Télugo
  • temper n (mood) humoralo; to be in a bad temper eser en mala on humoralo; to lose one’s temper iracecer; (anger) iraço; iraemitio; to put in a temper iracifer; to vent one’s temper lacer erupter sua iraço; (quality of metals) duritio; (temperament) temperamento || vt (harden metals) durifer; recocer; (moderate) mòderer; temperationer
  • tempera n (art) témpero
  • temperament n temperamento
  • temperature n temperaturo
  • tempest n (Beaufort level 11) tempestatazo
  • template n patronelo
  • temple n templo; (anat) temporalo
  • temporary adj provisoria; temporaria
  • tempt vt tempter
  • ten card deça || ord tenth (10th) decésima || fract tenth () décimo
  • tenacious adj tenaça
  • tend vi (be directed, inclined) incliner; tendentier || vt (care for) curer || n tendency (motion, inclination) tendentio
  • tender adj (loving) ténera; (soft) mola || n legal tender legala pecunio
  • tendon n (anat.) téndino
  • tenet n principio
  • tennessine n (chem.: Ts) teneso
  • tennis n tenís
  • tense adj (med., phys.) tendata || n (gram.) témporo; tension tendezo
  • tent n tento
  • tentacle n (bio.) tentáculo
  • tentative adj éproba; èprobisca
  • tera- afx (million million) tera-
  • terbium n (chem.: Tb) terbio
  • term n (tech., gram., log.) término; (fixed period) durationo; periodo; témporo; [for holding office] periodo; [schol.] semestro; trimestro; [jur.] sesiono; terms (conditions) conditionos; to come to terms intreconsenter; to come to terms with (accept) accepter; (make peace with) pacecer cum
  • terminal adj finisca; tèrminisca || n extremajo; (elec.) conecti-punto; (R.R.) fervialisca término; computer terminal terminalo
  • terminate vt (finish) finer; (make cease) cesationifer; terminate her … immediately! cesationifes el … imediate!
  • termite n (zool.: Isoptera) térmito
  • ternary adj (composed of three elements) trienaria; (arranged in groups of three) triena; (math) trienaria
  • terrace n teráceo
  • terrible adj (bad) malaza; (terrifying) teroriva
  • terrify vt terorer
  • territory n teritorio
  • terror n teroro; reign of terror regno di teroro || vt to terrorize terorizer
  • tertian adj (path.) tertiana; tertian fever tertiana febro
  • tertiary adj (third in order) triésima; (belonging to the third order or stage) trièsimisca; [disease, medical treatment] tertiaria; (med., geol., chem.) tertiaria
  • test n testo; (by questioning) [of student, candidate] exámino; (by trial) éprobo; (check, verification) controlo; verífico || vt tester; (by questioning) [student, candidate] exàminer; (by trial) èprober; (check, verify) controler; verìficher || vi testing, testing… èprobanta, èprobanta…
  • testament n testamento
  • testicle n testículo
  • testify vt atester
  • testimony n atesto; false testimony falsa atesto (aut juro) || adj testimonial atestisca
  • testosterone n (physiol.) testosterono
  • text n texto; (text message) textaġo; textbook aprensi-libro || vt textagizer
  • texture n texturo
  • Thailand n Thailandia; Thai Thailandiano
  • thalassemia n (med.) thalasemío
  • thallium n (chem.: Tl) thalio
  • thallophyte n (bot.) thalófito
  • than conj cam
  • thank vt regratier || n thanks regratio; thanks to regratio ad || adj thankful gratitùdinosa || inter thanks! regratio!
  • that prn ecuilo; that is (i.e.) cuod es dicer; that one ecuilu; that which ecuilo cuo || adj ecuila || conj che; in that en la senso che || rel cua
  • thaumaturgy n thaumaturghío; thaumaturgist thaumaturgo
  • thaw vi desgelezer || vt desgeler
  • the art la; the...the... cuante...tante...
  • theater n theatro
  • their pos lora; (reflexive) sua || prn theirselves si
  • them prn see “they” || adj (informal or dialect) ecuila; let’s see them aliens! nos vides ecuila exterteros!
  • theme n thémato
  • then cor alore || adv dunche
  • thence adv deilác
  • theology n theòloghío; theologian theólogo
  • theorem n theoremo
  • theory n theorío || adj theoretical theorìisca || adv theoretically theoríe
  • therapy n therapeutío; therapeutics therapeutío; therapist therapeuto
  • there adv ilác; there is/there are ci es; there can be only one! ci potan eser mere una!; there is no there there ci no es ilaco ilác; therefore dunche
  • thermometer n thermómetro
  • thermos n therm(òbotel)o
  • thermostat n thermostato
  • thesaurus n thesauro
  • theurgy n theùrghío; theurgist theúrgo
  • they prn los; (people, one) homi; (single entity regardless of gender) li; [person] ul
  • thicc adj (slang) curvosa; grosotia
  • thick adj (abundant) abundanta; (dense) densa; (large depth) grosa; a thick wall grosa muro; (viscous) viscosa; through thick and thin eventes cuo cunche; thick-browed superciliosa; superciliuda; thick-lipped gros-labi(ífer)a; labiuda || n thickness grositio
  • thicket n densajo; foresteto
  • thief n furtisto; latrono
  • thigh n coxo
  • thin adj (lean) macra; (slender) tenua
  • thine prn (archaic) la tua || pos tua
  • thing n (concrete) coso; there’s no such thing tala coso no existan; there’s no such thing as a unicorn le unicorno no existan | [inanimate object] objecto; a thing of beauty on belajo; on objecto di belitio; [person] you poor thing! compasionando!; [something contemptible] Put that thing away! You’re going to get us all killed. Forpones ecuila coso! Vi fiçun nos omna occisita. | [euph.: penis] cosumo; a thing (after negative: anything) nulo cunche; I don’t have a thing to wear mi haban nulo cunche por vestejer; things [with postpositive adjective] she loves all things Nigerian el aman omna cosos Nigeriana | (belongings) cosos; [clothes] vestos; [luggage] bagaġo; (utensils) -atros; utensilos; writing things scribatros; thingamajig cosumo | (non-concrete) [abstract entity, quality, concept] coso; hope is not the same thing as optimism le spero no es la metípsima coso cam le òptimismo; I drink and I know things mi trincan et mi sapan cosos | [action, event, thought, utterance] coso; to do the right thing facer bone; facer lo (aut la coso) maxim bona; first things first lo unésima unésime; it’s a good thing he left lo es bona che il partiin; the things you say! cuala cosos vi diçan! | [informal: established phenomenon or practice] agnoçato; comuno; popularo; how is Ayn Rand still a thing? pro cuo es Ayn Rand incore populara?; one week anniversary? is that even a thing? aniversario di la unésima septimano? es ecuilo etiam agnoçata (aut façata)?; when did “bronies” become a thing? cuande homi agnocin “bronies”? | [informal: obsession] obsesezo; he’s got a thing about punctuality il es obsesata da puntualitio; he’s got a thing for blondes il haban on dèbilitio sopre le blondo | [informal: phobia] fobío; she has a thing about lint el fobían (aut haban on fobío je) linamento | [informal: problem, issue] problémato; to make a (big) thing out of something facer on tragedio ec álico; not a thing nulo; [informal: relationship, affair] she had a thing with him two years ago el habin on afaro cum il dua anuos ante nun; [informal: situation of a specific type] he wants Howard to go back on and do his angry-man thing il desíderan che Howard denue transmisezes et faces sua coso di iraçanto; this is just a friendship thing, OK? ecuisto es mere on coso di amichitio, chi OK? | [informal: special interest or concern] lo sua; specialajo; lying is my thing? es mendacier mea specialajo?; math is not really my thing le mathemático no vere es lo mea; she does her own thing el façan cuo ad el plaçan; el secuan sua propria vialo; [informal: used to introduce one of two or more possible reasons for something] and for another thing et pluse; et por áltera parto; for one thing en unésima loco; unésime; the thing (informal: used to introduce an important point) the best thing would be to… lo (aut la coso) maxim bona eseban…; the first thing to do is la unésima coso facenda (aut por facer) es; the main thing lo (aut la coso) maxim importanta; lo (aut la coso) principala; the thing is… facte…; la caso (aut problémato, cuestiono, facto) es…; lo importanta es… | (informal: what is fashionable) modasca; it’s quite the thing now lo jam es valde modasca; the latest thing in gaming lo última en jocher; (informal: what is required) I have just the thing mi haban juste cua mancan; things [circumstances, conditions, matters] cosos; all things considered consídere je omno; how are things going? cuale vadan (la cosos)?; it’s just one of those things ecuistos es cosos cua eventan; things are going badly la cosos vadan male
  • think vt penser; to think highly of apretier || vi opiner
  • third ord (3rd) triésima || fract () tríimo
  • thirst vi siter || n sito || adj thirsty sitanta
  • thirteen card deci-tria || ord thirteenth (13th) deci-triésima
  • thirty card trideça || ord thirtieth tridecésima
  • this prn ecuisto || adj ecuista
  • thistle n cardono
  • thither adv adilác
  • thong n (strap) corigio
  • thorax n thoraço
  • thorium n (chem.: Th) thorio
  • thorn n spino; a thorn in someone’s side on spino en la carno
  • thou prn (archaic) ti; thou art a beast ti esant on bestio
  • though conj cuancam; malgrate che || adv tamen
  • thought n penso
  • thousand card mila || ord thousandth milésima
  • thread n filo; (of screw) filetaturo || vt (beads) surfilifer; (needle) filizer
  • threaten vt minacier
  • three card tria || adj three-cornered [hat] tri-corna
  • thresh vt trìbuler
  • threshold n límino
  • thrice adv tri-vece
  • thrill vt èciter; enthusiasmifer; to be thrilled to death eser contentaza || n thriller suspensoso
  • throat n gurgo
  • thrombus n (physiol.) thrombo; thrombin (biochem.) thrombino; thrombocyte (physiol.) thrombocito
  • throne n throno; A Game of Thrones On Joco di thronos
  • through prep tra; [from beginning to end] de una extremajo ad la áltera; (by means of) per; (by reason of) pro; throughout tra la tota; (space) en omna parto di; (time) dum la tota || adj (finished) fini(n)ta || adv complete; par-; tote; throughout omni-parte; tote
  • throw vt jacter; (lose on purpose) [game, match] perduċer; to throw at jacter asú; to throw away forjacter; to throw back retrojacter; to throw to jacter ad
  • thrush n (zool.: Turdus) turdo
  • thuja n thuyo
  • thulium n (chem.: Tm) thulio
  • thumb n póliço
  • thunder n tónitro; thunder storm tònitrosa (aut fùlminosa) tempestato || vi tònitrer
  • Thursday n Jov-dio
  • thus cor asíc
  • thwart vt frustrer; impeder
  • thy pos tua
  • Tibet n Tibetia; Tibetan Tibetiano
  • tick n (zool.: Ixodoidea) tico
  • ticket n bileto; round trip ticket bileto por vado et riveno; ticket collector bilet-controlisto; ticket holder bilet-tenanto; ticket office biletayo
  • tickle vt titiler
  • tide n mareo; high tide alta mareo; low tide basa mareo
  • tidy adj neta
  • tie vt ligher || n ligatro
  • tiefling n (fantasy) infernígeno; teoflingo
  • tiger n (zool.: Panthera tigris) tigro; tiger cat (zool.: Leopardus tigrinus) oncilo
  • tight adj stricta || n tights càlceazo
  • tile n (for roof) tégulo
  • tiller n (naut.) gubern-timono
  • tilt vt incliner
  • timber n ligno
  • timbre n timbro
  • time n témporo; veço; at times ye álica veços; for the time being dum la nuna témporo; nun-témpore; from time to time de témporo ad témporo; it’s about time! lo jam esin la horo!; to take one’s time consumpter sua témporo; no haster; time table cloc-tabelo; horario; time zone horzono || adv what time is it? cua témporo lo es?
  • timid adj tímida
  • tin n (can) latato; (chem.: Sn) stano; tinplate lato
  • tinder n fómito
  • tingle vt pichetader
  • tiny adj parvaza
  • tip n puntalo; (gratuity) gratìficajo || vt to tip over vòlvicher; (capsize) renverser || vi to tiptoe vader ped-puntale
  • tire vt tedier || n (auto.) neumático || adj tired fatighita
  • tissue n texajo; (bio.) histo
  • tit n tito
  • titanium n (chem.: Ti) titanio
  • title n título; (jur.: right to ownership) title deed actuo (di proprieto)
  • titter n rideteċer
  • to prep (direction of an action) ad; to and fro adabántee et retro; to fall to ruin decadentier; to run to Athens curer ad Athena | [as far as] usche; from Milan to Minsk de Milano usche Minsc; [location] two kilometers to the north of the city ye dua chilómetros norde de la civitato; [result of a process] ripped to shreds làcerita ad petios | [toward] versum; to turn one’s head to someone tornìer sua cápito versum álicu | [until] usche; a fight to the death on lucto usche morto; five minutes to five cuatra clocos cinchideci-cinca; from morning to night de matino usche nocto; quarter to five cuatra clocos et tria cuátrimos; up to now usche nun; (identifying person or thing affected) ad; respectful to one’s parents respectosa ad sua genitoros; this tastes like feet to me ecuisto saporan cuom pedos ad (aut secuno) mi; [recipient or intended recipient] a letter to the President on létero ad la Presidento; (identifying relationship between one person or thing and another) ad; friend to all amico ad omnos; psychic to the stars psichisto ad la stelos; [comparison] five to one cinca contre una; I prefer this to that mi préferan ecuisto cam ecuilo; (in infinitives) -er; to catch a thief capter on furtisto; to err is human erorer es humanasca; I want to cry mi desíderan plorer; it’s my turn to speak lo es mea veço por parauler; [elided] I’d love to! voluntarie!; take it — I want you to prendes li — mi volitionan lo | [in order to] por...-er; she does that just to rile you el façan ecuilo mere por iriter vi | [when the subjects of the main and subordinate clauses are different] che (áltero) -es; -er; grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change conceses ad mi la serenitio accepter la cosos cua mi no potan cambiejer; I want him to cry mi desíderan che il plores; toward versum || adv today hodie; tomorrow demane; the day after tomorrow postdemane; tomorrow you will wish you started today demane vi desíderun che vi cominitiin hodie; tonight hodie nocte; (this evening) hodie véspere
  • toad n (zool.: several species within Anura, esp. Bufonidae) bufónulo
  • toast n (cook) toster || vi (drink) brinder (por, ad)
  • tobacco n tabaco
  • today adv see “to”
  • toddle vi (walk unsteadily) tìtuber; [as a young child] troteter || n toddler (young child) puereto
  • toe n pedi-dígito; big toe háluço
  • toffee n tofio
  • tofu n tofu
  • together adv cume
  • Togo n Togo; Togano Togoano
  • toilet n (installation) latrino; toilet bowl latrin-cupeto; toilet brush latrin-brucio; toilet paper higienasca papero | (room) latrinayo; (grooming, etc.) toilet(ez)o
  • tolerate vt tòlerer
  • toll n (charge) pedaġo; (casualties) morti-sumo; (losses) perdi-sumo
  • toll vt (sound) [bell] sonifer || vi (sound) [bell] for whom the bell tolls pro cua sonan la campanelo
  • toluene n tolueno
  • tomato n tomato
  • tomb n tumbo
  • tome n volumo
  • tomography n tomògrafío; tomograph tomógrafo
  • tomorrow adv see “to”
  • tomte n (folk.) cóbalo
  • ton n (1,000 kg) tonelato; (2,000 lbs.) Usonana tonelato; (2,240 lbs.) Angliana tonelato
  • tone n tono || vt to tone down mòderer
  • Tonga n Tonga; Tongan Tongano
  • tongs n pinçatrazo
  • tongue n (anat.) linguo; (language) linguaġo; (pin of a buckle) fibel-puntalo
  • tonight adv see “to”
  • tonsil n (anat.) tonsilo; tonsillitis tonsilito
  • too adv (excessively) nim(e); to eat too much manger nime; nim manger; (also) and your little dog, too! et anche vua parva canículo!
  • tool n utensilo || afx -atro
  • tooth n dento; toothache denti-doloro; toothbrush denti-brucio; toothpaste denti-pasto; dentifricio
  • top n suprajo; (of a convertible car) caputio; (toy) turbinino; on top of sur; the top of la suprajo di; topmast supra masto || adj topless (bare-breasted) nud-sena
  • topic n thémato || adj topical actuala
  • Torah n Torá
  • torch n torċo
  • tornado n tornato
  • torpedo n torpedo
  • torsion n torço; torsion balance torç-bilancio
  • torso n torso
  • tortoise n (zool.: Testudinidae) tortuco
  • torture vt tormenter; (deliberately, methodically) torturer
  • total n sumo
  • touch vt palper; tocher || n (sense) tacto; touchstone toc-petrajo
  • tough adj dura
  • tour vi (as a performer) turneer; (as a tourist) torer || n toro; turneo; tourism torismo; tourist toristo; touring car (auto.) toriva vecturo
  • tournament n torneo
  • tourney vi torneer || n torneo
  • tout vt (promote) promotioner
  • tow vt (pull as trailer) remulcher; [boat from the land] haler; (pull behind, drag) tràhiner || n remulco; tráhino; (fibre) stupo; in tow remulcata; tràhinata; towpath (naut.) hal-vialo; tow truck guinċ-camiono
  • toward prep see “to”
  • towel n toalio
  • tower n turo
  • town n civitateto; town council munìcipii-conselo; town hall civitat-gubernerío; townhouse adjuntita domo
  • toxic adj tóxica || n tóxico
  • toxin n toxino
  • toy n jocatro; (miniature plaything) jocátulo
  • trace vt (draw) tractier; (through paper) calcationer; (track) secuer per la tracios; traciejer || n (in harness) tir-corigio; (small quantity) cuanteto; (track, mark) tracio; tracer bullet tracii-cuglo; tracing paper calcation-papero
  • trachea n tracheo
  • track n (path) sentario; (runway) pisto
  • tract n (of country) extensajo; regiono
  • traction n (pulling) tiro; [power] tir-poto; (RR) [movement, power] tractiono; (grip) [of tire, wheel] tractiono; traction engine locomóbilo; vapor-tractoro
  • tractor n (agricultural) tractoro; tractor unit remulchi-camiono; stradisca tractoro
  • trade n (commerce) comercio; be in the cotton trade comercier sopre cotono; in the trade en la afaros; en la comercio; trade is dull afaros, comercio stagnan; (skilled job) minsterio; profesiono; by trade minsterie; secuno (sua, luya) minsterio; learn a trade aprenser minsterio; trade balance comerciisca bilancio; (remainder) restajo; trade wind aliseo; trader comerciisto || vt (swap) excambier || vi (buy and sell goods) comercier (sopre); (sell) vender
  • tradition n traditiono
  • traffic n tráfico; traffic island tráfic-ínsulo; traffic jam tráfic-obturo; traffic light semáforo; traffic median tráfic-mediano || vt traficantìer || vi to traffic in something traficantìer álico
  • tragacanth n (bot.: gum from the sap of Astragalus) tragacantho
  • tragedy n tragedio
  • tragic n tragediesca
  • trail n (marks left) traciado; (path) sentario
  • trailer n remulchedo; (for living in during vacations) acamp-remulchedo
  • train vt (break in animals) adextrer; (soldiers) diciplinizer; exèrciter; pràcticher la exércitos; (teach a skill through practice and instruction) intrainer || vi (for sports, battle) prèparer si || n traino; express train rápida traino
  • trait n tractaturo
  • tram n tramo
  • trample vt (crush) aplaster || vi to trample on (stamp, paw) calcher
  • trance n tranço
  • tranquil adj trancuila || n tranquilizer (anything that tranquilizes) trancuilifivo; (drug) sedationivo; tranquilizer gun hipodermisca focilo || vt to tranquilize (by any means) trancuilifer; (with drug) sedationer
  • trans- afx trans-; transatlantic transatlántica
  • transcend vt trancender
  • transcribe vt transscriber
  • transfer vt trànsferer
  • transform vt transformifer
  • transfuse vt transfuser
  • transgress vt violationer
  • transit vt trànsiter || adj transitive trànsitiva
  • translate vt traducter
  • transmission n (auto.) transmisionatro
  • transmit vt [signal] transmiser; (TV, radio) emiser
  • transparent adj transparenta
  • transport vt transporter || n transportatro
  • transverse adj transversa
  • transvestite n transvestisto
  • trap n trapo || vt entrapifer
  • trapeze n trapezio
  • trapezoid n trapezoido
  • trash n versuro; trash can versuruyo
  • trauma n tráumato
  • travel vi viager; (by vehicle) vehezer
  • travesty n parodío; farço
  • tray n férculo
  • tread vi (walk) [in a specified way] to tread heavily pasuer (aut caminer) pesose; to tread on (chiefly Brit.: step on) pasuer sur; don’t tread on me no pasues sur mi || vt to tread (trample) calcher; to tread water calchi-flotationer
  • treason n trado
  • treasure n tresauro; treasurer cápseisto; (of government) tresauristo; treasury tresaurayo
  • treat vt tracter; Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women Jackie Treehorn tractan objectos cuom je mulieros; (med.) curationer; (regale) regaler (álicu per álico); treat yo self! regales vi! || n my treat! mi regalun!; treatment tracto; (med.) curationo
  • treble adj tripla
  • tree n árboro; tree house àrbor-cabano; tree trunk àrbor-trunco; treecreeper (zool.: Certhia) árbor-scandedoro; (zool.: Certhiidae) certhio
  • trellis n trilicio
  • tremble vi trèmuler
  • trench n (mil., tech.) trencato; trenchcoat trenċcoto
  • trepan n (surg., hist.) trípano
  • tress n tricio
  • trestle n cabalito; trestle bridge cabalit-ponto
  • triangle n triángulo
  • tribe n tribo
  • tribune n (hist.) tribuno; tribunal (jur.) tribunalo
  • tribute n tributo
  • trick n (means of deceiving or outwitting someone) ingano; (skillful act or illusion) truco; tricks of the trade trucos di la minsterio
  • tricorn adj tri-corna || n tri-corno
  • trident n tridento
  • trifle n bagatelo; (lit.) bagatel-opro
  • trigger n destendatro
  • trill n (mus., phon.) trilo || vt trilifer || vi triler
  • trillion card (10¹²) duliona
  • trimaran n trimarano
  • trimester n trimestro
  • Trinidad and Tobago n Trinitate et Tobago
  • trinket n (parva) ornivo; (amulet) amuleto
  • trip n viaġo; (informal: hallucinogenic experience) viaġo; have a good trip! bona viaġo!; round trip vado et riveno || vt (cause to fall by catching the foot on something) opeder; (cause to stumble) cadetifer || vi (fall by catching the foot on something) opedezer; (stumble) cadeter
  • tripe n tripo
  • triple adj tripla; a triple deity on tripla deo; triplicate triplicata || n in triplicate triplicatizita; triplet tri-gemelo
  • trite adj comunaċa; triviala
  • tritium n (chem.) tritio
  • triumph vi triumfer
  • trivial adj triviala
  • troika n troika
  • troll n (myth., internet) trolo || vt trolìer
  • trombone n trombono
  • troop n bando; trupo; troops (mil.) armato; soldatos
  • trope n tropo
  • tropic n trópico; Tropic of Cancer Trópico di Cancro; Tropic of Capricorn Trópico di Capricorno || adj tropical tròpichisca
  • troposphere n troposfero
  • trot vi troter || n to take to a trot trotecer
  • trouble n (effort to do something) peno; that is not worth the trouble ecuilo no valoran la peno; to put to the trouble penifer; to take the the trouble pener (facer álico) || vt (disturb) perturber || adj troubled destrancuila
  • trough n trogo
  • trousers n pantalono
  • trout n (zool.: var. species within Oncorhynchus, Salmo and Salvelinus) tructo
  • truant n truanto || vi truantìer || adj truanta
  • truck n (closed van or goods wagon) furgono; (long, sideless goods vehicle) camiono; pick-up truck camioneto
  • true adj vera
  • trumpet n trompeto || adj grey-winged trumpeter (zool.: Psophia crepitans) agamío
  • truncate vt truncationer
  • trunk n (auto.) bagaġuyo; cofro; (large chest for travel) viaġcofro; (of a tree, body) trunco
  • trust vt fider ad || n fido
  • truth n (quality, state) veritio; (that which is true) lo vera; a truth on vero; truthiness verumitio
  • try vi (test) èprober; a census taker once tried to test me on censisto olim éprobin exàminer mi; (strive) efortier; to try to keep an open mind efortier mantiner on aperta mento; (take pains) pener (facer álico); (take steps, measures) facer pasuos; to try for efortier obtiner || vt (test) èprober; have you tried not being a mutant? éprobin vi no eser on mutationinto?; try the wine éprobes la vino; (fatigue) fatigher; (judicially) jùdicìer; lìtigher; to try on (a garment) èprobe surponer ad si; èprober || adj trying fatiganta
  • tsunami n çunamio
  • tub n (large, wide, flat-bottomed vessel for liquids, washing, or bathing) cupo; (portable) cupeto
  • tuba n tubo
  • tube n túbulo; (inner tube of a tire) air-cambro; test tube éprobi-túbulo; tube top túbul-camisio
  • tuber n túbero
  • tubercule n (anat., zool., med.) tubérculo
  • tuck vt riplicher || n (rapier-like sword) estoco
  • Tuesday n Marti-dio
  • tuff n (geol.) tofo
  • tuft n tufo
  • tug vt tirer || n tugboat remulchi-barco; tug-of-war joco di tiro je cordo
  • tulip n (bot.: Tulipa) tulipano
  • tumble vi tùmbuler
  • tumor n tumoro
  • tun n tonelo
  • tuna n thuno
  • tundra n tundro
  • tune n melodío; to be in tune acorder; tuner (radio) sìntonifatro; tuning fork acordifatro || vt acordifer
  • tungsten n (chem.: W) tungsteno; wolframo
  • tunic n túnico
  • Tunisia n Tunisia; Tunisian Tunisiano
  • tunnel n tunelo || vt to tunnel one’s way out excaper fodante tunelo
  • Tupinambá n Tupinambá
  • turb n túrbulo
  • turbine n túrbino
  • turbocharger n turbo-compresionatro
  • turbulent adj necuieta; [air, water] turbulenta || n turbulence turbulentitio
  • turd n (vulg.: lump of excrement; contemptible person) strunço
  • Turk n Turco; Turkey Turchia
  • turkey n (zool.: Meleagris) meleagro
  • Turkmen n Turcmeno; Turkmenistan Turcmenia
  • turn vt (around another body, turn about) to turn a corner tornìezer ye on ángulo; (change) cambiejer; transformer; she turned me into a newt! el transformin mi ad on tritono!; (change direction, esp. of vehicles) girer; (change direction, facing) tornìer; (in a lathe) tornijer; (spin) rotationer; to turn away no accepter; to turn back (change direction again) ritornìer; (feathers, hair) rufler || vi (around another body, turn about) girer; (rotate, tech.) rotationer; to turn about (around another body) (semi)girer; (on a connected axis) rotationer; to turn away detornìer (si); tornìer sua dorso; to turn back (change direction again) retrovader; ritornìer si || n (act of turning) tornío; (in a series) veço; now it’s my turn nun lo es mea veço; in turn succesione; turn-off (informal) my turnoffs are rude people, mean people and people who aren’t nice cuo repugnan mi es personos descortesa, personos malitatosa et personos cua no es afábila; turn signal gir-lámpado; turnstile torní-baratro
  • turnip n (bot.: Brassica rapa subsp. rapa) rapo
  • turpentine n terebint-óleo
  • turtle n tortuco
  • tutor n tutoro
  • tutu n tutúo
  • Tuvalu n Tuvalu; Tuvaluan Tuvaluano
  • twat n (vulg.) cuno
  • tween n anteadulteçanto
  • tweet vi (chirp) pipier || vt (post on Twitter) tuiter || n (chirp) pipio; (post on Twitter) oh no, finish your tweet oh no, fines vua tuito; tweeter (elec.) tuitero
  • tweeze vt [hair] (for)còliger || n tweezers pinçatreto
  • twelve card deci-dua || ord twelfth (12th) deci-duésima || fract twelfth (⅟₁₂) deci-dúimo
  • twenty card dudeça; twenty-four dudeci-cuatra; twenty-four hour clock horariisca sistémato di dudeci-cuatra horos; “twenty-four hour service” “àperita dum dudeci-cuatra horos” || adv twenty-four-seven dum omna horos; ye dudeci-cuatra horos po dio || ord twentieth dudecésima || fract twentieth dudécimo
  • twerk vi tuercher
  • twice adv du-vece; twice a week semiseptimanale
  • twig n virgo
  • twilight n crepúsculo
  • twill n sérico
  • twin n gemelo
  • twinkle vi (of stars) cintilefer; (of eyes) rid-bril(et)er || n rid-bril(et)o; in a twinkle en on instanto; twinkling cintilefo; (of eyes) rid-bril(et)o; in the twinkling of an eye en on pàlpebrijo
  • twist vt torcer || n (in a plot) tornío
  • twitch vi convulseter
  • two card dua
  • type n tipo; typewriter scrib-máchino; typist dactilógrafo; typewriter dactilògrafìatro || vt dactilògrafìer; màchinscriber || adj typical tipasca
  • typhoon n tifono
  • typography n tipògrafío
  • tyrannosaur n (zool., paleo.) tiranosauro
  • tyrant n tirano


  • U ltr u
  • ubiquitous adj ubicua || n ubiquity ubicuitio
  • udder n (zool., anat.) úbero
  • udometer n pluvómetro
  • UFO n (unidentified flying object) NVO (neidentìfichita voledora objecto) || inter ufology ufòloghío
  • Uganda n Uganda; Ugandan Ugandano
  • ugh inter puáh!
