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In order to reduce the number of words one would have to learn in order to speak the language, much of Ido’s vocabulary is composed of a comparatively small stock of root words that can be combined with an even smaller group of familiar affixes to create new words as needed:
- anti-: (technical) Opposed to; preventing; reversing or undoing; the opposite state of matter of; acting as rival to; unlike the conventional form of:
antibakteria antibacterial antigravitado antigravity antimaterio antimatter antikristo antichrist NOTE: In the role of “opposed to” and “against”, anti- is often replaced by the preposition kontre.
- arki-: Chief; principal; preeminent of its kind:
arkianjelo archangel arkiduko archduke - auto-: (technical) Self-; one’s own; by oneself:
autodidakto autodidact autobiografio autobiography - bi-: (technical) Twice; double; on both sides; having two; two together:
bipedo biped bisekar to bisect bisexua bisexual - bo-: Relation by marriage, in-law:
bomatro mother-in-law bofratulo brother-in-law - des-: The opposite of:
desinfektar to disinfect desfacila difficult desavantajo disadvantage - dis-: Separation, dispersion:
disdonar to deal out dissemar to disseminate - equi-: (technical) Equal:
equilatera equilateral ecuidistanta equidistant - ex-: Former:
exprezidanto ex-president exspozulo ex-husband - ge-: Both sexes together:
gepatri father and mother, parents gesiori Mr. and Mrs., ladies and gentlemen - ko-: (technical) Complement of:
korespondar to correspond korelativo korrelative - mi-: Semi-, demi-:
mihoro half an hour mifratulo half-brother mimortinta half-dead - mis-: Badly, incorrectly:
misuzer to misuse miskomprenar to misunderstand miskalkular to miscalculate - mono-: (technical) One:
monotono monotone monosilabo monosyllable - ne-: Not, non-:
neposibla impossible neyusta unjust nevidebla invisible NOTE: The prefix ne implies only negation, not opposite quality:
nebela plain, not beautiful desbela ugly - par-: Completely and utterly:
parlektar to read from cover to cover parlernar to learn by heart - para-: Indicates protection against:
parafalo parachute parafango mudflap parapluvo umbrella - pre-: Before; “great”:
predicar to predict preadolecanto preadolescent, “tween” prehiere on the day before yesterday preavo great grandparent - pseudo-: Not genuine:
pseudocienco pseudo-science pseudointelektozo pseudo-intellectual - quadri-: (technical) Having four:
quadripedo quadruped quadrilatera four-sided - retro-: Indicates action that is directed backward:
retroirar to return retroagiva retroactive - ri-: Once more; again; back to a previous state:
rifacar to redo rilektar to re-read riskribar to rewrite - sen-: Without, -less:
senkapa headless senarma unarmed sendubite doubtlessly
- -ab-: Perfect tense:
Elvis ekirabas la konstrukturo Elvis has left the building Elvis ekirabis la konstrukturo Elvis had left the building Elvis ekirabos la konstrukturo Elvis will have left the building - -ach-: Of low quality:
belacha tawdry automobilacho a jalopy skribacher to scrawl - -ad-: Prolonged, continuous, or repetitive action:
Il studadas Quenya. He’s been studying Quenya. El despantalonizadis sua fratrulo. She kept pantsing her brother. Ka plankeskado ankore esas populara? Is planking still a thing? - -ag-: Indicates that the word expressed by the root is used as a tool:
martelago a hammer strike espadagar to wield a sword krucagar to crucify - -aj-: (after nouns and adjectives) Made of, having the quality of; (after transitive and mixed verbs) Object of an action, -ee; (after intransitive verbs) Performer of an action, -er:
Ka folajo? Yen Sparta!!! Madness? This is Sparta!!! pueralajo a childish act manjajo food vidajo a view rulajo a roll (of something) eventajo an event esajo a being - -al-: Relating to; concerning; depending on; appropriate to:
hundo blindala a seeing eye dog poemo Pushkinala a poem concerning Pushkin krizo nationala a national emergency - -an-: Having membership in the country, city, domain, class, or group of:
Kanadano a Canadian Amerikana muliero an American woman policano a policeman Kristano a Christian - -ant-: Indicates active action in progress:
viro parolanta Ido a man speaking Ido Parolante Ido, il pensas Klingone. While speaking Ido, he thinks in Klingon. parolanto di Ido a speaker of Ido - -ar-: A group of things of the same type:
foliaro foliage la Britaniana navaro the British navy - -ari-: Indicates the person or thing indirectly affected by the verb expressed by the root:
konfesario a confessor sendario a sendee (recipient) pagario a payee - -at-: Indicates passive action in progress:
muliero amorata de Milano til Minsk a woman loved from Milan to Minsk Amorate, el lernis multe pri la vivo. While being loved, she learned much about life. Rocela, Rocela — internationa amorato Rochelle, Rochelle — international beloved - -atr-: In the style of; resembling:
filmo Tarantino-atra a Tarantino-esque film bluatra bluish sponjatra spongy - -e-: Having the color of:
rozea pink violea violet zebrea zebra-striped - -ebl-: Able to be -ed:
artikli parolebla speakable items pekunio disponebla disposable money facile lektebla easy to read - -ed-: -ful:
manuedo a handful glasedo a glassful bokedo a mouthful - -eg-: Of great size, degree, intensity:
charjegita overloaded manjegero a glutton hungregoza famished - -em-: Disposition, tendency:
kredema credulous dormema sleepy parolema talkative - -end-: Passive obligation:
pagenda payable facendi things to do fidendajo an article of faith - -er-: Person occupied in a customary but not professional activity; -er:
A la vinkero la spoliuro. To the victor go the spoils. La dormero mustas vekar! The sleeper must awaken! mikra-cerebra visheri dil kuli di altri tiny-brained wipers of other people’s bottoms - -eri-: Establishment, especially industrial:
kafeerio a café laverio a laundromat manjerio an eatery - -es-: Indicates quality or condition; passive action:
amikeso friendship richeso wealth kaptiteso captivity Videsos ke... It will be seen that... Savesas. It is known. - -esk-: Begin to, become, come to be:
redeskar to turn red sideskar to sit down manjeskar to begin eating - -esm-: Ordinal number:
la sisesma senso the sixth sense unesme naskinta first born - -estr-: Head of:
navestro a captain policestro a chief of police - -et-: Of small size, grade, intensity:
varmeta tepid fluvieto a riverlet beleta somewhat pretty, cutish dormeter to nap - -ey-: Place allotted to or characterized by:
manjeyo a dining room dormeyo a dormitory prezidenteyo a presidential palace haneyo a chicken coop - -i-: Domain under the authority of:
rejio a kingdom dukio a duchy - -id-: Descendant of:
rejido a prince Izraelido an Israelite - -ier-: Individual characterized by; tree or plant that bears; holder, stand:
lanciero a lancer miliardiero a billionaire pomiero an apple tree sigaretiero a cigarette-holder kandeliero a candlestick - -if-: Generation, production, secretion:
florifer to bloom pafilifer to make guns urinifer to urinate - -ig-: Cause to do, cause to be:
saligar to salify koldigar to cool mortigo a killing - -ik-: Suffering from:
kanceriko a cancer victim maniiko a maniac - -il-: Tool, implement:
ludilo a toy vehilo a vehicle - -im-: Fractional number:
sisimo de sua sensos a sixth of one’s senses tri kinimi de homo three fifths of a man - -int-: Indicates active action that has been completed:
mortinta samchambrano a dead roommate Mortinte, il ne bezonos ci CD-i. Having died, he won’t be needing these CDs. Mortinti omnakaze esas tro rigida por funtionigar la lektilo. The dead are too stiff to work the player, anyway. - -in-: Femininity:
bovino a cow fratino a sister - -ind-: Worthy of, deserving of:
laudinda praise-worthy asasinindo a person who ought to be murdered - -ism-: Theory, system, party:
Kristanismo Christianity Darwinismo Darwinism socialismo socialism - -ist-: Professional; adherent, partisan:
furtisto a thief pordisto a doorkeeper komunisto a communist - -it-: Indicates passive action that has been completed:
muziko detransferita downloaded music Detransferite, la muziko transferesas a mea iPod. Once downloaded, the music is transferred to my iPod. Ca dosiero esas nur por detransferiti. This folder is for downloaded files only. - -iv-: Capability:
libro instruktiva an instructive book Il kredas ke il esas nemortiva. He thinks he is immortal. pagiva kliento a customer who can pay - -iz-: To supply with, provide with, ornament with:
lumizar to illuminate kolorizar to add color to, to colorize salizar to salt - -oid-: (technical) Indicates an animal belonging to a higher taxon ending in -oidea; resemblance:
homoido a humanoid romboido a rhomboid - -ont-: Indicates active action that is about to occur:
viro rock-pleonta a man about to rock Rock-pleonta por la unesma tempo, il neoportune deziris urinifar. About to rock for the first time, he inconveniently had to pee. A la rock-pleonti: ni salutas vi! To those about to rock, we salute you! - -op-: In groups of:
duope two by two triopo a round of three - -opl-: Multiple of:
duople doubly okopla octuple - -ot-: Indicates passive action that is about to occur:
famozo mistifikota a celebrity about to be punk’d La vivo esas kontinua ludo inter la mistifikanti e la mistifikoti. Life is a constant game between the punkers and the about-to-be-punk’d. - -oz-: Having, characterized by:
joyoza joyous intelektoza intellectual barboza bearded - -ul-: Masculinity:
bovulo a bull fratulo a brother - -um-: No fixed meaning:
foliumar to leaf through formikumar to swarm kolumo a collar - -un-: Unit:
sabluno a grain of sand nivuno a snowflake - -ur-: Result, product:
kopiuro a copy (as vs. kopiajo, the thing copied) aperturo an opening - -uy-: Container, receptacle:
krayonuyo a pencil box kafeuyo a coffee can - -yun-: Young of animals:
hanyuno a chick katyuno a kitten
- -a: That which is (or is composed of) the thing expressed by the root:
ora statuo a statue made of gold reja personi royal persons - -ar: Infinitive:
Erorar esas homatra, pardonar esas deatra. To err is human, to forgive is divine. El ne savas facar retopagino. She doesn’t know how to make a webpage. - -as: Present tense:
Esas bona dio por pendigo. It’s a fine day for a hangin’. Me venas, me vidas, me vinkas. I come, I see, I conquer. Esas nula jornesko por homi. There is no dawn for men. - -e: Adverb:
rapide quickly avione by plane lundie on Mondays - -ez: Imperative mood:
Esez bona dio por pendigo! May it be a fine day for a hangin’! Me venez, me videz, me vinkez! May I come, may I see, may I conquer! Esez nula jornesko por homi! Let there be no dawn for men! - -i: Plural:
avioni, treni, ed automobili planes, trains, and automobiles enemiki dil stato enemies of the state - -is: Past tense:
Esis bona dio por pendigo. It was a fine day for a hangin’. Me venis, me vidis, me vinkis. I came, I saw, I conquered. Esis nula jornesko por homi. There was no dawn for men. - -o: Noun:
fakturo a bill pago a payment povro a pauper - -os: Future tense:
Esos bona dio por pendigo. It will be a fine day for a hangin’. Me venos, me vidos, me vinkos. I will come, I will see, I will conquer. Esos nula jornesko por homi. There will be no dawn for men. - -us: Conditional mood:
Esus bona dio por pendigo. It would be a fine day for a hangin’. Me venus, me vidus, me vinkus. I would come, I would see, I would conquer. Esus nula jornesko por homi. There would be no dawn for men.