  • ugly adj (unsightly) feda; ugly duckling feda ànatolo | (unpleasant) desagratábila; feda; “blackmail” is such an ugly word “ċantaġo” es on tante feda vocábulo | [mood] feda; minaciema, -osa; perìculosa; violentiema, -osa; [rumor] destrancuilifanta; [wound, situation] perìculosa || n ugliness feditio
  • uh inter eu
  • uh-huh inter ehé
  • uhlan n (mil., hist.) ulano
  • uh-oh inter a-o
  • ukase n ucazo
  • Ukraine n Ucraína; Ukrainian Ucraìnano
  • ulcer n (med.) úlcero || vt to ulcerate ùlcerizer || vi to ulcerate ùlcerefer || adj ulcerous (constituting an ulcer) úlcera; (having an ulcer) ùlcerosa
  • ulna n (anat.) ulno
  • ulterior adj (beyond what is obvious; undisclosed) [motive] abscondita; nemanifestita; (beyond what is present) posta; (situated beyond) transa
  • ultimate adj (final) fina, -isca; última; (basic) [purpose, truth, cause, source] fundamentisca; principala; (best) the ultimate sports car la supraza sport-vecturo || adv ultimately (finally) fine; (fundamentally) fundamentische; funde
  • ultimatum n ultimato; to issue an ultimatum doner on ultimato
  • ultimo adv (dated: of last month) the 1st ultimo la 1ma di la pasinta mensuo
  • ultra n (informal: extremist) extremisto || adv (extremely) extreme || afx ultra- (extreme) extrema; ultre-; (extremely) ecese; extreme; ultre-; (beyond) trans-
  • ultramarine n (pigment) ultramaro; (color) ultramareo || adj ultramarea
  • ultramontane adj (relig.) ultramontana || n ultramontanism ultramontanismo
  • ululate vi ùruler
  • umbel n (bot.) umbelo; umbellifer (bot.: Apiaceae or Umbelliferae) apiáceo; umbelífero
  • umber n (pigment) umbri-tero; (color) umbri-tereo
  • umbilical adj (anat.) umbìlichisca; umbilical cord umbìlichisca cordono (aut funículo)
  • umbilicus n (anat.) umbílico
  • umbrage n (offense) ofensezo; to take umbrage at something ofensezer pro álico | (archaic: shade) umbro || adj umbrageous (providing shade) umbrizanta; (shady) umbrosa; (fig. irritable) fácile ofensita; ofensezema
  • umbrella n parapluvo; umbrelo; (parasol) parasolelo
  • umpire n árbitro || vt àrbitrìer
  • umpteen card deç-alicuanta
  • un- afx (direct opposite) des-; (not) ne-; (without) sine-
  • unabashed adj (shameless) sine verecundo; (unperturbed) neperturbita
  • unabated adj necesationanta; nediminutionita; sine cesationo
  • unable adj nepotanta; to be unable to do something no poter facer álico; (be incapable of) eser necapábila facer álico; (not know how to) no saper facer álico
  • unabridged adj íntegra
  • unaccented adj (not stressed) [word, syllable, musical note or chord] neaccentizita; sine accento; (without diacritics) nediacrìtichizita; sine diacríticos; (not emphasized) neèmfasita; (without regional accent) sine acento
  • unaccommodating adj necomplacema, -anta
  • unaccompanied adj neacompaniata; sola
  • unaccountable adj (inexplicable) neèxplicèbila; (not answerable) neresponsiva
  • unaccustomed adj (not used to) necustumanta; to be unaccustomed to public speaking no custumer parauler públiche; (not customary) necustumasca
  • unacknowledged adj neagnoçata
  • unaffected adj (unchanged) neafectita; (without affectation) sine afectationo
  • unagitated adj calma; trancuila
  • unalloyed adj [metal] nealighita; pura; (fig.) [emotion] perfecta; pura; sine mixturo
  • un-American adj (not characteristic of America) ne-Americana; (anti-American) anti-Americana
  • unanimous adj unánima || n unanimity unànimitio
  • unapt adj neapta
  • unarmed adj no armizita; sine armo
  • unasked adj (not asked) [question] no ponita; (not requested) [advice] nedemandita, -ata; nesolìcitita, -ata || adv (of one’s own accord) to do something unasked facer álico spontánee; (without invitation) [guest] neinvitite
  • unassuming adj modesta; simpla; sine pretenso
  • unattached adj (not joined, fastened, or connected) [part] líbera; nelighita; (independent) nedependanta; (mil.) disposébila; (unmarried) céliba; líbera; sine ligos
  • unavailing adj neeficaça; neútila; vana
  • unavoidable adj neevitébila
  • unaware adj nul-, nesapanta || adv unawares neexpectite; to catch someone unawares surpriser álicu
  • unbalanced adj desecuilibrianta; nestábila; sine ecuilibrio; (fin.) nesaldita
  • unbandage vt desbandagizer
  • unbar vt desbarer
  • unbecoming adj (indecent) nedecenta; (unflattering) [garment] no bone sedanta (sur); (unsuitable) neapta; neconvenanta
  • unbelief n (in general) necredemitio; (incredulity) necredo; schèptichitio; unbeliever necredanto; schéptico || adj unbelieving necredanta; schéptica
  • unbend vt desflecter; rectifer || vi (fig.: become less reserved, formal, or strict) destendezer; laxecer || adj unbending neflectébila; rígida; (fig.) [person, attitude] neflectébila; netrànsiġanta, -ema; (fig.: strict, austere) severa; stricta
  • unbiased adj nepartitana, -ema; nepredisposita; honesta; objectiva
  • unbidden adj (not asked for) nedemandita, -ata; nesolìcitita, -ata; (not invited) neinvitita; (of one’s own accord) spontánea
  • unbind vt desligher; lìberifer; (unbandage) desbandagizer
  • unbleached adj neblanchifita; cruda
  • unblemished adj nemàculizita; perfecta
  • unblushing adj (shameless) sine verecundo
  • unbolt vt (unlock) [a door, etc.] desverùculijer
  • unborn adj (incore) nenacinta; generations yet unborn futura generationos; the unborn child la feto
  • unbosom vt (archaic) àperer (sua cordio); confidentier
  • unbound adj (not bound) nelighita; (freed) lìberifita; Prometheus Unbound Prométheo lìberifita; (without binding) [book] cuadernifita; nerelighita; unbounded nelìmitizita; nerestrictita; sine límito
  • unbowed adj nedòmitita; nesubmisita; unbowed, unbent, unbroken (fig.) neinclinita, neflectita, nerumpita
  • unbridled adj sine freno; sine restricto
  • unburden vt (literal and fig.) descàrichizer
  • unbutton vt desbutonijer
  • uncalled adj nevochita; uncalled-for nedemandita; nenecesa
  • uncanny adj ignótica; uncanny valley ignótica valato
  • unceasing adj necesationanta; sine cesationo
  • uncertain adj (not known for sure) dùbitanda; necerta; (not sure of something) necertana || n uncertainty (ambiguity) necertitio; (doubt) dúbito; necertanitio
  • unchain vt descatenizer; (fig.) desfrenizer; lìberifer
  • uncial adj (typ.) unciala || n uncialo
  • uncle n thiaso
  • unclean adj desnita; spurca; (morally) necasta; (relig.) [spirit, animal, food] nepura
  • unclench vt [fist] àperer (sua pugno); despugnifer (sua manuo); [teeth] cesationer cumpresioner
  • unclog vt desobstructer
  • unclose vt (rare) àperer; descluder
  • unclothe vt desvestizer; nudifer || adj unclothed desvestizita; nuda; sine vesto
  • unclouded adj serena; sine nubos
  • uncoil vt desvolver || vi desvolvezer
  • uncolored adj (colorless) necolorizita; sine coloro; (unbiased) nepartitana, -ema; nepredisposita; objectiva
  • uncomely adj neatractiva; nebela
  • uncomfortable adj (causing physical discomfort) desconfortiziva; (feeling physical discomfort) desconfortosa; (causing unease) desconfortiziva; destrancuilifanta; [news, fact, temperature] desagratábila; (difficult, unpleasant) desagratábila; descómoda; molestedora; penosa; (feeling unease) desconfortosa; netrancuila; sine conforto
  • uncommon adj (unusual) neordinaria; (rare) [name, species, disease] nefrecuenta; rara; (exceptional) [intelligence, beauty] eceptisca; exterordinaria; remarcanda
  • uncomplaining adj sine lamento; sine planġo
  • uncompromising adj neflectébila; netrànsiġema
  • unconcern n (calm) calmitio; trancuilitio; (in face of danger) frígida sánguino; (indifference) indiferentitio; manco di intereso || adj unconcerned (unworried) nedestrancuilifita; nepreòcupata; (indifferent) indiferenta; sine intereso
  • unconditional adj necondicionita; sine condiciono; unconditional surrender capitulationo sine condiciono; necondicionita capitulationo
  • unconscionable adj (unscrupulous) sine scrúpulo; sine verecundo; (excessive, imprudent, or unreasonable) desrationasca; ecesanta
  • unconscious adj (med.) neconciosa; sine concio; (unaware) neconcianta; to be unconscious of something neconcier álico | (unintentional) [gesture] neconciata || adv unconsciously neconcie || n the unconscious (psych.) la neconcianto
  • unconstitutional adj neconstitutisca, -asca
  • unconstrained adj líbera; necoerceda; neimpededa; neincombreda; spontánea
  • unconventional adj neconventionasca; necustumasca; netraditionasca
  • uncord vt descordizer; desligher
  • uncork vt descorchizer; destapizer
  • uncounted adj (not counted) necontita; (innumerable) necontébila; sine conto; sine numbro
  • uncouple vt [horses, oxen] desjungher; (mech.) desacòpuler
  • uncouth adj cruda; ruda
  • uncover vt (remove cover from) descòperter; (discover) descòperter; [after search] trover || vi (archaic: remove one’s hat) desvestejecer sua capelo || adj uncovered descòpertita; [head] nud-cápita; (uninsured) neasecurita (aut sine asecuro)
  • unction n (formal: anointing) untiono; extreme unction (anointing of the sick) última untiono | (affectation) afectationo; (fervor) fervoro; unctuously afectatione
  • uncurl vt desvolver; [fingers] extenser; [hair] desbùculifer; desfrizifer
  • undaunted adj nedesmoralizita; sine timo (aut pavoro)
  • undead adj desmortinta; vivante mortinta || n desmortinto; vivanta mortinto
  • undeceive vt desilusioner; desinganer
  • undecided adj [person] nedecisinta; [question] nedecisita
  • undeck vt desorner
  • undeniable adj [fact] necontestébila; neneghébila
  • under n (beneath) sub; he hid his magazines under the bed il abscondin sua magazinos sub la lecto; he’s still under her in the hierarchy il incore es sub el en la hierarchío; under his pleasant exterior he’s a total psychopath sub sua agratábila exterajo il es on perfecta psicópatho; (less than) [specified amount, rate, norm, age] men cam; children under 10 pueros etatanta men cam 10 anuos; in under a minute en men cam 1 minuto; they won’t sell it for less than a grand los no voluntarie vendun li por men cam 1000; under 100 employees men cam 100 empleatos; under age minorena; under price vendonda rebase (aut perde, por men cam costo) | (subject to) sub; under pain of death sub puno per morto | (controlled, managed, or governed by) sub; to run under macOS funtioner sub (aut per) macOS; to study under someone studer sub (la guido) di álicu; under my command sub mea comando; under sail per velo; under the Romanovs dum la regno di las Romanov; sub las Romanov; under this government sub ecuista gubernerío | (grouped, classified, recorded as) sub; under a false name sub falsa nómino; you’ll find him under “male escorts” in the phone book vi trovun il sub “acompaniistasos” en la teléfon-libro | (in accordance with) secuno; under Article II of the Constitution conforme ad Artículo II di la Constituto; under the law secuno la leġo; (undergoing) [process] -ata; under construction constructata (aut en constructezo); under discussion discusata (aut en discusezo); under treatment curationata (aut en curationezo) | (in a state of) cum; en; under difficult circumstances en difícila circumstantios; under fire en dìsparado; under protest cum protesto || adj (lowermost) infra; (on the underside) suba; (unconscious from anesthesia) anesthesìita; sub anesthesío || adv (beneath) sube; (less) children of 15 and under pueros etatanta men cam 16 anuos
  • underbake vt no sufiçante cocer; semicocer
  • underbid vt òferer on plu basa pretio cam
  • underbred adj (dated) male èduchita
  • underbuy vt comprer por on plu basa pretio cam
  • underclothes n subvestos
  • undercoat n jaco
  • undercover adj secreta
  • undercurrent n (underlying feeling) subfluo; (current moving in different direction from surface current) subfluo
  • underdo vt no sufiçante facer; (undercook) no sufiçante cociner
  • underdog n (in game, fight) la plu débilo; (in society) la opresato
  • underline n substrico
  • undermine vt (mil., fig.) subdestructer
  • underpants n calceono
  • underpay vt male pagher
  • undershirt n subcamisio
  • understaffed adj sine sufiçante multa laboristos
  • understand vt comprenser
  • undertake vt interprenser || n undertaking interprenso
  • underway adj (being done) cominitiita; façata; (moving) abantianta; surviala; vadanta
  • underwrite vt asecurer
  • undine n (alchem.) undino
  • undo vt (unfasten) desligher; (cancel or reverse the effects of) des-; desfacer; nulifer; (cause the ruin of) ruinifer
  • undress vi desvestizer si
  • undulation n undo
  • uneasy adj destrancuila
  • uneducated adj male èduchita
  • unemployment n neempleatitio || adj unemployed neempleata
  • unequal adj ne-ecuala
  • unethical adj [act] desèthicasca; [person] neèthicosa
  • unfaithful adj nefidela
  • unfamiliar adj nefamiliara
  • unfasten vt desfixer
  • unfavorable adj desfavorosa
  • unfortunate adj desfeliça; desfortunosa; (pitiable) compasionanda; (regrettable) regretanda || adv unfortunately regretande
  • unfurl vt desvolver
  • unhappy adj desfeliça
  • unholy adj (sinful, wicked) despia; [pleasure] neconfesébila; (unnatural) [alliance] contrenatura; nenaturasca; nesalubra; (informal: awful, dreadful) abòminanda; hororifanta; the whippoorwills shrieked in rhythmical crescendos of unholy anticipation la antróstomos stridin per rithmasca crecendos di hororifanta expecto; you better pray that that unholy monster of yours doesn’t screw up vi debeban precher che ecuila abòminanda monstruo vua no erorazes
  • unicorn n unicorno
  • uniform adj uniforma || n uniformo
  • union n (abstract) uniono; (concrete) unifo; (harmony) concordo
  • unique adj única
  • unit n (arith.) uno; (standard of measurement) uno; (concrete object) uno; (device forming part of a complex mechanism) unajo || adj unitary unitiisca
  • unite vt unifer; unioner || adj united unionita; United States Unionita Statos; Usona
  • universe n universo || adj universal universala; universal joint cardano
  • university n superiora scolo; universitato
  • unknown adj necognoçata; nesapata; (not celebrated) nefamosa; unknown to me necognoçata da mi; nesapata da mi
  • unlawful adj nelegala; neleġasca
  • unleavened adj ázima
  • unless conj ecepte che; se…no
  • unlike adj dìferanta; nesímila; I, unlike others mi, dìferanta de álteros
  • unload vt descàrichizer
  • unlucky adj desfeliça
  • unnerve vt destrancuilifer
  • unpack vt despachifer
  • unscrew vt ectornìader
  • unsettle vt destrancuilifer || adj unsettling destrancuilifanta
  • until prep usche; it’s never been a problem until now usche nun lo jamas esin on problémato || conj usche che; wait until I get back atendes usche che mi rivenun
  • untroubled adj trancuila
  • unumbium n ununbio
  • ununhexium n ununhexio
  • ununquadium n ununcuadio
  • unusual adj (uncommon) neordinaria; he’s so unusual that he drives me wild! il es tante neordinaria che il fiçan mi fola! | (not customary) necustumasca; (odd) extránea; (rare) nefrecuenta; rara; it’s not unusual to be loved by anyone lo no es rara amorezer da álicu; (exceptional) eceptisca; remarcanda; a child of unusual intelligence on puero di eceptisca inteligentitio
  • unwieldy adj pesazanta
  • unworried adj trancuila
  • up adv (at or toward higher position) (ad)súpere; ages 6 and up pueros di 6 anuos et pluse; he lives up in the mountains il vivan súpere en la montáneos; my apartment is three floors up mea apartamento es súpere per tria staġos; we all looked up nos omna reguardin adsúpere | (at or toward top) (ad)supre; “this side up” “ecuista látero supre”; to go up acenser; higher up súpere; to lift up lever; up and down supre et infre; (forward and back) adabántee et retro; up there (higher) ilác súpere; (top) ilác supre; it’s up there, on top of the fridge li es ilác supre, sur la frìgiduyo; she’s right up there with the jazz greats el es sur la supro cum la magnos di jazz; (culin.) a bourbon straight up on burbono sine glacio; (thoroughly, or into desired or proper condition) dis-; for-; par-; to break up disrumper; to burn up forarder; to eat up parmanger; to use up consumpter; exhauster; paruser; on the up and up (informal: honest, legal) honesta; legala; up against (in contact with) an; the chair was up against the door la sedilo esin an la portelo; (informal: confronted by) she’s up against stiff competition el deban afronter forta concurentiantos; you don’t know what you’re up against vi no sapan cuo vi incontrun (aut atendan); up for (available) up for sale vendonda; (seeking) up for reelection rielectiononda; (willing) I’m up for some stuff! mi es voluntaria por afaros!; up to (as far as) usche; up to here usche hic | (capable of) apta ad; capábila por; (doing) what are you up to with that machete? cuo vi façan per ecuila maċeto?; [plot] I know they’re up to something mi sapan che los complotan álico | (duty, responsibility, or choice of) dependanta de; la debo (aut tasco, deciso) di; it’s now up to the court to decide who wins the election, apparently lo nun dependan de (aut es la deciso di) la tribunalo, cua guadaniun la electiono, pareçante; it’s up to you whether or not you come li dependan de vi (aut es vua afaro, deciso) chi vi venun aut no; (equal to) his book isn’t up to his usual standard iluya libro no es sur iluya custumasca nivelo; (strong enough for) you up to going out? sentan vi presta (aut en stando) por ecvader? | (until) usche; upriver/upstream admontánee || adj (raised) levita; to hold one’s head up tener levita (aut alte) sua cápito; only one student had their hand up mere una studanto esin levinta sua manuo; why isn’t the flag up? cuare la bandario no es hisita?; (risen) his blood was up il iraçazecin; iluya sánguino bulitionin; the sun is up la solelo es ortinta; the tide is up la mareo es alta; (set up, built, installed, mounted) constructita; montita; statiifita; the tent isn’t up yet la tento incore no es statiifita; we finally got the pictures up fine nos afigin la imáginos; up and running (functioning) funtionanta | (standing) statianta; the ladder is still up against the wall la scalinado es incore an la muro; while you’re up, can you bring me the remote? nun cuande vi statian, potan vi adporter ad mi la telecomandatro? | (out of bed) levinta si; (get) up! leves vi!; I was up and about at 4 a.m. mi esin levinta mi ye cuarta clocos matine | (well again) risanifita; (at or to a higher level of intensity, volume, activity, price, value, or rank) augmentita; plu alta; prices are up again pretios es plu alta denue; turn the volume up! plu-altifes la volúmino!; (winning by a specified margin) we’re three points up nos guadanian per tria puntos; nos haban on abantaġo di tria puntos; (finished) finita; [contract, etc.] expirinta; it’s all up ci existan nula spero; lo es la fino (aut es finita); omno es perdita; time’s up! la témporo expirin!; (in sequence) first up la unésima; next up la secuanta; you’re up lo es vua veço; (knowledgeable) well up in èrudita (aut experta, hábila) sopre; (occurring) what’s up? cuo eventan?; (wrong) there’s something up with the TV álico eventan ad (aut no funtionan en) la televisoro; la televisoro haban on problémato; what’s up? cuo nejusta (aut mala)?; cuo nejusta vi haban?; what’s up with him? cuo nejusta il haban?; what’s up with your leg? cuo nejusta vi haban en la gambo?; up-and-coming famoseçanta; promisosa; succesunta; up-to-date (fashionable) secuno la modo; (incorporating latest info, etc.) usche-nuna; (modern) moderna || n the ups and downs la altajos et basajos; (of life) la cambiezos di le sorto || vt [price] plu-altifer || vi to up and do something (informal) abrupte (aut brusche, súbite) facer álico || prep (on or toward top of) (ad)sur; up hill and down dale tra montáneos et valos; (upward in) up yours! (figes li) en vua culo!; (at or to the other end of) to go up the road vader alonghe la vialo; they live up the street from us los vivan an ecuista strado, plu fore de nos || inter up with…! vives…!
  • upbringing n éduco
  • update vt (give current news) actualizer; (make current) actualifer; (modernize) modernifer
  • upkeep n mantino
  • upload vt (comput.) adcàrichifer; adtrànsferer
  • upon prep (on top of) sur; a ship upon the sea on navo sur la maro; why’d you leave the keys upon the table? pro cuo vi lacin la clavos sur la menso?; (onto the top of) adsur; to leap upon the stage salter adsur la cenayo; (by means of) per; to swear upon one’s honor jurer per sua honoro; (on the side of) an; a window upon the West fenestro an Occidento; (time, occasion) an; post; ye; once upon a midnight dreary olim ye on nocti-medio sombra; upon his arrival ye iluya arivo
  • upper adj súpera; upper arm brachii-suprajo
  • upright adj verticala || n (post) verticala trabo; verticalo
  • upset vt (distress) destrancuilifer; perturber; (knock over) renverser; (disrupt) desòrdiner; perturber || n (distress) destrancuilitio; perturbezo; (disruption) desórdino; perturbo; (unexpected result) surpriso; (indigestion) dispepsío; stòmachisca perturbo
  • upside n (favorable aspect of something) abantaġo; cómodo; lo bona; (uppermost side) suprajo; upside down renversita
  • upstroke n (with pen) acensanta strico (aut stroco)
  • uranium n (chem.: U) uranio
  • Uranus n (planet) Úrano
  • urban adj urbisca, -ana; urban blight, decay urbisca decadentio || n urbanite urbano
  • urge vt exhorter || adj urgent urġanta
  • urine n urino; urinal urinabo
  • urn n urno
  • urology n uròloghío; urologist urólogo
  • urotropin n (chem., “hexamethylenetetramine”) urotropino
  • Uruguay n Uruguaya; Uruguayan Uruguayano
  • uruk n (fantasy) orco; uruk-hai (large soldier orc) orcazo; (orc folk) le orcado
  • USA n Usona
  • use vt user; used to (in past) [for a time] he used to live here il ántee hábitin hic; I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee mi olim esin on adventuristo cuom vi, mas poste mi receptin on fleċo en la genúculo; [habitually] he used to say il custumin dicer; we used to walk together nos custumin caminer cume || n what is the use of that? cua es la ùtilitio di ecuilo?; username usanti-nómino || adj to be used to (be in the habit of) custumer; used not used necustumata; neusata; used up parusita | (of words, implements, etc.) usata, -ita; (obsolete) obsoleta; useful útila; useful arts útila artos; useful idiot útila idioto; useless neútila
  • usual adj custumasca; omni-dia; as per usual cuome custumasche (aut sempre) || adv usually custume || n the usual, please! la custumasca, mi precan!
  • usurp vt usurper
  • utensil n utensilo
  • uterus n (anat.) útero
  • utilitarian adj ùtilitiisca; (philos.) ùtilismisca; [person] ùtilista || n utilitarianism (philos.) ùtilismo
  • utility n (usefulness) ùtilitio; (public) pública serv(erí)o; (software) servi-programo; ùtilitiisco
  • Utopia n Utopia; utopian Utopiisto || adj utopian [person] Utopiista; [thing] Utopiisca
  • uvular adj uvulara
  • Uzbekistan n Uzbechia; Uzbek Uzbeco


  • V ltr ve
  • vacate vt (leave) [premises, seat, post, etc.] desòcupecer; lacer vacanta; vachifer; (resign, give up) dismisioner; [throne] renuntier; (annul) anuler || n vacancy (unoccupied job or position) vacanto; (unoccupied place) [house] vacanta (aut neòcupata) domo; [room] líbera (aut vacanta, disposébila) cambro; (empty space) vacuo; [gap] lacuno; vacuajo; (lack of intelligence or understanding) vacuitio || adj vacant (unoccupied) neòcupata; vacanta; [hotel room] líbera; (blank) [expression] distractita; vacua; [mind] vacua; (stupid) [person] sine comprenso; stuporanta
  • vacation n vacationo; to be on vacation, have a vacation vacationer; vacation day vacation-dio || vi vacationer
  • vaccine n vaccin-sero; vaccination vaccinizo || vt to vaccinate vaccinizer
  • vacillate vi vaciler || adj vacillating hèsitanta, -ema; vacilanta, -ema
  • vacuole n (bio.) vacuolo
  • vacuum n vacuo; nature abhors a vacuum naturo abóminan le vacuo; to produce a vacuum vacuefer; vacuum cleaner (pulvi-)suctiatro; vacui-nitifatro; vacuum gauge vacuómetro; vacuity (emptiness) vacuitio; (empty space) vacuo, -ajo; (stupidity) stùpiditio || adj vacuous vacua; (mindless) stúpida
  • vade mecum n vademécumo
  • vagabond n vagabundo; (informal, dated: rascal, rogue) canalio; pícaro || adj vagabunda
  • vagary n capricio
  • vagina n (anat.) vagino || adj vaginal vaginisca
  • vagrant n vagabundo; (archaic: wanderer) vaganto; vagrancy vagabunditio || adj vagabunda; (wandering) vaganta
  • vague adj confusa; nedefinitionita; nefixita; neprecisa
  • vain adj (conceited) vanitatosa; (fruitless) vana; in vain neútile; vane; to take someone’s name in vain profanationer (aut user profane, frívole) la nómino di álicu || n vainness (conceit) vanitato; (fruitlessness) vanitio
  • vainglory n vanitato; fanfaronitio; pomposaċitio || adj vainglorious vanitatosa; fanfarona; pomposaċa
  • valance n (decorative drapery) draperajo; (decorative edging) pendanta bordumo (aut franġo)
  • vale n valato
  • valediction n (farewell) adeo; (farewell address) discurso di adeo
  • valence n (bio, chem., ling.) valentio || adj -valent -valentia; trivalent tri-valentia
  • valerian n (bot.: Valeriana officinalis) valeriano
  • valerianella n (bot.: Valerianella) valerianelo
  • valet n (person employed to park cars) parchisto; (personal attendant) vaselito; [in hotel] cambristo; vaselito
  • valetudinarian n (person unduly anxious about their health) valetudinario; (sickly person) malatemo, -esco
  • valiant adj proda; valenta; coraġosa
  • valid adj (logically sound) [argument, point, question] válida; (legally binding or acceptable) [ticket, passport, license, contract] válida || n validity vàliditio || vt to validate vàlidifer
  • valise n valisio
  • Valium n (pharm.) diazepamo; valium; you can’t scare her, she’s sleeping with Prince Valium tonight vi no potan pavorifer el, el dorman cum Príncipo Valium hodie nocte
  • valkyrie n (myth.) valchirio
  • vallation n (mil.) circumvalationo
  • valley n valato
  • valor n valentitio || adj valorous proda; valenta
  • value n valoro; [monetary] pretio; valoro; to go up/down in value plu-/men-valorecer | [moral] valoranto; family values valorantos ad familio; value judgment júdico di valoro; valor-júdico; value system sistémato di valoros; valor-sistémato; (math, mus. gram.) valoro; what is the value of x? cua es la valoro di x?; (merit) valoro; sentimental value sentimentala valoro; valuables pretiosos; valorosos, -ajos; valuation evaluto || vt (appraise) evaluter; (appreciate) apretier; estimer || adj valuable valorosa; (costly) pretiosa; valued (appraised) evalutita; (appreciated) apretiata; estimata; valueless sine valoro; (useless) neútila
  • valve n válvulo; (flap) clapo
  • vamp n (upper part of shoe) suprajo (di calcéolo); (mus.) improvisita acompanio; (informal: seductive woman) vampo || vt (attach a new vamp to) [shoe, boot] suprajzer; (mus.) improviser on acompanio por; (informal: blatantly set out to attract) vampìer
  • vampire n (folk.) vampiro; vampire bat (zool.: Desmodus, Diphylla, Diaemus) vampir-vespertiliono
  • van n (closed medium-sized motor vehicle with a boxy shape and high roof) furgoneto; (closed truck or goods wagon) furgono; furniture van mobli-furgono; luggage van bagaġ-furgono | (Brit., RR: closed freight car) (clusa) vagono; minivan monovolúmino | (mil., fig.: vanguard) abante-guardio; to be in the van eser ye la abánteo
  • vanadium n (chem.: V) vanadio
  • vandal n vándalo; (hist.) Vándalo; vandalism vàndalìajo || vt to vandalize vàndalìer
  • vane n (broad blade on a rotating axis or wheel) [of mill, propeller, turbine] alo; palito; (anat.: flat part on either side of a feather shaft) brancado; standardo; (sight-vane) [of alidade, quadrant, etc.] dioptro; (weathervane) vent-ìndicatro
  • vanguard n (mil., fig.) abante-guardio
  • vanilla n vanilo
  • vanish vi (disappear) desaparer; (make off) forcurer; fuger; to vanish into thin air desaparer cuom vaporo; to vanish without a trace desaparer sen tracio || n vanishing point desapar-punto
  • vanity n (conceit) vanitato; (futility) vanitio; (dressing table) toilet-menso; (bathroom) toilet-latrinayo; vanity plate personischifita placo (di licentio)
  • vanquish vt vincer
  • vantage n (usually “vantage point”) (abantaġosa aut favorosa) (vid-)positiono
  • Vanuatu n Vanuatua; Vanuatuan Vanuatuano
  • vapid adj insípida
  • vapor n vaporo; vaporizer vaporifatro || vt to vaporize vaporifer || vi to vaporize vaporecer || adj vaporous (full of vapor) vaporosa; (resembling vapor) vaporesca; (vague) confusa; nedefinitionita; neprecisa
  • varicella n (path.: chickenpox) varicelo
  • varicose adj (med.) [ulcer, eczema] vàriçosa; [vein] váriça; varicose vein váriço
  • variegate vt (make multicolored) multi-colorizer; (make more diverse or varied) diversifer; variifer
  • variola n (path.: smallpox) variolo
  • varix n (med.) váriço
  • varlet n (hist.: attendant) pagio; (archaic: scoundrel) canalio
  • varnish n veroniço || vt veronicizer; to varnish the truth fardizer la vero
  • vary vi (differ) [amounts, sizes, intensity, conditions] varier, -ader || vt (change) [temperature, speed] variifer; (make variable) [routine, diet] variadifer || n variable variivo; variance (conflict) desconcordo; to be at variance with desconcorder cum | (varying) vario; variant varianto; variation vario, -ifo; Variations on a Theme of Paganini Variifos je on thémato da Paganini | (magnetic) declinationo; variety (assortment) asortajo; (bio.) varianto; [cultivar] cultivaro; (diversity) diversitio; a great variety of things multa diversa cosos; on granda diversitio di cosos; it comes in a variety of colors li es disposébila en diversa coloros; variety show spectáculo di diversos | (sort, type) género; tipo; 30 varieties of chocolate 30 géneros di ċocolato | (variant) varianto; (varying) vario || adj variable varianta, -ema, -iva, -ifébila; (changeable) cambiébila; cambiezema, -eziva; variant varianta; varied varianta, -inta; variifata, -ita; (diverse) diversa, -ifita; various diversa; varying [amounts] varianta; (different, diverse) [ages, shades, sizes] dìferanta; diversa; with varying degrees of success cum plu aut men granda succeso || adv variously diverse
  • Vascon n (hist.) Váscono
  • vase n vaso
  • vassal n vasalo
  • vast adj vasta
  • Vatican n (hill) Vaticano; (papal palace) (la) Papayo; (state) Vaticania
  • vault n (arched roof) vólvito; (as in a bank) forta cambro; (underground room) celario || vi (jump) salter || adj vaulted (arched) vòlvitizita
  • vaunt vt lauder
  • veal n bóvol-carno
  • vector n (bio.) vectoro; (math, phys.) vectorialo
  • vegetate n vègeter; vegetable (edible) legúmino; (plant or person) vègetanto; vegetation vègetantado
  • vehicle n vehatro; (automobile, carriage, wagon) vecturo; recreational vehicle acampi-vecturo; sport utility vehicle sportisca ùtilitii-vecturo
  • veil n velamento
  • vein n vénulo
  • velar adj velara
  • velocity n velocitato
  • velvet n viluto
  • venerate vt venerationer
  • venereal adj venérea || n venereology venereòloghío
  • Venezuela n Venetiola; Venezuelan Venetiolano
  • vengeance n vindicto
  • vengeful adj vindictema
  • venom n veneno || adj venomous venenosa
  • vent n (hole) (air-)forámino; (release) to give vent to one’s feelings doner (aut lacer) líbera curo ad sua sentimento; lacer erupter sua sentimento
  • venti n (trademarked serving size of coffee) I want a venti half-caf mocha with an add shot and no whip mi desíderan una venti semicaf(eìnos)a mocacino cum una plusa doso et sine frulit(a crem)o
  • ventilate vt vèntiler
  • venture n (adventure) adventuro; (enterprise) interprenso; (risk) risco; venture capital rischi-capitalo || vt (risk) rischer; nothing ventured, nothing gained cua no riscan no guadanian || vi (dare) audacier; to venture out, into adventurer
  • venule n vènuleto
  • Venus n (planet) Vénere; Venusian Vènerano
  • verb n verbo
  • verify vt (check on) controler; verìficher; (confirm) confirmer; verìficher
  • vermifuge n antivermo; vermífugo
  • vermin n bestietaċos; insectaċos; parásitos
  • versatile adj versátila
  • verse n (rhythmic assembly of words, also of Bible) verso; (stanza) stancio; (division of a holy scripture) versículo; (archaic: a line of poetry) verso
  • version n versiono
  • versus prep contre
  • vertebra n vértebro; vertebrate (zool.) vèrtebroso || adj vertebrate vèrtebrosa
  • vertex n (anat.) vértiço
  • vertical adj verticala
  • very adv valde || adj (actual, precise) ipsa; metípsima; before my very eyes abante mea propria óculos; the very pants I was returning la metípsima pantalono cua mi esin retrodonunta; the very thought makes me furious etiam la penso (aut la penso ipsa, la mera penso) fiçan mi furier
  • vesicle n vesículo
  • vessel n (large boat, ship) navo; (receptacle) vaso; (anat., zool.) vásculo
  • vest n gileto
  • vestibule n vestíbulo
  • veteran n veterano
  • veterinarian n veterinaro
  • veto vt veter || n veto
  • vex vt vexer
  • vibrate vi vibrer
  • vicar n vicaro
  • vice n vitio || afx vice- viç-
  • victim n víctimo
  • victory n vinço || adj victorious vinçanta; vincedora
  • video n (a videotape; system of recording) vídeo; video game vídeo-joc(atr)o; videotape vídeo-bendo; videotape machine magnetóscopo
  • Vietnam n Vietnamia; Vietnamese Vietnamiano
  • view n videdo
  • vigilant adj vìgilanta || n vigilante vìgilantisto; vigilantism vìgilantismo
  • vigor n vigoro
  • village n vilaġo || adj village green comuna céspito
  • villain n crìministo
  • villus n vilo
  • vindicate vt (exonerate) justìficher
  • vindictive adj vindictema
  • vine n vito; vineyard vitayo
  • vinegar n vinagro
  • vinyl n vinilo
  • viol n gambi-viulo
  • viola n viulo; viola da gamba gambi-viulo
  • violate vt violationer
  • violent adj violentiema; violentiisca; violentiosa; violent storm (Beaufort level 11) tempestatazo || n violence violentio
  • violet n (bot.: Viola) violo || adj (color) violea
  • violin n violino
  • viper n (zool.: Vipera) vípero
  • vireo n (zool.: Vireo) vireono
  • virgin n vírgino; Virginia creeper (bot.: Parthenocissus quinquefolia) vírgin-vito || adj vírgina
  • virology n viròloghío
  • virtual adj virtuala
  • virtue n virtuto; by virtue of per la poto (aut auctoritato) di; pro
  • virtuoso n virtuoso; virtuosity virtuositio
  • virus n viro
  • visa n vizo
  • viscous adj viscosa
  • vise n mórdico; vise grip adjustifébila pinçatro
  • visible adj vidébila
  • vision n visiono
  • visit vt vìsiter || n vísito; visiting card vísit-carto
  • visor n visaro
  • visual adj vidisca || vt to visualize (imagine) imaginationer; (make visible; display on a computer) vidèbilifer
  • vitamin n vitamino
  • vivacious adj vivaça
  • vivid adj clara; forta; detalosa; (color, etc.) brilanta; intensa; (archaic: lively and vigorous) animationosa; vivaça; vivosa
  • viviparous adj vivípara
  • vlog n vídeo-blogo
  • vodka n vodco
  • vodyanoy n (folk.) vodiano
  • voice n voço
  • void n vacuo
  • Volapük n (conlang) Volapük
  • volatile adj volátila
  • volcano n volcano
  • volley n salveo
  • volleyball n voli-bulo
  • volt n volto
  • volume n (book in a series) volumo; (space) volúmino
  • voluminous adj volùminosa
  • voluntary adj (optional) volitionasca; voluntariisca; (relating to the will) volitionisca; (willed, intended) volitioneda, -ata, -ita
  • volunteer vt òferer si || n voluntario
  • voluptuous adj voluptosa || n voluptuary voluptemo
  • vomit vt vòmiter || n vòmitajo
  • vortex n vórtiço
  • vote vi votationer; to vote against votationer contre; to vote down votatione refuser; to vote for votationer por; to vote in electioner; to vote on votationer sopre || n votationo
  • vouch vi to vouch for atester; guarantìer; responser sopre || n voucher atestajo; (coupon) cupono; (IOU) debition-atesto; (receipt) cuit-atesto; cuitantio; pag-atesto
  • vow vt (to a god) vover
  • vowel n vocalo
  • voyage n viaġo
  • vroom vi (informal) vrumer
  • vulcanite n (min.) vulcanito
  • vulgar adj (boorish) grosaria; vulgaraċa; [obscene] obcena; (dated: used or done by the common people) vulgara
  • vulnerable adj vùlnerébila
  • vulpera n (fantasy) vulpero
  • vulture n (zool.: Aegypiinae, Gypaetinae, Cathartidae) vúlturo


  • W ltr we
  • wabi-sabi n (aesthetics) wabi-sabi
  • wacko n (informal; also “whacko”) eccéntrico
  • wad n (compact mass of soft material) [of gum, dough, earth] glebo; [of paper, tissue, clothes] crumplajo; (stuffing) [for cushions] buro; [for thickening clothes, quilts, etc.] vato; (bundle) [of banknotes] facelo; (plug or seal) [in gun, cartridge] buro; wadding [for cushions] buro; [for thickening clothes, quilts, etc.] vato
  • waddle vi ánati-caminer || n ánati-camino
  • wade vi guader; to wade in guadecer; (informal: vigorously get involved in) [fight, argument] enlancer si; to wade through tra-guader; (fig.) [dull book] pene tra-lecturer || n wader guadanto; (zool.) [any long-legged wading bird or shorebird] gral-aucelo; gralígero; guad-aucelo; [heron] herono; [ibis] ibo; [stork] ciconio; [Brit.: shorebird] limícolo
  • wafer n (thin pastry) oblato; (relig.) hostio; (comput.) wafro; (hist.: for sealing envelopes) oblato || adj wafer-thin tenuaza
  • waffle vi (waver) vaciler; to waffle on (Brit.: talk at length without saying anything important) gàrul(ad)er || n (wavering) vacilo; (Brit.: lengthy but trivial talk) gárulo, -ado; (culin.) vaflo; waffle iron vafli-moldo
  • waft vi flotationer || vt flotationifer; porter
  • wag vt [tail, finger] àgiter || vi [tail, finger] àgitezer || n (act of wagging) ágito, -ezo; (joker) burlemo, -edoro; wagtail (zool.: Motacilla) motacilo || adj waggish [person] burledora; burlema; [remark] burla
  • wage n (usually “wages”) salario; minimum wage mínima salario; to pay wages to salarier || vt (carry on) facer; to wage a campaign campanier; facer campanio; to wage war facer guero; guerer
  • wager vt sponsioner || n (act) sponsiono; (stake) sponsionedo
  • waggle vi àgiter si || vt àgiter
  • wagon n (horse-drawn) caritazo; wagon train (hist.) caravano | (auto.) furgono; meat wagon ambulantio; paddy wagon polití-furgono; station wagon familialo | (Brit.: freight car) merci-vagono; (in phrases) to be on the wagon no trincher; wagonload caritazo; 3 wagonloads of corn 3 caritazos de maíso; wagoner caritazisto
  • waif n abandonítolo
  • waifu n waifu
  • wail n (crit-, plor-)lamento; plor-crito; the Wailing Wall la Muro di Lamentos; la Westisca Muro | [of infant] vaġo; [of siren, wind, banshee] úrulo || vi (crit-, plor-)lamenter; plor-criter; [infant] vager; [siren, wind, banshee] ùruler
  • wainscot n (archit.) semipanelado || vt semipaneladizer
  • waist n (anat.) [of person, clothes] cinturo; (circumference) cintur-mensuro; (narrow part of anything) strictajo; waistcoat gileto; waistline [of person, clothes] cinturo || adj waist-deep usche-cintura; waist-high usche-cintura
  • wait vi atender; can you wait a few minutes? potan vi atender dum cualca minutos?; heaven can wait la celestio potan atender; I can hardly wait! mi morteçan pro nepatientitio!; just you wait until your father comes home! vi ya vidun cuande vua patro rivenun!; wait a moment! una instanto!; wait and see! atendes et vi vidun!; wait till you’re old enough atendes etater sufiçante; to be waiting in the wings atender detre la colisos; to keep someone waiting atendifer álicu; ficer álicu atender; to wait around, about atender; (loiter) otier; to wait behind for someone rester por atender álicu; to wait for atender; I wait for delivery each day until three mi atendan consigno cascun-die usche tria clocos; what are you waiting for? cuo vi atendan?; to wait for someone to do something atender usche che álicu façun álico; to wait on [as waiter, servant] server; to wait on someone hand and foot server álicu ecese; to wait out [storm] transatender; (endure) transsubitioner; to wait up for rester evìgilita atendante; don’t wait up for me no restes evìgilita atendante mi || vt (await) you wait your turn! atendes vua veço!; (serve food or drink at) to wait tables camararìer; server an le menso; to wait-list poner en on atendi-listo || vi to waitress camararìer || n atendo; dessert was worth the wait la deserto méritin la atendo; it was a long wait for the Uber ci esin on longa atendo je la Uber; to lie in wait guater; wait list atendi-listo; waiter camararo; waiting game (tactic) to play a waiting game atender on oportunajo; waiting room atendayo; waitress camarariso || adj wait-and-see tactics atendismo
  • waive vt (relinquish) [right, claim, fee] no insister sopre; renuntier; (suspend) [regulation, age limit] renuntier àplicher || n waiver (disclaimer) [of responsibility] descàrichifo (je responsivitio); (relinquishing) [of right, claim, fee] renuntio; (suspension) [of regulation, age limit] exempto
  • wake vi evìgilezer; wake up! evígilez vi!; evìgilezes!; wake up and smell the coffee! áperes vua óculos!; cesationes rever!; to waken (liter.) evìgilezer; wakey-wakey! evígilez vi! || vt evìgiler; wake me when you’re done evígiles mi post che vi finun; to wake someone up to something ficer álicu vider álico; vidifer álicu sopre álico; someone needs to wake him up to the costs involved álicu deban ficer il vider la costos cua lo ímplican; to waken (liter.) evìgiler || n (death vigil) fúner-vígilo; morti-festo; (naut.) sulco; the tornado left a trail of destruction in its wake la tornato lacin detre si on sulco di destructo; in the wake of post; in the wake of the storm post la tempestato; wake-up call (telec.) telèfonisca evígilo; (fig.: warning) adverto; wakefulness des-, nedormo; (insomnia) des-, nedormivitio; (watchfulness) vìgilemitio, -antitio; waking des-, nedormo; the waking hours cuande homi no dorman; la horos di desdormo || adj wakeful [period of time] sine dormo; [person] desdormema; (watchful) vìgilanta, -ema
  • Wales n Gualia; (archaic) Cambria
  • walk vi (move at a regular pace) caminer; can your kid walk yet? jam caminan vua filio?; “walk” / “don’t walk” (on traffic signal) “transvades” / “atendes”; to walk tall (idiom) caminer cum sua cápito levita | [horse] pasue caminer; (for pleasure, exercise) (ped-)promener; (not drive or ride) ped-vader; are you walking or taking the bus? vadun vi pede aut autobuse?; to walk about, walk around promener; to walk away forcaminer; to walk away with forporter; to walk in caminer aden; entrer; to walk in on interrumper; to walk into (collide with) shocher; (enter) caminer aden; entrer; (fall into) [trap] cader aden; (meet) incontrer; to walk off forcaminer; to walk off with forporter; to walk on (continue walking) continuationer caminer; no cesationer caminer; pluse caminer; (theat.: come on stage) aparer sur cenayo; (theat.: have a walk-on part) figurantìer; to walk out ec-, forcaminer; ec-, forvader; èxiter; to walk out on abandoner; forlacer; to walk over (exploitatively mistreat) she lets him walk all over her el laçan il explotuċer el; to walk up [stairs] acenser (caminante); to walk up to advader ad; proximecer ad | (informal: abandon or withdraw) [from job, commitment, situation] forlacer; (informal: be acquitted) ecvader sine acusos || vt (move at a regular pace through) [distance] caminer; I would walk 500 miles mi caminebun 500 milios; to walk the earth caminer tra la tota mundo; to walk the streets caminer tra la strados; (move freely in a city) it’s not safe to walk the streets at night lo es perìculosa ecvader nocte | (wander) vagher secuno la strados; (work as a prostitute) vadader sur la strados | (escort) [dog] promenifer; she walks her dog with neither leash nor poop bag el promenifan sua canículo sine laso aut cac-saco | [horse] conducter pede; [person] acompanier; I’ll walk you home mi acompaniun vi apud vi | [vehicle] pulser; I had to walk my bike to the station mi debin pulser mea bicicleto usche la stationo; (ride at the slowest gait) [horse] pasue cabàlicher || n (act of walking) camino; (stroll) promeno; to go for a walk promener; to take for a walk conducter en on promeno; promener cum; Walkman Walkman; walkout abandono; (strike) surprisa exòpereço; walkthrough (theat.: rehearsal) éprob-ludo; walkway pasayo; [in garden, park, wood] aleo; (raised) paserelo; walker caminanto, -edoro, -emo; (frame) camin-cuadro; caminatro; (machine) caminedoro; imperial walker ìmperayisca caminedoro | (pedestrian) ped-vadanto; (sport) caministo; walkie-talkie (manu-)tranceptoro; walking camino, -er; walking is good for you caminer es salubra; walking distance caminisca atinġ-disto; it is within walking distance li es camine atingébila; walking shoes camin-calcéolos | (gait) camin-modo, -manario; caminajo; Ministry of Silly Walks Ministrerío di Stulta Caminajos; (pace) pasuo; (path) caminayo; promenayo; [in garden, park, wood] aleo; (passageway, crosswalk) pasayo; walk of life (job or social status) from all walks of life de omna profesionos et rangos || adj walk-in encaminébila; walking (living) walking encyclopedia vivanta enciclopedío
  • wall n (exterior) muro; the Berlin Wall la Muro di Berlin | [of building] muro; [of city] murazo; the Great Wall of China la Granda Ċinana Murazo; (fig.) the Wall of Moms la Muro ec Mas; wall of silence taci-muro; wall of sound sona muro; (interior) [of room] muro; [partition] clausiono; [septum] septalo; (inner surface) [of vase, tube, tunnel, cave, organ, cavity] parieto; (idiom) talking to you is like talking to a brick wall parauler cum vi es símula ad parauler cum la muro; walls have ears la muros audan (aut haban aurículos); wallflower (bot.: Erysimum cheiri) mur-floro; (fig.) to be a wallflower facer cuom tapetio; wallpaper mur-papero; (comput.) scherm-fundo || vt to wall in/up (block, seal) [area of land, opening] mur-cluder; murizer; [garden] mur-circumder; murizer; (confine) [person] enmurifer; to wall off mur-sèparer || adj walled murizita
  • wallaby n (zool.: Macropodidae) walabío
  • wallet n portafolieto
  • wallop vt (strike) colpazer; (heavily defeat) batuer || n colpazo; to pack a wallop colper forte; [drink] eser valde forta
  • wallow vi [animal, person, boat] ròtulezader || n (act) ròtulezado; (place) ròtulezayo
  • walnut n (bot.: Juglans) [nut] juglando; [tree] juglandífero
  • walrus n (zool.: Odobenus rosmarus) murso; I am the walrus mi es la murso
  • waltz n (mus.) valso || vi valser
  • wampum n (hist.) wampum
  • wan adj [complexion, face] pálida; [light] débila; pálida; [smile] languosa
  • wand n virgo; (magic wand) magìisca virgo; (staff of office) comand-bastono; (caduceus) cadúceo
  • wander vi (move without purpose or definite destination) vagher; to wander aimlessly through the streets vagher tra la strados | (stroll) promener; her eyes wandered round the room eluya reguardo promenin tra la cambro; to wander around the shops curiosejer (aut promener tra) la bothecos; (stray) devier; forvagher; (fig.: lose focus or attention) distractezer; to let one’s mind wander lacer si distractezer; to wander about, wander around vagher en; to wander off forvagher; to wander off the point forvagher la thémato || vt [streets, hills] vagher tra || n wanderlust viaġ-desídero; wanderer vaganto; vaghedoro, -emo; (nomad) nómado; (traveler) viaġanto; (vagabond) vagabundo
  • wane vi [moon] descrecer; (fig.: deteriorate) decadentier; (fig.: diminish) diminutionezer
  • wank vi fricuċer si
  • want vt (desire, wish for) desìderer; I want a pony mi desíderan on póneo; I want him dead! mi desíderan il mortinta!; we only want the best for you nos desíderan mere la óptima por vi; what do you want of me? cuo vi desíderan de mi?; you’ve got him where you want him vi haban il ube vi desíderan; to want someone to do something desìderer che álicu faces álico; they want us to leave los desíderan che nos forvades; to want to do something desìderer facer álico; I don’t want to mi no desíderan lo; I want to be a princess mi desíderan eser on prìncipiso; I wanted to tell you mi desíderin dicer ad vi; without wanting to sound big-headed, I think I got this mi no desíderan parecer vanitatosa, mas mi pensan che mi succesun | (seek) cercher; [by police] America’s most wanted la maxim cercata crìminoso en América; to be wanted for murder eser cercata pro asasinío; wanted: dead or alive cercata: vivanta aut mortinta; [for employment] fry cook wanted nos besonian (aut cercan) frictisto; (request) you’re wanted on the phone álicu demandan vi an la teléfono; (Brit.: require) besonier; that kid wants a smacking ecuila puero besonian on batuo; (informal: desire to go) to want in desìderer entrer; to want out desìderer ecvader; the cat wants out again la cato denue desíderan ecvader; I want out of this family mi desíderan forlacer ecuista familio | (informal: ought, should, or need to do something) deb(eb)er; you’ll want to be more careful next time vi debebun plu multe atentioner en la secuanta veço || vi to be wanting (lit.: be insufficient) dèficer; the end of the film is wanting la fino di la filmo es débila; he looked at his career and found it wanting il exáminin sua carario et trovin li dèfiçanta | (lit.: be missing) mancher; this chorizo is wanting in paprika ad ecuista chorizo mancan chorizo; to want for (lit: lack) I want for nothing ad mi mancan nulo || n (lack) manco; for want of pro manco di; they never did have kids, but it wasn’t for want of trying los jamás habin filios, mas lo no esin pro manco di éprobo | (need) besonio; to be in want of besonier | (poverty) indiġo; pàuperitio; (wish, desire) desídero; want ad (informal) demand-anuntios
  • wanton adj (unprovoked) [violence] sine motivo (aut causo); (dated: sexually unrestrained) laciva; (archaic: lively, playful) capriolema; gambatema || n (sexually unrestrained woman) laciviso
  • war n guero; civil war civila (aut interna) guero; the Great War la Unésima Mundi-Guero; war of attrition atrition-guero; (fig.) the war on drugs la guero contre le drogo; to be at war with guerer contre; to go to war with someone over something entrer guero contre álicu pro álico; to make war with guerer contre; war baby guer-filio; war bride guer-sponsiso; war correspondent guer-corespondisto; warcraft guer-arto; war crime guer-crímino; war criminal guer-crìminoso; war cry combat-crito; guer-crito; war dance guer-danço; war engine guer-máchino; war fever guer-psicozo; wargame guer-joco; warhead (mísil-)ogivo; war hero guer-heroo; warlord guer-dómino; war memorial monumento ad la mortintos (aut cadintos); warmonger gueremo; War Office (hist.) Guerisca Ministrerío; war of words paraula guero; warpaint guer-picturo; warpath guer-sentario; warplane combat-aviono; war room guer-cambro; warship guer-navo; wartime guer-témporo; wartime president presidento en guer-témporo; war zone guer-zono; warfare guero; warrior gueristo || vi guerer || adj warlike guerema; war-torn guere destructita
  • warble vi triler || n warbler (zool.) canoro; (zool.: Sylvia borin) ġardin-canoro
  • ward n (administrative division) [in hospital] cambro; [of city] districto; (fencing: act of guarding) guardo; (jur.: person under guardianship) tutelato; (obsolete: watchman or guard) guardisto; vìgilisto; (protective enchantment) protectatro; wardroom oficiar-salono; oficiarayo; warden dìrigisto; gubernisto; warder (prison guard) (prision-)guardisto || vt (archaic: guard, protect) guarder; to ward off eviter; forbarer; protecter si contre; repulser; [blow] detornìer
  • -ward(s) afx ad (la); ad- -e || adj upward climb adsupra scando || adv homeward adfocare; westward adweste
  • wardrobe n (cabinet) vest-armario; (clothes) vestado; (theat.) costumayo
  • ware n merço; warehouse magacino || vt to warehouse enmagacinifer
  • warg n (myth.) vargo
  • warlock n (male witch) strigaso; (male goetist) goetaso
  • warm adj (mildly or comfortably hot) calda; the body was still warm when they found it la córporo incore esin calda cuande homi trovin li; to get warm caldecer; come and get warm venes caldifer vi; (in guessing) you’re getting warmer! vi es calda!; to keep someone warm tener álicu como calda | (cozy) [clothes, blanket] calda; (kindly) [greeting, welcome, congratulations, encouragement] calda; cordiisca; [person, smile, face] afábila; calda; símpatha; (fig.) [color, shade, voice, tone] calda; warm-blooded di calda sánguino || n warmth calditio; (physical quantity) caloro; warm-down extensezo; warm-up caldeço || vt caldifer || vi caldecer; to warm to (become more enthusiastic) she was beginning to warm to her subject el cominitiin enthusiasmer sopre sua thémato; (begin to like) he was beginning to warm to the idea ad il cominitiin placer la ideo; I began to warm to her mi cominitiin trover el agratábila
  • warn vt adverter; I warned you that this would happen mi advertin vi che ecuisto eventun; you’ve been warned! vi es advertita!; to warn someone not to do something adverter álicu che li no faces álico || n warning adverto; four-minute warning adverto de cuatra minutos; cuatri-minuta adverto
  • warp vt (distort) [wood] curvifer; deformifer; [sound, image, judgment] distorsioner; (fig.) [mind] corupter; perversifer; (naut.: move, haul) [ship] tover; (weaving: arrange into a warp) [threads] orditer || vi (distort) [wood] curvecer; deformecer; (fig.) [mind] coruptezer; perversecer || n (distortion) [in wood] curvifajo; deformifajo; warp drive (sci-fi) distorsion-motoro; warp speed (sci-fi) distorsion-velocitato | (naut.: rope) hal-cablo; (weaving) orditajo
  • warrant n (jur., com., fin.: written authorization to act) mandato; arrest warrant aresti-mandato | (authorization) yurizo; [permit] permiso; (justification) justífico; warrant officer (mil.) suboficiaro | (guarantee) guarantío; warrantee guarantìatario; warrantor guaranto; warranty guarantío || vt (justify or merit) justìficher; mèriter; pen-valorer (aut valorer la peno); (guarantee) guarantìer || adj warranted (justified) justìfichita; (guaranteed) guarantìata
  • warren n (cunículi-)guareno
  • wart n (med., bot.) veruco; warthog (zool.: Phacochoerus africanus) facochero; veruc-apro || adj warty verucosa
  • wary adj cauta; circumspecta; prudenta || adv warily circumspecte; prudente
  • wasabi n wasabi
  • wash vt (clean with water) [clothes, car] laver; (bathe) balner; (coat) stratizer; unger; to wash the walls with paint picturizer la muros; (sweep away, carry) [of flowing water] porter; tràhiner; the sea washed the body ashore la maro portin la cadávero usche la tero | (lap against) [of sea, waves] balner; plauder contre; to wash away [bridge, house, vehicle] forporter; fortràhiner; [stain, sins] lav-deprender; to wash down [walls, car] laver; (swallow with) she washed down the ludes with a bottle of SoCo el glutin la methacualonos per on botelo de Southern Comfort; to wash off [stain] lav-deprender; to wash out [container] laver; to wash someone’s mouth out with soap laver la buco di álicu per sapono | [stain] lav-deprender; (exhaust) to feel washed out senter si exhaustita; to wash up (drag ashore) porter; tràhiner; (idiom) [person, marriage] to be washed up eser finita || vi to wash away forportezer; fortràhinezer; to wash off lav-deprendezer; it washes off easily li es fácile lav-deprendébila; to wash out lav-deprendezer; (fade) [dye, color] descolorizezer; pàlidecer; to wash over (envelop) porter; relax and let her triumph wash over you laxeces et laces eluya triumfo porter vi | (take hold of) invaser; a feeling of relief washed over him on sento je alevio invasin il; to wash up (come ashore) portezer (aut tràhinezer) usche la tero; (have a wash) laver si || n (act) lavo; (laundry) lavedo; I do a big wash on Sundays mi façan on granda lavo Domíniche; your speedos are in the wash vua speedo es lavata; (idiom) it’ll all come out in the wash omno fine aranġun si ipse; (medicinal or cleansing solution) exacuumo; lavumo; [lotion] lotiono; [mouthwash] colutorio; washbasin (bowl) lav-bacino; (sink) lavabo; washboard lav-tábulo; (naut.) falco; washcloth lav-tuco; washhouse lavayo; wash-leather camoci-pelicio; washstand lav-moblo; washtub lav-cupo; washer (machine) lavatro; (person) lavanto, -edoro, -isto; (tech.) rondelo; washer-dryer lavatri-sichifatro; washerwoman lavistiso; washing (act) lavo; washing machine lavatro || adj washable lavébila; wash-and-wear lav-surponébila
  • wasp n (zool.: Hymenoptera and suborder Apocrita, excluding bees) vespo; wasp nest vespi-nido
  • wassail n (drink) Yul-trinchedo; (drinking song) Yul-cantiono; (revelry) Yul-festo; (toast) Yul-brindo || vt (toast) brinder || vi (carol) Yul-canter; (drink copiously) multe trincher; (drink wassail) Yul-trincher
  • waste vt (squander) dìsiper; don’t waste your time trying to talk sense to him no dísipes témporo èprobante parauler ratione ad il; I can’t afford to waste money on Disney+ just to watch The Mandalorian mi no potan aforder dìsiper pecunio ye Disney+ mere por spectatorìer La Mandaloriano; I wasted a whole day trying to get it to work mi dísipin la tota dio èprobante funtionifer li; to waste no time doing something no dìsiper témporo facer álico; you’re wasting your breath! vi dísipan salivo (aut respiro)!; (misutilize) she’s wasted in that job el es dìsipata en ecuila laboro; to be wasted on (expended on an unappreciative recipient) fine wine is wasted on him il no saper apretier bona vino; sarcasm is wasted on him il no comprensan sarcasmo; sarcasmo es neútila cum il | (lit.: devastate) devastationer; (informal: kill) licuidationer; (archaic: weaken, emaciate) macrazifer; [muscles] atrofìer || vi (lit.: be spent) dìsipezer; to waste away (weaken, become emaciated) deperecer; macrazecer; [muscles] atrofìezer || n (squandering) dísipo; neútila expenso; it’s a waste of effort lo es on efortio neútila; that man’s a waste of space! ecuila hómino es on neútilo!; well that was a waste of time ben ecuilo esin on dísipo je témporo; what a waste! cuanta dísipo!; to go to waste dìsipezer; perdezer neútile (aut vane) | (trash) forjactedo; versuro; (waste material, substance) residuos; human waste excretajos; nuclear waste nucleara residuos; waste disposal (domestic) elímino je versuro; (industrial) elímino je forjactedos (aut residuos); waste disposal unit tritatro je versuro; waste material forjactedos; residuos; waste pipe vacuif-túbulo; wastes desértico; wastebasket forjacted-corbo; wasteland desértico; wastepaper forjacteda papero; wastrel (lit.: good-for-nothing) nul-valoranto; (lit.: wasteful person) dìsipemo || adj (for disposal) [gas, oil] residua; (leftover) [heat] residua; [paper, fabric] restanta; (unused) [land] necultivita; to lay waste devastationer; wasted (lost, useless) [effort] neútila; vana; [opportunity, time] dìsipita; (thin, emaciated) deperecinta; macraza, -aċa; [marasmic] marásmaca; (informal: very drunk or high) ebriaza; wasteful dìsipema; pròdighema
  • watch vt (look at over a period of time) reguarder; to watch someone do something reguarder álicu facer álico; “you can’t do that!” “just you watch!” “vi no potan facer ecuilo!” “no? nun vi vidun!” | [carefully, attentively] observer; watch how she does it observes cuome el façan lo | [ceremony, event, movie, TV show] spectatorìer; (check) [clock, watch] controler; (look for) [opportunity] atender; guater; (monitor) [situation, development] secuer; vìgiler; [suspect, house, patient] vìgiler; we’re being watched nos es vìgilata; (take care of, look after) [children] I have to watch the kids tonight mi debun atenter (aut vìgiler) la filios hodie véspere; (tend, guard) can you watch my laptop while I go to the restroom? potebun vi guarder (aut vìgiler) mea portébilo dum che mi vadebun ad la latrinayo?; to watch for (look for) vìgiler sopre; [enemy, opportunity] guater; (wait for) atender | (mind, be careful of) atentioner; watch it! watch yourself! atentiones!; guardes vi!; watch what you’re doing! atentiones cuo vi façan!; watch your head! atentiones vua cápito! || vi to watch out atentioner; watch out! atentiones!; watch out for cars atentiones vecturos; to watch over guarder; vìgiler || n (timepiece) horologieto; by my watch secuno mea horologieto; watchband horologiet-bracialeto; watchmaker horologiete(ef)isto | (act of watching) vígilo; to be on the watch for [danger, person] guarder contre; to keep a close watch on/over próxime vìgiler | (attentiveness, vigilance) atentionemitio; vígilo; (period of duty) guardo; and now his watch is ended et nun iluya guardo es finita; you take the first watch faces la unésima guardo | [naut.] turno; officer of the watch turn-oficiaro; to relieve the watch cambier la guardo; (naut.) prender la turno | (sentinel) guardist(ad)o; (lit.: period without sleep) the long watches of the night la longa noctos sine dormo; watchdog (guard dog) guard-canículo; watchdog committee control-comitato; watchman [of building] vìgilisto; (hist.) guardisto; vìgilisto; who watches the Watchmen? cua vígilan la Vìgilistos?; watchtower vígil-turo; watchword (motto) moto; (archaic: password) contresigno; watcher (myth.) grégoro; vìgilanto; (observer) observanto, -edoro; (spectator) spectatoro || adj watchable reguardanda; spectatorìanda; watchful atentionema, -osa; vìgilanta, -ema
  • water n (H₂O) acuo; [sea] maro; [tide] mareo; bottled water enbotela acuo; fresh water [not saline] dulç-acuo; salt water sal-acuo; to take in water [leak] lecher; to turn on the water [at faucet] àperer la robineto; [at main] fluifer la acuo; under water [flooded] inundita; water on the brain (informal: hydrocephalus) hidrocèfalitio; waters (of spa, sea, river) acuos; to take the waters recepter on thermal-curationo; water’s edge acui-bordo; mar-bordo; water bath (chem., culin.) Marí-bálneo; waterbed acui-lecto; water boatman (zool.: Corixidae) barchisto; coríxido; water clock (hist.) clepsidro; water closet (dated: flush toilet) cistern-latrino; (dated: room containing a flush toilet) cistern-latrinayo; watercolor (art) acuarel-arto; (painting) acuarelo; watercourse (canal) canalo; (riverbed) fluayo; watercress (bot.: Nasturtium officinale) acui-cresono; water crowfoot (bot.: Ranunculus) ranúnculo; water dowsing rabdomantío; waterfall acuocado; cascato; waterfowl acui-aucelo; waterfront portu-cuartario; water gauge nivelómetro; waterhen (zool.: Gallinula chloropus) acui-pulo; (comuna) galínulo; water level acui-nivelo; water lily (bot.: Nymphaeaceae) nenufaro; waterline flotation-líneo; merget-nivelo; water main principala acui-conductionatro; waterman (boatman) barchisto; (ferryman) feribotisto; watermark (left by tide) acui-líneo; (on paper) acui-marco; diáfana marco; watermelon (bot.: Cucumis, Benincasa, Citrullus) acui-melono; watermill acui-molinayo, -erío; water nymph (myth.) náyado; water park acui-párico; water pipe (for conveying water) acui-túbulo, -conductionatro; (for smoking) acui-pipo; water pistol acui-pistolo; water polo acui-poloo; water power hidràulichisca energío; water rat (zool.) acui-rato; watershed (geog.) acui-sèparanto; (fig.) decisiva instanto; waterskiing acui-schiijo; water softener acui-molifatro; waterspout (drainage pipe) pluv-canaleto; (met.) trombo; water tank cisterno; waterwings acui-alos; waterworks acui-proviserío; (tears) to turn on the waterworks plorer cuom on fontano; wateriness acuitio, -eschitio, -iritio, -ositio; watering can arosatro; watering hole bibayo; watering place (seaside resort) mar-vacationayo; (spa) thermalerío; (watering hole) bibayo; watering trough bib-trogo | (urine) urino; to make / pass water urinefer | (limpidity, luster) [of gem] brilo; lìmpiditio; diamond of the first water diamanto valde límpida (aut di la unésima rango) || vt (put water on) [garden, plant, land] acuizer; (dilute with water) [alcoholic drink] acuizer; dilutioner; (provide with a drink of water) [animal] doner ad (bestio) biber; doner on bibedo ad; to waterboard necheter; waterborder || vi (physiol.) [eyes] làcrimefer; [mouth] salivefer; it’s enough to make your mouth water li fiçan homi salivefer || adj waterlogged acui-imbutita (aut -intintita, -satiita); waterproof nepèrmeébila; watertight [alibi] perfecta; [bottle, container, seal] hermética; [excuse, argument] neatachébila; nerefutébila; watered (diluted) [wine] acuizita; waterish acuesca; waterless sine acuo; watery acua, -esca, -osa
  • wato n wato
  • wattle n (constr.) crato; a house of wattle and daub on domo ec cratos et fango; (bot., chiefly Australian: acacia) acacio; (zool., anat.) palearo || vt (wattle) cratizer
  • wave vt (brandish, shake) [flag] àgiter; [weapon] brander; (gesture) to wave someone back / through / on facer manu-signo (aut manue ìndicher) ad álicu che li retrovades / pases / abanties; to wave someone goodbye manue dicer adeo ad álicu; (style with waves) [hair] undizer || vi (gesture) to wave to/at [in greeting] manue saluter; [sign to] facer manu-signo ad | (sway) [flag] undefer; [grass, corn] undefer; (grow with a slight curl) [hair] undefer || n (in sea, lake) undo; (in hair) undo; (gesture) manu-signo; (phys., rad.) undo; waveband frcuentii-bendo; wavelength undi-longhitio; (idiom) we’re not on the same wavelength nos no es sur la metípsima undi-longhitio | (surge) undo, -efo; the first wave of an attack la unésima undo di on ataco; a wave of bombings on undo di bombijos; to come in waves ariver (aut eventer) per undos; wave offering ófero je primicios || adj wavy undesca, -osa, -ífera, -izita
  • waver vi (be undecided between two options) hèsiter; vaciler; (become unsteady or unreliable) [loyalty, courage, determination] vaciler; [support] hèsitecer; (tremble) [flame, shadow] trèmuler; vaciler; [voice] trèmuler
  • wax n cero; wax myrtle (bot.: Myrica) mirichífero; wax paper cerizita (aut parafinizita) papero; waxwing (zool.: Bombycilla) bombicilo; waxwork cer-figuro; waxworks cer-museo || vt cerizer || adj cera; waxed cerizita; waxen (archaic, lit.) cera; waxy ceresca, -osa
  • wax vi (grow) [moon] crecer; to wax and wane crecer et descrecer; (lit.: become) deventioner; -ecer; esecer; to wax eloquent about something elocuentecer paraulante sopre álico
  • way n (manner) manario; I did it my way mi facin lo secuno mea manario; truth, justice, and the American way veritio, yustitio, et la Usonana viv-manario; we lost in a really big way nos perdin en spectàculisca manario; [of will] have your own way! cuome vi desíderan!; she always got her way el sempre obtinin cuo el volitionin | (conduct) comporto; to mend one’s ways emender si | (custom) custumo; Transylvania is not England; our ways are not your ways Transilvania no es Anglia; nostra custumos no es vostra custumos | (means) meano; to find a way to do something trover on meano facer álico; life finds a way le vivo trovan on meano; ways and means meanos | (method, technique) manario; méthodo; the best way is to run it as semigloss la óptima méthodo es facer li cuom se la papero eseban semibrilanta; the easiest way to do it la maxim fácila manario facer li; that’s the way! asíc!; ecce cuome facer li!; that way it won’t disturb anyone asíc li molestun nulu; you’re doing it the wrong way asíc no es cuome facer li | (respect, aspect) relationo; in no way en nula relationo; in some ways en álica relationos | (special quality, gift) doto; hàbilitio; he certainly has a way with words il certe haban hàbilitio (aut on doto) sopre le vocábulos; I’ve always had a way with kids mi dex sempre sapan tracter le pueros; she has a way with her el haban cuida cármino | (state, condition) stando; to be in a bad way stander male; [idiom] to be in the family way eser grávida; (road) vialo; across / over the way from abante / contre / oposite ad; Way of the Cross Cruç-vialo | [in town, village] strado; [small transverse street] stradeto; (route) vialo; to ask one’s way to the station demander la vialo ad la stationo; to go out of one’s way to do something devialifer (aut descòmodizer) si por facer álico; to lose one’s way devialecer; perder sua vialo; on the way dumviale; surviale; on the way here venante adhic; on the way home vadante adfocare; way in / out en- / ecvadayo; [idiom] to go one’s own way secuer sua propria vialo; I’m with you all the way mi apodian vi en omno | (direction) directiono; down my way en mea vicinayo; to go the wrong way misvader; prender on mala vialo; the other way around inverse; “this way for the llamas” “ad la lamos”; which way did they go? en cua directiono los vadin?; which way to Mecca? en cua directiono es Mecca? | (distance) disto; it’s a long way off li multe distan; you’ve come a long way, baby vi abantiin multe, cariso; (space someone wants to go through) to be / stand in the way eser on obstáculo; impeder; obstructer; to stand in the way of progress impeder le progreso; to give way [collapse] colapser; [yield] ceder; to make way [passage] make way! áperes pasayo!; laces paser! | [space] ceder (aut facer) placio; they bulldozed the house on the corner to make way for a Starbucks homi buldozerijin la domo ye la ángulo por facer placio por on Starbucks; one’s way [passage] to make one’s way toward àperer pasayo ad; to push one’s way through a crowd pulse àperer pasayo tra on túrbulo; to work one’s way up the company labore acenser en la companío; out of the way [distant, secluded] aparta; fora; his house is very out of the way iluya domo es valde ìsolita; I’d keep out of her way if I were you mi eviteban tracter el se mi eseban vi; [handled] with the griefer out of the way, we can finally play the game nun che la ċagrinifisto es tractita, nos fine potan jocher; [not obstructing] out of the way! ec la vialo!; laces paser!; put it somewhere out of the way pones li ube li no impedun; right of way pas-yuro; (fig.: course of action) bushido means “way of the warrior” bushido signífican “vialo di le gueristo”; to go the way of the dinosaur secuer la metípsima vialo cam le dinosauro; the middle way la vialo media; this is the Way (of the Mandalore) ecce la Vialo (di la Mandaloro); (in phrases) by the way (in passing) pasante; (incidentally) incidente; látere; how was your vacation, by the way látere, cuale standin vua vacationo?; oh, and by the way ante che mi oblitun | (on that subject) thémate (aut ocasione) di; “Linda Lovelace”, which by the way, is not her real name “Linda Lovelace”, thémate di cua, no es eluya vera nómino; by way of [as a form of] cuom je; forme di; [by means of] per; [through] tra; to get under way cominitiezer; movezecer; things are getting under way at last la afaros fine movezeçan; waybill cáric-listo; éxped-bileto; wayside vial-látero, -bordo; wayfarer ped-viaġanto | (part, division) ´-ime; he’ll split the loot three ways il divisun la despoliajo tríime; to pay one’s way pagher sua parto || vt to waylay aborder; haltifer; (attack) imbosc-atacher || adj wayside vial-látera; wayfaring ped-viaġanta; wayward (capricious) capriciosa, -ema; (stubborn) obstinanta, -ema || adv (informal: much, very) multe; valde; that’s way too big ecuilo es multe nim granda; those guys we met behind the club were way cool! ecuila cherlos cua nos incontrin detre la discotheco esin valde geniala!; way back in 1968 longhe ántee en 1968; way up in the sky valde súpere en la celo
  • we prn nos; as we say in Milan cuome homi diçan en Milano; we all make mistakes omnos potan erorer; we are not amused nos no es amusata; we elves nos (la) elfos
  • weak adj (lacking strength, energy, power, firmness, intensity) débila; her illness left her too weak to stand up eluya malatitio lacin el nim débila statiecer; his beard covers a weak chin iluya barbo cópertan on débila mentono; weak coffee débila (aut legera) cafeo; the weak link in the chain la débila caten-anelo; a weak performance on débila (aut mediocra) ludo; a weak spot débila punto; dèbilajo; a weak syllable on débila sílabo | (gram.) [verb] débila; weak-kneed codarda; weak-minded mentische débila; the Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded la Fortio potan haber on enorma influo sopre le mentische débila || n weakling débilo; weakness dèbilitio; (weak spot) dèbilajo; to have a weakness for something haber on dèbilajo sopre álico || vt to weaken dèbilifer; (dilute) acuizer; dilutioner || vi to weaken dèbilecer
  • weal n (welt) colpajo; [streak] strio; (formal: welfare) bona stando; the common weal la pública bona stando
  • wealth n (riches) ricajos; (richness) richitio; for all her wealth malgrate sua richitio; (abundance) abundo; a wealth of information on abundo de informos || adj wealthy rica
  • wean vt [child] ablacter; to wean someone off (or away from) something descustumifer álicu sopre álico || adj to be weaned on nutrer si per; I was weaned on a steady diet of 80s sci-fi flicks mi nutrin mi per filmos di cientii-fictiono de la anuos 80
  • weapon n armo || vt to weaponize (install weapons in) armizer; (turn into a weapon) armifer || adj weaponless sine armo
  • wear vt (have on) [clothes] surhaber; vestejer; not all heroes wear capes no omna heroos surhaban on manteto; to wear mourning eser vestizita luge; who wears the pants in that house? cua comandan (aut vestejan la pantalono) en ecuila domo?; you wear your age well vi etatan (aut conservan si) bone | [beard, hair] haber; she usually wears her hair up el custume haban sua capilado en on ċiniono; to wear one’s hair long/short haber sua capilado longa/curta | [glasses, jewelry, sword, makeup, perfume] surhaber; (rub, damage through use) consumpter; paruser; he always wears his pants out at the knees il sempre consumptan sua pantalono ye la genúculos; the rocks were worn smooth la saxos esin pùmichita da témporo; to wear a hole in something facer on forámino en álico per usado; to wear away [inscription, pattern] (gradene) efacier; [rock] eroser; to wear down [heel, tire tread, pencil] consumpter; paruser; [person, resistance, patience] exhauster; to wear out (fatigue) exhauster; fatighazer; (use up) consumpter; [clothing] paruser; to wear through consumpter || vi (become worn, damaged from use) consumptezer; parusezer; (last, endure) durationer; to wear off (pass) [anesthetic] deseficacecer; perder eficacitio; [excitement, novelty] paser; [pain] desaparer; diminutionezer; to wear on (irritate) you’re wearing on my nerves vi agaçan mea nervos | (pass) [time] forfluer; paser; as the evening wore on dum la véspero || n (act of wearing) surhabo; survestejo; (clothing, dress) vestado; casual wear neformala vestado; (use) uso; (deterioration through use) consumpto; paruso || adj wearable [clothing] surhabébila, -anda; vestegébila, -anda; wearing (exhausting) exhaustanta; fatiganta
  • weary adj (tired) fatighita; (bored) tediata; wearisome fatiganta; tedianta || n weariness fatighititio; tediatitio || vt fatigher; tedier || vi to weary of fatighezer da; tediezer da
  • weasel n (zool.: Mustela) mustelo; weasel word ambigua vocabulo || vi to weasel out of evitaċer; torcer si ec
  • weather n tempo; under the weather (slightly unwell) malateta; weather balloon sondi-balono; weatherboard bardelo; weather forecast meteoròloghìisca buletino; tempi-prognoso; weather gauge (naut., obsolete) abantaġo di venti-directiono; weatherglass barómetro; weatherman, -woman meteorólogo; weather report meteoròloghìisca buletino; weathervane vent-ìndicatro || vt (wear away) [skin, face] tanijer; [stone] eroser; [wood] sichifer; (come safely through) [storm] traviver; (withstand) resister; (naut.) [cape] pretervader || adj weather-beaten tempi-batuita (aut -tochita); [skin, face] tanijita; [stone] erosita; [wood] sichifita; weather-bound haltifita da tempo; weatherproof nepèrmeébila; weather-wise temp-antevidiva
  • weave vt (form by interlacing) [fabric, basket, plot, story] texer; (interlace) [strands] intreplecter; to weave something into enplecter; (insinuate) insinuer álico aden; to weave misleading details into a story insinuer inganosa detalos aden on raconto || vi (zigzag) zigzagher || n (hair extension) (capil-)extensajo; weaver texisto, -edoro; weaving texo; (interlacing) intreplecto
  • web n [of spider] aráne-reto; (net, mesh) reto; (system of interconnected elements) reto; texajo; a web of lies on reto (aut texajo, insímulo) di mendacios; the Web la Webo; World Wide Web tot-tera texajo (TTT); web address Web-adirectio; web browser (Web)nàvigatro; webcam Web-cámero; webmaster Web-magistro; web page Web-págino; website Web-situo; webzine Webzino | (membrane between toes) membrano; (piece of woven fabric) texajo || adj web-footed palmata
  • wed vt (lit. or archaic: get married to) mariter si cum; sponsifer si ad; (lit. or archaic: join in marriage) mariter; (combine) [factors, qualities, ideas] ligher; unioner || vi (lit. or archaic: get married) maritezer; sponsecer || n wedding marito; to have a church / civil wedding sponsecer (aut maritezer) en eclesio / civile | (ceremony and party) nuptio; wedding guest nuptiisca hòspitato; wedding night nuptiisca nocto; wedding ring marit-anelo; wedlock maritititio; sponsitio; to be born out of wedlock nacer exter maritititio (aut sponsitio) || adj wedded (formal) lawfully wedded wife / husband legítima sponso
  • wedge n cúneo; to drive a wedge between two people àperer on breċo inter dua personos; wedge issue cliv-punto || vt (fix in position using a wedge) cùneizer; per cúneo fixer (aut stringer); to wedge a door open per cúneo tener on portelo como àperita; (force into a narrow space) enpresioner; to be wedged between two other passengers eser enpresionita (aut nemoveziva) inter dua áltera pasageros; (shape into a wedge) cùneifer; (split, cleave) per cúneo finder (aut cliver) || adj wedge-shaped cúne-forma; cùneesca
  • Wednesday n Mercurii-dio
  • wee adj (chiefly Scot.) parv(et)a; a wee bit on paucazo; paucaze; the wee hours of the morning la unésima horos di la matino
  • weed n (bot.) herbaċo; mal-herbo; weed killer herbaċicido; weeding tool runcatro | (informal: cannabis) herbo || vt [flower bed, garden] desherbaċizer; runcher; to weed out [plant] evulser; extirper; (fig.) [weak candidate] elìminer || adj weedy herbaċosa; (Brit., informal: scrawny) macraċa
  • week n septimano; next week la venunta septimano; (Brit., informal) this day week (7 days after) post septa dios de hodie; (7 days before) ante septa dios de hodie; weekday labor-dio; weekend septiman-fino || adj weekly septimanala; weekly paper septimanala jurnalo || adv weekly omni-septimane; septimanale
  • weep vi (cry) plorer; (med.) [wound] pusefer || adj weeping willow (bot.: Salix babylonica) plor-sáliço; weepy [person] plorema; (sentimental) [film, novel, song] làcrimógena
  • weevil n (zool.: Curculionoidea) curculiono
  • weft n tramato
  • weigh vt (measure weight of) pònderer; to weigh in [boxer, jockey] pònderer | (consider) [evidence, options, risk] consìderer; explorer; pensader sopre; pònderer; (naut.) to weigh anchor lever la áncoro; to weigh down (encumber) incombrer; multe càrichizer; ònerizer; pesosizer; weighed down by debt ònerizita da debitionedo | (oppress) opreser; surpresioner; weighed down by sorrows opresata da ċagrinos; to weigh out ecpònderer; he weighed out a kilo of cocaine il ecpónderin on chilogramo de cocaíno || vi (have weight) peser; to weigh 21 grams peser 21 gramos; to weigh in [boxer, jockey] to weigh in at 60 kg peser 60 kg; to weigh on (be a burden) peser sur; tormenter; to weigh heavily on someone’s mind preòcuper álicu multe | (be important) eser on factoro; influer; peser (sur); to weigh for / against eser on factoro por / contre; to weigh heavily with peser (aut influer) multe sur || n weighing póndero; weighing machine bilancio; pònderatro
  • weight n (heaviness) peso; to be worth one’s weight in gold valorer sua peso de auro; to pull one’s weight facer sua parto | (heavy object) pesoso; [in clock] pesajo; [in scales] pesatro; [load, burden] cárico; weightlifter halterazisto; weightlifting halteraz-levado; weight training intrainezo per pesajos | (influence) influo; (importance) gravitio; importo || vt (make heavier) pesosifer; to weight down multe càrichizer; pesosizer || adj weighted (biased) to be weighted against desfavorer; to be weighted in favor of favorer; weightless sine peso; weighty (heavy) grava; pesazanta; (important) grava; importanta
  • weir n (dam) acui-baratro; dicheto; (fish trap) piç-curalo
  • weird adj (uncanny) ignótica; (informal: strange) extránea; (archaic: connected with fate) sortisca; the weird sisters la Parços || n (obsolete: spell) incanto; sortiarío; (archaic: fate) sorto; weirding way (sci-fi) sortiarío; weirdo (informal) extráneo || vt (archaic: doom) destiner; (archaic: magic) magìer; sortiarìer; strighìer
  • welcome n bon-ven(if)o; to give someone a warm / frosty welcome calde / frígide bon-venifer || vt bon-venifer; recepter (aut accepter) placere; we welcome you to Munchkin Land nos bon-venifan vi ad Munċchinia || adj (gladly received) bon-veninta; cordiische (aut placere) accepteda; she’s not welcome here anymore el no pluse es bon-veniva hic; welcome news bon-veninta (aut agratábila) notitio; (invited, allowed) invitita; permisata; guests are welcome to use the lounge nos invitan hòspitatos ùtilifer la salono; you’re welcome to it vi es líbera prender li; you’re welcome to try vi potan èprober se vi desíderan lo; you’re welcome to visit any time vi es sempre bon-veniva; (in reply to “thank you”) you’re welcome mea placero; no mentionanda || inter bon-venes!; welcome to Annexia! bon-venes ad Anexia!
  • weld vt (tech.) welder; to weld together welder || n (tech.) weldajo; (bot.: Reseda luteola) gualdo
  • welfare n (well-being) bona stando; (public assistance) sociala adjuto; to be on welfare recepter sociala adjuto; welfare center centralo por sociala adjuto; welfare services sociala adjuto; welfare state socialema stato; stato di sociala adjuto; welfare worker sociala adjutisto
  • well adv (in a good way) bone; well done! bon(az)a!; bone facita!; bravo!; to come out well bone resulter; succeser; to do well (act wisely) you did well to come to me vi facin bone vener ad mi; you would do well to reconsider ad vi conveneban riconsìderer; (prosper) he’s doing well iluya vivo vadan bone | (succeed) succeser en; to do well in an exam succeser en on exámino; to go well vader bone; everything is going well omno vadan bone; (match, correspond) black goes well with everything nigro vadan bone cum omno; to speak well of parauler bone sopre | (indeed) ya; he apologized, as well he might il excusin si, et cum motivo (aut cuome il debin ya); it was well deserved lo esin ya mèritita; it was well worth the trouble lo ya valorin la peno; well and truly ya; you may well ask! bona cuestiono!; may / might well be (very probably) it may well be that… lo es valde posíbila che…; they may well be lying lo ya potan eser che los mendacian; very well (reasonably) I couldn’t very well refuse / leave lo esin neposíbila ad mi refuser / forvader; (much) may / might as well tante valoreber; “should we go in?” “we may as well” “envades nos?” “cuare no?”; we might as well have stayed home tante valorebin rester focare; you might as well fess up plu multe valoreban confeser | (thoroughly, considerably) multe; he is well over 50 il etatan 50 et multe anuos; well into 2021 dum multo de 2021; well over a hundred multe plu cam cento; well nigh presche; well worn multe usita; (in phrases) as well (in addition) anche; I’m taking Westron as well mi anche studan Westenso; as well as (besides) ultre; she’s working on a dictionary of Khuzdul as well as Adûnaic el composan on dictionario sopre Khuzdenso ultre Adunenso || adj (healthy) sana; to be well eser sana; stander bone; I’m very well, thank you mi standan bone, regratio | [cured] risanecinta; risanifita; to get well (ri)sanecer; get well soon! risaneces rápide!; to make well risanifer | (satisfactory, acceptable) bona; all is not well no omno vadan bone; all’s well that ends well omno bona, cuo finezan bone; that’s all well and good, but… tota ecuilo es valde bona, mas…; well appointed bone ecuipita; [chic] shica; well balanced bone ecuilibriifita; well behaved bone comportanta; cortesa; well born bone nacinta; di bona familio; well bred [animal] di bona raço; [person] bone èduchita; cortesa; well done (tasty) bone cocinita (aut prèparita); (thoroughly cooked) parcocinita; well favored (good-looking) bela; bon-aspectanta; well hung (informal) [man] bone dotizita; well meaning bone intentanta; well-off en bona stando; rica; well read bone instructita; mult-lecturinta; to be well read in history eser bone instructita sopre historio; eser lecturinta je multa historio; well timed oportuna; well-to-do rica || n (good) well-being bona stando; welldoer bonfaçanto; welldoing bonfaçado, -emito; well-wisher admiranto; bon-desìderanto | (shaft in the ground for water) púteo; wellspring (lit.) fonto | (shaft in building) [for stairs, elevator, air] shacto || vi to well up [liquid, emotion] eclevezer || inter ben!; very well then valde bona; well then? ben?; well, that’s that! ben, afaro conclusita!; well, who’da thunk? ben, cua credeban lo?
  • Welsh adj Guala || n Welshman, -woman Gualo; (archaic) Cambriano || vi to welsh (offensive) [on promise, agreement] faler; violationer
  • welt n (edging, trimming) [of clothing] bordumo; (weal) colpajo; [streak] strio; (heavy blow) colpazo
  • welter vi (lit.) [in blood] bàlneer si; eser bàlneata; [in mud] ròtulader si; ròtulezader || n confusajo, -itio; in a welter of blood en on bálneo di sánguino
  • welterweight n (sport) [person] wéltero; [weight] wélter-peso
  • wen n (seb-)chisto; furúnculo; tumor(et)o; the Great Wen (London) la Granda Tumoro
  • wench n (archaic: maidservant) servistiso; (archaic: prostitute) putano; (archaic or humorous: girl or young woman) jùveniso; pueriso
  • wend vi vader; to wend one’s way secuer sua vialo; vial-vader || n Wend (Sorb) Sorabo
  • werewolf n (folk.) lup-humano
  • west n (direction, compass point) westo; the wind is from the west la vento venan de la westo; (western part of the world or specified area) in the west of the country en la westo di la paeso; the West la westo; (Europe and its culture; Europe and North America) Occidento; westerner westano; Westerner (European or North American) Occidentano || vt to westernize Occidenteschifer || adj westa; West Indies Caribia; west longitude westisca longitúdino; westbound adwesta; western westa, -isca, -ana; Western Alliance Westisca Aliantiajo; (European) the Western Church la Occidentana Eclesio; Western civilization Occidentana civilizationo; westward adwesta || adv weste; Switzerland lies west of Austria Suicia jaçan weste de Austria; (westward) go west, young man vades adweste, jùvenaso; westward adweste
  • wet adj [floor, clothes, diaper, bed, person] húmida; [paint, ink, plaster] fresca; (rainy) pluvosa, -ema; (tearful) [eyes, face] húmida; làcrimosa || n hùmiditio; (weather) pluvo; wet dream húmida somnio; polutiono; wetland húmida zono; hùmidayo; wet market húmida mercato; wet nurse (chiefly hist.) alactisto; wetsuit acui-combinationo || vt hùmidifer; to wet one’s lips hùmidifer sua labios; (urinate in or on) to wet one’s pants, bed hùmidifer (aut urinefer en) sua pantalono, lecto
  • whack vt (informal: strike) colpazer; frapazer; (informal: murder) abater || vi to whack off (vulgar slang: masturbate) fricuċer || n (informal: strike) frapazo; (informal: try or attempt) éprobo; to take a whack at èprober; (in phrases) out of whack misfuntionanta
  • whacko n (informal; also “wacko”) another whacko touting a more-than-superfluous pet project on plusa eccéntrico promotionanta on prèferata projecto ultre superflua
  • whale n (zool.: Cetacea) baleno; whaleboat balen-batelo; whalebone fanono; whale oil balen-óleo; whaler (person) balen-pischisto; (ship) balen-navo
  • wharf n warfo; (quay) cayo; wharfage (fee) warf-pretio; wharfinger warf-patrono, -geranto
  • what prn (interrogative) [asking about an indeterminate thing, event, circumstance, fact, etc.] cuo; I don’t know what to do now mi no sapan cuo facer nun; tell me what you saw dices ad mi cuo vi vidin; what? I didn’t catch that cuo? mi no comprensin ecuilo; what did you say? cuo vi dicin?; what do you want now? cuo vi desíderan nun?; what’s up? cuo eventan? | [asking about quality] cuala; what’s the weather like? cuala es la tempo? | [asking for definition or explanation] cuo; what is that? cuo es ecuilo?; what’s a “conlang”? cuo es on “conlang”?; what’s “snob” in French? cuome homi diçan “snobo” Francense?; what was the problem? cuo esin la problémato? | [how] cuome; what does it matter? cuome lo importan?; et cuo? | [how much] cuante; what does it weigh? cuante li pesan?; what’s 11 times 12? cuante es 11 multiplichita per 12?; what will it cost? cuante li costun? | [which in particular] cua; tell me what your fears are dices ad mi cua es vua timos; what … is the capital of Assyria? cua … es la ċef-civitato di Asiria?; what is your password? cua es vua contresigno?; what were the biggest problems? cua esin la maxim granda problématos?; (relative) cuo; ecuilo cuo; do what you like faces cuo vi volitionan; it wasn’t what I was expecting li no esin cuo mi expectin; movies aren’t what they used to be le filmo no es cuo li olim esin; we saw what happened nos vidin cuo eventin; what’s done is done cuo es facita es facita; lo facita facita es; what’s surprising is that it hadn’t happened before lo surprisanta es che lo no eventin ante nun; what’s worse is that this isn’t the fist time lo pejora es che ecuisto no es la unésima veço; (in exclamations) what?! cuo?!; what, no coffee? cuo, ci no es cafeo?; you told him WHAT? CUO! cuo vi ad il dicin?; (in phrases) and what have you, and what not et tale pluse; and what’s more… et pluse…; or what aut no?; you coming or what? venan vi aut no?; so what? et cuo?; so what if he dies? et cuo, si il mortun?; what about…? et…?; “so, your girlfriend…” “what about her?” “ben, vua novio…” “mea novio, cuo?”; what about Bob? et Rob?; what about dinner, should we go out? et por cenationer, vades nos ad restoranto?; what for? [to what purpose] por cuo?; [why] pro cuo?; what if…? et se…?; what if she says no? et se el diçun no?; what of…? et…?; and what of the Rebellion? et la Rebeliono?; what of it? et cuo?; importan lo? (aut cuome lo importan?); what with cum; what with his language projects and his gaming he could hardly… cum sua linguagisca interprensos et sua jocos, il apene potis…; what with one thing and another cum una coso et áltero; what’s it to you? cuome ecuilo concernan vi?; what’s what cuale la afaros standan; he knows what’s what il sapan cuale standan la afaros; whatever cuo cunche; whatever happens cuo cunche eventun || n what for (rebuke) to give someone what for reprimender; whatnot (etagere) staġario; (other related objects or ideas) cétero(s); (small unspecified object) cosumo; whatchamacallit cosumo || adj (interrogative) cua; what color is that? cua coloro es ecuilo?; what time is it? cua cloco lo es? | [which kind, sort, type] cuala; what sort of music do you like? cuala músico vi aman? | [which of a series] cuantésima; what day (of the month) is it? cuantésima dio lo es?; (relative) [all the] cuanta; I already gave you what money I had mi jam donin ad vi cuanta pecunio mi habin | (in exclamations) cuala; what an excellent day for an exorcism! cuala bonaza dio por on exorcizo!; what big teeth you have! cuala granda dentos vi haban!; whatever cua cunche; to whatever end ad cua cunche fino || adv whatsoever (at all) absolute; cunche; nothing whatsoever absolute nulo; nulo cunche
  • wheat n (bot.: Triticum) trítico || adj wheaten trítica, -ea, -esca
  • wheedle vt blander; to wheedle somebody into doing something blander álicu por che li faces álico; to wheedle something out of somebody blande obtiner (aut ectirer) álico de álicu || adj wheedling blandanta
  • wheel n roto; (for steering) [vehicle, vessel] stir-roto; stiratro; (in phrases) a fifth wheel la cinchésima roto di la caròceazo; there are wheels within wheels lo es plu complexa cam lo pareçan; the wheel of fortune la roto di fortuno; Catherine wheel (firework) torní-focajo; wheelbarrow cárulo; wheelchair roti-sedilo; wheelhouse (naut.) nàvigayo; stirayo; wheelwright (hist.) rotefisto || vt (push) [bicycle, stroller] pulser; (carry) [in or on a vehicle] veher || vi (turn) girer; tornìer si; [bird] gire (aut círcule) voler; to wheel about ritornìer si; [on toes] pirueter; (mil.) conversioner | (roll) ròtulezer
  • wheeze vi [person] respirer ruite (aut asmesche, físcule); [machine] fìsculer || vt “never,” I wheezed “jamás,” mi dicin rauche || n [of person] ruitosa (aut asmesca, fìsculanta) respiro; [of machine] físculo
  • whelk n (zool.: Buccinidae) bucino
  • whelp n cátulo || vt parturer; she whelped six kittens el parturin sesa cátolos || vi càtulefer
  • when adv cuande; when did this happen? cuande ecuisto eventin?; say when! [when serving food, drink] dices cuante (aut cuande li sufiçan)!; (relative use) I can’t remember a time when I was happy mi no mémoran on periodo cuande mi esin feliça; whenever cuande cunche; whenever did he say that? cuande cunche il dicin ecuilo? || conj cuande; slippery when wet glisifiva cuande húmida; your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough vua patro desíderin che vi habes ecuisto cuande vi sufiçante etatun; (if) cuande; se; why walk when you can fly? cuare caminer cuande (aut se) homi potan voler?; (on -ing) -ante; be careful when crossing the street atentiones transvadante la strado; (whereas) cuande; he thought their love would never die, when in fact she was filing for divorce il credin che lora amoro jamás mortun, cuande facte el esin demandanta divortio; whenever cuande cunche; we unwisely decided to take a drink whenever Tony Montana swears nos neprudente decisin trincher cuande cunche Toni Montana parauluċan
  • whence adv (archaic, formal, lit.) deube; ecube; whence do you come? deube vi venan?; (relative use) de cua; the town whence I came la civitato de cua mi venin; whence I conclude that… de cuo mi ínferan che…
  • where adv ube; where am I? ube mi es? | (whither) adube; where are you going? adube vi vadan?; (relative use) ube; this is where he works ecce ube il laboran; whereabouts (apróxime) ube; whereabouts do you live? apróxime ube vi hábitan?; whereby per cua; wherefore (archaic: why) cuare; pro cuo; wherein (formal: in what place or respect) ube; (formal: in which) en cua; whereof (formal) sopre cuo; wherever ube cunche; (whither) wherever you go, there you are adube cunche vi vadan, ilác vi es || n whereabouts ube homi trovezan; to know one’s whereabouts saper ube álicu trovezan; wherewithal meano; the wherewithal to do something la meano facer álico || conj whereas (in opposition) contre che; (seeing that) consídere che; esante che; pro che; (while in fact) dum che facte; whereat (archaic or formal) post cuod; ye cuod; wherefore (archaic: and for this reason) dunche; et pro ecuilo; whereupon post cuod
  • wherry n (pasager-)barc(het)o
  • whet vt (sharpen) [blade] acutifer; (excite, stimulate) [appetite, curiosity] èciter; evìgiler; stìmuler || n whetstone acutif-petro; acutifatro
  • whether conj (interrogative) chi; do you know whether they’re coming? sapan vi chi los venun?; (parallel alternatives) whether … or… sive…sive; whether or not sive sic, sive no; whether our clients make money, or lose money, Duke & Duke get the commissions sive nostra clientos guadanian pecunio, sive los perdan pecunio, Duke & Duke receptan la pocentajos
  • whew inter fu!
  • whey n lacti-sero
  • which prn (interrogative) cua, -os; which of you is Spartacus? cua ec vos es Spártaco?; which ones do you want? cuos vi desíderan?; (relative use: that) cua, -os; the hotel in which we stayed la hotelo en cua nos sujurnin | (relative use: entire previous clause) cuod; you’re late, which reminds me… vi es tarda, cuod mèmorifan mi…; whichever (interrogative) whichever of you did it cua cunche ec vos facin lo; (relative use) whichever ones you pick cuos cunche vi selectun
  • whiff n (odor) odoreto; (sniff) olfacteto; (puff) sufleto
  • while n (period of time) a while (cualca) témporo; a long while before now ye on longa témporo ante nun; all the while dum la tota témporo; for a while dum on témporo; for a long/short while dum on longa/curta témporo; in a while post on témporo; in a little while post pauco; prompte; (time as resource) to be worth one’s while valorer la peno; that’s not worth my while ecuilo no valoran ad mi la peno; we’ll make it worth your while nos recompensun vi generose || vt to while away [time] pasifer; he whiled away the hours reading his phone il pasifin la horos lecturante sua teléfono || conj (during the time that) dum che; while that was happening dum che ecuilo esin eventanta; while you were out dum che vi esin fora | [same subject in both clauses] -ante; dum che; I fell asleep while reading mi dormecin lecturante | (as long as) dum che; tam longhe cam; nothing bad can happen while you’re here nulo mala potan eventer dum che vi es hic; (whereas) contre che; I’ll eat anything, while she prefers organic mi manġun álico cunche, contre che el préferan le eco-nutrivo | (although) cuancam; while I agree with you in principle… cuancam mi concordan cum vi principie…
  • whilst conj see “while”
  • whim n capricio; whimsy fantasío || adj whimsical (capricious) capriciosa, -ema; (fanciful) fantasìisca, -ema
  • whimper vi gèmiter; ploret(aċ)er || n gémito; ploret(aċ)o
  • whine n (high-pitched complaining cry) [of dog] strid-gémito; [of person] plor-planġo; (high-pitched sound) [of bullet] físculo; [of engine] stridado; [of siren] ùrulado; (petulant, feeble complaint) planġaċo || vi (make a high-pitched complaining cry) [dog] strid-gèmiter; [person] plor-planger; (make a high-pitched sound) [bullet] fìsculer; [engine] stridader; [siren] ùrulader; (petulantly, feebly complain) planġaċer
  • whinny n hino || vi hiner
  • whip n (strip of leather for flogging or driving animals) flagelo; (riding crop) flageleto; (pol.) hundadisto; (culin.: whipped cream) frulita cremo; whiplash (blow from the whip) flagelijo; (flexible part of whip) flagel-cordo; (med.) col-tráumato; flagelijo; whipper-in hundadisto || vt (beat with a whip) [horse, person] flagelijer; (informal: defeat) vincer; (beat into a froth) [cream, eggs] fruler; (pol.: enforce party policy in) [voting member] retroconducter; to whip out (carry out) ecporter brusche (aut precípite); (pull out) ectirer brusche; to whip up (concoct) [meal] prèparer rápide; (excite) [emotions, enthusiasm, indignation] èciter; (stimulate) [support, interest] stìmuler || vi (move fast in a specified direction) precìpiter si || adj whipped cream frulita cremo
  • whippersnapper n (informal) impertinenta novicio; noviciuċo
  • whippet n (dog breed) wipeto
  • whippletree n (archaic: singletree) (tir-)vecto
  • whippoorwill n (zool.: Antrostomus vociferus) antróstomo
  • whir vi (also “whirr”) [insect, machine, bullet] zizer; [motor] vrumer || n zizo
  • whirl vi (spin) tornìez(ad)er (aut rotation(ad)er) rápide; he whirled round to face her il tornìezin brusche por reguarder el | [on toes] pirueter; (swirl) vòrticer; (move) vader ràpidaze; the marauding shoppers whirled past us la sachejanta bothechejantos pasin ràpidaze preter nos || vt (spin) tornì(ad)er (aut rotation(ad)ifer) rápide; (swirl) vòrticifer; (transport) veher ràpidaze; the train whirled us off to Kyoto la traino vehin nos ràpidaze ad Kyoto || n whirligig (merry-go-round) caroselo; (toy) tornìezad-jocatro; [top] turbinino; whirlpool acui-vórtico; whirlwind venti-vórtico; [of dust] pulvi-vórtico || adj whirling dervish tornìezadanta dervisho
  • whisk vt (culin.) [eggs, etc.] fruler; (take, move, or wipe quickly) prender (aut porter, terger) brusche; he was whisked off to a meeting homi prendin il brusche ad on asemblo; to whisk away forprender (aut -porter, terger) brusche || n (culin.) frulatro; whiskers [of animal] vibrisos; [of person] genal-barbo
  • whiskey n (also “whisky”) wischio
  • whisper vt susurer; “I see dead people,” he whispered “mi vidan mortintos,” il susurin; to be whispered that… (be rumored) ci es on rumoro che…; homi rumoran che…; rumore… || n susuro; (rumor) rumoro; whispering gallery acùstichisca galerío
  • whist n (card game) wisto
  • whistle n (sound) [of person, instrument, projectile, wind] físculo; (instrument) fìsculatro; to blow the whistle on someone sonifer la alarmo sopre álicu; whistle-blower alarmedoro || vt fìsculer; (wolf-whistle) flirt-fìsculer ad || vi a bullet whistled past his head on cuglo volin fìsculante preter iluya cápito || adj whistle-stop [tour] ràpidaza
  • whit n (very small part or amount) petieto; iota; (in phrases) every whit tote tam; every whit as good tote tam bona; not a whit tote no (aut nula); not a whit of truth etiam no on petieto de veritio; tote nula veritio
  • white adj (of color) blanca; (having white hair) [from age] canuta; white ant (zool.: Isoptera) térmito; white elephant (useless, burdensome gift) blanca elefanto; cathedralo en la desértico; the White House la Blanca Domo; white knight blanca cabaliaro; white lead ceruso; white lie pia (aut nenociva, pardonébila) mendacio (aut nevero); white noise blanca ruito; white-collar [worker] blanchi-columa; white-hot blanc-ardoranta; whitish blanchesca | (pale) pálida; to turn white pàlidecer | (racially) blanca; white flight blanchisca fuġo; white power blanchisca potentitio; white privilege blanchisca privilegio; white supremacist blanchisca superitiisto || n (color) blanco; (person) blanco; whitebait (zool.) píçolos; whitebeam (bot.: Sorbus aria) blanca sorbífero; whitefish (zool.: Coregonus) corégono; whiteout (correction liquid) lícuida corectifatro; whitethorn (bot.: Crataegus) crátego; whitewall (auto.) blanchi-látera neumático; whitewash calç-blanchifajo; Whitsunday Pentecosto; whiting (zool.: Merlangius merlangus) merlango || vt to whitewash calç-blanchifer; to whiten blanchifer || vi to whiten blanchecer
  • whither adv adube; whithersoever (archaic) adube cunche
  • whitlow n (med.) panaricio
  • whittle vt cultel-talier; he whittled a spoon out of wood il cultel-taliin on coclearo ec ligno; to whittle away, down gradene reducter
  • whiz vi (move quickly with a whistling or whooshing noise) curazer (aut voler) fìsculante (aut sisante, vrumante, zizante); to whiz through (do or deal with quickly) facer (aut tracter) ràpidaze | (informal: urinate) pisier || n (noise of something moving fast) físculo; siso; vrumo; zizo; (person who is extremely clever at something) maġo; computer whiz maġo di còmputatro; (informal: urination) pisio
  • who prn (interrogative) cua; I now know who it was mi nun sapan cua li esin; who does he think he is? cua il credan si eser?; who is it? cua es ilác?; who is she to tell me…? per cua yuro el diçan ad mi…?; who should it be but the president himself! li esin nulu áltera cam la presidento ipsa!; who should we fire first? cua nos desinguages unésime?; (relative) cua; he who is not with me is against me li cua no es cum mi es contre mi; the ones who walk away from Omelas los cua partian de Omelas; whoever (interrogative) whoever told you that? cua cunche dicin ad vi ecuilo?; (relative) whoever said that is an idiot cua cunche (aut li cua) dicin ecuilo es on idioto; whosoever see “whoever”; whom (interrogative) I know of whom you speak mi sapan sopre cua vi paraulan; whom do you serve? cua vi servan?; (relative) the lady with whom you spoke la senioriso cum cua vi paraulin || n whodunit cua-occisin
  • whoa! inter (excitement) ho!
  • whole adj (entire) tota; we spent the whole summer in Reykjavík nos pasifin la tota estato en Reykjavík; [emphasizing a large extent or number] whole cities were laid waste homi devastationin tota civitatos; whole lotta love multaza amoro; (intact) íntegra; she swallowed it whole el glutin li íntegra; to make whole (lit.: heal) risanifer; whole food íntegra alimentivo; whole milk íntegra lacto; whole number íntegra numbro; whole note (mus.: 𝅝) íntegra noto; rotundo; wholesale [prices, trade] engrosa; [rejection, acceptance] totisca; [slaughter, destruction] generala; totisca; wholesome salubra || adv wholesale engrose; to buy/sell wholesale comprer/vender engrose; wholly complete; plene; tote || n (complete unit) toto; on the whole generale; the whole of tota; the whole of China tota Ċina | [collective] omna; the whole of us nos omna; wholesale engrosa vendo
  • whoop n (loud cry) critazo; whooping cough (path.) cocheluċo; tusazo || vi critazer; to whoop it up amuser si ruitose
  • whoops inter ups!
  • whopping adj (informal) enorma
  • whore n putan(is)o; whorehouse bordelo; prostituerío; putanerío; whoremonger (archaic: pimp) prostituisto
  • whortleberry n (bot.: Vaccinium) vaccinio
  • whose pos cuya; whose mail is this? cuya postalajos es ecuistos?; (relative) those whose photos you printed los cuya fotògrafajos vi impresin || prn whose are these? cuya es ecuistos?
  • why adv cuare; (for what reason) pro cuo; (to what purpose) por cuo; that is why I didn’t come ecce cuare mi no venin; pro ecuilo mi no venin; why not? cuare no?; why on earth didn’t you tell him? cuare diábole vi no dicin lo ad il?; why she did it I’ll never know mi jamás sapun cuare el facin lo || n the whys and wherefores la cuaro (aut la pro cuo); la motivo (aut causo) || inter ben; why, it’s you! ben, lo es vi!
  • wick n mixo
  • wicked adj (evil) malvata; cruela; that was a wicked thing to do ecuilo ya esin on malvatajo; (morally debased) deprava; despia; malvata; (playfully mischievous) [grin, look, suggestion] pícara; [kitten, child] pètulanta; (informal: extremely unpleasant) [satire] cruela; mordanta; picanta; [temper] teroriva; [waste] scàndalanta; [weather] malaza
  • wicker n vímino; wicker basket vímina corbo; wickerwork vìminajo
  • wicket n (small door or gate) porteleto; (cricket: stumps) guicheto
  • wide adj (broad from side to side) larga; a wide road on larga vialo; to win by a wide margin guadanier per on granda (aut ampla) márgino; a window two meters wide on fenestro larga de dua metros | [circle, gap, differences] granda; [garment] ampla; granda; [ocean, desert] imensa; vasta; wide-angle lens grand-ángula lentilo; widescreen [TV, image] larghi-scherma | (fully open) àperazita; larghe àperita; mouth wide with amazement buco àperazita pro mirabilìezo; wide-eyed cum óculos àperazita | (extensive in range) [range, selection] ampla; granda; vasta; a wide following on granda secuantado; a wide knowledge of on ampla (aut vasta) cognoço je; a wide range of flavors on ampla gamo di saporos; wide-ranging [interests] valde diversa; widespread disvastifita; generala; vasta | (off target) for la obiectivo; (fig.) for la realo || adv (fully) wide awake tote evìgilita | (off target) for la obiectivo; (fig.) for la realo || vt to widen (plu-)larghifer; [gap, differences] (plu-)grandifer; (dilate) dilationer; (make more extensive) (plu-)amplifer; (plu-)vastifer || vi to widen (plu-)larghecer; [gap, differences] (plu-)grandecer; (become more extensive) (plu-)amplecer; (plu-)vastecer; (dilate) dilationezer
  • widget n gadgetumo
  • widow n vìduviso; widow’s weeds luġ-costumo; widower vìduvaso; widowhood vìduvitio || adj widowed víduva; vìduvifita
  • width n (dimension, quality) larghitio; in length and width longhitie et larghitie; (wide piece of something) largajo; four widths of cloth cuatra largajos de stofo
  • wield vt (hold and use) [weapon, tool] manìpuler; manuijer; (brandish) brander; (have and be able to use) [power, influence] haber
  • wife n sponsiso; wife-beater (garment) athleti-camisio || adj wifely sponsisisca
  • Wi-Fi n Wi-Fi
  • wig n peruco; wigmaker peruchefisto
  • wiggle vt [fingers, toes] àgiter; mover; [hips] hanchejer || vi [fingers, toes] àgitezer; movezer; [hips] hanchejezer
  • wight n (archaic: person of a specified kind) esento; -o; luckless wight desfeliço | (lit.) descuieta ánimo (aut fantásmato, spírito)
  • wigwag vi (move to and fro) zigzagher; (oscillate) ociler; (signal by waving) ágit-signaler
  • wigwam n wigwamo
  • wiki n wichio
  • wild adj (not domesticated or cultivated) [animal, plant] silvaġa; (not tamed) nedòmitita; wild beast silvaġa bestio; [brute] bruto; wild boar (zool.: Sus scrofa) apro; wild celery (bot.: Apium graveolens var. graveolens) apio; wild cherry (bot.: Prunus avium) dulci-ceresio; silvagi-ceresio; wild goose chase neútila cerco (aut persecuto, cacio); wild pansy (bot.: Viola tricolor) silvaġa pens-violo | (savage) [beast] bruta; feroça; [dated, offensive: person] silvaġa; (uninhabited, uncultivated, inhospitable) [place, region] silvaġa; a wild stretch of coastline on silvaġa extensajo di lítoro | (rough, stormy) [sea, weather] tempestosa; (unrestrained) fola; frenesìanta, -osa; pètulanta, -osa; silvaġa; sine freno; Big protest in D.C. Be there, will be wild! Granda manifestationo en D.C. Eses ilác, esun silvaġa!; he hung his wild years on a nail that he drove through his wife’s forehead il pendifin sua silvaġa anuos de on clovo cua il figin tra la fronto di sua sponso | [appearance, look] silvaġa; (crazy, rash) fola; [exaggeration] enorma; [promise] extràvaganta; (debauched) cràpulosa; debauċosa; (very angry) furiosa; (very enthusiastic) I’m not wild about it mi no es fola sopre lo; (unsound, haphazard) [guess, shot] aleatoria; wildcat [scheme] sine rationo; [strike] silvaġa; (cards: having no set value) jocara; líber-valora; aces are wild le aso funtionan cuom le jocaro || n the wild(s) la silvaġayo(s); wildcat (zool.: Felis silvestris, Felis lybica) silvaġa cato; wilderness silvaġayo; [desert] desértico; to preach in the wilderness prèdicher en la desértico | [overgrown garden] junglo
  • wildebeest n (zool.: Connochaetes) nuo
  • wiles n artificios; astutajos || adj wily astuta
  • will v (modal verb) -un; va -en; I’ll be glad when you’re dead, you rascal you mi joyun cuande vi mortun, canalio; we’ll talk about this later nos paraulun poste; (emphatic) I will have vengeance! mi ya vindictun mi!; (expressing habits, capability, persistence) anyone who’ll do that will do anything li cua es capábila por ecuilo es capábila por álico cunche; boys will be boys tala es le puerasos; the computer won’t start la còmputatro no startezan; he’ll talk your ear off if you let him il auscultifan vi por sempre se vi laçan il; (in conjectures) he’ll be about 30 now il deban etater circum 30 anuos nun; that’ll be the pizza guy ecuilo deban eser la pizzisto; (in insistence, commands) will you sit down? bon-volitione sedeces; you will speak to no one paraules ad nulu; (in offers, requests, invitations, refusals) he won’t help us il no volitionan adjuter nos; wait a moment, will you? atendes una instanto, mi precan; will you have a cup of coffee? desíderan vi on cafeo?; will you help me? bon-volitione adjutes mi; won’t you come with us? no volitionan vi vener cum nos? || vt (be resolved to do or make happen) volitioner; God wills it! Deo volitionan lo! | (urge on by mental power) volitionijer; she willed herself to stay awake el volitionijin si desdormer; (bequeath) herèditedifer || vi (wish) desìderer; as you will secuno vua desídero; do as you will faces cuo vi desíderan || n (volition) volitiono; free will líbera àrbitrío | (wish) desídero; volitiono; what is your will? cua es vua desídero?; cuo vi desíderan?; the will of the people la volitiono di la pópulo; the will to live la volitiono viver; the will to power la volitiono je potentitio; against one’s will contrevolitione; against the will of contre la volitiono di; at will volitionasche; firing at will volitionasca dísparo; good / ill will bona / mala volitiono; (idiom) where there’s a will, there’s a way volitioner es poter; (testament) testamento; the last will and testament of… la última volitiono di…; to make one’s will testamenter; willpower volition-fortitio; willingness voluntariitio || adj willful (obstinate) obstinanta, -ema; (jur.) [act] antemèditita; intentita; volitionita; willing [person] voluntaria; to be willing to do something eser voluntaria facer álico | [service, obedience] voluntariisca || adv willingly voluntarie; willy-nilly volitione aut nevolitione
  • will-o’-the-wisp n vag-lúmino
  • willow n (bot.: Salix) sáliço; willow herb (bot.: Epilobium) epilobio || adj willowy sàliçosa; (tall, slim, and lithe) [person] svelta
  • wilt vi marcer; (lose strength) dèbilecer; (lose courage) desmoralizezer; (lose vitallity) deperecer; (wane) [effort, enthusiasm] diminutionezer || v (archaic: second person of “will”) -unt; wilt thou be gone? foreçunt ti jam? || vt marcifer
  • wimp n (informal, derrog.) dèbiluċo || adj wimpy dèbiluċa
  • wimple n guimpilo
  • win vt (gain victory in) [war, match, competition, bet, race] guadanier; (gain) [prize, pay raise, promotion, support, friendship, recognition] guadanier; (mil.: capture) concuister; prender; (obtain) obtiner; [ore] extracter; (archaic: reach) atinger; to win back riacuister; riguadanier; to win over (convince) convincer; persuaser; (gain support of) [voters] guadanier (ad sua causo) || vi (gain victory) [in war, sport, competition] guadanier; vincer; OK, you win OK, vi guadanian; to win hands down guadanier aplastante; to win out, win through triumfer || n guadanio; winner guadaniinto, -edoro; (victor) vincinto, -edoro; winning (act) we’re going to be sick and tired of winning nos esun tediazata da guadanier; winnings guadaniedo(s); winning post ariv-postelo; fin-postelo || adj winning guadanianta, -edora; vinçanta, -edora; (charming) [smile, personality] càrminanta
  • wince vi (grimace) grimàceer; (shrink, flinch) flencher || n (grimace) grimáceo; (shrinking, flinch) flenco
  • winch n guinċo || vt guinċijer
  • wind n (air current) vento; the wind is blowing lo ventan; [idiom] to get wind of something (hear a rumor of) informezer sopre álico; (smell) olfacter álico; to see which way the wind is blowing atender por vider de ube venan la vento | (breath) respiro; to get one’s second wind recùperer sua respiro | (intestinal gas) flatuo; intestinisca gaso; to break wind flàtuler; pèditer; (mus.) wind instrument sufl-instrumento; windbreaker venti-jacheto; wind chimes venti-campanelado; windfall (fallen fruit) (vente) cadifita fructo; (fig.) fortúita guadanio (aut profito); pecunio cadinta de la celo; stroco da fortuno; wind gauge anemómetro; windmill venti-molino; windpipe (anat.) tracheo; wind power vent-energío; windsail (hist.) canabácea air-conductionatro; windshield (auto.) parabriso; windshield wiper (auto.) parabris-terġatro; wind tunnel venti-tunelo; windage (artil.) venti-fortio; windiness ventositio; (intestinal) flatuositio; (verbosity) inflita stilo; prolixitio | (single turn made while winding) [of clock, watch, etc.] tendo; (wrap) winding sheet sepulti-tuco; sudario || vt (cause to have difficulty breathing) anhelifer; (make snake, twist) serpentìer; sinuefer; zigzagher; the road winds its way through the forest la vialo serpentían tra la foresto; (turn knob, key, handle of) [clock, watch, etc.] tender; (wrap) [rope, coil] volv(ad)er; to wind up [clock, watch, etc.] tender; (Brit.: liquidate) [company, firm] licuidationer; (informal: make tense or angry) iracifer; provocationer; tender || vi (snake, twist) serpentìer; sinuefer; zigzagher; the road winds up the hill la vialo serpentían adsupre sur la colino; (wrap) volvezer; to wind down [clock, watch, etc.] halter; (come to an end) [activity, event] finezer; to wind up (end up) fine eser (aut trovezer); to windsurf windsurfer || adj windbound haltifita da cóntrea vento (aut da tempestato); windswept venti-batuita; winded anhelanta; windward vers (aut sur) la venti-látero; windy ventosa || adv windward advente; vers la venti-látero
  • windlass n (naut.) guindaso
  • window n fenestro; to look out of the window reguarder tra la fenestro | [of shop, display] exposition-fenestro; [of ticket office] guicheto; Windows (operating system) Windows; window blind rótul-cortino; window box fenestri-ġardinario; window envelope fenestr-invelopelo; window frame fenestri-cuadro; windowpane vitro (aut vitri-panelo); window sash fenestri-cuadro; window shutter forículo; windowsill fenestri-límino; (ledge) fenestri-planco
  • wine n vino; winebibber (archaic or lit.) vin-trinchemo; wine country vin-regiono; wineglass copo; vin-bicario; winegrower vin-cultivisto; winemaking vinefo; winepress uv-presionatro; wine tasting vin-gusto; winery vinerío; wino (informal) ebriemo || vt to wine and dine regaler
  • wing n [of bird, plane, insect] alo; the black dragon spread his wings and roared la nigra dracono extensin sua alos et rugin; on the wing volanta, -ante; to stretch (or spread) one’s wings volecer; to take someone under one’s wing prender álicu adsub sua protecto; to take wing forvoler; wingbeat al-stroco; wingcase (zool.) élitro; wingnut (tech.) alet-buloniso; papilion-buloniso; wingspan invirgonaturo; wingtip al-puntalo (aut -extramajo) | (lateral extremity) [of battle formation] alo; flanco; [of building] alo; the west wing (of the White House) la westisca alo (di la Blanca Domo) | [of political party] alo; the conspiracy-theorist wing of the party is now the entire party la conspirismisca alo di la partito jam es la tota partito | [of stage] coliso; in the wings detre la colisos; winger (sport) alisto || vt (move by air) volifer; to wing one’s way voler | (wound) [bird] al-vùlnerer; [person] brachii-vùlnerer; spáthul-vùlnerer || vi (fly) voler; to wing it (improvise) improviser || adj winged [creature] alosa, -ífera; [vehicle, Mercury’s shoes] alosa, -izita; wingless sine alos; (flightless) nevoliva; sine volo
  • wingding n (informal) festocio
  • wink vi (signal) pàlpebrejer; she winked at him lasciviously as she passed el lacive pàlpebrejin il pasante; to wink at (connive at) coniventier ad; the government winked at their cyber crimes as long as they didn’t attack domestic targets la gubernerío coniventiin lora cibernètichisca críminos condicione che los no atacun enpaesa obiectivos | (flash) [light] fùlgurader || n pàlpebrejo; in a wink (informal: in an instant) en una instanto
  • winnow vt evaner
  • winsome adj atractiva; càrminanta, -iva
  • winter n hiberno; now is the winter of our discontent nun es la hiberno di nostra descontentitio; winter is coming venan le hiberno || vi pasifer le hiberno || adj hibernisca; winter sports hibernisca sporto; wintry hibernisca, -esca
  • wipe vt (clean or dry by rubbing) terger; to wipe one’s bottom terger sua detreajo; wipe your feet before coming in terges vua pedos ante le entrer | (erase data from) efaciijer; your decorative magnets wiped my entire hard drive vua decorationiva magnéticos efaciijin mea tota dur-disco; (idiom) to wipe the floor with someone aplaster álicu; (remove by rubbing) terger; to wipe the tears from one’s eyes terger la lácrimos de sua óculos | (erase) efacier; the city was wiped off the map homi efaciin la civitato de la mapo; to wipe away, off forterger (aut de-); she wiped the blood off with a towel el detergin la sánguino per on toalio; to wipe out (annul) anuler; (destroy utterly) extèrminer; nulifer || n (act of wiping) terġo; (disposable cloth for wiping) toalieto; [for nose] nas-tuco; (cine.) forículo; wipeout (defeat) [in competition, election] aplastanta vincezo; (destruction) extérmino; nulifo; (surfing) cado; wiper [for windshield] parabris-terġatro
  • wire n (metal) drato; wire cutters sec-tenalio; wireworm (zool.: Elateridae) [larva] elatèridolo | (elec.) cablo; telephone wire teléfon-cablo; wiretap (teléfon-)ausculteċatro; wiring (in appliance) electrisca circúito; (in building) electrisca instalajo; (wires) cablos | (police: hidden microphone) micròfoneċo; (telec.) telègrafajo; to send somebody a wire telègrafijer (aut invìer on telègrafajo) ad álicu; wire service agenterío di notitio; (idiom) down to the wire necerta usche la absoluta fino; to work down to the wire laborer usche la última instanto; to get one’s wires crossed haber on miscomprenso; under the wire ye la última instanto || vt (connect) conecter; drat-fixer (aut -ligher); it’s wired to the alarm li es conectita ad la alarmatro; (install wiring in) cablizer; it’s wired for sound / cable TV li haban la instalajo por sono / cabli-televiso; (telec.) telègrafijer (álico ad álicu); to wiretap ausculteċer, -eċizer (on teléfono) || vi to wire-draw dratefer; dratifer (metalo) || adj wireless [network] sine cablo; wireless service provider / carrier operatoro je celular-reto; wiry [hair] áspera; [person] macra et forta (aut mùsculosa)
  • wise adj (having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment) sapia; getting a backup drive was a wise decision acuister on disco di salvi-copio esin on sapia deciso | (sensible) prudenta; it would be wise to… lo eseban prudenta … -er; (learned) èrudita; who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science? cua es vi, cua es tante èrudita en thématos di cientio?; wise man (magus) the Three Wise men la Maga Reġos | (sage) sapi(as)o; (witch doctor) strig-curationist(as)o | (informal: alert or aware of) concianta; informita; the police got wise to the hackers la politío conciecin la hacheros; (informal: disrespectful) impertinenta; don’t get wise with me no arguteces cum mi || n wisecrack argutajo; wise guy (smart aleck) impertinento; wise guy, eh? vi es valde arguta, chi vere?; wisdom sapiitio; the Wisdom of Solomon la Sapiitio di Salomone; wisdom tooth dento di sapiitio | (archaic: manner) manario; in no wise nul-manarie; in such wise tal-manarie; in this wise ecuisti-manarie || vt to wise somebody up to àperer la óculos di álicu sopre || vi to wise up to àperer sua óculos sopre; wise up! evígiles si || afx -wise (manner) -e; clockwise horologiasche; otherwise áltere | (informal: concerning) sopre; money-wise, we’re fine sopre pecunio, nos standan bone
  • wiseacre n pedanto; sapiaċo
  • wish vt (formal: want) desìderer; I do not wish it mi no desíderan lo; I wish to speak mi desíderan parauler; (just) as you wish cuome vi desíderan; she wishes to be alone el desíderan eser sola; what do you wish me to do? cuo vi desíderan che mi faces?; what do you wish of me? cuo vi desíderan de mi? | (if only) útinam; [impossible] I wish I could mi regretan che mi no potan; útinam (aut se) mi potes; I wish I hadn’t said that mi regretan che mi dicin ecuilo; útinam mi no dicebin ecuilo; I wish it weren’t true útinam lo eseban áltere; “you’re dating that model, aren’t you?” “I wish (that were true)!” “vi rendezvosadan ecuila modelo, chi no?” “útinam!”; [unlikely] I wish he’d shut his yap útinam il cludes sua bucaċo | (want for somebody else) desíderer; I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy mi no desìdereban ecuilo ad mea maxim mala inimico; wish me luck! desíderes ad mi fortuno!; to wish somebody well / ill desíderer próspero / malajo ad (aut por) álicu; to wish away [problems, people] desídere forifer || vi (hope) they wished for peace los desíderin paco; what more could one wish for? cuo pluse poteban homi desìderer (aut demander)? || n desídero; he got his wish iluya desídero realecin; I have no wish to kill you mi no desíderan occider vi; I’ll grant you three wishes mi concesun ad vi tria desíderos; what is your wish? cuo vi desíderan?; you shall have your wish ecuila desídero realeçun; good / best wishes (maxim) bona desíderos; to make a wish expreser on desídero; your wish is my command vua desíderos es por mi mandationos; wishbone (anat., zool.) fúrculo; wish fulfillment desíder-satisfaço || adj wishful desìderosa; wishful thinking desìderosa (aut ilusionosa) penso; wishing well desíder-púteo
  • wishy-washy adj insípida
  • wisp n [of cloud, smoke] voluto; [of hair] tuf(et)o; [of straw] faceleto; (small, thin person) a little wisp of a girl on parva pueriso tenua; (will-o’-the-wisp) vag-lúmino
  • wisteria n (bot.: Wisteria) glicinio; wisterio
  • wistful adj desideriosa; melancolìosa
  • wit n (intelligence) inteligentitio; rationivitio; native wit bona rationivitio inata; wits (intelligence required for normal activity) to be at one’s wits’ end no saper cuo facer; to be frightened out of one’s wits pavorazer; to live by one’s wits viver per álica cunche meanaċos; to lose one’s wits perder rationivitio | (wittiness, cleverness) argutitio; to have a ready wit eser arguta | (witty person) arguto; witticism argutajo || vt (archaic: have knowledge) saper; to wit (that is to say) cuod es dicer; nómine || adj witless stulta; stúpida; witty arguta || adv wittingly concie, -ante; intente (aut cum intento)
  • witch n (evil spellcaster) maléfico; strigo; the Witch-King of Angmar la Strig-Reġo di Angmar | [female only] strighiso; (goetist, evoker) goeto; (wise person, white witch) benéfico; guaritoro; witchcraft malèfichío; strighío; to practice witchcraft strighìer | (goety, evocation) goetío; witch doctor strig-curationisto; witch hazel (bot.: Hamamelis) hamamelo; witch-hunt strig-cacio; witch’s butter (bact.) nostoco; witch-trial strig-lítigo; witcher (dowser) rabdomanto; (fantasy: male witch) strig(as)o; toss a coin to your witcher jactes on moneto ad vua strigo; witchery strighío; (fascination) cármino; fácino
  • with prep (accompanied by) cum; I’m with Stupid mi es cum Stúpido; along with, together with cum; he was arrested along with the other Capitol stormers homi arestin il cum la áltera asaltintos je la Capitolio; to be with somebody (agree with, support) I’m with you all the way mi es cum vi complete; (informal: be the reason for) what’s with all the tiki torches? pro cuo la tiki-torċos?; (informal: be wrong) what’s with him? cuo eventan ad il?; (informal: understand) are you with me? secuan (aut comprensan) vi mi?; with it (informal: fashionable) modasca; (informal: mentally alert) alerta; lúcida; sorry, I’m just not with it today pardones, hodie mi torporan | (informal: up-to-date) usche-nuna | (having) cua haban; habanta; the guy with the ears la aurículudo; la cherlo cua haban la granda aurículos; with one eye on the pistol and the other on the door cum una óculo ad la pistolo et la áltera ad la portelo; (on one’s person) do you have your phone with you? haban vi vua celularo sur vi?; with child (pregnant) grávida; with reference to relatione ad | (according to) secuno; it varies with the time of year li varian secuno la sationo; (against) contre; he’s angry with the world il iraçan contre la tota mundo; they’re fighting with the neighbors again los rixan contre la vicinos denue; (by means of) -e; per; to write with a pen scriber penine/per penino; (concerning) sopre; (in spite of) malgrate; with all her faults, she’s still the best we’ve got malgrate omna eluya defectos, el incore es la óptimo cua nos haban; (in the case of) apud; things are better with them now afaros es nun plu bona apud los; (in the house of, working with) apud; she is with me el es apud mi; we’re with Apple nos laboran apud Apple; (in the same direction as) secuno; to swim with the current nater secuno la fluo; (next to) juxte; (on account of) pro; to tremble with fear trèmuler pro pavoro; (to) ad; compared with cómpare ad
  • withdraw vt (remove, take away) de-, forprender; [money from account] ecprender; (take back) [permission, support, license, application] retracter; [remark, words, charge] retracter; to withdraw one’s promise retracter sua promiso | [troops, ambassador, team] retirer || vi (leave, move away) ec-, retro-, forvader; to withdraw from the room ecvader la cambro; (move back, retreat) to withdraw from the world retirer si de la mundo; to withdraw into oneself (psych.) cluder si | [troops, forces, police] retirer si; (pull out) [during sex] ectirer si; [from deal, game, talks, candidacy] retirer si || n withdrawal [of money] ecprendo; [of remark] retracto; [of troops] retiro; (cessation) [of an activity] retirezo; (coitus interruptus) ectiro || adj withdrawn (psych.: detached, absent) cludezinta; (psych.: introverted) introversa; reservezema
  • withe n vímino
  • wither vi [plant] marcer; [limb] atrofìezer; [person] deperecer; languer || vt [plant] marcifer; [limb] atrofìer; to wither somebody with a look aplaster (aut fùlminer ad) álicu reguarde || adj withering [look] aplastanta; fùlminanta
  • withers n (anat., zool.) [of horse] interscápulo
  • withhold vt (hold back, retain) retenter; [tax from paycheck] retenter; [truth, facts, news] absconder; no pùblichifer; no reveler; (suppress) [emotion, tears, cry] represer; retenter; (refuse) [permission] no -er; refuser; to withhold consent no consenter; refuser consento
  • within prep (inside) en; [of a closed space] interne di; within the park en la límitos di la párico; interne di la párico | [of a group] inter; within the family inter la familio; (inside the range of) [a specified area, boundary, action, perception] to live within one’s means no expenser plu-multo cam sua rédito; they were within one kilometer of the town los esin ye men cam una chilómetro de la civitato; within reach en (aut ye) atingébila disto; within reach of atingébila de | (occurring inside) [a particular period] dum; he’ll be dead within six months il mortun ante post sesa mensuos; within a short time post curta témporo; within his lifetime dum iluya vivo || adv interne; enemies within interna inimicos; from within to without de interne ad éxtere
  • without prep (in the absence of) sine; without hope sine spero; (archaic: outside) exter; without the house exter la domo | [with movement] ec || adv (archaic: outside) éxtere; to go without ecvader || conj (in the absence of) no -ante, -inte; sine -er; sine che; I can’t do anything without his maddogging me mi potan facer nulo sine che il regardan mi feroce; without saying goodbye no dicinte adeo; sine dicer adeo
  • withstand vt resister
  • withy n vímino
  • witness n (person) atestivo; to take as a witness prender como je atestivo | (testimony) atesto; (relig.: member of the Jehova’s Witnesses) Atestanto (je Jehova) || vt (see) [event, crime] vider; (testify to) atester
  • wizard n (sorcerer) maġo; (genius) genioso; maġo; she’s a financial wizard el es on maġo di finantio; wizardry magío
  • wizened adj marcinta
  • woad n (bot.: Isatis tinctoria) guaido; [dye] guaidajo
  • wobble vi (move or stand unsteadily) tìtuber; (tremble) [gelatin, hand, pen, voice] trèmuler
  • woe n (lit.: sorrow, distress) aflictezo; desfelicitio; desjoyo; tristitio; (misfortune) desfortun(aj)o; malajo || adj woebegone angustiosa; desconsolata; trist-(aspect)a; woeful (deplorable) lamentanda; (lit.: sorrowful) aflictata; desfeliça; desjoyosa; trista || inter ve!; woe to the vanquished ve ad la vincitos
  • wok n wok
  • woke vt (past of “wake”) evígil(ez)in || n wokeness (pol.) evìgilitismo || adj (pol.) evìgilitismisca; woke capitalism capitalismo evìgilitismisca
  • wolf n (zool.: Canis lupus) lupo; lone wolf solema lupo; (idiom) to cry wolf false alarmer; a wolf in sheep’s clothing on lupo en pelicio di agnelo; wolf dog lup-canículo; wolfhound lup-hundo; wolfpack lupado; wolfsbane (bot. Aconitum) acónito || vt (devour greedily) devorer || adj wolfish (lascivious) laciva; (rapacious) ávida; (voracious) devorema
  • wolfram n (tungsten) wolframo
  • wolverine n (zool.: Gulo gulo) gulono
  • woman n (adult human female) humaniso; muliero; (female romantic partner) [girlfriend] noviiso; [paramour] amoratiso; [wife] sponsiso; (dated: housekeeper) dom-nitifisto; woman-hater misógino; mulier-odianto; womankind le humanisisca (aut mulierisca) sexo; le mulierado; womanhood humanisitio; mulieritio || vt to womanize fèmin(esch)ifer || vi to womanize mulierejer || adj -iso; woman friend amichiso; woman priest presbìteriso; womanlike humanisesca; mulieresca; womanish humanisisca; mulierisca; (effeminate) fèminesca
  • womb n (anat.) útero
  • wombat n (zool.: Vombatidae) wombato
  • wonder n (amazement) mirabilìezo; to be lost in wonder eser mirabilìita; (cause of wonder) mirabilo; it’s no wonder (that) lo no mirabilían (aut surprisan) (che) | [feat] prodajo; [miracle] miráculo; wonderland mirabil-paeso; wonderworker miràcul(ef)isto || vi (ask oneself) cuestioner ad si; eser curiosa (saper); I wonder if he knows mi cuestionan ad mi chi il sapan; “we’ll pay you back” “I wonder” “nos reimbursun vi” “mi cuestionan ad mi sopre ecuilo”; “why do you ask?” “just wondering.” “pro cuo vi cuestionan?” “mere pro curiositio.” | (think) penser; it makes you wonder lo donan penser; (marvel) to wonder at something eser mirabilìita da álico; mirabilìezer sopre álico; I do not wonder at it li no mirabilían (aut surprisan) mi || adj wonderstruck mirabilì(az)ita; wonderful, wondrous mirabila
  • wont n (formal or humorous) custumo || adj to be wont (lit.) custumer; wonted (lit.) custumisca
  • woo vt [influential person, woman] cortejer || n wooer cortejanto; wooing cortejo
  • wood n (material) ligno; it’s made of wood li es ligna; knock on wood! toches ligno! | (firewood) ardi-ligno (aut -busco); (small forest) bosco; silvo; we’re not out of the woods yet nos incore no es tirata ec la afaro; woodbine (bot.: Lonicera periclymenum) boschi-caprifolio; (bot.: Parthenocissus quinquefolia) vírgin-vito; woodchuck (zool.: Marmota monax) amèricana marmoto; woodcock (zool.: Scolopax) becáceo; woodcutting (árbor-)abatuo; ligni-fendo; (printing) xilògrafio; wood engraving (printing) ligni-grabo; xilograbo; [result] ligni-grabajo; xilograbajo; wood grouse (zool.: Tetrao urogallus) urogalo; woodland silvo; wood louse (zool.: Oniscidea) onisco; woodman (forester) forestisto; (woodcutter) buschefisto; wood nymph (myth.) dríado; silvi-nimfo; woodpecker (zool.: Picidae) pículo; wood pigeon (zool.: Columba palumbus) palumbo; woodpile busc-amaso; buscado; (pyre) rogo; woodruff (bot.: Asperula) aspérulo; woodrush (bot.: Luzula) lúzulo; wood sage (bot.: Teucrium scorodonia) scorodonio; woodshed buschi-baraco; wood sorrel (bot.: Oxalis) oxálido; woodwind (mus.) ligna sufl-instrumentado; woodwork (wooden parts) lignajo; to come out of the woodwork aparer de nulube | (Brit.: art) lignajistío; woodworm (zool.) tármito; woodyard buscayo, -erío; depòsitayo por buscos || adj wooded àrborosa; wooden ligna; woody ligna, -esca; woody nightshade (bot.: Solanum dulcamara) dulcamaro | (wooded) àrborosa; forestesca
  • woof n (bark) latro; (in weaving) tramato; woofer (elec.) wufero || vi latrer || inter bau!
  • wool n lano; (fleece) [with skin attached] lan-pelicio; (with modifier) [down or underfur of some animals] lanúgino; beaver wool castor-lanúgino; [mass of metal fibers] steel wool aciaria lano; (obsolete: short, curly hair) crispa capilado; wool-comber (lan-)cardisto; woolen (something made of wool) lanajo || adj woolgathering distractata; neatentionanta; woolen lana; wooly lana; (bearing wool) lanífera, -osa; (downy) lanúgina, -osa; (resembling wool) lanesca; wooly hair (of animals) lanúgino; (of person) crispa capilado | (vague) [ideas, thinking, essay] confusa
  • woold n (bot.: Reseda luteola) gualdo
  • word n (distinct unit of language) vocábulo; “boring” isn’t the word for it “inodianta” es la mínimo dicébila; in the words of the immortal Francois de la Brioskee … EVERYBODY BOPS cuome diçan la nemortiva Francois de la Brioskee … OMNOS BOP-DANÇAN; the Inuit have a word for it en Inuchenso existan on vocábulo por ecuilo; le Inucos haban on vocábulo por dicer ecuilo; a man of few words on hómino neparaulema; not in so many words no exacte; she never said a word el dicin nulo; el tacin; she won’t hear a word against him el no permisan ad homi crìtichìer il; that’s not the word I would have chosen mi no expresebin (aut vocàbulejebin) lo asíc; what’s the word for “frenching” in French? cuome homi diçan “frenching” Francense?; words failed me mi esin sine vocábulo; mi no habin vocábulos; you took the words right out of my mouth mi esin diçunta exacte ecuilo; in a word resumpte; un-vocábule; in one’s own words per sua propria vocábulos (aut manario); in other words álter-vocábule (aut en áltera vocábulos); cuod es dicer; in word and in deed paraule et face; to put something into words expreser álico paraule; vocàbulijer; too stupid for words ultre stúpida; word for word secuno vocábulo | (remark, statement, talk) paraulo; Mr. Bridger will now say a few words Sro. Bridger nun diçun cualca paraulos; by word of mouth paraule; voce; to have a word with someone parauler cum álicu; to have the last word dicer la última paraulo (en la discuso); to put in a good word for someone dicer on paraulo favore ad álicu; a word of advice on consilio; (angry talk) to have words with someone dìsputer cum (aut intrereproċer) álicu; (command) mandationo; (password) contresigno; (signal) signal-vocábulo; (news, message, rumor) aviso; notitio; word has it that… ci es on rumoro che…; homi rumoran che…; rumore…; (relig.) the Word la Paraulo; (promise or assurance) promiso; take my word for it credes mi; to break one’s word faler (aut no satisfacer) sua promiso; by my word! per mea promiso!; to give one’s word doner sua promiso; promiser per sua honoro; to keep one’s word satisfacer (aut executer) sua promiso; word of honor honor-promiso; (text) the words [of play] texto; [of song] paraulos; wordbook dictionario; word formation derivationo; wordplay vocábul-joco; word processor texti-procesatro; wordwrap autómata líne-salto; wordiness nima vocàbulositio; prolixitio; wording rédiġo; vocábul-selecto; vocàbulejo || vt [document, letter, article] rèdiger; vocàbulijer; a poorly worded tweet on male rèdigita tuito | [thought, feeling, idea] expreser; vocàbulijer; how should I word it? cuome mi vocàbulijes lo? || adj wordless sine paraulo; sine vocábulo; (silent) taçanta; wordy nim vocàbulosa; prolixa
  • worgen n (fantasy) vorgino
  • work n (mental or physical effort) laboro; I’m trying to get some work done mi éproban laborer; to start work cominitier laborer; laborecer | (employment) empleezo; laboro; to be looking for work cercher empleezo; to be out of work eser sine empleo | (period spent in employment) laboro; she grabbed a burger after work el comprin on burghero post sua laboro; (place of employment) accidents at work labor-accidentos; to be at work eser laboranta; to go to work vader ad sua laboro, -erío; where is his place of work? ube laboran il? | (task) laboro; tasco; to have one’s work cut out for them deber laborazer; work in progress laboro progresanta; (something done or made) [act] acto; faço; laboro; good works caritatosa actos | [result] laborajo; his life’s work la laborajo di iluya tota vivo; this is obviously the work of a professional ecuisto es evidente la laborajo da on profesionano | (art, lit., etc.) opro; the collected works of E.L. James la completa opros da E.L. James; work of art artajo; work of fiction fictionajo; works (mechanism) mecanismo; (mil.) fortìficajos; (chiefly Brit.: factory) fàbricherío; workbox untensiluyo; work camp labor-acampayo; pun-laborayo; workday labor-dio; workforce laboristado; workhouse (place to labor) laborayo; (prison) industriisca prisiono; (hist., Brit.) páuper-asilo; workman laboristo; workshop laborayo; (atelier) studio; (seminar) seminario; workweek labor-septimano; workaholic ergomaníaco; laborohólaco; worker laboristo; workmanship (skill) hàbilitio; (work) laboro || vt (set or keep at work) laborifer; he works his people too hard il nim laborifan sua personalo; to work oneself to death mortifer si per laborazos; (practice one’s occupation in or at) he worked them tough towns il laborin en ecuila violentiosa civitatetos; to work the pole laborer an la stango | (solve) [puzzle, problem] solver; (control the functioning of, run the affairs of) operatorìer; I can’t figure out how to work this remote mi no comprensan cuome operatorìer ecuista telecomandatro | (cause to function, operate) funtionifer; (maneuver, manipulate) to work one’s hands free succeser lìberifer sua manuos | (stir the emotions of) àgiter; èciter; ìnciter; influer; instigher; to work a crowd èciter on túrbulo; to work oneself into a rage furiifer si; (produce, bring about) efectifer; facer; we worked it so that you can come nos arangin por che vi venes; to work wonders facer miráculos; (shape) [material, mixture] adlaborer; [object] factioner; (cultivate) [land] cultiver; (exploit) [mine, farm, railroad] exploter; (knead) impaster; (knit) [row] facer; (sew) suter; (embroider) broder; (ferment) fermentìer; to work in (insert) [finger, hook, lever, blade] inserter; [subject] aranger por mentioner; I’ll work in a mention of it somewhere mi aranġun por mentioner lo alícube | (insinuate) insinuer; (mix in) àgregher; enmixturer; work the flour in gradually enmixtures la farino pauchene; to work off [debt] pagher per laboro; [fat] elìminer; [feelings, stress] evacuer (exèrcitante, jogante); to work one’s way (finance) to work one’s way through college laborer por pagher sua studos; (move slowly) to work one’s way along abantier pauchene; to work out (calculate) [answer] trover; [cost, profit] càlculer; (determine) determinationer; trover; did he work out where we are on the map yet? trovin il jam ube nos es sur la mapo? | (devise) concepter; (solve) [problem] solver; we’re still working out the kinks nos incore es solvanta la defectos | (understand) conprenser; I never worked out why they did that mi jamás comprensin pro cuo los facin ecuilo; to work over (beat up) batuazer; to work up (develop) elàborer; [article] composer; [energy, courage] trover; (excite) àgiter; èciter; she got herself worked up over nothing el écitin (aut ágitin) si pro nulo | (prepare) prèparer || vi (be engaged in mental or physical effort) laborer; (be employed) empleezer; laborer; she works in a café el laboran en on cafeerío | (campaign) campanier; laborer (por efectifer); they worked toward equal dating opportunities for conlangers los laborin por efectifer ecualitio di oportunajos rendezvoser por glosopeyistos; (function or operate) [machine, system] funtioner; my brain isn’t working today mea cerebro no funtionan hodie; (have the desired result) [plan, method] eser eficaça; we will do whatever works, and we will call it Socialism nos façun cuo cunche esun eficaça, et nos nòminizun li Socialismo; (move gradually or with difficulty into another position) he worked methodically down the list il revistin methodasche la listo; to work round to a question prèparer la tereno por facer on cuestiono; to work through a crowd pasuene àperer pasayo tra on túrbulo; [liquid] water has worked through the roof acuo infiltrin si tra la tecto; [screw] to work loose desfixezer | (move violently or convulsively) [mouth, face, jaws] torcer si; (ferment) fermentìezer; to work on [project, etc.] adlaborer; she’s been working on that car all morning el fue adlaboran ecuila vecturo dum la tota matino; (act on) they’ve no clues to work on los no haban índiços sur cua basamentizer si; we’re working on the assumption that… nos basamentizan nos sur la suposo che…; (investigate) the cops are working on it la politío es invèstiganta lo; (try to persuade) she still won’t consent, but I’m working on her el incore no consentan, mas mi es èprobanta persuaser el; to work out (allow solution) [sum] facer la conto; solvezer; it doesn’t work out li no façan la conto (aut solvezan) | (amount to) eser sume; how much does it work out at? cuante li es sume? | (exercise) exèrciter si; (succeed) resulter bone; everything worked out well omno resultin bone; to work through (psych.) [problem, conflict] asumpter; tracter; to work up to prèparer la tereno por; she was working up to asking him for a raise el esin prèparanta la tereno por demander de il on pag-augmento || adj workmanlike [attempt] competenta; [object, product, tool] bone facita; hábile adlaborita; [person, attitude] profesionana; workable (exploitable) [land, mine] explotébila; (malleable) [metal, dough] adlaborébila; (practicable, feasible) facébila; posíbila; pràctichébila; working (economically active) cua laboran; laboredora, -ista; working class laborista (aut laboredora) claso; working people laboristos | (operational) [device] funtionanta, -iva; a working computer on còmputatro funtioniva; [funds, costs] working capital (com., fin.) comerciisca capitalo; explot-capitalo; presta pecunio | (provisional) [title, definition, hypothesis] provisoria; (relating to work) labor-; laborisca; (sufficient, adequate) to have a working knowledge of Hovitos haber on sufiçanta sapo je Hovitenso || afx -works (chiefly Brit.: factory) -(ef)erío; ironworks fererío
  • world n (geog.) mundo; the richest man in the world la maxim rica hómino en la mundo; small world! cuante parva es la mundo!; (people and society) mundo; it’s the end of the world as we know it lo es la fino je la mundo cuome nos cognoçan li; the whole world is watching la tota mundo reguardan; to withdraw from the world retirer si de la mundo; (life, existence) to bring a child into the world poner on puero en la mundo; in the next world en la álter-mundo (aut vivo venunta); (realm, domain) mundo; the ancient world la anticua mundo; the animal world la animalisca mundo; the Arabic-speaking world la Àrabófona mundo; in a perfect world en on mundo ideala; the world of professional chess la mundo di profesionisca shaco; you don’t have to be cool to rule my world vi no deban eser geniala por regner mea mundo; (fig., emphatic) I wouldn’t do that for anything in the world ecuilo mi facebun por nulo en la mundo; a world of good multaza bonitio; you’re entering a world of pain! vi entran on mundo de doloro!; World Bank Mundisca Banco; world language mundi-linguaġo; universala (aut internationa) linguaġo; world leader mundisca lidero; world power mundisca potento; world record mundisca recordo; world war mundi-guero; worldling mundano || adj world-famous mundi-famosa; world-shattering mirabilaza; worldwide globala; tot-munda; universala; the World Wide Web la Tot-Tera Texajo; la Webo; worldly (earthly) mundisca; (sophisticated) desingenua
  • worm n (zool.) vermo; (informal, derrog.: person) vermo; (archaic: wingless dragon) lindormo; (comput.) vermo; (helical device or component) [artil.] bur-tiratro; [worm drive] scruvo (sine fino); vermo; wormhole verm-forámino; wormwood (bot.: Artemisia absinthium) absinthio || vt (insinuate) insinuer; (wheedle out) to worm something out of someone blande obtiner (aut ectirer) álico de álicu; (med.: deworm) desvermizer || vi (move by crawling) repter; (insinuate) to worm into/out of something insinuer si aden/ec álico || adj worm-eaten vermi-rodita; wormy vermosa
  • worn vt (past participle of “wear”) surhabita, -ata; vestejita, -ata || adj (damaged from use) [garment, furniture, tire, component] parusita; (very tired) exhaustita; fatigazita; worn out (unusable) [garment, furniture, tire, component] consumptita; (valueless) [idea, method, system] parusita; (very tired) exhaustita; fatigazita
  • worry vi (be anxious) destrancuileser; don’t worry! cuieta!; trancuila!; there’s nothing to worry about ci no es motivo destrancuilecer | (concern oneself) preòcuper si; you worry about those fighters, I’ll worry about the tower preócupes vos sopre la caciedoros, mi preócupes mi sopre la turo; to worry at (fiddle with) jochetader per; tochetader || vt (annoy) iriter; perturber; tormenteter; he’s Superman; bullets don’t worry him il es Superhómino; cuglos no perturban il; (cause anxiety to) destrancuilifer; it worries me that he has so many guns now lo destrancuilifan mi che il nun haban tanta focilos; (fear) timer; they worry that extremists will storm the Capitol again los timan che extremistos denue asaltun la Capitolio; (of a dog, etc.) [bone, rat, ball] jocher per; [sheep] atacader; persecuter || n (anxiety) destrancuilitio; (source of anxiety) that’s the least of my worries ecuilo preócupan mi mínime; worrywart anxiemo; destrancuilemo
  • worse adj pejora; plu mala; it could be worse lo potan eser plu mala; a remedy worse than the disease on remediatro plu mala cam la morbo; to get worse pejorecer; plu-malecer; to go from bad to worse stander sempre plu male || adv pejore; plu male || vt to worsen pejorifer; plu-malifer || vi to worsen pejorecer; plu-malecer
  • worship n (adoration) adoro; worship of idols idòlatrío | (veneration) venerationo; Your Worship (chiefly Brit.) mea dómino; worshipper adoranto || vt adorer; (venerate) venerationer || adj worshipful adoranta; (chiefly Brit.: honorable) [in titles] honoranda
  • worst adj maxim mala; pésima; worst episode ever! pésima episodio de la serio!; (most badly affected) the worst sufferers are the elderly la maxim male afectita es las vécula; at worst en la maxim mala caso; in the worst way (informal: very much) valde multe || adv maxim male; pésime; [hit, affected] the worst affected areas la maxim afectita regionos || n lo maxim mala; lo pésima; the worst of it is that… lo maxim mala es che…; the worst that can happen is that… lo maxim mala cua potan eventer es che…; if worst comes to worst en la maxim mala caso || vt (defeat) vincer
  • worsted n péctin-lano
  • worth adj (equal in value to) valoranta; to be worth valorer; everyone is worth just so much as the things with which they busy themselves are worth cascunu valoran mere tante cuante valoran la cosos per cua li ócupan si; I’ll tell you this for what it’s worth mi diçan ecuisto ad vi por cuo li valoran; for all one is worth per sua tota fortitio | (deserving of) valoranta; it’s (not) worth it li (no) valoran la peno; it’s well worth doing li bone valoran la peno facer; worthwhile penanda; worthless sine valoro; [person] desèstimanda; (useless) neútila; worthy digna; mèritanta, -osa; to be worthy of eser digna ye; mèriter; build me an army worthy of Mordor crees por mi on armato digna ye Mordor; a worthy adversary on digna adverso; a worthy cause on bona obiectivo || n (value) valoro; its worth in gold sua valoro en auro; (quantity) get yourself a dollar’s worth habifes ad vi una dólaro de li; we bought a million dollars worth of Enron stock nos comprin miliona dólaros de actionos di Enron; worthiness mérito || afx -worthy (deserving) -anda; sponge-worthy spongianda | (suitable or fit for) -apta; seaworthy mar-apta
  • would v (auxiliary verb) [past tense of will] -un; he said he would do it il dicin che il façun lo | [conditional tense] -eb-; he would have done it if you had asked him il facebin lo se vi demandebin lo de il; I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you mi en vua situationo no nim destrancuileceban; you would never know he was not a native Romániço speaker nulu diceban che Romániço no es iluya matrisca linguaġo; (in conjectures) it would have been about five o’clock lo debin eser circum cinca clocos; it would seem so lo asíc pareçan; (indicating habit) custumin -er; he would always get hammered before going to work il custumin ebriazecer vadunte ad sua laboro; (indicating requests, wishes) what would you have me do? cuo vi desíderan che mi faces?; would you please close the door? bon-volitione cludes la portelo; (indicating willingness) would you like fries with that? desíderan vi frictita patatos cum ecuilo?; (in phrases) would that it were not so! útinam lo no eseban asíc!; would to God! útinam! || adj would-be [actor, politician] aspiranta
  • wound n vùlnerajo; chest wound vùlnerajo ye péctoro; gunshot wound cugli-vùlnerajo; knife wound cultel-vùlnerajo; mortal wound mortifiva vùlnerajo; (idiom) to lick one’s wounds licher sua vùlnerajos; to open up old wounds àperer vétera vùlnerajos; woundwort (bot.: Anthyllis vulneraria) vulnerario; (bot.: Stachys officinalis) betonio; wounding vúlnero || vt vùlnerer; the cops wounded her in the shoulder la politìanos vúlnerin el ye la spáthulo; (fig.) to wound someone’s feelings ofenser la sentimento di álicu || adj wounded vùlnerita; there were 12 dead and 11 wounded in the Charlie Hebdo shooting ci esin 12 mortinta et 11 vùlnerita en la atempto je Charlie Hebdo; wounding vùlneranta
  • wow! inter wau!
  • wrack vt tormenter
  • wraith n fantásmato
  • wrangle n dísputo, -ado; legal wrangle legisca dísputo, -ado; wrangler [of horses] cabalisto || vt (manage, care for, guard) [horses] cabalistìer; (coral) encorealiifer; (round up) asembler; cumpelentier; (train) adextrer || vi dìsput(ad)er
  • wrap vt (cover, enclose) inveloper; [package] pachifer; (by rolling) envolver; she’s dead, wrapped in plastic el es mortinta, envolvita per plástico; (arrange around something) volver; another Trans-Am’s wrapped itself around a telephone pole on plusa Trans-Am volvin si circum on teléfon-postelo; to wrap a towel around one’s head volver on toalio circum sua cápito; to wrap one’s arms around someone imbracier álicu; to wrap up [gift, package] envolver; inveloper; (conclude) [deal] concluser; (dress warm) còperter bone; [with scarf] envolver calde; (engross) to be wrapped up in one’s work eser absorptata da sua laboro; to be wrapped up in someone ècstaser sopre álicu || n wraps (secrecy) to keep something under wraps mantiner secretitio sopre álico; tener álico como secreta; wrapper envolvatro; invelopatro
  • wrath n (lit. or humorous) iraço || adj wrathful iraçosa, -ema
  • wreak vt (inflict) [damage, harm] causìer; efectifer; to wreak havoc devastationer; (disorder) perturbazer; to wreak vengeance vindicter si
  • wreath n (ring of intertwined flowers) corono; (ring of smoke or cloud) anelo; spiralo; voluto || vt to wreathe (encircle) envolver; a face wreathed in smiles on facio larghe surisanta | (entwine) [flowers] intreplecter || vi to wreathe (curl) [smoke] spiralìer; volutìer
  • wreck n (destruction) [of ship] náufrago; survivors of the wreck transvivintos je la náufrago | [of hopes, plans] fracaso; frustro; ruinifo; (crash) [car, train] crasho; fracaso; (something damaged or destroyed) destructajo; fracasajo; ruino; he’s a nervous wreck il haban fracasita nervos; I feel a wreck mi es destructita | [building, structure] ruino; [car, train] crashajo; fracasajo; [ship] nàufragajo; [system, organization] ruino; wreckage [of car, train] crashajo; fracasajo; [of ship] nàufragajo; wrecker ruinifedoro; (salvager) demolitionisto; (tow truck) guinċ-camiono; (hist.) [saboteur] sabotegisto; wrecking ball demolition-globo || vt (destroy) [car, train] crashifer; fracaser; [ship] nàufraghifer; [building] demolitioner; [health, happiness, marriage, business] damner; ruinifer; [plans, career] fracaser; frustrer; ruinifer; (strand) incalier || adj wrecked (informal: drunk or high) ebria
  • wren n (zool.: Troglodytidae) sep-reġo; troglodito
  • wrench n (twist) torço; (pull) tirazo; (sprain) torço, -ajo; (fig.) tormento; (tool) bulon-clavo (aut -tornìatro) || vt (twist) torcer; (pull) tirazer; to wrench out ectorcer; evulser (torce); (sprain) to wrench one’s ankle torcer sua cavilio | (turn with a wrench) (bulon-)clavijer
  • wrest vt ectorcer; evulser (torce)
  • wrestle vi (sport, fig.) (intre)lucter; sometimes I wrestle with my demons, sometimes we just cuddle cualchi-vece mi luctan cum mea demonos, cualchi-vece nos mere imbraciadan || vt (sport, fig.) lucter cum (aut contre) || n wrestler luctedoro, -isto
  • wretch n (miserable person) desfeliço; desfortunoso; mísero; (informal: contemptible person) desèstimando || adj wretched (miserable) [person] compasionanda; desfeliça; mísera; [slum, conditions, life] compasionanda; lamentanda; mísera; to live in wretched poverty viver en absoluta mìseritio | (contemptible) desapretianda; desèstimanda; maledictita; you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy vi jamás incontrun on plu desapretianda nido di canalios et crímino | (very bad) malaza; maledictita; to feel wretched (ill) mi sentan mi malata; (miserable) mi sentan mi desfeliça; what wretched luck! cuala desfortunajo!; where’s that wretched kid? ube es ecuila maledictita puero?
  • wriggle vi (twist and turn) torc(et)er si; it took her 5 minutes to wriggle out of her costume lo ócupin ad el 5 minutos torcer si ec sua costumo | [fish] lucter; (crawl) repter (torce, serpentesche); serpentìer; (fidget) àgiter si; to wriggle out of (deviously avoid) evitaċer; torc(et)er si ec || vt (twist and turn) torc(et)er
  • wring vt (squeeze or twist) [clothes, hair] strictioner; (break by twisting) [neck] torcer; (idiom) to wring one’s hands torcer sua manuos | (extract by squeezing or twisting) [liquid] ecpresioner; ectorcer; (obtain with difficulty or effort) evulser; (extort) extortioner || n wringer strictionatro || adj wringing wet tote húmida
  • wrinkle n (crease, line) [on skin, fruit] rugo; [in sock, cloth, rug, etc.] crumplajo; (informal: clever innovation) artificio; (informal: fault, bug) defecto; [comput.] bogo; (informal: minor difficulty, snag) còmplicajo || vt (crease, line) [skin, fruit] rughizer; [sock, cloth, rug, etc.] crumpler; (tightly gather) [lips, brows, needlework] froncer || vi (crease, line) [skin, fruit] rughefer; [sock, cloth, rug, etc.] crumplezer; (tightly gather) [lips, brows, needlework] froncezer || adj wrinkled rugosa
  • wrist n (anat.) carpalo; wristband (cuff) carpalumo; (of wristwatch) bracialeto; (sport) carpal-bendo; wristwatch (carpal-)horologio
  • writ n (jur.) decreto; jùdicisca mandato; to serve a writ on someone presentationer on jùdicisca mandato ad álicu; writ of summons citationo | (authority) auctoritato || vt (archaic; past participle of “write”) writ large (exaggerated) en exàgerita formo; (obvious) evidenta
  • write vt [letter, book, poem, essay, article, program] scriber; failed to write file to disk eroro scribante la fìgicajo sur la disco; Stephen King wrote his first short story in 1967 Stéfano King scribin sua unésima novelo en 1967; write your name here scribes vua nómino hic; [person] to write somebody scriber ad álicu; (compose) [music, song] composer; scriber; Mozart wrote his first symphony at age 8 Mozart composin sua unésima simfonío etatante 8 anuos; to write down noter; to write in (include) [candidate] adjunter; enscriber; [clause in contract] incluser; [word, item on list] adjunter; inserter; to write into (TV, radio, etc.) [character, part] incluser; to write off (cancel) [debt] canceler; to write off Ð1,000 for depreciation canceler 1 000 Ð pro depretiationezo | (dismiss) discarter; he was written off as a crank homi discartin il como on eccéntrico | (write quickly) scriber rápide; to write out (in full) plen-scriber; (put on paper) scriber; (TV, radio, etc.) [character, part] elìminer; excluser; retiramentifer; supreser; to write up (make) [report] rèdiger; (record) registrijer; (report on) scriber sopre; to write-protect (comput.) scrib-protecter || vi (as author, journalist) she writes for The Onion el scriban por (aut en) The Onion; (correspond) cambier léteros; (intre)coresponder; to write in [to an organization] scriber; a lot of people have written in to complain multa personos scribin por planger || n writer scribanto, -edoro, -isto; to be a good/bad writer (in handwriting) haber bona/mala scribajo; scribocier/scribaċer; (of books, etc.) eser on bona/mala scribedoro | (as a profession) auctoro; scribisto; writer’s cramp scrib-crampo; writing (act) scribo; writing is her hobby le scribo es eluya pasatempo | (handwriting) scribajo; I can’t read your writing mi no potan lecturer vua scribajo | (something written) scribito; in writing scribe
  • writhe vi torcezader; to writhe in pain torcezader pro doloro
  • wrong adj (not correct or true) [answer, spelling] necorecta; [opinion, judgment] nejusta; I was wrong in thinking that… mi esin nejusta penser che… | [time, measurement] neexacta; nejusta; that clock is wrong ecuila horologio es nejusta; you have the wrong number vi haban on nejusta número | (amiss) nejusta; something’s wrong ci es álico nejusta; there’s something wrong with my phone mea teléfono haban álico nejusta (aut no funtionan bone); what’s wrong with you? cuo nejusta vi haban? | (unsuitable) neconvenanta; no justa; the wrong tool for the job no la justa utensilo por la tasco; on utensilo neconvenanta por la tasco; you’re in the wrong job vi haban on oficio cua no convenan ad vi; (unjust) desyusta; (bad) mala; stealing is wrong furter es mala; Thanos did nothing wrong! Thano facin nulo mala! | (improper) nedecenta; wrongheaded (mistaken) erorema; (obstinate) obstinanta, -ema; wrongful (illegal) neleġasca; (unjust) desyusta || adv erore; necorecte; nejuste; to get someone wrong miscomprenser álicu; to get something wrong erorer sopre álico; to go wrong (be mistaken) erorer; you can’t go wrong with… vi no erorun cum…; (develop badly) what could go wrong? cuo potan vader male? || n (immoral, dishonest, or unjust action) malajo; neyustajo; to do somebody a wrong facer on malajo (aut neyustajo) ad álicu | (harm) detrimento, -ajo; noço, -ajo; (slander) calumnio, -ajo; wrongdoer mal-façanto, -edoro || vt (mistreat) eser neyusta ad; facer on malajo (aut neyustajo) ad; male tracter; (harm) detrimenter; nocer; (slander) calumnier
  • wroth adj (archaic: angry) iraçanta, -osa
  • wrought vt (archaic past participle of “work”) causìita; efectifita; what hath God wrought? cuo Deo efectifint? || adj (beaten or shaped by hammering) wrought iron forgita fero
  • wry adj [person, humor, remark] ironìema, -isca, -osa; [face, features] torcita; to make a wry face grimàceer; wry neck (med.: torticollis) tortícolo || n wryneck (zool.: Jynx) jinġo; torcícolo
  • wych elm n (bot.: Ulmus glabra) montáne-ulmo
  • WYSIWYG adj vidat-viduta
  • wyvern n viverno


  • X ltr exe; X marks the spot la loco es marchizita per X || n X chromosome cromosomo X; X-radiation X-radiado; X-ray (photograph) radiografajo; (photography) radiografío; (ray) X-radio || vt to X out tra-strichizer; to X-ray radiografìer
  • xanthelasma n (med.) xanthelasmo
  • xanthine n (chem.) xanthino
  • xanthoma n (med.) xanthómato
  • xanthophyll n (biochem.) xanthófilo
  • xebec n shabeco
  • xenon n (chem.: Xe) xenono
  • xenophobe n xenófobo; xenophobia xenòfobio
  • xeroderma n (path.) xerodermío
  • xerography n xerògrafío; xerograph xerògrafajo; xerographer xerógrafo
  • xerophilous adj (bot., zool.) xerófita
  • xerophthalmia adj (med.) xerofthalmío
  • xerophyte n (bot.) xerófito
  • xerox n (process) xerògrafío; (copy) xerògrafajo; (machine) xerógrafo || vt xerògrafìer
  • xiphoid adj (tech.) xifoida; xiphoid process (anat.) xifoida apófiso; xifoido
  • Xmas n Natalo
  • xylem n xilemo
  • xylene n xileno
  • xylography n xilògrafío; xylographer xilógrafo || vt to xylograph xilògrafìer
  • xylophagous adj (zool.) xilófaga
  • xylophone n xilófono
  • xylose n (chem.) xilosio


  • Y ltr ípsilo
  • -y afx (diminutive suffix) -uci-; Johnny Johanucio; (having) -osa; smoky fumosa; (having the quality of) -esca; milky lactesca; (inclined to) -em-; sticky adhesema
  • yabber vi gàrul(ad)er
  • yacht n yacto; yachtsman, -woman yactisto; yachting (racing) regato; (sailing) yacti-vado, -promeno
  • Yahweh n Javé
  • yak n (zool.: Bos grunniens and Bos mutus) yaco; I am yak rider. And this is my yak. Mi es yac-cabàlichisto. Et ecce mea yaco. || vi (informal: prattle) gàruler
  • yakuza n [organization] le yákuza; [member] yákuza
  • y’all prn vos
  • yam n (sweet potato.: Ipomoea batatas) batato; (var. tubers from Dioscorea) iniamo
  • yammer vi (prattle) gàrul(aċ)er; (repetitively complain or shout) (planġ-)clamader; planġachader; (make a repetitive, loud noise) critader
  • yank vt tirer brusche || n brusca tiro
  • Yankee n Yanchio
  • yap vi (give a sharp, shrill bark) yaper; (informal: yammer) laute gàrul(aċ)er || n (sharp, shrill bark) yapo; (informal: mouth) bucaċo
  • yapok n acuisca opósumo
  • yarborough n (cards) nenobiliara manuo
  • yard n (ground next to or surrounding a house) yardino; [for specific purpose] -ayo; depòsitayo; lumber yard ligni-depòsitayo | (courtyard) cortilo; (lawn) céspito; (length) yardo; (naut.) virgono; yardarm virgon-extremajo; yardstick mensur-stango; yardage yardado; (meterage) metrado
  • yarmulke n kipá
  • yarn n (thread) filazo; tricot-filo; (informal: tale) (blag-)storiazo || vi (informal: tell a tale) raconter on (blag-)storiazo
  • yarrow n milefolio
  • yashmak n velamento
  • yataghan n (hist.) yatagano
  • yatter vi gàrulader
  • yaw vi imbarder || n imbardo
  • yawl n yolo
  • yawn vi òciter; (gape wide, as a chasm) àper(az)ezer || n ócito; (something boring or tedious) inodioso; tedioso
  • yaws n (path.) frambesio
  • ye prn (archaic: you) vos || art (pseudo-archaic: the) la
  • yea adv (yes) sic; (indeed) vere; ya || n (affirmative vote) afirmanta votationo; to count the yeas and the nays conter las sic et las no || inter (hurrah!) hurá!
  • yeah inter (informal) sic
  • year n anuo; to be six years old etater deci-nona anuos; a year ago una anuo ante nun; a year from now una anuo post nun; year after year, year in, year out anuo post anuo; yearbook anu-libro; anuario; yearling un-anuo || adj year-old, yearling un-anua; yearly (happening each year) anuala; (lasting a year) un-anua; (pertaining to the year) anuisca || adv yearly (happening each year) anuale || afx -year-old -anua, -o; thirty-year-old trideç-anua, -o
  • yearn vi desìderazer; desìderer ardorante, -ose; (for something past or lost) desiderier; to yearn for home desiderier sua focaro || n yearning desìderazo melancolìosa (aut nostalgìosa); desiderio
  • yeast n levaturo
  • yell n clamo; (inarticulate) crit(az)o || vi clamer; (inarticulately) crit(az)er
  • yellow adj flava; (offensive: olive-skinned) the Yellow Peril la Flava Perículo; the yellow race la flava raço; (informal: cowardly) codarda; (informal: sensational) [book, newspaper] sensationisca, -osa; yellow baboon (zool.: Papio cynocephalus) flava babuino; yellow fever (path.) flava febro; yellow rattle (bot.: Rhinanthus minor) parva rinantho; pul-cresto; yellowish flavesca || n (color) flavo; [of egg] flavajo; vitelo; yellowhammer (zool.: Emberiza citrinella) flava emberizo || vt flavifer || vi flavecer
  • yelp n gano || vi ganer
  • Yemen n Yemenia; Yemeni Yemeniano
  • yen n (¥) yen; (longing) desídero
  • yenta n comatro; enmìsculemo
  • yeoman n (hist.: freeholder) parv-terenisca proprietanto; parv-terenoso; (hist.: cavalryman) cabalarìano; (ceremonial guard) guardiano; (naval officer) aministrisca oficiaro; [Brit.] signal-oficiaro; yeomanry parv-terenosado; (hist.: cavalry) cabalarío || adj (good, useful) bonaza; ùtilaza; valorosa
  • yerba maté n mateo
  • yes inter sic || n yes-man (informal) ped-lichisto
  • yesterday adv here || adj yesterday’s herisca || n hero; la hera dio
  • yesternight adv here nocte
  • yet adv (still, so far) incore; I have yet to tell her mi incore deban dicer lo ad el; she is yet a child el es incore mere on puero; worst episode yet pésima episodio usche nun | (by now, by then) jam; are you ready yet? es vi jam presta?; the pizza guy hasn’t come yet la pizzisto no jam venin | (in addition, even) etiam; incore; better yet etiam plu bona; yet again incore un-vece; yet another sequel incore plusa secuelo; yet louder etiam plu lauta; (nevertheless) malgrate ecuilo; tamen; funny yet stupid drola, tamen stúpida; not yet incore no; no jam; I have not yet begun to fight! mi es incore no (aut no jam) cominitiinta combater!; I’m not a girl, not yet a woman mi no es on pueriso, no jam on muliero
  • yeti n yeti
  • yew n (bot.: Taxus) taxo
  • Yiddish n Yidenso
  • yield vt (produce) producter; (surrender) ceder || vi (surrender) [to temptation] ceder (si); sucumber || n (product) productajo; [harvest] còliġajo; mesionajo; (output, efficiency) rendimento || adj yielding (complying) cedema; complaçanta, -ema; (not rigid) flectébila; (producing) productanta
  • yodel vi yodler || n yodlo
  • yoga n yoga; yogi yoga-isto
  • yogurt n yogurto
  • yohimbe n (bot.) yohimbo
  • yoke n jugo; [for carrying] vecto; (pair) [of yoked animals] jungajo || vt (inspan) junger
  • yolk n vitelo
  • yonder adv (archaic or dialect: over there) ilác fore || adj ecuila (fora); what light through yonder window breaks? cua lúmino tra ecuilo fenestro brilan?
  • yoni n yoni
  • yore n (lit.) ólima témporo; in days of yore en on ólima témporo; olim; people of yore ólima pópulo; pópulo di on ólima témporo
  • you prn vi; you angel! vi es on ángelo!; You’re not a killer. You have to be a killer. Vi no es on asasino. Vi deban eser on asasino. | (familiar: thou) vi; [lit.] ti; (plural: you all) vos; what do you mean “you people”? ad cuo vi alusan per “vos”?; you’re not serious people vos no es personos seriosa; (impersonal: one) homi; as king, you must find the good in any situation como reġo, homi deban trover lo bona en álica cunche situationo
  • young adj júvena; a young girl of ten on júvena pueriso di deça anuos; younger plu júvena; (in names) Pliny the Younger Plinio la Júvena; youngish jùvenesca || n (plural noun) the young le júveno(s); the young have such miraculous powers of recuperation le júvenos haban tante miràculosa potos risanecer | (offspring) cátulo; -olo; a sheep’s young is called a “lamb” homi cualchi-vece nominijan le ovìculolo “agnelo”; this species eats its young ecuista specio manġan sua cátulos; with young (pregnant) grávida; youngster júveno
  • your pos vua; your enthusiasm … shocks me vua enthusiasmo … shocan mi | (familiar) vua; [lit.] tua; (plural) vostra; it’s your custom, not mine lo es vostra custumo, no la mea; (impersonal) it’s bad for your health li damnan le sanitio; your average Romanicist la tipasca Romànicisto; yours la vua; (plural) la vostra || prn yourself vi; choke yourself! strángules vi!; (alone) go sit by yourself vades et sedes sole | (emphatic) vi ipsa; be yourself eses fidela ad vi ipsa; you yourself told me vi ipsa dicin lo ad mi; yourselves vos; (emphatic) vos ipsa
  • youth n (period, state, quality) jùvenitio; (person) júveno; (collect.) le júveno(s); youthfulness jùvenitio || adj youthful [behavior, dress] jùvenitiisca; [person] júvena, -esca
  • yowl vi ùruler
  • yo-yo n yoyo || vi yoyoejer
  • yperite n iperito
  • ytterbium n (chem.: Yb) iterbio
  • yttrium n (chem.: Y) itrio
  • yuan n (¥) yuan
  • yucca n (bot.: Yucca) yuco
  • yuck inter puáh!
  • Yugoslavia n (hist.) Yugoslavia; Yugoslav (hist.) Yugoslavo
  • Yule n (archaic) Yulo; yule log Yul-busco
  • yuppie n yupio
  • yurt n yurto


  • Z ltr zeta
  • Zaire n Zaíre
  • Zambezi n Zambezia
  • Zambia n Zambia; Zambian Zambiano
  • zany adj (amusante) folesca || n (hist.) bufono
  • zeal n zelo || adj zealous zelosa
  • zealot n fanático; zeloso
  • zeaxanthin n (chem.) zeaxanthino
  • zebra n (zool.: Equus zebra, Equus quagga, Equus grevyi) zebro; zebroid (also zedonk, zorse, zebra mule, zonkey, zebmule) zebroido
  • zebu n (zool.: Bos indicus) zebúo
  • zecchino n zecchino
  • zedoary n (bot.: Curcuma zedoaria) zedoario
  • zein n zeíno
  • zemstvo n zemstvo
  • zen n zeno
  • zenana n zenano
  • zenith n (astron.) zénitho; (fig.) apogeo; cúlmino; sumitato
  • zeolite n (min.) zeólitho
  • zephyr n (lit.) zéfiro
  • zeppelin n zepelino
  • zero card [altitude, gravity] zera; [interest, hope] nula || vi to zero in on (aim at) mirationer; (concentrate on) concentrezer (aut concentrer si) sur
  • zest n (enthusiasm) enthusiasmo; (vibrance of flavor) saporo; (outer skin of citrus fruit) (scórtea) picantajo
  • zeugma n (rhet.) zeugmo
  • ziggurat n zigurato
  • zigzag n zigzago || vi zigzagher || adj zigzagosa, -anta
  • Zika n (pathol.) [disease] Zika-febro; [virus] Zika-viro
  • zillion card multiliona
  • Zimbabwe n Zimbabue; Zimbabwean Zimbabueano
  • zinc n (chem.: Zn) zinco; zincate zincato; zincography zincògrafío || adj zinca
  • zing n enthusiasmo; saporo
  • zinnia n (bot.: Zinnia) zinio
  • Zion n Cion; Zionism Cionismo; Zionist Cionisto
  • zip vt (fasten) ziper || vi (go fast) curazer || n (nothing) nulo; (vigor) vigoro; zip code postal-códico; zipper zipatro
  • zircon n (min.) zircono
  • zirconium n (chem.: Zr) zirconio
  • zit n pústulo
  • zither n cítharo
  • złoty n zloty
  • zocco n (archit.) sóculo
  • zodiac n zodíaco; the Zodiac Killer la (asasino) Zodíaco
  • zombie n zombio; zombie apocalypse zombii-apocalipso
  • zone n zono; the white zone is for loading and unloading only la blanca zono es mere por càrichizo et descàrichizo; (archaic: belt, girdle) cinto || vt (designate as a zone) zonifer; (divide into zones) zonizer
  • zoo n zoo; zoòloghìayo; zoòloghìisca ġardino
  • zoography n zóografío
  • zoolatry n (rare) bestii-culto; zòolatrío
  • zoology n zoòloghío; zoologist zoólogo || adj zoological zoòloghìisca
  • zoom vi (move very quickly) curazer; [by flying] voler ràpidaze; (phot.) to zoom in/out zumijer adabántee/retro
  • zoomorph n zoomorfo
  • zoophyte n (zool., dated) zoófito
  • zoosperm n (bio.) zoospermo
  • zoospore n (bio.) zoosporo
  • zoosterol n (biochem.) zoosterolo
  • zootechny n zootécnico
  • Zoroaster n Zoroastre; Zoroastrianism Zoroastrismo
  • zoster n zóstero
  • zouave n (soldier) zuavo
  • zounds inter diábole!
  • zucchetto n piléolo
  • zucchini n (bot.: Cucurbita pepo var. cylindrica) cucùrbiteto
  • zwieback n pan-biscocto
  • zwitterion n (chem.) zwiterionto
  • zygoma n (anat.) zigomo
  • zygomorphic adj (bot.) zigomorfa
  • zygomycete n (bio.) zigomiceto
  • zygospore n (bio.) zigosporo
  • zygote n (bio.) zigoto
  • zymase n (biochem.) zimaso
  • zyme n (bot.) zimo; zymology zimòlogío; zymosimeter zimómetro; zymosis (pathol.) zimozo; zymotechnics zimotécnico; zymurgy zimòlogío